#how to do puja
astrologerbydefault · 1 month
Shravan Pradosh puja: Gain prosperity and destroy negative karma
The Shravan Month is dedicated to Bhagwan Shankar. This year, a rare Shravan Shanivar Shiva Pradosh brings a burst of energy in our lives. Learn the simplest puja to perform on this day to amplify positive energy and reduce karma.
The Shravan Month (5th Aug – 3rd Sept 2024 – Amavasyant) is dedicated to the worship of Bhagwan Shankar. You can gain real prosperity in life if you do his pujas sincerely in this month. And in this year the Shravan month is bringing a rare energy combination. The Shravan month falls in the Chaturmaas (17th Jul – 12th Nov 2024) which is full of Dharmic Utsavs/ festivals. (Watch the video…
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notpoet06 · 3 months
“it’s not enough that we’re both Bengali”
“That’s not why I love you”
Crying 😭
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brijkerasiya · 2 months
Raksha Bandhan Puja Vidhi
रक्षाबंधन के दिन भाई-बहन एक दूसरे के प्रति अपने स्नेह और सम्मान को प्रकट करते हैं। इस दिन की पूजा विधि बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होती है, जो इस पर्व को और भी पवित्र बनाती है। यहाँ रक्षाबंधन की पूजा विधि को विस्तार से बताया गया है: रक्षाबंधन पूजा विधि: सामग्री की तैयारी: राखी पूजा की थाली दीया (दीपक) अक्षत (चावल) कुमकुम (सिंदूर) मिठाई नारियल कलावा (रक्षा सूत्र) गंगाजल (पवित्र जल) फूल धूप पूजा थाली की…
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jeevanjali · 8 months
Budhwar Upay: बुधवार के दिन करें भगवान गणेश के इ�� मंत्रों का जाप, खुल जाएंगे सौभाग्य के रास्तेBudhwar Upay बुधवार का दिन भगवान गणेश की पूजा के लिए समर्पित है। इस दिन की गई पूजा और व्रत से वह जल्दी प्रसन्न होते हैं और अपने भक्तों को आशीर्वाद देते हैं।
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butchkaramazov · 1 month
I’m unsure of how many non-Indians or even non-Bengalis know of this. Regardless of whether you do or do not, I would request you to reblog this post & share awareness about this. DON'T LET INJUSTICE GO UNPUNISHED.
On August 9, 2024, the body of 31-year-old post-graduate medical trainee, Dr. Moumita Debnath, was found partially naked in the seminar room of RG Kar, a hospital in Kolkata. She had just finished working a 36-hour night shift before this and, out of exhaustion, had fallen asleep while studying in the nearest seminar room on the fourth floor of the hospital.
Her family was informed beforehand that she had committed suicide, to which her mother emphasized on the fact that her daughter could never carry out such an act. On further investigation, it was found that Dr. Debnath had been raped and murdered in her sleep.
According to the Deccan Herald,
“There was bleeding from both her eyes and mouth, injuries over the face and nail. The victim was also bleeding from her private parts. She also has injuries in her belly, left leg… neck, in her right hand, ring finger and… lips. [...] “Her neck bone was also found broken. It seems that she was first strangulated and then smothered to death.”
According to Medical Dialogues,
“There were multiple hairs on the mattress and blood was soaked on the blue mattress [...]”
Later, it was found that Dr. Debnath’s glasses were shattered and her eyes were pierced with the shards of her glasses themselves.
Although one of the criminals (Sanjoy Roy) has been arrested, I am certain that there are others involved. In fact, it has been found that Sanjoy Roy, despite being an outsider, was granted access to PG Kar via personal relations with senior police officers.
The chief minister of West Bengal (despite being a woman herself) as well as members other political parties are trying, behind the scenes, to let this case fade away. Why? Oh right, it's really the privileged, upper class & upper caste sons and brothers of ministers who are behind this! No major crime can happen in a country without there being the hand of one or more influential persons, often politically involved.
Sisters and brothers, দিদিরা ও দাদারা, it would be a sin to remain silent in the face of such a crime. Our brave brothers & sisters pursuing medical practise have ceased working in their hospitals to protest against this grave crime against women, against humanity. We cannot let this injustice go unpunished! A crime against a single woman is a crime against all of us! We were born from a woman, raised by a woman—and now, when we see the honour, dignity and life of women at stake, won’t we join the andolan? Won’t we fight for what is right?
Requesting all Kolkata residents (who can) to join in at least any one of the protests mentioned below. There are provisions for elderly & disabled people. Men are invited to join us as well.
For those who want to join the Reclaim the Night protest at 11:55 p.m., please refer to this list of contact numbers (according to your region) provided by Miru Didi ( @arachneofthoughts )
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Take hold of the night! We have always been told to stay wary of nighttime and the dangers, manifested in the form of cruel men, we may face. Not anymore—we must reclaim the night! How much fear is fear enough? If anyone wants to know further details and the phone numbers regarding this first event, please DM me.
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Blowing the conch has always been a signal of strength. In traditional Bengali culture, it is almost always the women who blow the conch, be it in Durga Puja or the everyday pujas carried out at home. It was, and always will remain a sign of victory over evil. At 11:55 p.m., all those who cannot join the midnight assembly (the aforementioned event) can, instead, blow the conch from their own houses! Let them know you're not afraid. Let them know you've had enough. Let them know that once a revolution starts, especially one spearheaded by women, takes a long, long time to end.
[Please Note: These protests are not personally organised by me. I simply am in touch and will be attending the protest tonight.]
If you can, please do take the time to sign this petition below (courtesy of Miru Didi @arachneofthoughts) to aid our efforts:
If nothing, please do take the time to share and reblog this post wherever you can! DON'T LET RAPE GO UNPUNISHED!
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jyotishgher · 2 years
दिवाली पूजा विधि - Diwali Puja in Hindi with ENglish
दिवाली पूजा विधि - Diwali Puja in Hindi
दीवाली के दिन की विशेषता लक्ष्मी जी के पूजन से संबन्धित है. इस दिन हर घर, परिवार, कार्यालय में लक्ष्मी जी के पूजन के रुप में उनका स्वागत किया जाता है. दीवाली के दिन जहां गृहस्थ और वाणिज्य वर्ग के लोग धन की देवी लक्ष्मी से समृद्धि और वित्तकोष की कामना करते हैं, वहीं साधु-संत और तांत्रिक कुछ विशेष सिद्धियां अर्जित करने के लिए रात्रिकाल में अपने तांत्रिक कर्म करते हैं.दिवाली पर लक्ष्मी पूजा सहित विघ्नहर्ता श्रीगणेश एवं माता सरस्वती की पूजा करने का विधान है। पुराणों के अनुसार कार्तिक अमावस्या की रात में महालक्ष्मी स्वयं धरती पर आती हैं और हर घर में विचरण करती हैं। ऐसे में महालक्ष्मी की पूजा विधि-विधान से करने पर देवी की विशेष कृपा प्राप्त होती है।
प्रदोष काल मुहूर्त
श्री गणेश, श्री महालक्ष्मी पूजन, कुबेर पूजन, व्यापारिक खातों का पूजन, दीपदान, अपने सेवकों को वस्तुएं दान करने के लिये शुभ रहेगा. प्रदोष काल मंदिर मे दीप दान, रंगोली और पूजा की पूर्ण तयारी कर लेनी चाहिए. इसी समय मे मिठाई वितरण कार्य भी संपन्न कर लेना चाहिए. द्वार प़र स्वस्तिक और शुभ लाभ का सिन्दूर से निर्माण भी इसी समय करना चाहिए.
पूजा की सामग्री
लक्ष्मी व श्री गणेश की मूर्तियां (बैठी हुई मुद्रा में)
केशर, रोली, चावल, पान, सुपारी, फल, फूल, दूध, खील, बताशे, सिंदूर, शहद, सिक्के, लौंग.
सूखे, मेवे, मिठाई, दही, गंगाजल, धूप, अगरबत्ती, 11 दीपक
रूई तथा कलावा नारियल और तांबे का कलश चाहिए.
पूजा की तैयारी
चौकी पर लक्ष्मी व गणेश की मूर्तियाँ इस प्रकार रखें कि उनका मुख पूर्व या पश्चिम में रहें. लक्ष्मीजी,गणेशजी की दाहिनी ओर रहें. पूजनकर्ता मूर्तियों के सामने की तरफ बैठे. कलश को लक्ष्मीजी के पास चावलों पर रखें. नारियल को लाल वस्त्र में इस प्रकार लपेटें कि नारियल का अग्रभाग दिखाई देता रहे व इसे कलश पर रखें. यह कलश वरुण का प्रतीक है.
लक्ष्मीजी की ओर श्री का चिह्न बनाएँ. गणेशजी की ओर त्रिशूल, चावल का ढेर लगाएँ. सबसे नीचे चावल की नौ ढेरियाँ बनाएँ. छोटी चौकी के सामने तीन थाली व जल भरकर कलश रखें. तीन थालियों में निम्न सामान रखें.
ग्यारह दीपक(पहली थाली में)
खील, बताशे, मिठाई, वस्त्र, आभूषण, चन्दन का लेप  सिन्दूर कुंकुम, सुपारी, पान (दूसरी थाली में)
फूल, दुर्वा चावल, लौंग, इलायची, केसर-कपूर, हल्दी चूने का लेप, सुगंधित पदार्थ, धूप, अगरबत्ती, एक दीपक. (तीसरी थाली में)
इन थालियों के सामने पूजा करने वाला स्व्यं बैठे. परिवार के सदस्य आपकी बाईं ओर बैठें. शेष सभी परिवार के सदस्यों के पीछे बैठे.
लक्ष्मी पूजन विधि
आप हाथ में अक्षत, पुष्प और जल ले लीजिए. कुछ द्रव्य भी ले लीजिए. द्रव्य का अर्थ है कुछ धन. यह सब हाथ में लेकर संकसंकल्प मंत्र को बोलते हुए संकल्प कीजिए कि मैं अमुक व्यक्ति अमुक स्थान व समय पर अमुक देवी-देवता की पूजा करने जा रहा हूं जिससे मुझे शास्त्रोक्त फल प्राप्त हो. सबसे पहले गणेश जी व गौरी का पूजन कीजिए.
हाथ में थोड़ा-सा जल ले लीजिए और आह्वाहन व पूजन मंत्र बोलिए और पूजा सामग्री चढ़ाइए. हाथ में अक्षत और पुष्प ले लीजिए और नवग्रह स्तोत्र बोलिए. अंत में महालक्ष्मी जी की आरती के साथ पूजा का समापन  कीजिये.
Diwali Puja Mantra Shloka Hindi Sanskrit
एक चौकी पर लाल कपड़ा बिछाकर उस पर माता महालक्ष्‍मी और भगवान गणेश की प्रतिमा रखें। चौकी के ऊपर पानी छिड़कते हुए इस मंत्र का उच्‍चारण करें –
ॐ अपवित्र: पवित्रो वा सर्वावस्‍थां गतोपि वा । य: स्‍मरेत् पुण्‍डरीकाक्षं स: वाह्याभंतर: शुचि: ।।
अपने ऊपर और अपने पूजा के आसन पर जल छिड़कते हुए यह मंत्र बोलें –
पृथ्विति मंत्रस्‍य मेरुपृष्‍ठ: ग ऋषि: सुतलं छन्‍द: कूर्मोदेवता आसने विनियोग: ।।
ॐ पृथ्‍वी त्‍वया धृता लोका देवि त्‍वं विष्‍णुना धृता । त्‍वं च धारय मां देवि पवित्रं कुरु चासन���् नम: ।।
पृथ्वियै नम: आधारशक्‍तये नम: ।।
यह मंत्र बोलते हुए आचमन करें –
ॐ केशवाय नम:, ॐ नारायणाय नम: ॐ माधवाय नम:।
मां लक्ष्मी का ध्यान करते हुए यह मंत्र पढ़ें –
या सा पद्मासनस्था विपुल-कटि-तटी पद्म-पत्रायताक्षी,गम्भीरार्तव-नाभि: स्तन-भर-नमिता शुभ्र-वस्त्रोत्तरीया ।या लक्ष्मीर्दिव्य-रूपैर्मणि-गण-खचितैः स्‍वापिता हेम-कुम्भैः,सा नित्यं पद्म-हस्ता मम वसतु गृहे सर्व-मांगल्य-युक्ता।।
मां लक्ष्मी का आह्वान करने के लिए यह मंत्र पढ़ें –
आगच्‍छ देव-देवेशि! तेजोमय‍ि महा-लक्ष्‍मी। क्रियमाणां मया पूजां, गृहाण सुर-वन्दिते।। श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देवीं आवाह्यामि।।
फूल चढ़ाएं –
नाना रत्‍न समायुक्‍तं, कार्त स्‍वर विभूषितम्।
आसनं देव-देवेश ! प्रीत्‍यर्थं प्रति-गह्यताम्।।
श्रीलक्ष्‍मी-देव्‍यै आसनार्थे पंच-पुष्‍पाणि समर्पयामि।।
पाद्यं गृहाण देवेशि, सर्व-क्षेम-समर्थे, भो: !भक्तया समर्पितं देवि, महालक्ष्‍मी ! नमोsस्‍तुते।।
श्रीलक्ष्‍मी-देव्‍यै पाद्यं नम:नमस्‍ते देव-देवेशि ! नमस्‍ते कमल-धारिणि!
