#how to create faceless youtube channel
reallytoosublime · 9 months
Before delving into the intricacies of crafting faceless YouTube videos, it's crucial to comprehend the concept itself. Why opt for faceless content? What are the advantages, and how does AI play a pivotal role in achieving this? This chapter explores the motivations behind adopting this approach and sets the stage for an exploration of the limitless possibilities it offers.
Selecting the appropriate AI tool is the cornerstone of creating faceless YouTube videos. This chapter provides an in-depth analysis of various AI applications and platforms specifically designed for face manipulation, such as deepfake technology and avatar creation tools. A step-by-step guide will help creators navigate through the selection process, ensuring they pick the tool that aligns seamlessly with their vision.
Once armed with the right AI tool, it's time to create a digital alter ego. This chapter explores the art of designing an avatar or virtual persona that resonates with the content creator's brand. From facial features to expressions, this section provides insights into customizing every aspect to ensure a unique and compelling digital identity.
While visuals are a crucial element, audio plays an equally significant role in crafting engaging content. In this chapter, we delve into the world of voice synthesis technology, exploring how creators can leverage AI to generate natural and authentic-sounding voices for their faceless personas. Tips and tricks for scriptwriting and voice modulation are also included to enhance the overall viewer experience.
As with any technological advancement, ethical considerations cannot be ignored. This chapter addresses the ethical implications surrounding faceless YouTube videos and provides guidance on responsible usage of AI technology. It explores the importance of transparency and consent, empowering content creators to maintain integrity while pushing the boundaries of innovation.
Building an audience requires more than just faceless visuals. This chapter explores strategies for enhancing engagement and accessibility, including thumbnail design, video structure, and leveraging alternative storytelling techniques. Creators will discover how to captivate their audience without relying on facial expressions
Embracing the power of AI to create faceless YouTube videos opens up a world of creative possibilities. In just five minutes, you can transform your content, adding an element of mystique and intrigue while preserving your privacy. Stay at the forefront of innovation and captivate your audience with the magic of AI-generated faceless videos.
How To Make Faceless YouTube Videos in 5 Minutes Using AI | LimitLess Tech
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youtubemarketing1234 · 9 months
Before delving into the intricacies of crafting faceless YouTube videos, it's crucial to comprehend the concept itself. Why opt for faceless content? What are the advantages, and how does AI play a pivotal role in achieving this? This chapter explores the motivations behind adopting this approach and sets the stage for an exploration of the limitless possibilities it offers.
Selecting the appropriate AI tool is the cornerstone of creating faceless YouTube videos. This chapter provides an in-depth analysis of various AI applications and platforms specifically designed for face manipulation, such as deepfake technology and avatar creation tools. A step-by-step guide will help creators navigate through the selection process, ensuring they pick the tool that aligns seamlessly with their vision.
Once armed with the right AI tool, it's time to create a digital alter ego. This chapter explores the art of designing an avatar or virtual persona that resonates with the content creator's brand. From facial features to expressions, this section provides insights into customizing every aspect to ensure a unique and compelling digital identity.
While visuals are a crucial element, audio plays an equally significant role in crafting engaging content. In this chapter, we delve into the world of voice synthesis technology, exploring how creators can leverage AI to generate natural and authentic-sounding voices for their faceless personas. Tips and tricks for scriptwriting and voice modulation are also included to enhance the overall viewer experience.
As with any technological advancement, ethical considerations cannot be ignored. This chapter addresses the ethical implications surrounding faceless YouTube videos and provides guidance on responsible usage of AI technology. It explores the importance of transparency and consent, empowering content creators to maintain integrity while pushing the boundaries of innovation.
Embracing the power of AI to create faceless YouTube videos opens up a world of creative possibilities. In just five minutes, you can transform your content, adding an element of mystique and intrigue while preserving your privacy. Stay at the forefront of innovation and captivate your audience with the magic of AI-generated faceless videos.
How To Make Faceless YouTube Videos in 5 Minutes Using AI | LimitLess Tech
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the-design-desk · 4 months
Creating Engaging Faceless YouTube Videos 
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Hello chaos!
Can you do a corpse x reader where the reader is the oldest and most famous faceless YouTuber and during an interview they are both in, corpse talks about how much he admires and is inspired by the reader?
omg yes anon lmao so cute. I hope you like!
-J The Ghost
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➢ Author: J The Ghost ➢ Pairings: Corpse X reader, Corpse X y/n ➢ WC: ~2k ➢ Themes: | One-shot | Youtubers | Fanboy! Corpse | Youtuber! Reader | Famous! Reader | ➢ Warnings: anxiety? ➢ Summary: You're a hugely famous faceless youtube creator. Anthony Padilla has both you and Corpse (and others ig) on for another interview and you find out Corpse is a HUGE fan of yours.
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Request: The "Face" Of Youtube Horror
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Corpse attempted to calm his nerves, his leg bouncing incessantly while he waited for everyone to show. He hadn’t done an interview in nearly three years, certainly not since he’d blown up this much. If you asked him then if he thought he’d ever be here again he’d laugh. In his mind, he was certain he would’ve been forgotten about by now- fallen off, gotten canceled, become old news- yet here he was, bigger than ever. 
“You feeling alright, bud?” Anthony entered the green room and handed him a water that he graciously accepted. 
“Y-Yeah I just… I’m still so anxious, you know?” Corpse spoke a little too quickly before catching his breath and taking a sip of water. 
“I get it… but it’s okay man, obviously I’m gonna blur out everyone's faces again, and no one is gonna dox you or anything.” Anthony sat by him and patted his back, trying to reassure him.
   “I know, I just- can’t help it I guess…” Corpse paused for a moment and took a breath, grateful that he’d become so close with Anthony now, “...has everyone shown up then?” 
“Yeah, Dark5 is here, Fascinating Horror, and y/n from The Graveyard Channel just showed up.”
“Wait… you’re interviewing y/n?  The Graveyard channel?” He questioned anxiously, his heart rate spiking at the mention of them.
“Yeah, we had a last minute cancellation and I was scrambling a bit…” Anthony chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I messaged a few other possible fill-ins. I was just as shocked that somehow they were available… that's showbiz though right?” He laughed again as he stood to head over to the set. “We're gonna get started though, if you want to watch before your interview.” Corpse swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded before following him out. 
The first interview with Dark 5 went well. Corpse stayed towards the back of the room behind the camera operators as he watched. He’d enjoyed watching but spent the majority of the interview talking with the creator behind Fascinating Horror, or scoping out for y/n of The Graveyard channel. He felt completely out of place. Every creator here today had heavily inspired his own content, but y/n had definitely been the biggest inspiration by far. He hugely respected the way they ran their channel, creating videos about the content they wanted to. They had really paved the way for him in terms of ‘faceless, dark/horror variety youtuber’ with their comedic horror game play-throughs, sarcastic reaction videos, and especially the creepypasta reads videos. He felt foolish for being so worked up but he couldn't deny the starstruck feelings running through him, and he hadn’t even seen or met them, yet. 
Next on the set was y/n after the first two interviews finished. They were cued to be on soon while they took a few deep breaths. They thanked the crew member and made their way to the set. They weren't really nervous per say, just unprepared. Because they’d filled in for someone else, they really didn’t have much idea of what really would be asked during the interview- or how this all would work. Anthony had given them a bit of a run-down of it all but they were still left with a feeling of being caught off guard by it all. 
