#however give them some time and they're inseparable
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silverselfshippingchaos · 7 months ago
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stonedcoldfoxtarot · 2 years ago
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How will you meet your next best friend? ft. Cheng Xiao
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Pile 1
6oS, 7oW, 5oW, 2oP, AoC, Sun (4oC)
When you meet your new best friend, it's probably going to happen during a time of change or after you've moved to a new job, city, or friend group. After this move and upon meeting, you might have a little disagreement or argument with this person. But once you get to know each other better, you'll quickly realize how much you have in common and how well you complement each other.
Once that happens, you'll become almost inseparable, so don't be too quick to dismiss them! Some people might even think you're secretly dating, but that will only bring you closer together. You'll bask in the warm feeling of knowing that you've found one of your platonic soulmates in this lifetime, which not everyone gets to experience. With this special connection, you and your future bestie will share many unforgettable moments together. In the end, you'll both be happy that you gave this friendship a chance.
Pile 2
AoC, Death, World, Sun, 4oW, 4oS, 7oW, 2oC (7oP)
Pile 2, I see that as soon after you decide to end a relationship or connection that has run its course, you will be ready to meet your next BFF. And they will be like a breath of fresh air entering your life as you close a chapter you've invested a lot of time, effort, and energy into. Most likely, this magical encounter will happen at an event or celebration where you're trying to distract yourself from your emotions and meet new people for purely platonic reasons.
You're on a mission to rediscover the happiness, freedom, and the carefree side of life that you may have forgotten existed, and your new BFF will be your partner in crime along the way. Together, you will have countless fun and joyous experiences as you both shape your lives on your own terms. This connection will be highly valued and cherished by both of you, and you'll defend and protect it at all costs. It's a friendship that will stand the test of time.
Pile 3
2oS, 10oW, Tower, Moon, 2oC, Empress, 8oS, AoC (Justice)
You might be someone who's not too keen on making new connections or perhaps you're often accused of being stuck in your ways. But this new friend you're about to make will completely change your perspective on vulnerability and closeness, and it'll be for the better.
For many of you, this person will enter your life unexpectedly, and you might have doubts about their authenticity or question if they're truly who they claim to be. Due to past experiences of being hurt, deceived, or taken advantage of, some of you may be cautious when someone appears too good to be true. It may take some time for you to warm up to them. However, once you do, they will become one of your most cherished treasures in this lifetime. For some, they may already have children of their own, or they could play a role similar to that of a nurturing mother figure, making you feel loved, cared for, and secure enough to be your authentic self around others. They will always have your best interests at heart.
I can see that this person will help you overcome any internal barriers that prevent you from expressing your deepest thoughts and emotions with others. In return, you will shower them with unconditional love and reveal a side of yourself that very few people ever get to witness. You will enjoy each other's company for many years to come.
Pile 4
8oP. AoW, 5oW rev, 9oS rev, Empress, 9oP, Sun, 10oP (8oW)
Chances are, you'll meet your next BFF at work or when you dive into a new project that ignites your passion. And despite the cutthroat and competitive nature of your job or career, you'll connect with someone who shares your kind and nurturing spirit. Deep down, you and your bestie are both softies who appreciate having someone you can be yourself around. This special bond will make the work week more bearable and give you something to look forward to.
Pile 4, you and your future BFF are an amazing match. Not only are you both creative, hardworking and genuine, but you’re also not afraid to be independent. self-sufficient and bold! And as you progress in your careers, you will motivate and cheer each other on because seeing the other person succeed will bring you both joy. Get ready—this person is on their way to you soon!
Thanks for reading 🔮✨
© 2023 stonedcoldfoxtarot. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, edit or redistribute.
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babybearnation · 7 days ago
could we get more about court musician Liam and royal reader please 🙏
this will be an expansion of the concept i outlined HERE so go read that before reading this (or not. i dont control you.)
court musician!liam lawson x gn!royal!reader
you were the heir to the throne with a handful of younger siblings
you knew your job was to marry well (aka royal) and produce an heir for the safety and security of your throne and your kingdom
it's all you've ever known since you were old enough to understand your role within the kingdom and your family
but, in your teens, things changed with the arrival of a family that your parents had hired to be court musicians
you met the teen son, liam, and it was practically love at first sight for both of you
but he wasn't royal and therefore you knew your parents would never approve so you suppressed your feelings
or at least, you tried to
it seemed like no matter what you did, your feelings for liam grew and grew until they eclipsed your desire to do your duty to your family/kingdom
liam serenaded you with a song one night and you pulled him into a kiss that was hastily broken apart when one of your younger siblings called for you
he'd jumped off the balcony and ran to safety but when you saw him the next day, he smiled at you so sweetly that you knew he wasn't upset about being interrupted
you two disguise your relationship as friendship and before long, the two of you are practically inseparable
you dance to all of his songs and he listens to you talk about all the things you are interested in
he'll sneak into your chambers at night via the balcony and you two will share passionate kisses and quiet whispers until you fall asleep
you've nearly been caught more than once by your servants
as you get closer to being an adult, however, your parents start pushing you in front of more and more potential suitors, anyone they deem an appropriate choice
it gets harder and harder to find criticisms of all of the suitors who appear, unable to stop yourself from thinking the same thing over and over
"you are not liam"
it all hits you one night and you sob in liam's arms, tears wracking your frame as he soothes you with gentle words and soft touches
you want to do your duty to your family but you don't want to have to marry some random stuffy prince or duke or earl to secure that future
you know you can't marry liam and ascend to the throne, so you'll have to pick just one
and after thinking about it, you realise that your parents have multiple children but you only have one liam
and it wasn't like your sister, who was next in line, didn't have her eye on one of the princes your parents had chosen for you
you work up the courage to speak to your parents but they cut you off almost instantly
you're disheartened until they summon your siblings
when all of you are sat around together, you start again
you tell them everything - your desire to serve your duty to your family but also your love for liam
you even confess that you two had been seeing each other in secret
they're all stunned at first but your sister, ever the perceptive one, slaps the table with a "i told you so" that has your second sibling groaning and burying his face in his hands
it produces a hearty round of laughter from your family but things soon turn serious again
your parents inform you that, when the time comes, you will have to officially abdicate the throne to your sister but you just smile and shrug it off
to you, that's the easiest thing in the world
they pull you into a hug and promise that, for as long as you desire, you can stay in the castle and live like you did before
or if you want to move out with liam, they can offer you a place and you can have full access to the money of the family like you would if you stayed
due to the freshness of your relationship with liam, the relatively young age of your parents and also the young age of you and liam as well, you decide to stay for now
at that, your parents summon liam and give him their blessing to pursue you
he sweeps you into a kiss right then and there before turning back to your family in confusion
he asks if he's going to be a prince and you explain how the line of succession will flow, including the abdication
he turns to you with panicked eyes, worried that you've sacrificed everything for him but you assure him otherwise
you'd do it a thousand times over for him, after all
that night, a party is thrown in honour of your sister becoming the new heir, but also in honour of you and liam finding happiness in each other
you and liam dance together that night and when he kisses you on the dancefloor, you can't but smile into the kiss, proud and happy
and all because of him
© all rights to babybearnation 2025.
