#how to increase pennis size
tumblingxelian · 2 months
RWBY V8 & Penny's Fall:
I wanted to weigh in on this matter again with a perhaps alternative take to some of what I see as the more usual FNDM stance on her fall.
Namely, it doesn't bother me.
Sacrilege, I know, but the thing is while Penny is not in my top four, she is a character I both like & find genuinely interesting.
Heck, I have a video heavily focused on Penny & Ruby's characters & relationship being much deeper & more interesting than the UWU beans I find in most FNDM.
She's a great character but that's also why it doesn't bother me as I feel it works for the story & made sense for the character. 
But first, some house cleaning.  
House Cleaning - They made her human?
As others noted, this is something some take issue with for a few different reasons. As I understand it the main issues people tend to have with V8's handling of Penny outside her death was that they made her 'human' in place of keeping her synthetic body. As others also noted, I am unsure if she even was human and not just another kind of synthetic entity, but that's rather besides the point. 
House Cleaning - Thematic Representation?
The other thing people take issue with this is that they regard it as a form of ableism to make her human. I always feel its integral to note that while many in FNDM understandably took Penny's robotic nature as meaning in a Real World AU, she might be using prosthetic limbs.
There is no evidence as far as I am aware that the writers intended her to be considered analogous to a disabled person or to thematically represent disabled people. 
Thus, while its a fine and fun headcanon, I am not sure one can argue it was some sort of deliberate offence or act of ableism on the creators part if they never even conceived of Penny as such.
This wouldn't be like becoming aware of queer subtext, ship teasing then killing one of them off and putting the other in a straight relationship. As far as I can tell their thematic framing of Penny never shifted and was never explicitly used to draw such comparisons. 
House Cleaning - A Reward?
Penny being rewarded with a none robotic body & then dying. We'll discuss the death later but just on the reward angle, I think that is rather iffy.
Yes, Penny appreciated not being dead and enjoyed the increased tactile sensations. But we also see how much more fragile and floundering she is with her new form. When Penny fought Cinder last time with Cinder having backup, Penny kicked her ass. 
Here, Penny has the support and is barely keeping up. She's in pain, she can't fly easily, she can't use her weapons easily, she has lost tons of functions that were once innate to her very being.
Maybe one could argue its like post surgeries fragility or that she'd have grown into it, but as it stands, I don't think the new body was presented as strictly speaking a good thing or a reward. It was a desperate gamble to save her life, nothing more. 
Adding onto that, I think people mis-ascribe the source of Penny's angst regarding her mechanical nature. She's shown cheerfully embracing and enjoying many aspects of it all the time. When it becomes an issue for her is when others use it to de-'humanize' her.
Given how quickly Ironwood, the Ace-Ops, Mantle and even just casual conversation could do that on purpose or by accident. I think its less "I hate being a robot" and more, "I hate that people treat me this way because of what I am and its giving me anxiety & or insecurities". 
I also think anyone would be a little uncomfy with their body being something someone else can take over and puppet, that's an issue with loss of agency & physical invasiveness & we have Semblances which might not have been able to effect Penny that can do similar things, IE memory erasure & mind control. 
House Cleaning - Conclusion
For comparisons sake, if Ruby's essence got moved over to a sort of life sized marionette and she was cool with it because she's still alive & have super flexible joints for wicked cool attacks, but then she he died fighting, I don't think people would regard it as a reward turned sour.
In essence, I think a lot of the stigma comes with people associating tropes & themes to the writers decisions that were not actually in the story & just assuming them present; as opposed to than having textual support & despite CRWBY's efforts to deconstruct tropes & themes in general. 
The Main Event:
Moving on to Penny's death, people take issue with quite a few aspects of it but I weirdly feel it all ties together well and think it works on a thematic level. My reason being, that Penny is the other side of the coin whose other half Ironwood and between the pair are the likes of Winter, the Ace-Ops and so on. 
What I mean here is that the Atlas arc dealt heavily with the themes of 'de-humanization' of seeing people made unto like objects, mere cogs in a machine that were not expected to think, feel, or heal & have their entire worth judged against an idea or a system & always come up wanting. You don't matter, I don't matter, they don't matter, only what we can accomplish for the worlds, the cause, Atlas, ETC, matters. 
Ironwood regards Mantle as a few city blocks, their suffering is at best a theoretical moral burden to him and a political nuisance, nothing more. Winter thinks expressing any emotions or making decisions for herself is a failure and act of disloyalty and is not allowed time to heal after severe injuries but just poured into a mobility mechanism, then thrown back onto the battlefield. Meanwhile the Ace-Ops are not allowed to even conceive of real, deep or genuine emotions or ideas, they have all convinced themselves they don't matter except in how they serve Atlas.
The Happy Huntresses are actually the exception to this because they escaped the coin/system & are dedicated to people, ideals & each other. 
Meanwhile, Ironwood is the opposite of Penny, while both still embody the opposite extreme ends of the same spectrum of beliefs. 
Both of them talk of or otherwise frame themselves as the one with the duty to save the world, both put themselves under immense and isolating pressure tanks to their respective Atlas's complexes and both default heavily to sacrificing whenever the opportunity or even potential need seems to arise. Both will do whatever it takes for their goals and beliefs. 
The difference?
Ironwood sacrifices everyone else for his goals and beliefs, for his idea of what Atlas is, what it means & what its worth. 
Penny tries from volume 8 if not earlier, to sacrifice herself because of her goals & beliefs, & what they're worth to her. 
She does this so much and so often, that she had to keep being talked out of throwing her life away in the hope that Ironwood, or Salem would calm down and leave them be. She defined her self worth and existence by being out there doing things, hence becoming so saddened when needing to be kept away from the battlefield despite the fact she was both a target and potentially a huge game changer for any of the villains. 
Penny has Atlas's ideology of de-humanization and sacrifice every bit as much as Ironwood, but in her mind she's the expendable one, while Ironwood cannot conceive of himself as being expendable, because he has tethered himself to Atlas, which he has tethered to the world. 
Here is the thing though.
While Penny's take on this idea is more noble, more charming, more useful it is still part of an incredibly self destructive ideology, one that is of itself rooted in Ozpin's well known Guardian theory. With isolated lone champions serving as paragons of virtue & himself as the main character heroically bearing all the burdens. An ideology we saw sent Pyrrha spiraling, left Ozpin a broken & paranoid wreck & nearly destroyed Ruby.
Penny & Ironwood both fell because both keep trying to sacrifice others (Ironwood) or themselves (Penny) in a bid to accomplish their goals & or otherwise fulfill their designates roles; roles that both only have because of the culture and ideals suffusing Atlas, as reflected by how they are seen in so many other characters and the overarching themes of the Atlas Arc. 
Thus, it makes sense character wise and I think it both makes sense thematically for the reasons outlined above & dramatically as this is the darkest moment. But also because if Penny just won, or somehow survived without changing that ideological thinking it'd be implicitly arguing that this was a good way to think and act rather than one that is ultimately self harming. 
For comparisons sake, if a show has a good victim who only gets help because their trauma responses are convenient or 'cute' and who never grows out of or overcomes said traumas and the show argues it is meant to represent how best to view escape & recover from abuse. Then that series is inadvertently arguing its better a person stay locked in a traumatized state than actually try to change or grow & that is a story problem.
So, in this regard, Penny surviving would also necessitate her making the decision to prioritize the mission over her self sacrificing tendencies or to otherwise prioritize her own safety (Which she has every right to do given the circumstance). However it would not involve Penny flinging herself into another self sacrificial bout but winning this time, or just being saved again after its happened so many times already. 
I hope that, that made sense. 
I am essentially saying to keep Penny alive but keep everything else mostly the same, one then throws away the thematic & narrative meaning of the Atlas Arc; or if they want to keep Penny alive, they need to alter the Atlas Arcs themes or the cast & overall story to keep it coherent.  
