#how they keep pretending they're only friends after that is beyond me
tessasilverswan · 2 months
In tsc2 I want a pottery scene à la Ghost in Jeremy's pov:
• Jean begrudgingly goes to the pottery class and it turns out he's good at it
• Jeremy's... well... He made one (1) wonky bowl for Cat and Laila and decided it wasn't his thing, but he's still going to have fun spinning the clay
• one day at the pottery studio, or wherever they hold the class, it's just them. Maybe they stayed for Jean to finish a piece.
• Jeremy, idle and not having learned from the "yes, Jerémy" incident, shoots himself in the foot again because they're doing the they're-attracted-to-each-other-but-don't-acknowledge-it thing
• cue grabbing a stool and sitting beside Jean and tickling him until Jean takes Jeremy's hands and puts them on the clay with a soft annoyed sigh
• Jeremy almost breaks because he has seen Ghost and hasn't until this point realized what the situation looks like and also Jean's breath close to his ear and his hands on Jeremy's
• Jeremy ends up making a second wonky bowl because Jean is also very much flustered by Jeremy's hands in his and can't save the almost-was-a-vase in time
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pseudowho · 1 month
At the risk of giving any ounce of credence to that unwelcome asker, you once reblogged one of my works, which went on to become my most popular piece as a result of that increased boost in visibility for my small, relatively new account. Even so, it was the incredibly kind comment/review you left that made a lasting impact on me. So that asker was: A) Clearly loud and wrong B) Some things are much more valuable than the number of "likes" on Tumblr. Perhaps this is something they could reflect on if they'd spend less time pocket-watching other people's supposed engagement numbers on a social media site. Keep doing you, I enjoy reading both your work and the banter between you and Mr. Haitch!
One thing I've always sworn to do, is to maintain honesty and sincerity regarding my personal reblog culture. I ensure I only reblog the things that I adore, that I think are really amazing quality, or that explore something/use language in such a way/characterise very well/make me laugh, etc. in a way that makes it feel outstanding to me.
As such, all of my reblogs are heartfelt, and while I may reblog some writers more than once, it's because they've done these things more than once. I love to save for myself, and to share amazing work.
I'm aware that having a large following and sharing someone's work can make a massive difference to the amount of interaction they see...but it only opens the audience for their work a little bit.
It's not the barrier being opened. I'm not gatekeeping anything by being a "Big Blog™️'. It's not the big thing that determines whether someone gets more likes or followers. I had basically no followers when I started, and wrote and wrote and wrote to gain it.
What I see more and more is a shift towards cliquey and insincere reblogging. People repeatedly hyping work not for the quality, but because it's their friend and the 'positive reblog culture' has actually been transformed into a 'toxic reblog culture'.
This also flips the other way-- when someone or a group of people decide they don't like you, they stop reblogging or engaging with your work at all, even when they apparently loved it once before.
Isn't that sad? That tells you they're not really here for the art at all.
I'm here for the art; I'll reblog a great piece even if I don't personally like the person who created it. I'm not talking about giving genuinely horrible people a platform; just those whose personalities don't get along with mine. I'll still reblog their work if I love it, even if I know they hate me. Because I'm a big fucking girl.
I think half the reason my reblogging is so effective, as it was for you, is because I hand-on-heart love every piece I reblog.
How many times have you seen someone reblog their friend over and over and over, hyping their work beyond reasonability, and as such it feels insincere and forced?
Why has artwork and literature become one big Boys' Club, when we should be trying to push our world away from these bizarre "Us Vs Them" practices?
I don't sit and watch my notes. I keep receiving bitter assertions that the "only reason I have X notes is because I have X followers"...as if the notes mean everything, as if my writing hasn't drawn people to engage with my work, as if I came by my followers by luck instead of anything else?
I could wax lyrical all night.
Tl;dr-- toxic cliquey reblog culture is a scourge. You can rely on my reblogs to be utterly sincere and not driven by loyalty disguised as 'positive reblog culture', but based on my genuine love for what I reblog.
I'm so glad that any reblogs I've given you have increased the notice your work has received, but quite frankly, if your work gained traction after I reblogged it, I barely nudged your work-- its quality was its main driving force.
So don't do yourself dirty. You're fantastic.
I'm prepared to lose followers and gain more blocks even for this. People don't like being told they're arseholes, especially when they pretend they're above petty bullshit like this.
I'm here, and I have fun. I don't obsess over any of this. I really hope you stay for the fun too, and if you want a non-anon message, I'm more than happy for it, as I always am.
-- Haitch xxx
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archer3-13 · 10 days
oh wow a fire emblem post after a lot of not posting about fire emblem. its been slow and i dont care too much about heroes, sue me.
i've come to the conclusion that people get too hung up on the idea of whether felix was right or wrong about dimitri when it comes to discussions on their character dynamics [it all tends to be very felix focused anyways]. I would say that at the end of the day, the story needs felix to be wrong in order to work as it does and theres no getting around that.
as a result however, dimitris side of that dynamic often gets overlooked i think and its a shame, cause i would say its the most important factor in how that dynamic works. cause well felix hurls all manner of verbal abuse at him, dimitri never disabuses felix of those notions even when he's trying his hardest to pretend everything is fine. he just takes the abuse, and i would argue thats far more important to the dynamic and speaks a lot more to dimitris core characteristics.
what dimitri is, is sad, traumatized, and possessed of an intense self loathing that blends together into a self destructive cocktail. its not just that the dead are haunting him, its that the dead are haunting him by calling him a pussy ass bitch in the most violent way possible, all the while everything falls apart around him. and his response to this is to try and repress that sorrow and trauma as deep as he possibly can, because he has too much to do, not enough time, and everyones counting on him.
what dimitri isn't, is possessed of a hidden darkness that can only be expressed in violent rage and general monsterousness/assholery. certainly he can express those things, but they're always symptoms of whats happening around him and in the story. the inevitable reaction of all that misery hes so deeply repressed exploding in violent reaction to the cruelty of the world around him. And it is importantly cruelty and injustice that he's reacting to, remire village, the holy tomb, the entire god damn war phase etc. its why dimitris story is always importantly intertwined with the idea of having others to support you and your burdens.
anyways, guess what end of the stick felix latches onto during the academy phase!!
its grimly funny in a way, but what felix is essentially playing with dimitri is purity politics. people often overlook that canonically he was a very sweet and gentle child before the tragedy, and that his aloof prickly i studied the blade demenour is just a crude imitation of glenns personality [but yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that hes dealing with glenns death better then rodrigue]. and he practically grew up alongside dimitri, who he only ever knew as a kind and gentle boy as well. then the tragedy happens and uproots everything in his life, so he tries to find that stability again by going with dimitri in their first battle.
and that's where he sees that violent reaction dimitri sorrow can elect. and like a true gamer, felix rejects the idea that his [pure, sweet, gentle] dimitri could ever do or be like that. it must be a monster in a humans skin, a boar prince.
and like the tsundere idiot he is, felix takes it as his own duty [consciously or not] to act as the jailkeeper for that wild animal that's taken his friends place. possibly its executioner even. because felix is too caught up in his own grief to see beyond that rage, a rage he rejects the "true" dimitri of being capable of.
and, wadda ya know. dimitri being caught in a violent spiral of self hatred and anger at the injustices of the world, does nothing to disabuse felix of these notions. because he feels like he deserves to be abused by felix, and also because its easier to brush things off that way and pretend everything is normal.
and i find that a lot more interesting to view the relation between the two in and how it develops over the games story.
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error501blog · 10 months
Ninjago Avatar the Last Airbender AU
There has been a lack of these in the Ninjago fandom and it personally offends me.
Background to get out of the way: these are characters existing in the Avatar universe. The gaang have their adventure which affects the ninja leading them to meeting each other.
Cole lives in the Fire Nation as a noble.