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badgalsasuke · 6 months ago
am i missing something because the whole indra and ashura thing was literally only their chakras not even the souls, otherwise hashimada (reanimated) wouldn't have been able to exist at the same time as sns. it's not even "pseudo-incest" or whatever antis say it is because chakra =/= souls.
Yep. It's the most convoluted storyline in the entire manga and I honestly have no idea why Kishimoto overcomplicated himself like that.
When we first meet Hagoromo the Sage of the Six Paths, he tells Naruto he's his son Ashura and that they're very similar.
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And then starts explaining the differences in character between Indra and Ashura
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We're told about this interminable conflict between this two forces after Indra rejected his father's decision to make Ashura the guardian of the Ninja realm. Now, here is where it gets kinda sketchy
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We're told by Hagoromo that is their chakras that continue to be honed and reincarnated across time but also that Ashura reincarnated in Naruto and Indra in Sasuke. So are the chakras different and separate from the individual/self? or are the chakras and the individual/self two inseparable beings?
When Naruto asks Hagoromo about the previous hosts/reincarnations of Indra and Ashura's chakras we're told
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Madara mixed Indra and Ashura's chakras which ended up giving him the rinnegan. Very important to keep in mind that at this point in the story Madara is still very much alive.
This tells us two things; first, one person can hold both Indra and Ashura's chakras meaning that you're not reincarnating the individual/self. If Madara was Indra's reincarnation he would not be able to also be the reincarnation Ashura, but since he and Hashirama were only hosting the chakras, Madara was then able to mix them both for himself.
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Which leads us to Hagoromo telling us Madara is no longer the reincarnation of Indra even though he's still hosting/holding Indra and Ashura's chakras (it's starting to get very convoluted, right?).
On top of that, if Madara is the reincarnation of Indra then Sasuke wouldn't have been born because well... Madara is still alive. But if Madara is just the host of Indra's chakra & Sasuke exists at the same time Madara is alive then that means the chakra chooses new individuals as hosts and does NOT exclusively stay with one individual forever or as long as they live, that's why Sasuke exists and holds Indra's chakra even if Madara is still alive and holding still some Indra's chakra himself.
So we get that Indra, Madara and Sasuke are their own separate selves that simply share *some* of Indra's chakra.
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Additionally, even though in previous panels Hagoromo said Naruto was very similar to Ashura and he's his reincarnation and the host of his chakra, he also tells us that Naruto's nature is unlike the one of the previous reincarnates.
Naruto also states that he's different from Ashura, stablishing through this convoluted reincarnation/hosts thing, that Naruto has his own sense of self, he is his own person separate from Ashura and Hashirama, just like Sasuke is separate from Indra and Madara.
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After Hagoromo tells them to raise their dominant hand to give them his power. Naruto states he and Sasuke may not be true brothers (unlike Ashura and Indra) but they're really good friends (once again debunking the whole "sns is incest" bs). This is to make it clear that unlike Indra and Ashura but also unlike Madara and Hashirama, they will be able end the interminable conflict started thousands of years prior.
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However, when we're introduced to Kaguya who is able to sense Indra and Ashura's chakras in Sasuke and Naruto she also first believes they are Hagoromo and Hamura, her sons.
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Keep in mind Indra and Ashura are NOT Hagoromo and Hamura's reincarnations, they're Hagoromo's sons and only Indra inherited Hagoromo's chakra. So, which is it? Are Naruto and Sasuke reincarnations of Indra and Ashura? what do Hagoromo and Hamura have to do with this? do Naruto and Sasuke simply have those powerful chakras?
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As the fight against Kaguya continues, she calls Naruto and Sasuke Ashura and Indra's reincarnates respectively. But even then, she still sees them more as Hagoromo and Hamura who sealed her thousands of years prior.
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Woah this is such a mess and the worst part is that it is quite frankly unnecessary lmaoo.
Anyways, after Kaguya is sealed and Sasuke reiterates he's got to kill Naruto and all that, basically indicating that the interminable conflict Hagoromo had talked about is still going. Hagoromo then tells Naruto he has to handle it by himself because he won't be able to help him since he has to leave that realm asap to which Naruto responds:
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Soooo after 21 godforsaken chapters (671-692) Kishimoto clarifies once and for all that no, Naruto and Sasuke aren't brothers, they're not reincarnations of Ashura and Indra selves but simply inherited their chakras (in Sasuke's case *some* of Indra's chakra as Madara still had some himself) with the intent of ending this interminable shinobi conflict, but they are their own person separate from the previous hosts of these chakras.
I suppose since they did, in fact, end the interminable conflict Hagoromo talked about then the chakras won't be inherited by anyone else anymore.
I also need to point out that the reason Kishimoto made them the hosts of these chakras is because throughout the entire manga he's been building up all this lore of Naruto and Sasuke being two halves that complement each other, soulmates or twin flames if you will, but his ass just had to make things overly complicated.
We see it in the cover art he made for ch. 671
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I've already explained this entire artwork here
Lastly, Naruto and Sasuke are both descendants of Hagoromo but since he lived thousands of years prior to them, saying they're related would be as ridiculous as saying the descendants of Genghis Khan living today are relatives.
Sorry for the long reply but I really needed to show why they're not brothers because this whole storyline can be confusing af.
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wraith-caller · 8 months ago
This is the cloth garb:
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It is worn by two player model characters and no enemies. Those characters are Devin(D, Beholder of Death), and the dead person we find by Darian(D, Hunter of the Dead). You can get the set from a chest in Murkwater Cave, and off a corpse in Leyndell.
The current item description is sparse, just mentioning it's a commonly worn item made of rough cloth. There is a hood that completes the set, which is a thorn-wrapped mantle, seen on the dead body by Darian. The item description explains that the hood is put on those who have committed lesser crimes.
In the 1.0 text, this set has a very different description:
Clothing made of coarse material. Garb of spurned Tarnished who were forced into slavery in the Lands Between. The Tarnished have been wandering into the Lands Between from beyond the Sea of Fog in dribs and drabs since times of old. Most are killed on arrival, but the few, unlucky survivors are taken as slaves.
Intriguing. Let's explore some things about that.
