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no-goodbyes-no-regrets · 2 years ago
I hope you know that I love seeing you pop up in my notifications, reblogging an old post of mine and making me reminisce on the great robron days as well as reliving posts I don’t even remember making 🥰 I hope you are well 💜
aww I'm glad to hear that ❤ I have a queue set up of all my favourite robron posts and it makes ME happy to see them and relive the good times!
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chaossmagic · 11 months ago
Nahhh I’m going to cry, you’re so sweet 🥺😭🥰
You deserve it, Holly!
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goldenpinof · 2 years ago
Bless you for always blessing us with gorgeous Dan and Phil gifs 🥰❤️ it’s highly appreciated! Im always so tempted to get photoshop back to make gifs again! I’m just always very thankful for your lovely gifsets 💕
thank you so much 😭 it means the world to me 🥹 get photoshop back, the more gifs the better!
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letswaitforme · 3 years ago
I’m sorry for probably spamming your notifications but heartstopper was too damn cute and I can’t stop smiling because it was just so adorable and beautiful and lovely to see such a wonderfully queer show taken with such care 🥰💜
Holly!!!! 🍂🏳️‍🌈💞
Spam away! Have you watched it?!
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karlakattz · 3 years ago
Hey!! Just wanted to say thank you for writing all your lovely robron fics this past week, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed them all! I always love reading your fics, you just write them so perfectly 🥰 honestly I loved every single one and they’ve brought such a smile to my face reading them, you’re amazing 💜💜💜
Eeeeek thank you! 🥰🥰🥰
What a lovely message is that?! I‘m so happy you read my stuff and liked it. ❤️
The prompts were really great and writing went so fast easy compared to my usual standards, lol.
Lovely to see people still enjoying Robron. Now that the characters belong to us, we can finally treat Aaron and Robert with the respect they both deserve. Love that for us! ❤️
Thank you so much for this message, it always makes me giddy when I get one of those 🥹 Wishing you a fantastic weekend!
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robronsecretsanta2020 · 4 years ago
For @howellobrien Love from your secret Santa 🎅
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sophsun1 · 4 years ago
Everytime I come on tumblr the first thing I see are your britin gifs and ahhhhh you’re making me want to do a rewatch!! It might be that time again for me haha! But seriously I love seeing them on my dash, it’s something I don’t see a lot so now I love that I’m seeing so much britin content 🥰💕
Omg this made me so happy thank you !
You're very sweet to say that, I feel kinda awkward lol sometimes as it's all robron (who I love) on my dash and little old me posting britin 😅
Definitely do a rewatch you won't regret it, plus selfishly it'll be nice for me to have someone to chat to about them, as the main fandoms not very active.
Thanks for sending me this you made me smile ❤ and I'll continue posting never fear there'll be lots of content from me at least !
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starwitness42 · 4 years ago
7, 15, 31 & 42 💜
Thank you, Holls! <3333333
7: Do you have any tattoos or piercings? I have one tattoo on the back of my right wrist, an edelweiss that my sister-in-law drew for me. I don’t currently have any piercings but I have a gnarly scar on my eyebrow from where my old eyebrow piercing ripped through my skin during a pillow fight in college. Yes, During a pillow fight. I have no shame. 
15: What is your favorite word? Onomatopoeia. 
31: How does someone win your heart? Kindness and courage even in the midst of pain and heartache. I have a giant soft spot for the brokenhearted. 
42: Favorite type of movie. Angsty dramas. Hands. Down.  
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gr-ogu · 4 years ago
If you receive this, send it to 10 people you love & appreciate and try not to break the chain 💕💓💗💝
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softlass27 · 4 years ago
Just wanted to pop in and say how much I’ve really enjoyed your fics for Aaron week, they’ve been amazing!! I especially loved the seb goes missing one, it was written with such care and I really loved it!! I just wanted to say thank you for writing them and I hope you know how talented you are, all your fics are incredible! I’m absolutely loving the flufftober ones too! So thank you for blessing us with your talent 💕💕💕
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genuinely don’t know what to say except thank you, and this message has made my day. aaron week was so much fun but quite knackering, so it means everything to know someone really enjoyed what i wrote for it xxx
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malldisc · 4 years ago
Gosh what I would give to have a joint video especially a Halloween one 😭 I miss them so much! It’s nearly been two years without a proper Dan and Phil video 😭💔
oh GOD you’re right. the most recent video on danandphilgames will say ‘2 years ago’ in like 2 months time i don’t think i’m emotionally prepared
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no-goodbyes-no-regrets · 4 years ago
I just wanted to say how much I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all your flufftober fics! I very much appreciate all the hard work you put into it and for sharing them with us so just a big thank you for giving us so many wonderful fics to read during October!! It really put a smile on my face with every new fic you posted, you’re so talented!! So thank you so much 🥰💕💜
aww thank you so much! ♥♥♥ that’s so sweet of you to say and it’s so nice to hear you enjoyed my stories!
