#how to start a bike rental business
aonegadgets · 1 year
Electric Bike Rental Business: Eco-Friendly Transportation
Electric Bike Rental Business | E-bike rental business 2023 in USA, UK and Canada ✔ Pros and Cons ✔ Market Research ✔ Establishing Rental Pricing ✔ Marketing and branding strategies #ebikerental #ebikebusiness #electricbikerentalbusiness #electrcibikeren
Electric Bike Rental Business: Unlocking the Power of Green Mobility Welcome to the world of the electric bike rental business, where innovation meets eco-friendly transportation solutions! Are you prepared to make a splash in the growing electric bike rental industry? If so, you’ve stumbled upon the correct webpage. Market Research and Analysis are crucial steps for anyone intending to venture…
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qoreupsmarketplace · 9 months
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How To Start A Electric Scooter Rental Business
Are you considering venturing into the world of entrepreneurship by starting the best bike rental software business?  Before that learn the essentials of starting a bike rental business with QoreUps Academy’s guide on how to start an electric scooter rental business. Tap to know more!
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redflagshipwriter · 4 months
Hot Ghouls in your Area 9
“Good morning!”
Jason winced and moved the phone a little further from his face. “Is this Doctor Fenton?” 
“It's one of them! What can I do ya for?” Jack Fenton boomed, just as bombastic as his newsletter made him seem. Jason knew, deep in his heart, that Jack Fenton was indeed the one who had selected green neon bold for his headings and borders. 
Angels wept. Jason scrubbed his palm over his eye. This man had no poetry in his soul. “I, uh, had some questions about a ghost. I've read some of your articles and your most recent published paper on the topic.”
“We love ghosts!” Fenton bellowed. “Ask away!”
“Do you know a ghost called Phantom?” Jason tried.
“...Sure do,” Jack Fenton said. “Whatcha need?” 
Jason cleared his throat. “It's somewhat complicated,” he said evasively, because he didn't need these people to know he was the Red Hood. Fuck. He should have either gotten his helmet stored away or not given his real name. Phantom knew his face and that his name was Jason. Any information that got around via Phantom might tie his face to his alter ego. If Phantom said he got married to Jason, the Red Hood, that could lead to the end of the Bat family vigilantism.
“...He cause you trouble, sport?”
Jason let out a slight laugh. “You could say that, though it wasn't really his fault,” he admitted. He cast a paranoid eye out the window to be sure no siblings were creeping on him. “No, it's really more that…” Fuck, he should have planned this better. “Is there any information you can give me about how a human could contact him?” 
Not that Jason didn't have a phone number for the guy. But it made him very uncomfortable to have any basic knowledge or way to track Phantom down if he decided to leave Jason to whatever was going on. 
“I could probably do that,” Jack Fenton said slowly, now sounding like an entirely different human being. “Say, you wouldn't be Jeremy, would you?”
Jason blinked. “...How did you know?” He went with. Phantom had contact with a human guy named Jeremy? That might be his in.
“Oh, well then, you've definitely got to come over,” Dr. Fenton wheedled. It somehow came across as shifty. “You'll be wanting a whole primer on how the Ghost Zone works, won't ya?” 
“That would be immensely helpful,” Jason agreed. “But I'd hate to take up your valuable time.”
“Nonsense!” Fenton bellowed. Jason nearly lost his grip on his phone in surprise. “Come over Jeremy, I'm dying to meetcha!” 
So, there was a plan. Jason packed for a day trip and dialed up his travel agent. 
“Fuck off,” said Tim. “I'm busy. Christ.” 
“I need an airplane ticket and a rental bike to Illinois,” Jason continued. He tossed his mostly full bag on the sofa and went digging for the socks he knew he had washed the other night. “I'm going to go see some nerds about my impromptu adventure the other day.”
Tim groaned. That was the first Jason had given any hint at all about what had happened to him when he'd been ‘sacrificed.’ “What nerds?” He asked wearily. 
Jason grinned into his sock drawer. Gottem. “Why, do you all know each other?” He asked blithely. 
“Do you always antagonize people you want favors from?” Tim whined. A keyboard clacked rapidly in the background. “Jason, I swear to God, you massive bitch. Cut the crap and communicate, or I'm hanging up.” 
Jason frowned at his socks and grabbed a random pair. “You don't gotta be like that,” he said sulkily. He slammed the socks into his bag with a very unsatisfying silence. “So, the ritual doohickey sent me to the infinite underworld, I met a guy there actually and we are magically connected because he's who that dumb ritual matched me up to. He doesn't want to be stuck with a human so we are on the same page about breaking this. We started looking for answers and he took me back to Earth since it's not good for humans to be in the green dimension for too long.” 
There was silence from the other end of the line for a few seconds. “You're fucking lying,” Tim said. 
“Only by leaving things out.” A bit stung, Jason pulled a hand through his hair and accidentally ruined his good hair day. 
“What are you leaving out?” Tim rejoined swiftly.
Jason laughed at him. “You think you're getting that kinda information in exchange for plane tickets?” He asked incredulously. 
“You are the most annoying person who has ever tried to kill me.”
Ouch. That genuinely stung.
“Fuck off.” Jason slammed the drawers shut. 
“I could guess aliens or supernatural off of what you just said.” Tim ignored Jason’s very good point. “Based off of your trip to the Gotham U campus and-”
“Are you still stalking me?” Jason cut him off, incredulous. He scoffed. “Little buddy, you already got my pixie boots, Red Robin costume, and my Dad. What else do you wanna take from me?”
“I think that you were there to assess Daniel Fenton,” Tim ignored him.
Jason was silent for a moment. There was probably no point in pretending that Tim was wrong. “You already knew about the Fenton’s connection to the supernatural.” He was suddenly tired.
“His older sister is an intern at Arkham, she stepped out of line to get a chance to talk to Jeremy Waters.” Tim didn’t seem to notice that the mood had changed. He was caught up on whatever twenty level plan was whirring away internally.
Jason looked at the wall for a moment, not bothering to think about why that name was familiar. “...and that is…?”
“The guy who kidnapped you, keep up,” Tim snarked. “Her supervisor guessed what she was hinting at, shut her down, put a note about it in the private server so there was a paper trail if she turns out to be a collaborator.”
““Private” is a strong word to describe that server.” Jason rubbed at his jawline and hefted his bag out to the bathroom to gather his shaving kit. 
“Mmhm,” Tim said blandly. “I bugged her phone. The signal is absurdly bad, unexplainably bad. She doesn’t send a lot of messages, but she had a very suspicious call with Daniel Fenton where, among other things, she hinted she had inside knowledge regarding some kind of local mystery, possibly criminal activity. Her brother accused her of supporting crime.”