So first is this idea of Tarnished being made into slaves, which appears to have been done away. After all, the Tarnished we meet are all kinda doing their own thing, free to pledge allegiance to whoever, and some, like Gideon, hold such an esteemed position of authority so as to have a squad of goons at their disposal for casually massacring villages. The other piece of this description is still accurate enough - Tarnished are targeted by multiple factions, and treated like crap basically everywhere they go.
So let's hold on to the idea that Tarnished were enslaved. Devin's attire would mark him as one, which isn't all that surprising given he and his brother were pariahs among pariahs. We know the Golden Order was the only institution not to revile them, based on the Inseparable sword description. The JP text for that same sword gives a more interesting flavor to that text, saying:
The Undivided Twins served the Golden Rule for no other reason than because they were not branded as cursed.
This is interesting because it omits any references to taking solace in the Order. The "for no other reason" bit is also noteable. It carries an implication that the lack of persecution is the primary force driving them to serve the Order. It makes sense. If you were hated by everyone else, you'd go with the one group who took you no matter what else they're up to, and you'd fight tooth and nail for them to last. Otherwise, what's standing between you and being completely shunned and ostracized again?
If we're to continue on with the 1.0 text for the cloth garb and its references to Tarnished made slaves, Devin wearing that set gives a new context to the phrasing of "the undivided twins served the Golden Order." Could the twins have originally been intended to be slaves of the Order? Devin's location in combination with his potential status as a slave is noteworthy because, aside from the Misbegotten of Castle Morne, there is one other named group of slaves, and they have a heavy presence in Nokron. The Fallen Hawk Soldiers were a band of slaves who were ordered to search the Eternal Cities. They became lost there, condemned to remain below the earth after burning the bones of their fellows and discovering the ghost flame.
These guys aren't just in the same city as Devin. They are right by him, in the Siofra Aqueduct itself, just where Devin sleeps. There is also a golden centipede in Siofra River, beside a corpse which gives us the Inverted Hawk Heater Shield, used by Fallen Hawk Soldiers. While I don't intend to suggest that Devin is a part of the Fallen Hawks, I do find these tiny, potential connections interesting as shedding some light on potential routes a character's story could have gone.
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bbgnyx · 1 year ago
omg !! I saw your post where you said you'd be taking song fic requests and I have one. 🫣
song: you belong with me - Taylor Swift
lyrics: "But she wears short Skirts, I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so, why can't you see? You belong with me.."
Pairing: football player!lee know x introverted!reader
genre: angst (with fluff at the end...?)
You Belong With Me~
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a/n: this is absolutely my favourite song ever! @hugsforjungwon thanks for requesting this, it was thrilling to write, and I hope you like it!
my taglist is open btw, just message me if you wanna be part of it!!
masterlist | prompt list
ty, @cafekitsune for the dividers~
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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The night was calm and peaceful. You lounged on the couch, absentmindedly swiping through your phone, while your best friend, Minho, lay sprawled across you. An 80’s hip-hop song played softly in the background, prompting you to groan. "Who on earth decided to play this ancient song?" you quipped, only to answer your own question. "Oh right, we have a Minho in the room." He simply rolled his eyes, and you couldn't help but chuckle.
You and Minho had been inseparable since childhood, so close that you even defied the college rules and secretly roomed together. In your opinion, sharing a room with your best friend was far better than being stuck with some spoiled rich girl. The college dorm arrangements were always harsh, and you didn't want to take any chances.
Over time, your connection with Minho has only grown stronger, and perhaps, you've developed a crush on him. However, you knew deep down that his relationship status as someone's boyfriend rendered your feelings insignificant. It was heart-wrenching for you, but what truly mattered was Minho's happiness, even if it wasn't with you.
Tonight appeared to be just like any other normal night, with both of you lying down engrossed in your phones. Strangely enough, Minho seemed restless, his fingers dancing furiously on the screen as he typed away. Suddenly, his ringtone erupted into a fast-paced melody, prompting him to abruptly leave the room. You didn't pay much attention at first, but you could faintly hear his voice resonating from outside the door. He was tense and arguing.
You realised it was another one of the many fights between him and his girlfriend. You sighed and turned your attention back to your phone. After a few minutes you heard him come back inside, a hand running through his hair like he always did when he was nervous.
“Trouble in paradise?” you asked putting your phone down and turning your attention to him. Minho laughed ruefully, running his fingers through his hair again, as if just thinking about it was enough to make him want to pull at his hair. "Not exactly," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of fondness and frustration. "Jiyeon is wonderful, really. It's just that we have different...senses of humor. She didn't appreciate one of my jokes, I brushed it off as something trivial, and now she's giving me the silent treatment."
"Makes sense. Your jokes suck."
"They do not."
"You're the only one who laughs at them."
"You do too!"
"Only because they're so bad!". As you uttered those words, your gaze dropped to the floor, almost as if avoiding eye contact would reveal the hidden truth of your admiration for Minho's jokes.
"Jiyeon's not bad, of course, but don't you think you jumped into this a little too quickly?" The thought had been lingering in your mind, quietly questioning whether Minho's trust in everyone was warranted. It took him quite some time to let his guard down and trust someone, and although you would never voice it aloud, you couldn't help but feel that he had rushed into this relationship faster than he was comfortable with.
Maybe it was because Jiyeon actually registered as a girl to him. After all these years of being friends, you probably didn’t look any different than the boys to him. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy dressing up, it just wasn't a priority for you, and you didn't have much time for it. Growing up in a small neighborhood, you weren't exactly the social butterfly either.
Jiyeon, on the flip side, always exuded an air of elegance and charm. She was effortlessly put together, making it easy to engage in meaningful conversations with her. Although she adored Jiyeon, it pained her to see her standing next to Minho. They didn't even have to be physically close to give off the impression of a couple.
As your conversation gradually faded, you decided to play some music. The song that came on was your absolute favorite, causing you to sway your head and unleash your inner karaoke star. Minho chuckled, leaning back in his chair, his fingers unconsciously tapping along to the rhythm.
"Jiyeon would absolutely despise listening to this," Minho remarked.
"It's quite entertaining!" you replied with a smirk.
Uh huh, sure," he playfully retorted.
In that moment, you couldn’t think of what Jiyeon thinks of all things. You saw her enough without dwelling on her when she wasn't even there. So what if the music was a bit silly and funky? You were a little silly and funky yourself. Sometimes it made you wonder how Minho could spend time with you, considering how different you were from Jiyeon. It just didn't make sense to you.
But what did Jiyeon really know? She wasn't the one who had known him for ages, who could sense his moods from across the house, or who shared all his inside jokes. No, that was you. But did it even matter anymore? Who were you to feel bitter about Minho's new love interest? Just a friend who hung on his every word, whether you showed it or not.