They stopped off to the side of the set while waiting for Anthony to finish up the introduction bit. Once he gave them the cue, they took one last deep breath and stepped up to the set and sat beside him.
“Y/n! It’s so crazy- and fitting- to have you here today, what with you being the oldest, and largest horror content creator on the platform, and doing all of it faceless nonetheless.” Anthony introduced, almost humbly. They beamed back at the compliments he earnestly dropped, despite his “host” youtuber voice on full display. Corpse stood behind the cameras again and watched y/n settle in with a dumbfounded yet adoring expression 
“It’s great to be here! I almost didn’t answer your DM honestly, with all these “verified” accounts on Twitter I thought, certainly this can’t be the Anthony Padilla messaging me…” They joked easily, earning a hardy laugh from everyone.
“I’d say that’s a valid concern now- considering comedy is now illegal…” Anthony quipped back, pausing and looking at the camera before continuing- a move that was sure would be edited heavily with comedic burns, and or disclaimers. “But tell me, how does it feel knowing that you have paved the way into this new genre of content for- really everyone here? And done so with such wild success?” He asked more seriously as he turned back. 
“Oh god, um I mean- it is crazy, like you said. I never expected any of this really. I just wanted to see this content I guess, and I never really found much. So I started to make the content I was interested in and wanted to see. I guess I’m glad to have helped others do the same, but it really doesn't feel like I’ve done much honestly...” Y/n laughed, a bit embarrassed by the importance and influence he’d implied. 
“Oh come on, you’ve definitely done more than you’re giving yourself credit for.” He chuckled. “But it's interesting to hear that you didn’t see much of the niche for what you wanted, so you decided to create it yourself. Obviously being faceless hasn't restricted you too much, but has it made that more difficult to work around?”
“I don’t think so, no… I mean, obviously there’s ideas and concepts I can’t do because I chose to stay anonymous- but I have usually been able to find a work around for whatever idea I have that turns out better in the end.” 
The interview continued for a while. Anthony asked about several other topics and asked a few fan questions before y/n finished up. They thanked him before heading off to the side of the set, taking a seat and settling in to watch the rest of the interview. 
“Corpse! How are you doing man? It’s been a while since you were last on!” Anthony greeted happily. 
“Yeah, yeah it has…” Corpse chuckled nervously as he sat beside him. 
“You’ve really blown up since you were last here- you’re making all this music now- and playing Among Us…” 
“Yeah… it’s- terrifying.” He laughed dryly, trying to ignore the fanboy feeling from watching y/n be interviewed just before him. 
“I can only imagine, I mean- just before we started filming you were freaking out in the other room…” Anthony chuckled. 
“Well yeah, I mean- I’ve gotten a lot more followers since then… plus you brought up that y/n was here…” 
“That made you more anxious?” Anthony joked softly, his “host” act less obvious now since they’d become friends over the years between meeting. 
“Very.” Corpse stated emphatically. “I mean like you said they paved the way for the rest of us… I’ve watched their channel since the beginning and they were what really inspired me to start making videos…” Corpse quickly glanced over to where he’d seen them walk off set and sit before nervously continuing. “I really admire them, all their work is amazing.” His eyes trailed down to the floor while he nervously twisted his rings around. A habit he always found himself returning to when being watched.
“Oh so you’re fanboying hard right now?” Anthony joked with a chuckle.
“A little yeah…” Corpse chuckled along with him, “It’s just crazy, like I’ve blown up so much- but only because y/n carved out that path for us- and because I was so heavily inspired by their content…” He continued, rubbing at the back of his heated neck as he sat restlessly in the chair. 
Corpse was relieved to be finished with the interview, quickly making his way to the table in the back for a water while his nerves finally started to calm. 
“Hey… Corpse right?” Y/n questioned as they approached him. 
“Wh- um… Yeah?” Corpse stuttered softly, the nerves and anxiety all flooding back when he met their eyes. 
“Nice to meet you…” they laughed softly, flashing a kind smile “...what you said up there was really sweet.” 
“Oh- um, yeah.” He tried to slink back against the table with embarrassment. “Sorry for fanboying or whatever…”
“Don’t be! Honestly… I’m a fan of yours too- it’s crazy to hear that I inspired you…” y/n laughed nervously before continuing, “I wanted to ask though if maybe you would want to collab or something? I think we could make some really great videos together…”
“I- wh- wait seriously?” Corpse stuttered again, feeling his face heat up as he tried to collect himself. 
“Yeah, our humor is really similar- and it seems like we're into the same kind of horror topics…” y/n smiled and shrugged nonchalantly, “Why not?”
“I’m definitely down…” A huge goofy grin flashed across his face as he exchanged numbers with his biggest inspiration. He would absolutely need to thank Anthony later.
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n1ghtcrwler · 23 days
Hi, I was reading your reblog on the social media post and I was wondering how you define things?
Like I agree that the messaging apps aren't really social media, but like instagram has a lot of social features (like stories for instance)? What makes youtube a video hosting platform but not tiktok? Why can't tumblr be both a blogging platform and a social media site?
If i'm not imposing too much im curious how you see things!
You may not know this, so I should warn you that I am not great at writing brief answers. I'll try to include a workable tl;dr at the end.
It is important to understand that the internet today is a specific iteration of what the internet can be, but not the first (and hopefully not the last). There has been social media for a very long time--hell, my first social media account was on a site called Bolt that I and other teens were on in the late 90s and early 2000s--but it is a specific hallmark of this form of the web. The categories I assigned sites like YouTube and Tumblr are vestiges of a previous form.
At the heart of social media is the social aspect; that is, a social media site does not have social features, its very design is to become a society online. In the age of forums, this was distinct not because it enabled people to interact or to share things they created, but because you were encouraged to share yourself. Back then, we had a collection of different sites for different aspects of interaction. You went to a forum to talk about a specific interest, you shared your art on a hosting platform, you made posts about your personal life on a blog, you played games and read comics and found text stories on dedicated pages. But in real life, you would do all of this and more while sitting around in a living room. Social media is, by definition, an attempt to become an online living room. To be the place where all the socializing would happen, where you were supposed to be yourself instead of a character or a username or a faceless visitor. But being a one-stop internet doesn't work if people just pop in for a specific thing and then go to a forum and a webcomic and an AIM chat, so not only do they seek to have all of that on their own platform, but they seek to keep you there long enough that you rely on it to get all those things.
YouTube was not designed to be a place full of vlogs, it was a place to share clips from tv shows and music videos and informational videos, and it is still best at that. The video essay finds its home there because it was made for that purpose. User accounts are just channels, not a place where people are expected to really drop all their masks. The video suggestions are just suggestions, and it was only recently they started giving you the option to autoplay the next suggested video. You follow a channel, and it really makes very little difference to your experience of the site aside from the other videos it suggests. None of the social aspects are native to YouTube, and most of what they've incorporated don't really sit right with the feel of the site. TikTok, on the other hand, came out of the gate trying to be everything to everyone, expecting you to be yourself for public consumption, drawing you in with an endless scroll that promised everything you want from the internet in one place. On YouTube, the videos are hosted for wide engagement with very little depth; on TikTok, you are personally the hook that will keep people from looking for other aspects of the internet elsewhere.
