#how the hell that family somehow made Yuu is a mystery
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britishassistant · 4 years
The Villainous Paranoiac Goes To Jail and Ninja Afterlife
Two innocent children get sent to Night Raven College
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A set of scenarios about three of my ocs unwittingly trading places for two days, non-canon to any of my AUs
Swap 1:
Yuu—> Konohagakure
Yuu wakes up with a tantō to the throat.
Chie: Tell me where my daughter is and I’ll make your death quick
Yuu promptly freaks the fuck out
Through a combination of panicked yelling and tears the Prefect manages to convey to the Ketsugi that if there was a kidnapping, Yuu is both uninvolved and as much as of a victim as their precious daughter
Gai confirms that the strange teenager not only has no chakra, but clearly has little to no combat training despite his(?) athleticism, meaning Mayu-chan could easily overpower an assailant of this size, especially one this undernourished!
Yuu tries not to be offended and to avoid staring at Gai and Lee’s eyebrows they’re so big
Promptly shrieks when Kami!Sanji materializes to confirm that the Paranoiac had nothing to do with Mayu’s disappearance as far as the other gods can tell
Yuu becomes convinced that this place is the afterlife
The sad part is that Chie and Jirou can’t actually say much to the contrary, because??? Their daughter remembers dying before she came here?? Also there are active deities just floating around so.
Actually tears up at the homemade meals the Ketsugi provide
Before being sick as a dog later because food infused with chakra? Does not agree with a person without a chakra regulatory system
Surprisingly patient with Lee and any questions he has the purity of Jack and Deuce is strong in this one
Bit more long-suffering towards Naruto and his rendition of Wonderwall. Sunshine child too bright, introvert Yuu can’t handle it
Keeps writing down everything everyone says
This makes ANBU and ROOT very twitchy
The Paranoiac is quietly slated for “interview” at T&I the next day
Yuu crashes on the Ketsugi couch none the wiser
Mayu—> Nanba
Mayu wakes up to confused screaming and profanity.
It’s Hani.
It’s very rare for screaming not to be because of Hani
All he knows is one child was in this bed last night, and now’s there’s a different one dressed like it came straight out of Ninja Kamikaze???
Mayu for her part is both very alarmed to be waking up in a prison cell with two strange men and very glad she has her bokken with her
Kiji comes in to find his beautiful inmates being menaced by a twelve year old with a wooden sword
The twelve year old is winning
Once Mayu has ascertained that they aren’t enemy ninja and she’s somehow in her old world (?) she becomes much more cooperative with the guards
She’s very worried about how she’s going to get back to her family in Konoha
Also wondering if she should try to contact her former little brother Harp (who knows if she’ll ever get the chance again?)
These worries are not assuaged when the Warden informs her that there’s no records proving “Tamara Kaur” ever existed
For lack of any relations who they can contact to take the child off their hands, and because they have no idea how she successfully infiltrated the most secure prison in the world and replaced one of the inmates, the Warden decides to keep Mayu in Nanba’s holding cells until further notice
Guess who finds the samurai child while breaking out?
Nico, Uno, and Rock are amazed at the existence of a real live Japanese Samurai! With a katana and everything!!
Jyugo just asks straight out if Mayu’s an actor too
Mayu is very bemused by everything, but they seem friendly! The one with the mohawk likes food too!
Plus the blonde one is British! Just like she used to be!
Uno is very confused about how a twelve year old somehow lost her citizenship
Break Mayu out to get food together
They get caught the moment they set foot in the cafeteria and scolded very harshly
Mayu has trouble sleeping in a cell cot that night
Nana—> Night Raven College
Nana’s first instinct on waking up in a strange bed next to a monster is to assume he’s been kidnapped and attempt to subdue his captors
Which means Grim wakes up to an attempted smothering
The ghosts hear muffled screaming and rush in only to get salt and iron filings to the face. Nana actually has them all on the run when Crowley bursts in
Instantly becomes a confused and lost child in front of the headmaster and dorm heads
Only Grim and the ghosts know the truth, and their complaints are overlooked due to them “scaring the poor boy”
No one has any idea what to do with a thirteen year old magicless kid. It was hard enough with Yuu, and the Prefect was at least sixteen and could attend classes!
Nana adapts quickly to the idea of being in this new world— he’s just sad he couldn’t say goodbye to Kiji, Hani-senpai and Trois-senpai before leaving Nanba
Immediately resolves to leave NRC at the earliest possible convenience when he gets a good look at the Theory Wall— he can’t even read Japanese but that amount of crazy that it signifies always spells trouble
Is confused by all the pictures of Disney villains on the Theory Wall, but decides it’s not worth the trouble to ask about
Actually uses the beauty products Vil left for Yuu correctly
Gets semi-adopted into Pomefiore after asking Vil where the high quality products came from
Grim and the ghosts aren’t sorry to see the little brat go
Vil carts him around to test his potential in the performance arts
Epel tries to be a good senpai for the kid, and tells him he doesn’t have to just go along with Vil
Nana appreciates the effort, but does find this kind of thing more fun than being on his own he’s homesick for his cell
Rook enjoys seeing the child freeze up minutely whenever he asks about the prison attire and the large “7” tattoo on the back of the boy’s head
Nana likes Rook less and less with every pointed question the vice dorm leader makes
Can’t sleep in the big cushy Pomefiore bed and so curls up on the floor with a pillow instead
Swap 2:
Yuu—> Nanba
What why is Yuu in jail now
The prefect was supposed to be back home/in Ramshackle Dorm, why is Yuu in jail now—
Yuu is stressed and overdue for Grim snuggles
Paranoiac is also not thrilled about being stuck in Building Three— it’s like Pomefiore on steroids
At least Epel and Vil don’t steal and obsess over the underwear of their “fans”
Rook...the jury’s still out. But probably not. Probably
Much less cooperative than Mayu.
