#how to use cold laser on dog
laservetbcure · 1 year
Achilles tendon injuries in dogs can be challenging and painful, but with timely intervention and appropriate treatment, dogs can make a successful recovery and regain their mobility. Understanding the common causes, recognizing the signs and symptoms, and seeking prompt veterinary care are crucial steps for a positive outcome.
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nochepsicodelica · 29 days
Mornings with the clingy bear (Toji my beloved <3) when he wakes up before you, but there's no agenda for the day so he just gets to watch you sleep until you wake up on your own. Despite how much he dislikes when you sleep in without him, being able to admire your peaceful, sleeping features makes up for it. Who would ever assume that this sleeping princess could be capable of wreaking so much havoc, but also be the one screaming mayday? He swears you'll give him a heart attack one day. He's too old for your insanity, but god, he wouldn't ask you to change a thing and he's not dying to get away from you. Quite the opposite, actually. The closer you are, the better.
He was careful not to move too fast, to not wake you up as he traced your dormant features. Green eyes roamed over your lips, your cheeks, your nose and your eyes. He had to fight the urge to not roughly drag you closer towards him and squeeze the life out of you.
Your eyebrows pinch and your nose scrunches, your eyes still shut. "Ugh, it's like you're pointing a laser at my forehead," you croak, pulling the blanket up to cover your face. You're stirring under the blanket, on the brink of waking up. If Toji were a dog, which he's not because he's a bear, his tail would be thumping against the bed <3
You throw the blanket off your head, a lazy smile on your face that heavily contrasted your tone from a couple minutes ago. His attention causes you to giggle. He's so focused on you, it's hard not to laugh.
Finally, you're awake so he can pull you closer. You're already touching, but you're not wedged together and that's exactly what he needs in this moment.
"What's that giggle about? Huh?" He asks, pulling your body right up against his. His nose pokes your cheek, his lips resting on the space just below it, luring another laugh from you.
"You woke me up, like you always do, Toji. I can't ever sleep in with you," you say, no bite to your words at all.
"That's too bad, isn't it? It's why I tell you to go to sleep at a reasonable time yet you still go to sleep past midnight, hm?"
"Mhm, whatever," he says, copying you. "Whatever, until tomorrow morning when I do it again, but with less mercy."
You groan and turn to face him. You can't even be annoyed with him when he looks so good.
"There are so many things you can do without me in the morning," you say, cupping his cheek, your thumb brushing his skin, affectionately. "You can... go on a walk or watch TV. Ooo, you can get breakfast going so that when I wake up, it's ready."
He mimics the gentleness of your touch on his cheek, his palm rubbing your lower back. "Don't wanna. That's boring."
"Tojii," you whine, removing your hand from his face, attempting to turn away from him.
"Without you," he corrects, using the hand he has on your back to prevent you from getting too far. "Why make breakfast alone when we can do it together?"
"You mean I cook and you either just watch or you get in my way?"
"You know it, mama," he says, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips.
"It's literally eight in the morning, Toji. You should be thrown in jail for disturbing my slumber," you say, attempting to distract him from the color that spreads onto your cheeks.
"Nah, you'd miss me." A smug grin creeps its way onto his lips.
"Mm..." you hum, acting like you're unsure if that's a certain fact. This is you wreaking havoc. You say and do a lot of things that drive him crazy, and now—with proof—even just humming out a response will do that to him.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing at all," you say, the hint of a smile on your face.
"No?" If Toji were a dog, which he's not because he's a bear, his ears would be down and his tail would no longer be wagging </3
You sigh. "I'm messing with you. You know I would miss you like hell."
"Oh, really?" He scoffs, in disbelief. "You're ice cold for that, mama. Need me to warm you up, huh?" He says, gliding the hand he has on your lower back across the expanse to grip your waist.
You put your hand over his. "Nope. This blanket is keeping me warm. It does the job just fine."
"I'm better than the blanket," he argues, rolling onto you, unexpectedly.
You groan before you laugh at the feeling of the spontaneous weight laid on top of you, your chest barely able to move with the gesture because of the iron-like hold he had on you. An unbreakable bear hug, if you will :(
"Toji," you say, voice strained yet still managing to muster out your giggling. "Toji, you're crushing me."
"Mm..." he hums, dismissively. He buries his face into your neck, sparing some kisses for it while he listens up close to the sound of your groans of being compressed, mixed with laughter, as you try to push him off. This is you shouting mayday after the chaos you made for yourself and Toji has no intention of swooping in to save you from himself.
You eventually surrender, because all your pushing is futile against Toji, who wasn't moved an inch by you. Lying on you and holding you so tight was beginning to backfire on him. He was starting to feel more like a heated, weighted blanket on you, now. It was reeling in your tiredness, again.
"Mmm... I could fall back asleep like this. Please, can I, baby?" you mumble, shutting your eyes.
"Yeah? Now you're comfortable?" He asks, teasingly, while watching you relax under him.
"You're warmer," you admit. "And clearly more suitable for cuddling."
"You're trynna butter me up, aren't you?" He says, sighing into your neck, tiredness returning to him as well.
"Maybe... One more hour, baby. Please? All I need is one more hour," you say, bringing your arms up onto his back. "I won't complain later when you make me take a nap with you," you add, to further bribe him. "We can do anything you want, too. Nothing is off limits." You turn your head and press a kiss to his temple.
He sighs, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "It's hard to say no to all of that. You gonna be real sweet to me later today?"
"Of course. I'm gonna smother you and be so disgustingly affectionate that you'll want to sleep on the couch tonight for some separation."
He bites. Being loved on by you anytime sounds like a dream. Space will never be his response to your affection, when he thrives off of it.
"Fine," he grumbles, like it was hard for him to come to his decision. "Only one more hour. Gonna stay here, though, since i'm already comfortable."
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
It's movie night but they can't use the home cinema, what do they do?
[week 1]
Bruce: Thanks for letting us use your place for movie night while we fix that leak at home.
Dick: No problem. Besides, I have plenty of snacks and the director's cut of Dumbo.
Everyone: *gathers around*
Dick: *puts on the movie*
~ 10 minutes in ~
*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
Tim: My crime alert's going off.
Harper: Mine too.
Duke: Must be big.
Bruce: Suit up and rendezvous in three.
Dick: *sighs and pauses the movie*
Dick: Can't get one night in this damn city.
[week 2]
Tim: Steph, why are we at a karaoke lounge?
Steph: I know the owner's cousin's hairdresser's dog walker's sister's girlfriend and I convinced them to let us use the party room. Don't worry, it's just like a TV screen.
Steph: *puts on Pitch Perfect*
Steph: Ooh, I love this part.
Steph: *grabs a mic and starts singing*
Damian: *stuffs napkins in his ears*
[week 3]
Jason: Since we decided on Pride and Prejudice, I thought I could play it at my safehouse.
Dick: Sweet, thanks!
Jason: *unlocks the door*
Dick: *tries to step in*
Jason: *stops him*
Jason: I said I could play it. I never said you could come in. I don't want your you-ness all over my new stuff.
Bruce: Jason, be reasonable.
Harper: Yeah, you got this junk off the side of the road.
Jason: My junk, my rules.
Tim: Then what are we supposed to do?
Jason: Fire escape's around the back. You'll get a decent glance.
~ 20 minutes later ~
Dick: *leans his head in to hear better*
Jason: My air, my rules.
Jason: *closes the window*
[week 4]
Bruce: Cass, it's your turn. Got the movie?
Cass: *nods and plays Rambo on her computer*
Barbara: Uh, why isn't there any sound?
Cass: Volume button broke. Just read lips.
Jason: Kinda hard to do that with the brightness at zero. Did that stop working too?
Duke: Looks fine to me.
Jason: Shut up, Flashlight.
[week 5]
Tim: I brought my entire Star Wars collection.
Bruce, dodging a space laser: Not the time.
Tim: Okay.
Bruce: *punches an alien robot*
Tim: How about now?
[week 6]
Barbara: Sorry I got a cold, but at least we can still have movie night on Zoom. I torrented a copy of The Matrix.
Barbara: *shares her screen*
*movie plays*
Barbara: *leaves herself unmuted*
Barbara: *starts crinkling Sun Chips*
[week 7]
Everyone: *crowd around Damian's phone watching My Neighbor Totoro*
Bette: Why is your phone so small?
Damian: I have tiny hands.
[week 8]
Harper: Because we're watching Cars this week, I thought I could put together an all-immersive experience.
[week 9]
Duke: I called this company and since we're heroes, they're letting us use their electronic billboard for this week's movie at a huge discount. Kill Bill should be coming on right about...
*movie starts playing*
Jason: Not bad, Narrows.
*billboard switches to an ad*
[week 10]
Carrie: Since Steamboat Willie is now public domain, I thought we could do something different tonight.
Carrie: *pulls out a flipbook*
[week 11]
Everyone: *watching Love, Simon in a dark living room*
*lights flick on*
Apollo and Midnighter: *standing there in date night outfits*
Steph: Um, Cullen, who are these guys?
Cullen: *laughs nervously*
Cullen: Everyone, meet Apollo and Midnighter. They're kinda-sorta my gay uncles and we're kinda-sorta in their apartment and I kinda-sorta didn't expect them to come back early.
Midnighter: Remind me why we gave you a spare key?
[week 12]
Kate: *sets up a projector and plays Glass Onion*
Bruce: Kate, this is a crime scene.
Kate: The fun part's already done, let Gordon do cleanup this time.
[week 13]
Alfred: Back in my day, we did not rely on scrupulous use of technology. Which is why I propose watching a classic Sherlock Holmes tale on a classic instrument.
Alfred: *pulls out a zoetrope*
Steph: Anyone know what that is?
Dick: Not a clue.
[week 14]
Luke: Nothing like a good ol' drive-in movie. Great idea, Helena.
Helena: I know, and the Godfather is perfect for this.
*Batmobile crashes through the screen*
Steph: Sorry we're late.
Duke: I'm still figuring out the PRINDL.
[week 15]
*TV playing the Aristocats*
Bruce, trying to flirt: I like what you've done with the curtains.
Selina: Thanks, but it was Snowball's after-dinner surprise.
*TV blinks off*
Tim: Hey, what gives?
Selina: *takes a chewed-up cord out of a cat's mouth*
Selina, sighing: This is why I married rich.
[week 16]
Luke: May I present the ultimate Snakes On A Plane drone show!
*phone rings*
Luke: Hello? ... Yes, this is he. ... Mhm. ... Yep. ... Okay.
Luke: Never mind, the FAA says I can't.
[week 17]
Everyone: *watching Legally Blonde at Bette's place*
*dogs barking*
*loud music*
*car honk*
*neighbors shouting*
Bette: Sorry, we have thin walls.
