#how much fluff should tts dream have? me: yes >:)
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sleepdeprivedlilbean · 1 year ago
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it’s Dreamy boy let’s gooo!
Original au and story by @paintedkinzy-88 close-ups and link posted under the cut!
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While yes he’s a big scary dragon i figured the guardian of positivity would still have a friendlier look compared to the rest of the bunch, so when Kinzy said he had fur… i just HAD to make him soft 🥺 lmao his tail reminds me of a feather duster
(he’ll still kick ur ass if he needs to tho)
but like, now he’s kinda is like his hoard too in a way, since he’s a big soft just like the blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and such that he collects and it’s just 😤😩👌
anyway if was fun to use markers for his fur, and the yellows and browns where fun to work with tbh
idk no thoughts head empty, only space for dragons
(the tts!dragon gang literally live rent free in my head 24/7 like ANABAFZCAJ i have so many doodles of them 🫠)
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nekowriteshaikyuu · 5 years ago
his fans are too touchy, way too touchy
pairing : ushijima x reader 
warnings : manga timeskip spoilers , kinda fluff(?)
summary : going on dates with your boyfriend used to be peaceful, but now it’s chaotic, with girls rushing towards your man.
a/n : this was so last minute but i don’t wanna scrap this idea away the minute i fall asleep so let’s just do it now akskks. hope this is okay :p
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ ushijima wakatoshi ♥
you’ve never been so happy to see ushijima, your boyfriend of 5 years, made it to his dreams. After all the pain and difficulties he faced, training numerous times even if he’s exhausted, balancing his volleyball life with his ordinary life, he finally made to the Japan’s National Team. All in while, he met you, who supported him with all your heart, and made sure he was healthy and well throughout his career. He’s never been this appreciated to be with you.
That being said, the time you both have been together, you barely went out on dates. he’s been fairly busy with training, but you don’t complain , because you too had multiple paperwork to finish after getting into a job you’ve been working hard for. When he comes home late from practices, you’re always on the laptop, typing away with papers scattered infront of you. He silently made his way to your shared bedroom and washes up before going to bed, not disrupting you from your work. It’ll only be about an hour or two later before you go to bed, and by then, ushijima is already snoozing. You do wish you both clear up a date to just go out once more like how you did before.
Ushijima could hear the keys tapping constantly from where he sat. As you type your last few notes into your laptop, you sighed before closing the laptop and carefully clean up the scattered papers. Ushijima turns to you before signalling to come join him on the couch. You slowly made your way to him, all excited and eager to cuddle with him. He has two days of no practice which means it’s a good moment to spend time with you. You crawled up next to him before squeezing yourself to his side. His arm wrapped around your shoulder with both of yours around his waist. You could feel how buffed he became after all those practices. You tighten your grip before nuzzling your head to his chest.
“when was the last time i’ve held you this way” you smiled as he placed a kiss onto your forehead. You both sat there quietly, watching tendou’s chocolate advertisement appear which got you both to giggle slightly.
“say,,we should go out today ! you know, to the park !” you suggested cheerfully. He took a moment to think about it, before agreeing with your idea. His respond got you jumping out of his grip and straight to the room where you got ready. 
not long later you both are out of the house, walking to the park, hand intertwined with each other. You both made your way to the park where you found a good place to sit. 
“hey, i’m gonna go buy us some drinks, okay?” you said before making your way to the vending machine. Ushijima sat down quietly as he wait, scrolling through his phone.
“Uh-uh, i’m sorry a-are you..U-ushijima wakatoshi?” He looked up to see two girls infront of him, practically holding onto each other as they stared down to him.
“yes, i am Ushijima Wakatoshi.” he said with a deep but polite tone. The girl’s eyes were basically sparkling now.
“omg ! i- i mean we- are your biggest fans ! c-can we take a picture with you?” they’ve never been so happy to stumble upon to Japan’s National Team’s player in a local park. Ushijima was not up to decline their polite request, so he obliged. The minute they snapped a picture with him, a swarm of girls hurried over. His area was basically infested with fans. All asking for autographs and pictures, or a simple handshake to have a grip of his toned arms.
You slowly made your way back to your boyfriend before noticing the swarm of girls hovering over him. You felt slightly jealous, before remembering that your relationship with Ushijima was not publicly announced yet. You both don’t often visit crowded areas together, mostly spending time in each other’s home. But still, you felt that it wasn’t right to suddenly be all superior, claiming he’s your man infront of his fans. You felt like that would humiliate him, so you stopped yourself and watch from afar as the girls fangirled over your boyfriend.
It didn’t really hit you hard before you noticed how everyone was already sitting down beside him, caressing his arm, or hugging him tight when taking pictures with him. You felt the jealousy boiled in again. You heaved out a sigh, cooling yourself down before making your way to the swarming girls.
“toshi-kun! please, marry me UwU !”
“toshi-kun, you have such nice arms !”
“toshi-kun ! w-would you give me your autograph?” Ushijima could already feel the exhaustion kicking in. This wasn’t the same even back when he was the top three ace . He just wished he’d had a peaceful moment to spend time with you, strolling around the park hand in hand, with the sight of your heart-warming smile that riles him up everytime. At this moment, he was scanning through the girls, looking for you. Before his eyes laid on you, just a few feet away from him, drinks in hand. He couldn’t help but smile and felt eased up at the sight of you.
“toshi-kun ! do you have a girlfriend ?!” the girls were still shooting questions, and snapping pictures of him. What shut all of them up, was his respond.
“yes, i do. and she’s right there.” He averted his eyes to you which all the girls follow. You felt your cheeks turn red as the girls look at you, thinking as if the girls were ready to come charging and attack you.
