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After the long night ends and Jon (possibly) dies for good. Will everyone throughout Westeros know that Jon is not the son of Ned, or will most people still think that Jon is his bastard?
Do I think there will be multiple characters in-universe who may very well survive the looming apocalyptic crisis and will likely learn that Jon was the biological son of Rhaegar Targaryen (and Lyanna Stark)? Yes, I think that’s almost certainly going to be the case. It is perhaps no coincidence that two of the people who were made aware of Robb’s will regarding Jon - that is, Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover - are also currently with Howland Reed, one of the few people alive who were all but definitely present for Jon’s birth at the tower of joy. With the Stark children I think set to convene at Winterfell, and various factions in favor of their respective claims with them, I very much anticipate that the bombshell news regarding Jon’s biological paternity will come up as the dynastic question of House Stark’s leadership is debated. Too, Dany’s prophesied, metaphorical vision of Jon - the blue rose blooming at the Wall - connects him with Lyanna, and by extension Rhaegar. If, and I think when, Jon rides a dragon, his Targaryen heritage may seem confirmed (which is not to say dragonriding necessitates Targaryen parentage - as indeed I think will be the case with the draconically scholastic Tyrion). (And this is without any knowledge to be potentially conveyed by either Benjen, notably not confirmed as dead and almost certainly aware to some extent of the relationship between Rhaegar and Lyanna, or Wylla/any other individuals at Starfall, where I think extremely likely Gerold Dayne, and by extension Areo Hotah, are headed.)
Do I think that “everyone throughout Westeros [will] know” that Jon’s biological father was Rhaegar Targaryen? I’m not sure what “everyone throughout Westeros” will even understand about the eventual defeat of the Others generally, much less be aware of the specifics regarding those responsible for this defeat. One idea GRRM has returned to again and again throughout ASOIAF is a story whose particulars are exaggerated, twisted, and/or lost through the passage of space and/or time: think of, to give just a few examples, the news of Oxcross reaching King’s Landing with a lycanthropic element added, or the confused rumors of Dany’s dragons serving as a conversation piece for the Citadel’s students, or the myth of Hukko the Pentoshi hero perhaps stemming from a corruption of the Andalish religious figure Hugor. To whatever extent the rest of Westeros becomes aware of the defeat of the Others - and I think that the final showdown against the Others will happen at Winterfell, relatively far from much of Westeros - it’s entirely possible that Jon’s biological parentage gets lost in the shuffle of translating the story to other peoples and regions. Was the dragonriding hero who bravely sacrificed himself to rid the world of demonic supernatural slavers Jon Snow, the bastard son of Lord Eddard, or Jon Stark, legitimized/legitimate brother of the Young Wolf (and perhaps would-be King in the North in his own right), or Jon, son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, or even a figure with another supposed backstory completely? The truth may become obscured as distance, physical and chronological, passes from both the large (or larger) scale revelation of Jon’s biological parentage and the ultimate defeat of the Others.
Also, I have to say it - Jon not being the biological child of Eddard Stark does not at all erase the fact that Jon was (and is) very much Ned’s son. Where Tywin did everything possible to hurt, humiliate, and demean his biological son Tyrion, Ned did everything possible to embrace a boy he knew was not his biological son; Ned was willing to go above and beyond social expectations, even permanently sacrificing some part of his relationship with the wife he loved, to hold out Jon as his son. Consequently, it’s Ned Jon looks to as his father and paternal example; even if Jon eventually learns that half of his DNA came from Rhaegar (and I think he will), I don’t think that knowledge will replace the love Ned and Jon had (and the latter has) for one another.
