#how to become an online marketing expert
kajmasterclass · 4 months
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months
You're a content creator. Or perhaps video maker is a better word. Filmaker doesn't sound right, you mostly just film yourself. But either way because you read stuff to a camera for a living everyone is telling you to get a digital voice box. You never thought of yourself as the type to become a cyborg, but it's not something you can see, and it really does get down that narration voice down more than any fleshy voice box does.
You finally cave in and get it. Your new voice is way more steady, a bit more feminine and high, strangely calmly enthusiastic. It's really weird hearing yourself talk with so little imperfections, it's not how you sound in your head at all, and all your freinds are kind of weirded out. But on the bright side your channel grows a lot, you've gained more subscribers in the month since you replaced your voice than you have in all the years when you had your biological voice. Everyone is so very proud of you, for the first time your parents actually support your job, and you have so much more to spend now.
After a few months a big network wants to sign a contract with you, it'll let you get the good sponsors, the ones that people trust, and let you crossover with content creators you only ever thought of yourself as a fan of. It seems so nice, though they do say that they can request any body part they want be replaced, or else you'll break contract, and become nothing once more.
After things go well for awhile, but your growth steadied a bit, your network request you take another mechanical body part. They say your expressions aren't very "on brand" and your face shape is a bit too 2050s for their liking, so they're going to replace some of your facial muscles with much more plyable machines. After the surgery your expressions are entirely manual, or set by an app, it skyrockets your channel, but none of your freinds or family even recognize your face, and it doesn't emote when you aren't actively telling it too, so most of your offline social interactions leave you stuck with an expressionless wide eyed stare. You realize they also added some online upgrades to your mechanical voice box, it sounds even less like you now, and you're not able to say words like 'fuck' or 'sex' or 'unionize'. You didn't realize before how horrifying it would be to try to say a specific words and not be able to, nomatter how hard you try.
Your career keeps going well, you get some upgrades that stop you from sleeping or eating that much but you don't really mind those. You also start having fewer and fewer freinds outside the industry and more and more freinds from within it. But after a minor scandal with an ex, your manager tells you you're going to get a new type of surgery: they say that it's not good for someone as famous as you to have body parts that aren't advertiser freindly, they tell you you need to have your genitals and nipples removed, with such a young audience it would be irresponsible not to. A marketing expert feigns comfort as you try to cry, telling you you'll be just like a cute little doll.
You know you can't resist. The company technically owns your face and your voice, if you tried to resist they could have them ripped out of your skull, leaving you a bloody mess. You enjoy your sex organs for the last few days you have them, trying to make the most out of what you'll probably never have again. When the operation is done you wish your eyes could still cry, your body feels so alien, your anatomy so weird and empty and like your body isn't your own. There's an awful voice in the back of your head (and in every comment section now) telling you're not a real woman anymore. You start to understand what people mean by dysphoria, your body is less and less your own every day.
Eventually they take almost all of your body, it's theirs to control. As the years go by you don't have bones you have metal and plastic, you don't have skin you have rubber that looks a lot like skin. Even your eyes are gone, you have new color changing eyes, with the same restrictive settings that Christian parents put on their children's artificial eyes, that block out things like nudity and gore, they censor away a lot of books and news articles too. You don't feel like yourself at all, you're someone else's now, someone's pretty little doll. Your body doesn't even look human now, more like a hyper feminine anime figurine, with no hair on its legs, and a face that never cries or gets angry.
You can barely look at human bodies now, they don't even read as real to you. You admire other cyborgs if anything, cyborgs who replaced their body parts because they wanted to, and look how they want, people with jailbroken limbs and organs that run on Linux, many limbed insectoids who don't try to look humanoid, and furries whose artificial skin makes them look like wolves or cats, or asymmetrical punks who have art sprawling across their metal chassises. You admire them more because at least you could in theory some day become that, become someone who owns their own body, even if most people consider them the lowest of the low, the most cringe the most unmarketable. You want so badly to become unmarketable.
Mabye you want everything to be torn away. You fantasize about your expensive body being destroyed, and ending up with boxy uncomfortable hospital model parts. Mabye if you're broken nobody will want to play with you. You don't know if anything can save you, anything short of a r*volution, and that's not even a word your eyes can see or your mouth should say, so it's so scary to think of it.
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centrally-unplanned · 5 months
I have been seeing a bunch of buzz recently online about a possible "decline in value" of the ivy league+ degree - Nate Silver didn't start it but he certainly accelerated it. And while there is nothing robust you do see things like surveys of hiring manager opinions out there to suggest its possible, its not a crazy idea even if its far from proven. So assuming its real, why would it be happening?
1: This discourse is obviously happening because of the recent protests at top US schools - essentially its the idea that elite students are hyperpolitical, coddled, and out of touch with reality. This causal path should be very, very silly. The vast, vast majority of students at Columbia are not protesting. They don't really care about this topic! Sure, if asked, they agree Israel Bad Right Now, but otherwise they are busy with finals and job apps. This is of course equally true at most other schools, its just not a mass movement in that way (protesting to be clear rarely is). This is a specific instance of the general trap of selection bias - the visible students aren't the median ones.
Stacked on top of that is the second level of selection bias - the median protestor is not a business major or engineer! They are exactly the kind of students for whom being a politically engaged activist is *good* for their career, not bad, or at least neutral. Schools produce a large diversity of career outcomes, and those students self-select on how they spend their time, there is no "median" student to observe really.
And ofc all of this has to rest on the foundational reality that people are products of their context - jobless 20 year old's surrounded by young peers protest a bunch, that is what that context produces. The large majority of them will become mortgage-paying white collar workers by the time they are 30, this identity will not stick with them. If they become political activists it will, sure! But if you are the hiring manager for Palantir this isn't going to be the trend for your hires. There are "politically liable" hires out there but you aren't going to predict them via the sorting algorithm of "was at Columbia in 2024", that is for sure.
Now, as much as this is a silly idea, humanity are zeitgeist creatures - I can't actually reject the idea that, despite it being silly, hiring managers might use this moment to feel like they are "over" the Ivy League and start dismantling the privileged place their applications currently get. Cultural tipping points are vibes-based, and amoung elites (unlike the masses, who don't care much) Israel/Palestine has an awful lot of tense vibes.
2: Still, I don't think this is explaining those survey results people are throwing around, and I don't think its explained (very much at least) by the general "woke uni" trends of the past half decade. It is instead downstream of wider trends.
There was a time where companies really did want "the smart guy". You could major in English at Harvard, write a good thesis on Yeats, and be off to the trading desk in Chambers St two weeks after graduation. Those days are over - for complex reasons we won't get into - and nowadays people expect their new hires to be as close to experts in the field as they can manage. Students have internships, consulting clubs, capstone projects with real clients, specialized sub majors, the works. These are all ways of saying "signaling quality" has gotten more legible and more specific over time. Why would I choose a Harvard English major over a University of Illinois finance major who did a research internship with our specific Chicago firm on midwest agricultural derivates markets? Students like that exist by the bucketful now, and the Ivys cannot monopolize them. Partially because they choose not to; Columbia could actually say fuck it and make its school 90% finance majors, but they don't want that, they specifically recruit intellectually diverse students. Which means State School finance types will fill the remaining slots slots.
