#how to fish missouri river
sturgeonposting · 1 year
how many sturgeon species are there?
There are 28 extant species of sturgeon, organized into 4 genera: Acipenser, Huso, Scaphirhynchus, and Pseudoscaphirhynchus.
Genus Acipenser contains the fish that come to most people’s minds when thinking of sturgeon: lake sturgeon, Atlantic sturgeon, white sturgeon, European sea sturgeon, etc. This is the largest genus of the family Acipenseridae, containing 20 species of sturgeon. Sturgeon in this family can be found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
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(Atlantic sturgeon, A. oxyrynchus)
Genus Huso has only two members: beluga and kaluga. They are native to Russia and the surrounding parts of Eurasia. There is some argument that these fish should be included in the genus Acipenser. Unlike the members of genus Acipenser, whose protrusible mouths face downward, sturgeons in genus Huso have forward-facing protrusible mouths.
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(Kaluga, H. dauricus)
Genus Scaphirhynchus contains three species of fish: shovelnose sturgeon, pallid sturgeon, and Alabama sturgeon. Scaphirhynchus means “spade snout”, in reference to these sturgeons’ long, flat, shovel-like snouts used to dig along river beds for food. This genus of sturgeon is native exclusively to the Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama rivers in North America.
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(Pallid sturgeon, S. albus)
Genus Pseudoscaphirhynchus is native exclusively to the Aral Sea system in Central Asia. This genus has three members as well: the Amu Darya sturgeon, the dwarf sturgeon, and the Syr Darya sturgeon. Like genus Scaphirhynchus, these fish have shovel-like snouts. Sturgeon in this genus are very small compared to sturgeon in other genus; the largest Pseudoscaphirhynchus sturgeon reach about 30”, excluding tail filament.
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(Amu Darya sturgeon, P. kaufmanni)
Most species of sturgeon are endangered in some capacity. Many of the sturgeon mentioned in this post are critically endangered, with no individuals being spotted in the wild for many years.
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It breaks my heart to think that we are slowly losing more and more species of these beautiful fish. But interest in their well-being is the first step to conservation, and that’s what I hope to cultivate here at sturgeonposting. Sorry to get all sappy at the end. I just love these guys. Long may the sturgeon swim.
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readingcauldron · 1 year
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my turn!!
The second essay of Things That Are by Amy Leach is called "In Which the River Makes Off with Three Stationary Characters," and is about beavers. It opens with:
"In the seventeenth century, his Holiness the Pope adjudged beavers to be fish. In retrospect, that was a zoologically illogical decision; but beavers were not miffed at being changed into fish. They decided not to truckle to their new specification, not to be perfect fish, textbook fish; instead they became fanciful fish, the first to have furry babies, the first to breathe air and the first fish to build for themselves commodious conical fortresses in the water. If Prince Maximilian, traveling up the Missouri River, had taken it in mind to recategorize them as Druids or flamingos, beavers would have become toothy Druids, or portly brown industrious flamingos."
Whenever I read something profound I like to sit on it and then go see what the Internet has to say - so I came across this interview with Amy Leach. My favorite line of hers: "I just enjoy words so long out of use they are almost nonsense again, as they were before they were used." And when you're writing a book about nature, one about the wonder and intrinsic, borderline-casual phenomenal-ness (?) of it, using words that have been forgotten, or sound playful, is so awesome! She's forcing me to use my imagination to read, to pay attention to each word, and by using words out of standard context or 1900s/silly-sounding words I don't know the definition of, I get to re-see something I've always taken for granted :) Beavers are so cute and I know that they build dams but now I also know they used to be fish and didn't even care.
Ok that was not what I was planning on writing about. I just wanted to talk about how beautiful it is that classification means absolutely nothing to beavers. After I read that last line, about beavers as flamingos, I just kind of sat and stared at the wall. You know when your room suddenly, momentarily, looks a little different and sounds a little different and you swear the light changed a little as you looked up from the page...
The next line:
"The beavers’ reaction to the papal renaming highlights two of their especial qualities: their affability and their unyieldingness."
The rest of the essay talks about beavers' relentlessness, their genetically-coded sense of purpose (how lucky are they!), and more about beaver life--beaver babies can swim within hours, the weak are sometimes excommunicated...
Leach then has a gorgeous 20-line sentence about how a beaver builds a dam. Why does reading about beavers feel so emotional? It is one of the most moving things I have ever read. Maybe because I wasn't expecting it?
Sorry this is getting long but now I can't stop. As soon as I finished reading and feeling moved by the unfaltering beaver, who will thrive no matter what you call him, I moved on to read about the melting glacier that displaces the beaver:
"Though octopuses make sense in the ocean, beavers and cactuses and pencil-makers do not. When they get there the ocean must derange them, making them delirious, because the sound of water is what triggers their gnawing reflex. As soon as they hear the burbly gushing of a stream, beavers speed to the nearest trees to chisel girdles around their trunks so they go whomping down and then they can stuff them into the chatterboxy river to strangulate it into silence. But the ocean is a wilderness of chatter, and not in all the forests of the world are there enough trees to muzzle its splashing, sloshing, gurgling, yammering, yackety-yacking waves."
(First of all, um hello awesome onomatopoeia - what the ocean sounds like to us, what the ocean sounds like to the beaver)
Classification may not mean anything, may not leave the beaver gaining or lacking, but place is everything! The beaver has a purpose, regardless of classification or place--it doesn't try to change its purpose to match its place...ok clearly the beaver we're talking about here is me (which is funny because I went into this book with the intent of NOT relating it back to myself but I'm in my 20s so I'm allowed a little conceit, a little stretch of the imagination)
Next is a passage about salmon, and then she ends the essay with a passage about music. The last sentence:
"...until [music] spills you into a place whose dimensions make nonsense of your heretofore extraordinary spatial intelligence."
there are so many things that are capable of spilling me into a place whose dimensions make nonsense of my heretofore extraordinary spatial intelligence. in reference to both zeena's and kiana's posts: it's just a matter of giving them the opportunity. of seeking them out...of opening myself up a little :)
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novumtimes · 12 days
Skeletal remains inside car found by fishermen in Illinois river identified as men who disappeared in 1976
DNA testing on skeletal remains found in a car pulled from an Illinois river confirmed they are those of two men who vanished in 1976 after leaving a farm auction, authorities said. Testing performed by the Illinois State Police Division of Forensic Services confirmed they are the remains of Clarence Owens and Everett Hawley, the Winnebago County Coroner’s Office said Tuesday. Hawley, 72, of Stockton, Illinois, and Owens, 65, of Freeport, Illinois, vanished after leaving a farm auction on Feb. 19, 1976, near the Winnebago-Ogle county line, the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office said Hawley was a real estate broker in Freeport, while Owens was a salesperson in Hawley’s firm. “This bring us one step closer to providing closure to the families of Clarence Owens and Everett Hawley who have waited many years for answers that have been affected by this tragic case,” Winnebago County Sheriff Gary Caruana said in a statement. In March, people fishing along the Pecatonica River discovered a submerged vehicle in the river using a sonar fish finder.  “It’s quite challenging because it’s sitting in the mud, 8 to 10 feet, which is not that deep but deep enough,” Sheriff Caruana told CBS affiliate WIFR-TV after the discovery. A 1966 Chevrolet Impala linked to a decades-old Illinois cold case was recovered in March 2024. WIFR Recovery crews then used a crane to pull the 1966 Chevrolet Impala sedan from the river in the village of Pecatonica, the Rockford Register Star reported. The men had left the farm auction in that vehicle, authorities said. Owens and Hawley were seen at the farm auction with the Impala, which belonged to Owens and which had a new coat of gold paint at the time, according to the Doe Network, a nonprofit database for information about missing and unidentified people. The men had attended a political rally in the area before stopping at the auction, and planned to make a shared appointment in German Valley, about 25 miles west of Winnebago County, after leaving the auction. They never made that appointment More than 100 bones were retrieved from the vehicle and the river at the site about 100 miles west of Chicago. DNA extracted from the bones was compared with DNA profiles from the men’s relatives to identify them. Before the DNA testing, the remains were examined by a forensic anthropologist in St. Louis, Missouri, who found no evidence of trauma. Winnebago County Coroner Jennifer Muraski told WIFR-TV that how the two men died is still unknown, but no foul play is suspected. “This is a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our detectives and forensic experts,” Sheriff Caruana said. “It’s a reminder that no case is ever truly closed no matter how much time has passed.” Emily Mae Czachor contributed to this report. More from CBS News Source link via The Novum Times
