cannibalcoyote · 1 year
Ch.5: Secrets for the Future
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Ch.4 Ch.6
"Before we proceed with the festivities, I'd like to formally introduce myself. Fetch the dog!" Lofa yells out; seconds later Huata walks forwards and starts translating what he says. He suddenly swings at Huata, knocking her over after he saw Hinto try to run, knocking Huata into a tree.
'She's not standing up, I know that blow didn't kill her, but I'm mad as hell now!'
I look over to see Sespria and her cousin trying to wake Huata, but she seems to be in a state of unconsciousness, as later stated by Sespria's cousin. Sespria sends her off to fetch water, while I slowly crawl over to the tree Huata is next to.
Dasker bares his teeth then launches at Lofa, they are constantly clawing and biting at each other. Suddenly Lofa has grabbed Dasker's head with one of his massive fore paws, slowly pushing him back, whilst puncturing Dasker's neck with his long claws.
Dasker jumps to the side, raking his teeth across Lofa's arm as he jumps to the side; blood mating the fur on his head as it drips down his forehead. He tries to catch his breath but is smacked down by Lofa as the big cat corners him in anger. He stomps his massive paw onto Dasker's face, preparing to bite into his neck.
I get up, and launch, looking to the side for a split second to see Anemy launching at the big cat as well. I tear into his back leg while Anemy rips into his right forearm, causing him to jump back before letting out an angered roar.
Dasker stood up quickly, looking at us in anger before saying, "What are you doing here! You disobeyed my direct order!" He growls at us.
"Hmm. And this is the thanks we get for saving your butt. Hmm, figures, sit back and watch how it's done." With that she takes off, signaling with her tail for me to attack with her. As much as I thought I hated her, she's turning out to be an interesting character.
I race after Anemy as we attack the big cat, Anemy gets hit, but she seems fine so we continue to attack Lofa. Hinto launches at Lofa, but the big cat swipes at Hinto, successfully smacking him away while also leaving cuts across his muzzle.
We all continue launching ourselves at Lofa; Hinto latches onto Lofa's back leg while Anemy gets thrown to the ground. Lofa begins to repeatedly hit Hinto against the ground until Lofa eventually rips him off before throwing him across the floor like a rag doll. Dasker jumps forward and gets a few good hits in before Lofa has him pinned, pulling at his tail.
I turn to see Sespria and her cousin pouring water onto Huata's face, I look at her but she doesn't regain consciousness. Dasker lets out a loud, pained howl as his tail is ripped off and thrown to the side, blood spewing out of the freshly torn skin.
I look back to see Huata awake and looking at Sespria confused. After Sespria explains a little of the situation Huata walks towards us slightly.
"Stop it, all of you." Lofa looks up and growls at seeing Huata is awake. I try to get up but my body is extremely tired from exertion.
"Look at you all, you're causing more damage than good; even you Lofa. You with all your strength refuse to take us wolves seriously. You played this like a game, and you underestimated us as predators.
I know you're in pain to, choosing to ignore it won't make it go away." Huata voices as she looks at us. Lofa looks ready to kill her with all the growling and snarling he's doing; not to mention he's towering over Huata whilst standing on his back legs.
"Pain you say. I'LL SHOW YOU PAIN! I'LL PUT YOU OUT OF YOUR MISERY!" Lofa yells, but before he can attack her the white lynx from before appears in front of her.
'That lynx looks pissed off, but she doesn't stand a chance against a lion like Lofa; after all he's so much bigger and stronger than her.'
"You shall not cause harm to her. Your presence has drastically altered the natural balance of the forest. Be warned, it will not put up with you for much longer." The lynx states in a slightly threatening way.
"Oh look, we have a talking dog and now a talking house cat. Unfortunately for you kitty, I'm not looking to adopt anymore pets." Lofa exclaims before striding forward and slicing his claws across the chest of the lynx, successfully wounding and throwing her back from the force. However in mid air I see her wrap her arms around her body; when she lands I see she is no longer wounded.
She must be like Huata, I'm making an educated guess that all albino creatures will be like Huata, but that might be a false conclusion, but I'll have to wait to find out.
I look away from the lynx to see that the blood coating his body turns into thick vines that wrap and tangle themselves over him, thus leaving him immobilized.
"What kind of sorcery is this!" He yells in anger at his predicament. The vines have a new appearance, and are coated with thorns that puncture through Lofa's skin; causing him to roar in pain as he struggles to free himself. I turn back and walk next to Huata, watching as the lynx turns to face us; before disappearing the same way as before.
"Go. Now!" Sespria exclaims as she turns from Lofa to us.
"Goodbye Sespria, and thanks for everything." Huata responds.
"Don't forget about me." Sespria states as she watches Huata run after her pack mates.
"I believe we'll be seeing each other soon, whether it be on good or bad terms is your choice." I voice before sprinting after the rest of our pack; leaving Sespria to wonder what my words meant.
As we return to the clearing I see an angry looking Ash as she watches Huata and Anemy return with Dasker and Hinto. I decided to take a different route, which led me to come up on the other side of the clearing.
"Anemy! Huata! Are you crazy?!" Ash questions as she growls at them.
"Chill out mom, I'm fine." Anemy states while Huata stays quiet. I walk up and sit in between the two sisters; I'm starting to warm up slightly to Anemy, but she's still a little to bossy for us to become best friends.
I look over to see Trot trying to apologize for not watching over us, but Dasker simply walks away while Trot is in mid sentence. The pack follows after Dasker, while I fall in step next to Trot.
"Dasker just has a lot on his mind right now, he still accepts you even if you mess up every once in a while." I say trying to get Trot to loosen up on himself, after all it isn't his fault we all disobeyed the alphas order; and if he tried to stop us he wouldn't have really had any luck.