“we’ll meet again, girls, for now, i need some time with my lady.” he bid his farewell to them before slowly jogging to you. grabbing one of the drinks out of your hand, he pulled you in closer and kissed your lips. You felt your cheeks flushed red again. The girls who watched every of ushijima’s movement basically gasped in shock, before cheering happily, screaming with joy.
“t-toshi !!” you lightly slapped his arm as you cover your mouth. Your heart practically melted after feeling his soft lips after so long.
“last long !”
“you both look so adorable!”
“i wish you both the best !!” you could hear the girls cheering as they snap shots of you in ushijima’s grip. All he did was smile as he hugged you. You could feel his smile widen as he sinks in the crook of your neck
“ i guess we don’t need to keep our relationship a secret anymore” he said as he took your hand, walking away from the girls who were slowly dispatching. 
Both of you end up having lunch at the convenient store nearby. It wasn’t long before the news came up pouring onto social media about you and Ushijima as a couple.
“Toshi !!! why did you kiss me infront of them !!” you said as you cover your face, slamming your phone on the table after looking at a snapshot of him kissing you. He took your hands off before kissing it, looking at you in the eye that was filled with embarrassment. 
“because, people need to know how much i love my lady” your face was never so red. You slammed your head on the table as he giggled from your sudden action.
Well, at least there is no need to hide the relationship no more.
------𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕛𝕚𝕞𝕒 𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚------
a/n: aaah it’s so last minute it end up turning badd, i should have just waited till tomorrow to plan out but me being an impatient person, i had to write one on the spot afdhak i’m sorry TT. But yeye- can’t believe i used ‘UwU’ in my writing akdkhhk i use it way to often i just thought it fits well here:3
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aquaquadrant · 5 years ago
Rating/Warnings: K+ (sickness, minor injury, disturbing imagery) Timeline: FalsePrince!Varian AU (by Lunarcrown), after “Queen For a Day” Summary: Varian’s quest for answers to free his dad leads him down a dark and wondrous path.
A/N: OK SO I know I said I wasn’t gonna link my TTS Tangledtober one-shots here much but I REALLY loved how this one came out, plus I figured I oughta credit @lunarcrown for letting me play with her False Prince Varian AU and cook up a little origin story for it! Hope you enjoy, reblogs/comments are appreciated!
Click here to read on A03! - Aqua
Varian sets the beaker down with trembling hands.
His shakiness is now impossible to ignore, and he fears he’ll drop something and cause an even bigger accident than the one that encased Dad in the amber. He wipes his forehead with the back of his glove and comes away with sweat. But at the same time, he’s shivering. His head aches, and dark spots dance across his vision every time he moves.
Varian can no longer deny it; he’s sick.
And that’s a very bad thing, because it’s not just a little cold or flu kind of sickness. That would be fine, he’s worked through those before. This, he knows, is something more serious.
Days ago, he’d hit a wall in his attempt to create a compound that can dissolve the amber. He’d gone searching the area for clues, something new he could learn about the black rocks and their nature that might help. Of course, there was nothing in the village, but he’d found a small path of black rocks leading into the forest.
With nothing to lose, he’d followed the path. After winding around the forest for so long he was beginning to think there was no point, he’d stumbled across a barrow of some kind. A hidden stone door in a thicket, that lead to a huge underground cavern full of old ruins and a strange chill in the air.
And, of course, a lot of black rocks. But something about these ones had seemed different. They were almost in a kind of formation- not any particular shape, but enough repeating forms that he could tell it wasn’t random.
But in his investigating, he’d accidentally gotten too close and cut himself on one of the rocks. Not a deep cut, more of a scratch, really, across his chest. He’d mourned the hole in his shirt more than the small injury, and hadn’t thought it was anything to worry about. After finding nothing else of interest, he’d returned home, more frustrated and at a loss than ever. The cut had been ignored.
Now, it seems it’s gotten infected. The skin around the cut is red and hot to the touch, and the slightest prod makes pain shoot through his muscles. And this is bad because Varian’s alone- he has been since everyone else abandoned Old Corona to be chewed up by black rocks- and he has no idea how to treat an infected wound, he doesn’t know that kind of science.
Varian braces his hands against the work bench, hanging his head down as he takes slow, deep breaths. There’s no one left in town to help him, and he’s hours away from any other settlement. Even if he made it to one, he might not be welcome because of those rumors about him attacking Rapunzel. He’s well and truly alone here, and he needs to figure out a plan.
Just… once he rests, for a moment.
Varian’s eyes flutter shut.
The world tips around him as he feels himself falling. He never hits the ground, instead falling endlessly through inky blackness until the sensation is all he knows. Just as its about to consume him, he surfaces. His head breaks through a layer of snow, spilling powder down his shoulders in a crumbling mess.
He blinks the frost from his lashes. All around him is snow. It stretches out before him in every direction, an endless white void. Flat, dull, colorless. Empty. And cold- it seeps through his threadbare clothes and crawls lazily through his veins, like icy snakes swimming in his blood.
Above him, the sky is black. It’s a void of another name, stretching beyond the horizon and swallowing the world in darkness. But it’s not empty, not in the slightest. A dazzling array of stars glitters above him, packed denser than he thought stars could be. They’re scattered in clusters of beautiful disorder, like a bunch of dandelion fluff got carried away by the wind and caught in the space above.
There are planets too, planets he never even dreamed of seeing beyond the tiny pinpricks viewable from a telescope. Planets of different colors and patterns, closer than should be possible. And threading through all these celestial bodies are swaths of color he can’t even begin to identify. Like the aurora borealis he’s read about, bright yellows and pinks and purples and blues and it makes him dizzy just to process it all.
