#how to remove facebook chat bubbles
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
post-endgame :’(
Summary: The world continued on after the Blip. Some people held onto their memories and some people moved on with their lives. Despite the loss and heaviness of the world around them, five years passed and people kept living. But when the snap was reversed, the Blipped returned to lives that had continued without them. Some families were reunited, and some Blipped came back to empty homes and broken families. Through that loss, seeking someone who understands how their feeling may not be the worse idea as the Blipped try to navigate a world that’s different than what they remember.
part 01/?? “fire and ice”
word count 4.5k
an: um..... yeah..... sorry HAHA oop. angst and sadness sorry. lemme know what you think or else I won't know to continue this. also....the title haha c:
For a lot of people, the blip brought back loved ones and injured broken hearts. Families were repaired and friends reunited with one another. But for some (or a lot of people) they were put back into a life that had moved on without them. In some cases, significant others moved on and started lives with others, friends suddenly weren’t around, family members passed during the years they were gone - for a lot of people it wasn’t sunshine and rainbows when they came back from being blipped. Although little to no time had passed for them, five years passed for the world. It still continued on its axis along with everyone on it.
Being blipped back into existence and then with the outcome of what life was left for you, it was like a rug had been pulled out from your feet. The man you were supposed to be marrying (married to?) had moved on with his life a couple years after your wiping. So for you to return in the same spot of the living room you shared with him, right in front of him and his new wife with their several month old son, wasn’t an ideal way to be thrusted back into life. It was painful to have to watch him love another, but what could be done? He started a family without you, and it took you a couple weeks before you moved back in with your parents. At least they were still around.
Their New Jersey home felt foreign to you now, though they did welcome you back with open arms. They always would, you didn’t doubt it, but the glaring reality of your life was still weighing on your shoulders. Your parents watched you fall into a pit of despair and didn’t know how to help you. You didn’t know how to help you. Most days you sat there and fiddled with the engagement ring on your finger. You couldn’t seem to bring yourself to remove it even though it didn’t mean as much now. Not to Derek at least. Or maybe not in the way you had looked at it.
Taking residence in the bedroom you grew up in was distracting to say the least. You were often reminded of the life you once had while living under this roof. Before Derek, before the blip, before all of this. Here you sat in the desk chair in front of your computer with your chin rested on your knee, just scrolling aimlessly through Facebook. You ignored the unopened messages of friends and family reaching out, as they also had traces of messages from the past five years as well, and you couldn’t bring yourself to read them. You didn’t know what you were searching for, if you were even looking for anything, but you scrolled nonetheless.
Your finger hovered over the trackpad when one article caught your eye. It was about ways of coping with returning after being blipped. In the dark, and in your three day of old sweats, you decided this was the time to click on the link. Intrigued you pulled the laptop closer and started to read through it.
Have you returned from the blip and life around you seems to feel different? Maybe empty? Are you struggling with your self worth?
It was like it was speaking to you and you found yourself nodding your head along with each question. You were all of these things, but the things they were recommending made your face fall once more. Maybe you were stubborn, but the thought of confronting people face to face made your stomach churn. You were about to click out of the article when the last recommendation made you stop.
Maybe you feel you can’t talk to those around you about what you’re feeling. And that’s okay. But maybe this website can help you.
There was a link and the website was called hoolablip.com It was a bit tongue in cheek but you still found yourself following that link instead. What popped up was a webpage that allowed you to create a profile, and chat with those who were going through the same thing as you were: returning to a life that left them behind.
You bit your lip and hovered over the sign up link. You had avoided your family, friends, the even idea of therapy, but you felt like you were going stir crazy not having someone to talk to about it. This. Your life. Everything. So you impulsively clicked the button, and began to fill out the questions linked to it. You picked a screen name, inputted a basic bio, and filled out some of the questions. It was simple enough of a process, and soon you were on your very own homepage, but suddenly very unaware of what to do now.
There was a message option and you clicked on that, and went over the words in your head.
What brings you to hoolablip.com? Be as brief or detailed as you’d like. Your message will be sent to a random active user.
Hm. It was a start you guessed. So you slowly typed out a message.
You: I’m not sure where to really start with this. I can’t talk to my family, my friends wonder where I am but I don’t know where I am either. So… I’m here. Writing to a complete stranger in the hopes maybe someone out there can understand what I’m going through, or feeling. Or maybe tell me what I’m feeling because most days I don’t know myself.
You hovered over your keyboard, unsure of how much to express in just this one message. Or what to even include as far as your personal information. But you just let the words come out.
My name is (Y/N), and I was blipped three months before I was supposed to marry my college sweetheart. When we came back, if that’s the right way to describe it, I was right back in the living room of the townhome we shared. But it wasn’t my home anymore. The inside changed, and there was a new family there. His family. I can’t seem to forget the shock on his face, and his wife’s face when I just appeared there. It was an awkward conversation to have in the middle of their home. And I can’t shake it. His wife is lovely, their baby is beautiful, but I still can’t shake it. As selfish as that may sound.
As you typed you didn’t realize the tears that had fallen down your cheeks, and you quickly wiped them away.
I’m not sure how to end this off. So maybe this should be it for now. Maybe it finds someone.
And then you hit send. The tension you had felt like it disappeared when you hit send. You sat back in your chair and looked over the message once more before going back to scroll aimlessly through Facebook. There were a number of posts from your friends about their lives. Outings with pictures attached, videos, the same old thing. You rested your chin in the palm of your hand when the sound of a little ding rang through the speakers.
On the tab you had written that long message was a little number one. You got a message back. Oh god, someone had read your message. In the dark you were taken back, and slowly went back to the tab to see a little chat box that wasn’t there before waiting to be open.
The username attached to it was ominous, but the red notification made you open the chat either way. You lingered over the fact their message was equally as long, and you read it over.
LoneWolf17: I can assure you that you aren’t the only one who has no idea what to do besides seek solace from strangers. I think it may be easier for us to open up to someone we don’t know, rather than to those around us.
Deep. That was really deep.
LoneWolf17: I think I can imagine how it must feel to be back in a place that isn’t home anymore. But I can’t imagine how it must feel for you to have to accept the fact he started a life with someone when it was promised to be you. You aren’t selfish. You’re human. And you’re hurt. My name is James. I don’t know what I’m doing here really. I don’t think I have a right to be upset about my best friend leaving me behind to have the simple life he always wanted, but then another part of me thinks that it fucking sucks. He was the only one who believed the best in me when no one else did. He fought for me when everyone else doubted me. We always said we’d stand with one another until the end of the line, but I guess his was finer than mine was.
You had to take a deep breath after that. Though he wasn’t clear on the details, James was hurt by his best friend. And here you were complaining about your love life being in shambles. He still appeared to be online, so you typed up a response.
You: You may be right about it being easier to talk to a stranger than the people around us. Especially when I guess this is the place for all of us who were blipped. Maybe we get each other. I suddenly feel pretty obtuse for complaining about my love life when you lost your best friend, but I appreciate you saying it’s okay to be hurt. I think that’s all I know how to be right now. What do you mean he left you behind for the simple life, if I can ask?
And then you hit send. You didn’t know if your message was good, but you were far out of your comfort zone here. You watched your screen to see two little check marks appear and after a few moments his little picture started to type. You found yourself biting at your nails in anticipation of his next message.
LoneWolf17: It’s a confusing and long story, but he got the girl he always wanted and the life he dreamed of. I won’t be able to see him anymore, though.
You raised a brow, and typed another reply.
You: Does he not live here anymore? Not that I know where here is..
You saw his bubbles pop back up almost immediately. And then another message appeared.
LoneWolf17: Haha yeah something like that. Here being New York.
You: Oh, you’re nearby.
LoneWolf17: Oh yeah? You’re in the city too?
You: Oh no, not since.. Well. You know. I’m in Jersey right now until I can get back on my feet.
LoneWolf17: I see, but not too far still.
You: Haha not too far.
You had migrated with your laptop to your bed, and rested your back against some pillows to watch the screen again. You wondered if you were boring (“dry” you think was a term thrown around now), but you smiled a bit when another message popped up on your screen.
LoneWolf17: So what’s your plan? To get back on your feet?
You: Honestly, I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Wallowing in my self pity has been on my to-do list for the last few weeks. I’m not too sure where to start.
LoneWolf17: Well this is a start, isn’t it?
You read over his message once, twice, then three times as you pondered his words. So you settled on this for a reply.
You: You seem to be a man of many insights, James.
His bubble moved again in an immediate response, and then his message appeared just as quickly.
LoneWolf17: Call me Bucky.
- - - - - - - - - -
Over the course of the next week you found yourself checking the website for more messages from your mysterious pen pal, who you called Bucky. Your conversations were casual but they were enough for you to come to your senses. Just a little bit that was. You had enough energy to get out of bed and shower and change. It wasn’t a lot, but it was a start.
Your parents seemed to notice when one day you even ate a bit of breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and toast. They were little nibbles, but it was enough for some pressure to leave their hearts. You tried to ignore their stares as you carried the piece of toast back to your self proclaimed cave and even opened the blinds to let sunlight in.
That’s where you perched yourself most days and looked out the window to watch people, cars, anything pass by the suburban home you hid in. Each day you searched for something in the faces that passed by, but always came up empty handed. If your frustrations grew enough you’d pour over the exhaustive amount of literature that was packed away in the boxes around you.
You had graduated from NYU with a major in english literature studies with a minor in creative writing. You were on your way to receiving your PhD when everything happened. Though you were still awarded it “in lieu of extenuating circumstances” it felt wrong that you had it. You never really finished the work for it. It felt like a handout, and it stayed in a frame in the boxes as well. There was something you were looking for, and you grazed the spines of each book looking at the titles over and over. . .
There. You pulled the red colored (and heavy) book out and flipped through it. Overlooking the notes and highlights that grazed the pages, you came to a page that was left untouched. You ghosted your fingers over the words and looked at your laptop. You carefully sat down in the desk chair and pushed the lid open and found yourself writing another message to your mysterious pen pal, Bucky.
You: I’ve found myself looking at the people who pass by my window to see if they hold some kind of answer to the questions I have, but they just continue on not having a care in the world. It made me think if it’ll be like that for us again. I brought myself to fish out this old college literature book I had to study for hours and hours on end, and I thought about sharing this with you. It just seems to fit the world right now, from my eyes at least.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
You wondered if it sounded too cliche, or if it was too bleak. But it was one of your favorite poems, and now it made a little more sense in today’s world. Your world. You didn’t know if it would strike a chord with him like it did with you, but you sent it either way. It had been a few days since you heard from your chat buddy, and though he wasn’t online you knew he’d get it at some point. You heard your sisters arrival downstairs and braced yourself for her impromptu plan to get you out of the house.
Bucky Barnes was walking side by side his friend Sam Wilson, not really paying much attention to what he was saying to him. There was a chill in the air as the sun had lowered hours before. He didn’t know where Sam was leading him this late at night, but Bucky didn’t question it too much. His mind had drifted once again to the subject that Sam and him never really spoke about. To Steve.
He thought with time it was going to get easier to accept what Steve had chosen for himself. When he told him he was taking all the stupid with him, he didn’t mean to literally fucking take all of it. But how could he even really be mad at his best friend? Steve always wanted that life, and he always wanted it with Peggy. Maybe he was angry at Steve, or maybe he was angry that he never got to make the decision for himself.
“Are you listening to me?” Sam asked him randomly.
“Not really,” Bucky replied, which earned a grumble from the man on his side.
“At least you’re honest,” Sam replied, before stopping in his tracks which made Bucky turn to him, “this is it.”
“What-” Bucky turned to look at the bustling building Sam was motioning to, and raised a brow, “what makes you think this is the place to get intel?”
