#hq at hogwarts spoiler
greycappedjester · 8 months
Been rereading the HQ@HW series again, and i am genuinely so excited for a korai (the real one lol) and hinata interaction.
Bcs thinking of it in korai’s perspective, it’s got to be really wild. you’re practically knocked out for like an entire school year, and some random man has taken over your identity and a random child you hardly know is sending you letters claiming to be friends😭😭 (honestly a really sad situation for everyone involved)
he’s about to have the biggest headache after all of this and i’m excited for the drama lol.
also, i can’t believe you’ve planned this fic out so thoroughly, alongside other fics as well. you sound rlly busy, and i applaud you for still finding the time to write! I hope this year goes well for you🎉🎉
Thank you!
hmmm, yeah korai's response is definitely going to be interesting ;)
(hope the new year goes well for you, too)
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Please tell me more about Reuenthal/Yang, I have never considered this ship before (Reinhard/Yang is my usual poison of choice) but now I can't stop thinking about it. I need AUs! And canon-divergence! And - please just tell me as many ways this could happen as you can, in as much detail as possible!
howdy anon friend i am fajsdofjsaf. honoured that you are considering my tiny lil raft ship and just HELLO
but really. you have certainly come to the right place! i am here to fulfil all of your AU and canon-divergence needs :D
beneath this cut you shall find TRASH wonder and MORE TRASH all your dreams come to life
alright let’s start with canon-divergence because this one is slightly less quantity and quality because canon fic is really hard??? (and also i am admittedly writing one right now and i don’t wanna give away too much :3????)
logh has all these cool plot points where the outcome changes depending on the action the character in question takes!!!!
ie. what if yang took schonkopf with him to meet with reinhardt the second time?
or like. what if yang disobeyed the orders from hq to stop the battle of vermillion?
or, my personal favourite, what if yang decided that schonkopf was right and then basically declared iserlohn an independent entity and the thirteenth fleet + iserlohn basically divorced themselves from the fpa???? 
seriously though. do you think either faction could’ve taken the fortress back by force? reinhardt probably eventually could, but in his best interests, he leaves yang alone and goes to crush the fpa first, then comes back to negotiate a truce.
but anyway, we’re here to talk about my favourite thing in the world - reuenthal/yang, so i’ll leave my crying about what if canon for later.
i don’t have much on this because i’ve yet to finish the source material but i will have. more. one. day. (i hope)
also pls note that i’m not big on plot beyond trashy fluff, so this is probably stupendously ooc and i can’t fix it just let me have my otp pls asofmsaodfijas
1. the star crossed lovers thing - where reuenthal accompanied kircheis to negotiate the exchange of prisoners with the fpa. and it’s literally love at first sight for him with yang and yang’s not. disagreeable because reuenthal is beautiful and he can be charming af when he wants to be (and he really wants to charm yang lbr) 
after kircheis and reuenthal return to odin, reuenthal starts moping about the admiral’s big brother house and eventually caves and talks to mittermeyer about his pure hearted admiration of yang where in mittermeyer stares flatly at reuenthal and tells him ‘you’re pining like one of those heroines you detest from the classics’ and reuenthal is so Offended TM by this he sulks off to the officer’s bar and drowns his sorrows until he becomes drunk enough to admit that hey, mittermeyer really knows him too well.
so the next day, very hung over, reuenthal starts sending letters (or more likely, electronic communications) to the 13th fleet with flowery poetry and declarations of his feelings and shit. and at the start, the 13th fleet kind of think he’s up to something nefarious. but then they just realise reuenthal actually really is just pathetically in love with yang and so for the good of all mankind, they just ‘accidentally delete’ every single message before it makes it to yang. 
no one expects that reuenthal eventually (cos that boy has no chill, like me) literally rolls up and parks his goddamned flagship next to the hyperion when the tristan is supposed to be passing nearby one day and demands to know why yang hasn’t been basically texting him back and then yang is like ‘??????????????? wat’ and then everyone in the 13th fleet, from schonkopf down to julian have a LOT OF EXPLAINING to do. (cazerne pretended to know nothing and washed his hands of the whole thing from the start because the less he knows about these sort of things the more sane he can stay okay).