It’s breathtaking, and he wonders for a moment if this is what space truly looks like, once freed from the veil of the earth’s atmosphere. Deep, lively, vibrant. Eternal. Standing alone in the snow, he feels immeasurably small in the face of the radiance above.
The sound of his own teeth chattering together brings him back to earth. He’s freezing. A sharp gasp rips itself from his lungs, and he sees his breath fog in the air. Panic sets his heart racing, and he clumsily scrambles to his feet, kicking up flurries of snow. If he doesn’t find shelter somewhere, he’ll die. He knows this with certainty.
But the snow is deceptively deep. It seems to cling to him, making each step heavier than the last. His shoes are soaked through and he can’t feel his feet. Bitter winds rip at his hair, and he’s reminded of another storm, not so long ago. Trudging alone for miles and miles, with only the thought of getting back to Dad keeping him from giving up and letting the white haze consume him. But this time, his determination alone isn’t enough.
Varian struggles to make ground, but it’s to no end. There’s nothing in sight, no escape from this cold. Panting for breath, he looks up at the brilliant sky with all its color and majesty.
“Help!” Varian screams. “Anyone!”
The words don’t even get a chance to echo around him before they’re swept away in the storm, and despair crashes over Varian. But just before he drops to the ground to let the snow consume him, he catches movement.
Against the backdrop of inky sky, two yellow eyes blink open. The pupils are bright pink, and they regard Varian with enough intensity to melt ice. It’s an evaluating look, like they’re staring right through Varian’s skin into his soul, and it sends a chill down his spine. They get closer, and the rest of the figure comes into form, almost materializing out of space itself.
It’s a boy- like Varian. Almost exactly like Varian, in fact, in terms of the shape of his dark blue hair and the point of his nose. But much of his face is lost to the color of his skin; a deep indigo, smooth as the surface of unbroken water. Lighter pink freckles dust his face in the same places Varian’s do, glittering like constellations, and they match the pink streak in his hair, where Varian’s is blue.
A shining golden crown sits on the boy’s head, adorned with tiny pink stars that almost could have been captured right out of the sky. Rich furs of pink and purple line the cloak he’s wearing, adding to the regal appearance. Still though, he wears gloves, and the sight is bizarrely comforting to Varian, for whatever reason.
The boy has yet to land, his feet still floating above the snow by a good distance, forcing Varian to crane his head up to see. The cloak billows around him, but in slow ripples, as if he were underwater instead of hovering in a blizzard. He tilts his head at Varian, and it’s only now that Varian realizes the boy has no mouth.
Poor boy, the figure coos. Varian knows instantly it’s the boy’s voice, even though there’s no mouth to hold it. Alone again. It’s not fair, is it? You did nothing to deserve such a fate.
Varian manages to find his voice. “Wha- what fate?” he calls hoarsely, straining to be heard above the wind. “What do you mean?”
You’re dying. The boy’s yellow eyes curl up at the corners, like he’s smiling. Can’t you tell? That wound you sustained is a deceptive thing. It looks so harmless, doesn’t it? But looks can be deceiving, as you’ve since found out.
Varian’s heart misses a beat. “What?! I’m dying?” His breathing speeds up, hands raking through his hair. “No, no, no, n- no I can’t, my dad- I’m the only one that can save him! I’m the only one who will! If I die, then he’s lost forever and I can’t- I can’t let that happen!”
Why not? the boy asks simply.
Varian balks. “I’m the reason he got trapped in the first place! I have to fix it, I- I have to prove myself!” he insists desperately. “I have to, please.”
Hmm. The boy’s gaze seems considering. Perhaps there’s another way.
Varian inhales sharply. By this point, the cold has traveled to his hands. “What is it?”
Let me help you. I can lend you my strength, and save your dying body. Together, we’ll find the answers you seek. We can be friends.
The boy extends a hand, tilting forward in the air.
I promise.
Ice is forming in Varian’s eyes. He blinks it away and takes the boy’s hand.
The boy’s yellow eyes slant into their half-moon smile again, and suddenly he’s pulling Varian into the air. The abrupt weightlessness makes Varian cry out in surprise, the white world below them getting smaller and smaller as they ascend. And then it’s gone, and there’s nothing around Varian but space and stars and color.
The wind’s gone, and it’s deadly quiet. But it’s still just as cold.
Too late Varian realizes, as the ice starts creeping up his body once more. It’s fast and crushing, swallowing him up, dulling his nerves into noncompliance as he tries to move. He can’t even scream as the frost crawls up his throat, freezing his face in horror.
The last thing he sees are those blazing yellow eyes, watching in triumph, before everything goes black.
Varian’s eyes snap open.
He gives a violent start, gasping for breath. It takes him a few moments to gather his bearings. There’s no snow, no space, no shadowy figure with glowing yellow eyes. He’s on the floor of his lab, everything exactly as he left it, dark and quiet and alone.
No. Not alone.
The voice is less of a sound and more of a feeling, rattling through his bones. Varian cries out in surprise at the sensation, looking around wildly.
“Who’s there?” he demands.
Silence. And then.
A friend, the voice replies. I promised, didn’t I?
Varian’s breath catches as he realizes. That dream- if he can even call it that- the voice sounds like… but no, that’s impossible, isn’t it? It was just a dream, or some kind of hallucination. He’s not well, he’s seeing things, and hearing things-
Something seems to take hold of his heart and squeeze. He can’t even cry out, it’s so intense. When it finally lets up, he’s left struggling to regain his breath once again. Curiously, though, there’s no lingering pain anywhere in his body. He can’t even feel the sting of his wound…
That gives him pause. Something itches at the back of his mind, prompting him, look. Warily, he tugs down the collar of his shirt.
