#huhhhh too many games
ladyswillmart · 7 months
Hmmmm... 🤔🤔🤔
(Never a good sign when we start with a triple 🤔)
Should I make Sethys in Elden Ring?
For context, playing that game is what made me want to play Serpent Isle again, which is what reminded me of my Sethys alt in FF14 LOL Something about going to what seems like a normal fantasy world where something has gone deeply wrong...
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dykegirlfriend · 3 months
can we go back to making anime uncool and untrendy
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demonsfate · 5 months
not only all the parallels "Jin" had with Devil in TK6, but like... the parallels Devil had with "Jin" in TK8.
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with both the Chair thing, the level, Devil's outfit being a more demonic version of "Jin's" TK6 outfit. They had it ALL set up to easily say that Devil was in control during TK6, he just lied about a buncha crap. Then in TK8, Devil's pissy and wants control back, so he lures Jin into their Mindscape for one final fight for control. The stage being his office from TK6 is so that Devil reminds Jin what he "took" from him, and also serves as Jin feeling guilty for being too weak to stop Devil from taking over the Zaibatsu. Therefore, in TK8, Jin has to go up against the two true dark stars that brought the world to its knees in TK6-TK8. (his Devil and Devil Kazuya).
This would've fixed Jin's character much better than what TK8 did. This would've fixed Jin being a war criminal, fixed Jin being a "bad main character," fixed Jin's drastic inconsistent characterization, fixed why everyone is Suddenly buddies with Jin. It just would've fixed everything regarding Jin's character and story, as well as TK6 and TK8's stories. (Since Jin's characterization played a big part in them)
You could ask "well it was clearly Jin in control in TK6 because when did Jin take over from Devil?" Again, just make up some BS that Jin was able to take control during the struggle with Azazel, that at last minute, Jin took back the body. I mean, that's a very minor retcon compared to the bigger retcons the games did. (Heihachi now being a Devil Hunter / hating the devil gene for noble reasons huh? The Devil Gene being nothing more than a PROTECTIVE NATURE for the carrier??? HUHHHH???) And Jin can still go through TK8 feeling guilty, this time his guilt just comes from feeling too weak to stop Devil. He feels Devil was his responsibility due to them possessing the same body.
And plus like, yes, I know Devil in TK8 parallels with "Jin" because they changed Devil to be a representation of Jin's guilt about his war crimes (LOL!) But like... that just messes up Devil's character because Devil's been with Jin since his creation (as a character) so like, Jin's had many struggles with Devil before TK6. So to just reduce him to a TK6 metaphor regarding Jin's guilt..... Sucks, man. He used to be more than that. So him paralleling TK6 would've done better for his character if he was an actual villain in TK6, and really fucked Jin over.
I cannot say if the team of writers or Harada considered retconning TK6 like that, I really don't know. But like, I really do feel like they [Harada primarily] was just stubborn. Because Harada really wanted to make Jin a villain but only changed that when literally nobody in the studio or fanbase agreed with it. Therefore, he just refuses to retcon it, to say "no, JIn didn't actually do that". Even though it fundamentally harms the story, and Jin's character severely.
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yana125 · 2 years
WIP tag game
Concept of the game is that you post the titles of your current works in progress – if someone sends you an ask about one of the titles, you can either post a snippet/sketch or share the concept of that wip!
Tagged by @returnofahsoka Ohmygod... I have too many wip's.... I'm only listing the ones I was recently working on because there's too many...
The Echo Remains But The Song Is Not The Same (Naruto rewrite)
(untitled One Piece fic, post-timeskip retelling with shipping goggles on with canon divergence and the POV character is soooo bad with feelings it's horrible)
Szelek szárnyán (By The Wings Of The Wind) (Original story that was supposed to be a manga, then two books, but then I got inspired and now it's five books with a prologue trilogy and everything is connected)
(still untitled original story after 17 years, started-as-a-manga-turned-into-a-five-book-series with Greek mythology and 14 main characters, and only the zero draft of the first book is done but I came up with the perfect ending of the whole story like two days ago and I want those 14 characters to be relateable because there aren't enough relateable book characters written in this damn country and maybe I'm overdoing it a bit)
The Moons of Our Lives (working title: "The UlquiHime-IchiRuki angsty fic", during-timeskip-fix-it-fic-with-friendship)
Huhhhh. Hey @vergina-spva do you want to be tagged? :D
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underskiescomets · 3 years
Ask thingie
i like ask things and since this blog is dead i can do it and nobody is gonna see hehe (except LA PETITE PERSONNE......) @lapetitepersonne
1. why did you choose your url?
