#hs day 95
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darkmaga-returns · 4 months ago
Keep in mind that around 2.25 million extra Americas died i the four caledar yars from 2020-2023 from all causes. Extra deaths for 2024 to come.
Remember also that hospitals received a “bounty” for every C19 death and zero for a myocarditis death,
From here:
(100) Highest Quality Paper Ever On Post "Vaccination" Myocarditis Risk Showed 1 in 35 Booster Recipients Suffered Myocarditis & A Possible Treatment Approach
Which provides analysis of the Moderna C19 injection here:
Sex‐specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID‐19 mRNA‐1273 booster vaccination
“Hospital employees scheduled to undergo mRNA-1273 booster vaccination were assessed for mRNA-1273vaccination-associated myocardial injury.”
“Among 777 participants (median age 37 years, 69.5% women), 40 participants (5.1%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.7–7.0%) had elevated hs-cTnT concentration on day 3 and mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardialinjury was adjudicated in 22 participants (2.8% [95% CI 1.7–4.3%]). Twenty cases occurred in women (3.7%[95% CI 2.3–5.7%]), two in men (0.8% [95% CI 0.1–3.0%]).”
The paper had this conclusion:
“mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men. The possible protective role of IFN-λ1 (IL-29) and GM-CSF warrant further studies.”
Those health care workers would probably already have been exposed to the SARS-COV2 virus and are probably healthier than the general population.
So, that paper is based on the Moderna booster injections amongst health care workers. It does not include those that did not get a booster.
The source for the one in five death-rate, within one year for myocarditis sufferers and a one in two death rate within five years, is taken from here:
(100) Disturbing prognosis for myocarditis sufferers from the Cleveland Clinic – you have a 50% chance of dying in five years – and a 20% chance of dying within one year
The ability of the experimental Pfizer C19 injection was not studied, though, no doubt, it has been elsewhere.
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superchat · 10 months ago
when i was in hs there was a lady who recently moved into town and she beccame the tennis coach for my hs, which my friends i did just for fun. she did it cuz her son played and it was a way she could be involved i guess. she used to be a cop and was like, giga proud of it and made us all test on like. drug and alcohol facts. she was married to some guy who was on military leave and bragged abt him allllllllllll the time
during one test she asked my friend was the most widely consumed drug was in america and he was like "caffeine" and she was like "nope is marijuana" and made him run laps cuz he didnt answer her how she wanted lol
one time we were driving to the state competition (6 hour drive) and we were all playing music and we put on a song our friend made which was super corny and funny, the chorus was "you gotta love your neighbor, love your wife, love everyone you ever come by. because love is the key to a world without hurt and broken hearts"
and she was like "wow hes really good! is he a christian?? he could make some really good christian music!" and my Very Atheist friends were all just silently trying not to laugh lol
at state we went to the mall to hang out and she was like "guys theyre selling sushi for $3!" and we all were like nahhh.....thgat dont feel right lol, ty tho. and she was like "suite yourself haha" and would you believe it that she had food poisoning the next day
anyways she accidentally killed her dog cuz she took it on a walk through a huge field at like 95 degree weather and didnt bring any water or anything, later i found out she had an affair with another tennis coach and it was superr obvious
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gusty-wind · 2 years ago
Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”
July 29, 2023
Covid experts are likely scrambling for cover as a new peer-reviewed study has been released. If any of them had any remaining dignity after all the politics, lies, and cover-ups, this study would surely wipe it out. But in the end, it’s not the experts who suffer the most; it’s all the people they deceived. According to the findings, heart-related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering 1 in 35 healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the booster dose.
So, this study basically tells us that in order to treat a bad “cold,” governments around the world created heart conditions in millions of people. The kicker is that the booster appears to impact woman more.
NEW Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Heart-Related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering in 1 in 35 of healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital has signs of heart injury assoc. with booster dose. pic.twitter.com/dHnqLPKH2Q
--- TexasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) July 27, 2023
Hospital employees scheduled to undergo mRNA-1273 booster vaccination were assessed for mRNA-1273 vaccination-associated myocardial injury, defined as acute dynamic increase in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) concentration above the sex-specific upper-limit of normal on day 3 (48-96 h) after vaccination without evidence of an alternative cause. To explore possible mechanisms, antibodies against IL-1RA, the SARS-CoV2-Nucleoprotein(NP) and -Spike(S1) proteins and an array of 14 inflammatory cytokines were quantified. Among 777 participants, median age 37 years, 69.5% women, 40 participants (5.1% [95%CI, 3.7%--7.0%]) had elevated hs-cTnT concentration on day 3 and mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was adjudicated in 22 participants (2.8% [95%CI, 1.7%–4.3%]). Twenty cases occurred in women (3.7% [95%CI, 2.3%–5.7%]), two in men (0.8% [95%CI, 0.1%–3.0%]). Hs-cTnT-elevations were mild and only temporary. No patient had ECG-changes, and none developed major adverse cardiac events within 30 days (0% [95%CI, 0%–0.4%]). In the overall booster cohort, hs-cTnT concentrations (day 3; median 5 [IQR, 4–6] ng/L) were significantly higher compared to matched controls (n = 777, median 3 [IQR, 3–5] ng/L, p < 0.001). Cases had comparable systemic reactogenicity, concentrations of anti-IL-1RA, anti-NP, anti-S1, and markers quantifying systemic inflammation, but lower concentrations of IFN-?1(IL-29) and GM-CSF versus persons without vaccine-associated myocardial injury.
mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men. The possible protective role of IFN-?1(IL-29) and GM-CSF warrant further studies.