Bruce, shrugging: Eh, still not as bad as HOA.
[week 18]
Damian: Where is movie night this time, Father?
Barbara: My money's on another crime scene.
Bruce: Actually, I rented out the theater just for us and they're playing a special edition of The Mark of Zorro. Everyone got their snacks?
Duke: Popcorn, check.
Cass: Licorice, check.
Steph: M&Ms are obviously the right answer by the way.
Dick: I got a slushee.
Jason: I got the slushee machine.
Bruce: Alright then, take your seats. The movie's about to begin.
*movie plays*
*Rogues break in, make a mess, and leave*
Bruce: I miss my parents.
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deadliestfishinthesea · 7 months
Love always comes back (like a boomerang)
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How you meet Captain Boomerang while working undercover for A.R.G.U.S. (and eventually fall for him)
Part 1.
Boomerang X Y/n
CW: swearing
2.600 words
You can also read this on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54019207/chapters/136749250
“I am aware that you are already well informed of the system I have put into place. But I will warn you again, Dr. Y/n. These people are not your allies. If they see a chance to take the upper hand, they will take it, even at the cost of your life. I hope you keep that in mind if you are to get the chance of working with Colonel Flag on the field.“ Amanda Waller's everlastingly stern voice rang out trough the speakers. Y/n looked at the screen, directly into the woman's cold eyes.
“Yes, ma'am. Of course.“ Unwavering calm ran though her own voice, a skill she obtained with years of communicating with people in power.
“Good. You have been granted access to inmate 117-12-60. Direct contact isn't allowed.“ As if she'd want to be in any kind of direct contact with a dangerous convict.
“Copy that, ma'am.“ The woman disappreared from the screen and Y/n leaned back from the table where the laptop sat. She turned her head to her side, looking at Aaron Cash, one of the main guards around here. He offered her a derisive smile, nodding his head once.
“Ready to swim with the sharks?“
“From what I heard there's only one shark in here.“
Cash let out a short chuckle, crossing his arms in a way that seemed to convey his superior knowledge on the matter, but Y/n wasn't sold on that just yet.
“Oh he ain't the deadliest fish in this sea.“
For the rather unimpressive amount of time she worked in the facility, Y/n had seen with her own eyes a good portion of prisoners be admitted into the so called shithole named Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. And if she was honest, she had to partially agree with the nickname – it definitely was a shithole, just more so for the inmates than it was for her.
One of the prisoners she witnessed being brought in was George 'Digger' Harkness himself, alias 'Captain Boomerang'. Whatever the case was, in this place he went by 'inmate 117-12-60' as stated in the official reports.
She distinctly remembers the man, restrained with metal clasps around his ankles and hands on something resembling a box cart that the guards used to manouver him around. He was unsuccessfully trying to set himself free, cursing at the guards the whole time.
“Piss off ya' fucken' mongrel!“ Colorful, she thought as she watched from a distance. 
“Now that's some fresh meat. Had a bit of trouble finding this guy.“ Cash stood next to her with a smug expression on his face as he spoke.
“Get a dog up ya', ya' wristy-“ One of the guards grabbed him and the clasps opened, nearly sending him to the ground, „Ah, 'coff ya cunt!“
Y/n had a hard time understanding what he was saying from this distance. She frowned as she watched the scene unfold. Once inside the cell, a beep of the comms on the guard's chest could be heard, followed by a few words exchanged, and the laser beams on each side of the cell's entrance lit up, finally imprisoning Captain Boomerang.
She watched the convict with curious eyes the whole time she was leaving, and the last thing she remembers is him turning his head and looking directly at her before she fully turned around.
The memory ended then, and she was back in the present, listening to her and Cash's boots echo on the ground as they walked the halls. Once in front of the big metal doors, they opened with a loud clang and she squeezed her clipboard as they entered the penitentiary, spotting her targeted cell in the corner.
She took a deep breath and reminded herself of her task, glancing at her clipboard. Go in, talk to the inmate, see if he has potential for Waller's plan, get out.
“I think I'll be okay from now on.“ She told Cash with a turn on her head.
“You sure?“
“Yeah.“ She looked ahead at the cell. She needed to do this alone. With a shrug and a mutter of 'okays' and 'fines' Dixen left for the door, leaving her to walk alone towards the guard standing in front of the cell.
While walking she remembered that at this hour, most of the prisoners were sent out for yard time, so nearly every cell in the block was empty. But not Boomerang's. Y/n wasn't sure why he wasn't also outside, and she questioned if the rumors the guards were passing around were actually true. Apparently, a fight breaking out in the yard a couple of days ago resulted in three guards being dropped unconcious and Boomerang being sentanced to lockdown for the rest of the week. Given the place they were in, Y/n considered that an almost merciful punishment. She wondered if that really happened, or if her request for privacy had been granted so they held him back for her arrival.
The entrance to the cell was seethrough thanks to only the lasers acting as doors, but from her angle it didn't show Harkness yet. She approached the guard standing next to the entrance.
“You can go.“ An all access security card was already in her hand, hovering in front of his face.
“I said go.“
He turned with hesitation, but didn't say anything as he walked away. When the guard was out of range, she looked at the cell, but still couldn't see Harkness. She had seen him before, though, even if only once. She stepped to the side, now facing the cell entrance, and Captain Boomerang himself.
Boomerang's back was turned to her, but when he heard the boots outside his cell finally walk up to him he turned around. She instinctively took note of his issued white t-shirt and orange sweats. His hands were in his pockets. He didn't say anything, just stared at her, which created an uncomfortable pit in her stomach that she hoped she hid well enough with her neutral gaze. He started walking right up to her and Y/n realised with every step she wasn't prepared as well as she'd thought. He was huge up close. Not only taller but much bulkier than she remembered. He was so close his body was nearly touching the lasers, and she started to wonder what would happen if he did touch them.
Even with his surprising proximity she didn't move, and she wasn't sure why. Maybe she was caught off guard and frozen, or she didn't want to seem intimidated by stepping back. He stared down at her with his eyebrows drawn in an almost captivating frown and his head cocked to the side in intrigue. Y/n quickly realized he was checking her out, comparing and assesing how much of a threat she was. Should she be offended if he didn't see her as one?
“George Harkness?“ She finally broke what felt like a minute long silence.
“Who's askin'?“ He spoke in a low tone, never breaking eye contact.
“My name is Y/n, I'm a licenced psychologist.“
“Yeah, I remember you. You were the sheila staring at me when I came in here.“
Her eyebrows raised, but she hid the slight embarassment she felt, “Yes. I was sent here to… evaluate some inmates by the request of the warden.“
“Ah, what? I send a couple assholes to medical and all of a sudden I'm qualified for a drongo?“ He scoffed.
“So you did cause a fight in the yard?“ It was true after all, and Y/n realised she could use it to her advantage.
 “Oh, I'm not confessin' anythin' to ya, missy, but you're in the wrong spot. See, I ain't got a 'roo loose in the top paddock like some of these nutcases.“
“I don't think you're crazy. But I was sent here to prove it. If you want to be let out of lockdown you'll have to answer some of my questions.“
He leaned back and glanced around for a moment, “Then shouldn't these therapeutic sessions be done in uh… I don't know, not in the middle of a cell block?“
“Well, I'm afraid it's hard to provide a seaside view lounge on such short notice. We'll have to make due with what we have.“
“Aw, killer. I'm best relaxed when out of handcuffs. Well, most times, that is.“ He sneered. She tried her best to ignore his comment.
“My first question-“
“So they let you in this shithole with no security jus' for a questionaire?“, he squinted at her.
“I asked for a private conversation.“
„That's why you ordered ol' guard here to fuck off like you're his boss?“ Her eyes widened slightly at his words. Did he just figure out she wasn't here for that kind of evaluation? Maybe doing this without Cash by her side wasn't such a good idea.
Harkness saw the way she was caught off guard and chuckled low and taunting, “You aren't just some psychiatrist, are ya, love?“
“Yeah, yeah, but what else?“
She sighed, “It doesn't matter what I am. What matters is if you want to-„
“I'll tell you what I want.“, he lowered his head to match her height, “I want out of here. And not just out this cell, out the whole place. An' if you can't do squat about that, then your questions won't be much help to ya', doc'.“
“You're right. I can't do that.“
Y/n was quiet for a moment.
“Well then, I guess we're done here.“ She spoke quietly.
“Yeah, we are.“ He nearly whispered.
Both of them were quiet for a few seconds, still looking at each other, but when she caught herself observing the loose strands of hair on his forehead she abruptly broke the silence.
“Thank you for your cooperation, George Harkness.“, her proffessional tone cleary got on his nerves, but he stayed quiet. He backed away from the lasers then, and she turned around to leave.
When the big doors opened again, Cash was waiting on the other side. He shot her a questioning look. She started walking down the hall.
“I need to make a report.“
“All in all, you have the upper hand. He is motivated to get out of here, by any cost, and if you grant him that hope I don't see how he wouldn't be willing to do your bitting.“
The woman on her laptop screen nodded approvingly, “Good work, Dr. Y/n. Your next evaluation will be with inmate 00-10-94, so called King Shark. He is the newest added member to our little circus.“ Waller went over some details about the shark, and as she was explaining Y/n looked over to the folder next to her. Captain Boomerang's records.
She knew they were all convicts, guilty of all kinds of crimes. She aimed her attention back to the screen, trying not to think about the conversation she had with Boomerang. It was all just standard procedure she had to follow to work with Rick Flag and the task force Waller wanted so damn much. Still, gathering information to find out whether they would risk suicide for freedom made her stomach turn a little. She knew about Waller's contingency plan, but she didn't know how exactly she planned to make the criminals do anything she wanted. It wouldn't be good enough if she just promised them shortened sentances, they would all escape the moment they stepped foot outside. Y/n could imagine just how far Waller would go to ensure that doesn't happen.
Less than a week later Harkness was let out of lockdown. Y/n spotted him outside during yard time when she was making her way from the north wing to the penitentiary. It was pretty cold out and there was a slight fog in the distance, thouh he was playing basketball. In shorts. He palyed with three other inmates, laughing at them whenever they missed their shot.
She looked to the fence, where an inmate was arguing with a security officer. Y/n approached the fence and a guard opened the entrance for her, letting her into the yard.
“Hey, Gary. What's with the First Amendment over there?“ she watched the argument between the officer and the inmate get more heated.
“Oh, that guy? We call him Rango. Just got him in a couple weeks ago.“
“Hard time adjusting to prison, it seems.“
Before she could reach the door to the building Rango punched the guard he was yelling at across the face, sending him stumbling backwards and nearly bumping into Y/n. It was as Rango went to take another punch which would've hit Y/n that Digger Harkness socked him across the jaw. Where did he come from? Digger landed another uppercut before Rango hit a right hook to his temple.