Jk, he lives in the Earth Kingdom. He lives in Gaoling and attends Master Yu's Earthbending Academy. He has a lot of pressure to succeed and do well because his nonbending father Lou shows him off. Lou does a lot of community theatre, but doesn't have much time for Cole. Cole and his father were heartbroken after his mother's death. She died helping a small village fight the Fire Nation. They're distant and barely know each other.
He wishes to have more value and help people with his Earthbending just like his mother. He never expresses this to Lou, knowing his father wouldn't let him. He seeks out ways to help people and runs into a man who goes by Wu. He's young, in his early 30s. He offers Cole to join the White Lotus. (but cole doesn't know it's the white lotus)
Cole talks with his father, trying to bond with him. They break out into an argument, causing Cole to run away with Wu. They're searching for more White Lotus members, now that news of the Avatar returning has given them hope.
He lives with his parents in a more industrial part of the Fire Nation. His parents work in a factory, so Jay is often left alone at home playing by himself. He likes to tinker with gadgets and taught himself how to bend lightning. (Jay has some weird thing where he can't do normal fire, but can do lightning. It's because he's always wanted to power things, so his brain is just wired that way. In his teen years he tries to undo it, but can't) He's insecure as he can't bend fire like a normal person is viewed as a freak. He's talkative and a little cuckoo as he talks to doodles he made and pretends they're friends.
Overall, he has a nice life with his parents, completely clueless of being adopted.
It all changes when he meets this weird dude from the colonies and this other buff dude from the colonies. One of the dudes, the one with the mustache is really obsessed with paisho. They keep helping him out and being friends. He learns their names are Kenji and the buff one is Gen.
One night there's this serious mood in the air. Jay decides to play paisho and he learns the pairs real names. He soon learns about the Order of the White Lotus. Wu does some really dubious thing, offering Jay a chance to learn engineering at a higher level. He doesn't tell Jay the cause and purpose of the White Lotus yet.
When Ed and Edna hear about the offer they're ecstatic. They hope Jay will get rich and help them. They let Wu steal Jay away.
Zane lives in the North Pole. He is chill. His father died recently, so he's depressed, but he's doing alright. He desires to help people beyond the North Pole. He's skilled in bending water, as he trained under Pakku for years. Pakku can tell Zane has a desire to help people. Zane doesn't vibe with other people from his own Nation and is very awkward around them. Pakku decides to send Zane to Wu, knowing he'll be better there.
Zane is sad about leaving his home. He finds Cole and Jay very nice, but weird. He has no idea why they can't talk about missions in front of Jay. Zane finds the Earth Kingdom odd, and hopes Wu comes back from his trip to the Fire Nation.
Kai & Nya
Kai is a blacksmith who lives in the countryside of the Fire Nation with his sister. They don't know why their mother is and Ray is serving in the war. Kai is a firebender, while Nya is a waterbender. They live in the Fire Nation as their appearance is more Fire Nation than Water Tribe. Kai is no master of firebending, only knowing tricks to help him with blacksmithing. Nya, is worse off, as she can barely move water without getting angry and giving up.
Kai is angry and wants the war to end, so his father may come home. He feels comfortable being a recluse in the forge, whereas Nya goes to school. They both work hard at hiding their Water Tribe heritage. It's Kai who goes greater lengths than Nya.
Kai is focused on making money so they both can survive. He wants to wait for his father to come back. He spends most of his time in the forge. Nya likes to read about inventions and breakthroughs, but can't work on her craft as she lives in the countryside.
They get visited by a strange man and are annoyed with him for wasting their time. I supposed the they in this case is just Kai. Kai is annoyed at this strange man from the colonies browsing his workshop.
When Nya comes back from school and the man sees her he's intrigued. (As in Wu has a really good hunch)
One night Nya wakes up detecting an intruder. Kai rushes in to fight against the intruder. The intruder is very good, he extinguishes Kai's bending quickly and much better at wielding a weapon than Kai. Nya panics and does a surprise attack with her water on the intruder. Kai uses the distraction and tries to knock him out. The intruder reveals themselves as the man from earlier. He begs them to join the Order of the White Lotus. Wu recognizes they have great potential to be powerful benders. He tells them their mission and what they do. Nya joins because she's sick of hiding her waterbending and wishes to improve. (She ends up getting tutored by Zane) Kai joins out of fear that Wu would spread their true heritage. He doesn't want to get killed. They both go on a boat to the colonies, awaiting to meet with the group.
The meet up
The five all become a group, very unsure of what Wu is planning. Nya is the happiest, as she is being trained by Zane and improving at a very fast speed. Cole is enjoying himself much more than his time at home, but he and Zane agree that they haven't done anything substantial. Kai is the most suspicious of Wu. Wondering why he'd get a group of five together. Why would he do this? What does he want? Kai is snooping when he's not getting training with Wu. Wu is a firebender so he trains under him directly. Jay spends most of his time playing around. (Wu can't lightning bend. Wu knows most in the Fire Nation Royal Family can. He also knows only one other person outside of this, but it's due to other factors)
Cole and Zane join Kai on inspecting their living quarters. They find a bunch of scrolls on the Spirit World. At dinner they bring this to Wu's attention. Jay figures out he's being lied to. (And doesn't care) Nya is pissed. Wu comes clean, saying the Spirit thing is a side project. He wants them alive to fight on the side of the Avatar. He says the Avatar will have an army, but they need ninja. He wants to train them to be ninjas.
I'll make one about Lloyd and his family later. I need sleep.
Any questions, please reblog with.
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Steve and Eddie.
Eddie and Steve.
After Vecna, they're inseparable. They share a bed. Always. Twine their legs together and sleep close. No reason to pretend they don't need each other when they so obviously do.
Eddie loves him. He knows it's stupid. Doesn't know how to protect his heart when Steve is everything.
Spring fades into summer, and between nights spent with entangled limbs, Eddie starts to see more in Steve's hazel eyes; soft fondness and gentle care, a flash of heat. Their physical affection goes beyond casual touches--arms around waists, fingers on hips, faces nuzzling against necks, kisses pressed into hair.
It feels like they have all the time in the world, but Robin asks Steve to move to Indy and Steve never mentions it. Eddie pretends like the silence doesn't hurt. They've only ever been just friends, after all.
Then, one night, "I'm moving to Indy."
"Okay, yeah." Eddie tries to keep his voice even, the tears from spilling. it was always a mistake, falling for Steve Harrington.
"Come with me?" Steve's hands are clenched in the duvet.
"I'm moving to New York." He had no plans until this very moment.
Steve falls quiet. "That's nice, Eddie. That's--yeah, you should do that, if it's what you want."
He nods. Ignores the lump in his throat. "Maybe I can really be somebody."
Steve smiles. Eddie's not sure why it looks so sad. "You'll knock 'em dead, Ed."
They stay friends, of course they do. There's phone calls and visits, and it's not the same, but it's still good.
Eddie tries to get over him. He does. There are dates, men, possibility. But they're not Steve.
Steve meets a girl--nice, pretty, wealthy--the kind of girl made for a King. It sticks. Eddie likes her. And nobody needs to know that he cries himself to sleep, thinking of what might have been.
The invitation comes in the mail. He throws it in the garbage without a thought, before standing against his counter, knuckles going white where he's gripping into the laminate. Tries to remind himself to keep breathing around the shattering of his heart.
He's not going. Knows he can't take it.
Then, a phone call.
"I'm getting married," Steve says.
"Yeah, just got the invite. Congrats!" Bile in his throat threatens to choke him.
"Will you--you'll stand up there with me?"
Eddie smacks his head repeatedly against the wall. "Of course," is the only possible answer.
The wedding is fine. During the ceremony, he tries not to listen to the vows, keeps his eyes on Robin's back and never, ever on Steve. He drinks through the reception. Knows it's too much, knows he's losing control. Can't take watching Steve dance with his new bride, so he sneaks out a side door into an alley, lighting his last cigarette. The nicotine barely hits his lungs before a scuffle of feet interrupts his moment.