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Nashville police say Riley Strain had 12-15 drinks before college student’s death: report
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/13/nashville-police-say-riley-strain-had-12-15-drinks-before-college-students-death-report/
Nashville police say Riley Strain had 12-15 drinks before college student’s death: report
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Riley Strain, the University of Missouri student who disappeared from a night out in Nashville in March before his body was found along the Cumberland River, was served 12 to 15 drinks prior to his death, according to a police investigation.A medical examiner determined that Strain, 22, had a blood alcohol level of .228% and died of drowning and ethanol poisoning, according to the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) investigation report obtained by WSMV4 Investigates.MNPD’s investigation also paints a clearer picture as to how Strain consumed so much alcohol in one night while on a spring formal trip to Nashville with his UM fraternity, which began on a bus ride from Missouri to Tennessee – about a 6.5-hour drive.That’s when the drinking began, despite the bus driver’s strict no-alcohol rule, according to the report obtained by WSMV4.RILEY STRAIN CAUSE OF DEATH RELEASED: DROWNING, ETHANOL INTOXICATION KILLED COLLEGE STUDENT ON NIGHT OUTThe business and finance student apparently had at least five drinks on the way to Nashville on March 8, including vodka shots and IPAs. When they arrived around 4:30 p.m., they went to a Mexican restaurant downtown, where Strain was seen on surveillance footage drinking a margarita. Surveillance footage showed Strain began stumbling around 8:40 that evening, according to WSMV4. He was asked to leave Luke’s 32 Bridge on Broadway after 9:30 p.m., after which Strain began walking in the general direction of his hotel and disappeared.”At 9:35 p.m., our security team made a decision based on our conduct standards to escort him from the venue through our Broadway exit at the front of our building,” the bar said in a March 15 statement. “He was followed down the stairs with one member of his party. The individual with Riley did not exit and returned upstairs.”RILEY STRAIN FOUND: NASHVILLE POLICE LOCATE BODY OF COLLEGE STUDENT WHO WENT MISSING AFTER NIGHT OUTThe Tennessee Alcohol Beverage Commission previously ruled that Strain had not been overserved after conducting its own investigation that involved reviewing security camera footage. It remains unclear exactly how and where Strain consumed between 12 and 15 drinks on March 8.POLICE SAY MISSING COLLEGE STUDENT RILEY STRAIN’S BANK CARD FOUND NEAR NASHVILLE-AREA RIVERThe footage reviewed by TABC apparently did not show Strain visibly drunk, as WSMV4 reported.Video footage shared by MNPD after Strain’s death showed the 22-year-old stumbling as he walked away from downtown and in the direction of the river.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPApproximately two weeks after Strain disappeared, on March 22, a worker at a company based along the Cumberland River reported seeing a body to police, who were later able to confirm Strain’s identity.Strain is remembered in his obituary for his commitment to service, dedicating more than 500 hours to the Wonders of Wildlife; his love for hunting, fishing and spending time with his family; and his passion for “good food.”
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truthnado · 1 month
Chicago River Pollution Causes Greatest Feat of Engineering in the World...
It's time for another Truthnado! 
This one's a geographical I guess you'd call it. I live in Chicago and in Chicago we have the Chicago River and here's a truthnado, if you don't live in Chicago you might not know. 
The Chicago River flows away from Lake Michigan. It's the only river that flows away from the lake. Why is that? Here's is a truthnado on a why. 
Back in like the mid 1800s to like later 1800s the Chicago River was used as dumping grounds for the slaughter houses, raw sewage, industrial chemicals and lots of animal waste from the old stockyards. 
Chicago was known as the hog butcher to the world, so people were dumping rotten pig carcasses in it. All the raw sewage from the city was dumped right in there. Chicago was also the hub of manufacturing. We had so many factories and they were dumping whatever industrial waste they had back in those days in the river. 
I don't know exactly what the environmental standards were for dumping industrial waste in the river but they wasn't much. They wasn't much so, the river was filthy. So polluted it was causing e-coli outbreaks and people were, it was unsafe to be near. 
The lake got unsafe to swim in. With the diseases it was producing, rich white people were actually starting to die so something had to be done. So in 1887 the powers that be got together and figured well we can we got to we got to stop polluting it. We've got to get some strong regulations about what you can put in the river and we got to have a really advanced hardcore cleanup effort or we could have some marvel of engineering and reverse the flow of the river and dump all that crap into the Mississippi and that's exactly what they did. 
You're welcome Missouri. Yeah 
VO: and here's how it worked. Just west of Chicago is what we call a subcontinental divide. It's a high point geographically but since the area is so flat you barely notice it. Still any water on the west of the divide flows westward down toward the Mississippi. Anything to the east flows toward the Great Lakes. Chesboro thought if we could only dig a ditch or canal through the divide and make it deeper than both the river and the lake then gravity would do the hard work and carry all of Chicago's dirty stinky water in the other direction and away from the Great Lakes. 
But yeah they got it so the river flows into the Mississippi and all that garbage and trash was going right to the Mississippi. But here's a brighter Truthnado. 
The Chicago River is much cleaner these days. No thanks to the Dave Matthews Band by the way. 
News Report: The Dave Matthews Band tour bus dumped 800 pounds of human waste on a river cruise that was going underneath the Kinsey Street Bridge. The boat passengers on the architectural tour say it ruined their clothes and made several of them sick. The band's tour bus driver admitted to doing it, paid a fine and served a year and a half of probation. 
Can you eat the fish out of the river? I wouldn't but there's more there's over 80 species in there now there used to be less than like even far as the 70s and can you swim in it? No I wouldn't I wouldn't swim in it yet but it's getting cleaner and hopefully one day it'll be a pristine body of water. Wouldn't that be nice?
VO: Chicago had solved its drinking water crisis and also accomplished what is still considered one of the greatest engineering feats in the history of the world. 
Well thanks for watching Truthnado.
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icarusthelunarguard · 6 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Next Month is the Solar Eclipse which will cross North America in spectacular fashion from Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico, to Bonavista, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. This time out, we’re sending you to various locations to watch it happen! And since there are 20 on this list to choose from, there’s, as always, the chance for a Natural One and a Natural 20. Let’s see who comes out on top.   
We’re shuffling you off to Buffalo, New York! The 2nd largest city in New York with a metropolitan population of 1.1 million and more eateries than you can EVER hope to check out. The center line passes right through downtown, so expect all activity to come to a screeching halt in mid-afternoon. So This Week… Check with the Buffalo Museum of Science’s Eclipse Viewing Party. It’ll likely be free with free viewing glasses! 
Racing your way 8 hours to the Southwest we’re dropping you off in Indianapolis, Indiana! Downtown Indianapolis is a metropolis served by four interstate highways, plus a highway ring around the perimeter; likely being one of the most sought-after destinations with plentiful lodging, excellent cuisine, and many attractions for travelers. Since there is an airport right in the middle of the path, consider flying in and arriving at 2pm Local to enjoy the event! So This Week… FREE THE INDIANAPOLIS FIVE-HUNDRED!
Another two and-a-half hour drive Southwest brings us to the lovely city of Vincennes, Indiana. Smaller, yes, with some 16,000 residents, you’ll be right along U.S. Highway 50 (east-west) and U.S. Highway 150 (north-south). You’ll be right in the centerline of the eclipse, so this’ll be a great spot without the hustle and bustle of a big city to contend with. So This Week… Yes, they all know that there’s Interstate 69 right near them too. Don’t make That Joke. They’ve heard it all their lives growing up there. Don’t be a tool.  
Cancer Moon-Child 
You might want to take a flight instead of driving 16 hours to get to Kerrville, Texas this time. One of the largest “small towns” in Texas at 24,00 residents, this spot will be a FAR better view than San Antonio AND give you an extra minute of darkness to enjoy! So This Week… the Sun will be at 67.5° inclination in the sky for you. SO CLOSE to making That Joke again, but… well… We all know how your luck runs, right?  
We’re FINALLY headed on a Northeasterly drive about four hours, bringing us to Hillsboro, Texas. This spot’s got it all: it’s outside of Dallas with easy access to Interstate 35 where I-35E and I-35W meet. And, yet again, right on the totality line to maximize your nighttime experience. So This Week… get your car checked out so you can experience driving on the highway from day to night to day again across the length of an episode of “The Brady Bunch”.
Again Northeast, but 10 hours by car or 4 by plane, we’re airlifting you to Cape Girardeau, Missouri! The largest city in southeastern Missouri that will experience totality with its 80,000 residents. Since it lies on the bank of the Mississippi River and is easily accessible from Interstate 55, consider booking passage on a fishing boat for the experience! So This Week… Remember that there’s a Long John Silvers and a KFC in the vicinity, 600 meters apart from each other. If you ever wanted to experience them both in one day, now’s your chance!    
