Explore tagged Tumblr posts
“There’s something bothering you that you’re not telling me and I can see it slowly destroying you. What happened?”
“Nothing to concern yourself over.” Jack knew the Doctor would see through the lie in a heartbeat. But he really didn’t want to talk about this. He still hadn’t told the Doctor why he had been in that bar in the first place. He didn’t want to face it if he didn’t absolutely have to. And maybe that was unhealthy, but he would be fine. He always was. What choice did he have?
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That was all it took for Jack to withdraw. He shook his head and fixed his eyes on the floor at the Doctor’s feet. “No. I don’t want to talk about it. That’s final.”
There was no point. All this was doing was reopening old wounds. Nothing good would come of it. Everything Jack was doing was for his own protection, no matter how the Doctor chose to interpret it. It wouldn’t be any different from any other year around this time. But there was something so achingly open about the tone in which the Doctor spoke that got to him. So much so that he actually found himself questioning his choice to turn him away.
That got Jack’s attention. He looked up at the Doctor, concern in his expression. The way he said that… It sounded like something terrible had happened. And the Doctor didn’t give up his vulnerabilities easily, Jack knew. So he was curious, in addition to the concern.
“What happened?”
The Doctor glanced up at him with a small smirk, tho every other bit of his expression held a heavy sadness in it.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?” he said. Sharing what he was considering sharing had a purpose, and he didn’t think he’d be able to do it if he was the only one cutting himself open.
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I reached 100 followers!
In fact, the exact count is 101! Gosh where did you all come from? I’ve been at 50 for the past like two years and then suddenly I get 70 and then 90 and now 101??? Omg thank you! Haha I’m so sorry for the new followers, though, I still have yet to check out your blogs! I keep saying I will but I keep forgetting . . . I blame school.
So! For the big occasion, I decided to do a . . .
Follow Forever!
-NOTE: Even if I’ve rped with multiple blogs, I listed only one. Either the one that I first started rping with on here or the one that I rp with the most.
-DOUBLE NOTE: There is no consistent order to this so don’t worry if you’re at the bottom of a list. Also I’m so sorry if I missed anyone here.
Names under the cut!
The closest (and/or hoping it’ll get that way soon):
@howdidhegetin: You know when we first started interacting and your muses first started butting into our ooc conversations, I never expected it to end up as something like this. First with Hiccup and Danny on our other blogs, then with the double Gasters and their families, and finally with Gaster and the Doctor and all the craziness that came along with that. You’re the reason Gaster’s as developed as he is, and the reason I have TWENTY-THREE FREAKING PAGES OF WORLDBUILDING. One year and ten months ago that main thread started in the Tumblr IMs. Now we’ve got everything that happened in there, plus the Alternates version, plus the Companion version, plus the Gallifreyan version, plus the Starcrossed version of the Gallifreyan version, plus the four (soon to be five and will eventually be six) short side AUs . . . Man, I just. It’s a lot. And I love it. Thank you for existing, and for doing all this with me. You’re the best <3
@soulscarredscientist: Tbh the whole time between originally following you and interacting I was watching you hopefully but shyly, wanting to rp. And I was not disappointed at all! I loooove the way you portray Handplates!Gaster, and tbh all your other muses, too. And you are an amazing mun, too, I love talking and plotting with you. Can’t wait for everything else we’ve got planned!
@frozenfischer: (Oh man I completely forgot that we first rped on this blog together with imgoinghost) Okay but like the legit amount of thought you put into Alex, even if you have been making her up as you go. I love it. And I love her and we need to interact more ooc please.
@voiddxd: Aster. Aster. Aster no. You still have Mom Gaster privileges revoked until you start taking care of yourself cuz you’re not allowed to be such a hypocrite. Also it’s weird that we haven’t really talked that much as muns and we need to fix that.
@axroomfulxofxmuses: We’ve known each other since Poirot Café and it is a serious shame that we don’t interact that much. We must do so more!
@kaitouphantom1412: We’ve also known each other since Poirot Café and we also need to interact more. Both ic and ooc!
