#how to book cheap hotels online
jounetyfinder · 11 months
How to Use Expedia to Book Hotels | Scott and Yanling #travel #expedia
Although booking sites like Expedia.com are becoming increasingly user-friendly every week, some first-time visitors may still feel … source
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globalhotelfinder · 2 years
Book Now and Get UpTo 80% Discount on Hotel Booking
Travelers are always on the lookout for great tour packages and hotel accommodation deals. Nowadays, you don't have to go through many travel brochures or go to your travel agent anymore, because the internet can provide you with a lot of information about your dream destination.
Don't Worry!!
Through GlobalHotelFinder.com you'll get a lot of secret discount ways to book a hotel in your destination.
How To Get Discount Hotel Reservation Easily
For easier discount on your hotel reservations, go online and search for great hotel deals in your favorite locations in the United States.
You can also opt for last-minute hotel accommodation, which offers attractive discounts. Last minute hotel deals are perfect for travelers and business people traveling at the last minute.
Most people think that cheap hotel rooms in famous American destinations are impossible due to the high demand for quality accommodation which tends to increase every day.
However, many extended stay hotels for rent offer lower rates for travelers who want to save money. You can find great American hotels that offer inexpensive accommodation for vacationers and business travelers without having to sacrifice the comforts of modern living.
How to Get the Best Hotel Deals Online
Remember that you can find most popular american hotels online that offer great discounts away from the city. For this reason, these hotels are more affordable for middle-class travelers.
Although their prices are affordable, they still offer good food and quality service. Their amenities are available at cheaper prices, which makes these hotels attractive to many vacationers around the world.
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For people who intend to spend several days on vacation without spending too much, discount hotel reservations are recommended. Apart from the essential amenities, the budget hotels also offer all the modern facilities similar to the expensive hotels in the famous destinations.
Most hotels have nightclubs, bars, restaurants, swimming pools, spas and gyms. If you are on a business trip and looking for a place to hold a conference, several hotels offer this feature at attractive rates. You can be sure that these hotels serve the best cuisines for their customers.
Moreover, their staff and employees provide quality services with a smile. These are some of the reasons why american destinations are famous among tourists all over the world.
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Online booking is the best option you have if you want great discounts at hotels. While booking online, all you have to do is choose your destination, provide your budget and you can start looking for your preferred hotel.
Be sure to do your research on your Asian destination so you can enjoy your vacation more and avoid unnecessary worries.
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0pawprint0 · 2 months
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All the autographs I got! The only person on my list I didn’t get was Matthew. His lines were long throughout the whole con. But I got a picture with him and he complimented my Shaggy cosplay, so I still consider it a win! He was super kind.
The Hazbin gang were all so sweet and talking to them was so much fun! They all seemed to love my Sir Pentious cosplay! Erika even asked for a pic to show Alex. He didn’t respond while I was there, but he’s a very busy person, so I get it completely ^^
I nearly cried when I got to meet Rob. I have looked up to him for so long and it was so amazing to finally meet him. He was as wonderful as you’d expect. It was super hard to choose which poster for him to sign because he plays so many characters I love. I ended up picking Donnie because TMNT 2012 is my favorite version and I never see anything for it. I was telling him about how even some of his super specific roles like Eric from The Little Mermaid 2 have stuck with me and he gave me a hug! He also addressed me in Donnie’s voice and knew how to spell my name without me even needing to tell him! Most people don’t spell it right. He also complimented my cosplay and asked me how to make it and everything (I was Sir Pentious that day). It was such a good time. I would talk with him all day if I could. I unfortunately didn’t get a picture with him because I didn’t have enough money (things tend to go wrong when I’m trying to save money and I had to pay to fix some things the month before fhfhfhdn). But I’m hoping to see him again one day and next time I will get a picture!
Grey was so fun to talk to! She actually had her hair put up with a pin to look like Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender), another character she plays. She excitedly addressed me as Shaggy (the cosplay I was wearing that day), telling my sister and I to "throw Scooby Snacks at any monsters you see!" and told us not to unmask anyone :’) she’s so silly and fun I love herrr! She gave us a hug, too! Frank was super nice and loved the poster my sister brought for him to sign (she got it from an artist at the con) and he even did Scooby’s voice to us!
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My sister is a big fan of Cameron Monaghan, so we went to his panel. She was able to get a pic and autograph with him, too! I don’t have the pictures with her because I don’t think she’d want me to post her face here lol.
I didn’t get an autograph from him because of money, but I also got to meet Johnny Yong Bosch! He’s most known for Ichigo from Bleach, but what I was excited for was talking to him about Danganronpa (he is Hajime and Rantaro)!
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This is my haul I got from comic con (excluding the things that came with my ticket). I did, indeed, come home with 4 Miku figures. But one was free! Because at that booth it was buy 2, get 1 free.
I also got a Neighthan Rot doll for fairly cheap (they go as high as $70 online). Tbh a Monster High doll is the last thing I expected to get at a con, but I’m pretty down with it lol. Especially because it’s in great condition and still had his journal!
For the Harry Potter sticker and pin, we got those for free at a free Harry Potter trivia we went to because HP is my sister’s favorite book series. She also won a book she doesn’t have! It was like a Dumbledore side story (note: neither of us support or like Rowling as a person. She did not get any money out of us, as this was free).
The mushroom sticker was given to me by an artist as I passed their table! Their info is there on the sticker if you’re interested in their work!
The stickerssss! They make me so happy. There was so many more this artist had that I wanted, but I didn’t have the money for it, unfortunately. I got Ciel, Sebastian, Grell, and Undertaker (Black Butler), Bill, Stan, Wendy, Dipper, Mabel, and Waddles (Gravity Falls - they didn’t have Soos or Ford rip), Craig and Tweek (South Park), Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel), Stolas (Helluva Boss), Rampo (Bungou Stray Dogs), and Amaimon (Blue Exorcist).
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This stuff came with my ticket! I LOVE the poster!
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I didn’t get these, but I thought they were really funny.
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centrally-unplanned · 3 months
As I normally do, I very much enjoyed Folding Idea's latest video, an interpretative discussion/cinematography flex about James Rolfe aka Angry Video Game Nerd. Anyone treating the history of the internet with the depth it contains, as a culture & medium unto itself, is gonna get a win in my book.
It also hit on a point I find myself always coming back to in cultural history; how often people confuse chronology & causation. The Angry Video Game nerd is, of course, one of the most influential "Youtubers" to ever exist, by virtue of being one of the first ever do, in video format, media reviews via a comedic lens. There are years where you can say he was the center of the whole genre. He inspired legions of imitators, some incredibly directly referencing him in their identity, and when you talk to a ~30 year old online creator today who does things adjacent to that space, you can bet good money they watched AVGN when they were a teen.
(I didn't - my stereotypical influence is the Red Letter Media Prequel Reviews)
But is he that influential? Depends on your meaning, of course. Because when you ask people what that influence is, they say something like "pioneering comedic, caustic, hyperbolic review video essays". Which, he did, but he invented none of those parts. As the above video outlines, caustic, exaggerated reviews of media have been around for about as long as reviews have existed as a consumer product; making them entertaining for their own sake is an incredibly logical leap to take. AVGN was coming around in a time where slapstick violence and faux-rage was entirely the vibe of the internet; Penny Arcade had been doing its thing for over half a decade before AVGN's first video was published.
And more importantly, video content in those days was obviously going to lean towards things like comedy and "skit" styles compared to say text reviews, because it complemented the medium better. It takes a lot of niche craft to make a rage speech pop on text; it's much more accessible to just be a good actor and be visibly raging. Going even more downstream, the "media mix" of people consuming content about the art they like or engage with was so old hat by the 2000's that consumer brands were using it as fucking jargon in marketing meetings. There isn't a world where this kind of content would not have appeared. It had to, the culture demanded it.
This is no grand dig at AVGN of course - this is to some extent true of all artists. As Olsen's video notes, what set AVGN apart was that James Rolfe was not a game reviewer; he was a filmographer, he had gone to film school, he was trying to make movies. Which in 2004 meant that he had a ton of cameras and lighting and equipment to make viable content in a way others did not. He had a technological advantage in exploring a new medium, one that would fade as webcams and lighting rings became as cheap as dirt, or shift as markets for crazy stuff like vtuber rigs would evolve. And of course the specific way he went about his content did imprint itself on the medium.