Wow, Libra! Overcompensating much? Another Northeasterly drive for you, and almost TWENTY HOURS LATER bring us to Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada! If you’re already Canadian and don’t want to cross the border into the U.S. (and let’s be clear, we don’t blame you), you can opt for Sherbrooke, which is only a 161 km drive from Montréal. And for the Non-Canadians out there, the fact that it ISN’T Montréal is a selling point to the rest of Canadians. With a metro population of nearly a quarter million, Sherbrooke offers plenty of lodging and other amenities, plus a quick 16 km drive south will bring you to the center line and 5 additional seconds of totality. So This Week… Remember that the French you learned in High School isn’t going to help you there. Just be content to have to understand French-Accented Attitude-Dripping English.
You’re really killing us here, Scorpio. You got the only Nat-20, but your ‘Scope was already written out. So you get this one instead! Last week’s Horrible-Scope for you about Warm Nuts made quite the stir for all the wrong reasons, so we’re setting the record straight. There is no one proper pronunciation for the word “Pecan”. The most accepted version of "pih-KAHN" originated from the Algonquin term “pacane” used in the mid-1700s. From there, pronunciation trends really seem to vary between rural and urban communities, not North and South ones. So This Week… If anyone wants to fight you on this truth, remind them that the Algonquin word means, “all nuts requiring a stone to crack” and that they can take a stone to their own and shut up.
Libra? We take it back about the Overcompensation comment because Sagittarius has you beat. With a Southwesterly drive of THIRTY-THREE HOURS we’re ALMOST back where we started in Texas at a place called, Radar Base, Texas. Lying right on the U.S & Mexican border, this isn’t a military base but instead a small town of several hundred residents. What’s its special draw? It offers the greatest possible amount of totality without leaving the U.S. So This Week… Check the local weather history to see if it’ll be a clear day for you before you head out. And stop competing with Libra! 
Ok, what IS it with you second-halfers getting into a pissing match with each other? Driving Northeast again for Twenty.. Six… Hours… You’re arriving at Erie, Pennsylvania. The only large city in Pennsylvania to be graced by the Moon’s umbra with its 100,000 residents, which sits on the shore of the Great Lake that bears its name. With Pittsburgh a quick 130 miles to the south via Interstate 79, you can expect a lot of competition for viewing locations. So This Week… Stop Saying “The STATE of Pennsylvania”! It’s the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! Get it RIGHT!
Another 16 hour drive Southwest brings us to Russellville, Arkansas and its population near 30,000 folks. They’ve got enough resources to host a moderate influx of visitors for the eclipse, but they'd really appreciate it if you headed for nearby Mount Nebo for the actual viewing; It’s a flat-topped mountain that rises 410 meters above the surrounding valley and gives a GORGEOUS view of the skies! So This Week… Re-watch “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and learn to play the Five-Note Sequence on a synthesizer. It’ll freak EVERYONE out and you can NOT miss this opportunity!
Driving up Northeast one last time for seventeen hours, we come to, what’s going to be considered the Nat-20’s of Nat-20’s on this list… Niagara Falls! Take your choice of the New York or Ontario sides, the surrounding area is, basically, a tourist trap where Superman first exposed himself to Lois Lane in 1981. You’ve got only two really excellent choices for this viewing: First, the fabled Maid of the Mist Boat Tours! It’ll likely still be a little chilly, but the view is always spectacular! Make sure your belongings are in waterproof containers - and that includes children. The other is the outlook called Terrapin Point, where the Sun will hang halfway up in the southwest — directly over the Falls! Science buffs who observe or photograph the eclipse here will want to visit the Nikola Tesla Statue within Queen Victoria Park on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, half a kilometer north of Terrapin Point. So This Week… if you’re coming up, get in touch with us! Maybe Icarus can drive past to say “Hello!”
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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cocopuffbutgayer · 6 months
I got sick and wrote an essay prt 1
(Sources missouri wild life, Wikipedia and dum stuff I randomly know this is nor a real essay 💅🔥✨️)1.Alligator snapping turtles(Macrochelys temminckii)They are very large with sharp scutes and sharp beaks. the plastron and beaks looks a lot like water logged wood as a way of hiding from prey there found exclusively in the United States, from northern Florida to eastern Texas and as far north as Iowa. They are basicly all aquatic. tend to stay submerged and motionless for so long that algae begins to grow on their shells!(not to be confused with shell rot) They can go 50 minutes before needing to surface for air, these turtles almost never come on land(not counting females when laying eggs). River systems, lakes, and wetland are their main habitats.Their tongue allows them to catch prey they have a small red and or pinklishes tongue and wiggle it To attract an unsuspecting victim,(dun dun dun) this turtle will lay on the bottom of the riverbed and open his jaws. A fish that gets tricked by the turtle’s tongue(womp womp) will swim right into the range of the hungry predator’s beaks.they can also actively search for prey by tasting chemicals in the water that are indicative of a particular species(way cool). This way, even when their prey is hiding in the sediment, they can still sense them very very cool(thats two verys). Some myths claim that alligator snapping turtles are known to attack people, but this isn’t the case(how rude). But with a bite force of 1,000 pounds, their powerful jaws can snap through they can (depending on the size) bite off you hole hand but don't attempt to hurt humans unless provoked, so dont try to hold them unless your trained they do start off small but grow gigantic so unless you have a lot of food practice and thick gloves i would not keep them as a house pet(but fr dont get them as pets unless you research and know a lot)plants are 1/3 diet but mostly smaller reptiles fish and insect anything they can catch I have no clue if they are able to make sound I looked for like twenty minutes :( 2.spiny soft shelled turtel (Apalone spinifera)The eastern spiny softshell mainly inhabits large rivers and streams, but it also lives in lakes, large ponds, and even roadside and irrigation ditches.(it likes mud a lot) It is most common in tributaries and closed side channels of the Mississippi River. This species can tolerate a variety of bottom substrates, including mud, sand, or gravel.The eastern spiny softshell is active between late March and October.it is very aggressive(rabid Lil guys).Daily activity includes foraging for food in early morning, basking in the sun like on logs or along the bank,(it can breathe above air and in water)and resting in shallow water with the shell covered by mud or sand like the true kings and queens they are. There is a short period of feeding during the afternoon and evening that may extend into the night. They mostly sleep in mud but trees and stumps.Spiny softshells have a habit of floating near the surface in deep water but will quickly dive to safety with the slightest disturbance.To escape the cold temperatures of winter, this species will bury itself in a few inches of mud or sand at the bottom of a river, lake, exetra starting in October or November. A study of turtles on the Osage River in St. Clair County showed that they mainly ate crayfish and aquatic insects with an occasional fish. This turtle is not a threat to Missouri’s game fish populations.They often lie buried in mud, sand, and shallow water. By extending the head and neck so that the snout just breaks the surface, they can breathe in a snorkel-like manner. All softshells are mainly carnivorous. They actively search for and pursue prey or capture it by ambush so they literally pop off...then kill things I mean who hasn't They quote "eat anything that can fit in their mouth" they make clicking chips and hisses and if given the chance would bite off your knee caps
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scotthaber · 6 months
Fishing Guides and Resources for Nebraska Anglers
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Nebraska Game and Parks Commission publishes an annual Fishing Guide that informs anglers of the state’s rules and regulations. At outdoornebraska.gov, the commission provides anglers with additional information, such as how to acquire a state fishing permit and the best places to fish for various species.
Fishing permits are issued to recreational users as well as commercial hobbyist users. All applications for commercial fishing permits must be made to the fisheries division of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Permits expire at midnight on December 31, regardless of when the permit was issued.
The annual fishing guide is an invaluable resource for anglers living in and visiting the state. In addition to regulations and fish ID information, the guide includes state records and tips about popular fishing destinations. Nebraska Game and Parks uploads the latest edition each year at no charge.
The commission publishes several related guidebooks, such as the Going Fishing Guide. The Going Fishing Guide serves as an instruction manual for novice anglers. The guide consists of all the information a first-time angler needs, from important skills, like casting and knot-tying techniques, to local fishing laws and regulations. The Going Fishing Guide is also available as a free online download.
The commission also provides anglers with data-driven reports, including the annual Fishing Forecast, which draws on information from roughly 450 public lakes and streams. The guide details the most opportune locations and times of year to pursue various fish species, all supported by research statistics and graphs.
Anglers can gain even more insight into Nebraskan waters by reading the commission’s stocking reports and fish sampling reports. The state’s fisheries have adopted the latest stocking technologies and processes. These processes have allowed the commission to develop and sustain a healthy and abundant fish population. Annual stocking initiatives introduce millions of fish across dozens of species to Nebraska waters. Fish sampling reports, meanwhile, are the result of extensive Game and Parks Commission surveying. This information can be paired with stocking data to determine ideal fishing locations.