The other reason they can't monopolize is much simpler - numbers. The US has way more "elite" jobs today than it did in the past. Programmers and their adjacencies are the biggest growth sector, but everything from doctors to analysts to lawyers is all up up up. And do you know what isn't up? Undergraduate enrollment at elite schools! Columbia's has grown by like 10% over the past 20 years; Harvard's is essentially unchanged. For, again, reasons, these schools have found the idea of doubling or tripling their undergraduate enrollment, despite ballooning applications, impossible. Which means of course Microsoft can't hire from Stanford alone. So they don't, and they have learned what other schools deliver talent, and no longer need Stanford alone. The decline of Ivy Power is in this sense mathematical - if a signal of quality refuses to grow to meet demand, of course other signals will emerge.
I therefore personally think, while minor, the Ivy+ schools are experiencing declining status, have been for a while, and will continue to do so (though there are offsetting trends not mentioned here btw). But its structural way more than cultural.
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
By MICHAEL KAYE   Published: FEBRUARY 28, 2024 03:04 THE WRITER speaks at a marketing conference in New York City wearing a #EndJewHatred T-shirt.(photo credit: COURTESY MICHAEL KAYE)
It’s been almost five months since October 7, a day that completely changed the lives of more than 15 million Jews around the world. But the aftermath of the attack is still present, months later. In many ways, it feels as though this nightmare just happened, while at other moments, it’s hard to remember what life was like before that day of terror.
I am not fluent in Hebrew. I do not wear a kippah. I have almost 30 tattoos. I am not your stereotypical Jew, but I have become a proud Jewish activist. But October 7 changed me, as it did many others. Who I was before is someone I can never be again. I cannot be complicit or silent. I donate to the Anti-Defamation League; I speak at conferences wearing an #EndJewHatred T-shirt; I never leave home without Jewish-themed jewelry; and I use my social media platforms to discuss the rising antisemitism on college campuses across the United States and around the world.
As someone who was educated at a Jewish school and learned about the Holocaust, I am no stranger to antisemitism or the dangerous impact it can have. My earliest memories include being taught by my parents to be proud but quiet about my Judaism, having swastikas carved on my school playground, being immediately evacuated on September 11, and always leaving my Star of David at home when traveling. 
During my childhood and teenage years, I heard from and met many Holocaust survivors, including Elie Wiesel. I listened to their stories about how the world remained silent.
Today, it feels like the beginning of a second Holocaust. That is why I cannot remain silent.
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A scary time to be Jewish
For this Jewish New Yorker, it’s a scary time to be Jewish. The American Jewish Committee’s State of Antisemitism in America report found that 93% of American Jews surveyed think antisemitism is a problem in the United States and 86% believe antisemitism in the country has increased over the past five years. 
In November, I attended the March for Israel in Washington. Around me were Jewish people from Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Richmond, San Diego, and Queens. A man from Brooklyn put tefillin (phylacteries) on me; it was the first time I had worn tefillin in almost 20 years. I even got to meet Julia Haart and Miriam Haart from Netflix’s My Unorthodox Life, who grew up in a religious community not too far from me. While there, I realized this gathering had the most Jews I’ve been around since I was in Israel in 2006. It was the safest I had felt in years. But there were also allies, including Congressman Ritchie Torres and CNN contributor Van Jones. That day reminded me of why I am proud to be Jewish and why I cannot be silent about my Judaism any longer.
Since October 7, I have lost hundreds of followers on social media. I have received anti-Israel and anti-Jewish messages, even threats. But I am not alone. The AJC found that six in 10 people have come across antisemitic content online, and 78% of American Jews feel less safe as Jews in the United States since that horrific day.
To many of us, the current climate feels different. We’re feeling angry, confused, and isolated. In my lifetime, I have watched the nation unite after domestic and foreign terrorist attacks, social justice actions, and wars. Rarely, outside of politics, have I seen us this divided: the Jewish community against everyone else. Overnight, people who had never spoken about any Middle Eastern wars became experts on the conflict. Disinformation spread like wildfire across social media, and much of it felt aimed at damaging or discrediting Jews and Zionists. Almost immediately after October 7, it was not only taboo to express sympathy for the Israelis who were captured or murdered; it was discouraged and forbidden, often met with attacks, both physical and verbal.
BUT THROUGH these painful months, there have also been glimmers of light.
During this period of mourning, I have watched people of all backgrounds come together – to educate, to grieve, to hope, and to pray. A Christian connection on social media thanked me for sharing educational resources. Jewish friends from elementary school and high school reached out. A Muslim friend held my hand as I cried, and another has been checking on me periodically for months. These are the moments I have chosen to cling to.
Our future is not where one side loses and another wins. It’s where we all unite.
The writer is an award-winning communications strategist, data storyteller, purpose-driven marketer, and educator based in New York City. He often speaks about antisemitism, LGBTQ+ rights, and social justice issues.
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potionsprefect · 3 months
All From One Comment
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 977
Summary: The internet finds out Doctor Ramsey is off the market
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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“Doctor Ramsey please tell us you’re single” we’re quite possibly the worst words Ethan could have heard at that moment in time.
He wasn’t, that was the truth. But having to keep himself composed on live television was not ideal. He couldn’t blurt it out so he had to play it cool. Something Ethan was not always good at.
Ethan was sat in his office, the interview had been posted online and he had rewatched it several times, replaying the same clip over and over, each time watching a new face.
The host grinned as he said it, he should’ve known a question like that was coming. Other people’s love life’s were all society was interested in. And from rewatching him, he looked very pleased with himself.
Ethan looked at himself, he could just make out the slight shade of red he had turned. He remembered his cheeks feeling slightly warm but he was able to answer the question without stuttering.
Then he looked at Victoria who was struggling to suppress a laugh. He was not surprised she was finding this funny, she knew what he was thinking and from watching her reaction, she found it hilarious.
All of this just made things clear for them. Ethan knew he was dancing dangerously with her but he had to remain professional. But now he knew what he had wanted for so long.
He would be a fool to say he didn’t like her, both in a professional and leisure capacity. She had impressed far more than he could ever have dreamed of. She was talented, an expert in her field and was capable of defying the odds. She had loyalty to her patients, always going above and beyond for them even if it meant defying the odds.
They had gotten close, sometimes Ethan would say too close. He has tried to deny his feelings but he couldn’t deny them any more. He decided that he didn’t care about staying away from Victoria. He wanted her and he was determined to get her.
There was no chance anyone could find out. They had to keep whatever they had a secret.
Otherwise things could become very awkward.
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Ethan was never one for social media but he knew he made the odd medical article every now and then. He always kept an eye on what was said and whether he agreed with it. But he wasn’t making articles for medical reasons now.
Ever since the Senator attack at the hospital, Victoria had gained a bigger following on social media. She took it in her stride, sharing tips and advice on how to stay healthy. Some would even say she has become as influential as Ethan but on social media. Ethan was proud that she was using what had happened for her to drive her forward. She was able to share her experience and help others.