This horrific news comes on the heels of several very high-profile and public “medical incidents” that occurred over the past week.
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diamondeyes-deluxe · 2 years ago
So, I was quite stupid in high school.
That's not true. A lot of the people I know say I'm really smart. I have certain, specific topics that I am really, really good at. I got like 95%-100%s on every test I *actually* studied for.
But I graduated high school with a 1.7 GPA.
I mean at least I graduated?
I was... going through a lot in high school. (I truly don't think I'll even feel sad whenever my dad does die.) It's not just that I was sad. We were poor, and i wasn't getting enough food. I was also disillusioned because he kept telling me school didn't matter and was fascist or whatever, and scared of the world he was leading me to believe laid beyond childhood, full of satanic cannibals and pedophiles. I also just could not pay attention. I dont know why. It never clicked with me that I should. Not that I was *supposed to*, I understood that, I just never saw a reason *why I should*. It didn't interest me.
I guess when I list shit out like that, it makes me feel better that I am as functioning now as I am.
Anyway. I spent all of my classes sleeping (and spent every night binging TV until 4am), socializing, or making up little stories in my head and doodling. I learned very little.
Now I'm 25, and... I want to see what I missed! In my adulthood (and newfound stability), I want to learn! I don't really have an objective, like, a college or career path, I just Want. To. Know!!! For myself! For fun?
So I am!
I didn't know where to start... probably the 4 core subjects is my best bet? There's nothing I want to specialize in..I. yet! Maybe something will grab my interest!
I've got some textbooks. I've got The Penguin History of The World, Openstax's ap Biology (I probably retained enough to start with ap at 26, haha...), The Art of Problem Solving's Algebra 1, and... no English (I was always pretty good with English)... but I've got some open source Spanish 1 text book, which I've already gotten a decent way through! (¡Puedo comer vidrio, no me hace daño!
Then I'll branch out to more specific parts of history, like certain times or countries, Geometry, Algebra 2, eventually Calculus (which I don't think I ever even took? The state I went to HS in is 49th in Education....), and introductory chemistry and physics.
And then I'll teach myself college level things!
I'll also probably delve into things like psychology, philosophy, sociology... I love, y'know, *people*.
Of course, this is very embarrassing. Two days ago, my boyfriend taught me how to multiply and divide fractions by canceling. I'm 25. That's, like, mortifying to admit.
But at least I'm doin' something about it instead of never admitting it and then continuing to not know forever!
Grifjejf. I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch but. I'm really looking forward to this journey tbh. Learning is fun to me now! I want knowledge. Yay.
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nightcall99 · 8 months ago
Notes from 2.7.24
I parked right in front of the entrance to the primary school near my work. When I drove home at 5:30pm, it was dark out. I noticed the main office building was empty but the lights were still on.
I think the 2% I was running on just went down to 1%. Emotionally, I have nothing left. I don't have empathy for anything anymore. I fake it a bit, for that sense of normalcy but it reminds of when Clea was talking about how she saw a dead cat and felt nothing. AL's budgie isn't doing well, she had to take it to the hospital and it's probably dead today. I haven't checked in with her and I don't care. Another co-worker's friend passed away. My aunt got hospitalised for a stroke. My mum's started on BP med. None of it is real. No one is here.
Some people, maybe, are still here. I've been suspecting for awhile that Con the junkie might be. He was high on ice today and asked me for a glass of water. When I gave it to him I noticed he was carrying a book about dreams. He said he wanted to learn about how to control them/become lucid, how to manifest things etc. He offered to lend it to me but I declined, then he walked off singing '...Katherine, I see her on a boat, no, I see her on a plane...". He has this energy about him. A customer gave me a fake smile once and he called it out and started freaking out LOL. He was like "THAT'S A FAKE SMILE. THAT WAS FAKE" and got really angry on my behalf. Last month, he wrote a love letter to NM. On the second page, it got really real. He wrote "I love (proceeds to list a bunch of our names) with all my heart and I always will and when everyone dies that love each other they spend life together in eternal joy and happiness. That is the spiritual heaven. I'm going to be in heaven with _ and _ and _ too and the girls that work here and the pharmacists too, and I'm going to be with all the girls and men that work at IGA (a supermarket) next door and all my friends and Mum and Dad and Grandma and everyone in heaven where there is no matter, just spirit without a body, just a spirit of light. Who knows maybe in heaven you (NM) will have lunch with me there because maybe you eat spirit food. Anyway bye for now". I think everyone was laughing at it but I teared up while reading it at the time. His grandma passed away (she made it to 95 I think) not long after. She was so cute. On her profile someone wrote 'they see me rollin', they hatin', bc she used to walk really slow like a shuffle.