Of course, anglers can also take advantage of the commission’s resources regarding the best places to fish. The state is filled with lakes, rivers, and streams in every region, particularly in the southeastern corner of the state. The commission’s website features an interactive map of all public waters. The map provides information about the type and size of the water body and what species anglers can expect to encounter.
While the interactive map offers valuable insights, many experienced anglers are curious about the depth of lakes and ponds, which can have a notable impact on fishing techniques that can be used and where specific species can be found. Fortunately, the commission maintains an extensive collection of lake contour maps free to download.
One of the most popular fishing locations in Nebraska is the Missouri River, which travels nearly 400 miles along the state’s eastern border. More state residents live within a 60-minute drive of the Missouri River than any other lake or river in the state. The banks of America’s longest river provide ample room for fishing, boating, and other activities. At outdoornebraska.gov, anglers and visitors can find the Missouri River Access Guide, which details the more than 160 public access sites.
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duncandatrunk · 7 months
fanfic that I need to write a part 2 of so it’s actually fanfic and not just short fiction
“Sunshiiiiiine on my shoulder makes me happy”
The little yellow tape recorder belted out as Gary descended the steep slope to get to the base of the cliff. His hiking pack bumping into the occasional tree or rock, preventing him from sliding down into the river. 
As he reached the sandy base of the cliff he unhooked the recorder from the straps of his bag and ejected the tape. He fished around in his pockets for a moment before pulling out a fresh tape and inserting it into the recorder. After the soft click of the record button he began to speak, 
“First time back on the river… It's nice. Approaching from the south has gotten a bit sketchy, I followed a deer trail from Anslem to here. The hike to the river was about two miles but I think I could get that down to one if I cut straight through the woods. Looks like nobody’s been using the trail to the riverbank. It’s overgrown and eroded. I’ll try the north side on the way out.” 
Gary ended the recording and sat down at the base of the cliff. He took a moment to look out on the river. It was a muddy monster, about half a mile wide, running a dark brown color. The open space allowed him to see the sky, which was cloudy and threatened rain. He sighed and popped the tape out of the recorder again, pulling yet another tape out of the pockets of his cargo pants. He slotted it into place and settled in to listen. 
A man’s voice came from the tape “This is Terry and”
“—and Gary!” Belted out a higher pitched voice. 
There was a pause and a short chuckle, 
“and Gary. Expert adventures coming to you from the cliffs of Anslem Missouri. What’s the deal with Anslem, my little explorer?”
“Well dad, it’s a big huge-mongos cliff that nobody knows about! And we’re gonna be the first people to ever set foot on it!”
Another chuckle came from the recorder.
“Well Gary I don’t think we’re the first, but we’re certainly the first in a while. The Anslem folks don’t seem to keen on coming down here with all the rain recently. The flooding means the cliff base is mostly mud and the ridge is slick. We came from the south side of town near the chapel and took a trail down the cliff edge. The trail is in fair condition and leads directly to the cliff base. There’s a few small caves down here, but the mud and flooding means they aren’t accessible. What’s our escape route Gary?” 
“Our escape route is right up the cliff! We’re gonna climb like geckos over the mud and hike back up on the north side!”
“That sounds great buddy, just try not to fall in. That mud shouldn’t be too deep, but we don’t want to hike back with wet socks.”
Gary clicked the stop button on the recorder, a short smile on his face. His dad had always tried to make a game out of things. Even after his accident Terry always had a smile on his face. He had been hit by a semi truck while crossing the street. That asshole had left him lying there on the road, broken to pieces. He’d been found by a jogger about an hour later. 
Even in the ER with his whole body wrapped in gauze and fiberglass casts, he joked about being so full of shit the nurses needed a colostomy bag to deal with him. That was just the way Gary’s dad was. They’d played cards while waiting for his surgery. Gary didn’t know how a man who couldn’t touch his cards could cheat so consistently but his dad managed. He’d ask Gary to get him a glass of water or to turn down the tv and when he came back there was an extra ace or two in his hand.
His dad hadn’t made it through the surgeries. He’d died on the operating table leaving Gary with everything he had. They didn’t have any extended family so the inheritance was pretty cut and dry. He’d sold most of it, not that there was a whole lot to sell. The house had never been that important and Gary couldn’t stomach the idea of driving enough to keep the van. He’d kept the tapes and the hiking gear. Eight years of “adventures” to forgotten spots around the U.S. with tapes documenting how to get in and out. 
He’d decided to come back and visit some old memories. Anselm wasn’t the nicest spot but it had been the closest one to home. He didn’t exactly have an easy way to get around, no car or friends to bum a ride from, so he’d walked. It had taken a while but he figured it was worth it. He’d never been one to reach out. He’d rather be off in the woods with the quiet of nature than try to figure out where to sit in the lunchroom.
A drop of rain on his face interrupted his reverie. The sky seemed to have made up its mind and the gathered clouds began their downpour. The sudden, heavy rain was turning the silty ground quickly to thick mud. Gary stored his recorder in a plastic bag and reattached it to his backpack. The rain would make the already treacherous south side trail completely impassable and the water was quickly rising up the river bank. 
He decided to climb across the side of the cliff, like a gecko he thought, a smile once again gracing his face. 
He clambered up the face of the cliff to a small ledge and began moving his way across. The wind was blowing rain into rocks and the straps of his pack whipped around him. Gary tried to shield his face from the worst of it as he edged his way forward. The driving rain had made the stone slick, causing his feet to slide around precariously. One of the stones broke away in his hand and he fell, smacking his head into the ledge on his way down. He landed face down in the mud bleeding profusely. He tried to move but the strength had gone out of him. 
The last thing he saw as his vision went black was the yellow recorder in its plastic bag drifting away from him, washed away by the current of the river.
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19761107 · 11 months
『The River Runs Through It』 ~Just, just beautiful…a epic poem and a lyrical poem. The gift of the Blackfoot River~
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Hello everyone.
This is a movie with very beautiful scenery.
How beautifully and poetically can a video recording called a camera depict true nature through the eyes of the author?
How well can we satisfy our sense organs such as eyes, sound, touch, and smell?
Can you make people want to watch it anytime?
Not paintings, not music, not photographs.
This is a work that expands the possibilities of film by packaging memories that can be felt with all five senses in their original, fresh state.
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In the opening scene, the gentle fluctuations of the river surface are shown along with the soothing sound of a murmuring river.
An old man is skillfully attaching an artificial bait called a dry fly to the hook.
Old man's narration:
"Once upon a time, when I was young, my father said to me, ‘Norman, you seem to like writing‘.''
"‘Then, someday, write about your family‘.''
"‘You'll find out what happened and why‘.''
McLean and his son live in Missoula, Montana, a town surrounded by a rich forest and a large river that flows through it.
The father is a pastor, and although strict, he raises his two sons with love.
Her mother seems to follow her father's educational policies, and has a rather modest presence in the MacLean household.
The eldest son, Norman, is the main character and narrator of this work.
This work is written in the form of his memories as he grows older.
Son Norman is relatively obedient to his father.
For his second son Paul, he has the jealousy that only a brother can have, but at the same time he has a lot of love for him.
In contrast to Paul, who is solitary and seems to be loved by God, Norman is more human.
The second son, Paul, rebels against his father's strict educational environment and continues to develop his artistry.
Despite the harsh upbringing of his pastor father, he never becomes subservient and grows up with his unique innate spirituality intact.
Two brothers grow up in a forestry town in Missouri, Montana.
The story is set in the 1920s, when America was booming after World War I.
Under the education of his father, a pastor, they led an exemplary life of strict simplicity.
The father taught his sons how to cast a fly-fishing rod, beating the rhythm with a metronome.
While the brothers' friends studied at school, the MacLeans took the time to learn to read and write with their father.
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Old man's narration:
"Montana was the perfect place back then."
"A world that feels wet with morning dew"
"It was full of endless mystery and possibilities."
Norman is often asked to summarize newspaper articles.
After a pleasant morning of study, they go out for some fun in the afternoon.
In addition to writing, the father teaches his sons fly fishing as a way to enjoy life.
The teachings of fly fishing must have included the desire to feel God in harmony with nature.
Their father encourages them to pursue spirituality even in fishing.
The rhythm of tilting the fishing rod back and throwing the line into the river.
Swing the rod back and stop.
Then, due to the sudden stop of the rod, the line makes a beautiful horizontal U-shape for a moment, and the tension in the line continues until the moment of casting, and the fly is released onto the swaying surface of the water.
It imitates the trajectory of insects dancing wildly in the arc of life.
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The brothers watch and imitate adult fights in town, sneak peeks into brothels, and grow up observing society with their own eyes.
Paul once refused to eat his breakfast oats.
The father does not allow the child to leave the table until he has finished eating.
But Paul continued to refuse until lunch.
Old man's narration:
"Paul had strength in his core, and he knew it himself."