I had to create a new blog to bypass the age-restricted content tumblr had a few years back, and i had to think up an url on the spot so I went for an ~aesthetic~ thing... nothing very interesting here
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
YES i have like 4, one is a vent art shit i posted 1 drawing and deleted soon after (so not used), one is a blog where I post pics of my body and outfits (and nudes) and is pretty popular ??? at least for me lol i have like 600+ followers (but barely to none interractions) and the last one is the same but not used ... AND NO i wont tag them they’re my dirty little secret........ ok i post my ass but IN SECRECY
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
woww idk .. maybe 2014 ?
4. do you have a queue tag? 
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i liked aesthetic things lol and for my side blog, i just wanted the attention i guess
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i dont know. THIS BLOG IS DEAD ok
7. why did you choose your header?
i dont even know what my header is
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I had a pic of my stomach (??) that reached over 1000 notes on my sideblog o_o but one day it disappeared. I guess tumblr made it vanish bc too much hubris for my stomach...
9. how many mutuals do you have? 
none ......................
10. how many followers do you have?
about 30 i think
11. how many people do you follow? 
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
NO never here but i like to shitpost on twitter and discord
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
like 1 or 2 times a day, not over 1 or 2 hours
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
its shite
16. do you like tag games?
yes i dooooo i love the attention
17. do you like ask games?
id love for ppl to ask me things but im too afraid of nobody asking joCFIGQcsd
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
me ig.........30 followers
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
n o
20. tags?
u dare think i have ppl to tag...
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Gormless Ch. 13 – Everything’s awful but lesbians are in fact REAL
A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
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Last time on Gormless:
Turns out a preserved corpse of a Soulless person that the Kingair pack stole from Egypt is causing the humanization problem.  However somebody is after that coprse, and knocked LeFoux and Lord Maccon unconscious.  Alexia gonna have to fix everything herself HURMPH!
Chapter 13 – Everything’s awful but lesbians are in fact REAL
Wowzers! Here’s the climax chapter.  It won’t be the height of tension, but it will be the height of my irritated confusion.  My apologies for length, it was a long chapter, and full of a lot of bullshit. LET’S GO!
              We get a rare good moment where Alexia looks at the passed out Maccon and worries about him.  She makes a cute note about how his eyelashes are super long and once when she commented that she was jealous of his long eyelashes he tickled her neck with them.  This will be the last genuinely good thing in this chapter.
Alexia goes to a recently woken up LeFoux.  LeFoux is all distraught, and there’s a bullshit line about how being upset made her look slightly more feminine and Alexia, “Didn’t know if she liked that.”
              LeFoux is like, “Hey don’t be mad at the woman who shot me and your husband. She didn’t ~mean~ it.”
YES TURNS OUT THE BIG BAD OF THIS BOOK SERIES I FUCKING CALLED BACK IN CHAPTER 4 OF THE LAST BOOK!  It was Angelique! GOSH WHAT A FUCKING TWIST! YOU KNOW THE CHARACTER WHO, AT THE END OF THE LAST BOOK WAS DESCRIBED IN TEXT AS A BLATANT SPY! Yet the entirety of this book Alexia thinks its LeFoux and goes so far as to think she’s faking being shot? She turns out of the room and all the werewolves are sleeping and instead of…I DON’T KNOW letting them know she’s identified the attacker?  She just huffs that she must do everything herself.
