#how she keeps trying to date men and convince herself she likes them when in reality shes a lesbian
lesbianwithchainsaws · 5 months
Good luck babe by Chappell Roan is such a lesbiannie song
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deuce-t-agere · 12 days
X-Men: Evolution CG Storm and Regressor Wolverine headcanons
When Logan comes back from a solo mission he always tries not to let himself regress because he worries the kids will see, he likes to keep his regression as private as possible and doesn’t want to lose the kids’ respect
Ororo will meet him after missions to see how he is doing, if he’s trying not to regress, she’ll use subtle language to help him slip into headspace and then walk with him back to one of their rooms for some baby time, if he’ll let her
Ororo will whisper ask Logan if he went potty before they leave because he might have an accident if he slips
Ororo tries to convince Logan to where a pull-up when they go out while he’s between headspaces, Logan begrudgingly agrees most of the time because it’s slightly less embarrassing than an accident
Kitty saw Ororo leave Logan’s room early one morning after she spent the night helping him regress, a rumor started about them dating that same day, they were extra careful for a while bc they didn’t want anyone accidentally finding out while trying catch them doing coupley things
Logan doesn’t like to eat his veggies, but he always wants whatever Ororo is eating, so Ororo has a system. O: “Do you want any veggies, Little One?” L: “No!” O: “Okay.” *Gives herself extra vegetables* L: “Mama, I have some, please?” Much easier than arguing about how he needs to eat his vegetables
Ororo has to carry a bag with her everywhere they go, not just for Logan’s baby stuff like changing supplies, sippy cup, etc, but to hold all the rocks and sticks he gives her while they’re outside
Logan has “mastered” secretly regressing, sitting silently at the breakfast table, pretending to read a news paper while playing Blue’s Clues songs in him head, most of the kids already try not to bother his so early in the morning so might as well take advantage of it if he slips
Ororo keeps little snacks and small toys on her for when Logan slips, so she can make sure he eats and give him something to do subtly until they can get somewhere safe and/or private for him to properly regress
Lots of nature walks while the kids are at school and they don’t have any x-men business to take care of
Logan love to run around the ground and climb trees
Ororo watches him play and sometimes will indulge him in making it rain so he can play in the mud and stomp in puddles
Logan and Ororo will snuggle and watch movies in the common areas sometime while the kids are at school. They don’t do it often because sometimes the kids are still in and out of the house through out the day anyway
The only other people who know are Charles and Hank. They’ve had close calls with Jean and have suspected that maybe she knows but hasn’t said anything
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captainsophiestark · 2 months
We're Good
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: TVD/TO
Summary: Kol meets Davina and finally seems serious about someone, so his best friend convinces herself to finally let go of her secret crush. But when Kol gets jealous of her paying attention to another guy, what once seemed settled might not actually be finished.
Word Count: 3,092
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: Title is lightly inspired by the Dua Lipa song, although the fic doesn't totally fit it.
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I tried not to scowl as I watched Kol from the second level of the Mikaelson compound. He was down on the dancefloor, in the middle of the latest party he and his family had decided to throw. I knew Nik or Elijah had some ulterior motive for hosting, but I hadn't cared because this time, I'd had my own ulterior motive. I'd put on my absolute best outfit and made sure I looked like a knockout, all so I could finally tell Kol Mikaelson, my longtime friend and crush, how I really felt about him.
And now, before I could, he was standing at the edge of the dancefloor trying to make a move on Davina Claire.
I should've known. Kol and I had been friends for a long time, and despite pretty regular flirty moments between us, he'd never taken any steps to make us something more serious. Instead, he flirted with, hooked up with, and even dated whatever mortal he'd most recently fallen for while I stood by pretending not to get my heart broken.
This time, I was done with it. For good.
I set my jaw and squinted, refusing to let the tears fall as I turned from the balcony. I almost made it into a hallway off the Mikaelson compound where I could disappear from everything, but of course, I couldn't quite get that lucky.
"He's a bloody idiot, you know."
Rebekah Mikaelson, my best friend in the world, stood before me with her hands on her hips, blocking my exit.
"I'd love to have you for a sister-in-law, but you deserve better than one of my idiot brothers. As a boyfriend and as a friend."
"Bex, I don't want to hear it right now."
The sympathy on her face almost killed me, but she stepped aside. I thought that would be it, but then she called out to me just before I could turn the corner and escape this whole mess.
"Mourn all you like tonight, but tomorrow we're going out! There are plenty of men in this city to help you forget all about Kol!"
Rebekah gave me exactly one day before she started hounding me about going out on the town to forget her "idiot brother". And honestly, I might've ignored her, except for the fact that Kol spent the entire day after the ball with Davina.
I'd always known he was a flirt, but this time, he actually seemed to mean it. So I gave him more space than usual, for my sake as much as his, and spent more time wih Rebekah. We baked and went on walks, and after a while, I stopped shooting her down when she tried to drag me to bars. Kol kept hanging out with Davina, but slowly, seeing them together was starting to hurt a little less. I always thought if he found a girl to get serious about, it would be me. And a tiny little part of my heart still tore to shreds when I saw how wrong I'd been. But unlike those first few days, the heartbreak wasn't eating me alive anymore.
Which is how I ended up out at a bar with the entire Mikaelson family, dancing my heart out on the dancefloor without a second thought for whether Kol would join me.
We'd first started a montly tradition of the firve of us going out and just having fun a few years ago, and despite various dramas and the siblings scattering to the winds, we'd more or less managed to keep it up. We always picked a place a few hours from where any of us were living and planned to stay the night, so we could well and truly forget everything but having a good time together. Normally, I spent the night orbiting Kol, to the point that Nik usually had a field day giving me shit about it. Tonight had been a little different.
I'd joined Nik in dragging Elijah out of the house, gone with Rebekah to order all of us some truly strange, fun cocktails, and danced the night away on the dancefloor with all of them, without my mind or gaze constantly circling back to Kol. He didn't seem to even notice the shift, and I was surprised to find that it didn't really bother me. Kol was a good friend, after all, and with a little more time to process, maybe we'd even be better off.
"Hey!" Rebekah shouted into my ear, still barley making herself heard over the music around us. We'd been here for hours, but none of us showed any signs of slowing down just yet. "That guy at the bar has been staring at you all night!"
I turned to follow her gaze and found a handsome guy looking back. He smiled, a little sheepish, and I returned the gesture before whipping around to Rebekah.
"Why are you so fixated on setting me up with somebody?"
"Because it's fun! And I haven't got to do it once in all the time I've known you because you've been so hung up on Kol. So come on, let me have my fun!"
I made a face. I wasn't sure I wanted to take a chance on the random person Rebekah had found, regardless of me finally being over Kol. She huffed, then leaned in to speak in my ear again.
"Just trust me! I compelled him and asked him some questions, and he seems like someone you'd get along quite well with!"
I closed my eyes. "You compelled him, Rebekah? Seriously?"
"Well how else was I supposed to make sure he wasn't some sleezy werewolf or something? Go on, just talk to him!"
"Fine! Fine, but it's still our Mikaelson Family Fun Day, so I'm just going to talk."
"That's fine with me! Although I promise not to judge you if you don't come back to the room tonight-"
I picked up the nearest thing I could find (a stack of napkins) and hucked it at her, which she easily dodged. I did my best to ignore her laughing behind me as I headed for the bar.
The guy smiled as I approached him, and I smiled back. I headed for an open spot standing next to him at the bar, and he started speaking as soon as I came within hearing range.
"Hey! I've been hoping you'd come over and say hi all night."
I smiled. "Why didn't you come over and say hi yourself?"
"Didn't want to interrupt you and your friends if you didn't want to be bothered," he said with a shrug. "Although, that girl Rebekah tried awfully hard to get me to come over once or twice."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, Rebekah loves nothing more than meddling, especially in my life." I paused. "I'm glad she convinced me to come over and talk to you though."
"So am I! I-"
He broke off at the same time as I felt someone slide up to the bar behind me, chest almost pressed into my back. I started to turn around to tell whoever it was to back off, but a familiar voice spoke up before I could.
"Why don't you go find someone else to bother, mate?" said Kol, his tone laced with the slightest undercurrent of a threat. Apparently, he'd decided to make sure he got what he wanted, because a moment later the guy whose name I hadn't even been able to get yet turned on his heel and walked away.
I rounded on Kol with a furious scowl, but he just grinned back at me, still very close and in my personal space. Normally, the proximity would've left me with butterflies, but right now all I felt was anger growing in the pit of my stomach.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, an edge to my voice that I'd really never directed at Kol before. His eyebrows shot up, but otherwise, he didn't seem bothered.
"I was getting rid of that creep who was bothering you. Come on, darling, I thought you'd be thanking me-"
"Thanking you? Kol, he clearly wasn't bothering me! I came up to him, for God's sake!"
"Well I'm sorry, it just looked like you might want me to step in-"
"How? How did it look like that, Kol?"
My voice was getting louder now, enough that a few people were starting to take notice, but I didn't care. I was furious at my so-called friend and he was going to hear about it.
Kol cleared his throat. "Love, maybe we should take this somewhere else-"
"Knock it off with the pet names! Kol seriously, what the fu-"
In a split second, the bar disappeared around me. Instead, I found myself thrown over Kol's shoulder as he vampire-sped out of the bar. When we finally stopped, it was just inside the front door of the house we'd all rented, with Kol's back to me as he closed the front door.
I took my opening and hurled the nearest pillow at his head. It hit its target dead on, and I got halfway through picking up another one when Kol used his vamp speed to close the distance between us and grab my wrist.
"Hey! Knock it off, alright? What's the matter?"
"What's the matter? Are you kidding me Kol?" I wasn't sure whether I wanted to laugh, cry, scream, or all three, but I focused on the screaming part as I faced a bewildered Kol. "You absolute hypocrite, how dare you pull me out of that bar, and how dare youstep into my conversation like that!"
"What? Is this seriously all about me scaring off that one guy? You hardley knew him!"
"Obviously it's not completely about him, although that move still sucked, Kol! It's about you thinking you have some right to barge into my life and scare off a guy who might be interested in me! Because that's what it was, right? There's no way you thought I wanted him gone, so you did all this because you wanted him gone, right?"
"...I- I guess I didn't really like seeing him with you, but-"
"But nothing! Kol, we've had just a kind of flirty friendship forever. And whenever it seemed like we might be heading into something else, you were always the one to bail out. And last month, when you found Davina and got serious about someone else, it ripped my heart out. But I forced myself to take some time and get over it! Because that's your choice, and I care about you regardless of if you want to date me. But Kol, you have been clearly, specifically going after Davina lately. Which means you have absolutely no right to come tell some guy at the bar to back off when he's flirting with me."
"Darling, come on-"
I held up a hand to cut Kol off. The storm of emotions had finally started calming, hardening into something more manageable. I'd let myself struggle in this relationship without ever having an up front conversation for far too long. We were going to set some boundaries and have it all out, whether or not Kol wanted to. I was done with the rollercoaster ride.
"Kol, I know you call a lot of people 'darling', but if you want to stay friends with me then I'm going to need you to stop calling me that."
Kol just stared at me for a few moments, blinking and apparently processing everything I'd just said. His eyebrows knit together and he looked seriously distressed, but I refused to back down. After a moment, he took a half step towards me, his hand reaching out slightly towards my own.
"...And what if I don't think I want to be friends anymore, darling?"
I scoffed, another overwhelming wave of anger rising up and over me. I shook my head and turned around, walking a few steps away and hoping the space would help me cool down.
"You better not be flirting with me right now, Mikaelson, after everything I just said and everything you've been up to with Davina lately."
"Davina and I aren't together, love. We went on a few dates after Nik's little party, but we've hardly seen each other since then, and I don't intend to keep anything going. You might have noticed, but you started avoiding me after the ball and I had no idea why."
I turned to face Kol at last, scanning his face for any hint of something that might help me make up my mind on how to feel about all this. The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smile, and I scowled.
"I wish you'd said something earlier about this little crush of yours, honestly. I didn't think I had a shot in hell with you. It would've saved us both some time."
I shook my head, slowly at first and then much much faster. Before I completely realized what I was doing, I crossed the room and smacked Kol in the chest. He was one of the oldest vamipres to ever live, so it didn't have much of an impact on him, but it definitely made me feel better.
"Kol Mikaelson, you jackass! You do not get to use this as an excuse to confess feelings for me!"
He laughed, holding up his hands and clearly fighting a beaming smile. I slowly tapered off my assault, instead opting for crossing my arms and absolutely fuming at him.
"Seriously, Kol, this isn't funny. I show interest in someone else for the first time in our friendship, and all of a sudden you're dropping everything to come and confess feelings for me? You get why I don't feel like that's completely sincere, right?"
Kol sighed, the smile finally falling off his face. He moved to close the distance between us again, and this time, I let him.
"I'm sorry. I'm not joking because it's a joke to me, I promise. I've had feelings for you as long as I've known you, darling, but I didn't think I had a chance with you. And you've been important to everyone in our family for just about as long as we've known you. If I made things complicated, or made you want to stop spending time with all of us, my siblings would've literally killed me."
I snorted, looking down so Kol wouldn't see me fighting a smile off my face. No matter what, Kol always seemed able to make me smile when I least wanted to. Normally, it was one of my favorite things about him.
"What can I do, hm? What can I do to prove I mean what I'm saying?"
I sighed, crossing my arms and at last looking up at Kol. With wide eyes and no hint of the sardonic smile I knew so well, he looked more serious than I'd ever seen him before.
"...If you're really sure about this, Kol, that you really mean this...?"
"I do. Darling, I swear I do. I promise you, I won't waste the chance if you give me one."
"Okay, then prove it. I've never seen you go more than a week without flirting with some human, witch, vampire, werewolf, or whatever other sentient beings we come across. Make it a month, and maybe I'll believe what you said about being serious about this."
"...And will we be dating for that month?"
Slowly, I shook my head. "No. I want to, Kol, and I want that to be where this goes, but... I need to see that this is real first. I want to believe it is, so badly, but after centuries of meaningless flirting and dancing around each other without a conversation, of seeing you have flings every chance you get and watching each one of those burn out... I can't just take it on faith."
Kol sighed, glancing down at the ground before meeting my eyes again. He didn't say anything, just closed the little remaining distance between us as he brought his arms up to circle my waist. He pulled me to him, leaning down with a glance at my lips, and I didn't stop him as he pulled me into a kiss.