eventually reinhardt gets sick of reuenthal moping about odin and shoos him off to be the consul of heinessen and reuenthal just continues to woo yang (now in person!!!) by showing off whenever he can even when it’s stupidly inappropriate with the inbuilt optimism of being a good looking and popular dude that everything will work out eventually and one day yang will just cave and say ‘fine.’ (spoiler alert, he does)
2. post-vermillion - actually this is 90% what my fic is about so i’m not going to say a lot about it. you’ll get to read this eventually as a proper-ish fic in a month or two (pray for me pls, it’s currently 7000 words and nowhere near done).
but consider. if yang and reuenthal met after the alliance surrendered. hm. Hm. HMMMMMMMMM. with added shenanigans from my favourite admirals from the empire and fpa sides :D
i’ve already talked about my ‘what if yang was born in the empire’ au, and briefly covered my college/university au where reuenthal social media stalks yang in a non-creepy way until he grows enough balls to just ask him out.
but, i was also yelling a lot at @beingevil today cos she brought up an actor au, but she’ll be writing that one so i’ll leave it up to her (WINK WONK)
other AUs to be considered:
1. history professor!yang & hitman!reuenthal - someone (probably fucking job trunicht) puts a hit out on yang and reuenthal is assigned to the job and he stakes out yang for a few days and yang is just like a small defenseless animal????? how can he murder a small, defenseless animal like that?? and gosh he’s super cute too??? he’s so my type!!!!!??? so he can’t pull the trigger and instead reuenthal goes on the run with yang and they uncover conspiracies against the government and then they put trunicht into prison and live happily ever after?
2. coffee shop au - where yang owns a coffee shop and reuenthal is a lawyer/business person who comes in to buy coffee, but in reality is here to perv on yang and also everyone in the shop (customers and staff alike) knows this except for yang who thinks reuenthal is a really nice guy and ‘julian, don’t you think reuenthal is just so friendly. he seems to really like leaning close to you when he talks and his voice is so deep and his eyes are so striking and he’s really handsome ???’ and julian sighs and goes to make himself another three expresso shots just to get through the rest of the hour
3. hogwarts au - where reuenthal is a slytherin, who’s bffls with a gryffindor (mittermeyer) and yang is the laziest ravenclaw ever sorted and did you know his best subject is a history of magic which everyone else hates??? so like they have potions together (because they’re the same age and so they would be in the same year level!!) and reuenthal thought that yang would be HELPFUL but there’s a reason yang consistently almost fails everything but history which is that he literally comes into class and then curls into a ball and then GOES TO SLEEP. so imagine reuenthal’s DESPAIR when he gets paired up with yang for astronomy as well? it’s his shittiest subject because ew astronomy??? and they’re assigned to do their major project together. but it doesn’t turn out as bad as he imagines. instead, they slowly develop ~feelings~ because there’s cute midnight dates on the astronomy tower where they cuddle beneath a blanket together for ~warmth~ and share hot tea while they do their star charts. then eventually reuenthal talks yang into going to a quidditch match and vaguely cheering for slytherin because reuenthal is one of their star players. cue attenborogh being thoroughly distressed by yang’s casual betrayal of his own house ‘but yang, you’ve never come to a single game in five years’ and yang replying ‘interhouse rivalry promotes antagonistic tendencies’ and wrapping himself up snugly with reuenthal’s green and white scarf.
honourable mentions go out to the following:
- hetalia!AU - where yang is the personification of the alliance and reuenthal falls in love with freedom
- soulmate!AU - where your soulmate’s name is written in their hand somewhere on your body & reuenthal’s been hiding his entire life because his name is written in alliance standard and yang just thinks that the curved lines across his arm is a really weird birthmark
- pokemon!AU - where yang is the most wtf gym leader ever and kind of just naps all day on a snorlax but no one’s been able to get a badge off him since he took the gym. reuenthal as an ambitious trainer who’s just missing THE ONE BADGE...
i actually have a heap more but i just. NEED TO CRY ABOUT THEM FOR A WHILE BECAUSE CANON IS MEAN TO ME
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eggutamaplz · 8 years
Tagged by @boxwineconfession
Because again, MOBILE TUMBLR IS A DICK AND WON’T LET ME COPY AND PASTE, this will have different formatting than the original.