Jason groaned. “I’m going to interview their parents.” He checked that the razor blades were stowed away correctly before snapping shut the travel case. Then he noticed that his bathroom mirror could use a wipedown. He left his bag for a moment to dig for the cleaner.
“Probably for the best,” Tim said, definitely misunderstanding his purpose. “They seem…” He trailed off when he couldn’t find an appropriate adjective.
“You should read a book,” Jason said, because he saw an opportunity to be an asshole. “Anyway, I wanna get out to the area tonight and see them in the morning. What’s my flight?” He spritzed the glass and watched his reflection blur. It was oddly comforting to not have to stare at his green eyes.
‘That ghost zone was the same green as the Lazarus Pits,’ Jason thought dully. He didn’t really want to think about it. But he had a pretty good idea why he hadn’t had the reaction to the place that Danny expected a human to have.
“Kon could take you,” Tim said sweetly, which was basically a death threat. It was enough to jar him back to the real world. Kon was still not feeling chill about the Titans Tower scuffle. It probably wasn’t good for him to be so petty, but Jason was not going to be the one to tell baby Superdork that.
Jason winced. “I was thinking more like United.”
Tim snickered. 
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
Happy Pride! Authors choice! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
a continuation of 1
Gus is going exactly eight miles over the speed limit when the sirens start.
This is Shawn’s fault, since he’s the one that had agreed to meet Gavin right before they were supposed to be at Henry’s. When he glances up to see the large, white cop heading towards him, he decides that if Shawn’s gotten him into this mess, he can get him out.
Shawn is very, very serious about keeping his work and personal life separate, but this is the one instance that he encourages Gus to break that barrier. If more major cities had a diverse police force, he wouldn’t feel like it was necessary quite so often. 
Unfortunately, since Shawn has yet to get the appropriate stationary, he’ll have to go back a generation with this trick.
“What’s this?” the officer says, staring at the back of his license.
“Oh, that’s my father in law’s old police business card,” he says. Shawn reaches out for it back when he does this, but Gus keeps his hands on ten and two. “Apologies, sir, I’ve been carrying that thing around for years. Can never be too careful, as I’m sure you know.”
His eyes flick to Gus’s hand and the gold band on his ring finger. “You’re Henry Spencer’s son-in-law?”
“Yes, sir,” he answers evenly. “I’m actually headed to his place now. You know how he is about punctuality.”
That gets him half a chuckle and the tension in his shoulders starts to ease, up until the officer asks, “I thought Henry had a son?”
It can be a delicate balance, weighing the potential racism against the potential homophobia, but this isn’t Gus’s first time doing this either. “Lots of people think that. It’s the unfortunate name choice.”
That gets him some more sounds of amusements, then his license is being handed back to him. “Tell Henry and the missus that old Kingfisher says hello.”
“Of course, thank you, sir,” Gus says, pleasant smile firmly in place until old Kingfisher is back in his car.
He carefully pulls back onto the road and stays five below the speed limit the rest of the way.
There’s a lack of rusted piece of junk motorcycle out front – Gus would prefer it if Shawn would just buy a decent bike, but he likes tinkering too much for that – and he wishes he was surprised. Henry’s grilling in the yard and he waves a hand in greeting as soon as he steps out. “Gus! What the hell are you driving?”
If only Shawn was here right now, because he’d said the exact same thing when he’d pulled up in the blue Echo and he was still valiantly fighting against the very real truth that he and his father can be uncannily alike. “It’s a rental.”
Henry wrinkles his nose, but any further commentary is cut off by an obnoxiously loud engine as Shawn turns the corner and parks next to him, kicking down the stand and pulling off his helmet in one motion. He clocks the look on both their faces immediately and holds up a hand. “I know, I know, don’t be the moldy grape at the bottom of the bag about it. I’ll fix it this weekend. I’ve already put in the order for some of the parts.”
That’s sort of the truth. They’re going to the junkyard on Saturday so Shawn can play Frankenstein, but there are a couple things he buys new every time because one motorcycle accident due to a worn belt was one too many for Gus.
“Can’t you two just get a couple of normal cars?” Henry sighs.
“This is a normal car!” he protests, holding the gate for Shawn to walk ahead of him. He really hopes that he didn’t meet with the mayor in jeans and a flannel, but he also knows better. Shawn slaps his ass as he walks by, and he’s tempted to yank him back into a kiss, but Henry hasn’t seen them since he picked them up at the airport and he figures they can be on somewhat good behavior for at least one dinner.
“I have dubbed it the Blueberry,” Shawn says, using the same voice he does when giving stupid names to chess pieces.
Henry rolls his eyes even as he pulls Shawn down to ruffle his hair, causing him to yelp and pull away, even though the helmet had flattened it enough that he’s probably doing Shawn a favor.
It’s all normal and familiar and they eat dinner on the porch, the weather a welcome relief after the last couple of years on the East Coast. Gus is thinking about how nice it is to be back in Santa Barbara and how much happier Henry looks than when he was in Miami, and that’s probably only partly to he and Shawn moving back too, when Henry says, “What are you boys doing for work now? Gus, Shawn said something about you working on some sort of drug trial?”
Which is when he realizes that Shawn hasn’t told Henry why they’re back like he promised he would and Gus should have known that he would chicken out, but now he’s trapped at this table. He considers simply fleeing and locking Shawn out until he talks to his father. Henry’s seen him do worse.
There’s really no such thing as impressing the in-laws for him. Well, maybe with Madeline, but Henry knows him too well and has known him too long for there to be any of that. Shawn’s mother has too, technically, but he saw her a lot less than Henry.
“Yeah, he’s an executive at Middle Earth Pharmaceuticals,” Shawn says, as if Gus hasn’t frozen with the fork halfway to his mouth. Henry is frowning. It’s too late.
“It’s Central Coast Pharmaceuticals, Shawn,” he says, lowering his fork. Henry’s steak is his favorite and now he can’t even enjoy it because it’s a steak built on lies.
He shrugs. “I’ve heard it both ways. They want him to revamp their internal systems and rearrange some routes. Plus they’re hoping they can use his contacts to make more sales.”
That last part had been more implied than listed in his job duties, but he’s not wrong. “More or less.”
“Alright,” Henry says slowly, now aware that there’s something wrong but not having yet figured it out. He still has time to run. “What about you, Shawn? Surf instructor? Ballon animal operator? Sommelier?”
“Dad, please, you know I’d never cheat on Gus,” he answers. Gus can feel his knee bouncing underneath the table against his own, the only sign of his anxiety.
Gus clears his throat. “I know you know what a sommelier is, Shawn. You’ve worked at two different wineries.”
“Well, neither of them were French,” he says, as if that doesn’t prove that he knows exactly what it is.