So Alexia goes to the room where the mummy is, but Angelique is not there. So instead of disposing of the body that Angelique is clearly after, she’s runs up to the Aethongrapher room. Angelique is there and shoves her aside to escape the room. So they go back to the mummy room, and Angelique is trying to drag the body out of there.  Alexia goes to shoot some of her sleepy darts at Angelique but just as she’s about to Ivy shows up to stand in front of Alexia and whine that Alexia is being callous to her.  But as I have described before, this is not Ivy’s fault. Ivy’s kink is inconvenient timing. Blithering obtusely in front of a weapon while the bad guy gets away makes her CUM.  The TV hasn’t been invented yet so she can’t stand in front of it during a crucial part of a show/game.  SHE HAS TO FIND SOME WAY TO GET OFF!
Despite that Alexia is able to catch up to Angelique and knocks her unconscious with a hefty umbrella swing.  She takes the mummy outside, and dissolves it using the acid function on her umbrella.  I mean, I was hoping she’d go whole hog and it would come to life and fight them but WELP guess that would be stupid fun and we’re only allowed one of those things in this book and it ain’t fun.  When the corpse is just about pudding, Alexia goes back in and hears Ivy scream.
We take a break from this regularly scheduled programming to swap over to Biffy, Channing, and Lyall at the Westminster Hive.  Biffy apparently snuck in and broke their Aethonographer.  This is just to let us all know that the message Angelique tried to send before didn’t get through.  I mean targeting the Aethongrapher only, doesn’t make any sense AT ALL from their perspective and honestly you could have written the entire thing out to tighten up the story.  But like I guess it was real important to have that bit where Alexia has to try 2 rooms to find Angelique.
So Ivy screamed because a woken up Angelique puts a knife to Ivy’s throat and is leading her up the stairs.  All the werewolves are there as well as Tunstell.  Tunstell gets out the magic gun, which by the way they start calling the ‘tun tun’ which makes a lot of sense and is totes keeping it tense. Shouldn’t it be the tun gun? WHATEVER!
They go up to a room and Angelique makes Ivy open a window.  Meanwhile Tunstell tries to sneak around the side while Alexia tries to distract her.  By the way this is the first time we hear that Tunstell is apparently a big dude. I had totally assumed that since he was described as a meek servant/actor coated in freckles that he was a 5’5” adorable waif boy who weighs 110 lbs on a good day.  I’m glad you waited till now to tell us that. After a bit of a scuffle Tunstell wrestles the knife away, saves Ivy, and Angelique tumbles to her death out the window.  The gun is never shot and Chekov leaps out to die on the cold hard Scottish earth like Angelique.
Apparently there was a rope ladder leading down that window that Angelique was really hoping she’d be able to escape down, with the knife to the throat of a hostage? OKAY THEN!  When Angelique woke up, why didn’t she just try to make a break for it, to avoid being persecuted by the supernatural police?  What was the point of the hostage thing? Why did she have this rope ladder prepared?
You know what would have been a thousand times better?  If Alexia goes to question a recently recovered Angelique, and Angelique in a panic puts a knife to a dipshit Ivy’s throat by a window. Angelique demands to be given the body. Alexia explains that she destroyed it.  Angelique at first doesn’t want to believe it but eventually concedes. Saying something along the lines of, “…If I can’t deliver the body…then…then they’ll kill me…”  The people there try to reassure her that they can protect her.  However in Angelique’s stunned grief she slips from the window, Tunstell is able to grab Ivy but not Angelique.  Was it an accident?  Did she want to die on her own terms?  WE’LL NEVER KNOW?  The chapter ends where the crowd goes to check on her and Angelique is FOR SURE dead. LeFoux seeing the shattered body of her former lover, clutches Alexia and wails.
So Alexia is the only one to go check the body.  Angelique is in fact dead, but turns into a ghost. Angelique tells Alexia to perform the exorcism, which means kill her for real real. Alexia wants questions answered first. Angelique says she’ll answer 10, Alexia agrees to this.  
So like…why are you going to respect her wishes now? Doesn’t she need to be persecuted under the law, or have proof of the Hive’s wrongdoing?  You maybe want to give LeFoux a chance to talk to her, since she was obviously really upset and protective of her before? GUESS NOT!