But not thaaat much; I think time has not been kind to AVGN. The humor is of course dated to its time, the MTV's Jackass of video game reviews. And as the medium of self-published video essays has evolved, the medium discovered approaches far better than comedic skit shows. Much longer content is possible, you can ride on parasociality and authenticity instead of endless "joke moments" (Or go the reverse - every comedy video from the old days is too long, a tiktok-level joke stretched over 5 minutes). Some of this was tech dependent as well, of course - youtube had duration limits on uploads in 2005! Making 4 hour Star Wars Hotel videos was not possible outside of stringing "Part 1 of 37" video playlists together. But time and culture marches on as well, and I don't think the average creator today is pulling from 2005 Youtube much at all, really. They are different eras.
As mentioned, if you ever deal with doing causation in cultural history, you run into this all the time - people essentially going "work X was first, and therefore invented the genre and influenced all after". And I don't think it really works that way - establishing causation just takes far more detail than that.
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mariacallous · 1 month
If there’s one generalization that can stand the test of time, it’s that Jews love pickles. They’re a briny bit of respite from a heavy meal, the snack that solidifies the romantic connection between the protagonists of “Crossing Delancey,” and the hook that keeps people coming back to Sweet Pickle Books — a one-of-a-kind used bookstore at 47 Orchard St. on the Lower East Side that also sells its own line of pickles. 
If you’re questioning just how, exactly, one comes up with the concept of a pickle book store —  let alone one that’s become an au courant hangout spot downtown — you’re not alone. Founder and owner Leigh Altshuler, a 30-year-old book- and pickle-lover, came up with the idea at the beginning of the pandemic. 
“I knew [the store] was going to be books and something and it didn’t have a name, and I knew I wanted it to be after family and being Jewish…and I was  just thinking about the lowest common denominator between the two and it was just like..pickles. And that’s where it all began.” Altshuler said. 
The idea of opening a used bookstore first hit Altshuler at the beginning of the pandemic. “I really became a big ol’ mushy weirdo about books,” Altshuler said. “I went into Mercer Books which was closing that day in March at 3pm, and I remember a cop came in at, like 2:53, and asked the owner why he wasn’t closed yet. And I was just like, ‘he has time!’”
“I walked home and I just thought it was such a shame that these stores are closing and who knows what’s going to happen,” she said.
A former communications director for New York’s legendary used bookstore, The Strand, Altshuler saw the myriad of empty storefronts across the Lower East Side as an opportunity to set up a shop of her own. After losing her marketing job at the McKittrick Hotel and getting over a breakup in her shoebox apartment, Altshuler opened Sweet Pickle Books in October 2020. It was both a financial gamble and an attempt to honor her personal affinity for the used book industry �� a community that felt especially precarious during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As for the pickles, Altshuler and her boyfriend originally experimented with dozens of recipes from during the lockdown by testing out different salt and cucumber varieties until they batched out the first 360 jars — which barely lasted a month. Now, she sources the pickles from a Texas-based farm, and regular customers can swap their book donations for a free jar of branded pickles or buy them separately in store or online, coming in flavors bread and butter, spicy, and dill for $9.50-$12.95. 
Which, for operating in a neighborhood that used to be known as the Jewish “pickle alley” in the late 19th and early 20th century, feels perfectly kismet. Altshuler lives about four blocks away in the Lower East Side, and while taking walks during the pandemic saw the empty storefronts and remembered how growing up, relatives told her about the influx of Jewish immigrants that were able to sell and make pickles for cheap in barrels and pushcarts. On the cross street that Sweet Pickle Books is nestled between, over eighty Jewish pickle vendors used to make their living, which is history that Altshuler is very grateful she gets to inform people about for the first time and inadvertently continue the legacy. 
“When I first opened, everyone said I was crazy,” she said. “My dad kept on saying to me, ‘Oh, if you do it,’ and I was like, there’s no more ‘if’ here, it’s happening!”
“I don’t even know why I had such a belief it would work,” she added, “but I think it was just a feeling.”
Now, two years out, Sweet Pickle Books is a quirky literary destination for locals and tourists alike — and browsing through the store, it’s easy to see why. The railroad-style aisles are lined with love-worn paperbacks that tend to hover below the $10 mark, a disco ball swings in the corner, and the smooth stylings of the Vince Guardali Trio softly murmur from speakers throughout the store. There’s a pickle costume that young customers frequently take photos in, and big names like Harry Styles and Fran Leibowitz, said Altshuler, have popped in.  
To the untrained eye, it may seem like a miracle that a first-time business owner successfully opened a brick and mortar store during a pandemic — let alone one selling actual books amidst a digital culture that mostly obtains information online. Some people think it’s odd that people would even be interested in books anymore, let alone used ones. But Altshuler knows better than that. 
“Everyone always asks me, ‘Do people read anymore?’ But book people literally show up and haul books across town because they love it and care about these things,” Altschuler said. “[Sweet Pickle Books] just became the lowest common denominator where people could go for a low price tag and have a real conversation about something.”
Growing up in a heavily Jewish suburb in South Florida where she regularly cruised around the JCC, Altshuler always considered both her culture and religion an innate part of who she is and how she moves about the world. “I basically had no idea that people weren’t Jewish because that’s just where I was from,” she said. “My boyfriend is from Australia and he had no idea that you get a bowl of pickles with your meal at a diner, and I thought every restaurant in the world had that.”
Altshuler still proudly self identifies as Jewish, and running a business in the ancestral heart of Jewish history has only made her connection to her heritage even stronger.  “I think [Sweet Pickle Books has] connected me to faith in ways I didn’t really expect,” she said. “I’m understanding the themes in different ways,  and seeing the importance of passing tradition on. And so much of that is centered around food, but also stories — and storytelling is exactly what a bookstore is. I feel like it just makes sense.” 
In this way, Sweet Pickle Books became a conduit for tradition that feels authentic to Jewish customers and accessible for those who would like to learn more. “A customer of mine found out that she was Jewish and came to me on New Years Eve with a babka and a Zabars mug and told me that she wanted to thank me for teaching her so much about Judaism,” she said,  “and she was so happy to have a friend to talk to about being Jewish.”
“I just didn’t expect to be that person for someone,” she added. “That’s a really wonderful thing that I feel like my Jewish mother would be doing cartwheels over.”
Incidentally bridging the gap between communities isn’t something limited to Judaism, though, as Sweet Pickle Books is known to attract customers of all creeds — from the older, New York born-and-bred book hagglers that Altshuler lovingly refers to as her “curmudgeons,” to the droves of TikTok tweens in handkerchief tops, hoping to go viral by posting about a crazy new pickle shop. By harnessing the virtues of old school tradition and trendy innovation,  “I really do want to be the bridge between the two,” she said.
“Sometimes I just look at the store and I want to cry because it’s so sentimental to me — like, it’s so real and important in New York history,” she added. “So many people don’t know this was a pickling district, and every day, I’m like, how else would these conversations happen? It makes me look up stuff, and I feel very special that I get to tell people.”
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artemisravencourtney · 4 months
Klaroline WIP Wednesday: Mixing all the Colors like we're Making a Monet ch2
This one will come out some time this week so keep an eye out if you're interested!
So,” she starts, wringing her hands anxiously, “are you staying in another one of those hotel suites that’s bigger than my college dorm?”
He smirks at her, and it’s when she slumps in relief that he understands what seems to have changed. She’s unsure. When they’d met in Miami, Caroline had been in complete control from the moment he’d walked in, bending the narrative to suit her own desires and refusing to give an inch, as she always does. She’d been the picture of confidence, refusing to let anything stop her from having the carefree spring break she’d wanted.
Whatever she’s in Berlin for, she’s nervous about it. He’d thought it was just the overwhelm of the club, but in all the time they’ve known each other she’s rarely been so skittish around him. Hell, the first time they’d properly spoken the infernal woman was throwing barbs at him on her own deathbed! Concerned, he resolves to delay his flight for a few days. Whatever trouble she’s in, he’ll help her. Even if she doesn’t ask him to.
For now, he should get her somewhere safe. “I’m afraid not, love. I wasn’t planning to stay in Berlin for long, so I booked whatever was closest to the airport.”
She raises a brow, “The great Klaus Mikaelson, richer than all us other lowly vampires combined, staying in a cheap motel? Now I’ve really seen it all.” She pauses, eyes flickering with something he doesn’t recognize, “How long are you here for?”
“You’d do well to remember that I’ve been alive since before the existence of indoor showers and temperature control. Motels are hardly the worst places I’ve slept. And to answer your question…” he trails off, taking his phone out and sending Elijah a quick message, “I was supposed to be leaving tomorrow afternoon, but I’ve just asked to have my tickets changed.”