"I don't understand how you can listen to this," Minho interrupted your thoughts, causing you to quickly look away, feeling your face flush from almost being caught staring at him. "It all sounds the same to me. Like static."
"Not to me," you replied, watching Minho get up to make some tea. You couldn't help but wonder if there was some sort of barrier over his eyes that you could remove, so he could see you for who you truly were: everything he had been searching for.
The following day, Minho was in the company of Jiyeon during the morning, but upon his return, he seemed unusually quiet. It was evident that he had a lot on his mind, so you decided not to disturb him. However, you couldn't resist for too long.
"I noticed you left in the morning," you mentioned.
"Yeah, I was with Jiyeon," he replied.
"Is everything alright?" you asked, concerned.
He let out a forced laugh. "As alright as it can be, I suppose."
You nodded, not wanting to pry further. "Are you ready for the big game this afternoon?" you inquired.  "Yeah, I guess," he responded nonchalantly. You smiled, reassuring him, "You're our star quarterback, you'll do great." Extending your fist, you offered him a fist bump, and he reciprocated.
The game arrived sooner than expected, and you quickly put on your house scarf before rushing to the stadium to wish Minho luck. Spotting him, you couldn't contain your excitement and almost tackled him to the ground. His laughter filled the air, a rare and beautiful sound. It was moments like these that made you feel privileged to be one of the few who could bring out that genuine joy in him.
As you said 'Good Luck,' you both performed your special handshake, a ritual you always followed before every game. Afterward, Minho mentioned that he had something important to tell you and went off to prepare himself. You waved him goodbye and found a seat in the bleachers. It was then that your gaze fell upon Jiyeon, she was the head cheerleader, energetically waving her pompoms and looking absolutely adorable in her tight top and short skirt, something you would never be. You couldn't help but feel surprised that Minho didn't approach her for a kiss or something.
The game began and the crowd erupted with cheers, each person supporting their own team. In the end, your and Minho's team emerged victorious! You jumped up, threw your scarf aside, and hurried down to meet Minho.
"You were amazing! I'm so proud of you, as always," you said excitedly.
"Thanks, y/n," he replied, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
You continued to gush about the thrilling game, but then noticed that Minho was only focused on you. Curious, you asked him what was on his mind.
"I wasn't completely honest earlier. Jiyeon and I... we broke up. And I've been thinking aboutwhether I made the right decision or if I was too blind to see what was right in front of me. I think I've found my answer."
You stood there, shocked, and surprised. Was this really happening?
Without warning, Minho swept you off my feet and pulled you into the most passionate kiss you had ever experienced. In that moment, it felt like the entire world disappeared, leaving just the two of you.
There was nothing wrong with exploring, making mistakes, and searching for love. But if it wasn't out there, Minho would always come back.
He would always come back to the person he had known all along.
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sillygeeseys · 11 months ago
what are some of your favorite hoodie and masky HCs?
Hoodie, and Masky as characters or as a couple? SCREW IT, PLEASE TAKE BOTH
As a couple:
(Hoodie x Masky)
-They're not quite sure they're so drawn to each other, but they feel like they were sewn with the same thread, and are basically inseparable
-Slender didn't create them with any mind for them to develop romantic lives, so they may not radiate partner energy to people that don't know them well, not overly affectionate in public
-In the safety of the manor they're a bit more noticeably involved with eachother:
-Hoodie struggles to sleep unless he's nestled into Masky's in some way, whether he's found himself coiled around Masky's hand, or is resting with his head so deep in the other proxies chest it's questionable whether their breathing properly
-Masky gets cold, especially wearing a plastic mask, after long missions in sometimes freezing conditions Hoodie is the only one he'll allow to slip their hands under the face covering to warm him up again
-They're not sexual, I'm really sorry to tell you this, Tim, and Brian absolutely would've been (that's an answer for a different ask) but Masky, and Hoodie simply wouldn't engage with eachother that way
-Hoodie loves listening to Masky for hours at a time, they'll lay together on the porch while Masky has a cigarette, and rambles on about work, and anything else crossing his mind
-Masky is a little bit disconnected from the standard binary, but doesn't have time to research the right word for him, he's still rather masculine, but doesn't mind neutral pronouns like They or It.
-He treats Tim's smoking habit like a lifeline, chainsmoking eventually becomes the only thing able to distract him when something goes wrong
-Masky is the only one that has seen Slender directly, past the illusion Slender holds up, and survived. (Not unscathed, but he survived)
-He's far more connected to Tim than Hoodie is to Brian, able to recall memories, tap into Tim's fight or flight on command, he knows when to take medications, and why certain things set off his discomfort
-His knee injury still acts up some days, he has a crutch he stole that he keeps in the back of his beat up truck for when his leg gives out on missions
-He was designed to give orders, he has a need for control
-Hoodie has almost no grasp on who or what Brian is, only getting scraps of awful memories through triggers. They're the least human of the proxy pair, and nobody lets them forget it.
-They're heavily disconnected from the gender binary, preferring They/It over He pronouns. They even experience dysphoria at times, feeling like they don't belong in the body Slender made them for.
-Due to this dysphoria Hoodie hardly ever speaks, hating the sound of Brian's voice. They reserve their communication to writing or text to speech. Slender makes them speak however, despite this discomfort. There's no arguing with Slender.
-Hoodie doesn't acknowledge their spinal injuries, usually pushing until it's much too late for them, usually ending in completely losing their mobility for indeterminate periods of time
-They rely on Masky, it's what they were made for. To be a cart horse that does the labor, and follows the forceful guidance of those those above them.
-All of this combined leads to being heavily stressed, so Hoodie has picked up hobbies to distract themselves.
-They've continued to record videos, and they collect trinkets off the forest floor that they display in their room proudly, a few trusted people will get to have Hoodie eagerly show off these finds while pointing out the small details of every single one. (Ex: Super old bottle caps, rocks with different rocks running through them, jewelry with names etched in, ect)
-Hoodie bites.
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guess-that-ship · 9 months ago
S11 Round 2
Baseball Lesbians of All Time
cw: mentions of abusive parents and homophobia
Character A is a gentle giant type; tall and strong, but incredibly socially anxious and generally more interested in dogs than people. Character B is small, but she's loud, stubborn, and has a penchant for violence as a reaction to her abusive parents. A and B met each other in 3rd grade, and quickly bonded over their love of baseball. B became extremely protective of A, doing everything she could to make her happy. However, after about a year of knowing each other, B's parents moved cross-country, separating the two for what they thought was forever.
In their freshman year of high school, B's family moves back, and the two reconnect more strongly than ever, becoming anchors of sorts for their little circle of friends; the school's baseball club. They're also two of the best players on the team: in their time apart, B has perfected a trick pitch, and A is the only player skilled enough to catch it.
