#hs result 2023
sarkarijobnet21 · 1 year
AHSEC Result 2023 Assam Class 12 Direct Download Link
AHSEC Result 2023 Assam Class 12 Direct Download Link Latest update on 07 June 2023, Short Post Information Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Released AHSEC Result 2023 Assam Class 12. If You Are Enroll With The Exam of AHSEC Class 12th. Then You Can Download Your Result of Class 12th. Read the Full Article For Important Dates, Application Fees, Eligibility, Exam Detail, Selection…
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adda247-school · 1 year
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successpointt · 1 year
HS Result [Declared] Date 2023 Assam 12th Result ahsec.nic.in
HS Result [Declared] Date 2023 Assam 12th Result ahsec.nic.in Complete Details
HS Result Declared date Assam 2023, Board of Higher Secondary Education Assam Counsil (AHSEC) conducted HS exam 2023 From 20th Feb to 20th March and the Result for Assam HS final exam is expected to decleare on June 2023. Students can Download their HS Marksheet and Certificate from AHSEC official website https://ahsec.assam.gov.in/ once the result of HS final exam 2023 is declared. Candidates…
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worstshippoll · 1 year
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ROUND ONE: PART ONE, consisting of the LEFT side of the bracket, will begin on 4/18 at 2PM PST.
This post will be edited as rounds progress with results and dates/times for the next round.
Plain text list (including abbreviated series names) under the cut.
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (BSD) VS Crowley/Aziraphale (GOOD OMENS)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (STRANGER THINGS) VS Reylo (STAR WARS)
Star Butterfly/Marco Diaz (SVTFOE) VS Spamton/Jevil (UTDR)
Harrier Du Bois/Kim Kitsuragi (DE) VS Herbert West/Daniel Cain (REANIMATOR)
Catra/Adora (SPOP) VS Akira Kurusu/Goro Akechi (P5)
Lapis/Peridot (SU) VS Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (DR WHO)
Cole Cassidy/Hanzo Shimada (OVERWATCH) VS Takami Keigo/Todoroki Enji (BNHA)
Beauregard Lionett/Jester Lavorre (CRITROLE) VS Raiden Ei/Yae Miko (GI)
Katsuki Bakugou/Izuku Midoriya (BNHA) VS Jack Hakrness/Ianto Jones (TORCHWOOD) 
Marisa Kirisame/Reimu Hakurei (TOUHOU) VS Rhys Strongfork/Handsome Jack (BORDERLANDS)
Kaname Madoka/ Homura Akemi (PMMM) VS Alhaithem/Kaveh (GI)
Ryuki Kuruto/Date Kaname (AI Somnium) VS Ethan Winters/Chris Redfield (RE7/8)
Hunter/Willow Park (TOH) VS Childe/Zhongli (GI)
John Watson/ Sherlock Holmes (BBC SHERLOCK) VS Dimple/Arataka Reigen (MP100)
Azula/Ty Lee (ATLA) VS Zuko/Katara (ATLA)
Nico Yazawa/Maki Nishikino (LL) VS Dean Winchester/Castiel (SPN)
Sasuke Uchiha/Sakura Haruno (NARUTO) VS Vriska Serket/Terezi Pyrope(HS)
Benry/Gordon Freeman (HLRVAI) VS Keith Kogane/Lance Mcclain (VLD)
Kazuhira Miller/Revolver Ocelot (MGS) VS Jotaro Kujo/Noriaki Kakyoin (JJBAP3)
Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas(HS) VS Sonic the Hedgehog/Shadow the Hedgehog(STH)
Mako/Korra (ATLA) VS The Onceler/The Onceler (THE LORAX)
Lavernius Tucker/Agent Washington (RVB) VS Chris Hartley/Josh Washington (UNTIL DAWN)
Piers/Raihan (PSWSH) VS Natsuki/Yuri (DDLC)
Greg House/James Wilson (HOUSE MD) VS Callie Torres/Arizona Robbins (GREY'S ANATOMY)
Kazuma Kiryu/Goro Majima (YAKUZA) VS Light Yagami/Misa Amane (DEATH NOTE)
Chell/GLaDOS (PORTAL) VS Adam Faulkner-Stanheight/Lawrence Gordon (SAW)
Tom Wambsgans/Greg Hirsch (SUCCESSION) VS Ryo Asuka/Akira Fudo (DEVILMAN)
Tsukasa Tenma/Kamishiro Rui (PRSK) VS Qrow Branwen/James Ironwood (RWBY)
Batman/The Joker (BATMAN) VS Getou Suguru/Satoru Gojo (JJK)
Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahn (SAW) VS Iki Hiyori/Yukine (NORAGAMI)
Jayce/Viktor (ARCANE) VS Hannibal Lector/Will Graham (HANNIBAL)