People are obviously free to not be fans of it, I am sad when characters I like die, but I don't view it inherently as a bad writing decision and I hope I have outlined here, exactly why I think that this worked for the Atlas Arc, the series of RWBY and made sense for its characters. 
Thanks for reading! 
Now, I don't do much speculating, but given so much of the shows current drama was created as a result of someone wanting a dead loved one back, them returning but it ultimately not being enough to stave off tragedy and self destruction. I feel one can also ague this is meant to serve and tie Ruby & Salem closer together as nominal dramatic foils.
This is speculative of course, especially given the nature of death, balance and resurrections in this series is not even close to the hard line some think it is thematically speaking, but I do think that is worth keeping in mind. 
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whumperhive · 5 months
Companion De Trop
Content: Morally dubious caretaker, Mentions of stalking, Chronically ill caretaker, Pet whump, BBU universe, it/its used to dehumanise.
Word Count: 1.9k
Oh, what the fuck.
No, no, like — what the actual fuck.
Avery was shell-shocked, standing in the rain, clothes becoming soaking as he stared wide-eyed at the wooden box in front of him. His breath fogged as he approached, hand grazing over the smoothed surface and feeling the dips and crevices of the burnt-on symbol. It wasn’t uncommon for WRU boxes to be on campus, though usually they were cardboard boxes; things for peoples’ pets that they already had before attending the college. Items and commodities that were given as some sort of monthly subscription or a bonus for giving the company good rep or something.
Not a wooden box settled right on his doorstep, though not alien to him, it was… unheard of people getting a pet during college. Responsibility and all that.
Especially since he hadn’t even ordered a pet, much less thought of getting one while he’s still taking classes for his Biomedical Engineering major. He was already staying up late some nights studying, he certainly didn’t have enough time to pay attention to a pet.
…Still, it’s cold out here. And his joints are starting to scream at him.
Heaving a sigh, the college student stepped around the box, taking out his keys with a jingling tune. Pushing the door open, he turned to the box, finally taking notice of the plastic-covered set of papers on top. At least they thought about the weather beforehand.
Man, he’s gonna hurt after dragging this in. Lamenting about his later pain, he clutched the two corners and began pulling, grinding down on his teeth in his strain to at least get it past the doorway. He was never the strongest person, and with his chronic illness, it made it all the more tough on him. His hands slipped, and he landed with a heavy thud on his back, staring up at the ceiling. After a moment of contemplating his life, he sat back up, carding his hand through hair swirling with several shades of reds and browns. Alright, he’s gotten it inside.
Using the box as a brace, he stood, growling under his breath at the sharp shooting of pain from his left leg up into his lower back. He closed the door against the increasing winds, locking it behind him as he turned to the box and hovered over the paperwork.
…Well, it wasn’t a mistake; this box was clearly addressed to him. Full name and all. He hummed confusedly, tearing the package from the top and scanning it over before he took it out of the plastic. It seemed to be all up-to-date, the box was shipped out three days ago, express shipping and all paid for, not a penny taken from him. He let out a sigh, shoulders sagging and dropping the plastic bag and paperwork on the floor beside the box.
“Alright, guess I gotta go get my box…” He mumbled to himself, turning on his heel to walk to his room. It took a moment of rifling through his desk before he uncovered the suitcase-like toolset. And in a second-moment thought, he turned towards his kitchen, opening the fridge. He’s heard of boxies being dehydrated, and he didn’t want to neglect the poor thing.
The box remained the same as he left it when he returned, setting down the water and toolset as he slowly got onto folded knees. As his knee braces pressed into the carpet, he winced at the aching in his knees as he crouched over the box in order to look over the screws — looks like they were Phillip's-head. It took a few minutes of attempting to get the correctly-sized attachment before he could unscrew the top. Once again he winced as he stood, placing the screwdriver to the side and sliding the top off with a thud.
Within the box was a pet curled up, wearing a thin pair of shorts and a white tank top. Its black hair looked to be unwashed and a bit matted, its pale skin having a few scars; likely from its time during training. Avery hummed worriedly, he had always worried about how pets were treated when they were training or being refurbished. He knew that pain was one of the ways they learned but, well, still. It made him feel bad.
It took him for a moment before he realized the pet hadn’t moved, blinking rapidly.
“Oh, uh, shoot. You can sit up, do it slowly though, I don’t want you to get dizzy.” He ordered, watching as the pet slowly sat up, its hazel-green eyes meeting his own making his blood turn to ice.
“...No.” He recoiled, slowly standing up. “No, no, no this has — this can’t be real.” He muttered. The pet’s — no, Kaine’s eyes widened both in fear and confusion. He hadn’t seen this asshole in, what, months? But, well, it made sense. He’d suddenly disappeared quite a few months back, and it usually took a long time to train pets, but…
“God, this has to be some kind of sick joke.” Avery practically spit, continuing to back up. This guy had stalked him for, what, almost a year? He thought he had gotten rid of him when he disappeared, but, well, here was the reason he was gone. He was given to WRU and then given to him as a pet. Who would do such a thing? Why?
Avery suddenly felt hot, unbalanced and dizzy, leaning against the wall as his vision fuzzed. He wasn’t unused to his stress-induced syncopes, but usually he would be sitting down if he felt his heart speeding up. He struggled to find his grip for a moment before leaning on the wall and gently sliding down to the floor. Good, okay, he wouldn’t hurt himself this way. He allowed his head to drop onto his knees as his consciousness gave out, the world draining to black.
Black and numb, nothing to bother him. No pain, no staring eyes, no judgement… Just… darkness.
…When he came-to, something cool was on his head, and he was laying on the floor. Staring at the ceiling, he gathered himself, clearing his throat. How did he get here? Hadn’t he fainted against the wall? Reaching up, the coolness on his forehead revealed to be a wet washrag. He sat up slowly, looking around.
The pet — god, he’s a pet now — was kneeling next to him now, head touching the ground. There wasn’t anyone else around… had he — it? — done this? Why did he position him on the floor? Was this some sort of punishment for him or Kaine? God, there were so many questions he had, and too little answers. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he resisted a shiver as he watched the pet stay stock still. He glanced behind it and noticed the water bottle had gone untouched, and took in a breath.
“Um, you can… you can sit up.” He said, watching as the other followed as he ordered. He looked fairly different since Avery last saw him, but he’d recognize the eyes that stared at him from afar for months on end anywhere, not to mention the scar under his eye matched the one he had gotten when Lych had socked him.
Sure, he was so much thinner than he was before, and there were several new scars across his skin, his eyes slightly sunken in and cheeks hollow from dehydration and likely starvation. His eyes showed no recognition, just obedience, reverence and… the slightest look of fear. Even despite this, Avery couldn’t help the sickly feeling in his stomach that settled there as he looked at the other. Taking in a breath, he sighed. This… wasn’t ideal, but Kaine wasn’t, well, Kaine now. Sure, he still felt uncomfortable around him, but he likely didn’t remember what he did. He’d heard of the “Drip”, a drug cocktail they made to have the pets forget their pasts as humans, and, well, the other’s eyes didn’t hold a drop of recognition.
“Stay here.” Slowly, Avery stood, making sure he didn’t swim with dizziness again. Thankfully, he didn’t, walking past the pet and grabbing the water bottle he had gotten. It was still cold, so he likely wasn’t out for long. That was good.
He returned to the pet, opening the bottle and looking up at it.
“Do you think you could drink this by yourself?” He asked, to which it gave a timid nod. Passing the water to the pet, he watched as it carefully drank. Once the plastic bottle was empty, he held his hand out for the bottle and then capped it, sitting in front of the pet cross-legged.
“Can you speak?”
The pet worked its mouth slowly, clearing its throat before speaking.