Anyway, the dude from the dreams is just whatever. I saw him today and it was just small talk all day. I didn't give a fuck about his trip but I asked all the necessary questions. He kept making comments of a certain energy that I realise as I write now was just like the dream, jabs to see if I'm still here. I know he's in there but it's impossible and I'm at peace with that. It's never not going to be low vibe and I think my HS has had enough so I don't think he is going to be appearing on our rosters anymore from what I can tell. So what was the point of that? Did I really wait '15 minutes' for that? I had no expectations, other than to get to the bottom of it. And well there it is, I have. I've let go of the 3D story. Can I go now?
Also today randomly I got recommended on YT, a community message from the channel from about a year ago where Clea had transcribed the final message for that session. It was about how some of us have soured to the idea of NE but it will be everything we could ever want, and more.
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realgoogleclassroom · 9 months ago
You by no means have to answer all of these, there's a lot of em
2. is your room messy or clean?
3. what color are your eyes?
4. do you like your name? why?
13. any siblings?
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
18. favorite tv show?
20. how tall are you?
27. do you have a job? what do you do? 
33. favorite actor? 
36. favorite movie? 
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? 
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
41. top 10 favorite songs
49. what was the last compliment you received?
50. what was the last text you sent?
do you go to college? 
55. what is your dream job? 
59. do you smile for pictures?
67. what are your hobbies?
69. do you play an instrument?
70. what was the last concert you saw? 
77. do you miss anyone right now? 
85. what shirt are you wearing? 
86. what is your phone background?
94. favorite lyrics right now
95. summer or winter? 
96. day or night? 
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
98. favorite month? 
2. very, very messy
3. green
4. I'm not a huge fan, but I think that comes with the whole 'being not cisgender'
13. I have a brother who's 5 years older than me
14. hmmm, I'd go with Ontario. It's got a climate I'm used to (I'm from Michigan), and a higher quality of life than the US
18. It's between GF, Amphibia, TOH, and ATLA
20. 5'10"
27. I work part-time at a local ice cream parlor
33. Robin Williams. He was a gem in every single movie he appeared in
36. Mulan, I still can't figure out if it's because of the trans metaphor or the banger songs
37. I don't read nearly as much as I used to, but I still read quite a bit (mostly AO3), I would have to say my favorite book is The Heroes of Olympus: House of Hades. I just think Percy's arc in that book is really interesting to read
39. Well, my main blog (dabouse) is actually a nickname that some of my friends use for me at school. It comes from my last name, but (obviously) I'm not telling more
40. as a patient? only 2 times, I was born premature, so I spent a while there, then I had 3rd degree burns on my hands when I was 18 months old. As a visitor? more times than I care to count
41. (least to most favorite) Don't Stop Me Now, Piano Man, The Last Midnight, Shostakovich Cello Concerto, Bohemian Rhapsody, Defying Gravity, Bach Cello suite in G, For Good, Dvorak Symphony 9, Elgar Cello Concerto (In case it's not obvious, I am a classical music nerd, and a theatre kid)
49. uhh, idk, probably someone telling me how 'great' I am at cello or something
50. "Did you figure out something for dinner? I'm at Sam's Club" To my father, about an hour ago
54. I am not currently going to college, but I hope to after I graduate HS
55. Music and Math teacher, hence why I chose Google Classroom for the gimmick blog
59. yes
67. Playing my cello, reading, video games, and playing piano
69. Yes, I have played Cello since I was in 2nd grade, so almost 10 years now. I started playing double bass in 8th grade, and I started on piano back this February. Not to brag, but I think I'm pretty good at Cello
70. I saw a performance of the Carmina Burana by Carl Orff about a week ago
77. I miss my grandmother, who passed away August of '22
85. My HS Theatre Department shirt
86. a picture of my doggo
94. from You Didn't Know, "If Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie/If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky/The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say/When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again
95. Winter. Sure, driving's a pain, but I don't exactly appreciate 90 degree weather either. It's much easier to put on more layers than it is to take off.
96. Night. The sun is bright
97. Dark chocolate
98. November, it's getting to be cold, which is nice, but there isn't 3 feet of snow yet.
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avenging-fandoms · 10 months ago
don't remember if ive told you about prom yet but it was actually very boring. our school did project prom (where you stay at the school and play games and win prizes and stuff from midnight-5am) and it was fun. also......7 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL!!!!!! I'm so exhausted from this year so I'm ready for it to be done
• "i have NEVER pooped out noodles"
• *arguing for DAYS over if a knight or viking would win in a fight*
• "my roommate's dad got arrested last night for his 6th dui"
• "i can't pay attention in social studies, jfk was just so hot!" 
• "your lemonade tastes like dog"
• "according to SLAP YO GRANDMA 95..."
• "can we play hacky-sack in the grind circle at prom?"
• "im a gingerbread man!"