Fireworks exploded in my chest. My knees went a little week as I leaned further into Kol, resting my hands on his shoulders. After a few long moments, just as my common sense started returning to tell me what a mistake this was, Kol pulled back with a grin.
"Sorry, darling. But I couldn't wait a month to do that."
I snorted and shook my head, stepping carefully out of Kol's grip. He watched my every move with a smile, and my heart did a backflip when he licked his lips. I told my heart to calm the hell down.
"I... certainly didn't mind the potential preview," I admitted.
Kol laughed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at me.
"This is going be the longest month of my life... but if that's what it'll take, I'll make it through. I know it'll be worth it, especially now."
I rolled my eyes, but this time, I couldn't quite keep a smile off my face. Finally, my heart started returning to a normal pace, and I managed to meet Kol's eyes again without having a cardiac event.
"Alrlight, so... what do we do now? I don't know about you, but I don't particularly want to go back to the bar."
"Is that a joke, darling?" He raised an eyebrow at me, but I just shook my head. His mouth dropped open like he couldn't believe I was serious. "I may not get to do the activity I most want to do right now for another month, but I did just get my best friend back after extensive radio silence. We have so many episodes of our favorite shows to catch up on!"
"...You didn't watch them without me?"
"Of course not! Did you watch them without me?"
"Of course not!"
"Well then, there you have it! That's our evening. You make the popcorn, I'll turn on the tv."
I laughed as Kol turned on his heel, getting immediately to work. I still wanted to wait the month I'd made him promise; I still wasn't confident his romantic affections wouldn't wander. But despite all that, a massive weight lifted off my chest as I headed into the kitchen for snacks. I had my best friend back, and finally, after a ridiculous amount of waiting and dancing around each other and poor communication, we were actually getting a shot at our happy ending.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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marsbutterfly · 3 months
Headcanons: Hanji Zoe Using Dating Apps
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a/n: alright so idk SHIT about dating apps, never used them, never will, but tbh this was funny as fuck. not really proud of these but oh well, sorry :(
warnings: none <3 not beta read, we die like men <3
/ So the first time Hanji ever used a dating app was after a pretty bad breakup. their relationship was kind of a long one and they felt like "a love like that" would never happen for them again, like they messed up their one chance at a happy life. but their friends convinced them to try their best to move on and download at least three different dating apps.
/ they weren't really sure what to add to their profile, so they went on google and started searching things like "best bios to add to hinge" or "what to add to your tinder profile" or even stupid shit like "funny dating bios to pick up girls."
/ their bio ended up a combination of their hobbies, all of their college degrees just to show every girl they come in contact with just how smart they are, the names of all their cats, and some other curiosities about them here and there.
/ they only added three pictures of themselves: their favorite selfie, a picture taken by Moblit during one of their hikes and a full body picture compared to a measuring tape to show how tall they are. it was taken while they were drunk but they thought it was hilarious enough that it might earn points with "the ladies."
/ the rest of the pictures on their dating profile is just their cats. like, with more descriptions about the cats than they gave a description about themselves. that's just how much they care about the cats. does it work? like a fucking charm.
/ the first few days their profile was up, they completely forgot about it. it wasn't until Moblit texted them saying a girl in his class asked for their phone number after seeing their profile and not getting a match that they remembered the thing. And oh did they have A LOT of notifications.
/ messages from girls ranging from asking about their day to the girl who begged moblit for their phone number to a couple who were a little creepy about the cats, not really caring about hanji themselves, only wanting to meet their cats.
/ while still trying to learn to use the apps, they saw a picture of you. their heart nearly stopped and, in a moment where their brain stopped working, they swiped the wrong way and your profile was lost forever. they tried for so long to find you again but with no luck.
/ finally, after long days of scrolling, they set up a date with one of the least threatening girls. not because they want to, but because levi will not shut up about it, they agreed to have a single date, nothing more. if it goes well, great. if it doesn't, they'll give up on this dating app bullshit until they feel like they are actually ready.
/ their date goes well. they go to a coffee shop and talk for a while. the girl will not let them talk, she just keeps going on and on about herself and her life and how amazing she is. so hanji has to distract themselves, looking around the shop, focusing on the smell of their coffee, but their breathing hitches the minute you walk in.
/ your bright smile lights up the entire room, the smell of fresh flowers of your perfume filling the air and replacing the smell of the coffee, the way your skirt shifts when you walk and the way you are laughing at your friend's joke. everything about you so damn captivating that they can't help but stare.
/ you can feel a pair of eyes fixated on you, so you lift your gaze from your phone. your eyes immediately find theirs and your heart nearly stops in your chest. their whiskey brown eyes stuck with yours, neither of you being able to torn your gaze away for even a split second.
/ your friend asks for your order and you have to shake your head to bring yourself back to reality. turning to face the barista, you stutter out your order before turning around as soon as you are done talking, making sure the beautiful person who once stared at you is still looking.
/ their date hasn't noticed that they aren't paying attention, they even pull out their phone to answer a call in the middle of the date and hanji takes that chance to excuse themselves, eagerly walking through the crowd to get to you.
/ their hands are trembling in excitement, phone in hand as they are eager to take down your phone number. once standing behind you, it takes them a few seconds to actually tap on your shoulder, but when you turn around, their heart nearly stops.
/ you are the most beautiful girl they have ever seen. their words nearly fail to come out as they speak. "I- Hi.. I'm Hanji." the trembling in their voice is the most endearing sound you have ever heard in your entire life, so you smile at them, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
/ the two of you talk for a while and decide to exchange phone numbers. by the time you leave the coffee shop, hanji's date still hasn't noticed they've gotten up so they just pay for her coffee and run into the street after you.
/ they ask if you are free tonight and you look at your friend, silently asking her to go away. you smile and nod, saying something along the lines of "oh, looks like i am free right now!"
/ as the two of you walk down the street, laughing at some stupid joke, hanji pulls out their phone, immediately deleting their profile on all the dating apps and deleting the apps themselves. they can't wait to rub it on moblit and levi's face the fact that the apps did not work at all.
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
It’s been so long since I’ve sent an ask in, i fear the kids will think we’re in a divorce. So today I came to offer up a situation I believe in 1000%.
Jackie Taylor in college not knowing how to flirt with women, so whenever she meets you for the first time she doesn’t know how to talk to you. She ends up buying those stupid men’s pickup artist CDs, the like late 2000s type. She believes it completely and thinks that this is how you get girls and buys like the whole box set. It comes with douche clothes, a small notebook of pickup lines and a huge textbook along with like 10 CDs. Literally any normal person would know these lines and tactics would absolutely not work, but she’s convinced herself. So she tries approaching you in a bar and when you don’t follow the script that the pickup artist said you’d respond with, she gets nervous. She pulls out and skims through the pages of a huge book that in VERY bold letters on the front reads, ‘HOW TO GET WOMEN’
She eventually gives up on the textbook after she sees the weird look you gave her upon seeing it. Just ends up taking a bar napkin and writing “Do you like me?” With 2 options below that read “Yes” and “YES”. She’s looking at you like she’s so proud of herself that you cant help but circle the option in all caps. (She thinks that means you’re dating, immediately)
excellent ask as always bro. feels like we haven't spoken in soooo long. waiting by the window for my husband to come home from war. checking the post office every day for one mere letter from the front lines 😔
the way that little book is the only thing jackie's taking notes on before she got to college. she bombed her first exam and is like "omg how do you study in college???" and then looked at her 10 pages of notes from "chicks 101" and a lightbulb lit up
jackie has the best pickup lines written down and her phone and keeps checking the notes app as shes walking towards you (walks into a pole). forgets them immediately the second she starts talking to you (you talked first and she forgot what she crammed) but refuses to admit it and tries it anyways. completely flips the line around. like "you're the only ten i see, are you from tennessee?" and immediately winces.
screams into her pillow atleast once a week. did not realize that flirting with girls would be so fucking hard. no one tells you this thing. she almost misses when she thought she was straight. the shit was soooo easy. she's so good at flirting with boys that she's still pulling them without even trying.
also jackie for fucking sure memorizes how she wants conversations to go in general when she's nervous about something i feel and the second someone goes off script she's like "hold on now". has to schedule a doctors appointment for the first time and they ask her a question she didn't have written down and she hangs up (they needed her middle name. she makes shauna call them from rhode island lmaoo.).
peering over jackie's shoulder and she's got 20 tabs open all along the lines of "how to kiss", "how to tell her i like her", "how to flirt with women when you look straight", "how to be her friend in a gay way", "lesbian. girl pretty. help"
jackie does NOT believe in situationships. what do you mean you're not in love with her??? you went on three dates?? she secretly sprayed her perfume on your pillow when you were in the bathroom and everything. yahoo answers swore it would make you fall in love with her
side note jackie immediately hard launches you after one date. queen. writing mrs jackie taylor in all her notebooks for sure. calling shauna up like "i found the one" and shaunas like "...where is she from?". "unimportant. anyways so on our date..."
you see a no faintly written under a shit ton of eraser marks before she changed her mind and wrote another yes. (was nervous about giving you the option lmaooo)
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loverslodge · 11 days
foolish ones
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summery: can your love love you back?
pairing: steve rogers x reader
warning: self-harm, blood loss, fist fight major angst, fluff, smut, happy ending
A/N: if you like sharon, sorry for the slander. also, this is my first smut with baby boy so please indulge. i have hots for him but i was suffering through my own mental health when i wrote this. also i was so close to changing ending but refrained because i love my baby boy a lot.
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It broke her heart. She thinks everyone around her heard it break. All but one. Sharon had her arms around Captain America and they were kissing with what looked like passion. She knew she wasn't good enough for him but seeing him with her hurt her more than she had thought.
She didn't tell anyone about her love for her teammate. What was there to tell when everyone could see her cheeks turn pink every time he talked to her and her eyes twinkle every time he walked in the room. She always tried to keep her distance though. She did not want to seem clingy to Steve. Even when she would not be in a good mood, she would see Steve and her eyes would twinkle with momentary happiness. She never really showed her vulnerability to him. She didn't want him to think she was powerless. She knew of his history. She knew he had always loved Peggy, mostly because she was a powerful woman. She would often feel a pang in her heart when she saw him with Natasha because she saw a potential there. But she had convinced herself that no matter what, she would be happy for him.
She never had a successful track record of relationships. She dated because the men liked her and not the other way around. She never dated anyone she liked because she would always be rejected by them. They would stop talking to her or ignore her or cut her off without telling her why. She expected the same from Rogers so she never confessed. She had many opportunities. She dropped hints though. Which was picked up by everyone on the team but Steve. You saw girls flirt with him, you saw him come back in the mornings after his dates. But you were always happy to see him, always there for him, always the woman behind the big curtain of Steve’s life.
Wanda and Natasha always helped distract you. So did Sam, Tony, Bruce, Clint and Bucky. Especially Bucky. Even Thor and Loki but Bucky was always there to catch your heartbreaking expressions. He always cheered you up when he would see shed or unshed tears over Steve. You did not like going to clubs a lot but at times, you would accompany the team to let loose. Your eyes always followed Steve. It would break you to see him others but Natasha would always try to block your view of him and offer you your favourite wine.
You could not cut him off, no matter how hard you tried. Mostly because you were the one he got vulnerable with, other than Natasha, Bucky and Tony. he would ask your advice on how to date women, what to reply to their flirty texts or even what would be good food for each particular woman he went out with. One day, you did it. You mustered up courage to tell Steve how you felt.
“Hey Steve, can I talk to you, privately?”
You were in the kitchen where Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Bucky and Sam were having breakfast with him. All of them looked at you with surprised eyes. They did not expect you to confess, especially when they thought you were joking last night. It was a movie night in the compound yesterday and everyone but Steve were present. He had a mystery date. During the rom-com, a discussion of love confessions began. Everyone talked about their way of confessing and then it was your turn. They all looked at you.
“I would just walk up to the guy and tell him I like him. I would also tell him that he needs to feel no pressure to like me back. I just had a feeling I needed to get out and it is now out. I hope this does not disturb our dynamics.”
They knew that is exactly what you'll say because these words sounded rehearsed. They kind of were. You had run these words in your mind over and over again to make them sound as much less pressured as possible. And when you woke up that day, you wanted them out. You wanted to say them to Steve out loud. You went with zero expectations because if you don't expect anything, you won't be disappointed. But you were expecting something here, with Steve. Your dynamics with Steve was different, there was a love you had sensed in his gentle touches, his laughter with you and especially his way of standing very close to you.
“I like you, Steve.” You immediately let it out, as soon as you close the door of your room behind you.
“I like you too, y/n.” he chuckles. “What is it?”
“No no. Not like a friend. I like you. More than friends. I have been, for a while. I, uh, wanted to get it out of the way. I really do like you a lot but that doesnt mean I am asking for any commitment from you. I just, the feelings are strong and I needed to say it out loud. I just hope this, my so-called confession, does not change the dynamics between us. I like what we are now and I don't want you to feel any pressure. It was a statement, I wanted to let you know.”
You didn't realize you had run out of breath, or you were holding it in. you were looking at Steve, taking in his expressions. They went from furrowed eyebrows to a stoic face to relief after your last statement.
“Oh good! I thought our friendship would be affected. You are such a dear friend to me and I don't want to lose that. Also, your advice with girls has been working wonders for me.” He hugs you. The hug might be warming your body but the pang in your heart is making the surrounding colder. “And I have been meaning to share a big news with you. I was going to tell everyone but I wanted to tell you this first. Sharon and I are finally going out together. Yesterday, it was her I went out with. The date went amazing and maybe I'll ask her to be my girlfriend. Your advice to approach her worked so well!”
Today, seeing them together, arm in arm, killed you inside. He proposed to her. He still called you a dear friend. It was a very happy occasion but nobody was happy and Steve was oblivious to it. He had been oblivious to a lot of things but there were things, on the compound, that even his friends tried to tell him, or dropped hints about, about Sharon but he wasn't ready to see them. Sharon was smirking at everyone, especially you. You smiled widely, politely, for Steve. This was the day when your heart was finally crushed and you knew that Steve will never see you for you.
Steve and Sharon weren't even dating that long. What was it? Six months. And then there was this engagement. Steve did not know how badly Sharon had been treating not just you but almost everyone. She kept on reminding and taunting Bucky of his past, she would call Natasha a slutty assassin with zero integrity, she would taunt Wanda about her tortured past and you were favourite victim. She would comment about your weight, make you question your friendship with the rest of the team and explicitly tell you that you were nothing but a joke in Steve’s life.
