#how old is clem in s4 i literally have no idea
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mashedmangos · 7 months ago
Do you have some art references of Duck Survivor? Since S1 to S4? 👀
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Grins at you evilly
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spacedlexi · 3 years ago
have you read the clementine book? if so what are your thoughts?
i said a lot of my thoughts when the book was first announced,, and thought it was going to suck for a myriad of reasons,,,
and i was right lol
i havent read it 100% myself since i refuse to engage with it and i pretend it doesnt exist, but ive seen pages of it here and there and ive read other in depth reviews out of morbid curiosity and its just...................... it sucks so much...........................
putting this under a read more for those of u also pretending this comic doesnt exist so u can continue on ur day 💕
clem as a character has reverted back to her s3 self, and not even the end of s3 but the beginning of it before she opened up to the garcias and was just an angry distrustful loner who was tired of watching everyone she cared about die around her (which is why she pushed people away..and its like... a major part of her character development for s3.. and is now being used as her development for this book that takes place AFTER S4!!). so not only are we getting a complete retcon basically of s4, but also s3 technically?? who is this person this is not post s4 clem. this is literally 13/14 year old clem
ALSO can i just say.. when i read the synopsis and it said she was "moving into a new community of teens" i was expecting it to actually be like.....a Community...... and not LITERALLY JUST LIKE 3 PEOPLE.......... 2 of which are our store brand minnie/sophie stand-ins and the 3rd is a a half baked love interest. actually its worse than half baked. her calling clem "baby" made me choke. i was also expecting amos and whatever her name is to both be possible love interests (even tho i wasnt thrilled by the idea of either of them. louis and violet are good thanks), but no amos gets with one of the sisters and dies 💀 and the girl is calling clem "baby" before book 1 is even over................................................................ LIKE WHAT IS THIS. also why tf are these 3 TEENAGERS..ALONE... building new houses?? in the middle of winter in VERMONT!!?!?!?!?? make it make sense im begging. AND!!! theyre LEAVING!! this community!!!! at the end of the book??? WHAT?? not only did they scrap the s4 teen community but their own freaking teen community as well and now theyre going to an island or something??? and its sounding like an "island of dr moreau" reference so thats... idk im bored already. like what are we doing. what is this
and i cannot BELIEVE... clems reasoning for leaving the school.... is that she felt like the kids were treating her differently?? that people thought since she lost her leg that she was like.. useless?? the ericson kids would QUITE LITERALLY NEVER. you know aside from the fact that louis or violet could end s4 with their own disability giving them something in common with clem since they receive their injuries at basically the same time and are getting used to their new limitations side by side... HOW MANY TIMES... did clem hear from different kids... that they owe their lives to her, that she protected them and gave them a fighting chance, that she turned ericsons into a safe place worth fighting for and saved them from being a bunch of scared kids hiding in the woods just waiting for something to happen to them, how without her theyd all be child soldiers or dead....... ericsons as a community was all about these traumatized abandoned kids banding together to take care of each other in a harsh world where everyone neglected and forgot about them. they were a bunch of "troubled" kids nobody wanted not even their own families, who each were suffering from their own issues and became a tight knit group where they all looked out for each other. WHERE... IN ANY OF THIS..... does it make sense for clem to feel ostracized?? for them to treat her differently??? just because of her leg (which again shes not the only one with a disability)?? which aj specifically states he will make her a new one? lets also not get into the fact of what her losing her leg is supposed to symbolize because ive said it a million times. but i guess it makes sense for that to be retconned too since its all about her not being on the road anymore and how she has a stable and safe community of people she loves who she can rely on (which is what shes been wanting since...forever). cant have that if we're gonna shove her out on the road again and give her the same problems she had when she was young teen
also.. why tf.. does clem suddenly know NOTHING?? about WOUND CARE?? lets ignore the fact that shes leaving the school before her leg is even completely healed (wtf). but like......clem has known basic wound care since SEASON 2.. an entire scene is literally clem escaping the shed because she knows itll be bad if her dog bite is left to fester. so she breaks into the house. steals supplies to clean and patch herself up. and then LITERALLY. CLEANS AND STITCHES HERSELF... AT 11 YEARS OLD. leading to the classic and iconic "im still not bitten" line. and aside from literally everything shes learned on the road, theres also ruby? who was literally trained by the school nurse and was definitely taking care of clem and her wound and you KNOW ruby would be on top of it too like "clem did you clean today did you change your bandages let me know if you need help i have more bandages if you need them also painkillers and dont forget to rest"
also i have to just quick mention how fuckin Lame it is that she names her prosthetic "kenny" fuck off. having a character say "yeah. thats a good name" does not make it a good name that actually makes it more glaring honestly. and her flashbacks about lee and how shes like.. mad at him for not saving her or something?? or for like leaving her alone or whatever? its so.. like.. what the fuck... i hate it so much... it feels so childish honestly?? clem never blamed lee for Anything he fought so hard for her and she knows that. i feel like if anything she would have guilt for running away in the first place since its the reason he got bit? its not HIS fault he fuckin died. and he walked through hell to make sure he got her to safety
ok. i think thats everything new i have to add. there were a lot of other problems too but i dont feel like sitting here ripping this book to shreds again i just want to pretend it doesnt exist. ive at least completely separated it from the rest of twdg and i can look at it as its own mess. that is NOT clementine and i can say that with 1000% certainty now. now its just like watching a car wreck. but i know that clem is still back at ericsons enjoyin her fuckin life and vibing
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Finished s1 ep5 again.
