#huber twins
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horrorwomen · 6 months ago
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The twins trope is essential to the game narrative; at one instance Mio remarks to the gamer, “everything here seems to come in pairs.” Indeed, an atemporal history of twin sacrifice unfolds, abstracting the identity of Mio and Mayu into a sibling paradigm of guilt, abandonment and horror [...]. Grief over loss of a twin as a special psychological phenomenon has been investigated. Issues of survival guilt, as well as being a living reminder/representation of the deceased twin are central to Nancy Segal’s study, in which she concludes that twin loss is especially traumatic because it upsets the implication that twins should exit the world in the same way they entered: together. This also relates to the game of our discussion: togetherness of twins, the constant pleading not to be left behind among all sets of twins in the game are motifs that hint at this special grief. Avoiding abandonment and separation becomes the superior goal: taking precedence over the survival of only one twin.
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (PlayStation 2, 2003)
Hoeger, Laura & Huber, William. (2011). Ghastly multiplication: Fatal Frame II and the Videogame Uncanny.
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esperfruit · 6 months ago
Another batch of Gijinkas ^^
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Truro "City of Truro" West
Age: 49
Height: 188cm
Head of the famous West family and owner of the steam engine City of Truro, which he purchased due to being a rich railway entusiast and their aligning names. Truro became a nationwide icon for everything Great Western and is basically worshipped by everyone of that background such as Duck. Despite being in a very influential position, he is quite modest and laid-back, being completely unbothered when having conversations with the "common people". The Wests have a years long rivalry with the Gresleys and so everyone expected that Truro would be mortal enemies with the current head of the Gresleys, Scott but unbeknownst to everyone, the two became secret lovers.
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Dennis Bulleid
Age: 21
Height: 193 cm
Norman's older fraternal twin brother and the former biggest slacker you will ever meet. Dennis never took anything serious and always only did the bare minimum, avoiding all extra form of work where he could. His lazy attitude shined a bad light on the public for the Bulleids and after an incident he caused, he and Norman were disowned by their parents. Norman, in a rage, cut ties with Dennis and left him all by his own. It served as a wake up call for Dennis and is currently working to find a path for himself and a way to make up with his family, especially Norman, who he dragged down with him.
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Marion Huber
Age: 26
Height: 167 cm
A happy-go-lucky construction worker, operating a steam shovel. She is always eager to get to work and do a good job, going into them with a playful approach. She has a lot of good luck regarding findings like dinosaur bones. Marion gets easily distracted or can be quite oblivious to thinks going on around her like not realizing that Oliver Armstrong the engine driver and Oliver from the Pack were two different people or taking Bert, Rex and Mike's methaphors literal.
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Sutton "Splatter" Derby and Doug "Dodge" Derby
Age: 50
Height: 183 cm
Diesel 10's personal henchmen, working for him ever since he took on his position as mafia boss. They follow all of his orders but tend to question a lot of deciasions but would not go further do to their fear of D10. They prefer to complain and gossip behind everbody's back like over the fact being called "Splodge" by their boss and are quite cowadly, yet they can still be very cruel and no atrocity goes too far for them. Unlike Arry and Bert, these two have no attachment to Diesel and actually look forward to punishing him for turning on them.
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Glynn Wrightson
Age: 68 (at disappearence)
Height: 170 cm
An engineer that lived a long time ago. He helped constructing the so called coffeepot engines and assisted in the foundation of british railway. One day he disappeared without a trace in a very similar way to Hiro and was found on present day Sodor by Marion. The kind elderly man now lives on the island, working for Ulfstead Castle while he is still trying how to navigate through the modern days
Stephen Hawthorns
Age: 72 (67 at disappearence)
Height: 179 cm
Just like Hiro, Glynn, Skarloey, Rheneas and Duke, he lived a long time ago, right at the invention of steam engines to be exact, and went missing after making a name for himself. He reappeared as a pseiuo-spirit like Hiro and the others and was found by the Earl of Sodor, Sir Robert Norramby. Due to Stephen's mysterious circumstances, his true identity as a figure in British history is being kept a secret. Stephen and the Earl became good friends and decided to travel the worls together and when returning to Sodor to restore Ulfstead Castle with him as the tour guide, operating The Rocket. He found King Godred's missing crown after being trapped in an abandoned mine.
He is a jolly old man with a positive attitude and a good sense of humor. And despite not really understanding his situation, me makes the best out of it in Ulfstead with his friends the Earl, Glynn and Millie.
Millie Deceuville
Age: 34
Height: 175 cm
Millie is the personal assistant of the Earl of Sodor, who now works at Ulfstead Castle with two mysterious seniors Stephen and Glynn. She is also responsible for the two newbies Connor and Caitlin, being a guardian for the siblings. Millie never judges anyone over their appearance and quickly lectures those who do, defending the ones being judged. She bonded with Toby, who worked at Ulfstead for a few days, where he and Millie stopped buglars from stealing treasures.
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transjuxtaposition · 2 months ago
The Science of Transgender
A collection of peer reviewed studies that point to biological origins of "Transgender."