• "im pretty sure i went into the women's bathroom the other day"
• our white, middle aged, female teacher: "i kinda look like usher
we have project grad at my hs, didn’t get to do it cause i’m a 2020 grad😭
sorry prom sucked!! i bet you looked awesome
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that-one-star-girl · 1 year ago
𝙻𝚊 𝚔𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 - 𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝚊𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝
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Warnings - Smut
Word count - 882
Genre - Smut A/n - This is my first time writing a NSFW alphabet so apologies if this bad
- A Aftercare what they are like after sex)
La on the surface seems like the type to forget Aftercare, but actually, he is really sweet! He'll shower you with kisses or run you a bath with candles lit and nice smelling oils. The whole time praising you and reminding you how much he loves you. He just loves seeing how cute you are when you're sleepily listening to him.
- B {Body part, their favourite part of their body and yours}
On his own body he'd have to say either his thigh or his mouth, he loves how much pleasure they give you and he loves watching you ride them. On your body it's either your eyes or your thighs. He loves how beautifully your eyes beg for him and he could just lay with his head on your thighs for hours.
- C {Cum, Anything that involves cum}
He isn't too bothered. He can be messy and cum on your body/face.But at the same time he's happy to cum inside you if you're ok with it.
- D {Dirty secret, self explantory}
He has always wanted to experience being the sub but wasn't sure if you would be able to dom.
- E {Experience, Do they know what they're doing? How many people have they been with}
He's been with a handful of women so he knows what he's doing for most things. But he doesn't feel the need to bring up his experience.
- F {Favourite Position}
He adores having you bent over somwthing infront of a mirror, for example a bathroom counter. He loves keeping your head up by the hair and watching your face contort whilst he pounds you.
- Goofy {Are they more serious or do they crack jokes?}
He's mainly serious but on the odd occasion (as in being drunk) he can crack the odd joke here and there, dropping a sudden "yeah!" if you moan his name
- H {Hair, How well groomed are they?}
He's normally fairly clean shaven, sometimes he can have a bit of hair but it never gets overly messy.
- I {Intimacy, How romantic are they during sex?}
He literally depends on the mood and situation that led up to the sex. If its a quickie, expect no intamacy aside from a couple whispers. However if it's after a date, he'll be the most loving and intimate man on the planet.
- J {Jerk off, How often if at all?}
Unless he has been away from you for more than a month, he refuses to jerk off. He knows nothing feels as good as you anyway.
- K {Kinks, A list of their kinks}
Daddy kink, Praise kink(giving), Katoptronophillia(mirror kink), light bdsm
- L {Location, where do they prefer?}
If possible he prefers to be in private places such as the hotel room or at home, but if its a quickie then probably the locker room.
- M {Motivation, What gets them going?}
Sometimes You'll send him naughty pictures or texts, especially when he's at a venue and will see you later that night. If you wear one of his shirts with nothing underneath, that also gets him rowdy.
- N {Nope, Anything they wouldn't do}
No threesomes, he isn't one to share. Also nothing that makes you feel legitmatly threatened
- O {Oral, Do they prefer giving or recieving?}
Either is fine for him, he loves fucking your throat and watching you gag, but at the same time, your taste to him is so so heavenly.
- P {Pace, Are they slow and sensual or quick and rough?}
Again, depends on the situation, if its a quickie, he won't be gentle, or considerate of anyone if the corridors either. But if it's in an evening, he'll happily take it nice an slow for you, letting you feel everything.
- Q {Quickies ,Their view on quickies?}
He enjoys them but doesnt feel they are nessecary every day, like if you to a live show, he will most likely want one before hs match to gets his adrenaline pumping, but if there is a taping of smackdown, he's happy to wait.
- R {Risk, Do they expeirment? Will they take risks?}
If you come to him with something new to try ,95% of the time he'll agree to try it with you , and he doesn't mind almost getting caught in pre-match quickies.
- S {Stamina, How long can they go for?}
If it's after a match, probably only 2 or 3 rounds at max, however if its in private and during his rest day, 2 or 3 rounds minimum. Sometimes you both go for 10 rounds in one night.
- T {Toys, Do they use them? On their partner or themself?}
Unless you want to use them he isn't that intrested, they don't feel half as good as you do, and he prefers to be the source of your pleasure not some fake plastic dick.
- U {Unfair, How much do they tease?}
This man will tease you. And by god will he enjoy it! Every oppurtunity he gets , he will tease you. Sneaking a hand under your skirt or pressing his foot agasint your mound at dinner. One time he even fingered you to the point of orgasm but stopped just before you came, all while you were sat at a desk talking to Noami.
- V {Volume, How loud do they get?}
Aside from the odd grunt while fucking you or a groan while you suck him off, he stays fairly quiet, he prefers listening to your pretty sounds instead.
- W {Wildcard, Random scenario}
La's grip on your hair tightened as he pulled your head back up to look at him and yourself in the bathroom mirror. "Look at that pretty cockdrunk face babygirl, isn't it just gorgeous?" You eyes rolled back, causing the hand that had recently been covering your mouth give your cheek a light slap. "A-a-ah baby, you look at daddy when he fucks you this good."