नमस्‍ते श्री महालक्ष्‍मी, धनदा देवी ! अर्घ्‍यं गृहाण।
गंध-पुष्‍पाक्षतैर्युक्‍तं, फल-द्रव्‍य-समन्वितम्।
गृहाण तोयमर्घ्‍यर्थं, परमेश्‍वरि वत्‍सले।।
श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै अर्घ्‍यं स्‍वाहा।।
माता महालक्ष्मी को दूध, दही, घी, शहद और चीनी के मिश्रण से स्नान करवाते हुए पढ़ें –
गंगासरस्‍वतीरेवापयोष्‍णीनर्मदाजलै:। स्‍नापितासी मय देवी तथा शांतिं कुरुष्‍व मे।। आदित्‍यवर्णे तपसोsधिजातो वनस्‍पतिस्‍तव वृक्षोsथ बिल्‍व:। तस्‍य फलानि तपसा नुदन्‍तु मायान्‍तरायश्र्च ब्रह्मा अलक्ष्‍मी:।। श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै जलस्‍नानं समर्पयामि।।
वस्त्र के रूप में कलावा चढ़ाते हुए पढ़ें –
दिव्‍याम्‍बरं नूतनं हि क्षौमं त्‍वतिमनोहरम्। दीयमानं मया देवि गृहाण जगदम्बिके।।
उपैतु मां देवसख: कीर्तिश्च मणिना सह। प्रादुर्भूतो सुराष्‍ट्रेsस्मिन् कीर्तिमृद्धि ददातु मे।।
।।श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै वस्‍त्रं समर्पयामि।।
इस मंत्र को पढ़ते हुए माता को गहने अर्पित करें –
रत्‍नकंकड़ वैदूर्यमुक्‍ताहारयुतानि च।
सुप्रसन्‍नेन मनसा दत्तानि स्‍वीकुरुष्‍व मे।।
क्षुप्तिपपासामालां ज्‍येष्‍ठामलक्ष्‍मीं नाशयाम्‍यहम्।
अभूतिमसमृद्धिं च सर्वात्रिर्णद मे ग्रहात्।।
।। श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै आभूषणानि समर्पयामि ।।
सिंदूर –
ॐ सिन्‍दुरम् रक्‍तवर्णश्च सिन्‍दूरतिलकाप्रिये । भक्‍त्या दत्तं मया देवि सिन्‍दुरम् प्रतिगृह्यताम् ।।।। श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै सिन्‍दूरम् समर्पयामि।।
कुमकुम –
ॐ कुमकुम कामदं दिव्‍यं कुमकुम कामरूपिणम् । अखंडकामसौभाग्‍यं कुमकुम प्रतिगृह्यताम् ।। श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै कुमकुम समर्पयामि।।
चावल –
अक्षताश्च सुरश्रेष्‍ठं कुंकमाक्‍ता: सुशोभिता: । मया निवेदिता भक्‍तया पूजार्थं प्रतिगृह्यताम् ।।।। श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै अक्षतान् समर्पयामि।।
गंध –
श्री खंड चंदन दिव्‍यं, गंधाढ्यं सुमनोहरम् ।विलेपनं महालक्ष्‍मी चंदनं प्रति गृह्यताम् ।।। श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै चंदनं समर्पयामि।।
फूल –
यथाप्राप्‍तऋतुपुष्‍पै:, विल्‍वतुलसीदलैश्च ।पूजयामि महालक्ष्‍मी प्रसीद मे सुरेश्वरि ।।। श्रीलक्ष्‍मी देव्‍यै पुष्‍पं समर्पयामि।।
क्षमा-प्रार्थना करें
पूजा पूर्ण होने के बाद मां से जाने-अनजाने हुए सभी भूलों के लिए क्षमा-प्रार्थना करें। उन्हें कहें-
मां न मैं आह्वान करना जानता हूँ, न विसर्जन करना। पूजा-कर्म भी मैं नहीं जानता। हे परमेश्वरि! मुझे क्षमा करो। मन्त्र, क्रिया और भक्ति से रहित जो कुछ पूजा मैंने की है, हे देवि! वह मेरी पूजा सम्पूर्ण हो। यथा-सम्भव प्राप्त उपचार-वस्तुओं से मैंने जो यह पूजन किया है, उससे आप भगवती श्रीलक्ष्मी प्रसन्न हों।
दिवाली की पूजा विधि (Diwali 2022–2023–2024–2025 Puja Vidhi) | Tips
दिवाली पर लक्ष्मी पूजा से पहले घर की साफ-सफाई करके पूरे घर में गंगाजल का छिड़काव करें।
घर के प्रवेश द्वार को रंगोली और दीयों से सजाएं।
पूजास्थल पर एक चौकी स्थापित करे व उस पर लाल कपड़ा बिछाएं।
चौकी पर माँ लक्ष्मी व श्रीगणेश की मूर्ति की स्थापना करे।
अब जल से भरा एक कलश चौकी के पास रखें।
देवी लक्ष्मी एवं श्रीगणेश की मूर्ति पर तिलक लगाकर दीपक प्रज्जवलित करे।
इसके बाद जल, मौली, चावल, फल, गुड़, हल्दी, अबीर-गुलाल आदि अर्पित करें।
अब हाथ जोड़कर देवी लक्ष्मी की स्तुति करें।
माँ लक्ष्मी सहित माँ सरस्वती, मां काली, श्रीहरि विष्णु व कुबेर देव की पूजा भी विधि विधान से करें।
पूरे परिवार को एकत्रित होकर महालक्ष्मी का पूजन करना चाहिए।
देवी लक्ष्मी की पूजा के बाद तिजोरी, बहीखाते एवं व्यापारिक उपकरण की पूजा करें।
पूजा के बाद श्रद्धाभाव से ज़रुरतमंद लोगों को मिठाई और दक्षिणा देनी चाहिए।
गणेश जी की आरती
जय गणेश जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा, माता जाकी पार्वती, पिता महादेवा।।
एक दंत दयावंत चार भुजाधारी।
माथे पर तिलक सोहे, मुसे की सवारी।
जय गणेश जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा, माता जाकी पार्वती, पिता महादेवा।।
पान चढ़े फूल चढ़े और चढ़े मेवा।
लड्डुवन का भोग लगे, संत करे सेवा।।
जय गणेश जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा, माता जाकी पार्वती, पिता महादेवा।।
अंधन को आंख देत, कोढ़ियन को काया।
बांझन को पुत्र देत, निर्धन को माया।।
सुर श्याम शरण आये सफल कीजे सेवा।। जय गणेश देवा
जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा। माता जाकी पार्वती, पिता महादेवा।।
लक्ष्मीजी की आरती
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता मैया जय लक्ष्मी माता
तुमको निसदिन सेवत, हर विष्णु विधाता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
उमा, रमा, ब्रम्हाणी, तुम जग की माता
सूर्य चद्रंमा ध्यावत, नारद ऋषि गाता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
दुर्गारूप निरंजन, सुख संपत्ति दाता
जो कोई तुमको ध्याता, ऋद्धि सिद्धी धन पाता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
तुम ही पाताल निवासनी, तुम ही शुभदाता
कर्मप्रभाव प्रकाशनी, भवनिधि की त्राता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
जिस घर तुम रहती हो, ताँहि में हैं सद्गुण आता
सब सभंव हो जाता, मन नहीं घबराता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
तुम बिन यज्ञ ना होता, वस्त्र न कोई पाता
खान पान का वैभव, सब तुमसे आता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
शुभ गुण मंदिर, सुंदर क्षीरनिधि जाता
रत्न चतुर्दश तुम बिन, कोई नहीं पाता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
महालक्ष्मी जी की आरती, जो कोई नर गाता
उर आंनद समाता, पाप उतर जाता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
स्थिर चर जगत बचावै, कर्म प्रेर ल्याता
तेरा भगत मैया जी की शुभ दृष्टि पाता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता, मैया जय लक्ष्मी माता,
तुमको निसदिन सेवत, हर विष्णु विधाता॥ ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता….
IN ENGLISH LET ME WRITE FOR YOU:Why we do Ganesh-Laxmi Puja on Diwali:
Diwali is not just a festival but also considered as a beginning of a new phase in our lives. It is believed that Maa Laxmi visits every house in Diwali carrying a pot full of wealth, good luck and prosperity. We worship Lord Ganesha with Laxmi ma because Ganesh ji is the God of wisdom and he is known to remove all the obstacles in one’s life while Laxmi Ma is Goddess of wealth. We worship them together on Diwali so that we get wisdom along with wealth and all our life obstacles are removes. And obviously, without wisdom, wealth cannot stay longer with you.
This is the reason why we worship Laxmi-Ganesh on Diwali, in order to invite wealth, prosperity, abundance, good luck and wisdom.
How to do Diwali Puja at Home?
Every Diwali the Muhurat (favourable time) for Diwali puja is different. This year in 2022, Diwali is on 24 October and the Puja Muhurat starts at 6:54 pm to 8:18 pm.
In my family, we begin with taking bath and wearing new clothes before the puja. The puja-ghar or altar is cleaned and decorated on Dhanteras (2 days before) it self. So, we set up the puja things in the room to prepare for puja. After this, we do the following steps:
Spread a new red cloth
Sprinkle some rice on it and touch it to seek blessings
Place a kalash in the middle of it, fill it with ganga jal and some rice.
Cover it with mango leaves
Put a tilak on it
Now on one aasan, place the Ganesh-Laxmi idols
Start the puja by sprinkling ganga jal, making them wear new clothes and garlands, putting tilak and offering them flowers sweets, dry-fruits and fruits.
Then light 9 earthen diyas for 9 planets (this is done to balance and calm all the 9 planets and seek blessings)
This ritual to worship the God and Godness and the kalash is done by everyone in the house
The Diwali puja is also to be done in your office and seek blessings of the almighty. So, because 90% of our work is done by phones and laptops, we also worship it. We put the work-related gadgets in front of the God and Goddess and worship it by making a swastik on it, sprinkling rice and flowers on it. We then keep it for some time in the puja ghar only.
Some people also put their cash chest, cash box, locker keys and account books too. After from this, it is also a good ritual to take a bowl and ask every earning member of the family to put some money into the money bowl which resembles inviting prosperity and wealth to our home.
An aarti is performed and prasaad is distributed to conclude the Diwali puja ritual. We then light the diyas and candles and celebrate it further by burning crackers, eating sweets and meeting and greeting the loved ones.
This is how I do Diwali puja at home. Hope this helped you! Don’t forget to share!
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azure-cherie · 5 months
Some astro observations pt:4🧡
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It's been a year I have done an observations post ☠️ I hope you guys enjoy this one 💟
In case you want a reading :
Paid readings, paid readings 2 , masterlist
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🍊 Combust or retrograde Venus can be cured through worship of Devi , respecting women and general and treating yourself well . Whereas combust mercury can be cured through practicing mathematics. Combust Saturn through practicing more routines.
🍊 Rahu synastry makes you delusional true but ketu synastry is even more delusional you will feel a sense of familiarity with the person you have the synastry with but soon you will realise oh it was all play and eventually the ketu person will actually start hating the moon person .
🍊 I think purva bhadrapada is he sign of sati as when sati was born on earth to be wife of Shiva only the expansiveness of purva bhadrapada could make her realise her true potential as mahadevi herself how she's nature and everything that truly exists in the cosmos . Likewise purva bhadrapada expands their horizons to realise their true purpose . I found some purva bhadrapada prominence in her media depiction of sati as well .
🍊 Purva bhadrapada are also truly sweet and kind people who have so much intelligence but it stays hidden for the early part of their life .