This isn't definitive, so don't link back to it claiming some tranny not safe for whatever blogger proved one thing or the other. I'm sharing information, in APA 6th no less, that you can then take and build off of or add to your own research.
Zhou, J., Hofman, M., Gooren, L., & Swaab, D. (1995) A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality. Nature, 378(6552), 68-70. doi: 10.1038/378068a0
“Here we show that the volume of the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc), a brain area that is essential for sexual behavior, is larger in men than in women. A female-sized BSTc was found in male-to-female transsexuals…Our study is the first to show a female brain structure in genetically male transsexuals and supports the hypothesis that gender identity develops as a result of an interaction between the developing brain and sex hormones.”
Cohen-Kettenis, P., van Goozen, S., Doorn, C., & Gooren, L. (1998). Cognitive ability and cerebral lateralization in transsexuals. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23(6), 631-641. doi: 10.1016/S0306- 4530(98)00033-X
“The results on different tests show that gender differences were pronounced, and that the two transsexual groups occupied a position in between these two groups, thus showing a pattern of performance away from their biological sex. The findings provide evidence that [in utero] organisational hormonal influences may have an effect on the development of cross-gender identity.”
Henningsson, S., Westberg, L., Nilsson, S., Lundstrom, B., Ekselius, L., Bodlund, O., Lindstrom, E.,  Hellstrand., M., Rosmond, R., Eriksson, E., & Landen, M. (2005). Sex steroid-related genes and  male-to-female transsexualism. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30(7), 657-664. doi:  10.1016/j.psyneuen.2005.02.006
“Accordingly, the current results do suggest that a long ERβ [genetic] repeat is more common among malt-to-female transsexuals, and that specific combinations of the three polymorphisms analyzed may influence the risk of developing transsexualism.”
Gooren, L. (2006). The biology of human psychosexual differentiation. Hormones and Behavior, 50(4), 589-601. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2006.06.011
“My final analysis is that the available evidence, accumulated over the past 30 years, supports a role for testosterone in the development of gender identity and sexual orientation in the human species.”
Segal, N. (2006). Two monozygotic twin pairs discordant for female-to-male transsexualism. Archives  of Sexual Behavior, 35(3), 347-358. doi: 10.1007/s10508-006-9037-3
“Transsexualism in one member of an MZ (monozygotic) twin pair is consistent with differential prenatal hormonal exposure and/or gene expression, leading to co-twin differences in brain development and gender identity. Even though most CAH girls raised female develop a female gender identity, a minority do not, suggesting that the timing and/or level of prenatal androgen exposure may significantly affect identification as a male or female.”
Berglund, H., Lindstrom, P., Dhejne-Helmy, C., & Savic, I. (2007). Male-to-Female transsexuals show  sex-atypical hypothalamus activation when smelling odorous steroids. Cerebral Cortex, 18(8),  1900-1908. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhm216
“[Male-to-Female transsexuals] differed significantly only from the male controls and resembled the female controls independently [of which test was used]. Thus, taken together, Male-to-Female transsexuals occupied an in-between position between heterosexual men and heterosexual women, but with overall predominantly female features.”
Bentz, E., Hefler, L., Kaufmann, U., Huber, J., Kolbus, A., & Tempfer, C. (2008). A polymorphism of the CYP17 gene related to sex steroid metabolism is associated with female-to-male but not male-to-female transsexualism. Fertility and Sterility, 90(1), 56-59. doi:  10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.05.056
“The MtF transsexuals had an allele distribution equivalent to male controls, whereas the FtM transsexuals did not follow the gender-specific allele distribution of female controls but rather had an allele distribution equivalent to MtF transsexuals and male controls…..The results of this study support CYP17 as a candidate gene of FtM transsexualism.”
Garcia-Falgueras, A., & Swaab, D. (2008). A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinated nucleus: Relationship to gender identity. Brain, 131(12), 3132-3146. doi: 10.1093/brain/awn276
“The volume and number of neurons of the INAH3 (interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus) …was found to be of female size in male-to-female transsexual people. The female-to-male transsexual subject had a male INAH3 volume and neuron number.”
Gizewski, E., Krause, E., Schlamann, M., Happich, F., Ladd, M., Forsting, M., & Senf, W. (2009). Specific  cerebral activation due to visual erotic stimuli in male-to-female transsexuals compared with  male and female controls: An fMRI study. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6(2), 440-448. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.00981.x
“When comparing MTF transsexuals with male volunteers, activation patterns similar to female volunteers being compared to male volunteers were revlealed.”
Luders, E., Sanchez, F., Gaser, C., Toga, A., Narr, K., Hamilton, L., & Vilain, E. (2009). Regional gray matter  variation in male-to-female transsexualism. Neuroimage, 46(4), 904-907. doi:  10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.03.048
“Overall, our study provides evidence that MTF transsexuals possess regional gray matter volumes mostly consistent with control males. However, the putamen was found to be “feminized” in MTF transsexuals. That is, the gray matter volume of this particular structure in the MTF transsexual group was both larger than in males and within the average range of females.”
Kruijver, F., Zhou, J., Pool, C., Hofman, M., Gooren, L., & Swaab, D. (2000). Male-to-female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 85(5), 2034-2041.