The wound is healed. There’s no sign of it but a faint pink scar- pink not in the way that irritated skin is, but a true bright pink, as if by a dye. Varian stares in mixed horror and fascination. It’s impossible. It’s unnatural. And yet…
Gingerly, he pulls a glove off and brushes his fingers over the scar. There’s no ache, but his skin is cold to the touch.
All the pain is gone. But the chill remains.
Now, let’s start again.
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dreamiehrs · 5 years ago
deskmates ➛ n.jm
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genre: fluff, high school au, deskmate!jaemin, kinda strangers to friends to lovers, reserved!y/n
pairing: jaemin x you
requested: yes
note: this was requested by this lovely anon! I felt a string pull in my heart when you said that the reader isn’t a touchy person bc... I’m the same! so I was really excited to write this hehe o(≧∇≦o)!! hope you enjoy it! (gif credit: @minhaes​)
tomorrow is your first day of junior year and to say that you were nervous was... an understatement
even though this was your third year in high school and you should be used to it by now you just!! couldn’t contain the butterflies in your stomach when you thought about it
schedules for your classes had come out a few days ago and you had immediately checked to see if you had any friends in your classes
unfortunately... you didn’t TT
at least you had lunch with all of them though ( ᵕ̤ ‧̫̮ ᵕ̤ )
you spend the rest of the day buying school supplies because you’re... that person
but all of the supplies you buy are really adorable so that’ll motivate you to get your homework done!! and to study!! get on your game y/n
anyways, tomorrow finally comes and you’re super close to pretending you’re sick so you don’t have to go but... you have to get that education ya know?
sophomore bestie jisung picks you up and can see that you’re about five minutes from bawling
he just pats your back and says: “get it together, y/n. it won’t be that bad. I can’t believe I’m a year younger than you and telling you this right now.”
“okay okay, thanks jisungie.” you focus on your breathing during the ride and eventually, you calm down thanks to your friend’s words
“no prob,” he mumbles under his breath and hands you the aux cord “wanna play something to cheer yourself up?”
you excitedly nod and plug the cord into your phone, jamming out on your way there
you guys arrive and when you walk in you meet up with your besties!! aka the dream team as you guys called yourselves
your friend group consisted of ballet dancer and artist huang renjun, soccer player lee donghyuck, ice skater park jisung, boxer lee jeno, and pianist zhong chenle
your conversation is filled with laughter as you guys walk each other to your classes and luckily, you, renjun, and donghyuck are all on the same hall for homeroom
they speedily walk you in your homeroom and you go to wave bye to them but they’re already gone
...such good friends (;¬_¬)
you scan the room for empty seats and see two right next to each other on the far left, middle row and you make your way towards them
you sit down in the desk closest to the window and rest your head on your palm, waiting for the bell to ring
you almost doze off until you hear an angelic voice from beside you “excuse me?”
you flinch to the max and turn your head to the right to see a smiley boy standing to the desk beside you
“y-yes?” you stutter out and you mentally slap yourself in the face
his grin grows wider at your bewildered state and you feel your eyes go wide in embarrassment
“is this seat taken?”
you shake your head side to side, not willing to talk anymore after reacting like a fool
he takes no time to put his bookbag beside his now desk and situating himself in his seat before resting his head on his palm like you were once before; staring at your face like he’ll never get tired of it
“what’s your name?” he softly questions you
he can see the blush on your cheeks and how you’re quietly jumping your leg up and down, but he doesn’t pay too much attention to it as you catch his attention once again by moving your hair out of your face
“my name’s y/f/l/n. what’s yours?”
“I’m na jaemin. it’s nice to meet you.” he emphasizes ‘you’ in his second sentence and outstretches his hand towards you
“likewise.” you glance at his hand nervously before taking it in yours, giving it a firm shake
you two retract hands and you visibly cringe about how clammy yours was
while jaemin’s were... soft, warm, safe
his chuckle rings in your ear and you peer up at him “what?”
“your hands are very clammy.”
this was your face right now: (๑・▱・๑)
you dearly wished for one of your friends to save you from this class TT
jaemin didn’t sense your dilemma and kept on driving you mad instead: “are you nervous?”
“yeah... even though I’m a junior the first day never fails to give me jitters.”
his ears seemed to perk up when he heard the word junior “oh? you’re a junior as well?”
“yes I am... wait a second...” you take a good look at his face before continuing “were you in my sociology class last year?”
“I was!! I sat all the way in the back. you?”
you wrack your brain and you can see him in your mind... sitting in the back, occasionally talking to the person beside him... always asking the teacher questions
wow, this was unexpected
“I sat in the very front. woah, that’s crazy.”
the bell had finally rung for the class to start, and he gestured for you to come closer and whispered: “I thought you looked familiar when I walked in. all the more to get to know you, right?”
you had a hard time paying attention to the teacher after that interaction
after homeroom, you may have bolted out of that classroom as fast as you could, not hearing jaemin suggesting to walk you to your next class
you clashed into renjun and he could just see your expression and wondered... what happened??
you started rambling incoherent things and he just looked at you like you lost your mind... he decides that this isn’t the best place to discuss things and wraps his arm around your shoulder before pulling you along somewhere else
meanwhile, jaemin just watches all this by his locker, unknown to you and renjun
you only have enough time to mention to renjun that a boy sat beside you in your class before you have to head to your next class but he looks... kind of angry? more like peeved
he looks like he’s ready to fight jaemin tbh
renjun was pretty protective of you and the rest of the dream team... so if anyone was causing you trouble he’d be right beside you, ready to deck them out
time skip to lunch!! finally, you get to see all your friends (^-^*)/
except, you have an additional person seated at your regular table and that person is... you guessed it! na jaemin
you quietly grumbled as you plopped down between jisung and renjun
they give you a concerned glance and jisung opts to ruffle your hair to try to make you feel better
it’s not like you disliked jaemin or anything it’s just... this morning he made your heart kind of... explode... it’s not like you have a crush on him or anything... you barely even know the guy
“y/n! my new friend! how’s your classes?” jaemin removes you from your moping, you glance up at him with a fry sticking out of your mouth
you hear jisung chuckle and you gently slap his shoulder
“they’re good. except, I don’t have any of my besties in them.” you pout as you look at your friends at the table
jaemin mimics you, and you hear renjun cough from your right side
“are you okay? I’ll grab you some more napkins.” jaemin leaves the table and renjun looks at you pointedly
“...is that the guy that sat beside you in your homeroom?”