“Well if you were listening to me in the first place, you would know the lead is an upper east side socialite,” Sam patted his shoulder and started down the alleyway. Bucky grumbled a bit and followed in his steps towards a line that had formed for this nightclub-esque building. Sam cut the line and seemed to have a few words with the bouncer, who let them right in. It was going to be a long night.
The music that pumped through the building made his shoes vibrate, but he followed Sam’s lead through coat check and then around the corner which opened up to a large, vibrant party. To say Bucky was out of his comfort zone was an understatement. He was 10,000 miles out of his comfort zone. The looks he got from people made him cast his eyes down and back to Sam who was leading him further into this mess. It wasn’t until they were literally in the middle of the room did Sam turn to him and clap him on both of his shoulders.
“I’m going to go upstairs, you keep an eye out down here,” Sam had to nearly yell over the music, and with one final slap to his arm, he was gone. Bucky glared at his back as he walked away from him and looked around for a bar. He needed a drink, not that it would do anything for him, he just had to get away from this crowd. The bodies that jumped and knocked against him made him push his way through the crowd a little faster. Oh Sam was going to pay for this one day.
When he finally made it to the bar he gripped the wood edge and pressed himself into it. Resting his arms on the counter and stared at the back of the bartender, trying to see if he could gauge her attention.
“It’s no use,” a voice said next to him, which caused him to glance at his side to the person who was casually talking to him, “I’ve been trying to get her attention for 10 minutes.”
The woman who spoke to him had her eyes trained on the woman behind the counter, not looking his way once while she spoke. Though the lights flashed around the room, there was little to no emotion in her irises. So Bucky turned back to the bartender and waved his hand, which she seemed to catch from the corner of her eye. The bartender did a double take on him and Bucky hid the grin from his face when she headed over. He glanced at the woman beside him whose mouth fell open then quickly closed and watched as the bartender came over to take his order.
“I’ll take a rum and coke,” Bucky ordered and then nodded at the woman beside him, “and whatever she wants too.”
The woman glanced at him as he reached for a couple of bills from his pocket, and looked back at the bartender, “Make that three of those.”
The bartender nodded and turned away from them to make the drinks. Though silence fell over them, it was fine with Bucky. When the bartender came back with all three drinks she spaced them out evenly between them, and gave Bucky another sweet smile. Bucky forced one back, picking up one of the glasses as the woman on his side picked up one of the other ones. Bucky took a generous sip and watched as the woman completely downed one of the drinks and left the empty cup on the counter.
“I’m guessing you don’t want to be here either,” Bucky called out over the music. That when she finally met his gaze and shook her head.
“My sister insisted on dragging me out,” she said to him, and then picked up the other glass and nodded at him as she backed away, “thank you.”
Bucky offered a nod back but she was gone in the crowd not a moment later. He let out a little humph, and turned back to the crowd, his eyes going over the crowd. It was going to be a long night if Sam didn’t get what he needed soon.
- - - - - - - - - -
By the time Bucky had gotten back to his apartment in Brooklyn, he was ready to wash the day's endeavours off of him. It was late, very late, and he could smell the alcohol and smoke on his clothes. He removed his coat and scarf and kicked his boots off and reached for his phone in his pocket. Though technology was still new to him, he was enjoying it a bit.
On his way to his bedroom he swiped through some notifications when his finger landed on an email notification. In the short amount the preview showed him, he could see there was a new message from you. He didn’t know why he frantically opened the webpage, but he did. He rested himself on the edge of his bed and read over the typed words in the palm of his hand, mumbling out loud the poem word for word. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard as he thought of what to say, and began to type his thoughts.
LoneWolf17: I don’t think I’ve ever read something that spoke to me like that did. How we let our emotions control us even though they could destroy everything around us. So you studied literature way back when? You never told me.
And then he sent it. Though your picture wasn’t illuminated like you were online, he still had solace that you’d see it. It comforted him in a way that you weren’t online, maybe you were doing something for yourself, it seemed you were doing more than just “sulking around” as you liked to call it.
There wasn’t a lot he knew about you, just like you didn’t know a lot about him. But he let you call him Bucky, and you didn’t seem to realize who it was you were speaking with, and a part of him was grateful for that. As Bucky stripped from his clothing and got into his shower, his mind wandered to what he did know about you.
Your picture was one of the sample photos the website lets you pick from, a little penguin, so he of course didn’t know what you looked liked or sounded like, but you sounded smart and insightful. But you were so casual about it that it made him smile a lot when he read your messages. You were also careful and hurting, like him. He knew the story, but he felt he didn’t know your story, if that makes sense. You were funny too, you made him laugh a lot. The times the two of you spent chatting together over the last week was almost like a breath of fresh air for him. He didn’t talk about Steve (minus his name of course) with anyone but you.
When he was done perusing his own thoughts and turned the water off, he reached for a towel to wrap himself in and stepped out and into the steam filled bathroom. He tied the towel carefully around his waist and used his hand to wipe away at the hazy mirror and took in his appearance. He still donned the long hair and beard, and frowned at himself in the mirror. He tried not to let the weight in his shoulder bring him down, and instead went to his bedroom to change.
Bucky grabbed his phone again as he settled onto the bed once more, pulling his shirt down his chest as he saw another new message from you. Now you were online, and he read over your message quickly.
You: Welcome to the wonderful world of Robert Frost. It breaks my heart a bit that you felt the same way about the poem as I did, but then again I’m happy to see you have good taste in poetry.
Bucky chuckled at your sentiment, and scrolled down to the bottom of your message.
You: I was towards the end of my program to receive my Phd in english lit studies, minor in creative writing. I mean they gave me the doctorate but it’s tucked away in these boxes. I don’t feel like I truly earned it, y’know?
LoneWolf17: Don’t let your heart break for me, doll, like you said - I’m just a man of many insights. And my insight is thinking you should still be proud of the work you put into that degree, especially if you were so close to the finish line before the blip. What did you need to do to complete it?”
You: I just had my research to finish.
LoneWolf17: So then why don’t you do it now? For yourself?
His question made you stop and think. Bucky seemed to have a way of doing that to you. As you thought about what he said, Bucky sat staring at his phone wondering if he may have said the wrong thing. But his tensions eased when you typed back
You: I can think about it, man of many insights.
Bucky chuckled to himself, and looked at the time on the top of his phone. It was late, and he could feel the dryness in his eyes when your little bubbles started to move again, he eagerly awaited another message from you when your message popped up again.
You: I hate to end our conversation so soon, but I think I drank a little too much tonight. I think it may be time for me to hit the hay.
LoneWolf17: Is that why you’re so agreeable tonight? You should definitely get some rest.
You: Haha, very funny.
LoneWolf17: Goodnight (Y/N).
You: Goodnight, Bucky.
Bucky watched as your little picture went from glowing to dark, and felt relieved that you were taking yourself to bed. Bucky stood and set his phone down on the table by his bed and then got under the covers, using his flesh arm to rest under his head as he stared at the ceiling. Bucky found himself for the first time in months drifting off to sleep with no thought of his friend, instead he thought about the words of the poem you sent him.
Maybe signing up for that website was a good thing after all.
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budol-finds · 3 years
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I BOUGHT AIRPODS 2 on LAZADA for only P1299😲
I'm not expecting a lot for the price. The Original price of AirPods in the Philippines is 11k +++ . I just bought mine for just P1299🔥
As I was browsing in Lazada for good finds, I came across to this store, so many reviews with quality Lazada store, they also have a lot of followers, they have social media accounts like Instagram and Facebook, I also tried to read reviews for social media proofing. Of course I messaged them and ask questions about there product. Their chat support is superb, replies within a minute
So after further questions, I was convinced to buy the product. by the way they offered 7 days refund and Lazada warranty so I have customer protection to avoid any scams.
I received the package after 3 days. You'll never believe it, they put so much effort to pack my package with thick bubble wrap that's why I had a hard time opening it. Right after delivery I unboxed everything. The package is complete with FREE Silicon case ❤❤❤.
The Seller sent me tips on how to care of my AirPods, and they also sent me a thank you message. Btw, I've been using my AirPods for a month now and all functions are working very well.
DIsclaimer: The AirPods I bought is just a premium copy with all the functions working similar to the original ❤ THIS IS NOT SPONSORED.
here's the summary of all the functions with some comments :D
📷3D pop-up animation- Works smoothly and very satisfying, I love watching it specially when I open the case
📷 Wireless Charging Case- Yes I tried it and works fine
📷 iCloud log in- I tried it too but not perfect
📷 GPS Tracking- This works very well, you can try it on find my device
📷 Change name- I Love this very much I can Personalize my AirPods and put some emojis
📷Can Change Gesture (Tap Function) - this works perfectly you can change functions on your settings if you want to stop, change or next your song. It also works when you answer a phone call anddddd Double tap to enable Siri, YAYY!
📷3 hrs talk time- I used mine longer but maybe depending on your usage
📷 2.5-4 hrs listening/music time- same as above
📷 Infrared sensor activated (Ear detection)- you will love this feature, the song/ video will stop when you remove one of your AirPods. WORKS LIKE MAGIC
📷 Siri activated- Just Double tap and WALAAAH
📷 10 meters range- I like this especially when I'm washing the dishes hehe
📷 Bluetooth 5.0- YES for faster connection that's why it connects very fast
📷 6D BASS- FOr it's price I never thought that it would bring so much bass, like even at level 1 volume the sound is high but depending on the type of music you're lsitening to.
Inclusion: 📷 One pair of AirPods 📷 Charging box 📷 Charging cable 📷 User manual
1. Inaccurate battery life- according to them and based on the reviews of other AirPods 2 it really Doesn't have an accurate battery life. They Have AirPods Pro which is a 100% copy it has Transparency mode, Active Noise Cancellation and Guess what the new feature is PSATIAL AUdio where you can watch movies with Theater like surround sound😍😍😍😲😲😲 I will definitely buy it hehehe.
ALL in ALL I really love my AirPods for only P1299, Feature-packed I must say and worth the price + They have a lot of vouchers + Very Good Customer Service.
Here's the link guys if you wanna check it out:
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starryknightace · 5 years
I had Top Surgery! (Post Op 1 1/2 Weeks pics)
Suprise! I had top surgery almost 2 weeks ago. It was a bit of a process to get to that point and i was literally counting down the hours til i went under. I kept joking to people i was most excited about my "induced 4 hour nap" more than anything. I got to my day surgery clinic early in the morning, to which i got changed into scrubs, was told to wait under a blanket to keep my body warm, and met with the nurse, anesthetist and my surgeon for pre op discussions. Then i was escorted into the operation theatre where i hopped on the table, got nice and comfy with blankets, tubes, oxygen mask annnnddd.... woke up 4 hours later forgetting i had surgery 🤣
I did this in my last surgery (which in comparission was more terrifying cause i had blood in my mouth and couldnt remember what happened to me), but i woke up and couldn't work out where i was, why i felt so dizzy and how i got clothed 🤣 i spent about 2 hours in the recovery room sat in a recliner chair dozing off, except to eat (cause i had been fasting prior) and drink. I did try to pee but couldn't which was frustrating 😅 then i was taken home, where i promptly went to sleep lol
I had my drains in for 72 hours and they were the worst part of recovery. I carried bottles in a pillow case and they had be be positioned lower than my chest at all times. Luckily i wasn't able to move much and while i was on strong pain medication i mainly slept. I had my mum stay with me for a week and i'm thankful she did cause she really saved my butt by doing everything for me (i really had to let go of my control which was weirdly hard, i just felt bad making her do things for me but she was happy to). The drains were uncomfortable and by the morning there were to be taken out i was really hurting where they were inserted. After they were taken out it was a blessing and recovery got A LOT easier. I had shallow baths every few days and my mum helped me was my hair. I had baby wipes for my armpits and chest area which again saved me from being stinky. I still mainly slept, or watched tv shows with my mum up until she left. She prepped me a LOT of meals before she left so i wouldn't have to cook.