“In the present study, we show…a number of SOM neurons in the BSTc (bed nucleus of the stria terminalis) of male-to-female transsexuals [were] in the female range; and 3) an opposite pattern in the BSTc of a female-to-male transsexual with a SOM neuron number in the male range.”
Rametti, G., Carrillo, B., Gomez-Gil, E., Junque, C., Zubiarre-Elorza, L., Segovia, S., Gomez, A., &  Guillamon, A. (2011). The microstructure of white matter in male to female transsexuals  before cross-sex hormonal treatment. A DTI study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(7), 949-954. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.11.007
“Our results show that the white matter microstructure pattern in untreated MtF transsexuals falls halfway between the pattern of male and female controls. The nature of these differences suggests that some fasciculi do not complete the masculinization process in MtF transsexuals during brain development.”
Rametti, G., Carrillo, B., Gomez-Gil, E., Junque, C., Zubiarre-Elorza, L., Segovia, S., Gomez, A., &  Guillamon, A. (2011). White matter microstructure in female to male transsexuals before  cross-sex hormonal treatment. A diffusion tensor imaging study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(2), 199-204. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.05.006
“Our results show that the white matter microstructure pattern in untreated FtM transsexuals is closer to the pattern of subjects who share their gender identity (males) than those who share their biological sex (females). Our results provide evidence for an inherent difference in the brain structure of FtM transsexuals.”
Fernandez, R., Esteva, I., Gomez-Gil, E., Rumbo, T., Almaraz, M., Roda, E., Haro-Mora, J., Guillamon, A., & Pasaro, E. (2013). The (CA)n polymorphism of ERβ gene is associated with FtM  transsexualism. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 11(3), 1-9. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12398
“We investigated the possible influence of the sex hormone-related genes ERβ, AR, and CYP19A1 on the etiology of FtM transsexualism by performing a molecular analysis of the variable regions… we found significant P values for ERβ gene and genotype frequencies but not for AR and CYP19A1 genes. A greater number of CA [cytosine and adenine in DNA] repeats corresponds to greater probabilities of FtM transsexualism.”
Simon, L., Kozak, L., Simon, V., Czobar, Pl, Unoka, Z., Szabo, A., & Csukly, G. (2013). Regional Grey  Matter  Structure Differences between Transsexuals and Healthy Controls – A Voxel Based  Morphometry Study. Public Library of Science, 8(12), 1-10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083947
“We found that transsexual subjects did not differ significantly from controls sharing their gender identity, but were different from those sharing their biological gender in their regional grey matter volume of several brain areas. Additionally, we also found areas in the cerebellum and in the left angular gyrus and left inferior parietal lobule that showed significant structural difference between transgender subjects and controls, independent from their biological gender.”
Zubiaurre-Elorza, L., Junque, C., Gomez-Gil, E., Segovia, S., Carillo, B., Rametti, G., & Guillamon, A. (2013). Cortical thickness in untreated transsexuals. Cerebral Cortex, 23(12), 2855-2862. doi:  10.1093/cercor/bhs267
“Male-to female’s have a feminized CTh (cortical thickness). It should be underscored that MtF’s did not differ from control females in any region. In addition, they showed greater CTh than control males in the right orbitofrontal and insular cortices and in the right medial occipital region.
Kranz, G., Hahn, A., Baldinger, P., Haeusler, D., Phillipe, C., Kaufmann, U., Wadsak, W., Savli, M., Hoeflich, A., Kraus, C., Vanicek, T., Mitterhauser, M., Kasper, S., & Lanzenberger, R. (2014).  Cerebral serotonin transporter asymmetry in females, males, and male-to-female transsexuals  measured by PET in vivo. Brain Function and Structure, 219(1), 171-183. doi: 10.1007/s00429- 012-0492-4
“…male controls showed a rightward asymmetry in the midcingulate cortex (midCC), which was absent in females and MtF transsexuals... The absence of serotonin transporter asymmetry in the midcingulate in MtF transsexuals may be attributed to an absence of brain masculinization in this region.
Kranz, G., Hahn, A., Kaufmann, U., Kublbock, M. Hummer, A., Ganger, S., Seiger, R., Winkler, D.,  Swaab,  D., Windischberger, C., Kasper, S., & Lanzenberger, R. (2014). White matter  microstructure in transsexuals and controls investigated by Diffusion Tensor Imaging. The  Journal of Neuroscience, 34(46), 15466-15475. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2488-14.2014
“The results of this study show that white matter microstructure in  FtM and MtF transsexuals falls halfway between that of FCs and MCs…Our results strengthen the notion of an observable and measurable biological basis of gender identity and put gender dysphoria into the realm of human physiological variation.”
Hahn, A., Kranz, G., Kublbock, M., Kaufmann, U., Ganger, S., Hummer, A., Seiger, R., Spies, M.,Winkler, D., Kasper, S., Windischberger, C., Swaab, D., & Lanzenberger, R. (2015). Structural  connectivity networks of transgender people. Cerebral Cortex, 25(10), 3527-3534. doi:  10.1093/cercor/bhu194
“Specifically, our data suggest that network parameters may reflect unique characteristics of transgender patients ….. Interestingly, female-to-male transsexuals exhibited similar TIV (total intercranial volume) as female controls, whereas male-to-female transsexuals were in between male and female healthy subjects.