Nickname: EG, Eggutama, Egg (the egg ones are fairly recent)
Star sign: Taurus (May 6th)
Height: Last I checked, 4'11. I should be about 5 ft by now.
Time: 6:45 P.M
Favorite Music Artists: (hoo boy) Fall Out Boy, Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco, TheFatRat, Porter Robinson, Madeon, Steerner, multiple Monstercat artists, Owl City, ect.
Song Stuck In Your Head: Hoo, multiple. Yuri On Ice (I’m learning it so of course it’s always there), Serenade For Two, HISTORY MAKER, Bokutachi Wa Hitotsu No Hikari, Yumetouru, Rin!Rin!Hi!Hi!
Last Movie Watched: Rouge One, just watched it yesterday.
Last TV Show Watched: Steven Universe if the online spoilers counted hOLY SHIT
What are you wearing right now? Pajama shirt and pants. I ain’t going anywhere, I ain’t changing.
When did you create your blog? Umm… I think it was like a year ago but I had to delete Tumblr due to storage reasons. That’s why for a while my URL was pokeemma122 for a while when I redownloaded it before I changed it.
What kind of stuff do you post? Reposts of gifsets, metas and shitposts, mostly Yuri!!! On Ice, a bit of Love Live!, and some slivers and Pokemon, Splatoon and Steven Universe. Once in a while I create my own posts to the fandom and some few detail around my life, tagged under “egg’s random rambles”. Feel free to check that out if you want.
Do you have any other blogs? Nope.
Do you get asks regularly? No not really. I do get those “pass it on to friends/people who deserve it” but idk who sends them to me half the time XD
Why did you choose your URL? It’s the username I use for most of my stuff. On Splatoon Amino I decided that when I started up a clan, my nickname would be Egg, branching from my nickname EG. Egg became Eggutama, which is a kind of wordplay for tamago, meaning egg. So Eggutama is basically “eggegg”. The “plz” part was originally added to my URL if the name “eggutama” wasn’t available, but the “plz” just eventually stuck.
Gender? Femme fatale that does not succeed in seducing guys gals and non-binary pals lol (I’m a female.)
Hogwarts house? PROUD HUFFLEPUFF RIGHT HERE! (from the Pottermore test)
Pokémon Team? I don’t play Pokémon Go XD but I’d choose Team Instinct.
Favorite Color? Wavering between lavender and sky blue.
Average Hours of Sleep? About 6-9 hours of sleep on vacation. School days it wavers from 30 minutes-9 hours, because my lazy ass procrastinates.
Lucky Number? I don’t have one.
Favorite Characters? Serena (Pokémon), Yukine (Noragami, just started!!), Lilie (Pokemon Sun and Moon), Connie (Steven Universe), Eli Ayase (Love Live! Original Series), Yoshiko Tsushima (Love Live! Sunshine!!) Minami, Leo and Guang-Hong (YOI, I COULDN’T CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM TTnTT)
How many blankets do you sleep with? Suprisingly 0-2, one being really heavy.
Dream job: Music teacher (specifically band)
Following: 141, I’m pretty sure a lot of them are the AU ask blogs XD
Tagging: I think I’ll tag @gaybbytrash and @hq-wingster (let’s have Stephen do it!!)
EDIT: actually @hq-wingster you just did smth like that so feel free to ignore (^u^" )
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greycappedjester · 2 months
Very curious to know, have we met the little giant in hq@hg yet?