- X {X-ray, Lets see under those clothes.}
I'd say he's about 6.5 inches, fairly thick with a vein running from the right side and up the underside.
- Y {Yearning, How high is their sex drive?}
The longest he can go without sex if about a month, but afterwards he needs a good fuck to make up for past oppotunites. So about medium sex drive.
- Z {Zzz, How quickly do they fall asleep after sex?}
If it's really late ,he'll make sure you get to sleep first before falling alseep himself, otherwise he'll just stay awake.
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inkovsky · 1 year ago
Hong Kong stocks barely touched the 17,000 level on the last trading day of October. After opening 68 points lower, the Hang Seng Index expanded its decline, falling as much as 364 points, and found support as low as 17,042 points. It closed at 17,112 points, down 293 points; the HS Technology Index closed at 3,759 points, down 95 points. The main board's total daily turnover was HK$84.6 billion.
Summing up the traditional "stock market crash month" in October, the disaster was not considered very serious. The Hang Seng Index fell by 697 points, or 3.91%, for the whole month, falling for three consecutive months. The HS tech index fell 161 points, or 4.1%.
The U.S. stock market rebounded significantly the next night, but judging from the past period of time, it is still wave after wave. It is unclear whether the market outlook will turn optimistic. The outlook for the Hong Kong stock market depends on the future trading days. If the 10-DMA (17,301) can cross the 20-DMA (17,450), there are still conditions to further challenge the 50-DMA (17,801).
The market has long expected that the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates unchanged at this meeting, so even if the authorities remain unchanged, it will not bring surprises. Investors are more concerned about when to cut interest rates. It is expected that interest rates will peak soon, but the high interest rate environment will continue, which is not good for the stock market. It is expected that the market may rebound in early November, but negative factors are still brewing, and it is expected to repeatedly test lows in late November.
European stock markets developed individually, with British stocks closing down 0.08%, while French and German stocks rose 0.89% and 0.64%.
As the U.S. Federal Reserve began its interest rate meeting on Tuesday, U.S. stocks rose repeatedly. After opening 100 points higher, the Dow Jones Industrial Average turned around and fell as much as 141 points to a low of 32,787 points. At the end of the period, it rose as much as 141 points to a high of 33,070 points; the S&P 100 once reversed course. rose 0.69%. The Nasdaq, which is dominated by technology stocks, fell 0.72%.
U.S. stocks closed, with the Dow rebounding 123 points to 33,052 points; the S&P 500 rising 26 points to 4,193 points; and the Nasdaq rising 61 points to close at 12,851 points.
Cumulatively in October, the Dow fell 1.4%, the S&P 500 lost 2.2%, and the Nasdaq fell 2.8%. All three major indexes fell for the third consecutive month.
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cbrownjc · 11 months ago
This is rather like me. I joined the fandom pretty much about a few months after the 1994 movie came out. I got a computer for my HS graduation present in the spring of '95, in prep for me going to college in the fall, and it came with a dial-up modem. So that was my first foray online. And the two fandoms I joined up with were Star Trek and The Vampire Chronicles. Message Boards, mailing lists, etc.
So yeah, I too was there when the hammer came down on fanfic after Memnoch. Unfortunately, I didn't have the idea to save fics and RPs and stuff until it was almost too late. And the stuff I DID save was all saved on 3.5in hard disks, which I don't have the ability to access anymore.
And yeah, for a time there we all did think Memnoch would be the last book in the series. At the time I was sad but I don't think it was too long before Tales of the Vampires was announced, which was billed as stories about other vampires in the world who weren't Lestat, which I was excited to read about. Pandora was the first of what was supposed to be those books.
And then the book Symphony for Sybelle was announced which had everyone confused but interested . . . before the title of that book was announced to have been changed to The Vampire Armand and then everyone went nuts. Because, if you read Memnoch, then you know what he did toward the end of that book. Everyone thought Armand was dead and was never coming back.
Now, this is just my own perception of things, but it was right after both Pandora and The Vampire Armand were released, along with the legal stuff from Anne about fanfic, that I really felt cracks beginning to happen in the fandom. And the cracks really were very much between the fandom and Anne Rice herself, not within the fandom itself. Even though, even back there, there were people who refused to acknowledge any of the books past Queen of the Damned. (Yes, there are people for whom only the first 3 books exist and no others).
I pretty much started drifting away from the fandom after Merrick came out. Before Blood Canticle, Merrick was the most hated book in the canon I think, passing Memnoch which had held that title before then.
And I, personally, think it all had to do with David Talbot.
Merrick was the third book in a row that featured David, but this time he wasn't just a means for another character to tell their story but was the main actual character. In a book that, before it had come out, was promised to be about Louis dealing with the grief he still held about Claudia, and some powerful revelations about her that would be revealed.
And yeah, that all happened but, the fact that the main POV of the story was David's and the actual main focus was on David . . . people were freakin' livid. Back in the day, I actually only read scans of the relevant Louis and Claudia parts (which my mailing list called the "Louis Cut") of that book. I didn't read the whole book, meaning all the David bits, until recently.