Boucher, F. J. O., & Chinnah, T. I. (2020). Gender Dysphoria: A Review Investigating the Relationship Between Genetic Influences and Brain Development. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, 11, 89–99. https://doi.org/10.2147/AHMT.S259168
It is the SRY protein, a transcription factor which is the expression product of the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY) gene located on the Y chromosome, which provides the driving force for sexual differentiation of the mammalian gonads. The subsequent differentiation of the indifferent gonads resolves around the presence, or absence, of this gene. When this protein is not produced, no masculinization of the embryo ensues, and the body develops into the female phenotype. It is not until the ninth week of development where external genitalia can be distinguished, such that a mutation in this gene can be visualized. It, therefore, follows that the female sex is the “default” sex, as both male and female gonads develop from a common female primordial gonad, as summarized in Figure 1. This is the reason that testing for the sex of a fetus (if desired or required) is not done until the 20-week stage.
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krispyweiss · 2 years ago
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Robert Plant and Alison Krauss at Rose Music Center at the Heights, Huber Heights, Ohio, May 3, 2023
Emerging from opposite sides of the stage without introduction, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss clasped hands when they met in the middle and launched into “Rich Woman.”
It was the first of 17 selections from 2007’s Raising Sand and 2021’s Raise the Roof - plus a few smartly reimagined Led Zeppelin numbers - the pair played May 3 in opening the summer concert season at Rose Music Center at the Heights in Huber Heights, Ohio. But the first night of proverbial summer was “really fucking cold,” as Plant, in layers with hand warmers in his pockets, put it while Krauss stood beside him with her hands pulled into the sleeves of her heavy winter coat.
“Welcome to Norway,” the maracas-playing Plant said to the sold-out house that remained standing throughout the 90-minute, low-ember-glow of a performance.
Stoking the warm aural flame were drummer Jay Bellerose, who employed mallets, sticks, shakers and tambourine on his kit; double bassist Dennis Crouch; multi-instrumentalists Viktor Krauss (Alison’s brother) on guitar and piano and Stuart Duncan on guitar, mandolin and violin; and guitarist JD McPherson. The latter pulled double duty, opening the gig with a self-described “quick, efficient, (3)0-minute rock ‘n’ roll set” that mixed originals and such covers as Iggy Pop’s “Lust for Life” into a blend of 1950s rockabilly with sax and 1970s, guitar-based rock.
Plant and Krauss went back further, setting songs like “Fortune Teller,” “Please Read the Letter” and “Gone Gone Gone” in hazy, swirling arrangements that evoked misty sounds of bygone eras that wafted through vintage amps. The stage, with lighting and beige and white curtains to give the outdoor shed the ambiance of an indoor theater, bolstered the aural illusion.
Long reluctant to revisit his past, Plant transformed “Rock and Roll” into a country rocker built upon Duncan’s violin. He and Krauss would play twin lines on a dark, moody version of “When the Levee Breaks.” Its bright, sonic anthesis, the slowed-by-half “The Battle of Evermore,” sparkled on Duncan’s mandolin as Krauss subbed in for Sandy Denny on vocals.
Singing gently and passionately, Plant and Krauss wavered out of perfect key only occasionally, the former likely owing to his 74 years and the latter - who ceded all banter to her partner - fighting against the cold air and adjusting her earpiece.
Slightly less than flawless is nevertheless a Herculean achievement - particularly given the unseasonable temperatures and the newness of this leg of the Raising the Roof tour.
Grade card: Robert Plant and Alison Krauss at Rose Music Center at the Heights - 5/3/23 - A
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sunset-sparkles · 1 year ago
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28bloodynightsCAS @nikatyler
Day 12: Goth
This is Gem Huber, she was born a twin, but she was always the oddball out... She never was accepted by her family, she always liked the dark stuff, the Horror films, everything dark, she always had a thrill for it. But she remains herself and doesn't care that she's not accepted. No need to be, when you have you're own life.