“Y-Yes, Master… this pet can speak.” Avery ignored the way his skin crawled at the label, gripping the legs of his pants for a moment before relaxing. It’s just what they have the pets call humans, it’s no big deal, it’s no big deal…
“Cool.” Taking a deep breath, he sighed, looking the pet over. “What’s your number?”
The pet’s spine straightened, holding out its wrist for Avery to see.
“637826, Designated Combination Domestic and Companion.” Avery nodded as it responded, glancing over the barcode tattooed on his wrist. Subconsciously, his shoulders slumped, thank fucking god it wasn’t a Romantic. He wouldn’t be sure what to do with it if it was.
“Okay, well, for now, until we find you a name that suits you, we’ll call you ‘826’ for now. That okay?” Avery asked, to which 826 nodded. Good, maybe this would go better than he thought. In another thought, he spoke again. “And — uh, don't call me Master,” It was weird to him to be called that by someone who used to practically obsess over him. Made his skin crawl. “call me ‘Sir’ or ‘Sir Avery’. Got that?”
There was a flicker of confusion, 826 slightly tilted its head before straightening back up. Avery watched its throat work as it swallowed nervously, likely thinking that the questioning movement would be seen as disobedience. The pet nodded, taking in a slow, shuddering breath.
“Yes, M —” A flinch. “S-Sir.”
“You're fine.” He reassured it, shifting about on his place on the floor before looking at the pet; he's a pet now, not a person. It'd take a while for that to sink in, honestly… “Think you could help me up?”
“Yes, Sir.” It responded, following the outstretched arm with a breath of hesitancy before the action seemed to click in the pet's mind. Crouching down, it let his arm rest on its shoulders as he moved to rest on his knees. Slowly, surely, he brought his feet beneath him, and came to a stand. His joints still ached, so he nudged his head towards the well-worn couch in the center of the living space.
“Set me down over there.” His voice was dredged in tiredness, the kind he felt down in his bones. What he wouldn’t do for this day to start over, so he could avoid this happening. How would he have avoided this? …He isn’t exactly sure, but, well. Here he was.
He sighed heavily as he settled into the couch, shifting about to get into an awkward position that helped ease the pain off his knees. He leaned against the arm of the couch, legs bent and just barely stretched all the way out. He flicked his hand at the bag of papers he cast aside.
“Grab those for me.”
@whumpinthepot wanted to be tagged! Here you are! I actually plan on turning this into another series so <:3c
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netherworldpost · 1 year
Hey, how do you figure out the best shipping for your items? I don’t mean like package size, but more like how do you decide what’s worth going in the package and packaging aside from The Item Itself? I know some shops just put some nice tissue/packing paper and a business card but other shops add like a ton of extra fun stuff from stickers to full-on extra goodies and wrapped with glitter paper and fancy ribbon or what-have-you with fancy print boxes and I’ve genuinely been so stressed trying to decide if I want to invest money in extra bits because I’m scared people will think my packages feel cheap (in a negative sense) without some polish and flair
Fancy, customized packaging is great in the following situations:
You are regularly sending out A LOT of orders. It is profitable to have custom-sized packaging made because it lowers weight which lowers postage. These savings outweigh the cost of premium packaging. At this scale, it's super cheap to print anyway, you might as well. Some form of "producing custom packaging is cheaper than stock packaging for a variety of reasons."
You are a luxury brand. Specifically high-end for whatever you are doing. Your retail pricing should reflect this market so you can afford the packaging cost bump anyway.
Unboxing social media is your top marketing channel. Be it influencers or hashtag-your-company-name, almost certainly both, new customers find you because someone is showing off your products. Existing customers see someone opening a box and thinks "I want that."
Pack-ins are great for the following:
We are gauging the interest in x-y-z. We produced a sample run of a few pieces. Some of it is in the store. Over a time period of X months, do people return to buy the pack in?
We have extra x-y-z and we need to make space. It's an alternate to the clearance isle. Sometimes you do both! Be careful and watch that inventory gauge.
We produced x-y-z as a test and it was a pain in the ass and it doesn't make sense to list it because we don't want to risk people asking for it when we have run out.
For a-b-c reason it will increase future sales by X%. Admittedly this is a variant of the first item. It is listed here because sometimes you can say "we sell widgets and put a whatchamacolit in here in hopes of getting people to buy a thingamabob." It's a complex and risky strategy.
"Buy $X and get a free Y-Thing!" as a way to increase average shopping cart average. Extremely common, frequently profitable, regularly works great for both shop + customer. May not count if we look at a pure definition of a pack-in, something the customer didn't know they were getting.
Ultimately, if you have concerns over it, then I would skip it.
I strive to keep products very affordable, shipping cheap-to-free, and my company profitable so we have a better-than-not chance of existing in the future.
None of this is a judgement, just "how I do business versus how others do."
Time for some brutality :-)
From your ask, it is obvious you are either running a shop or want to run a shop in a larger capacity than a hobby.
If it's a hobby, then to hell with all the above, add pack-ins and fancy packaging to the limit you can afford and how fun it is! Hobbies are great! Shops can be hobbies!
If you are running this as a business then you have to think like a business.
This doesn't mean you have to be a bastard, it does mean you have to think critically about every penny spent.
This doesn't mean you have to be cheap, it means every expense must perform above what you spent on it.
This doesn't mean you cannot experiment, you should be experimenting, it means you should be measuring results. If the data comes back inconclusive, you need to rework your experiment.
Maybe it's just me.
All of this should be taken with an extremely large grain of salt.
I am not a fancy person. I am extremely aware of my personal tastes, none of the layers are expensive.
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hildathesaint · 4 months
Hilda's herborium: Rose
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Scientific name: genus Rosa with about 360 species
Country of Origin: China
Magical Qualities:
Enhances female intuition
Psychic work and dream work
Protection (having a rose with thorns helps with this)
Avoidance of conflict
Rosa rubiginosa is the scientific name for rose. Roses belong to the Rosaceae family, and there are about 360 species in the genus Rosa. Erect bushes with stems are their defining characteristics.
Roses come in a variety of colours, such as red, white, yellow, blue, and many others. Roses are prized for their vivid colour, intricate petal arrangement, and fragrant scent. It also serves a functional purpose of slope stabilisation. The size of rose differs depending on the species. Roses are simple to grow since they are easily hybridised.
The majority of rose species are from Asia, while some are from Europe, North America, and other places.
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Roses have an extremely long history, with fossil evidence showing their existence over 35 million years ago. Around 5000 years ago, cultivation of roses is thought to have begun in China although it was only in the late 18th century that this type of rose made it to Europe. The cultivated roses from China were prized for their ability to bloom repeatedly each year and these cultivations ended up forming the base for most of the roses we see today after they were bred with hardy native roses.
Because of its bitter-sweet paradox of thorns and sweet smelling blooms, the rose earned its romantic associations. Love is both bitter and sweet, making the rose a perfect representation of it. The Greeks believed red roses were dyed by the blood of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, after she cut her foot while running to attend the wounds of Adonis. Other myths suggest Cupid, God of Love, splashed white roses with his nectar thus turning them red. Either way, red too has strong associations with love and romance. Cleopatra strew roses across her room when she was with her lovers so they thought of her whenever they smelled one. Roses are commonly worn or used to during love spells to increase the power of the spell. Rose water and petals can be added to love baths to attract love and romance, while rose hips can be strung into a necklace to attract love. It is said that you can also take three (or more) green rose leaves and write the name of your lovers on each. The one that stays the green the longest is said to be the one.
Rose is also a plant of valor and protection. During the War of the Roses, both houses, Lancaster and York, adopted red and white roses to represent their houses. The red rose ended up later becoming the emblem of England. Rose petals and hips can be carried as a personal protective charms. In fact, they were often included in posies to ward off the Black plague. Rose petals around the home can calm personal stress and soothe household problems as well.