Dirk Strider/Jake English (HS) VS Ash/Serena (POKEMON)
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aernx · 1 year
𓂋˚˖ IT’S A WRAP ! ૪ ࣪˖ 이희승﹙🐋﹚
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࣪˖ 𓂃 HOT (hanging on a thread) — yn & friends
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001. KANG YN ( @/dumplingsoup | @/yummymandu )
Just recently went back from a one semester exchange student program in an academy in Japan. Has a brother that is 1 year younger. Their family runs a local dumpling restaurant called MANDU4U which is quite popular amongst Decelis students. Neighbors with Heeseung n his family. Her mom and Hee’s mom are super close which resulted in them meeting alot but unfortunately they never get along very well.
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002. KIM CHAEWON ( @/chaewonz )
1/3 of Yn’s 4lifers. But is secretly yn’s favorite. Moodmaker fr. Captain of the girls dance club. Currently trying to get yn in the dance club (but is failing). Loves to help in yn’s family dumpling shop but lowkey sucks at wrapping dumplings so she usually helps as waitress or register!
003. CHOI YEONJUN ( @/yawnzzn )
2/3 of Yn’s 4lifers. Loves to dye his hair (his hair is dry asf now). His friends tease him alot saying that he’s balding lmaoo. Part of the boys dance club. Loves doing KPOP tiktok challenges with Chae! Also loves to help yn’s family dumpling shop sometimes! He usually helps yn’s dad with making the dough.
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004. CHOI SOOBIN ( @/s0.0bin )
3/3 of Yn’s 4lifers. Is the only sane person in the group even tho he’s also quite insane. Mom of the friend group. Constantly parenting three 18-year-olds. Part of the school’s water polo team. Has a porcupine spiky rat named Odi who is bullied loved by the group. Also helps yn’s family dumpling shop at times! Super good at wrapping dumplings + he does it super fast and neat.
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𖧷 m.list ꕀ prev | next
for simplicity reasons, they’re all the same age aka senior hs
TAGLiST. open !
@luvistqrzz @hanniluvi @666eren @txtmetonight @ghostiiess @beomsbeanie @jayujus @lazysmushi @dammit-jjk @lostwonderwall @teddywonss @the-poetic-side-of-me @astrae4 @chaerybae @1-800shutthefuckup @noascats @bzzzanaly @itsactuallylina @r1k1slvr @i-yeseo @youmenotyummy @haechansbbg @mrowwww @rreynca @cherribonbom @whippedforbeomgyu
nets ! @enhanet @hyfenet
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© aernx 2023 / do not steal, copy, translate — hope you enjoy my works! let me know if you have any suggestions ! comment ur thoughts n reblogs n likes wld be appreciated <3
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50% of 118 is 59; 75% of 118 is 88.5; 90% of 118 is 106.2
Periodic Symbols are: H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
EDIT: As of November 14th 2023, I've decided to start keeping track of when a post does not include a single-letter element. Single-letter elements are, in order: H B C N O F P S K V Y I W U. These posts will be tagged with "missing single".
Spaces, capitalization, emojis, numbers, and punctuation will not be taken into account. For example, the term "lush🍃13garden" would still count for Mercury (Hg). Letters are the only thing that interrupt symbols.
Anything that isn't a tally is tagged with "not a tally", asks are tagged with "Arsenic Potassium Sulfur", and posts people tagged me in are tagged "Thanks for the tag!" (because "tag" and "tags" unfortunately can't be made with only elemental symbols. they could if we had G but we do not)
Some things to keep in mind:
I try to avoid any piece of moving media (video/gif) that has words in it of any kind. I'm already a transcriber as a job, and while I love it, I'm not gonna do it on my silly little side blog.