"Thanks Ceska, but it was my responsibility and I failed. I need to be more responsible; and if Dasker ignoring me is the price, then I must earn back his trust." Trot states, leaving no room for argument. We stop by Kilo's decomposing corpse, causing me to feel worried for Trot and Hinto who didn't react that well last time they saw it.
"You know, even though he could be a bully at times, he always knew how to make us laugh." Troy voices as he looks off, probably remembering a memory of Kilo. The laughing after a couple of seconds at what must have been a humorous memory.
"Yah, good ole Kilo; and to think that if it wasn't for him I wouldn't even be alive right now." Hinto states, but Huata suddenly begins to dig into the ground, creating a hole.
"Uh, why are you digging a hole?" Hinto questions in confusion.
"I hear it's how humans show respect for their dead." Huata answers before continuing to dig.
"It's respectful to throw dirt on them? Human culture is really strange." Hinto states as he questions why.
'You'll see what I mean." Huata states before pulling Kilo into the hole, then layering the dirt over his body, while the pack watches from the sides of the grave.
"You know what, it does look better. It's as if Kilo's at peace again, suddenly it's not so hard to smile." Trot voices as he looks up from Kilo's grave.
"Yah, I guess you're right." Hinto states as he looks at Kilo's grave as well.
The pack starts to howl, but soon after Dasker falls to the ground, and appears to be in a state of unconsciousness, probably due to all the injuries in his head and body which he failed to have treated.
It's sunset when Dasker finally wakes up after being treated for his injuries, Ash sits up quickly after Dasker regains consciousness.
"You were all lucky to make it out alive, ugh. It's any wonder this pack needed this lot. We need to be out of here by morning." Ash states as she looks to Dasker to confirm the order.
Dasker seems to think for a moment before choosing Huata as his mate, to say she was unhappy was an understatement, but she hid it well so as to not offend him. To say Anemy was angry wasn't realistic, in fact she was well beyond angry as she watched Huata get chosen instead of herself.
"Oh come on, why her. After all the trouble I got in trying to save you; yet she gets captured by a pack of dangerous predators, and gets rewarded for it. Unbelievable. Okay enough already, it's about time someone said the obvious, she's blind. You hear me, blind." Anemy snarls out loud as she looks at Dasker.
"You're blind? What's that?" Hinto questions as he looks to the others in confusion.
"It means she cannot see Hinto." Ash responds.
"Exactly. She cannot see, do you really want to have offspring with someone like that; heck if anything choose me, Ceska is even better than my useless sister." Anemy states as she looks straight at Dasker.
"Let us not be angry at her for deceiving you, despite how wrong it was. We should instead cast pity upon her, it's not like she'll be able to appreciate how handsome and brave you are Dasker." Anemy adds before waiting for his new decision.
Dasker thinks for a few seconds before looking to me, I growl and snap my jaws at him before striding over and sitting slightly behind Trot. Dasker, seeing as he knows I will not do anything if unwilling finally looks over to Anemy where he then walks over and chooses her as his mate. They start to walk away, but not before Anemy sticks her tongue out at Huata.
"This is not how I wanted this to go about. Still it's best that he found out, are you okay with that Huata?" Ash asks as she looks at her daughter.
"I was never meant to be an Alpha female, it didn't mean anything to me; but I could've done without the humiliation." Huata responds before walking away, followed by Hinto. I was about to follow them but Trot jumped in front of me.
"What?" I question straight forward.
"Why did you refuse to become Alpha female? From what information I've collected from Ash, every female wants to be with the Alpha." Trot states in confusion and desperation. As he looks at me, awaiting my answer.
"Dasker isn't my type, and Anemy would have my throat, and I don't want that seeing as we're just starting to get along. After all, I've had another male on my mind instead." I state before stepping around him and sprinting towards where Huata and Hinto should be; after all, I know what his next question would be, and I didn't want to answer it just yet.
I arrive to see Hinto and Huata embracing each other, I walk forward silently as I stride over and sit next to them. When they break away they finally see me, and jump in slight surprise.
"When did you get there?" Hinto questions.
"What are you planning?" I ask as I stare at them. They both look to each other as if unsure to tell me something, but Huata eventually answers.
"Hinto and I have decided to take over the pack. He'll do plenty of training to make sure that this time he wins the battle." Huata responds as she looks to me in hope.
"Well in that case...... count me in!" I exclaim in happiness as I bound up and wag my tail slightly. They both look at me in surprise and confusion.
"So you're not going to tell Dasker?" Hinto questions in hope.
"Of course not, you two would be the perfect alphas, but I won't tell on one condition." I state as I look them in the eye.
"Name your terms." Hinto states. I look at them with a smirk on my lips before responding.
"I will be allowed to have pups as well.", I responded. They looked at me in extreme surprise before Huata questions,
"Who would you have puppies with though?"
"I believe Trots is the male she has her eyes on." Hinto states slyly as he looks at me in happiness.
"How'd you know?" I question, averting my eyes to the ground in embarrassment.
"Trot told me he was attracted to you but couldn't act on it seeing as he isn't the Alpha; but to answer your term, of course you can have pups, it would only help the pack so I see nothing wrong with that arrangement." Hinto explains. I'm so happy I jumped up and ran around them in eagerness.
"Calm down Ceska, we have to wait until Hinto takes leadership, then we can expand the pack, but for now let's head back before the others get ideas." Huata voices as she looks at me then Hinto. We both nod then jog back.