When Victoria had posted that they were engaged, there was a lot of excitement from what Ethan would describe as strangers. He didn’t realise why people he didn’t know would relish in this news but he learnt not to argue. It was best to just take the compliment and move on. He had learnt that a lot over the years. And there was a lot of them.
“You are never gonna believe this.” Victoria said as she sat down on the sofa.
“Probably not.” Ethan put his book down.
Victoria showed him her phone. It was an article titled:
Doctor Ramsey is off the market, now we finally know who the lucky lady is
“What on earth?” Ethan said incredulously.
“They’ve even linked the interview.” Victoria laughed.
Victoria found the original video and the comments that came with it. Lots of them were regarding his comment and the reaction to it.
Whoever is dating him is a lucky lady
No way! I was ready to shoot my shot!
He could’ve been my giraffe any day of the week
“The giraffe comment still makes me laugh to this day.” Victoria laughed.
“No surprises there. Why are so many people interested?”
“Because it’s you! And the article is very complimentary of how you are able to keep business and pleasure separate.” Victoria winked.
“We both know that wasn’t true.”
“Yes but everyone else doesn’t need to know that. It can be our little secret.”
Ethan read the article. There were several pictures of him and Victoria in a work capacity and mentions of the Senator attack as the supposed start of the relationship. He had to give it to the writer, they were accurate on every paragraph.
“I’m quietly impressed.”
“Good to know. Unfortunately the internet is not happy that you are now taken forever.”
“They’ll just have to accept it.”
“I did like this part though.” Victoria pointed to the end.
It sounds as if Ethan Ramsey and Victoria Clarke have been through a tumultuous few months. And they have found happiness with one another after a very dark time. Congratulations to them both.
“That is a nice sentiment. All of it rings true.”
“Tumultuous is an understatement. But I’m in a good place now and that’s all thanks to you. How many more articles like this do you think we should expect?” Victoria asked.
“Because it’s you I’d say a dozen. I expect articles analysing who we are and everything we do next.”
“And more about you and how hot you are.” Victoria winked.
“Now that would be totally unnecessary.” Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Not for me. I will enjoy ready every article posted about my fiancé.” Victoria laughed.
Whilst it was true they had been through many highs and many lows together, they were now happier than they could ever have dreamed of.
This was just the start of something very special for them both and they couldn’t wait to see what would come next.
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Tag list: @ohchoices @swiftiexstarwarssimp @queencarb @genevievemd @choicesaddict5 @schnitzelbutterfingers @gryffindordaughterofathena @sophxwithers @romewritingshop @coffeeheartaddict2 @mm2305 @nikki-2406 @maurine07 @nishas-paradise @replayfootsteps @mainstreetreader @lsvdw-blog @kiara-36 @quixoticdreamer16 @headoverheelsforramsey @shanzay44 @itsjustamesshonestly @josiesopenheart @mysticalgalaxysstuff @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @kachrisberry @rookiemartin @jamespotterthefirst @a-crepusculo @natureblooms24 @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @rosebudde @lucy-268 @liaromancewriter @bex-la-get @writer-ish @toadfrog26 @tessa-liam @peonierose @cariantha @kyra75 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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cortosis-ct · 5 months
The Bad Batch and their jobs (Modern AU)
In my headcanon they all started out as soldiers. After getting out and accidentally acquisiting Omega, they desperately need money and take any jobs they can get. Eventually, everyone finds something they actually like.
Retail sales associate aka Walmart slave and getting yelled at by Karens all day. He's also doing freelance cleaning jobs, the grosser the better the payment. Think hoarder apartments with fifty cats or scat orgy hotel room cleanup.
He works hard on getting his record cleaned up and eventually secures a job at the fire station. He becomes a firefighter and will eventually be a lieutenant and later captain.
Fast food worker which means lots of being yelled at by hangry people who are unhappy with the way their BigMac was stacked. He takes any extra shift he can get.
After several failed rounds of applications, he hacks into a big company's system and puts his name on top of the candidate list. He ends up supervisor for some bank insurance IT stuff with lots of numbers.
Wrecker: Miner. It's hard work and long hours in the dark. He actually earns the most of all of them but that's because it's fucking dangerous and depressing.
The leading instructor for the demolition expert trainees blows up. Wrecker, having had professional training in the military and lots of experience at not getting blown up (again), is their best take so he becomes their new instructor for the new hires.
Crosshair: Nobody is really willing to hire him so he's an unlicensed taxi driver most nights. (He hates everything about it.) He also signed up as a freelance roadkill collector job in Hunter's name and takes the calls when he doesn't have passengers.
He meets railroaders when cleaning up railkill one night. When smoking he mentions how much he hates being a taxi driver and the railroaders recruit him for their company. He becomes a traindriver and finally doesn't have to interact with his passengers.
Echo: They call it online sales associate marketer and customer service advisor. He calls it tele-scam-marketer. Many people yelling at him but at least he can work from home.
At a parent-teacher conference of Omega's school he helps another parent with a technology problem. He's like: "I tried to get rid of that problem for hours and you did it within five minutes. You gotta be a master software engineer." and Echo's like "I get payed to get yelled at as a telemarketer". Turns out the guy is an HR associate at an IT company and gets Echo a proper job.
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mariacallous · 3 months
Anna Kai believes in self-gaslighting. On TikTok, as @itsmaybeboth, she markets beauty products for Garnier, Nivea, and Nexxus Hair Care while dispensing relationship advice to her 1.3 million followers. “If you can gaslight yourself into believing the man that doesn’t love you actually loves you, then why can’t you gaslight yourself into believing you will find a man who actually does?”
For Blaine Anderson, finding the right partner is all about savvy marketing, which “great guys often SUCK at,” a note on her website exclaims. She has hacks for every possible scenario that can, and will, arise during the dating process: how to text like a “high-value man,” what first-date mistakes to avoid, how to make women obsessed, and the best ways to attract them without talking. In case you were curious, it starts with good posture and grooming. “If you haven’t been shopping since the Obama administration, it’s time,” she says in a video uploaded to TikTok in May.
“As a relationship therapist, I’ve literally spent my career studying the art of attraction and human psychology, so I know that these things work,” Kimberly Moffit, a Toronto-based psychotherapist, said in a TikTok video from 2022. Maybe your crush is shy and you want to know if he is “micro-flirting” with you? One tell-tale sign: dirty jokes. “An aggressive guy is just gonna hit on you,” she said, “but a shy guy is really gonna test the waters first.”
If you haven’t heard, it’s boom times for dating influencers. According to a new survey of single adults aged 18 to 62 conducted by the app Flirtini, one in four people rely on TikTok as their primary source of relationship information, and almost 50 percent of people surveyed turn to social media for dating advice.
This phenomenon has created an ecosystem of thoughtful, overzealous, trend-chasing dating influencers who think they know what’s best for you. The marketplace is now overrun with gurus offering up romantic hacks and how-tos to anyone who will listen. Everyone from credentialed therapists and life coaches to that annoying friend who just discovered bell hooks’ All About Love and wants to share everything they learned brands themselves a dating influencer these days. The effect has been seismic. On TikTok, the hashtags #datingadvice and #relationshipadvice have upwards of 16 billion views.