I like to think the real little giant was the friends we made along the way 🌈
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greycappedjester · 8 months
hey! hope you’re doing well. I’m starting to reread the HQ at Hogwarts series because I needed a change of pace from my work at uni (and it’s a comfort read of mine). anywho, I was wondering if you had a favorite quote from any of your stories that you wrote and why (or just the quote if it is to avoid spoilers)? like were there any quotes that really made a scene worth writing to you?
Oooh I love this ask, thank you!
Let's see, I don't know if these are my favorite but they're lines that come to mind a lot that I'm specifically proud of (tbh I tend to forget lines until I'm re-reading one of my stories and see it and go "oh yeah, that one")
I'll try to do one per series. I can't really pick one from Past is a Mirror or Call Me Your Home At Night yet, I'll have to wait until they're more done:
Oof somehow this is the hardest series to choose just one line from. That said, it's a super dark line for a dark chapter but I really love the use of homophones in this one.
Dick tilts his head up to the sky and laughs.
Laughs until it hurts and it does, it hurts so much, and that just makes him laugh more--throwing his arms out like he can fly on the ground and turning in a circle in a dirt covered Gotham alley that even the morning can’t erase.
Because Robin always smiles when it’s dark. Until it’s morning again.
Or mourning again.
….Dick’s laugh fades out.
And, eight years old and with a bone deep gravity too heavy for his small body, Kuroo Tetsuro quietly made a vow even if Kozume Kenma would never hear it.
I’m going to build a kingdom around you.
(Not a line but Tsuki and Hinata's final conversation in Shufling the Deck is what really sold me on writing that sequel)
Walking With My Eyes Open/ In Spite of Ourselves:
Honestly for short stories this series has some of my favorite conversations; but, a couple of favorite lines are these two.
But, human shoulders weren’t meant to bear the expectations of divinity.
A riddle, Schrodinger’s long lost love letter. Gen had proof he fell in love--was dying to try even--yet still couldn’t quite believe it. So, which was the lie?
Hq at Hogwarts:
I really love the prologue for Department of Mysteries; I wrote it waaaay before I posted it and was excited about posting it for awhile. I think the end just eally says everything about how long and how deeply Akaashi does love Bokuto.
He was bright and happy and so deeply good in a way that was everything Akaashi wanted that he fell in love by the time he took the hand.
“I’m Keiji.”
Investigators Inc.:
Truthfully, my favorite of my humorous stories; I like this exchange a lot from when their van breaks down. It just eels like it really fits all of them.
“I’m looking up directions,” Suga said, already pulling out his phone.
“But….but, map !” Oikawa held it up even as it drooped around him.
“Great,” Kuroo said, “we can use it for shelter when we’re stuck out here and have to take up foraging.”
Bokuto brightened. “Ooh, I’ve got a pocket knife!”
“Yay, we’ll need it to fight off the wolves,” Kuroo said.
“I don’t think it’s that dire,” Suga said, showing them the screen. “There’s a town pretty close by. Can’t find a taxi or a towing service, though. We may have to walk if Iwaizumi can’t fix it. It’s about an hour.”
Kuroo shrugged. “Honestly, Iwaizumi can probably fix it. He’s like the machine whisperer or something.”
“Iwaizumi cannot fix it,” Iwaizumi said from right beside the passenger window and Oikawa jumped. “The transmission’s out.”
“Then, put it back in,” Bokuto suggested.
Iwaizumi stared. “I’m seriously having all of you read a car manual one of these days."
Thanks again for the ask! Trutfully I always love hearing what people's favorite lines are; I just think it's really neat to see what sticks with people and I'm always touched that it could be something I wrote.
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greycappedjester · 1 year
Rereading your third hq@hogwarts and let me just say- I never in a million years would’ve headcannoned Noya as like a miniature Hagrid, but they way you write it it literally makes perfect sense! and it just fits him so well! One of my absolute favorite things about this series (besides being an overall incredible story) is how you were able to slot in hp magical abilities/traits with the hq characters- like Suga being the heir and Kenma being a metamorphmagus. How did you go about assigning those magical abilities to the characters?