"What will you be when you grow up?"
"Maybe a pastor, maybe a boxer."
"What are you for?"
"Professional fly fisherman"
"There's no such job."
"Then I'm a boxer."
"Do you not like being a pastor?"
Paul chuckled.
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Eventually, they become young adults and sneak out of their homes in the middle of the night to hang out with their friends in town.
The Blackfoot River flows majestically through the town of these brothers.
Paul suggests going whitewater on a boat to test his courage.
"Good idea. It'll go down in history."
"Let's get a boat and go down the waterfall."
"They'll give us a hero's funeral."
"Become the king of the town."
"We'll become famous and have our photo published in the newspaper."
"I'll do it, absolutely."
They bring their boats to the waterfall in high spirits.
The amount of water was huge, the water flow was ferocious, and they could see the waterfall flying in a vivid manner.
His friends cower in fear and don't participate.
Perhaps out of rivalry with his younger brother Paul and pride as an older brother, Norman unconsciously takes on the challenge of torrents, solid rocks, and plunging waterfalls.
The brothers use the oars as masters to boldly steer the boat and change course from rocks that block them.
However, they fall headlong into the sudden drop of the waterfall that awaited them.
They were swallowed up by the waterfall of a mountain stream and thrown down by the torrent.
Friends discover a boat that has crashed into a rock and been torn apart.
As if to shock one of his friends, Paul came out from behind him and they started to wrestle with each other.
Paul's firm determination and fearless courage, his unconventional and unconventional nature, made him fear for his life in a way different from ordinary people.
Paul simply sacrificed his life for a gamble.
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Norman and Paul being lectured by their father.
"Go to church and ask God's forgiveness."
"Your mother was worried to death."
"Mr. Cameron called…"
"Where does the boat come from?"
"I borrowed it."
"Did you borrow it?"
"What the hell?"
"Work for yourself, buy a boat and return it."
"Yes, Dad."
"I said it. I…"
Later, while Norman is eating breakfast alone, Paul comes over.
Norman was feeling frustrated.
He had done something stupid out of a sense of inferiority to his younger brother and worried his mother, his father had gotten angry at him, and his younger brother had defended him and hurt his pride.
On the other hand, Paul can't get enough of the excitement of going down the river.
Paul harasses his irritated brother over his breakfast.
"What did you put on it?"
"It's not enough, put some sardines in there."
"I hate sardines."
"They say they were on the boat too."
"If I were to write about it in the newspaper, it would be a ‘brother's feat'.''
"At least tell the truth in the school newspaper."
Paul put a bunch of sardines on Norman's sandwich and pressed it against the bread.
"I hate sardines!"
There, Norman and Paul got into a physical fight for the first time in their lives.
Her mother desperately tries to stop them, but she loses her footing due to the force of the fight.
"Both of you, stop!"
"You hit my mom!"
"You were the one who hit her!"
"My foot slipped!"
Old man's narration:
"That's one sibling fight."
"We argued about who was stronger, but young people don't repeat things when they can't find an answer to a question.''
"We have returned to being close brothers, just as God taught us.''
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Bird calls echo through the deep Missoula mountain forests.
The surface of the river shined golden in the sunlight.
The majestic murmur of the river echoes through the abundant water.
The sound of water splashing cheerfully as fishermen move.
The sound of the reel being wound slowly and the sound of the rod bending.
The trajectory of the line creates a beautiful U-shape over and over again in the blink of an eye.
Norman brought the trout, which had been bitten by a hook, close to him as if to comfort him, gently picked it up by its shiny silver belly, and smiled.
At that time, Norman felt something beautiful in the sight of Paul flexibly swinging his rod a little upstream.
Old man's narration:
"That's when it caught my eye."
"Paul went beyond the tricks he learned from his father and found his own rhythm."
Norman was fascinated by his younger brother Paul, who was in harmony with the forest air, the flow of the river, the movement of the trout, the trajectory of the line, and the bend of the rod.
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At the end, the three parents and children will show off their fishing results.
The beautifully patterned trout that Norman and Paul caught are lined up on the shore.
"Both are wonderful."
The father proudly took out a large trout from the basket and placed it next to the trout that his brother had caught.
Norman and Paul looked on as if it was impossible for it to be this big.
"God's blessings were on everyone today."
"And especially to your father, HAHAHAHA."
Their father catches a big trout and heads home with a proud smile on his face.
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Eventually, Norman leaves his hometown to study at Dartmouth College in the eastern United States.
He studies literature, enjoys sports, gets to know people through interaction with their friends, and grows.
This is where Norman's literary talent, which he had been accustomed to since childhood, blossomed.
Paul entered a local university and continued to chase big fish on the Blackfoot River.
After graduating from university, he moved to a nearby city and worked as a newspaper reporter.
Paul also rarely returned home to his father and mother.
Norman triumphantly returns to his hometown with a smoking locomotive.
The scenery of his hometown, including fields, forests, hills, and valleys, spread out from the train window.
Norman looked at the scenery with a nostalgic smile on his face.
Six years have passed since I left my hometown.
On the platform, a slightly elderly father and mother were waiting for their beloved eldest son to return home.
When his father saw Norman as the train was about to stop, he was so happy that he tried to wave his hand in the air, but he lowered his hand down to maintain his dignity.
Norman noticed a change in the atmosphere of the house.
It all started from a trivial incident in which Paul didn't come to see his face even though Norman had returned home.
Norman personally visits the newspaper office where Paul works to meet him.
While chatting, Paul spotted a familiar face leaning through the door.
The two brothers hug each other and are happy to be reunited for the first time in six years.
"What about last night?"
"Sorry, I was thinking of going home."
"Didn’t your father tell you? ‘Norman, go to the study.'"
"You really do look like a professor."
"Let's have a toast"
"From daytime?"
"Did you lose your head in the East?"
"You told me so."
"What about fishing in the East?"
"Not at all."
"Not at all?"
"Let's go to Blackfoot."
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Returning to the familiar Blackfoot River, Norman stopped and smiled.
There was a nostalgic smell of life and a world of bright gold and dark green, just as it was six years ago.
The brothers enjoyed fishing together for the first time in a while.
When Norman is blank and his intuition doesn't come back, Paul tries to teach him without any malice.
"Use the reel wisely."
"Go further"
"A little over there."
"Just throw the thread into the center of the flow."
"Your intuition will come back soon."
Norman feels a little miffed.
Paul, who noticed Norman's reluctance, headed upstream by himself out of consideration for his brother.
Norman takes careful aim and concentrates completely on the rod.
Release the bend of the rod, feel the weight of the line, and cast to the point where the trout is likely to be hiding.
It was a moment when the flow of the river and the dry fly were in tune.
As the trout irresistibly pounced on the shadow moving across the surface of the river, Norman had perfect timing to place the hook in the trout's mouth.
The sound of the reel catches up with the light sound of the trout bouncing and dancing on the river surface.
The weight of the trout made the rod and line soft and pliable.
Norman felt a sense of satisfaction after winning his first fight with a trout in a long time.
Norman suddenly becomes curious about Paul and goes to take a look.
While Paul wasn't meeting Norman, his skills had improved again.
Norman was fascinated by his younger brother becoming one with the river.
At that time, Norman's feelings of inferiority toward his younger brother were transformed into admiration, respect, and love.
When he returned home, nothing had changed, and the great enveloping power of the majestic river enveloped Norman's heart.
Old man Norman's narration:
"Shadow Casting"
"Attract rainbow trout by swimming the line just below the surface of the water."
"My young brother became an artist while I was gone."
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However, Paul's personal life was in turmoil.
One night at a Fourth of July party, Norman falls in love with a woman named Jessie.
Then the brothers go on a double date.
Paul brought in an indigenous woman.
In the 1920s, discrimination still remained strong.
The tavern where the Normans came was forbidden to Native Americans.
But Paul doesn't care and enters the store.
Paul glared confidently at the eyes of the surrounding customers.
"Your hair is so beautiful."
Native Mabel:
"I think I'll cut it…"
"No, it's a waste."
Mabel, who had been angry at the clerk's attitude earlier, looked at Paul and smiled.
Norman learned about Jesse's kind personality.
The four then toast to celebrate their encounter.
"The candle burns from both ends and will soon burn out."
"Let's enjoy tonight, friends and enemies alike.''
Jesse looks at Norman with wonder and respect for his impromptu poem.
Paul, who is famous for his articles as a newspaper reporter and is sociable, gets along well with Jesse.
The indigenous woman and Paul danced a fierce but brilliant dance to show off to the guests around them.
It was a dance by two people that exhilaratingly pierced through the age of old and closed-minded people.
Paul's unconventional personality had not changed in the slightest, and his innate rebelliousness expanded to the point where he persisted in his disobedience even against the closed town and the times.