Henry leans back in his seat, staring them down in a way that reminds him uncomfortably of their childhood. The line between Cop Henry and Dad Henry had always been thin and retirement hadn’t really done much to change that. Gus stares at the space over his head while Shawn continues eating with faux obliviousness. Finally, Henry says, “Alright, just tell me. It has to be better than Boston. I hated you working out there with those assholes.”
Gus slinks down in his seat.
Henry frowns before straightening. “You’re not working in Los Angeles again, are you? Shawn, you made enemies there, a lot of them, you can’t just waltz back in, and Karen isn’t there anymore-”
“It’s not Los Angeles,” Shawn interrupts.
His frown deepens. He knows if it was another stupid, casual job then Shawn would have told him already. “This isn’t like Argentina, is it?”
God, Argentina. That had sucked. It was supposed to be legit, and had been, up until Shawn had gotten involved in – well, Gus does his best not to think about it, since he’s not supposed to know anything about it. Neither is Henry. As far as they’re supposed to know, Shawn worked at an Argentinian winery for a year.
And he did! At least on paper.
“Nope,” Shawn says, popping his mouth on the last syllable.
“Alright, enough,” he says, “this is ridiculous, just tell me…” As he trails off, his eyes get wider. Gus doesn’t whimper, because he’s a grown man, and because of exposure. He’s nearly immune to Henry’s temper after all this time.
“Shawn!” he shouts. “You are not working at the SBPD!”
Gus stands abruptly, his chair screeching against the floor. Shawn reaches out to grab onto his shirt, but Gus hops back. “I’ll just get started on the dishes, shall I?”
“Traitor,” Shawn hisses, but Gus refuses to feel bad about this.
As much as he doesn’t want to be a widower, he knows better than to get in-between Shawn and his father.
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idv-thespians · 3 months
Analysis of victim’s body
On March 11, 20XX, the body was stripped naked, with the face smashed and fingerprints burnt off. Marks around the neck indicated the cause of death was strangulation. The victim’s clothes were found nearby, half-burnt in an oil can. Estimated time of death is after 6pm on March 10.
Record from stay in a rental room
The hair found in the room and the hair found on the body were confirmed to be the same via DNA testing, as were the fingerprints in the room and on the stolen bike. The victim signed in as Shiloh Monroe, allowing the police to confirm his identity.
Stolen bike
A brand new bicycle that was chained to the pavement was stolen on March 10, between 11 AM and 10 PM. It was found near the murder site with its tires slashed. Forensics found that the victim’s prints were the same as the ones found in the rental room that he was staying in.
Victim’s whereabouts days before the murder
The victim had visited Ellie’s former workplace, Club Happy, on the 5th of March. The staff mentioned that he was looking for her current whereabouts.
Ellie’s Testimony
Miss Ellie claimed she worked until 6pm as usual. This was confirmed by her boss, Miss Angeline. After that, she brought her son to watch the movies with her at 7pm, until 9.10pm, as indicated by the movie stubs she hadn’t thrown away. After which, they had ramen, before going to a karaoke joint together, being present by 9.40pm. By this testimony, they would have reached home after 11pm.
After Ratio’s confession, she notes that someone would call her in the evening 5 times before giving up. She mentioned this started 3 months ago, where an anonymous caller would call her every day at the same time. She was unable to tell the voice was Mr Ratio’s as they did not speak frequently.
Orpheus’ Testimony
Mr Orpheus claimed to have visit after the murder had happened to ask how she was doing. He is aware of Ellie’s past working in Club Happy, and has a general dislike towards the victim for how he treated Miss Ellie. He is romantically attracted to Miss Ellie, and is vehemently convinced she didn’t kill him.
Angeline’s Testimony
She stayed back after 6pm to check the stock of the convenience store, which takes 1-2 hours, before driving back home. She does not stay near the murder scene. She claims not to even know the victim was in town.
Ratio’s Original Testimony
Mr Ratio claimed he had after-school activities, arriving home at around 6 or 7pm. He would then stay at home to work on math problems late into the night. He claimed not to know Miss Ellie very well.
Ratio’s unusual leave application
The school Mr Ratio works at claims he only takes leave in the morning once a month to work on math problems through the night. However, he took leave on the mornings of March 10 and 11. Mr Ratio claims he worked through the night of March 9, and took his leave on March 10, but ended up feeling unwell on the morning of March 11, but he felt well enough to come in the afternoon, and did so.
Ratio’s Confession
Mr Ratio suddenly turned himself in, confessing to the murder of Shiloh Monroe. He saw the victim loitering outside Miss Ellie’s apartment, and went to talk to him. He asked the victim about his actions, where he learnt that the victim had business with Miss Ellie. Ratio then misdirected him to meet near the crime scene at around 11 pm. The victim got lost, and attempted to call Mr Ratio for help, who travelled to the scene by stealing an old, rusty bike. The victim, unaware that Mr Ratio was approaching him to murder him, continued to describe his surroundings to Mr Ratio. With the element of surprise and his much larger size, he effortlessly and quickly killed the victim, before cutting his clothes off with a box cutter, using a nearby rock to smash his face apart and burning his fingerprints off with a lighter. He set the clothes on fire but left as the fire rose too high, and he was afraid he might attract attention. The box cutter and the lighter were found in his apartment.
He claims to have confessed as Miss Ellie “betrayed” him as she was “seeing another man”.
He claims to be Miss Ellie’s bodyguard, and listens into her apartment with the listening device, where she would communicate with him by talking to him.
Luke’s note of Ratio’s new behaviour
Luke notes that Mr Ratio had suddenly began to be more conscious of his appearance than before, and that he noticed that Mr Ratio was jealous when he saw Mr Orpheus and Miss Ellie in the convenience store.
The Engineer’s sudden disappearance
Adam, a homeless man, suddenly went missing on the evening of March 10.
Ellie’s heater’s wire
A heater with a smooth, insulated rubber wire. It seems to not match the marks around the victim’s neck.
Ratio’s heater’s wire
A heater with a insulated braided fabric wire. It seems to match the marks around the victim’s neck.
Listening device in Ratio’s apartment
A small, rudimentary listening device, which allows someone from Mr Ratio’s apartment to faintly listen into Miss Ellie’s apartment.
Sighting from Miss Ellie after her first dinner with Mr Orpheus
She claimed to see someone near her house. It was raining, so this person had an opened umbrella. They left quickly, but Miss Ellie notes this figure was taller than her.
Sighting from a grocery shop owner
A grocery shop owner who is near to the payphone closest to Miss Ellie and Mr Ratio’s apartment complex claimed to have noticed someone matching Mr Ratio’s description frequent the payphone.
Letters to Ellie
A typed letter that threatens Miss Ellie to stop seeing Mr Orpheus, or he would lead him “to the same fate Shiloh suffered”. There are two images of Mr Orpheus inside. This letter was found in her mailbox.