I checked Blood and Gold out of the library and Blackwood Farm was the last book I both bought and read, and where I consciously said goodbye to the series and the fandom.
And yeah, there really were no ship wars going on back then. Even the hatred of David wasn't really so much about him being with Lestat in any way as much as it was Anne herself trying to replace Louis with David and shoving his character on everyone. He was clearly a favorite character of her's and it was clear she wanted everyone to love him as much as she did.
I was wary when I heard the announcement about the TV show. Mostly because I heard about the original plan of wanting to start the TV adaptation with The Vampire Lestat first, and I knew that was never going to work. I knew it wasn't going to work regarding the Broadway musical back when that had first been announced back in the day, and I was right. So I didn't understand why they were trying that approach again with a TV show.
But then I heard that, after AMC got the rights, they were going to start with IWTV. Good move. And then I heard Jacob Anderson was cast as Louis and I was intrigued, reading about how they were updating the setting to the early 1900s along with that. Making Louis and actual black creole sounded like an inspired choice to me.
Claudia's age being upped to 14 is the one real thing that threw me off, and wasn't sure if it would work. Though visually, when it came to the trailers, it looked really good. So I figured I'd give it a chance, once I was done with Season 1 of House of the Dragon. (Another show I decided to give a chance, even after despising Season 8 of GOT).
But it was around the time of Episode 6 or so of that show when I saw the image/gif of Louis and Lestat floating naked in the air on Twitter with that (now famous) caption "What kind of interview is this?" that had me doing a double take and going, "Wait a minute --!?"
So yeah, I went and watched the first two episodes (which were already out by then, with episode 3 coming up in a few days) that same day. And I was just stunned by how amazing the show was. How bold it was. How hypnotically erotic it was, just like the books and 1994 movie was.
And I straight up recognized how the show was doing actual color-conscious casting when it came to Louis and Claudia's characters . . . that there had been actual thought put into how their race would factor in and enhance the story and arcs of their characters.
And I just knew, in my gut, by the time episode 4 was over that I was going to see The Devil's Minion finally be adapted on screen at some point, something I never thought would ever happen.
I had known about the Prince Lestat trilogy before the show started, but the show actually made me buy the books to read them, something I didn't think I would do since I had left the book series and fandom behind so long ago by the time they were being written and published.
But yes, one thing this show challenges you to do is think. You can't just watch it passively and understand what is going on. Not many shows do that these days. Nor are there going to be things that will be easy to digest, especially as we head into the very deep gothic horror elements of the story.
These characters are all monsters, yes. That is one of the hearts of things in the book, and the show isn't shying away from that. Which, given vampire stories of late, is a bold thing to do and challenge your audience -- who haven't read the books and don't know/understand that fully yet -- with.
So yeah, it's been a long time since I was in fandom, but it wasn't overly huge, even back in the day when fanfic was still being allowed before the crackdown happened. But I'd say it was pretty decently sized. But between many people just not liking what and where the book series was headed along with the fanfic crackdowns (with lawyers being involved and such) I feel like many in the fandom just did like I did back then, which is just leave. Or just stopped actively being deeply involved in things.
And given that, for a very long time, the last book in the series was Blood Canticle, that also might have contributed to the shrinking of the fandom as well.
But yeah, real talk, there were no ship wars like you see in the fandom now, even back in the 90s and early 2000s when I was in it and was still mostly book fandom, with only one movie. People had their favorite pairings, of course, but people were much more low-key about it all and such, even without having a true endgame set in stone about all the ships back then. Hell, I still remember all the primary ship abbreviations people used to use back then for all the most popular ships: LnL = Lestat/Louis, ALes = Armand/Lestat, ALou = Armand/Louis, and of course DM = Devil's Minion = Armand/Daniel.
But, in the end, book fandom just kind of got that once you became a vampire in Rice's world you a.) didn't have human-type sex anymore, because blood drinking became the expression of that b.) you became inherently bisexual/pansexual and c.) you became inherently polyamorous. So there was kinda no point in really fighting about that stuff.
I was watching a YT video breaking down the trailer and the person mentioned that before the show, the online fandom was quite small. Is that true? And if so, what has it been like seeing it explode? The first fandom I ever got into was for a little Australian period detective show and it was so nice. It was very small and there was literally zero drama. I would imagine it would be annoying as hell to be in a nice little “coven” (if you will) enjoying all the many and varied canonical relationships within the series only for the show to open it up to people with zero media literacy screaming their fav ship is the only one true ship and this vampire character is a bad person while this other vampire is baby boi.
Well, to be frank, I wasn't "in" the VC fandom before the show, though I heard that while enduring it wasn't too big.
I had been, kinda, once upon a time. I had been around before Anne's wrath came down. (She literally had fanfictions removed, sites closed down, threatened to sue, etc etc). That was... back then. I used to be in forums, and mailing list before that. I still have fanfiction of 20 years back printed out.