Bucky was always very close to telling Steve about Sharon’s evil stepmother behaviour but you always stopped him. You did not want Steve to be unhappy. He looked happy after so long, after Peggy. You cried every night though, or sometimes, in the middle of the day. If Steve ever caught you crying, you would blame it on some book you read. But everyone knew why. One day, when you were in the kitchen chopping vegetables, your brain went to a very familiar dark place. If it wasn't for Wanda, you would have used the knife not just for vegetables, again. From that day onwards, somebody would always be around you, hovering. Steve’s girlfriend’s taunts were the final straws to your already affected mental health. Steve did not know about any of this because Sharon would not let him. She had started to stray him away from everyone.
Tony had had it enough. He, very generously, arranged for an engagement party for Rogers and Sharon. The party was going fantastic and everyone was having the time of their lives. Steve and Sharon were smiling, standing arm in arm and greeted every guest. Tony saw everything that went down in his party. He saw Sharon shove you in a corner, he saw Sharon pour her cocktail on your head and he also heard the profanities she spewed about everybody to demean you. She made it a point to show you that you were a nobody and that the team just tolerated you and Steve was just being nice because you had manipulated him. Tony also heard you defend everyone by name, everyone but yourself.
Steve saw you leave. He felt a pang in his heart. He could not ignore you anymore. He had started to see Sharon trying to monopolize his time. He had started to see the team being distant and he also saw them hovering around you, especially when you are around sharp objects. He did see that your hand was wrapped in bandage and everyone in the compound was stressed but Sharon would not let him talk to you. She said you were just trying too hard to be his friend and that he should not give into your whims.
Steve wanted to follow you but Sharon appeared out of nowhere with a wide smile and a fully filled glass of cocktail. He knew this was new because no way did she finish the previous one so fast. Steve looked around and found his team had started to form a circle, the discussion between them looked serious and Tony looked very angry. Pepper was stopping him from doing something and very soon he saw Bucky run towards the elevator. Wanda was looking at Vision who was reassuring her and Natasha dragged Bruce away to a more quiet corner. He saw Hulk trying to take over but Natasha was handling it.
Steve had been feeling pangs every time he saw you. He missed your smile, your giggles and your tiny comments that had him laughing for a long time. He hadn't seen you smile in a long time. Every time now, after announcing his relationship with Sharon, he saw your light dim. He noticed your lack of appetite, he noticed your dull face and he noticed your sad eyes. He also noticed that your eyes would still twinkle, every time he walked in the room but the light left it just as immediately. He hasn't hugged you in a long time. He started to remember how much he was all over you. He loved to hug you, hold your hand and hover over you. He loved when you sat to discuss something together, your foreheads were always touching. He loved how every time, you would nudge his forehead with yours and they would giggle about it. He loved how close he was to you, physically and otherwise. He also missed his friends though. He missed hanging out with everyone.
Sharon had started showing her cracks and Tony had had enough. When Bucky ran after you to make sure you didn't do something stupid, Pepper dragged him away to calm him down. He yelled about how dumb Steve is for a superhero and how he wished he could start the war between them all over again. Pepper was calmly listening to his rant when suddenly she gasped. She saw Steve standing at the door and seeing his expressions, it seemed that he had heard some things that Tony was ranting about. Tony saw Steve and rushed to him, grabbing his collar.
“You are the dumbest person ever. You let a wonderful woman slip to get with a fucking ungrateful bitch. I don't care if she's your fiancee anymore. I will not have her in this compound any longer. If you want to marry her, do it but do not expect anybody to be present for you. She will never step foot in this place. This is a safe space and she ruined it for her. She ruined her peace, her sanity and her heart and so did you. Walk away Rogers before I pull an iron punch.”
Steve was baffled by this. What had happened? What did Sharon do? Was Tony talking about you? Did everyone know you had confessed your feelings for him? It did anger him. He thought that that conversation was between him and you but if everyone knew then it was embarrassing. He started walking in your room’s direction. He wanted answers, until he saw a crowd in front of your room. He saw Sam trying to calm Bucky and Vision was standing at the door, as if waiting for something. His pace slowed. He saw your room open with Wanda all teary eyed. She nodded at Vision and held the door open for him. Bucky wanted to go in but Wanda patted his chest to back off. He saw blood on Wanda’s dress. Were you hurt? Was there an attack?
Steve was approaching the scene slowly. Bruce was the first one to walk out of the door. He looked at everyone and said something in a low voice, so low that all he heard was “increase hovering.” Bruce moved aside and out stepped Vision and Natasha. Even her dress was bloodied. When Bucky turned, he saw his hands were covered in blood and so were his clothes. His eyes were rimmed red from tears. Natasha, too, was crying. Bruce wrapped his arms around her. Natasha’s eyes snapped at him and so did everyone else’s. He walked closer and saw Bucky carrying a bloodied knife. It was your knife. He had seen you rave about a pink handled small knife that made it easier for her to cut things. He would always see you use that whenever you cooked. It was your favourite knife.
Bucky tried to jump on him but Vision held him back. Natasha looked at him and shook her head. “Bruce, please bring my night clothes. I will stay with her tonight.” “So will I.” Wanda said in a very wobbly tone. Vision rubbed her back. Steve was very confused.
“What is going on?” Steve heard Tony come behind him. Natasha pointed her head at the knife and it was as if Tony knew. He wanted to go in your room but Pepper held him back. “Let her rest tonight, dear. We will come by tomorrow. We all are exhausted. Let's end the party downstairs and go to bed.”
Steve was still clueless. He had no idea what happened. If you were attacked then why was Tony not making plans to get revenge? Why were everyone crying and being so calm about it?
“Why is her knife in your hand, Bucky? Why is there blood on your clothes? Somebody tell me what is going with her!” His voice rose. He didn't know he cared so much about you. You weren't a field agent. You were more, staying in the compound and analyzing data kind of agent. You did learn self defense but it obviously was never a skill you ever had to use. The team saw to it. He saw to it.
“Oh now you care! Now you want to ask how she is? Where were you six months ago? Hell, where were you today? Why the fuck are you here now? Why do you care?” Bucky burst out. Steve had never seen Bucky angry at him. Sam shakes his head and pulls Bucky back before he could punch Steve. He saw Bucky throw the knife in the trash and walk away.
“Nat? Wanda? What's wrong, why are you guys crying?”
“It must be because she must've manipulated them, again. She just never learns. I told her to stop using the Avengers as her private butlers so she pulled a stunt. Im sure it was just a ploy to get people to like her. Such a sick bitch. You guys should be-” Sharon’s rants were stopped by a sting on her cheek. Her head turned sideways and an angry hand print left on her cheek.
“Talk about her like that one more time and this wouldn’t end in just a slap. We've had enough of you. Walk out of the door before I throw you off the window.” Natasha coldly points at the elevator. “And you, Steve. Please, we don't want you here. At least, not right now. We are all exhausted. Let's talk tomorrow.” Natasha walks in your room with Wanda behind her. They closed the door before he could see you. But he did catch your glimpse, tucked in bed and eyes closed shut.
Steve could not sleep the entire night. Sharon beside him was no help either. She ranted all the way to her apartment about how the Avengers have fallen and that you were nothing but a pathetic excuse. Something about your sleeping did not sit right with him. After what he saw outside your room, he needed answers. He changed and drove to the compound. It was 5 in the morning and if he remembered correctly, Natasha would have gone combat training and Wanda would have gone to meditate in her room. Which meant you were in your room alone. Or so he thought. Tony had informed F.R.I.D.A.Y to keep an eye on you. So when Natasha and Wanda left your room, they activated FRIDAY who was told to alert any nearest Avenger about any movement in your room. Every Avenger, other than Steve, was on the list of calls. So when Steve opened the door to your room, which was surprisingly unlocked, a call went straight to the nearest Avenger, Bucky.
Steve stepped into your room and was immediately greeted by drips on your bedside. You were fast asleep because of the sedatives Bruce had given you. Your hand was bandaged and the only sound in the room were your soft snores. Steve, still confused, softly went near your hand. He also saw a large bruise on your arm and another bandage wrapped around your head. Why would no one tell him what happened? If you were attacked then why was he not informed. He is your emergency contact, why was he not contacted? Before he could even touch her hand, he felt a hand hold his shirt and drag him out of the room. He was thrown across by his own best friend.
“How dare you come to her room! Do not go near her or I swear I will forget you are my best friend. You have done enough damage. Walk away, Steve.”
“What have I done? I don't even know! What is wrong with her? Why is she so badly hurt? Why was I not informed of the attack in our home?” Steve shouted at Bucky. He saw everyone had started to gather around. He saw Bruce and Vision go into your room and slowly close the door behind them. “Why did they go into her room? She is vulnerable. I am not trusting them with her.” Steve tried to go in but was pushed back by Bucky. He stood in front of the door like a guard.
“What’s going on? I got a FRIDAY alert about y/n. Is she okay?” Both Natasha and Wanda rushed in.
“Bruce and Vision are in there with her. Steve here, was trying to touch her so I dragged him out. He has no right to be here, Nat. tell him to go away.” Bucky looked at him angrily.
“Buck, I know you are protective over her but i dont think Steve knows about any of this. Remember when we found out that Steve never got our texts because Sharon kept on deleting them? She has been doing that to him for so long that he doesn't even know.” Wanda, very slowly rubbed Bucky’s back to calm him.
This was news to Steve. He always trusted people around him too easily. Once he got with Sharon, he had given her all access to his phone. He did not know what she was doing behind his back. “What do you mean by deleting messages? What are you talking about?”
Natasha pulled his hand and took him to the living room. Bucky, Wanda, Sam and Clint followed. Bruce and Vision followed them not soon after. “She is fine. Still under the sedatives. She should be waking up in an hour or two.”
Natasha took Steve’s hand in her own. She looked up and saw a disheveled Tony walk in the living room. “I heard this is the place where we are doing interventions now. I'd like to begin. Rogers-”
“No Tony, I am beginning this. I should tell him in a very calm voice. You, Bucky and Bruce are just going to want to beat him up.” Natasha intervened.
“Steve, did you know that Sharon was manipulating you away from us? Did you know that when we sent you texts about our hangout plans, we either never got replies or we would get rude lengthy texts calling us clingy? Especially Y/N. We always told her to text you because you always listened to her but then she started to grow quieter and slowly she lost her glow, Steve. She thought you cut her off because she confessed to you and-”
“Did she tell you she confessed? Why would she do that? Isn't she embarrassed? Why-” Steve stopped when he saw Bucky trying to come for him again. Tony pulled Bucky down.
“She didn't have to, punk. She has been in love with you for five fucking years, you blind ass punk. The day you announced Sharon to us, we saw her die inside. We knew she was going to confess to you because we kinda forced her to think in that direction. We wanted her to confess to you so you would see you love her too and not Sharon. The only thing she told us was that she was so happy for you, she could die. She” Bucky choked and unshed tears resurfaced. Wanda rubbed his back.
“Steve, she loves you but she never pushed her love on you. She was happy with what she had with you. Do you even know that the way you used to treat her looked like you were her boyfriend. We all thought that your friendship was flourishing but every time you would go on dates, we all were waiting to hold her broken heart. She never let us. Hell, she was struggling with mental health and she never let us know! She looked like her usual self until your engagement broke the final thread that held her. You abandoned her, Steve. She-” Natasha started crying.
Steve did not realize that he had hurt you so bad. He did love you but he saw you were happy being his friend and he saw how much Bucky relied on you, he assumed-. But he shouldn't have. He asked you, a person who loved her, tips on how to impress other women and you gave him all honest answers. You never tried to sabotage his love life. You never did what Sharon is doing. Steve would have done everything he did for other women for you. He could've been engaged to you right now if he hadn't been so blind.
“But why are you crying? What happened to her?” Steve wanted answers now. If she was so in love with him then why didn't she fight for him? Why was she lying there like a dead-
“Steve,” Wanda started in a small voice. “Why would she fight for you when she knew you already were set on someone else? She confessed to you and you still went for Sharon. Why would she fight after that? Did you know she used to self harm? Even when you were her friend, did you even notice the bandaids she had on her hands? If it wasn't for Bucky, we would have lost her a long time ago. Bucky noticed her pulling bandages off of her hand and saw the cuts. He talked to her, she cried and he helped her stop. She was clean for two years until she wasn't. You broke her Steve but what broke her more was Sharon. Did you even know how much she has berated her? She would find a way to get Y/N alone and berate her to no end.”
Wanda took a deep stuttering breath. Vision hugged her tightly and she buried her head in his chest. Tony cleared his throat and continued. “Wanda caught her trying to self harm again after Sharon left the kitchen. If it wasn't for Wanda, we would've lost Y/N that day. Since that day, we all met and decided to never leave her alone. We would not let sharp objects near her for a long time. As soon as she was done with her task, we would take it away. She knew why and never questioned it. Yesterday crossed all limits though, Rogers. You never came to talk to her. You didn't even bother to talk to her and then that psycho bitch did it. She pulled Y/N in a secluded corner and berated not just her but us too. She told her that you were her pet and would do what she wanted. She said she would control you to put Avengers in their right place which was behind the bars or underground. She poured her cocktail on her head, Steve! Her head! She even tried to rip her dress because she was jealous how beautiful she looked! Y/N ran away. I gathered them and told them everything. Bucky ran after her because he knew she would do something again and she did. By the time Bucky reached, it was too late, she had lost a lot of her blood and her bedroom floor was all blood. She had hit her head and hand on her vanity when she fell. Bucky asked FRIDAY for help and that's what you saw last night. Even though I raised protection on her, Natasha and Wanda wanted to stay with her.”
“You have done enough damage, Steve. Please go away. Go back to your Sharon. We have no hard feelings against you but we really don't want Sharon here. You can marry her and retire but do not talk to Y/N ever again. She's had enough.” Bruce chimed in. Everyone nodded. He had not just lost Y/N but also every friend of his. He knew you were sensitive but never thought that you would-
“Please, let me meet her. Once. please. If she tells me to go away, I will walk away. But if she tells me to stay, I will fight for her.” Steve begged and looked at Bucky. He knew Bucky would be the last hurdle to reach to you.
“So you will still marry Sharon after everything you learnt about the evil stepmother. Wow Steve, I never thought you had zero backbone in the relationship. If you want to talk to her, leave Sharon. You have a choice Steve, either pick Sharon or pick Y/N and with Y/N, come us.” Bucky glares at Steve haughtily.