And it’s not all bad advice per se. Kai’s self-gaslighting tip is actually quite clever. (Kai and the other influencers mentioned in this story did not respond to messages seeking comment.) There’s just one problem: Relationship misinformation is spreading fast.
A growing number of young adults now get their news from TikTok, according to a 2023 Pew Research Center study, “so it makes sense that they’d turn to the app for relationship advice too,” says Liesel Sharabi, a professor at Arizona State University who specializes in the effect technology has on interpersonal relationships. The increased reliance on the platform as a go-to source for romantic guidance has led many users to form parasocial relationships with advice-giving influencers. Unlike face-to-face, IRL relationships, these tend to be one-way. But emotionally, they feel like the real thing.
“Someone might feel like they’re getting dating advice from a trusted friend because they’ve developed such a strong sense of familiarity and connection with that person,” Sharabi says. “The problem is that when it comes to dating, there are plenty of people who call themselves experts on TikTok without any sort of training or qualifications, which can make it difficult to separate fact from opinion.”
Not all advice is created equal. As dating influencers gain more traction across social media, the proliferation of relationship misinformation becomes harder to contain. This, Sharabi describes, is “false or misleading information about relationships that can’t be evaluated using scientific data and which may perpetuate harmful stereotypes.”
The increased spread of questionable dating advice is having real-world consequences. According to the Flirtini study, 46 percent of people faced relationship struggles after following TikTok advice, with 23 percent saying it led to a break up. It begs the question: Has our need to be plugged in all the time—let's face it, many of us are hooked on the booze of social media—outweighed our rationale as humans, leading people to look for advice from the wrong people?
“Relationship advice that is attention-grabbing may not always be the most sound or accurate to people’s actual relationship needs,” says Aparajita Bhandari, an academic at the University of Waterloo who’s conducted research on TikTok. “The way our current online attention economy works breeds content that is outrageous or tends toward misinformation because it is what goes viral and gets views. Unhealthy ideas or advice can spread so quickly on a platform like TikTok that it can be difficult to even trace back to one specific source.”
For some dating influencers, love is not actually the endgame—status and comfort are. There is a dedicated core of influencers who can teach you how to marry rich, live comfortably, and never work again. For them, it is all about “high-value” dating. Love is simply the icing on the cake to a life of worry-free, jet-setting luxury.
Shera Seven is a household name among this contingent of dating influencers, beloved for her matter-of-fact approach to modern partnership. In her eyes, love is nothing more than a business transaction. “Make sure the second date is a money date. The faster you get him to spend money, the faster he attaches to you,” Seven recommended in a recent video. “You’re seeing him as a provider, a baller—and he might not even see himself that way—but now that you are perceiving him that way, he’s going to start acting that way. Drag him into your delusion.”
Influencers with large followings like Seven, Cam Donnez, and Niko of The Daddy Academy carry an impression of social authority, and therefore credibility, says Makana Chock, a communications professor at Syracuse University. But something else is also at work. More and more, TikTok is being used as a search engine in the same way many of us use Google.
“Relationships are areas where people often feel the greatest insecurities and need advice. We are sometimes, however, reluctant to turn to personal contacts for help,” Chock adds. “We may be reluctant to reveal weaknesses, concerned about close others’ conflicting motivations, or skeptical about their relationship skills.”
But relying too heavily on TikTok’s algorithm has repercussions, especially in matters of the heart. “The algorithm isn’t necessarily incentivized to recommend the most scientifically sound advice,” Sharabi says. “It’s going to prioritize content that leads to engagement in terms of likes, followers, and views. What makes something go viral on TikTok isn’t necessarily that it’s good advice—in some cases, it might even be the opposite.”
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louisisalarrie · 7 months
Ooh, please tell me more about how Shiall today might relate to Larry? I’ve been keeping an eye on Niall, and I have so many thoughts, but I’m mostly just confused!
heya anon, and welcome to the show!
now, I want to start this off by saying I haven’t had much to do with the Shiall stuff, so I’m not an expert on it. But, here are a couple of my thoughts as to why this is an interesting turn of events, and what this means for larry.
so, it’s been pretty interesting seeing all the Shiall stuff online since the show happened. And well… I’ve seen a lot of larries/ziams also now start shipping Shiall, which is interesting, and while Shiall has never been as big as Larry or even Ziam, it blew up the fandom and even got headlines in the press. So… let’s have a deeper dive.
Now… people have believed in Shiall or at least entertained the idea of them together since at least 2017. It’s not a new thing whatsoever. But since the show of them performing together, it has become pretty huge. And there are a lot of solos reaaaaallllyyyy hating that, and it’s becoming a bit beefy between the niall girls and the shiall believers (which is yikes because can everyone just be nice to each other for a god damn second Jesus Christ) so it’s now dividing nialls otherwise pretty chill fandom. Which is new for him, and will be interesting to see how it’s handled. But so far in the press? It’s going well for him.
He’s gotten a write up in a few outlets which all have a similar headline of “Niall Horan Surprises Fans by Bringing Out Shawn Mendes at London Concert” (US Weekly). But, Rolling Stone really went all out here:
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Now, I dunno about you… but adding “fellow lover boy” and “that’s my boy” to a headline 100% grabs attention and maybe implies a bit more than just pals. In my marketing and journalism experience/study, this would absolutely fall under seeding and somewhat subconsciously sways the reader into further curiosity about Niall and Shawn’s relationship.
What’s funny about this, is 1 week prior to the show, Elle posted this article out of quite literally nowhere. Shawn and Camila haven’t been spotted together since (to my knowledge) April of 2023 when they were photographed kissing at Coachella. So… why was this dropped a week prior?
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Anyway, Niall is still signed to Modest mgmt, who we’ve watched control narratives and PR ops for the last 13 years. So, it’s safe to say we can see a bit of a pattern here, but it feels different this time too… right?
Niall’s mgmt would 110% know about the Shiall rumours. They’ve been around for over 6 years, and have continued to grow in popularity over the past couple of years particularly. It’s very obviously a topic that the fandom talk about, and that a lot believe in. So, to allow niall to bring on stage someone who his fans believe he’s actually dating as opposed to his “gf” who was also in the crowd that night (not that literally anyone cared lol) feels very freeing. Do modest and Niall not care about the rumours? Is it actually true and he managed to convince his team to let him do it in exchange of staying with his gf for longer? Or is it something entirely different?
Well… it’s a tricky one.
Modest have been well known to closet artists for years. We’ve seen it with larry, and other young men too. So, why the change of heart? Essentially encouraging rumours by giving this the go ahead, and rolling stone weirdly quickly posting that article with those particular words in the headline, why now?
It’s good PR, sure. It’s beneficial for Shawn to get back into the headlines more after not performing for 12 months, and gives nialls tour a bit of a boost. But i would argue that it’s encouraging Shiall. And I would also argue that modest have actively tried to squash gay rumours for years with larry (we will talk about the Union J shit show another time and just stick with larry for this) so it’s interesting that they’re encouraging it. But it’s been a pretty nice little test drive for larry, hasnt it?
In no way has Shiall divided the fandom to the same point as Larry, but the love we all saw for shiall (whether we believed in them being romantically linked or not, it was incredibly wholesome) from around the fandom was very loud. I saw a hell of a lot more positive chats than negative (and I looked deeper than just my timeline) and so it was pretty safe to say that it went well for the most part.