I usually don't analyze anything fandom-related, since nothing good can come from a fandom post leaving its circle. There are some exceptions I'll make, though.
I use a script to search for the symbols, but it can't read the words in images, so they have to be retyped into the script 100% manually. I'll most likely still do it, but just keep that in mind when sending in posts with lots of images.
I'll only analyze posts where it's very clear what order things are read in; charts, graphs, doodle pages, and other images with words all over the place won't be counted.
When it comes to URLs, I don't count them for the main tally unless they show up in a screenshot or as a tag somewhere in the thread; instead, the URLs of the users in the thread are listed out afterwards in their own separate tallies, with the elements listed in the order that they appear in the person's URL (this does not include URLs that only appear in screenshots/tags).
If you tag me in a post, I won't be counting anything that you added to the thread, though you will still be part of the secondary URL tally.
When I make a tally, I (usually) won't be adding my own comments, and on the occasions that I do, whatever is in my comment is not added to the final tally.
I tend to stray away from analyzing posts with other similar gimmick blogs already in them these days. This is because we all tend to influence each other's results- for example, if I analyzed a post where alphabetcompletionist tallied up all 26 letters, that would (potentially) artificially add Cd, Mn, and No to my tally. If I did end up doing this, I would be highlighting Cd, Mn, and No in a different color to denote that they would not have been there had I not reblogged from alphabetcompletionist directly.
My main account is not disclosed at this time; please do not try and find out what it is or I will block you. Another blog I run that is publicly known is @cantheykillmacbeth, if you just want to see more from me.
There might be times where I will accidentally reblog from someone other than the source of the post, or where I can't due to the source having been deactivated. If you go digging into the people that I reblog posts from, I am not responsible for what you see. If you blame me for what you saw from the people I happen to follow, then you shouldn't have gone looking in the first place. That's on you.
I will not be adding my gimmick to posts about serious topics. This is not because I do not care about these topics, but the exact opposite: I do not want the gimmick of this blog to be used to detract from anyone's message. These sorts of gimmicks are meant to add to the humor of a post, not act as a twisted punchline to a serious discussion. If you tag me in a serious post, you will be ignored (at best).
I don't care how you feel about gimmick blogs. I'm having fun and you can't change that. Seethe.
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ladysyrabellarouex · 8 months
Was Renfield Dracula's first lawyer to his Castle?
Between book and movies of Dracula it's different. Renfield i truly like to believe did love the count unconditionally I mean R.M. Renfield was possibly the first one to come to the castle in Transyilvania. We are given little to nothing of the charactor of Renfield in the book all we know is that he is an insane man who likes to eat insects he is devoted/possibly in love with Count Dracula.
He protects Mina from the count which tragically results in his death by his masters hand, ( i still think had Dracula just turned Renfield into a vamp he would have been able to protect his master!)
Renfield would have been Dracula's fledgeing and would have been able to protect him.
The count in the novel is a selfish creature by instinct who had lived for 600 years. but when he met Renfield it possibly was a chance to get new houseing in a new land. (while not told by his point of view) Do i think he loved Renfield yes, do i think he he needed a strong aquatance yes, do i think his own arrogance and foolishness led to hs death at the very hands of the "heros" of the novel.
The 2023 Renfield has given us a interesting more sympathetic take on the Dracfield and more perspective of both charctors.
We just dont know....
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
dating door game skz fic
based on this yt video:
reunion after graduating uni
reader notes that they went to hs w them too
driving car w hyunsung twins in back
jisung grabs readers phone and puts their playlist on bluetooth
hyunjin talking abt his holiday w his older sib, jisung getting jelly bc he had to intern elsewhere. got skzoo for reader tho
picking up jeongin from train station bc he came back from busan. hugs and happy reunion. jeongin is like their lil bro
everyone excited to see each other bc they haven't been together in ages. hyunreader going to nz, jisung intern in usa, chanlix in aus, jeongin busan, minho back to gimpo
reader gets soft at thought of minho, excited to see him most, their bf
they arrive at kbbq place they planned to eat at. chanlix is alrdy there. reader asks wheres minho. say he's still on his way. reader texts and updates minho. the group enters
they start cooking the meat. then they start teasing abt readers relationship w minho. reader groans and asks to change subject, but they take advantage of minho not being there.