“It's not so simple, Bucky. We made a public announcement. I cannot just take it back. The world knows.”
“It is an engagement. It can be broken. You will let yourself marry a manipulator than be with the woman who makes you happy! Hah! The integrity of America really is as sturdy as you. Listen very carefully, Rogers, you always have a choice but I think Sharon is making all the decisions here. Also, here. Watch this. Maybe you will finally know what woman you are going to marry. Let's go everyone, I want to see if Y/N is fine.” Tony got up and pulled everyone out of the room, leaving Steve with the ipad full of videos of Sharon berating you and you standing tall for your friends. Not yourself, but your friends. Yesterday’s video broke his heart. He could hear his laughter in the background while you were drenched in her cocktail. Tony was right, he had to make the right choice.
You wake up and the first thing you see is Bucky holding your hand. You smiled slightly and Bucky released his breath. “They all want to meet you.” You nodded and everyone poured in. your eyes were glancing around to catch the glimpse of that one person. You saw his head at the very end, outside the door. Bucky knew you wanted Steve to be here but he or anyone else wasn't going to let Steve in till he made a decision and he had hurt you enough for them to become this protective over you.
Steve saw them pour in your room and he just stood outside your door, he caught your eye and that halted his breath. Even in this condition, you were choosing him. Not out loud but he saw the way your eyes were searching for him in the crowd and the way they twinkled, just enough to give him strength to break things off. He wanted to run in your room and shake you and talk sense into you and tell you how sorry he is. He ran.
He drove like a madman back to Sharon’s apartment and started packing as soon as he walked through the door. He hadn't had a chance to shift his stuff from the compound to her place. Sharon just bought him everything new because she said she wanted to build a new life with him. How blind was he? How did he not see what she was trying to do? He heard Sharon yelling for his attention but he was too busy stuffing his clothes in his gym duffle bag that he brought with him. He saw his electronics on Sharon’s side of the bed. He knew she was stalking him through those so he did what any insane, high on adrenaline person would do. He picked those up and smashed them on the floor. He heard Sharon screech like a vulture but he didn't care. He stepped on them many times to destroy every last bit of them. He took off his ring and suddenly, he could breathe clearly. He saw Sharon with disheveled hair, standing in the living room. He threw the ring at her feet and walked out. No explanation.
He drove back to the compound. He saw everyone training. When they saw his car back in the compound, it had been almost 6 in the evening. They all saw him run in the residential area. They knew he was rushing to meet you but they also knew he would not meet her today. Steve rushed to her room but as soon as he opened the door, he saw Bucky standing with his back to the door and mild beeping in the back. His heart sank. Bucky turned around and pushed Steve out of the room.
“Did you not break Sharon’s phone while you were breaking yours?”
“What do you mean?”
“Sharon called. She spewed so much nonsense and called her words. She called her a homewrecker. Y/N broke down and her pressure increased. I called for Bruce but between the blood loss and the agitation, she took a hit and she had to be attached to the heart monitor to make sure she stays calm. Honestly Steve, good decision but you could have handled it better. Now please go. I don't have energy left in me to even punch you.”
All Steve caught was another glimpse of yours and it broke his heart. He had made you suffer so much. You were right there. All along. He lost you. He went back to his room. It still had your lingering faint smell. You loved roses and the last time you were in his room, for a reason, you left a part of you. He looked around. He saw his shirts were neatly hung in the closet and so were his Henley’s and pants. He never left it this neat. It was all you. He turned to his bed and saw slight smudge on his pillow. He looked at it closely and saw that they were the smudges of your tears. Tears filled his eyes and he broke down crying. He held his head in his hand and cried about all the times you were so close to him. He could have kissed you and you would have let him.
Bucky never left your side. You wanted to ask about Steve but everytime everyone would avoid his topic. It had been two weeks. You were off of your bed and moved around the compound. You hadn't run into Steve yet. More like, you were not made to run into Steve. Every time he was near, someone would distract you and take you away from the same area. Meanwhile Steve tried to redeem himself in the eyes of others. He did everything for everyone. He, many times, didn't realize that many of the demands made were for Y/N. tony was loving this torture phase of his. Natasha rolled her eyes at him. Tony had contacted the press and put out an exclusive article about the broken engagement of Captain America. He made sure to paint Captain in such a wonderful light that Sharon’s real colors were soon revealed. Sharon had pissed off a lot of people and it had all come to bite her in the ass. Y/N was kept away from every news article. Tony had made sure she never got her hands on news channels ever again. At least until he thinks it's safe for her.
It was the middle of the night and you had a mild nightmare. It had been three weeks since the Sharon incident but sometimes, she still haunted you. You woke up, unable to sleep. You used your bathroom and sighed. You were sleeping well, sure, because of your treatment but that did not make your face glow the way it used to. You noticed how dead you looked in the mirror. You walk out of your room and make your way to the kitchen. Maybe icecream would help. Sam said he bought your favorite.
There, in the kitchen light, you saw the person you least expected to see. Steve was sitting with his head hung low and drinking water. He woke up from another restless night and thought water might help. Your feet never made a sound but Steve always knew when you walked in. He had the same feeling right now. His eyes immediately shot up and there you stood, at the dining table, just 4 feet away from him. He did not move. His eyes wide. He did not want to scare you off. You walked slowly to the fridge, feeling his eyes on you. Goosebumps rose on your arms. You scooped icecream in a bowl and put it back in the fridge. It seemed the entire scene was going in slow-mo.
“Do you- do you want some?” You asked in a very quiet tone, not looking him in the eye. Your eyes were cast down and they dragged themselves to his hands. No ring. Her heart fluttered but she killed it with the memories of what had been.
“No. I, uh, i don't- Can I taste from your bowl? I've never tasted it even though I have been buying it for a really long time.” Steve looked at her. He wanted her to look him in the eye. He wanted to see the smile and twinkle in her eyes, every time she said hi to him. She nodded her head and sat down at the dining table. Steve followed you and sat down beside you, pulling the chair as close to you as you used to sit. He leaned closer and your foreheads almost touched.
She scooped some icecream on the spoon and offered it to Steve. He shook his head and turned her hand to her mouth. “You first.” you took the icecream in and a small moan escaped you. Something stirred in Steve. You scooped some more icecream and this time put it right on Steve’s lips. “You should try before I finish it off. This is my favourite. You are lucky I am even letting you taste mine.” Steve chuckled lightly and let her feed him. This time, you looked at his mouth and saw some icecream dribble from the side. With no thought in your head, you swiped your thumb and cleaned it off his mouth. He held your wrist and pulled you a little closer. Your breath hitched. He brought your thumb to his mouth and sucked it clean. Your eyes shot up to his and his eyes darkened. He wanted to kiss you right there. He saw desire in your eyes and he saw your eyes look back at his lips. But he controlled himself. He didn't want to kiss you just because the moment was hot. He wanted to kiss you after having a real conversation.
You felt the atmosphere electrify. Before you could do something you regret, you stood up. Shoving the icecream bowl at Steve, you ran out of the room asking him to finish it off. Steve chuckled. He loved your shy reaction. He loved how reactive you were to his touch. You always were but now Steve really noticed. He finished the icecream and made a note why he was buying this flavour. Not because Sam wanted it but because it was your favourite.
Sleep evades you and your heart won't stop thumping. Steve is just one door down. You can go there, kiss him and get it over with. But you wanted to know if he was okay and he wasn't wearing his ring. Desire starts to build up in you and you pull out your vibrator. Pulling your shorts down, you press the vibrator on yourself. Moans leave your mouth as you think Steve’s tongue on you. You imagine him all over you, kissing you, sucking on your nipples. Steve’s name escapes your mouth, louder than anticipated. The vibrations shake your core as your fingers go in and out picturing Steve. You climax just as Steve, in your imagination, comes in you. What you did not know is just outside your room, Steve had heard you cry out to him. He ran to his room to release his long awaited tension.
Another two weeks go by and this time you know Steve is in the room but he wasn't allowed to approach you. Nobody knew about your little meeting and you liked to keep it that way. You stole glances and so did he. You wanted to tell him to meet you again but there was never a right time. He tried to go near you but someone would always be hovering around you. He was sick of it. He wanted to talk to you, clarify. But you finally found a way to send him a message. The safest place to meet him was his room so you found a stray pen lying around in the kitchen and picked up the small piece of tissue. You pretended to put something back in the pantry and looked at Steve. It was as if he understood, he slowly slipped away from the dining table. You had a fraction of a second before someone noticed Steve near you so you slipped the note right in his hand when Bucky showed up. You pointed at your favourite snack that was put away from Sam’s reach. Bucky pushed Steve out and helped you with your needs. You looked at Steve and saw him read the note discreetly. He slipped it in his pocket and looked at you with a slight smirk on his face. You blushed and turned away.
Midnight could not have come any later. The waiting seemed like an eternity to you. You kept on telling yourself that you just wanted to ask what happened with Sharon when internally, you knew, your desire for him had bubbled more than ever. You kept listening to conversations outside. Slowly, the voices faded and you heard doors being shut. You figured it would be safer to wait out another half an hour before running to Steve.
Steve heard soft feet running to his door. He opened his door and caught the glimpse of your bracelet glinting that he had gifted you on your birthday in the first year of five. He grabbed your hand and waist and pulled you into his room. He closed the door and pushed you flush against it. His hands fumbled to lock the door. Your breathing synchronized with his and your chest was pushed against his. He is so close that you can just look up and touch his lips with yours. His hand is still gripping your waist. You refuse to look up to him. The light in his room does not hide how red your cheeks have become.
You could hear his smirk. His free hand grabbed your face and lifted it gently to meet his eyes. He had miscalculated the gap between the two of you. As soon as he lifted your face, your lips brushed against his. A gasp escapes you and your eyes widen. Your innocent reaction adds more to desire and without a second thought, he brings down his face and puts his lips on yours. Your brain immediately accepts his touch and you wrap your arms around his neck. The kiss starts slow but Steve starts to pour in more passion. He deepens the kiss and you moan loudly. Your voice awakens him even more and he bites your bottom lip. Your tongue in his mouth was losing the battle to control itself. You play with his hair and tug them, gaining a moan from him. He pulls you more towards him. Your hand moves away from his hair and moves to his cheek. Your bandage rubs against his face that pulls him out of the kiss. He reluctantly pulls away from you and you finally breathe the air. He brings your bandaged wrist to his lips and kisses it gently. It sends electric shocks down your spine.
He pulls you to his bed. You've sat on his bed before. He makes you sit with your back towards the headboard and covers your legs with his blanket. He wouldn't be able to talk if he looked at you in your pajamas. You had forgotten you weren't wearing any underwear under your tank top and shorts you call pajamas. His eyes raked you up and down and while covering you with his blanket, his hand accidentally brushed against your boobs, erecting your nipples, which were very much visible. He could not take his eyes off of your well kissed lips and you could move past his darkened blue eyes that matched so well with his pink lips. You both cleared your throat. He sat in front of her and tried to make her as comfortable as he possibly could.
He took her bandaged hand in his hand. “Why didn't you tell me you struggled?” he softened his voice so much, she felt like crying. She had heard his soft tones but never this soft, never this vulnerable. “You never showed me your vulnerability, you know. I realized that after so long. I don't know what you're afraid of, what triggers you or what annoys you. You have always been your pleasant self. Why? Did you not trust me enough like you trust Bucky?”
“I never told Bucky anything. He just, he was just there. He found out. You, well, you had responsibilities. Why would I want to put you under more pressure? If I told you, you would've been even more fussy about me. I wouldn't want to burden you. Adding to your responsibility. I am not even someone you consider family, like you do Bucky and Nat. my telling you things would have messed up your life. I don't want that. We are not that close anyway.” You say softly. There was no need for aggression. You knew that sooner or later someone would ask this question but you didn't expect it to be Steve. Others had just accepted you as their own but with Steve you always felt like an outsider even though you shared moments.
“But why would you- What do you mean we aren't that close? I thought we were best friends! I thought of you as my family. Why would you think you're a burden? Baby, you are a responsibility I would take over anything. All you had to do was say the words.” he cupped your cheeks and forced you to look in his eyes. Tears welled up in your eyes. Your new nickname got lost in the angst.
“I am a burden, Steve. Sharon was right. I never deserved you. I never deserved anyone. All of you are so nice to me. Someone with nothing to contribute to the team. Sharon rightfully said that I am just a burden they are carrying until I drop dead. Then you'll all be free.” Your tears flowed freely. You were crying and Steve felt such rage. He never should've been with Sharon. How could she say that to someone who was there for everyone. You were the backbone of the team and Sharon broke you. He sat beside you and pulled you to his chest. You cry harder. Everyone showered you with love and care but it was Steve you wanted and now that he was here, the tears flowed free. And Steve knew that. He felt that. He rubbed your back while you sobbed and wet his shirt.
“Baby, you are not a burden. Not to me and neither to the team. They all love you so much. Did you know, if it wasn't for running into you accidentally, they never would have let me near you. Bucky has been threatening me on a daily basis to not go to your room or talk to you. So did everyone else. Baby, I was in the wrong. I was blind.”
“But you are talking to me right now! What if Bucky knows about this? Will he combat you? Oh my god! I thought about only myself again. I am so sorry. I-” You were silenced by Steve pecking your lips. “Hush, baby. Thinking about yourself is the best thing you can ever do to me. I will handle Bucky. I want to keep you here with me forever now. I have no intention of letting you go, baby.” he pecks your lips again. Your eyes widen.
“But, what about Sharon? I don't want to be a homewrecker.” you whispered the last part softly. Steve scoffed. “I threw my ring at her face and left the next day of the party. I did not know the things she had done to you and me. She manipulated me into believing that my friends did not want me and that my life is better with her. You are not a homewrecker because there was no home to begin with.” He draws circles on your back. Your tank top has ridden up a little from the back and his skin on yours is calming you down way better than any other attempts she had made. “I am sorry. I was so blind, baby. I never saw how Sharon treated you. If it wasn't for Tony and his video feeds, I never would've known how bad things were. Baby, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I know I am not worth your forgiveness.”
You didn't know where this courage came from but you were now straddling him. You cupped his face and looked him right in the eyes. “You are worth everything, Steve. You have nothing to apologize for. It was Sharon and not you. I knew that. You would never swear, even in your texts and when she sent me those texts, there were definitely words you would not use.”