People are saying that niall might have done it behind his team’s back because Shawn was placed in Paris hours earlier, but that’s just a reminder of something we already know that we can’t trust photos to be released on the same day at the same time they are taken, but I think he’d get in a hell of a lot of trouble for that. So I’m not on board with that idea.
So I guess to put it down to a couple of options to sum this up:
a) modest has flipped the script and is okay with Shiall because they’re actually not dating (unlike how they handled larry because they were) and it’s all just rumours and niall and his gf aren’t bothered from it so it’s fine because it’s some good publicity
b) niall and Shawn actually are dating and his team is seeding a coming out, testing the waters with the fandom, perhaps try to encourage larry to sign with them again due to how “free thinking” they are now
c) nialls contract allows him to have more control over different aspects of his career so he was able to just invite him up there no matter what narrative is being pushed in his personal life
So… what’s this mean for larry and why have I rambled on for 3-5 business days?
Niall is dealing with the same rumours with Shawn as H and L do with each other. He is actively showing the fans that believing in a relationship between two dudes in fact doesn’t ruin their lives and families and their girlfriends are crying all the time, and he’s also showing other mgmt teams that you can do this shit without the world falling to pieces (aka the V*nes and Az*ff losers) whether or not it’s true. It’s a very small step in the right direction, but it’s a really good one. So I think yeah it’s important to see what this means for Larry and their next steps, because niall has made it look pretty simple. But I think we should keep watching this all very closely.
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reimenaashelyee · 2 years
how did you get your comics seen? it's one thing to make them and a whole other thing to get people to lay eyes on them and read them and I have no idea how to do the second part
I think you'll have to at least make friends with some of your peer group (artists who are at the same stage in their career as you) so you can both share your audiences and if nothing else, have each other as readers. If you're really new, it's kinda a fact that your work will be tiny for a few years: there's a lot of stuff online.
I am not a spring chicken anymore so all my current advice for promotion wouldn't apply as the majority of it required years of presence and establishment with the comics industry... now that my peer group has matured and become successful creators (I know that my peers are casually aware of what I put out, they may or may not read it or even comment). Additionally, my way of promoting is as avoidant of playing the algorithm and virality and tailoring to the most amount of possible audience. If you want the opposite of that, you can ask @secondlina - who has done a lot of experimentation with social media and gaming the internet attention economy.
I'm not all that interest in gaming anything: I only want to serve the audience I have and always had - thoughtful, chill readers who are ok with slow reading, in the sense they don't ask me for constant content since they get what my vibe is. They are here for my lush visuals, original material and approach to topics/characters. It's this audience, and the academics + people who tend to be older and are equivalent/less levels of "online" to me. I personally find that gaming for views on purpose steals time and energy away, since a lot of the tactics tend to ask you to behave or post or draw a certain way that might feel unnatural with no guarantee whether the effort is worth it. For example, making memes of your characters, doing funny reels with music. If you are cool with doing all that though, again, @secondlina is your expert. I can see why those tactics are popular: that's how Big Tech dictates you get access to their "discovery" algorithm.
For me, in the early days what got new eyes onto my narrative work was making one-off illustrations (not necessarily of the comic - just some original character concepts) that somehow got popular. This was during the peak eras of Twitter and Tumblr though. The other thing was mostly talking about my comics: I document so much of my process. People love this apparently. It's the only guaranteed way for myself that gets people hype and aware of the comic's existence - though this might partly be caused by the aforementioned audience I always had. It's very low effort cos I mostly post screenshots of WIPs or developmental sketches and include a comment.
But like, with webcomics, I always operated on the assumption that people don't read my work. I am just here vibing. If there are readers (and I know who you are because of comments made across social media / my websites over the years) I appreciate them, but I don't want to ask much of them either. I put out the work I like, and whoever comes across it and likes it can stay, maybe comment, maybe get the print edition.
Yeah, this is not such a satisfactory answer for marketing if you're not subscribed to my brand of being an online artist: which is slow-growth, sustained working. My established methods now are: talking about my work, documenting it, connecting with peer group + older generations of professionals (established critics, journalists, editors), running a newsletter, going on interviews/podcasts, submitting my art to whatever I think would help promote it - pitch to Shortbox Fair, apply to Knife Beetle or the Cartoonist Cooperative, join a Discord.
And advanced methods, like applying for artist residencies.
In the end I cannot emphasise enough to get to know your peers who are at the same level of career as you are. Find creators who started at the same time you did and read their work (your choice); talk to them directly if the style/vibe matches. This is long-term mutual commitment - you won't see the effects until years later when you each find success in the paths you chose. And just to give you an idea of who my original peer group is - choo, Ariel Ries, Kay O'Neill, Bree Paulsen, Toril/Eden Orlensky, Kaeti V, Kevin Jay Stanton, Victoria Grace Elliot, Britt Sabo - we were all obscure mutuals/friends at more or less the same time. Then we each found our own way. Over time the circle grew to include other peer groups - ones that started slightly earlier or later, and new contacts of the same level. And that's how one gets established. As this is happening you will get eyes to your work naturally.
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accelebrate · 3 days
Machine Learning Training for Non-Tech Professionals: How to Get Started
For non-tech professionals, venturing into machine learning can seem intimidating. Yet, this field is becoming more accessible, presenting exciting opportunities for those ready to tackle new challenges. This guide will help you navigate the transition into machine learning roles, providing you with the essential knowledge and resources to start your journey with confidence. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to harnessing the power of machine learning to enhance your career.
Understanding the Basics
Before you jump into the deep end, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of machine learning. Start with understanding what machine learning is: it's a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that involves training algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. The core concepts include supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Familiarizing yourself with these basics will provide a solid foundation for further exploration.
Identify Your Goals
Next, define why you want to learn machine learning. Are you looking to enhance your current role, switch careers, or start a new project? Knowing your goals will help you choose the right learning path. For instance, if you're in marketing, you might focus on predictive analytics. If you're in finance, you might be more interested in risk modeling.
Leverage Online Resources
There is a wealth of online resources designed to make machine learning accessible to non-tech professionals. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer introductory courses that cover the basics of machine learning without requiring a deep technical background. Look for courses that offer practical exercises and real-world applications, which can help bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Start with Data Analysis
One of the most crucial aspects of machine learning is data analysis. Learning how to handle and analyze data will make the transition smoother. Tools like Excel, Google Sheets, and basic statistical software are great starting points. Once you're comfortable with data handling, you can move on to more advanced tools like Python or R, which are commonly used in machine learning.
Choose the Right Training Program
For non-tech professionals, choosing a comprehensive and supportive training program is vital. Look for programs that offer structured learning paths, hands-on projects, and personalized support. Accelebrate is a renowned provider in this space, offering a wide range of courses designed to cater to different levels of expertise and industry needs. Their courses are known for their practical approach and expert instructors, making them an excellent choice for those new to the field.
Stay Updated and Keep Learning
Machine learning is a rapidly evolving field, and continuous learning is essential. Stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and technologies by following industry blogs, subscribing to relevant journals, and experimenting with new techniques and algorithms.