So, look around Tumblr, and what do you see? People make posts about things that interest them, and they share each other's posts, and they may even engage with one another enough to build a friendship. But you aren't required to verify your identity, or limit yourself to one blog or account. They've tried rolling out things like chat, but it doesn't seem to have really caught on in a big way. In fact, most of the time when they try to integrate something from a social media site, the userbase pushes back because it doesn't fit the design of the site or our use of it! The draw of the site is the blogs, and the communal aspects are more related to shared interests (like forums were) than actual, personal connection. The social aspect is an afterthought, a side effect of having a bunch of social creatures in a shared space. We are screaming into the void and occasionally getting a response, not sitting on a couch together.
And that's the difference. A site like tumblr allows you to develop communities, if you want to, while you happen to be doing whatever you came to do; a social media site intends to be a singular community. Do people try to use other sites like they're social media? Sure, but that's more to do with them being used to social media as the default than the actual design of the site. And sites that try to make money off social aspects, without having the one-stop online society model at their core, tend to feel wrong. Essentially, once you've really used other sites as they are designed and experienced things that aren't social media, you get a sort of feel for what does and doesn't belong under that umbrella. At their core, sites like Pinterest are fundamentally different from sites like Facebook, not because they are used differently, but because one fills a niche in the ecosystem while the other attempts to become an ecosystem.
TL;DR: Social Media is a specific business model built around being a singular online society, not a use case.
Thanks for asking!
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31samah · 1 year
I woke up in the middle of the night and it took me a while to fall asleep again, do you know what that means?
✨AU ideas✨
Small town in the middle of nowhere
The island is actually a remote town that the citizens simply discovered when they were looking for a remote place to live.
This town was completely unknown until just several people suddenly moved there at the same time.
The Federation is the government obviously.
The eggs are little babies who "coincidentally" have the same age and for some reason were in an adoption center even though the only people who lived there before were government staff.
The boat really wrecked there and the plane crashed too.
You can send a message to people inside the town, but it's very difficult to send it to someone outside for some reason.
The only person who actually made it out of town was Hatsune Miku.
Youtuber eggs
All eggs are youtubers that are part of the same company.
All channels are faceless and voiceless.
Parents are actually fans who created a blog to find out what's going on with youtubers, who started acting weird.
Chayanne makes a cooking video, Tallulah teaches how to play, Richarlyson makes painting videos, but has started to make some ARG videos (aka Romero Richas).
Dead eggs have channels that stopped posting a long time ago.
Still in doubt if Bobby would make gameplay videos of a shooting game or make animations, if it were animations, many of his fans would think that the delay in posting is because, well, animation takes time to be done.
Not sure what Juanaflippa, Tillin, Pomme, Leo and Dapper channels could be about, ideas?
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myraelvira · 2 years
Myra Elvira’s Terms of Usage
Myra Elvira’s Terms of Usage
[March 10th, 2023]
I didn’t think that I would have to do this, but after some strange encounters, I believe creating this is necessary. My YouTube channel, blog posts, and other branches thereof, are for informational and educational purposes; entertainment not necessary. My projects, which can be blog posts, videos, or any other medium are my own creations, that I’ve created on my own. Whether I am reading literature, talking about history, true crime, or whatever else, each of the projects consists of my own person, most commonly represented through my voice. Blog posts, PDFs, and other writings are researched by me, Myra Elvira, and written by no-one else. These works are my own, I do not take anyone’s works and claim them as such, and neither should you.
Under the common “Fair Use” policy, which can be read on google, the use of copyright protected material under certain circumstances is allowed, without the permission of a copyright holder. Common examples of this are “react” videos, youtube poops, and clips from other videos or movies, used as a source in the main video. With reading books, this is a bit of a grey area, as I can read a book on my channel, and because I am using my own voice, it can be seen as a transformative work. Some of you may feel this way, as I have seen many comments about how the way I read, can bring stories to life (which I really appreciate). That said, if I’ve read a copyrighted work, technically, a holder could potentially still have it taken down. I have no problem with this, though the grey area of this issue is complex, and perplexing.
As for myself, and my own content, which is written by myself; or the literature readings that are considered public domain, I don’t condone any uploads online, youtube or otherwise, that do not credit what I’ve done. I just want to be credited for what I do, and it’s very annoying not to see that in the other channels that have blatantly downloaded my content at times, and uploaded them on other places. Just credit me. That’s all I ask. Place it in the description box, a pinned comment, or what have you. I just want to be credited. Many people still don’t seem to realize that it is me reading the content on my youtube channel, mainly the books. That voice you hear in every Myra Elvira video is mine. Myra Elvira’s.
I don’t think that many people understand the work it takes to read, or edit the videos I do. I’m not asking for pity or sympathy, just understanding and compassion. I am a one man team. I’m the social media manager, the voice over, the writer, video editor, and researcher. All of this is done by me. Always has, and at this point, I think it always will. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to the writings, and really can’t trust anyone to find all of the information I do. The only way I can hope to explain the length of time it takes to create everything I do, is to take every video, especially the book readings, and multiply it by two. Those 1 hour videos can take 2 hours to edit and process. The 10 hour ones, absolutely take 20. I just want to illustrate the point, that it takes a lot of my time to do what I do. So if someone doesn’t want to credit me, and re-uploads my content, everything I do is just a faceless video, misleading others who don’t know better.
I am, on the other hand, okay with archival purposes. A lot of what I do is focused on archiving, especially the books I have read which are public domain, no longer in print, at risk of being lost to history, and/or in copyright limbo due to things like an author’s death, and no sign of a current owner (See: Paul Watkins’ book). Once again, I just ask that you ask me to re-upload my content, if you decide to do so. I do not give permission to make money off my content, even if I allow for it to be re-uploaded elsewhere. I understand that you might want to have a database for such content, as some subjects I've gone over are very popular.
If you wish to archive my videos, or simply just want the files for your own, feel free to contact me by email. I am open to responding to any emails from anybody, even if it’s just a simple hello.
I allow my videos to be downloaded for the sake of personal use. If you wish to have the content on your computer, or whatever else, go wild. Videos are allowed to be downloaded, and used as sources for educational usage. I have gotten comments that some of my material has helped others in their classes, even being used for their essays and such. That is great! I am fully okay with this, and had actually hoped that one day, it would be how some people used it!
Educators, students (college or otherwise), are fully okay to download, edit, react, source, cite, and anything else of the like, my content. All PDFs, blog posts, and various other writings are also allowed to be used, for personal and educational purposes. Writings are of course okay to be cited in essays, books, blog posts, and the like. I write everything in an informal version of the Chicago format essay. I try to provide the PDF in links to blogs, and on my patreon, which is free. You can cite the blog posts or patreon posts, which is perfectly fine.
Of course, there are multiple ways to cite the works of somebody, like MLA, APA, and Chicago. According to citationmachine.net, the ways to cite a PDF in MLA would be:
-Change the medium description to “PDF download”. To cite a PDF available to view online, change the location description to the URL leading to the PDF.
For example: Hardin, Myra Elvira. The Tale of Acid Bath, 2022. Internet Archive, archive.org/details/acid-bath-band. PDF Download
MLA is strange, and I don’t really like it, but that’s about as accurate as it seems to be. The format is based off of a chegg video posted on 10/22/22.