When we get back it's night time, and the others are getting ready to sleep. When we arrive Ash looks up and growls something about leaving without telling anyone, and almost waking Eric. I simply ignore her and walk over to Trot. He seems to be in a peaceful sleep, and it's just too perfect to resist.
I start to whack his tail with my paws before getting bored and simply tackling him. Trot jumps up in surprise, looking around until he spots me; I jump off him and run a little off into the forest, but he pounces at me, successfully pushing me to the ground. I flip over causing him to roll off me. We both stood up and circle each other before jumping and wrestling till one of us got the upper hand. So far I was winning.
At the end I stood over him while he was lying on his back; he suddenly kicked out my feet and turned over, causing me to be swept onto my back in one swift move. I look up to see Trot smirking in victory, before stepping off of me so I could get up, I look up at him before rubbing my head against his neck slightly.
After stepping away afterwards his face is confused, but then becomes understanding, he looks to me and back in the direction of the pack.
"Ceska, you know we can't have pups or anything like that; after all, Dasker's the Alpha, not me." Trot states in slight sadness and anger as he sits down, trying to deal with his emotions. I sit next to him close enough so that our fur is slightly rubbing against each other.
"I have a secret to tell you, but I can't tell you unless you promise not to tell anyone else." I emphasize as I look into his eyes.
"If it's that important, I promise I won't tell anyone else." Trot states as he touches my nose with his.
"Hinto is training to take on Dasker as Alpha." I state as I look away from him.
"Well if Hinto wins we still won't be allowed to be mates, only the alpha pair can be mates after all." Trot responds as he looks up in slight surprise.
"Yah, I know the rules, but I overheard their plan and said I wouldn't tell anyone if I could also have pups. They obviously agreed so when Hinto is Alpha I'll be allowed to have a mate and pups; so technically we only have to wait until Hinto becomes Alpha." I explained as I looked up to see if he was okay with it.
"Really?! That's amazing! We would have a large pack, plenty of offspring to continue; and we could be mates." he exclaims as he bounds around me, rubbing up against me.
I look at him and motion with my tail that we have to get back to the pack before Dasker and Anemy show up and wonder where we went and what we were doing. As we get back we lay a little away from the others, with our backs touching against each other's. That night we went to sleep thinking of the future ahead of us.
Ch.4 Ch.6
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sim-berry · 2 years
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Meet the Henford Elementary School Basketball Team!
Left to right: Ethan Berry, Kamila Thayer, Lawrence “Larry” Busby, Renee Scott, Rosa Huata
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Lia Huata
Dress @ice-creamforbreakfast
Hair @daylifesims
Jewelry @cazhan
Poses @nsves
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joleyssims · 5 months
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Racers... Start your engines. And may the best drag queen... WIN!
Please welcome to the mainstage:
Eloise Hiddlestix aka Angelina Dust Bob Pancakes aka Mabel Syrup Morgyn Ember aka Phoenix Flames Johnny Zest aka Anita Leaf Lia Huata aka Kekio Kolanee Don Lothario aka Lolita Amor
I had so much fun making this! Who should I dragify next? Name suggestions are also welcome.
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azuremoonz · 2 months
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today on "wtf is neighbourhood stories doing" Midori has fathered two children, one with Bella Goth and the other with Lia Huata (i have no idea who that is) Also, Yuki and Allen got married but I'm choosing to ignore that because I hate Allen.
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 1 year
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• NAME: Huata Kanemoto
• AGE: 45
• STATUS: Alive
• RELATIONSHIP W/ AIKO: Non-existent
• HISTORY: There were problems with Huata even before her daughter was born. Her first child, Aiko's older brother, was a nightmare to care for, and it caused her relationship with her husband, Aiko's father, to strain. When Aiko was 7, Huata got so frustrated with her daughter that she had thrown a blade at Ai's forehead, hitting the side of her face. This caused a permanent eyebrow scar to appear and is the reason Aiko fears things being thrown at her. When Ai was 10, Huata was having a heated argument with her son who was 15, and said son accused Aiko for being the reason as to why he had recently gotten involved in a fight which resulted in him getting suspended. Huata believed him and begin to argue with Aiko. The argument escalated and Huata had had enough. She grabbed Aiko and kicked her out of the house, leaving Ai to the world. The last thing Aiko heard from her mother was, "I'm not your mother anymore."
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• NAME: Makoto Shimura
• AGE: 56
• STATUS: Alive
• HISTORY: Makoto was his mother's favourite child and it shows. He expects things to be handed to him on a silver platter, and doesn't take lightly to being given orders. He brought this mentality into his marriage with Huata. He treated her like his own personal maid and never once contributed into the raising of his two children. When his son had gotten suspended for fighting, he was the one that put the notion of it being Aiko's fault, and manipulated his son into turning on his sister. Makoto had always had a distain for his daughter, because in his eyes, she wasn't his. Looks wise, she looks exactly like him, but in personality is where it lacks majorly. He thinks she's 'way too soft' to be his, and so he never claimed Aiko as his daughter.
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• NAME: Kenzo Shimura
• AGE: 25
• STATUS: Alive
• RELATIONSHIP W/ AIKO: Distant but healing
• HISTORY: Kenzo was a bully to Aiko from the beginning. The moment she was brought home from the hospital, he had found a way to drop her from the couch their mother had placed her on. As the years passed the bullying got to the point where Aiko had developed several mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, and he is the reason for her lack in confidence. Years after Aiko had been kicked out and she was now a recently debuted Idol, Kenzo had had a mindset adjustment after realizing the how much he fucked up his own sister's life. He reached out to her and tried to make amends, but to no avail. After some convinced from her boyfriend and fellow member Hyunjin, she agreed to try and mend their relationship.