that reminds me - i need to put together that masterpost.
But thank you Holly! Your message made my day/night!
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chaossmagic · 5 years ago
Okay another prompt I would love is a bed scene because I love that soft domestic content 💕
Aaron was wrapped in a cocoon of duvet and Robert, long limbs tangled around his and the point of Robert’s chin resting on top of his head. His nose was buried in the hollow of Robert’s throat, and soft breaths puffed out against his bare chest as he half-dozed in the early morning light. Above him, Robert appeared to still be fast asleep, hair falling into his eyes and sticking up in all directions. 
If Aaron had valued his life less, he’d make a joke about him looking like Sonic the Hedgehog but fitter.
Instead, he wriggled closer to him, arms coming around to rest on Robert’s waist and rubbing his cheek on one of his pecs as if he were nuzzling a pillow. Robert’s skin was soft and warm and smooth to the touch, spattered with freckles, and directly across from his line of sight was the scar from the surgery he’d had to repair his lung when a bullet had ripped through his chest. 
“Your beard tickles,” Robert murmured sleepily. “Stop it.”
“Nah,” Aaron sighed, “you’re a good pillow, you, so stay still and let me sleep.”
“Bossy,” Robert grumbled. “S’too early for you to be bossy.”
Aaron patted Robert’s stomach. “Be quiet, now, Rob, ‘cause pillows don’t talk.”
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Happy Anniversary Celebration @howellobrien!!!
You’re always spreading so much love and joy to everyone in the fandom, I just wanted to give you something that would not only capture all the things you love about them, but also something that was worthy of you. 
I hope you enjoy this, and have the most lovely day possible as we all celebrate Aaron and Robert’s undying love. 
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whatdoiknow · 5 years ago
Hey lovely!! Just wanted to come over and send you some love! I hope you and your family are well! Wishing you happy positivity vibes, you’re amazing don’t you forget it!! 🥰 by the way I know I’m late to the party but congrats on the url 🙌 lots of love 💕💕💕
Hello Holly and thank you for this lovely message. Our house is a huge chaos but apparently it's how we roll here. Let's just say someone is having manic episode 🤯🤪🥰🙃😪😴🥴.
And yes! I finally got my O! Yay.
Hoping that you're feeling well. Stay safe and lots of love ❤🧡💛💚
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karlakattz · 4 years ago
So I’m scrolling through the sterek tag and I see a description for a fic that I like the sound of and when I look at the authors name what do I find but you!! Ahhh I was so excited to see that you had written a sterek fic too! It was really sooo good!! And I’m so happy you wrote and shared it with us 🥰 seriously I loved the concept so much, such a good fic! Your writing is always amazing and now you’ve written sterek fic and blessed me with for two of my favourite fandoms 🙌 you’re amazing 💜
Aaaah thank you, Holly!! 🥰 I am so happy you liked it!
After Ryan‘s exit was leaked, I suddenly couldn‘t bring myself to read Robron fics anymore and while writing my own stories really helped with my heartbreak, I just started recently reading more frequently again. I have so much to catch up 😂
Last year during summer I somehow stumbled accross my first Sterek fanfic ("Cornerstone"❤️❤️) and fell down the rabbit hole! I am really addicted to this pairing and the writers, there are so so many good fics to read! I wanted to write a Sterek fic for ages, but I was so scared of getting negative comments and that held me back... My writing feels so lousy in comparison to those fics I read 🥺 anyway, I am so glad that it‘s out there now and honestly, just for your comment on the story it was totally worthy!! Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me! ❤️🙏🏻
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