#hsr qlipoth
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l3r40l · 8 months ago
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I remembered that once IPC tried to buy the express from Akivili themself
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guujikaroko · 6 months ago
It's really funny that the Aeons really do not care what you feel about them. They exist, they are the pinnacle of the concepts associated with their Paths and they will influence your life regardless of your stance.
Oh, you don't like the philosophy of Elation and decided to form a faction that defies its notion? Unfortunately for you, Aha thinks you're funny, so you're under them anyway.
Oh, your faith resides outside of the Aeon system? No one cares, now wield the power of Preservation in the name of the Amber Lord.
Oh, you think Lan's arrows are disasters that should be avoided at all costs? Fret not, just take the blessing of the Hunt and go kill those abominations yourself.
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tabr1-s · 2 years ago
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y'all remember when these memes were a thing
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chechilcheese · 8 months ago
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selfindulgenceiskey · 3 months ago
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Old unfinished Aventurine
Also cunty lord
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chym3ra · 3 months ago
i like that most of the aeons aren't entirely good. if they aren't outright horrible by ordinary morals, they're at least flawed
SO LET ME GO IN DEPTH ON WHY THE AEONS ARE FUCKED (sort of) (also i won't go into inactive aeons or ones we don't know enough about)
aha — joy and mirth in life is undeniably important in life, but the elation takes it to an extreme, completely disregarding anyone else. it is hedonism and egoism, causing chaos for the sake of causing chaos, hoping for the results to be amusing, while remaining uncaring of other people's feelings and well-being
fuli — i suppose in this case the remembrance is more neutral (though im not that well read-up on it), but their followers are worse. on one hand, archiving and preserving memories is good work, but on the other, stealing and deceiving to acquire those memories certainly isn't appreciated by anyone outside the garden of recollection
ix — nihilism is quite a self-destructive ideology, really. the mortal spirit and determination is a powerful thing, however, the nihility completely stomps it out, technically not even intentionally
lan — despite eradicating evil being an objectively noble cause, the hunt spares no thought for the countless innocent lives that were lost due to collateral damage. they slayed their own devoted warriors, too focused on their target to care about their devout worshippers. the hunt claims to be righteous, yet are they any better than their enemies if the amount of their victims is just as high as the other side's? under that thin veil of upholding justice, they are vindictive and callous. (can you tell i hate lan)
nanook — well... i don't think i have to explain why the destruction is Not Good, right? wishing for the complete annihilation of the universe isn't exactly a benevolent goal
nous — the erudition searches for knowledge just for the sake of knowledge, not for the sake of the people. what good does research make if its done for self-absorbed reasons, if all empathy and humanity is lost in the process?
qlipoth — most of my gripes with the preservation are with the ipc, if anything. and the ipc might... not even be of the same path anymore (seen a few theories about the ipc following voracity or propagation). honestly the preservation just build Wall.
xipe — though we've "worked" with the harmony, it is still suspicious. there are clearly still so many issues with the family, and they are not as ideal as they pretend to be. we are yet to learn more, but utopias are never what they seem
yaoshi — the abundance may seem benevolent, and they are, indeed, generous. yet, at the end of the day, their gifts are faustian bargains. mortals trade off more than they can afford to give for the blessings provided by the abundance, because no mortal mind is built for immortality
i've had these thoughts for a while i just never put them into anything longer than funny one-liners in my head
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hsr-texts · 1 year ago
HELLOOO!!! i mightve been prepareing to send this request for a while... but what if Aeons chatting with archons?? Like zhongli and qlipoth, lan with ei, ect... If thats okay ofc! \(´♡`)/
✎ archons n aeons
❥ new messages from :: zhongli, qlipoth, ei, lan, nous, nahida, furina, aha
❥ notices :: heavy disclaimer that this is purely crack content so the characterisation is a lot more silly than their actual characters.
❥ tags :: @donaldthrts ☁️ @ashhh-14 ☁️ @missotaku34 ☁️ @junyueyin ☁️ @ablondehoe ☁️ @windstrikenbard ☁️ @reilly34 ☁️
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thesaart · 5 months ago
I am imagining a species blessed or created by Qlipoth would be something like this https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Rock_Lord what do you think?
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Qlipaths powers are more geared towards shielding people from outside forces by creating structures around them. The idea that a species blessed by them would change to become like rock to almost mimic the appearance of the one who blessed them or that Qliphoth would have made them as strong as they are, so they would be protected is definitely interesting. Qlipoth is building an impossibly gigantic wall around the cosmos in absolute solitude. So if they would bless a civilization would they change the appearance of a species or would they build a fortress? I think it would be interesting especially if they would have fully created the species, for them to look imposing and ancient almost like walking cities, giants carrying a part of Qliphoth's desire to shield the cosmos with them.
While writing this I did this little sketch afterwards to illustrate a bit more what I meant
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crystalliaguild · 2 years ago
Aeons/Paths as memes
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hollyparrot · 9 months ago
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Acheron may be an emanator, but Qlipoth the MVP 🤣
I'm so bad at this game
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abyss-menace · 4 months ago
So, about the IPC and the Propagation
I've BEEN saying the IPC is fishy asf, and likely connected to the propagation, and I found something not too long ago:
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SU: Swarm Disaster "Combat Swarm" tile
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IPC Logo
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The other images are a bit older, so the last one looks different, but you can see it utilizes similar shape language as the other two. So um yeah, I don't think this is an accident, shape language and design are both very calculated processes
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l3r40l · 1 year ago
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deltadream · 2 years ago
If Akivili has kids, do the other Aeons?