You can get a glimpse of Paul's temperament from his occupation as a newspaper reporter.
Norman also invited Jesse to the dance.
"I'm nowhere near as good as my brother, but would you like to dance?"
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The next day, Norman sends Jesse a confessional love letter.
Norman's letter: "
To Jesse
The moon is left behind
trying to disappear behind the mountains.
My heart is singing
not some melody
in conjunction with something else.
A song flows through my memory.
A green meadow where only deer have stepped foot
dancing in my nervous arms
with your memories…
From norman
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Paul sometimes drank during the day, and at night he went to gambling shacks and racked up huge debts.
One night, Norman receives a call from the police station that Paul has been arrested with Mabel, a Native American, in a fight.
On the way home after taking custody.
"If you need money…"
"Anything, not just money…"
"Her house is just around the corner."
Paul interrupted Norman.
"Don't hesitate…"
"Turn over."
At Jesse's request, Norman takes Jesse's brother, who was returning home from Hollywood, fishing.
Norman asked Paul to go fishing with him.
Jesse's brother came fishing drunk with a prostitute.
Exasperated, Norman and Paul express affection for Jesse's older brother.
"Where is he?"
"I don't know."
"We're going to help, right?"
"How did he do that?"
"You invited him fishing, right?"
"He hates fishing, he hates Montana, and he hates me."
"He doesn't feel any help from other people."
Norman looked at Paul at what he said.
I think Paul felt he might be like that too.
I think Paul felt pity for Jesse's brother.
Jesse's brother got a really bad sunburn from sleeping naked during the day.
Norman and Jesse get into trouble when they drop off Jesse's brother home.
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That night, the family has dinner together for the first time in a while.
Norman hangs his head and can't eat.
Paul cheerfully entertains his father and mother with conversation.
"What kind of article are you writing?"
"The Reverend MacLean family had a great time over a roast dinner, with the exception of the eldest son.''
"What's wrong?"
"Not funny, not funny man."
Paul said the line that Jesse said to Norman.
"That's not the only thing that makes us human."
"It’s okay to be bored."
"You're a good son."
Paul also pleased his father and mother with his filial piety.
"Mom, that was delicious."
As Paul tries to go home, his father and mother look restless and anxious.
After Paul left, his father and mother felt depressed and finished the meal.
While Norman was away, Paul was like the sun to his father and mother.
There is a scene similar to the one where Jesse's family members are constantly worrying about Jesse's brother.
Jesse's family treated Jesse's older brother with excessive courtesy, as they were the hope of a fallen family.
I think this is a scene in which you can feel the loneliness, loss, and emptiness of humans.
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Norman received an offer to become a professor at the University of Chicago, to which he had applied for some time.
Norman reads the letter and trembles with joy.
He heard a line from Wordsworth's poem coming from his father's study.
Norman quietly approaches the voice and listens to it, making eye contact as they listen together.
「Splendor in the Grass」
Not in entire forgetfulness and not in utter nakedness.
But trailing cloud of glory do we come from god who is our home.
Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in thegrass, of glory in the flower, we will grieve not.
Rather find strength in what remains behind.
In the primal sympathy which having been must ever be.
In the soothing thoughts that spring out of human suffering.
In the faith that looks through death.
Thanks to the human heart by which we live, thanks to its tenderness, its joy, its fears.
To me, the meanest flower that blows can give thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.
Loneliness and farewell to Paul who is leaving, Norman and others who are leaving.
Their father was looking for peace of mind, a purpose in life, and salvation in his faith.
Both his father and Norman recite this poem.
This poem comes to mind at the most appropriate time in their life.
In his father's study, which is a bitter but memorable place.
This scene brings tears to our eyes and makes us realize how correct the father and Norman's life up until now was.
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Norman and Jesse's family see off Jesse's brother as he returns to the West Coast.
When Jesse's brother Neil returns home, he is full of vanity.
He was carrying all the expectations of his family.
The pain of trying to present himself as successful is immeasurable.
Now, healed in the warmth and comfort of his hometown, Neil returns to the West Coast.
The train slowly leaves this town.
Its majestic strength and roar carry the fate of the passengers and their families on their shoulders.
The train quietly disappeared into the sunset.
After seeing him off, Norman and Jesse take a walk nearby.
"If my brother comes back next year, will I meet him?"
"If that's what you want."
"My brother isn't coming back."
"He has friends over there…"
"Ronald Colman?"
"People want friends, but they aren't honest enough."
"I wonder why."
"I want to cry, but I'll hold back."
As tears run down Jesse's cheeks, Norman gently uses a handkerchief to stop them.
"I want to show you something."
"If it’s something good."
"Read it."
So Norman made Jesse read his letter of invitation from the University of Chicago.
"What do you think?"
"What do you think? Isn't it amazing!"
"To be able to go to Chicago! That's amazing."
"Do you know?"
"I only know Helena here."
"Congratulations, Norman!"
"I'm lost."
"Montana isn't going anywhere."
"Not Montana."
"Then what?"
"I don't want to leave you."
Jesse hugged Norman tightly.
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On the night that Norman celebrated his engagement to Jesse with Paul, Paul disappeared into the shadows of a dangerous poker game, leaving behind the idea that the three of them would go fishing together the next morning.
Paul is normally on time for his appointment.
After 30 minutes, he finally showed up.
Norman was deeply relieved that Paul was safe.
As the four of them eat breakfast, Norman tells his family that he has accepted a position at the University of Chicago.
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Then, amidst the joy, the three went fishing.
"Let's go upstream today."
"There's a hidden gem"
"I'm sure you'll catch it. I'm sure you'll catch it."
Paul sent his father away cheerfully.
"Let's go fishing together today."
The two of them descended from the small hill to the shore with nimble steps, like brothers when they were young.
There were many large rocks lying around, and the sound of the river was so deep that it sounded like it was breathing.
Norman immediately caught a trout.
Despite Paul's struggles, Norman caught another fish.
Paul was both physically and mentally exhausted from drinking and gambling the night before.
Paul can't catch any fish and He's frustrated.
Paul asks Norman what kind of dry fly he has.
"What kind of needle are you using?"
Norman pretends not to hear.
"What kind of needle are you using?"
Norman laughs a little this time and pretends not to hear again.
"I can't hear you."
Paul understands Norman's evil plan and calls out to him again.
This time, Paul doesn't say anything, just lip syncing.
It's a play on words that only siblings have been playing since childhood.
"Listen carefully."
"Banyan needle."
"Shall I take one?"
"I'll go over there."
He goes to Norman's place to pick up some dry flies, but his legs are unsteady.
It seemed to announce the terminal state of Paul's mind and body.
It was like a trout with a needle stuck in its mouth, unable to move and surrendering to Norman's lap.
Norman lights a cigarette, smokes it, then hands it to Paul.
Paul takes it, smokes it, and hands it back to Norman.
"Proposing marriage to Jesse"
"Today is a good day."
After taking a breath, Norman gently and with respect rather than pity says to his younger brother.
"You're going to Chicago with me."
"It's 3,000 kilometers away and there are plenty of newspapers."
"It's a vibrant metropolis."
"What do you think? Let's go together."
Paul did not get angry and spoke respectfully to his brother.
"I'm not leaving Montana."
Norman and his father had each caught a trout of a satisfying size, and they watched Paul from a distance as they both took a break.
Paul set his sights on the stagnation in the shadow of the rock, gathered his spirit, and methodically brought the rod back.
Then release the line forward.
Cutting through the air, the line drew an arc and headed straight for the point.
Eventually the line becomes tense and the trout bite.
For a moment, a fire was lit in Paul's dying soul, which seemed to be extinguishing at any moment.
Paul struggled with the trout for life as he was carried deep in the rapids.
Loosen the line to absorb the trout's momentum, and tighten it to draw the trout towards him.
No matter how much he was pulled, he never let go of the rod, even when he was swept as deep as his face.
As if Paul's devoted nature had been cultivated for this moment, he fights the trout for his life.
After much effort, Paul caught a trout that was twice as big as his father's.
The father was overjoyed and took a picture of it as if it were his own.
"You're a great fisherman."
"I'll be able to read the thoughts of fish in three years."
"You're still an unparalleled angler."
Old m-an Norman's narration:
"At that moment I felt it clearly."
"The beauty of the completed thing"
"It wasn't on the Blackfoot River, and my brother was standing there, like a piece of art, in an ethereal space."
"But at the same time, I felt it."
"The human world is not art and does not have eternal life."
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That was the last time Paul was seen.
Norman learns from the police that Paul was beaten to death and left on the side of the road after a gambling dispute.
Mother and father receive news from Norman.
My father and mother were depressed and walked slowly and quietly up to their room on the second floor.