Her coming down hard on the fandom threw me back, so to speak, and also reading the end of "Memnoch the Devil", which, at the time was meant to be the end to it all... broke my heart.
I stepped back from it then, for a while. You know, real life, playing WoW, studying, starting to work^^. Had a daughter :)
The love for it stayed though, I kept all my stuff.
When I heard about the show I wasn't overly impressed by the head shots (lol, I stand corrected, but I mean given Rolin's comments in the podcast at least I'm in good company^^), nor the shifts in the story that were published - because who could anticipated it being THIS?! :))))
And so I tuned in for Jacob Anderson, who I'd loved in GoT. And I was actually sold after the SDCC 2022 trailer. That trailer... hit it.
I cannot describe it.
And yes, from what I saw the fandom then exploded.
The changes to the narrative in the show however split what had already been there and what was coming in up a bit, let's put it that way. For ME this is an ingenious adaptation. They "get" it, imho. They focus on the important bits, and they dare. Just... brilliant.
For some the changes were reason to withdraw though.
It is a bit... annoying to see all the "ship wars" in this content, yes. But I get it, I've spoken about it the other day. I don't think "we" (as in most of the audience) are used to a show like this.
We are not used (anymore) to be challenged as much while watching, we are not used to a show daring to put its fingers into wounds like that. We are not used to a show going full mess wrt relationships.
We are not used to a show that dares, and does so on a level I have seldom seen.
I call this show the "show of the decade" and I stand by that. In quality and approach it is and will be.
But yeah... moralizing these characters... will fail *laughs*
They're all terrible. Killers, murderers.
I currently see none of the drama (if there is any?!), my timeline is utterly peaceful, and I do want it to stay that way. I've had my say on that. That subset can keep it.
I'm here for the brilliant mess that will be the upcoming seasons :)))
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missfinefeather · 6 years ago
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Dear Future Husband...
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dailydrawingoftavros · 5 years ago
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I fucking love doing these edits
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catboy07-moved · 5 years ago
im going to stay a gifted kid for as long as i can
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accio-victuuri · 3 years ago
All about the 知足 ( Contentment ) audio recording : CPN + lyrics analysis 🎧
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everything here is not 100% verified so don’t take it as truth. there are screenshots and speculations but this is not me confirming anything. interpret it as you will. the audio recording is floating around in other platforms but i won’t share it here.
There was a rumor before that after the 2019 DDU filming, they all went to a KTV to celebrate. That’s GG/Web as well as TTXS brothers and probably other staff. This is where this was sang and recorded. Allegedly.
Then in 2020, it seems like GG’s QQ account uploaded the recording. The run time is 1.18! 18! Yibo! and it’s in a playlist called 95. If you don’t know the importance of 95 to the fandom, read here.
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After a short while, it was deleted even if people were able to like it and comment. This is the part I really can’t confirm cause I didn’t see it myself. Also we don’t know if it’s intentional on GG’s part and his team. Plus the fact that it was deleted says something. If you listen to the audio, it’s actually just GG you can clearly hear and Web very faintly. Considering the time it was uploaded (10/2020) tho GG had been coming back around this time, it’s still not a good move to have something out there that can potentially attract antis. People noticed Yibo’s voice so I think it’s one of the reason why it was deleted, to not bring Yibo to a potential issue.
2021, it made the rounds again because it was re-uploaded by fans. It’s just my personal stance to not share it in big platforms. I think it’s perfectly fine to keep a copy for yourself then listen and cry lol. We don’t know who uploaded it and why. If this was recorded during a private get together, I don’t think we should be listening to it. Tho how it was sang was so beautiful. 🤍 I will never wish to get a private recording of them audio or video when they are in a place where they are with friends no matter how much it feeds the cpn machine. I hope they can get the privacy they need when they are together and when they are with friends/family without being filmed and followed. Look at how people were following GG and his family in Sanya when he was on vacation. So yeah. There are things that we will never know and that’s fine. No need to dig.
2022, I think around 3AM ish, people were posting that it was re uploaded in Kugou Music ( a music platform kinda like spotify ) and the difference? The artists tagged are both XZ/WYB.
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It was not uploaded by the boys’ artist account or anything. People rushed over to listen to it and save somehow because it may be taken down again. Lol. I honestly have no idea how this got that high on hot search. Is it a slow day today? But if you think about it, anything with XZ and WYB on it is bound to be talked about. It stayed there for a while so people just started using the HS spot for BAH and YGY. In BJYX ST, it was announced to not talk about CPN. Even if you look at entertainment blogs who shared it, most of the comments are saying something like — “it’s nothing~”.
I honestly like how the fandom handled this incident overall. I’ve said this before, there are times when we should keep quiet about CPN. This audio does not prove a romantic relationship or what. It’s an audio of them singing, that’s all. The last thing Xiao Zhan needs right now is a negative HS. Even if this is not exactly harmful, but well, if the whole CP is dragged into it then it’s gonna be an issue. CP things should be kept in our circle only. 🤍
About the whole “claiming” the music thing. I found this but I can’t verify how true. Or if XZ/WYB are even looking at this and giving resources to claim certain things.