I’m going with a guide from centralpenn.edu as the reference ofr this. According to the, pdf’s would be cited like this:
Surname, Initials. (Date of Publication). Title of Document. Site name (if different from author). Url the pdf came from
Example: Hardin, M. (2022). The Tale of Acid Bath. Internet Archive. Archive.org/details/acid-bath-band
If possible, use the url that takes the reader to the pdf directly, otherwise, use the url of the site/post that it came from. The sites I use are typically patreon, tumblr, and archive.org. Tumblr doesn’t have pdf file hosting, so most links will be from the other two sources, most likely archive.org.
According to owl-purdue, they state that electronic books, and books consulted online are cited exactly like their printed peers, with the addition of media at the end. Stable page numbers aren’t always available in electronic formats, so you can include the number of the chapter, section, or other easily recognizable locator.
Footnote version: 1. Myra Elvira Hardin, The Tale of Acid Bath (Internet Archive, 2022) archive.org/details/acid-bath-band. Pdf
Book version: Hardin, Myra Elvira. The Tale of Acid Bath. Internet Archive, 2022. Archive.org/details/acid-bath-band. Pdf
I won’t be including the city of this citation, it’s pointless for what I do anyway.
— That would he the most accurate way to cite anything I’ve written, and posted online. I’ll try to provide a citation at the end of my writings when possible. If you don’t feel like doing it manually, then I recommend a site like easy bib to do it for you. That’s what I used when I was in school.
[ Citing the videos themselves ]
“Title of Video” youtube, uploaded by screen name, day month year, url.
Example: “The Tale of Acid Bath” youtube, uploaded by Myra Elvira, September 3, 2022, url.
Person who uploaded video. (Date of Publication). Title of Video [Video]. Youtube. Url
Example: Myra Elvira. (September 3 2022). The Tale of Acid Bath [Video] Youtube. Url
Footnote version: 1. First name, surname, “Title of Web page”, name of site, Publishing organization, publication or revision date, access date if no other data is available, url.
Example: 1. Myra Elvira, “The Tale of Acid Bath”, youtube, September 3, 2022, url
Book entry: Surname, First name, “Title of Web page”. Name of website. Publishing organization, publication or revision date. Access date if none other available. Url
Example: Hardin, Myra Elvira, “The Tale of Acid Bath”. Youtube. September 3, 2022. Url
— If you wish to download any files of mine, they are typically located on patreon and archive.org. I will provide zip or rar files that you can use, which can later be extracted. If possible, I will try to have more of my videos archived, at least, the more historically interesting ones. I will upload a thumbnail, if I have one, that comes with the videos. In 2021, I had a hard drive crash, and I don’t have the thumbnails to the old content.
I’m not perfect, so I might miss things, or forget a thing or two. If there is a video or thumbnail you would like, feel free to email me. It would be a lot easier to download any files or videos from me, and any place I archive my work. The video files are usually huge, thanks to the lossless audio. With compressed zip and rar files, it shouldn’t take an entire day to download anything of mine.
I have seen my videos on other channels, and honestly don’t know why these people would rip off the videos, probably using a sketchy site that would jack up your computer. Considering the size of the files on my own computer, I don’t seriously don’t know why someone would try to download the uncompressed videos in their entirety. Some videos are huge, some are “little”. The biggest file so far is the “Child of Satan, Child of God” master video. It’s 68 gigs on my computer. Some videos can be 1 gig, or half of one, but it still takes up space. I honestly can’t fathom why someone would download the hours-long videos! Save your internet, save your cpu, and just go with the archived versions.
As of right now, that seems to be it! I’m sure that we’ll encounter something dumb along the way, where I’ll eventually have to update these rules. As of right now, I just want to keep it simple.
-Upload my content to pay sites, link it using spam links/scammy trackers/and anything that grifts a person ❌
-Act like my content is your own. Please credit me. Link my channel, tumblr, patreon, something. ❌
-Fry your computer trying to download the files, mainly the videos, from a shady website. Go check the archive, or email me directly. ❌
-Ask if you’re unsure ✅
-Feel free to use my content for educational, personal, and/or FAIR USE, purposes. These are fine. ✅
-Ask for permission if you wish to upload something of mine. I will only allow this for true archival purposes. Email me for permission. ✅
MLA: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_works_cited_other_common_sources.html
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[Youtube AU, shuangjie extra]
General | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 12-08-2021
[#mdzs youtuber AU] 
Just a silly AU imagining some of my favs as YouTubers if YouTube wasn’t banned in China (please let me know if there’s actually an equivalent to it).
[#jiangcheng] Sandu 
Jc created his account soon after wwx was kicked out of the house officially and then basically disappeared. He needed somewhere to vent and he doubted his family would ever find his account (they never).
He started by simply filming himself with his phone with barely any editing outside of cutting parts out. He was mostly talking about his day and his anxiety when it was starting to build up too much.
Then he started having a following, answering comments through videos when people wanted updates about certain events he mentioned. He slowly started doing Story time, even including one sent to him by subscribers.
When he got into college, he would even do the occasional vlog. He started to be known for being a grumpy sarcastic college student (even tho everyone can see in his interaction with people in his vlog that he seems really nice and polite).
He has different biweekly series on his channel. Storytimes for either when something interesting happened or from subscribers; reading stories he either finds online or is sent by subscribers (usually scary and supernatural ones); and the occasional vlog.
[#jiangyanli] cooking with a-li 
Jyl started her videos after starting to study cuisine (the idea totally didn’t come from jc barely being able to cook anything more than eggs and pasta).
She does recipe videos, mostly aimed towards those who want to start cooking but might feel overwhelmed. She sometimes makes more complicated dishes.  She focuses on cooking but also experiments more with baking, which is a series of her getting better at that skill.
She has another series called “Cooking/baking with Didi” where she and jc follow a receipt together when jc is free to make one with her.
[#weiwuxian] Yiling Laozu 
Wwx has a channel about art and experiment, sometimes mixing both together.
His art video often consists of him rambling about whatever comes to mind while the camera is showing what he’s painting or drawing. He couldn’t say whether people are here for his art or his rambling, either way, he enjoys making these videos. 
His other videos nearly all have a “Do not do this at home” warning at the start of it. It consists of him building weird contraptions that have no real use, sometimes little robots, other times his contraption /are/ useful but look rather unsafe. He sometimes also messes with science.
The voice of reason in these videos is his faceless and shy roommate who tries to make sure he doesn’t burn anything or hurt himself. 
This channel is actually how jc and jyl found him back and knew he was alive and safe.
[#lanwangji] Hanguan-Jun 
Lwj channel is basically him doing music, some include old videos of recital of his (recorded by lqr) followed by him redoing the same melody to see the difference in practice. The music he composes himself usually only have instrumental, but he will sometimes sing when he does covers. 
He doesn’t interact often with fans, but anyone who did interact with him said he is rather nice. He will often be seen replying in comments when people ask for tips about music. 
He stays faceless in his videos, although he doesn’t necessarily hide himself if he ever appears on his brother’s channel.
[#lanxichen] Zewu-Jun 
Much like his brother, lxc channel is one around music. Although he makes his own covers and composition public, what Zewu-Jun is most known for is his music tutorial on various traditional Chinese instruments, going from debutant to more knowledgeable level depending on the video. 
He is more than happy to give tips and help people learn, he has even given private classes to some who were living in gusu (which did make him consider becoming a teacher).