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Quotes about roses
“A rose dreams of enjoying the company of bees, but none appears. The sun asks: ‘Aren’t you tired of waiting?’ ‘Yes,’ answers the rose, ‘but if I close my petals, I will wither and die.’” – Paulo Coelho
“The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change: Yet at each state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.” – Paulo Coelho
“If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I’d be picking roses for a lifetime.” – Swedish Proverb
“Roses fall, but the thorns remain.” – Dutch Proverb
“A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.” – Leo Buscaglia
“How cunningly nature hides every wrinkle of her inconceivable antiquity under roses and violets and morning dew!” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
“When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a rose with the other.” -Chinese Proverb
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wookofwallst · 1 year
(Article) Going back to Cyberpunks Night City never felt so great.
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Alright. I had my reservations about Cyberpunk 2077s Update 2.0. But after completing Act 1 in one sitting last night, I can honestly say that this is the best time to hop back in and play through it all again. If you haven't played it, then NOW is the time.
It's been 2 years, 10 months, and 12 days since this game first cursed our screens with a disappointing buggy mess of a game. From top to bottom, exploits and balance issues were terrible. From item duplication to infinite money glitches, from terrain pop in and out to litteral skyscrapers disappearing. You name it, Cyberpunk had it.
However, even with all the issues it had, the foundation was there. But the house needed a remodel, an interior decorator, and time for them to fix it. As in every remodel, it will never have a straight line to completion. You start with the big stuff first as they make the game playable, then move on to the smaller things like the combat, skill trees and everything else.
When this game was at its best and running smoothly, it was stunning, graphically insane. The writing and the voice acting were equally as impeccable. It all came down to how it ran. At launch, I couldn't recommend this game to anyone. Now, with this update, I can recommend this game to everyone.
With fresh eyes on it and expectations lowered by a lot right from the jump, the game somehow looks better than I remember, which I didn't think would be entirely possible. The dialog, as outlandish as it is, was delivered excellently. The details in their face match perfectly to their tone when they are happy or sad, they are hiding contempt or malice it all matches.
The combat has also been a spot of large improvement. Whether you're going in guns blazing, stealth around and pick your enemies one by one, or just be a futuristic tech ninja using hacking and a katana to slice through your foes it all works and is a viable strategy. Sure, some enemies can feel like bullet sponges, but the improved feedback, recoil, sound, and muzzle flash all make it feel like you're really the one pulling the trigger.
The police in Night City also increased their budget size. They have been equipped with tactical training and AI to better combat the "Thugs" of Night City. They will also be setting roadblocks, shooting out their windows, and chasing you down all over the city. Even the slightest infraction will set them off, so be careful with the boot licking pigs. However, if you are looking into some car chases and vehicular combat sounds fun, make sure you check out the all new vehicle mounted weapons you can equip to cause maximum mayhem.
Now, let's get to just a couple of things that I still don't like. Vehicles still seem floaty. You'll be going 90 mph, but it still only feels like 20. I also experienced severe frame drops here and there. Usually, it only occurred during maximum load or set circumstances, like when walking up to the mirror to look at yourself or getting into an elevator or two.
My stance hasn't changed. I still think the new Phantom Liberty expansion should be free. But having the game play this good is something that every company whose game released... less than ideally should strive for. I'm proud to say that this game is worth every penny.
Has this article changed your mind? Do you plan on hopping in again? Or the first time? Want to talk anything gaming? Let me know! I stream every weekday, 8pm-12am. The link is below. I'd love to see you there!
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trendingtattoo · 11 months
How Much Would It Cost to Get an Infinity Tattoo?
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Infinity tattoos are a popular choice among tattoo enthusiasts for their elegant, timeless design and profound symbolism. The infinity symbol (∞) represents eternal love, limitless possibilities, and the interconnectedness of all things. If you're considering getting an infinity tattoo, one of your primary concerns will likely be the cost. The price of getting an infinity tattoo can vary significantly based on several factors. In this article, we'll explore the various elements that influence the cost of an infinity tattoo.
Factors That Affect the Cost
Tattoo Size: The size of your infinity tattoo is one of the most critical factors influencing the cost. Larger tattoos require more ink, time, and skill to create, resulting in a higher price. Smaller infinity tattoos will generally be more affordable.
Tattoo Location: The body part you choose for your tattoo can also impact the cost. Areas with more bone, like the ribs or collarbone, are typically more painful and may cost more due to the increased skill and precision required.
Tattoo Artist: The experience and reputation of the tattoo artist will significantly affect the cost. Highly skilled and well-known artists may charge more for their services, but their expertise often leads to a better-quality tattoo. It's essential to choose an artist who aligns with your vision and has a portfolio that showcases similar work.
Tattoo Shop Location: The geographical location of the tattoo shop plays a role in pricing. Tattoo shops in major cities or popular tourist destinations tend to have higher overhead costs, which can translate into higher tattoo prices. Conversely, shops in smaller towns or less expensive areas may offer more budget-friendly rates.
Tattoo Design Complexity: The complexity of your infinity tattoo design, as well as any additional elements or detailing, will affect the cost. A simple infinity symbol may cost less than one with intricate patterns, shading, or additional imagery.
Tattoo Color: Infinity tattoos can be done in black and gray or colored ink. Color tattoos usually require more skill and may cost more due to the extra work and materials involved.
Average Cost Range
The cost of an infinity tattoo can vary widely, but to give you a general idea, here is a rough estimate of the average price range:
Small Infinity Tattoo: Small, basic infinity tattoos with minimal detailing can cost between $50 to $100.
Medium Infinity Tattoo: Medium-sized tattoos with more intricacy and color can range from $100 to $300.
Large Infinity Tattoo: Larger, more detailed infinity tattoos can range from $300 to $600 or more.
High-End Artists: For a custom infinity tattoo by a well-known or highly skilled tattoo artist, you might pay anywhere from $500 to $2,000 or even more, depending on the complexity and size of the design.
Additional Costs
In addition to the basic cost of the tattoo, there are some other expenses to consider:
Tip: It's customary to tip your tattoo artist, typically around 15-20% of the total cost.
Aftercare Products: You'll need to purchase aftercare products like ointment and lotion to ensure your tattoo heals properly.
Touch-Up Sessions: Depending on the tattoo and how well it heals, you may need one or more touch-up sessions, which could incur additional costs.
The cost of getting an infinity tattoo varies depending on factors such as size, location, design, and the skill of the artist. While it's important to set a budget, remember that getting a tattoo is a long-term commitment, and quality should not be compromised for the sake of saving money. Choose a reputable artist who understands your vision and is known for producing exceptional work, even if it means paying a bit more. Your infinity tattoo will be a symbol of enduring meaning and sentiment, and it's essential that it's worth every penny you invest.
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fishmech · 5 months
One post that really annoys me is the one that's like "so many trans women play d&d and its clones why aren't there more tgirls on the big actual play media"
because that's like. such an example of grossly overestimating what should be happening based on who you personally know? Approximately 10% of the US population plays these sorts of games more than once a month and another 5% or so plays monthly or near monthly. That gives us a most generous estimate of 15% of the population who would be suitable to use as an ongoing player in any kind of podcast, video series, whatever.
And If we use about the most generous estimate of how many of us there are, it's like maybe 0.8% of the population is a trans woman and is willing to identify themselves as such to various manners of polling/surveys/etc. And honestly if you ain't willing to answer a survey you're definitely not going to be publicly on a podcast or anything.
If all of the tgirl population was routine d&d/d&d clone players (and of course very untrue lol) that would be a best case scenario that would be a bit over 5% of the size of the total population of people who play regularly. As like an absolute possible cap of participation.