Sleeping on my back was probably the most uncomfortable part (after the drains), because i'm a stomach sleeper. I have been managing to sleep though which has been nice (and Maple has been good, sleeping beside me all through the night!). I've been sleeping elevated to help with swelling. I actually got told off by my nurse while doing my week post op check up cause i was still doing too much. I went to Uni for a 6 hour workshop that day too and went to a costume showcase that night. Safe to safe i was exhausted the next day and didnt do much but sleep.
So i'm still quite swollen and bruised 1 1/2 weeks in, which will eventually settle down. my nipples seem to be taking well so crossing fingers the blood returns. I was worried about puckering but being able to closely examine my chest it's due to the swelling at the moment so hopefully that goes down too.
All in all i can't stop smiling at my chest - i finally feel like myself 😁
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Some tips for those looking to have Top Surgery based on my experience:
I have a high pain threshold - i was willing to go to uni a week post op because i could stand to - would recommend people booking off at LEAST 3 weeks prior to work/study if you can help it. I have only one class per week at the moment and its only theory so thats why i was able to travel and even then i was taken pain killers ever 4 hours.
In my mother's words "don't be a hero, if you need to take pain relief, do it". Best advice. I've weened myself off pain killers to 2 just before bed (panadine forte), or before i need to go out and do things (genral paracetamol). If you need to take more just do it - also write down when you've taken things (because its good to know how much you've had per day!) You can take iburofen and paracetamol intermittedly in 4 hour intervals (eg. Iburofen at 12pm, paracetamol at 2pm, another dose of iburofen at 4pm, etc).
You'll also be taking antibiotics - generally 3 times a day with meals. I also took probiotics 2 hours after taking my antibiotics to avoid the sideaffects of them (eg. Mouth Ulcers (which i did get dang it), thrush, etc).
I was also taking strong pain killers (for the first few days i took 2 every 4 hours then weened down to one per night). Be careful with strong pain killers - the thing doctors/people don't tend to mention is that they can be addictive/dependent drugs. Sometimes you would prefer to keep taking them and that can be an issue. I asked my surgeon at my 1 week if i could please get one more script of something a little stronger than paracetamol to take a night and it took a bit more of a discussion to get it. If you can try to get by on the paracetamol alone do so and remember you can alternate with iburofen every two hours.
With all these medications you'll more than likely get constipated so adding to the list of medications i also took good ol' laxatives. The first poop after surgery was like 3 days later and it hurt 😅 the laxatives helped me after to soften my stools (cheat mode is when you're lactose intolerent and you eat a bunch of cheesecake whoops 😅). Also peeing was weird for the first week due to the anesthestics in me. It took me ages to pee, sometimes i had the feeling of needing to pee but nothing happened, and i was peeing like, every hour.
Both in furniture sense and people sense.
My mum was my main support especially in the first week. She looked after me, my house and my cat. She grabbed things i couldn't access, drove me to my appointments, managed my medicine, cooked me food and generally just helped me around the place. Originally i only wanted her there for a few days but im glad she was there cause i was sore and out of it most of the time. Alongside her my two best friends were also a massive help - coming over to keep me company, drive me places, help me do my grocery shopping, tell me off for overdoing it, gave me plenty of entertainment (thanks to katie i finished wind waker!). Get yourself some support and let go of that control, you will honestly be too tired and sore to do anything anyway.
Make sure you get yourself some comfy pillows. I got myself a U shaped pillow and it has so far saved my neck so much pain. I sleep elevated which means more pillows to prop myself up. And pillows for my couch.
So for the first 72 hours i was just a gross gremlin with dry shampoo because of the drains. My chest was covered in bandages so i couldn't wash that area anyway. After the drains were removed i was told i could have showers, but i opted for shallow bathes anyway. I was able to wash myself fine (just go slow), then i would put pants on and get my mum to help wash my hair. After my 1 week check up i started having showers, but stood out of the stream. I only have tape to cover my stitches now (i took them off for the photo) so am able to carefully wash parts of my chest and back i couldnt get to before. I can now wash my hair (slowly). Raising my arms is still not easily fesable but i can lift them to a certain point.
Now, i wasn't as emotional as i thought i was going to be but i do know other trans guys who said they went through bouts of depression after their surgery. Its something to look out for. For me, it was emotionally draining to talk to people about it constantly. I didn't mind though and it was nice people checked up on me but it did wear me out. Its always good though to check in with your emotional state throughout to see how youre feeling. It's not an inmediate grattification, the swelling and bruising is a lot and it won't look right for a while. Also leading up to surgery people can feel fearful and doubtful, always chat to a loved one about your feelings! Personally i had no nerves leading up to surgery but afterwards i was constantly worried that i wasn't healing right. Talking to your surgeon will HELP trust me!
Ok this was a big shock to me so i hope this helps other people but scar medication/ointments don't actually work. I asked my surgeon about it and as a skin professional who has been studying the effects of scarring for over 40 years - this is a beauty scam you don't need to bite into.
"Time and your genetic biology are the only ways that help your scars heal, sorry to burst your bubble but save your money on that placebo".
Looking after yourself the first few months post op will help you get good results later.
Of course i understand if people will still want to buy scarring products but thought i would post the words of a professional too 😅 don't shoot the messenger on this one. And if you do decide to use the stuff then wait 6 months before doing so.
I think that's all i can think of at the moment. There's a really good private facebook group for top surgery and i got a lot of my info from there. If people are curious feel free to DM me, send me an inbox and i'd be happy to chat as best i can! My experience is based in Australia so people might have different expectations/experiences in different countries!
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
Welcome to my latest summary of recent news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across since the October report, although some may be older than that.
I am also missing a lot here, but pared it down somewhat to make more readable. The lead up to the holiday shopping season was a lot crazier than I expected 🙃
Given the time of year, please do not expect another report until January. However, I will do brief posts of important news/blog posts in the interim as needed.
There are going to be big changes to this report coming in 2020. Have any suggestions or feedback?  Leave a comment below, email me through my website, or send me a message on Twitter.
You are going to need to add Etsy’s tax ID to customs forms on New Zealand orders as of Dec. 1. Etsy’s ID is: 122-669-18.
FTC issues huge fines for selling fake likes & followers on social media, and for posting fake reviews online. “The [likes and followers] case could pave the way for further legal action on the same grounds, using the Devumi case as precedent. Indeed, shortly after the initial finding by the NY Attorney General, Facebook announced that it was moving ahead with legal action against several providers which it had found to be dealing in fake social media engagement.”
Everyone should read this article, if only to learn what not to do: Using “priming” to convert more buyers/users is a crucial marketing tactic.”Priming works by using associations made in our subconscious, and are almost always unnoticeable to the subject.” Example: “During a study, researchers approached customers in an electronics store, who’d entered to buy a new laptop.Half of the customers were asked what their memory needs were, and the other half were asked what their processor needs were...The group who were asked about memory, bought computers with higher memory and the group who were asked about processor speed, bought computers with much higher processor speeds.”
Etsy removed the word “Bugs” from the Bugs forum, & admits they will only will be monitoring it from 9-5 Etsy time (ET) Monday to Friday. They won’t be replying, but expect “hundreds of sellers” to do that job for them, unpaid. If you have an issue, you will now need to email through the Contact page, use the new 24 hour live chat, or phone them. [Note the parts they aren’t mentioning - Support is taking over a week to reply to emails right now, live chat will only be able to help with the simplest of questions (e.g., how do I change my email address?) & it is possible to spend over an hour on hold when you phone. You could spend quite a bit of money on long distance fees, especially if you are in a country that doesn’t have its own phone number, all for something you used to be able to get for free in the forum, sometimes on the same day. This is Etsy’s definition of “major improvements”.]
Check out this proposed US legislation, which wants large internet companies [yes, Etsy fits their definition] to reveal their algorithms & offer visitors a version with no “filter bubble.” You might not like Etsy search now, but I can guarantee it would become impossible if they removed all of the algorithm factors. [This editorial is a bit over the top, but does cover some of the key questions.]
Items have been disappearing from a small number of Etsy searches since July, & Etsy still won’t tell us what is going on. If you discover you are affected, please let me know.
There have been a few threads on Etsy sending threatening emails about shops being below Etsy’s customer service expectations, often for just a few bad feedbacks or cases, which has shocked many long time sellers (even though they have been sending them for years; it appears they have decreased the number of “problems” you need to have to get an email.) Without announcing anything, Etsy released a page of “seller service level standards” that can help explain what they are looking for, namely cases & 1-2 star reviews, as well as the exact formula they use. I started a discussion thread here, & in case Etsy deletes comments in the thread, here is the dashboard showing your score. (Some people cannot make that link work; Etsy says only shops that received a warning can see it.) My blog post is here.
I summarized the 3rd quarter report here, and Etsy summarized it here. The stock market is not happy with management at the moment, with Morgan Stanley this past week stating that they expected Etsy’s 4th quarter to be worse than originally predicted, due to state sales tax laws and Etsy’s reduction in its Google Shopping ad buying. Note Etsy removed the “priority placement” for US free shipping about a week after the 3rd Q report, without any announcement, probably due to the blowback about it reducing first page conversions. (They didn’t announce anything; it just disappeared.)
Cyber Week traffic on Etsy was more than double what they saw on the average summer day.
They did a Q & A thread on the new stats, which wasn’t particularly useful. They admitted they intentionally removed the keyword & other data prior to November 2017 because “older data periods are less comparable to current stats”. [I believe that is code for “we’re too cheap to pay for the storage; investors need their payouts.”] They did finally add YOY comparisons back in a few weeks ago.
Etsy has again changed a few category & attribute options, including more baby stuff.
They did a holiday gift shopping promotion where people could call Etsy & get suggestions for gifts on Nov. 5. All gifts shipped free, so non-free shipping shops were not included. “It could also be a case study for personalization efforts to come from the long-running handmade marketplace.”
You’ve probably already noticed that Convos are now called Messages, but here is the announcement with the details just in case.
Etsy ran an Etsy search critique thread on November 13; the thread wasn't particularly useful, as almost all the staff who do the critiques aren’t experts in search. Basically, they say to use all of your tags, avoid repeating words in tags & titles, have 3-4 short phrases in your title, use commas in your titles (”Buyer research shows that using commas instead of dashes helps titles appear more clean and readable”), offer free shipping, and use all of your photos. The big takeaway for me was - they think we all have unlimited photography budgets, models, and time to do different modelled photos for every listing (including at the beach! LOL), photos of each of our different pieces in progress, photos of us working, & photos of each type of packaging. Needless to say, none of those things are bad if you have gobs of time or the money to pay someone to do all of that. But if you are like me and are a one-person business, live in a small condo, don’t have the strength to take photos all day, don’t have an abundance of people to model when I am taking photos (i.e., people I know have real jobs & aren’t around when I work on photos), and don’t have anyone to take photos of me making things, then this is pretty laughable. I wouldn't even consider doing all of this for my 5 best selling listings, never mind all 430+. YMMV. [The repeated mentions of process photos makes me worry they will be requiring those for everyone at some point …but I am sure I am just being paranoid.] One notable error was telling someone to use “color” (the US spelling) instead of “colour” (the proper English spelling) because the shop’s language settings were US English - Etsy currently treats these both the same, so there is no issue at the moment. Are they trying to give us a hint about something?
Introducing BERT: Google’s new technology to help organic search process natural language better. This isn’t likely a change you can optimize for, but it should help searchers get more relevant results for complicated queries. “Here is an example of Google showing a more relevant featured snippet for the query “Parking on a hill with no curb”. In the past, a query like this would confuse Google’s systems. Google said, “We placed too much importance on the word “curb” and ignored the word “no”, not understanding how critical that word was to appropriately responding to this query. So we’d return results for parking on a hill with a curb.” Moz’s Whiteborad Friday covered the basics. [warning - some bits are advanced. Just skip those if you need to.] A study said BERT still isn’t very good at understanding “not” and other negatives. The NY Times may be one of the sites that is affected.