Oooh, good question.
So, for Hq at Hogwarts, it's my first fanfic so for a really long time (like years) I spent just thinking about the idea and trying to match characters to characters only with twists. I honestly didn't ever think about writing it because I'd never done that before, I just liked thinking about it. So that gave me a lot of time to come up with ideas until I felt like "well, now I have to write this even if it's only me who thinks it's cool". Constantly blows my mind that so many people ended up liking it so much tbh, ya'll are great
Anyway, back to the main question. So, I planned out the major details of all o the books before I started writing which helped me fit together a lot of the characters' backstories early.
For Noya, I suppose I just thought he would work relly great with wild animals. Plus I'd already planned out that spoiler from the third story. So, when I was mixing aroundplot elements for the first story, I was like ofc Noya needs to be the one with the dragon and ofc he would tell Tanaka about it.
Suga was vaguelly in my Draco-Malfoy-with-a-major-twist stand in role anyway since I thought he'd do well as that character's complete opposite (also the hair, it was probably the silver hair that also inspired me). So, when I was coming up with story 2 one of the main things I like to do is take a main plot point and twist it. That one was "what if Harry/main character actually was the Heir of Slytherin and knew it the whole time". Thus it just flowed really naturally that it should be Suga so it could double well as a literal manifestation of his guilt with his family history and unwillingness to confront it honestly when he can just avoid the more nuanced implications (ie the diary). *Sidenote, Suga is so very much bargaining (dealing with certain factors to deny others) in between Iwaizumi's denial (to accept that he can't always protect Oikawa), Kuroo's anger (internally directed and most apparent when the gorup hits a major block), and Bokuto's depression. It represents how good they are at accepting situations and typically a major issue for them to work through.
For Kenma....Kenma has multicolored hair. Is hairdye even a longterm thing in Harry Potter? Who knows? Boom, metamorphmagus. (Followed by: oh, how can I make this a larger issue that relates to his charcter? Right, the Kuroo's dad thing)
By and large, most charactrs just slowly and gradually fell into ideas I had or ideas about how I could translate their canon plotlines/characterization into Hq.
Thanks for the ask!
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greycappedjester · 1 year
Hey, do you have any art/art people have made for you of hq @ hw? I started scrolling through your hq at hogwarts tag, but not only is it 71 pages (lol), I already accidentally spoiled myself for one thing since I haven't finished the series yet
There's definitely a lot of art, all amazing and done by some really talented people. I try to always post a link to it at the end of the chapter. I really should go through and update my tags so I can have a concise tag just for the art because it really is great and I'd love everyone to see it.
Anyway, thank you for the interest. For now, what I can say is just check in the author notes for the chapter if you want to avoid spoilers.
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greycappedjester · 2 years
I feel like everyone is collectively rereading the past hq@hogwarts books- myself included!
Because of this I have come to a realization- 2 out of the 3 trio have been personally taught by villains! Yachi learned about the importance of how you use spells/magic - that power isn’t everything- by her dark ghost wizard aunt Kirika Uragiri disguised as hogwarts teacher Rezei. Hinata learned the importance of utilizing knowledge and theories and the responsibility that Magic is (and so much more) by ghost leader Ichiro Ignathe disguised as hogwarts champion Korai!!
I’m sensing a pattern, question is- what masked villain is kageyama going to learn from??? When is it his turn!? Was this on purpose or a coincidence????
Huh, that's really cool. I will fully admit it's a complete coincedence; but...I guess Kageyama sort of does share/will share a mentor relationship with a quasi-grey morality character, too, now that I think about it. No spoilers on more detail there tho. I'm gonna assume it's because everyone looks at the trio and is overcome with an overwhelming urge of "they're too innocent for this world. must protect" even applying to villains.
(The Crows and the IC, everyone looks at and collectivelly goes "oh fuck no, that's someone else's problem". And honestly looking at Daichi's inevitably receeding hair line, who can blame them?)