In reality I don't believe there's any evidence that the amount of regular participants in d&d and clones among trans women is particularly different from the general population, not least because the kind of things that get in the way of participating in regular play tend to affect trans women more than the average person. Yknow, being busy, not being able to afford it, not being able to have a consistent availability schedule due to increased precariouaness from societal discrimination, all of that. Things that are also particularly a problem for a large scale entertainment property like a major podcast or video series before you count how much of the potential player base ain't gonna feel safe becoming a publicly known figure like that.
Like yeah yeah a generous estimate would be about 2 million to 2.75 million trans women in the country, sounds like a lot right. But the regular playerbase of d&d and clones is over 51 million. And that's a count of people specifically interested enough in the thing! You start trying to whittle down who would be potential person participating who is also a trans woman, and it's like maybe 300k, 400k.
Here's another factor: the proportion of the American population that makes at least a few dollars a year from online content is about 14%. Let's apply that to get a good estimate for who is likely to be doing any kind of even hobbyist with 9 bucks in tips for content online in a year: OK now we're down to like ~55,000 trans women who are regular d&d and clones players and are also putting stuff out online enough that they're picking up pennies from it - a suitable proxy for "willing and able to potentially participate". And that's kind of a top end for who might possibly participate in the kind of thing the post wanted to see! You could put all of those theoretical trans women in to the existing d&d and clones actual play/edited play media industrial complex evenly and that'd still probably work out to maybe getting one trans woman each on most of them! There's been a lot of attempts to make such things by a lot of people after all! There was even this decent history podcast I used to listen to that started doing actual plays to try to cover participating in the history subjects they were covering and it got so annoying that I stopped listening (they were not good at presenting a compelling actual play or editing it down to be compelling, ugh). And hey two nickels time cuz I had that happen again on another history podcast. Shit is rampant.
That's the nature of hobbies really. There is a lot more people not like you than you generally expect!
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hamloid · 2 years
This Guide Will Help You Select The Ideal Van-Life Vehicle That Is Right For You
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It's known as "van-life", "overlanding" or whatever you prefer. I've been doing this since the days when it was known simply as "living in your car." Over the course of many years and thousands of miles, I've learned what it takes to find a car you love. If you know what you want to search for, vans, SUVs and pickups can all be modified to fit the road-trip lifestyle.
Your daily life as a van driver will be influenced by the vehicle you choose to convert. The comfort, the volume of cargo you can carry, your day-to-day cost of living, even the likelihood of being pulled up by Karens or police officers--all are affected by your choice of vehicle.
If budget isn't a problem purchasing a van that is ready for life is, of course an easy task. Many companies now provide vans designed for endless road-tripping. But they aren't cheap. Even if they are used, for instance the popular Mercedes Sprinter will run you up to $35,000. Buy new and the sky is the limit.
We're not talking about the pre-made overlanders. Instead, I'm writing to the DIYers out there Many of them are probably working with the confines of a budget. If that's you, then let's get rolling.
Size and shape
The first thing you should consider when attempting to construct a home on wheels is how much area you'll be working with. The more room you have, the more space you'll have. On the other hand If you're living too large, you'll end up spending every penny for gas to transport the huge rig around.
It is important to strike the right equilibrium between how much space you can fit in and how little. While you might want the spacious panel van, you won't need to drive 14 miles per gallon for your car. A hatchback could be too small for long trips than weekenders, so you will need something with more elbow room.
Certain models also offer body shapes that are better to be converted. Certain SUVs may appear spacious initially, but as you begin building, you might discover that awkward angles or a small top can make it difficult to design an ergonomic camper arrangement. The more bigger the box, the better.
This is why I went with a Honda Element. While it's theoretically identical to a Honda CRV and Subaru Forester The Element is a large box when the seats are taken off. It is much more adaptable than other mid-sized SUVs. For the same reason, minivans are seeing a surge in sales to aftermarket. There's plenty of room for your family when you eliminate the child-friendly seats.
The gas mileage
While the cost of gas is always a major factor, it's now vital in the age of the six-buck-gallons. If you're embracing life on the road and paying your rent (or mortgage, if you're over 50) at the pump. A high MPG can make it impossible to live an ordinary life. It is likely that this is the reason you'll see increasing numbers of people choosing smaller SUVs rather than big vans these days.
Handling and capability
In my set-up, traveled more than 40,000 miles across North America last year. This covered all weather conditions and roads. Off-roading in Moab. Blizzards in Oregon, Idaho. Rural Mexico has bedraggled roads. Numerous rainstorms and hairpin mountain passes have been recorded. One tornado could have been in Colorado.
Overlanding isn't unusual for these kinds of driving situations. There are a lot of van conversions bouncing across the hardtop just outside Vegas, inching their way through a Pendleton snowstorm in winter's chilly temperatures, or attempting mucky dirt roads through the backcountry of Northern California.
In essence, you need the vehicle to be capable of handling the most severe road (or off-road) conditions you're likely to throw at it. The all-wheel drive feature in my Honda Element trim made it an ideal vehicle. Other reliable vehicles that you'll frequently encounter in the van-life scene include the Ford Transit, Subaru Forester, Jeep Grand Cherokee, and Toyota 4Runner.
Reliability and the condition
The most obvious reason for looking for a car that's in good condition involves the human desire to ensure that you don't get a car that is broken down in the middle of the road, but an efficient conversion could have more ramifications.
Van-life was a new trend prior to the year 2020. It gained popularity because of the pandemic. Many people were looking for other travel options. Van conversions are now observed everywhere, and a lot of people who are not a fan of vans are fed up with the idea. People (or the police) who may not have been a bit irritated by someone parking on their streets for a night's rest a few years back are now much more likely to get up and make you go.
This has led to the growth of "stealth van-lifing" which is the act of parking your vehicle in a suburban or urban area and not attracting the attention of the locals. There are many techniques one can use to accomplish this, however, it all begins with the appearance of the vehicle.
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younedia · 19 hours
Mastering Paid Campaign Management in Chandigarh: A Complete Guide
In today’s highly competitive digital landscape, paid campaign management has become essential for businesses seeking rapid growth. Unlike organic marketing efforts, which can take time to yield results, paid campaigns offer immediate visibility and lead generation. For businesses in Chandigarh and Mohali, understanding the nuances of paid marketing and how to effectively manage campaigns can make a world of difference. This blog will provide a comprehensive guide on how to excel in paid campaign management in Chandigarh and PPC ad campaign management in Mohali, along with tips and best practices to maximize returns on investment (ROI).
What Is Paid Campaign Management?
Paid campaign management refers to the strategic planning, execution, and optimization of paid advertising campaigns across various platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. It involves selecting the right audience, crafting compelling ads, bidding on keywords, and continuously monitoring and optimizing campaigns for better results.
For businesses operating in the Chandigarh and Mohali regions, leveraging paid marketing is critical to stay ahead of local competitors. But the key to success lies in managing these campaigns effectively, ensuring that every penny spent generates valuable returns.
Why Paid Marketing Is Crucial for Businesses in Chandigarh
The market in Chandigarh is expanding rapidly, with more and more businesses vying for customer attention. In this bustling environment, paid marketing in Chandigarh gives businesses the advantage of reaching their target audience instantly, without the wait time associated with organic strategies. Here’s why your business should invest in paid campaigns:
Instant Results: Organic marketing methods, like SEO and content marketing, take time to show results. With paid campaigns, you get immediate visibility.
Precise Targeting: Paid platforms offer tools to target users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that your ads reach the right people.
Budget Control: Whether you have a large or small budget, paid marketing allows for flexible spending, making it a viable option for businesses of all sizes.
Scalability: Paid campaigns can be scaled up or down depending on the performance and the objectives of your business.
Measurable Results: The ability to track metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversions allows you to understand exactly how well your campaigns are performing.