comments how they were head over heels for each other and a wild couple, mentioning their embarrassing and sappy stories.
just when reader gets too embarrassed minho finally arrives. sits by reader and gets affectionate.
group starts chatting and reminiscing high school days.
when they finish, they all leave, but minho holds reader back, asking them to come with him somewhere. reader looks to jeongin and the twins, and they give her a thumbs up, alrdy knowing what was up
minho takes reader to a beautifully decorated place. reader is in awe. when reader turns around minho proposes. they happily accept.
my results:
childhood friend - jisung best friend - jeongin/hyunjin brother - jisung/hyunjin live in - seoul classmates - chan/felix/jeongin drunk kiss - minho vacation - hyunjin shared music taste - jisung buys skzoo - jisung confession date - minho affectionate while sleepy - minho stares and gets shy when caught - minho late night vc - hyunjin comfort hugs - jeongin/hyunjin/jisung late night visit - jeongin/minho first time - minho proposed - minho study partners - felix/hyunjin/jisung neighbours - chan/felix squad - minsung concert of - ATEEZ date - minho surprise party planner - minho marrying - minho
lmao this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and i only remembered bc im here on tumblr at 1am 💀 deciding to post it anyways just to put something on my blog lol
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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NORAD intercepts Russian warplanes for the second time in two days
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/16/2013 - 22:54 in Interceptions, Military
Two U.S. Air Force F-35s intercepted a quartet of Russian fighters and bombers near Alaska on February 14 - the second interception in two days.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said that the Russian flight, which included Tu-95 Bear-H strategic bombers and Su-35 and Su-30 fighters, approached Alaska's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), but did not enter American or Canadian airspace.
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Two F-35s were dispatched to intercept Russian planes, supported by two F-16 fighters, an E-3 Sentry airborne alert and control system and two KC-135 Stratotanker replenishers.
NORAD said that the Russian aircraft has never entered American or Canadian airspace.
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The incident followed was very similar to the February 13 interception of four Russian aircraft - two Tu-95 Bear-Hs and two Su-35s - by two F-16s, also in Alaska ADIZ, an alert zone that includes international airspace.
The two interception missions followed the recent overthrow of a Chinese surveillance balloon and the overthrow of other undefined objects by NORAD and the U.S. North Command. NORAD's statement ruled out any connection between the incidents, noting that "this Russian activity near the North American ADIZ occurs regularly and is not seen as a threat, nor is the activity seen as provocative".
As in the February 13 incident, NORAD said that its forces “anticipated this Russian activity and, as a result of our planning, were prepared to intercept it”. It was not clear if this meant that NORAD had advanced intelligence of specific Russian actions.
Consecutive Russian interceptions were the first since October, when Russia launched two Bear-H bombers at ADIZ and were soon intercepted by American F-16s.
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Interceptions of Russian aircraft by the U.S. were common during the Cold War, but practically disappeared in the 1990s. In 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin resumed flights of long-range bombers, and NORAD interceptions of these aircraft have occurred with varying frequency since then.
NORAD said it intercepts Russian aircraft six or seven times a year, but this total has reached 15 since 2007.
The incursion of the Chinese balloon stimulated concern about the readiness of NORAD, which was expanded when the commander of NORAD, General Glen D. VanHerck blamed a “gap of domain knowledge” for allowing NORAD to be surprised by the Chinese spy balloon.
Some of these concerns, however, were minimized by the recent White House indications that the three most recent unidentified objects slaughtered were probably "blessful".
Source: Air Force & Space Magazine
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IIInterceptionsNORADTu-95 BearUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
As employees return from their summer holiday, the challenge of transitioning workers back to the office in the post-pandemic era persists, Helsingin Sanomat writes on Thursday.
The newspaper surveyed HR leaders from various companies to ask about their policies on remote working.
"Personally, I would like to turn the conversation to focus on how to do the job well," Merja Ranta-aho, head of HR at telecommunications company Elisa, tells HS.