Caroline blinks up at him in surprise, and he doesn’t miss the dazzling grin that she attempts to tamp down. It makes his chest bloom with warmth to know she wants to catch up just as much as she does. “Changed to when?” she cocks her head to the side with the faux-innocence he so adores on her, and he can’t help but laugh.
He’s missed her, truly.
“Well that depends, love. When is your return flight?”
This time, she doesn’t bother to hide her smile. “I actually bought a one-way ticket. My new job is mostly online so I thought it would be nice to travel for a while. Figured I’d know when I was ready to leave.” A flash of fear crosses her face again, “I actually have an apartment not too far from here, like, maybe ten minutes? It’s no five-star suite at the Marriott but if you want to-”
“Yes?” she asks hopefully.
He helps her into his coat and pulls on his own, even though neither of them can feel the cold.
When he’s satisfied, he interlaces her fingers with his.
“Lead the way.”
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metalmonki · 11 months
Supernatural, Hunting, Living and Love (Revisited) Part 2
Dean Winchester x fem!reader
4.5k word count
Summary After completely ignoring Deans warning you find yourself reunited with the Winchesters after a perplexing case brings them back down under.
fluff, idiots in love, friends to lovers
Warnings mention and description of death
Original / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
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It's been a year since I met the Winchesters. I tried to return to my old life, but the knowledge that there were creatures out there that could kill me at any moment made it impossible to concentrate. So, I decided to hit the road. I packed my most important belongings into my car and left everything else at my mom's. I dropped out of university and began searching for other hunters. The Winchesters didn’t leave me a how-to guide on hunting monsters, so I had to figure it out on my own. I traveled far and wide, leaving messages for hunters wherever I could—monster books in libraries, notice boards, online chat rooms, you name it. After two months of relentless searching, I was finally contacted by a guy named Johnny. Johnny owned a roadhouse near Broken Hill, one of the few hubs for hunters. He gave me a list of known hunters' hubs, a list of essential tools, and a job to get me started. "An easy find and burn," he said. He advised me to call him for jobs for now and assured me that I would gradually learn how to find my own hunts. And that's how I ended up on the job I'm working today.
I had driven through the night to get back to Sydney, to the suburb of Blacktown where my story began. It was the first time I'd been back since everything that happened with the boys. This time, a similar case had brought me back: a ghost causing accidents at the local pool, leading to 11 deaths so far. Something needed to be done soon. The latest incident occurred just a week before. A paraplegic kid had seemingly stood up from her wheelchair, climbed onto a diving board, and dove headfirst onto the cement below. The ghost was escalating its attacks, putting this case at the top of my list. Before tackling the case, though, I needed to rest. I decided to book into a hotel, take a hot shower, eat, and sleep. I had only enough money for one night, so I found a cheap hotel close to the pool with vacancies and pulled in. As I parked and hopped out of my car, a certain vehicle caught my eye. Everything else was quickly forgotten as I ran to the room the car was parked in front of. I stopped to catch my breath before knocking on the door.
"Well, well, look who we have here," Dean said, crossing his arms with a smirk as he opened the door.
"Hey, Dean," I smiled.
"Y/N, is that you?" Sam asked, appearing behind Dean.
"In the flesh," I replied. "What brings you two back to town?"
"We're working this case," Dean explained. "A friend of ours called after getting a tip from a hunter here—some ghost killing a bunch of people at a pool."
"What a coincidence. I'm working that case too. It's been on my radar for the last three months, but it's really ramped up in the last month, so I figured I should probably get my ass back here and take care of it."
"I thought I told you to stay away from all this," Dean suddenly snapped, his hands balling into fists at his sides.
"I tried, Dean. I really did. But I couldn't shake it. I was second-guessing everything and everyone, and I felt like I needed to do this to feel safe," I said, recoiling at his words.
"I told you there were other people like us doing this job so you could be safe. Trust me, this isn't the life you want."
"You packed up and went back to the States. You left me here where there are barely any hunters. What did you expect me to do?" I snapped back.
"I expected you to listen to me!" Dean yelled, jabbing a finger toward the ground.
I flinched away from Dean, and he immediately noticed. The regret on his face was clear. He tried reaching out to touch my arm, but I moved back. Sighing, he stepped aside, allowing me into the room. Sam motioned for me to come over to the sole table where he was working on his laptop. Dean, meanwhile, moved to sit on his bed on the opposite side of the room. Sam ran me through everything they had found so far. He mentioned a friend of theirs named Bobby, who had been contacted by a local hunter overwhelmed by the case. It was something I had noticed too, and it had only motivated me more to become a hunter. Over the past year, I had been taking on the harder cases that other hunters struggled with. I had made contacts at all the hunters’ roadhouses in Australia and had hardly had a day to myself since. I told Sam about Johnny, a name he instantly recognized. Apparently, Johnny had been the one to call Bobby, requesting the boys' help after many other hunters had come up short.
"What have you found so far?" I asked Sam.
"Well, the earliest accident recorded at the pool was two months after it opened," Sam replied.
"I found that too during my initial research. She was running, slipped on the wet floor, and got impaled on a sign pole. Not a nice way to go, but it doesn't seem like something to create a vengeful spirit," I said.
"My thoughts exactly," Sam sighed. "But I can't find anything about the place being built on a burial ground or sacred site or anything."
"So, what you're saying is there's no reason for these deaths to be ramping up at this joint?" Dean finally joined the conversation.
"Well, none we can find," I said. "This is why I've avoided the case for so long. Every time I've looked into it, I haven't been able to find a reason. Nothing I know of could be causing this, nothing Johnny knows of could be causing this. Maybe Bobby might know something?"
"I'll call him," Sam sighed.
Sam grabbed his phone and left the room. I looked at Dean in confusion. We were working this case together, so why would Sam leave? Dean mumbled something about Sam thinking best when he was walking around. I just shrugged and stayed at the table, waiting for Sam to come back. Dean and I fell into an uncomfortable silence. I knew he wasn't happy with me being here and giving everything up to become a hunter, but I didn’t see any other choice. I understood the dangers; I knew a hunter's life was often short. But if it meant making a difference while I was still here, then so be it. Dean needed to understand this.
"Save it. I know I won't be able to change your mind, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let you leave my side," Dean said, looking over at me. "I wanted to save you from this life. I wanted you to walk away and never look back. I don't want you to end up broken like me."
"It's not like I have anything to lose. My father abandoned me, my mother and I barely talk, and I don’t exactly have any other family. Just friends, and as far as they know, I came into a small fortune and I'm off traveling the world," I sighed.
"Sounds like every hunter origin story I've heard before," Dean chuckled coldly.
"Why? What's your story?" I asked.
"Mum died, Dad abandoned us, then he died. I'm one of the lucky ones, though, because I got Sammy. And I guess now I have your dumbass to look out for too," Dean smiled at me.
"You make that sound like a bad thing," I laughed.
"Oh, it is. You're a pain in my ass," Dean laughed too.
"Who, me? Nah, I'm delightful."
Sam walked back into the room, greeted by the sight of Dean and me laughing our asses off, a stark contrast to how he had left us. He looked between us before awkwardly starting to explain that Bobby would investigate the situation, contact some other hunters in the area, and call Sam back if he found anything. Until then, Dean decided it would be best if we grabbed some food and called it a night. Dean left Sam and me to clean up the table while he went to get what he called the world’s smallest McDonald’s burgers. Sam and I just shook our heads at him and continued to tidy up. We talked about what the guys had been up to since they were last here and everything I had done. Sam was quite impressed at how quickly I had learned to spot signs of the supernatural and my ability to research and handle problems. It turned out they had heard from Bobby about a badass new hunter on the scene out here, but they had no clue it was me. It didn’t take us long to clean off the table, and soon Dean returned with the food. He dumped the bags on the table and began tossing burgers at each of us, cursing when he reached for the fries and found they had all fallen out in the bag. Sam and I shook our heads at Dean and started on our burgers while he fixed the fries. After we had eaten, we all agreed to get some sleep while waiting for Bobby to get back to us. Sam went off to shower first while Dean kicked off his shoes and flopped onto the bed. I, on the other hand, moved toward the door, planning to book my room for the night.
"Where are you staying?" Dean suddenly asked, stopping me in my tracks.
"Going to book a room for tonight, then probably sleep in my car until this is over. Why?" I turned back towards Dean.
"You can't be serious."
"Well, normally I'd loo or a free campground, but we're in the middle of a city. Luckily, I recently found this really cool inflatable bed thing. You move the seats forward, put it in the back seat, and it acts like a real bed. It's actually pretty comfortable," I rambled.