After learning of Ratio’s confession, she surrendered more letters she had found in her mail. All were typewritten. The first letter insists she dress more plainly and to come home right after work. The second letter implores her to confide in him, and only him. The third letter warns her that he is afraid that she had betrayed him in some way.
Letter to Orpheus
A typed, threatening letter telling Mr Orpheus to stay away from Miss Ellie. A picture of Miss Ellie and Mr Orpheus is enclosed inside.
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blackacre13 · 2 years
ohh how would you feel about doing a Pretty Woman AU?
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“You should bring a date.”
“Like hell, I should,” Lou huffed, trying and failing to flag down a cab as buses and shuttles screamed by the airport departure area. “And that’s the kind of thing you should tell me before I fly out to LA for a meeting, Tam.”
“I would’ve made a hot date,” Tammy laughed as Lou rolled her eyes, her cell pinned between her shoulder and her ear as she growled at the airport traffic.
“Please,” Lou smirked. “Not that you wouldn’t. I won’t lie. I’ve thought about it.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“You started it,” Lou pointed out, cursing as her luggage wheel got stuck on the curb. “Fuck LA. I miss New York. God. But what I’m saying—they’re already gonna be right pissed as shit when a woman hands them the deal of a lifetime. The last thing they want to know is that I can treat a woman better than they can.”
“Don’t lecture me.”
“No, it’s just—I fucked up. I booked you a rental car instead of the hotel shuttle. There’s a car waiting for you.”
“You ordered me a car?” Lou gaped, glaring at the airport she knew she’d now have to re-enter, hating that she’d have to deal with some rent-a-car place with a packed line full of screaming kids. “I don’t even drive in New York. You think I can find my way around California on a whim?”
“It’s like riding your bike, right?” Tammy spoke. Lou could practically see her wincing. “Besides, women just melt at your presence. Just go find some doe eyed girl looking for a night on the town. She’ll point you in the right direction.”
She would have fired Tammy right then and there. But Tammy was her friend. And the only assistant whose neck she hadn’t ever anted to wring. Until now maybe.
She was partially forgiven when the kiosk lady handed Lou a set of keys to a flashy sports car. Maybe driving in LA wouldn’t be so bad after all.
She attempted to ask where she could find her hotel, but the woman was already waving the family behind her forward, and a cooler bag to the head had Lou sprinting out of the airport again at break force. 
Her stomach was growling. Her internal clock was three hours off, still on New York time. And she had a presentation to prepare for. She knew she would nail it, but practice and preparation was key. She wanted to know her pitch as well as she knew her own name, and she wasn’t quite there yet. However, she needed a stiff drink and crisp, cool hotel sheets to settle into in order to do that. And she still couldn’t find the bloody hotel.
Blind with road rage from traffic and ready to pull over and sleep in the car, Lou slowed to a roll when she saw a small cluster of woman ahead on a street corner, one of them catching her eye and winking.
It wouldn’t be the night they had in mind, but Lou didn’t mind forking over a hefty tip for some fast directions.
She frowned at the skimpy skirt and midriff top. Sure, California was hot, but the water made it chilly, especially with this breeze whipping through. She had to be freezing out here.
She stopped the car, rolling down the window as the woman leaned over, sticking her head through the window as a pile of flowing brunette hair fell partially inside the car, the smell of a rich, but sweet perfume enveloping Lou as it crawled across the passenger seat.
“Oh,” the brunette grinned, snapping some gum. “Don’t see many woman driving a car like this or stopping here.”
“I’m not most women,” Lou smirked. “You know this area?”
“I own these streets.”
“What’s your name?”
“You first.”
“That’s a funny name.”
“It’s my last name,” Lou grinned, somehow already smitten with this woman. There was something about her. “And I’m sure you’re about to feed me some fake name. You can skip that. I’m Lou. Lou Miller.”
“And what do you do, Lou Miller?” The brunette smiled back, leaning further inside the car, her arms crossing on the ledge. “What brings you to LA? Business or pleasure?”
“While it’s a pleasure to meet you, still no name,” Lou sighed. “I’m strictly here for business. Which brings me to my job offer.”
“How much for you to get in my car and give me directions to my hotel?”
“And then what do you want once we get there.”
“To raid my mini fridge,” Lou admitted. “Alone,” she added.
“Fifty bucks,” the brunette replied. “But I’ll let you make adjustments to that job offer once we get there and you’ve sat next to these legs for twenty minutes.”
“I’ll give you two hundred,” the blonde decided, undoing the lock. “And here,” she said, leaning into the backseat to throw a blazer at the brunette. “I’m sure you’re freezing your ass off and I’m driving with the top down.”
“It’s a deal,” she laughed, slipping into the car, draping the blazer over her shoulders, more for show than anything. She turned to the blonde. “And it’s Debbie. You’re gonna want to make a right at the light three blocks up.”
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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It was a really nice day off. I felt like we accomplished a lot and it was just a good day.
I didn't sleep great but it happened easier then the night before. I got woke up a lot though which was a little frustrating but it's fine. I felt alright when I woke up.
James had left me a note that they were on a bike ride and would be home soon. So I got up. And made the bed. And went to get dressed.
James got home as I was finishing up. And it was so nice to see their face. They were a little gross from getting splashed on the road. They would make me a little peanut butter and jelly sandwich before they went to sleep a shower.
I posted up on the couch and ate my little sandwich and worked on my knitting.
And I would finish sewing all my squares together!! I was so proud. I would continue to work on those later.
I cleaned up the mice tank. They continue to be crispy. I would try rinsing them a few times but then they are all wet and I think they are unhappy being wet. I'm trying my best. But when you Google how to clean a mouse you just get computer information. Ugh.
We would head out to run some errands. We were waiting to hear from the Fulwilers if they needed a ride to the rental car place. But while we were out they let us know that the place didn't have any today so maybe tomorrow. Ah well.
We would just do our errands then. First we went to the pet store and got a new kitty litter tray and kitty litter. We also got fish food and mouse pellets. I am trying to soak them in the kitten milk to slowly wean them over this week and hopefully get them more nutrients. It was fun walking around looking at the creatures with James. There were ferrets going wild wresting. I also liked the birds. It was just fun.
After we paid we walked over to party city to look at costumes and decorations. James got me a squishmallow keychain of a sea cow and a blind box of a sanrio character. We also got a couple pieces of candy. It was fun. I was having a good time.
We went to the grocery store next. I was frustrated by how expensive things were. But we got the few little things we needed. And headed to staples.
We were actually supposed to go there after the pet store but James forgot. So we were back tracking a bit. But that was alright. We had nowhere to be. It was our day.
Staples was strange. Like the location was weird. It was surrounded by trees in all sides and seemed hidden. James had ordered online for pick up and we went to the counter but no one was coming to help. Eventually I saw someone who worked there and James went and got them and we were able to leave with the printer ink we needed. But we were waiting for a while. I just laid my head on James's chest and honestly it was nice.