Angelique, before the questioning is revealed to have done this whole task for the immortality, since she previously and is still working with the Westminster hive. She is GIVEN immortality in the form of being a ghost and is immediately like NOPE I’D RATHER DIE. HUHHHH? MAYBE IT’S NOT IDEAL VAMPIRE THING BUT REALLY?
Angelique says that it wasn’t her who tried to break into her bag or poison her. Alexia asks if LeFoux is trying to kill her, Angelique says probably not cause you’d already be dead.  AND LIKE WE ESTABLISHED THIS EXACT ANSWER TO THIS SAME QUESTION BEFORE. WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR QUESTIONS YOU COMPLETE IMBECILE!
It’s revealed that Quensel, the kid LeFoux was taking poor care of before, is Angelique’s son.  Angelique was trying to hide the fact she had a son from the vampires cause the vampires won’t turn her if she has any family. Apparently LeFoux, was trying to get Angelique to take care of her son and to stop the vampire biz by threatening to tell the Vampires about her son.  That didn’t work apparently.  We also confirm that yes, SHOCK OF SHOCK, Angelique and LeFoux used to be an item for many years.  So we have this OH SO DELIGHTFUL paragraph:
“Alexia had seen something of the kind in her father’s collection, but she had never imagined it might be based on anything more than masculine wistfulness or performances put on to titillate a John’s palate.  That two women might do such things voluntarily with one another and do so with some degree of romantic love. Was that possible?”
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(Irritated Stare with the phrase [stares in gay judgement])
You’re 26 years fucking old, you’re well aware that gay men exist, LeFoux has been hitting on her blatantly this entire book and has been pretty much screaming how much of a lesbian she is.  Like you can have Alexia in bi-denial, sure, but for her not to even realize two girls can have sex and romance at one another outside of men JACKING IT!? FUCKING WOW!   I want to be clear and say that there is a myth that Queen Victoria didn’t think lesbians were real when she was enforcing the no homosexuality laws. TO BE CLEAR THAT IS A MYTH! PEOPLE IN VICTORIAN TIMES KNEW LESBIANS WEREN’T JUST A MALE CREATED HORNY MYTH LIKE HOW WOMEN LOVE THE TASTE OF JIZZ, YOU THICK-HEADED TWIT!
The last questions that Alexia asks basically are, “Is it possible for women to love each other?” and “You’re a cold bitch aren’t you?”  QUEEN PICKED TOP INVESTIGATOR HERE!  She then FOR REAL kills Angelique.  Also I’m glad she didn’t ask Angelique what they were planning on doing with the humanization corpse, because that mystery is probably what the entirety of the 3rd book is about.
So we head back in the castle to try to wrap this all up, and boy is it pointlessly messy.  I’m going to recount the items in order, so you TOO can realize what a clusterfuck this is.
Alexia tells LeFoux that Angelique is dead which makes LeFoux cry.  Alexia has a normal human response to seeing a woman she likes grieving.
“Lady Maccon envied her skill of crying with aplomb.  She herself went all over splotchy, but Madame Lefoux seemed to be able to execute the emotional state with minimal fuss.”
By performing some pretty sweet mental gymnastics to make it about herself. CONGRATULATIONS!  She does later say that the scene was painfully sad…but…your first thought, and the one you dedicate more than a sentence to is… “I wish I could cry as hot as she could?” MOTHER OF FUCK LADY!
Maccon takes Alexia aside and explains that LeFoux and he are besties despite not interacting with her at all this entire book.  He told his BFF4EVAH to keep an eye on Alexia.  Don’t know why he would have lied about this?  Maybe Alexia would have felt patronized? Alexia was attacked 5 times last book and needed to be saved 3 of those times.  There’s nothing wrong with that ratio, but there’s also nothing wrong with wanting to have back up if you’re in a dangerous profession. Besides that the two both love science and gadgets, and if he couldn’t predict that LeFoux would awaken his wife’s bisexuality too, it seems silly to lie to her about it.  
But my pity for Alexia runs dry again when, upon hearing Maccon and LeFoux are buds…she accuses Maccon of sleeping with LeFoux. And it’s like…
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(Honestly, you people, and by that I mean straight people…are ridiculous.)