Essential Components of Paid Campaign Management in Chandigarh
Effective paid campaign management involves a series of steps, each crucial to the success of your marketing efforts. Let’s break down these components:
1. Keyword Research and Selection
Every successful paid campaign starts with choosing the right keywords. In the case of PPC ad campaign management in Mohali or Chandigarh, the selection of local keywords is particularly important. Local keywords not only help in targeting the audience specific to the region but also make the campaign more relevant and cost-effective.
Pro tip: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find the most relevant keywords for your industry in the Chandigarh region.
2. Audience Targeting
An effective paid campaign is all about reaching the right people. Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn offer advanced targeting options. Whether you're targeting individuals by their location, interests, or behaviors, make sure your ads are customized to resonate with your audience. For instance, targeting "people looking for paid marketing in Chandigarh" allows you to focus on those already interested in your service, increasing your chances of conversions.
3. Budget Management
One of the key aspects of paid campaign management in Chandigarh is controlling how much you spend. Businesses need to determine a budget that maximizes ROI without overextending their resources. This can be done by:
Setting a daily or total campaign budget.
Regularly adjusting bids based on performance.
Allocating more budget to high-performing ads or keywords.
4. Ad Creation and Optimization
The creative aspect of paid marketing in Chandigarh involves crafting ads that grab attention. This includes writing compelling copy, using high-quality visuals, and crafting a clear call to action. Effective ad copy highlights the unique selling points of your products or services and persuades potential customers to take action.
5. Monitoring and Analytics
Once the campaign is live, it’s essential to track its performance. Regular monitoring of metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS) is crucial to ensure your campaign is on track. If a campaign isn’t performing well, it can be optimized in real-time by tweaking ads, adjusting bids, or retargeting the audience. This is particularly important for PPC ad campaign management in Mohali, where competition might require you to stay agile and responsive.
6. A/B Testing
A/B testing involves running two versions of the same ad to determine which performs better. This strategy is vital for improving campaign effectiveness. For example, by testing different headlines, ad copies, or visuals, you can find out what resonates more with your audience in Chandigarh and Mohali.
PPC Ad Campaign Management in Mohali: A Targeted Approach
When it comes to PPC ad campaign management in Mohali, businesses need to focus on a hyper-local strategy. Mohali, being a rapidly growing business hub, presents unique opportunities for businesses to connect with a regional audience.
Here are some tips for managing PPC ad campaigns in Mohali:
Local Keyword Focus: Just as we emphasized for Chandigarh, your PPC campaigns in Mohali should incorporate local keywords. This not only makes your ads more relevant but also helps in reducing the overall cost-per-click (CPC).
Landing Page Optimization: When running a PPC campaign in Mohali, ensure that your landing pages are optimized for conversions. The user experience on the landing page plays a crucial role in turning clicks into customers.
Geographic Targeting: Focus on targeting specific localities within Mohali. By narrowing down your geographic focus, you can minimize ad spend wastage and enhance relevancy.
Bid Strategy: The bidding strategy for PPC ad campaign management in Mohali should be tailored to your objectives. For example, if your goal is to generate leads, consider using a cost-per-lead (CPL) bidding strategy.
Best Practices for Paid Campaign Management in Chandigarh and Mohali
To ensure that your paid marketing campaigns are successful, keep the following best practices in mind:
Focus on Mobile: A significant portion of users in Chandigarh and Mohali access the web through mobile devices. Ensure that your ads and landing pages are mobile-friendly.
Use Retargeting: Many users may not convert on their first visit. Use retargeting campaigns to re-engage potential customers who have shown interest in your services.
Leverage Social Media: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are particularly popular in the Chandigarh and Mohali regions. Use them to run engaging paid campaigns and tap into a wider audience base.
Optimize for Local SEO: While this blog focuses on paid strategies, integrating local SEO elements into your paid campaigns ensures that your ads are visible to users searching for services in Chandigarh and Mohali.
Conclusion: Boost Your Business with Effective Paid Campaign Management
Mastering paid campaign management in Chandigarh and PPC ad campaign management in Mohali can significantly elevate your business by driving instant traffic, increasing visibility, and generating qualified leads. Whether you are new to paid marketing in Chandigarh or looking to refine your existing campaigns, following the strategies outlined above will ensure that you get the most out of your advertising budget. By focusing on audience targeting, budget optimization, ad creativity, and continuous monitoring, you can create highly effective campaigns that deliver tangible results.
Investing in the right paid campaign strategy today could set your business apart in the competitive markets of Chandigarh and Mohali. Stay proactive, stay optimized, and watch your business grow exponentially!
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the-firebird69 · 10 days
This is a couple of things long here just screaming no more cost of living adjustment and it's there people that are going to get paid they're tired of them doing that and saying it as ridiculous
--you have other things to talk about and it's important and watching them either old funny day yourself and weirdos strange people and really have time for this weird s*** I guess who's out today
-did you have news about the rings they are full and people getting hit and it's really despicable we don't like it. You're probably about 1.8 billion to live in too many we did say it yesterday there's quite a bit to start getting a little mad at them and keep repeating what they're going to do. Got it from their face this morning and we said all those nightmares can be yours and they strug away. . We do need them out of here getting real tired of what theydo.
--there's a few people that need attitude adjustment is this idiot that the shirt please we know who he is there's a lot going on but it's all ongoing we have projects coming online and they'll be up to speed probably by Friday. Listening far too much of John remoulade. He may as well not show up last night cuz you didn't say anything he didn't stay one position his rancid I have rhetoric is directed against us and that's what it is and we should start taking a lot more that way stay safe and we have been but we mean on personal level he needs out any expresses it all the time
--we have some special dates coming up and we would like to mention them. Tomorrow is September 12th and yeah after today the 11th and you're making some kind of big deal of today is not true I'm just saying weird things and it seems like they attack themselves and this is Dave they go around in circles and they can't figure it out there are other things happening today and they are of interest.
--we have told me about 45 people at fisherman's village plus staff and they're not at work they're trying to do things. They're trying to commit terrorist Acts on the United States large ones they are going to be hit trying to remillard said it too you said we're going to work to the last penny for a nickel and then it won't work and he meant to try and bankrupt himself and people think it's crazy and it really is has been doing it the whole time and I think he has a problem how people are going after this guy and they're taking him down pretty soon he's going to be out thank God but that sounds going there are several things in the works but nothing is comfortable fruition yet and we're waiting for those things to occur one is our son's fitness
-it's going to be a big boy fairly soon right now he's sitting in about 0.5 rad which is not much and yeah people here don't seem to be aware of it I have meters and they something to look something did not look. It's not going to get much higher than that today is from the mouth of the harbor there's houses from south of home Depot in the dump and pretty soon that will wear off no it's going to be 0.5 for a few more hours it should be penetrating and it will go in and it will start to eliminate the medicine and it will turn on his cells from exposure so far he should be at one year probably at the end of this month if you were continuing to get exposed if not at the end of the month it'll be two years but we think the exposure will increase rather than stop he's going to be fairly good size at the end of the month and he'll start gaining probably in about 2 weeks and that would be at least anything around the 27th of september. And the reasoning is that most of the medicine will be worked out of the top quarter inch to 3/8 and roughly about 3/4 of the poisoning was from there and the poisoning the bone is intermittent and it only comes out on occasion but his calcium cycles going to kick in and then I'll start coming out but when it comes out it will get destroyed in the process of it getting destroyed it reduces the amount of radiation it's in the system and it's kind of an automatic thing and it works it's not accurate but it works and in about 3 months he'll be very big but right now he's just going to be big. But around the end of September and that's only two weeks away he'll gain about 15 lb but right now he's at around 2:52 so 15 pounds would only be 265 it's going to happen fairly soon.