"Can I get in on that?" Steve asks.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, handing over the cigarette. "What're you doing out here?"
"Haven't really talked to you at all today."
"Well. You've been a little busy." He means it to be a joke but it falls very flat, his bitterness too close to the surface.
Steve exhales a cloud of smoke. "Yeah. Didn't realize weddings were so much work."
Eddie doesn't know what to say, so they fall into silence, passing the smoke back and forth until it burns down to the filter.
"You happy?" Eddie asks. Doesn't think he meant to, doesn't want the answer.
"Ed..."Steve swallows.
"So, yes," he chuckles. It's the most hollow thing he's ever heard.
"It's just--It's normal, you know?"
And it's like Steve punched him, to know they never could've been because Eddie--being with Eddie--would never be normal.
"Right, of course, Harrington. Normal."
"That's not what--I'm not saying--"
"What else could you possibly mean?"
"I want quiet. No monsters, no secret dimensions. Something regular. Easy."
"Six-fucking-nuggets, right? Still a pretty lady in the front seat next to you."
"What's wrong with that? Huh? What's wrong with kids and stability and a fucking life. Not bartending until 4am and playing the occasional gig and living with 18 goddamn people."
Eddie straightens at that, fingers twisting in his button-down. "Sorry my life doesn't meet your exacting standards, King. Sorry I can't be what you want."
He storms away, Steve shouting after him, but he leaves him there with his promising and bright and normal future unfurling before him.
They don't talk. One month. Six Months. A Year. Two.
For lack of better to do, for stability, he writes a book. Fantasy. About an Adventurer who helps a group of kids save the world. They're joined by a handsome, mysterious man who seems like an asshole, but helps them selflessly every time. He and the Adventurer are something, but before it's anything real, the stranger is revealed to be their Prince. They save the world, but the Prince has to leave the Adventurer behind.
The book is a hit. Spawns a series. Eddie's somebody.
Eddie comes home from the store, paper bag of groceries balanced against his chest.
Steve Harrington, not looking a day older than at his wedding, stands at his door, hands wringing.
"Steve?" He asks.
"Hey, Ed." The nickname twists Eddie's stomach, but he doesn't say anything.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm getting divorced," Steve says.
Eddie almost drops his groceries, his hands shake so hard. He busies himself with the lock, ushering Steve inside.
"Is that all?" He asks.
Steve blinks at him, dazed expression on his still pretty face. "What?"
"You came all this way just to tell someone you haven't spoken to in almost eight years that you're getting divorced? What's it to me?" He stomps into the kitchen with his groceries.
"I wanted--I thought--"
Eddie snorts, makes it mean because he feels mean, wants to make Steve hurt the way he has for years. "You thought? We haven't spoken since your wedding day, man."
"She was ready for kids, and I realized that she's not--she's not who I picture having a family with."
The words pierce him like shattered glass, and he whirls into the living room, into Steve's space. "What the fuck are you doing?" he hisses.
"I wanted you to know, Ed. After all--"
"Stop calling me that. Stop acting like we're friends, for Christ's sake. And I don't give a damn about whatever realization you had once you realized normal wasn't for you."
"I'm trying to make this right!" Pink splotches highlight Steve's cheeks, his anger spiking to match Eddie's.
"There's nothing to fix, Harrington. We're over. It's fine."
"It's not fine," Steve is breathing hard. "I wanted you so badly, and you fucking ran away--"
"Bullshit! I waited for you. And you moved to Indy with Robin without a thought."
"I asked you to come! You were the one who said no."
"You asked a week before you left!"
"I was scared!"
"Of what, Steve? Not having that normal, easy, life you wanted so badly?"
"Of course not!"
"Then why?"
Steve chuckles, steps back. "I always thought you of all people would understand, and now--"
"Not when you come to my house unannounced to unload on me about your divorce because you expect us to pick up like none of it ever happened."
"That's not what I want!"
Eddie turns, pinching the bridge of his nose to cut off the stinging in his eyes. "I can't do this. I think you should leave, Steve."
"Fine." Steve won't look at him, storms to the door. "This was a mistake."
He slams it hard enough it makes the walls shake, picture frames rattle. Eddie can't stop the sob that rips out of him. Entitled, selfish, Steve Harrington, the only man Eddie will ever love. Steve Harrington who thinks love comes with strings attached. Steve Harrington who was afraid of asking Eddie to move away with them. And Eddie, always the coward, stifled by the weight of his own impossible love.
Eddie moves on autopilot, just knows he needs to find Steve, to see if there's a chance.
He skids down the stairs, almost falling a time or two, out into the night. His eyes scan the sidewalk, searching for familiar tall hair, but there's no sign of Steve, no sign--
A soft sob cuts through the air and Eddie's eyes fall to the steps in front of him, to the beautiful man sitting with his head on his knees.
"Steve," he says.
He stands, whirling, face a wreck. "Eddie?"
He doesn't know what to say at first, swallowing and swallowing around nothing. "I--I'm sorry I said no, when you asked me to move with you."
Steve's face does a funny, fracturing thing, even as he gives a little laugh. "I'm sorry I took so long to work up the nerve to ask."
Both of them take a step forward, then stumble together in a clumsy, tear-soaked hug.
"I'm sorry I got too drunk at your wedding," Eddie whispers against his friend's neck.
Steve giggles, but quiets quickly "I'm sorry about the 'normal' thing. I didn't mean it. I was--it doesn't matter. I'm sorry."
They hold each other for a long time on the steps of Eddie's building, rocking gently back and forth. When they finally let go, Eddie pushes Steve's hair off his forehead, asks, "wanna order a pizza and catch up?"
The answering smile is blinding as a sun, and Eddie is just as hopelessly in love as he was at 20.
They walk inside, fingers still entwined, lit up with hope.
"Hey," Steve says as they walk up the stairs together. "Are the Adventurer and the Prince going to find each other again? Because it's been four books now, and I'm still wait--"
Eddie twists his fingers into Steve's t-shirt, pushing him against the stained stairwell wall. "Fuck, Steve, I--"
He's interrupted by Steve closing the distance between their mouths, pulling them together in a searing kiss.
"They get forever, sweetheart" is Eddie's answer.
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dudeslut · 4 months
I want to take you to dinner at some friends' house. Nothig fancy, just a few couples gathering. You can wear a pretty skirt, and we'll bring a nice dish, pretend we're all adults.
After dinner we all sit together in the living room, talking. I rest my hand on your knee, just to remind you that I adore you. And when something vaguely sexual or intimate comes up in conversation, it just tips you from "kinda in the mood" to "very much have a boner".
You lean over and whisper in my ear "please" in that desperate tone that I already know can only mean one thing. "What, right now? Right here?" "Please... I need you" and I can't help but give you what you want. "Okay, but please be quiet, don't want to make a scene."
I slide my hand up your thigh, under your skirt, to your hard little tdick. No surprise you're so turned on, you don't even have underwear on. I start to jerk you off and you mumble "thankyouthankyoutha-" before I shush you.
But you can only keep quiet for so long. And when I slide my first finger in you can't help but moan, and suddenly all eyes are on us. "Sorry, he's just very needy tonight. So you were telling us about your new job?" I deflect the conversation as I fuck you a little faster.
Some go back to the conversation, ignoring your needy whimpres, while others can't let this slide. You're making them horny, and why can you be fucked but they can't masturbate? Soon enough, cocks are out, cunts are bare, and your moans aren't the only ones, but they're definitely the loudest.
You cum on my fingers for the first one, holding on to my arm as I fuck your cunt and rub your cock with my palm. By the time you cool down, the friend who's sitting on your other side has their cock completely out, pants to their knees, rubbing themself fast. "I think he'd love to help you with it" I say, and you nod eagerly and turn so your ass is towards them, lifting your skirt. They take the message and soon enough, you are fucked into another orgasm.