Thank you for the ask, I never really noticed that before :)
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greycappedjester · 3 years
Omg I love how Hinata claims to have been "fine all last year" when he was probably the one in the most danger (sans Oikawa of course) and no one knew XD
Hinata is the human equivalent of dramatic irony. Like 90% of the plot at any given time depends on (a) what Hinata doesn't know; (b) what Hinata knows and is keeping a secret; or (c) what Hinata totally knows but also totally doesn't know is a secret.
For example is Hinata literally THE ONLY PERSON of the main characters that knows the Giant was a muggleborn and Oikawa is not in fact the first muggleborn Slytherin? Oh yeah, totes.
Has he known for actual YEARS? Yep.
Does he have any clue that this is huge world-changing secret that is in fact not common knowledge? Nah, not a bit.
Has anyone asked him? Also, nah, why would they?
Sometimes, I just sit back and laugh to myself about how much stuff depends legit just on Hinata's (often incorrect) perception of things.
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greycappedjester · 3 years
SPOILERS FOR HQ@HOGWARTS (ig?) - read the first chapter of the fifth book and it already looks like we have a strong contender for number 2 on the worst at romance list
And you would be absolutely correct.
1.) Tsukishima
2.) Akaashi Keiji (for nope-ing his way out of the reciprocated love of his life for like a decade straight)
3.) Kuroo
*As a side note, if ya'll are wondering why I put Tsukishima as #1 despite all of them being objectively terrible for their own romantic lives. It's because Tsukishima has the least Freudian excuse for his actions. At least Akaashi and Kuroo can blame it on lifelong childhood issues/ character arc stuff. Tsuki just came by that naturally.
4.) Asahi
5 (tie so two) ????? and ?????
6.) ?????
7.) ?????
8 (tie so two) ????? and ?????
9.) Suga
10.) Noya
11.) Kenma
12.) Lev
13.) Daichi
14.) Yamaguchi
15.) Yachi
16.) ????? but an absolute genius at this stuff
For those keeping track, the non-named ones in order of group are Tanaka and Ennoshita (Crows), Hinata and Kageyama (Trio), Oikawa, Bokuto and Iwaizumi (IC)
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greycappedjester · 3 years
hi sorry if this is a stupid question but how many prophecies do we have currently in the hq@hw series? is there any other prophecy other than the one in the first book?
Just one main prophecy.
It will go into the difference between prophecies and visions next book. Basically, visions are "seen" by psychics or divined by divination methods and can change (think of them like possibilities). Prophecies are given by true psychics, are spoken rather than seen, and can never be changed. Prophecies are much more rare. Even Akaashi has only given two (one which will be covered next book).
For now, Akaashi did have a vision in the third book of things which may later have some importance (Ch.11). But, it's definitely a vision--I just thought it would be a fun way to foreshadow some specific future scenes. So far, the ones that have come up are these...
"I know you don't want to listen to me--" (Book 3, Ch. 18, Noya's conversation with Asahi)
A wolf's howl. (Also Book 3, technically with the time turner involvd it's in two chapters)
"What kind of publicity?" (Book 3, Ch. 3, Minister Masaru's conversation with Headmaster Ukai that alludes to the Triwizard Tournament)
"I am waiting. I thought you knew--" (Book 4, Ch. 21, Kenma's talk with Kuroo at the Yule Ball)
"It's a shame you won't remember--" (Book 4, Ch. 30, Hinata's final talk with Korai...kinda)
"Always...that's why--" (Book 4, Ch. 30, Tendou's conversation with Semi)....which actually I just realized I forget to include in end notes and edit a bit. One sec.
For prophecies, only one's been revealed so far. The one that Akaashi gives to Hinata at the end of the first story (Ch. 26)
The duel must come to an end. Victim and victor, their paths intertwined. Love becomes hatred, so hatred must become love. Three signs mark the way.
The lion will fall to mark a year.
A raven will cry to mark seven months.
A silver snake burns to mark seven days.
Three signs mark the way.
