#howdy's mutuals
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howdyfriend · 3 months ago
this is what happens when POOP WINE gets into your veins
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howdyfriend · 20 days ago
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not tagging cause eepy but if you see this feel free to add on <3
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tag game bc you all have great taste~ post your top five songs on repeat! @beingsuneone @kazuinvocation @milk-violet @ruruumin @howdyfriend @tragedy-of-commons + anyone else willing to share who sees this💚
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hellobud · 2 years ago
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laxsland · 3 months ago
Heyo, I'm going to try to open up animation loop requests for anyone who donates to SynthCharm: Rules Below <-
My rules about this: - They gotta be in the day that you ask for an animation request - Animations will be made only within a day (2 max) with a limit of 10 separate frames - These will be a Thank you to your donation and won't be promises (I can opt out at any time)
Ask through either Tags, Comments or Messages
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scribble-pillar · 11 months ago
beans being beans 🐛🐛💖💖💖💖
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[ bean howdy belongs to @iwuvcofi ]
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howdyfriend · 13 days ago
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something tells me guardian is a certified pathetic man enjoyer
certified pathetic man enjoyer
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krakenguard · 3 months ago
... Man I was gonna make a comment about Curly(Mouthwashing) and Alfred(Bloodborne) but...
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... Nah, looking at them side-by-side I kinda don't really see it -- if anything I still think Alfred looks more like a combination between Kristoff and Hans(both from Frozen). But I noticed in a lot of fanart showing Curly, a lot of peeps seem to draw him as looking very Alfred-esque minus the muttonchops.
Jimmy and Varré, on the other hand...
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Like all Jimmy needs is a bit more prickliness and the Mohgwyn sigil on his forehead, and there you have it.
And maybe a smile too.
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empyreanfog · 3 months ago
hastur sejanus is the mournival's collective Dead Wife™
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howdyfriend · 3 months ago
hi howdy i accientally unfollowed u trying to send u an ask befoe i realize ask box closed. anyways howdy howdy i hope u are dong well :)
hi hallo robyn i am sick but otherwise doing well :) we should play that roblox elevator game again that was fun
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howdyfriend · 4 months ago
wheee thank you june!! haven't done one of these in a while :)
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Hi! I'm Howdy!
What's something you're really passionate about, and how did you discover it?
Forensic science, specifically forensic taphonomy and entomology. I first discovered it after taking a forensics course online in high school, and fell in love with the science of the above fields. I love how they work together and what they can tell you about the deceased in an investigation. Super fascinating.
What's your favourite way to spend your weekend or free time?
Recently it's been hopping on criticality acclaimed mmorpg Final Fantasy XIV lol. I have a free company full of people who are lots of fun to chat and play with so I'm usually there hanging out with them :) If not I'm trying to schedule hanging out with friends, going to the library, baking, drawing, reading, playing with my dog, or listening to music.
What's a piece of advice or quote that has stuck with you throughout the years?
I can't say there's any singular bit of advice that sticks with me. I am a collection of a lot of advice given in a lot of different directions. It's hard picking out just one 😅.
What's your go-to comfort food or drink when you're feeling down?(Bonus points if you include a recipe)
Spaghetti and meatballs and a London fog :)
I make everything from scratch for my spaghetti (sometimes even the pasta itself!), so that's a bit too complex for one post. London fog is easy tho.
1. Steam some milk
2. Steep earl grey tea in a small amount of water (about a quarter cup)
3. Combine in mug of choice. Leave bag in mug for extra steeping.
4. Add sweetener, I use a spoon of vanilla syrup.
5. Froth milk and done!
What's the most meaningful gift you've ever given or received?
I'm going to pick based on objective use rather than sentimentality because if I get into that I start feeling guilty about picking one gift over another lol. In terms of objective use, my laptop. It's been great for school and games and connecting with friends :). I'm learning a lot on how to fix it myself as well, so I feel like im fighting back against things like planned obsolescence in my own little way.
BONUS: What's one little fun fact about you that most people don't know about?
hmmmmmm. swallowed a toonie once. don't do that it's not fun. I had to go to the ER. idk I share a lot. I don't have much else, lol
tagging no one cause im lazy <3 thank you june, love you and miss you lots, let me know when your free days are id love to come up and visit.
Tag Game!!
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I thought it'd be fun to make a tag game for everyone, so here's my version!!
alongside this picrew, and 2 pictures you think describes you, answer some questions about yourself.
What’s something you’re really passionate about, and how did you discover it?
What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or free time?
What’s a piece of advice or a quote that has stuck with you over the years?
What’s your go-to comfort food or drink when you’re feeling down? (Bonus points if you can give a recipe)
What’s the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given or received
Bonus: What’s a random fun fact about yourself that most people don’t know?