Everyone takes their turn on you. You get sucked, and fucked, and groped, cumming so many times and making others cum too. By the end of the night there is absolutely no way of knowing which cum stain is from who, or how many orgasms you had. We fall asleep together, cuddled naked on our friends' sofa, and the last thing you hear before dozing off is me telling you "good boy. All our friends loved you so much. You did so well."
Ooooohhhhh shit this is hot as hell 😵‍💫
The skirt should've been your first clue that I would try to push my luck; I've just been so needy I figure if I make myself easy access, you'll indulge me. By the time we're all sitting down and you're sliding a finger in, I'm desperate.
I don't care that we've been caught, in fact I'm hoping our display entices them to join us - join you, in fucking me. Your first deflection makes me whine, but my attention is soon brought back to your fingers fucking my cunt harder.
A bit of pride wells up in me when I see not everyone turned back to the conversation, and it's making me unbelievably horny. As some begin touching themselves to the show, I look over them desperate for their hands, cocks, and cunts to use me.
Seeing how excited everyone is getting pushed me over the edge that first time, but I'm already wanting more. When you offer my ass to our friend, I know I've got what I want; I get to be the free use slut at the party for our friends, and put on display by you.
My orgasms come hard and fast each time. I'm easy enough, but with you telling everyone my most sensitive spots and favorite techniques, I can't stop cumming. I'm blissed-out beyond words, covered in cum, evidence of how much fun everyone had using me.
And once we're all fucked out, your final words of praise lull me off to sleep with a satisfied, fuzzy brain.
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hantheheart · 5 months
ok so this was just gonna stay "man would that be fucked up or what" idea that came to me out of nowhere, but my brain has done as it always does and latched on to it.
Why i ever think "oh I'll just leave it there" is beyond me, you think I'd learned after doing this shit for over a decade at this point.
Anyways, I was thinking about this part of my Next Gen Rewrite idea of Gwen Lance and Tris getting kidnapped and went "but what if it all went so so WRONG"
not me with an absolutely off the shits idea for this of when Gwen Tris and Lance getting kidnapped but the parents don't find them in time and some crazy people get a hold of the three of them and are like. obsessed with this idea that Arthur is a "False Chaos". And they think Gwen's the "True Incarnation of Chaos" cause she was born with Chaos magic instead of how Arthur got it so they steal the kids away to the north and try to make Gwen into this Ideal Deity of theirs and the three of them, who have not manifested any magic yet aside from Chaos from Gwen that she can't control yet, just struggle to do what these people want until their parents come but then they don't and the kids gotta play these maniacs and pretend they're going along with all this.
And then they have to pretend to be bad guys who want a war with Britannia ala Arthur in 4KOTA and its like 5 or so years after they got kidnapped and they have to keep trying to send low down messages to their parents without being obvious of "we're trying to help you catch these guys so we can come home because they're insane and we're tired and we miss you" but its so hard to do when these people are on the edge of taking out Tristan and Lancelot at any second for "not being part of the vision" and Gwen's doing everything she can to be this person she really isn't just to convince these people Tris and Lance are "part of her vision" and its exhausting and they can't drop their guard at all except for the few moments the three of them manage to hide away in the gilded-cage-of-a-room Gwen's been given.
Lance and Tris having to act liek this super uptight, rude and stuck up Knights but in reality theyre just really tired 16 year olds who want to just go wrestle in the dirt with their friends and hug their dads and be scolded for dumb kid things by their moms but their lives are constantly under threat and they're the only thing holding their friend together who's one wrong word from having a mental breakdown that could absolutely wreck the surrounding areas because she is literally the only thing keeping these lunatics from going on a murder spree, they're desperately trying to come up with reasons to convince these people to not kill every living thing they come across
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hum-suffer · 8 months
10 minute pehle ke news ki tea spill karoooooo
Grab your seatbelts because this is a wild and offensive ride.
Context: my friend had a birthday today, let's call her Butterfly. Butterfly is Moon boy's bestie. Me and K (my bestie) became friends with Moon Boy ages ago but we befriended Butterfly only recently during our exams.
Aaj Butterfly ki birthday mein, body shaming girl put up a story wishing her which read,"Happy birthday [Moon Boy] ki bestie." I was furious at her since like last season and even previous episode. Aaj ka precap isme hi aa gaya tha.
So me and Moon Boy went to get Butterfly a cake for her birthday to celebrate in college without telling anyone but K. We got the cake and came back, and Body Shaming girl, let's call her Chintu (yes it's her nickname idek why), her group was lowkey offended that we didn't involve them in Butterfly's birthday plan
Moon Boy, that bloody diplomat, knew. He lured them all in with the cake cutting promise and everyone gathered around Butterfly, whom I had not allowed to peek at the cake. We had forgotten to get matchsticks so he went off to find matchsticks to light candles. Meanwhile...
Another girl, whom I did like until she turned into an ass licker, started fiddling with the cake. Bringing it out of box, trying to rip open the box to see the cake. I was politely trying to get her to stop until she tried to open the box. I opened the box instead and then closed it instantly and put it out of her reach. I told her to stop hovering and sit down.
Seeing her ass licker get shoved aside, Chintu was mad. But she was about to be madder.
I'm name dropping this one because i detest him the most. MOST. Bhavya, this lanky oversmart buy with a chomu hairstyle and round glasses, dared to be oversmart.
One thing that everyone should know about me is that I'm fiercely defensive of each of my friends. I treasure them beyond reason. Even if they're new friends.
Bhavya said, and i quote,"Burn Butterfly and use her to light the candles."
I said,"Maybe we should use you, since Teri already jal Rahi hai."
He went bitter and replied,"Jal nahi Rahi hai thik hai? Mere time to cake bhi nhi thi."
"should have had better friends," i said, which must have also offended Chintu.
Bhavya went even more bitter and said,"Mere dost jo the vo tere aaj ke dost hi the. Tere Jo itne saare ladke dost hai na. Vohi." (Lies. I'm acquainted with some boys because I'm a nice person and like to maintain connections. The only male friend i have is Moon Boy.)
I knew what he was implying but Butterfly was already shaking her head. I laughed,"Their behaviour isn't my responsibility."
He was about to say something and Butterfly said to not do this on her birthday. I laughed and said okay, I won't. Butterfly looked at me gratefully and Moon Boy returned till then. He noticed the harsh environment but said nothing and i continued pretending that I didn't want to kill anyone.
Me and Moon Boy took over, shifted benches and made Butterfly sit down, got her the cake(she loved it btw), lit up the candle. Chintu and her ass licker started pretending to care and warning how one shouldn't keep fire near them and blah blah blah. Whilst standing right behind me. I didn't say anything.
As we sang happy birthday, Bhavya sang "Happy birthday [Butterfly] aaj tu mar jayegi". I wanted to hit him but i didnt. By the look on his face, Moon Boy knew my smile wasn't entirely genuine after we finished the birthday song. I pushed him off to be the first one to eat the cake since he's the closest in relation to her. I was clicking pictures with his phone and i heard them criticise even that right behind my back. (Sue me, idk how to operate iphones instantly).
Chintu said,"Maine bola tha ki haath mein rakh ke candle mat jao but sunte nhi hai na kuch log." Bhavya asked who and she replied that she'll tell later. (Can you BE anymore obvious???)
We ended up having fun. I sent off K after me and later I went myself to eat the cake. Took a tiny bite because I don't like sweets too much, and fed Butterfly a wafer chocolate roll. She ate half of it and I fed the rest half to K and Moon Boy respectively. I heard them speak about that as well.
I sat down on a free bench, since I had period cramps, and the sheer joy of being around people and celebrating on Butterfly made me keep my words quiet and it was enough to make me smile widely.