Love becomes hatred, so hatred must become love. Victim and victor, their paths intertwined. The duel must come to an end.
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greycappedjester · 3 years
In hq@hw, do even Makki and Mattsun not know abt Akaashi's seer powers? I love your series, btw!
Akaashi is very subtle about it. Literally, the only people who know about his powers are Hinata and Akaashi's mother.
That said, Akaashi also can't see his own future so while I imagine he gets pranked less than others (especially big group pranks he can see Makki and Matsu planning), he doesn't exactly have a great advantage for avoiding them entirely either.
Makki and Matsu don't know everything that goes on in Hogwarts....just more than most. They still don't know anything about the Giant or his past, or about the Crows' map (which they'd totally copy the idea if they knew about), or all the details about what went down in the second story. I do imagine they have at the very least a strong suspicion (if they haven't figured it out completely) a certain classmate with a furry problem every full moon.
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greycappedjester · 3 years
I just realized that Mattsun and Makki are just like the twins from HP... And... I JUST remembered what happens to them in the end. Please... Please don't do that to them 💖 I'm straight up begging 💖
No worries, Matsu and Makki are legit the only characters I'll answer this for.
They're safe. Consider them functionally immortal in this series.
Fred's death hit me hard to the point that I am avoiding any and all Harry Potter style prankster deaths in any shape, form, or fashion.
Matsu and Makki are the metaphorical cockroaches of this world--anything can happen and they'll live.
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greycappedjester · 3 years
Kuroo and Kenma's scene was definitely a highlight of this chapter - soo soft! The gold strands coming back in Kenma's hair unintentionally was very emotional too. I had an inkling that Kuroo was put into Ravenclaw because he asked the Sorting Hat to but then, I wasn't sure why it didn't listen to Kageyama's request to be in Slytherin? Since they technically both wanted to be in those Houses for the sake of somebody else (Kenma/Oikawa)
Thank you so, so much! That scene was one of those scenes that I think I wrote the first version of it actually before I started writing this story and posting it (it was part of my beginning plans).
So, there's three characters in this series so far that we know asked the Sorting Hat for a different House: Suga (who asked for Hufflepuff/Gryffidnor and ended up in Slytherin); Kageyama (who asked for Slytherin and ended up in Hufflepuff); and Kuroo (who asked for Ravenclaw even when the Hat originally would have put him in Slytherin).
How I view the Hat making the final decisions comes down to motives. Both Suga and Kageyama were asking for ultimately self-destructive reasons where Kuroo wasn't.
Suga was asking for basically anything other than Slytherin (preferably Hufflepuff or Gryffindor) solely to change how people see him. He knew if he was a Slytherin people were more likely to associate him with the rest of his family so he was willing to throw away literally any other part of himself just to spite that expectation. That denial would in no way have been healthy and tbh the motive of "choosing this house to better my reputation/long term goals" is incredibly Slytherin so the Hat ignored the request and put him in Slytherin....where in turned out to have a much better chance of fighting his family legacy anyway if only he quits ignoring it. Suga was willing to sacrifice himself for a better reputation but he needed (and still needs) to see himself clearly before he'll ever be able to achieve that.
Kageyama was similarly asking for Slytherin to prove himself to Oikawa, specifically to rebuild that friendship. Kageyama was truly only viewing his life though how it measured up to Oikawa's and how he could "be worthy again" of friendships....which is such a vast misunderstanding of the situation and how friendships work that the Sorting Hat immediately yeeted him over to the badgers to get Kageyama more healthier views of friendship. Kageyama wanted ambition but he needed friends most of all.
Kuroo is different. Kuroo went yeah, yeah, I can see where Slytherin might suit me the most but I'm pretty smart, too and I've got a friend that's definitely a Ravenclaw. Kuroo wasn't doing it to change himself, he wasn't doing it to prove anything. He legit just wanted to be with his friend more than he cared about being in a House that might have fit him a bit better. In my opinion, the only thing that could have possibly been improved by sending Kuroo to Slytherin instead was that it could have forced him to be more open in talking to Kenma since they wouldn't share a House....but tbh, I don't think that would have happened when he was 12. I think it would have just isolated both of them which would have only exacerbated the problem rather than mend it. There was no harm in honoring the simple request to be by a friend, so the Sorting Hat listened and Kuroo got a blue and bronze tie.
