hyperch1ptune · 3 months
yk i’ve always wanted to do something like this on tumblr,,,in addition w me being extremely fixated to where I have a lot of ideas I wanna infodump about
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Overall Info
They were both created by Penny, but not just to be extra defensive weapons for W.O.M.P. ; if anything, Penny found it to be a good excuse to add some extra members to the family.
They’re the twins of the family!! (Fidget only being 30 minutes younger technically due to the early testing & waking was done on Digit first)
(Speaking of, once they were tested in a small room for their first 1 on 1 meeting, Fidget introduced himself to Digit using morse code..he was still very unsure which language was his default)
Although they have the data to know every language, some of their mains are as listed: English, Español, Français, Sign language, Morse code, and Binary code.
(They like to scare Nozzaire sometimes with them knowing french)
Aside from most of their traits being taken off by Gadget, they both have they’re own unique personalities that bounce off of each other naturally.
This was given to them via a unique AI chip she created personally; making the robots being able to feel. One chip has much more intense power than the other, making them individual.
She also downloaded them with as much old & recent info she could by the time they were fresh, giving them a mouthful of knowledge all ranging from history to pop culture; a century full at best.
Because of this, they have the mentality of 20 year olds (Ranging from 20 to 25) having them act reasonable when needed, and a little immature when overwhelmed.
Both robots are agender!!
Digit believes since they’re not human they aren’t as deserving of being put under a specific umbrella; even with pronouns given to them.
Fidget also feels they don’t fit under certain categories, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t embrace it. If anything, he’s the most to experiment with different clothing whenever given the chance.
(Attack Of The Killer Bee’s & Help Wanted are good examples)
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(This one’s kinda webcomicy implied but idc i’m impatient)
(Don’t mind how it’s mEssy as well)
From the beginning to the end of GATG, their skeleton has been updated CONSTANTLY for some sort of improvement. With extra tweaking being done as well from another character (wink wink), this is what their functions look on the inside for now.
The main middle surface has been heavily influenced from “The Ultimate Weapon”, where the aftermath has left Digit overwhelmed with a system like that overall, while Fidget still thought it was extremely stimulating.
(Digit still finds Fidget really gross for liking to eat)
To replace the stomach, a little storage cabinet was built inside Digit for a much comfortable fit; in addition giving him more room to collect random objects.
Fidget on the other hand got a whole update to the first stomach model; it now consisted of an elastic bag filled with much stronger acid, stronger than a humans at least (Battery acid). The size of it has increased as well, a request from Fidget really so he can spend more time stuffing himself without feeling discomfort.
Cushions are for extra defense around their gadgets & differentiating middle areas.
(The cushions and middle hatches both have separate openings, meaning the cushions can act like “skin” whenever it’s only the hatches open)
(Fidget enjoys having his stomach rubbed because of this)
(It’s also better defense for Digit overall if the cushions so happened to break if the evidence is spiked. 2 layers is honestly like a backup for him)
The smaller storage unit was implemented from “Claw’s Collection”, basically a little area where the gadgetinis can store small objects such as magnets or chip pieces.
The Danger sensor evolved more into a heart chip for them, taken from “No Such Thing As Ghosts”, usually from it intensifying whenever the both of them stumble upon something “frightening” & what not.
The speakers are a way the gadgetinis are able to take in and hear information: from them being hunks of metal to begin with, they don’t exactly have proper ear drums..Fidget experiences a lot of distortion from one of his speakers being loose though.
The Poison/Gad identifier & AI chip’s are just fun additions!! The chips giving the gadgetinis more “realistic” interactions, and the identifier making it more easy to see if something’s been spiked or if the air was being poisoned.
(At least thats a easy way 2 make sure their stoves don’t explode)
They’re body parts consist out of heavy metal, and water proof wire coating. This makes them both bullet proof indestructible to water..they still don’t dare to breathe water in due to the risk of their circuiting inside.
But even with these in mind, they’re still at huge risk if they ever get electrocuted, or overheat. They’re circulating can easily go haywire, and have them be broken for a good while.
They both weight 300 pounds respectively (Fidget only weighing 35 more) from all of the wiring & metal connected,,no way would they weight lightly.
(No way IN HELL am I listing off all of their gadgets,,,they showcase a new one every episode & that’s a whole different list on its own. I can say though all the main apartment’s are in they’re arms, legs, hat, and middle)
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To start off, he focuses more on the role of being a robot more intensely than his brother.
Maybe a little too much as well..he’s extremely insecure when it comes to failure or flaws within his work or actions overall.
(He’s the type to sit and ponder on situations that don’t go as good as he hoped; not reacting as intense physically, but would probably stay quiet for a good couple of days until he feel the needs to vent.)
It’s a main reason why he bickers about Fidget & his “human” feelings, a self indulgent problem.
He bases his whole personality off of being servile, so showing or feeling genuine emotion has him think he’s imperfect in some way; easily beating himself over it.
(He’s probably envied another robot & their strengths before.)
Him overthinking about it in general also has him thinking it’s something he shouldn’t be doing, so he usually masks it with a nonchalant, strict, or sarcastic attitude.
With these attitudes he’s started to like the feeling of being praised more often, but he never gets selfish about it..he just gloats a lot.