Steve’s eyes snapped open. He never thought of you knowing him so damn well. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you on his chest. His head rested on the headboard and your nose touched each other. This was surely the moment to say it.
“I love you.”
You were taken aback. You never expected Steve to-
“Steve, are you sure? I know it is an emotional moment but-”
“I love you, Y/N. I have been in love with you for god knows how long. Honestly, I was just to dumb to see my own feelings. When you told me you liked me, I wanted to jump with joy but I had made commitments to Sharon so couldn't act on anything. And then Sharon kept on pulling those stunts and she drifted me from you. Did you know my heart stopped when I saw blood on Wanda, Nat and Bucky’s clothes? I thought I lost you that day. I thought I lost the chance to hold your face like this, and peck you like this and tell you I have been in love with you for a long time. Give me one more chance, baby. I want to prove to you that I deserve to be with an angel like you. Let me take you on dates.”
“There are other ways to prove you deserve me as well, you know.” You said softly again, trying to hide your face.
“Are you sure, baby?”
Steve pulls you to him and your lips land on his. You groan and your hips start to rub his erection. Steve moans loudly and grinds against your core. You gasp against his lips as your shorts move a bit to the side and your wetness drips on his erection. His lips move to your neck and he nips, sucks and licks your neck, living love bites all over. “You moan so good, baby.” His hands travel up your back inside your tank top. His fingers brushing against your breasts sending shivers up your spine. Your moans and gasps grow louder along with his. The grinding grows aggressive and you are very close to your release. Steve moves his hips faster against you and he cums along with you. Your head rests on the crook of his neck and he leaves soft kisses over your neck and shoulder.
He flips you on the mattress and you land softly on his pillow. “Baby, are you sure? Just say it once and I will let you go. If not, I am going to make up for a long time.” Your nod and a soft yes was enough for him to get naked. He kneels and pulls your shorts away to see your glistened pussy. He groans. “Baby, you came ready for me, didnt you?” he does not wait for your answer and dives right suck your wet cunt. You moan and raise your back. Your tank top was the only piece between you and him. You remove it quickly and pull his one hand to your boobs. He plays with your nipple, pinching and pulling, making you moan even louder. “Baby, you are so fantastic. I am going to put my fingers in you and make you cum for me. I will slurp you all up.”
You gasp when he puts his finger in you and starts pumping. His tongue found your clit and he used his other hand to rub it even harder. You hold the blanket tightly in one hand while your other hand guides his head to find a better spot in your core. His other finger takes away your breath for a second and he speeds up his pumping. “I am so close, Steve.”
“Cum for me, baby.”
“Steve. Ste- Steve. I-” you moan loudly when your second orgasm washes over you. Steve laps up every last drop of your juice and adjusts himself to enter your core.
“This is okay, right baby?” you nodded and pulled on his hand. He chuckles and falls on you, balancing his weight on his arms. He kisses you and drags his kisses down to your breasts. He mouths one nipple and pinches the other, gaining a sweet moan from you. He shifts your other nipple and does the same. He adjusts his hips and enters you with a thrust. Your back lifts and he leaves kisses on your neck. You meet his thrusts with the same strength. He moans loudly in your ears and it is just plain music.
“Go harder, Steve. Please. Help me cum.” You moan. Steve pushes in deeper and starts pumping faster. He hits your g-spot that leaves you seeing stars. “That’s the spot, isn't it, baby.” he silences your moans with a kiss. “Let me cum in you baby. You will let me, won't you?” His thrusts slows down a little, gaining a whine from you. He smirks and kisses you deep, slowing down. “Yes! God! Please Steve! Cum in me please. I need you so much.” His speed takes over and hits that spot again and again till you cum on his cock. Your walls clenching and making it so much easier for Steve to cum in you.
He falls on you. His weight pushes you into the mattress. You whine a little, weakly trying to push him off of you. He laughs in your ears, making you blush. He was still inside you and the juices had overflowed out of your pussy. He lifts himself on his elbow and cups your face. The look of pure bliss on your face makes him feel like the greatest achievement ever. He pulls out of you and carries you to the bathroom. He cleans you up and puts his t-shirt on you. Your head lulls on his shoulder.
“Baby, we've got to get a little dressed or I will not be able to stop.”
“Who told you to stop though.” your muffled voice raised his desire again.
“Baby, don't say things you don't mean. You'll regret letting me do you over and over again.” he points out to her that she is lulling to sleep.
“Wow, you just said you had a lot of making up to do. I don't see things being made up here.” You lift your face to him and kiss his chin. You smile. His heart melts but what you said rang his desire for you again. “Fine. I will make up. Just like you want me to.” He picks you up and tosses you on the mattress and joins you in it. His t-shirt tossed aside and his lips back on yours.
The sun was seeping through the blinds in Steve’s room. You wake up with his arms around you. You were pulled so much on his side that the rest of the Avengers could sleep on the other side. You stretch your hand above your head and hiss at a slight sting on your wrist. You look at the bandage and slowly rub it. Steve sees your face fall and grabs your wrist. Slowly, he runs circles on the bandage, easing the pain a little.
“It stings a little.” You say, pouting. “Don't worry, baby. You'll be good as new and then I will never let you get hurt.” He kisses your scar on the forehead.
You jerk up from the bed with a surprise. “Oh shit! I stayed the night, Steve! They'll worry. I've got to get to my room! Bucky is going to be so worried and-”
“Why are you so worried about Bucky?” It was not just his tone that gave away his jealousy, it was his face as well. “I don't like that punk hanging out around you. You are mine. All mine. Not his.” You laugh. Your laughter takes him by surprise and leaves a small smile on his face even though he is still jealous.
“Baby,” it was your turn to sweet talk. “I am all yours. But he is a friend who first found me like this. He worries a lot because he had thought about these things but never did it. Also, he is your best friend. To be honest, I befriended him because he was your best friend. I wanted to know more about you.” You put on Steve’s t-shirt and shuffle around to wear your shorts. Steve stands up from the bed with all his glory. Your eyes dart down. He knows he affects you so he saunters his way to his sweatpants and puts them on, very slowly. You look away and hear Steve laugh.
“You are such a tease. I should've just let Bucky take care of me instead of you.” You fake a huff and walk to the door but before you could unlock it, Steve spins you and pins you against it. “Let me spell this out for you, baby. You. Are. Mine. Bucky can find someone else but you? I am keeping you all to myself.” his dark eyes roam on your body and your core warms up.
“I did not know you were a possessive man, Steve.” You slowly put your hands on his abs and trace all the way to his neck. His cock twitches against you, telling you to not go. “Look at that, I might have to stay a little longer to take care of you.” Steve pulls you back to his bed and you hope nobody is awake to catch you.
Tony was already alerted when you left your room yesterday night. He saw the feed of you sneaking into Rogers’ room. “Bucky, sorry bud. Your efforts went to waste. You said a month but there is still a week left and she's already in his room. Pay up, pal. You lost.” Bucky grumbled and pulled out a $100 bill.
“Damn! I really thought we’d make him suffer more.” Nat pulls out $50 to pay up.
“You bet on my love life! You bet on her?!” Steve emerged in the dining room with his arms around you. You blush furiously seeing how everyone now knew you spent the night with Steve.
“To be fair, Tony has to pay me $500 for making you suffer. I told him I wouldn't last a month but I would last at least two weeks. I beat him so in all technicalities, I am the real winner.” You smile brightly and take the bills from everyone. “This is going to pay for our room’s new furniture.” You pecked his cheeks and went to grab a waffle, leaving Steve baffled and everyone in dismay.
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Can I show you a little thing? Fem!Sanji x Hiyori. Just- them meeting each other in Wano and Hiyori immediately feeling things for her while trying to convince herself she likes Zoro. Robin at some point notices, and with the help of a little but meaningful talk with the woman, Hiyori finally chooses to act upon what she fells.
It ends great, Sanji is also in love with the blue/green haired girl when the StrawHats leave. Hiyori notices after some talk with the blonde that pirate is perfect, the type of people she would love to marry one day. At the time the crew leaves, both are already dating or something pretty close to that, and they promise to communicate by letters or Den Den Mushi calls.
After Luffy turns King of the Pirates, and Sanji finds the All Blue, everyone is celebrating when Hiyori, her brother and Yamato arrives. And seeing the woman of her life, the love of her life as beautiful as the last time they see each other and happy after reaching her dream, she can't just help the words "Marry me, please, I want to be with you for the rest of my life" leave her mouth.
The StrawHats hear this, and when Sanji (after the initial shock) says a "Yes!" full of happyness and hug and kiss her Hiyori, they all cheer.
After, Sanji offers at Hiyori to go at Baratie, meet Zeff and the other chefs. Of course, when the Thousand Sunny arrives after a call two days before saying they're going and Sanji has a surprise for her "father", the last thing Zeff thought was that he was going to meet the woman his daughter is in love and going to marry soon. The Baratie closes and they (Zeff, his little eggplant, Sanji, and her future wife, fucking princess Kozuki Hiyori) talk, Zeff and Hiyori get along.
The marriage happens some weeks later, and it happens in Wano, with the Baratie, some people from Momoiro and friends from the StrawHats seeing. After being officially married, Sanji opens a restaurant in Wano, with dishes from the All Blue and the other four Blues (she wants the next generation to find the All Blue themselves, and there she will live with her precious wife).
Comphet Hiyori is really struggling and doesn't understand why that blonde woman is driving her mad. First she thinks it's because of how much time that woman spends with Zoro and how close they are. She keeps glaring at Sanji who is confused and Robin is laughing to herself the entire time. Robin eventually asks Hiyori what she feels towards the swordsman and the cook and Hiyori talks about Zoro first and then starts going off about Sanji, first about how she's annoying and taking Zoro away from her. Then as Hiyori is ranting to Robin, she starts rambling about how the cook should be paying attention to her, feeding her. She's rambling and ranting and Robin interrupts her to ask if she would like the cook to dote on her. Hiyori pauses and stumbles over syllables and Robin mentions that while Sanji and Zoro are rivals, Sanji's the biggest lesbian she knows, and she knows Nami.
Hiyori stares at Robin with wide eyes and asks for clarification. Robin explains that Sanji doesn't like men and she likes women. Sanji has been pining over her actually and that's most of Zoro and her fight at the moment because Sanji thinks he doesn't know how to behave in front of a woman let alone a princess. Hiyori tries to stumble out that Sanji doesn't know how to use a sword and Robin points out she doesn't fight with her hands because they are her treasures, just as Wano is Hiyori's. Hiyori asks if she really has a shot with the blond woman and Robin says she has more than a shot if she goes and finds the cook quickly. The speed at which Hiyori is gone makes Robin giggle again.
Of course the cook is alarmed Hiyori has found her, is panting and looking slightly crazed and asks if she needs anything and Hiyori is just like 'You! I need you!' and Sanji is saying that she is always at her service. Oblivious because why would an actual princess like her? Impossible, perish the thought. Sanji could only dream of an actual princess like Hiyori liking her. But Hiyori is looking at her like a starving woman and Sanji would feed the starving with her body. Hiyori starts rambling about her talk with Robin and how she thought she was jealous of Sanji for spending time with Zoro when she was actually jealous of the attention she was giving to Zoro. Sanji is listening and says if she needs anything to not hesitate to ask but Hiyori says she already gave her answer and her answer was Sanji. Sanji is trying to laugh it off awkwardly again because she doesn't believe anyone would like her like that, especially not the princess she's been jealous of Zoro getting the attention, not understanding the honor he had. Gods have they really just been pining over each other since meeting?
Apparently the answer is yes as Hiyori closes the distance and asks the cook to take a break with her, spend time with her. Sanji agrees and goes with the princess where they have a more in depth talk about what's going on and it lasts for hours because it turns into them getting to know each other. Hiyori likes how the cook looks in the night, a cigarette hanging from her mouth and the smoke curling into the air. If they fall asleep Robin simply giggles when she finds them and lays a blanket over them, tells the others not to disturb them as Franky quietly cries and calls them adorable and he's so glad the cook found someone after what happened with her family. The next morning Sanji is cooking for them all and Hiyori is watching enamored with the cook's movements and Zoro just rolls his eye at them. Sanji is making more of a show of it than normal as she serves the food. Yeah, Hiyori is so fucked.
When it's time for the strawhats to leave a few weeks later the women realize they are in love. They are crying and kissing with soft smiles and promises to keep in contact. Yamato is holding Hiyori close as they wave the Thousand Sunny off. Robin has an arm around Sanji as well as she watches Wano slip below the horizon line. Nami says it was the same way when Vivi stayed behind in Alabasta, the cat burglar's girlfriend who is also a princess. Sanji asks if gets easier and Nami shrugs, says yes and no, that Sanji will get used to them not being there but it sucks when things happen and they're not, that letters and calls can only do so much. Sanji nods, they do call as much as they can- even if they cut in and out, letters are slow coming to and from Wano for obvious reasons. Wano is still closed off so it's not as fast as Alabasta or the others.
Years later, Luffy the King of the Pirates and the crew still with him, following their dreams and becoming the best versions of themselves. They find the All Blue and are there for a while, Nami called Wano to let them know and give them coordinates to get there, to surprise Sanji. It's been a non-stop celebration since they've arrived and Sanji is busy cataloguing everything she's found, fish plants, spices. She's been cooking and feeding the crew and having fun and swimming and diving with Jinbei who is just as excited to see everything as her. Then a boat arrives as well and Sanji is confused until she sees Momonosuke, Hiyori and Yamato, all of them cheering and Sanji is shocked and excited to see her, in the All Blue of all places. Sanji is shocked and happy and bewildered and just in disbelief the love of her life is here, in the All Blue, screaming for her. Running across a gang plank into her arms and hoisting the cook up and kissing her. Sanji is trying to say something to her but she can't get words out.
"You're as beautiful as the day you left Wano." Hiyori smiles at her and kisses her again. Sanji is flustered and holding onto her tightly and there's tears of happiness falling from her eyes because this is unbelievable, completely and totally unbelievable. "Show me everything you've found." Hiyori demands and that gives Sanji a way to finally start kind of talking to her. When Sanji is finally calmed down enough to excitedly ramble to the princess about everything she's found, she's cooked. Hiyori is watching the blonde with nothing but adoration and love in her eyes. When they're all on deck later, curled up together and watching the crew around them it just seems so natural to ask Sanji to marry her, like there's no better time to ask, so she does. Sanji's eyes widen to look at her and then kisses her.