If Alexia is bi, it don’t matter she’s still in denial and acting like a straight up straighty.
You just found out that lesbians are real and that LeFoux is one of them, and YOU were the one to almost cheat on him with her, and you ACCUSE HIM? Are you FOR REAL!?  I mean this is just a set up for Alexia to realize SOME MORE that lesbians are real. I’m glad I’m reading one of those books where everything needs to be explained 5 times.
Alexia brings up the fact that Angelique turned into a ghost but exorcised her right away without considering if literally anybody else wanted to talk to her INCLUDING THE LONG-TERM –EX-GIRLFRIEND WHO WAS RAISING HER KID.  LeFoux is rightly upset at this and Alexia retorts with
“There’s no need to wallow.”
Now even Lord Maccon steps in like, “THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, SHE’S RIGHTLY UPSET!”  To which Aleixa points out OH SO RIGHTLY that LeFoux didn’t want to be girlfriends with Angelique again, so like…it makes no sense why she’d want to have some parting words or care about her living or dying.
Lord Maccon looked at his wife appreciatively. “Good Lord, woman, how could you have possibly known that?”
“Well” – Lady Maccon grinned – “Madame Lefoux here did play a bit of the coquette with me while we were traveling. I do not think she was entirely shamming.”
I’m sorry what?  We already established that LeFoux is a vagatrian and had a relationship with Angelique.  Is she saying the fact she was flirted with PROOF that LeFoux is not in a relationship? Alexia, you were flirting back and you’re married. This is not a brilliant deduction.  We only have this transition so that Alexia can brag about almost BUT NOT ACTUALLY cheating on her husband.  And like…it’s one thing to take the piss out of him because he’s irrationally jealous.  However Alexia herself was like REALLY, REALLY irrationally jealous a second ago and it’s not really irrational since Alexia might have had sex with her if she came to the conclusion earlier that girls can like other girls.  SoOOoOOoOOoo great!
We continue to have pissing contests.  Maccon is mad that Alexia never told him she was almost poisoned, even though you’d THINK Tunstell would have brought that up to him since he’s his servant and he was the one actually poisoned.  LeFoux admits she was looking around for Alexia’s bag and that she wanted the humanization weapon too.  However she wants it NOT because she’s in the Hypocras club, but in the Organization of the Brass Octopus (OBO.)  The Organization of the Brass Octopus is a secret group of Scientists that is working to curb the power of Supernaturals and that the Hypocras Club was a ~militant branch~ of the OBO.  Alexia is bothered that Maccon didn’t tell her about OBO, since YANNO Alexia spent half the book thinking that her crush LeFoux wanted to genocide people like her husband.  Which yanno REALLY STOPPED HER FROM A LOT THERE!  Alexia tries to ask more questions about OBO and Maccon just answers them all with, “But it’s a secret!”
Really love that Maccon gets super mad when Alexia doesn’t talk to him, but when she asks questions he huffs and won’t tell her.  You could maybe argue that since it’s a secret society thing that Maccon shouldn’t tell her. He was sworn to secrecy or some shit.  But like also…a branch of this club nearly killed them both… and she’s in charge of the entire English government’s Supernatural balance system….Maybe it’s okay for her to know a little about a powerful organization in that country that’s supposed to do the same thing?
We end with LeFoux admitting she was LOOKING FOR Alexia’s bag but never went through it or messed up her room to find it.  Alexia for once has a normal reaction which boils down to, “FUCK THIS SHIT!” and storms out.  CAUSE WHY BRING UP SHE WAS LOOKING FOR IT AT ALL? That is pointlessly confusing.
So below I made a little chart with how easily it could have been to make this conversation flow better. Even if you want to keep in jealousy pissing contest which is also an EVEN WOMEN WOULD SEX ME STUPID HUSBAND!
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I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about editing books…but I feel as if either the editors gave this a soft touch.  It seems like a simple fix that could have tightened it up and made it an easier read.