In Conclusion
Transitioning into a machine learning role as a non-tech professional is entirely achievable with the right approach and resources. To further accelerate your learning journey, consider enrolling in a course with Accelebrate. Their extensive range of machine learning courses is tailored to help professionals from all backgrounds gain the skills they need to succeed in the world of data and AI.
Embrace the challenge, and you'll find that the world of machine learning is not just for techies—it's for anyone willing to learn and innovate. Happy learning!
For more details, visit: https://www.accelebrate.com/machine-learning-training
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adsquake · 22 days
How Adsquake is Helping Brands Grow 20x: A Leading Digital Marketing Agency in the USA
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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, scaling a business can feel like navigating through a maze. You know your brand has potential, but finding the right marketing strategies to grow it can be challenging. That’s where Adsquake, a leading digital marketing agency in the USA, steps in. Our mission is simple: to help brands scale up and achieve exponential growth — 20x to be exact.
The Growth Dilemma: Why Many Brands Struggle to Scale
Many businesses, especially startups, have ambitious growth goals. They want to become market leaders, boost sales, and expand their customer base. But without the right strategies and tools, scaling sustainably can feel like an uphill battle.
This is where Adsquake makes a difference. With a team of digital marketing experts, data-driven strategies, and a commitment to ROI-focused results, we help brands overcome these challenges and grow 20x faster. Here’s how we do it.
The Power of Customized Digital Marketing
At Adsquake, we believe that no two brands are the same, and their marketing strategies shouldn’t be either. Every business needs a unique approach to reach its target audience effectively. That’s why we offer customized solutions that align with your business goals and market demands.
Our services include:
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) — We optimize your website’s structure and content to rank higher on search engines. Better rankings mean more visibility, which leads to increased traffic and, ultimately, more conversions.
PPC (Pay-Per-Click Advertising) — Paid advertising is one of the fastest ways to generate traffic. Our PPC campaigns are designed to attract the right audience, ensuring a higher return on ad spend (ROAS).
Social Media Marketing — With billions of users on social media, there’s no better platform to connect with your audience. We help brands build a strong social media presence that fosters engagement and trust.
Content Marketing — Content is still king. Our content marketing strategies help you create valuable, relevant, and consistent content that attracts and retains your target audience, building long-term brand loyalty.
Data-Driven Insights — We believe in transparency and results. Our strategies are powered by real-time data analytics to measure performance and make informed decisions that drive 20x growth.
Why Choose Adsquake?
There are countless digital marketing agencies in the USA, so what sets Adsquake apart?
Proven Results — We don’t just talk about growth; we deliver it. Our clients have seen measurable results, from increased website traffic to higher conversion rates, all leading to substantial business expansion.
Scalable Solutions — Whether you’re a startup or an established business, our strategies are scalable. We tailor our marketing solutions to match your growth ambitions, helping you transition from small to big.
Comprehensive Approach — Adsquake is your one-stop-shop for digital marketing. We cover all the key areas needed to boost your online presence, increase leads, and grow your business by 20x.
Team of Experts — Our team consists of seasoned professionals who have worked with some of the top brands across various industries. We bring our expertise and experience to the table, ensuring your brand is in the right hands.
Real Stories: Turning Startups into Unicorns
We don’t just work with established brands; Adsquake is passionate about helping startups become unicorns. One of our clients, a tech startup, came to us with the goal of increasing their market share. Within 12 months, we helped them grow their business by 20x, turning them into a market leader in their industry.
By creating a tailored digital marketing strategy that included SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement, we were able to drive their visibility and build their brand authority, paving the way for exponential growth.
Ready to Grow 20x? Let’s Get Started
At Adsquake, we’re more than just a digital marketing agency in the USA — we’re your growth partner. Whether you’re a small startup aiming to disrupt the market or an established brand looking to expand, our proven strategies are designed to help you reach your goals.
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Contact Adsquake today, and let’s start building a marketing strategy that drives real results and puts you on the fast track to 20x growth.
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ansariwrites · 30 days
Al-Ansari Marketing - A Leading Digital Marketing Agency In Lahore
Al-Ansari Marketing - Digital Media Marketing Agency In Lahore
Al-Ansari Marketing: Leading Digital Media Marketing Agency in Lahore
In today’s fast-paced digital world, traditional marketing methods have evolved into more dynamic and efficient strategies, with digital marketing leading the charge. For brands aiming to promote their products and services effectively, digital media marketing offers an unparalleled opportunity to reach a broad audience. This shift has revolutionized how businesses interact with consumers, making it essential for companies to adapt and leverage digital platforms.At the heart of this transformation in Pakistan is Lahore, a city that has become a hub for digital innovation. Among the many agencies driving this change, Al-Ansari Marketing stands out as a premier digital media marketing agency in Lahore. With a deep understanding of the digital landscape, Al-Ansari Marketing helps brands establish a strong online presence, ensuring they connect with their target audience in the most impactful way.
Why Choose Al-Ansari Marketing?
As a leading digital media marketing agency in Lahore, Al-Ansari Marketing offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Our expertise spans across various digital marketing domains, including SEO, social media marketing, Web development, and more. We combine innovative strategies with the latest tools to ensure that your brand not only reaches but resonates with your audience.
Our Approach to Digital Marketing
At Al-Ansari Marketing, we believe in a results-driven approach. Our team of experts meticulously plans and executes marketing campaigns that are designed to deliver measurable outcomes. Whether it’s enhancing your brand’s visibility on search engines through SEO or crafting engaging social media content, we ensure every strategy aligns with your business goals.Our commitment to excellence has positioned us as a trusted partner for businesses in Lahore and beyond. We understand that the digital world is constantly evolving, and we stay ahead of the curve by continually refining our techniques and adopting new technologies.
Our Services
1. SEO Services: Enhance your website’s visibility and rank higher on search engines with our expert SEO strategies. 2. Social Media Marketing: Engage with your audience on platforms where they spend the most time. 3. Web Development: Build a robust online presence with a website that reflects your brand’s identity.
The Future of Digital Marketing in Lahore
As digital marketing continues to grow in importance, businesses in Lahore are increasingly recognizing the need to partner with agencies that understand the local market. Al-Ansari Marketing is proud to be at the forefront of this movement, helping brands navigate the complexities of the digital world and achieve their marketing objectives.In conclusion, if you are looking for a digital media marketing agency in Lahore that combines expertise, innovation, and a deep understanding of the market, Al-Ansari Marketing is your go-to partner. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your brand in the digital age.
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elsa16744 · 1 month
Unlocking the Power of Primary Market Research: A Path to Informed Business Decisions 
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, understanding market dynamics, consumer preferences, and competitive positioning has become increasingly crucial for organizations seeking to gain a competitive edge. Primary Market Research, a critical component of a comprehensive market research strategy, offers businesses valuable insights by directly engaging with their target audience. Through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations, companies can gather first-hand information that helps them make informed decisions. SG Analytics, a leader in Primary Research Services, provides businesses with the tools and expertise to navigate these challenges effectively. 