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treeremovalpensacola · 2 months ago
Five Questions with Dan Huber
If you live in Pensacola, it's just a matter of time that you have to do the inevitable and remove a tree. https://treeservicespensacola.com/tree-removal-pensacola/ is a tree removal company that specializes in stump grinding, tree removal, and arborist services. They have been in business for over 10 years and have the experience and expertise to get the job done right. Fully licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your property is in good hands. Pensacola tree service is a company that specializes in removing trees. They have been doing this for over 10 years and they are really good at it. They also do stump grinding, which means they get rid of the stump left behind after the tree is removed. They are fully licensed and insured, so you can be sure that your property is in good hands. Dan Huber CEO, Alan Horticulture, Warrenville, Ill.    1. Tell me about Alan Horticulture, and how did you get into the business? Alan Horticulture was founded in 1978. I came in about seven years ago and took over the company. We’re primarily maintenance, enhancements and a snow removal company for HOAs and commercial properties. I got my start mowing lawns with my twin brother, Mike, when we were 10. You know, we just took dad’s lawn mower out of the garage and went around mowing lawns and shoveling driveways.    2. What are some trends you’re seeing in the industry? It’s pretty competitive; it’s a tight market. It’s all about pricing. It seems like loyalty has become a thing of the past. Most of our clients are big on service, obviously, but price seems to be driving a lot of our HOA communities especially.    3. How do you feel about the state of the economy and the industry in general? I think the economy has kind of weathered. I think it’s staying strong, and I anticipate it to stay strong with some tax reform and some other things that this new presidency will probably pass down. I think it should be a good couple years. And the industry? I think the industry is strong. I think it’s a solid industry. I don’t anticipate any real drop off in sales in the next year or so. We’ve had a lot of growth since 2017. I do see us kind of leveling off a little bit — we’ll focus more on internal growth. But I think it’s going to be a solid 2025.    4. In this issue we’re debuting our first ever “Pro’s Toolbox” feature. So let me ask you — what’s your favorite tool to get the job done? Our company rolled out and implemented Aspire in 2022 and I think that’s our biggest asset right now — running that software. If you’re not on a CRM program like that, you got to get on one. It’s been huge for us, and it’s really added to our success. The data that we’re getting from it and having it at our fingertips versus having to dig for it and spend days and days trying to understand the numbers and the costs that go into our projects — we’ve really been able to hone in on our margins. It’s amazing.    5. That’s great news! Let’s get to know you personally … do you have a family and what do you all do for fun? My wife and I have been married almost 14 years, and we have two girls; an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old. For fun, I like to think I know how to play golf … I’m learning. And I’m a big boater. I love boating, I love being around water. My wife’s in the survival swim business. So we have water in our blood. The post Five Questions with Dan Huber first appeared on Landscape Management.
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bookreviewdirectory · 8 months ago
Path of the Fairies - Editorial Review
  Title: Path of the Fairies Author: Simona Huber Genre: Historical Fiction   In Path of the Fairies, twin siblings Ariane and Silias join their father as they travel from the seaside to the mountain lands of Dacia. Along the way, they meet fascinating people and cultures that give them a new perspective on life and what they want from it, but will they accept their father’s offer to return to…
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rpgadverts · 1 year ago
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Tattoo/Piercing shop staff req - some suggested faces listed but open to all types of characters https://amongthewildflowers.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=26&view=findpost&p=42
Brewery staff req - open request for any faces/character ideas, but incl suggestion of micheal b jordan for co-owner/bff bromance trio https://amongthewildflowers.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=35&view=findpost&p=54
Family reqs for Caroline Dhavernas character - local v. wealthy founding family looking for 3 open gendered/face claim siblings, as well as option for other family "branches"/cousins https://amongthewildflowers.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=507 + request for same characters 5 kids (2/3 bio kids + "adopted" niece/nephew)  https://amongthewildflowers.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=322
https://amongthewildflowers.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=151&view=findpost&p=399 | Enemies to lover plot - Adam Huber or open for Bridget Satterlee. Relatively open character concept, and willing to workshop other ideas. 
https://amongthewildflowers.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=256 | "Work flirt" wanted to disrupt my character's already rocky marriage a little - Mandy Moore or open for Jason Bateman. Character would be his newly hired sous-chef at the restaurant he owns.
https://amongthewildflowers.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=38&view=findpost&p=58 | Sister/"Irish Twin" - Rachel McAdams for Tom Hardy. Cw for religious upbringing. Sweet as pie sister wanted for my sweet as pie character. Southern family with a close bond. Preferably has kids <5 years old.
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providencepeakrp · 1 year ago
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Character Name: Austin Cartwright.
Type of Connection: Twin Brother
Connection Name: Dallas Cartwright.
Connection Age: 34 (will be 35 in December).
Suggested FCs: Derek Theler, Adam Huber, Lucas Bravo, Scott Eastwood - tbh anyone who could pass as Brittany Snow’s twin brother!
trigger warning: cancer.
Gonna try and make a long story short, but their familial background can be found in Austin’s bio here. They’re the eldest of the Cartwright brood, he’s three hours older than Austin and, as older siblings do, has never ever let her live it down. They’re named after cities in Texas as a little nod to where their parents came from. I imagine they’re super close, like all the twins in the Olsen sister movies, and even though Austin has been traveling and away from home for the better part of a decade now they still talk and facetime regularly. When they were in their early 20s he was diagnosed with cancer and after a round of chemo and radiation, Austin donated bone marrow to him and he’s been in remission since. The Cartwright family in general is super close and have regular Sunday dinners and big gatherings for birthdays and holidays and special events in each other’s lives. Outside of that he’s all yours to mold! His personality, job, etc etc is completely up to you! I also have a Pinterest board for them here.
Do you need to be contacted before someone applies? Yes, please!