Questions about the Prefect’s family name are met with a stony glare. “It’s Yuu. Just Yuu. How many times do I have to repeat myself?”
Can’t answer any questions about Mayu or her current whereabouts despite admitting to knowing of the girl, but does posit a theory about the three of them transmigrating and swapping places based on the information gained in Konoha
Gets offended and even less cooperative when the interrogating guard calls the hypothesis “crazy”
Not intimidated by Hajime or the other guards in the slightest. Yuu’s classmates are far more likely to inflict lasting bodily harm and it’s hard for even the worst human glare to measure up to Floyd or Leona on a bad day
The Warden scares the Prefect though
Doesn’t stop Yuu from requesting a lawyer or other legal counsel before submitting to further questioning
The Paranoiac is a Japanese citizen and has made a point to know what the applicable legal rights for this situation are
Yuu ends up in the holding cells
Guess who hasn’t learned their lesson while breaking out?
Uno takes one look at Yuu
“Ah Jyugo, this one has your energy”
Nico loudly asks if the Prefect is from an isekai and died and reincarnated in Nanba??! Do they die over and over again and revive to beat bad guys?? Do they have an amazing cheat skill?? Are they a spider?? Can they shoot a beam??
Yuu just thinks. Ah. So this is what would happen if Kalim and Idia somehow had a kid
Don’t break the Prefect out, but Jyugo comes back later and deposits something through the bars
“This is Kuu. He’s a guard, but he’s also really good when you’re lonely. You look like you could use the company”
Yuu blinks and holds out a hand for the black cat with a guard cap to sniff
Crashing in a cell cot is uncomfortable, but hey, at least there’s a cat to pet
Mayu—> Night Raven College
Why is there a tanuki in her bed?
Grim isn’t waking up by being murdered but being poked with a stick by another smol child isn’t much better
Mayu is Concerned by the Theory Wall
“Is— is the person who lives here okay?”
Grim: Hell if I know
Mayu’s even more Concerned when she opens the fridge and sees it’s bare
Sanji wouldn’t let these people go hungry, so she’s not going to either!
Searches until she finds the Prefect’s grocery money and marches with Grim to Mr. S’s Mystery Shop
Everyone is confused by the presence of a new preteen on campus after the last one vanished from Pomefiore during the night
Mayu’s used to haggling with market people who would rather see her starve than even sell her the worst of their produce, so she’s easily able to barter Sam down to a third of the price for the groceries she wants to buy
Sam’s more amused by the guts of this tiny samurai devil than anything
Mayu and Grim drag all the food back by themselves with a few students following from a distance out of curiosity
They all soon enter Ramshackle once the smells of cooking begin to emerge from the dorm
Silver first followed because the child has a sword and is now helping to knead dough
Epel arrived because he had questions about where Nana had gone, but Mayu is genuinely clueless so now he’s peeling apples for lack of anything better to do
Mayu soon has several “helpers” for making bread and other easy-to-preserve and mix-and-match bulk meals to fill the Ramshackle fridge, though she soon has to send Grim out for more ingredients when her helpers begin getting hungry
The night ends with a feast that can rival the quality of food served at Kalim’s parties
Mayu finds one of Yuu’s blank notebooks and writes down some easy recipes the Prefect can use for all the food now in the fridge and pantry, with emphasis on fish based dishes
The ghosts and Grim enjoy having Mayu much more than Nana
Mayu still has trouble sleeping in the big Ramshackle bed that night
Nana—> Konohagakure
Well this isn’t Nanba or Night Raven College
Welp. Time to go then.
Nana is halfway out of Konoha before anyone notices
Gai does notice because a strange kid in a prison jumpsuit swiftly scurrying to the exit sticks out like a sore thumb in the early morning
ANBU’s search for the vanished Yuu is the only reason Nana isn’t stopped by them
Nana tries to run
Nothing can outrun the Beautiful Green Beast of Konoha
Nana is now more than slightly traumatized
Gets carted off to early morning training with Naruto and Lee
Is initially more interested in plotting yet another escape attempt until Lee mentions Yuu and NRC—then he’s curious about what information he can glean about the two other members of this triad
Especially interested in the concept of reincarnating into another world or being brought there by an outside force rather than moving between worlds freely
Eats an almost alarming amount for his size at breakfast that morning and leaves nothing on his plate
Unfailingly well-mannered to his hosts
Offers more information about Mayu’s past world in payment for eating the Ketsugi’s food and waking up in their home after they refuse to let him pay them back using manual labor
Asks them to tell him what they already know so he can work out what knowledge gaps to fill in
Nana: ...Why are you singing Wonderwall?
Takes it upon himself to teach Lee and Naruto more English so they can at least form basic sentences
It’s an uphill battle because predicates and participles are hard
A supportive and encouraging if slightly inept teacher
Soon realizes Chie somehow knows all the swearwords and glares at him for trying to teach them to the boys
Also falls ill from eating chakra-infested food
Gets twitchier as the day goes on and asks to leave the village several times, insisting he can’t impose on their hospitality any longer
Only agrees to sleep on the couch once Jirou subtly implies that at least people will notice and go looking if he goes missing from their house compared to if he disappeared from a tree miles away from Konoha
Can’t sleep on the couch due to jumping at noises during the night, ends up curling up on the floor next to it
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