"Like hell you're sleeping in your car. Take my bed, and I'll take the couch," Dean grumbled, getting up from his bed. "Besides, it saves you the money you'd spend on a room for a single night."
"Dean, I can't kick you to the lounge again," I sighed.
"Nonsense. Hunters need a safe place to sleep."
"We don’t exactly get paid, Dean. I do odd jobs in the towns I’m in between or sometimes even during hunts, just to get enough to eat and to put fuel in my car. I can’t afford a hotel room."
"And that’s where credit card scams come in," Dean smirked.
"How? I mean, you’d need fake IDs and birth certificates, not to mention the limits. Eventually, they’d cut the card off."
"Bobby hooks us up with a whole host of fake IDs—cops, FBI, CIA, you name it. The trick with credit cards is to get the card with the highest limit. For instance, a card with a $10,000 limit before repayments are needed. Use it for the case, and before you get out of dodge, withdraw the remaining amount. That way, when they come looking for Mr. Hector Rodriguez, it looks like he never left town."
"Jesus, Dean, that’s insane."
"That’s the life," Dean shrugged, making himself comfy on the lounge.
I took off my shoes and made myself comfortable on the bed while waiting for Sam to finish with the shower. I had planned to use the bathroom to change, but I must have been more tired than I realized because I nodded off. I woke up the next morning to an empty room and noticed that Dean’s Impala was gone too. They must have heard back from Bobby and headed off to chase a lead. It kind of sucked that they didn’t wake me up first, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, mostly for background noise, before heading to my car to grab a change of clothes. With clothes in hand, I went to the bathroom for a shower. I always found that the shower was the best place to organize my day. I turned the water on, cranking up the heat until it was almost unbearable. As the shower screen fogged up, I began to write out my plan for the day. First, I needed to find some breakfast, then I needed to locate the guys. The problem was, I didn’t have either of their numbers and wasn’t keen on driving aimlessly around the city to find them. After washing up, I begrudgingly turned off the water. As I reached for a towel, I was horrified to realize there were only two towels in the bathroom. I rummaged through the room but found no additional towels. I returned to the bathroom, eyeing the two towels on the rack. At this point, I was almost dry, so I grabbed the obviously unused towel and quickly dried myself off, hanging the towel back as neatly as possible when I was done. Once I was dressed and dry, I grabbed my phone and keys before heading out to my car. I was honestly surprised that Dean had managed to pick out which car was his and which was mine. The engine roared to life as I settled into the driver's seat. I drove to McDonald's to grab a breakfast deal. After I got my food, I figured I might as well continue investigating the case on my own. As I waited in the drive-through, I pulled out my phone to continue my research. It was then that I noticed a text message from Dean, which caught me off guard since I hadn’t saved his number.
Hey sleeping beauty, when you get this, give me a call. If I don’t answer, I put Sammy’s number in your phone too.
I chuckled to myself before dialing the number. After a few rings, Dean picked up.
"Hey, enjoy your sleep?" Dean laughed.
"It was great, thank you. Your bed is very comfy."
"At least someone’s enjoying my bed," Dean chuckled.
"Yeah, you should really try it sometime. It's so comfy and warm, it would put you straight to sleep," I taunted.
"Pfft, who needs an awesome bed when they have a perfect lounge to sleep on?"
"Where are you anyway?" I laughed on the phone.
"About to head to the pool," Dean sighed. "We’ve exhausted the library. They have nothing on the pool that we didn’t already know, so the only place left is the pool."
"Have fun with that. I’m just getting breakfast. Oh, and here it comes!" I squealed, winding down the window.
"Yeah, yeah, stuff your face then get your ass over here," Dean chuckled, hanging up.
I took my food with a thank you before pulling into the parking lot. After parking my car, I started on my breakfast. It didn’t take me long to finish, and I tossed my rubbish into a nearby bin before heading to the pool. When I arrived, I parked towards the back of the lot and went inside. It annoyed me more than it should have that I had to pay to enter the pool, even though I had no intention of swimming. It felt weird paying just to watch, but being on my own, it seemed the only option. I walked down the ramp into the main pool area, which featured a wave pool, a splash pool, and two 25-meter pools. It wasn’t overly busy, so it didn’t take more than a quick glance to spot Sam and Dean. It also helped that they were the only people in the building in suits. They were standing near the wave pool controls, talking to a lifeguard. As I started making my way towards them, I was suddenly halted by the sound of a giggle. It was a giggle I would recognize anywhere, sending an ice-cold shiver down my spine. I almost turned around and fled back to my car, intending to wait for Sam and Dean to finish. The only thing that stopped me was Dean spotting me and giving me a wink, which caused the lifeguard to look over her shoulder towards me. I squared my shoulders, held my head high, and walked over to them. Upon reaching them, however, my mouth started spilling out words before my brain could catch up.
"Hey, babe," I said, leaning against Dean's side. "I thought I’d come for a swim while you take care of things, but I don’t have any swimwear." I winced inwardly at the cringe-worthy line.
"Oh, hi Rachel! Haven’t seen you since graduation. Still lifeguarding, I see?" I greeted, trying to mask my awkwardness.
"Y/N, yes, I am. It pays quite well. How did you end up with such a handsome man?" Rachel asked, crossing her arms and giving me a disapproving look.
"Well, as you probably heard, I’ve been traveling the world, and during a trip through America, I found this handsome man," I said, smiling up at Dean.
"Lucky you," Rachel scoffed.
"Yeah, lucky me," I replied, still smiling at Dean.
"Anyway, baby, here’s my card. Go get yourself some swimwear and have a good time," Dean said, handing me a card.
"Thank you," I said, taking the card and giving Dean a quick peck on the cheek before darting off.
As I was leaving, I heard Dean say, "Now, if you don’t mind, we’d like to ask all the staff about the incident."
I went to the main counter and bought a swimsuit—one of the things I had left behind when I packed up and left, thinking I’d never use it again. With the swimsuit in hand, I headed back to find Sam and Dean to return Dean's card, thank him for his help, and apologize for putting him on the spot. As I wandered back into the main pool area, I quickly spotted Dean standing at the edge of the splash pool, talking to a lifeguard. Just as I was about to approach him, a hand suddenly came down on my shoulder. I jumped and spun around, ready to punch whoever had touched me.
"Wow, easy there," Sam chuckled.
"Sam, why would you do that?" I slapped him on the chest.
"I didn’t mean to scare you. Just figured I should fill you in before you blow our cover story any further."
"Yeah, sorry about that," I muttered, dropping my head.
"Oh, it’s fine. No harm done," Sam smiled. "Anyway, we were researching the deaths this morning, and one of the victims was a young girl on holiday from America. So Dean and I decided to come in and ask some questions, posing as representatives from the American Embassy investigating on behalf of the parents."
"That’s actually pretty smart. I’ll go change into these swimmers and stay out of your way. Also, can you give Dean back his card?" I handed it to Sam. "I feel kinda bad for taking it."
"Well, it’s not our money anyway, so nothing to feel bad about," Sam smirked.
I laughed at Sam's comment and walked away with a wave towards the female changing room. Only two other people were in the changing room when I walked in—two young girls, probably no older than 18. It seemed they had just finished their swim and were getting ready to shower and change. I ducked into an empty changing booth on the opposite side of the room from them. They were giggling and whispering between themselves as I walked by. If only they knew what was happening here, what was happening in the world. I quickly slipped into the swimsuit—no easy feat when both you and the suit are as dry as the Sahara Desert. Just as I bundled my clothes in my arms and was about to open the door, the room was suddenly filled with a blood-curdling scream. I dropped my clothes and threw open the door. One of the girls from earlier was now pressed up against the wall on the opposite side of the room, while the other lay motionless on the floor.
I ran over to the girl on the floor and dropped down by her side, assessing her for any signs of life. She was gone; her neck was clearly broken. Standing up, I walked over to the other girl as more people began pushing their way into the bathroom. Sam and Dean were among them. Seeing the scene, they began pushing people back and asking for someone to call emergency services. I took the other girl into my arms, shielding her face from the horrific sight and encouraging her to look away. I nodded to Sam and Dean, knowing they would need to leave the building quickly but quietly while I stayed behind to answer questions. I tried to ask the girl what had happened, but all I could get was the word "why," spoken in a whisper between sobs. I just held her, rubbing circles into her back while waiting for help to arrive.