(They did not like that. Duhhhhhhhhhh)
After this, me and Butterfly and K discussed this whole interaction whilst Moon Boy, the darling diplomat, went around fulfilling his volunteer duty and social media manager duty by clicking photos and videos.
The university secretary of the abvp, he came near us to find Moon Boy but he couldn't so I kept him in conversation for almost an hour. Moon Boy returned, listened to the conversation and was tiredly sitting quietly. I and K went to fetch our respective buckles and water bottles from our vehicles and we stayed there talking to some acquaintances. Butterfly came with us too.
I spied Moon Boy drifting in the place and went to him but he had been roped in with Chintu's group so I told him where he'll find me and left, ignoring the rest of them.
Ting ting tadinggggggggg agla update, next kalesh ke baad🫶🏽 (also no one needs to go anon to ask for such tea my loves, I'm happy to provide always 🫶🏽)
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Oh ho ho what a highly interesting question, anon👀
(Answered under the cut because it's a bit long)
Before I give my proper answer, allow me to explain a bit of my interpretation of Tails. I actually see him as a sort of naturally jealous person with some innate possessive tendencies who has grown used to curbing these tendencies of his, which he had to do due to a number of factors.
One major reason is due to Sonic himself. To me Sonic has always had a complicated relationship with different kinds of love or attraction (and I do see him as on the aro/ace spectrum). So, when absolute strangers (or those he doesn't particularly like) obsessively pursue him for clear romance/possessive reasons, he tends to react with strong rejection or indifference, in contrast to how he welcomes ego stroking and praise from those who can be merely categorized as "fans" (or those he does particularly like). To me, Tails' initial admiration and pursuit of joining with and becoming like Sonic very well parallels how Amy Rose began to admire and pursue a romantic relationship with Sonic. Even if we consider that Sonic did save Tails that one time from being bullied (according to Sonic Prime and a new animation for Sonic 2 present in Sonic Origins), his pursuit of trying to work together with his hero (which is detailed a bit more in the jp manual for Sonic 2, and includes Tails going so far as to follow after Sonic everywhere and modify Sonic's plane) really isn't any more "normal" than how Amy begins to pursue a romantic relationship with her hero after Sonic saves her from Metal Sonic. The only real differences here were that Amy was explicitly pursuing romance, and that Sonic rejected Amy's advances but eventually took Tails on as his sidekick/little buddy.
This is also not to mention the implications here and there in what we can find of Sonic and Tails' backstory that Sonic would continue to run away and pretend he did not care, while secretly keeping an eye out for Tails.
And beyond that, as one of Sonic’s oldest friends, Tails gets to spend a lot of time around Sonic, and gets to see firsthand how he reacts to romantic prospects, his complicated relationship with "love" as a concept, and is present as Sonic’s group of friends steadily grows.
With all of that, I at least see Tails learning to deal with his innate jealousy and possessiveness so
Sonic doesn’t reject him
Because he doesn't want to keep Sonic from pursuing relationships with others
And for the sake of one's image/being a good person
If Tails has learned that confessing and making his romantic intentions clear could lead to Sonic rejecting him or it ruining their friendship (since he's seen first hand how Sonic has reacted in certain cases to love confessions or overt romantic affection), it makes sense to me that he would try to hold his feelings back (both those that are not squarely platonic and are explicitly romantic and/or sexual). And when it comes to Sonic, there's a guilt factor and an impossibility factor when it comes to keeping him from other people. Not only would Tails feel at least a little bad for restricting him, but Sonic does not respond well to being controlled. Now of course, how he reacts does depend on the time of his life and who it is, but there is nevertheless a futility in trying to control Sonic "I have no master except the wind that blows free" Hedgehog. And finally, my view on both Sonic and Tails, well... I believe that image and visual alignment is a big thing for these two, and that the two are secretly more...in the gray (or at least, that they're surprisingly immoral so to speak). In their origins to me, Tails is just a kid, minding his business, who does not inherently seek to hurt others (though his faith in those around him does matter), and Sonic is just a kid, free as the wind, who doesn't particularly care about being a good guy, but loves the attention. Essentially, though he does save some people on whim, the idea is that Sonic originally fights Robotnik simply because the Doctor, his machines, and his pollution have such a negative effect on his home. So beyond this point, he fights as a hero both out of interest of having his home intact/being alive, and because (simply put) he likes what comes from being considered a hero (all the praise and perks). And so because Sonic is someone that Tails admires, because Sonic has to uphold a baseline image or reputation so he can still be considered a hero/good guy, Tails becomes accustomed to doing the same. That's a bit of an oversimplification (how I see them and why is the subject of a proper essay about that), but the point is that Tails is also conscious that trying to overtly control or manipulate Sonic would not objectively be considered "hero or good guy behavior", especially if it goes too far.
And so with all of that plus the fact that Sonic has never seemingly accepted anyone's romantic inclinations or dated anyone, Tails curbs his natural inclination towards jealousy and possessiveness so he can be content enough to be at Sonic's side. Perhaps there are more friends Sonic is going to get, people he's going to show an interest in, but Tails can put stock in the fact that it's unlikely that Sonic will date anyone. Plus, even if that somehow does happen, Tails is largely fine as long as he's guaranteed to be by Sonic's side no matter what. So as long as he can be with Sonic forever, no matter their relationship, he's as content as can be.
But then Sonic starts dating Nine, right?
And hahaha don't get me wrong here. Tails is pretty practiced. He's not gonna blow up or anything.
But once he gets past the initial shock of that being true, I think he just feels jealous and conflicted by default. I mean, he's just been accepting that there's no hope of ever being in that kind of relationship with Sonic. And not only has someone gone and done it, it's not just anyone.
It's a version of him.
And if a version of himself managed to do it (a version of himself who once lashed out at and fought against Sonic no less), then what does that mean about him? Does it mean that there's something about Nine Sonic likes better? Does it mean that he's had this entire situation wrong? Does it mean he lost his chance and he'd been so afraid for nothing? Does it mean that he could have had that this whole time?
And that's not to mention navigating this. Even if I believe Sonic is very very capable of having multiple best friends or even partners, it's only natural for Tails to get a little afraid of being replaced (especially if he learns that Sonic also considered/considers Nine as a best friend also)
But Tails is the type to not want to burden Sonic with all of this while becoming increasingly more worried. And although he would naturally have a complicated relationship with Nine, I still think he would generally like him and not want to take out his feelings on him. So with that being said, I think he'd sort of try to hold it in and act normal while really not acting all that normal, because though he could hide his feelings better if he wanted to, he still kind of lets it slip because he kind of does want to talk to Sonic about it or let his feelings be known.
I think that whenever Sonic eventually does see that Tails is acting a bit off he'll eventually talk to him about it or try to get him to, but, honestly, even if Sonic could say things (true things) that would make him feel better, I don't think Tails could be as content as he would be if it was idk... Knuckles or Shadow or what have you. Because if it was anyone else, Tails could be more content knowing that his relationship with Sonic is special and that he'll always be by his side, even if he's dating someone else.
But with the fact that the person that Sonic has chosen to date is another version him—a version of him which Sonic has also kind of clearly developed a similar "best friendship" with? I feel that even if Sonic tries to reassure him, Tails will forever be plagued with bitter and jealous feelings. Even if he'd never force Sonic to stop dating anyone, much less force him to date him, I don't think he can even really feel content here unless Sonic chooses to date him also if that makes any sense.
So, yes. That's my answer. Tails would try to be really good about it, but he's still bitter and annoyed and jealous and wondering if he's enough or has been doing something wrong. He's wondering why it couldn't have been him. And he won't be able to just be content at Sonic's side if he can't also be with Sonic. So while I can't say how long it will take, something will have to give eventually. I think at some point in their future, Sonic will have to tackle his specific feelings for Tails and they'll have to talk about their specific relationship, especially if he's dating Nine right in front of him.