“Get him, Boomerang!“ she heard an inmate yell before a majority of them started cheering.
Y/n watched in disbelief as they went crashing into a table. Guards quickly ran up to pull Harknss off of the guy, yeling at both of the convicts in the process.
“Really, Harkness!? After you just got out?“
“Give him a break, man, he just really misses his cell!“
Y/n's eyes were on him the whole time as they dragged him away. Did he really just save her? He didn't have to. They both knew he was on thin ice since he fought those guards, now he was definitely up for lockdown again just because he saved her. Holy shit, she thought, he's up for lockdown because he saved her. She had to stop the guards.
After a short time she made her way over to the medical facility. There were a couple of officers standing in front of it and before she could go in one of them spoke up.
She turned to him, “Gary!“
“You okay?“
“Yes, I'm- Where's officer Ryan? I need to talk to him.“
“Uh, broken nose, he's in there. But be careful-“
“Thanks, I know.“ She was already opening the door to the building. When she found the room officer Ryan is supposed to be in she stepped in and walked past Boomerang. He was sat up in the adjustale hospital bed, tied to it with leather restraints around his ankles and wrists, and when he looked up at her surprise spread trough his features, but she didn't have time for that as she walked right by him.
Boomerang couldn't hear any voices coming from the other rooms, so he imagined she already left, but after some time she walked back into the room.
 “Well, fuck me dead, if it it isn't miss pretend doctor?“
She rolled her eyes, stopping at the foot of the bed. She could look at him up close now and notice his black eye, along with a slight bruise on his jaw. He had a couple of stitches on his shoulder, and she could only guess there was more on his back.
“You look like shit.“
“Hah, then you clearly didn't see the other poor bastard. Oh, and you're welcome, love.“
“No, you're welcome. I talked to the guards, they should… shorten your lockdown.“
“Hey, fair suck of the sav, doc'.“
“I saved you from a nasty bruise, but I did the paw patrol a favor too, ya know. That wanker Rango's been up their asses two weeks now. And all I get is a fifty percent isolation discount?“
“You broke a table. And I never said it was fifty percent.“
 He groaned, his head falling back on the pillow. He looked at her, not moving his head, and to Y/n he looked like he was resting on a deckchair on a nice remote beach rather than recovering from a fight in a prison yard.
“Betcha wouldn't even untie me if I asked.“ He wriggled his hands around in his cuffs to emphasize his point.
“You're right.“  
He looked at the ceiling in defeat, but his eyes found her again when she spoke up.
“But.. I did want to thank you.“
“Well, let's hear it, then.“
“You just did.“ she said as she walked out of the room.
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luxury-nightmare · 3 months
mom says it’s my turn on the writing
Alex had an idea. It was a bad idea on most levels, but it was a funny, so they decided to go through with it. They had picked up a laser pointer from a nearby drugstore, and were just about to head home.
Worst case scenario, they die at the hands of the worlds weirdest roommate. Clyde would sometimes act like a big cat, scratching up Alex’s furniture, purring very loudly whenever it was happy with something, and that one time that Alex missed work because Clyde decided that it wanted to lay on top of them to sleep.
So, Hypothetically, if they used the laser pointer, Clyde might chase it around like the world’s deadliest house cat.
They needed to see if this worked, for science of course.
Also because it would be really funny.
The closed the door behind them, Clyde flopped over on the couch like a murder victim. The demon looked over at Alex, before stretching and readjusting on the couch. Alex sat down next to the demon and rummaged through their pockets for the laser pointer.
“Human what are you doing?” Clyde asked, looking up at Alex as they fished the laser pointer out of their pockets. “Just testing something” they said, and turned on the laser pointer.
Alex looked over at Clyde, its eyes visibly dilated. It pounced onto the red spot, tail wagging like a cat. Alex stifled a giggle and moved the laser spot across the floor. Clyde sprinted behind the trail.
Alex chuckled. This was going to be a fun afternoon.
“Human, what the fuck”
Clyde looked over at Alex, who was poorly hiding a laugh. The living room was a mess, with overturned stacks of books and knocked over furniture littering the floor. The red dot was nowhere to be found.
Alex didn’t even really care that their home looked like a tornado had ran through it, watching Clyde chase around a laser pointer like a cat had been worth it.
“Human why?” Clyde asked. Alex smiled.
“It was really funny”
Clara had been digging around in the boxes Alex sent her. They couldn’t really go back to their old life, so they gave what little they had on them to her so she could start over. She needed to work on a new life after the asylum ripped her away from her old one. She was incredibly grateful to them for this, lord knows she needed any help she could get after getting out of that hellhole.
Something cold and metallic brushed past her fingers. She grasped the object, pulling the metal cylinder from the layers of clothes. She pulled a laser pointer out from the box and looked at it with a puzzled expression.
“Hey, Alex?” She asked. “Yeah?” Alex responded. They were trying to learn how to imitate their old voice. It was off enough to be noticeable, but close enough you could still recognize it. The velidgun turned to her with curiosity. “Why do you have a laser pointer?”
“Oh yeah” Alex responded, every eye they had looking at the laser pointer with fondness “I bought it at a drugstore back before I got kicked out. I wanted to see if Clyde would chase it.”
“It did” they giggled at the memory “the house was a wreck after but it was funny as hell”.
Clara looked down at the laser pointer with curiosity. She had an idea, but wasn’t sure if she should follow through.
“Fuck it” she whispered to herself. “What did you say?” Alex asked, before cutting themself off the stare at the red dot now emitting from the laser pointer. Their tail wagged like a happy dog, and they pounced on the dot. Clara moved it across the floor, with Alex following it like a cat. Clara couldn’t stop herself from laughing as she moved the dot again.
Oh dear lord she knew what they meant by it being funny.
Clyde snicked “not so funny to be on the other side of it, is it”
Alex looked at their partner with bitterness from the broken table they had crashed into “Shut up”
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intervalart · 5 months
I absolutely love your art of Sundown, he’s one of my favorites (next to Akira) 🙂 honestly he’s hilarious in the Dominion of Hate, he’ll literally fight Akira for no reason, he’s got this “tired single dad handling 6 kids” energy to him, and he even like…scolds Oersted? It sounded like? (His voice actor, Reagan Murdock, played Aki Hayakawa in this anime called Chainsaw Man, so i guess he has experience with voicing a guy who needs to wrangle teenagers 😅) do you happen to have any hcs for him?
I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKING ME SO LONG TO GET TO THESE ASKS, i'm packing to move, so that's taking up most of my time and energy ;;;v;;;
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH WAAAAAAA, I'm glad you like how I draw the schüt man <333 (who has somehow accidentally become The Muse, whoops lol)
Sadly there are currently no in-game dialogues showing how he interacts with the other party members (party banter like octopath is a common DLC request), but Mad Dog has a line about Sundown "being bad with the little ones", which is either Mad Dog's interpretation based on what he wants to see, or Sundown's stoicism and bluntness really does tend intimidate the kids. (I don't watch CSM so I will take your work for it... But I'm sure Mr. Murdock does a great job! He has a great voice for it...)
But from what we do know for sure (from his recruitment quest and his dialogue to Sin when out of the party of the final 4) is he is very tired, and wants nothing to do with you.
tbh that's part of the reason I'm fascinated with him, is in a whole party full of spunky/quirky anime youngsters who have Psychic powers, martial arts, laser canons, ninja powers, etc. (the oldest being Masaru who's usually hc'd at 25 years old for the meme).... there's just. A guy. Maybe late 30s/early 40s. With a gun.
People joke about Masaru being the Straight Man (which is true to some extent), but I feel like he handles the weirdness a bit better than Sundown does, just on account of his adaptable nature. If Mad Dog's reaction to O. Dio's true form was any indication, supernatural stuff is... Not normal for their time period. So I think Sundown is much more the Straight Man in the DoH just cuz he stands out so much from everyone else. (not that he isn't silly in his own way... he's based on Clint Eastwood ffs lol)
...and I wrote all of this text without even getting to my headcanons, so if that isn't any a warning for how much I can ramble about him at length, then let this cut should tell you. (you asked, sorry not sorry lol)
So warning in advance, there's gonna be a teeny bit of overlap with Mad Dog hcs on some of these because of how much the two intertwine with each other. They kinda come as a package deal.
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Some of my hcs you've probably seen in this comic. Most notably; not just the survivor's guilt, but also in the panic of the raid on the town and the flurry of using the Hurricane Shot, he's not entirely sure if he only shot the invading bandits. :( He worried he might have gotten some townsfolk in there too. (Mostly illustrated on pages 5-6 when all the figures kinda blend together)
At the time I made the comic I thought it was just a theory that he'd placed the bounty on himself, I somehow missed the fact that it was canon. But the fact that it is canon definitely drives home both the survivor's guilt, and him fearing death despite having a death wish. (There's much easier ways to off yourself homie, you don't gotta have a bizarre death ritual with randos obsessed with fame and glory... </3)
On the earlier topic, he might not so much be bad with kids, as he is... blunt. He doesn't sugar coat stuff, and he's probably very hands-off. If he really was the respected sheriff of [Unnamed Town], he probably had some experience with kids in the past, but I suspect between the trauma and some degree of wanting to keep everyone else safe, he's cold and aloof on purpose. He was probably more sociable before The Incident. (Much like a certain blond knight)
But he does work well with others in the DoH and is brief but polite to everyone, even the younger characters. (I cry every time he says "thanks" or "sorry" when another party member heals him... TT0TT)
All that aside, some of the more domestic hcs:
• I think Sunny is very skilled at sewing!! Living out in the wilds and not having access to new clothes very often/if at all means he had to get good at repairing his own clothes. And between sleeping out under the stars and the bullet holes, he has plenty of practice... (MD called him girly for it once, and with a completely straight face, Sunny said "Why do you think being self-sufficient is inherently feminine...?". MD never mentioned it again.)
• The trade-off however is that he's... Not an amazing cook. Everything is either eaten raw or roasted over a fire, and he doesn't have a ton of access to spices and herbs in the wilds... Very utilitarian in his cooking methods.
• That ties into the next point; the dude's got a cast iron stomach. If the guy can canonically down an infinite number of glasses of milk (LONG after most adults develop lactose intolerance), the guy can eat pretty much anything. Including whatever rattlesnakes (and cactus) he found to eat.
• Sunny is probably a very skilled dancer! If for no other reason other than dodging bullets for years lmao. MD catches a glimpse once. Sunny looks him dead in the eyes and says "No one will ever believe you."
• I've already discussed this, but Sunny probably used to be left-handed, and either due to societal necessity or an injury, he became ambidextrous!