It felt like forever, but it was probably no more than 15 minutes before the police and ambulance arrived. The police stood back, allowing the paramedics to do their work. Once the paramedics confirmed there was nothing they could do for the girl on the floor, they turned their attention to her friend. They checked her over and then escorted her to a waiting ambulance. The police followed, making sure I stayed put in the room. Returning to where I had discarded my clothes, I gathered them up and sat on the bench running the length of the room. Holding my clothes to my chest, I suddenly felt naked in the now-empty room. It wasn’t the first time I had seen a dead body, and living the life I chose, I knew it wouldn’t be the last. But that didn’t make it any less jarring. The absolute stillness of her body, the lack of the normal rise and fall of her chest, the absence of any movement, the fading pink hue of her skin—it was all so stark, so sudden. I closed my eyes and prayed she went quickly.
The quiet of the room was soon broken by the arrival of crime scene techs and coroners. They completely ignored my presence and went about their tasks, examining the deceased girl and the room. The only interaction I had was with a woman who came over and asked for my clothes. Confused, I asked why, since they hadn't been near the girl. She insisted it was needed just in case and that they would get them back to me as soon as possible. Reluctantly, I handed over my clothes and filled out the paperwork she provided. With no other address to use, I gave her my mother's address for the return of my clothes.
I watched as the coroner bagged the girl's body and removed it from the room while the techs continued to take pictures and discuss their theories about what had happened. Eventually, after what must have been 30 minutes, the police returned to the room to speak with me. They asked a flurry of questions that blurred together: Did you know the victim? No. Did you see what happened? No. Do you know Samantha? Was that the other girl? No. What were you doing here? Changing to swim. On and on, question after question. They questioned me for over an hour. It felt like a waste of their time, as I had nothing to offer—they were asking a witness who hadn’t witnessed anything. Before they let me go, I asked what Samantha had said about the incident. They gave me the usual response: they couldn’t divulge much but assured me that the investigation would reveal the truth.
I thanked the officers and left the room. I fell into a sort of autopilot. Before I knew it, I was out of the pool, in my car, and back at the hotel, with no recollection of the drive. I parked next to Dean’s Impala. As soon as I shut off the engine, I began to shake uncontrollably. I took a few shaky breaths, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I climbed out of the car and walked to the room door, knocking and waiting for someone to answer. When the door finally opened, it was Dean standing there.
“They took my clothes,” was all I managed to say before the weight of the day hit me. In the year I had been working cases, I had never seen a dead body or witnessed someone die. I had only read about it, keeping a safe distance from the true horrors. The only dead body I had seen before this was my grandmother’s, and I had hoped she would be the only person I would have to see die in my lifetime. Today’s events had dredged up all those memories and emotions I had tried so hard to bury.
As I broke down, Dean pulled me into the room and shut the door. He wrapped his arms around me, offering a safe, warm refuge where I could finally let my emotions flow.
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thehamletdiaries · 9 months
a comedy of errors (or: getting to Wittenberg)
So, I have, for a long time, wanted to visit Wittenberg, for obvious reasons. It is where my boys went to university, it is where they met; it’s a huge part of their story.
It’s also, it turns out, a nightmare to get to, particularly if you try and do it by train, from Amsterdam.
It was meant to be about a seven hour journey - which seems long but I’ve done longer and I was not especially phased by that. When one of my trains, however (there were…I don’t even remember…about five changes in the original route I was meant to take), simply did not exist, I was a little phased by that. I’d actually been indirectly warned the week before by a lovely woman I was on a writing retreat with; she is German and had written a short piece about how bad the German train system is.
So, when that train did not materialise, I decided to just keep going in the right direction. If there was a train I could get on that would take me across Germany headed east, and ideally heading a bit southeast if possible, I’d get on it. Well, I did that until it was too late at night and the next train from wherever I was at that point wasn’t until the next day, so I gave up and booked myself into a cheap hotel.
The next day, I started off in the same way; getting on trains that were heading in roughly the right direction, until finally, I end up in Magdeburg and there it is; an S8 that takes me right to Wittenberg station, at the perfectly reasonable time of 4:45pm. It’s freezing cold, even in the waiting area, but I only have about an hour to wait.
And then the train doesn’t come. It vanished from the board and was replaced by the next train. I’m very sure that it didn’t just change platforms or anything because everyone else waiting on the platform with me just sort of sighs and goes back into the waiting room. There is another S8 coming at 6:45pm. Not as good, but still fine. Except now I’m worried that train will also just…not turn up. But I don’t know what else to do, so I wait (I did at some point during all of this look at taxi options but there were no taxis around and every online and app based booking option I looked at said none were available to take me that far).
And then the 6:45pm train doesn’t turn up either.
At this point I’m freezing cold and trying to work out what on earth to do. Do I go to Berlin, which is absolutely in the wrong direction, and then see if I can get a train south from there? 
And then this guy carrying a Primark bag comes up to me. I’d seen him waiting on the train platform. Now, as a woman travelling alone, if a random guy comes up to you, you really do want to be careful. But I’ll say that all the vibes from this guy felt good and earnest and not at all creepy - and I was proved right in that so…sometimes you do have to trust your instincts on stuff like that.
Anyway, this guy comes up to me and just says, “Wittenberg?”. I don’t know how he knew I was going to Wittenberg, because the S8 stopped at a bunch of other places too, but I just nodded. I couldn’t ask him how he knew, or rather why he thought, I was going there either because he didn’t speak any English (and I know only enough German to say hello and thank you). He then typed out something into google translate on his phone; he was asking, if we split a taxi fare, if I wanted to share a taxi. Considering I had no idea how to get a taxi from there at all, I readily agreed - and long story short he did, somehow, get us a taxi and we drove through the dark to Wittenberg, communicating where needed via google translate on our phones. The taxi dropped me off just down the road from where I was staying so he walked me down to the apartment and then said goodnight and headed off. I was genuinely so grateful for his help.
So then, I get inside the apartment and open the lockbox which was supposed to have the key in it. It opens with the code I was given…but it is empty. I swore under my breath. 
I ended up knocking on apartment 1 (I was staying in apartment 3) where I could hear music was playing and a very nice young girl staying there let me leave my bags there and advised me to ask the guy in apartment 4. I knocked, but there was no answer…but then I thought I could hear someone in apartment 3. So I knock and a guy opens the door. Which is slightly bewildering. He also doesn’t speak English - and again, I have no German - so it’s back to google translate and long story short, they have double booked us. He tries to call the people letting out the apartment, with no success…and eventually I ask him if, for the night (it’s about 8:30pm by that point) there is a sofa I can stay on or something; I literally have nowhere else to go. He nods and shows me there are actually two bedrooms - not that either of us paid to have to live together, but for one night it seems like our only option.
However, I was only there for maybe an hour and a half when he knocks on my door to tell me, via google translate, of course, that the people letting the place rang him back and I can have apartment 2, which is free. He gives me the code for the lockbox - this time there is a key in there - and offers me a teabag from his selection to take with me.
I can imagine Horatio living in this room.
Without the modern trappings, of course (unless we are talking about a version which takes place outside of a specific time period, in which case…). It’s small but it’s big enough to live in, with a table and chairs, a sofa, a bed and a kitchen all in one room. There is a little trunk I could imagine him keeping books in. It’s a modest place, but he’d say he couldn’t want for anything more.
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(ignore my mess)
The streets do look like how I’d imagine them to look.
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I can imagine Hamlet and Horatio here so clearly.
From the apartment, you can hear the church clock. It chimes every hour.
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groupmegroup · 2 years
Dear New York
There’s something in my brain telling me it’s very college essay-esque to write a letter to my home and the people I’ve encountered but it’s the only way I feel like I can properly introduce myself and my life. I wish my benal little essay could be as profound as a Pattie Smith book or a Leonard Cohen song about paying dirt cheap for a little apartment in the LES or giving head in Chelsea Hotel, but we don’t live in those times anymore. We live in the era of posting tik toks captioned “what is dimes square?” And ��Tips and tricks around Williamsburg for new comers!” My blood always boils when I see shit like that online but what’s more pretentious than a transplant? Complaining about them when you know good and well half the people you mingle with are rich kids from LA. The gag is none of these rich fucks from LA could tell the difference between me and the next black girl so I’m allowed to complain. I miss my home, I miss being excited when I took the L because once I hit a certain stop all the “quirky” people would get on. I miss thinking downtown Brooklyn was the best place in the world. Although I will never let go of my childlike wonder that I experienced in New York from 2008 to 2014, sometimes I wish I could’ve experienced that time at the age I am now. I wish we didn’t care so much about appearances and how good we look in our instagram posts at clandestino or fucking nublu. Nobody is talented anymore, everyone’s a “model” or a “dj” for Christ’s sake. I don’t think it’s nyu white kids from the Midwest who are ruining New York, it’s mediocrity, lack of talent, the need for constant comfort. Nobody wants to be an innovator, I’m no different. We all wanna bring back the “old New York” and we’re just repeating the same shit done 10 years before us. If I see one more person trying to be the next Cobra Snake I will end it. These kids who claim to want to represent and capture every part of New York life don’t even have black friends or people whose parents don’t pay their rent. They can’t find the beauty in not trying to be cool. I hope this account and post find others and hopefully someone else in the concrete jungle can relate. And I guess this wasn’t really a letter and more of a long winded monologue for my blog… But I guess this is only the start of my various irrelevant think pieces on the shithole that is “The Scene” and the little glimmers of hope that crack through the weatpaste smeared walls.