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Badamexa Bajifa Basa Bedayoza Berro Bewo Bewopa Bezujova Bigequzzo Bikko Bisucopeggo Biwepa Biyo Biyoddo Boggo Boqqo Buna Buza Caha Casso Caya Cello Cenno Cequllo Cicewo Cillo Cipusso Ciqqo Civiwo Ciwo Cobbo Coyo Cumovoppo Cuzama Daco Daffo Dana Datisa Daxo Dekejo Dema Digohohexo Dija Dirizzo Dobbo Dollo Dopabivo Doppo Dudemmo Dunowa Dupiddo Duva Fafa Fajuroboxo Fala Fanno Fazzo Fetto Fibbo Fifobbo Filaqqo Fizzo Fohebbo Fokaca Fonirro Fosipa Fufudeffo Fuma Fumuyo Funuba Fuwo Fuwuxucaco Ga Gahakko Gama Gaxitommo Gazawo Geciqqo Gegovocoppo Gekebbo Geqqo Geterro Gifetto Gijo Giruhuka Gisa Gitto Goba Gopunno Gorro Gowo Gummo Guppo Guteberozzo Hacetuqoxa Hafeniqqo Haga Harosuva Hawuggo Heffo Hemuvo Hetejena Hibera Hifa Higa Hihiqa Hilipuba Hira Hiza Hoco Hoddo Huffo Hukko Hummo Huyo Huzzo Jaca Jaja Janno Jegagibokko Jibeffo Jiheca Jilappo Jinuhureqa Jippo Jiqisso Jizeda Jobozeggo Joheco Josa Joyakko Joza Jozzo Jututorro Juvemuwa Juvimiruyo Juxubbo Kacofa Kakko Kaqa Kasilidetto Kaveho Kayuka Kecajomusso Kedeho Keppo Ketobbo Kewa Kewo Kezzo Kifofa Kihoricoppo Kiyezzo Kobukico Koyaqqo Kuppo Kuqa Lama Lapiqqo Lavo Lehillo Lezzo Licusso Ligucuwonno Lija Limmo Litto Lixuda Lobbo Lowanabbo Lowixo Lozzo Luco Lusso Lutelammo Luzuka Macujo Mafijokico Mahuza Mallo Mana Mappo Maxa Maxo Mazinuho Medukollo Mefimmo Meggo Mesoca Metto Migopappo Minno Mokiga Moqqo Mososita Movotto Mozayonno Mullo Mummo Mupirro Muxa Nafibbo Naqa Nesa Neva Nibixo Nimafa Nimuca Noffo Nofiddo Nozeffo Nupa Nusso Nuvo Nuwo Pakarecosso Paxupa Pera Pexo Peyudaba Pico Pinno Pireggo Piwa Piyovutto Poca Pofoya Ponika Powa Poyo Pozaho Pujo Puva Puxihuffo Puxubopuggo Puzzo Qaduza Qatto Qeddo Qejafa Qejeho Qekko Qenno Qenumozzo Qicukko Qitirimoggo Qoja Qosowa Qovo Qowa Qummo Qusso Qusuwajutto Quvo Quyazzo Quzzo Raho Rara Rawa Razuqa Reguzayota Remuna Repa Reta Riheha Riho Rivopa Rola Rollo Rova Roza Ruggo Ruha Rujo Ruka Rullo Runenno Rusuco Rutto Ruyipa Sacippo Sada Sajeka Sanoya Saqisobbo Sasso Satto Seco Sepa Seqataha Seqqo Sexewo Sico Sila Sirolukozzo Soboppo Socaparizzo Soco Sofora Soga Somiritaffo Soxo Soyuwawo Sugoqqo Suppo Tabbo Tafaco Tamada Tayoho Tazzo Tenno Tesawo Tewonno Texa Tifufeho Tisiqqo Tolupa Totto Tubara Tucujeyo Tuja Tullo Tunno Vavosso Vawo Vaxuggo Veceddo Vedetona Vega Vehuniluva Velexa Vesso Viha Vihexo Vijo Vilileco Vimmo Vipuqa Vitawo Vivuherro Viwo Viyo Vojo Voppo Voqacuco Vuggo Vuja Vuligijewa Vura Vuwa Vuwoyo Vuzzo Wadoyojollo Waqeyevo Warro Waxo Weggo Wekebbo Welewo Wemmo Wenno Weyuva Wibbo Wicepoga Willo Wimmo Wina Winarugava Woco Wodesofa Woguco Woha Woleda Woma Wota Wozerro Wummo Wuqa Wusa Wuwa Wuxo Xaffo Xahozzo Xawunno Xaza Xefa Xega Xelufimmo Xerappo Xeroxuga Xidello Xiyiyeggo Xogowoberro Xolekko Xoqiyo Xoqqo Xorro Xubbo Xuggo Xuhubbo Xupuwo Xuvakko Xuwovo Yaca Yagifuveqqo Yaja Yakko Yata Yecorro Yedewo Yejirro Yimahekko Yirufiga Yisa Yivira Yiwa Yixa Yiyo Yoddo Yu Yuga Zakifaja Zakupa Zawo Zaxevesso Zeya Zibbo Ziddo Zigoxicuka Ziqa Zohatesuggo Zokaffo Zuggo Zukaggo Zullo Zumoco Zuwo
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The World Of Ice And Fire: The Andals (Revised 11/27/22)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
The Andals are a tall, fair-haired people, “made courageous and indomitable by their faith” who fled to Westeros to escape the Valyrian conquest. So, not so courageous or indomitable?
The Andals were a migratory people for centuries but originated in the Axe, east and north of Pentos. The Axe was a “great spur of land surrounded on all sides by the Shivering Sea.” Andalos stretched “from the Axe to the Braavosian Coastlands, and south as far as the Flatlands and the Velvet Hills.