"Of course I'll marry you!" Sanji laughs wetly. "Fucking hells, you're going to make me cry again." Everyone has gone silent to watch them, Sanji is smiling so widely and Hiyori is head over heels and swords for this woman.
"Woo! Another party to celebrate them getting married!" Luffy cheers.
"Engaged, you shit rubber!" Sanji yells at him as she moves to start cooking again but Robin pins her down with extra limbs sprouting around her.
"Our turn, it's your celebration." Robin smiles politely as she and Nami head to the kitchen.
After a few more days of celebrating Sanji says they need to head to Baratie so that Hiyori can meet Zeff properly and the rest of the East Blue Crew agree it would be good to go home and see their respective friends and families and tell them everything. So they head back to the East, the first stop being the Baratie where another party is thrown. Zeff is happy to see his daughter and then he is introduced to her fiancee who is the princess of Wano and currently smiling very widely at him and bowing and shaking his hand because of how much she loves Sanji. Zeff approves of her heartily and Patty and Carne keep giving Sanji so much shit for being engaged and absolutely teasing her to hell and back. Everyone agrees to head to Wano for the wedding though, Momo says it's going to be huge and grand and fit for them and it is. It happens two weeks after everyone arrives and Sanji puts her foot down about Zeff cooking for the reception because as her father he should be enoying it with her but he does get to make the cake with the rest of the Baratie staff. Zeff says it should be perfect and she gestures around them in the palace saying Momo won't let it not be perfect, also look at Luffy and Nami - they also only want everything perfect for the wedding.
The day of the guests are plentiful, Iva and some other from Kamabakka, most of the Strawhat allies, Reiju shows up. The ceremony is sweet and the party is long and grand and the drinks are flowing and the music never ending as guests dance and eat and wish the couple well. Sanji and Hiyori dance and Zeff dances with both the brides and so does Momo and Luffy. Hell even Zoro dances with Sanji and grumbles about it the whole time as she laughs at him. They're rivals, ya know?
Sanji opens a restaurant in Wano but I don't think the Baratie would relocate since Wano isn't reopen. Sanji does still leave as she's still on the crew but she's never gone long and Hiyori goes with her more often than not. They go to the East Blue to see Zeff and work the Baratie sometimes, catch up with old regulars. She takes Zeff to the All Blue and Sanji will regularly head there to get things for the restaurant. Hiyori dotes on the chef and chef absolutely dotes back. On their travels Sanji tells the newer generations coming forth about going regularly to the All Blue, won't share the information on how to get there. Keeps saying it's more fun to find it themselves.
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chevelleneech · 15 days
See so i think jikook are close def that much i can say, but i dont think they are in a relationship or a serious one at that , i mean we are pretty sure that jk had teh thing with the women (which people for some reason dont agree with or say its a cosplayer , who has teh exact same hairstyle, floorplan, walls, dog, sofa and lights , mannerisms, apartment and very soon after that jk said that "saesangs are still here" , so i dont whats there to disprove over here for those relegious jikook people) and then jm has with the actress who posts his apartment pics, and all of this happened esp with jk at that period when they admitted they werent talking at all, and wouldnt have if they hadnt met, throughout ct it felt that jk was sort of anxious, bored, distracted more like it and felt was upset, all of this also points that maybe they had a fallout a major one perhaps, but now they are better bc hell they went to military together. But all of this factually also puts out that jk and jm are not dating, jk is having his fun, with prob diff people, relationships and same prob with jm. Tae was with jennie, and even rm had a long committed relationship until recently it seems from rpwp songs. so all of this people fighting over taekook vs jikook and how jk seems abusive is redundant , bc they arent in a relationship either of them. what are you thoughts about it.
You including the “Jungkook was anxious and irritated and upset” line tells me you’re a Tkkr trying to hide your hands, lol.
Jungkook may have been nervous at the start of their trip to Connecticut, because Jimin was too, as they both mentioned it’s the first time they’re hanging out after a bit of not seeing each other. But this attempt at highlighting JK only, and saying he seemed uninterested in whatever ways, has been the one thing Tkkrs clung to since the first episode, and it is baseless.
Jungkook is allowed to feel however he felt, but we also all watched the damn show. He was smiling and happy during every single episode thus far, and reiterated his joy many times over. He also said during the first episode that he wanted to keep traveling and filming with Jimin after enlistment. He wants to do it until they’re 50. Was he exaggerating? Most probably, and him being tired at some points was a given due to him being in the middle of promoting his solo work. Outside of that though, he was happy and willing to do the show.
Jungkook and Jimin traveled together because they chose to, because they wanted to. So whatever was going on behind the scenes between them, is something we will never know the full picture of. So if you don’t think they’re together, okay, but I don’t think you ever did, because I’m pretty sure you are a Tkkr anyway.
Regardless of what you ship though, smoke and mirrors are not good indicators that people are dating. Jimin and Jungkook flirt and put their mouths on one another. They choose each other over and over, so no matter the fact that there is a woman claiming to be or trying to insinuate she is Jimin’s girlfriend. Without him ever confirming that, she’s just a weirdo.
Not to mention, why would any of their actual partners post the way she does? If Park Jimin was my man, I do not need to vague post and try to show off bits and pieces of our lives to convince his fans of it. Never mind the fact that it’s his private life. So if they are together, unless Jimin is okay with her stirring shit up in the fandom and posting his house on IG… that’s not something a grown woman, who is famous adjacent herself, dating an incredibly famous person would do.
In comparison, Namjoon and his potential boyfriend situation is the near exact opposite of what that woman is or was doing. We have no idea who the man (or men) is in the pictures Namjoon himself posted. Maybe some people do, idk, but the point is, there is no way to determine who they are nor what they mean to Joon outside of fandom speculation. Yet the speculation makes sense and is believable, because Namjoon himself played into it. He wasn’t deterred by people questioning his sexuality nor relationship status, he posted a heart over a man’s face, and was posting all types of loves songs as he traveled with his family and a man. Yet when he seemingly had his heartbroken, he deleted all photos of the emoji covered man (or men), started talking shit about relationships, and posting sad queer music.
That, imo, is how I believe a relationship between any BTS member would go. Not the heartbreak, but a “quiet launch”. Tae and Jennie were even along similar lines. They unfortunately didn’t post their pictures themselves, but even in the middle of the drama, they kept seeing each other in public spaces. They just didn’t publicize their whereabouts.
So if two members of the group can seemingly date both famous and presumably non famous people, and take pictures and be seen out and about with them, why can’t Jimin? Why is his relationship shrouded in mystery, and only fueled by the woman claiming to live with him all the while he makes no move to imply there’s truth to the rumor?
If he and JK have absolutely nothing going on, why is he out here letting his girlfriend look goofy, all the while biting hickies on a man? While flirting with a man on live and asking him to get naked? While traveling with the same man, getting his ass slapped by him in bed? Enlisting in the military with said man, using a program that keeps them together the entire time?
So again, you don’t have to ship Jikook nor think anything of them, but if you’re going to pull in Taennie and Namjoon’s possible situation to use as examples of the members dating, keep it steady across the board. Jimin and Jungkook’s speculated relationships with women do not match up with Taennie nor Joon’s situation, yet Jikook does.
They travel, sight see, share meals, stay up late, take cute selfies, and cuddle up. So what makes Jikook less likely, aside from them being in the same group for a decade? Which only adds reason to why they may have had some communication issues or whatever, and needed time apart.
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I was just scrolling through Instagram and the following question popped into my head:
If Bella never had those hallucinations of Edward in New Moon, would something significant have changed? Or would it just mean that she wouldn’t seek out Jacob?
Alright, let's go through this, I'm intrigued.
Bella Never Hallucinates Edward
Bella's in Port Angeles with Jessica to get Charlie off her back so he won't ship her off to Florida. They have an alright time, by which 'alright' is terrible for Jessica and Bella just hates the whole thing but is too depressed to function. They see the scary biker men, this time, Edward's not there to tell Bella not to go with the scary looking people who resemble her would have been rapists.
I imagine Bella stares at them for a weirdly long moment and Jessica, frowning, tugs Bella away and is very disturbed by the whole thing "Please don't make eye contact with them, Bella". Jessica, however, isn't as wigged out because Bella didn't actually approach them and mostly thinks Edward really fucked Bella up. She is not doing good.
"Maybe we have girl's night at home next time," Jessica reasons, seems more low key for Bella who really looks like she should be staying close to home.
"Yeah sure whatever" I imagine is Bella's reply, as she'll need something to keep Charlie from freaking out and if occasionally doing things with Jessica is it then why not.
As you note, without having hallucinated Edward, Bella has no motivation to endanger herself (first by approaching scary men, realizing this is too spicy, then saying "motorcycles, Edward would hate that"). So, Bella never gets the motorcycles and as a result never thinks of Jacob.
She never approaches him and doesn't befriend him.
I imagine what follows instead is that Bella has increasingly awkward girls nights with Jessica and Angela, and accidental dates with Mike Newton, where she tries to convince Charlie she's great. She's... awesome, but she's not actually getting better because she doesn't even have Jacob in this timeline.
I imagine she still motivates herself to search for the meadow but just gets increasingly lost in the woods without Jacob's help. She may stumble across it as she did in canon, nearly get eaten by Laurent, at which point she's saved by the wolves but even if this happens while she'd now know Victoria is after her sh edoesn't know about the wolves and Jacob isn't close enough to tell her/try to tell her as he did in canon.
Things continue, Bella doesn't jump off a cliff because she doesn't see the La Push guys doing it/isn't hallucinating Edward. As a result..
Probably, what happens, is either Victoria does eventually get to Bella and kills her or else the Volturi get involved as Victoria's building up the newborn army and, since Edward never came and told them he broke the rules, they have no reason to stall the destruction of the army and Victoria herself.
Bella never realizes there was a newborn army or how close Forks came to being wiped out by vampires.
As it is Bella... well, she'll either get better, or she'll continue to spiral into the suicidal behavior we saw in canon. My hope is that, after long enough, as in canon she begins to accept the Cullens will not return and tells Charlie/Renee "I think I need help" rather than what she did in canon (which was conclude she needs to rebound on Jacob to fix her problems).
Edward will likely eventually return, but we don't know when this will be, and when he does... if he'll content himself watching from afar or else will begin intervening in her life and scaring off boyfriends.
But the rest of the plot doesn't happen.
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sl-ut · 1 year
college!abby loving scissoring >>>>>>>
i'm in love
listen, i don't make the rules, i just enforce them (even though i totally made this rule)
more college!abby
i feel like abby would not be totally convinced that scissoring is even a real thing for a long time. ofc she has seen it in porn and its a running joke within the wlw community, though it just doesn't seem like it would make sense to her. like i mentioned in some posts before, despite her being out and proud for a little while now, y/n is her first real girlfriend (i hc that she labelled herself as pan for a while after she dated owen but then realised after dating a few other guys casually that, no, she is definitely a lesbian).
the first time she hooked up with a vagina owner, it was very very basic. she struggled for a bit to find the right spots (the clit was easy enough, but when it came to inside????? that's where the struggle was), but hey, practice makes perfect. it was tongues and very mild fingering but that's it. i hate to make it sound like i hate the guy, but i absolutely hate owen, and i just know that he's not all that in the sack. he might have had some good intentions, but the skill wasn't always there, so she honestly wasn't entirely sure of what would make herself feel good.
the first time she tried it, it wasn't great. it was awkward, and neither of them actually got off on it, but it definitely had potential. she didn't even attempt it again for a little bit, well after she'd gotten more comfortable taking on a more dominant role in the bedroom. another issue that i know many queer women who have previously only dated men have is overcoming the idea that being feminine is not exclusive with being submissive, and abby struggled with this for a while. however, once she was over that little bump in the road, she's breaking beds and backs left right and centre.
so when she finally tries it again, it's literally life changing. we all know that abby is an absolute beast with the strap, so we already know she's got the stroke game, so she quickly finds the best and most efficient way to go about it. her usual go-to is pinning her partner to the bed, knees to their chest while she goes to town, though she discovers a new favourite when she tries it with y/n.
they do it once or twice before y/n suggests a slight alteration. like i said, y/n is her first real girlfriend, and as mentioned in this post, most of her past hookups were with girls who were similar to herself (she would pickup girls from class or the gym). i'm not trying to say that people who are anything like abby physically or personality-wise are definitely a top, but in this case, they most often were. y/n is the first girl she's been with that hasn't tried to fight for dominance every time and actually enjoys getting manhandled by her, she when she suggests that she could be on top for this, abby was a little hesitant.
she'd had her ride the strap before on a few occasions, and had also forced her to get off on her thigh a time or two, but this? this was completely different, and abby liked it. laying flat on the bed, she felt a little vulnerable under y/n's touch as she gently adjusted her legs to make room. she shivered when she felt the familiar press of y/n's sticky cunt against her own, letting out a shaky sigh as she began to rock her hips slowly to find the right movement. she did take the time to appreciate y/n's figure on top of her, watching in delight as her head dropped back as small whimpers began to roll from her tongue, and letting out a quite whine of her own as y/n's breasts began to bounce with her movement.
"that feel good, baby?" y/n would ask through hitched breath, struggling to keep herself from shying away from the euphoric sensation.
abby nodded as a pathetic grunt escaped her throat, hands searching for something to grip. this was y/n's first time really being on top, and she wasn't really sure how to be on the bottom. then, y/n grabbed her hands, settling them on her hips and helping her guide her hips along. she bent forward, lips brushing abby's as she muttered to her in the quietest voice possible.
"use me, abs."
oh mama. she used her, and she almost didn't wanna stop. she had only just gotten comfortable with being the dominant one in the relationship, and was quite resistant to let go of that, so being able to be on the bottom while still retaining her dominance was perfect. she had the ability to move and grind y/n down on her in any way that she could possibly want, bringing herself to her climax and back twice before letting up. she would prefer it much more if y/n managed to get off at least once during it, but she also knows that it's not gonna work for everyone, so she will happily give her at least three big o's before letting her out of bed.
i think it's safe to say that abby likes scissoring.
just a little.
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cookiesupplier · 5 months
A Friend Down In Hell - Part Twenty-Two END
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pairing: Nick Folio x ofc (Ishtar)
warnings/tropes: slow burn, pining, idiot in love, language, drinking, mentions of violence, mentions of torture, mentions of religious mythology.
summary: Folio can't quite tell you how long he's been dead, but it doesn't matter when he has friends like his, and Ishtar. Ishtar, with whom he fell in love the moment he met her. The problem? She doesn't know it. How does he convince a demon, who is practically immortal, to date him when he's dead? How did Ellie do it so easily?
author’s note: Final Part for Folio & Ishtar.. but don't worry the Hell-Verse is not over yet, keep an eye out..