Old m-an Norman's narration:
"Even after that, my father asked me, "That's all you know,'' perhaps because he was clinging to his memories.''
"I had no answer, "Paul was amazing at fishing.''
"My father said, "That's not all, he was beautiful.''
"But Paul lived on in my father's heart."
"I remember my father's last sermon before he died.''
Father's sermon:
"Everyone has a similar experience at least once in their life."
"When I see someone I love suffering, I ask God."
"I want to help those I love. What should I do? ""
"It's hard to be really helpful."
"What should I give of myself?"
"Or even if you offer it to them, the other person will refuse."
"It slips through my arms even though I’m close to them."
"All you can do is love"
"People can break away from logic and truly love others."
It was a teaching in which the father confessed his years of suffering since his son's death.
What can a single person with an independent ego do?
No one can correct anything against the other person.
Control in the name of help is meaningless.
All I can do is watch over them with love.
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Time passes, and an old man is fishing alone in an eternal river, quieter than the murmuring sound.
Norman's children had become independent, his wife, father, and mother had all passed away, and he was now alone.
He returned to his hometown and enjoyed fishing, reminiscing about his old dreams.
Nothing has changed from the old days, a majestic, tranquil, divine river gently enveloping Norman.
He was not alone in his heart.
Old man Norman's narration:
"At that time, the people I loved even though we didn't understand each other, including my wife, have passed away.''
"Now I speak in my heart."
"I'm not even good at fishing at this age."
"My friends will stop me, but I will throw the line into the flow by myself."
"When twilight creeps into the valley, everything disappears, leaving only my soul and my memories."
"And the murmuring of the river and the rhythm of four beats."
"Expecting fish to swim on the river surface"
"Eventually everything will merge into one, and a river runs through it."
"The rivers carved into the earth during the Flood period have washed the rocks since the beginning of time, and the rocks have been soaked by rain since time immemorial."
"There are words under the rock…"
"Some of those words are of rocks."
"I'm addicted to the river."
A canvas called Blackfoot River.
There, various unique colors gather, make a statement, and play together.
However, they harmonize with each other with a sense of unity.
In the human world, eternal beauty that transcends reality occurs as many times as sunlight is reflected in a babbling stream.
The theme of this work is
"What is hometown? What is beauty? "is.
The characteristics of this work are:
The eternity and tolerance of Montana's rivers Harmony, unity, and melody between the trout and humans that live there Paul's ephemeral life as a chosen artist The fruit of Norman's human power
It is made up of these four pillars.
The Blackfoot River is deeply involved in this.
The role of the Blackfoot River:
/Home /God /Mother /Spirituality /Coexistence /Constancy /Inclusion /Brilliance /Tranquility /Playground /Classroom /Healing place
Even though he is old, Norman still goes to the river because he sees the things he loves there.
The untold memories of the past, such as the younger brother who fell into disrepair, the proud father who was in awe and respect, and the foolish schemes he had with his friends, all stand still like a vacuum pack and shine brightly.
This work is simply beautiful…
Visual art that cannot be explained logically.
What did this work leave behind?
It's hard to express in words, but we want to see it again, take a peek at it, and come back.
This is a work that makes us want to come back here.
This is a work that you can always have in your heart.
The director was Robert Redford, and the actor was Brad Pitt.
Well then, on to the next work.
~Related works~
『The Great Gatsby』Directed by Jack Clayton and Robert Redford
『Out of Africa』 Directed by Sidney Pollack, Robert Redford
『The Great River with Two Hearts』 Written by Hemingway
『The Splendor of the Grass』Written by Words Worth
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There are a few things happening here. When is these people are all party poopers and they're boring slobs I'm sick of it they're too stupid to know how to do things that we doing they can't live with duplicity practically at all and they're shouting what they're going to do to people I'll tell you what a big Tommy f is the same way he's a sit there trying to pick fights with people my son was going to go back and pick a fight with him and he went out he's like an MMA guy and all this other stuff and the top level guy so his people start getting beaten to death so see what it really is it's only when they're having an event and they have this gallery and they needed to see it. Instead you're going to get public now and your facility is going to break and everyone's going to get ready let's see how evil you are. We understand that you're all evil here evil to us and we're not evil to each other so think about it and you're saying every time you people are ridiculous.
-there's a few more things to talk about these people look good and all dressed up they're doing their thing and Tommy F was burying himself and having a fun time I'll even noticed after the show he said I'll get you all in him for staring me in the eye so her son says they put you on the show to see how you in the eye cuz you're doing it to them I don't care I mean you're trying to attack our people and they're doing it because they're out there they Don't know about Us. And he says it's a curse I'll curse you as it is a curse. You're a cursive zombie. In between laughter he started to figure out what the idiots are doing and he's saying you're worried about me what about them I said you're having an awesome attack us and we figured out to see you so after time he said I guess that's that thing and they're not leaving alone so they have a fight and it goes on like that all the time we want a large bag and freedoms we don't want to be tied to use and listen to your garbage and your potty mouths and your gross way and you people are so gross it hurts you don't have any life at all your family life is a sham you get so abused and stuff by each other and them you're grotesque can't stand it anymore. What's tonight's events on to tonight's events and they're rich
-there are a few things going on what is the muck is moving out a little and the next few days it's going to move out a lot and it's going to make a difference with the atmosphere here in the bugs will be reduced. It's part of the max hydraulic hydrology report and we get it
-there is a huge clue coming from the Mississippi Missouri and even up from St Laurent but that's the East Coast but the Gulf of Mexico is spawning blue green algae and tons of it it is a huge plume already 500 miles wide and A thousand Miles high and it's coming from the river's mouth and reaches well past Florida it's about 500 miles south and it's unfortunately it's probably 500 miles to the west of us but the oxygen is blowing across and the plume is growing and it will be another 500 mi so it's going to be only 250 mi from here and probably three or four days maybe a week and it's going to be easier to breathe with more oxygen and all that other stuff is growing out there and it's going to increase the oxygen and the fisheries will return and it'll be too many and enough to be fishing them out and the plume is also feeding kelp and seaweed and it's going to be rich and the river is here have been pushing out some and the oxygen levels will go up and it's going up already it was at 14 and at night about 20 now it's about 17 and at night it's about 23 sometimes 24 and it will steadily increase and 24 is pretty decent but it's only that level for about 2 hours if that but the next few days it's going to increase and we'll give you the report then but we suspect it'll be 24 for about 8 hours and 27 for two and 18 all day and 20 to 21 at times and that's going to be about Wednesday
-there's going to be a rain tonight and later which is good it'll reduce the bugs a lot. They sprayed and it helped and they're going to spray again
-there's a giant number of people who died in their houses today and it is from oxygenation and there's a path where the oxygen goes it is a swath and it blows in from the ocean where the plumes went at the mouthles of the harbors. And it is to the north of each harbor unfortunately and can get songs with it and he hasn't been getting tons of oxygen and he's actually in trouble he's been getting up in the morning for a couple weeks she's getting better and he says it too I feel a lot better and he knows why now so you should be okay but he got songs and he said what is it cuz he's inside the doors closed and the air is on but he does get he did get fresh air from the air conditioner and he says I should crack the window if I have a screen and he started doing it and he can hear that air conditioner but it's pretty much the same so there's a little bit warmer it's too cold in there and he started getting air the other day and he was 2 weeks it'll be 30 Non-Stop and he said I can't handle that so he started oxygenating and he still is out cuz the swath goes from like Captiva up to Northport and it goes in 80 miles that whole area like half of the people died my two get very sick and he hydrated and the rest of them start hydrating and they did it right and he said he vomited a little kept doing it and it started hydrating and he started seeing stars and then it went away and is urine stunk and he did it again and they were all having problems they said this is going to suck you know what it is and they start to oxygenate more and really it requires a lot of doing it and our son's been doing it every day he's being taken around and he's been trying to get wheat and doing in the morning lots of it it's still going to be hassle and he felt it a few times this morning I came pushing out of his eyes a few times so sinusitis. And his brain is okay we check. Few more things
-besides the plume of oxygen which is creeping up here by the way I'll be here tomorrow off and on there are several problems developing within this society this microcosms one of them is a powerful sense of racism and they're directing it at Ken and Chris a little and we can't stand them anymore we have to get rid of them they're doing it cuz they're they're jerks and racist in a week I don't have any patience or tolerance for them at all and I'm going to come in there and start getting rid of them they die all the time