🍊 Purva Ashadha as a young girl or a maiden is often envied by her peers for being pretty , use protective things as a means to protect from evil eye , PA is associated with liver and evil eye can cause bumps in the face or skin disease .
🍊 Shravana girls have the quite confidence, they're genuinely bubbly but it's hidden in the quite girl interior, they know who they are and are constantly working on themselves.
🍊 With pisces placements in a man's chart one can have a good balance between the masculine and the feminine energy, I have generally seen pisces creating a nice atmosphere for their wives or the girls they love . They enjoy cooking and also get a lot of girl friends around them who trust them .
🍊 Gemini guys in general are the most confused people though girls can be assertive or be quickly change the men are just diplomatic about everything.
🍊 Vishakha women have the tridosha of kapha , which makes them effective in transforming their body fast .
🍊 I've seen that you might attract the sign of your 7th house but mostly it doesn't work out 💀 rather the sign in your 12th house works better , the chemistry is unbeatable and they treat you so well . Even in my case Taurus is my 12th house 💀 Taurus men be spoiling me 👑
🍊 Sun moon synastry is so passive agressive
🍊 Your atmakaraka can provide you insights on which Devi you should worship , for example if mars go for some ugra Devi like Kali , Durga etc . They can prove to be your ishtha or kuldevi please note that to find one's ishtha /kuldevi more things are to be considered.
🍊 Sun in the 10th house gives one fame but makes one work hard asf , when you're at the verge of giving up that's when true fame comes in to save you being the house of Saturn .
🍊 Jupiter in 3rd makes one materialistic they were the kids that were obsessed with new toys and gadgets as it generally makes one fidgety, also they were fulfilled in their wants for toys .
🍊 Combust mars in a girls chart overworks themselves because they feel a lack of vitality, they don't know where to exactly put efforts or what to do to make themselves feel better. Combust mars in a man's chart has the delusion of being masculine when in turn they do nothing to nourish their essence , true help in this case can be attained through puja in Tuesdays of Mangal Dev or Hanuman .
🍊 Ketu and mars can give hidden anger issues and can cause anger outbursts like Taurus mars . One way to combat that is to donate blood .
🍊 Saturn in 1H should do atleast one thing they don't like to do but is Essential for them everyday as this position might show feeling inferior or uninterested in themselves the act of doing something for themselves makes them more confident.
🍊 Mercury in combust , 6th house gives skin problems .
🍊 Rohini isn't materialistic for money but for comfort .
Thank you so much for reading, have a great day/night 🧡
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gguk-n · 4 days
Hi could please write one where the reader is bengali and celebrates Durga Puja with Lando in india ( ollie or kimi works too but I'm not sure if you write for them)?
I did a ‘spin the wheel’ and got Ollie.
Puja Vibes
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Ollie was as white as white gets and his girlfriend was the embodiment of the Bengali culture prancing around. She had helped Oliver expand his horizon; taught him new experiences and delicious food. She will argue, that there’s no dessert like Bengali dessert.
So, when it was time for Y/N to return home for Durga Puja, Ollie would be joining her too since he had no races or prior commitments.
They hadn’t dated for long but Ollie had showered her with gifts on Christmas and taught her all his family traditions. Y/N just wanted to do the same for him.
At the airport, they landed together with Ollie in tow who was enamoured by the hustle and bustle of the city. He saw cows crossing the road like it was another Tuesday and no one batted an eye. Y/N pointed out all the building explaining the significance and the reason behind their construction during the colonial era on the way to her home.
At home, preparations for Durga Puja were in full swing. Y/N’s uncle and aunt had decorated their house ornately. Oliver greeted everyone.
The festivities would start the next day. Everyone was up bright and early for the invocation (bodhon) Oliver was mesmerised by the shining lights and the bright colours and the beautiful way Goddess Durga was dressed.
The main event was Maha Ashtami which Y/N’s father had great pleasure in explaining to Oliver. Oliver was like a kid in a candy store; eyes wide open and mesmerised by the events unfolding in front of him.
You would find the poor boy following Y/N around like a lost puppy. It was adorable watching him hold onto her saree palo as she walked in front of him. “Lemme hold your hand” Ollie whined. “Everyone is here for the festival. What will the elder’s think?” Y/N reasoned. In Indian culture, blatant show of affection was frowned upon especially in the older generations, the younger ones couldn’t care less. That’s why Ollie was walking around holding her palo.
They were stood next to each other while Y/N’s mother made the preparations for Maha Ashtami. “Your dress looks so beautiful. Red truly is your colour” Ollie said. “Thank you babe” she said. “How did you do this?” He asked playing with the folds. “My mum helped. I’m still pretty bad at tying a saree” she said. “Is that what it’s called? A saree” he said enunciating each word. “Yup, it’s an Indian traditional wear but everyone wraps the cloth around them differently, depending on the region of the country” she explained. His mouth formed an O in understanding.
They finished up the celebration with all the rituals being done and Oliver asking way too many questions each step of the way.
On the last day after Vijaya Dashami, after the immersion in the water everyone returned back home, exhausted by the events of the past days when Y/N’s cousin showed her a video; actually a few.
One video, had Ollie following her around like a lost puppy. The other one was of him holding her palo so as to not get lost. And the last one was straight out of a Shah Rukh Khan movie where Ollie’s watch had gotten stuck in her palo and he tried to free himself while actively trying to follow her and not let her know that he might fray her outfit. Eventually, he did free himself but his eyes never left her as he walked behind her.
She showed the video to Ollie and the Shah Rukh Khan scene from Om Shanti Om. Ollie was seen laughing, “didn’t know I would be getting my Bollywood moment this year during Puja” she said. “I’m happy I could be of service, m’lady” he said tipping his imaginary hat. “I would still have loved if it was Shah Rukh Khan” she teased. “Wow! I can’t believe this.” He acted hurt with his hand on his chest. “You are unbelievable.” She muttered pressing her lips on his cheeks. “Don’t try to bribe me with kisses” he huffed. “I’m not. I love you my cute little bear” she cooed. “I’m not cute” he huffed again. “Sure, my rasgulla” she laughed pinching his cheeks. “I like that dessert. Can I have some more?” He replied lost in thought. “I’m sure my mother will find great pleasure in feeding you” she said laughing. “Let’s go” she said pulling him along. “I love you Y/N.” Ollie called out while being dragged along. “I love you too” she replied turning to look at him.
Y/N’s family cooed at them, young love
Hope you liked it! I tried my best
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eroselless · 4 months
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series masterlist | part 2 | part 4
[charles leclerc x reader, carlos sainz x reader]
warnings: angst, fighting, tiny bit of violence (a slap makes an appearance but that’s it, not directed at the reader), pregnancy, description of birth/labour (might be a little inaccurate), breastfeeding, assholey Charles, Spanish
note: Part 3! Baby is here! We’ll be doing some time jumps from time to time, each chapter marked with a date and relative time in the reader's pregnancy. The name I chose for the baby comes from my personal list of baby names, I couldn’t resist. Lucero is pronounced loo-seh-row :) I hope you guys enjoy it!
3rd trimester/month 9/week 37
“¡Puja, mi amor! ¡Sé que puedes!” The voice cuts through the air as you push with all your might Push, my love! I know you can do it! The contraction finally lets up, and you gasp, collapsing back against the hospital bed. You’re exhausted, every muscle straining from the effort. Your body is drenched in sweat, and your hair is matted to your forehead. It's been four gruelling hours.
You squeeze the hand that’s trapped between your fingers, seeking reassurance. The next contraction starts deep in your hips. “Ya casi estás, casi está aquí la bebé,” You're almost there, the baby is almost here. Lips press gently to your forehead, a touch of comfort that should somehow make the pain bearable. But you flinch away, any touch sending pain signals through your body. 
“I can’t… I can’t do it,” you croak, your breath coming out in ragged bursts. Tears mix with the sweat on your face, and the feeling of defeat threatens to overwhelm you.
“Sí puedes,” the voice says firmly. Yes, you can. A cool cloth wipes over your forehead, the cold fabric bringing a brief moment of relief. “Just one more push, you’ve got this,” one of the nurses says.
You shake your head again, tears pricking your eyes. The wave of pain returns, and you cry out. “I can’t,” you repeat, voice breaking. “I can’t do it.”
“Yes, you can,” the voice insists. Their fingers are still trapped in your grip. “Respira, inhala, exhala. You’re so strong, you’re almost there.” breathe, inhale, exhale. 
The nurse starts counting down, guiding you through the next push. You see another nurse enter the room, holding towels. You take a deep breath, and with a final surge of energy, you push with all you have left.
The room falls silent as if everyone is holding their breath, the tension palpable. Just when you think you might faint from the effort, a sharp, piercing cry fills the air.
A baby’s cries echo around the room, a beautiful, life-affirming sound. You collapse back against the pillows, your chest heaving as you struggle to catch your breath. Tears of relief and joy mingle with the sweat on your face.
“Lo hiciste, mi vida. Lo hiciste,” the voice says, filled with awe and pride. You did it, my life. You did it. Their fingers wipe away the tears on your face, and they press their lips to your hairline.
You open your eyes, blinking away the blur of exhaustion, and see the nurse approaching you with a tiny swaddle. The baby is placed on your chest, and her cries cease as she makes contact with your skin. Your eyes tear up again, but this time with tears of pure joy as you hold your baby close.
“Mirala, que bella,” the voice says, fingers trailing gently over the baby’s cheek. Look at her, how beautiful. The baby’s skin is still grimy, but you don’t care as you trail your fingers over her little body. She’s finally here.
You look up at the person whose hand you held as you pushed her out, your eyes full of love and gratitude. You lean into them as they coo at the baby. “Thank you,” you say, your voice trembling with emotion.
“Siempre, mi amor. Always,” they reply, their own eyes glistening with happy tears. The room is filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the soft murmurs of the nurses and the gentle coos from the baby. You cradle your daughter close, feeling a sense of completeness you’ve never known before. At that moment, all the pain and fear melt away, replaced by an all-encompassing love for the tiny life you now hold in your arms.
The paddock buzzes with energy as you arrive, a storm of activity everywhere you look. The atmosphere is both intimidating and exhilarating, a stark contrast to the races you had attended before. But this time, you weren't covering your face or walking alone.
You shift Lucero in your arms as she snuggles closer to your chest, sucking her thumb and occasionally dribbling spit onto your shirt. Navigating through the busy entrance, you scan both of your passes. Carlos’s hand rests protectively on your back, guiding you through the throng of journalists and fans. He makes eye contact with them, smiling and stopping briefly to sign autographs for young fans holding out their cars and caps. Some journalists wave at Lucero, captivated by her big blue eyes and tousled chestnut hair. A few of them seem to recognize you, but most don’t.
Despite the nerves, you maintain a calm demeanour as you make your way further into the paddock. Carlos’s hand is a steady presence on your back, gently urging you forward. You hear Charles’s voice in your mind, from almost two years ago, expressing concern about how you'd handle the cameras. But you don’t feel as nervous as you thought you would. You’re okay.
Approaching the Ferrari garage, the familiar colours fill you with nostalgia. It's been so long since you’ve seen the inside of the garage. The image of Charles on the wall seems to follow you as you walk in with Lucero and Carlos. From afar, you spot Fred Vasseur waving you down, a surprised look on his face.
“It’s so good to see you!” he greets warmly, hugging you and then Carlos. His eyes twinkle as they land on Lucero. He pokes teasingly at her tummy, eliciting a two-toothed smile from her as she hides her face in your chest, peeking out at him shyly with one eye. "And who is this?"
“This is Lucero Ines,” you introduce, your voice steady. “My daughter.”
Fred smiles, rubbing a finger over her chubby shoulder. He leans in closer to get a better look at the 1-year-old. “She’s beautiful, has your eyes.” 
You smile at the comment, glancing into her sapphire eyes as they seem to gleam under the light of the sun. They were just like her father’s, wide and full of wonder. Though she did share many features with her father, every time she smiled, Carlos would only see your face reflected in hers. 
Only he and Aunt Ines knew the truth. Keeping the baby from Charles proved to be hard but you could only think about the nights you stayed up wrestling with doubt and fear, mind full of memories of the past. 
Fred’s eyes twinkle with affection as he babbles at Lucero, her little fingers wrapped around his.
He lets out a final chuckle and bids you adieu, letting you know that he’ll see you inside and Carlos leads you into the garage. Some of the engineers wave at you, welcoming you back. They exchange glances, their expressions puzzled as if trying to place a familiar face.
Carlos settles you down at the front of the garage where guests are congregating. Celebrities and journalists chatting amongst themselves, cameras scanning over the small crowd.