The Andals used iron weapons which the native tribes couldn’t withstand. Yandel notes one tribe in particular - the hairy men. Their original name is forgotten. Pentoshi histories believe the tribe was descended from the men of Ib. The only uncertainty is whether the hairy men originated in Ib and came to Essos or whether they fled from the Andals and settled in Ib.
The holy texts of the Seven proclaim the Smith taught the Andals the art of iron-working. The Citadel believes the Andals came into contact with the Rhoynar, already an advanced civilization, and learned the art from them.
Further evidence for the Rhoynar theory comes from the remnants of Rhoynish outposts in Andalos. The path of the Andals’ migration crossed the Darkwash and Noyne.
The Rhoynar taught the Valyrians the art of iron-working.
The Andals lived in Andalos for thousands of years. The Seven-Pointed Star, the oldest holy book, states the Seven crowned Hugor of the Hill and promised him and his descendants kingdoms in a foreign land. The septons teach their followers that the Andals left for Westeros to claim these promised kingdoms.
It wouldn’t be the first time religion was used to justify invasion and conquest.
Yandel mentions a Pentosi legend of seven swan maids who lured travelers to their deaths in the Velvet Hills, east of the Free City. The swan maids resemble the Sirens of the Odyssey.
Hukko, an Andal hero and leader, slew the seven maids “not for their crimes but instead as a sacrifice to his gods”. We knew the First Men offered sacrifices for their religion but apparently the ancient Andals did too.
Some maesters believe Hukko is Hugor of the Hill but Yandel claims “ancient legends from the east must be distrusted”. Because of course they must, if a maester doesn’t originate the idea, it is invalid.
The Andals prospered for centuries until the fall of Old Ghis. Cue the rampaging Valyrians, who decided they needed all the slaves for their precious mines.
The Andals held out longer than most as the Rhoyner civilization was located between Andalos and the expanding Valyrians.
The Valyrian foot army struggled against the Rhoynish-resistance so the two powers created a truce. The Valyrians founded their first colony, Volantis at the mouth of the Rhoyne. The treaty was broken once Valyria realized the amount of wealth that flows down the Rhoyne.
The Rhoyne were unable to resist the second attempt at conquest. The Andals retreated to the Axe, and kept heading farther north, to evade the Valyrians. The Andals eventually had to flee across the ocean to escape the Valyrians.
Up next, the Andals arrive in Westeros and the First Men aren’t happy about it.
#asoiaf#game of thrones#twoiaf#andals#Ib#Rhoynar#Hukko#Hugor of the Hill#swan maids#a song of ice and fire#the world of ice and fire
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Swan Lake
Who are the Swan Maidens, and why does George include them in A Song of Ice and Fire?
In The World of Ice and Fire, George includes a Pentoshi legend about Hukko, a legendary Andal king who slew the swan maidens. Ancient Andalos being just north of Pentos, in lands now controlled by the Pentoshi, it’s natural that the two groups share some legends, and the maesters of Oldtown believe that Hukko was known as Hugor of the Hill to the Andals.
The Pentoshi legend goes like this: “An old legend told in Pentos claims that the Andals slew the swan maidens who lured travelers to their deaths in the Velvet Hills that lie to the east of the Free City. A hero whom the Pentoshi singers call Hukko led the Andals at that time, and it is said that he slew the seven maids not for their crimes but instead as sacrifice to his gods. There are some maesters who have noted that Hukko may well be a rendering of the name of Hugor.”
Swan maidens, in “real-world” mythology, are mythological beings with ancient provenance. All over the world, from Eurasia to Africa to the Americas, stories of shapeshifting animals are a common mythological motif along with creation myths.
“The swan maiden is a mythical creature who shapeshifts from human form to swan form.The key to the transformation is usually a swan skin, or a garment with swan feathers attached. In folktales of this type, the male character spies the maiden, typically by some body of water (usually bathing), then snatches away the feather garment (or some other article of clothing), which prevents her from flying away (or swimming away, or renders her helpless in some other manner), forcing her to become his wife”
While they are referred to as swan maidens, as many of the stories involve shapeshifting swans that turn into beautiful human women, they can be fish, deer, buffalo, goats, seals, wolves, geese, even bats, among many other forms. Some of these forms have specific names, like selkies for seal maidens or mermaids for fish women. The stories are not always about maidens, either - there are male swan “maidens” in folklore as well.
The swan maiden motif incorporates all mythological beings that are half human and half animal, who live between the human world and the water or the sky. Shapeshifter and skin-slippers, who can take on or off their animal suit to become human, or who live in the natural world beyond the human world. They can be antagonistic or helpful, can save men from drowning or lure them to a death on the rocks. They can be monsters, or lovers, or both.