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byneddiedingo · 5 months ago
The Thin Man (W.S. Van Dyke, 1934)
Cast: William Powell, Myrna Loy, Maureen O'Sullivan, Nat Pendleton, Minna Gombell, Porter Hall, Henry Wadsworth, William Henry, Harold Huber, Cesar Romero, Natalie Moorhead, Edward Brophy, Edward Ellis, Cyril Thornton. Screenplay: Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich, based on a novel by Dashiell Hammett. Cinematography: James Wong Howe. Art direction: Cedric Gibbons. Film editing: Robert Kern. Music: William Axt.
I have seen W.S. Van Dyke’s The Thin Man several times, and I’ve read Dashiell Hammett’s novel, but I still can’t remember whodunit. Which is, I think, because it doesn’t really matter: The mystery is secondary to the banter of Nick and Nora and the eccentricity of the characters they encounter as her world of privilege marries with his world of cops and lowlifes. Most of the best mysteries, by which I mean those of Hammett and Raymond Chandler, are about atmosphere rather than crime: Those who want to try to solve the mystery along with the detective should read other writers who are more involved with planting clues and red herrings. The Thin Man may have benefited from MGM’s lack of interest in the project, which could have been swamped with the kind of second-guessing from the front office that often stifled the studio’s films. Instead, it was treated as a routine programmer whose stars, William Powell and Myrna Loy, were second-tier and whose director, known as “One-Take Woody” Van Dyke, was known for getting things done quick and dirty – filming took only 16 days. But Powell and Loy became first-tier stars, and the movie earned four Oscar nominations (picture, actor, director, and screenplay) and was followed by five sequels. Powell has often struck me as a surprising star, with his big nose and his dubious chin, and I used to have trouble distinguishing him from Melvyn Douglas. Even now, if you asked me to say without hesitating whether it was Powell or Douglas in My Man Godfrey (Gregory La Cava, 1936), or Douglas or Powell in Ninotchka (Ernst Lubitsch, 1939), I might stumble a bit. But he had undeniable chemistry with Loy, so much so that they got re-teamed in movies outside the Thin Man series like The Great Ziegfeld (Robert Z. Leonard, 1936), Libeled Lady (Jack Conway, 1936), and others. The Thin Man also has a little more zip and zest than some of the films made after the Production Code clamped down, though Nick and Nora, like other married couples, were forced into twin beds. They still drink to an unholy excess, of course.
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Al Hirschfeld's stunning THE THIN MAN cast
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nofatclips · 5 years ago
Beaten Down by Sharon Van Etten - Directed by Nicky and Juliana Giraffe
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Myrna Loy and William Powell in The Thin Man (W.S. Van Dyke, 1934) Cast: William Powell, Myrna Loy, Maureen O'Sullivan, Nat Pendleton, Minna Gombell, Porter Hall, Henry Wadsworth, William Henry, Harold Huber, Cesar Romero, Natalie Moorhead, Edward Brophy, Edward Ellis, Cyril Thornton. Screenplay: Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich, based on a novel by Dashiell Hammett. Cinematography: James Wong Howe. Art direction: Cedric Gibbons. Film editing: Robert Kern. Music: William Axt. I have seen W.S. Van Dyke's The Thin Man several times, and I've read Dashiell Hammett's novel, but I still can't remember whodunit. Which is, I think, because it doesn't really matter: The mystery is secondary to the banter of Nick and Nora and the eccentricity of the characters they encounter as her world of privilege marries with his world of cops and lowlifes. Most of the best mysteries, by which I mean those of Hammett and Raymond Chandler, are about atmosphere rather than crime: Those who want to try to solve the mystery along with the detective should read other writers who are more involved with planting clues and red herrings. The Thin Man may have benefited from MGM's lack of interest in the project, which could have been swamped with the kind of second-guessing from the front office that often stifled the studio's films. Instead, it was treated as a routine programmer whose stars, William Powell and Myrna Loy, were second-tier and whose director, known as "One-Take Woody" Van Dyke, was known for getting things done quick and dirty -- filming took only 16 days. But Powell and Loy became first-tier stars, and the movie earned four Oscar nominations (picture, actor, director, and screenplay) and was followed by five sequels. Powell has often struck me as a surprising star, with his big nose and his dubious chin, and I used to have trouble distinguishing him from Melvyn Douglas. Even now, if you asked me to say without hesitating whether it was Powell or Douglas in My Man Godfrey (Gregory La Cava, 1936), or Douglas or Powell in Ninotchka (Ernst Lubitsch, 1939), I might stumble a bit. But he had undeniable chemistry with Loy, so much so that they got re-teamed in movies outside the Thin Man series like The Great Ziegfeld (Robert Z. Leonard, 1936), Libeled Lady (Jack Conway, 1936), and others. The Thin Man also has a little more zip and zest than some of the films made after the Production Code clamped down, though Nick and Nora, like other married couples, were forced into twin beds. They still drink to an unholy excess, of course.
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comiiical · 3 years ago
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Keith Mitchell
Twin brother to Tanner. Keith’s main verse is Tanner’s former main verse, i.e. Cam Gigandet’s fc. Keith’s younger verse is Tanner’s current main verse, i.e. Jacob Elordi. He also has his Montana verse where he shares the same montana traits (conjuration, telekinesis and energy balls) with his brother. The FC there is Bob Morley. 