Understanding Primary Market Research 
Primary Market Research involves collecting original data directly from sources such as potential customers, industry experts, or competitors. Unlike secondary research, which relies on existing data, primary research is tailored to a company’s specific needs and objectives. This approach allows businesses to obtain highly relevant and up-to-date information, ensuring that their strategies align with current market conditions. 
Primary Market Research can be broadly categorized into two types: 
Qualitative Research: This type of research focuses on understanding the underlying reasons, motivations, and opinions behind consumer behavior. Methods such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic studies are commonly used to gather qualitative data. The insights obtained from qualitative research are often rich and detailed, providing a deep understanding of consumer perceptions. 
Quantitative Research: Quantitative research, on the other hand, involves collecting numerical data that can be statistically analyzed. Surveys, questionnaires, and online polls are typical methods used to gather quantitative data. This type of research is valuable for identifying trends, measuring market potential, and making data-driven decisions. 
The Importance of Primary Market Research 
In an era where consumer preferences can shift rapidly, relying solely on historical data or secondary research may not be sufficient. Primary Market Research offers several key advantages: 
Tailored Insights: Because the data is collected specifically for a particular research objective, the insights obtained are highly relevant and actionable. Businesses can customize their research methods to target specific demographics, geographic locations, or market segments. 
Real-Time Data: Primary Market Research provides real-time information about market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor activities. This allows businesses to react quickly to changes in the market and adjust their strategies accordingly. 
Competitive Advantage: By obtaining first-hand information, companies can gain a competitive edge over their rivals. Understanding customer needs and preferences better than the competition allows businesses to create products and services that truly resonate with their target audience. 
Informed Decision-Making: With accurate and up-to-date data at their disposal, business leaders can make informed decisions that are more likely to lead to successful outcomes. Whether launching a new product, entering a new market, or refining marketing strategies, the insights gained from primary research are invaluable. 
SG Analytics’ Approach to Primary Research Services 
SG Analytics offers a comprehensive suite of Primary Research Services designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses across industries. Their approach to primary research is grounded in a deep understanding of the client's objectives, market dynamics, and target audience. Here’s how SG Analytics helps businesses unlock valuable insights: 
Customized Research Solutions: SG Analytics understands that every business is unique, with its own set of challenges and opportunities. They work closely with clients to design customized research solutions that address specific business needs. Whether it’s exploring new market opportunities, understanding customer satisfaction, or analyzing competitor strategies, SG Analytics tailors its approach to deliver actionable insights. 
Diverse Research Methodologies: SG Analytics employs a wide range of research methodologies to gather data. These include in-depth interviews, focus groups, surveys, mystery shopping, and observational studies. By using a mix of qualitative and quantitative techniques, SG Analytics ensures that clients receive a comprehensive understanding of their market. 
Global Reach: With a global presence and expertise in multiple industries, SG Analytics is equipped to conduct research across different geographies. This is particularly valuable for businesses looking to expand into new markets or understand international consumer behavior. 
Expert Analysis: Data collection is only part of the equation. SG Analytics’ team of experienced analysts and industry experts meticulously analyzes the data to extract meaningful insights. They provide clients with detailed reports, actionable recommendations, and strategic guidance to help them achieve their business goals. 
Ethical Research Practices: SG Analytics is committed to conducting research ethically and responsibly. They adhere to the highest standards of data privacy and confidentiality, ensuring that all research participants are treated with respect and that their information is protected. 
Case Study: Success Through Primary Market Research 
To illustrate the value of Primary Market Research, consider a case study of a consumer goods company looking to launch a new product in a highly competitive market. The company engaged SG Analytics to conduct primary research to understand consumer preferences, market trends, and potential barriers to entry. 
SG Analytics designed a research strategy that included focus groups, in-depth interviews, and a large-scale survey of the target demographic. The insights gained from this research revealed a previously overlooked consumer need that the company could address with its new product. Additionally, the research identified key marketing messages that would resonate with the target audience. 
Armed with this information, the company successfully launched its product, achieving higher-than-expected sales and gaining a significant market share. The insights from SG Analytics’ Primary Research Services were instrumental in guiding the company’s product development and marketing strategies, ultimately leading to its success. 
In a world where market conditions are constantly changing, businesses cannot afford to rely on outdated or generic information. Primary Market Research provides the timely, relevant, and actionable insights needed to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. SG Analytics, with its expertise in Primary Research Services, offers businesses the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s dynamic marketplace. By leveraging customized research solutions, diverse methodologies, and expert analysis, SG Analytics empowers businesses to unlock valuable insights and drive growth. 
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foxnangelseo · 4 months
Apple To Invest More In India
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As per undisclosed sources familiar with the matter, Apple Inc. is reportedly revamping the management of its international businesses to place a larger emphasis on India, reflecting the country's growing importance in the company's overall strategy. This move marks a significant milestone as India is set to become its own sales region at Apple for the first time, signaling the surging demand for Apple's products in the region. As a result, India is expected to gain greater prominence and visibility within the company.
The decision to focus on India could be a strategic move by Apple, given that India is one of the fastest-growing smartphone markets in the world. By prioritizing India, Apple may be seeking to gain a larger market share in the region, which could help the company offset slowing growth in other markets. The company's recent launch of an online store in India is further evidence of its commitment to expanding its presence in the country. Last quarter, despite a 5% dip in total sales, Apple achieved record revenue in India. The tech giant has set up an online store to cater to the region and plans to open its first retail stores there later this year. During the last earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook highlighted the company's significant emphasis on the Indian market and compared its current state to its early years in China. He mentioned how Apple is leveraging its learnings from China to scale in India. China is Apple's largest sales region after the Americas and Europe, generating around $75 billion in revenue per year. Apart from boosting Apple's sales, India is also becoming increasingly critical to the company's product development. Key suppliers are shifting to the region, and Apple is partnering with manufacturing giant Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. (also known as Foxconn) to establish new iPhone production facilities in India, according to Bloomberg News. Apple has been expanding its focus on the Indian market in recent years, and the company has been making efforts to improve its sales operations in the country. In 2020, Apple launched an online store in India, which allowed the company to sell its products directly to consumers in the country for the first time. This move was seen as a significant step for Apple, as India is one of the world's fastest-growing smartphone markets. If Apple is restructuring its international sales operations to put a more significant focus on India, it suggests that the company sees significant growth potential in the Indian market. Apple may be looking to increase its market share in India by focusing on pricing, localizing products and services, and building relationships with key partners in the country. It remains to be seen how Apple's restructuring will affect the company's operations in other regions. However, this move is undoubtedly a positive sign for India's tech industry, as it shows that major global players are taking note of the country's potential as a growth market.
Fox&Angel is an open strategy consulting ecosystem, put together by a top-line core team of industry experts, studded with illustrious success stories, learnings, and growth. Committed to curate bespoke business & strategy solutions for each of your challenges, we literally handpick consultants from across the globe and industries who fit the role best and help you on your path to success. 