What does Kugou Music claim work mean?
Kugou claiming the work means that Kugou has not officially obtained the copyright of the music and the music copyright does not belong to Kugou. Then, the user cannot play, download and listen to the music.
This requires the original author of the work to claim the music and grant the copyright to Kugou before users can play, listen and download normally.
I think this is why people are saying the boys claimed it because you can play it normally and download it. This is all speculation with “facts” that we have but the only “official” songs are the ones personally endorsed by the two.
Also this is the platform’s terms and conditions. You can study it if you want, but i’m not gonna think too much about that. It’s pretty obvious, the HS stayed and the track is still there as of writing. No clarifications of any kind was posted. There are things that these two do or don’t that prove how they have no problem being associated to each other once in a while. If they really hate e/o, then they can scrub everything out. Or have their fan accounts refute rumors or whatever. Lol.
Now that we have the whole CPN history out of the way, let’s do a mini analysis of the song and why they chose it. The song is bittersweet, which is their favorite type of track so that may be one factor.
How do you go about retrieving a rainbow?
How do you go about embracing a summer breeze?
The stars high in the sky are laughing at the people below.
"They never do understand, they never find contentment."
Ah~ the good old summer breeze, that summer of 2018. Lol. not much to add here so I’ll just reference this post again. The song as well as how it relates to the Japan cpn.
If I were to fall in love with your smile,
how would I keep it, how would I obtain it?
And if you were happy but not because of me,
Whether or not I let go, would be how I do.
I am interpreting this in XZ’s POV, since he was the one actively singing the song. I’m imagining that summer when GG was exposed to Web’s sweet smiles. This person who everyone said was cold/aloof, but turned out to always be the one who makes him laugh. who smiles at him. Even beyond that summer, the whole 2019 promos, Web was smiling at him.
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If we’re working on the timeline that they fell in love that summer, GG is not sure how he can keep someone like Yibo in the long run. Their lives are too complicated and it must have felt like wishful thinking that they can have a relationship.
When a gust of wind this way blows, kites fly high in the sky,
and for you I pray, I bless and I am moved.
And when your silhouette finally disappears into the sea of people,
I realise, it's most painful smiling through your tears.
How can we interpret this without crying lol. I’m just glad these two got over whatever they were thinking that time and became a couple. 🤍
You and me, that day and on that hill
That way we sang, that song from that year
That kind of memory, that was plenty and enough—
Enough for me to feel loneliness day after day.
This gives me such a vivid picture, the day on that hill feels like the day when they went to take photos of the Windmills. The last day of filming when they sang White Windmill and Bobo looked like he was gonna cry.
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The happiness from contentment,
it beckons me to endure the heartache.
The happiness from contentment,
it beckons me to endure the heartache.
This last part is just 😭😭😭 there are not heartaches in this house! ❌❌❌
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sarcasticmothdraws · 2 years ago
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I posted 1,125 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also made an internal deal with myself batter dirk wont be bro because that be too easy and i making things harder for myself is my constan
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This is for the just in case I cant draw tomorrow, I still fulfilled my HS post obligation on 4/13
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An hour before we all go apeshit here's this dumbass
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inkovsky · 2 years ago
The mainland's GDP in the last quarter was worse than expected, and the market was worried about the slowdown in economic recovery. Hong Kong stocks retreated significantly after rising for 5 consecutive days. The HSI opened 89 points lower and then fell sharply. It fell by as much as 434 points and reached a low of 18,979, which was close to completely covering the gap left by last Thursday (13th). The HSI closed at 19,015, down 398 points, barely guarding the 19,000-point mark. The HS technology index closed at 4,129, down 99 points. The daily turnover of the main board was HK$95 billion .
The United States may implement a new executive order to restrict investment in China, which will affect the sentiment of technology stocks. However, if the peripherals are doing well, it may cause capital outflow, which is not good for Hong Kong stocks. It is expected that the Hong Kong stock market will still be dominated by ups and downs in the market outlook. In the short term, the HSI is expected to support at 18,000 points and resistance at 20,000 points.
European stock markets stabilized at the end of the session, with British stocks closing 0.64% higher, while French stocks and Germany both rose more than 0.3%.
Credit Suisse U.S. stock strategist Jonathan Golub raised his benchmark target for the end of this year from 4,050 to 4,700. Golub said that the main reason for turning his optimism on U.S. stocks is that the U.S. economy is not expected to experience a recession in the short term, inflation remains high, and monetary policy remains tight. According to the survey, 68% of the fund managers surveyed predict that the global economy will have a soft landing in the next 12 months.
U.S. major banks performed well, and U.S. stocks performed well on Tuesday. The Dow opened slightly higher by 11 points. After retreating slightly in the early stage, the rising trend continued upward. It once rose 401 points to a high of 34,986. It still rose 366 points to 34,951 at the close, marking a 7-day winning streak. Banking stocks performed well, but some heavyweight technology companies retreated at high levels. The S&P 500 index closed up 32 points at 4,554; the technology-heavy Nasdaq rose 108 points to 14,353.
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