If you were disappointed when keyword research tool Keywords Everywhere became a paid tool, a new alternative has been released. Note that Keyword Surfer is still in beta. I’m going to try it for a bit and write up a short report if I think it is worth using. (The traffic estimates are way off, as in almost 10 times too low, for the sites I have info on.)  If you try it, let me know what you think!
While we are on the topic, here’s 13 keyword research errors you don’t want to make. Short takeaways - not every high volume keyword phrase will work for your specific product, don't ignore long tail, and make sure you look at the search results for any keyword before you decide to use it.
Here’s another keyword and topic research tool that compiles questions people search along with a relationship tree so you can see how ideas are connected.
More common SEO problems with ecommerce sites.
If you code your own website, check out the new Google instructions on writing your organic search snippets. Note this is supposedly only about display & not about ranking.
Improve your Instagram traffic with 8 SEO tips for your profile and posts.
Which is better for SEO - Squarespace or WordPress? The results are likely skewed by the fact that “platforms like Wix and Squarespace tend to attract less SEO-savvy people than WordPress.” They agree with what I have been saying for a while: if you know what you're doing, Squarespace sites can rank just fine.
Excellent tips on how good SEO also helps you comply with US disability access laws.
The latest on Google updates - there was apparently one around November 7. This one may have hit affiliate websites more than other types.
The Wall Street Journal wrote an article claiming Google manipulated search results to favour its interests & those of its advertisers, including eBay. [The original article is behind a paywall; the link is in that news coverage.] However, many in the SEO community - most of whom are not usually reluctant to criticize Google when they are behaving poorly - feel the article is way off base, & demonstrates a fundamental lack of knowledge of how Google works. Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Land & Search Engine Roundtable even did interviews with t WSJ staff for the article, and was amazed at how much they got wrong. “Even a basic understanding of the difference between organic listings (the free search results) and the paid listings (the ads in the search results) eluded them…[Glenn] Gabe told us that not only were his conversations with the paper off-the-record but also that he was misquoted”
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails)
Here’s something I don’t see discussed much: using templates (& other consistent branding) in your social media, blog and website posts.
Content hubs are a very useful way to increase your search engine traffic for a core topic while providing a landing page for social media, ads etc.
Good primer here for beginning social media marketing for your business. You’ll need to do more research depending on your target market and what platform/s you choose, but it is definitely a good overview of getting started.
If you think influencer marketing is right for your business, here are 10 places you can find influencers to work with.
Your email subject lines can change the open rates; here are 19 tips to make them more clickable.
Instagram started testing hiding “likes” on posts in the US as of November 11th, & then announced plans to try it out globally. A study on previous tests showed that there may be some effect on influencer engagement.
Facebook has introduced its own payment system, currently in the US only, for limited situations only at the moment.
Reddit is an often overlooked social media platform to use for business but the traffic is strong, so check out these tips on asking it work for your business. [infographic]
Pay for online ads (outside of Etsy) but don’t know what negative keywords are? Here’s how to use them with Google.
Hubspot continues their massive rush of “ultimate guides” with everything you wanted to know about Amazon ads.
Facebook now allows you to have different text in the same ads, which can be adjusted for different groups of users.
Amazon is predicted to continue cutting into Google’s online ad dominance through 2021; Google currently has 73% of money spent on online ads in the US.
If you are interested in long term brand building in your advertising, you might be interested in this article, where Adidas admits it was ignoring brand ads & pushing instant returns for too long.
Just in time for the holidays, Google Merchant Center rolled out a bunch of upgrades.
Buying TV ad time is losing popularity; it will be less than 25% of all advertising spend in just a few years, while digital spending is now over 50%.
Facebook changed how they count page impressions.
Everything you want to know about the Google Search Console. Oh, and also everything you want to know about the Google Search Console. Which one do you like best? [If you have your own website or freestanding blog and are not using the Console, you probably should be reading both of those. Seriously, just set the darn thing up, then learn how to use it later.]
Also, the Console now features a speed report, and has changed how they send you messages.
Trend alert: many struggling or failed retailers sell clothing. “This sector is saturated with supply and is arguably over-stored.” … “For younger shoppers, as they choose which apparel brands do get their attention, sustainability and other cultural issues are often at the forefront.”
US sellers can now get discounted UPS rates through Shippo.
A bug is keeping suspended Amazon sellers from being reinstated.
Don’t use these common customer service lines. ...“there are studies that support the use of positive language in customer service. Instead of focusing on what you can’t do for a customer, focus on what you can do. No one likes to be told no.”
Another article on the psychology of colour; beware that some of this is a bit simplistic, as there are always exceptions.
Holiday shopping will push further into December this year, with half starting around Cyber Monday (Dec. 2). 62% of “high spenders” (over $2100 spent on the holidays) will shop on their smart phones. 25% of respondents to this survey said they already started shopping in September. It turns out most people want gift cards, among other stats. Nearly half of US shoppers are more likely to shop with companies that are socially responsible. Mobile shopping is expected to beat desktop shopping for the first time this season. And yes, most Americans expect to add to their credit card debt before January, men more than women.
US retail sales fell 0.3% in September; online sales fell the same amount.  
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour)
Trend alert - apparently Generation Z is not big on makeup, and it is affecting large companies’ profits.
Google’s co-founders hand the parent company Alphabet over to the current CEO. They still work for Google and will focus most of their time there.
Google Webmaster spokesperson John Mueller tackles the controversial question - is a hot dog a sandwich? [humour]
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fbpurity · 8 years
Revert/Remove Facebook’s Messenger Bubble Chat with FB Purity
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Dont like Facebook's Bubble Style Messenger Chat Interface? Get the safe, free and top rated FB Purity browser add-on, and select the "Revert Bubble Chat" option & it will change Facebook messages/chat to an easier to read format, as demonstrated in the image above. 
Get FB Purity here: fbpurity.com
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
Don’t let go again (3)
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Chris Hemsworth x Reader (platonic)
Summary: Sebastian meets you, a model, on a event and spends time with you. Later he finds something interesting about her out…
This Part: Their first date and (Y/N) is surprising her Brother and Seb in a interview and you join family feud with the avengers
Request by anon: I’m hoping you still asking for requests.. So would you be able to one about Sebastian Stan meeting a model at an event and spends the night with her and finds out she isn’t like the ‘normal model type’ then maybe the next day finds out she’s a Hemsworth.     
Warnings: fluff
A/N: Tags are at the end.
Series Masterlist - Masterlist
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The first dates with you went really well even better they were perfect. You would sometimes drive out of the city for a picnic, just go on walks in a park or watching movies. He felt like he was on a cloud with you, everything felt so normal when he was around you like the word stopped spinning and he could be for one moment just relax. No rush and stress about his job, interviews or paparazzi, they are still present and he can feel them taking pictures of you but in same moment he didn’t care about them, he didn’t have to hide you and when you would notice that you were followed from them you would wave them and do silly poses for them just for them to know that they aren’t unnoticed by you but then would continue in whatever you were doing like nothing happened. Both of your free time was sadly already over, he had to continue a lot of press and interviews and you still had a week of with just a few smaller jobs.
One day he had a interview with Chris hemsworth in a hotel in New york and right afterwards he had a to go to another one with Winston Duke and Anthony Mackie and then he would go with them to the late late show with James Corden. His day schedule was more than full and he was tired but over the whole day he waited for a message from you because he knew that you could brighten his day up. He didn’t get one because he knew that you were up till 4am and didn’t have time to chat and he understood it completely of course, he as a actor had the same problem so why wouldn’t he respect that.
“Sebastian!“ Chris clapped his hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Sorry, I’m just soo tired..-What was the question?“ he apologized and continued the interview for a little while but he couldn’t really concentrate on anything. He thought back and forth between what happened the last few weeks with you. After the interview went on and on they got interrupted by someone knocking on the door and it wasn’t just anyone it was (Y/N) with coffee. He kept on telling you that you are some kind of an angel to him because you would always come around a random corner to his rescue.
“Hey you guys!“ you said smiling from ear to ear with the coffee in your hand. You hugged everyone and the interviewer pulled a chair out for you.
“(Y/N) Hemsworth just joined us and there is already my first question. How does it come that you? Was-was like planned?“ she asked nervously.
“Funny story. I was in the room down the hall you know finishing a photoshoot and my makeup artist told me that my brother is.. well down the hall and now here I am bringing you coffee” you chuckled and sipped on your iced coffee.
“I always say that but you are an angel..-I’m serious! She just shows up with coffee. She even brought me two because she knows me“ Sebastian said looking at you and took your hand in his which stayed like this for the rest. The pictures and videos of you holding hands went viral just seconds after the interview was posted.
“Yup she is the only family member that kind of isn’t like the rest.-“
“Well thank you?“ you cut him off.
“No I mean that’s a good thing“ Chris laughed.
“Last question for you (Y/N). How do you react to the comments you get on the last paparazzi pictures of you“ she said and picked out a few with you and Sebastian mostly eating.
“Well I don’t really..care...I mean I do care but I can eat what I want and just because I am a model doesn’t mean I can’t eat a burger or I can’t be smart or I have to be thin. It’s not wrong to eat, it’s wrong for me to starve...oh and hating is wrong too. It isn’t healthy for anyone“ you finished your little monologue.
“See! she’s special. That was like our interview and now it’s her“ Chris said again smiling brightly at you. You leaved again since it isn’t really your presstour and leaved to another job as he and Chris made their way afterwards to the final interviews this day. He thought he would be still exhausted but after the coffee and mostly after your visit he felt more awake than ever and that wouldn’t go unnoticed by the others. It wasn’t all figured out yet between the two of you. You didn’t really talked about it but it was great to just live in the little happy bubble he was in right now and besides it’s funny for the both of you to tease the fans and paparazzi. Over the time from the presstour you’ve met a few times even if it wasn’t really private just mostly with the cast, you were already something like a part of the cast. A few days later he would attend at the Avengers family feud with you as one of the hosts. That he was excited was an understatement and it didn’t really matter at this point for him but everytime  he would meet you, his heart would just go crazy and he would feel so nervous and calm at the same moment with you.
“Hello Facebook and welcome to Avengers family feud!“ Anthony Russo said and everyone clapped and cheered around the three of you in the middle.
“We are the directors of Infinity war and our special guest today is (Y/N) Hemsworth!“ everyone cheered again and the game was explained, everyone presented themselves and the first few questions went on for a while until your Brother and Anthony Mackie stood on in front of each other for the next question which you had to ask them.
“Which Infinity war character would win in a staring contest?“ you read from the card in your hands. Both of them quickly pressed the button and anthony answered first while he stared deeply into Chris eyes.
“I would say, your eyes are beautiful-“
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“so are yours“ Chris replied to him.
“-must be the in the Hemsworth genes“ he turned to you, winked and turned around again to Sebastian and winked again. It was meant as a joke but he took it still a little more serious.
“HEY! I am watching you!” Sebastian yelled from his place and used his deathly stare on him which you just found adorable on him. The game was already over again and everyone said goodbye to the fans and towards each other and disappeared into different directions. You and Sebastian waited together for a Taxi and talked for a little while.
“Oh by the way I am the next two weeks in Australia-“
“by the way? You never told me..“he cut you off confused.
“-would you let me finish! but between them I am in Romania so we are hopefully going to see each other there again.“ you said to him and put your hands on his shoulder.
“That’s going to be amazing! I can show you around and if- if uh- you want to you..you could come with to the film festival?“ he asked you nervously because he wasn’t sure if that would be too much show off for you, as said before it wasn’t anything official for the two of you and that would be somehow the next step but just if you would be comfortable for you. Sebastian was just such an kind and gentle person for you which you absolutely loved about him and that wasn’t the only thing you loved.
“Of course I want to! It’s going to be fun..Seriously tho I hope the have good food there.“ you giggled and got interrupted by the taxi honking who came driving to your side of the street.