So the swan maiden as a mythological motif is incredibly widespread, and not necessarily a swan, nor a maiden. It incorporates selkies and mermaids and sirens, those half-women and half-bird beings of Greek mythology. In fact, the Pentoshi legend references the stories of the sirens, who “who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island” by mentioning that the Swan Maidens “lured travelers to their deaths in the Velvet Hills”.
Hukko, from the Pentoshi legend, was probably the same person the Andals called Hugor of the Hill. The first king of the Andals, he was a major figure in the faith of the Seven, having been crowned by the Father himself. If the Pentoshi legend is true, he also sacrificed 7 swan maidens to the Seven in the Velvet Hills. The Andals later fled from the area in the face of the threat from the Valyrians, and invaded Westeros. Faced with extermination and filled with religious fervor, they got a foothold in the Fingers and proceeded to take over the Vale of Arryn, and from there much of Westeros south of the Neck.
A little real world history is important here. The Andals, and the Andal Invasion, are based on the Germanic tribes who invaded Britain in the 5th Century AD (the Angles and Saxons) after the Romans left the island. The name is derived from the Vandals, who were an eastern Germanic tribe that were pushed out of their land by the Huns, and then invaded Italy and Spain before leaving from Andalusia and conquering North Africa.
The Germanic tribes of that time shared many things - a common Scandanvian homeland, an ancestral language, religion, stories, and a warrior culture inspired by centuries of in-fighting and fighting with the southern Romans and the peoples of the eastern steppes.
In the 5th century, power vacuums in the west inspired by the collapse of the western Roman Empire and eastern pressures from the powerful Huns (nomadic horse-riding warriors from the Eurasian steppes) coalesced into a migratory pressure on the various Germanic tribes. They moved into western Europe and Britain, creating new kingdoms where Rome had once ruled for 500 years, including France, Spain and England.
The famous story Beowulf recalls this Germanic shared past: an ancient story of Scandanavian kings and monsters, Beowulf was of the tribe called the Geats, who lived in southern Sweden. He aided the king of the Danes in a fight against the monster Grendel and his more monstrous mother. Late in his life, after Beowulf himself became king of the Geats, he fights and kills a dragon, but dies by the wounds he received in the fight.
This story was carried in the minds of the Germanic invaders of Britain, who came from modern Denmark and Germany. Germanic ancestors of the English told and retold the story until it was written down in Old English in a book of stories hand compiled by English scribes. Escaping fire and purge, the book survived for 1000 years until its importance was finally realized in the 18th century.
The first two monsters in Beowulf, Grendel and his mother, are aquatic monsters who come on land to hunt and eat humans. Beowulf defeats Grendel on land, in the mead-hall of King Hrothgar, by ripping his arm off. Grendel goes back to the marshes to die, and soon after his mother appears at the mead-hall and murders more men. The lair of Grendel’s mother is a mythological geography: described as a deep lake where deep below a waterfall Beowulf dives to find a cave underground; Beowulf slays the water monster with an ancient sword and takes the head of Grendel back to his people. Later he is proclaimed king of the Geats.
In Beowulf, the Old English word used for water monsters was “nicor”. This was an old Germanic word, generally used for aquatic monsters and water spirits. In the Germanic tradition, the mythological and magical swan maidens and mermaids and other shapeshifting monsters fell under this term “nicor”.
All of the Germanic languages have versions of this word used to describe different types of water monsters. In Norwegian water spirits are called the Nøkk, and this myth was used in the movie Frozen 2 where it was seen as a helpful river horse. In Swedish they are the Näcken.
Näcken lures people down into the lake and takes them, as if drowning; they then come to his magnificent halls on the lake bottom.
The German derivative is Nix or Nixie (the Nix are male and the Nixie are female), a term for water beings who are usually malevolent and like to lure people into deep water, and then drown them. This term has been borrowed into English as well. Another English derivative of this word “nicor” is “knucker” or “nicker”, which is an English water dragon that lives in deep pools or “knuckerholes”.
But in English, these shapeshifting water monsters are best known as the Neck.