Lwj will sometimes appear in his videos when he either makes little challenges suggested by his subscribers or needs help with other videos. He even has some Q&A with lwj, which is where fans can find most info about the quiet lwj.
[#niehuaisang] Juan Shan 
Nhs channel is all about art and fashion. He does everything from art videos, and some tutorials on how he does things in his art, to giving suggestions about outfits and even doing a weekly series about outfits and put together (he also loves collabing with people to create a nice outfit for them). One of his most recent series turns around makeup as he slowly gets to learn about it to make his outfits even better. 
He also 100% manages to convince 3zun to be his model.
[#niemingjue] Chifeng-Zun 
Nmj has a fitness channel. He has a couple of playlists, all turning somehow around training. He will do vlogs about his own training regime and diet, sometimes following a goal to do [x] thing or being able to participate in [y] event.
He also does exercise tutorials, going from debutant to more advanced exercise, although he is very beginner-focused as he wants more people to find ways to slowly get to exercise. He also has a series about Storytime from the gym (some events sent by followers).
[#jinzixuan] Bai Mudan 
Jzx has this channel where there's a big contrast between his first upload that is still up on his channel and what he creates now. 
He started young, posting dumb things he did and showing off the wealth of his family, trying to play a character that “he should be”. He was pleased and satisfied with the attention he got, which was what he was looking for, but then got tired to be “the rich kid who shows off”.
As he grew older, he slowly got more into movies and film, gaining interest in storytelling and filmmaking. His content nearly suddenly changed to a film review, even adding facts about how it was done.
Fans who stayed since he started posting as a dumb young teen can see how much more passionate and happier he is about his content now. 
Once his relationship with jyl got better she started staring at his video, even having a series of “wife first time watching...”.
[#xueyang] Chengmei 
Xy basically has a gaming channel, known to be an annoying brat when playing online or for his horror game Let's Play. Although he is mostly known for his streaming of varied games, ranging from online fps to simulator gaming passing by horror and even romance games when he wants to laugh a bit. 
Despite his content basically being the same in the past years of his being active, his fans have all seen a shift in him, especially after the sudden change in the room he films and streams in. “Isn’t this new room great? Bigger than my last apartment” he comments when someone pointed it out.
He is still a chaotic and annoying gremlin, but people have seen the dark circle under his eyes diminish over the last months and is that water he’s drinking?! 
Sometimes his other roommate will appear in videos.
Aq will join him in some of his games, appreciated by the chat because of her attitude and the clash between the two. She often whines that xy should split the money with him when she streams with him.
Xxc seems to also be loved by the chat. The man isn’t great at video games and everyone finds it rather funny how xy suddenly becomes a bit less of a gremlin (although quite the flirt) while he teaches him how to play the game (some even suspect he let xxc wins sometimes).
Xxc is also well known for being the mom's friend, as he will sometimes pop only to bring something to eat, some water or just remind xy not to forget to sleep (“Can gege be my new dad TToTT!!!!” often fills the chat when he appears).
Sl rarely appears, usually when it’s already late in the night and he reminds xy that he should go to sleep. It usually ends in xu betting that if he wins against him (sl) he can stay awake all night, but that he’ll end the stream (which usually has even gone on for hours already) if he wins. Xy still doesn’t understand where sl gets his skill in video games.
(should I be working on my 3D model? Yes. Is my head killing me and my motivation non-existent right now? Also yes, so let me have silly AU where I don't even know where am going with it since my brain feels stuck)
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7 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Youtube Automation
YouTube automation has emerged as a game-changer for Non-content creators, and Content Creators revolutionizing the way channels are managed and optimized. With its time-saving capabilities and enhanced efficiency, YouTube automation has become an indispensable tool in the content creation process. In this comprehensive blog post, we will dive deep into the realm of YouTube automation, addressing seven of the most commonly asked questions, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate this exciting frontier of content creation for YouTube Automation step by step.
What is YouTube automation?
YouTube automation entails the utilization of specialized tools and software to streamline and expedite various tasks associated with managing a YouTube channel. From video scheduling and metadata optimization to analytics tracking, Creating faceless YouTube Channel and comment management, automation tools empower content creators to efficiently handle these crucial aspects while enabling them to dedicate more time to producing high-quality content that engages their audience for their YouTube Automation Cash Cow.
Are there any risks associated with YouTube automation?
While the benefits of YouTube automation are substantial, it is crucial to proceed with caution and adhere to YouTube's terms of service. Violating these guidelines can result in penalties such as channel suspensions or content removal. To mitigate risks, it is essential to stay informed about YouTube's policies, use automation tools responsibly, and maintain a healthy and compliant channel and easily Make money on YouTube without filming.
How can YouTube automation benefit content creators?
YouTube automation offers a multitude of advantages for content creators. Primarily, it saves precious time and effort by automating repetitive tasks, allowing creators to focus on generating valuable content and Also to Non - creator's to create a Faceless Channel. Additionally, automation tools enhance productivity and efficiency, empowering creators to manage multiple channes managing their YouTube Automation Cash Cow Business effectively and scale their operations. By harnessing the power of automation, content creators can maximize their potential for growth and success.
What tasks can be automated on YouTube?
The scope of YouTube automation is vast, covering a wide range of tasks. These tasks include video uploading, keyword research, metadata optimization, thumbnail creation, social media sharing, comment moderation, and more. By automating these essential processes, content creators can streamline their workflow, maintain consistency, and ensure an exceptional viewer experience for their Automated YouTube channel.
Which automation tools are recommended for YouTube creators?
A plethora of automation tools are available to cater to the unique needs of YouTube creators. Among the popular options are TubeBuddy, VidIQ, Morningfame, Hootsuite, and Social Blade. Each tool offers a distinctive set of features, such as analytics, SEO optimization, scheduling, and audience engagement. If you want to learn about Each and Every App for YouTube Automation visit, 10 Best App for YouTube Automation. Researching, testing, and experimenting with various tools will enable you to identify the ones that align best with your specific requirements, budget, and workflow.
How do I choose the right automation tools for my YouTube channel/ Create a Faceless Youtube Channel
Selecting the most suitable automation tools for your YouTube Automation channel necessitates careful consideration of various factors. Budget, required features, ease of use, and customer reviews should all be evaluated. Starting with a free trial or exploring the free version of a tool allows you to assess its effectiveness and compatibility with your channel's goals and workflows. Furthermore, seeking recommendations from fellow creators and joining online communities can provide valuable insights and help inform your decision.
Are there any best practices for using YouTube automation effectively?
To leverage the full potential of YouTube automation, it is vital to strike a balance between automation and maintaining a personal connection with your audience. While automation simplifies many tasks, actively engaging with your viewers, responding to comments, and fostering an interactive community should not be overlooked. Continuously monitoring and adjusting automation settings, evaluating the impact on your channel's performance, and staying adaptable are key practices for achieving sustainable growth and success to Make money on YouTube without filming.
YouTube automation has become an indispensable tool for content creators seeking to optimize their channels and maximize their growth potential. By automating tasks such as video scheduling, metadata optimization, and comment management, creators can save time and focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with their audience.
To further delve into the world of YouTube automation and gain valuable insights from an industry expert, we'd like to highlight an upcoming free webinar by Matt Par. Matt Par is a renowned YouTube entrepreneur and the creator of "Make Money On YouTube Without Making Videos," a highly successful course.