“Well there is my taxi!” you said and put your hands off his shoulders and got to the taxi. Sebastian, the gentlemen he is held the door for you open, kissed your cheek on last time and waved to you until you disappeared into the busy streets of New York.
>>Next Part
Feedback appreciated, Taglist open :)
xoxo Sophie
Tags(if you want to be added or removed let me know):@nyleveeee @jewelswrites-ish
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jordynscalhoun · 3 years
What's GB WhatsApp And How Can I Use It On Android Phones
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WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app for messaging in India and is considered to be the main messaging app by most people in the country. WhatsApp currently has over 200 million members per day in India and for as long as it's free, this growth will continue to increase.
WhatsApp was purchased by Facebook as a social network. The firm has been adding features of the moment to the app to retain users. The latest additions to the app include voice calling as well as video calling Snapchat Like Stories, an enterprise app and much more. As mentioned earlier, the company is also testing group calls and video calls for groups.
Although WhatsApp comes with a lot of features However, it does not have the flexibility which many users may want. There are many limitations with the app and a user can't customize the app according to their preferences. If you are someone who is looking to modify WhatsApp and you want to customize it, there's an option gbwhatsapp pro.
GBWhatsApp is an alternative to WhatsApp developed by Has.007, who is a senior XDA member and this mod is based on WhatsApp Plus which is a mod which was subsequently shut down by WhatsApp. This mod allows you to modify WhatsApp by way of design and functions. Below are the key characteristics of GBWhatsApp.
GBWhatsApp functions:
Auto-Reply Feature
Better Privacy Options.
Capability to hide the last time you saw.
Ability to hide the message delivered
Ability to hide Read Receipts.
Hide last seen contacts only.
Name of the Group can be up to 35 characters.
Ability to save any WhatsApp story to your phone.
The status and status can be copied of contacts simply by tapping their status.
Ability to share all files (Eg. Apk, etc)
Ability to set your status to up by 255 characters instead of the standard 139 characters.
Ability to send broadcast to 600 instead of 250.
Capability to copy status with a specific selection.
It is now possible to click the links straight away, without needing to save the sender's number as well as the Group Admin's number.
Modifications to distinguish between normal messages & broadcast messages.
Option to stay up and running for 24 hours obviously at the expense of battery consumption.
It is possible to call directly on the the app directly.
Modifying the bubble styles and the tick style.
You are able to modify any part of the app to suit your would like.
Ability to pin more than 3 Chats.
Show Contacts Tab in Another Style.
The possibility of sending the video at 50 Mb as opposed to 16 Mb.
The possibility of sending an audio file of 100 megabytes instead of 16 Mb.
Possibility of sending up to 90 pictures at once instead of 10 images.
You can block the name and date in case you're copying multiple messages.
You can download and alter themes for the application.
Once you've learned about the functions of gb whatsapp and GBWhatsApp, you're ready to see how to install the app , and how to use it.
How to usage GBWhatsApp
Start by opening the settings of your device then select Security and enable Unknown sources to allow users to download apps that are not from the Play Store.
Then, remove the official WhatsApp app from your phone.
Now, download the GBWhatsApp application from this page.
After installing the app then log in using your phone number.
After you have entered your code when you enter it, you'll get an OTP that you have to enter in the app to activate it.
You've installed GBWhatsApp and you can now personalize the app based on your preferences.
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angelixii · 6 years
1-140 (anything you haven't answered already) - Felix
Oh, hello! Thanks for the ask!! 💕
3 fears - Spiders (I get frightened when I think about them) heights (slightly) and the public (anything like murder, kidnapped, ya know stupid people)
 3 Things I love - Music, Idols, and animals
 2 Turns on - ig Hats (like snapbacks) and glasses
 2 Turns off - oof I don’t really know.. ig self absorbed or a fudge boy
 My best friend - C: @straykids-sk (wuv you)
 How tall am I - 5′2
 What do I miss right now - My cat that passed away :c (her name was P.J)
 Favourite color - Blue, red, and sometimes green
 Do I have a crush - no not really
 Favourite place - my home
 What am I listening to right now - theres a website called asoftmurmur.com and it has noises like rain or waves and stuff like that
 Shoe size - pretty sure 10 in US womens
 Eye color - brown
 Hair color - light-ish brown
 Meaning behind my URL - I chose Felix cause hes my bias wrecker and hes angelic C:
 Favourite song - Theres like a million but 5SOS’s She Looks So Perfect wil always be a favorite (idk why)
 Favourite band - Ill just chose Stray Kids cause I don’t wanna write them all out
 How I feel right now - kinda tired but ig ok
 Someone I love - Ill say my best fren Georgia (@straykids-sk) cause i wuv her
 My current relationship status - single and i kinda wanna stay that way for a while
  My relationship with my parents - We all live in the same house and its just us (I have one other sister but she moved out. But shes here a lot tho) and we all get along well
 Favorite season - probably Spring c:
 Tattoos and piercing I have - none and I don’t really want any
 Tattoos and piercing I want - ^^^
The reasons I joined Tumblr - Georgia wanted me to and I thought it would be fun (I was right c:)
 Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - no :/
 Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - oh heel no she my best fren I would never
 How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - when I have school like 20 minutes at max
 Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? - I did today
 Where am I right now? - at my house on my laptop c:
 Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - reasonable level cause I’ve always had ear problems and they are sensitive (even tho I always have my earbuds in)
 Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - yup
 Am I excited for anything? - not that I can think of no
 Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - nope :/
 How often do I wear a fake smile? - not THAT often
 If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - oooof I don’t think I could answer that question
 What do I think about most? - probably k-pop
 Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Definitely behind
 What was the last lie I told? - It was kinda a joke but “i’ll do it because im the good child”
 Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Eh depends on who it is but facetiming/video chatting
 Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - ghosts kinda and aliens, I mean sure we’ve barely discovered space, who knows whats out there
 Do I believe in magic? - sometimes yeah
 Do I believe in luck? - I mean yeah
 What’s the weather like right now?- theres nothing really going on
 What was the last book I’ve read? - uhhhhhh fully on my own (not in class)? The Maze Runner Scorch Trials
 Do I have any nicknames? - Kassadoodle, Kassidilla, Kassy
 Do I spend money or save it? - I’m trying to save as much as I can rn in my little money jar c:
 Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - nah
 Favourite animal? - Lions and Fennec Foxes
 What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - uhhh im pretty sure saying goodbye to Georgia on video chat
 What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - oo um I cant really think of one rn :/
 What is my favorite word? - yeet
 My top 5 blogs on tumblr (not in any order)
 If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - I probably wouldn’t say anything cause im shy and afraid people would judge me on what I say c:
 Do I have any relatives in jail? -not that I know of
What is my current desktop picture? - a pic of Bts
Had sex? Bought condoms? Gotten pregnant? Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Had job? Smoked weed? Smoked cigarettes? Drank alcohol?
no to ALL those questions C:
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - nope don’t think I could ever
Been overweight? - …
Been underweight? - no.
Gotten my heart broken? - nah
Been to prom? - nope
Been in airplane? - nope and I never want to really
Learned another language? - I take required (cause im one of the more intelligent kids in school. I know shocker right?) Spanish classes in school but im on summer break so I dont remember any c:
Wore make up?- nope
Dyed my hair? - nope
Had a surgery? - plenty of ear surgery and had my tonsils removed
Met someone famous? - nope
Stalked someone on a social network? - nope
Been fishing? - no but my dad has always wanted to take me and it sounds kinda fun
Been rejected by a crush? - nope never really had one and if I did I would never have the guts
What do I want for birthday? - ooo idk but i have to wait till next year anyway cause its already passed
Do I like my handwriting? - sometimes when my hand cooperates
Where do I want to live when older? - with my girl Georgia
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - nope ima good child (yeah ok suuureee)
What I’m really bad at - running :/
What my greatest achievments are - managing to keep straight A’s and I dont even study cause im online so
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - “u bird cage” - Georgia c;
What I’d do if I won in a lottery - ooooooooof idk
What do I like about myself - uhhhhh heh ig my hair or eyes/eyelashes
My closest Tumblr friend - Georgia (yes I do know her irl but shes honestly the closet tumblr friend I have so)
Any question you’d like? - hmm idk
Are you outgoing or shy? - definitely shy, unless with people im close to then quite crazy
What kind of people are you attracted to? - funny, cute and nice people
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - hA no
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - kinda
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - oof idk
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “ohhhh no XDD” (sent to Georgia)
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - (I already answered this question and don’t wanna answer again)
Do you like it when people play with your hair? - yes I love when freinds at school did (once we were watching a movie in Spanish and my friend next to me was playing with my hair and I almost fell asleep heh)
Do you think there is life on other planets? - totally
Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t had one in forever
Do you like your neighbors? - only one cause I think im related to them somehow or they are to like my uncle
Where would you like to travel? - out of this hell hole country c:
Favorite part of your daily routine? - checking my tumblr and stanning talent
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - stomach
What do you do when you wake up? - check my notifications on my phone
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I wish it was more tan than it is (im quite pale)
Do you ever want to get married? - yeah
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? - yes but I hate pony tails so I never do it (I used to all the time as a kid)
Would you rather live without TV or music? - I rarely watch t.v anymore and listen to music almost all day so
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - I mean yeah
What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I dont really have one for clothes but I do like Walmart
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - I mean sometimes
Do you smile at strangers? - If the smile at me first yeah
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - not that I can remember no
Ever wished you were someone else? - no (as much as I hate myself no)
Favorite makeup brand? - son;t wear any so I dont got one
Last thing you ate? - a Reese cup
Ever won a competition? For what? - not a big one I can remeber no
Ever been in love? - c:
Facebook or Twitter? - dont have a fb and i barely use twitter anymore but twitter
Twitter or Tumblr? - DEFINITELy tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? - i mean its always on for bg noise and light so ig so
What color are your towels? - all kinds of colors
Favorite ice cream flavor? - either Strawberry with out the strawberries or cookie dough
First person you talked to today? - my mom
Last person you talked to today? - Georgia
Name a person you hate? - C: theres too many
Name a person you love? - once again, theres too many
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - C: theres too many
Do you tan a lot? - I barely go outside so thats a no
Have any pets? - too many
Do you type fast? - I mean kinda yeah
Do you regret anything from your past? - everything XD
Ever broken someone’s heart? - I highly doubt it
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - C:
Is cheating ever okay? - hell no
Do you believe in true love? - I mean sure
What your zodiac sign? - Pisces
Do you believe in ghosts? - why is this question on here twice?
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) - “…but not at all overwhelming, the balance of the different fragrances was subtle and flawless.” Twilight - Breaking Dawn (Do NOt ask me why thats the closest book its not mine and ive never read it and i NEVER plan on it)
oof that took like two hours heh.. its now currently 2:18am. and im very tired
but thanks for the ask anyway love! Im sorry for the wait! I was busy today. But im probably going to go to bed now
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jackyan · 6 years
The end of social media?
QotD: is there still much point to social media? I wrote the question during the whole Facebook–Cambridge Analytica scandal, and the more I absorb, the more I’m inclined to believe that social media are coming to an end.   Adam Curtis, the documentary-maker and journalist, believes social media reflect back what people want to see: they’re essentially mirrors.   That means they aren’t very useful for showing us a vision of the future.   They can help people get together and protest, but not telling us what the alternatives are—Curtis cites the failure of the Occupy movement as an example.   What fills that vacuum could be quite unpleasant.   When the ’net first emerged, it felt like the future had arrived, and the world opened up to me. We were chatting with like minds, people who were also interested in making the world better.   I just don’t see that with the large proportion of netizens in 2018.   Social media aren’t media for exchanging views. They are for posting views, and most aren’t interested in hearing dissent. (Personally, I don’t mind opposing viewpoints, so we can grow, but I think I’m in the minority.) Google and Facebook have filter bubbles, and they seek to divide.   I’ve been removing Tweetdeck from pinned tabs. I’m considering going off Twitter, because I’m actually finding more value with old-fashioned emails and having dialogues with friends there.   We need a far more optimistic future than what our political leaders are offering, and it’s time to think about what that looks like.   The question then is: how do we get word out about this future? I don’t think people want to hear about the new on social media, where the past and present are the currencies.