Xxx Bri
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easygoshuttle2 · 6 days
Why Choose Shuttle Services for Your Disneyland Paris Transfer?
Everybody is always happy planning for a magical trip to Disneyland Paris, however, always being lost on how to transport from Charles de Gaulle to Disneyland Paris. Having many choices, it would be relevant to select the most comfortable, untroublesome and effective transfer service. This is where Easy Go Shuttle fills in the gap a professional and efficient ground transfer service that eliminates the hassle for you! This is why if you are planning to travel to Disneyland Paris and your flight will be landing at CDG or if you are planning to travel to CDG and need comfortable transportation to and from, hiring services of Easy Go Shuttle should be your first preference.
1. Direct, Door-to-Door Service
The Mode that stands out in terms of benefits is that Easy Go Shuttle is door to door service. From the time you arrive at Paris CDG Airport to Disneyland Paris, you will never need to move from one carriage to another or have to struggle with public transport systems. Easy Go Shuttle is an airport transfer service that will pick up passengers directly from the airport and drop them off at their hotel or Disneyland Paris entrance. Apart from that, it helps to save your time, and the trip with a family or a company turns out to be quite stress-free.
2. Comfort and Spacious Vehicles
Tourism as you know can be so exhausting, especially after a flight journey. Easy Go Shuttle is aware of this and why their vehicles are comfortable as is evident in the vehicles’ models. It is important to note that their vehicles are large enough to accommodate people, large groups, and much luggage. Regardless of trolleys, bags or mementoes, Easy Go Shuttle makes certain that everyone and everything you are carrying has enough space. Also, the vehicles come with air conditioning so that without any hassle you can have a comfortable ride from CDG airport to Disneyland Paris transfers.
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3. Punctual and Professional Drivers
The time factor is very crucial especially if you are going to Disneyland Paris; the Easy Go Shuttle holds high values in time by being on time all the time. Their drivers are business people and well-mannered; they monitor flight details so that they can come early if there are any early arrivals. This implies that when you turn up for vacation, you won’t be embarrassed by inadequate time, or left stranded. In addition, their drivers are friendly, professional and well-acquainted with the right routes to take to avoid traffic jams.
4. Cost-Effective Transfers
Another issue that may be of importance to passengers is the price of transferring to Disneyland Paris; however, Easy Go Shuttle has relatively cheap prices that any traveller can afford comfortably without compromising the quality of the services to be offered. Unlike taxis that can choose to impose a certain fare or public transport that one may need to pay ticket fare in one stop and another in another stop, Easy Go Shuttle gives a clear price for the total transfer. For families and large groups, it may be kind of advantageous because the price might be divided between the passengers.
5. Easy Booking Process
If you are looking forward to booking a transfer from Charles de Gaulle to Disneyland Paris our services at Easy Go Shuttle are easily accessible. You also book your shuttle online in advance, thus making sure everything is well arranged to meet your arrival. The Easy Go Shuttle website is easy to navigate, and after booking is done you will be provided with all the details of your driver and the pickup location. This ensures that a client does not have to worry for having arranged for their transfer before they get there.
Key Takeaways:
Convenience: EasyGo will be delivering shuttle services directly to the doorstep, thus acting as a time-effective means of transport eliminating the use of public transport.
Comfort: Vehicles are large with enough space provided by most car-makers to accommodate families and their bags comfortably.
Punctuality: They monitor the flights of various passengers and ensure punctual pick-ups and transfer of the passengers.
Affordability: Low cost makes Easy Go Shuttle quite affordable to families and groups hence giving them a chance to transport themselves at a cheaper price than having to pay individual taxi fares.
Easy Booking: User-friendly and rapid and easy web-based reservation process with quick response from the system.
When it comes to travelling from the CDG airport to Disneyland Paris, the Easy Go Shuttle should be chosen. Easy Go Shuttle specialized in comfort, convenience and professionalism on the trip from the airport to the magic of Disneyland Paris. Transfer services to and from such destinations promise door-to-door services, good, competitive prices, and easy means through which you can enjoy your holiday without stressing yourself.
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What is the distance between Charles de Gaulle Airport and Disneyland Paris and how long does it take to get there?
On average, the transfer time ranges from 35 minutes to 45 minutes due to traffic conditions. Easy Go Shuttle offers convenient private transfers to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free ride, getting you to your destination quickly.
How does Easy Go Shuttle compare in cost compared to a taxi or public transport?
Easy Go Shuttle offers competitive pricing compared to taxis and public transport. While taxis may charge higher rates, especially during peak times, Easy Go Shuttle provides a fixed, transparent fare with no hidden fees.
Is there a way to pre-order Easy Go Shuttle?
Absolutely. Easy Go Shuttle allows you to make a booking prior to your arrival so that there are no unexpected troubles from the very starting moment of your trip.
Selecting Easy Go Shuttle is to select comfort, punctuality, and no worries in your transfer from CDG airport to Disneyland Paris. In case you are travelling alone or with your family, Easy Go Shuttle is the best solution that will enable you to kick off your magical trip.
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DIY Vacation Planning Vs. Buying a Packaged Tour
A dilemma always remains among vacationers whether they should plan their tour all by themselves or would hire an agent who can plan their tour by creating an itinerary strategically by following their time and budget. If you are also in a fix and couldn’t decide how to deal with the confusion, this article is for you just before you book tickets for a business class New Zealand and plan to go there without booking the accommodation.
Decide whether to book the ticket soon after checking out the comparative analysis done in the given section—
What it is about DIY vacation planning? A look
If you prefer calling yourself a traveller more than a tourist then DIY is the ultimate goal whenever you are off for a vacation, rather travel whether to a new foreign country or nearby. For a Caribbean vacation, you can start exploring the official websites of the airlines flying to Trinidad and compare them with the available flight deals at the premium aggregator sites before you book the tickets for cheap flights to Trinidad from UK.
It will be a tiring process as you have to spend quite some time doing the initial research to find cheap flight tickets if you are looking for a budget tour. The same goes for finding hotel deals. However, in this course, you might miss out a few tricks that only the OTAs or the tour agents know while booking the tickets for flights to Caribbean from UK or hotels followed by sightseeing tours and activities.
What it is about a packaged tour?
However, if the plan is to enjoy a 100% hassle-free vacation, then find a reputed online travel agency or an OTA like White Magic Travels and let the experts there help you get the end-to-end service. From booking the round-way tickets of the best flights to Memphis from UK or any destination that you choose to find the best accommodation, the OTA will always be ready to go a step extra to serve their customers with the finest services they expect.
Including the local sightseeing tour will also make it a pleasant vacation. As places like the Caribbean are always experiencing the footfalls, book your beach activities before visiting there so that you can easily get your diving gear, surfing board, and even a canoe if you are interested in kayaking.
Like many other vacationers, if you want to travel freely, then ask your agency to book a rental car from the airport. Carry your driving license along with your passport and boarding pass while travelling overseas to enjoy hiring a rental car at your ease.
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travelezy1 · 10 days
Cheap Flights To Dubai
Abu Dhabi Free Stopover
Are you planning a long-haul journey? Why not break it up with a free stopover in Abu Dhabi? Etihad Airways now offers a fantastic stopover program that allows travelers to enjoy up to two complimentary hotel nights in this vibrant city. Here’s everything you need to know:
Cheap Flights To Dubai
How It Works:
Book a roundtrip flight with Etihad airways.
Ensure your layover in Abu Dhabi is at least 24 hours.
Hotel Stay:
Once you’ve booked your Etihad Airways flight, enter your booking reference and surname to check hotel availability.
Choose from a selection of top hotels in Abu Dhabi, including Traders Hotel Al Maqta, Premier Inn Abu Dhabi Int Airport, Aloft Abu Dhabi City Centre, Bab Al Qasr, Ibis Abu Dhabi Gate, and Shangri La Qaryat Al Beri.
Enjoy up to two free nights—turn your layover into a mini-vacation!
Why Abu Dhabi?