“Ya vengo, mi amor,” Carlos says, bending down to press a kiss to your lips. I’ll be right back, my love. “I’m gonna go change.” He lovingly pinches Lucero’s cheek and makes his way to his driver room.
You stand alone with your daughter in your arms, eyes tracing over the track as you do. It isn’t quiet by any means but you feel an ease creep settle in as your mind wanders away from you. You suddenly feel Lucero start to squirm in your arms. She wriggles out, a sign that she wants to be put down. She gurgles happily as she pads around, pulling you forward. She holds tight to your fingers, still unable to hold herself up on her own. Fred gives you a smile as he returns, holding a small snack in his hands. “For our little Princess of Ferrari,” he dubs her, wagging it within her reach before handing it to her. She takes it in one hand biting at the wrapping before shaking it in your direction as if to mamá, open. He lets out a smile, telling you about the race and how much of a pleasure it is to have you back in the Ferrari garage. He takes a turn holding on to Lucero as she waddles around, shoes squeaking with every footfall. 
There’s a light breeze that ruffles your hair as Carlos approaches, scooping up Lucero from Fred’s grasp. She lets out a squeal as he tickles her, laughter echoing throughout the garage. The bright red of his racing suit contrasts with the white of your dress and the yellow of Lucero’s little outfit. He lovingly presses a kiss to her cheek and leans into you, breathing in your comforting scent as he nuzzles his nose into your hair. If that didn't tell the people around you that you were together you weren't sure what would. 
Charles weaves through the paddock, deftly avoiding cameras and microphones. He checks his phone, mind still on the message he received from you that morning.
UNKNOWN: Hi Charles, it's Y/N. I’m going to be at the race today, we need to talk.
He had stared at it for a while, eyebrows knitted together with concern and curiosity. But he tucks his phone away from Alexandra’s eyes before she can spot it. It's the first he’s heard from you in nearly a year and a half and he can’t help but feel guilty as he walks into the paddock with Alexandra in hand. 
As he nears the Ferrari garage, he spots the crowd and pushes through, his fingers intertwined with Alexandra's. He kisses her swiftly before heading off to change into his race suit, returning shortly after. He tugs Alexandra further into the garage, catching sight of Carlos from a distance, his arm draped over a woman's shoulders.
He can't see the woman's face but he notices the baby in her arms, flailing and grasping at Carlos. Carlos takes the baby, blowing raspberries into her thick neck, eliciting a shrill laugh. The woman looks up at Carlos, smiling as he continues to play with the baby, who pulls off his hat, revealing messy hair underneath. Charles approaches his teammate, his attention drawn to the little one in Carlos's arms, now wearing their signature red cap. 
"Hey, mate," Charles says, his voice light and friendly. He places a hand on Carlos's bicep, pulling his attention away from the energetic baby. Charles doesn't recognize you right away, your head bent down, suddenly nervous. "I don't think we've met," Charles continues, stretching out a hand. Before he can say anything else, you turn your eyes up to face him, both of you wide-eyed. You don't know why his presence catches you off guard—you’d told him you’d be here and the reason why. It feels like you’re meeting him for the first time, like a girl awe-struck by her idol. The air feels thick with tension as he takes in the sight of you. He says your name, and it automatically takes you back to the night you last saw him.
You don't look much different than you did that night. Your hair is longer and shinier, your cheeks full and rosy. You look… happy. You suck in a breath as he introduces Alexandra, whom you recognize immediately. It feels like it was just yesterday when you were sobbing in your aunt's front yard. His eyes seem bluer than you remembered, the ring of green around his irises brighter than before.
You're pulled out of your daze by the sound of Carlos's hat hitting the pavement. Both of you reach down to grab it, your fingers brushing briefly, sending a wave of butterflies into your stomach. You don’t miss the feeling of guilt that also comes along with it. He hands it to you, standing back to his full height. As you mirror him, he finally notices Lucero kicking excitedly in Carlos's embrace.
His breath stills in his chest as he identifies your features in her face. She looks just like you, save for her thick brown hair and big blue eyes. Freckles are sprinkled across her nose, and there's a little mole on her cheek, identical to his. Whatever words he was going to say get lost in his throat, captivated by her gaze as her little hands reach out towards him as if she instinctively knows who he is. You quietly introduce her, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Carlos, holding Lucero securely, meets Charles’s eyes and glances at you. You give Carlos a subtle nod, a muted yes. Charles carefully takes Lucero from Carlos’s outstretched arms, his movements gentle and deliberate. “Hi, little Lu,” he says gently. You hold your breath as he cradles her, bouncing her slightly. She giggles, her small hands grabbing at his cheeks and hair, making him laugh. 
Charles tickles her underarms, eliciting more laughter from Lucero. You watch with a tight smile as Alexandra leans in, brushing a finger over the baby’s knuckles. Lucero shies away, suddenly interested in the zipper of Charles’s race suit and pressing her forehead to the red fabric. Charles’s emotions swirl in his chest, an inkling beginning to prod at his mind. He meets your eyes and crinkles his eyebrows at you. He sees something reflected in them that confirms the feeling in his gut. He carefully hands her back to you, his smile a mix of joy and sorrow. 
As he stands next to you, conversation flows between Alexandra and Carlos. She laughs, suddenly turning to Charles, “You’re so good with her,” she says, hand on his arm. “Maybe we should try for one.” She lets out a laugh, locking eyes with you as she does so. There is only awkward laughter that follows. 
“Anyways, I think we should be getting set up for the race,” Charles says, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “It was nice seeing you, Y/N, Carlos.” He wags a finger at Lucero, walking away with Alexandra in tow.
You let out a sigh, squeezing Lucero lightly in your arms and leaning into Carlos, who now has an arm wrapped around your waist. You let out a breath, glancing between him and your daughter. “I know it's not her fault what happened with Charles but I can’t help but feel a little angry,” you admit with a dry chuckle.
He nods understandingly. “It’s okay to feel that way. She doesn’t know but you do. It's natural to have those feelings.” 
You take a deep breath, looking at Lucero who is now content in your arms. “I just want to protect her, to keep her safe from all of this,” you say referring to all the emotions that start to pool in your belly. 
Carlos wraps an arm around you, pulling you and Lucero closer. “We’ll protect her together. No matter what.”
You lean into him, pressing a fleeting kiss to the underside of his jaw. Your phone buzzes in your bag, a single notification lighting up the screen. 
cl: we’ll talk after the race. 
The sun begins to hang low in the sky by the time the race nears its end. You sit in the back of the garage, Lucero tucked close to your chest as you breastfeed her under a blanket. You wince as she grinds her gums against you, her two little bottom teeth pinching into your skin. The race is coming to a close, both Charles and Carlos’s frustrations coming in through the headset you’re wearing. 
As they drive into parc fermé, Charles's frustration is obvious on his face, a look you recognized from the many occasions you witnessed it in the confines of your home. Ferrari cheers Charles on as he takes his spot on the third step of the podium. He’s showered in champagne along with Max and Lewis, respectively taking first and second places. Carlos smiles as he takes fourth, happy to join you back in the garage. 
“Hiciste muy bien, mi cielo,” you say, pressing a well-deserved kiss to his lips You did so well, my sky. He thanks you, a little frustrated with his miss of the podium. He kisses your hairline, fingers going to caress the puffy cheek of your drowsy babe. 
She’s still cradled in your arms, eyes now droopy, corners of her mouth white with milk. She the image of a little drunk baby, happy and full. “Me gusta que esten aquí, acompañandome,” he says I like having you guys here, accompanying me. You smile up at him, lovingly snuggling into his side. You let him go, gathering your things as he goes to his interviews and debriefs. You tell him you’ll wait for him at your hotel, nervous about seeing Charles.
It’s not until a few hours later that you find yourself sitting on the couch of your illustrious hotel room, across from the man you worked so hard to let go of. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Charles demands voice tinged with hurt and anger. Carlos sits next to you, eyes flickering between you both, ready to jump in when needed. Your chest feels heavy as you respond. “Believe me Charles, I wanted to. I was scared and I didn’t know how you’d react. I didn’t want to burden you or take you away from what you were working so hard for.”
“Burden me?” Charles echoes, incredulously. “She’s my daughter, Y/N. I had a right to know.” His eyes flash with brighter anger as he turns suddenly to Carlos. 
“And you? You knew this whole time and didn’t think to tell me?” His voice cracks slightly. “You took over my role in my family without even considering how I might feel.”
Carlos huffs, nostrils flaring slightly as he meets his gaze. “She was all alone and I did what I could do to help, it was about being there for a friend.” Charles doesn’t miss the gentle squeeze Carlos gives to your thigh as you hold your fingers up to your eyes, as if trying to hold tears back with the heels of your hands. He knows it's not his place but that doesn’t stop him from blurting out his next words.
“Oh sure, friends that kiss each other shamelessly in front of the whole paddock.” He’s caught by surprise as he feels a sharp sting across his cheek, face swinging to one side. Your hand now floats in the air in front of him. 
“You have no right to say that to us, Charles.” You say bitterly as you shove a finger in his face, now standing above him. His words reminded you of the shock you went through when his initial pictures with Alexandra came out. After they did, they didn’t seem to stop. They were everywhere, caught by paparazzi at any and every hour of the day. Lips pressed together in every. single. photo. Carlos pulls you back down to the couch, hands rubbing gentle circles on your arms. There’s a silence that echoes through the room as you slowly take your next breath. 
“I didn’t think you’d change,” you say, eyes blank and now dripping with tears.
“And I didn't want you to change solely for the sake of me staying. I wanted you to change because you wanted to. I needed stability and I was scared that you were getting too caught up with following your dreams and were going leave us behind.” You allow yourself to meet the cerulean orbs you couldn’t stop crying for as you confess. 
“I already felt so lonely long before even knowing about the baby, I didn't want to risk her having to go through the same thing.” 
His anger melts away at your words, giving way to sorrow and guilt. “I’m so sorry.” 
He leans forward, contemplating reaching out to touch even just your hand but he stops. "I just want to be a part of her life, Y/N. I’ve missed so much already." 
You nod at his words, fingers swiping at your cheeks. “And you will be but you need to prove that you can be there for her. Consistently.” 
Charles nods slowly, the weight of his past mistakes heavy on his shoulders. "I will. I promise I will." 
You shift your gaze between the two men, the importance of this moment pulsating. You could see the sincerity in Charles’s eyes, a little glimmer of hope for the two of you appearing for the first time in years. "We can make this work," You say quietly. "For Lucero. We need to put her first."
Charles takes a deep breath, nodding in agreement. "I know I have a lot to make up for. I’ve made mistakes, but I want to be there for her. I want to be the father she deserves." 
His words hang in the air for a moment before they seem to fully register in Carlos’s mind. He feels Charles begin to push him out of the role he took in your and Lucero’s lives. It suddenly feels for naught. A fear blooms in the back of his mind. Was he at risk of losing Lucero? And more importantly, of losing you?
Charles rises from his spot on the couch, wanting to see his baby one last time before heading out for the night. You guide him to the room you share with Carlos, showing him to her crib as she breathes deeply in her sleep. He reaches out, caressing her sleep-tossed hair. She flinches initially before relaxing into his touch. 
You watch the interaction, heart filling with yearning and uncertainty. “I promise I won’t let you down,” he whispers to her before turning to you. “The both of you.”
"I believe you, Charles. Just don't make promises you can't keep."
Charles bids you goodbye, collecting himself as he wanders over to the door of your hotel room. 
“Charles,” Carlos calls out as his teammate reaches for the doorknob. He stands a few feet away, lingering close to the couch where your animated conversation began. “I could never replace you in Lucero’s life.” His voice is soft, almost sad. “I saw it with my own eyes today at the paddock, how she reached for you as if she knew you already.”
Charles’s shoulders slumped, pride sparking in his chest. The thought of connecting and repairing the relationship with his daughter fills him with hope. 
“You’ll always be her father, no matter where you are. You’ll always be hers.” 
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a/n: If you’ve gotten this far, thank you so much for reading! Any feedback, reblogs and likes are appreciated, they seriously keep me so motivated <3  on another note, do we have guesses for who might've been with the reader during labour? 
tags: @kravitzwhore @janeh22 @apollosfavkiddo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @tremendousstarlighttragedy @sltwins @bwormie @marshmummy @honethatty12 @staplerrrr @smithieandy @loloekie @musicheaux
*strikethrough => tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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a-b-riddle · 5 months
Okay, but Simon marrying an Indian girl…
Hear me out, okay???
He is a man who, before meeting his girl, had a very mundane life. A gray life, lacking color and warmth. No family outside of work. So when he wasn't deployed, he was alone.