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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gitanjali2002 · 10 months
The Best Digital Marketing Institute in Bhubaneswar | Digital Gaurabh
For businesses to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced digital environment, digital marketing has become an essential tool. Professionals in digital marketing are in high demand as more and more businesses shift to online platforms. But not everyone has the abilities and know-how to succeed in this industry. Here’s where Gaurabh Digital comes into play. A comprehensive understanding of digital marketing strategies and techniques is the aim of the course. stay up with the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing, the curriculum is updated regularly. This guarantees that students have the most up-to-date information and abilities needed to succeed in the industry. A thorough course on all facets of digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and more, is provided by Digital Gaurabh. The course gives students hands-on experience in running digital marketing campaigns because it perfectly balances theoretical knowledge with practical application. The knowledgeable faculty at Digital Gaurabh is one of the main differentiators. Experts in the field with years of digital marketing experience are teaching the course. Their practical knowledge and insights from real-world situations enhance the learning process for students in the classroom. Thus, the best digital marketing institute in Bhubaneswar is called Digital Gaurabh.
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kiranapassionategamer · 2 months
Top Work-from-Home Jobs for Housewives in 2024
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Remote work has become more common because people understand that working from home using the Internet may be convenient. This change offers housewives a range of possibilities for organizing home chores and, at the same time, earning money. 
Here is a list of the best home-based activities housewives can do in 2024.
Best Jobs for Housewives 2024
Some women feel dependent if she not earning even she’s a housewives. However, the Ludo real cash game that offers an opportunity to win Rs10 lakh by playing games, these women feel mentally independent and stress-free. So, apart from paying games, here’s a list of some of the best jobs for housewives in 2024.
1. Freelance Writing
Freelance writing is flexible because one can write in any area of interest or specialization. Whether content writing, blogging, copywriting or technical writing, there is always a great demand for well-written content.
Types of Writing Jobs:
Content Writing: Writing web content such as articles, blog posts, and other types of text on the websites.
Blogging: Specialized in blogging about similar topics and making money through ads and affiliate marketing.
Copywriting: Developing copy for brochures and other forms of promotion.
Technical Writing: Writing manuals, guides and other technical writing work.
Tips for Getting Started:
Building a Portfolio: Gather notes and past works to prove your ability and advertise yourself to the clients.
Joining Freelancing Platforms: Freelance marketplace sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer avail clients to writers seeking to offer a plethora of writing services.
2. Virtual Assistance
Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs remotely. Their tasks can vary widely depending on the client's needs. 
Common Tasks and Responsibilities:
Email management entails replying to and organizing emails.
Organizing calendars and making appointments is called scheduling.
Taking care of questions and problems from customers is known as customer support.
How to Find Virtual Assistant Jobs:
Job boards: Virtual assistant jobs are listed on websites such as Indeed, FlexJobs, and Remote.co.
VA Agencies: These companies are experts at matching clients with virtual assistants.
Networking: Creating a network on social media and in business associations can help you get employment.
Necessary Skills and Tools Required:
Tech-savvyness, communication, and organizational abilities.
Working knowledge of Google Workspace, Microsoft Office, and project management apps like Asana or Trello.
3. Online Tutoring and Teaching
With the increasing popularity of online learning, the demand for online tutors and teachers has surged. 
Subjects and Skills in High Demand:
Academic Subjects: Math, science, and languages.
Language Teaching: Teaching English or other languages to non-native speakers.
Music Lessons: Offering lessons in instruments or vocal training.
Platforms to Get Started:
VIPKid: Teaching English to students in China.
Chegg Tutors: Offering tutoring in various academic subjects.
Coursera: Teaching specialized courses to a global audience.
4. Social Media Management
Social media managers create and manage content for businesses and influencers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 
Managing Social Media Accounts for Businesses and Influencers:
Content Creation: Developing posts, stories, and videos.
Analytics: Tracking engagement and performance metrics.
Engagement Strategies: Interacting with followers and responding to comments.
Essential Skills:
Content Creation: Writing, graphic design, and video editing.
Analytics: Understanding social media metrics.
Engagement Strategies: Knowing how to build and maintain a community.
Steps to Becoming a Social Media Manager:
Courses: Taking courses in social media marketing.
Certifications: Earning certifications from platforms like HubSpot or Hootsuite.
Networking: Joining social media groups and forums.
5. E-commerce and Online Selling
Online selling is one of the best work from home jobs for housewives that make them financially independent. Housewives can start their own online store or sell products on platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and eBay.
Popular Products to Sell:
Handmade Crafts: Jewelry, home decor, and personalized gifts.
Vintage Items: Clothing, accessories, and collectibles.
Digital Products: Printables, e-books, and courses.
Basics of Setting Up an Online Store:
Inventory Management: Keeping track of stock and supplies.
Marketing: Promoting products through social media and other channels.
Customer Service: Providing excellent service to retain customers.
6. Graphic Design
Graphic designers create visual content for businesses, including logos, websites, and marketing materials. 
Tools and Software Needed:
Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Canva: A user-friendly design tool.
Tips for Building a Portfolio and Finding Clients:
Portfolio: Showcase your best work on a personal website or portfolio site.
Finding Clients: Use freelancing platforms and networks within the design community.
7. Data Entry and Transcription Jobs
Data entry involves inputting data into systems, while transcription entails converting audio recordings into text. 
Necessary Skills:
Attention to Detail: Ensuring accuracy in data and transcripts.
Typing Speed: Fast and accurate typing.
Platforms to Find Work:
Upwork: A freelancing platform with data entry and transcription jobs.
Rev: Specializes in transcription services.
TranscribeMe: Offers transcription opportunities for beginners.
8. Online Surveys and Market Research
Participating in online surveys and market research studies can be an easy way to earn extra income.
Reputable Survey Sites and Research Panels:
Swagbucks: Offers surveys and other ways to earn points redeemable for gift cards.
Survey Junkie: Provides paid survey opportunities.
Vindale Research: Pays for participating in surveys and studies.
Tips for Maximizing Earnings and Avoiding Scams:
Maximizing Earnings: Sign up for multiple survey sites.
Avoiding Scams: Stick to reputable sites and never pay to join a survey site.
9. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission on sales made through your referral link.
Choosing a Niche and Promoting Products/Services:
Niche: Select a specific area of interest to focus on.
Promotion: Use a blog, social media, or a YouTube channel to promote products.
Creating a Blog or Website for Affiliate Marketing:
Blog: Write content related to your niche and include affiliate links.
Website: Build a dedicated site to promote affiliate products.
10. Customer Service Representative
Customer service representatives handle inquiries and issues from customers via phone, email, or chat.
Common Industries Hiring for Remote Customer Service:
Retail: Handling orders and returns.
Tech Support: Assisting with technical issues.
Finance: Managing account-related inquiries.
Required Skills and Qualifications:
Communication: Clear and effective communication skills.
Problem-Solving: Ability to resolve customer issues efficiently.
Platforms to Find Customer Service Jobs:
Indeed: Lists various remote customer service positions.
Remote.co: Specializes in remote job listings.
FlexJobs: Offers a wide range of remote job opportunities.
Working from home offers housewives the flexibility to balance their personal and professional lives while earning an income. Whether through freelancing, virtual assistance, online tutoring, or any of the other opportunities listed, there are numerous ways to embark on a rewarding work-from-home career. With dedication and the right skills, housewives can find fulfilling jobs that fit seamlessly into their daily routines.
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