• Now that I'm thinking about it actually, I drew Young Sundown in the comic with much less facial hair to just make him look younger... But it actually makes sense that between the depression (and possibly self loathing), he kinda uses the facial hair as like... A mask? Like, so he doesn't have to see himself in a way? (I might be reading too much into it, the OG art does show he shapes his scruff and it's not completely unkempt, so maybe it started as Depression Scruff, and he just shaves it as best he can with a knife lol)
• I used to hc that he didn't name his horse because he didn't want to get attached. (He just calls it Horse) But after talking to another Really Cool Wild West Artist in the JP fandom, it's not impossible that he could have had the same horse the entire time... So that's not a hill I need to die on lol.
• For obvious reasons, he's a hard guy to get to laugh. If he does, it's usually wry and understated. But on the rare occasion he does genuinely laugh, he's more inclined to stifle it at first, more out of habit than anything else. It takes a lot to get him rolling in the aisles.
...But that's getting into BBFF territory, which is a whole 'nuther post, and definitely not something I have rambled about at length and stored on a hidden discord server.
AND that's not talking about my Mad Dog hcs......
-gripping you anon- Do you see why I am in hell.
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soft--dragon · 2 years
Lab Lessons
This drabble features the rottmnt PB & J duo! (Mikey and Donnie) THIS IS ALL PLATONIC, THEY'RE BROTHERS, DON'T BE A WEIRDO
Word Count: 1,015
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
“Are you sure I can’t help-”
“But there’s-”
“It could use some paint-”
“Maybe I-”
“Mikey.” Donnie swiped the piece of technology his little brother had tried to pick up for the fourth time and stared the box turtle down with a sharp glare. “I said no.”
Mikey waited until Donnie put the machinery back down before trying to pick it back up. 
“Michelangelo Hamato, I swear to Pizza Supreme if you touch that tech one more time, I will make sure the consequences will be severe.” 
Mikey’s hand froze mere inches from the technology and lifted his eyes to Donnie who was carefully wiring something with utmost precision, yet it was like he had eyes in the back of his head to watch Mikey. The orange masked turtle stayed still for a moment longer, weighing the pros and cons of possibly annoying Donnie further until his need for attention and chaos won him over. He picked the tech back up and looked it over carefully, trying to find the best spot for some spray paint to liven it up.
“Okay then.”
In a flash, a pair of metal arms sprung out of Donnie’s battle shell and snatched Mikey’s wrists up, a loud yelp bursting out of the box turtle. The piece of tech was launched into the air with how bad Mikey startled, only to be gracefully caught by the purple masked turtle. He placed it back on the counter and turned to face his brother, his thick eyebrows scrunched low and lips in a scowl. 
Mikey grinned nervously, taking a step back but his wrists stayed firmly within Donnie’s metal hands. “Don- Donnie, hi, hello, we’re friends yeah? You love me.”
“The jury's out on that one.”
“Wha- hey. That’s rude,” Mikey pouted, going to put his hands on his hips like a disappointed mother only to be stopped by the metal grippers keeping him in place.
Donnie set down his soldering iron and crossed his arms. “I warned you, Angelo.”
Mikey gave a crooked grin and meekly shrugged. “How was I meant to know you weren’t kidding?”
“Scoff. While I am the funniest, I wouldn’t joke about my tech, Michael, you should know that.” As he spoke, Donnie moved closer to the box turtle who was starting to cower in on himself at the dangerous flash in his older brother’s eyes. 
“Okay- okay hang on wait- Don-” he spluttered, dreading the possible punishment the soft shell could come up with to make him learn his lesson. Making his tech fire lasers at him at random times to keep him constantly on edge? Making another Impact Jumpsuit that would keep him trapped in a round, bubble cage for as long as Donnie wanted? Giving him a rough noogie until he yelped for mercy-?
The metal claws holding his wrists suddenly arched upwards, carrying his hands with them until Mikey’s arms were over his head. Suddenly feeling a hell of a lot more exposed, Mikey’s head shrunk into his shell until just his eyes were peaking out, looking up at Donnie with a nervous and giddy gleam.
“Donnie..?” He tried using puppy dog eyes on his big brother but the taller turtle merely sighed.
“Maybe this will teach you not to mess with things in my lab, Mikey.”
With a skill only a vengeful older brother could possess, Donnie had pressed his fingers into the top holes of Mikey’s shell to scratch at the soft, sensitive skin with merciless intent. Mikey let out a scream that could raise the dead, legs immediately trying to fall out from underneath him, only creating a bigger problem. By stretching himself out further with Donnie’s metal arms keeping him upright, the ticking felt so much worse.
“DOHOHOhohohoniehehehehe! Stohohop- stohohop ihihihit!” Mikey practically squealed, trying to find purchase on the cold ground for some kind of leverage but the tickling was sapping his strength quickly and leaving him a giggly, squirming mess. 
“Did you not hear me before, Michael?” Donnie raised a thick eyebrow, his flat voice carrying no hint of the internal enjoyment he was experiencing at making his baby brother laugh so wildly. “This is how I am going to teach you a lesson, which means you must endure this punishment until you have learnt. It is a simple concept to wrap your brain around.”
“Ihihit tIHIHICkles, Dohohohon!” 
“Oh really? It does? Who would’ve thought? Certainly not I, the person who is tickling you …He says without a hint of sarcasm,” Donnie snarked light-heartedly, scribbling into the sensitive underarms of his brother and sneaking a few fingers around Mikey’s neck. 
With a shrill yelp, Mikey’s head burst from his shell, trying to wriggle away from the fingers worming along his skin and eliciting bubbly, childish giggles. “Nohohot thahahe neheheck! Dohohonihihie thahahat’s sohoho mehehean!” 
“You know what else could be considered ‘mean’, young Angelo?” Donnie hummed, dropping his hands to scratch quickly along the sides of Mikey’s shell and having to hide a grin when Mikey stomped his foot amongst his gasps of laughter. “...Messing with your dear old big brother’s projects when he politely asks you not to.”
“Yohohou dihid nohohot ask politehely!”
“Whatever do you mean? I am the most polite brother you have.”
“Yohohou lohooked lihike yohou wehere gohoing toho bihite mehehe!”
“Politely. I was going to bite you, politely.” 
Donnie’s emotionless, flat voice for some reason made it funnier, making Mikey laugh even harder and just about keel over. The sight made a slight quirk lift the purple turtle’s upper lip. “Oh, would you look at that. I really am the funniest turtle in this sewer.”
“Yohohou’re nohohot!”
“Is that so? Then why are you squealing with laughter?” As he spoke, Donnie’s fingers shifted to scribble and spider unguessable patterns all over the front of Mikey’s shell, a shrill squeal wrenching from the box turtle immediately. “See? I’m hilarious.”
“Yohohou’re ahaha teheherrible brohohother!”
“Gasp. How dare you, Michangelo. Take that back immediately and apologise for your crimes within my lab.”
“Then face the wrath of my spider hands!”
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thethirdromana · 10 months
In honour of Doctor Who's 60th birthday, here are 60* things that I like about less popular** Doctor Who stories.
(*in multiple posts because I'm falling foul of the character limit)
(**IMDB rating of less than 7/10)
1. Susan is great in The Sensorites. She's at her absolute best in stories like this where she gets to be genuinely a bit alien and a bit weird.
2. "So," said someone at the BBC, "we're going to produce an allegory for different political systems, using insects. Choreographed by a mime artist. On a budget of about £2.50." The Web Planet might not entirely have succeeded, but my god, you have to love that they tried.
3. They introduced Jamie, the best companion, in The Highlanders! How is does this have less than a 7/10 rating, what is wrong with you people. It's Jamie.
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4. I applaud the utter bonkersness of The Underwater Menace, and Patrick Troughton really gives it socks.
5. The Wheel in Space is proper 60s sci-fi: Servo-Robots, x-ray lasers, radio beams! I can practically smell Penguin mass-market paperbacks thinking about it. And with the introduction of Zoe, it completes my all-time favourite TARDIS team.
6. The Dominators contains the Quarks, who are adorable. They weren't supposed to be, but it doesn't matter.
7. Zoe is still relatively new to the TARDIS, but she has heaps to do in The Krotons. Nice having a female companion who's written as smart and capable.
8. We have entered the 70s, so with Colony in Space, we get Social Issues. Especially an Evil Mining Corporation, which are always fun.
9. More Social Issues in The Mutants, but this time they're paired with big sci-fi ideas. Ancient tablets! Strange life cycles! Love how much is going on here.
10. The Time Monster is like the Eurovision of Doctor Who. Deeply silly, but what would Doctor Who be without silliness? I'm sorry about Jo's coccyx too.
11. I love that they returned to Peladon in The Monster of Peladon, especially with the 50-year time jump. I'd like to see that kind of follow-up more often.
12. Is it not cool to love K9 any more? Well, I like my Doctor Who with a dose of silliness, and The Invisible Enemy delivered that. Every time traveller needs a robot dog.
13. The design of the Seers in Underworld is excellent, I love a brass dome.
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14. Doctor Who doesn't have enough giant squidmonsters looming on the horizons. I'm glad the The Power of Kroll does something to address the deficit.
15. The Creature from the Pit gave us the line "a teaspoon and an open mind", and I appreciate it for that at least.
16. Romana wears one of her best of many splendid outfits in The Horns of Nimon.
17. I liked all the arch dialogue between the Doctor, Enlightenment and Persuasion in Four to Doomsday.
18. Heathrow airport is an underrated setting. I also appreciate how Time-Flight prominently features Concorde, making it far more 80s than they could ever have planned.
19. I don't intend this to be damning with faint praise (even though it probably sounds like it) but my favourite thing about Arc of Infinity is that we get a little jaunt through 80s Amsterdam. I do love a tram.
20. Babyfaced Martin Clunes doing his spoiled princeling thing in Snakedance is enjoyably disconcerting.
21. Terminus is tense and scary and bleak. Another one that I'd expected to be more highly rated.
22. Warriors of the Deep gives us a very solid base under siege. Silurians + Cold War is a winning combination.
23. Landing in a modern village doing a historical re-enactment in The Awakening is a witty touch.
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24. I can’t say I enjoyed the idea of the Doctor’s violent moods in The Twin Dilemma, but I have to commend it as a punchy way to introduce the new regeneration.
25. The Mark of the Rani should surely get some love just for introducing the Rani: camp, delightful, iconic.
26. Herbert turning out to be HG Wells in Timelash is a lovely twist and handled well.
27. The Trial of a Time Lord is so grand and ambitious. If the show hadn't been struggling in general at this point, it would be among the all-time greats.
28. With its colour-coded gangs and faux-urban slang, Paradise Towers is gloriously of its time in a way that currently feels quite naff, but that I suspect will be fascinating to revisit in about 30 years.  