And it’s assumed he’s someone who wants to be left alone, but then he gets thrust into this huge family…. And it’s like breathing again.
Relatives coming to stay with them for several weeks? No worries he has plenty of room. He’s the only fun uncle of the group who never gets tired of entertaining the kids. There is always something going on. Birthdays, holidays. Puja that his mother-in-law insists on doing over FaceTime whenever she’s not in the country.
Trading his Yorkshire tea for Chai.
Who doesn’t mind talking to his mother-in-law over the phone when his wife had her fill. Who is absolutely on board with starting on giving her grandkids.
Simon who never had so much as a birthday cake growing up, now gets his own boxes of homemade barfi and mysore pak. And even though his wife isn’t too found of cooking, he could eat her maggi everyday for the rest of his life.
The only thing in his entire marriage he doesn’t like, in fact hates, is when she fasts. Not in general. But for his health. The first year of marriage when Karva Chauth came up, he figured it was like Diwali or Holi. But when she explained she won’t eat until the moonrises, he wasn’t having it. He swore he hadn’t died yet and she could risk it. The next day he ordered enough take out, it lasted them three days breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Simon who learns how to help his wife pin her saree in place when her mother around to help.
Simon who begins to have a life in his 30s. Who laughs more and smiles often.
Who is thankful everyday that he got out of the gray.
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akaashiwaifuuwu · 1 year
dress - taylor swift
Lee felix and fem reader
Warning : smut, yn ex is a jerk, very fluffy, last part is inspired by friend (season2 ep 4), being called slut (that's it ig)
(An: I have exams going on its my half yearly, it will end tomorrow plus it's durga puja knocking was very busy with shopping and all I hope you all like it, please interact with my works as it helps me !!)
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you broke up. It's done. All those things just flashed infront of your eyes, the memories, the kisses, the I love yous, it's all gone, he was cheating on you this entire time.
It meant nothing to him, but it meant everything to you all those 4 years went to a vain, he was manipulating you, mental and physical abuse which you ignored because you were so in love with him. They say in love every wrong becomes rights.
"Excuse me, you will catch cold" your dull eyes meet a boy who have freckles. "Are you okay?" He was holding the umbrella above both of you and you nodded yes "tell me, what's bothering you" that's it. You broke down.
He was scared "can I touch you?" He asked and you replied yes causing him to hug you and you cried harder. "Let's get you home, you will get sick yeah?" You nodded.
"I don't know where you live" that guy said "oh, I'm felix, lee felix" he smiled at you "im y/n and I live here" you pointed him your block "no way, i live here" he smiled "your smile gives comfort" you looked down "well, see you soon" he said "don't you wanna come in?" You turned around
"wouldn't it be a problem for you?" He looked at you "not really" you look dull "well we can-" you were cut off my him "I can come some other day okay?" He smiled and went back waving you goodbye.
It has been 3 months since the break up, will you say you're over him? no. You haven't met that guy since that day, you wanted to show him your gratitude.
"Oh my God, we met finally, I was waiting for you to call me, I'm hurt that you didn't" that voice. You turned around to see it was your ex. You wanted to run away. He grabbed your wrist "let's go yeah?" You grabbed his hand which was holding your hand "you're inflicting me pain".
"Me? i could never ever hurt you" He yelled "it's you who hurts me, you know I love you" you were going to give in but his grasp was so tight, you were pretty sure you have bruise now.
"Look she is hurt, let her go mister" ah that freckle boy you saw, he had 7 more ppl they all look so strong "okay whatever you got new people to fuck, enjoy being a slut".
You were crying, again. You were hurt, again.
"I dare you to say that again" the freckle boy said "she is a-" he stopped "whatever, she is a pathetic whore" uh oh "that's it" felix walked towards him and you tugged him, his eyes soften.
You were there, you can't hear anything. "Hey, yn you're okay?" You smiled and walked away. You were so dumb, stupid, so in love.
Felix ran upto you. "Hey, let's go out" he said, the freckled boy heard a whimper as he turn around he saw you crying. Soon you bursed into tears
"Was I not good enough?" You dont know him, yet you trust him.
Here you are, it has been 2 years since that messy break up took place, you and felix have been extremely close, he is studying computer science and you're doing law.
It's peaceful being with him. Comfortable silence you know? It's not awkward.
"Yn" he called you out
| say my name and everything just stops |
"Yes?" You looked at him. Oh how you melted. "I bought KitKat for you!" He exclaimed smilingly. "You remember?"
"Obviously baby" ah. That nickname which makes you wanna scream, yell, rip off your hairs, you were flabbergasted. He held his hands out "let's go?" And you hold his hand back 'webtoon typa shit' you told yourself.
You were walking peacefully when felix told you to go back you were confused and you heard someone call out your name as you turn back, him.
you were in shock. Felix pulled your hand and you both started walking away. "I didn't feel anything" you were dull "I moved on" you smiled and felix wiped your tears.
It's okay yn, you did it, you thought to yourself.
felix was knocking at your door while saying "yn yn yn yn yn yn-" you finally opened the door "oh my god what do you want, it's 3 am, 3 AM!" You looked at him "it actually 3:15 am but nevermind I saw your lights on so I thought to check up on you" wow, wait what? "What were doing late night?" You looked concerned "Stop making that face or else you will get wrinkles".
Deadass. "Okay okay I wasn't able to sleep" you stopped blocking the door and he let himself in, he saw all the notes, books scattered "Woah there, you're cramming?" He looked at you "im sleepy" you said "you ain't wearing a bra?" He was flabbergasted "buffon, I will sleep and you expect me to wear bra while I'm at my room?".
Fair point.
"Let's sleep" felix took your hands and turned off the lights "you can sleep?" You looked at him "my room was cold and I guess I need something warm enough" he smiled while you both lay down. "What are we?" You both looked at eachother, he replied "anything you wants us to be" oh that stupid smile.
| I don't want you like my bestfriend |
Your head was resting on felixs arm. You both were close. Very close. But you were too sleepy to notice anything. Once you closed your eyes felix heard your snores and you turned to him while grabbing his waist. It's normal for you both to cuddle.
In your dream you both had a family and cute little family, where he took care of you both. It was amazing.
You woke up and saw him holding you tightly as if you were a glass which he doesn't want to let you go and slip so that you will break. The way when you broke he picked every piece of you. He is holding you so that you don't break again.
Your heart flutters, bestfriends feels like this right? Once you removed his hair covering his forehead "yes angel?" He looked at you. You are stucked. You just wanna be his.
Today's class was so hectic "lix" you yelled while hugging him and you saw his friend circle "ayo how's you" minho looked at you, you smiled at him.
Oh how jealous he was "soooooooo" hyunjin came and looked at you "Are you dating?" Hyunjin got a no from you "let's go on a date then".
Felix stopped working. "Well I like certain someone if something doesn't work with them, you can be my side chick" you winked at him.
"If he can't fuck you, you're most welcome to come towards me, I bet my fingers will help you" he smiled "anyways" you looked at felix "why don't we watch some movies".
Felix. His name gives you endorphins. You just want him to hold you. "Morning" you heard while you met him on your way to shopping market "youre coming with me" he smiled at your command "Where are we going?" He laughed.
While you were trying on cloths he was taking your packages "how's this dress?" He looked at you "wow, you look amazing" he whispered as if something took his breathe away "look at the back it's so pretty" backless. It was backless.
Right now at the party you were wearing the same outfit with heels and red lipstick. People were looking at you. Felix was definitely flabbergasted.
| only bought this dress so you can take it off |
Here you were kissing him while holding his collars and his knee on between your legs. You were at his place. While whimpering and grinding on his knee while he was kissing you "you looked so pretty, hard to touch". He said as he started removing your heels.
From lips to legs he kissed every inch of your body. "You're so ethereal honey" he removed your dress, you felt so surreal. "I love you" you said it, you were vulnerable and you did. "I love you too, my love"
"Fuck youre this wet?" You were shy "im sorry" you looked away "why are you apologizing?" He looked at you "my ex told me being wet is bad, it means im a slut and get turned on by everyone" you looked at him.
"Oh fuck that bitch, being wet is good and normal there's nothing to apologize for, my love" he took you to his bed.
"Ethereal" he look at your face, "I can fuck you better than hyunjin".
"May I have your consent?" He looked at you "yes darling" he took off his cloths and your bra and panties "wow, I got no words, I'm so mesmerized by you"
He played with your clit causing you to moan, and then he licked your pussy while playing with your clit, you grabbed his hair, while trying to close your leg between which you were unable to due to his head.
"I will come please please" he smiled while inserting the finger and playing with the clit.
Your head rested on your bed "oh you came" you smiled and you looked so fucked up, "how do you feel?" You were not able to answer at all "your leg is still shaking? You won't be able to handle me take rest baby".
"No no no I need you please" you grabbed him while crying "okay okay okay, have me all you want" he said while wearing the condom.
He said while inserting himself and grabbed him so hard, it felt amazing and you screamed, "aw are you feeling good?" He said while thrusting himself "you're so cute" he smiled.
"Felix" you moaned and clenched so hard "fuck baby, you're clenching so hard" you're about to cum and he is too.
He went deep and slow "felix" you screamed and came and he came inside you.
It's morning, "sleeping beauty smh" hyunjin was walking while you woke up and you had cloths on? How? "hyujin, how many times I gotta tell you? This is real life not some texting shit" minho glared at him "whatever" hyunjin threw his head back "180 degree, 20 minutes" once hyunjin heard it, he shut up.
"Yn you're up" bangchan looked at you the atmosphere was too serious "okay I pull up" you said thinking it will lift the vibes "that's the worst way you can try to change the atmosphere, yn you have skill issues" minho walked.
"So are you two official?" Changbin interrupts "what are you talking about?".
"You're wearing his clothes the hell bro?" Jisung said while drinking coffee, you layed down on his bed and turned facing his bed while kicking your feet and giggling, "are you stupid?" Seungmin added "stupidly in love with felix" you mumbled but you were pretty sure no one was able to catch it as your face was pressed into the bed.
"Pardon?" Jeongin asked "nothing" you got up "where's felix?" Once you looked at the guys, you saw they guys closed their eyes, "yn wear pants" chan scolded you "im wearing look" you lifted your shirt but they still didn't open their eyes.
"You know what I will find felix" you sighs heavily, while walking towards kitchen "you're awake" he made a comment "so about yesterday, what are we" you asked him "clearly not bestfriend" he laughed.
"Gimme kiss" you pouted "brush your teeth" he looked at you "okay daddy" you walked away.
Once you were back you saw the guys at the kitchen "you both had sex?" chan banged his hands to the table "okay okay it happened but I like her and she likes me too, it's mutual" chan saw you.
"You didn't even said that to me?" Chan looked so hurt. "You didn't even said you liked her" chan looked at you "I thought I don't have chance so it would've been better".
"You betrayed me" chan looked at you "you know the time, when we heard chan moaning it's cause he was sending a girl memos of him moaning and she gave him money" everyone gasped "how did you know?" Chan exclaimed while pointing at felix "who told you" the pointing fingers turned into minho "you're a death meat" minho looked away.
"Minho have a third nipple" chan exclaimed "you bitch" minho gasped while everyone looking at him "hyunjin pays money to girls to tell him he's a bad boy, and degrade him" minho pointed him "if im going down im taking everyone with me" minho smiled proudly.
"Guy's we are forgetting felix and yn are dating" changbin reminds "okay so we didn't confess but yn would you like to be my girlfriend?" He looked at you "I can't comprehend what just happened but yes I would love too and minho you have a third nipple?" You smiled "don't remind them" minho whispered.
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hum-suffer · 8 months
We'll say hello again (Nevermind the chasm between us) 12
The Diwali celebration is a beautiful sight to see at any day and especially at night. It's gorgeous and the whole state looks alive for the fortnight.
Gauri is allowed to attend the puja, the gleam in her brother's eyes tells her he had something to do with it but he's never opened up about it and Gauri doesn't think he will answer truthfully if she asks.
Something in her makes her want to drown. Does she need a man, even if it's her brother, to protect her? To defend her? To advocate her validity?
A finger brushes against her wrist and Gauri glances at Maa. She gives Gauri a smile, gentle yet reprimanding. "Focus, daughter." Gauri, properly chastised even though she hadn't even been scolded, looks away smiling.
They're given the first prasad after the Puja and as is traditional, Gauri takes the plate of fruits and smiles at the Rajpurohit. "Let me have the honor, Pandit ji." The Rajpurohit's face twists in a bitter grimace and Gauri takes all the more enjoyment in it. However, he seems to be trying to shove the plate off to someone else.