More shortly
Thor Freya
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probeyservices1 · 1 month
Supercharge Your Online Presence with Best Digital Marketing Agency in Noida
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For any business hoping to thrive in the fast-paced digital world of today, having a strong online presence is imperative. The competition in the online market is tough, regardless of your company's size. This is where Best Digital Marketing Agency in Noida and the knowledge of the finest digital marketing firm in Noida come into play to assist you accomplish your business objectives.
The Importance of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is an essential component of contemporary corporate strategy, not merely a catchphrase. With the correct digital marketing strategies, you may achieve significant results in attracting targeted visitors to your website and increasing its visibility. A comprehensive Noida digital marketing agency provides a variety of services, such as email marketing, content development, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and more. Together, these services will improve your brand's online visibility, draw in viewers, and turn leads into devoted patrons.
What Makes the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Noida Stand Out?
A team that combines technical know-how, creativity, and innovation will make the greatest digital marketing firm in Noida. The following are some essential characteristics of the top agencies:
Customized Strategies
The top digital marketing firm doesn't use universally applicable strategies. They are aware that every company is different and needs customized plans that fit predetermined objectives. The firm should create a strategy that fits your needs, whether they be to increase brand awareness, increase website traffic, or increase sales.
Data-Driven Decisions
The top digital marketing firm doesn't use universally applicable strategies. They are aware that every company is different and needs customized plans that fit predetermined objectives. The firm should create a strategy that fits your needs, whether they be to increase brand awareness, increase website traffic, or increase sales.
Cutting-Edge Tools and Technologies
Utilizing cutting-edge tools and technology is essential to staying ahead in the ever changing field of digital marketing. The most advanced technologies for competitor analysis, content management, keyword research, and other tasks are available to the top firms in Noida. This guarantees that your company will continue to outperform its competitors.
The Role of PPC in Digital Marketing
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is among the best methods for driving instant traffic and leads to your website. Your highly targeted PPC campaigns can be designed, launched, and managed with the assistance of theTop PPC Company in Noida.
Benefits of Working with a Top PPC Company in Noida
Instant Visibility
PPC campaigns offer instant visibility on search engines, allowing your ads to appear at the top of search results almost immediately. This is especially beneficial for businesses looking to promote time-sensitive offers or new product launches.
Targeted Advertising
One of the greatest advantages of PPC is its ability to target specific demographics, locations, and even times of the day. A top PPC company in Noida will ensure your ads reach the right audience at the right time, maximizing your chances of conversion.
Cost-Effective Campaigns
With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective advertising method. A top PPC company will optimize your budget to get the most out of your campaigns, ensuring that every penny spent contributes to your business’s growth.
How to Choose the Right Agency for Your Business
Selecting the right digital marketing and PPC agency in Noida can be challenging, but here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:
Check Their Portfolio
Look at the agency’s past work to see if they have experience in your industry. A strong portfolio demonstrates their ability to deliver results.
Read Client Testimonials
Client reviews and testimonials provide insight into the agency’s reliability, professionalism, and effectiveness. Choose an agency with positive feedback and a proven track record.
Consider Their Communication
Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. Ensure the agency is responsive, transparent, and willing to keep you updated on the progress of your campaigns.
Partnering with the best digital marketing agency in Noida and the top PPC company in Noida can significantly impact your business’s online success. From crafting customized digital marketing strategies to launching targeted PPC campaigns, these agencies offer the expertise and tools needed to drive growth and achieve your business objectives.
Elevate your brand’s online presence, attract more customers, and maximize your ROI by choosing the right digital marketing and PPC partner in Noida today!
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brightbranders · 1 month
BrightBranders: Your Premier PPC Company in Gujarat
In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses need to stay ahead of the competition, and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most effective ways to do that. As a leading PPC company in Gujarat, BrightBranders is dedicated to helping businesses maximize their online presence and achieve outstanding results through targeted and efficient PPC campaigns.
Why Choose BrightBranders for PPC Management?
1. Expertise and Experience
At BrightBranders, we have a team of seasoned PPC specialists who are well-versed in managing and optimizing campaigns across various platforms, including Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media channels. Our years of experience working with diverse industries in Gujarat give us a deep understanding of the local market dynamics, enabling us to craft strategies that drive measurable results.
2. Customized PPC Strategies
We believe that every business is unique, and so are its advertising needs. That’s why we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our team at BrightBranders takes the time to understand your business goals, target audience, and competition to create a customized PPC strategy that aligns with your objectives. Whether you aim to boost website traffic, generate leads, or increase sales, we tailor our approach to meet your specific goals.
3. Data-Driven Approach
In the digital marketing world, data is king. BrightBranders leverages advanced analytics and tracking tools to monitor the performance of your PPC campaigns in real-time. We continuously analyze key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost-per-click to refine and optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI. Our data-driven approach ensures that every penny of your budget is spent wisely.
4. Transparent Reporting
We believe in complete transparency with our clients. With BrightBranders, you’ll never be left in the dark about the performance of your PPC campaigns. We provide detailed reports that clearly outline the results, along with actionable insights and recommendations. Our goal is to keep you informed and involved in every step of the process.
5. Comprehensive PPC Services
BrightBranders offers a full suite of PPC services to meet your business needs:
Keyword Research and Selection: Identifying the most relevant and high-converting keywords for your campaigns.
Ad Copy Creation: Crafting compelling ad copy that captures attention and drives clicks.
Bid Management: Optimizing bids to ensure you get the best possible return on investment.
Landing Page Optimization: Designing and optimizing landing pages to improve conversion rates.
Remarketing Campaigns: Targeting previous visitors to bring them back to your site and convert.
The BrightBranders Difference
As a top-rated PPC company in Gujarat, BrightBranders stands out because of our commitment to delivering results that matter. We understand the local market, and our strategies are designed to resonate with your target audience. Our client-centric approach ensures that we work closely with you to understand your vision and turn it into reality through effective PPC campaigns.
Boost Your Business with BrightBranders
Ready to take your business to the next level? Partner with BrightBranders, the leading PPC company in Gujarat, and watch your online presence grow. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, our tailored PPC solutions are designed to deliver the results you need to thrive in today’s competitive market.
Visit BrightBranders to learn more about our PPC services and how we can help your business succeed. Let’s make your digital marketing efforts count!
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media-geneous1 · 1 month
What are the best social media companies?
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What Are the Best Social Media Companies?
Ever feel like your business is missing out because you’re not sure which social media companies to trust? You’re not alone. With so many options out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But here’s the thing: picking the right social media company can skyrocket your brand’s visibility and engagement. So, let’s cut through the noise and break down the best in the business.
Why Choosing the Right Social Media Company Matters
You’re probably thinking, “Does it really matter which company I choose?” The short answer: absolutely. The right social media company isn’t just about posting pretty pictures or catchy captions. It’s about creating a strategy that aligns with your brand, engages your audience, and ultimately drives results. Whether you’re aiming for more followers, better engagement, or increased sales, your choice in a social media company is critical.
Top Social Media Companies You Should Consider
When it comes to the best social media companies, you need to look at what they bring to the table. Here are some top contenders that have consistently proven their worth:
1. MediaGeneous.com
If you’re serious about growing your brand, MediaGeneous is a no-brainer. These guys are all about data-driven strategies and real results. They’ve got you covered whether you’re looking to boost your YouTube views, grow your Instagram following, or optimize your LinkedIn presence. Plus, they offer personalized plans tailored to your specific needs.
2. Hootsuite
Hootsuite is like the Swiss Army knife of social media management. It’s a one-stop shop for scheduling posts, tracking analytics, and managing all your accounts in one place. What sets Hootsuite apart is its user-friendly interface and robust analytics, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to up their social media game.
3. Buffer
Buffer is all about simplicity and effectiveness. If you want a clean, no-frills platform that gets the job done, Buffer is it. You can schedule posts, analyze performance, and even create content from scratch. It’s perfect for small to medium-sized businesses that want to streamline their social media efforts without getting bogged down in unnecessary features.