Ranta-aho says that it is important to assess whether the nature of one's work genuinely permits remote work as well as the role of physical presence in fostering workplace trust.
"Of course, we should think that the rules are not just about what is comfortable, but about what the job requires in the short and long term," she adds.
Hannakaisa Länsisalmi, Head of HR at Bank Group OP, concurs that a one-size-fits-all approach does not apply to different types of work.
"We agreed on the principles of hybrid work back when the pandemic began to subside. The teams themselves decide when to spend their days at the office and when to work remotely," she tells the paper.
At the same time, Länsisalmi adds that the hybrid approach of OP does not mean that employees can choose to always work remotely and never come to the office.
Tightening belts
The government is set to kick off its budget negotiations for the upcoming year on Thursday, as reported by Tampere-based Aamulehti.
Finance Minister Riikka Purra (Finns) has said that the proposed six billion euro budget plan will involve restructuring measures and difficult decisions.
"The government's task is to create a society in which everyone who is able to work has the opportunity to earn their own living. The importance of self-reliance should not be underestimated. Self-respect does not come at a price," Purra writes in a finance minstry column.
Despite criticising the borrowing practices of the previous government, Purra adds that given the current economic situation, the new government will need to continue to take on debt.
"Even if we begin implementing major reforms early on in 2024, the government will still have to take on a significant amount of additional debt in light of the current economic outlook. The additional borrowing combined with high-interest rates will continue to pose additional challenges for the necessary adjustment measures," she notes.
Murto wins bronze for Finland
Pole vaulter Wilma Murto etched her name into Finnish sporting history at the 2023 Athletics World Championship held in Budapest on Wednesday, as reported by Iltalehti.
By successfully clearing 4.80 metres, Murto became the first Finnish athlete to secure a medal at the World Championships in eight years. The last medal at the championships was won by javelin thrower Tero Pitkämäki in 2015, IL notes.
The 25-year-old missed all three attempts at 4.85. American Katie Moon and Australia's Nina Kennedy cleared 4.90 metres and decided to share first place after they both missed on all three attempts at 4.95.
"I can't quite say I'm disappointed with the bronze. But I did have that sense that anything was attainable, even the gold," Murto said of her result.
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careerland · 1 year
Are you looking for Assam HS Result 2023? If yes then this is the best link to check and download Assam HS Result 2023 in a few easy steps.
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adda247-school · 1 year
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molsons112000 · 2 months
You can use Good RX with your flexible spending account as well as your health savings account.
You should talk to your insurance company. Because anything you pay should be included as an out-of-pocket expense toward the deductible. It is lowering the cost of operations for an insurance company so it would make sense for them to encourage the use. The more you use it, the less the insurance company has to pay out-of-pocket So if I was running an insurance company, I would encourage you to use this program every time it offered a better deal. Is there anything you paid out-of-pocket I would include torture deductible. So mean as a financial adviser for all my group insurance plans or individual health plans. I would encourage them to do comparison shopping each time to make sure they're getting the best deal. As it said, it also could beat medicaid and medicare prescription cost. So again. It would lower the government's out-of-pocket expenditures.
By the way, if you're still working, you can contribute to your health savings account. And if you're getting medicare, you can use it towards the cost of atop pocket expenses plus any flexible spending account or if you're on medicaid. Since both of these further reduce your taxable income, it will lower your income tax and increase your ability for credits.
https://www.goodrx.com › business
How to Use GoodRx With Your High-Deductible Health Plan and HSA
May 28, 2019 — No. Even if your insurance plan doesn't cover a drug you need, you can always use a GoodRx discount and your HSA, as long as it's for qualified ...
Missing: group ‎| Show results with: group
Cypress Benefit Solutions
https://cypressbenefitsolutions.com › ...
GoodRx vs. Insurance: Which Should My Employees Use?
According to the company, “Paying with a GoodRx coupon is considered an 'out-of-network' purchase, and it's up to the insurance company 
https://www.aetna.com › hsa-vs-fsa
FSA, HSA & HRA: What's the difference?