Gauri glances at Maa out of the corner of her eye and her impassive face tells Gauri that she needs to learn how to handle this on her own.
Her smile turns sharper, bigger. She beckons Bhairav forward and gestures him towards the plate. "Let my friend have this insurmountable honour, Pandit ji."
She shouldn't take so much pleasure in being a general menace. But making the Rajpurohit choose between either a woman recently over her periods and a man who is a mere sworn sword, little more than a slave in the eyes of men.
Pandit ji looks to be gritting his teeth before he smiles at her and wordlessly shoves the plate of fruits into her hands. She turns around pleasantly. "Come, Bhairav, one of us has to distribute the fruits, don't we?"
She's sure the Rajpurohit heard her when she hears Bahu snort and Maa sigh.
Bhairav looks awestruck and he makes a token protest about being unworthy but Gauri gives him a smile, giddy and smug, and Bhairav closes his mouth instantly.
Katappa is the only one who has tears in his eyes as Bhairav hands him a slice of banana. Gauri beams at him,"What are you staring at, Mama? It's Diwali, look alive!" The other people in the temple seem ecstatic to see her, some of them touch her hands and, as much as she tries to not let them, her feet.
The plate empties not soon after, when they're outside of the temple. The crowd has already thinned, and Gauri already has a ridiculously smug smile on her face. Bhairav looks done with her. "My princess, do try to look less smug. The public does not know that you gain pleasure in baiting your possible assassins."
"You worry too much, Bhairav." She grins at him, but her hand spasms in the way that reminds her once again of the way that Ratan had jerked her off. To distract herself, she pointedly drops the last slice of an apple into his hand. Bhairav gives her a look that tells her that he knows that she's distracting him from the conversation.
Before she can cajole him into being less sour, she hears a whisper of a movement. She stills and so does Bhairav, even though he looks confused. Her sense of hearing is sharper than most, he mustn't have heard it. There's another movement and this time, she can hear steel. She looks at Bhairav out of the corner of her eye and sees him looking around in confusion. He hasn't heard that.
Her heart beats in her ear and she takes a deep breath. She knows, she knows that she needs Bhairav here. But she also needs witnesses. Prominent, objective witnesses.
"Get my brothers and Maa." She tells him, her voice sounding harsh and furious to her own ears. She sees him open his mouth in protest but before he can speak, she gives him a look. "Now, Bhairav."
He hesitates for a moment before grabbing his dagger and pushing it in her hands. "I shall be right back, my princess."
Gauri nods at him and tightens her grip on the dagger, one finger at a time. His dagger is beautifully sharp and she's grateful for that. He gives her a heavy look and Gauri doesn't know what it means but before she can have a chance to decipher it, he turns on his heels and makes a run for the temple.
Gauri tilts her head, focusing on the full thump on the ground. It's probably footsteps. Uneven footsteps.
She looks back at the temple for a moment and breathes. Let me live today, she thinks. Let me have my vengeance.
The footsteps get louder.
There's a pause, a heavy silence, before she hears the noise quicken and steel cutting through air behind her. Gauri ducks on sheer instinct and it's the Rajpurohit who has a sword in his hands, holding it over his head, ready to strike again. Gauri swipes the dagger at his ankle, uncaring of war rules and ethics. He curses, jumping back, and swings the sword again. She parries with the dagger but she's at a disadvantage because of the size of the blade.
He kicks her stomach, and Gauri stumbles enough to trip and fall down. Before she can stand up, he kicks her face, hitting his foot on her nose.
Gauri grabs his ankle and twists it, pushing him away to stand up. She breathes heavily through her nose and tries to stabilize her heaving chest. Gauri feels her nose hurt and eyes burn in response but she only readjusts her hold on the dagger she's and snarls.
"You dare?" He says,"Coming here after I told you not to, sullying my place of worship with your presence! You dare break the sanctity of my sanctuary?"
Gauri grits her teeth. She doesn't reply and ducks underneath the sword. The blow would have sliced her torso and pulled out her intestines. The blaze of fury burns in her veins and she uses his momentum as an advantage to twirl around him and hit his back with the thali. She grasps the thali in her other hand vertically and stabs it in his back again, twice, thrice, until he's leaning forward and falling down and coughing.
Gauri doesn't realise that's blood on her hands.
But when she does, a surge of bloodlust roars through her. Now, she will aim for the neck.
He turns around at the last moment and kicks her stomach, sending her tumbling back, on the ground. She heaves and feels the ache spread over her torso like venom. Gauri clenches her teeth. She stands up again.
But before she can drive the dagger through his heart, there's already an arm snaking around his neck and choking him. She recognises the armband. It's Bhairav.
The Rajpurohit gurgles and elbows Bhairav, who grunts but doesn't let up. Gauri takes the moment to punch his nose, once, twice and thrice. Her eyes meet Bhairav's over the Rajpurohit's shoulder and the fury she sees in his eyes blinds her for a moment.
She wants nothing more than to kill him.
She knows that it is what he is feeling.
Dizzy with pain and want of blood, Gauri grits her teeth. "Don't kill him," she rasps,"Don't kill him, Bhairav."
He is hers to kill, Gauri thinks. But she won't kill him. It is not her discretion.
Bhairav nods at her resolutely, even as the Rajpurohit's eyes droop and his gurgles die down. He holds her eyes, even as her family comes closer. He holds her eyes, as her brothers fuzz over her and Katappa fuzzes over him. He holds her eyes and Gauri holds his dagger.
The trial is but a farce.
Somehow, her uncle manages not to get his name in the middle of the hell that the Rajpurohit's statement is. The official statement tells his distaste of Gauri due to her impertinence and her major flaw of being a royal woman.
Gauri doesn't stay to see the end of the trial.
Her stomach is covered with bruises, black and blue. Her hand heals a little everyday.
Bhairav is thoroughly scolded by Katappa and Bhalla for leaving her and Bahu is an overbearing shadow. Maa doesn't allow her to be alone anywhere until the trial ends. Bhairav keeps his duties impersonal. Her uncle gives her snide looks.
Gauri wants to scream.
It is her life that was threatened and yet her decisions seem to be everyone's favourite idea to despise.
Bhairav trails behind her, quiet as a mouse. His silence burdens her in ways she cannot begin to explain.
Gauri walks towards the armoury where Katappa is training the new recruits. He smiles when he notices her, the only person who isn't disappointed by her these days.
He walks towards her and stands beside her, Bhairav stops at a respectable distance to give them the illusion of privacy but they all know that he can hear them.
"How are you faring, Gauri?" Katappa asks her, gesturing a guard to bring her a chair. She overrides his order with a shake of her head.
"Way worse than is expected of a person who survived an assassination attempt. It seems that the only one happy to see me in this palace is my damned horse."
Katappa chuckles at her. "It is not like that, Gauri," his tone is reassuring but does it really matter? He continues,"We were all just very worried for you when Bhairavrath burst through and told us to come to you without any explanation and we found you two fighting the Rajpurohit. You must admit, it is a sight one cannot understand. An assassination attempt on you, Gauri. It is no small deal."
"And yet, I am made to feel like the culprit. Because I cared for diplomacy more than bloodlust?" She looks away with a sneer, staring into the far ends of the city that too must have heard about what happened at the Diwali Puja. "Whatever they say, Mama, I am still my mother's daughter. Polity is my best suit. I did what was right, and yet no one seems to want to understand me."
She's aware that she sounds petulant but is too far gone to care. She just wanted what was best for the state and her family, damn them. The least they could do is understand her reasoning.
Katappa's eyes soften. "Tell me, then."
Gauri sighs. "Had I not sent Bhairav away, we would have dealt with the Rajpurohit too. He is much more efficient than I am at the moment, I am very well aware that the matter would have ended without either of us hurt, had I let him stay."
Katappa doesn't say a word, lets her continue.
"But then, the tale could have been spun. We're but children in the eyes of you all, do not dare to deny it. Had you found that particular scene without warning, the tale could have been spun to say that we were misguided and we were the real perpetrators." Gauri sighs and wishes she hadn't denied the chair. She hadn't taken into account just how tired she is.
"And Maa may have trusted us, but she would have been labelled an emotional and unfit ruler, had she trusted the word of her daughter over the circumstantial evidence." Gauri turns again, catches Bhairav's eyes. He doesn't pretend that he is not overhearing them. He raises an eyebrow and the action endears him to her undeniably, a hint of his personality she's seen in two days.
She turns back to Katappa. "I don't want the crime of Brahmhatyaa on either of our heads. And trust me when I say this, Mama; the man would have been dead if I was as honest or as frank as my brothers are. He's alive, because he is useful. I let my culprit live and for what? Scorn? Distrust? Disappointment?"
Bitterness clogs her throat and she clenches her hands, her healing one sending tingling sensations up her arm. Her mouth tastes like ashes.
Katappa smiles at her, in that soft fatherly way that he so seldom does. Often, he preoccupies himself with believing that he is unworthy of the love that Gauri and Bahu give him. It is true that Gauri doesn't share that deep of a bond with him— she follows her brother, blindly, and if he gives his affection to Katappa, so shall she— but she's always had a kind of kinship and easy affection that flows between them. He provides her with clarity and safety.
Katappa is her safety away from comfort.
"Gauri, my child," he whispered, voice deliberately lowered and kindred,"I do not think that you want me for this conversation."
Gauri shakes her head. It is true that she wants her brothers and Maa to understand her. It is truer that she wants Bhairav to stop being so impersonal. But she needs Katappa to know this too. "No. I am at the correct place, having a true conversation with the correct person. The others that need to know, will ask me. If they can condemn me without knowing, they can apologise without knowing, too."
Her anger shimmers close to the surface even as Katappa changes the topic and asks her about her plans for the future and he tells her of ridiculous rumours that fly in the city. Some are amusing while some are plain unbelievable.
"They say you too Mata Mahalakshmi's blessings and tore down the Rajpurohit like She did with Kohlasur." Katappa says as they slowly come to an end, pride clear in his tone. Gauri shakes her head with a smile. She really loves the small folk and their inclination towards the dramatics of life.
"I shan't keep you any longer, Mama. Thank you for listening to me." She moves forward and tenderly hugs him, mindful of her own bruises. Katappa, infinitely more mindful, keeps his hands on her shoulder and her head, patting her head. She can tell that he's shocked but he doesn't freeze.
"Thank you for sharing with me," he says as they part, his eyes suspiciously glistening. "And do come whenever you will it. You are always welcome."
She nods and smiles at him. It doesn't feel forced.
The stony silence between them continues all the way to the gardens. Gauri, still righteously angry, feels no need to break it. Let him suffer, she thinks. Let him suffer in my silence.
Gauri sits down on the ground, curling in on herself to save her from the cold. She looks at Bhairav, standing rigidly, and feels the sting of mercy in her heart. "Sit down if you want to, Bhairav."
She doesn't look up to see if he sits down. After a moment of hesitation, she hears shuffling and he's sitting beside her.
Gauri closes her eyes and hopes that her mind quietens now, after her talk with Katappa. At least he listened to her. She needs to talk with her family too, needs them to know, too. But not today. Not even before they approach her. She has some self respect, damn them.
"I was nine," Bhairav begins in a whisper,"when my sister was murdered."
Gauri looks at him in shock, frozen. She expected a lot of things but not this. She turns completely towards him.
He doesn't glance at her when he continues,"My family wasn't the happiest but we made do. My mother...she left us. My father raised my sister and I to the best of his abilities, of course. We had a large age difference— ten years. My father died when I was seven and my sister later married her childhood friend. We made do."
Bhairav clears his throat and Gauri shifts, closer. Not touching him, for she knows what is proper, but she hopes her attention and silence provide him courage to continue, if he so wishes.
"I was out, gone with Katappa to learn sword fighting. My didi and jijaji did not like to fight but they supported me. They were sweet, non violent. When I came back, the door was broken down and they were lying dead, in their own house." He clenches his jaw and looks down at his feet. His hand plays with the black threat on his ankle. Gauri averts her eyes respectfully.
"They were killed, for money. My jijaji had earned good money for his pottery. They looted the house and killed them." Bhairav looks at her now. His eyes are smouldering and rimmed red. But his voice still breaks when he promises,"I will not see you dead as well, my princess."
Gauri nods. She understands what he means. He's always been one for a few words, but she's always felt what he feels.
He feels he failed his sister. He was devoted to her. His father was not the best but he tried and Bhairav respects that. His sister raised him. He loved her. He loved his brother-in-law too, felt indebted to him for letting Bhairav stay in his house. He never felt that he belonged in their house. It was theirs, not his. Now that it may be his, he hates it.