*The neck has occurred in all Germanic peoples; if isl. nykr his ability to change shape is mentioned , and the word also means "hippopotamus", as well as the corresponding angls. nicor , fnhty. nihus , "crocodile"; the basic meaning is thus "water wonder"; for. nix is "naked", nixe "mermaid".*
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An old legend told in Pentos claims that the Andals slew the swan maidens who lured travelers to their deaths in the Velvet Hills that lie to the east of the Free City. A hero whom the Pentoshi singers call Hukko led the Andals at that time, and it is said that he slew the seven maids not for their crimes but instead as a sacrifice to his gods. (TWOIAF PG 18)
#asoiaf#swan maidens#hukko#pentos#the andals#got#twoiaf#grrm#ts4#sims#the sims#sims 4#the sims 4#myths and legends#prequel stories#targaryen legacy#hugor of the hill
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The Faith of the Seven is the Church of Starry Wisdom
So, one of the weird bits in a World of Ice and Fire is the transition from the name Azor Ahai east of the Bones Mountains to Huizar Amai west of the Bones. Like, Huizar Amai is clearly Azor Ahai with a cheap mustache disguise.But the text gives the nod to this somewhat, when it boldly states that Azor Ahai is known by many names, giving Hyrkoon the Hero as an example. So, we go from Azor to Huizar to Hyrkoon, to Hukko. Wait, who the crap is Hukko?. From a World of Ice and Fire ”A hero whom the Pentoshi singers call Hukko led the Andals at that time, and it is said that he slew the seven maids not for their crimes but instead as sacrifice to his gods. There are some maesters who have noted that Hukko may well be a rendering of the name of Hugor.”
Hugor of the Hill, being the legendary Andal founder of the Faith of the Seven. (This name drift continues in Dance, when Tyrion takes on the name Hugo Hill, Hill being the bastard name used in the Westerlands and Tyrion thinking himself endlessly clever for the word play.)
Don’t get hung up on it being the same person, descendents, or cultural diffusion. The author wants us to make the connection: Azor, Huizar, Hyrkoon, Hukko, Hugor. That’s it, you can’t no more we have in the text. The Faith of the Seven has ties to the religions of the East.
Backing up Azor Ahai ties to the Golden Empire of the Dawn, which ends with the Bloodstone Emperor, who may or may not have caused the Long Night. But for our purposes just know that: “Many scholars count the Bloodstone Emperor as the first High Priest of the sinister Church of Starry Wisdom, which persists to this day in many port cities throughout the known world” Wait, what, the Church of Starry Wisdom isn’t referenced in the main series? (it is briefly in an Arya chapter. That’s not the point.) What’s that? It’s just an H.P. Lovecraft reference right? The cult of Starry Wisdom from the story Haunter in the Dark. It’s not important to the real story? Yeah? Okay, but have you read Haunter in the Dark? How long ago? Let’s go over what Blake found in that church: “On this pillar rested a metal box of peculiarly asymmetrical form; its hinged lid thrown back, and its interior holding what looked beneath the decade-deep dust to be an egg-shaped or irregularly spherical object some four inches through. Right so you’ve heard someone say that the black stone the Bloodstone Emperor made the people worship is a reference to this irregular trapezohedron in Lovecraft’s story. Okay, but let’s not stop here where everyone else stops. Let’s keep reading: “Around the pillar in a rough circle were seven high-backed Gothic chairs still largely intact, while behind them, ranging along the dark-paneled walls, were seven colossal images of crumbling, black-painted plaster”
How many was that? Seven? Who else likes the number seven? Oh yeah, the Faith of the Seven whose seat for a 1000 years before Aegon was the Starry Sept. (Built by the Hightowers, who are in no way dodgy.)
The Starry Sept is literally a seven sided building with the word Starry in its name. It is absolutely a reference to Lovercraft’s Cult of Starry Wisdom, with its seven gods positioned around the black irregular trapezohedron.
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Significance of Sansa and Tyrion fleeing Kings landing after Joffrey's death and having to pose as bastards ( Hugor Hill and Alayne stone ) ?
Sansa has to pose as a bastard. Tyrion chooses to do so because Illyrio gives him an unsatisfactory name.
Sansa is named by Littlefinger, after his mother.
Tyrion names himself, after legendary Andal king Hugor of the Hill (supposed ancestor of the Arryns), who was foretold a mighty kingdom, crowned with stars by the Father, given a beautiful girl to wife by the Maid, given armor for his sons by the Smith, etc.
Yollo? Yollo sounds like something you might name a monkey. Worse, it was a Pentoshi name, and any fool could see that Tyrion was no Pentoshi. "In Pentos I am Yollo," he said quickly, to make what amends he could, "but my mother named me Hugor Hill."
"Are you a little king or a little bastard?" asked Haldon.
Tyrion realized he would do well to be careful around Haldon Halfmaester. "Every dwarf is a bastard in his father's eyes."
(ADWD, Tyrion III)
Like with "Alayne", the Jon references are overflowing.
Interestingly, Tyrion does not change his chapter titles with his new identities, the way Sansa does, or Arya does.