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Review -After many a postponement, for the first time since his debut world tour in 2017, Grammy award winning artist Harry Styles touched down at Mt Smart Stadium, bringing Harry Styles: Love on Tour to Tāmaki Makaurau.
Released in 2022 and recently awarded Album of the Year at the 2023 Grammys, Harry's House, built in London by way of Hollywood, Malibu, and Wilshire, and engineered by the likes of Kid Harpoon, Tyler Johnson, and Samuel Witte has seen almost every major city of the world. It's only fitting that, at long last, Aotearoa finally got a taste of the artist's highest acclaimed album.
Decorated from head to toe in sequins, sparkles, cowboy hats and the coveted feather boas, punters, who had been lining up as early as two days before the concert itself, descended on Mt. Smart Stadium bright eyed and bushy tailed, eager to get as close to Styles as they possibly could. His charm, wit and general crowd interaction is a major selling point of the tour itself - something all 47,000 attendees were eager to get a taste of.
Aotearoa's own Ny Oh and Isle of Wight-based band Wet Leg opened the show, to a crowd that, although mixed in demographic, got behind every single beat. Seeing Wet Leg at Mt Smart was a bit of a big deal; the last time they were here, they performed to a sold-out Tuning Fork - a venue which can hold up to 300 people. Fast forward eight months, playing to a sold-out stadium, comprising a crowd who, for the most part, know every word to every song, is something to marvel at.
I always admire an artist who has an impeccable pre-show playlist - it shows that not only do they know their crowd well, but when done right, the right selection can show that they know the city, or in this case, country, well too. Classic tracks such as 'Best Song Ever' by One Direction and 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen had the crowd doing vocal somersaults over one another, singing as loud as they could.
What took me by surprise was the addition of Poi E by Pātea Māori Club - released in 1983, sung entirely in te reo, now playing to a crowded stadium before Harry Styles of all people graced the stage. He knew his crowd, and where he was in the world, extremely well.
Styles is known for his on-stage outfits. Some are understated, some are extremely overstated, and most, if not all of them, end up being one of the main focal points of every performance. The last time he was in Aotearoa, he wore an all-black suit, assumingly paying homage to the All Blacks. Last night, he wore a short sleeve raglan tee with a bejewelled whale's tail adorning it, with a pair of purple dress pants. Not the most spectacular outfit compared to his recent Australia tour, but we'll take what we can get.
After all, fashion comes second when you're stood mere metres from One Direction's Golden Child.
It's always special when an artist comes to any given country and does more than just plays their show and jump on the next flight home. On his recent Australian tour, Styles immersed himself in the culture of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, and his stop in Aotearoa was no exception.
At his first break in the show, Styles, who, earlier in the day, had spent time with Te Matatini finalists, Angitū, sang the start of 'Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi' - written by Canon Wiremu Te Tau Huata in the 1950s.
The crowd, clearly stunned, sung the rest of the waiata back to him without hesitation while he danced around the stage. He continued to do this multiple times throughout the night, which kept the crowd on their toes. I was almost waiting for it to happen every time he got the chance to speak. At one point in the concert, he picked a Tino Rangatiratanga flag from the crowd, and put it on his mic stand - the flag found itself to be a permanent fixture on the stage for the rest of the night.
The moments of the concert I remember the most vividly seem to be the same at almost every one I go to; the times when the whole crowd is still, flashlights up, yelling the lyrics of the saddest songs back at the person singing them - and last night was no exception. At the end of the catwalk which spanned what felt like ten trillion miles, Styles performed 'Matilda', 'Little Freak', and 'Satellite' one after the other, and for all three songs, I've never heard a crowd with so much gusto.
Harry performed songs from across all three released bodies of work, such as 'Woman', to 'Golden', and even far back as a new rendition of One Direction's seminal hit, 'What Makes You Beautiful'. He even snuck in crowd-favourite unreleased weapon, 'Medicine' which went viral during the tour for his last album, Fine Line. During every song, the crowd didn't hold back. So much energy in one space - it was amazing to bear witness to.
It's crazy to think that, from Harry's end, there are 47,000 people in the same space as you are singing the words to the music you wrote back at you. Those moments stick with an artist - I feel as though they stick with the crowd for eternity.
Crowd interaction is paramount for an artist as big as Styles. Throughout his time as a solo performer, he's always placed a large emphasis on connecting with his crowds, and as he's grown, the interactions have only evolved to be more intense.
Last night was no exception. From pointing out a fan who had been throwing fruit at him (which then proceeded to him singing a two-minute-long song about people dressed as bananas, eggs, aubergines, so on and so forth), the singer, who encourages fans to bring signs with him to his shows, went back and forth with two fans. One, who allegedly sold their cats leg to be at the show, and the other, who was with her best friend going through a breakup. After finding out the now ex-boyfriend wasn't prioritising them, hence the breakup, he told the crowd to "not be a Michael, be a Romy!"
Styles also asked the crowd about the census, telling everyone that he too had filled it out prior to the show.
Finishing with crowd favourite, and aptly named, 'Kiwi', Styles had made the nights of 12-year-olds with their parents and mid-40-year-olds alike, as well as everyone in between. Harry Styles is truly an artist who transcends all levels of musical talent and incomparable wit, with a hint of charm that can't be matched.
The remnants of the 47,000 plus feather boas will live on the field of Mt Smart Stadium until Harry Styles makes his triumphant return to Aotearoa.
Admittedly, he doesn't actually know when that will be. All he knows is that he hopes it won't be too long.
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micropolisx · 2 years
The Curious Case of the Missing Parents
Have you noticed there is a high incidence of missing or dead parents in The Sims 4 Canon?