We would go to a diner for lunch next. It was the one in Towson I like. Just a standard diner. All chrome and run by Greeks. We both got sandwiches and listened to the Jewish family next to us. The grandfather was so old and seems so fun. He had lots of stories and we were both enjoying ease dropping a little.
We also talked about Christmas and travel. We were both a little tired I think. We joked about Taylor swift and the football boy. We talked about family. And babies. And I just felt good. Happy.
We also got to see the restaurant photographing their menu items. Like nice photography lights all set up. It was neat!
I asked James if we were near the goodwill. And they said yes and so after we paid we went over there.
The goodwill was really busy for some reason. And we didn't buy anything. But I had fun looking around. Pointing out silly stuff. I found another steamer trunk but James says I've hit my lifetime limit. Which seems wrong!! But it's fine.
We went home after that. We had much to do at home.
When we got back here we brought everything inside and I started putting things away. We got Sweetp a new toy so I got that set up for him. It's a sloth on a string and you fill it with catnip and hang it from a door frame so they can pull on it and it bounces up. I'm not positive it's long enough for our doors but that's fine. He still seems to like it.
We would work on cleaning. We walked through each room and decided what each space needed.
We changed out the kitty litter to the new box. Got the box that it lives in fixed up to. I cleaned the whole thing and tightened all the screws. And vacuumed and wiped surfaces. I felt like we were doing really good.
I got a little tired while James was cleaning the bathroom. So I washed my hands and got a drink and got on the couch.
Where I kept sewing. And it took a while but by 630 I was done!! I was not expecting that. I'm thrilled. I will still have to sew down the little ends but it's basically finished. It is smaller then the one I made my dad but it's about 55x55 and is so cozy. It's great. I can't wait to start my next project.
James would play DND with their friends for a while. Not to long. I got to show them my blanket when I finished and they hyped me up and that felt good.
While they were playing with them I tried to wash and blow dry the mice. Which mostly worked. The blow-dryer is to loud but I think it helped a little at least. On high it made them fall over though and that was an accident and I felt so bad. But they seem less crispy right now at least.
The heat came in in the apartment which was really surprising to me. I didn't realize it was cooler then 44 degrees outside (which is when the heat automatically comes on). Glad it's working. I'm just surprised!
I showered and washed my hair and painted my toes. It was a really nice day. I am ready to sleep now though. Tomorrow we have a huge group at camp. It's the same indigo group but with 98 kindergarteners. Wish us luck because that's going to be a lot!
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Take care of eachother. Until next time!!
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saltyrunawaynight · 2 months
 Have you ever wanted to spend a day riding around Chandigarh's colorful streets on two wheels? Envision an amazing ride that combines elements of adventure, scenic beauty, and urban charm. Bike on rent in Chandigarh opens up a world of options, whether you're a visitor seeking a novel experience or a local seeking a new viewpoint. Let's explore a typical day in the life of a motorcyclist in Chandigarh, which includes early rides, mouthwatering food breaks, and some good times had by the road. 
Rise and Shine, It’s Ride Time
Early in the morning, Chandigarh has a certain allure. The city seems to be just awakening, the air is fresh, and there is silence on the streets. Picking up your reliable horse from a bike rental in Chandigarh is the first step in your day as a rider in Chandigarh. You just need to make sure that the brakes, tires, and fuel are all in working shape before you start driving. 
Pro Tip:
Plan ahead when renting a bike, particularly during busy times of the year. motorcycles that fit your style can be rented from services like Chandigarh bike rental; options include speedy motorcycles and vintage cruisers. 
Serenity at Sukhna Lake
Let's start at Sukhna Lake. This charming location is ideal for a leisurely morning ride. You'll notice other cyclists taking in the peace and quiet as well as joggers and yoga practitioners as you pedal along the peaceful waterways. Remember to inhale deeply and appreciate the splendor of the Shivalik Hills that surround you. 
If you're lucky, you might be able to spot the neighborhood ducks, known as the "Duck Squad," who believe they own the lake. They quack at each other, waddling around as if they're on a mission. It's a sight certain to make you smile.
Breakfast at the Rock Garden
You're starving by this point, and the Rock Garden is beckoning. This famous location, designed by Nek Chand, is home to a few food vendors that offer delectable, substantial breakfasts in addition to being a visual feast with its eccentric sculptures. Savor a platter of steaming hot parathas or a traditional aloo-puri while taking in the marvels of art. 
Pro Tip:
Pay attention to your bicycle! Although the sculptures are constructed from waste materials, getting your bike stolen by a cheeky monkey is no laughing matter. 
Exploring the Capitol Complex
Now that breakfast is taken care of, let's see some of Chandigarh's architectural wonders. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Capitol Complex is a must-see. The Assembly, the High Court, and the Secretariat are located in this space, which was created by the renowned Le Corbusier. The complex's well-kept, well-designed bike lanes offer you a glimpse of the city's distinct harmony of style and utility. 
Make an effort to say "Le Corbusier" correctly. You're not alone if you butcher it, so don't worry. Simply refer to him as "The Cool Architect" and carry on! 
Coffee Break at Sector 17
Time for a coffee break next. The best area to park your bike and unwind is in Sector 17, which is the center of Chandigarh's business sector. People from various walks of life are gathered in the busy square, which is full of shops and cafes. Settle in for a coffee at one of the hipster cafés and enjoy people-watching. 
Pro Tip:
This is a wonderful venue to meet locals if you're new to the city. Generally, they are amiable and eager to offer advice on the top places to visit. 
A Ride Through Rose Garden
It's time to travel to Asia's largest rose garden, Zakir Hussain Rose Garden, fully refueled and prepared. This location offers an explosion of color and fragrance thanks to its 1,600+ species of roses. The meandering routes are ideal for a relaxed bicycle ride. Take a moment to pause, smell the roses (literally), and consider taking some pictures for your Instagram. 
wit buddies in the game "Guess the rose scent." It's entertaining to act like a connoisseur, but spoiler alert: they all smell like roses. 
Lunch at Sector 22
Sector 22 is the spot to be when lunch is ready to be served. It is well-known for having a wide variety of culinary alternatives, including fast food and traditional Punjabi thalis. Discover a quaint dhaba and enjoy a delicious lunch. Is anyone up for some butter chicken? Or perhaps some chole bhature on a plate? Your palate will appreciate it. 
Pro Tip:
Avoid overindulging! It can be difficult to ride while your stomach is full. Take it slow and savor the flavors without getting carried away. 