Hugor, though, has some interesting parallels with Victarion Greyjoy.
An old legend told in Pentos claims that the Andals slew the swan maidens who lured travelers to their deaths in the Velvet Hills that lie to the east of the Free City. A hero whom the Pentoshi singers call Hukko led the Andals at that time, and it is said that he slew the seven maids not for their crimes but instead as sacrifice to his gods. There are some maesters who have noted that Hukko may well be a rendering of the name of Hugor. But even more so than in the Seven Kingdoms, ancient legends from the east must be distrusted. Too many peoples have traveled back and forth, and too many legends and tales have mingled.
(The World of Ice and Fire - Ancient History: The Arrival of the Andals)
Which, you know..
A great cry went up at his words. The captain answered with a nod, grim-faced, then called for the seven girls he had claimed to be brought on deck, the loveliest of all those found aboard the Willing Maiden. He kissed them each upon the cheeks and told them of the honor that awaited them, though they did not understand his words. Then he had them put aboard the fishing ketch that they had captured, cut her loose, and had her set afire.
"With this gift of innocence and beauty, we honor both the gods," he proclaimed, as the warships of the Iron Fleet rowed past the burning ketch. "Let these girls be reborn in light, undefiled by mortal lust, or let them descend to the Drowned God's watery halls, to feast and dance and laugh until the seas dry up."
(ADWD, Victarion I)
Tyrion, my man, you are full of hidden darkness.
Anyway, I'd claim this as a fairly insignificant parallel between Sansa and Tyrion, in a phase of the book where false/new identities abound: Quentyn, Aegon, Sansa, Arya, Jeyne, Theon, Sarella, Catelyn, Gregor, Sandor, Mance, Aemon Steelsong and Monster, etc etc etc.
#anti tyrion lannister#sansa stark#alayne stone#hidden identity#hugor of the hill#victarion greyjoy#parallels
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It’s interesting. George makes a connection between Arya and Swans:
“From up here, she could see a small wooded island off to the northeast. Thirty yards from shore, three black swans were gliding over the water, so serene . . . no one had told them that war had come, and they cared nothing for burning towns and butchered men. She stared at them with yearning. Part of her wanted to be a swan. The other part wanted to eat one. She had broken her fast on some acorn paste and a handful of bugs. Bugs weren't so bad when you got used to them. Worms were worse, but still not as bad as the pain in your belly after days without food.” - Arya V, ACoK
In a World of Ice and Fire we learn that there are stories of mermaid-like creatures referred to as “swan maidens”.
“An old legend told in Pentos claims that the Andals slew the swan maidens who lured travelers to their deaths in the Velvet Hills that lie to the east of the Free City. A hero whom the Pentoshi singers call Hukko led the Andals at that time, and it is said that he slew the seven maids not for their crimes but instead as sacrifice to his gods. There are some maesters who have noted that Hukko may well be a rendering of the name of Hugor. But even more so than in the Seven Kingdoms, ancient legends from the east must be distrusted. Too many peoples have traveled back and forth, and too many legends and tales have mingled.” - AWoIaF
And who do we know that as of TWoW is luring men to their deaths? Arya.
What any of this means...no clue, but i thought it was an interesting parallel.
#Arya Stark#A Song of Ice and Fire#asoiaf#a world of ice and fire#twow#valyrianscrolls#twow spoilers#is it a spoiler at this point?#i guess...
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A side character that I made up- and is based off of the hormones, Melatonin, the sleepy stuff. As I was drawing him, I kept on yawning and just tired (even though i basically slept for almost 2 days cause my sleep schedule is fucked) so I based him off of that!
🌟 He is usually called "Hukko" or The Human Akko, cause of his style and his deep interest in human behavior and "culture", his dream is to live in the human world and live like them- his main interest is the clothing and music! His loves the music- he can even mimic some sounds and voices, and he's very good at it ngl. Hukko is also the one who introduced Quinton to this human fascination! And got him into learning about them. Hukko is also a bit jealous of Quinton cause he got to visit the other world without him but he's also very happy for him UvU basically without Hukko, Quinton wouldn't be Quinton to this day, everyone say "Hiy hiy, Hukko💖"
Hukko is also very laid-back and chill, mellow guy- he likes to nap in trees- but he does have some gremlin energy to him UvU
🌟 A little more background on him, He does have one normal eye and one black one, that's cause he tried to get himself extracted as an attempt to join the human world but it was too excruciating for him and he pussied out- he also has two,,,eye thingies in one eye as birth defect and Javier pokes fun at him and they have a bit of rivalry going on- they got a bit of beef.