29. Delta and the Bannermen is action-packed and has one of the best titles in 80s Who.
30. Possibly the most terrifying moment in all of Doctor Who is Kane's face melting in Dragonfire. This series is nothing if it doesn't send children running for safety behind the sofa.
31. Got to love it when Who gets aggressively anti-Thatcher, and they never did it more than in The Happiness Patrol.
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Some notes about the ghouls and their imps, because why not?
-Dew’s imp didn’t transition elements with him, despite being a manifestation of himself, the only time the imp has control over fire is when Dew is controlling it, otherwise the little fella can only control water... and even then, he’s not very good at it, but don’t tell him that!
He can blow bubbles and that’s about it, but Dew thinks he’s neat.
-Rain’s imp keeps busting into the fish tank in Copia’s office and hanging out with his fancy fish.
-Swiss tried to give his imp away to one of the other ghouls, but they had to explain that that’s not how it works, and that his imp can basically teleport back to him at any time.
-There is an imp that shows up from time to time that the clergy refer to as “the stray”. It used to belong to one of the previous eras ghouls, and should have vanished along with them, but it seems to have developed an attachment to the abbey, so it haunts the halls much like a ghost might.
It tends to be quite skittish, so no one is sure what element it is.
-Imp paws feel somewhere between a cat’s paw pad and a lizard’s foot, although some imps have hooves instead of little grabby hands. Mountain’s imp greatly resembles a miniature goat, and likes headbutting the other imps.
-Sunshine’s imp is very bat-like in appearance, and tends to hang out in high places.
-Imps make a noise somewhere between the laser sound baby alligators make and a variety of croaks and coos. They can, however, mimic human speech to an extent, and can even string out broken sentences if they try hard enough, but it takes a lot of energy and they don’t like it.
-Some imps have fur, others do not, and the ones who don’t tend to wind up in pet sweaters because the abbey is cold, even if they can’t really feel it, it’s the thought that counts.
Also Copia thinks it’s adorable.
And lastly;
-Sister Imperator sometimes carries her ghouls around in imp form like a little pack of purse dogs, and they have the attitude to match. 
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laservetbcure · 1 year
Chronic ear infections in dogs can be challenging to treat, but with proper care and attention, it is possible to manage the condition and help your dog find relief. Traditional treatments such as antibiotics and ear cleaning solutions can be effective, but some pet owners may choose to use home cold laser therapy or BCure laser therapy to help manage their dog's ear infections. BCure laser therapy is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment that has shown promising results in treating chronic ear infections in dogs. The laser light used in BCure therapy stimulates cellular activity, reduces inflammation and pain, improves circulation, and promotes faster healing.
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imashoe69420 · 2 years
Opposite Directions
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Rise!Leo X Foot Recruit!Reader
Summary: Even though you’re supposed to be enemies, you and Leo often secretively hang out.
Relationship: Dating but not official
Pronouns: Feminine (she/her)
Warnings ⚠️: mild language, pure fluff then a lil angst
Timeline: Pre-movie (season 2)
I waited quietly on the rooftop, staring down at my phone with Leo’s messages open. He’d last texted me thirty minutes ago that he was on his way, but the location we’d picked was about ten or fifteen minutes away from the both of us. Where was he?
The night was cold, the November air causing me to wrap my hoodie around body further. He better hurry or else I’ll be heading home. No one was even out. The streets were clear aside from the psychopaths walking their dogs or going out on night strolls. On top of this, Leo was your one and only escape from The Foot’s outlandish plans for world domination.
We met almost a year ago now. He and his brothers had been out patrolling and I was sent to scope out the area for paper stores. The brothers spotted me and gave chase for a few minutes before I eventually lost them… or at least thought I did.
As I was catching my breath, a brash voice piped up with an unbelievably cheesy quip. Of course I was hesitant in talking to him. I’d joined The Foot to save up for college—I honestly didn’t know what it was until my first mission. But hey, it paid $15 an hour—so I had nothing against any of the clan’s foes. Nor did I know that any of them were mutants.
We spent a few months sneaking to various spots around the city. One spot we frequented was a hole-in-the-wall Traditional Japanese restaurant with some of the best Yakisoba I’d ever had. Leo preferred the chicken Gyoza over the rest of the menu because it “has the perfect crunch and was better compared to the ones I make at home”. The turtle was adventurous but never went too far out his comfort zone, which I never complained about.
Ironically, spending time with him reminded me of the pleasure of life’s normalcies. Talking to him was easy because we could talk about the most random things and completely understand what the other is talking about.
Our conversations switched periodically from the differences in our lives to which one of his brothers would die first in a zombie apocalypse, to how The Lieutenant and The Brute have names and aren’t just “flame heads”. And, god, did that guy make me laugh. It wasn’t always because he was funny, but because he said his jokes with such poise.
After about 6 months, our conversations and actions became more suggestive. Like, he would say something that could be interpreted as a pickup-line and I would retort with something to solidify his judgement. Or we would be walking down the street and I’d brush up against him or vice-versa. Something of the sort happened for a couple more weeks until he told me how he felt.
It was so unconventional and makes me laugh every time I think about it. Leo and I had been talking about the way we’d want to die (getting shot or having a heart attack were considered lame. Getting evaporated by a laser beam? People would talk about that for generations) when I paused to take a bite of the gyoza we’d taken to-go.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” He had asked me. “Or—a girlfriend, maybe? I don’t judge.”
When I shook my head and asked him why, he said something along the lines of, “well, you should. You’re fun to be around.”
I teased him, asking if that was his way of confessing his undying love to me.
“Er—well… sorta.”
Things hit off pretty quickly from there.
“Boo!” A voice suddenly screeched from behind me.
With a scream, I lurched forward and spun around to face my alleged assailant only to frown at the blue clad turtle hugging his sides in laughter.
“There’s no way that got you!” He wiped tears from his eyes.
I crossed my arms against my chest. “Well, you’re late so I wasn’t immediately expecting you.”
Leo scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. “Relax, they didn’t let me off as easily as last time. ‘You’re always going out, Leo. What’re you up to?’ and whatnot. You know the deal.”
I did know the deal. There were a couple of times we couldn’t meet up because I had the same line of questioning from the other members of The Foot, especially when I’d try to sneak out of patrol.
“Yeah, I guess so.” I placed a hand against his plastron before pressing a kiss against his cheek. “So, do you have anything planned? Or just gyoza tonight?”
“Hm,” he hummed to himself, temporarily stunned by the peck, “dunno. How about takeout and a movie? It’s been getting colder out and might I remind you I’m cold-blooded.”
As if on cue, a gust of crisp air blew down my hood. We both shivered before mutually agreeing on the plan.
While I searched for a movie, Leo chowed down talking about how glad he was that he found the Japanese restaurant. In reality, I had been the one looking for places to eat since—as stated before—Leo preferred to stick with what he knew and I told him previously that I refused to have pizza every time we hung out.
I squinted my eyes at him. “You found it? I think you may be remembering things wrong.”
He swallowed before cocking a would-be eyebrow at you, an arrogant smirk stretching across his face. “Eh, don’t think so. I remember you walking straight past it when we were looking for it on the GPS. I was the one who pointed it out.”
With an eye roll, I flicked the back of his head. “You wouldn’t have known that was the place if it wasn’t for me.”
The turtle shrugged before returning back to his meal. One of the things I enjoyed the most about Leo was the witty banter we’d often have. We would go on for several minutes snarling back and forth over the dumbest things to snark about, but it was always fun, especially when the banter became flirtatious.
Finally, we settled on a movie and cuddled up on the couch. I tried to immerse yourself as it was one of my favorites, but Leo often distracted you through any and all movies we watched together. Whether that was by pointing out a cringy couple saying, “that’s us!” or pulling me closer to him inch my inch. By the end of the movie, I would be in his lap or pressed against his plastron. If it was anybody else, I’d never let it slide.
In the midst of the film, my phone went off. Knowing what this meant, Leo snatched it off the coffee table and half-jokingly placed it behind his back before I could even think about raising my arm.
I groaned as I reached out toward him, urging him to return my phone. “I’m gonna have to go anyways, Leo. I can’t just ignore it.”
“Yeah, but you always have to go.” The turtle unhurriedly deposited the phone into my hand. “Skipping out one time won’t kill you, (Y/N).”
Shrugging, I stood up and ambled into my room to put my Foot gear on. When I return to the living room, Leo is still there. He looked me up and down before a grimace took over his features.
“Y’know, you don’t have to be a part of The Foot. I know it’s for college and whatnot but… they’re bad guys.” The blue clad turtle averted his gaze to the paused TV screen. “It’s just… I duwanna fight you if it comes down to it. And I want you to meet my family… I don’t like that we have to stay a secret.”
“Ah, Leo,” I stood in front of him and used my thumb and index finger to tilt his chin up towards my gaze, “aside from villains and heroes, we live in two different worlds. You don’t have to worry about things like money. I do. In a perfect world, we won’t have to be secret. But until I’m able to save enough, my hands are tied.”
Slowly, Leo followed you out the window and onto the rooftop. His home and The Foot Clan headquarters were in opposite directions. I could tell something was on his mind, but he opened and closed his mouth like the words simply couldn’t leave from between his lips. I tilted my head to the side in curiosity, and that seemed to get him to form words.
“(Y/N)—I just… I dunno, I just… I know college means a lot to you. And it means a lot to me that you’re passionate about something. But…” he looked off into the distance, a melancholy expression on his visage. “We can’t keep this up forever. One day, I’m gonna have to decide: you or my brothers. What’s gonna happen then?”
I stood frozen, conflicted by his statement. This was true. He and his brothers were enemies of The Foot Clan. And The Foot didn’t like them all that much either. Eventually, we were going to clash. Would we pretend to hate each other? Would we have to? I knew I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.
But as a villain, we had no standards. Betraying them would be easy, but I needed this money more than anything. And for Leo, he knew he was siding with the good guys. He would never turn on his own family for me, and I respected this.
With another shrug, I furrowed my eyebrows. “I don’t know. We’ll just have to see.”
I could tell that wasn’t the answer he was looking for by his disappointed expression, but it was the truth. Both of us held priorities above one another and wouldn’t give them up no matter what. Although, his was something you could respect undoubtedly. Mine was not.
Leo let out a sigh and offered you a half-smile. “I guess we will… but I hope not.” I’d thought he’d simply leave, but he walked towards me and pulled me close before pecking my lips. His sly smile afterwards melted into a look of admiration. It’s a look I’ll never forget.
With that, he disappeared into one of his brightly lit portals, leaving me in my lonesome atop my apartment in the chilly November night.