#sonic prime#sonine#sonic the hedgehog#sontails#miles tails prower#tails the fox#miles nine prower#nine sonic prime#nine the fox#unbreakable bond#anon interview#Thank you so much for the ask!🥰🥰#I was very very interested in getting to answer this one just because whoof it's fun to think about#it's the kind of complicated situation that really makes me want to write a fic or something cause god#imagine you've been crushing on your best friend for years but have been holding everything back because you know it'll never happen‚ so you#become content with your nontypical best friendship relationship where you stick by his side as long as you can#And then one day he comes back to introduce you to his boyfriend‚ who is very clearly an alternate universe version of you‚ that he's dating#and kissing‚ even though you've known him much longer#There are so many possible feelings that can arise from that#And that naturally adds more complexity to the relationship between Nine and Tails as well#Gah it's deliciously a bit complex and I just know Sonic is gonna be a bit dense about it. This is a situation where even if Sonic decides#to date both of them‚ it's going to take work and time to make things okay#But if they're all willing to put in that work‚ well....power thruple!!#i just be ramblin#If you have any other questions about these characters or their relationships to each other‚ or even hypothetical situations involving them‚#feel free to shoot me another ask!😊💖
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
I'm wondering how the established rivalries and such happened in the Imaginary Friends AU.
Can see the twins getting jealous when Mikey makes friends with Todd; that's their little brother, but, also....this guy is really nice???
And how would the conflict with the Purple Dragons go? It's not like April's gonna be calling Donnie to help with schoolwork.
I think the twins would get pretty jealous of Todd, or at least suspicious of him? Donnie more than Leo simply of how they're introduced to him (the "Repo Mantis" episode is a very Donnie and Mikey centric episode, and it would stay that way for this au. The biggest change being that Mikey keeps accidentally coercing Donnie into doing a lot of the cannon shenanigans b/c Donnie has little to no immunity to little brother puppy dog eyes lol. also that Hueso is freaking out in the background b/c one of his the twins is missing for three days! and the other one keeps just telling him "he's fine" and not explaining!) So Donnie is very adamant that there's something suspicious about Todd, Leo joins him b/c there is no way anyone can be this nice. In reality Donnie just wants an excuse to not like him b/c he was stealing his brotherly bonding time lol.
As for the Purple Dragons, i think that situation would be completely reworked for Donnie. He's still going to end up with a pretty big rivalry with the Purple Dragons, but i think the way he ends up getting that would be closer to if you crossed "Breaking Purple" with "The Purple Jacket".
Let me explain.
by this point, Donnie is only just started building stuff. Sure, he read every single technology based book in the library, and proceeded to continue that research via a borrowed library laptop. but before they ended up with Hueso, he didn't dare try much more than maybe dissemble something at the junk yard. Once he's comfortable at Hueso's, he starts taking things apart for the express purpose of seeing if he can put them back together. (sometimes he can, sometimes Hueso has to call a repair man and Donnie can watch them put it back together. it's a win-win in his book.) But beyond that and occasionally tinkering with the Jupiter Jim moon buggy they stole, he hasn't started buildign anything of his own yet.
Then one night, he's out on his own, (not exactly sure why yet, i'll get back to u) and he sees this group of kids at a playground building drones.
Donnie is absolutely fascinated.
He's never seen anyone build tech stuff before, not outside the repair dude and things on youtube. And they're people his own age! Building stuff!! and that stuff is purple!!! So he hides nearby and watches them work for a while, coming back several days in a row just to watch the progress. He's not entirely sure why the drones keep coming back broken, but he loves watching them get repaired.
After watching them for a while, he decides he wants to try to befriend them. Hueso keeps telling them both that they should try to make more friends, why can't these people be them?
So Donnie comes up with a plan.
He decides if he makes his own drone, one that's just as cool (if not cooler) than theirs, they would see he's cool and good with tech too and would want to befriend him as well.
Thus Shelldon is created.
for this AU, Shelldon is purely a drone, created via tech, and a hint of mystics (it was only incorporated so Donnie could communicate mentally with him, but it accidentally made the little dude sentient lol. Yes, Hueso is loosing his damn mind over this.)
So Donnie shows up to the Purple Dragons, visible for the first time, with a little Turtle shaped sentient Drone that he's holding to his chest.
(Purple Dragons think he's weird/creepy b/c he's just standing there letting his drone do all the talking for him.)
They let Donnie stay around, even give him a jacket and pretend to be his friend b/c they want to win that drone race and Shelldon is probably their best bet. But they can see how attached Donnie is to this Drone (if he's not showing Shelldon off, he has him held to his chest) so they know they can't just say "Hey, lets' race your drone in a really dangerous race that wrecks every drone that goes through it." They tried to steal it, but the tracker they put in the jacket keeps "malfunctioning" and leading them to a brick wall and not a home.
Eventually they decide to just ask him to 'borrow' Shelldon for the day. (Donnie only agrees b/c Shelldon himself said he was cool with it. "it's like a sleepover, dude. It will be cool.")
But Donnie's still very worried, so he follows them without beign noticed. (Shelldon might know he's there, but he's not snitching).
Donnie realizes what type of race this is after it starts, and tries to confront them/get Shelldon out of there but the Purple Dragons keep him from interfering.
At least they do until Shelldon gets hurt during the race (just a propeller gets broken and he ends up kinda spiraling to the ground, not getting any further injuries. easy to repair.)
And, well, lets put it this way. He is a very pissed off technokenetic (?) surrounded by a lot of high-grade drones. Shit is going down. (Yes, Donnie can be a little badass, as a treat : ) )
It is quite possible that Leo picked him and Shelldon up from this upon noticing his twin's fury, but yeah. This is how the Purple Dragons got on Donnie's shit list, and, as a bonus, how Shelldon came to be! (at least as far as i know rn.)
Thank yoU!
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I just need a moment to scream about Ranna 1/2. It's my first intro to Gender Bender stuff and that, Huh, am I Really a girl? Moments. I love the world building that we could see in the .... Product of it's Time shonen plot? Like, the acceptable humor of it's time but now horribly grates against my LGBTQ+ and gender equality sensibilities makes it a bit of a tragedy for me. Because the author had so many amazing ideas but they covered it in leecher humor when there were So Many ways it could have been a masterpiece? I mean, it was the 70s (I think?) so obviously there wouldn't be very many open-minded concepts from then but it still hurts, almost.
The gender and animal changing pools, the matriarchal Amazons, the Phoenix and Mollusc Tribes, Ranma's mom Nodoka (who really needs to kill her husband and stop scaring her kid) who is a complete badass (I'm sure Genma (the asshole who should've died on his "training trip") went on the trip because he was scared of her, the fic fodder that Ranma's training trip can give you, the Angst of Ranma's Nekoken (Genma deserved to die for that alone, death by cats asshole 🤬) and his possible grandma figure, the "Rivalry" between him and Ryouga (I'm pretty sure if Ryouga knew gay was a thing, he'd be one) over Ranma not making it to their fight because Ryouga got Lost (there's tons of fics right there for his Lost Trips, the Hibiki's are Directionally Cursed™).
My absolute fav fics are the Trans/Gender fluid Ranma ones. When they're on that journey, too. Just learning who they are. When I'm feeling shippy, then Ranma/Ryouga because they have a Connection. But Ranma xovers so easily. His girl form could be made into so many different Magical Girls (Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura, Shugo Chara, etc.) And his mom! She has no background beyond being a kickass swordswoman and housewife. She can be anything! She just made 3 bad choices. 1: marrying Genma, 2: letting Genma take Ranma on their training trip, 3: pretending that she'll hold Ranma to the contract he signed with his handprint at 3 to become a Man™.