Say something nice Faps:
It was technically a climax
They technically tried to wrap things up
It has been acknowledged that yes LESBIANS ARE REAL
I did genuinely like Alexia having a vulnerable moment looking upon her knocked out husband and feeling protective of him.
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kamikotranslations · 6 years
\ It’s fun〜!/ (2018-5-3)
Good evening!
I’m Moe Kamikokuryo!
 Today was、
A new single release event in Osaka Abeno Q’s Mall!!
 The members each put together a set list so each time there’s a feeling of nervousness and excitement!
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 Today was〜、
 🐟Kawamura Ayano-chan🐟
1. Nakenai ze.・・・Kyoukan Sagi
2. Uchouten LOVE
3. Uraha=Lover
4. Kimi dake ja nai sa…friends(2018 Acoustic Ver.)
5. Onaji Jikyuu de Hataraku Tomodachi no Bijin Mama
6. Taiki Bansei
 🎀Nakanishi Kana-san🎀
1. Uraha=Lover
2. Kimi dake ja nai sa…friends(2018 Acoustic Ver.)
3. Tsugi tsugi Zoku zoku
4. Nakenai ze.・・・Kyoukan Sagi
 🐙Funaki Musubu-chan🐙
1. Nakenai ze.・・・Kyoukan Sagi
3. Koi Nara Tokku ni Hajimatteru
4. Yuugure Koi no Jikan
5. Kimi dake ja nai sa…friends(2018 Acoustic Ver.)
 It was these!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
 For Kawamuu’s set list we presented the 6 songs in one go and then did the MC at the end which feels like something we don’t usually do but、
Doing 6 songs continuously meant that we kept using our engines more and more、and we’ve already finished!I thought things like this!
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 And then、Nakanishi-san。
In the MC Nakashi-san had prepared a quiz、
The questions were too cruel so no one could answer。笑
 But in the future、
Everyone’s punishment game、I wanted to show all of you fans〜笑
Kind Nakanishi-san said this to all of the fans 😳
 Seeing everyone’s punishment games was super fun😂
  Finally was Funa-chan。
Firstly、in the self-introduction MC request one word in Kansai-Ben from Funa-chan。With that title、Funa-chan said this and that and she was too strong I don’t remember what the other members said 😂😂
 And then in the middle of the song the 2 of us do a takoyaki pose so there was a please do that game!
  With these 3 performances there were thoughts for each of them、and so it was super fun for me who got to do them too!!!
 I’m currently thinking about what to do when my turn comes around 😎💚
 Since release events will continue on from now on please come and play okay〜!
 And、there was something that surprised me at today’s handshake event。
 【There’s so many kids Momona’s age〜!】
 When Momona became a member she was a 1st year middle schooler so she has a really young image。
 At today’s handshake event、I’m the same age as Momona!There were loads and loads of kids who said this!
 Before I realized Momona’s already a 3rd year middle schooler huhhhh!!!
 Ya〜。I was surprised〜。
 And、after that、saying that I’m a member of society [an adult] is shocking huh〜笑
 Students、I want you to enjoy being a student to your heart’s content!
 Studying and club activities!
And I want one of you hobbies to be liking ANGERME 😁
  ⭐🐸⭐ Information ⭐🐸⭐
 ☘️mini ☘️spoon.
 Currently on sale!
 ☘️Sweets Paradise
 At the Sweets Paradise Shinjuku East Exit store、an ANGERME collab café is being held!
Until 5/31!
(There will be a collab only on 5/10 at the Ikebukuro store)
 💙💚💛 New songs’ MV 💛💚💙
 ★Nakenai ze.・・・Kyoukan Sagi ★
 ★Kimi dake ja nai sa. …friends(2018 Acoustic Ver.)★
 The release is in 6 days!
  🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵Nippon Budoukan🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
 ANGERME Juunin Toiro+ Tour。
For the final Nippon Budoukan performance、it’s the 2nd application round!
Until 5/7(Mon)11:00
 ★Lawson Ticket
Until 5/6(Sun)23:59
 ★E Plus
Until 5/6(Sun)18:00
 It’s our first Nippon Budoukan performance as 10 people。Since Funa-chan and Kawamuu became members、I realized that we’re really united now!