In this free webinar, Matt Par will share his expertise and provide in-depth guidance on YouTube automation strategies. He will discuss the latest trends, best practices, and essential tools that content creators can leverage to grow their channels exponentially. Whether you're just starting your YouTube journey or looking to take your channel to the next level, this webinar promises to offer valuable knowledge and actionable tips.
Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to learn from Matt Par and gain insights into YouTube automation. Be sure to register for the free webinar and mark your calendars for an engaging and informative session that could transform your YouTube Automation channel.
Remember, YouTube automation is a powerful tool, but responsible and informed usage is key. Stay updated on YouTube's terms of service, be mindful of potential risks, and employ automation tools in a way that aligns with your channel's goals and values. With the right knowledge and a strategic approach, YouTube automation can propel your content creation journey to new heights.
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vikas-nindaniya · 2 days
Unlock the Power of Faceless YouTube Automation – Create, Post, and Profit Without Ever Showing Your Face!
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Are you ready to dominate YouTube without even appearing on camera? Imagine running a highly profitable YouTube channel, creating months’ worth of content in advance, and never showing your face once. With the groundbreaking Slick Faceless Series, it’s not just possible – it’s effortless!
This cutting-edge tool takes YouTube automation to the next level, empowering you to create high-converting faceless shorts in minutes. Forget about expensive equipment, video editing headaches, or hiring an entire team to help you manage your content. With Slick Faceless, everything is done for you.
What Makes Slick Faceless a Game-Changer?
Here’s a sneak peek at what this revolutionary software can do for you:
1. Create a Month’s Worth of Content in Just a Few Clicks
Say goodbye to the stress of daily content creation. With Slick Faceless, you can generate and schedule 30 faceless shorts in just one session. From stunning visuals to catchy captions, your content will be ready to post – automatically!
2. Human-Like Voiceovers that Captivate Viewers
Are you fed up with robotic voiceovers that fail to captivate your audience? Slick Faceless offers top-notch, human-like voiceovers that sound both professional and authentic. This keeps your viewers engaged for a longer time, boosting your chances of going viral.
3. Top-Notch Visuals & Captions
In the realm of YouTube, visuals play a crucial role. Slick Faceless employs stunning visuals and well-timed captions to capture attention and maintain viewer engagement. Additionally, everything is customizable, allowing you to infuse your unique style.
4. Daily Automation: Post a Short EVERY DAY
Once your content is ready, Slick Faceless takes care of the rest. This powerful tool automates your posting schedule, ensuring a fresh short goes live every single day – even while you sleep!
5. No Camera? No Problem!
The Slick Faceless Series is designed for those who want to leverage YouTube’s massive earning potential without ever stepping in front of a camera. Whether you're camera-shy or simply looking for a more efficient way to produce content, this is your golden ticket to passive YouTube success.
Why Should You Invest in Slick Faceless?
There are plenty of tools out there that claim to help with YouTube automation, but none offer the same level of ease, quality, and value that Slick Faceless does. Here’s why this series stands out from the rest:
Time-saving: Create months of content in hours.
Effortless automation: Daily posting on autopilot.
High-quality results: Human-like voiceovers, professional visuals, and captions that convert.
Stress-free: Run a successful YouTube channel without ever appearing on camera.
Real Users, Real Results!
The Slick Faceless Series has already helped countless YouTubers grow their channels faster and easier than ever before. Users report a dramatic increase in views, engagement, and revenue after just a few weeks of using this tool. Whether you're starting fresh or scaling an existing channel, Slick Faceless will give you a serious edge over the competition.
Risk-Free with a 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
We’re so confident in the power of Slick Faceless that we offer a no-risk, 14-day money-back guarantee. Try it out for two full weeks. If you don’t see the results you want, we’ll refund your money – no questions asked. That’s how sure we are that you’ll love it!
Call to Action: It’s Time to Take Action
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your YouTube channel into a passive income machine. Get started with the Slick Faceless Series today and watch your content go viral – effortlessly!
👉 Click here to grab your copy of Slick Faceless now!
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rubbiesmith · 1 month
Published on YouTube: 6 FACELESS YOUTUBE CHANNEL IDEAS and How To Do It With AI | DraculaMoneyLair.com
Are you looking to create a YouTube channel but don’t want to be on camera? In this video, I’ll share six faceless YouTube channel ideas that are not only trending but also have the potential to generate passive income. Whether you’re interested in affiliate marketing, health, kids’ content, or motivation, these niches can help you build a successful channel without ever showing your face. Plus,…
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curtismacpherson · 1 month
Published on YouTube: 6 FACELESS YOUTUBE CHANNEL IDEAS and How To Do It With AI | DraculaMoneyLair.com
Are you looking to create a YouTube channel but don’t want to be on camera? In this video, I’ll share six faceless YouTube channel ideas that are not only trending but also have the potential to generate passive income. Whether you’re interested in affiliate marketing, health, kids’ content, or motivation, these niches can help you build a successful channel without ever showing your face. Plus,…
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courseforjob · 1 month
Freud Vixamar – Faceless Freedom YouTube Program
Freud Vixamar – Faceless Freedom YouTube Program 2024 WILL BE THE BEST YEAR YET FOR FACELESS YOUTUBE CHANNELS AND HOW YOU CAN POSITION YOURSELF NOW TO PROFIT “These 3 Secrets Gave Us An Unfair Advantage And Allowed Us To Earn $60K Per Month Cash Collected With Our Faceless YouTube Channels” On Autopilot Without Having To Know A Single Thing About Growing A YouTube Channel Or Creating Videos What…
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marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
Ignis App Review – Faceless YouTube Channel Builder In Any Niche
Welcome to my Ignis App Review, This is a genuine user-based Ignis App review, in which I will discuss the features, upgrades, price, demo, and bonuses, how Ignis App can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. Turn Any Smartphone with The FREE Facebook™ App into A $563/Day Machine In 60 Seconds! Without Tech Skills, Followers or Any Previous Experience.
Are you tired of purchasing items that don’t provide results? You know those sales sites that are full of BS? But then you discover there is little instruction on how to do it online. That has to end today. I have something fascinating for you to look into. This revolutionary software allows you to use the world’s leading platform. Faceless YouTube Channel Builder is a powerful platform that gives creators multiple ways to express their thoughts, amuse, and educate a worldwide audience. With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, the platform offers enormous potential for monetization and brand promotion. However, developing and sustaining a great YouTube channel takes a lot of time, work, and ingenuity, particularly when it comes to on-camera presentations and production issues. Enter the Ignis App, a new tool that automates the process of creating and administering anonymous YouTube channels.
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What Is Ignis App?
Ignis App is an AI-powered software that automates several parts of YouTube channel administration. The Ignis App uses breakthrough AI technology to automate content creation, optimization, and scheduling, making it simpler for users to create interesting videos without being on camera. Key features include AI-powered script development, automated video production with a bank of stock material and voiceovers, SEO tools to improve search exposure, and analytics to measure performance and audience interaction.
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This tool is especially useful for aspiring YouTubers, small companies, and digital marketers that want to build a strong YouTube presence without requiring considerable video production expertise or on-camera talent. Aero App provides a simple, cost-effective method for producing high-quality, optimized video content.