Over the next couple months, A realizes her feelings for B (who was smitten from day 1), and with a little prodding from their friends, they confess their feelings to each other and become girlfriends. The political climate at the time is still largely homophobic, so their relationship is mainly kept secret. However, they make great emotional support for each other, especially as B struggles with Complicated Gender Feelings and coming to terms with hurt done to her in the past. Together, they're unstoppable.
The Moon and Stars
Star and Moon are childhood friends, always by eachothers side. Star is a quiet child, reserved and bookish, while Moon is loud and rough, often picking fights with the other kids. The two are inseparable, balancing eachothers worse tendencies while encouraging their best. During this time, Moon feels herself developing a crush on Star, but keeps it secret. However, as time goes on, circumstance pulls them apart, as Star's parents are killed in an accident and she is forced to leave her home. Now alone, Moon's more reckless tendencies are all she has left.
Life carries on for both of them. Star attunes herself to her magic potential, goes to college, and loses herself in her studies. Moon drops out of school, taking odd jobs and joining in criminal groups to get by. After many years, and by complete coincidence, Moon sees Star on TV one night, and all of those feelings from her childhood come rushing back. Moon drops everything and travels to where Star is, hoping to see her friend again.
When the two finally do reunite, Star is exhausted, both mentally and physically. While the sight of Moon brings her some comfort, the weight of the pressure she set upon herself is threatening to crush her completely. Moon gives her a chance to show her strength, offering to fight her. Moon wins the fight easily, with Star barely able to land a blow. Moon, deep in regret, tries to comfort her, only to find Star clutching a locket Moon had given her in their childhood. Moon, surprised she still had it, shows Star her own, which she had also kept all those years. Finally, the two decide to leave together, allowing themselves to rekindle the love and care they had for each other all those years ago.
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profoundgladiatorbarbarian · 5 months ago
Disney kid siblings
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Peter pan Liddell and Alice Pleasance Liddell
Peter PAN and Alice in my version are based off of Come away version where they are siblings.If you watch the movie you might understand more, But in my a u it's also combined with a disney version, Where are they are Twins who after having a lot of adventures in neverland in wonderland start a new adventure at Auradon prep, But technically speaking they're many years old , However, they are about 13. No, because time runs different in wonderland and neverland
Alice- Alice is a thirteen year old adventurous, And curious Girl, Who found the secret world of wonderland, But in the aftermath when the queen of hearts Had chased her out, Alice Went back to Her world of england, But became bored, Of the same old same old especially now that she was living with her sister, So alice decided to go back to wonderland, and live there permanently. It was a tough decision having to leave her family.But in the end she She decided it was for the best, Since her family was in financial trouble and if she left, maybe it would give them More of a boost to get So thus she'd be got her new life in wonderland, However there was one thing she missed most of all and that was her older twin brother peter pan, Whom she was inseparable with.
Peter pan- Peter pan, Was always a playful person, However there came a time When He lost His older brother, Whom he was playing with and accidentally made him fall into the water causing him to drown and get electrocuted by an Unexpected storm In the water. After that day peter pan was never the same and tried to act more grown up, As a way to mask his pain. Alice Was quite side about her brother's death, But was even more worried for peter pan, Who is starting to become emotionless, But one day will peter pan was at the markets, He came a Cross A flying Whisp, That led him into the forest, And in the forest the wisp turned into a Female shape and introduce yourself as tinkerbell peter pan's, She said that she could bring him away from all The drama and problems going on with him at home, If he took her hand and followed her to a place called neverland, Where time never moved and you could stay young forever. Peter pan was hesitant about this, But then remembering All that was going on With his family being in debt, His brother dead, And some of their own family members , turning against his parents, And some of their own family members, turning against his parents He decided it was for the best that he leaves, So that may be his family can start afresh, So he agreed and flew off with Tinkerbell to neverland, And as the years passed by , peter pan kept bringing, Much wealth back to his family from neverland, So that they would never be poor, The only thing he regretted was never saying goodbye to his Twin sister Alice.
Many years had passed and alice and Peter PAN's parents had long passed Leaving leaving their older sister lorena to be the new owner of the house, She grew old and time as well with Yvonne. Alice and Peter's younger brother max's becoming adult Before them, But fast-forwarding to 2021 Alice, Having explored Almost all of wonderland, Was curious if she was Curious if she was able to go back to her home of london, And decided To crawl out of the rabbit hole To see what was happening above. When she crawled out The Old Neighborly House where she lived was replaced with a beautiful mansion, She couldn't even believe it herself and then she heard from the sky A familiar sound. It was Peter PAN Calling to her, And thus the twins were reunited, Two years had passed The 2 Are now attending Arudon prep with their significant others.
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Winifred darling is the niece of Anita darling, based off of the 2021 Cruella movie, And is in no way related to Wendy darling Who long passed away. Winifred is now the new love interest of Peter PAN, With her siblings, always following her on adventures through neverland.
Amandla Darling, Is the oldest Sibling, and Was once, A girl in wonderland herself, Like alice but in a different part, the looking glass, And she is also the future storyteller Of Alice and Peter pan's stories.
Winifred darling Is the second oldest And is based off of wendy darling a bit, But is more nerdy, And as a mixture of nurturing, And feminine Strength, And is willing to fight any pirates, Or be a big sister figure to any lost boy. She is Very close with her younger brother Kingston, But it's also enemies with him Seeing him as a intellectual rival with her in school, And the two often fights over who's smarter.
Kingston is the oldest boy and the third born, And just like his older sister is a huge nerd, But prides itself on it and see himself as the smartest in the family, Which Always gets under his sister skin, Matter of fact he mostly does it for the entertainment about her reactions, However as siblings they are still very close. People sometimes think he's a bit cowardly But in reality he can be brave and will stand up to Evan The scariest pirates like captain hook, Matter of fact, the only thing he and his sister are afraid of is their younger brother mkhosini Who, Let's just say Acts like the evil child in the family He's also a bit shy around tiger Lily's sister katawasisiw Whom he saved one time When she was kidnapped by captain hook, And saved her from nearly getting her head cut off by A pirates, In return she gave him a big kiss like the scene in the peter pan movie of 2003, And he started developing feelings for her and her intern, And the two do get along pretty well, And like to solve mysteries in the book of neverland which was a gift from the indigenous tribe of neverland given to Kingston That holds all the secrets and mysteries and powerful forceshe didn't within never land, Something that would be quite useful to captain hook who constantly tries to steal it.
mkhosini Is the last born, Baby brother of the family, A k a the evil child, And he takes this job with pride. He isn't necessarily manipulative, Or a type of sibling who blackmails his older siblings, But instead will physically force them to do things that he's really passionate about, And this is kind of help the family, But it's also made Winifred and kingston Fear him the most because, Of what he's Capable of doing Even in the dark, And He uses Two his advantage, His older siblings are Looking After him, Using his Strategies sort of butts to make them Fear him so much that they can't even tell him no, But he's not all Evil, He does look up to Peter PAN As an older brother figure which Kind of Makes kingston jealous, But also slightly relieved to that his brother is off his back, But also scared for peter pan's sake, And at the end of the day mkhosini It's just a very energetic Person, With a bit of a violent streak with his siblings, But he still love them.