I can't believe that Nadoka would kill Ranma over having a girl form like Genma thinks (but she would kill Genma). She was way too happy to spend time with Ranko (Ranma's go to name for his girl half) and mothering her. I fully believe she'd just be like, You're a woman, too, now so you need to be the Best Woman™ now, too. And just do Girl Bonding. Y'know, teaching Ranma how to look after themselves (cooking, cleaning, financials, more than the same clothes every day), shopping, and of course Swords. Nadoka deserves to pass on her Skills™.
I hate that all of Ranma's fiancees (that he only has because Genma kept selling his son for shit before leaving) are determined to marry him. They all click with Ranma on some level, but more like friends who just happen to be girls rather than wife material. Like, I feel bad for them, but they keep blaming Ranma for all the fiancees when they should be pissed at Genma for selling his son to so many people. Which is probably why I ship Ranma/Ryouga so freaking badly.
Both Cursed, both Amazing Martial Artists, Childhood Friends (for a while in middle school, Ranma's job was to escort Ryouga to class so he wouldn't get Lost and miss school), an actual Friendship to build on. I'm pretty sure Ryouga defaulted to Eternal Enemies over their missed fight because why else would he be so upset and feel so strongly over a missed fight with his best friend?
Anyways, sometimes I just get Feels about Ranma and I had to say it.
Ranma is a classic for a reason
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newskyillusion · 5 months
Drarry, rated G.
Most days they're fine; busy with work and life, their friends and family. They drink their coffee in a rush, lips barely brushing cheeks before they're out of the house swallowed by the green Floo flames. On those days they come back late, well into the evening hours, bone tired but satisfied with what they did; Harry as a Professor at Hogwarts and Draco as a Healer at St. Mungo.
Those days come and go, one after the other. Harry doesn't count them, doesn't think about them, a routine they've established over the years.
There're days when Harry wakes up with Draco already watching him, soft grey eyes mapping Harry's face. He smiles, but it doesn't reach beyond the lips. He doesn't say anything.
"Hi," says Harry, groggy and still sleepy. He shuffles closer to Draco, allows to be wrapped in a hug, and tangles their feet. He can hear Draco's heartbeat, the unasked question.
Harry has discovered over the years that Draco’s anxiety comes and goes, like waves of the ocean. Except when they reach the shore they’re tall like a building, seemingly eclipsing the Sun and they carry one question, always. “Aren’t you exhausted yet?”
It’s not a question of physical exhaustion - they’re in their thirties and still in their primes - but the question is of an exhaustion of somebody.
Harry hugs Draco closer, rummaging through his slightly sleeping brain. When they started dating - officially, but unofficially they’ve been together for months – the wizarding world erupted with questions. They had to barricade themselves in Grimmauld for two weeks. People would accuse Draco of poisoning Harry, keeping him under non-stop Imperio which Harry always laughed off, would see the worst in him. Draco kept the anxiety at bay and in true Malfoy fashion kept it where nobody could see: deep inside. 
But the waves finally reached the shore on Harry’s 30th birthday, hours before his surprise birthday party organised entirely by Draco, but not attended by him. Right after blowing the candles, using friends Harry hasn’t seen in months as an excuse, Draco quietly hyperventilated in one of the bathrooms, staring at The Prophet article that compared all his flaws to all strengths of Harry’s ex-es.
Harry found him after midnight, red eyed and shivering on the cold floor, and when he first heard the quiet “Aren’t you exhausted by me?” for the first time his heart broke. 
Harry tightens his hold on Draco - his best friend, lover, future husband (hopefully) and ex-nemesis - and rummages through his brain, looking for the trigger. They’ve been fine, even more than. Draco was finally made The Head Healer of the Dark Arts Spelldamage ward last week, Harry finished another year at Hogwarts and they were looking forward to the summer, so then why–
Draco kisses the top of Harry’s head and inhales. “Sorry,” he says, only for Harry’s ears. “I got a letter from my father yesterday.”
Harry freezes. There’s a reason they don’t talk about Lucius; in Azkaban for life, hating his family who has moved on with every fibre of his being. They can pretend he never existed but they can’t actually stop him from writing to his only son.Harry leans back and gently cups Draco’s face. His grey eyes are shining while his cheeks are blotched with red. Harry hates it, he truly does, what one letter can do to Draco. He hates how other people's opinions can derail him for months. With a thumb he wipes the tears gathering in the corners of his eyes, traces the barely-there-but-soon-out freckles on his cheeks that only he gets to see. He says the only way he can: with truth he whispered all those years ago, in a barely lit bathroom to a shaking and crying Draco. “I’ll never get exhausted by you. Tired? Yes. But never exhausted.”
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doctortwhohiddles · 7 months
Anons who are pissy and defending an actual NAZI don't get to tell ANYONE here what their activism level is in real life when they don't know anyone here from Adam/Eve. //
This pisses me off and I saw it on a certain PR blog. First point is the word N**i is thrown out in a casual way everyday now and we have no idea if she truly is or isn’t as we don’t know her at all. This brings me to the second bit of ‘THEY DONT KNOW ANYONE HERE FROM ADAM/EVE just like they do know the people they abuse/name call/drag daily personality. They do not know how or what they are like in real life. They base their beliefs on a small percentage they see on SM and we all know photos capture a moment in time and unless you were there you don’t know what happened before or after or if comments relate to inside jokes between friends or a symbol means something to you but something else to another.
When certain things ever get proven beyond a shadow of a doubt I will be in line to call it out. At the moment certain things I side eye and call out and that was an inappropriate thing to do or say and not I’m not talking about things from 10yrs ago but only things relating to one person who apparently is the worst most problematic person in the world.
These blogs need to let it go and move onto other more healthy things than trying to prove things about 2 people they don’t know and who by all accounts are out living their lives and doing PR papped walks/dinner because hello that is what celebrities do - all of them even the private ones blogs claim don’t. All famous people do PR its how they keep their ‘brand’ in the GP.
I know, it's ironic, isn't it? They tell us we can't know because we don't know her and yet, the Delulus act like they've known Chris and Alba personally for years.
They call Alba and her friend Nazis to try and claim the moral high ground. They pretend to care about racism but don't seem to do jackshit to help fight it. They don't see that casually calling someone a racist simply because you're jealous of them is the opposite of fighting racism and injustice. They don't see that they're acting like Trump and his cronies.
As for PR pap walks, I really don't think they are that frequent with A listers who are private. In both cases (Scarlett's party and the diner in LA) there were other celebrities present. The paps showed up in the hopes of getting pictures because that's what they do. They get tips and show up or wait around all day. Chris has reached a stage where he doesn't need to sell himself in order to get known. And Alba doesn't strike me as a famewhore.
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brionysea · 1 year
controversial opinion (brought to you by twitter idiots who don't deserve to have an opinion): people give lucas too much leeway for not wanting to play dnd with will in s3, while they treat mike as if he murdered someone.
a) mike was distancing himself from "childish things" because he perceived it necessary to keep up appearances (which in the mind of a queer boy who's terrified of people noticing his oddity, is a life or death situation). lucas simply wasn't in the mood.
b) mike was the one who thought to apologize first. the moment things got out of control, he chased after will to apologize. and sure, that led to the rain fight which is a bigger transgression (way beyond just dnd), but people like to forgive lucas because "at least he apologized", when the only reason mike didn't get to do it was because will left the wheelers, then because the mind flayer came back.
c) part of the reason mike was so dismissive of will and focused on el (which again, he considered a priority) was because of lucas' advise and encouragement (and the unintentional peer pressure to fix things with el).
the day when people realize that neither mike nor lucas intended to hurt will, therefore aren't "assholes" and instead just kids who messed up, is the day i find peace. until then, people need to be consistent and either forgive them both for the dnd thing (because we know for a fact they didn't notice they were making will genuinely upset, or they would've stopped), or remain angry with both mike and lucas for it because the two of them were doing the same things.