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Pentoshi legend says that Hukko killed seven swan maidens, who lured travelers to their deaths. He killed them not for their crimes, but as a sacrifice to the Seven.
Maesters believe that Hukko might be a different name for Hugor, the first King of the Andals.
According to the Seven-Pointed Star, King Hugor was crowned by the Father, who pulled down stars to make his crown. The Maid brought forth a girl with eyes like deep blue pools, who Hugor took for his wife. The Mother made his wife fertile, and she bore him forty-four mighty sons as foretold by the Crone. The Warrior gave each son strength of arms, and the Smith wrought each a suit of iron plate. The Seven promised him a great kingdom, which he gained in Westeros.
I wonder if those swan maidens might be the Seven, in truth? If they were witches who blessed Hugor, or if he killed them to bring forth some magic.
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Grass suggested that I write down what I'd been experiencing, and it's been far too long since I took even a moment of time for myself. My magic has always been a mystery to me. Most all my life anyone I've talked to have said it was mere happenstance, that's why I'm a wild mage, that's simply wild magic. But it's more then that. I've always known it's more then that and I think I'm finally discovering what it is. It all started when I let grass into my body to summon and earth elemental to retrieve its heart. The instant he put my hand on it I was ripped from my body and taken... somewhere. I'm still not entire sure exactly where it is, but it feels like the center of everything. The very core of this plane. A dark room filled with crystalline colored doors with symbols, correlating to what I now can assume are the elemental plans, or some where far older and deeper. On my first time there after touching the heart I was a bit in shock i didnt move with much purpose other then finding out where i was, how and why. The door to what I assume was the plane of earth was cracked open and i stepped in not thinking much of it and seeing no other way out. Upon entering i was overwhelmed with the physical sensation of a sandstorm and a deep weighted pressure on my body, it simply felt jagged and hard, hot and cold at the same time. I've read about the elemental planes but this felt different then what was described. I've also been to the plane of water, at least part of it, and the sensation was nothing like this, leading me to believe it was more. The ground began to shift under me and I jumped back and found myself back in the dark room with the door shut in front of me.
I figured I should try another to see if I could find an exit and found myself drawn to the indigo door. Opening it and pushing onwards I found myself, deep underwater, with that same pressure weighing on me as before, but yet it felt like I was under heavy rainfall despite being submerged. Water filled my lungs but it didnt effect me at all. It was fully dark and as soon as I called out, a pair of burning indigo eyes open and I was thrust back into my body lying on the ground in an instant.
It felt exhilarating. I cant explain it any other way but being in that place made me feel... something? At the time I wasn't sure if it was good or bad but I now know I'm connected to this place somehow. Though I have no concrete proof, I feel it with my whole being that I had a place there. Continuing on with the days I eventually found that I could now understand primordial. It came somewhat slowly, but I could mostly understand the foreign language as if I had always known it. We eventually found the cone of power, it really needs a better name. All these relics do. That aside I'm not sure if the relic has some sort of pull to it, or it was simply my mages instincts that draw me to it, but I find its possibilities both frightening and boundless.
I dont even know how to begin to describe what followed made me feel. We were summoned across time and space to the dimension of Zaun, forced to participate in a sick game show for the entertainment of a being that called himself Mr. Dazzel. Through our time there we found the missing guide Masato, and even that basterd Hukko. Though after meeting him I can switch his name out with "those bitch ass pixies in the world plans" on my hit list. They had filed on us, and mine read "mislabled/unknown" on my fighting classification. I was confused at the time but now its beginning to make more sense now. With the help of Jellinda we were able to try and escape, ending with a confrontation with that dazzling whore. We won, obviously, and surprisingly thanks to Mr. Gray further adding to his infuriating mystery, and thanks to the cone we were able to all return home before the plane itself collapsed.
I recognized the face Jellinda made when arrived back on the material plane. Lost, broken, confused, and at the same time, numb. I wonder if this is how eglantine felt when she came across me long ago. I didnt have to wonder what it was like to have your entire life uprooted and destroyed in a second. It's happened to me more times then I can count, and I will see to it that shes taken care of properly.
Too much all happened at once. It always has, but especially now. I've rolled with the punches as best I can until now, i thought that i bared some sort of responsibility in all of this, but that's just the problem. We dont know what /this/ is hardly at all, and we've been traveling with MONTHS and still have no answers, and the others seem to just be okay with this? "When have we ever had a plan?" Chops said to me, and hes right. And I'm starting to think that my time with them has run its course, not that it ever seemed to have one. Then theres the added business of what to do with the damn cone. Apprently they would rather give the thing to another leader in a position of power, as if grey wasn't able to manipulate multiple city states to the brink of ruin with them already, but of course they all /trust/ agrafex as if hes not as easily swayed just because hes a dragon. Of course it's not safe to have with us but I would rather be the one to hold the weapon of mass destruction then a potential enemy, maybe I could even learn how to use it to help us, but at this point I want nothing to do with this mess anymore.