Main FC is Adam Huber. Younger FC is Nico Greetham.
Early promise interest into car fixing, Keith was discovered singing by a guy he was working on his car for, when finding out that he was a music producer, he wouldn’t believe him at first, had it not for the telepathy that his little experiment with his brother gave him, causing him to actually believe his words. After that, the one who was dreaming of opening a car shop and build cars, actually became a singer and musician of reknown succes with world wide tours as a singer and songwriter. Nowadays, he is a bit retired from the scene, due to current circunstance, and is investing in creating that car company that he wanted. With great quality and yet not too expensive fees.
As a witchlighter, he is capable of orbing, he posseses telekinetic orbing unlike his brother. He is a full on geokinetic and cryokinetic, both powers gotten to be set in contrast with his brother. Through geokinesis he can also access metal manipulation and plant generation and manipulation, as well as, if channeling his brother’s fire powers, crystal manipulation. He is also capable of reading minds after an spell gone wrong. A great spell writer. And possesses the same level of power than his brother even if he was born “second” technically. He is also an archai like the rest of his siblings, capable of creating portals albeit with earthly nature aspect. He is an earthshaker. He possesses telekinesis, although on a higher degree than Tanner. His warren power was Molecular stasis, which he displays also as deceleration. His hybrid white lighter power was orbing cancellation, which allows him to prevent any form of transportation power in his presence if activating it. He can also petrify with a hand move, and offensively use his molecular stasis to steal age from the target causing demons to vaporise. His molecular stasis can also be used for generating force fields of protection. His geokinesis gives him some minimal bone manipulation. Like Tanner’s fire carries projection so does his earth power, but manifests in the generation of sand for different aspects, such as inducing sleep, but in general to alter reality.
His hero name is Sandman. He is bisexual like his brother. And a verse-top.
I may actually make a full on page/doc for Keith if the muse settles (and being who he is it will). 
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redemptionofthefallen · 3 years ago
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voice piece for seth and gabriel 
*Gabriel in Italics
*Seth in Bold
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Name:  Gabriel
Name: Seth
Age: unknown
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Gender: male
Date of Birth: unknown
Date of Birth: unknown
Race: immortal 
Race: immortal
Occupation:  Mortal Enthusiast and researcher
Occupation: Ruler of Heaven
Voice type (What it sounds like. If you like, list a voice actor who you think would best put life into your OC.):  Ezra Weisz
Voice type (What it sounds like. If you like, list a voice actor who you think would best put life into your OC.): Chuck Huber
Quirks, strange mannerisms, and/or annoying habits: he is obsessed with Mortals and wants to know as much as possible. sometimes he will conduct experiments to either prove his theory or to see what would happen (most are harmless however sometimes feelings can get hurt and/or sometimes gets carried away). he tends to ramble a lot. he can also he incredibly blunt. 
Quirks, strange mannerisms, and/or annoying habits: he has resting bitch face all the time. hes too serious, and he has a tendency to be harsher than he means to be.
Scars or physical deformities: do wings count? otherwise he had cross marks under his eyes. 
Scars or physical deformities: do wings count? he has the marks of heaven on his chest
Mental illnesses: non that i am aware of. 
Mental illnesses: not that i am aware of
Height: 5′5
Height: 5′7  
Weight: he feel light as a feather in immortal form but when posing as a human he weights 160 
Weight: n/a
Favorite color: red 
Favorite color: he doesn't have one
Favorite food: he cant pick he loves every kind of food. 
Favorite food: angel food cake
Likes: Mortals, learning, and being able to fly.
Likes: justice. Doing whats right. Order his principals.
Dislikes: violence, letting anyone he cares about down, and death.
Dislikes: disorder, breaking the rules, following rules that go against his principals.  
Strengths: he’s loyal, kind, tenacious, intelligent, and values others.
Strengths: he has strength in his resolve, he has a good judge in character, and a good since of justice.
Weaknesses: he tends to get too attached to his test subjects, wears his heart on his sleeve, has a blabber mouth. 
Weaknesses: he tends to to be a stickler for the rules. Also tends to be more mincing than he really feels
Family: n/a 
Family: Mother (Serenity daughter of heaven) Father (Arxes) brother (Sly) both deceased 
Fears: of being alone, failing his masters wishes, not living up to the expectations of said master. 
Fears: losing his brother, being trapped in the contract that makes him miserable.
Goals: to learn as much as he can about the mortal condition, so it can be documented properly in heaven to be used to make fair decisions. 
Goals: taking over the councilmen so heaven can be ran like it did when his mother was in charge.
Sexuality: Bi sexual 
Sexuality: heterosexual
Orientation: Fluid
Orientation:  Demiromantic
Relationships/Love interests: n/a 
Relationships/Love interest: n/a
Hobbies and interests: other than people watch which he does for a job, he also likes to cook and paint once and a while. 
Hobbies and interests: doesn't really have much hes pretty much a workaholic....but if you were to ask him something he likes to do once and a while for fun it would be to star gaze. calms him too when he needs to think.  