To read from the beginning: A Friend Down In Hell Masterlist
And for those that missed Noah & Ellie's Story previously, all Hell-Verse stories will be included here: Combined Hell-Verse Masterlist
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tags: @spicywhenspeaking @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @lyschko666 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @sorrowsofsilence @collapsedglasshouses @vinyardmauro @dsireland86 @4rtificialfolio @emmmm127 @badomensls @agravemisstake @sunsshinesunny @blackveilomens @jilliemiw86
Tag lists are open, please let me know if you'd like to be added to this story, the Hell-Verse as a whole, or Everything
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“Let's go, Sunshine, give them some time to think it over.”
Ishtar joined Nick as they left the bar to head back to her apartment. She’d teleported to the bar to get there, this morning, so it was no trouble at all to choose to go with him on his bike, or summon her helmet with a snap of her fingers. Neither was a bother, if anything she preferred it, spending time with him was always something she preferred. Yes, she’d sent him away last night, but everyone needed a bit of alone time when they were stressed now and then, even her. Now, now she was overjoyed, and she just knew she didn’t want to be apart from him. Knowing that he was willing to face a man that had just tried to stab him last night to defend her, ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous, but, she just wanted to wrap herself around him and never let go.
Of course, as soon as they got to her apartment building, when they stepped into her apartment, the door closed behind them, Ishtar spun around on him and smacked her hand across his bicep. She used an open palm, right across his skin, a nice slap. Not as hard as she could, but none too lightly either, she wanted him to feel it a little bit, just a little anyway, not to much, just enough to know she was serious.
So she did it again, and again.
“Ow, ow! Okay, okay, I get it!”
“Do you, Sunshine? Tony tried to stab you yesterday, and you just walked right into that office to confront them alone? You didn’t even tell me you were going!”
At the very least, he looked a tiny bit sheepish at that.
“You would have tried to stop me and told I didn’t need to go in, and I know you had it handled, but Ishtar, hear me out, I caused the problem, I wanted to at least try to fix it. To go and see your boss in person and tell him to his face just what kind of man that Tony is. In my experience, horrible people like Tony get away with the shit that they do, because they get away with so many little things, that when something big like yesterday happens, everyone goes.. Oh well, no one will punish him for it, so what’s the point?”
Nick expression was set into a fierce gaze, and Ishtar couldn’t help but wonder if her Sunshine hadn’t met men like Tony in his time in the living realm as well. Then again, he was a biker he worked in a bar just like she did, they got all kinds and that she knew well, who knows what kind of people might have crossed his path during his life. It was fair to say that he might have indeed come across others, just like Tony, that got away with all kinds of things because no one challenged them. Taking in a slow deep breath at his words, she sighed.
“Alright, I understand, but you understand mine, too, right? You could have taken Noah, Nicholas, or even Jolly, anyone would have been better than no one, Nick!”
Her voice cracked a little at the end when she thought about what could have happened if Tony had attacked him again, and her boss had done nothing to stop it. He had been friends with Tony longer than she had worked there, longer than she’d been alive in this lifetime, who knows what could have gone down once he had arrived. Nick might not be able to die again, but it would not have been a fair fight, not when Tony had backup this time.
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Folio wanted to continue to insist he would have been fine, he wanted to argue that he could handle Tony just like he had last night. He was a coward at worst, and a pansy that couldn’t throw a decent punch at best, but then when her voice did that thing, he swallowed it down. No, he wouldn’t argue. Taking in a deep breath instead, he reached for her, arms circling around her waist just as hers then wrapped around his shoulders, hugging him to her tightly, a soft sound escaping her throat.
“I’m sorry, Princess. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you so badly, I’ll remember to be more careful next time I have to deal with them, I swear. Always with you, always with backup. Never let myself get away with me.. You have my word.”
Not be stupid enough not to accept Jolly’s offer next time! That would be a good starting point at least.
“Oh, Sunshine, I don’t think there is going to be a next time.”
Pulling back from her to groan,
“You don’t seriously think they’ll still have the gall to fire you after that? Noah and Nicholas will rip into them when they find out what Tony did! Can they send him to punishment? Are there punishment realms for demons? Please tell me yes, please!”
“Hold on, Sunshine, hold on, that’s not what I mean. Hearing everything you said to Mario, and Tony in the office, about me, about what I have to put up with there, even if I don’t get fired, I don’t want to work there any more. I’m done. Working at the bar, I wanted to work my way up, and it's not worth debasing myself like that any more. They aren’t going to let me get anywhere, I need to make my own way. I’ve always wanted my own place, and it's about time. Maybe a little café.”
Folio lit up at the sound of it, Ishtar had talked about her dreams of owning her own little café one day more than once, and the thought sounded perfect for her. She was wonderful with people, and he loved her baking, how could he ever not support her in this?
“With breakfast wraps?”
Hearing her lyrical laugh when he asked her that. Of course, he was going to ask that, there was no way he was going to be going to the shop across the street when he was going to be going to Ishtar’s instead. Breakfast wraps or not. He would just get something else instead if she chose to make a different variety to keep up a fresh menu.
“Maybe, or maybe something better. I’m sure I could come up with my own version. I found a recipe for breakfast muffins, and I’ll throw in an apple crumble one on the house just for you, Sunshine.”
“As if you haven’t already gotten me sold, Princess.”
Cupping her face in his hands, he pressed his lips to hers in a sweet kiss, grinning all the while, over the moon right then. For a morning when he had been absolutely distraught with the disaster that the night before had been, he was overjoyed right then. Looking into her bright, sparkling eyes, the joy there, he just knew, Folio knew..
“Ishtar.. I want to bond, I want to bond with you. I love you more than anything. I want to share this life with you, and your next life, and the next.. Not to mention every life after. I want to wear your vines proudly on my skin for everyone to see.”
Hearing her giggle when he mentioned her vines, her lips pressed right back against his in response, he would take that as an agreement, an enthusiastic agreement! He knew it would be different for him, in a sense giving up reincarnation to stay with her, but any time he’d even thought about going back, the pros did not out weight the cons in his point of view. While he openly talked about having no interest, he was sure everyone considered it, at least sometimes, who didn’t wonder about the world of the living sometimes.
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Ishtar preparing for their bonding didn’t take long at all. Some liked to make a ceremony of it, but Ishtar always considered it to be something that should be more personal, something that was very private. It was a bonding of the souls, it was a magical ritual that was about to voluntarily bind the very essence of what made them who they were together for the rest of eternity. Yes, she had been surprised when Nick had told her he had never wanted to get married, and yet had sort out the information on bonding with her so readily. Marriage was nothing but a signature on a piece of paper for her, a vow for humans she supposed, but bonding was a magical blood tie that lasted beyond death.
For her, she had always dreamed about whom she might one day want to bond with, but Ishtar never thought it would be like this, though, so intense, so quickly. Ishtar knew others that were involved for years before they even considered bonding, and here she was, only weeks with Nick. Weeks, well, weeks after five years.. But she knew. She knew the moment that Nick told her that he wanted to bond with her, warmth had swelled in her chest, that she’d made the right choice. She’d known the moment she’d mentioned it in the field, under the starts. The way he assured her he never wanted her to push her into human ways instead of demonic ones, how could she not want to wrap him up and keep him for her own? 
Some might say it was selfish in so many ways, that it was asking him to give up reincarnation. She didn’t see it that way. Nick would have to live with her dying and having to wait for her to come back to him every few hundred years, and if she had to do the same now and then? If he wanted to reincarnate and go back into the world, and she had to remind him of who she was when he came back to hell, she would, each and every time he wanted to go. She could only hope he’d still fall in love with her still, for while her soul would be bound to his, but his soul wouldn’t be bound to hers.
That didn’t deter her, he’d always be her Sunshine, no matter what.
It wasn’t even lunchtime when they were kneeling in the middle of the sitting room. Ishtar had cleared the furniture from around the space and laid down a sheet. She used charcoal to draw the binding symbols in a circle around the space on the sheet where they were now kneeling in the middle of. Nick was shirtless, while Ishtar wore one of her light sun dresses, so her arms were completely bare along with most of her shoulders. She had written the runes that she needed him to use onto a piece of paper, and where he was to place them, but the next step some found a bit squeamish. Thankfully, she full well knew that Nick would be able to handle the sight of blood.
Ishtar was careful was where she sliced their hands open, the worst mistake anyone made was cutting open their palm to affect their nerves. Not that either of them had to worry about not healing, or that their nerves would suffer permanent damage from the cuts. Just the same, the ritual spell required them both to bleed into the bowl between them, mixing their blood together. From here Ishtar painted a series of runes with her fingertips in a mixture of their blood, along Nick’s shoulder blades, and down his biceps and forearms, and he did the same to her. The runes on each of their bodies were different, one denoting that she was binding her soul to his, and he was the one being bound to. 
Once Nick was finished, Ishtar smiled softly to herself. He had insisted that she have a way to check to make sure that he got all the runes perfect, which was why they had a handheld mirror inside the circle. It had to be inside, they couldn’t leave the circle before the bonding was complete, or it would dissipate the runes, and they’d have to start again from scratch. She checked, and sure enough, thanks to her guidance, and his careful following of the guide drawing, he got them just right. 
Taking his hands in hers, she grasped them and began the final steps of the ritual. The demonic language of the spell flowed from her tongue seamlessly as she spoke the words to bind herself to him. To give her soul to him for the rest of her life, all of her lives, with every death and rebirth. Just as he would bare her soul mark from here on, he was in her heart always.
The moment the words ended, the runes seemed to melt into one long line on both of their skin and flowed into the air forming a scarlet ribbon made of their blood. It flowed through the air, and wound its way around their arms. One wrap around each arm, before tightening around their skin, as if to act as the very binding, before the blood ribbon fading and sank into their skin. This was their red string of fate, it was always going to be a part of them, and Ishtar would have it no other way.
“It’s done.”
Seeing Nick beaming back at her,
“It’s finished?”
Her eyes flickered down to the side of his neck slightly with a smile, “Have a look for yourself, Sunshine.” She held up the mirror for him to have a look at himself. Ishtar watched him as he held up the handheld mirror to see the mirror image of the vines that ran down the side of her neck down the bare side of his neck, the side that was previously unmarked. Seeing the way he practically radiated pure joy at that moment, sunshine, just as she always called him.
“It’s perfect. Now, every time I look in the mirror, I get to be reminded how lucky I am to be bonded to you, Princess.”
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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stobinesque · 1 year
23. “Just pretend to be my date.” for the writing prompt thing <3
hello!! thank you! 😊As much as I love a set up for a fake dating plot, I ended up going in a platonic stobin direction because writing dialogue for them is addictive to me. (also holy heck this grew legs; I did manage to keep it below 1k though)
“That sounds like a big undertaking, Steve.”
“What? Robs, how? Just pretend to be my date. It’s only for one night.”
“Yeah, exactly, dingus. Anyone who sees us interact for more than two seconds in a ‘date’ context is going to think we’re married, not on some casual second date or something.”
“I think you’re giving my family’s observation skills a little bit too much credit.” He rounds the corner of the desk with a fresh stack of returns in his arms.
“No, actually, I’m assuming they have the same observational skills of the average Hawkins resident.” Robin flings herself dramatically onto the register’s counter. “Honestly, life would be so much easier if I actually wanted a beard—constantly trying to convince people we aren’t dating while also throwing them off the scent of my raging lesbianism is exhausting.”
Steve rolls his eyes as he sticks a tape into the rewinder. “Tell me about it.”
“I am! Right now! Me being your beard for your cousin’s wedding is just going to cause more problems than it solves.”
“If I go alone, my aunt is going to spend the whole night trying to set me up with one of the daughters of her husband’s country club friends. Or, worse, she’s going to spend the whole night interrogating me about why I haven’t ‘settled down with a nice girl’ yet, and each time I give an answer that isn’t ‘I am currently planning out an elaborate engagement to a girl you don’t know’ she’s going to get increasingly suspicious about my ‘prolonged bachelor-hood’.”
“Yeah, okay, but why does it have to be me?”
“Because you’re my best friend and you love me?” Steve shoots her his best charming smile. Robin rolls her eyes.
“Try again, asshole.”
Steve throws his hands into the air. “I’m kind of limited on options here, Rob! All the people I know are either children, men, or my ex!”
Robin’s face turns considering, and she gets a little glint in her eye.
“Nope. Nuh-uh.” Steve circles a finger in the general vicinity of her face. “What’s that? What’s this? What are you thinking?”
“How about Vickie?”
“Yeah!” Robin pushes herself back off the counter and starts pacing around. “Think about it, it’s perfect: you both have similar tastes in movies, and the same awful sense of humor—“
“I’m telling her you said that.”
Robin halts in her tracks and shoots Steve a mock pitying expression. “Babe, she already knows.”
Steve crosses his arms across his chest, grumbling.
“Anyway, as I was saying: you both have the same terrible sense of humor, and you both love, like, cars, or whatever. Oh, and sports—!”
“Rob, you like sports—”
“Yes, but we’re trying to figure out a date for you who’s not me.”
“You’re trying to find a date for me that’s not you.”
“And you’re playing along because you’re a supportive friend.”
Steve opened his mouth to argue, but she wasn’t wrong, so he just snapped it back shut again. “Fine, carry on.”
“Thank you.” Robin gives him an imperious little nod. “Aaaas I was saying: the two of you have a lot in common and get along really well, but you’re also both, like, supremely weird around each other when I’m not there—”
“We are not!”
“Steve, the last time I left the two of you alone together I came back to find both of you standing side by side staring into the middle distance, completely silent, until Vickie piped up to say ‘So the sky is really blue today, huh?’”
“I can’t help it if you can’t appreciate a mutual pensive silence, Bobbin.”
“I’m— I— wh— ” Robin splutters, looking dumbfounded. “Where the hell did that come from?”
“I can do long words too, sometimes!”
Robin rolls her eyes again. “Yes, yes, you’re a regular Einstein. Back to my point—”
Steve flings his head back. “Did you have one?”
“Yes, now shut up. My point, is that you and Vickie have enough in common that people will buy her as your date, but you’re awkward enough around each other that you won’t have to act like it’s true love, or something. Perfect for a cover-up temporary romance!”