“yeah.” you answer back before picking up another fry and tossing it in your mouth
“oh, I invited him to our table because he’s in my history class.” jeno speaks up from beside jisung “is that okay?”
“yeah! it’s fine!” you squeak out, interrupting renjun who just grumbled beside you. you rested your hand on his head before ruffling his hair like crazy, him swatting at your arm in an attempt to make you stop
the rest of the day went by in a blur, and as the week went by, you learned more and more about your deskmate, jaemin
the two of you would text every day, sharing things you found hilarious, talking about your days, and gossiping
renjun was protective as always, but after a while, he got used to jaemin and his front slowly faded
he quickly became part of your friend group and to be honest, it felt like he was always meant to be there, you know?
if you had met him sooner, you would’ve totally introduced him to the guys earlier
the two of you would sometimes abandon the rest of the dream team to go on your own adventures, which consisted of going shopping, watching the stars, stuffing your faces, and/or hanging out each other’s houses
...and yes, sometimes you would give in to letting jaemin cuddle you because he begged you so much, although you weren’t a really touchy person to begin with
your hangouts with him were all careless fun until renjun pointed out to you one day ―
“I think jaemin has a crush on you.”
your brain immediately went on lockdown when those words slipped out of his mouth
“injunnie, that’s not possible. we’re just good friends.”
“friends who hang out 24/7 and can’t seem to get enough of each other?”
you roll your eyes at him. “as if. he probably sees me as his little sister or something.”
he lightly slaps the back of your head. “do you know how ridiculous you sound right now? don’t act like you don’t see the stars in his eyes when he gazes at you.”
“injunnie, don’t rope me into your romantic fantasies.”
“just see for yourself, then.”
after that convo with injun, you couldn’t stop thinking about what he said... no, no. jaemin looked at you like any other friend, not in a gushy, special way
jaemin was already a touchy person as he is, but when he was around you, he seemed to get even clingier
obviously it was something you would have to get used to, but whenever he touched you, you could feel a warmness spread throughout your stomach
....y/n, no. you don’t like jaemin. you would say to yourself
but as the weeks passed by, you found it hard to believe that you don’t like him romantically
“y/n! y/n! how about this movie?” jaemin snapped you out of your thoughts as he hung out at your house one day after school
you took a quick glance at his phone before mumbling “sure.”
you could hear him huff beside you and you glanced at him to see a pout playing on his lips
“what’s wrong?”
“I just feel like you haven’t been interested in anything I’ve been saying today...”
you feel your heartache as he peers at you, trying to search your eyes for a hint on how you feel. “that isn’t true, jaem, I―”
“no, it is true, y/n. something’s been bothering you recently, something big.”
you just stayed silent, proving jaemin right. you look down at the bed underneath you, not wanting to look into said boy’s eyes beside you because if you did, your heart would be gone for good
the two of you stay like this for a while, him gently playing with your hair when you finally decide to speak up. “jaem, I―” you glance at him and he nods before you continue “I think I have a crush on someone..”
he just hums at your confession and you turn to look at him, but his smile is sweet as ever as he looks off into the distance, pondering
you take his silence to explain more in-depth. “I’ve only been best friends with him for a month or two, however, he’s extremely important to me. he’s shown me many new experiences, and at this rate, I would say that my feelings for him undermine the word crush. it’s love, jaem, and I don’t know what to do with these feelings anymore.”
“are you comfortable enough with them to confess your feelings?”
“...I don’t know... I feel like I just did.”
to your surprise, jaemin’s face turns bright red. “a-are you saying that I’m the person you love?”
“yes, jaemin. I’m in love with you.”
you hide your face with your hands and you can hear him moving beside you, which tempts you to peak out from your fingers
he has a heartwarming smile on his face as he opens his arms
you inch closer to him and he gives you a bear hug, holding so tight onto you that you can hear his pounding heartbeat against his chest
“I’m in love with you too, y/n. I’ve been since the first day of junior year.”
you feel your cheeks grow hot as you nuzzle your head into his shoulder
so after this, it’s safe to say that jaemin never fails to give you a heart attack every time he touches you or whispers something sweet into your ear
the next day at school, he drives you to school and you guys walk in, your fingers interlaced as the rest of the dream team look at you two like you’ve grown another head
“what did I say, y/n?” renjun asks with a big smirk on his face and you roll your eyes before a smile reaches your face
“wait, what did he say?” jaemin whispers beside you
“ahem, more importantly, if you ever hurt y/n, you’re going to get messed up real bad by the rest of us, got it?” renjun announces and the others nod their heads in agreement
“also, if you ever make her uncomfortable with your touchiness, just know that we’ll be banging on your door.” jeno states and the others hum along with him
“I understand. and besides, I’m pretty sure y/n is used to my clinginess by now, right, y/n?”
he squeezes your hand and you feel your veins fill with excitement at his touch
you giggle before squeezing his hand back. “right.”
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midnight-writ3r · 5 years ago
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Morning glow
Haechan x Genderneutral reader
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff
Inspired by: My soft hours for Donghyuck :'(
Summary: When the morning comes, you have to wake up from this dream. You have to leave this world of youthful euphoria and magical city lights, illuminating the darkness.