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Christopher Robin and the Derby Robin
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Mowgli, Bala, Lali, Ranjan
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Dipper and Mabel pines.
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Violet, Dash, and Jackjack incredibles
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Melody, Eros, And Erica
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Marco and mariposa diaz
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Miguel And Socorro Rivera.
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lampwick and Bella
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greenpumpkinart · 1 year ago
hi jefftoby anon again !!!!! give me your hcs rn or ill explode 🫶
Holidays took forever have some silly thoughts about them
a few Jeff x Toby hcs below :3c
They started dating in secret, wanting to take it slow after falling in love while recovering in the infirmary together.
There were two separate incidents. Toby injured himself chopping firewood (axe head fell off and exploded his kneecap) Jeff was in after dislocating his shoulder trying to fix one of the complex jeeps.
Jack, Toby and Jeff share a cabin, Jack noticing the two start to share their rooms with one another on a nightly basis. He kept their secret of course. (He knew they wouldn't be able to keep it hidden anyways lol)
People caught on because they're both. Really stupid around each other.
Jeff shows a lot of his affection through physical contact, Toby is really the only person he trusts to touch him anywhere he pleases. He loves to lift Toby into hugs or snuggle on the sofa.
Toby is an affectionate person towards his friends regardless, he loves to give hugs. However when it comes to Jeff it's an entirely different beast. He's like a squirrel on a tree, they're nearly inseparable once they're in each other's arms.
Finding down-time is difficult, sometimes after work they'll just flop in bed together and call it a night. When there is time the two cook together, they watch movies, they do whatever they can to enjoy one another.
Knowing they're still both human, coming home to find the other missing was dreaded but not unexpected.
Whenever injury or sickness comes up they always try to take care of each other. Even if they're BOTH out of commission. They're both stubborn.
Notes: (because some stuff is confusing out of context, i've never elaborated)
"The Complex" is a large chunk of land "owned" by Slenderman pretty much as his own little cul-de-sac. There's cabins connected by trails in the woods, all leading to a large 'mansion' in the center.
Jeff, Toby and Jack share a cabin together, each cabin gets a jeep. Any technology is fairly outdated, the complex jeeps are roughly 90's models.
There's other cabins in the complex each cabin has up to 3 tennants. Very few live in the large mansion, most of the rooms dedicated to storage and supplies.
The infirmary is a medium-sized cabin building next to the Mansion where Eyeless Jack operates out of most of the time.
If y'all wanna know more my inbox is open :3
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ultraericthered · 2 months ago
What If? Re: Pokemon
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In canon, Ash overslept on the day Professor Oak was offering up new Starter Pokemon to 10 year old kids of Pallet Town who were now of age to become Pokemon Trainers. Because of this, all three Starters were taken by the time he finally arrived to Oak's lab. However, it's thanks to this that Oak was able to give Ash a recently attained Pikachu to be his partner Pokemon, and from there an inseparable bond was formed, one that took Ash and Pikachu all the way to the Masters Eight Tournament. But what might've happened had Ash not overslept on that fateful day? If he'd made it to the lab on time with Gary Oak and the others, and got to choose one of the three starters rather than recieve Pikachu? I must ponder....What If?
Ash chooses the Charmander, who unfortunately can't stack up against Gary's selected Squirtle when Ash and Gary battle each other outside the lab. Afterwards, Gary departs in style, leaving the other trainers to eat his dust and start after him. On Route 1, Ash makes the same rookie mistakes he makes in the anime, including throwing a rock at a Spearow that he mistakes for a Pidgey, and when he and Charmander are attacked and chased by the Spearow, the rain that falls after he's taken Misty's bike puts Charmander's tail flame out, extinguishing its life and leaving a horrified, grief-stricken Ash at the Spearows' mercy. Misty soon comes looking for her bike and finds a gravely injured Ash, so she carries him on her back as she bikes to Viridian City to get him medical attention, conveniently missing Ho-Oh at this time. Misty brings Ash to the Pokemon Center when she can't find a human hospital, and Nurse Joy agrees to treat the boy's wounds. As Ash is recovering, Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket break in and go on the attack with Ekans and Koffing. When they state they're there to steal Pokemon, Ash steps forward, saying "I used to care a lot about Pokemon. I was so happy to finally get one myself. It didn't help me win any battles before dying, and all the Pokemon out there in the wild want to do is harm me. I don't wanna go out and find Pokemon anymore. I don't want to befried Pokemon anymore! I want to get Pokemon to come to me...to obey me! I could never be the world's greatest master of Pokemon if I didn't have true power over the whole bunch of them!" The Team Rocket Trio stands and stare in confusion before Ash gets to the point - he chooses to join Team Rocket! As Jessie commands Ekans and James commands Koffing, Meowth decides, out of sheer respect, to listen to Ash's commands as they raid the Pokemon Center. Misty is unable to defeat them all and they escape with all the stolen Pokemon in their balloon. While Ash is conflicted over what he's just done, Meowth encourages him, saying he's taken his first step towards true greatness and that the Boss is likely to let him keep some of these stolen Pokemon as thanks for a job well done. The prospect brings a smirk to Ash's face. Sure enough, Giovanni does exactly this when introduced to Ash and informed of his participation and success. We then cut to days later as Ash, now in uniform as a Rocket Grunt, corners a startled Gary Oak on some secluded route...
So had Ash not been partnered with Pikachu, he'd have chosen a Pokemon he'd fail to protect rather than one he'd risk his own well-being to protect, in turn inspiring that Pokemon to protect him against the Spearow, leading to the fated sighting of Ho-Oh. Without this bond that strengthened both parties, Ash's journey would've been met with immediate and miserable failure, and he'd not merely lose heart in his dream to become a Pokemon Master - he'd lose his heart. Without Pikachu, there could be no Pokemon Master Ash Ketchum. The two of them are essential to completing each other.
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cherri-berries-playplace · 1 year ago
Can I req a cg Alejandro board w maybe small Rudy?