Lydia Spencer, Alice Spencer Kim's Mother (Eric Lewis's Dad?)
The Behr Parents ? Were Candy & Yuki raised by their Grandmother?
Father Munch
Mother Villareal
Darling Walsh's Parents
Baby Ariel's Parents?
Lia Huata's Parents?
Duane Talla's Parents
Rohan Elderberry's Parents
Kaori Nishidake's Parents
Rahul Chopra's Father
Jacob Volkov's birth Parents
Rory Oaklow's birth parents
Father Prescott
Kevin Puri's family
Colin Sullivan
Cahya and Wulan Cahyaputri
Minsung Lee's wife
Based on a recent census carried out by me, including the maxis gallery sims, there are 21 Teens, 10 Children, and 5 Toddlers who are completely parentless (I refer to them as unaccompanied minors) .
Lorewise, is there anything to suggest what may have happened to all these parents?
Lore from the Werewolves pack indicates that Vampires were terrorizing and killing spellcasters (and presumably humans too) 200 hundred years ago, and the Mooncasters became werewolves to stop them, there is nothing in the lore to suggest they succeeded. After all Vampires still roam SimNation, and Vampires and Werewolves appear to still be at war. Is it possible the vampires have continued killing innocents to this day?
Aliens. The Scenario "Aliens stole My Parents" at least suggests Aliens have been stealing parents for a while, however they are eventually returned.
The Strangerville Motherplant has been ensnaring wandering strangers for a while
The Cull- the ingame algorithm has been known to cull many sims when your savefile populace grows too high, but could there be a secret lore reason for "The Cull"? like, during the early days of strangerville, did the military round up scores of the possessed and eliminate them to prevent further infection?
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idwtsimoleons · 3 months
Hey! Who are some of your favorite townies?
first of all, thank you for the question!! second of all, i have so many
but one comes out above the rest, and it's penny. pizzazz. my absolute beloved. i don't know why i love her so much, but i'm absolutely enamored with her. i headcanon her as trans. i'm a penny pizzazz lover through and through.
the vampires are definitely high on the list. all three of them. vampires always have really good possibilities in storytelling, and i just love them. i think of the three, lilith is my favorite.
i have a huge soft spot for bob pancakes. he's just some sad guy, it's not his fault. and same with summer holiday, i just adore her, she's just a happy lady.
i accidentally fell in love with the bheedas once, because of a game i'd been playing where my sim ended up in a poly relationship with them. it was very cute.
lia huata another beloved. i've never played enough with her, but her mohawk style makes me gay as hell.
once again, ive never played enough with her, but l. faba <333
and then jeb harris. once again never played enough, but someday i'd like to have a teen sim romance him.
and listen. this is a non-exhaustive list. i have a lot more.
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Small point, but I think it's important. I've seen a lot of people refer to Tūtira Mai Nga Iwi (the song that Harry began twice and the crowd sang all the way through both times) as a traditional Māori song. It's not - it was written in the 1950s by Wiremu Te Tau Huata. There's a general point about who gets named when discussing the culture they created and who doesn't. But I think there's an added danger when it comes to indigenous culture - presenting indigenous cultures as static objects of the past is a colonial way of claiming power. Tūtira Mai is no more traditional than I Had a Hammer or Blue Suede Shoes.
The other bit of context that people might be interested in is the background for the crowd's enthusiasm - and why everyone involved knew that people would join in that enthusiastically. When the New Zealand women's rugby team won the world cup, Ruby Tui (you will probably enjoy her interviews if you watch some) led the stadium in 'Tūtira Mai':
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zot3-flopped · 2 years
Another super nice article about Harry from New Zealand. «Harry Styles is truly an artist who transcends all levels of musical talent and incomparable wit, with a hint of charm that can't be matched.» And also (compare and contrast with LT...): «What took me by surprise was the addition of Poi E by Pātea Māori Club - released in 1983, sung entirely in te reo, now playing to a crowded stadium before Harry Styles of all people graced the stage. He knew his crowd, and where he was in the world, extremely well.» «It's always special when an artist comes to any given country and does more than just plays their show and jump on the next flight home. On his recent Australian tour, Styles immersed himself in the culture of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, and his stop in Aotearoa was no exception. At his first break in the show, Styles, who, earlier in the day, had spent time with Te Matatini finalists, Angitū, sang the start of 'Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi' - written by Canon Wiremu Te Tau Huata in the 1950s.» www rnz co nz/news/national/485515/review-harry-styles-love-on-tour-at-mt-smart-stadium
What a fantastic write up! Louis did absolutely nothing to acknowledge Aborginal culture at his shows. When asked what he liked best about Australia, the vacuous clown replied 'you can have a great night out here.' One track mind.
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cannibalcoyote · 1 year
Ch.4: An Encounter with Death
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Ch.3 Ch.5
I wake up to find my throat wrapped in leaves, I sit up in confusion,
'What happened, where am I? Are Trot and Kilo OK?'
All these questions were racing through my head when I heard the overjoyed barking and whining coming from Trot as he strides over to me in slight happiness. I looked at him and noticed he had scars over his eyes but could still see, Huata must've healed us.
I try to stand but falter and nearly collapse to the ground. Trot rushes over to my side and pushes me to my paws; he walks me over to where Huata is explaining what she could do for Kilo, and what she couldn't heal.
Hinto was angry and told Huata she has to do something, but I know she said done all she can for him; nothing can heal his back. Trot tries to assure Kilo he'll be fine because of how Huata stopped the bleeding, but I know he will surely be gone by Sunset.