Originally posted on Blogcozy.
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theverytinybird · 6 years
There Was a Time for Fear.
I have had a lot of loss in my life.
It started when I was young. Someone touched me and they shouldn’t have. I was too young to know it was wrong, but old enough to know it didn’t feel right. I was scared. I told family about it, and some friends dropped away. It seems people are allowed to hurt you as long as you’re the less desirable of the two.
This happened a few times, and I learned an invaluable lesson: trust your gut.
I was popular, but not popular enough. I made lots of friends, lots of meaningful friendships, but then somehow they never stuck. I knew all of the “popular kids,” but each one of them felt they needed to be friends with me in private. If I was friends with all of them in private, then why couldn’t we be friends in public? It seems that people aren’t ashamed of something until someone important sees it.
This happened many, many times, and I learned an invaluable lesson: don’t give away trust easily, because you can’t know who deserves it.
My mother said I couldn’t have this friend, or that friend, and I was banished from speaking to them. I was afraid of her, so I ignored someone I cared about, and walked high up on the bleachers while they yelled my name and I pointedly looked away. It never occurred to me to talk to them at school and lie to my mother about it.
A friend lied to their mother on the phone. They’re a bad influence and I can never speak to them again. A friend sits on the futon for most of the time they’re at my house, sleeping over. They’re lazy and I can never speak to them again. Friendships gone like flies.
I moved around, but not because I had to. I didn’t feel right where I was. I left friend groups, returned to them. Left them again. Returned again. They were less excited about me returning each time I came back. They stopped caring if I left, assuming I’d come back. 
This happened a number of times, and I learned an invaluable lesson: if you ask people to care too much, they’ll grow fatigued. But only about you.
I liked a boy, but so did a friend. I knew her in middle school, all the way through high school, and we were close until our mid-twenties when we were living in a dorm and we both liked the same boy. She told me she didn’t. Multiple times. He and I met in the first place because she told me he harassed her, and I didn’t hide my opinion about disliking him. He approached me about it when I was alone in the cafeteria one morning. He was charming. He smiled at me and told me that I would definitely come to like him.
I did.
When her and my friendship ended the first time, it was because she got tired of hearing me tell her that holding hands together inside his pocket was inappropriate. She got tired of me saying she shouldn’t caress his neck during the entire movie. When our friendship ended the first time, I found that I wasn’t surprised. 
She took other friends of mine with her. No, not her friends. Friends of mine, who she made friends with through me--those are the ones she took. I got her back, but they stayed away. She still claims she didn’t sabotage my connections with them, but I find it more than coincidental that they suddenly stop caring about me at the same time that she wanted my boyfriend.
This boy, who we both liked, was not kind. Loving him hurt, and so did his touches. I cried a lot. I was alienated. I was scared. I was alone. The ones close to me were forced to be close to me only when out of sight. Like the popular kids who only played with me in private. Only, this time, it wasn’t because they were embarrassed of me--it’s because they were scared of him.
I retained only a few of those friends from the dorm. I built those friendships from the ground up, with help from no one who knew me before I arrived there. 
Fleeing him, she took me in. Despite liking him, and despite our problems, her concern for me was more important than the fighting. I loved that about her. I lose her a second time, but that comes later. It’s more permanent than the first time.
I had multiple groups of friends. My friends from childhood, which because of me, all merged into one single group, connected by the friend who liked the boy who used to hurt me. The second group was my online friends. They weren’t very connected, but they were very important.
Three of them stood out. One, a blunt boy who was very unlucky. Another was a bubbly, seemingly genuine person. The third was a deep, smog-like person, who would soak in through my skin and into my heart for many years. All three are gone, but they go at different times.
The boy disappears after he becomes frightened of the friends I try to connect him with. I lie for him. This lie still stands with some people. I regret it sometimes, but only because there are people who believe I’m cruel in a way that I don’t find attractive. He understood me. We cared a lot about each other. He is probably dead somewhere.
The second is forcibly kicked from my life, and takes the girl who liked the boy who hurt me with them. This is one of many times I remove them. I am a weak, pathetic person who has a lot of love in their heart, and despite my loss--and perhaps because of it, I fear raining that pain down on someone else. 
I move into a big house with the second person. We rent out rooms to strangers who become friends. Everything seems fine.
My mother was unkind often. I find a new mother who will love me. And she does. She loves me dearly. She teaches me what motherly love should feel like. She teaches me what it feels like to know that someone exists who believes I am capable of anything, that I have the potential for everything, and--when she dies, I am cold and empty, because no one will ever believe in me like she did.
My mother was unkind often, so when she, too, dies, I find myself in a confusing state. I drive to my father’s and I walk in the house, only to be told that her body is still on the floor, waiting to be picked up. I look at her. I touch her. We watch a movie in the other room while we wait. Days pass. A friend reaches out to me-- someone I was friends with in the dorms, who was afraid of my boyfriend at the time, and who was friends with me only in private--like the popular kids had been. They move in with me, directly into my bedroom. It helps us both: I need help, and she was fleeing someone who was hurting her, too.
I attend the funeral. I’m driving back to my father’s house and I pull over to catch some Pokemon. I catch three. A head ache sets in. It stays. I wake up in the middle of the night and throw up. I go to the hospital. I lie in bed with a migraine for a week.
The second online friend enters my room to complain about their mother. It hasn’t been two weeks since my mother died. I tell them they’re being inconsiderate. They shrink in on themselves and run away. I see them again that week in the kitchen. They have to go because they’re making up some hours at work on one of their days off. When I ask why, they tell me it’s because they left early to come home and be with me when my mother died. Except, I was with my family. So they’re making up hours that they took off because of me, and I wasn’t even there--the implication is that they did this for me. I recognize it for the guilt trip it is, the guilt trip I hear in their voice. I call it out. I don’t hear much from them for the next month.
When I tell them I don’t want to be friends anymore, they want to go for a walk and begin with saying they don’t even know what my problem is, they haven’t done anything wrong. When I tell them that my mother had died and I saw them maybe twice in the following month, they say they wanted to give me space. I said that I’m essentially giving them space, too.
There was more to the conversation, but that’s the part that matters.
They drive over to the house of the friend who used to like my boyfriend. That’s when I lose her the final time. She has been told I had been abusing the friend who was never there for me, and she just didn’t want to be associated with that. She doesn’t tell me this until months later when I’m diagnosed with a personality disorder and I’m excited to tell her about it so we can look back at my life and point out all the times hindsight bias shows us I had a disorder. 
She says she doesn’t want to be friends, and she won’t change her mind, but we can still be people who sometimes message each other to see how they’re doing. I tell her I don’t care for relationships like that. I also tell her that I haven’t trusted her the same since she stopped being friends with me the first time, so she could chat up my boyfriend, and I also tell her other issues I have and then I block her on Facebook because she said she didn’t want to talk about it, and I’m tired of people leaving.
I somehow stay friends with the inconsiderate person who isn’t there for me when my mother dies. They tell me that after I blocked her (the girl who liked my boyfriend) on Facebook, she complained that that was “so like [me]” which is funny, because I never told her anything that bothered me, and she hadn’t been a real friend in years, so how does she know enough about who I am to know what’s like me?
The third person, the smog, leaves when I refuse to let them stay.
We were friends for nearly fourteen years. We liked each other for all of them. We are very close. She cuts people out of her life. Burns bridges. Through all of it, I am unscathed. We love each other in ways that only lead characters in indie movies do. We talk about how ‘love’ is a bad word for what we have, because it oversimplifies something complex. Only we understand us.
I still believe that.
I still love her.
I will always love her.
I loved her even when I blocked her on every social media I could think of, after sending her a text, telling her, in different words, that she brought this ending upon herself.
We had a lot of issues in the past couple years. We started dating, too, and it went downhill. She hurt me, too, but not in the same ways the boyfriend used to hurt me. I once cried on a couch with no blanket, in a freezing house, with two pugs at my feet, trembling in fear because of something she had done. Just barely a month after my mother had died.
But this is what finally did it.
It all came down to two text messages.
The first text was from me, telling her about how someone had been abusive to me just following Christmas dinner. In short, I went home early, sobbing, and shaking.
The second, was her sending the words “how horrible.”
This message was unaccompanied for two hours, until she added “were you close?”
That’s how my internet friends were gone, in addition to my growing up friends. At this point, I had the dorm friend that I was still dating, and I had the friends I lived with.
I lost them both at the same time.
I moved someone in with us. I drove from one coast of the U.S., alone, and then back, with a passenger and their things. This person was the catalyst. I was working two jobs. I was taking care of the finances of three people, not including myself. It was difficult. The person that I moved, however, sexually assaulted one of my roommates.
I moved them across the country because they were very ill, and my state has great health insurance. I was worried about them. I brought them here, knowing they would have no resources or income, so even though they sexually assaulted this person, I told them I would pay for their rent and utilities at wherever they went next. I told them I’d help find them people who they could relate with, and who they felt comfortable and safe with. I said that I was moving out, and that I wouldn’t be living with any of them.
I told this to everyone I had been paying for, including my girlfriend. 
The three people I’d been paying for all got together, and they shared everything I had ever said about any of them, as well as some things I hadn’t said. They told me they never wanted to talk to me again. I was a horrible person. It was posted all over their social media that I was a bad person who abandoned them. They were posting Gofundme pages for money, saying I had left them homeless, when in reality, I was moving out with the person who had been sexually assaulted, and I had agreed to pay for each of their rents.
The person who was the catalyst happened to be black. The people we had chosen to live with us were progressive liberals and feminists, as we were left-wing queer people. The catalyst was livid at me, so when they called me a racist in a house full of White Feminists, I lost that final friend group as well.
Over a month ago, I decided that enough was enough, and that if someone was detracting from my life, they don’t need to be in it.
I blocked the person who ignored me after my mother had died (who had cost me a friend group as well) from my social media. They had called me, wanting to chat because they were driving and bored and we did this often. I wasn’t feeling well, so after they talked for quite some time and they asked me how I was, I said I didn’t want to talk about me. They moved on easily, and I was relieved.
Then they backtracked. They wanted to know if it was forever. Or if it was just them that I wouldn’t talk about me to. I realized they would never stop being exhausting. That everything would always be about them. My roommate, the one who had been sexually assaulted, had cut this person out of their life, too. This person had been afraid that I would bad mouth them to my roommate, because they were hoping to become friends again, and didn’t want me to ruin their chances.
It always bothered me that this person assumed I would be hurting their chances with my roommate, when in reality, my roommate was the one hurting that person’s chances of staying in my life. With enough encouragement, I felt like cutting that person out of my life was the right thing to do, and when I accepted that the friendship was bad, I let it go.
Now, I have three friends: one online who lives in Hawaii and cherishes me, my roommate who was sexually assaulted and has an incredible mind, and a third from when I was living in the dorms--who also had only been friends with me in private, like the popular kids had.
I have had a lot of loss in my life.
But I’m not afraid anymore.
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bucklemonster · 4 years
The Disappearance of Matthew the Roleplaying Scientist.
Story I wrote: The Disappearance of Matthew the Roleplaying Scientist. Mattheus or Matthew as friends call him is a 31 year old scientist working for Elon Musk's Neural Link. He is also skilled at meditation and lucid dreaming. Matthew also experimented with micro-dosing shrooms, LSD, anti-depressants, etc. He was very careful with it and refuses to experiment with it anymore as reducing and stopping the doses made him feel empty inside.
He never went to any parties in the "real" human world, most of his friends are online, as he likes to role play. Matthew likes to go online, there he can shed his 31 year old nerdy hairy body and become anything he likes.