Ignis App Review: Overview
Product Creator: Billy Darr
Product Name: Ignis
Launch Date: 2024-Aug-11
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $12.95 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here Product’s Salespage
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Refund: YES, 365 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Ignis App Review: About Authors
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Billy Darr, Dipanjan Goswami, and Justin Opay lead the software development and internet marketing team that created the Ignis. This business has a solid reputation for producing creative digital affiliate marketing solutions. They have developed multiple successful products and established a loyal customer base of over 20,000 people who regularly use their desktop and online apps.
He has Some lots of launches, including, including Aero, Halo, Gizmo, Opus, Valor, Apollo, Comet, Gamma, Lynxx, NEBULA, JETT,Opal, ZEUS, Falcon, Sapphire, VEGA, Genesis, Luna, and many others, This seller has a lot of knowledge and has always offered high-quality products at low prices.
Ignis App Review: Key Features
Faceless Channels In 60 Seconds
Built-In AI Powered Video Creator
100+ Templates To Choose From
Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface
Works With Voice Prompts Or Keywords
Hundreds Of Stock Assets Included For Free
Newbie Friendly Interface
App Works On All Popular Devices
All Major 3rd Party Integrations Supported.
Automatic Facebook Channel Creation
Automated AiTraffic Feature Built-In
Built-In Monetization Included
OpenAI & ChatGPT4 Integration
1-Click Facebook Keyword Finder
Auto Like/Comment Campaign
No Monthly Fees
Share YouTube Videos To 100+ Sources
Biz-In-A-Box Commercial Licence Included
Ignis App Review: How Does It Work?
It’s As Easy As Just 2-Clicks (Resulting In Daily Visitors & Sales)
Click #1: Purchase
In just 10 seconds, you can get access to Ignis. Click any of the buttons below, and within moments, your account will be set up, ready to tap into the power of the world’s largest social network.
Click #2: Activate
Connect your Facebook account, whether it’s new or old. Within minutes, you’ll start getting hundreds of targeted clicks and sales in any niche.
Ignis App Review: Benefit
Exploits FaceBook For Traffic & Sales
Perfect For Beginners
A New & Unique Software
Powered By ChatGPT 4.0
A True Set & Forget Solution
Finally Get Real Results
Quick Start Guide
$1000 A Day Casestudy
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
24/7 Support
And So Much More
Ignis App Review: Who Should Use It?
College Students
People In Their 20s
Stay At Home Dads
Busy People
The Family Man
Old Age Pensioners
Ignis App Review: Why You Must Grab It?
Tap Into Set and Forget Facebook Accounts
Get Unlimited Free Traffic In 1-Click
No Tech Skills Or Previous Experience Needed
Our 3-Figure A-Day Tutorials Included
Get Real Human Visitors Who Buy
Stop Wasting Time & Money On BS Methods
Finally, Get Traffic So You Can Make Sales Today
Be Amongst The First To Ride This New Wave
The Price Is Rising, You Wait You’ll Pay More
Ignis App Review: Old Way VS New Way?
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Ignis App Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: Ignis App ($12.95)
The New 2024 The World’s 1st AI-Powered App That Exploits Facebook for $563/day.
OTO1: Unlimited Edition ($147)
THE WORLD’S 1ST And Only Miracle-Bot Powered By Google’s AI & unlimited FREE Traffic and more.
OTO2: DFY Setup Setup ($297)
In this upgrade, our team sets up the software for your customers.
OTO3: AutoPilot Edition ($39)
Your customers will be able to activate all the automation tools within ONYX.
OTO4: 200 DFY Campaigns Edition ($39)
Your customers will get 200 done-for-you proven money-making campaigns that have made us $50,000.
OTO5: Ignis- Franchisee Edition ($197)
Your customers will get bumped up to 85% across the entire funnel with additional tutorials on how to promote the funnel to make sales.
My Own Customized Incredible Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the Ignis: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest Ignis Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
Ignis App Free Premium Bonuses
Bonus #1: GET RESULTS IN 10 MINUTES (Worth $197)
We’ve Included Exactly What You Need To Start Getting Results In The Next 10 Minutes After You Purchase.
Bonus #2: 3 WAYS WE BANK WITH IGNIS (Worth $297)
You’ll Discover The 3 Ways We Use Ignis™ To Make More Than A Job Replacing Income Online.
Bonus #3: COMMERCIAL LICENCE (Worth $997)
You’ll Also Get a Commercial Licence So You Can Sell This As A Traffic Service To Others For $100 — $500 Over & Over.
Bonus #4: 10X MONEY-MAKING AI APPS (Worth $197)
We Give You 10X Money-Making AI Apps That let us Make $100 — $500 A Day.
Bonus #5: Passive Income Machine (Worth $497)
We’ve Included The Passive Income Machine So You Enjoy Unlimited Recurring Passive $500/day.
Ignis App Review: Money Back Guarantee
Love It Or Get 300% Of Your Money Back Guaranteed! (300% Just For Test-Driving This)
We’re offering you two guarantees, that’s how confident we are you’ll love this.
Guarantee #1 — Is a 365-day unconditional money-back guarantee, precisely as it sounds. If you are dissatisfied for any reason or no reason at all and want your money back, just let us know and we will refund your whole purchase price.
Guarantee #2 — If you don’t get results from using Ignis, just show us what you attempted and we’ll refund you 300%. So if you paid $12.95, we’ll refund you $39.95. Try this. It is completely risk-free. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Ignis App Review: Pros and Cons
Automates time-consuming tasks
User-friendly interface
AI-powered content generation
Potential for consistent content production
Accessible to beginners
You need internet for using this product.
No issues reported, it works perfectly!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Why Will This Work For Me?
This will work because it’s personally proven and tested by us personally to produce results. We’ve made it stupid simply, connect your facebook account old or new and starting getting free traffic, leads and sales
Q. Why Is This Different To Everything Else?
Well what you generally see on the market for sale right now is reliant upon beat-up old models that are not very effective anymore, Ignus is in demand & uses the latest cutting-edge AI available.
Q. Is There A Money Back Guarantee?
Yes, you are 100% covered by our 365-day money-back guarantee. There is no risk to you. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab Ignis at the special discount.
Q. How Does a 300% Money-Back Guarantee Work?
Simply show us you used the app and if you can show us it didn’t work for you not only will we return your $12.95 we’ll also give you an extra $25 out of our pocket making it $39.95 in total meaning a 300% refund.
Q. Do I Need Traffic For This To Work?
No driving traffic yourself is the OLD way of doing things. With Ignis it automatically does the traffic generation for you from FaceBook in 60 seconds.
Q. Do I Need To Invest Or Buy Any Other Tools?
No, you don’t need to invest a single cent in other tools. The app is complete and ready to use at the base price of $12.95.
Q. I Don’t Know Anything About Affiliate Marketing Will This Work For Me?
Absolutely YES, no previous experience is needed. It’s a case of activating the app which takes a few minutes and then passively enjoying the fruits.
Q. Do I Need Any Tech Skills Or Experience?
No tech skills or previous experience is needed to get results with the Ignis app. It’s been designed that way on purpose for beginners to succeed.
Q. Is This Compatible On Any PC, Mac, Android & iPhone?
Yes, you can use this on any device with a web browser.