Dasker calls him pathetic, causing my blood to boil, I turn and growl at him,my hackles raised and my jaws snapping viciously. Dasker turns and growls at me, but then continues to say how we should leave him for the buzzards to pick him apart. Trot explains how that's not the Dasker he knows, and Kilo starts laughing; however through this commotion I notice Huata slipping away, and I soon follow in haste to know where she's going.
Huata is talking to the lioness known as Sespria, but I smell another presence, the same scent of the lioness that will soon be the murderer of Kilo.
As soon as I see her I step out, growling viciously, and baring my teeth, eyeing down the lioness who attacked us. Huata, Sespria, and the lioness all seem surprised by my presence, Huata looks surprised, Sespria looks surprised and defensive, while the lioness looks fearful; and I know exactly why.
"Ceska! Where did you come from?" Huata asks, surprised, with slight fear in her tone.
"I followed you, thinking of what you were doing, clearly you are with the enemy. The ones that are going to be the killers of Kilo!" I snarl as I take a threatening stride towards them. Huata jumps in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.
"That lioness is lucky she made it out with a mere broken paw, quite the small price to pay for killing our pack mate, don't you think." I voiced angrily as I snapped at them.
"Listen, Ceska she was merely listening to her instincts, it's not her fault and they won't do it again, I promise." Huata tried to reason. I looked at her in anger, but in the end she was right, if I was the lioness I would've attacked us as well; I am also unable to defeat two lionesses at the same time. I back off slightly, but am still baring my teeth at them.
Huata and I suddenly hear the distress howl of Hinto. We race towards his scent but find nothing. I then look up to see him struggling to free himself from a vine, but I then look back down to see a white lynx and a white fox appear out of nowhere. They shift their vision to myself then to Huata, I even hear the lynx saying,
"The mixed one has dark and light energy, I'll keep an eye on her." They both had white fur and red eyes that were practically identical to Huata.
It made me uneasy when they started talking as if we weren't even there, they even said things that I think they were saying about Hinto; like how they caught one with a mistaken identity, and that he doesn't know what he is. It was seriously confusing me, and Huata's whining was really annoying.
Suddenly Hinto falls down from the tree, landing on us; when we looked back the lynx was gone. The rain that just began also isn't really helping the situation. How did that lynx know I wasn't full wolf, and what did she mean by dark and light energy?
After that confusing exchange between us after Hinto fell on us Huata tells us about her past and how she freed Sespria, and that Sespria must've freed her entire pride; we have a huge issue on our paws if we run into the pride.
Hinto explains how it isn't really Huata's fault, and that Kilo sneaking around behind Dasker's back has finally caught up to him. Huata ran up to him and hugged like how I've seen humans hug, strange. Hinto then proceeds to show her how wolves hug, but when she reciprocates his actions he seems a little numb.
They are so cute, too bad they aren't the alpha pair, they could have puppies if they were, and they would be way better than Dasker.
When we returned to the pack Ash brought us straight to Kilo's body which was showing his ribs and leg bones as coyotes and vultures picked always at him.
I look over and saw Trot trying not to lose it. His letting out of consistent whines, and his pupils are constantly changing size and dilating. I also see Hinto growling and barely holding back until they both snap. Trot starts attacking the vultures while Hinto kills the coyotes.
"I should never have left him alone." Trot says in anger as he kills a vulture.
"It wasn't your fault, Kilo clearly wanted to be alone when he died." Huata tried to reason.
Dasker orders Hinto to follow him, and everyone knows where he is going; he's going to kill the one that murdered his brother. Ash tries to reason with him that leaving the territory is the best they can do but Dasker doesn't listen.
Anemy wants to fight as well but Dasker isn't listening and snarls at her, which quickly shuts her up before he takes off; closely followed by Hinto who looked back for a second before sprinting after Dasker.
Huata and I sneak off to warn Sespria about the attack, even though I was skeptical of warning the enemy, I still followed to warn Sespria. As we're talking to Sespria, her pride leader strides over and starts pulling and pushing Huata while Sespria growls at him to let her go.
The lion threatens Huata, saying he can use her to get all the information he wants from her. After a bit of toying around he releases Huata, and goes back to his normal business. Huata explains our plan on how to keep her pride safe, and then sends her off to distract our pack mates while we try to reason with their Alpha.
Huata sends Sespria to distract our pack mates, but as she soon realizes they're too much for her, she heads back to her pride.I hide in a Bush, looking around to see Anemy hiding in the bushes, and to be honest I'm slightly glad she's here; you can never have enough fighters at least Anemy is a good fighter I hope.
If she isn't then she better not get chosen as the female Alpha, heck I might even accept if she's the only other option.
Ch.3 Ch.5
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kriskalutz · 2 years
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Lia Huata is now part of the household so time for a little bio!
Lia Huata - Nonbinary, She/Her, They/Them, He/Him
Traits: Perfectionist / Gloomy / Bookworm
LTW: Renaissance Sim
Faves: Red Color / Painting Skill
Hates: Kids Radio Music
There are many ways to interpret Lia's Nonbinary identity (and they're all valid). For this play through I'll be using mostly she/they pronouns for her, but I see them as being open to he/him pronouns. Seeing as she's able to get pregnant I'm going on the assumption that's she's AFAB but wants a more Androgynous or even Genderless body frame.
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Alucard: Hey. Hey. Lia.
Lia: Hmm?
Alucard: We're married.