But fear not; Donghyuck is there to show you that the dream continues in the morning.
A/N: anyone want some super soft Donghyuck boyfriend? Because I do TT I really really do TT ugh, I love you fullsun <3
"That was fun."
You smile to yourself, squeezing Donghyuck's hand in your own, "Agreed. I really thought Jeno was going to die when he attempted that flip from the fence."
"He'll probably regret that tomorrow" Donghyuck purses his lips in thought, "but one thing is for sure: I've never wanted to remember something so bad, the morning after a party."
You hum, feeling yourself sway with the couple of drinks you had had that evening. Donghyuck seems relatively stable on his feet, but when you look at him, he gives you that dopey, dazed grin that you know from all the parties you've been to together.
"You know what I wanna remember?" you ask after a while of silent walking.
"Renjun having to lick whipped cream from Jaemin's cheek?"
"No thank you" you snort. If you weren't so drunk you might have been embarrassed at the sound, but right now you really couldn't care less, "No, I want to remember this."
Gesturing at the air around the two of you, you chuckle to yourself. Donghyuck seems to get it though: The streets are silent and empty, street lights and stars shining alongside. They're both starting to fade out though, in the rosy glow that starts to flood the sky. It's more peaceful than anything you've experienced in the last weeks, what with schoolwork and working at the local dinner.
Admittedly there is no one you would want to spend this moment with, more than the boy that holds your hand right now. Both of you have yet to speak your feelings, but for now you settle with this: Quiet understanding. It's easy, considering that Donghyuck has always been the one to understand you without the need for words. You could worry about it tomorrow.
Right now, you just want to live.
"I don't think I could forget it, if I wanted to." Donghyuck finally says, his gentle smile directed at the few tree crowns above you, "It's too special."
Again, you can't hold back a smile and you allow yourself to fall against his side and let your shoulders brush, as you walk down the street. You have ditched the sidewalk a while ago. After all, no one drives around a tiny town like this, at the crack of dawn. Now, you walk in the middle of the street, surrounded by the calmness of night.
You find you don't want it to end. Silently, you plead with the sun to take its time today.
All too soon though, a different end faces you: Your front door. The lights are out, naturally, your parents probably went to bed hours ago. Donghyuck stops next to you, with a sigh, as if he, too, had hoped you'd get more time.
"We should do this again." he says. The same thing he always says, after walking you home late at night.
"You bet we will." The same thing you'd always answer.
Despite following the sort of routine you've established together, something about tonight is different. You couldn't explain it, if someone asked you, but there is a tingling in your fingertips and a rush in the air that sobers you with a start. Maybe though, it's just about the way Donghyuck is standing a little closer than usual. Or the feeling of his hand that slides against your waist, so careful, he might be scared of doing something wrong.
"I want to make this night even more memorable." your heart beats fast. His voice is so shaky and it's the cutest thing you've ever heard. You want to squeal, when you see him gnawing his bottom lip and fidget with his free hand, as if not knowing what he is supposed to do with it, "May I?"
"Go off."
He laughs and you blush with your blunt reply. God, he managed to break you down into the most embarrassing mess, with just his boyish, curious eyes. However, hearing those endearing hiccups as a reaction, makes it worth it.
"You're so cute." he says, speaking your mind.
He pulls you close then, your hands on his chest and his on your waist. Unable to bite back your smile anymore, you beam up at him. His expression softens and under your palms you feel his breath stutter.
Donghyuck gulps and whispers: "God, I'm so into you."
Even if you would have been able to gather the courage to reply, you don't get a chance to. His lips meet yours and you have half a mind to close your eyes and dive right in. Donghyuck kisses you, like he had wanted to for way too long. You move with him, heart hammering against his and wrap your arms around his neck. Steady hands support your body, even as your head starts to spin with how much you adore this boy. How this could only be a dream, yet when you breathe, there is his scent. Something your mind could never come up with.
The sun doesn't wait for the two of you, but you don't mind anyways. You kiss, until the stars fade into pink, pale yellow and finally a soft baby blue. You kiss until the street lamps flicker out. You kiss until the town awakens.
Yet, something inside of the both of you lingers in that night. Your night.
When he pulls away, Donghyuck looks like he wants nothing more than to dive right back in, "Now that's something to remember."
"Sure beats Mark with boxers on his head."
"Thank you for ruining this amazing moment with a picture that will forever scar my mind." Donghyuck says, lips pursed.
You place another peck on his lips, "any time."
"How can you expect me to let you go now?" Donghyuck whines, burying his face in your neck, "You smell so good and you're so soft. I don't wanna leave."
"Don't, then."
He whines again, "Your parents will kill me, if I keep you out here any longer."
You dig your hand into his hair and scratch his scalp as you hold him as close as you can, "Guess we'll just have to go on a date as soon as we can."
You're half scared he'll say no, but when he pulls awaz and grins so wide at you, his gums show, you know that that was a silly worry, "In my opinion, that sounds like the best idea you've had all week. No, all year."
"What about ice cream at the festival tomorrow?"
"That's a close second. Wow, look at you, it's a string of good ideas."
You shrug, "Guess I'm just that brilliant."
He looks at you with a soft smile and strokes your cheek with a thumb, "Yes you are." A gentle kiss is placed on your forehead and then, Donghyuck finally pulls away, "Good night, baby."
You blush at the nickname, but Donghyuck doesn't comment on it. Your hands stay linked as long as they can, until Donghyuck is too far away, breaking the contact. It takes everything in you, not to run after him, as he backs away backwards, trying to keep his eyes on you for as long as he can.