Learned the basics of tax-advantaged Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). The see how different life
Medical News Today
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
HSA vs. FSA: Differences and more
Jan 4, 2023 — FSAs and HSAs are medical savings accounts, but they differ in that FSAs can provide funds more quickly, whereas HSAs are more flexible.
FSA overview
HSA overview
Which is better?
Can a person have both?
CMS National Training Program (.gov)
https://cmsnationaltrainingprogram.cms.gov › ...PDF
FAQ: Medicare & Tax-Favored Programs
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) creates the rules for how most tax-favored health programs operate, like Flexible Spending
Yes. Even if enrolled in Medicare, you may keep an HSA if it was in existence prior to Medicare enrollment. You can spend from your HSA to help pay for medical expenses, such as deductibles, premiums, copayments, and coinsurances. If you use the account for qualified medical expenses, it will continue to be tax-free.
https://offices.depaul.edu › H...
Medicare and Your HSA FAQs
So Enroll in these two programs , and if you're working for an employer that has greater than Twenty employees then medicare is not mandatory to Enroll into at age 65. So you can continue on without medicare. And if you do so, you're allowed to contribute to a health savings account past age 65. Also, you delay your social security that age 70. This allows you to contribute to a health savings account. But you must not enroll in medicare and you must delay social security to age 70. 😉
However, people who continue working beyond age 65 (or whose spouse does so) and have access to an employer-provided HDHP can continue making HSA contributions as long as they don't enroll in Medicare or apply for Social Security benefits.Dec 13, 2023
https://www.kitces.com › blog › hs...
Preserving HSA Eligibility & Maximizing Contributions After 65
You can choose to never enroll in medicare as long as you continue to work it is not mandatory. Even at age seventy or eighty if you're still working then you don't have to enroll in Medicare but if you stop working it becomes mandatory to enroll into or you will be penalized. It's also if you start working, you may be able to pause medicare after the age 65 if you go back to work.
And yes, returning to work.You must return to work for a company that has greater than twenty employees for you to be able to pause medicare. But if it has greater than 20 employees, then you can or should be able to pause medicare after the age of 65. If you start it medicare and then return to work, you can pause medicare. The government should encourage this the use of private health care.....
https://www.aarp.org › health › ca...
What Happens to Medicare if I Start Working Again?
Jun 27, 2022 — For most employers with fewer than 20 employees, Medicare becomes your primary coverage at age 65 and the employer plan
As it says here if you're going back to work after age sixty-five and you can get a good medical plan And if the employer is greater than twenty people then you can pause Medicare you can drop Medicare.... This also means the government can divert funds to address any government debt... They can lower the budget for Medicare. And hopefully for Medicaid and redirect those funds to cover any government debt the federal government can give loans to the state county and local governments that are 0 interest rates loans to address any debt of the state county or local government. 🤔 So the state would have to pay back the principal or the county would have to pay back the principal or the local government would have to pay back the principal, but there would be no interest..... So this is like giving them a zero coupon bond.... They would receive a chunk of money upfront and then they would pay it back over a period of time the principal only... So it is A reverse 0 coupon bond. 🤔 So the federal government can help shut up the state county and local government. This would also help them to offer municipal bobans with higher ratings and lower interest payments at the state government level county government and local level because they will have lower debt service payments...... So the federal government can go around strengthening up the economies around the United States by strengthening the state government's county governments and local governments through 0 interest loan. If need be the federal government can actually forgive the debt as well. But all of this Is created by people working.... And also the government starts collecting more income tax and other related taxes.... So, it increases the flow of cash into the federal and the states and even if the state doesn't have an income tax the federal government should be giving a more back from the federal income tax states that have no income tax.... Because the federal government will be receiving more money from the individuals working in those states......
Can you pause Medicare if you go back to work?
Do I need to keep Medicare if returning to work? Well it depends. If you're going back to work and can get employer health coverage that is considered acceptable as primary coverage, you are allowed to drop Medicare and re-enroll again without penalties.
https://www.uhc.com › news-articles
Does Medicare coverage change if you return to work?