Steve mulls it over. “Okay. Say I agree that your logic makes sense—”
“It does.”
“Sure, fine, yes. Your logic makes sense. But, you’re still forgetting one crucial detail.”
“And that is…”
The bell to Family Video’s front door jingles as Vickie walks in with a wide smile on her face. “Hi Robin! Hey, Steve! What’s up?”
Steve raises an eyebrow in Robin’s direction.
“Oh shit. We have to actually ask her.”
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
the hated and the endeared
[fast times and fast nights]
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when you think rebellious and outspoken in f1, who is your answer? if your answer is jupiter nightshade, you’d be absolutely right. so, imagine everyone’s surprise when it came out — through no fault of her own because aella had posted a picture of them together — that seemingly cold hearted jupiter is dating warm and bubbly oscar piastri.
→ qatar, 2021
“oi, mate!” oscar barges into the garage with a hand on his forehead. “why did you do that?”
aella, pulling her red racesuit up her legs looks up at her best friend in the dark blue hoodie. “what did i do?”
jupiter comes out from behind him with her hands on her hips. “you outted us to the public, aella.”
at the sight of the world champion — the person she looks up to, literally — she stumbles back a couple of steps and holds onto the wing of the car parked in the garage to balance herself. “it was a group photo!”
“i had my hand around her waist!”
“it’s not my fault you can’t keep your hands off of her for one picture!”
jupiter sighs, throwing her head back. “aella.”
“i’m sorry,” she cries out, hurriedly pulling up her race suit over her body. “i thought you guys were okay with people finding out. we went to the bahamas together! that’s a public space. i’m sorry, jupiter.” she looks at oscar. “help me; i don’t want to get mauled before my race.”
a small smile plays on jupiter’s lips watching the younger driver looking at oscar for some form of protection. she taps aella on her arm. “okay, fine. only because,” jupiter sighs, wrapping her hands around oscar’s arm and rests her head on his shoulder, “i like him a lot.”
there are many questions surrounding their involvement. oscar… oscar piastri… that name rings a bell, doesn’t it?
— renault junior, oscar piastri, wins 2020 f3 championship title on first try
— breaking: prema driver, oscar piastri, announces retirement from racing after winning 2021 f2 championship title to focus on furthering his education
i think you can see why there’s a lot of questions regarding their involvement. a kid with a bright future ahead of him in the racing scene suddenly steps away after his alleged involvement with the reigning world champion.
rumour has it that jupiter had asked oscar to step away from the racing scene so that she can keep unapologetically be a menace on the track. there was even one alleging that jupiter is forcing him to be her trophy boyfriend – to sit in the sidelines while she dominates the track.
❝no, god! that’s an absurd thing to say. stepping away from racing to focus on my education is a decision that was set in stone even before i met jupiter. she didn’t have to convince me to quit racing; she didn’t even know of the decision up until a week before my last race in f2.❞
❝ohh, he announces his retirement from the sport and suddenly everyone is accusing me of forcing him to quit racing. no, i didn’t tell him to quit. i even joked with oscar that the only way i’ll be giving up my championship is if he is fighting me for it.❞*
the villainisation of jupiter nightshade doesn’t end there. you know how to story goes: a woman dominating a sport meant for men. the woman who paved the way for several others to earn their rightful spot in f1 with her and roxanne castle.
– ❝jupiter nightshade takes the podium once again for tonight’s race. on your screens, folks, is jupiter and her boyfriend, oscar piastri, in an embrace. this win means a lot for her – she’s now taken the lead for the driver’s championship away from mercedes driver (and long time rival) sonnet pham.❞
– ❝oscar piastri was sighted walking about in the paddocks alongside best friends, aella gutierrez and logan sargeant, before bidding them goodbye to enter the red bull racing home.❞
– ❝jupiter nightshade’s custom ferrari was spotted in oscar piastri’s university parking lot. shortly after, they were seen walking out of campus hand-in-hand before he drove them out of the parking lot.❞
– ❝there’s just something off about how oscar retired shortly after they came out and told everyone they’re dating.❞
– ❝did you see oscar’s instagram the other night? they went on a romantic dinner in monaco together! that might have been one of the rare times that i’ve seen jupiter nightshade sport such a genuine smile.❞
– ❝jupiter nightshade is under investigation by the fia stewards for pushing another driver off the track.❞
but even ice melts when you’re in the presence of the warmest smile everyone’s ever seen.
→ japan gp, 2023
“no, it doesn’t make any fucking sense!” jupiter scolds, walking into her garage with her helmet in her hands. “that’s stupid – why did you let kelly pass me? i was faster! i needed those extra points!”
christian sighs, stepping back as the angry girl approaches. “jupiter, please. calm down first.”
“camellia closed up our gap! one wrong move and i swear either mercedes is coming for my throat in the championship fight!” she throws her arms in the air. she takes a deep breath, ready to continue her rampage.
in the corner of her eye, she notices a figure taking off the headphones from his head and approaching her. she does a double take, unsure if she’s hallucinating. she raises her eyebrows with a smile. “oscar!”
“jupiter!” oscar laughs, opening his arms as he comes towards her. “surprise! i made it out this weekend! i finished my submissions early and i got a flight to fly out in the afternoon yesterday. i arrived this morning; i’ve been hiding in the mclaren home with aella the entire day.”
“oh, you’re sneaky!” jupiter laughs, throwing her arms around oscar. “i’m so glad you could make it. thank you.”
the signature smirks turn into the warmest smiles in his presence — some might argue that her ice cold demeanour is thawing with his presence. but everyone says, and swears, that oscar piastri made jupiter nightshade more likeable. they could very well be right. but is that what she thinks?
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@cashtons-wife @darleneslane @angsthology
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Aoko x Kaito headcannons...platonic ones are very much appreciated too.
I don't usually think much about the romantic Aoko x Kaito, although I like it, I prefer them platonic, but here are both, feel free to think of the platonic ones as romantic if you want! Romantic: 1. They wear matching clothes, Kaito always complains that Aoko copies him, Aoko always defends herself saying that is not the case… Kaito is the one who copies her color to match her!
2. Kaito has painted portraits of Aoko, people are impressed when they see them, because Kaito draws Aoko in the most beautiful way he can, he wants everyone to see her. Platonic: 1. Aoko is the one who teaches Kaito how to cook. Kaito has never liked it, but Aoko tells him "You need to cook to survive, I won't be with you forever to keep you alive." And reluctantly, but agreeing with her, he learns to cook.
Aoko shares the Nakamori family recipes with him! 2. I really like the idea of ​​them both going out to flirt with cute girls or boys, mostly helping each other get a love interest or going on double dates.
Kaito forced Aoko to learn the rose trick, and they have a whole performance together to get dates. 3. They have lightsaber fights, and act out dramatic scenes saying things like:
"I expected this from everyone, but not from you, you my sister…!"
"This is the end bro, I always hated you."
Then the inspector shows up, and says:
"Children, dinner is ready, come eat."
Then they run and push each other, yes, they are 17 years old.
4. I really like the idea of ​​these two going on road trips, I feel like while Kaito drives, he and Aoko sing and "dance" to 80s songs.
5. Kaito played with Aoko with dolls, he was embarrassed, but he had a lot of fun. 6. Since Aoko is quite insecure about herself, I like to think that Kaito dresses like her and fixes himself up so that she can see herself the way he sees her. 7. They braid each other's hair. Kaito wears a wig! 8. Aoko has named some of Kaito's pigeons. 9. Aoko once shot an arrow at Kaito on Valentine's Day. (I have the headcanon that she practices archery, I don't know, it just came out of nowhere.)
Aoko was crying desperately screaming, "You're going to lose your arm, you're going to lose your arm!"
And all Kaito said to try to calm her down was, "That was close, any closer and you'd have my heart!"
Aoko cried more. Kaito started to panic. It was a Valentine's Day joke, it didn't come out well.
And yes, I really like the idea that Kaito has a bad time on February 14th. 10. After meeting Akako, they get a little (a lot) carried away on Halloween, creating some pretty convincing scary costumes full of wounds, both seeking Akako's approving opinion.
11. I have this idea about Aoko as a trans man in my head, I hope to turn it into a story someday, but I'll tell you about it.
When Aoko comes out to Kaito, he starts discreetly leaving men's fashion magazines in Aoko's room.
He also offers his house if things don't work out when he comes out to he parents and makes it clear that they are friends no matter what.
I also like to think that Kaito and Hakuba end up in the school principal's office because they got into a fight over defending Aoko (Aoi), then they get scolded by him, but they all hug each other because he appreciates how much they care.
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xblackreader · 2 years
Modern AU! Black Panther
Rival Companies Romance! Fic
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Wakanda Apparel Vs Talokan Sports
Okoye is a retired semi famous gymnast/athlete, who after retiring from sports, went on to create her own fashion, athletic line created by women of color. She is definitely well off with her successful business.
Her main designer is another athlete/designer Shuri. They grew up together (Okoye kinda helped raise her) and now Shuri is trying to help Okoye Modernize her brand by adding technology to the brand (fitbits, training apps, health monitors) and it’s going is great.
Rival? company of Talokan who was in the technological health business approaches them and instead of telling them to back off from their business, they propose that they merge their businesses.
they’re two multi million dollar businesses owned by people of color, they needed to stick together!
Shuri is somewhat on board, but Okoye flat out refuses. She took one look at the CEO! Namor and said he’s a shifty MAN and she doesn’t trust him.
They talk to a main shareholder, Queen Ramonda (Shuri’s mother) and Ramonda agrees that she’s skeptical to make a deal with this man who was talking down to them.
Unbeknownst to her Namor and Shuri will later meet and talk about the merge and how to convince Okoye.
Attuma is a retired soccer player and Talokan’s best spokesman (who is also related to the CEO) who goes with Namora to scout out Wakanda Apparel and their new kick boxing gym.
When he sees Okoye leading a all women’s training program, he scoffs at her (no way someone this small and lean can do any damage)
She kicks his ass for doubting her power but instead of the usual reaction she gets from men, egotistical and brutish, he tells her he wants a date with her in that moment.
Literally he’s on the ground with a maybe fractured bleeding nose and he asks her out in front of everyone.
She said absolutely not but if she thought she was getting rid of him that easily, she’s got another thing Comin.
Hell visit her office with flowers and lunch and gifts (how does he keep getting up here? Why does Aneka keep letting him up here?) and he’s unashamed to admit he’s smitten with a straight face. He’s hers.
When Shuri catches wind of too much affections for her, she is 100% on board helping Attuma win her cousins heart is her main priority… besides figuring out Namor.
Meanwhile their lead fitness scientist, Riri Williams had no idea she has latched herself to a secret admirer Namora.
Maybe Riri has a crush on Shuri 👀 and maybe shuri likes both Namor and Riri and can’t choose! 💗 maybe she don’t have to!!!! 👀👀
They have never spoken beyond pleasantries but Riri is so cute and awkward and funny and Namora is soooo gay.
Namora is so gay ha ha
Maybe everyone gets together 👀 maybe there’s something spicy 🌶️
Maybe I’ll get inspired and actually right this is a full fic or maybe with someone will pick it up as a prompt 👀👀👀💗
Should I add some other characters from the Movies? What do you all think?
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ladyofsnark · 7 months
(Been on a fallout binge lately. This is my version of the Female Sole Survivor meeting Hancock.)
Hancock couldn’t keep an eye on the gates all the time, which meant that he didn’t always see newcomers cross the threshold. But he’d been on a walk with Fahrenheit to check in on Goodneighbor’s denizens, and happened to be returning to the State House when he saw the scene unfolding at the gate.
He wasn’t sure what sort of chems Finn was high on, but it must have been one hell of a trip to think he had a chance against that.
It was impossible to tell the newcomer’s gender as their body was completely obscured by riot armor and a heavy duster and their face was hidden by some kind of helmet with a full gas mask. They carried a rifle on their back, a pistol on their hip, and a definite aura of “don’t fuck with me” energy.
They were maybe a woman if Hancock had to guess going on their height alone. They weren’t what he’d call short, but the Commonwealth bred them big and stupid these days and they didn’t quite fit the bill.
There were a lot of things wrong about them, actually. From the fancy armor to the dog crouched in front of them, snarling at Finn. He’d never seen a dog like that before in his life. The gunners had some pretty fancy guard dogs and the raiders kept those half-feral mongrels, but this one looked fresh out of a painting or some shit.
“Your type thinks you can just walk into our neighborhood–”
“Since I just ripped through every freak and asshole from Concord to the West End, you’re right. I can. The only reason I haven’t shot you yet is because I’m not convinced you’re worth the ammo.”
Definitely a woman then. Her voice was distinct even through the obvious radio crackle of her helmet. And Hancock was immediately intrigued. He was half-tempted to see how she handled herself, but at the same time Finn was out of line and that asshole was his responsibility.
“Hey, when someone walks through the gates for the first time we treat them like a guest,” Hancock said, raising his voice to be heard as he stepped out of the dark of the alley between Kleo’s and the state house. “You knock it off with that extortion shit.”
Finn wheeled around to look at him. “You’re weak, Hancock,” he snapped. “If you let just anyone walk all over us, there will be someone new in charge one day.”
“No love for your mayor, Finn? C’mon, man.”
Finn opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off by the stiletto Hancock rammed into his gut. Once and then twice more. It went deep and Finn let out a soft gurgle before hitting the ground. Probably not dead yet but well on his way.
Hancock wiped the blood off the knife onto his pant leg and glanced over at the newcomer. “You okay, sister?”
“No, but that’s my normal these days,” she replied, blandly.
He laughed. “That’s everyone’s normal these days.”
There was a soft snort of agreement and then a pause before the helmet tilted curiously to the side. “You’re… a ghoul, I’m guessing.”
“Yeah, though I’m afraid not everyone turns out as handsome as this. Problem?”
“Not at all, I like men with scars. Just as long as you’re not going to try to chew my face off like the ones in Cambridge. I'm not into that on a first date.”
Hancock grinned. “I’ll only bite if you ask me to, toots.”
There was another soft snort, this one more amused. “Maybe later, handsome,” she replied, throwing out her own pet name with an ironic twist of humor. “Anywhere I can find a bed and some running water in this heap?” 
Hancock liked her already. “You need somewhere to stay, the Rexford’s probably got a room,” he said. “Otherwise, you can come share my bed.”
“Depends. You got hot water? Because that would be really fucking sexy.”
He laughed and motioned for her to follow. “Yeah, this way.”
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