At some point you walk inside. What you don't see, is the boy that is in love, walking down the street with the biggest smile on his face. He dances with the happiness, cheers and imagines the next time he gets to hold and kiss you again.
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years ago
Hi TT! So, this is out of the blue but I've been planning to get a cat and asking every single I know who owns a cat if I should. Would you recommend it?
Oh hello anon!
I personally did not plan to get Chandler. I just found him, abandoned in a stairwell, with a broken leg. I played with him a little and started to leave (coz I was super superrrrrrrrr late for work!), but he kept following me no matter how many times I put him back in the spot I found him. So I just took it as a sign that we were meant to find each other, and took him home. My parents weren’t thrilled, but I made a biggggggggg fuss until they agreed. (And now, he’s the preferred child in the house over me!!!!!!!)
The most important thing I would tell you is that please know that being a responsible pet owner is not sunshine and rainbows and frolicking through meadows all the time. It takes quite a bit of financial resources and patience. It’s very much like having a permanent toddler, that’s dependent on you for their whole life. Food, litter, vet bills, they can add up. They may unintentionally cause damage around the house. You will need to spay/neuter them to ensure that they don’t have behavioural issues caused by hormones. Cats are nocturnal creatures and can keep waking you periodically at night. We moved countries, and unfortunately, lots of people abandon pets in such cases; but we couldn’t even dream of doing that to Chandler, and so went through considerable paperwork and expenses to bring him with us to India. If you’re going on vacations, you must ensure a sitter/boarding service to look after them for when you’re gone. A healthy cat, if well taken care of, can live well into its late teens, so be aware that you will have to provide these things long-term. Please do not take on the responsibility of a pet if you think you’re not ready to be in it for the long haul. Even though they’re a different species, they are very much family. If you wouldn’t treat a human member of the family in a certain manner, then you shouldn’t do it to the pet either. They’re defenseless creatures who are completely dependent on you for their survival and well-being, and you should take that responsibility very seriously.
Another thing about cats is that they’re generally not as physically demonstrative with their affection as dogs are. (Varies from cat to cat, depending on their individual personality.) The instagram cats constantly cuddling and doing cute shit with their owners are pretty much like everything else on insta: heavily curated moments just to show the pretty side. But cats do show their love in lots of other ways. They hang out with you/follow you around while you do stuff. They can be very playful and trained to play simple games (Chandler loves hide and seek! The cat my roomies and I had while I was doing my Masters could play fetch as well as any dog!) They can sense when you’re sad or sick, and come sit with you to comfort you. (When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, Chandler didn’t leave his side all day. He even knew which parts of the body were sensitive and was careful to never brush up there. It was a great comfort for my dad, even with all the pain he was in.) They’re very intelligent and curious creatures, and honestly, you don’t need a TV in the house when you can just spend hours watching them do their delightful cat things. (I love to watch Chandler groom himself, trying to reach ridiculous places like the back of his hind leg knee!)
Another good side is that they’re quite low maintenance animals, both physically and emotionally. They thrive indoors (live longer that way than outdoor cats!) and are chill about hanging out alone for a few hours with no issues. You don’t need to walk them or anything, they just need some mental stimulation and small cheap things around the house to keep them entertained/exercised. (Don’t bother buying expensive toys, they’ll always prefer batting around a paper ball/random length of string to the fancy toy.) So ideal pets if you’re a working person. Also, they’re generally very clean creatures, so you don’t have the usual dog type issues of them routinely getting into muck and all dirty and needing to bathe them often. Note: if it’s a longhaired breed, you will have to regularly brush them to get rid of the extra fluff so that you don’t have hairballs all around the place (including inside the cat, which they’ll periodically puke up!) In any case, be ready to have everything you own covered in fur! It’s just an unavoidable part of having a pet. But generally, they’re very easygoing chill little buddies who are more like silly, not-so-independent roommates, once they’ve reached adulthood (in about a year or so.)
I personally find having a cat really really wonderful. I can’t imagine life without one anymore. Not counting my mom, Chandler is literally the most important living being on this planet to me. When I’m outside the house, I can’t wait to get back to him (and he comes running with a loudddd greeting and gives me a 10 minute sniffdown to explore the smells of the outside world.) He actively helps with my depression/anxiety (on some hard work days, I used to drive 20 minutes to go home on my lunch breaks just to see him for 10 minutes and feel better.) He’s generally not a big one for petting/cuddles (just about tolerates it for like a minute before running away) but still sneaks into my bed every morning when I’m sleeping and winds himself around my feet and falls asleep there. I love irritating him for fun, and we play-fight every day like real siblings do, till my mom comes and breaks it up. (He swipes and bites, but is always mindful to do it in a way that won’t hurt me much. He has never ever injured me on purpose.) It’s really really really lovely to have the trust and love of a creature with no agendas or conditional expectations. So in short, YES I do recommend it: all the work and minor annoyances are really worth it. It’s lowkey like parenting, coz you raise this little thing and get to see it develop into its own personality, and have wonderful love and companionship for years. Very fulfilling and good for the heart. 
I hope you make a good, informed decision, anon; and that if you do get a kitty, have many many wonderful years with your furbaby!!!!!!!! (PLEASE SEND ME PICS!!!!!!!!!!)
PS - All the cats I’ve lived/hung out with longterm:
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Chandler. My baby, actual love of my life.
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Ria (short for SangRIA. My roommate liked drinking. A lot.) Aforementioned fetch player extraordinaire.
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Pepper. Cat of coursemates. As an introvert, I wasn’t much for socializing, but I’d make myself get out on a weekly basis, just to hang out with this cat!