He thinks he failed his purpose, his devotion— he fears to fail another purpose, another dare she say it? devotion.
His anger is at her for risking herself but also at himself for obeying her.
She deliberately softens her voice,"And I will not have you hung because you levelled allegations against the Dowager King and the Rajpurohit, Bhairav. We needed witnesses, ones that could be unquestionable. Your life is my responsibility, your honour is my responsibility. I will not have you become a target. In return, I promise to do my level best to save myself from any dangers, but you must also always obey me in this capacity. Trust me."
Bhairav shakes his head and gives her a smile, fond and tired at the same time.
"Your honour is my honour, and your life is my life, my princess. And whether I like it or not, I am going to obey you for the rest of my life, my princess. Just never at the cost of your life. Never again."
Gauri smiles at him, tentatively, and teases,"We are at an impasse, then."
"How about I obey you and you only order me to save your life?" He asks with a charming grin.
They both know that either will stop at any cost to save the other.
Tagging: @allizzprobablynotwell @alhad-si-simran @vijayasena @voidsteffy
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hand-picked-star · 3 months
The 13th Annniversary Arshi Fiesta
Moodboard: Historical AU
Whispers of the Heart | Chapter 06
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I am not very good at writing ffs. I even read ffs very selectively. But it was an attempt of me to participate in the 13th-anniversary arshi fiesta.
I might be wrong about certain aspects of that age and era, but it's a fantasy, so why not? I don't own Arnav and Khushi and the story is purely fictional and has no relation to any living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 6
The Rajputs had organized a puja for the betterment of their younger son's married life, one day before the wedding.
The Maliks were also present with the future bride. Aman and Anjali had known each other since childhood. When their friendship turned into love, they couldn't tell, but they were glad that it happened, and their elders had also blessed their union. Thinking about them, Khushi couldn't help but exhale a heavy sigh, wishing things would have turned out similarly for her too.
Her Amma's voice broke her distraction, "Titliya, ja sab ko bulake la. The puja is about to start and call Arnav too. Tell him I asked him to come downstairs and sit in the puja." knowing very well that Arnav wouldn't reject his Roma chachi.
Suvadra Malik snapped in response to the comment, "Why invite someone to a puja who doesn't believe in God? Main nahi chahti ke us nastik ke aulad ke bajayse yeh puja barbad ho jaye. I only want good things to come to my Anjali Bitiya's married life."
Khushi was about to protest when her amma caught her hand and quietened her with a shake of her head. When Khushi looked at Suvadra the next moment, she realized everybody was already there. The dark look that fell across Arnav's handsome features made her realize that his Nani's rebuke hadn't escaped him.
Arnav never cared much about religion, Seeing his mother on her knees, praying day and night for the betterment of his father, filled him with a mix of hope and desperation. Her whispered pleas, her tear-streaked face, and her unwavering faith became a haunting backdrop to his childhood. Yet, despite her devotion, his father betrayed her, shattering their family. That betrayal caused his mother to choose death over her children. The bitter irony of it all—the unanswered prayers, the blind faith met with infidelity—gnawed at him. He felt abandoned, not just by his parents but by the very idea of a benevolent higher power. In that crushing moment of disillusionment, he swore off religion, cursing the heavens that had turned a deaf ear to his mother’s relentless prayers.
But despite his disbelief in these "riti riwaj", he was determined to ensure his sister's wedding proceeded smoothly. He chose not to give his Nani any reason to cause a scene, prioritizing a seamless and joyful celebration for his sister.
Seeing no other vacant place, Arnav sat beside Khushi. As the puja concluded and the crowd dispersed, Khushi subtly shifted towards Arnav, her voice lowered to a whisper.
"I am sorry you have to hear that.''
''I won't have to tolerate her after tomorrow, now will I?'' he stated, rolling his eyes.
Khushi smiled at his somewhat optimistic yet sarcastic tone of voice. "For that, I am glad."
After sometimes she started again, "She is wrong you know" when she didn't elaborate, Arnav looked at her with questions in his eyes.
"You are not your father-" she stressed " You never will be"
"How do you know?"
She chuckled, "For a change, I know you better than her and - " she paused to gather herself.
''and I believe in you.''
She gazed at him as a soft, tender expression crossed his face, conveying a multitude of unspoken emotions. She yearned to convey to him the significance he held in her life. With wistful thoughts, she silently mused if only he could see himself through her eyes. She hoped for her unexpressed feelings to reach him, emanating from the depths of her heart.
She looked so pretty today, with a green-bordered yellow saree and a green bindi. Of course, Arnav noticed. She had flowers in her braid that day. Arnav's heart gave a twist as the reason drawn to him.
'Can you sit idly and watch while someone else takes her away?' the voice wondered.
'Shut up,' he said, closing his eyes momentarily. But he couldn't ignore the intoxicating aroma emanating from her. He realized it was partly her and partly the flowers, and decided that he liked her smell the most when it was purely hers, without mixing with anything else.
Buaji spent the entire morning urging her to get ready. She styled her hair and adorned it with flowers. Even though it was a simple piece, her Amma's gold necklace felt like a heavy burden around her neck. She didn't want to dress up for Mr. Ganguly. Every fiber of her being rebelled against the thought of establishing someone else's 'haq' over her. It felt like a part of her was being torn away. How could she make Buaji understand that she was no longer fit for anyone else in the world, no matter how many flowers she pinned in her hair? That He had ruined her for all other men.
One time when she was 14, a similar puja for the betterment of crops was ruined. That ceremony took place in a field slightly far from the village. All of them went there and Khushi was so excited to see all the jalebi and golgappa stalls. However, all the merriments were disrupted by a dacoit attack. People were panicking and running to and fro. When the dacoits attempted to grab Khushi and Manoroma, Akash Vai and Arnav intervened. This resulted in one of the dacoits hitting Arnav on the head, causing a lot of bleeding. Fortunately, the dacoit attack was brought under control by the timely arrival of the village people.
They rushed to the Rajput Haveli and a doctor was called. He examined Arnav's head and face and found out the source of the bleeding. It looked like except for the cut below his left eyebrow, his head and the rest of his face were unscratched. The doctor stitched the cut. The cut wasn't too deep, but he lost lots of blood as it was on the face and soon after developed a nasty infection. The whole household didn't sleep that night. Manoroma spent the night sitting beside him as he kept shivering due to a high fever. Khushi didn't know what to do but stared at him from the corner of the room. Buaji kept saying, it was difficult for him to survive the night. Khushi prayed to Devi Maiya repeatedly and even swore on her life to save him. When he opened his eyes the next day, she cried out of relief. Even though weak he asked her why she was crying.
"I don't want the dacoit to take you away too," she said. To this, he laughed meekly "Don't worry, Phati Sari, You aren't going to get rid of me anytime soon."
As Khushi was watching Arnav helping the workers set up the mandap, she silently wondered whether he would make such a promise to her if she asked again.
Arnav was always like that: always helping around the house. He assisted Babuji in the garden, did the grocery shopping, and took on big responsibilities in arranging every event. These were not his tasks, but he did them anyway. In doing so, he exuded a commanding and authoritative aura, as if everyone was supposed to bow to him and acknowledge the "laad governor" that he was. Khushi silently laughed at his demeanour. Laad Governor, Her Laad Governor. She mused fondly.
Arnav always demanded attention wherever he went, didn't he? She thought to herself, at least he had her full attention every single time. Whenever he walked into a room, the conversation stopped and a stunned silence filled the space. Only the 'dhak-dhak' of her heart remained. He made her feel exposed and safe at the same time.
She understood why he helped around the house so much. He wanted to show his gratitude for everything Babuji and Amma had done for him. It would be a shame as a best friend if she didn't understand that. And sometimes she wondered if this was the reason why he was not willing to consider them being together, or if he just couldn't see her as more than a friend. After all, falling in love with someone was not in one's hands. Maybe Arnav just couldn't love her as she loved him.
But one could never be certain about things like that, could they? Just like how wrong she was in her previous assessment of him not caring about whether she got married to another person or not. He clearly was affected; she just didn't know the extent of it or what to make of all this. For example, for the past half hour, he had been glaring at her and her companion, clenching his jaw, and grinding his teeth, making his jaw more prominent. Khushi couldn't help but speculate whether he was angry or jealous as she observed him closely. She didn't dare to hope for the latter reaction; she didn't want to build castles in the air.
With a heavy sigh, she shifted her focus to the man in front of her. Dhruv Ganguly was undeniably handsome; no one in a million years would deny that. Still, Khushi, sitting across from him, couldn't help but scrutinize him. Maybe Bua Ji was right; her 'sanak' had finally gotten to her head.
She couldn't help but notice how he had a round, clean-shaven face, unlike the angular one with stubble. He smiled too much, and his nose wasn't sharp enough. He didn't have a defined jawline, nor did he have piercing eyes that could hold her gaze and make her feel warm all over. His eyes didn't brighten with excitement when she spoke, or flash with rage when she contradicted him, or show amusement and curiosity when she spoke about her favourite book. His eyes didn't conceal any dark secrets either. Instead, he wore black-framed glasses and talked with a downcast gaze. He had a nervous tic of fixing his glasses with his index finger. And alas! His hands were all wrong too—too slender, too light-skinned, too soft-looking. Most importantly, this man couldn't raise his left eyebrow singly when he asked her something. Khushi chastised herself; she was nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.
Dhruv Ganguly had no flaws. He was perfect: handsome, well-mannered, and well-educated, except for the absence of a scar right beneath his left eyebrow.
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@featheredclover @phuljari @arshifiesta @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @chutkiandchotte @arshiradio @titaliya
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jeevanjali · 8 months
Mahashivratri 2024: महाशिवरात्रि पर राशि के अनुसार करें मंत्रों का जाप, मिलेगा फलMahashivratri 2024: देवाधिदेव महादेव की आराधना का पावन पर्व महाशिवरात्रि 18 फरवरी को मनाया जाएगा। इस दिन को भगवान शंकर और माता पार्वती के विवाह के रूप में मनाया जाता है
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nainawithspecs · 5 months
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A little Rohini piece because I think she is extremely cool and also extremely underrated!
Rohini is not a woman of a lot of words.
And this is not particularly a secret to anyone in Vrindavan. She partakes occasionally in the discussions of milk and grains, lends a hand to Nanda in politics and calculations, sneaks in a suggestion to Krishna for clevering his antics here and there, but, ultimately, finds peace in curling up by the window, the afternoon sunlight falling languidly on the book in her hand.  
She is unsure, then, of how exactly it is that she gets roped into being the head of entertainment for the little girls of the village, that too for a full evening.
The adults are off to a wedding in the neighboring village, the boys are out frolicking in the fields, and the girls, not allowed out in the dark alone, are staring up at her with expectant eyes from where they sit cross legged on the ground.
“What,” she begins, and hopes her tone does not betray the confusion she feels. “Would you all like to do?”
“Can we play battle like the one they show in the nataks?” one from the fifteen responds, her red bindi rising with her eyebrows in eagerness.
“I do not think that would be very wise,” Rohini states, and the abundance of knives as well as children in the house, alongwith the lack of battleground proportions of space makes her believe she is right to do so. She would like to return the girls to their parents with all their organs intact. 
“We could weave a garland then?” 
This time it comes from the front, from the girl in braids and a blue choli. Radha. 
The unofficial leader of the gopis and the partner in crime in most of her nephew’s mischiefs, smiles excitedly at Rohini, and animatedly adds, “I saw Yashoda Kaki bring in a basket full of flowers today. We could all sit around and weave it together.”
Most of the girls nod in agreement.
It is not a bad idea at all, but, “She had to use all of them for the puja this morning, I am afraid.”
Radha’s moon-like face falls, and Rohini feels a slight pang of regret. 
The kid just beside Radha immediately declares. “Take us to the wedding. I heard the food there is delicious.”
“It will be over by now, Lali,” Radha pouts, looking into the distance. 
“And we can not go to a wedding empty handed,” a girl from the middle row pipes up, seemingly scandalized. “Right, Kaki?”
Rohini hides an amused smile at the exchange. “Quite right. And besides,” she looks over at the bright young faces. “I must confess, I happen to be completely in the dark in regard to whose nuptials are even taking place.” 
The girls exchange glances among themselves. There seems to be a silent mutual understanding when Radha leans ahead to whisper conspiratorially, “Us too, Kaki.” A pause. “I think that is why we were not invited.”
Rohini leans ahead too, and drops her voice to her level. “I think that is why I was not invited either.”