Some random thoughts as the episode progressed:
That’s a lotta walkers... 
Is it weird that my first thought was, “Boy, James could stuff a whole bunch of barns with that many walkers!”
Oh, piss off, Stranger.
Kenny over here tryin’ to make me feel better...
Aaaaaaaaand Lee’s down. Great.
Fuck it. I’m cuttin’ it off. I never cut it off because I know it won’t work and I don’t exactly love seeing Lee get his arm sawed off buuuuuuut... I’ve been making a few different choices this time around so... 
*This is going to hurt
Yeah, no shit game thanks
No no no no nononononnononononoooooaaaaack
yeah, that wasn’t fun.
I don’t know what’s worse: Ben saying he peed himself as we’re climbing the damn ladder or that fact that I no longer have two hands. 
Lee’s already starting to look paler. It’s amazing that I’ve played this game several times, but I still get anxious seeing Lee get paler and weaker. I’ve grown so attached to him throughout all my playthroughs and it actually hurts worse every single time I have to watch him slowly die throughout this episode.
I made a post about this before, but the idea of Ben surviving and being the one to take care of Clementine rather than Christa and Omid is such a fascinating idea given how much of a screw up he’s been. He could’ve seen this as a way to atone for inadvertently getting Duck killed, y’know? 
I know I’ve yelled at him a lot because he does a lot of things that make me mad, but I do feel real sympathy for his character. The poor kid is constantly shit on and he’s just so lanky and sad looking with that teenage mustache... how do you not feel bad?
I really like Omid’s voice acting. Something about his voice is very... soothing.
Kenny is so supportive I’m still dumbfounded at that
The boat is gone and now Kenny and his fisherman shirt are throwing a tantrum.
Ben’s freak out is one of my favorite scenes this episode. It’s very humanizing and it’s nice to see someone, especially someone like Ben, put Kenny in his place. This is also a great place where Ben’s voice acting is really good. His voice cracks and the emotion feels real. 
Oh hai Brie
“You ruined that dude’s face.”
“Shut up, sweetie.”
Christa and Omid are the otp of this season I stg
“You still with us, Ben?”
“Yeah, Lee. I just want to help.”
The fact that Ben doesn’t even realize that he’s been impaled...
Ben’s dead, Kenny’s “dead”, and I’m doing my longest, deepest of sighs.
Seriously, though, I don’t know if it exists, but if someone did an AU of Ben being the one to take care of Clementine and him surviving to the final season I would cry. Imagine him running into Kenny again, and then Lilly in s4. Think of the character growth he could’ve gotten helping take care of Clem, and then AJ. And then him ending up being the oldest person, literally the “adult”, at Ericson? 
Lee is such a badass. The dude has only one arm and he is taking out these walkers left and right and fighting his way through this goddamn herd and this music is so damn epic AH
Another one of my favorite scenes, hands down.
Oh hai Stranger
Yeah yeah, guilt me about what a bad dude I am and how I personally ruined your life blah blah blah
This guy has to be the most boring final antagonist ever. Like, I can’t help but laugh at him, really. His story is sad, yeah, and I feel for him, but it’s still not my favorite. 
I stick by what I said, this would’ve been so epic and very full circle if Jolene had been the one to kidnap Clementine. Hell, you just tone down some of the “crazy” and throw in a few more hints about her and boom!
 But, nah, we got this skinny, dead-looking Mr. Rodgers knock off. 
It’s fine.
“You abandoned a defenseless, grieving woman!”
Oh don’t you even go down that road with me, mister-
“I’m gonna hurt you so bad.”
Oh no. I’m shaking in my boots. My stump is quaking. Please. Don’t do it.
Aaaaaaaand you’re dead. Good job.
Cue the obligatory cover-ourselves-in-walker-guts scene.
Oh, Clem, sweetie, don’t worry. You’ll be doing this plenty of times in the next eight years. 
Oh... this truly is the worst day of Clementine’s life. 
Lee’s too fucking weak to even stand. I could sit here mashing A all day and he just... can’t.
 How does this manage to make me cry every time I play it...?
“Keep that hair short.”
😭😭😭*distressed chihuahua squeaks of sorrow*😭😭😭
“I’ll miss you.”
“Me, too...”
Such a damn good episode. Such a damn good game.
If I had to criticize some things, I’d say that the gun controls are shit, but I believe that they improve over the other games. There's also the good ol’ complaint about choices not really mattering, but that’s just old news at this point.
Seeing Clementine’s beginnings again after knowing how her story ends is really a strange, but good[?] feeling. Can’t wait to make more questionable with her in s2, my favorite season oh boy
Looking at the end cards now, I’m fucking wheezing at my Lilly one. 
You called her a bitch when you first met.
You called her crazy when supplies went missing.
You left her on the side of the road.
I should probably feel bad because you could argue that my harshness sent her down the path to the delta, but... it didn’t. It really didn’t, guys. I could’ve kissed her ass every chance I got. She’ll still be kidnapping kids and murdering my son Mitch later down the road. AND she killed my girlfriend, so... there. 
But Kenny fucking loved me this time around which was... strange, to say the least. Like I’ve said, he always is Mr. Grumpy Pants with me because I tried to save Larry but damn... “Pal,” just wow. 
Playing as Lee again is always a treat. He’s one of my favorite playable protagonists in any game. He’s funny, he’s strong, he loves Clementine to death.
 He didn’t have to take care of her. He could’ve just left her there, or left her with someone else. But, he didn’t.  
And I love him. 
Goodbye, Lee. 
You beautiful man. 
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