Lia: Hehe, we sure are. <3
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loveydovey-leviathan · 5 months
The link above is PSNA's (Palestina Solidarity Network Aotearoa) Newsletter No. 135. Highlights:
Whanganui District Council calls for immediate and permanent ceasefire here (NZ Herald) Whanganui Council calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza here (RNZ) Council upheld human rights supporting ceasefire in Gaza here (Stuff)
A reminder our 2024 national meeting will be in Auckland on the weekend of 18/19 May. The venue is Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. The keynote speaker will be Mazin Qumsiyeh from the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University (see more about Mazin later in this newsletter).   To register to come please email our National Secretary Neil Scott at [email protected] to let him know you are coming and if you need help with travel costs or billets for the Friday/Saturday nights. Don’t let the cost be a barrier to you being with us.
DRAFT agenda for National Meeting Saturday 18 May 8.30am          Tea/coffee and registration 9.00am           Karakia and Mihi:                          Introductions (John Minto) 9.10am           Keynote Speaker Mazin Qumsiyeh from the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University. 10.10am        Brief reports from PSNA National Chair John Minto and PSNA National Secretary/Treasurer Neil Scott 10.30am        Organising during the genocide and beyond (Chair Ava Mulla) discussing the strengths and weaknesses of our organisation in response to the genocide in Gaza
Local experiences around the country – the good the bad and the ugly! (everyone)
Creating a graphical timeline of the movement’s mahi in the last 7 months (This is a session where we roll out a large sheet of paper, and get each area from North to South to reflect the work they have been doing on the paper. The purpose of this session is to get everyone to think about what they have been doing, noting down or creatively expressing their contribution, what has worked, and what hasn’t including at national level. This will then provide us all with a collective picture of the movements footprint on this whenua, rather than just what is happening in our localities. Organisers can then speak to the meeting of their region’s work as everyone listens)
11.30am        MORNING TEA
11.45am        Setting the scene for us in Aotearoa New Zealand going forward (panel discussion with Chair Sophi Reinholt TBC)
Working/organising/co-ordinating with Palestinians and Palestinian groups (input from Palestinians Ahmed Saadeh, Yasser Abdulaal, Layan Khalil, Ahmed Saadeh, Maher Nazal, Billy Hania, Abdalla Gouda, Randa Abassi, Rand Hazou, Mayer Mustafa etc TBC)
Welcoming the influx of new people into solidarity with Palestine (Orlando Bright TBC)
What values should underpin the work of PSNA? (Bianca to introduce draft)
Improving public understanding of the Palestinian struggle (Janfrie Wakim TBC)
The movement – opportunities and challenges (Brandon Johnstone TBC)
12.45pm        Proposals for changes needed in PSNA structure and leadership – Neil Scott will introduce a discussion to be continued on Sunday morning with decisions and elections to take place) 1.15pm          LUNCH – provided at the conference venue 2.15pm          Workshops 1 – Networking with other groups (please choose one)
Working with Māori organisations (Te Otāne Huata TBC)
Religious groups – Christian, Islamic, Jewish etc (Kathleen Rushton/Steve Liddle/Ahmed Saadeh/Billy Hania/Rand Hazou TBC)
Trade Unions (Anna Lee, Mike Treen (TBC)
Student organisations (Layan Khalil TBC)
3.30pm          Plenary - report back from Workshop 1 3.45pm          Workshops 2 – Strategies for local organising for BDS (Please choose one)
Campaigning on our six BDS targets (Obela humus, Ahava beauty products, Sodastream, BP and Caltex, HP, McDonalds) – strategies and tactics Kathleen Cole, New Plymouth and Warren Brewer, Hawkes Bay, Julie Jones, Nelson)
Improving our work and reach on social media (Brandon Johnstone TBC)
Using UNSC2334 at local body level (Following the successful campaign to get ECAN to incorporate this into their procurement policy) (John Minto/Ava Mulla/Orlando Bright TBC)
 4.30pm          AFTERNOON TEA 4.45pm          Plenary – report back from Workshop 2 5.30pm          Reports
Reports from Kia Ora Gaza doctors returning from Gaza (doctors! TBC)
Update on progress with Freedom Flotilla to Gaza (Roger Fowler TBC)
Report back from First Global Anti-Apartheid Conference for Palestine (Layan Khalil and John Minto)
6.00pm          DINNER at conference venue            Sunday 19 May 9.00am          Understanding the struggle against colonisation in Palestine and its links to anti-colonial struggles in Aotearoa, Australia, West Papua, Western Sahara etc. A panel discussion led by Palestinians.
10.00pm        Palestine and the media – and future media training sessions – Don Carson 10.30am        Looking after ourselves and each other for the long term – Bex Silver (TBC) 10.45am        Confirming our statement of PSNA values and continuing the discussion from the previous day on PSNA structure and leadership positions 11.15am        Election of National Chair, National Secretary and National Committee (Chair Janfrie Wakim) 11.30am        FINISH 12.00pm        Media conference for Mazin Qumsiyeh at the venue. 2pm – Palestine solidarity rally in central Auckland – everyone welcome to join the Auckland crew!