(what was said in the rain fight is a different situation. i'm merely talking about how people like to bring up the dnd part and pretend like only mike was being a dick about it when lucas was no better.)
i meeeean, it's kinda true, but also we don't stand for lucas sinclair slander in this house
mike always gets treated like he murdered someone over the tiniest thing, and people get more up in arms about it in this situation because of byler i guess
but in season 3 lucas was being such a good friend. trying to balance supporting mike after a break up (because lucas was just responding to mike's signals of wanting to keep the straight boy mask up) with not excluding will is really hard when the subject matter kind of automatically excludes him (trust me, i'm aroace and i've sat through enough boring conversations about boys that i categorically can't engage in to know the feeling)
this is also probably the one situation where mike being the leader had a negative outcome. he takes the lead and lucas follows it, because that's how the party works, and for the most part that means being kind of mean to will until they realise it's actually hurting his feelings, at which point mike immediately tries to do damage control, insisting that they're interested and want to keep playing (even though they don't), and prompts lucas (my sweet summer child, but that boy can't lie to save his life) to kind of unconvincingly go along with it, similar to how he went along with the lie about mike's nana to the girls
i think sometimes there's just too much complexity in mike's character for people to wrap their heads around and sympathise with him
starting a fight with a homophobe who shit-talked will -> simple, easy to understand, agreeable love interest behaviour
saying something mean to will that's clearly projection -> messy, complex, incomprehensible, burn the witch
people also overlook the projection in the lack of a (heard) apology (because they both biked across town in a downpour to apologise to will, but i guess that's not worth anything), because he'd have to explain why he said that and that it's not actually about will, and he's clearly not ready for that yet. just look at his attempt to explain himself in his apology to el. it's too soon
mike's not allowed to have his own struggles with his queerness. he's not allowed to be an individual. he's just will's boyfriend, and that's it
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Y'know, I actually really like the bit in BNHA where Todoroki asks if Midoriya is All Might's kid. Partially because it is very funny (Todoroki dear you can't just ask people if they're the number one hero's bastard child), but also because it's a very logical conclusion for Todoroki especially to come to; it's not a wild conspiracy theory, it makes sense.
If Midoriya and All Might actually did a good job of pretending they'd never actually interacted before UA them having very similar quirks wouldn't necessarily be anything worth noting beyond "Oh, that's interesting" and even All Might taking special interest in Midoriya at that point wouldn't be all that strange ("this kid has a very similar quirk to me so I can give him more assistance than I can give to students with quirks very different from mine" is just a logical thought process for a teacher to have). I mean, no one thinks it's weird that Kirishima and Tetsutetsu have near-identical quirks beyond it being a hell of a coincidence. But Midoriya and All Might do a very bad job of pretending they don't know each other, and by extension do a very bad job of pretending they're not trying to hide the fact that they know each other, and that makes it suspicious. After all, quirks do pass through family lines, something Todoroki would be more aware of than anyone else in his class given his situation, and he has no information about how One For All works so the only options he knows about are coincidence and inheritance. "All Might and Midoriya are related and that's why they have the same quirk and why they're trying to hide that they know each other" is an explanation that makes sense. And since neither Iida nor Todoroki hides their pro hero relatives that's clearly not something required to succeed or make friends at UA (in fact when it comes up people generally seem to think having pro hero relatives is super cool). So, what could Midoriya be to All Might that would require them both to keep so quiet about it and would explain Midoriya appearing to have All Might's quirk? Well, a bastard child. I don't know Japan's opinion on bastards offhand, but I imagine siring bastards is not something the number one hero should be known for. It's a conclusion that fits the facts Todoroki has!
And of course given Todoroki's personal situation it makes even more sense that he'd come to the conclusion that Midoriya is All Might's kid. First, the quirk eugenics baby's mind would logically jump first to genetic inheritance when thinking about why the two of them have the same quirk and second, given his experiences growing up with Endeavor it makes sense that when Todoroki sees a pro hero paying particular attention to the training of one specific kid his first thought is "this is that kid's parent" (even though obviously All Might's training is nothing like Endeavor's idea of it). So if you actually think about the information Todoroki has and the perspective he's coming from, "Midoriya is All Might's bastard" is actually a perfectly reasonable conclusion for him to come to! He recognizes the connection, he just doesn't have all the information he needs to come to the right conclusion and instead turns to something that fits with his knowledge of how quirks work! The conspiracy theory jokes are a little funny at first but it's weird when people seem to take them seriously, because honestly Todoroki gets closest to the truth the fastest out of anyone who doesn't know how One For All works, and pretty much as close as it's possible to get without knowing that there are quirks that can be passed down to successors like that. It's actually really impressive!
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s-aprua · 1 year
//kaveh character story spoilers
tldr: kaveh has so much angst and I love him for that. babygirl is suffering (I am suffering with him) (also some sucrose parallels bc I'm sucrose's no.1 fan and also some flavors of haikaveh angst)
this is honestly just the word dump I threw together bc I couldn't sleep, thinking about angsty kaveh art and how he may now be my second fav character
what's not to love about a man so filled with angst, so riddled with guilt and unable to escape the ghosts of his past? who believes everyone can reach the same heights if they work together, but unable to let others see his own weaknesses? who hates loneliness, but would suffer through it for the happiness of others? wishing to attain the pinnacle of his craft, even if he has to give up everything to see it through? a man who wishes to love everyone around him, but is unable to accept any for himself?
ok this is the sucrose part and it is kinda a stretch but I like both of them very much and my target audience is always me, I do what I want
kaveh designs with practicality and artistry in mind, unwilling to give either up, to the point that when he finally gets to create something that he can go all out on both fronts on, he is willing to give up his home to see it through (even then he still owes dori for helping him find the project). when he works with others, he tries to help others keep up because there shouldn't be a gap between "geniuses" and those who aren't, even of it means more work for himself. sucrose is so intent on bioalchemy because of a childhood promise to reach a mythical domain from a fairytale with her ex-friends, both of which have moved on (one literally never returns to mondstadt, one breaking off their friendship after a domestic tragedy). regardless, she still works to achieve the paradise they wished to see as the only way she can make good on that promise. even now she hopes beyond hope that if she can create the wonderland from that fairytale, her friends will return. neither of them have accepted their reality; kaveh's idealism alone isn't enough to fund the construction of a palace, carrying extra burdens wasn't enough to bridge the gap between alhaitham and him and their fellow researchers; sucrose's friends are unlikely to return if she is even able to create that paradise in the first place
(bonus: not gonna type an essay for this one, but there's just something about the way they have lost people but don't let others know it hurt them; kaveh pretending it was fine when his mom left, sucrose never mentioning her friends or the wonderland to anyone)
I have been typing on mobile and frankly the word vomit and angst have quite thoroughly rotted my brain, sorry if this no longer makes sense
god these two are so. the whole opposites thing they have going on. yes ok shipping them is cool, I get it (roommates, bickering like they're married, opposites attract, etc) but like. imagine this. they both care about each other, ever since their akademiya days, but they express it differently; kaveh with his whole "I wanna help people unconditionally, but if you help me, I will return the favor even if I suffer for it" vs alhaitham with his "I don't care what other people think, I do what I want (and I want you to stop making yourself suffer, why won't you let me just help you)" (ok yeah I made that last part up, pretty sure that wasn't quite how it went) and because of this and on account of how stubborn they both are, neither of them are able to ever see eye to eye again. they eventually come to tolerate each other but they'll never be able to be what they once were; after all, their relationship as built on a foundation of sand. kaveh's mom had just left him, and he had heard about a genius new student; maybe someone who could fill a bit of the loneliness in him. they were perpendicular lines, different from the start, only intersecting once, and bount to drift down different paths
opposites angst aside though, an alternate flavor of angst: alhaitham tries to show care/affection for kaveh, but kaveh with his paranoia of abandonment and fear of loving and getting hurt again, rejects him (if anyone has heard 'namonaki kanjyou' by usotsuki, yea).
that's all I have for that one I am tired and the brainrot is getting harder to fight off
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