I'm so sick and tired putting my own feelings and my own life aside and on the line for what I thought was the greater good, but theres no point anymore. There never was. This entire journey has been a waste of time and the others dont have lives to live or people that care for them. They have no homes to return to, no lost loves to find, but I do, and this mess has wasted enough of my time. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to go back to the way things were. My carrier seems so trivial and far away now but it mattered to me, and it was something I had to sacrifice to bring about change. The infamy of what we did in galamond fell souly on my shoulders, weather they relize it or not, I was the one with the reputation to lose. Everyone has an opinion of me now, good and bad. The rumors of what we did and speculation of what happened ran rampant , and I could even exit the castle in our last month there without getting dirty or fearful looks. Not that they would understand even if I were to tell them. High and mighty as they are.
And yet as much as I yern for Galamond I yearn for my home with Miguel more then anything... not a day goes by that I dont think of his face or crave his touch, and I have been a fool to think I was doing the right thing by setting that aside. Fond as I may be for my friends the next chance I get I'm going to find him and I'm going to save him no matter the cost. No matter what power I will have to steal or tap into. I would blacken my soul and tear down the sky if it meant saving him. And I will.
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For @ helgah028 Color – hukko 010. Base arnelle b-extra and top … https://ift.tt/30Jubza
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The World Of Ice And Fire: The Andals
Warning, Spoilers Ahead...
The Andals are a tall, fair-haired people, “made courageous and indomitable by their faith” who fled to Westeros to escape the Valyrian conquest.
The Andals were a migratory people for centuries but originated in the Axe, east and north of Pentos. The Axe was a “great spur of land surrounded on all sides by the Shivering Sea.” Andalos stretched “from the Axe to the Braavosian Coastlands, and south as far as the Flatlands and the Velvet Hills.
The Andals used iron weapons which the native tribes couldn’t withstand. Yandel notes one tribe in particular - the hairy men. Their original name is forgotten. Pentoshi histories believe the tribe was descended from the men of Ib.
The holy texts of the Seven proclaim the Smith taught the Andals the art of iron-working. The Citadel believes the Andals came into contact with the Rhoynar, already an advanced civilization, and learned the art from them.
Further evidence for the Rhoynar theory comes from the remnants of Rhoynish outposts in Andalos. The path of the Andals’ migration crossed the Darkwash and Noyne.
The Rhoynar taught the Valyrians the art of iron-working.
The Andals lived in Andalos for thousands of years. The Seven-Pointed Star, the oldest holy book, states the Seven crowned Hugor of the Hill and promised him and his descendants kingdoms in a foreign land. The septons teach their followers that the Andals left for Westeros to claim these promised kingdoms.
Yandel mentions a Pentosi legend of seven swan maids who lured travelers to their deaths in the Velvet Hills, east of the Free City. The swan maids resemble the Sirens of the Odyssey.
Hukko, an Andal hero and leader, slew the seven maids “not for their crimes but instead as a sacrifice to his gods”. We knew the First Men offered sacrifices for their religion but apparently the ancient Andals did too.
Some maesters believe Hukko is Hugor of the Hill but Yandel claims “ancient legends from the east must be distrusted”
The Andals prospered for centuries until the fall of Old Ghis. Cue the rampaging Valyrians, who decided they needed all the slaves for their precious mines.
The Andals held out longer than most as the Rhoyner civilization was located between Andalos and the expanding Valyrians.
The Valyrian foot army struggled against the Rhoynish resistance so the two powers created a truce. The Valyrians founded their first colony, Volantis at the mouth of the Rhoyne. The treaty was broken once Valyria realized the amount of wealth that flows down the Rhoyne.
The Rhoyne weren’t able to resist the second attempt at conquest. The Andals retreated to the Axe, and kept heading farther north, to evade the Valyrians. The Andals eventually had to flee across the ocean to escape the Valyrians.
Up next, the Andals arrive in Westeros and the First Men aren’t happy about it.
#A Song Of Ice And Fire#Game Of Thrones#ASOIAF#GOT#The World Of Ice And Fire#Andals#Rhoynar#Valyria#Hugor of the Hill#Swan Maidens
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Azor Ahai (Ashai?) Huzhor Amai (Sarnor) Hyrkoon the Hero (Patrimony of Hyrkoon) Hukko of the Hill (Andals) Hugor of the Hill (Andals) The Last Hero
Get it? It’s all the same guy. Maybe.
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