I want lots of people to come and see that ANGERME!
From the hall tour and the release events even just a bit I kinda wanna go?If there are people thinking this!
We’ll give you a warm welcome!
  Please wait!
For sure bring your friends too!
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  Since Muro-san had to take a break today I’ll end with a photo with Muro-san!
 Well then!!!
 Original - https://ameblo.jp/angerme-ss-shin/entry-12373237189.html
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junker-town · 6 years
José Ureña kept Ronald Acuña from hitting another leadoff home run by beaning him with the first pitch
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How best to put this? BOOOOOOOOOOOO.
As recapped on this very site just yesterday, Ronald Acuña, Jr. is a home run magician right now. He’s hit a leadoff home run in the past three games against the Marlins and eight dingers in his last eight games as of yesterday’s Braves-Marlins matchup.
On Wednesday night, Marlins pitcher José Ureña decided that Acuña wouldn’t be hitting a leadoff home run during this particular game. And he made sure of it by beaning him with a 97mph fastball on his very first pitch of the game. Acuña would stay in the game at first only to eventually leave.
The first pitch of the night to Ronald Acuña Jr. Clearly intentional. pic.twitter.com/TlDpUGOdcW
— FOX Sports: Braves (@FOXSportsBraves) August 15, 2018
That’s a terrible look for Ureña, who was correctly ejected after the ensuing brawl alongside Braves manager Brian Snitker. Snitker was heated, and rightly so. Acuña is one of the Braves’ most promising young stars alongside Ozzie Albies and Snitker’s first instinct being “protect him at all costs and yell at anyone who hurts him” is the proper reaction here.
While the ensuing scuffle didn’t involve too many punches thrown or escalate into a full-on brawl, these two teams have the rest of Wednesday’s game and two more against each other Thursday and Friday to play so there’s a strong chance this isn’t over.
Tensions flare at SunTrust Park as Ronald Acuña Jr. is hit on the elbow with a fastball from Marlins starter Jose Urena. The benches clear as both teams meet at the mound. #Braves | #ChopOn pic.twitter.com/s1fGrMjezh
— FOX Sports: Braves (@FOXSportsBraves) August 15, 2018
If there were any question that Ureña’s beaning of Acuña wasn’t dirty, let’s take a look at some stats that may or may not be relevant.
The pitch that hit Ronald Acuña was 97.5 MPH. Out of the 2,125 pitches that José Ureña has thrown this season, that's in the 99th percentile of the fastest pitches he's thrown. That was also the fastest pitch José Ureña has ever thrown to open a game. pic.twitter.com/KYLVQvqER8
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) August 16, 2018
Jose Ureña of the @Marlins is the first starter in the live-ball era to hit a batter on the only pitch he threw. The only other starters to hit the only batter they faced were Bob Shaw (1965), Scott Elarton (2001) and John Lackey (2009).
— Stats By STATS (@StatsBySTATS) August 16, 2018
The fact that Urena dropped his glove as the Braves' bench emptied and seemed to beckon them forward tells you all you need to know about his intent.
— Buster Olney (@Buster_ESPN) August 16, 2018
To put it simply: this was some bullshit. Ureña has a suspension coming his way (even if it’s not the Galaxy Brain Take-rest of the season suspension some people want). This wasn’t retaliation, even as some people are trying to claim Acuña was bat flipping all over the place the last few games. Which he was not.
This is nothing but a cowardly way to start a game and considering Ureña was ready to rumble as soon as the pitch landed, not even trying to deny what he did, it’s only fair to call him out on that. If you want the attention for beaning a guy and then fighting about it, you get the attention for how dirty a decision it was in the first place.
The Braves are currently getting the last laugh, but hopefully that last laugh involves Acuña being healthy and back on the field hitting dingers as soon as possible.
Here we have a pitcher actually challenging his opponent and successfully getting him out. pic.twitter.com/muf2XGfgRX
— Atlañññññta Braves (@Braves) August 16, 2018
The good news is when he does, his home run streak will still be intact. As good a silver lining as any.
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