#how would she act if it was me ? her precious litle girl saying hey im trans and am not a female what the fuck would you say
solardistress · 1 year
how the hell am i supposed to come out to you if you think trans peoplle are trans because they take hormones or have to have surgery to be a valid transgender person no please for the love og god please please im trans i domt want surgery i dont want to tale hormones im not female but how am i supposed to explain this to you when now im so scared and uncomfortable and i would teach you but when have you ever truly listened to me im literally asking you to and correcting you to use he/him but every time you ficking go bsck to hsing she her and im going to lose it and cry and please stop talking please please please its so fucking annoying and making me sick please stop its just pronouns
and i shouldnt be makimg such a big deal out of this but i care so fucking much
#vent#uouve literally known him by he/him the entire time and as soon as i tell you hes trans you somehow resort to saying that he’s a she now.#like what the fuck!!! stop it stopit please im so scafed of you please its so fucking simple stop sayign this#oh shes a woman right ? trans ? STOP IT STOP I DONT CARE IF YOURE ASKING PLEASE JUST SAY HE.#its annoying and its saying to me you will mow always view him as a woman and thats making me sick and im going to cry#if answer your questions if you just fucking respected his pronouns at the very damn least#and i know you were about ti call him by his deadname i regret buying the yearbook i regret getting it because you found him in there#i hope the two of you never meet im so sorry my love but i cant#how would she act if it was me ? her precious litle girl saying hey im trans and am not a female what the fuck would you say#if i asked you to call me he i bet youd fucking always call me she#i bet youd tell all your fucking friends about how im trans now and how unexpected it was and how weird it is i dont want surgery#UGH. uugh im going to start crying this is stupid this isnt something i shpuld cry about its justvmy mom being curious and i could answer#i could answer her questions but its such an awkward conversation with my mother#and im trans. this could be how i see her views on trans people but with how shes acting now ? knowing my friend is trans ?#despite knowing him as a fucking guy the entire time#she manages to now default to using she her and im going to cry like what the fuck is that ???#/nbh. aorry. if you know who you are.
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