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quarktrinity · 8 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 17 (CW: firearms)
the camera continues to be obsessed with kirks ass
this guy doesnt even know about subspace communication
kirk cant bother to exposit about space stuff
mccoy and spock walk in and immediately leave
mcspirk bickering
epic background music as if weve never seen them beam down before
so crazy how this planet looks like earth in the 60s. theyve never done that before.
why are there guns in star trek
the. mafia???
mafia guy thinks mccoy is flirting with him
jesus christ so many guns
these white girls talk like the street rats from little shop of horrors
The Pool Table of Business
kirk doesnt know how to play pool
...does this planet have countries that function like businesses? thats horrifying
yeah theyre basically the mafia
the "contamination" on the planet is books that made their culture Like That thats awesome
mafia boss getting touchy with kirk. okay
oh so NOW kirk cares about the "dont mess with alien cultures" rule now that the alien culture is asking him to mess with it
...is this about the cold war? it may vaguely be about the cold war.
mafia boss casually initiating a hostage situation with the enterprise.
scotty doesnt speak mafia
kirk invents space mansplaining
kirk dismisses spock like an annoying dog. i love this show
kirks incredibly good at bullshitting. charisma stat off the charts, expertise in deception
that was incredible
kirk carrying a gun just doesnt look right
kirk assumes that every mafia phrase he doesnt know just means murder
spock and mccoy make out NOW!
this dude talks like his throat is coated in rocks
yes background music we get it shes sexy
kirk isnt even fazed by the sexy lady massaging his shoulders out of nowhere
it has been 0 episodes since kirk has been imprisoned
this scene is like a click point adventure game
I Wonder If This Obvious Trap Is A Trap
Surely Not
oh my god i dont think ive ever heard kirk yell
he sounds like a videogame pain sound effect
goofy fight choreo improved by goofy background music
Wow So Crazy How It Was A Trap
I Cant Believe It
spock says why not try teamwork
hi kirk
mcspirk bickering
kirk literally told these guys to take off their clothes. i just.
damn kirk looks good in a suit
kirk cant drive
spock knows how to drive a stick shift but only in theory
worst driving ive ever seen
i love this show
"captain, you are an excellent starship commander, but as a taxi driver, you leave much to be desired" make out
kirk talks business with a child
this child is amazing
is this the first time theyve actually used the phasers when theyre on stun
kirks using mafia-speak, accent and all. i love it
kirks such a slut
get beamed up idiot
"are you afraid of cars?" "not at all, captain, its your driving that alarms me"
kirks mafia-speak is so cute
kirks standing on a pool table
these guys cant even learn teamwork
"this is koik"
Space Lasers, Activate!
wait are they dead
oh ok theyre unconscious. good
we have solved the space mafia by conflating all the space mafias
yeah so this is definitely breaking the "dont mess with alien cultures" rule
alright bye
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thetavolution · 9 months
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I'm bringing my Tav-related stuff over here to not overload my regular tumblr haha.
First up is Tessa! More info:
I did borrow a lot of this profile layout from elfinbloodbag.
Full name: Theresa Siân Chastain Name meaning:  Theresa: late summer; Siân: God is gracious; Chastain: chestnut Pronouns: She/Her  Race: Human Age: 35 Orientation: Pansexual Romance: Gale Dekarios Class: Rogue Monk Subclass: Thief / Way of the Open Hand Origin: Criminal  Theme song:  I Deserve to Bleed — Sushi Soucy / Used To Be Young — Miley Cyrus
Personality Despite being a professional thief, Tessa is a kind-hearted person. She always overflowing with joyful enthusiasm. Tessa is outgoing and funny. She’s the "mom friend" even if she hates it when people say that. She’s the one who takes care of everybody and tends to them physically and emotionally. Some say she missed her calling as a cleric.
She has a big heart and it’s easy to take advantage of it, especially with a good enough sob story. She has a good-natured sense of humor, but she's not averse to dark humor either. When she’s angry or hurt, or just talking to someone she hates, she can be particularly cold and scathing.
Tessa is far from morally perfect, of course. She’s made peace with stealing, focusing on targets that “deserve” it. That said, she doesn't believe in hoarding wealth. She keeps what she needs (with some left over as a little treat) and spreads the rest of it around to those who might need it.
She can get stuck on things, like an idea or desire. She'll become obsessed with it and remain laser focused on it to a fault.
Once you’re in her good graces, she is ride or die. While intelligent, she can be impulsive. She’ll realize how stupid her actions were after it’s too late to take it back. Going back to her motherly tendencies, she can also go full mama bear when loved ones are threatened.
She’s a romantic at heart and she’s looking for true love. Unfortunately, due to being so eager to find love, she’s jumped into some terrible relationships. Those closest to her will often acknowledge (or joke about) the fact that she overlooks a lot of red flags in the early stages of a relationship. (For Tom Cardy fans, she would be the one to date the person whose favorite film is Human Centipede.)
In her younger years, she was much more of a wild child which often comes back to bite her, especially when former lovers and enemies reappear in her life.
History Tessa was born in Bryn Shander, the largest of the Ten Towns in Icewind Dale. She and her twin brother, Leander, are the youngest of Edgard and Sibyl Chastain's six children. She’s technically the youngest since she was born five minutes after Leander. 
Tessa was raised from birth to be a proficient thief. Her father, Edgard, is a renowned member of the Zhentarim. They mostly focus on stealing and smuggling. Tessa grew up learning to live life in the underbelly of the city. She never knew anything else, even though she always wished she could have the life of a “normal girl.”
She came to Baldur's Gate with her father on Zhentarim business when she was abducted and infected with a tadpole. It was their first time in the city, so the Chastains aren't a familiar face to the local Zhentarim members.
Likes: The thrill of stealing, fighting, helping people, taking care of the poor and the sick, reading, writing, animals (especially dogs/wolves), nighttime, rainy mornings, adventuring, music, and cold weather
Dislikes: Hot weather, hurting good people, nobility/the wealthy, bugs, abuses of power, and cruelty 
Fears: She’s afraid of ending up alone. She’s also afraid she deserves to be alone. She questions if she’s actually a good person on an almost daily basis. She's terrified of growing older and having a life full of regrets. She feels as thought a lot of it has already passed her by.
Quirks: I don’t know if this counts as a quirk, but her left hand is her dominant hand. She likes to tap her foot like a rabbit, even when she isn’t nervous. People often mistake it for a nervous tick. It’s just something she’s always done. She has a loud laugh that she’s insecure about.
Mental Health: Tessa has daddy issues. Her father takes advantage of her and she’s desperate to earn his approval. She ties her self-worth to other people’s opinion of her. She often falls for terrible people because she’s so desperate to be loved. Her father never really showed her what it’s like to be properly cared for, and it shows. She doesn't even realize how bad her self-esteem is.
Favorite Foods: Sun-Dappled Paella and Cranberry Cake
Favorite Drinks: Tea and Brandy
Favorite Flower: Roses
Height:  5’7”/173 cm 
Skin: Beige.
Hair:  Brown but with a slight ginger tint.
Eyes:  Green.
Color Scheme:  Generally, she wears whatever lets her hide in her environment. She wears a lot of blacks, greens, and browns. Back in her hometown, it’s not unusual for her to don white colors to blend into the snow.
When she’s dressing just for herself, she’ll wear blues and greens.
Fashion Sense: She’s mostly practical when it comes to her clothing. As a thief, she can’t really afford to be too gaudy or flashy. Everything she wears has a specific purpose. She is usually hiding behind the Shadow of Menzoberranzan cowl.
In the rare occasions she can dress for the sake of looking nice, she does like to wear intricate gowns. If you’re going to be a criminal, why not enjoy the fruits of your labor and have a nice dress or two?
She does have tattoos, including a rose tattoo on the left side of her neck.
Blue — 5. He’s Tessa’s pet winter wolf. He’s intelligent and cunning. He was orphaned by a hunter as a pup before Tessa found and adopted him. Her love and care led to him to be a big teddy bear of a wolf. He's back in Bryn Shander.
Edgard Chastain — 60. Edgard is Tessa’s father and the one who led the entire family down the path of crime. He’s a charismatic guy, but he has his struggles and insecurities. He is plagued by self-loathing and depression, often acting on his worse impulses.
He wants to be liked, but he also wants to be feared as a criminal, putting him in conflict with himself. He can be selfish and self-serving, leading him to betray his loved ones or hurt them deeply. He’s corrupted his relationships with his ex-wife and children over the years. Tessa is desperate to believe he'll change.
Sibyl Lisette Chastain — 60. Sibyl is Edgard’s ex-wife and the mother of Tessa and her brothers. After Edgard cheated on her, she left him. It’s clear Tessa takes after her mother. Sibyl is cheerful, optimistic, and excited to live life. She’s heartbroken when her children repeat Edgard’s mistakes and she can’t stop it from happening. 
She had dreams of becoming a writer, but she fell in love with Edgard when they were both 17. Within months of dating, Sibyl became pregnant. After that, Sibyl became a criminal, losing the ability to pursue her dream career. She continues to write even if she never shares it with anyone.
Conrad Chastain — 40. He’s the eldest Chastain child. He has a somewhat normal life. While he does work in the black market, he has a loving wife and two children. He’s a loving father, calm, and level-headed, but he has a very dad sense of humor.
Flynn Chastain — 38. Flynn is the flirtatious brother and he has several lovers. It’s also likely he has bastard children out in the world he’s never met. 
Gavin Chastain — 37. He’s intelligent, but irresponsible and self-sabotaging. He fears being rejected and failing, so he engages in self-destructive behavior.
Emile Chastain — 36. He’s the quiet Chastain child. He’s not happy with his lot in life, but he doesn’t complain. He always wants to do the right thing, but he’s often scared to say anything that goes “against the family.”
Leander Chastain — 35. He’s Tessa’s twin. He and Tessa grew apart as they became adults. He’s a bard rogue who loves music. Leander is repeating a lot of his father’s mistakes, even if he thinks of himself as better than Edgard. He’s a great thief, but he’s been burning his own bridges and fighting his own demons. He’s a charismatic social butterfly. He hides his demons from Tessa and the rest of his family.
Marta Chastain — 39. She’s Conrad’s loving and doting wife. She works a normal job, keeping the family with one foot in respectable society. She’s a teacher and hides the fact she’s married to a criminal.
Tem Chastain — 11. Tem is Conrad and Marta’s oldest child. He’s a silly and goofy kid who has no idea his father is a thief.
Kara Chastain — 8. Kara is Conrad and Marta’s youngest. She’s a sweet little girl with a mischievous streak.
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kaira-diaries · 2 years
Always the Fool
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Pairing: Draco x f!character
Warning: explicit language, mentions of SA and physical abuse .
Summary: Blaire is an intelligent RavenClaw with a broken heart. Draco is a loathsome Slytherin Prince with a familiar..stalker. With similar interests the two pair up for the Yule ball, hoping to find the solutions to their two very different problems.