It is there he meets other people, role playing in a fantasy world, doing whatever they want. The only limits are text and images. So Matthew grew a new interest. He wanted to go further. He wanted to break the limits of text, imagery and fantasy. Perhaps he could find a way, to share experiences, emotions, feelings and more. He wanted to share memories, ideas, thoughts, intuitions. Going further then mere scents, taste, vision, sensation and sound.
Lucky for Matthew he knew how to access and travel trough the 7th realm using meditation. The 7th realm is the dream realm. It is one island floating in the middle of a space. On that Island is a Mountain. On top of that mountain lives Holy Qilin, the Ouroboros, the dragon, the snake, the ruler of the upper part of the 7th realm. Around the Mountain are the Whispering Woods. Around the Island float the Elder Beings in space. They blow dream-bubbles for all the living creatures that can dream. It is there where people project their innerworlds onto the bubbles and have dreams. It is where we go to when dreaming. Every Saturday evening Matthew would gather up his online friends, together they would meditate using voice chat. They would go to the 7th realm. There they could alter their bodies in whatever they wished. They found a field within the Whispering Woods. They named it the Festivity Field. First they had a small party amongst friends. It was small but mind bending as they could sent good feelings to each other and amplify, multiply them. It was pure euphoria. They could not stop talking about it online how amazing it felt, how life changing the experience was. Soon trough Reddit, Facebook and Discord severs their weekly party grew into a brain-bending music festival. They called their festival: The New Sunset.
Artists would perform and create music simply using their minds. They would invent new sounds. Sometimes they would invent new colourful light emitting instruments but they would only be there for visual show, as in the 7th realm music, emotions and ideas could be shared from mind to mind, telepathically. Some artists that never had any musical talent in our realm, the second realm, would be great artists in the 7th realm. Music could be combined with visions, scents, tastes and more.
People would do dances that were anatomically impossible and change in different colours.
People that were musically talented in the "real world", the second realm would often fail to gain an audience in the 7th realm. They could not compete with the individuals that invented new sound-waves, new beats, new feelings and a lot more with their music.
People would shape-shift in whatever they wanted. What started as a group of humans became a festival filled with demons, angels, cat-girls, talking horses, cyborgs floating geometrical signs and much much more.
Matthew was pleased to see what he had started. He would dress-up in a clothing that resembled that of a pope. Matthew would call himself a king. Every-time the Festival would start he would stand on an altar he created out of thin air and shout: "Those whom shall live greet you!" However Holy Qilin, the dragon that floats above the mountain was disturbed by all this noise.
Qilin flew towards the Festivity Field and blew the party members away with his golden flames. As Qilin is a Holy creature, the flames filled the humans with a euphoria they never experienced before. Qilin blew them so hard away the humans flew from the island into the space of the 7th realm. There they floated in the darkness together with the Elder Gods. The humans were shocked to see such a horrible looking creatures but the Elder Gods meant no harm. The humans saw other humans floating with their eyes closed. They saw how the Elder Gods blew bubbles out of there oozing beaks. They saw how the humans with closed eyes floated into the spheres, where they would wake up. The inside of the bubbles would change into another world, a world similar to our realm, the second realm. Yet the world inside the bubbles would be loose, the humans that woke in the bubbles would do all sorts of things. They would be thrown into a lot of absurd situations.
The partying humans understood they had discovered where people go when they dream. Then the partying humans woke up back into our world, the second realm.
Matthew would often go the 7th realm to converse with the Elder Gods. As the Elder Gods find it entertaining to watch people dreaming, they were curious how Matthews parties would look like.
Matthew started a new festival. This time they would gather in the space of the 7th realm, not at the Festivity Field. They called their Festivals: The Nights of the New Dreams.
Now the party-goers would enter the dream bubbles the Elder Gods created for them.
Inside the humans could change the environment in whatever they wanted. No longer would the festival be a field, they would create places like giant blue castles, snowy mountains, green jungles. They would have parties in dungeons, volcanoes and graveyards under the full moon.  
The humans would share emotions telepathically that created an effect similar to drugs. The Elder Gods were glad to see the creativity of the humans. The Elder Gods like to watch them have fun just as we like to see hamsters play in their cages.
During the week, Matthew works with the other scientist, to develop a brain chip.
His colleagues call him mad and crazy. They don't understand his fascination with role-play and they remain sceptical about his stories of the 7th realm. His colleagues want to help people with epilepsy or people whom have paralysed limbs.
Matthew believes that using a brain chip he can connect with the 7th realm and stay connected with it forever. He could communicate with others, and party while he was doing his job in our world. He could perhaps find a way to make our brains purely digital, that way we would not need sleep anymore and we could live, party and work almost forever. We would be like a machine, we could save our consciousness and copy and paste it. That way we could expend our lives until the machine breaks down or the memories get corrupted.
Matthew dreams about building multiple humanoid robots he can move with his own mind. That way he could work on his project with different robot bodies. This would accelerate his work with great speed. He would be able to do multiple things; draw, write, play an instrument, read and learn new things all at the same time. Using technology and his connection with the dream realm he could expand his own mind to new limits and beyond. He would have thoughts and feelings so complicated, that if he would try to explain it us. It would be like explaining how you feel about your favourite movie to an earthworm.
Tumblr media
Mattheus Alan Moore was last seen 8 September 2020, 8:45 PM
at the Neuralink Corporation, San Francisco wearing a grey T-shirt and denim jeans. He has dark brown hear, brown eyes, big nose and was unshaven. He's 5.9 feet tall and wears black glasses. If you have seen him or have more information about his whereabouts.
Please call 161 803 398 87 Matthew was staying late at his office the clock ticking, it was almost nine in the evening.He felt a breakthrough coming yesterday but he had to stop, as it was almost midnight and he slept inside his office. His co-workers found it very peculiar of him, as he did that sometimes. But he was the most productive member of their lab, so they let him be. Now it was almost 9 PM again. He thought he would make his breakthrough this midday, but it failed when he switched it on. He tried it five times already, but it did not activate.He saw on his clock that it was 9 PM 15 now. "If it doesn't work now I will stop and continue tomorrow" he thought. Matthew put on the helmet, dubbed the Proto-Chip. It was a helmet to test the properties of the brain chips in a non invasive way. That way they could test their material and programs. However the visions and motion stimuli would always be vague. To have a better communication with the chip one needs to have an operation to have the chip implanted. With the helmet it was like testing a game using a very dirty hazy computer screen. Matthew flipped the switch. Suddenly Matthew became very nervous as he saw the meters increase exponentially. He thought nothing would happen, but now it seemed something would indeed happen and it would not be good. Quickly Matthew grabbed his helmet as he wanted to remove it but before he could a painful zap send him spasming on the ground. He lay on the ground coiling in pain. He would see blue sparks around the room, coming towards him. "Hallucinating?" he thought between all his pain. The lights of the lab flickered. And then there was light. At 9PM16 there was a one hour power outage at the Mission District of San Francisco. Matthew was gone, nobody knew where. That night however Matthew's colleagues dreamt about him. They never liked him that much, but they all recall the same dream and a feeling of melancholy. Sarah described her dream, which was similar to the dreams of her co-workers, as following: "I was alone in his lab room, but it was blue and dark. Out of the wall came something. Matthew was formed out of the wall. I felt sad yet a feeling of calmness. He smiled at me and said that he was happy and at a better place now. He said he simply woke up in another dream. He said our lives are dreams within dreams within dreams." Mattheus or Matthew as friends called him was a 31 year old scientist working for Elon Musk's Neural Link. Wherever he might be we hope he is truly at a better place.
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gamehayapkmod · 4 years
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Bingo by PocketWin
Bingo by PocketWin
Game Bingo by PocketWin là dòng game Casino
Giới thiệu Bingo by PocketWin
With PocketWin Bingo, the thrill of your favourite game is never far away! Enjoy bingo on-the-go with this fun-filled mobile app and play for real money prizes – just try to remember not to celebrate too loudly if you get a full house while you’re out and about! Join our loveable mobile bingo mascot, Cubee, as you play across five themed rooms, chat to our admins and make some brand new bingo besties. With regular quizzes, prize draws, our loyalty scheme and a free welcome bonus, there’s a lot of fun packed into one little app. PocketWin Bingo Game Features • Play this exclusive mobile bingo game from just 10p a ticket • Chat to your friends while you play in one of five themed rooms • Automatic dabber marks your numbers so you’re free to catch up with your bingo buddies • Earn loyalty points for playing and exchange them for prizes in the loyalty store • Weekly prize draws and regular bingo quizzes to win loyalty points • Each room has a progressive Jackpot that could be won at any time • Get a free welcome bonus when you join PocketWin for the first time • Compatible with 99% of mobile devices • Customer support available 24/7 to answer any questions Across Five Themed Rooms & From 10p a Ticket PocketWin Bingo has five themed rooms to choose from; Beach, In the City, Pet Corner, In the Pub and Shopping. With our automatic dabber keeping track of the numbers already called on your ticket, you’re free to have fun catching up with your friends and chatting to our bubbly bingo admins. Play from just 10p a ticket and win prizes for 1 line, 2 lines and a full house. Each room also has its own progressive Jackpot, which can be won by getting a full house in under 35 calls. Earn Loyalty Points Every Time You Play For every PocketWin Bingo ticket you buy, you’ll earn loyalty points! You can save these up to exchange for bonus credit or prizes, from little treats up to huge rewards. Visit the PocketWin Bingo Loyalty Store to see how many points you have and what you can spend them on! Win with Weekly Prize Draws and Quizzes Want to win more loyalty points? Our regular bingo quizzes are the perfect opportunity! They’re held in our mobile bingo chatrooms several times a week. If you can give the correct answer to a question before anyone else in any room, you’ll win loyalty points! If your quizzing skills are really up to scratch, those points can really add up. We also hold weekly prize draws, giving away gadgets, high street vouchers, bundles of loyalty points and other little treats. Check out the PocketWin Facebook page for the weekly quiz and prize draw schedule. This is a real money gambling app. Please gamble responsibly and only bet what you can afford. For gambling addiction help and support, please contact Gamble Aware at (0808 8020 133) or visit (https://www.begambleaware.org/). A new, sleek design to make Bingo even more accessible Added several new slot games Removed Bingo Radio Minor bug fixes
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jugs-and · 4 years
Work has been something else the past few weeks. The uncertainty of being on the restructuring bubble is taking a toll on me. I always give work 110%, and it’s hard to care about projects so much. The whole registration process is a very mentally draining activity, and it's really taking a toll on me.
I’m ready to burn all the bridges right now, and avoid commitment. I’m so fucking lonely, and I don’t feel like I’ll ever connect with anyone the same way again. - 01/07
TMI ensues...
It was a couple of weeks ago that T- asked me pretty explicitly whether she could invite herself over to watch Netflix. I was really confused so I actually asked a couple of other people what they thought, and they thought it was definitely netflix and chill. Anyway, with all the drama with E-, I wasn’t really interested, so I suggested that she could come over to play Scrabble instead. 
T- stayed the night yesterday - I made dinner and we played Carcassonne on the dining table - drinking many pots of tea. I lost two games to her, and thereafter, we moved to my room to watch Hamilton on my computer screen - there was the choice to watch in the lounge or my room. 
I am realising I am just here wading through years and years of insecurity and self-doubt. The voice in my head is constantly screaming that she doesn’t like me, I’m irritating, my forehead is too large, my hair is too short/long, I don’t have enough questions to ask, I’m a terrible kisser, people are better off without me - It’s so hard to hear that I’m desired - we were doing pillow-talk and she said I was a good talker. It’s hard to hear things which I’ve put myself down for so much in the past. It’s so good to hear words and actions of being desired and feeling so close to another, skin on skin.