Cultural Dive at Government Museum and Art Gallery
Now that lunch has arrived, it's time for a cultural dive. Visit the Government Art Gallery and Museum. This location is a veritable gold mine of artwork, sculptures, and antiques. After parking your bike, explore the displays on foot. It's a fantastic opportunity to take in some culture and escape the afternoon heat. 
attempting to understand modern art. "Is this a cow or an ethereal depiction of human existence?" As accurate as anyone's guess is yours! 
Evening Ride to Elante Mall
A nighttime ride to Elante Mall is a terrific choice as the sun begins to set. This contemporary mall has everything from small boutiques to luxury retailers. Elante has everything you need, whether you're feeling like window shopping, going to the movies, or doing some shopping. It's also a nice place to unwind and refuel before the last part of your day. 
Pro Tip:
There is bike parking that is secure. Even when you park your bike in a specified spot, always remember to lock it up. 
Sunset at Capitol Complex
A journey back to the Capitol Complex for sunset is the ideal way to cap off the day as the daylight fades. The buildings become luminous monuments during golden hour. It's a peaceful, contemplative moment to enjoy Chandigarh's splendor and the day's experiences. Take a few pictures and pause to enjoy the peaceful evening breeze. 
attempting to take the ideal selfie as the sun sets without dropping your phone. Really, it's an art form. 
Dinner and Reflections
Lastly, have dinner at a nearby restaurant. You may find a basic lunch or something spectacular in Chandigarh thanks to its diverse cuisine scene. Consider the ride you've taken during the day, the sites you've seen, and the sensations you've had. Riding a bike around a city can give one a sense of independence and a connection to the environment. 
Pro Tip:
Talk to friends or other riders about the adventures you had that day. Who knows? Someone could be motivated by your experience to get a bike on rent in Chandigarh and explore Chandigarh as much as you did. 
Conclusion: The Joy of Biking in Chandigarh
A rider from Chandigarh spends their days exploring new places, having fun, and occasionally taking on some adventure. By getting a bike on rent in Chandigarh, you may explore the city at your own speed and find both well-known and secret locations. Thus, the next time you find yourself in Chandigarh, think about getting a bike on rent in Chandigarh. Accept the beauty of this planned metropolis, the freedom of the wide road, and the thrill of the journey. Happy riding and safe travels.
0 notes
qnewsau · 2 months
Sydney Ms Leather 2023: Iz Bear
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/sydney-ms-leather-2023-iz-bear/
Sydney Ms Leather 2023: Iz Bear
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Iz Bear has made an indelible mark on the Sydney LGBTQIA+ community as the holder of the prestigious title Sydney Ms Leather 2023.
Sydney Ms Leather 2023 Iz Bear’s passion and dedication have not only earned her that accolade but have also fueled her remarkable efforts in philanthropy, raising over $3000 for the BMiles Women’s Foundation.
Iz’s commitment to fostering inclusivity and camaraderie is exemplified through her popular event, Dark N Stormy, which creates a welcoming space for leather women to connect and celebrate their shared culture.
She spoke to QNews ahead of handing the sash to the next Sydney Ms Leather during Sydney Leather Week from July 18-28.
What does the title Sydney Ms Leather mean to you and the broader leather community?
I think it means something different to every leather person or kinkster out there.
Sydney Ms Leather started in 2010 as a title that was co-sponsored by the Sydney Leather Pride Association and Dykes on Bikes. It seeks to identify a suitable female identified representative for the Sydney leather community, for the period of one year.
There’s been five of us since 2010, and I know all of them personally.
I’m 31 years old and I’d like to think that I’m the first of a new generation of leather women who respect and bring together both the older and newer members of the community to create amazing spaces for women and their friends.
The title was something that I’ve wanted to win for a long time. I wanted that sash for nearly eleven years.
It was something I saw as a representation of leather women who were proud of who they were. Women who are willing to be public about their identities, representing the community as best they could, and also to raise money for causes that were close to their hearts.
It’s not a paid gig so I had to learn a lot about innovation and how to do things differently.
What have been some of the highlights of holding the title?
For me, the highlight has been raising over $3000 for a charity that’s really close to my heart; The BMiles Women’s Foundation.
They’re a not-for-profit that provides housing and case management support for women who are experiencing mental health conditions and who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
The charity is really important to me because, whilst I have a minor degree of financial privilege now by having a full-time job, I certainly didn’t not too long ago.
I was couch surfing for months and BMiles gave me a roof over my head until I found an affordable rental.
Since then I’ve supported BMiles by nominating them as the charity for Dykes on Bikes Sydney. Over the last four or five years I’ve put them up at our AGM and they’ve received about $2000 a year each year and then another $3000 on top from me this year.
I like to think that I’m trying to pay my dues and making the world that we live in a better one.
There’s this saying from the Wurundjeri language: ‘Yindyamarra Winhanganha,’ which means ‘the wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in.’
Yindyamarra is one of those concepts that I try to bring to the community, not by preaching at them, but by creating spaces and living with respect and to seek to understand what’s going on before I do things.
The leather community were recognised in this years’ Mardi Gras theme as protectors of the queer community. What are your thoughts on this?
Leather women are the primary protectors of the queer community and the lesbian community at large.
It’s leather women that you see organising their amazing parties. It’s leather women who are DJs and producers and promoters and creators.
It’s leather women who are often running the businesses that we buy our gear from or who are creating it for us in their garages.
We were the ones back in the day who were riding our motorcycles up and down Oxford Street to try and prevent straight people from bashing the crap out of everyone.
In amongst that as well, are drag queens and transgender women. My version of who a woman is, is not exclusive. I welcome everyone to my spaces and my events. I don’t need to put defining phrases on who is a woman. You can tell me if you’re a woman and I’ll believe you.
Tell me about your event, Dark N Stormy. What’s the inspiration behind the event?

Dark N Stormy is a low key leather social for women and their invited guests. It’ll be hosted by me for the fourth time at the Vineyard Room at the Rose of Australia on 19 July.
It’s small, it’s queer, it’s grassroots, it’s dykes. It’s wear what you want, be whoever you want to be tonight. Bring a friend. Bring a fuckbuddy, bring a partner.
I don’t need it to be a huge event. I don’t need it to be the next big thing. It just needs to be a thing because there’s not much else out there for leather women.
Aside from the overheads, all the money goes to B Miles.
The fact that it sells out every time is quite incredible. It really tells me there’s a need for more events for leather women. and I’m always blown away by the community support. You’re a woman in two very male dominated subsects of the queer community, the bears and the leather community. Can you walk me through some of the challenges this brings?
I know that the men in this community appreciate me. The main challenges from being a woman in the leather community would probably be around recognition. There’s a bit of disparity between treatment and visibility.
When it comes to the gender issue, it’s what brings us together that sets us apart. Sydney is not just one leather community, it’s a lot of lots of sub-communities within a sub-community.