“Just be my date, Malfoy.”
The blonde-headed serpent stood before me, leaning against the nearest arch with irritability written on his face. The idea was, in fact, foolish, but I saw it as an absolute win. Pathetically, Pansy had been following Draco around like a dog begging for a chance with him at the Yule ball. I nearly barfed from secondhand embarrassment while watching her as his palm gripped her face, pushing her out of the way this morning.
I'll give it to her, though; the girl is committed to the things she wants.
Now my issue was a bit more... complex. I'd been violently broken up with by the prettiest boy of them all, Cedric Diggory. We were quite a pair, but from the looks of him and Cho Chang earlier, he's well acclimated... I guess.
The way I saw it, Malfoy needed an escape route, and I needed a reason for Cedric to return to me.
"Come on, Malfoy. It'll be fun for us to be gussied together, hm?" He rubbed his chin, the light catching the metal ring on his forefinger. "And you think Pansy will fuck off if we do this?" I nod, licking my lips. I check his words. He's only in this for himself. How ordinary of him.
I don't expect a solid answer from the boy, it's in his nature to be a total prick, but It's the reason it'd make my plan all the sweeter.
I had risked much in coming to Malfoy, but my desperation had kept me from sleeping. It swallowed the worry of my image and care of who saw me with Malfoy. The golden boy of the serpents of Slytherin, the forbidden fruit, the bad boy. He had many names, born from the broken hearts of different girls.
Merlin's beard.
I questioned my wisdom now as an intelligent Ravenclaw. Perhaps the hat had made a mistake in my first year because I'd abandoned all senses of logical thinking.
Destructive impulses and emotions are what remain.
A flick to my forehead unblurs my vision. I find those cold gray eyes.
"Did you hear a word of what I just said?" Sassy. That's what that was.
"Okay, ow." I started, rubbing my forehead. "And no I didn't." I pick at my nail at the sight of a loose cuticle as he repeats himself.
"I said I'm in and to wear green. It'll appear meaningful to wear my col-" I dismissed him with the wave of my hand.
"yeah, yeah I know the deal." I stepped forward, a breath away from his chest.
"Get ready to put on a show, Malfoy, because it's going to be a one night only."
A feline smirk rose on his lips, a subtle sign of his boyish innocence.
My fingers caress the green fabric at my waist. Draco suggested velvet, and I suggested he'd stop making suggestions. A gentle green strapless tulle dress, in no way conforming with the traditional style of the Yule ball, radiates the essence of springtime, the grass and warmth as I make some final touches in the mirror. The soft curls of my brunette tufts tickled my neck and shoulders. Perhaps navy blue isn't my color, as the green ascents my skin and natural beauty, which shined above all.
The idea is to be noticed above the countless shades of blue, black and white. Draco and I will stick out like a sore thumb, ready to stir up whispers. 
"What the hell are you wearing?" The voice is almost as loathing as Pansy's. My roommate steps in line of the mirror, gussied up herself, and I spin around to face her.  "Springtime Green." I hum, stepping into my heels. She crosses her arms, a skeptic expression on her face. "What?" I raise my hands as her stare lasers into my soul. "Something's going on." She tests and I school my expression into pure confusion. She's always been quite a skeptic, a logical thinker, a problem solver. I curse myself for every lie she manages to see through.
I jump at the howling wind of winter as it roars against the window of our room, angry at such a prominent shade of green.
"Who are you going to the Yule ball with, Blair?" Her head tilts, arms crossed.
I shrug my shoulders with a laughable smile as her eyes adjust in anger.
"Don't tell me...Malfoy?" I whip up a glass of water with unspoken magic and take a sip.
"Bingo! Only one guess too, how ravenclaw of you." She pinches her arched nose between her fingers.
"Because of Cedric?"
"Heartbreak makes us do wild things." I shrug.
"This reflects badly on our whole house, Blair. If it were another slytherin, fine have your way, but Malfoy? The biggest ass of them all? You're smarter than that."
"I'm booksmart, but love-" I only shrugged my shoulders once more. It was true. It'd look bad for the entire house. Ravenclaw don't fall into the arms of slytherin, but that wasn't what this was, even if it's going to appear that way. I'd explain to her one day what my agenda truly was as the door vibrated from an aggressive knock. She only shook her head and disappeared into the bathroom.
The click of my heels were loud as Draco appeared on the other side of the door, scanning my appearance with pursed lips and crossed arms.
How like him.
"It'll do." He ticked his tongue and strode down the hall calling out to me.
"Come on, we're going to be late."  I scoffed, shutting the door.
How romantic.
I caught up to him, nearly rolling my ankles. "I think we should set some rules." He cuts into a belly laugh that echoes off the walls as we slow our pace down the stairs. "What happened to putting on a show, huh? Are you chickening out on me?" I ignore the quotation marks he puts up. "Not at all, just don't want you touching all over me Malfoy, I'm quite the charmer."
He scoffs. "Then you can forget getting your pussy of a hufflepuff back, k? That and you can deal with Pansy for the majority of the fucking ball." I check the scoff that nearly leaves my mouth.
He's right.
To actually reach Pansy, the most is required.
"Y'know I didn't think you'd say yes." We reach a platform, gripping the marble as the stairs shift, creating a new path.
I had pictured the conversation over and over in my head the night before I had even asked Malfoy to be my date, running through all of the possible scenarios that could have potentially happened. I expected a big fuck you along with a few degrading slurs. Malfoy and I weren't that close, but we learned to tolerate each other in potions. 
A hint of a smile decorated his face.  "You did well to surprise me, Blair. It was intriguing really, didn't think you'd be up to causing some trouble." I didn't bother to hide the smile I threw in his direction as he led us through the halls of silver and white, a relieving change from the stairs. His cold hand met my elbow pulling me to a stop as the roaring sound of chatter radiated just around the corner.  "Remember we're putting on a show, so make it look real, yeah?" My breath, with suddenness, became uneven. The trouble this would cause, the drama, the tension, I couldn't entirely shake the nerves as Draco grabbed my hand, leading us around the corner and into the crowd.
It was Harry Potter, who tugged the sleeve of Hermione, who whispered into Ron's ear, the sight of us already stirring up drama. My hand ached as Draco tightened his hold, pulling me into him in response to the golden trio.
Draco always hated them.
I tagged it as jealousy. I mean, who wasn't jealous of the Harry Potter? He's the chosen one, drowning in fame and glory. For some reason, it drew a lot of hatred and envy out of Draco. But I would never say it aloud unless I wanted the taste of a slap across the cheek.
He led the two of us into the great hall, spotting an empty table.
We took note of both Pansy and Cedric's presence over by the dance floor, knee deep in conversations and laughter, but I decided to side those conversations for a bit, and fill my tummy with some delicious food and drinks.
Sliding into the chair, Draco kept a wary eye on the two. His intentions were clear, I could tell by his disgusted scowl. With a full plate of turkey and mashed potatoes I piled from the center of the table, my stomach croaked in hunger as I dug in.
Draco only fills a glass with pumpkin juice.
I roll my eyes. "Not hungry huh?" I groan in delight as I swallow my first bite. The turkey was seasoned with rosemary and wonderful spices made specially by the elves. I lick my fingers clean of the leftover seasoning. Ready to take another bite, Draco rips the turkey from my hand, throwing it back on the plate with a rumble from the porcelain plate.
"What's the plan here, Blair, Pansy is getting a little too anchored for my taste."  I followed his disdain, discovering Pansy giving a seductive wave with eyes that pretty much shout fuck me. I had to cover my mouth to keep my snicker from slipping, earning a nasty side eye in response.
"You sure you don't want a piece of that? It'd be just another notch under your belt." I pat his shoulder and his chin snaps in my direction, brows tight with anger.
"Okay, maybe not." I murmured and sat back, only to be yanked to my feet with my arm nearly ripped from its socket.
"Time to dance." He smirked.
"But it's a slow song, I-" I failed miserably to finish my sentence.
"Even better, come on."
Groups of students parted like a wave. All eyes were on the two of us and I stood up straight, strutting with confidence, and accepting the gapes and gossip.
The dance floor was wide, and nearly empty as we found our place dead square in the middle. Standing across from each other, Draco dared to take a step closer, knowing I couldn't retaliate. In an instance our aromas intermingled, and smelt of peppermint and rosemary. A perfect pair. It was intoxicating as his hand wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me into his chest. My hands moved in sync, one rested on his shoulder, the other gripped his hand and we just swayed.
Ten minutes of it passed before Draco had cracked the stillness.
"Pansy looks pissed." He declares into my ear, tickling the skin that's there. I steal a glance towards Cedric across the floor who spins Cho at the slow beat of the music. The two gleamed with joy, and laughed with passion. I recognized it as something he and I hadn't had. It forced me to break my look which ultimately cracked a few pieces of my heart.
I rest my head on Draco's shoulder, unable to watch any longer, sighing into his dress robe. He senses my discomfort immediately and pulls back to look at me. "What is it?"
"Nothing he just..doesn't care." I shrugged, utterly accepting the bittersweet truth that Cedric Diggory was blinded by Cho Chang.
"I don't think he's seen you yet he's distracted." Draco's eyes softened as if he really cared.
"That's the thing, Draco. He's distracted by her. I've never seen such a smile show on his face." The tone of my voice dipped from heartache and he spun us around to sway again.
"Keep an eye on Pans-"
A shove broke our swaying apart.
"You sleazy bitch."
Oh god.
Pansy had made her move.
Her shove had been hard enough for my feet to slip from under me and my spine ached from the impact of the floor.
She stood over me, her heels pinning my dress to the floor.
"As if Cedric wasn't pretty enough for you. Now you have to come after what belongs to me?" My elbows elevated me as my expression was schooled into a repulsive scrunch. A small crowd gathered around us, Cedric and Cho stood at the front of it.
"You're a whore, Blair, always looking for attention. This year has only further proven it."
Before I could give her a piece of my mind, Draco butted in, shoving her back. "That's enough." He scowled.
"She's unfaithful, Draco, I mean come on she cheated on her boyfriend." Pansy's hands were flying in the air as she shouted those heinous words.
A thousand pound weight dropped on my shoulders at that as my skin turned ice cold.
it was out there in the open, for everyone to hear. An ugly lie. Professors and students gathered, the circle only grew, and all eyes were on me for a false accusation.
Pansy only had satisfaction in her eyes while mine blurred from tears.
I hadn't registered the speed at which I stood from the floor, ripped my dress, and pushed through the crowd to escape the confines of the circle. I couldn't bear to be there any longer as the memories pushed through, drowning me like a tide wave. Pansy had it all wrong and now my reputation had gone in the toilet along with the fraction of my soul that was healed.