Of course! I added some headcanons just because this prompt got me thinking ^∇^γ. I hope you enjoy! Ty for requesting <33
🌲 .:*・゜🧚‍♂️゜・*:.🐲 .:*・゜🌄
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Caregiver Alejandro with little! Rudy agere moodboard for anon! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。
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🧚‍♂️Alejandro will often take Rudy out on nature walks through the woods/mountains or a simple trail, enjoying the scenery and seeing his little so excited by everything. Rudy pointing out all the bugs and flowers.
🦄Sometimes Alejandro and Rudy might go out camping on vacation. Alejandro puts up the tent, lays out the sleeping bags and blankets, sets up lanterns and a nice little campfire. All the while Rudy is not too far off looking for silly bugs and flowers to show his Caregiver.
🏰Taking a break from setting up camp, Alejandro takes Rudy, hand in hand for a small walk. Each has a journal where they doodle, write, color, sticker, or scavenger hunt. Alejandro rewards Rudy with a nice sticker everytime he finds something from the scavenger hunt.
🧚‍♂️When they settle in for the night, Alejandro always makes sure Rudy is okay before anything else, he cares about his little one. Rudy gives Alejandro a fairytale to read before they settle in to rest.
🦄While out camping, Rudy will find a nice little spot in the forest to build a little fairy garden with leaves, flowers, sticks, etc. Alejandro being the best caregiver helps out finding the "supplies" and building, complementing his little's wonderful work.
🏰If it's a particularly chilly night, Alejandro will make sure theres enough blankets to keep warm but gives Rudy his jacket just in case, he doesn't want his little getting a cold.
🧚‍♂️Once for the holidays, Alejandro gifted Rudy a plush dragon but quickly bought himself his own upon realizing how soft the things were.
🦄Alejandro and Rudy just like spending quality time together, enjoying each other's presence, they're practically inseparable.
🏰If the two do however have to go without each other, they each have matching bracelets to remind them of the other. Even when not in littlespace, they wear them.
🧚‍♂️Rudy really enjoys fairytales with dragons and castles while Alejandro enjoys admiring nature and the mountains.
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Moodboard made with Picsart! ☆
Click Moodboard for better quality! :)
Requests: Open!
Dividers by: @saradika-graphics
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elliespuns · 1 year ago
Do you think that Ellie and Dina didn't have chemistry? There are ppl that say they started dating out of the blue
I don't know why people say that. It's obvious they were already friends a long time ago at some point.
As the show portrays (and I'm really glad for this tiny scene), Dina had already shown some interest in Ellie the first day they arrived in Jackson. This wasn't portrayed in the game, though, so I guess some people might have missed the connection.
But, however, in the game, Ellie and Dina talk about this moment in Part 2 when they gallop through Seattle. Dina starts remembering how Ellie would gorge herself when she arrived in Jackson, all hungry from the journey, and Ellie starts remembering how she'd stuff her pockets with all the food.
Considering all this, they probably became friends shortly after.
As for the show, Ellie scolds Dina for staring at her, but imagining game Ellie in this scene, I bet she would've reacted more 'nicely' to Dina staring.
As we all know, Ellie in the show is a bit 'rougher' than Ellie in the game, so I can imagine game Ellie easily becoming friends with Dina once they're introduced to each other.
So, idk about the chemistry, but they surely wouldn't date just out of the blue. They've been friends the whole time, and clearly, Dina has had a thing for Ellie ever since she saw her stealing all the jerky.
Thinking about this, it would be kind of nice to see WHEN Ellie realized she liked Dina. I hope they'll portray it in the show. I think Dina, being 15 year old had a crush on 14 year old Ellie right from the start, and Ellie had to realize she started to feel 'something' towards Dina first, taking her time with it. Then they've probably been kind of like these two inseparable friends crushing on each other, not knowing they both felt the same; especially when this young. And so this would go on for years, till they started growing up and realizing some things.
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That's why we get a scene of Dina just dragging Ellie on the dance floor and kissing her out of nowhere, because they both have probably been giving each other signals the whole time and none of them would have acted upon them.
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billwasnot · 7 months ago
Photyne (Stasya's Guardian)
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Here they are in their full glory!
More about them under the cut
Photyne is an emotionally volatile individual, who, by a stroke of luck, ended up in posession of a large inheritance, but severely socially isolated.
They work from their home. They have no neighbors. They have no friends. They have no one.
So they decide to get a pet. Humans are social creatures, right?
They only do cursory research into the topic, not actually intending to get a pet for a while.
However that's not how things play out. One day, they have to take a trip away from their isolated mansion into the common living blocks.
There, at the market, they encounter a Segyein selling humans. A seedy kind of guy. All children, as young as newborns.
On impulse, Photyne buys one. A baby. They start properly researching how to care for human pets only when they're back at their house with a screeching bundle in their arms.
The fuss over taking care of this thing is more stimulation than they've had in years. They get attached very quickly and stress over their new pet's wellbeing on a daily basis.
Despite their spotty knowledge and lousy caretaking, the human survives. Grows. Develops a personality.
Now, Photyne's little tamagotchi is also a conversation partner.
Stasya proves to be surprisingly receptive to whatever thoughts or interests Photyne imparts on them.
More importantly, Photyne makes a friend.
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Shockingly adaptable, the human learns how to deal with Photyne's explosive and overwhelming emotions, which the guardian pours and pours upon them.
It helps that Stasya, by themself, is quite reserved, and as such Photyne doesn't have to worry about emotionally supporting them back.
(That's not a good thing)
Photyne is Stasya's best friend, family, as well as, for the longest time, the only being in the world they know. The two are inseparable.
Perhaps by nature, perhaps because of isolation. But Stasya doesn't particularly... feel human, nor do they care about being one.
In their mind, they ought to be the same thing Photyne is. Their physical form is simply inadequate compared to this.
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(the poem featured on the drawing is "my cat is sad" by Spencer Madsen)
As they age, Stasya displays some impressive talents in multiple areas, but music especially, so Photyne decides to help them become famous.
This is about getting more money, yes (their job doesn't fully cover their spendings, and the inheritance is starting to drain).
But more than that, it's about becoming well-known. Photyne is starved for attention, and, well, being the owner of the universe-famous human is bound to bring admiration.
Stasya, willing to do anything for them, agrees.
They know the risks, but believe it to be worth it.
Naive decision.
Over time, it starts to drain them more than they expected. Prolonged separation from Photyne weighs on them, but also gives them some time to think. It starts to feel more and more that Photyne only loves them for what they can give. Not as a person.
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bionicle-ramblings · 6 months ago
Fairytale AU Background post 2:
Thanks again to @chancetimespace
He's a dragon(rawr, rawr, rawr), and he's 'in charge' of guarding the castle and Nokama, who's trapped inside with him.
You read that right. They're stuck in the castle and on its grounds together.
Unlike Nokama, though, Vakama was born on those grounds, never able to leave. All he's known are the however many acres of woods surround the castle, the castle itself, and Nokama.
