#htf sad geezers?
bo-bo-bean · 1 year
No one asked for this but I'm writing it anyway.
The ship between Pop, Disco Bear and Flippy? *chef kiss*
I never thought I would love them so much! They're just all sad geezers who make each other feel better with hot chocolate nights and snuggling-
Pop. Man needs a break XD He needs some love in his life and help with his son, but doesn't realize dating these two dorks helps him realize he comes in the equation of love.
Disco Bear, I feel, is a closeted gay who refuses to even think about opening the door, right? That's just how I see him. Or he could be a MetroSexual, soooooo there's that
Flippy. What to say that isn't already said XD Canonically, he had PTSD and a split personality disorder; the creators said so!! (Ask me for the link to that). Boy needs so much love and care. (I also feel when he's about to flip, the two bears just smother him in love like a weighted blanket and whisper sweet nothings to him.)
Together, they just help each other lift one another higher and stronger...! Pop would make dinners at night, Disco Bear would let the two vent about their days, and Flippy makes the best god damn cookies later on for them to snack on while watching old black and white movies.
Also also! Cub! Am I adding him in the ship? Hell nah, that's just creepy. BUT how would Disco Bear and Flippy react to Cub?
Flippy would be the BEST father figure, I feel. He basically held the army on his shoulders after that whole Tiger operation to make up for it, I'm sure! I mean, man went from Private to Sargent for a reason, right? He would teach Cub some things, maybe is prone to spoiling him a bit with baked goods. He also makes him socks and sweaters!! He would knit while having Cub in his lap, either asleep or babbling along.
Disco Bear would be a great parental figure with at least surveillance every hour or so. He can teach Cub things EASILY, but he mostly dances with Cub. (Bet, he taught Cub how to twerk, Pop did NOT appreciate that). He's still a fun dad who takes Cub out of the house to the beach or the mall or out to eat! He also acts like he knows what Cub is saying
"*gasp* You don't say!"
"Aba! Gooya!"
"She didn't!"
Yeah just like that.
Now how would Pop and DB react to Fliqpy?
Hoo boy
Pop would do everything in his power to help Fliqpy calm down and he is shockingly really good at it! He would hug him tight, hum in his ear, offer one of his son's toys as a stress toy, even makes him hot drinks to calm down...! Until Flippy is back, the veteran ain't leaving his sight.
Disco Bear. That's a tough one but I think he would use the element of surprise! When he sees Fliqpy a little too late to stop the transformation, he would dip him and smooch him until he's so red, he's purple! Maybe also dance with him or grab an emergency super soaker XD Seriously though just have a water gun before leaving the house every day.
Again, no one asked for this, but I needed to write this man, this ship is my life and blood and I wanna cradle it and make it a home cooked meal. (that's my love language. If I love you, I will fucking make you a home made meal from my heart. I'm a wizard with chicken noodle soup)
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