World-Class Attractions:
Visit the stunning Sheikh Zayed Mosque for a moment of peace and reflection.
Explore the Louvre Abu Dhabi and celebrate stories of culture and connections.
Experience the thrill of Ferrari World™ Abu Dhabi—home to the world’s fastest rollercoaster.
Desert Adventures:
Take a desert safari and discover the tales of the UAE’s vast desert landscape.
Exclusive Deals:
Your Etihad Airways boarding pass doubles up as the Extraordinary Abu Dhabi Pass.
Enjoy up to 30% off days out and dining in Abu Dhabi.
Free Shuttle Service:
The complimentary shuttle bus connects you to must-see sights, including Yas Island, Saadiyat Island, and Abu Dhabi city center.
Book Your Stopover Now!
Ready to explore Abu Dhabi? Book your Etihad Airways online or call us for best deals on Etihad airways flights and unlock the magic of this dynamic city. Whether you’re a culture enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or a food lover, Abu Dhabi has something for everyone.
Remember, your journey doesn’t have to be just about the destination—make the layover count with Etihad’s free stopover program!
Visit Etihad Aiways website for information and full terms and conditions
About Company
Our team of experienced travel professionals is passionate about creating memorable trips for our clients. We understand that everyone has different needs when it comes to travel and that’s why we take the time to get to know you and your individual needs. We provide personalized, tailor-made trips that are designed to meet your individual tastes and budget. We believe that travel should be an adventure and strive to make your journey as unique and special as possible.
Click Here For More Info:- https://travelezy.net.au/
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blisshotel11 · 12 days
Traveling on a budget doesn't mean you need to compromise on comfort or quality. Whether you're planning a family vacation, a weekend getaway, or a solo adventure, finding cheap hotels can make all the difference. At Bliss Hotels and Resorts, we believe that affordable stays should still provide a memorable and relaxing experience. Here's how you can enjoy budget-friendly accommodations with us while still ensuring a comfortable stay.
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snzcarrental · 16 days
Save Up to 15% When You Rent a Car in Mauritius Now
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Save up to 15% on car rental in Mauritius! Enjoy affordable, convenient, and flexible options to explore the island. Book your Mauritius car rental today!
In this blog, we’ll guide you on everything you need to know about renting a car in Mauritius. We will also provide tips on finding the best deals and offer answers to frequently asked questions.
Why Rent a Car in Mauritius?
When visiting a place like Mauritius, renting a car can be a smart choice. Here’s why:
Freedom to Explore: With a rental car, you are free to explore the island without worrying about public transport schedules or paying for expensive taxis.
Affordable and Convenient: Renting a car in Mauritius can be very affordable, especially with the current discount of up to 15%. It’s a convenient way to get around.
Comfort and Privacy: Renting a car allows you to travel in comfort. Whether you’re on a romantic getaway or a family vacation, a rental car offers privacy and relaxation.
Benefits of Renting a Car in Mauritius
Renting a car in Mauritius comes with many benefits. Here are a few reasons why it’s a great idea:
Flexibility: You can travel at your own pace and visit places that may not be easily accessible by public transport.
Saves Time: A rental car helps you save time by avoiding waiting for buses or finding taxis.
Cost-effective: With discounts like the current 15% savings, renting a car is often cheaper than relying on taxis for multiple trips.
Safety: Having your own car ensures a safer travel experience, especially if you’re traveling with family or friends.
How to Rent a Car in Mauritius ?
Renting a car in Mauritius is a simple process. Here’s how you can do it:
Book Online: Most car rental in Mauritius offer online booking services. You can visit their websites, choose your car, and book it before your arrival.
Compare Prices: It’s important to compare prices from different companies to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Many companies offer discounts, and with the 15% savings, you can find cheap car rental options in Mauritius.
Pick Up Your Car: Once you’ve booked your car, you can either pick it up at the airport or have it delivered to your hotel.
Choosing the Best Mauritius Car Rental
Finding the best Mauritius car rental deal can make your trip more enjoyable and affordable. Here are some tips on how to choose the right rental company:
Look for Discounts: With savings of up to 15%, now is the perfect time to book a rental car in Mauritius. Many companies offer deals, especially if you book online in advance.
Check the Vehicle Options: Make sure the rental company has a variety of vehicles. Whether you need a small car for city driving or a larger vehicle for family trips, there should be options that suit your needs.
Read Reviews: Customer reviews can give you insight into the quality of the service. Check for companies with good reviews to ensure a smooth rental experience.
Consider Insurance: Make sure the car rental includes insurance. This will give you peace of mind during your trip.
Affordable Car Rental in Mauritius
If you’re looking for affordable car rental options in Mauritius, there are several things you can do:
Book in Advance: Booking your car rental early can save you money. Many companies offer early booking discounts.
Look for Special Offers: Right now, you can save up to 15% on Mauritius car rentals. Keep an eye out for similar special offers to get the best price.
Choose a Fuel-Efficient Car: Smaller, fuel-efficient cars are usually cheaper to rent and can help you save on gas during your trip.
Top Places to Visit with Your Rental Car
Mauritius is full of amazing places to explore. With your rental car, you can easily visit some of the island’s top attractions:
Port Louis: The capital city of Mauritius offers markets, museums, and vibrant local culture.
Grand Baie: This area is popular for its beaches, nightlife, and shopping. You can enjoy water activities like snorkeling or just relax by the sea.
Chamarel: Chamarel is home to the famous Seven Colored Earth and the stunning Chamarel Waterfall. These natural wonders are must-see attractions.
Le Morne: A beautiful coastal area that is perfect for hiking, water sports, and taking in stunning views.
Black River Gorges National Park: Nature lovers can enjoy hiking and exploring the diverse wildlife in this large national park.
Cheap Car Rental in Mauritius
Finding cheap car rental in Mauritius doesn’t mean you have to compromise on quality. Here are some tips to get the best deals:
Use Online Comparison Tools: Websites that compare car rental prices can help you find the most affordable options. You can compare prices from different companies and choose the one that fits your budget.
Rent for Longer: Some companies offer discounts for longer rental periods. If you’re staying in Mauritius for more than a week, you might be able to save even more.
Look for All-Inclusive Deals: Some car rental companies offer all-inclusive packages that cover insurance, unlimited mileage, and taxes. This can help you avoid hidden costs.
Renting a car in Mauritius is one of the best ways to explore the island. It gives you the freedom to visit beautiful beaches, scenic landscapes, and charming towns at your own pace. With the current promotion offering up to 15% off, now is the perfect time to book your car rental.
By choosing an affordable car rental in Mauritius, you can enjoy the comfort and convenience of having your own vehicle, while also saving money. Whether you’re visiting for a few days or planning a longer stay, renting a car will enhance your travel experience and make your trip more memorable.
So, don’t wait! Book your car rental in Mauritius now and get ready for an unforgettable adventure on this beautiful island.
FAQs about Car Rental in Mauritius
1. What do I need to rent a car in Mauritius?
To rent a car in Mauritius, you will need a valid driver’s license, a passport, and a credit card for payment. Some companies may also require an international driver’s permit, depending on where your license was issued.
2. How old do I need to be to rent a car in Mauritius?
Most car rental companies in Mauritius require drivers to be at least 21 years old. Some may have a higher age requirement, such as 23 or 25, and may charge extra fees for younger drivers.
3. Is it safe to drive in Mauritius?
Yes, driving in Mauritius is generally safe. The roads are well-maintained, but it’s important to be cautious, especially in rural areas where roads may be narrow. In Mauritius, they drive on the left side of the road, so it’s essential to be familiar with this if you come from a country that drives on the right.
4. What type of car should I rent in Mauritius?
The type of car you rent depends on your travel needs. For solo travelers or couples, a small, fuel-efficient car is a great option. For families or groups, you might want a larger car or SUV with more space for luggage.
5. Are there any additional fees when renting a car in Mauritius?
Some companies may charge additional fees for insurance, extra drivers, or GPS systems. It’s important to read the rental agreement carefully to understand all the costs involved.
6. Can I rent a car for just a few days in Mauritius?
Yes, you can rent a car for a few days or longer, depending on your needs. However, renting for longer periods often comes with better rates, so it might be more cost-effective to rent for a week or more.
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moonazanzibartours · 19 days
Which Zanzibar Travel Agency is the Best for Zanzibar Tours?
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Find the best Zanzibar travel agency for unforgettable Zanzibar tours. Explore affordable Zanzibar tour packages, including snorkeling, beach adventures, and historical tours. Book your dream vacation today!