Saturday 11 May World keffiyeh day See here - https://www.instagram.com/keffiyehday?igshid=iyjrizrjb4hj   North Island Opononi – Gathering for Palestine Sunday May 12 1:30 pm Outside the Four Square, Opononi   Whangarei – Rally Saturday 11 May 11:00 am Whangārei Town Basin in front of Hundertwasser Building    Waiheke Island – Auckland Saturday May 11 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Ostend Market, Waiheke Island   Auckland Picket – US Consulate Friday 10 May 12:00 mid-day 23 Customs Street East   Auckland – Banners making session Friday 10 May & Saturday 11 May 10:00 am – late evening - Both days Corban Estate Art Centre, 2 Mt Lebanon Lane, Henderson Text Steve on 021 256 511 For further details Bring - Rip-stop fabric, Strong duct tape, Cable ties, Eyelets, prepare a scale drawing of your banner   Auckland – Rally and March Sunday May 12 2:00 pm Aotea Square, Queen Street   Hamilton - Rally Saturday 11 May 1:00 pm Flynn Park, Hamilton   Rotorua – Flags for Todd McClay Thursday 9 May 4:00 pm National MP Todd McClays Office - 1301 Amohau St, Rotorua   Napier - Rally Saturday 11 May 11:30 am Marine Parade Soundshell Roundabout   Hastings - Rally Sunday May 12 2:00 pm Hastings Town Clock – Hastings CBD   Palmerston North - Rally Sunday May 12 2:00 pm The Square, Palmerston North   New Plymouth – Flags on the Bridge Friday 10 May 4:30 pm Paynters Ave Bridge, New Plymouth   New Plymouth – Rally Saturday 11 May 1:00 pm The Landing, 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth   Whanganui - Rally Saturday 11 May 11:00 am Riverside Market, Whanganui   Carterton Every Tuesday 12:00 midday Memorial Square.   Martinborough – Gathering for Palestine Every Wednesday 11:00 am The square at the top of Kitchener St, Martinborough   Masterton Every Sunday 9:30 am Town Hall Lawn   Featherston Every Saturday 11:00 am The Squircle (opposite the op shop).   Wellington No Rally this weekend   South Island Nelson – Rally Saturday 11 May Check out the Te Tau Ihu Palestine Solidarity Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TeTIPalestine/     Blenheim Saturday 11 May 11:00 am Blenheim Railway Station   Christchurch – Rally Saturday 11 May 1:00 pm Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street   Dunedin - Rally Saturday 11 May 2:00 pm Otago Museum Reserve to the Octagon, Dunedin   Invercargill - Rally Sunday 12 May 1:00 pm Wachner place Invercargill
Lastly, copy and paste the email stated in the newsletter at our (NZ) state broadcasters TNZ and RNZ.
Phil O’Sullivan Head of News and Current Affairs Television New Zealand [email protected]
Mark Stevens Chief News Officer Radio New Zealand [email protected]
Kia ora Mr O’Sullivan and Mr Stevens, As supposed news and current affairs for our state media outlets which should set the highest standards of journalism, please explain why your news is so Eurocentric, favouring Israel and sidelining Palestinians. You both use almost exclusively news from three European news agencies - AP, Reuters and the BBC - or from major US or UK based newspapers such as the Telegraph, the Times, the Washington Post or the New York Times. This reporting centres on Israeli narratives, Israeli reasoning, Israeli explanations and Israeli justifications for what they are doing to Palestinians. Israeli spokespeople are front and centre and quoted extensively and directly. Palestinian voices, when they are covered, are usually at the margins. On TV in particular Palestinians are most often portrayed as the incoherent victims of overwhelming grief. It's inevitable that when it comes to setting the agenda for how we perceive what’s going on in Palestine, Israeli versions of the “truth”, which are dominated by lies, are allowed to dominate. The last seven months is riddled with examples. Just two days after the October 7th attack on Israel, pro-Palestinian protestors were accused of chanting “Gas the Jews” outside the Sydney Opera House. The story was carried around the world through mainstream media as a nasty anti-semitic slur on Palestinians and their supporters. Four months later, after an intensive investigation New South Wales police concluded it never happened. The words were never chanted. However the Radio New Zealand website today still carries a Reuters report saying “A rally outside the Sydney Opera House two days after the Hamas attack had ignited heated debate after a small group were filmed chanting "Gas the Jews". Even if RNZ did the right thing and removed the report now the old adage is true: “A lie is halfway around the world before the truth has got its trousers on”. Despite reporting the pro-Israel lie you Four months later and the police report is not news but the damage has been done. Numerous other examples can be found in your reporting where Israeli lies are reported but the debunking of those lies is buried. The 40 beheaded babies, UNRWA staff involved in the Hamas-led attack of October 7th and many more examples of Israeli propaganda which were lapped up by western media, including RNZ and TVNZ, stand as testament to the failure of RNZ and TVNZ to report accurately and without bias to New Zealanders. TVNZ has been particularly appalling with the dreadful Q and A interview with the Israeli ambassador and the almost as bad interview with the Palestinian Authority representative where the journalist pushed, not once, not twice but three times a blatant lie to smear the Palestinian resistance. Just to be clear, Hamas has the same policy as New Zealand, the US and most of the world – support for a two-state solution based on 1967 borders. Putting Israeli lies in the mouth of a New Zealand journalist makes them no less odious. I’m looking forward to your response. (your name) 
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gbhbl · 6 months
Album Review: Subterraen – In the Aftermath of Blight (Frozen Records)
There’s no ignoring what came before with ‘Rotten Human Kingdom’, and nor should there be as it’s a great album, but this direction for Subterrean is very special indeed. Based off this album, and this album alone, their future is looking so very bright.
Formed in 2017, Subterraen released their debut album, ‘Rotten Human Kingdom’, via Transcending Obscurity Records in 2020. This massive and oppressive debut album depicts the state of the modern world through themes such as the defense of animal rights, the destruction of natural resources, or the endless race for profit. Following the arrival of KKP (Huata, Hangman’s Chair) on guitar, MLV…
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realidadpe · 1 year
Junín: implican a tres funcionarios en presunto favorecimiento a postor
Tres funcionarios de la municipalidad distrital de 3 de Diciembre, provincia de Chupaca (Junín), tendrían responsabilidad penal por presuntamente favorecer a un postor que no presentó los requisitos exigidos en el proceso de selección para la construcción del mirador Huama Huata. De acuerdo con información de la Contraloría General, este postor tampoco acreditó la experiencia de sus…
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