Bio: gabriel is a fallen angel and because of it he cannot go to heaven or go to hell. When he fell out of favor of the councilmen, because of getting to involved with the mortals too close as angels are supposed to keep their distance. After he was kicked out Seth took him under his wing and had him work for him to keep tabs on his brother and to learn as much about mortals as possible so that he would have knowledge to pass on. He now roams around watching people doing experiments here and there and experiencing what it means to be mortal. he values Seth very much and calls him master and strives to be as good and virtuous as him. 
Bio: Seth was born of his mother and father. twin of his brother Sly. when his mother and father passed into the lords realm, he was given the role of heaven to be in charge of. however since Seth and Sly were both a bit young to be in charge at the time, their parents set in motion to have the councilmen aid in Seth's growth to be a leader. however over time the councilmen became corrupted and greedy and took advantage of Seth and Sly and had them sign contracts for the agreement their parents set in motion however there was fine print for both brothers. the fine print for Seth was that he had to be the face of heaven but do as they said and told him him including treating his brother like scum. over the decades he has followed the contract but in the shadows has his own uprising planned. with the aid of Gabriel helping him set his plan in motion all he had to do was wait for the right time. Sly knows non of this, because if Seth told him any of this it would breach his contract and cause him pain until death. so he keeps Sly in the dark for his safety and Sly’s as well.  
by pixichi
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nine-states-of-chaos · 4 years ago
(they all siblings)
Vorarlberg: A smol boi. About 150 cm tall and hella thin. Is often the victim of sibling bullying. Has caramel brown hair and green eyes
Tyrol: A big boi. About 180 cm tall and muscly.Is kind of obsessed with working out? Has dark brown hair and Brown eyes.
Salzburg: A thicc lady. About 170 cm tall and hella thicc. Is chubby and has bad eyesight. Light brown short hair and blue-grey eyes.
Styria: A thicc boi. About 175 cm tall. Is slightly less chubbier than Salzburg and his muscles hurt often. Has Blonde hair and is the only one with realllyy light blue eyes.
Carinthia: A smol thicc boye. Is about 160 cm tall and a lil thicc. He's shaking often, currently still checking if its parkinson. Has brown hair and has dark brown eyes
Upper Austria and Lower Austria: Twins that are a lil chubby. Are about 175 1/2 cm tall. Look veerryy similar, but Lower Austria has a rounder face and Upper Austria has slightly lighter hair. They often finish eachothers sentences and bicker often. Lower Austria is more serious while Upper austria is lighthearted, they're about as different as twins can be. Lower Austria often carries Vienna on his back, and Upper Austria often talks weird. Upper Austria has tourettes and Lower Austria has ADHD. Brunette Hair and deep green eyes.
Vienna: A smol gal. Is thin and physically about 29 years old but 140 cm tall, others often try to get a rise out of her because of this. Is a lil snobby, like aph Austria, but not as much. Is often seen trying to get a rise out of her siblings and other states and capitals. Often visits Schönbrunn and gets nostalgic. Has Brown hair and horrendous eyesight.
Burgenland: He practivally SCREAMS scrawny. Is tall, but very thin. About 179 cm tall and is an anxious boi. Suffers from depression and anxiety but his siblings help him out. He does get teased often cuz he scrawnyy, but the others know theyve gone too far once his eyes start getting watery. Has long, brown hail and amethyst eyes.
Human names:
Vorarlberg: Felix Gruber
Tyrol: Killi, short for Kilian, Köhlbichler
Salzburg: Sahra Pichler
Styria: Andreas, short Andy, Wagner
Carinthia: Maximilian, short Maxi or Maxl, Moser
Upper Austria and Lower Austria: David and Jakob Huber
Vienna: Christina, short Christl, Mayer-Edelstein
Burgenland: Lukas Steiner. Others call him Luky when Norways around so they don't get mixed up.
Vorarlberg: Homosexual transgender (ftm)
Tyrol: Asexual Biromantic
Salzburg: Pansexual Panromantic
Styria: Heterosexual, the only straight one
Carinthia: Bisexual Panromantic
Upper Austria: Homosexual
Lower Austria: Asexual Homoromantic
Vienna: Demisexual Panromantic
Burgenland: Transgender (ftm) Homoromantic grey-asexual
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pagebranson · 4 years ago
WandaVision 8: Previously On...
Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast
  WandaVision 8: Previously On...
  Show Notes:
Previously on Level 7 Access, we talked about WandaVision. Well we're doing that again! What did we think about this, frankly, rather dour and serious episode? Step through our memory doors and find out!
Recorded 2-28-21
OK, That Spider-Man Movie Title Reveal Was a Good Troll at Wired
Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.: Release Date and First-Look Trailer Revealed at IGN
Marvel’s Loki series will premiere on Disney Plus on June 11th at the Verge
Kathryn Hahn Has Always Been a Secret Weapon at Vulture
Marvel Studios President Rejects Netflix & Agents of SHIELD Criticism at Screenrant
WandaVision Finale Image Teases Scarlet Witch, Vision, & The Twins Team-Up at Screenrant
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Produced by Jamie Blumberg.
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Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. podcast
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