-we are getting some stuff done here and today we did fix a few things there were some bridge components they needed repair and they saw the cruise out there and it was from the other day now it's from the storm and they lifted beams in place and bolted on there's a few more things that occurred they went ahead and tested the sand and they're doing it for compaction and they did it where we're going to build and I mean tested the sand I mean that they tested what we're going to build on and we're going to build it up too and they went down about 20 ft he also skanned and then sent out one deep probe. And on 20 properties, that we're going to develop and we're going to do it yourself and we get it so there's going to be a lot of that going on these 20 properties are all over Florida it's not many but some are very big four times the size of his neighborhood which means the size of punta Gorda if you went from all the way out to the sanctuary and all the way to Walmart four times that size and that's huge and three of them are outside Miami and it's exciting and those places are as big as Sarasota. They tested out 60 areas that were about half the size of that and we only have 10 that big but the areas are comfortable we have like 60% of their size for us have 20% and it's been already more like 10 so we're almost there and it's going to be huge we have a giant day tomorrow because we're getting ready and restaging and we're going to clear come Monday even though it's a state of emergency and we're going to clear brush and trees from the surrounding areas or fire control and clearing the canals of debris and Muck I'm going to dredge and we're going to use a dredger it's really just a bucket to excavator and it works real fast and it only takes minutes to do a few miles almost it takes a lot less time you think and these are decent size dredgers. They'll be pulling barges in and out all day doesn't take long it fills up in 20 minutes and they've gone a quarter mile I mean the things are huge with the canals are bigger like 30 ft wide and the barge fits across like the whole thing almost sits right on the back and they start but they clear the box and they put it on the fresh water and go forwards it's going to be great I can't wait to do this this is so much fun when they see how fast that stuff grows and my daddy did a test no and sunset I need to take a shovel and a wheelbarrow to a canal and I'll find one patch in your field I like try not to lose it and look I think these guys go out there set each other on fire or something tobacco in eagles okay someone said so fast that you won't believe it so he's going ahead and he's going to do it and he's going to do a patch a couple patches different place so they don't have to I have wierdos even if I don't want to see it. So you smiles and says they can do a movie instead of The Expendables would be the weirdos and they're not even saying you're right and saying I know they're in the matrix they're still alive and you guys are lame little pussies like I thought. He's doing a test pattern already well no he said he's going to so we went ahead and did it and he says it's probably tons of muck around and these guys are pulling tons of it out you just grab it off the road if you don't want to be seen pulled out of the river so we kind of did that a little I took it and we did a test in our area and that's how we know and it produce results in a week seedlings of tobacco we're about 6 in tall and tobacco takes a while it's a sturdy plant and it's grown it's about a foot now after 2 weeks so people are excited that's real fast and we can use anything else if we meant to the soil the amended it so now it's going on people want to excavate it usually it takes like a month to get 6 in you harvested at 4 ft and we think four foot will come faster than the one foot but we're checking it right now I said 8 inches and it's been 13 days and it says promising
Here goes his other stuff
Says we should publish so we don't lose it and we shall
Thor Freya
This is someone here working well everyone's working and this is helping but it gets us going this doesn't stuff to do and her test is going very well and we know that tobacco shoots up after it's a foot and takes a week that's coming up in a few days and we'll have a small crop and it's enough for like 3,000 cigars and we'll probably make him as a first batch. We're going to use the brand that came from that area and it's like 30 miles north of Seminole casino and that's where they are going to go out to cuz that's what they're saying right now and they get beat up it's not through the ranges but it's close.
I got to see that video and laugh at them I hate this idiots so bad the ruin my day and night I got nothing up here nobody and they won't leave me alone we have to toss these stupid assholes to shut them up
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zeroiii · 1 year
ive seen the size of the fish skeletons the vultures leave on the shores of the river both bridges cross over. i know how to swim but the fear of something that big touching me in that muddy ass missouri water makes me want to scream
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taperwolf · 1 year
So I'm reading a lot of @headspace-hotel posts about farming and pesticides and nature, and I'm being reminded of — well, the arc of my dad's career.
Dad grew up on a small cattle ranch in southern Idaho, was the first in his family to go to college. He went into agriculture-related public service, spending most of his career (from the late 1970s through the 2010s) with the US Forest Service.
I don't know that people appreciate just how much land in the US is publicly owned and managed by either the Department of Agriculture or the Department of the Interior. The USDA includes the Forest Service, which manages the 193 million acres of the National Forest system, about the same area as Texas; the USDoI includes the National Park Service, which maintains the National Parks and National Monuments, the US Fish & Wildlife service, which manages the National Wildlife Refuges, wetland management districts, and fish hatcheries, and the Bureau of Land Management, which directly administers 245 million acres (⅒ of total US land mass). These are all uniformed services of the federal government, and the fact that the land management agencies are spread under different cabinet departments means that there's a lot of inter-service rivalry. At any rate, US residents are welcome to visit and use (for various purposes) most of this land, subject to various restrictions and usage fees.
Despite the name, the National Forests include a lot of land that's not remotely forested. Dad spent many years in the same area that he grew up in and areas nearby, where there's a lot of high desert — sagebrush, grasses, and prickly pear cactus — and his first posting as a district Ranger was on the Little Missouri National Grasslands in North Dakota, which is, natch, grasslands. The primary public use of these kinds of lands is grazing, both of cattle and sheep.
At any rate, both the forested and nonforested areas face the risk of wildfires, and dealing with those is probably the most high-profile work the Forest Service does. For decades, the policy was to stop all wildfires as quickly as possible, and to portray forest fires as an absolute tragedy; we didn't understand the role that periodic fires play in these ecosystems. The massive 1988 fire in Yellowstone National Park and surrounding areas was a big wake-up call that the general policy of stopping small burns was just allowing deadfall and dry vegetation to accumulate in the undergrowth until the whole area was a tinderbox. That event, and the publication a year earlier of Alston Chase's book Playing God in Yellowstone, which called out the management blunders that would lead to such a fire, played a big role in Dad's opinions going forwards. (He's got some minor dyslexia, and had rarely read a book since college, but he read and reread that book.) The current policy has shifted to one of containment and letting things burn naturally unless they're threatening human lives and property, which has unfortunately become too common an occurrence of late. I remember he was also a proponent of wolf reintroduction to Yellowstone, a policy that's paid off enormously in repairing the ecosystem there. (Though he presented the situation to nearby ranchers and herders in more mercenary terms; he said, "Look, if wolves are reintroduced by the park service, and, as you fear, leave Yellowstone and attack your herds, we can remove or kill problem animals. The other probable case right now is that, sooner or later, wolves are going to reintroduce themselves, coming down from Canada, and they'll be fully protected as an endangered species and you won't be able to do a damned thing about it.")
Another concern that became important to him was riparian area repair — attempting to restore the natural balance of the space around rivers and streams. Again, decades of doctrine had been that human use was paramount — access to rivers for recreation, creation of dams and reservoirs for electricity generation and irrigation, and so forth — until people started to realize how much of their building was in desiccated flood plains; I remember him publishing a paper in one of the internal journals on remediation efforts on one of the creeks on his district. Likewise, he was a big champion of integrated pest management, attending conferences on moving away from pesticides and towards encouraging natural predators of pest insect species.
Dad's retired now, and I don't have much of a picture of how attitudes are within the various agencies. Government agencies are, by nature, slow to change and slow to move. But I guess I'm saying that people don't join the Forest Service because they want the forests torn down, and that you should look up what the public lands are near you, who runs them, what's going on with them.
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gilliatt83 · 2 years
Causing a Natural Disaster to Party: The Case of James Scott | Overlooked
In 1993, the Midwestern United States was submerged by extreme rainfall and historic flooding that resulted in tens of deaths, billions of dollars in damages, and a breach of levees up and down the Mississippi River. In the small river town of Quincy, Illinois, 24-year-old James Scott was convicted under an obscure 1979 Missouri law for intentionally "causing a catastrophe". His alleged crime was causing the West Quincy levee to fail and his alleged motive was to strand his wife on the other side of the river so he could be free to party and go fishing with his friends. Though no one died in this levee breach, James is the first and only person in Missouri history convicted under this law and is currently serving a life sentence. In this episode of Overlooked, Adam Pitluk, journalist and author of Damned to Eternity, returns to Quincy, IL to further investigate how James may have been scapegoated by local community and law enforcement officials whose tunnel vision firmly placed the blame on James, a crime which he maintains to this day that he didn't do.
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sheri42 · 2 years
WriteOut Journal Cottonwood
Indigenous Peoples Day-- cottonwood in earth lodges; poetry #writeout Daily Create fractals #clmooc
WRITEOUT 22 WriteOut 10.10.22 Daily Walk Digital Journal: The Structure of Our World Through the Cottonwood Cottonwood along Banks Lake, WA Cottonwoods and People I have loved cottonwood trees, no matter how people complain of their fluffy puffs floating in the air, ever since I played along the Missouri River near Bismarck, ND while my parents fished for the Northern Pike and walleye. Shade…
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ideatonki · 2 years
Airbridge broadband
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