Even with this in mind, he’s still extremely loyal whenever it comes to anyone in his family.
He cares for all of them an overwhelming amount, and doesn’t back down on cheering up or caring any of his family members. Seeing them happy always put him in a better mood overall.
If ANY of the Brown/Gadget family was put under any danger, he comes quick to serve to destroy anyone and anything putting them in a terrible position.
This makes him a good parental figure at best, having him watch & look over anybody underage and or untrusting for wanting to do something “dangerous”.
Because he’s quick to serve, he never says no to any request he’s given..professionally/forcefully speaking.
If a dumb enough of a request was given to him he’d probably turn it down (Or if it’s just something he’s unable to do)
Even if he keeps himself together, he can be easily more frightened than Fidget if you time it right. He never admits to it even if someone tells him about it.
This also plays into the fact he’s EXTREMELY sensitive to loud noises. Even if he knows it’s coming, it hits him like a truck with how overpowering the echos are in his ears.
This doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy metal/rock all that often..preferably nothing heavy, but still “dark” enough on a pop fan’s ear. This is one of those moments where he excuses how loud the music can be.
He gained a small habit of collecting things from the extra storage compartment, usually being specific items every time he’s off collecting.
This hobby is usually kept private, but he doesn’t mind showing Fidget some of the small trinkets he’s collected & infodump about their differences.
He likes to infodump to Fidget about random stuff overall, he really enjoys seeing him getting as intrigued as he is with his own hobbies & interests.
Digit’s a Aroace Homoplatonic (Or however you’d call a aroace gay person,,)
He never truly understands the appeal of love, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t interested in getting in a platonic relationship of any kind.
In addition to him not feeling “attraction” to anyone feminine, he usually gets more intrigued in a person if they were as professional as him so they have something to bond over.
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Fidget on the other hand thrives off of his emotions; he doesn’t think much on profession, & overall he’s just having a fun time!!
It’s strangely beautiful for him to not have anything natural to a human but still feel certain pains, emotions, and strengths as would a human.
He isn’t scared on showing whatever it’s feeling; maybe it being pain, hunger, sadness, excitement, he’s gonna show it one way or another.
He’s also the more dramatic and or teasing character, although it’s all in good fun if he’s poking fun at someone close.
He does get a little insecure about his feelings whenever Digit says something on him being unable to do something, but it’s like a small sting he’d feel for a couple minutes.
He usually processes negative emotions more intensely, making a whole fit during the moment until he eventually gets over it.
This doesn’t mean he isn’t emotional, Fidget is extremely sympathetic & worrisome overall.
Usually his mind goes into areas that’d seem silly to scare himself over, but there are times where he uses those feelings for anything more “heavy”.
His brother is a good example of this, with Fidget feeling terrible over Digit giving himself such a strict mindset for as long as they both could remember.
Speaking of, Digit is a huge role model to Fidget aside from the lieutenant. Most of what he dose he’d always think what Digit would do or say in the situation.
(Mostly it’s just a bunch of funny bits where he’d get reminded of how comedically sarcastic he can be)
This is another reason he feels so awful on him beating on himself over the smallest “flaws”, Fidget doesn’t care how Digit acts because he’s apart of family. No matter how he was he was still going to care for him equally.
He does try & get a little bit out of Digit once in a while, usually starting as a fight & them slowly turning into them both comforting each other.
Fidget is scary good at comforting whenever he isn’t in a panic, maybe it’s just a certain tone he uses, but if he’s trying to cheer someone up their in good hands.
If he is in a panic or rush, it’s gonna be really messy with whatever he says; really it’s him trying to find the right words he can’t see.
(He’s the silly one of the duo! Someone’s gotta do it!)
Fidget’s equally loyal about his family as is Digit, but he dose get a little scared at time of what they may be facing off. Piss him off enough & he’ll get just has defensive IF NOT MORE than his twin.
Even then he’d usually be in the one in the trouble..if he ever needs to save someone outside of the lieutenant or Penny he’s probably getting tricked in some way.
(He’s smart enough to not fully fall into the bait, if anything the idea of someone being used as bait for him makes him mad enough)
Type of guy to enjoy hot temperatures, preferably anything that steams, like a hot towel!
It massages the outer plates of his body, as well making his circits more loose to where he could melt like putty. As he’s said before about steam: “It relaxes him for the whole day” (Help Wanted reference again hi)
Although he enjoys consuming many things, this guys a MAJOR sweet tooth.
Anything sweet, rich, sour, chilled, creamy, milky, choc-y even he easily melts over. He’s the type of guy who could eat a cake whole if he wanted; and given his agility, he very much can.
Because of a specific icon of MAD, he’s got a tad bit of fear for most cats..it melts away once he finds out if a said kitty is nice.
His MAIN fear is anything paranormal
Fidget’s a Pansexual-romantic (or just an asexual pansexual!)
This robot understands love much more than intended, almost anyone appealing enough makes his heart race. But even then if someone outside of his family fed him he’d probably think about that longer than intended..
Even with this being the case, he’s never comfortable with anybody getting close-close with him, he’d be confused either way with him not exactly being equipped for what others find appealing. Just some close cuddling & he’s all good.
don’t mind how this got a lil messy around the end,,,but dAmn was this fun to write
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