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aegislifescience · 5 months
Revolutionizing Total Knee Arthroplasty: The Role of ORC in Bleeding Control
Effective bleeding control remains a formidable challenge in modern surgery, particularly in orthopedic procedures where managing bleeding from the exposed or cut surface of cancellous bone is a critical concern. Total knee arthroplasty (TKA), a prevalent surgery for severe knee arthritis within orthopedics, is notably associated with significant blood loss due to extensive bone cutting and exposure of a large surface area of cancellous bone [1].
Challenges in TKA:
Patients undergoing primary TKA are particularly susceptible to significant intraoperative and postoperative blood loss, leading to potential complications such as pain, decreased range of motion, and delayed recovery. With an aging population and increased life expectancy, the annual incidence of TKA procedures is expected to rise, reaching an estimated 3 million in the United States by 2030 [2].
Role of Absorbable Haemostatic Agents:
To address bleeding challenges in orthopedic surgeries, particularly in TKA, absorbable haemostatic agents like oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC) play a pivotal role. ORC, such as Surgicel Fibrillar™, assists in controlling capillary, venous, and small arterial haemorrhage when conventional methods like ligation or electrocoagulation are impractical or ineffective.
Understanding Oxidised regenerated cellulose (ORC)
Oxidized cellulose (OC) was initially employed as a haemostatic agent in 1942, and by 1960, oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC) was developed[3]. Derived from plant-based cellulose, ORC undergoes oxidation and regeneration, resulting in a biocompatible and bioabsorbable material widely used in medical applications, with haemostasis being a primary focus. ORC facilitates haemostasis likely through the activation of the intrinsic coagulation pathway and also creating a gel-like layer (matrix) that holds clot in place and triggers vasoconstriction by the low pH of the ORC.
Commercially Available ORC Products:
Several commercially available hemostatic materials based on oxidized cellulose are currently in the market including Surgicel, Oxycel, Pahacel, CuraCel, Surgi-ORC® (Aegis Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.) [3].
Different variants of Surgi-ORC® from Aegis Lifesciences:
Surgi-ORC® Original, Surgi-ORC® Knit, Surgi-ORC® Fibril and Surgi-ORC® Non-woven haemostats are white or pale yellow in color and can be cut into desired sizes for different surgeries.Surgi-ORC® Absorbable haemostats are fully absorbed with minimum tissue reaction.
Clinical study on ORC in total knee arthroplasty (TKA):
A recent clinical study conducted by Li et al. in 2023 investigated the local treatment of 70 TKA patients with oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC), specifically SurgicelFibrillar™(2.5 * 5.1 cm; Ethicon Inc., San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico, USA). The study demonstrated a significant decrease in overall blood loss among TKA patients treated with regenerated oxidized cellulose (ORC) compared to those in the suture-based group. This underscores the safe and effective application of ORC in reducing postoperative blood loss in Total Knee Arthroplasty.
As advancements in haemostatic agents continue to reshape the landscape of orthopedic surgeries, ORC emerges as a promising solution in TKA, offering surgeons an effective tool to address bleeding challenges and improve patient outcomes. The future of orthopedic surgery, particularly in TKA, holds exciting possibilities with the continued exploration and utilization of innovative haemostatic technologies. 
Kim JK, Ro DH, Han SM, Lee MC, Han HS. Efficacy and Safety of Bioabsorbable Bone Hemostatic Agent in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis. 2021; 27:1-6.
Helito CP, Bonadio MB, Sobrado MF, Giglio PN, Pécora JR, Camanho GL, Demange MK. Comparison of floseal® and tranexamic acid for bleeding control after total knee arthroplasty: a prospective randomized study. Clinics. 2019; 74:
Rodić-Grabovac B, Sailović P, Lipić N. Medical and pharmaceutical application of oxidized cellulose. Journal of Chemists, Technologists and Environmentalists. 2020;1(1):1-11.
Li B, Pan W, Sun X, Qin K, Bai G, Bao H, Huang Y, Ma J. Hemostatic effect and safety evaluation of oxidized regenerated cellulose in total knee arthroplasty-a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2023;24(1):797.