Something you might want to know about Vakama too: He's actually a sort of half-dragon. Not dragonborn, but he's able to switch between a humanoid form and a dragon form like it's nothing. Helps him sneak around even though he can turn invisible. Nokama has pointed this out to him, but it helps him get in smaller places.
No, having two forms is not the curse. He was just born that way. If anything, it just allows him to do more, like curl under a blanket with Nokama while she's reading about cantrips.
As for what he's doing in the castle in the first place, he was born there. It's all he's known. For a while, it was just him on his own, guarding treasure no one would ever use, in a castle no one lived in, and having people or animals or even other dragons get trapped and die trying to get out. That is, until he met Nokama, who was imprisoned in the castle.
Then he had an actual reason to get up in the morning aside from, "Fine, I'll eat something so I don't die." If he and Nokama were stuck together, then they'd be TOGETHER. As they two grew, Vakama made himself swear he would protect Nokama at all costs, even with his life, if he needed to. And, for what it's worth, he keeps his promises and protects his friend by any means necessary. He's killed people, the older he's gotten. It's something that doesn't scare him anymore; he's not afraid of shadows because that's where he catches intruders that heard the tale of a princess locked in a tower and bragged about how she would, "be easy money," and "coming with, even if [they had] to tie her up and carry her over [their] shoulders."
There's also one more reason why Vakama is as ferocious as he is: Dragons have started to be hunted down, and not just for sport either. Many parts of a dragon are magical or are believed to have magical properties. It's led to Vakama seeing some pretty harrowing things, as dragons look for refuge in the castle he's in. They'd had horns carved out, their fangs and teeth pulled, tails cut off, eyes removed, claws taken, even patches of their skin had been peeled away, and, worst of all, their wings taken, having been cut off with swords or axes or even chains. Think of it like how people IRL cut off shark fins and then leave the shark to die.
There were times overly ambitious groups came to the castle to essence use Nokama as a bargaining chip and to harvest Vakama. They never managed to get anything that couldn't grow back, but the time Vakama was able to overpower them. And they never managed to realize they were trapped by the time he found them and rescued Nokama. She isn't helpless, by any means, but Vakama does essentially give her scary dog privilege, and he has longer legs.
The two have known each other for years on end and will do anything for each other. They have a relationship more akin to siblings at this point, and are basically inseparable. Vakama's handled a run-in with a fugitive before, and the fugitive walked away safely.
Let's see how a group of four that are together due to circumstance fare.
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breathlessmorro · 1 year ago
Okay I am loving your takes so much while I am not a huge fan of Misako and Wu what you said made me think about a few things I'm still not a fan of them buuuut I don't think I dislike Misako as much and I also agreed with your take with the whole Nya Cole Jay thing anyways that's besides the point!!! How would Wu and the rest of the family Garmadon Misako & Lloyd react to Morro liking Kai?
Thank you for saying that, I greatly appreciate it! I get that Wusako isn't everyone's cup of tea, so no worries fam! I haven't been able to really explain my "takes" on a lot of the canon ships before, so it's nice to know my thoughts are being well received lol
Okay if you're a regular on my blog you probably know I have a million different ways that Destiny can become canon. Beyond that, there's a mullion different ways Morro actually joins the team in the first place. Morro takes Wu's hand. Morro comes back on the day of the Departed. Morro never actually leaves Wu's monastery (but we're ignoring that one for the sake of Destiny)
It's no secret that Kai probably hates Morro the most. He was the most relentless when it came to fighting him, trying to get Lloyd back, et cetera. Even during the Day of the Departed, he's the only one other than Lloyd who actually addresses him, ready to fight. So naturally, when setting up Destiny as a couple, you need to get over that barrier.
Morro joining the team under any circumstances is weird. One, he and Lloyd obviously aren't going to get along. Two, he might not even want to be a ninja. Three, he may not even fit into the group at all. Because of the way the characters are written, I think that if Wu gave Morro the chance of redemption, and Morro actually took it, the team would accept it and him. They stood down when Wu told them to, so it's not unrealistic that they'd trust him - after some protesting - that Morro wouldn't hurt them.
Except for Kai. Kai didn't trust Garmadon in season one, and that was Lloyd's father. Why would he ever trust Morro? Eventually everyone moves past not trusting Morro, if only because they're so annoyed by him and Kai fighting all the time. Even Lloyd I think would want Kai to give Morro a chance. It wouldn't be until either they're united against a common enemy, or until they're forced to see each other beyond their surface level traits, that they'd even be friends. However, I think that the second both Kai and Morro get past their animosity, they're bound to get together. Completely inseparable.
As for the reactions? WELL BABY LET ME TELL YOU -
Wu: He's extremely grateful that they've stopped fighting. Wu will never stop seeing Morro as a son either, so he's happy that he's giving himself the chance to be truly happy with someone. Of course, he gives Kai the stereotypical threat of "you hurt my son I hurt your face" but he's very supportive
Garmadon: Depending on which Garmadon we're talking about here. Evil Garmadon couldn't care less, he's not involved with their teenage shenanigans. Good Garmadon, however, would be concerned. I think he'd want to treat with Morro with respect, given that he's Wu's adopted child, but Morro still hurt his baby. He's always going to be biased against him. Not that Kai is Garmadon's favorite or anything, but he's still a little protective. Regardless, he doesn't voice his concerns to either of them, instead showing support, even if he's skeptical of their pairing.
Misako: I feel like she'd be in the same boat as Wu - relieved that they're not fighting, and that they're both happy. Misako isn't super close with either boy, so she's not as protective, but they're both part of her family, and she's always glad to see people overcoming their differences.
Lloyd: Now Lloyd is the trickiest, because he can either be their biggest cheerleader, or their biggest opposer. It depends on whether or not Lloyd's actually forgiven Morro, how he'll react. If he has, then sure enough he was right with Wu, trying to encourage Kai to stop picking fights, and was glad to find out they actually care about each other. If he hasn't forgiven Morro, however, then it's gonna be all too easy for him to get reasonably upset. Kai is supposed to be his brother - to protect him, and he goes and starts kissing the ghost that forced him to fight his friends??? Lloyd would get bitter fast in that case, and though he'd try to keep his feelings out of the fight, he'd slip up occasionally, and until he resolved things with both Kai and Morro, it would cost the team a lot. Lloyd's understanding and kindness is underestimated a lot; he tries to see the best in even the worst of people, and if you make an effort to do the right thing, he'll notice it. That being said, this is still the same kid who opened three serpentine tombs because he couldn't have some candy. Lloyd's ability to hold a grudge is strong, even turning him against his father at one point, but in the end he always comes around when he realizes the cost of his anger and acting on it isn't worth the consequences
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