The young ladies break out in giggles and Rohini, surprisingly, finds herself joining them. 
“Weddings should be about food, not the names.” Lali huffs. “Nobody cares about them.”
“True. The fight over food makes better stories than most of the bride and grooms,” another girl, adorned with green bangles and a leaf crown, asserts.
Radha suddenly gasps, deep brown eyes lighting up. “Kaki! Why don’t you tell us a story? I have seen you reading everyday. You must know so many.”
There is murmur of agreement in the gathering and Rohini is surprised that why had she not thought of it.
“Yes,” Rohini breathes out, “I do know quite a few.” She may perhaps not be a words person, but stories to her had always been more about art rather than language. More a painting rather than ink. “And to suit the occasion, some of them happen to involve weddings too.”
There is a cheer from the gathering as Rohini beacons them closer. This time, the expectant eyes and eager expression are more than welcome as she begins, “There was once a king who wanted to marry a princess from a different culture. She agreed but first placed two demands about her god and freedom…”
When the boys come back, they are shocked to see the gopis chatting away with Rohini late into the night, hanging on each and every word of hers like a sacred thread.
When the grown ups come back, at the crack of dawn, they are left confused at the sight of kids asleep around Rohini in Yashoda’s aangan, as the crisp, almost orange light falls on the royal princess reading between the dozing forms, lightly stroking Radha’s hair who’s asleep on her lap.
(Years later, when Krishna kills Kansa and becomes the Lord of Mathura, when Subhadra comes into their world and when all Vrindavan is allowed to be is a distant unimportant village, Rohini weaves a tale to her daughter to lull her into a slumber and dares not dwell on why her heart recalls a hazy laughter filled evening and hurts itself so.) 
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vishnavishivaa · 25 days
VaasudevaVasudaa Chapter 1: A Deciding Wish
This book will have only three main POVs: Krishna, Rukmini and Satyabhama. This story is a retelling of Their story, without distorting the main events of Harivamsa and Mahabharata.
She had awakened before the Sun rose. 
Now wrapped in Her comfortable green saree, Satyabhama sat on the cool balcony floor, gazing at the East, waiting for the Sun to rise, a kundala next to Her. She was waiting to do Surya Puja, and had been up earlier than usual, though Her habit was to arise before the Sun dawned completely. 
In fact, Satyabhama rarely slept for a long time, which had been the case since She was a seven year old girl, and had decided that She had to gain Knowledge of anything and everything that existed, triggering Her journey into the sacred scriptures of Sanatana Dharma, each of which, along with various other skills, were taught to Her by Guru Garga and his disciples, all of whom resided in Mathura. 
The restlessness of Nature was ever present in the pores of Her body, Satyabhama knew, as She stood up, swaying with the pre-dawn wind, which caressed Her gently, curly strands of hair gently escaping the loose plait that ran down Her back, settling to frame Her face, as if leaves that protected the blooming flower. She did not move the position of the stray curls, rather, letting them take their own course, more interested in the start of sounds, the awakening of animals coming together with the slow rise of the Sun. 
The large ball of fire never rose at once, rather choosing to first cast its rays into the dark Sky before slowly rising, indicating that Purusha followed Prakriti, for the Sun’s rays were often likened to Harini, Hari the Sun Himself. 
Smiling gently, She grabbed the kundala She had placed on the floor, now standing almost on Her tiptoes, bouncing in happiness as the Sun rose. 
Closing Her eyes and pouring the water in the small golden vessel, She started Her prayers, easily flowing through Her usual prayers of welcome and greeting, the Aditya Hrudhayam included in Her prayers, a feeling of familiarity washing over Her, though Her heart was focused on the wish that She was going to request of the Yadava Sabha that day. 
It was a big and important day, and She knew that only with the Universal God by Her side would She achieve Her goal. 
“Sakhi Satyabhama, do you have to proceed with this plan?” asked Madhavi, gently folding the pallu of Satyabhama’s saree, as Satyabhama adjusted the brooch that Her mother had given, which was a elegant peacock pin at the junction of Her neck and shoulder, ensuring the cloth was tightly wrapped around Her, refusing to let anyone outside Her close circle see Her in anything but the neatest dressed form of Herself. 
“I do, Madhavi,” Satyabhama smiled at Her friend, both grateful and reassuring, understanding the worry of Her friend. She knew well that if Satyabhama continued with the plan, Her existence will be known in a broader way throughout Aryavarta, which might cause more complications than Satyabhama frankly needed, owing to Her continuous wish to learn more, as well as very sharp intellect, which could easily see everything in a piercing way that was rarely seen amidst the Yadavas. Satyabhama continued, “From what I have heard of Devakinandan, He is very very appreciative of women and their wishes, as well as accepts them with sincerity. Taara Bhagini, who is His sister, says so, as does Sushila, who has been in love with Him since She has seen Him. And you know how much I trust both, given that They never embellish anything They tell me, come what may. That, put together with the opinion of every Yadava, including Pitashree and Jyeshta Bhrata, as well as a very powerful feeling of trust that is shooting through my heart, I believe that Vaasudeva Krishna will listen to my plea, and mostly accept my wish.”
“It is true that He does have a particularly unbiased opinion, and has been hailed by every single Yadava. But..”
“Madhavi, I can understand your worry,” Satyabhama reached out to pat Her close friend’s hand, gently holding as well, giving Madhavi strength. “But I am confident. Additionally, Pitashree and Bhrata agreed to my wish as well, and will be helping in this process.”
“But what about the chieftains of the Kula, Satyaa?”
“They are Yadavas, are they not, Madhavi?”
Satyabhama did not want to believe that Her elders would protest this wish of Hers, though it did sound much more practical than Her confidence that She would get to do as She had hoped. However, She also felt that the Yadava Kula is very understanding of the equal power of the Feminine as compared to the Masculine, which is why they believed that women deserved the same opportunities as men. Of course, Kamsa was not of the same thought, for he treated women horribly, even if he gave his now widows a lot of freedom. 
Which could also be due to who their father was, Satyabhama mused, Her face darkening. She sighed when Madhavi looked at Her in worry, smiling small to reassure Her. 
“Just thinking about the reason this has to be done, Madhavi. Indirectly, at least.”
“But Sakhi,” Madhavi said. “We all worry that your future will get complicated if the truth of your skills comes out.”
“My skills are not hidden among the Yadavas, Sakhi,” Satraajiti replied. “They may not be discussed, but they are well known. Pitashree personally has informed the King about it, and the King has also graciously accepted them. There is no need to fret.”
“But do the others know every detail?”
“Even I do not know the entire details yet, Madhavi,” Satyabhama said, sitting down on the settee, patting the seat next to Her for Madhavi, who gingerly sat down, though her eyes gleamed with curiosity. Smiling, the daughter of Satrajit continued, feeling Her face expand as She spoke. 
“My powers could be because I was not born of the womb,” Satyabhama said softly, looking at Madhavi. “I was found in a Lotus, a thousand petalled one, no less, by Pitashree. One found in the Yamuna, floating like it was meant to be there.”
“A thousand petalled Lotus is said to be present only for the most special of people, Sakhi,” Madhavi said after some moments of silence, as she now seemed to try and read Satyabhama’s every pore, something that had not been possible to anyone who was not Taara or Sushila before. 
“To me, it is Hari’s blessing that I am how I am,” Satyabhama whispered, standing up and tucking Her dagger into Her waistband, shaking Her head mildly at Her friend’s partially disapproving look. 
“What if..”
“I will manage, Sakhi,” Satyabhama said firmly, a confidence boost that held the power of the Universe entering Her. She could feel Her entire form being enveloped by a glow, a glow that She felt indicated the peak of the Divine Feminine. With a soft smile and half hug at Her childhood friend, Satyabhama walked out of the chambers, confident in stride, like a lioness and protectress, Her only aim being to reach Her father’s court, ready to go to the Yadava Sabha with him. 
“Are you sure, little sister?” 
Satyabhama huffed playfully, looking at Bhangakkara, whose face held both protectiveness and resignation. She giggled, especially seeing the latter emotion, knowing that he had already known that She would continue with Her plan, something She had come up with during a spontaneous discussion, everything ironed out in less than half a prahara. 
“I am Bhrata,” She smiled gently, patting his arm, their father smiling affectionately at the banter. She continued softly, “Madhavi addressed her worries as well. She believes my life might get complicated after this.”
“I know you can manage it, my child,” Satraajita said. “But I want you to be sure to proceed, Satyae.”
Satyabhama looked at Her father, smiling at the nickname. 
“I am, Pita,” She smiled, feeling happiness fill Her. She gently took his mildly weathered hand in hers, squeezing it with utter love, giving him a boost of confidence, which reflected on his face. 
“If there is something I am proud of, that we are proud of, it is that you are part of our family,” Satraajita said, gladly holding on to Satyabhama’s hand. “That is why we are all very protective of you.”
“That, and my powers as well, which only seem to expand,” She divined, a small smile gracing Her face to show Her father that She was in no way offended. 
“Satyaa,” Bhangakkara started, looking sheepish when She shot a sweet smile at him. He picked up his words, saying, “We know you are capable of taking care of yourself. But you are the eldest jewel of this family, and it is due to Your coming that we were blessed with the births of Vratini and Praspavini.”
Satyabhama smiled again, this time a soft, delicate thing, which brought out the inner elegance of Her very self. She could feel the Sun’s rays flitting through the curtains, gently touching the tip of Her hair, lighting it brightly, the smile that was already present on Her face widening. She lightly touched the tip and turned to Her brother. 
“Bhrata, I understand your protectiveness. But it has to be me, does it not? The Yadavas can easily hold their own against Jarasandha, and I have no doubt that the two sons of YaduShiromani Vasudeva can easily fight and win against the King of Magadha’s armies, as they easily have done these past fourteen times. But would it not help the Yadavas if there are more warriors?”
“You are a fourteen year old, Satyaa.”
“How does that make a difference if I have the skill to fight, Bhrata?” She persisted, nodding back when he nodded in acceptance at Her words. 
“Satyaa, I agree that you will be one of the biggest assets on our side, which is why I agreed to your proposal without much argument,” to which Satyabhama smiled acceptingly, remembering Her brother’s quickly accepting nature, when he let Her make Her own choices, though he did make valid points, which She had thought of before making Her plan. 
“I am just overprotective,” Bhangakkara said. “Mainly because you are well known by name and nature through ear rather than actual sight. While the Yadavas know that you are indeed Satraajiti, your training has not made it easy for anyone to see you. Vratini and Praspavini, on the other hand, do know and are known by the Yadavas by sight as well. They have even met Vaasudeva Krishna.”
Satyabhama had to stop Herself from involuntarily shivering, His name sending a thrill that She had never experienced before through Her body. Every time She heard His name, She felt as if Her own Soul sang a song of emotions to Him, a song that She seemed to know from the get go, and yet a song Her conscious did not seem to understand. She had never met Him officially. 
She had seen Him before He broke the Shiva Dhanusha, and had later, once… 
She forced Her thoughts down, before She could go down that memory, which would make Her blush, redder than a hibiscus at its healthiest. 
“And they do like Him,” She responded instead, patting Her father’s palm, which were clenched in worry for his girls. She looked at Satrajita, and softly said, “Pita, they are still young. Do not worry so much.”
“But they are my girls, like you are, Satyae.”
“While that is true, even you have told me multiple times of the pure goodness that comes from Devakinandan. So why are you worried? I doubt that He would hurt them in any way, whether He reciprocates their sweet affection or not.”
Satyabhama did not say more on the matter, not wanting Her father to get even more protective. She knew well, from the lyrical waxing of Krishna’s miracles from Her sisters, that They were well in the journey of loving Him, the man called the Enchanter. 
Do not go into that thought process, Satyabhama, She chided Herself mentally, forcing down the memory that came to Her fore once more, not wanting to think of it just yet. 
Which was ironic, considering She was going to meet Him once more, this time officially, in front of the entire Yadava Sabha. 
“You are right, as always, Satyae,” Satrajita said, moving forward. “Come, my children. It is time for us to head to the royal palace.”
There is a ton of symbolism in this series, which will have indications of why it is so.
@ahamasmiyodhah @mahi-wayy @yehsahihai @theramblergal @krsnaradhika @ramayantika @achyutapriya @thegleamingmoon @nidhi-writes @houseofbreadpakoda @hum-suffer @kanhapriya @kaal-naagin @krishna-priyatama @willkatfanfromasia @celestesinsight @arachneofthoughts @idllyastuff The first chapter is a bit late, but it is up! Do let me know what you all think!
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