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i'll go first
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I'm Alyssa!
What’s something you’re really passionate about, and how did you discover it?
Mythology! I've been super into mythology in general since I was in middle school, and i can just talk about it for hours. I first discovered it when my friend forced me to read Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series, and it spiraled from there.
What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or free time?
Most of the time I have to take extra classes during weekends, but other than that I read whenever I can! Be it a physical copy, a pdf or even fanfiction I spend most of my time reading. But when I can find some time for myself I either write or make bracelets. Sometimes I work on my ocs' lore with my friend, so it really depends on how busy I am at that moment.
What’s a piece of advice or a quote that has stuck with you over the years?
My mom once told me "If someone isn't willing to value you or your efforts, don't waste your time on them. Don't give your all to people who won't do the same." And while it sounds mean at first, it's actually helped me over the years.
What’s your go-to comfort food or drink when you’re feeling down? (Bonus points if you can give a recipe)
Sütlaç has been one of my top comfort foods for years now. It's a Turkish dessert made with rice, milk and sugar (and cinnamon, honey or nuts if i'm feeling fancy) Though sometimes i make cookies instead!
What’s the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given or received?
I made over 300 paper stars in a sitting for my friend, each star representing a day i'd have known her on her birthday. I chose paper stars because they meant a lot to her. I also got her a (plastic) rose because she told me she thought she'd never get flowers from anyone.
Bonus: What’s a random fun fact about yourself that most people don’t know?
I used to be afraid of dogs when I was younger. The reason was because my granddad had a little dog that loved running around. Whenever we went to visit my grandparents the little thing would chase me around the garden until one of us dropped because of exhaustion. I think this was my first childhood trauma.
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Tagging (no pressure!) : @romaritimeharbor , @kopivie , @ruruumin , @strxnged , @femivi +
@mlkbwunnies , @aureusveill , @milk-violet , @camvrin , @strryskys + anyone who would like to join!
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luca---paguro · 2 years ago
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hellobud · 2 years ago
the howdy :)
that's me!
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howdyfriend · 3 months ago
Christmas! Just a week away :D!
Can you believe it, guys?
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moltengoldveins · 2 months ago
Excerpts from Draft 1 of Ransom and the Speaker’s Carrion -
Envisioning a doctor of the modern day is an amusing mental exercise, if one is of a vigorous enough constitution to hold to the principle that it is better to laugh than cry. This might seem a strange assertion at first. The thing that breaks at once upon the mind  like a bottle to the head at the sound of the word ‘doctor’ is a white lab coat. Perhaps, if one has a penchant for the fantastical, a shock of wild hair and a mad grin.
But then, I did not say that envisioning a doctor was a process that would bring a sane man to laughter and a tired one to weeping. I said a modern doctor, and now the image becomes quite another thing altogether. 
The faces of modern doctors are many and varied, broad and narrow, pudgy and sharp, dark and light - a few of them are even women! But despite the modern days’ enamorment with false variety in our doctors, we can, with the discerning eye of any four year old, see the flesh-numbing rot that infects them all. 
The doctor’s HUAW, I call it, the strange dilation of time that follows them like a miasma. They move as if through molasses, every turn ponderous, every question slurred. And yet, despite their lackadaisical air, there is a banked urgency to them that never subsides. It takes a millennium for them to ask how you’ve been doing, if there are any concerns, and before you can answer they are already out of the door for what might be minutes or hours. They are forever clattering away on keyboard or tablet or phone, and yet you sit for long stretches of silence in their office as if you weren’t even there, waiting as they scroll through, presumably, your every dentist appointment and chiropractic visit since you managed to get insurance. They ask a thousand questions, and roll idly about on their stools without listening to the answers, and then ask if perhaps you’d tried loosing weight. HUAW. The doctor’s Hurry Up And Wait. It hangs on every nurse’s scrubs, every roll of cheerful stickers, every stethoscope. And the distinct lack of this quality is the reason, I think, despite her medical degree, the residents of Winterset, West Virginia did not tend to think of Flannery O’Shannon as much of a doctor. 
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gremliinsart · 2 years ago
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OUGH!! Shouts out to @sm-baby for THE Little Lady Troublemaker (Ft the lovely Penelope Porker)
Fun fact, Lady is in fact standing on a stool 💖
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howdyfriend · 1 year ago
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RAAAAAAAH THANK YOU JUNE this one was very cute <3 love the murder :)
anyone who wants to try can! don't feel like tagging anyone rn 😅
starting my own lil picrew thread because I found one that I've done before that I loved. picrew here!
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no pressure tags: @tfshouldidohere @pearbunny @ashitshowforalot @channiesbakery @bbyquokka @hyuuukais
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