(Yachi, Asahi, and Yamaguchi would also have objected to their House choice except for the fact that none of them ever considered Gryffidnor in the first place....Sorting Hats, Helping Kids' Self-Esteem Since 993)
Thanks for the ask!
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greycappedjester · 3 years
Hi! First of all, I’d like to start by saying the final chapter was brilliant and I’m excited for the next book. Next, I had a question about Haikyuu at Hogwarts as a whole. You mentioned before that you meant for certain Haikyuu characters to fill certain roles played by the Harry Potter characters. Would you consider, either now or in the future, listing which characters are filling which roles? Thank you!
Thank you!
I don't know if I can remember all of them off the top of my head; but, here are some that I can think of:
Yamaguchi/Oikawa/Hinata both took different elements of Harry.
Yamaguchi along with Yachi and Asahi also got a bit of Neville (I'd say especially Yamaguchi)
Bokuto's family got based off the Weasley's slightly but smaller and with more political influence
Suga's backstory was based off of Draco Malfoy but disagreeing with his parents instead of following them
Noya and Tanaka both slightly fulfilled by Hagrid role only students instead of teacher
Headmaster Ukai got a good bit of Dumbledore ofc.
Asahi got Lupin for obvious reasons
The fitting Hq characters against Harry Potter ones really only worked for giving me inspiration in my early, early planning. After a while I just started thinking of which parts of their personality could be translated into the Hogwarts world and then I just thought of what would be fun and neat (like Kenma's hair I thought would be cool to be explained as a metamorphmagus and Kuroo's backstory with his dad I really wanted to explore a character "on the right side politically but still a pretty selfish/vain person")
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greycappedjester · 3 years
Is Hinata the only one who knows who Ichiro is (minus the minister/higher ups) because I thought Suga also knew.
Also, I see that Ichiro seems to care a lot for Hinata (I love how you decided to do this. It’s like the opposite of Harry and Voldemort). Does Ichiro also care for Sugawara?
It’s a bit weird knowing that Hinata was never talking to Hoshiumi, instead he was talking to an old ass murderer who was pretending to be a high schooler🤮🤮 If Hinata ever finds out, that’s bound to be awkward.
I can’t wait for the next book!!!!
Oh....I am not touching Ichiro's current feelings to the Noroi family at all.
Basically, most of Ichiro's thoughts/feelings/motivations from the time he graduated from Hogwarts to his supposed "death" 10 years prior to the first book, I'm labeling as a spoiler.
I will say that Ichiro's the godfather of Suga's mother and that Suga (prior to this fourth book) is the only one who's met Ichiro...but, he was 3 or younger at the time so doesn't remember.
Post Ichiro's supposed death, Suga's family was very, very silent and especially about things to do with the war or the politics surrounding it. They withdrew hard from any part of the Wizarding World government (even if they technically still have a seat on the Wizamagot). They were also not at the Battle of Spinner's End (the final battle of the war) and that's why they were never arrested with a lot of the other Ghosts.
For what Suga knows? Suga barely knows anything about his family's history outside of what the papers say and it's entirely because Suga doesn't want to know. He attempts to view them as exactly what the history books and papers: blood purists who basically served as the Giant's top allies. Suga's view of his parents is far more messy than he would like it to be because there's also the fact that his own personal experience with his family, they've never been anything but nice/kind parents even when he openly speaks out against everything he believes they support.....it's complicated. Suga would find it easier if he could just view them as monsters. As it stands now, he tries to avoid finding out more because of this.
Suga's flaw continues to be distancing himself from the past instead of attempting to understand it/see it clearly. It's why he still hasn't read the diary even though he promised Hinata.
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