In this blog, we will explore some of the best travel agencies in Zanzibar. We will also talk about the different Zanzibar Tour Packages, including budget-friendly or Cheap Zanzibar Tour Packages. So, if you are planning a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar, keep reading to find out how to find the right Tour Operator in Zanzibar for your dream trip.
Why Visit Zanzibar?
Zanzibar is a tropical paradise with something for everyone. From historical tours through Stone Town to stunning Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours in the Indian Ocean, this island is a dream destination. Here are a few reasons why you should visit Zanzibar:
Beautiful Beaches: Zanzibar is known for its pristine beaches. Whether you want to relax in the sun or enjoy water sports, the beaches here are perfect.
Diving and Snorkeling: Zanzibar has some of the best snorkeling and diving spots in the world. You can explore colorful coral reefs and swim with marine life.
Affordable: You can find many cheap Zanzibar tour packages that make it affordable for budget travelers.
What Should You Look for in a Zanzibar Travel Agency?
Choosing the best Zanzibar Travel Agency can be a bit overwhelming. There are many options available, and each one offers different services. Here are some key things to look for when choosing a Tour Operator in Zanzibar:
Experience: The best travel agencies in Zanzibar have years of experience. They know the island well and can offer you insider tips on where to go and what to do.
Range of Services: The best agencies offer a variety of Zanzibar Tour Packages to fit your needs. Whether you want a luxury experience or a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar, they should have options for every budget.
Reviews and Ratings: Always check reviews and ratings online. A well-rated Zanzibar Travel Agency is more likely to offer good service.
Personalized Service: Some tour operators offer personalized tours. This is great if you want a tailor-made experience that fits your preferences.
Types of Zanzibar Tour Packages
When planning your trip, you will come across many different Zanzibar Tour Packages. These packages are designed to offer you the best experience based on your interests and budget. Here are some popular options:
Beach Tours: Zanzibar is famous for its stunning beaches. Beach tour packages usually include visits to top beach destinations like Nungwi, Kendwa, and Paje. These packages often come with beachside accommodations, snorkeling, and diving experiences.
Historical Tours: If you are interested in history, choose a package that includes a tour of Stone Town. You will get to visit historical sites, old forts, and even learn about Zanzibar’s spice trade history.
Snorkeling and Diving Tours: Many Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours take you to beautiful coral reefs where you can see colorful fish, sea turtles, and more. This is perfect for anyone who loves the ocean and wants to explore the underwater world.
Budget or Cheap Zanzibar Tour Packages: These packages are perfect for travelers looking for an affordable way to explore the island. They may include basic accommodations, group tours, and budget-friendly activities. Even on a tight budget, you can still enjoy all the beauty Zanzibar has to offer.
Affordable and Cheap Holiday Tours to Zanzibar
If you are looking for a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar, don’t worry — there are plenty of options. Many travel agencies offer cheap Zanzibar tour packages that allow you to experience the best of Zanzibar without breaking the bank. Here’s how you can save money on your trip:
Travel During the Low Season: Zanzibar’s low season is from March to May. During this time, hotels and tour packages are often cheaper because there are fewer tourists.
Choose Budget Accommodations: Instead of staying in luxury resorts, opt for budget hotels or guesthouses. These are much cheaper and still offer great service.
Group Tours: Group tours are often cheaper than private tours. If you are okay with traveling with other people, this is a great way to save money.
Book in Advance: Many travel agencies offer early bird discounts. Book your Zanzibar Tour Packages well in advance to get the best deal.
Look for Discounts: Keep an eye out for special promotions and discounts offered by travel agencies. You can often find last-minute deals that save you a lot of money.
Best Tour Operators in Zanzibar
Now that you know what to look for and what kind of tour packages are available, let’s talk about some of the best Tour Operators in Zanzibar. Here are a few travel agencies that have a great reputation for offering quality services:
Zanzibar Adventure Tours: Known for offering a wide range of Zanzibar Tour including beach tours, snorkeling tours, and cultural experiences. They also offer budget-friendly options for travelers who want a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar.
Eco & Culture Tours: This travel agency focuses on eco-friendly tourism. They offer a variety of cultural and nature tours that let you experience the real Zanzibar. They also have affordable tour packages.
Island Adventures: Island Adventures is another popular Zanzibar Travel Agency that offers both luxury and cheap Zanzibar tour packages. They have excellent snorkeling and diving tours.
Zanzibar Unique Tours: If you are looking for a personalized experience, Zanzibar Unique Tours is a great choice. They offer tailor-made tours based on your preferences, whether you want to focus on history, beaches, or wildlife.
Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours
One of the highlights of visiting Zanzibar is going on a snorkeling tour. The island has some of the best snorkeling spots in the world. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced snorkeler, you can find a tour that suits your needs.
Some of the best places for snorkeling in Zanzibar include:
Mnemba Atoll: This is the most famous snorkeling spot in Zanzibar. It’s a protected area with clear waters and abundant marine life. Many Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours include a trip to Mnemba Atoll.
Chumbe Island: Another great snorkeling spot, known for its coral reefs and underwater biodiversity.
Pemba Island: If you want to avoid the crowds, head to Pemba Island. It’s a bit quieter but still offers excellent snorkeling.
Most Zanzibar Travel Agencies offer snorkeling as part of their Zanzibar Tour Packages, so you can easily add this adventure to your itinerary.
Zanzibar is a tropical paradise that offers something for every traveler. Whether you are looking for luxury or a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar, the right Zanzibar Travel Agency can help make your trip unforgettable. Be sure to choose a tour operator with good reviews, a variety of tour packages, and local knowledge. Don’t forget to explore the beautiful beaches, historic Stone Town, and incredible underwater world on one of the many Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours available.
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corporate-comforts · 26 days
Tips to Search for Cheap Hotels in Jayanagar
Jayanagar, a bustling neighborhood in Bengaluru, is a popular destination for both tourists and locals. If you're looking to explore this vibrant area without breaking the bank, finding cheap hotels in Jayanagar is essential. Here are some tips to help you secure an affordable stay in Jayanagar:
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1. Book in Advance:
Early Bird Discounts: Many hotels offer significant discounts for bookings made well in advance. This is especially true during peak seasons or for popular events.
Avoid Last-Minute Rush: Booking at the last minute often leads to higher prices as hotels may have limited availability.
2. Consider Off-Peak Seasons:
Lower Demand, Lower Prices: Traveling during off-peak seasons can result in significantly cheaper hotel rates. Research the quieter periods while looking for cheap hotels in Jayanagar to maximize your savings.
Enjoy More Flexibility: You may have more flexibility in choosing your accommodations and activities during off-peak times.
3. Utilize Online Travel Websites:
Comparison Shopping: Websites like Booking.com, Expedia, and Agoda allow you to compare prices from various hotels in one place.
Filters and Reviews: Use filters to narrow down your search based on budget, amenities, and location. Read reviews from other travelers to get insights into the hotel's quality and value.
Subscribe to Newsletters: Sign up for newsletters from these websites to receive exclusive deals and discounts.
4. Look for Budget-Friendly Chains:
Consistent Quality and Value: Budget-friendly hotel chains, including the Corporate Comforts often offer affordable rates without compromising on basic amenities.
Loyalty Programs: Consider joining loyalty programs of these chains to earn points and redeem them for future stays.
5. Negotiate Directly with Hotels:
Contact Hotels Directly: If you're planning a longer stay or have specific requirements, reaching out to cheap hotels in Jayanagar directly can sometimes lead to better deals.
Mention Your Budget: Be upfront about your budget and see if they can offer any special rates or discounts.
6. Consider Guest Houses and Homestays:
Local Experience and Affordability: Guest houses and homestays often provide a more local experience and can be more affordable than traditional hotels.
Amenities and Services: While they may not offer all the amenities of a hotel, they can provide a comfortable and budget-friendly stay.
7. Look for Hidden Gems:
Local Recommendations: Ask locals or other travelers for recommendations on lesser-known hotels or budget-friendly accommodations.
Online Forums: Explore online forums and travel communities to discover hidden gems and insider tips.
8. Be Flexible with Your Dates and Location:
Adjust Your Itinerary: If you're flexible with your travel dates, you may be able to find cheaper rates by adjusting your itinerary slightly.
Consider Nearby Areas: Explore nearby neighborhoods that offer similar amenities and attractions at a lower cost.
By following these tips, you can find cheap hotels in Jayanagar that suit your budget and preferences, allowing you to enjoy your stay without breaking the bank. To get more details, visit https://www.jayanagarhotelcorporatecomforts.com/2024/08/23/how-to-find-cheap-hotel-in-jayanagar-a-guide/
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