You’ve got leather dykes, you’ve got the pansexual crew, you’ve got the Shibari crew, you’ve got the pups. I can’t say that there’s one dominant driving force behind it. The leather community in Sydney is its own glorious bundle of chaos. And I don’t think I’d have it any other way.
But we’re definitely here. There are so many leather women out there that I’m inspired by, and it’s impossible to give you an exhaustive list.
My partner Tania puts up with me through thick and thin, and she’s amazing. She’s starting an initiative which will run some events over the next couple of years called Sydney Leather Women.
It’s going to be a continuation of Dark N Stormy and Sydney Ms Leather, so we can create things for leather women and their friends and guests, and raise money for charity.
-For the full list of Sydney Leather Week events go to www.sydneyleatherweek.com.au
0 notes
vivekbsworld · 3 months
Discover Freedom: Self-Drive Car Rentals in Kochi
Kochi, the vibrant port city of Kerala, beckons travelers with its blend of history, culture, and scenic beauty. Exploring this enchanting city and its surrounding attractions becomes even more convenient and enjoyable with self-drive car rentals. Whether you’re visiting for business, leisure, or planning a road trip along Kerala’s coastline, renting a self-drive car in Kochi offers you the flexibility to explore at your own pace. Let’s delve into the options available for self-drive car rentals in Kochi and how they can enhance your travel experience.
Benefits of Self-Drive Car Rentals
Renting a self-drive car in Kochi comes with several advantages:
Flexibility and Convenience: Enjoy the freedom to explore Kochi and its neighboring areas according to your own itinerary, without depending on public transportation schedules.
Comfort and Privacy: Experience comfort and privacy as you travel with family or friends, enjoying the convenience of having your own vehicle at your disposal.
Exploration: Discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path attractions that may not be easily accessible by other means of transport.
Cost-Effectiveness: Depending on your travel plans, self-drive rentals can often be more economical than hiring taxis or using ride-sharing services for multiple destinations.
Top Providers of Self-Drive Car Rentals in Kochi
Here are some reputable providers offering self-drive car rentals in Kochi:
Zoomcar: Known for its wide range of self-drive cars including hatchbacks, sedans, SUVs, and luxury cars. Zoomcar offers flexible rental plans and multiple pick-up points in Kochi.
Myles Cars: Provides a diverse fleet of self-drive cars, from budget-friendly options to premium vehicles like Mercedes-Benz and BMW. They offer easy booking and competitive pricing.
Drivezy: Offers self-drive car rentals with a variety of vehicles including hatchbacks, sedans, SUVs, and bikes. They provide flexible rental plans ranging from hourly to monthly rentals.
Revv: Known for hassle-free self-drive car rentals with doorstep delivery and pickup options. Revv offers a range of cars from economical models to premium sedans and SUVs.
Carzonrent: Provides reliable self-drive car rentals with a focus on customer convenience. They offer a range of car models and competitive pricing.
How to Choose the Right Self-Drive Car
Vehicle Selection: Consider the size of your travel group and the type of terrain you plan to explore. Choose a car that suits your comfort and luggage requirements.
Booking Process: Book your rental car in advance to ensure availability, especially during peak travel seasons or for specific vehicle models.
Insurance and Documentation: Ensure you have a valid driver’s license, ID proof, and review insurance coverage details provided by the rental company.
Renting a self-drive car in Kochi opens up a world of possibilities for exploring this beautiful region at your own pace and convenience. Whether you’re visiting historic landmarks, scenic beaches, or indulging in local cuisine, having a self-drive car enhances your travel experience and allows for memorable adventures.
Call to Action
Ready to embark on a self-driven journey through Kochi’s captivating landscapes? Explore the options for self-drive car rentals mentioned above and book your ideal vehicle today to start your unforgettable Kerala adventure.
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spudkid · 3 months
June 27 - Dublin and home
This morning in Kinsale at 5:15am.
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Left Kinsale bound for a final night in Dublin. Dropped the rental car at the airport and caught a cab to Motel One just near the River Liffey…about a 10 minute walk from Trinity College.
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Our cab driver, Bernadette Nugent, talked non stop for 35 minutes offering everything from cures for aching joints (you can get it online)
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to what’s wrong with kids today (cell phones) and the latest info on Taylor Swift’s two concerts starting tonight in Dublin (be glad you are staying were you are…it’s going to be a madhouse over by the stadium). Mercifully we arrived at the hotel as she began suggesting a sure remedy for leg cramps (just a wee bit of table salt under the tongue). WOW!
Checked in and had lunch at La Roche, a Brazilian restaurant nearby. Then a 15 minute walk along the river to the Brazen Head, Dublins oldest pub established in 1198.
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Thought I should recount two things that Tish said to me this trip. First, in Kinsale at Kitty O’se’s. There was a young bar maid there who was sparring with a co-worker and the bead she tossed at him missed its mark and hit Tish on the shoulder. It was very funny. To tease her, I took our coasters and put them over our beers. Tish looked at me in disgusts and said, “for cripes sake Michael, you are 72 years old…stay out of it!”
Second, today on the M7, as I passed a slower car on the left Tish indignantly stated “you know, it’s illegal to pass on the left on a motorway here!” So I decided to look it up.
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So now we know!
Finally, and this is bad, I’m an old guy (see above reference to 72) and when I need to pee it is urgent. Not seeing any logical relief opportunities, I pulled off the motorway onto a local road, stopped and did my business. Ahh…now I can make it to the airport 110k away. No such luck… with 5k to go urgency strikes. Eureka…there is a bike lane on my left so I pull over. Tish groans “oh no…I’m so embarrassed!” I said “don’t worry about it! No one knows you here!” The rest of the drive was silent!
Had dinner at a neighborhood pub (imagine that) at T.P. Smith’s.
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How about the gorgeous Irish woman in the doorway!
I’m happy to report that I enjoyed 5 gallons of Guiness plus one pint of Murphy’s Stout!
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yourkeysholidayhomes · 3 months
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notebooknebula · 6 months
From Farm Management to Real Estate Success #shorts
Private Money Academy Conference:
Free Report:
Watch the Full Interview at:
“Making Money from Dirt: Dan Haberkost's Land Selling Tactics”
Dan Haberkost, CEO of Front Range Land, started his real estate investing journey at the age of 16. Dan has managed to build an impressive real estate business & portfolio that allows him the freedom to live & work where he wants well within his 20s.
The real estate appealed to Dan as it’s a malleable asset, is extremely tax-advantaged, and can be almost entirely passive with the right systems in place. Fast forward to the present and he has been buying rentals consistently since college and has built out a land & development business which continually feeds the acquisition of rentals. 
Within the real estate world,  Dan is currently working on a mixture of new development, land investing, and consulting, and am always on the lookout for a property that makes sense as a long-term buy & hold. 
Aside from real estate, he likes to spend his free time in nature either in the mountains or on the beach. Surfing, snowboarding, hiking, and mountain biking are some of my favorite hobbies. 