Q. Are There Any Monthly Fees?
Right now, No! We’ve eliminated the monthly fee for the special introductory launch period. (But hurry because the price will revert to $97 a month AFTER the launch period ends)
Q. How Long Does It Take To Make Money?
It depends on how it takes you to get inside and activate the app. We’ve seen customers get results the same day sometimes within a matter of hours.
Q. I’m Still Unsure If I Should Buy.
If You Want New Or Different Results, Then You Gotta Try Something New. Ignis Is 300% Risk-Free Take It For A test, If You’re Unhappy We’ll Send You Back Every Cent & You Can Keep Ignis.
Q. What If I Don’t Get Results?
Then you can rest assured you’re 300% covered by 2 of our guarantees for an entire 365 days.
Q. How Can I Get Started?
Awesome, I like your excitement. All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page and secure your copy of Ignis for a 1-time price.
Ignis App Review: My Recommendation
Ignis App is an interesting alternative for anyone wishing to automate the YouTube channel creation process. While it has advantages and disadvantages, it may be a useful tool for those who want to create a popular faceless YouTube channel without spending a lot of time and effort. Finally, the choice to utilise the Ignis App is based on your unique objectives, money, and desire to explore. By carefully examining the pros and disadvantages and following the advice in this review, you can make an educated conclusion about whether Ignis App is a good match for your needs.
Check Out My Previous Reviews: VisualHub AI Review, Muviz Review, MagicStory Books Review, OneAI Review, CreateBank Review, VideoCourseAI Review, AutoNichePro Review, & MindBuddy AI Review.
Thank for reading my Ignis App Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This review is based on the information available at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only. The author does not claim ownership or affiliation with Ignis App. The views expressed in this review are subjective and personal opinions. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research before making any purchasing decisions.
Affiliate Disclaimer: Please note that this review may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click on a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps support the creation of high-quality content and does not influence the opinions expressed in this review.
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frankhardin · 2 months
From Zero to $87000: Start Selling SEO on Fiverr with ChatGPT No Experience Needed!
From Zero to $87,000: Start Selling SEO on Fiverr with ChatGPT – No Experience Needed! Are you ready to start your own profitable side hustle? In this video, I’ll show you exactly how I made $87,000 selling SEO services on Fiverr using ChatGPT – and the best part? You don’t need any prior experience! What You’ll Learn: Step-by-step guide to setting up your Fiverr gig How to use ChatGPT to deliver high-quality SEO services Tips for attracting clients, even if you’re a complete beginner How to scale your earnings to reach $87,000 and beyond Whether you’re new to SEO or just looking for a way to boost your income, this tutorial will provide you with all the tools you need to succeed. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start making money online with minimal effort! #sidehustle #onlinebusiness #makemoneyonline Start selling on Fiverr Now! – https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=1028222&brand=fiverrmarketplace 30 Day free trial – Start Creating for Free with Printify: https://try.printify.com/mwc60aiaeg3m Create a Brand New Store with Sellify: https://get.sellfy.com/9sz5ghbkyaur Get 50% off With my TubeBuddy link – https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=AshrafBWF ============================= Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ============================= Faceless YouTube Strategy: Ebook Selling Strategy: Make Money with Pinterest: How to Make Money with Etsy: ============================= About Ashraf Ali. Welcome to Ashraf Ali’s channel, your go-to place for discovering simple and effective ways to make money online. Get into business and finance with me as we explore proven strategies to grow your wealth. My videos discuss debunking money myths, fostering ethical wealth-building, and empowering you to take charge of your financial future. Join me on this journey to financial freedom, one video at a time. Subscribe now and start transforming your financial life today! Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Ashraf Ali. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Ashraf Ali Chapters 0:00 – Introduction 0:06 – How to Earn Big with SEO Services 0:24 – Why SEO Services Are in High Demand 0:37 – The Power of SEO for YouTube Channels 0:51 – Real-Life Success Story 1:15 – Leveraging ChatGPT for SEO Services 1:38 – Example: Using ChatGPT for Optimized Descriptions 2:24 – Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Fiverr Gig 3:07 – Using ChatGPT to Optimize Client Videos 3:47 – Ensuring Client Satisfaction 4:14 – Offering Additional Services for More Value 4:48 – Staying Competitive on Fiverr 5:09 – Expanding Your Online Business 5:28 – Conclusion and Next Steps 5:44 – Call to Action Like, share, and subscribe for more tips on making money online. From Zero to $87,000: Start Selling SEO on Fiverr with ChatGPT – No Experience Needed! published first on https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/ From Zero to $87,000: Start Selling SEO on Fiverr with ChatGPT – No Experience Needed! published first on https://ashrafbwf.wordpress.com/
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tharmanwilliamson · 2 months
From Zero to $87000: Start Selling SEO on Fiverr with ChatGPT No Experience Needed!
From Zero to $87,000: Start Selling SEO on Fiverr with ChatGPT – No Experience Needed! Are you ready to start your own profitable side hustle? In this video, I’ll show you exactly how I made $87,000 selling SEO services on Fiverr using ChatGPT – and the best part? You don’t need any prior experience! What You’ll Learn: Step-by-step guide to setting up your Fiverr gig How to use ChatGPT to deliver high-quality SEO services Tips for attracting clients, even if you’re a complete beginner How to scale your earnings to reach $87,000 and beyond Whether you’re new to SEO or just looking for a way to boost your income, this tutorial will provide you with all the tools you need to succeed. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start making money online with minimal effort! #sidehustle #onlinebusiness #makemoneyonline Start selling on Fiverr Now! – https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=1028222&brand=fiverrmarketplace 30 Day free trial – Start Creating for Free with Printify: https://try.printify.com/mwc60aiaeg3m Create a Brand New Store with Sellify: https://get.sellfy.com/9sz5ghbkyaur Get 50% off With my TubeBuddy link – https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=AshrafBWF ============================= Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ============================= Faceless YouTube Strategy: Ebook Selling Strategy: Make Money with Pinterest: How to Make Money with Etsy: ============================= About Ashraf Ali. Welcome to Ashraf Ali’s channel, your go-to place for discovering simple and effective ways to make money online. Get into business and finance with me as we explore proven strategies to grow your wealth. My videos discuss debunking money myths, fostering ethical wealth-building, and empowering you to take charge of your financial future. Join me on this journey to financial freedom, one video at a time. Subscribe now and start transforming your financial life today! Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Ashraf Ali. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Ashraf Ali Chapters 0:00 – Introduction 0:06 – How to Earn Big with SEO Services 0:24 – Why SEO Services Are in High Demand 0:37 – The Power of SEO for YouTube Channels 0:51 – Real-Life Success Story 1:15 – Leveraging ChatGPT for SEO Services 1:38 – Example: Using ChatGPT for Optimized Descriptions 2:24 – Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Fiverr Gig 3:07 – Using ChatGPT to Optimize Client Videos 3:47 – Ensuring Client Satisfaction 4:14 – Offering Additional Services for More Value 4:48 – Staying Competitive on Fiverr 5:09 – Expanding Your Online Business 5:28 – Conclusion and Next Steps 5:44 – Call to Action Like, share, and subscribe for more tips on making money online. From Zero to $87,000: Start Selling SEO on Fiverr with ChatGPT – No Experience Needed! published first on https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/ From Zero to $87,000: Start Selling SEO on Fiverr with ChatGPT – No Experience Needed! published first on https://ashrafbwf.wordpress.com/
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