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gujarat-live · 7 months
SEB TAT HS Result 2023 : TET હાયર સેકન્ડરી મુખ્ય પરીક્ષા પરિણામ જાહેર, અહીંથી જુઓ રિજલ્ટ @sebexam.org
SEB TAT HS Main Result 2023 : TET હાયર સેકન્ડરી મુખ્ય પરીક્ષા પરિણામ : sebexam Gujarat TAT HS Result 2023: – ગુજરાત રાજ્ય પરીક્ષા બોર્ડ, ગાંધીનગર, મંગળવારે શિક્ષક અભિવૃદ્ધિ ટેસ્ટ (TAT) હાયર સેકન્ડરી (HS) મેન્સ પરીક્ષાના પરિણામો જાહેર કર્યા છે. આ અર્તીક્લમાં આપણે ગુજરાત ટેટ HS મુખ્ય પરીક્ષા પરિણામ 2023 વિષે વાત કરવાના છીએ. જો તમને અન્ય સમસ્યા હોય તો નીચે કોમેન્ટ કરી શકો છો. SEB TAT HS Main…
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metamoonshots · 8 months
The weekend has been an enormous one for crypto markets, with BTC skyrocketing to a brand new multi-month peak at round $31,000. Furthermore, the transfer has pushed whole market capitalization to $1.19 trillion, its highest degree since mid-August.  Strong Bitcoin Weekly Shut Bitcoin prices neared $31,000 through the Monday morning Asian buying and selling session. That is the best they've been since mid-July, marking the fourth time the asset has visited this value degree in 2023.   Analysts have noticed the bullish weekly candle shut, wiping out all losses over the previous two months.  A wonderful weekly close- reclaiming the extent from which we broke down from almost 2 months in the past that led to the most important liq occasion we've got seen for the reason that FTX collapse/backside at 15k. In the event you’re fortunate we get a clear retest of the inexperienced zone earlier than continuation. Ship it. $BTC https://t.co/eVGkYwQJzt pic.twitter.com/3rsnaWK28h — CrediBULL Crypto (@CredibleCrypto) October 23, 2023 Furthermore, BTC dominance is over 52%, its highest since April 2021. Analyst ‘CrediBULL Crypto’ said Bitcoin “is on the verge of an enormous breakout, and dominance goes loads increased earlier than it shifts again to a downtrend.” Bitcoin’s 11% acquire over the previous week has moved MicroStrategy’s large $4.6 billion funding again into the inexperienced. However, merchants have recognized a head and shoulders sample that would result in one other draw back if it performs out.  $BTC 1W We nonetheless have our potential HS. Very symmetrical and excessive probability of enjoying out. It confirms on a 25k breakdown and invalidates on a 31.8 breakout.$BTC.D has bear divs so I’d argue it doesn’t play out however we will see.#bitcoin #cryptocurrency #cryptonews pic.twitter.com/qaKIjHcPjy — Roman (@Roman_Trading) October 22, 2023 However, Bitcoin’s 2% every day acquire has been dwarfed by the double-digit pumps for a handful of altcoins.  ‘CrediBULL Crypto’ commented: “The 5 out of 10,000 alts which might be pumping proper now usually are not the norm they're the exception- which can also be why they've barely made a dent on BTC dominance.” 5 Flying Altcoins Chainlink’s LINK has made a whopping 17% over the previous 24 hours to succeed in $10.74 on the time of writing. The asset is now up 44% over the previous seven days and is the top-performing altcoin at the moment.  LINK has smashed by resistance at round $8 to succeed in its highest value since Might 2022, when the Terra/Luna ecosystem collapsed.  AAVE can also be on a tear, gaining 11% over the previous day to hit $78.90 on the time of writing. Nonetheless, it has returned to 2023 resistance ranges that have been final hit and rejected in mid-July.  Fantom (FTM) has additionally gained 11% on the day to succeed in $0.221. That is its highest value for the reason that mid-August market dump.  Polygon (MATIC) is up 9% to succeed in a ten-week excessive of $0.621 on the time of writing. In the meantime, Aptos (APT) has gained an identical quantity over the previous 24 hours to succeed in $6.20, its highest since mid-August. SPECIAL OFFER (Sponsored) Binance Free $100 (Unique): Use this link to register and obtain $100 free and 10% off charges on Binance Futures first month (terms).PrimeXBT Particular Provide: Use this link to register & enter CRYPTOPOTATO50 code to obtain as much as $7,000 in your deposits.
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