@circadiangates: You’re the fourth person who followed this blog haha. Man. As far as I’m aware you haven’t been on Tumblr in a really long time and that . . . honestly worries me because I don’t remember you ever saying anything about leaving. But whether you see this or not (and . . . whether you’re alive or not), just know that you’ve been one of my best friends here on Tumblr. I always loved rping and plotting and even just talking ooc. I always looked forward to our threads. I miss you. And I hope, if you’re able . . . that you can come back. Or that we can find each other somehow. I don’t know. I want to see you again sometime.
The not as closest but still there:
@feathers-and-scales: Your dragons are amazing and I love them to death. Especially Amoxtli since she’s the one I’ve seen the most of lol.
@thelittlepsychicduo: One word: Dadster. Bring back the family shenanigans!
@punnyskeleton: Dude. Dude. Where are our threads. We need to interact more.
@pollenprince: Haha maybe this shouldn’t be in this section what with how little we’ve interacted but I really love you and Flowey okay?
@rosalia-the-guardian: Pfffft the arranged marriage thread. Anyway, I love talking to you even if I’m not usually the one starting it but that’s just cuz I’m bad at keeping in contact haha. But I’m always happy to see you on my dash or in my IMs ^-^
@two-halves-of-a-soul: You your muses and your art style are all adorable and we need to interact more okay?
Those I’d love to interact with:
@uxis: I don’t even know how long we’ve been following each other but I keep seeing you on my dash and keep thinking we need to interact some time.
@nerdschoolgenius: WE NEED TO DO THE THING TOO
@universalcarnival: I’ve been watching in the background for a while and wanting to interact haha. I think my preference was with Capper but I’m fine with whoever you have most muse for!
@foodsought: Give me the Six. Give her to me.
@baskctcascd: We also need to do the thing! Even if we’ve barely talked ooc or ic haha.
And pretty much all the rest of my followers that run rp blogs! I wouldn’t be following you if I didn’t want to interact with you! You’re all awesome! (AND JUST CUZ I HAVEN’T CHECKED OUT YOUR BLOGS YET DOESN’T MEAN I DON’T WANT TO INTERACT! I JUST HAVEN’T HAD THE TIME TO LOOK AT AND FOLLOW YET!)
#ooc#follow forever#100 followers#howdidhegetin#soulscarredscientist#frozenfischer#voiddxd#axroomfulxofxmuses#kaitouphantom1412#theirjudgment#circadiangates#feathersandscales#thelittlepsychicduo#punnyskeleton#pollenprince#rosaliatheguardian#twohalvesofasoul#uxis#smellslikejustice#nerdschoolgenius#universalcarnival#foodsought#baskctcascd
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I want to rp w someone that will be so invested in our ship/rp that we eventually become rp best friends and talk every day and not only talk abt our thread but abt our actual lives and all that fun stuff u know ?? is that just me ?? or ?????
#nonrp#(this has happened to me with this one person and it is the best thing)#(we're still going#it's just all private stuff haha)
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Who I owe what
//I haven't been terribly active lately, so since the semester is coming to an end, I wanted to draw up a list of threads I owe and threads on which it's my partner's turn. So:
People I owe:
@ahomeofmany - 1
@trucidavit - 1
@soullessbobbysinger - 1 and 1 ask
@howdidhegetin - 1
People whose turn it is:
@theeldritchmortician - 1
@aiden-phenix-rper-at-law - 1
@heretoboogie - 1
@nochickflickmomentsmyass - 1
@thiefofgallifrey - 1
If there's anything that isn't on this list, please let me know. That means it hasn't made it onto my threadtracker and I'm unaware of it. Thanks guys!
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((Oh that is such a lovely movie and I truly hope your kitty's gonna be okay! I believe in him. Kittys are tough and stubborn creatures. Some of the leftover Christmas miracle should mix with the big New Year's shake 'em up to help him out, too.))