The Clocktower.
It's been a place for me to find peace. No matter what I was hiding from this was where you'd find me.
Draco's voice was laced with softness as he stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight.
"What are you wanting me to say, huh? You want me to say I cheated on Cedric? Believe it or not, everyone's got it wrong."  Draco slid into the bench beside me, closer than expected.
"I don't care that you cheated on him."
"I did no such thing, Draco." I threw a nasty scowl over my shoulder. He revealed nothing in his expression as the light shone on his pale cheeks and I took the chance to explain my ugly truth.
"It was after a party, hosted by Hufflepuff. Cedric gave me the key to his room. He wasn't quite done with the party, so he and a few of his friends took off to merlin knows where with a bottle of alcohol. I was out of it and weakened. I hadn't shut the door to Cedric's room and Luke Romilly slipped in and..
"Fucking hell, y/n." Draco leaned back with doom in his eyes.
"Anyway, Pansy must have stopped by and saw. She jumped to the conclusion of infidelity and told Cedric. Waking up the following day was hell. It was his hands ripping me from the bed and dragging me out the door that left the bruises." I rubbed those healed scars on my arm, Draco wearily watched. "The memory of what happened came back later that day. All I remember was Luke's face and it was evil. And with what dignity I had left I tried to explain the truth after potions, but Cedric wouldn't listen."
"Pansy?" His question was clear.
"It was her. I hadn't spoken or heard of what happened until she blurted out a disfigured form of it tonight. I hadn't told anybody, and why would Luke? I wasn't in the right headspace to decipher anything. My friends knew that, and anyone who saw me knew that. His lies of us having consensual sex wouldn't have stuck." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Have you told a professor?"
"No one would believe me." I muttered, "Pansy made that concrete tonight. I just thought that if my truth wouldn't stand strong, you and I would. I'm sorry for dragging you into it."
He was silent.
I was silent.
The clock tower itself stood still.
He then leaned forward, squeezing my hand in reassurance.
"I believe you, darling." With that he stands, adjusting his jacket.
"And just what do you think you're doing?"
"I've got a date with Romilly." That makes me leap out of my seat in a panic, knowing what that meant and intercepted his path towards the stairs. "You can't do this, Malfoy. I don't need anything more to tarnish who I am." My palm laid flat on his chest, his heartbeat thumped with anger. "Let it go." I begged.
"I can't. I can't fathom the thought of anyone forcibly putting their hands on you. Taking advantage of you." His eyes darkened.
"Please don't.." Tears began to fall from my eyes. Terror was all I felt. With my accusation going around now I can't bear anything else. I could see the gears turning in his head as he gazed out the opening of the clocktower at the wonderous view of the school and the forest in the distance. His jaw clenched a handful of times before he responsed.
"Fine, but know this."  He caught my face between his palms and the room slips away as his gaze demands my attention. I shivered at the thought that it was real. There was nobody to put on a show for. Our plan had miserably failed yet he's still here.
"I will never let anybody harm you. You're safe with me, Blair. Always." 
I had never gotten lost in a kiss before, until now. Here. In the clocktower with him. The space between us caves into utter nothingness as I tasted him. It's a taste I'd never imagined to experience. A virus that infects my skin and sets me on fire with every nip and bite he offers at my lips.
An unexpected pair, born from utter failure. Yet at the same time, born from truth, acceptance and faith in my word. Draco had been called many ugly names, but it was a mask he'd blocked his true self with. Despite his ill reputation and distaste for everyone, he was the only one who believed me.
The only one who truly listened.
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lately i've been thinking non-stop about Brucie 😭 since you're in a monster mood i've been thinking about how he (as well as his two college town cousins 😳) would be like as werewolves?
hope you're feeling better btw!!! wish u all the best
Thank you for the well wishes!! Hope you’re doing alright too 💞💞💞
Brucie: somehow even more clingy and protective?? Maybe because of his sharpened senses, Brucie gets a lot more interested in your scent than before— and his own, making sure to rub his face, head, and beard on you to “mark” you with it whenever he can. He probably also starts marking the edge of the cabin with piss but probably not you… unless you ask him to I guess? Honestly he really is just like a giant puppy, or a giant dog who’s convinced they’re a lap dog. He’s definitely even more prone to laying atop you with his full weight because of this. I think he’d also become more emotionally expressive, like pleading with those puppy-eyes, growling at other people who get too close to you, or he may even have a tail that would thump whenever he sees you 🥺
Penny: not a fan of becoming a lycanthrope to be honest 😭. She spent so much time and energy into her transition and now she’s gonna grow hairy all over again?? Luckily the wolfish hair mostly goes away when the moon wanes, and she won’t really have to do laser again, but still!! The heightened senses, increased prey drive and blood lust are also pretty repugnant side-effects for her. She loves old monster movies and would absolutely still adore a monster Darling (even if they do come home covered in blood and gore from time to time and make her feel faint… in the non-sexy way 😭), but for the most part she’d prefer to be a human herself.
Wisteria: Wisteria typically likes being small and dainty, looking like someone in need of protecting, but fae can’t deny the rush and thrill they get from being able to turn into a much bigger, more powerful wolf (or wolfish humanoid). She’s stronger, faster, sharper— no more does fae have to deal with the fatigue and cold she used to feel so often as a human. Even after full moons when fae’s left exhausted and even maybe in pain, it feels so much sharper and easier to identify and rectify than the foggy, nebulous discomfort she lived with before. Everything feels so much more real than before, the boundaries between dreams, daydreams, and waking life sharpening too. Wisteria becomes less shy and more confident (maybe even to the point of some delusion), feeling as if, somehow, this was always meant to be— a final puzzle piece clicking in place that allows her to fulfill faer true potential.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Shezow #ThinkingAboutReviewingEachEpisode #ColdFinger #Sheviews #MyThoughts
(Images and video not mine but links are there.)
Episode 1 Part 2 Coldfinger
I really like the title cards this show has and they remind me of The Fairly Odd Parents title cards.
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Buttwipe really be like a kid friendly parody version of this show though.
Jackass (franchise) - Wikipedia
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I guess the Senor Blowtadas Spicy Hot Chipadillas are like if Doritos and Takis collaborated together.
I like it that Maz was like I'm glad those old folks didn't get hurt by our marble trick and Guy was like that's cool we got those old folks doing a cheerleader pyramid trick.
I know where Guy's priorities are.
Apparently there is a one day Shezow comic con which is interesting.
Also the poster has the new Shezow plastered everywhere which is strange.
I wonder who took these images of Shezow to make these?
Because in the pilot episode Shezow was in the Shehicle with Kelly and accidently crash into the  Pushy Pirate Posse's pirate ship to "defeat them".
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Also guy was just about to walk away from his responsibilities but his sister is the president so she had to push him in gear.
Also Guy is spooked of bugs.
This is the I suck at answering question so here is a listening device that will mess up when you need it the most episode.
Here we go.
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Guy is slowing getting progressive. Like the "Come to papa." and Maz is like "Don't you mean mama?" And Guy is like "Depends on what I'm wearing." 13:58-14:06
I strangely remember that line from when I first watched this show.
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We finally get to see Coldfinger and I really like his design especially his ice wolverine claws he can do.
He already makes ice puns right out the gate.
He was the past president of the Shezow fan club before Kelly replaced him.
He was late on his dues and I would love to know what that means.
I would like to know more about his past.
Like was he born a ice person or science made him that way?
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Also seems like him and his mom have a ice company business. Good thing they are set up shop in Megadale.
He is way older than Guy but the wiki says he's 17 but I thought he was 14 when I first saw him but I'm not sure.
His real name is Timmy and he has that Big Bang Theory Mom talks off screen joke.
He loves cold cuts but I wonder it's the meat kind or just cut up ice?
Cold Finger is a parody of Gold Finger from 007.
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He really is the Shezow version of  Brain Freezer from Johnny Test.
Cold Finger (Character) | SheZow Wiki | Fandom
Brain Freezer | Johnny Test Wiki | Fandom
Someone on youtube said this Coldfinger face should be a meme at 19:40 but it reminds me of Professor Oak's and Imposter Professor Oak's face.
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Pokemon Role-Play - Kanto: Professor Oak's (please come here before you start your adventure) Showing 1-15 of 15 (goodreads.com)
Impostor Professor Oak Concepts - Giant Bomb
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Hey we get Maz's first costume Meatier Man and he's got the Lady Gaga meat outfit going on that attracts not only smell but all the dogs in the tri state area.
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I feel bad for Cold Finger (Timmy) he just wanted to ask his question but was interrupted and skipped over.
He probably wouldn't have attacked if you just let the man tell his question Kelly.
The "We're just friends." line at 17:31. I wonder what that question was about?
My guess is for Tara.
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My favorite scene. 18:07-18:13
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I like it how Maz just walks up on the fight to tell Guy that they won the contest.
That's pretty rude.
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Also the title card image pose returns at 18:31.
Cold Finger can summon snow people which is pretty cool but I guess this might be the last time we see them.
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I like it that Cold Finger was like um actually Shezow doesn't have a sidekick.
He says "That's what he smells like." To the number two joke then says "You're dead meat pork chop." as he just pokes Maz.
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Finally Guy uses his laser lipstick on non humanoid enemies which is cool.
I feel sorry for the snow people but Shezow called Cold Finger a snowflake.
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Then the show finally explains the hair messing up mechanic that Shezow loses all powers.
Then later telling the solution later.
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We almost lost Shezow if Shelia wasn't there to tell him.
Also if his ice claws break it hurts him. Interesting.
My favorite poses.
The show just put a beating up the bad guy montage with a heavy handed super she slap like a final smash to end the fight.
Shezow says "Mine's bigger. What to play patty cake ice man?" This is after Cold Finger looks at his hands.
While causing property damage when she slapping him into the parking lot then Cold Finger makes a ice pun by himself with no on around.
I like it that Cold Finger is like going full nature then is like ooh ice cream person is here.
I like it that Maz can do a fake man's voice like he's from looney tunes and even doing a food version of a hot foot joke that cartoons do.
That blew my mind that was Maz because his silhouette was the meat costume.
I like it that Cold Finger didn't ask how much the ice cream was or even check what he just ate.
Then later checked then melted.
I guess he was born frozen.
They forgot to unfreeze Kelly and at the end she shows up drenched and if the show wasn't 22 minutes then they would have did that we forgot something joke with Kelly still frozen today or would have had Maz save her off screen.
At the end guy says a ice pun to Kelly then it just ends.
This show talks about the change mechanic where it's the danger sense that can change him or "You Go Girl" changes him then "She Yeah" changes him back.
I give this a 8/10.
SheZow S01E01 SheZow Happens & Coldfinger - YouTube
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