IM ALIVEEEEEE!!! Fontaine has gripped me by the arm and is refusing to let go
Anyway this is just something that has been rotting in my head for a while. Even though is technically takes place in the Akivili Never Dies AU, (first thought of by @ryn-halo26​, extended by the both of us), I’d imagine it could take place in canon as well.
BTW, if you’re confused about the title, Akivili’s kids are the Express crew
The Main Seven
The closest I can see for this guy is maybe their emanators, or even pathstriders. But frankly, they’re so dead set on the destruction of the universe that anything remotely positive they cannot comprehend. Perhaps the briefest thought of elation at a victory by their Antimatter Legion, but that’s it. If Nanook was capable of more emotion, they would have a soft spot for their emanators, who had followed them for a very long time. These Lord Ravagers would be subject to the softer side of their Aeon, who praised them with their victory, and mourned should the Lord Ravager pass, then rage at the ones who ended their life. Because to gain The Destruction’s favour means to be wrapped in their embrace till the very end, and should you be ripped away the ones who tore you away will feel the wrath of an angered god, or a grieving parent
They don’t have the time for ���kids’, since they’re so busy building their wall. Supposedly, Qlipoth isn’t aware of the biggest faction that follows them, which is the IPC. They also pay no mind to who exactly they glance at, as such Qlipoth is known for their indifference. The ongoings of the living worlds are not important nor relevant to them, only The Wall. But should Qlipoth be more inclined to care, more inclined to watch the galaxy go by, then the love they give is a distant one, yet warm and encompassing. Think of a grandfather who watches distantly yet fondly over their children. And when they encounter a child who's ideals align with their own? The child rewarded and gifted with their blessing, as The Preservation lends others their power to protect just as they do to the universe
Everyone. That’s it really. They have their levels of favourites, such as their emanators and their Family to their Pathstriders and the rest of the universe. Although, to Xipe they consider the many beings of the family to be their brothers, sisters and siblings, rather than their children. As such, should one of their ‘siblings’ be in danger, they will trust that their sibling can handle themselves. Rarely they will interfere, but The Harmony will, since all they wish is for unity and peace
No one. If Qlipoth doesn’t have many kids because they’re so busy, IX doesn’t have any because they don’t care. To them it is far too much effort, more then they would want to put in, and why bother? After all, they are mortals, and they will die. Why put such enormous effort into beings so ephemeral? It’s pointless. Even if they had more capability, the most they would do is interact with the other Aeons, nothing more and everything less. The Nhility cares for nothing except the end of the universe, and so they will await it with all their being
Even in canon one could say Nous already has kids, or perhaps they would be students consider in that an astral computer wouldn't have much room for emotion in their software. Their Society, full of those who were capable of understanding the wider universe and all its answers, who opened the doors Nous unlocked millennia ago, learnt under them, taught by them. Even if emotion was a factor in their system, they would not overstep the line of a teacher to a parent. Nous does not answer those who seek validation, or those who demand answers however in the eyes of The Erudition, the ones who listen and ask questions but ultimately make their own way in the Universe, are the ones their call their own
Everyone. Their are like Xipe, opening their arms wide for all thsoe who yearn their gift of life and dare nit shy away from their embrace. But whereas Xipe saw all as siblings, all of the Universe is their child, young and earnest in their lives. Perhaps the only one they have no love for is their mortal enemy Lan, yet does love not translate to hate in the expanse of the Stellar Sea. There is only so long before enemies fall into each other arms after all. But regardless of universe, regardless of origin, should one wish for the freedom from their mortal body, for the gift of eternity, The Abundance has much to give and more
The Xianzhou Alliance. It was their home once upon a time, and those who came after will be watched over by Lan, who hades from afar. Sometimes, a mortal would be exceptional, and their would gift them a spirit, and friend for them to fight alongside. Perhaps they even come down to walk alongside the unsuspecting mortals, within the streets they too once roamed. Of course their all depends if they have the time, for no one would catch Yaoshi but themselves. But Lan would watch, and even speak to some rare few should they feel like it. Even if they had more time, more love to share, The Hunt would not truly interfere, as they trust the Xianzhou to guide it's own way into the future
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mbscomp16 · 3 months ago
I turned them into bugs muhahahaha
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Little headcannons for the bug-ified characters:
Moth Aventurine dyes his fur so he can look ✨️fancy✨️ without wearing real clothes (bc they're bugs they don't actually need to wear clothes)
Wasp Boothill is wearing thigh-highs
Sunday, like Aventurine, also has an aversion to real clothing, so he paints his carapace
And Peppy is now a Seedling from Bug Fables
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As the characters are bugs, I thought it would he funny to make the Aeons humans
And for Mr. Svarog to be a Hexbug of some kind being piloted by a random human
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chechilcheese · 9 months ago
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Our Amber Lord🛐
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toptophat · 4 months ago
Hsr Aeons: incorrect quotes!
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Aha's laughter knows no bounds!
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(Quote source, SpongeBob: sponge out of water)
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