//That is very true, and thank you. I'll be finding out tomorrow how he's doing. He's staying overnight at the animal hospital.//
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ooc: okay, i'm doing my tracker clear out again for threads that haven't been active since the beginning of november.
if i'm waiting on a reply from you, feel free to reply regardless of this because i'm open to continuing them. if i owe, it's probably not happening but i'd love to have other threads with folk.
so, the ones that're being dropped are: ghoulishundertakings (we gotta do another one at some point) howdidhegetin (if you want to continue it then go for it) youknowimabadidea (same as person above; if you want to continue, go for it) the-youngest-horseman-famine (the seeing dead people one)
i'm going to keep the one between dare---todream because really want to at least try replying to it.
if you aren't mentioned, either i've lost our thread or it's being kept. it's only ones from before november that's being dropped.
#ooc#ghoulishundertakings#howdidhegetin#youknowimabadidea#theyoungesthorsemanfamine#tagging y'all just so you all know what's going on
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She just shrugged it off as she looked at the horizon. "Just wish the prince knew how hard it was out here." She whispered. "I want to travel and see the world someday."
The Doctor and the Commoner
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Time and Space and Those Who Fly There || howdidhegetin
It was like a sunset, the way it colored everything. Like looking through colored glass. Or being surrounded and enclosed in it, like an ice cave through which the setting sun shone and refracted everywhere until the world seemed on fire. Except this place between time and space and worlds was blue. Most of the time, at least. Hiccup had seen oranges and pale reds flickering in the corners of his eyes when he finally felt brave enough to keep them open inside. The wind made it hard, smacking against him, sending Toothless tumbling as if they are rolling down a hill. (Hiccup knew what that felt like from more than one occasion. Not the worst thing that could happen, but definitely not the best, either.)
The other distinguishing feature of this in-between place was that it was empty. Hiccup had never seen or felt another creature during transition. So when the blue box first appeared, he assumed it was just a funny shape -- after seeing it three or four times, flashing past, and determining he wasn't imagining the straight lines amid the usual warped lights. But then it was getting closer and taking on the distinct shape of a spinning rectangular box.
Hiccup didn't have the breath to yell "Incoming!" but Toothless understood his sudden tugs; he had seen the box, too. Squirming was all he could do, however, wings beating powerfully against less than air.
#howdidhegetin#rp#YEAH BACK IN BUSINESS#psa i come up with dumb titles for organization but they are dumb#Time and Space and Those Who Fly There#shone doesn't look like a word
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That stopped Jack. He turned back to face the Doctor, studying him closely. It hadn't been long at all for him, then. For Jack, it had been closer to four years. The Doctor looked as exhausted as Jack felt, now that he had stopped with the manic act.
"That soon?" he said tiredly.
Back Again
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The Doctor moved his arm around her shoulders, a comforting gesture, but continued the squint at the creature. "No. No I think its alien," he said. He looked around him again. "Don't think we're even on Earth, actually."
"Okay, so it's an alien wolf.." Rose reasoned and moved closer to the Doctor. "So um, yeah, let's just..keep on moving, don't want to be dinner for some alien.." She told him, adding silently to herself unless that alien was a Timelord.
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((hihelloyes how are you how is your life and your new year and stuffs oh gorgeous person?))
//Well my new year doesn't start for another 48 minutes and I'm currently watching Guardians of the Galaxy with my Dad.Had a major scare with my cat this evening taking him to the vet but there's a chance that he'll be okay by tomorrow morning and I'll be beyond relieved if he is.So far it's just a bit of a mixed night but if this passes things should look up hopefully.//
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((do you think perhaps twas my message?))
((I do believe it was, lousy mobile. But anyway, yes, rp! Hmm, both our characters are pretty flexible with location — literally all of time and space is available. How about something with a little drama/angst/danger?
Edit: frickle heck, I meant to reply privately. PSA to followers I'M RPING AGAIN))
#i'm borrowing a computer but it doesn't have xkit and apparently I've forgotten how to tumbl on laptops#dragontameroutofcharacter#howdidhegetin#p.s. your blog title/url slayed me#asks#answers from mun
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howdidhegetin replied to your post: ((YES TIS I FRIEND. Sherly and I have grown apart recently, but only cuz I rebooted and it seems that I can’t get anyone to RP with me.))
O H OH HELLO FRIEND. Ah I see, I see. I did not know you rebooted, however if you ever wanna do anything with Jenny-enny and Sherlock (like heck even just evil petting of kitty) then I am always v v vv v v glad to do the things uwu ;;
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