I started playing with the toes on her feet, side by side, we rested them neatly together. Last Sunday, we’d gone to drink sake together, and we sat with our legs stuck together, and she laughed onto my shoulders. With the show going, we sat closer together, and adjusted positions and ended up cuddling and draping together with our faces touching, deeply burrowed like reality was too much to handle. She constantly played with my hands, and commented how much she loved my hands. She wet my fingers, putting them into her mouth suggestively. We chatted about the craziness of the previous three months and . It was a mix of pillow talk and cuddling. It took a while for us to start making out and it was just crazy. 
She said she didn’t want to be the one which initiated the making out, but I drew close and kissed T- with all the passion I could muster. She pulled my hand behind her top, and I started feeling up her tits and rubbing her nipples as she squirmed. We didn’t go further, both of us not really wanting to do more. We mostly cuddled, changing positions of spooning together and chatting in lowlight where all I could see was my reflection in the deep blacks of her irises. 
At 5am, she asked me how religious I was, and I related the struggles and incompatibility to harmonise between the world today with the biblical vision of the world. But in that moment time was forever, and I don’t remember when I fell asleep.
The morning was about the same. I woke her up when I slipped out to the toilet, coming out of her intertwined grasp. I tried to sleep some more while she replied facebook messages, violently tapping on her phone screen. She tried to explain the friend drama with Meghan while I lay in her arms lazily. We cuddled some more and made out some more. The same series of groans and gyrations - I asked if I could play with her nipples, but she said that it’d make her too horny. 
She borrowed my hairbrush to remove the knots in her hair, and I washed some dishes from my room. Otherwise, we lay around - procrastinating getting breakfast croissants like it was the first of times, like it was the last of times. 
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growinstablog · 4 years
How to Report Someone on Instagram on Android
This wikiHow teaches you how to report a profile, post, or comment that violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines on an Android device.
Method 1 of 3:
Reporting a Profile
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Open Instagram. It’s the pink, purple, and orange camera icon on your Android’s home screen. If you don’t see it there, you’ll find it in the app drawer.
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Sign in to your account. If you haven’t yet signed in, enter your login details and tap Log In, or tap Log In with Facebook to use your Facebook account.
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Go to the profile you want to report. To find it, tap the magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen, then start typing the person’s name. Tap the correct profile when it appears in the search results.
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Tap ⁝. It’s at the top-right corner of the profile.
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Tap Report….
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Select a reason. To report an Instagram profile, you must choose either It’s spam or It’s inappropriate.
Once the profile is reported, you’ll see a screen with a green check mark that says “Thank you for reporting this profile.”
If Instagram finds that the profile violates their Community Guidelines, they’ll delete it quickly.
Method 2 of 3:
Reporting a Post
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Open Instagram. It’s the pink, purple, and orange camera icon on your Android’s home screen. If you don’t see it there, tap the Apps icon to find it in the app drawer.
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Sign in to your account. If you haven’t yet signed in, enter your login details and tap Log In, or tap Log In with Facebook.
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Scroll to the post you want to report.
If you can’t find it in your feed, tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen, then type the name of the person who made the post. Select the correct account from the search results, then select the post in question.
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Tap ⁝. It’s at the top-right corner of the post.
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Tap Report.
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Select a reason. Choose the reason that best describes your issue with the post. If Instagram decides the post violates their Community Guidelines, they’ll delete it.[1]
Method 3 of 3:
Reporting a Comment
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Open Instagram. It’s the pink, purple, and orange camera icon on your Android’s home screen. If you don’t see it there, look in the app drawer.
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Sign in to your account. If you haven’t yet signed in, enter your login details and tap Log In, or tap Log In with Facebook.
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Scroll to the post where the comment was made.
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Tap the comment icon. It’s the chat bubble icon directly beneath the post. All of the post’s comments will now appear.
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Tap the comment you want to report. This highlights the comment in blue.
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Tap the “i” in a circle. It’s at the top-right corner of the screen.[2]
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Select a reason. Choose either Spam or Scam or Abusive Content to report the comment. If Instagram decides the comment violates their guidelines, they’ll remove it.
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rainhearts-hatchery · 7 years
Dragon sales/buying advice...
I’m frustrated. Like... holy shit. You guys. Some of you. Especially on the Facebook community are completely ignoring common fucking sense when it comes to buying and selling.
a) Stop taking screenshots of the lair page with your phone. Stop using your phone to take pictures of your filthy ass laptop screen. -- To save a pic on mobile, hold your finger on the image. -- To save a pic on your computer, right click -> save image -- If you MUST post a pic of the dragon’s page, and you’re on mobile,doing screenshots, HIDE YOUR DAMN CHAT HEADS. Do you know how to do this? If you use an iPhone, this doesn’t apply to you. Android users, I stg, drag the bubble to the bottom of the screen. There’s an X in a circle, drag it there. It just removes the bubble, it doesn’t delete your chat. b) Link the little bastard. Don’t just post it and say “10kt! :)” No, tell me where it is, or at the very least, the ID number. You can get a link on mobile, stop being a lazy shit. I know using FR on mobile sucks, but if that’s how you’re using it, then ffs, take the extra time to save everyone trouble. Or give me a lair link! Or even your username! Something that I can look them up with. c) Give me a price. say “will haggle” if you think it won’t sell for that price. I’m no longer responding to posts with no information, neither should you.
a) Specify what you’re looking for! If it’s a shorter list, specify what you DON’T want. For example: “Looking for a dragon born on June 30! Yellow secondary/tertiary ranges. Primary doesn’t matter. Prefer water or lightning eyes, no snappers, no iri/shim!” If it’s EXACT tell people what it exactly is, and if there’s a slight deviance you’d allow. “Rose primary preferred, bubblegum-pearl accepted” b) If you have a cap for cost, SAY IT. “Can’t spend more than 50kt” c) if someone links you a dragon that’s not what you’re looking for, TELL THEM and tell them WHY. “Oh, sorry, I don’t like female ridgebacks with those genes in that color” or whatever. Then go and edit your “buying” post. On either side, hiding information helps NO ONE. I’m tired of linking dragons to people when they are looking for “something” (and often could be found on the AH if there’s truly “no preference”), only to have them say. “that’s not what i’m looking for.”
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All My Friends Are Heathens; Part 6
Summary: Murphy is still banned from cursing, Octavia makes a deal with Bellamy that no one likes, and Bellamy contemplates telling Clarke how he feels.
Jaaaassssppper: tag urself I’m moldy hambuger bun
TheSuperiorBlake: Bell promised the library fines would go away
this was the only way to get monty to stop crying
he’s fragile
I had to protect his little green bean heart
Greenbean: I thought this was about Bellarke?
MillertheKiller: don’t throw his little green bean heart under the bus like that
we ALL did this for bellarke
HeadBandWonder: well bellamy better hurry tf up because I JUST FOUND A CONDOM UNDER THE COUCH
Trikru: 0_0 was it...used?
Greenbean: don’t u dare
u gotta be sober like the rest of us for this
i-make-it-go-boom: somebody want to help me keep murphy from diving into the pool?
it’s full of cups and smells like a toxic combination of vodka and chlorine and murphy keeps eyeing it suspiciously
Jaaaasssppper: DUDE DRINK IT
TrashPrince: somebody end my suffering
*Iliad direct messaged Officer_Kane*
Iliad: Hey Kane, cane I ask you something?
Officer_Kane: it’s probably not legal
Iliad: What? No it’s a lady thing.
Officer_Kane: Oh 
Wait... What kind of lady thing...?
Iliad: How’d you know it was the right time to tell Abby how you felt about her?
Officer_Kane: Oh thank God!
Iliad: -_- Gross Kane
Officer_Kane: right, sorry
Look feelings are always complicated
I didn’t tell Abby how I felt first
Iliad: You didn’t?
Officer_Kane: She was married before and I didn’t want to push her so I waited until she was ready
Iliad: So what, one day she was just like, “hey Marcus I’m in love with you so now would be a great time for you to say it back”??
Officer_Kane: is that how the kids are doing it these days?
She said when we first started dating that she wasn’t sure how ready she was for a committed relationship. After several months of taking it slow, going on casual dates and a drink every once in awhile, she made her mind up about what she wanted. When she said she was ready to get serious, I was free to voice how I felt.
Iliad: This has been incredibly unhelpful
Officer_Kane: What’s the matter, Bellamy? You’ve never had girl trouble before. I can recall a time where the trouble was keeping girls OFF of you.
Iliad: Freshman cheerleaders are terrifying
I don’t know
I’ll figure it out
Thanks anyway
*NurseGriffin has been added to the Bellarke Forever<3 group chat*
i-make-it-go-boom: mom ur house is clean u can stop living out of a motel now
TrashPrince: it wouldn’t kill ya to clean up a bit every once in awhile tho
TrashPrince: a thanks will be fine
NurseGriffin: raven get ur bf under control before i strangle him with my bare hands
Jaaaassssppper: i’ve watched enough law and order to know strangling somebody without gloves is a no no
unless u WANT jail time of course
MillertheKiller: yeah there are better ways to strangle a guy
Trikru: Roan knows a guy if u need him
TrashPrince: who’s side are u on u donut head???
TheSuperiorBlake: me???? I was making out with lincoln in his car
it couldn’t have been me
*Trikru direct messaged TheSuperiorBlake*
Trikru: Octavia
the light of my life
my sun
my moon
my stars
TheSuperiorBlake: what did u do lincoln?
Trikru: i did a bad thing and used clarke’s expensive lipstick to write the message on her mirror 
TheSuperiorBlake: THAT WAS U??
Trikru: they are meant to be together I HAD TO DO SOMETHING
tbh gettin real sick of ur brother always looking doe eyed at clarke when he thinks no one’s looking
TheSuperiorBlake: I didn’t think it was possible but i have never been more in love with u <3 <3
Trikru: awwwww babe <3
 *NurseGriffin direct messaged Iliad*
NurseGriffin: ur sister owes me $50
Iliad: I’m afraid to ask
NurseGriffin: She wrote “bellarke forever” on my bathroom mirror in lipstick
Iliad: I had a feeling she wouldn’t give up on her plans so easily
The whole party was just her scheme to get us together
NurseGriffin: How thoughtful
Just talk to her, would ya? I got a test I gotta study for
Iliad: Yeah, sure
Listen, before you go, can I ask you something?
NurseGriffin: can it wait until I’ve had a couple glasses of wine and a bubble bath? No way I’m gonna do this paper with all the stress our stupid children have caused without one
Iliad: Never mind. It’s nothing.
*IceIceBaby direct message Iliad*
IceIceBaby: listen freckles
I didn’t let lincoln break my beautiful nose for u to not ask clarke on a date yet
and tbh gettin real tired of checkin facebook to see if u have updated ur relationship status
do u know what’s on facebook dude?
my mom won’t shut up about politics
the stuff u see in newspapers
she literally never stops posting
do u want me to be subject to that just so i can see if bellarke has happened yet???
Iliad: Roan, did my sister put u up to this?
IceIceBaby: dude I have eyes!
ur breaking my shipper heart
just ask her out already!!
Iliad: I’m blocking your number
IceIceBaby: ur a monster
*Bellarke Forever has removed NurseGriffin from the group chat and added IceIceBaby, per his request*
IceIceBaby: u guys got a new plan yet?
TheSuperiorBlake: lincoln and i are on our way to your place to discuss specifics
i-make-it-go-boom: murphy and i are standing by for orders
and by standing by i mean sitting in his rust bucket truck arguing over which Halsey song to listen to... so hurry this up
i-make-it-go-boom: u shut ur whore mouth john murphy
closer is the anthem of our generation
TrashPrince: if i die because my brain melts in my skull, tell everybody that the Chainsmokers murdered me
I want it written on my headstone
Repeat it in ur ulogies
write songs about the poor sap who was killed by this god forsaken song from hell
TheSuperiorBlake: drama queen of the year award goes to murphy
Greenbean: again
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