4. Sprout Social
Sprout Social is a powerhouse when it comes to social media analytics and customer relationship management. They offer in-depth insights that help you understand what’s working and what’s not, so you can tweak your strategy accordingly. If you’re looking to take a more data-driven approach to your social media, Sprout Social is worth every penny.
5. Later
Later is a visual content-focused platform that’s ideal for Instagram. If your brand relies heavily on visuals, Later makes it easy to plan, schedule, and optimize your posts. Their drag-and-drop calendar and robust analytics are great tools for any business looking to dominate Instagram.
How to Choose the Right Social Media Company for Your Brand
Now that you know who the heavy hitters are, how do you choose the right one? Here’s what you need to consider:
Your Business Goals: Are you looking to build brand awareness, drive sales, or increase engagement? Different companies specialize in different areas, so pick one that aligns with your objectives.
Your Budget: Some platforms offer more bang for your buck, while others are more premium. Know what you’re willing to spend and what kind of ROI you expect.
Ease of Use: If you’re a small business without a dedicated social media team, you’ll want a platform that’s intuitive and easy to use.
Customer Support: When things go wrong—and they will—how responsive is the company’s customer service? A company with great support can save you a lot of headaches.
Q: Can I use more than one social media company? A: Absolutely. In fact, many businesses use a combination of platforms like Hootsuite for scheduling and MediaGeneous for strategy. Just make sure they integrate well together.
Q: Is it worth paying for premium services? A: If you’re serious about growing your brand, investing in premium services is worth it. They often come with advanced features like analytics, customer support, and customization options that free versions don’t offer.
Q: How do I know if a social media company is delivering results? A: Metrics don’t lie. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) like engagement rates, follower growth, and conversion rates. If the numbers aren’t moving in the right direction, it might be time to reassess.
Q: What if I’m just starting out? A: Start small. Platforms like Buffer and Later are great for beginners. As your brand grows, you can scale up to more robust platforms like Sprout Social or MediaGeneous.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the best social media company for your brand isn’t just a decision—it’s an investment in your future. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, aligning with the right platform can be a game-changer. Start with what you need, focus on your goals, and don’t be afraid to invest in a service that promises real results. And remember, MediaGeneous.com is a top contender if you’re looking for a comprehensive, results-driven approach to social media.
By focusing on your unique business needs and aligning them with the right social media company, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals. The right choice could be the difference between just another post and a viral sensation.
Ready to take your social media to the next level? Let’s make it happen.
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algopage · 2 months
The Top Notch Digital Marketing Company In Bhubaneswar 
It is pretty hard to raise controversy over the fact that the existence of every business is incomplete without a strong online presence in this digitally driven world. Whether it is a startup, small business, or established enterprise, digital marketing will turn out to be a prominent channel to reach the target audience for your business goal accomplishment. Delegation of the task to a professional digital marketing company in Bhubaneswar or Odisha will grant a number of benefits that help you move across the digital world with excellence and efficiency.
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Local digital marketing experts will then develop personalized strategies based on the needs and preferences of your regional audience. They can maximize your marketing efforts by localizing SEO, targeted social media campaigns, and region-specific content.
Digital Marketing Company In Odisha: Know More About It
Digital marketing companies in Bhubaneswar and Odisha offer services in the fields of SEO, Social Media, Content Marketing, PPC Advertising, Email Marketing, and so on. With these comprehensive services, you will be able to drive out a cohesive, integrated marketing strategy that works.
These companies, having expertise in various digital marketing disciplines with a team of experts, can effectively manage and optimize your campaigns across many channels. It ensures perfecting every single aspect of your strategy so that the chances of return on investment increase.
Pocket-Friendly Options
It can be more cost-effective to partner with a digital marketing company in Odisha compared to agencies operating from big cities. Almost all such companies offer highly competitive pricing and flexible packages to fit into your budget, making digital marketing within reach of every business size.
Basically, these companies work on measurable results. With detailed analytics and reporting, you are able to know how well your campaigns are performing. This enables ROI tracking and making informed decisions. This data-driven approach will ensure that every penny is well spent on your marketing budget.
Digital marketing agencies invest in the latest tools and technology. Such a setup exposes you to the most advanced marketing tools, analytical platforms, and automation software that help you realize more of your efforts in marketing and drive better results.
Digital marketing is a fast-changing field. Local agencies take pride in keeping themselves updated regarding fresh trends, algorithm changes, and best practices. This continuous process of learning will ensure your marketing strategies stay current and, therefore relevant, amidst the fast-moving digital space.
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avidtrader · 2 months
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albaalexa · 2 months
13 Things You Need To Know About Pennie
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Pennie, Pennsylvania's state-based health insurance marketplace, serves a vital role in providing accessible and affordable healthcare coverage to residents. Here are 13 key points to understand about Pennie:
Establishment and Purpose
Pennie was established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to provide a platform where individuals and families in Pennsylvania can shop for and enroll in health insurance plans that comply with ACA requirements. It aims to increase access to healthcare coverage and reduce the number of uninsured residents.
Operational Framework
Pennie operates online through its official website, pennie.com. This platform allows consumers to compare health insurance plans from different insurers based on cost, coverage options, and provider networks.
Enrollment Periods
Open enrollment typically occurs annually, usually from November to December. During this period, individuals can enroll in health insurance plans, apply for subsidies, and make changes to their coverage. Special enrollment periods are also available for individuals experiencing qualifying life events, such as marriage, birth of a child, or loss of other health coverage.
Financial Assistance
Pennie provides subsidies and financial assistance to eligible individuals and families to help reduce the cost of health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses. These subsidies are based on income and household size, making coverage more affordable for those who qualify.
Health Insurance Plans
Pennie offers a variety of health insurance plans categorized into metal tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each tier varies in terms of premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs, allowing consumers to choose a plan that best fits their healthcare needs and financial situation.
Essential Health Benefits
All plans offered through Pennie include essential health benefits mandated by the ACA. These benefits include coverage for preventive care, prescription drugs, maternity care, mental health services, and more, ensuring comprehensive healthcare coverage.
Medicaid and CHIP
In addition to marketplace plans, Pennie facilitates enrollment in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for eligible individuals and families based on income and other criteria.
Consumer Assistance
Pennie provides consumer assistance through its website, call center, and in-person assistance programs. Navigators and certified enrollment specialists are available to help consumers understand their coverage options, eligibility for subsidies, and how to complete the enrollment process.
Network of Insurers
Pennie partners with various health insurance companies that offer plans through the marketplace. This competition among insurers helps drive down costs and improve the quality of available health insurance options for consumers.
Outreach and Education
Pennie conducts outreach and educational campaigns to raise awareness about the marketplace, enrollment periods, available subsidies, and the importance of health insurance coverage. These efforts aim to reach underserved communities and ensure equitable access to healthcare information.
Data Privacy and Security
Pennie prioritizes data privacy and security, ensuring that consumer information submitted through the marketplace is protected according to state and federal regulations. Secure online transactions and data encryption measures are implemented to safeguard sensitive information.
Challenges and Adaptation
Pennie faces challenges such as navigating changes in federal healthcare policies, addressing healthcare disparities across different regions of Pennsylvania, and ensuring affordability for middle-income individuals who do not qualify for subsidies.
Future Directions
Looking ahead, Pennie continues to evolve by implementing technological advancements, improving consumer education and outreach efforts, and collaborating with community organizations to enhance healthcare access and affordability for all Pennsylvanians.
In conclusion, Pennie marketplace serves as a crucial resource for Pennsylvania residents seeking affordable health insurance coverage. Through its online marketplace, financial assistance programs, and comprehensive benefits, Pennie plays a pivotal role in promoting health and wellness statewide.
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