Thanks to his business, he is able to pursue his passions at my leisure.
Join the Private Money Academy: 
Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
YouTube Channel
Apple Podcasts:
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rentnhop · 7 months
Bike Rentals for Mumbai Food Markets
Are you looking for a fun and convenient way to explore all the amazing food markets that Mumbai has to offer? Well, you're in luck, because the best bike rentals are available in Mumbai, making it easier than ever to hop around to different markets and sample delicious local cuisine.
In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of getting a bike on rent in Mumbai to visit Mumbai's famous food markets, where you can find some of the best street food and fresh produce in the city. We'll also provide tips on the best markets to visit, how to get a bike rental in Mumbai, and safety precautions to take while riding around the busy streets of Mumbai. Let's dive in. 
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How to get a bike on rent in Mumbai
Renting a bike in Mumbai is easy and affordable. Here is one option that you would love to prefer: 
Just when you thought hitting up Mumbai’s food markets couldn’t get any cooler, let me introduce you to Rentnhop. These guys are your go-to for snagging that perfect ride for your culinary adventures. With a wide range of bikes and scooters to choose from, Rentnhop makes the whole process a breeze. 
Whether you’re craving the thrill of navigating Mumbai's bustling streets or you’re all about that leisurely ride from one food haven to another, they've got you covered. So, gear up with Rentnhop and make your food market exploration an unforgettable journey on two wheels. Ready, set, explore. 
For as little as ₹100-300 per day, you can rent a bike in Mumbai. Just be sure to check opening and closing times, so you can return your rental on time. Safety gear like helmets may also be provided.
Riding Safe in Mumbai
While riding a bike around Mumbai can be lots of fun, safety should be your top concern:
Always wear a helmet to protect your head. This is absolutely essential.
Follow traffic rules and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Expect the unexpected!
Ride defensively and be ready to brake. Mumbai's traffic can be chaotic.
Use hand turn signals so cars and pedestrians can anticipate your moves.
Stick to slower speeds and don't weave dangerously in traffic.
For longer distances, consider hiring a guide who can ride with you and provide direction.
Using common sense and caution will help ensure you stay safe on Mumbai's hectic streets. Taking things slow and avoiding risky maneuvers is key.
Let's Hit the Markets
Well, which covers everything you need to know to start exploring Mumbai's mouthwatering food markets by bike rental. With so many options to choose from, you could try a new market every day.  Bike on rent in Mumbai is such an affordable and fun way to experience the authentic culture, cuisine, and community vibes that the markets provide. So what are you waiting for? Put on your helmet, hop on your bike, and work up an appetite biking around this amazing city. Just ride carefully and be sure to sample all the irresistible street fare that makes Mumbai so special.
0 notes
saltyenthusiastpizza · 7 months
Toddler Proofing Your Home
It 's time for in order to purchase the house and an individual might be unsure with the to look for when you go with the Realtor. Like a smart Home Viewer help make sure that you do your research prior to going on the way to look.
As maybe you have already guessed, all out of all these rumah258 login things happened to me, after Got amassed 26 rental properties. In fact, oftentimes, all of these problems happened all of the same year. Now, for awhile (when I had about 10 houses), if one person didn't pay rent, I could cover it with the nine other payments. It offers two, things sometimes even five tenants didn't pay in drinks as well rumah258 daftar . month, it was made by devastating to my small business. I had to go to my business account and pay to a maximum of $3,000 toy trucks in mortgage payments, without income to cover up it. Plus, I to be able to pay a home management company to get my tenants to pay or to evict these people.
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Yes, a leg might lure you in a 3rd.5% rate now just a few years from now you can be finding out about 5%, 7%, 11%. Your short-term gain now may be a long-term pain rumah258 afterwards. Lock in one particular of these incredible low rates now and long-term you will be glad you did. You will eliminate a potential financial crisis down the trail.
Children became inventive beings. They come into this world simply no preconceived notions of doing things. Regarding minds there aren't any limits as they can make for or how to do who's.
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joshlane · 8 months
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is your character local to Merrock, or did they move to town from somewhere else? Although Josh grew up in Merrock, he was born in Japan. He has lived in town since he was adopted, however, with the only exception being the time that he attended collge.
does your character travel frequently? Not very often, no. Mostly for vacations taken with the whole town, once or twice a year with Espie, too, when they can make time.
what was their favorite spot they’ve ever traveled to? Costa Rica.
what was their least favorite spot that they’ve ever traveled to? Although it's fun while there, Josh wasn't fond of New York City for any kind of long-term stay, finding it to be just too busy for someone who likes the laidback kind of life.
is there a place that they’ve always wanted to visit? Alaska, just to say that he went.
if they had to take a solo trip anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? He would probably take a solo bike trip from one coast to the other, just to see every stop in between.
if they had to take a family/group trip anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Well, he'll see how New Orleans goes, first! But for Josh, it would have to be somewhere where everyone can find something to do, and find a way to enjoy themselves.
do they prefer to fly or drive when it comes to traveling? He'd rather be on a bike, more so than anything. But he can see the joy in flying, for the simple fact that it takes a lot less time to get from point A to point B.
when traveling, do they have an itinerary, or are they doing things as the inspiration hits? A little bit of both. He has an itinerary of things that he wants to do, with some time set aside to do whatever seems like fun.
hotel, motel, bed & breakfast, camping, rental home – where are they staying when they travel? Bed & breakfast or a rental home, but if he's going to stay in a motel/hotel, he'd rather it be something with good reviews.
light packer or heavy packer? Light packer, but what he packs is the absolute necessities, so he never missed anything.
do they start packing way ahead of time, or is this a last minute, throw it in a suitcase kind of thing? Pretty far ahead of time, but not months and months, just a week or so, making sure that everything is ready to go for when it is time to get everything packed up.
most often forgotten item when traveling? Nothing; he's far too prepared to forget things.
the item they double, triple check for when traveling? Admittedly? Everything.
do they splurge on trips, or try to do them on a budget? Although he doesn't really go overboard, per se, Josh does splurge when he wants to. But that's him throughout all of his life.
are they the kind to try all of the local cuisine, or do they stick with the stuff that they know they will like? Local cuisine!
more the adventurous type, or do they like to party and hit up the nightlife? Josh is more of the adventurous type, the kind of person who will go out and find something to get up to, whether it's hiking or biking or visiting parks or different outdoor monuments. He's not against rock climbing or scuba diving, either.
international travel, or stick to the States? He'll do either or both! But it's fun to go international.
do they record their travels any way, like in a travel journal, scrapbooking, online, on social media? Here and there on social media, but he's not very good at remembering to take pictures.
and lastly… do they use the pillow provided, or their own? He'll use whatever pillow is provided.
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