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Nala (grey tabby) and Monkey (orange). I took a whole extra week of vacation time to stay with my friend (in pink) because she was a newish cat mom and needed a little help getting them settled in. Totallllllllllllllllllll cuddlebugs, who didn’t leave my side the whole time I was there!
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onesmallbunny · 6 years ago
Taeil x Reader
Requested by a lovely anon: “can i request something cute with taeil pls bc the world could use more taeil scenarios!!!! thank u sm ily”
Thank you so muuuuch for requesting an imagine with Taeil TT I hope you’ll like it!!
Genre: fluff!!!
Words: 1,3k
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Seated on the edge of a little fountain, in the middle of a place, surrounded by people, shops and trees, a young boy was waiting. The young boy, dressed nicely was regularly checking the clock on his phone, probably feeling anxious, impatient. What, or who, was he waiting?
At the call of his name, the young boy raised his head, and smiled automatically. Wearing a nice and light dress for summer days, a cute bag on your shoulder and nice opened shoes, you were running to him with a bright smile.
“Y/N!” Taeil sais with his sweet and soft voice.
“Sorry, I’m late... How long have you been waiting for me?” you were out of breath (and honestly, not they late...)
“It’s fine, Y/N. I arrived...30 minutes ago.”
“What?” you screamed, surprised.
“And I was waiting under this hot sun... Probably waiting for my death... But I guess you don’t care since you are late...”
Taeil claimed like he was crying and you sighed. He finally looked at you and made a little smile, proud of himself.
“I’m joking, hehe!”
“You’re an idiot, I really thought you... anyways.” you poured, a little embarrassed of your reaction. You were so naive when it was about your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry Y/N...” Taeil came closer to you and took you in his arms, laughing a little. He kissed your forehead softly and looked at you. “To be honest with you, I’m actually very hot here. We probably should go before my body burns.”
You both laughed and started walking in the little street of the town, under the hot sun. Taeil took your hand in his and lead you to a huge blue building, full of people.
“What a brilliant idea to go to the aquarium, today.” you said, looking at him, and dreaming of the cool air of the inside.
“Right? It’s really too hot out there, we won’t survive this.”
“And what’s the point of a date if you do not enjoy it, right?”
You both smiled and stood in line. Fortunately (and probably because he is the best boyfriend in the universe) Taeil ordered tickets two weeks ago so you guys didn’t have to stay under this weather, and wait for hours and hours.
After about five minutes, you both entered the building, feeling the cool air touching your skin. Taeil closed his eyes and sighed of pleasure.
“Oh thank you, Jesus.” he whispered.
You giggled and took him by the arms. 
“Taeil, if you were that hot you should’ve tell me. We would have stayed at your place or something.”
“But you’ve always told me how much you wanted to go to this aquarium... I thought it was the best moment to do this.”
And he was right. Since you were a child, you’ve always loved the sea, fishes or mermaids. And your dream was to go to an aquarium date. But since you insisted on going to an aquarium where fished and animals are respected, you couldn’t afford it yourself. So your boyfriend decided to offer you a ticket.
You remembered when he did it. You were about to cry, you were so happy and touched of his gift, you would have screamed all your love for him to the entire world.
And since he was this amazing all the time, you wish you screamed to the world all the time as well.
You entered the first room and automatically make a little sound of happiness as you saw the small aquarium in front of you.
“Look Taeil! Jellyfishes!! They’re so cute...”
“It looks like a small dancer…”
You stared at those pink jellyfishes, stars in your eyes. Hypnotized by your beauty and how cute you were, Taeil couldn’t stop looking at you. You were together for about two years now, and he was more and more in love with you. 
You stayed inside the cool building for about 2 hours, and finally decided to leave. The weather was less hot since in was almost the end of the afternoon, and you took a walk on a park, talking of how you thought all fishes were cute.
« Y/N, you can’t say all of them were cute. That would be a lie. »
« I’m not lying! I mean- Look at the pictures I took! They’re all so adorable… »
You put you phone right in front of your boyfriend’s eyes, sure of you.
« Look! »
« Y-yeah… Whatever. » replied Taeil with a disgusted face he was trying to hide from you.
« Okay Mister I-know-everything. Show me the pictures you took then, and I’ll show you how those fishes are the cutest animals alive… »
Taeil’s cheeks became suddenly so red that you thought he was turning into a tomato. You looked away, with a embarrassed smile and put his phone away, hiding it in his pocket.
« I didn’t take any pics, you know. I don’t think this is necessary. »
« Oh waw, you’re such a bad liar… » you whispered, with a smirk. « Come on, give it to me please! I know you took pics, I saw you holding your phone in the aquarium! »
« I did not use it to take picture of fishes, actually… » still embarrassed, Taeil couldn’t hide a little laugh, blushed.
« And what did you… » you understood, and blushed right after. « Oh… I see. »
« Does it make you feel… embarrassed? Maybe I shouldn’t have done that, or maybe I should have asked you before or- »
« Taeil. » you stopped him, and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. « I’m not mad of anything. That was pretty cute actually. I’d love you show me those pics, but if you want to keep it for yourself… »
« No, let me show you! »
You guys kept walking in the park, alongside a little lake. The weather was still a little hot, but totally tolerable for you. Maybe not that much for you boyfriend…
« Oh jeez, it’s too hot… » he said, sitting on a bench.
« Come on babe, it’s not that hot… »
« I feel like I’m going to burn, seriously. »
You sighed and took a bottle of water out of your little bag.
« There. Drink some, it’ll make you feel better. »
Taeil did as you said and drink a sip or two. After a second of staring a the clear liquide, he suddenly drained the entire bottle of water on his head. Entirely soaked but cooled, Taeil moaned of pleasure, a smile on his face and his eyes closed.
« That’s better… » he whispered.
That was kinda unexpected to you. So unexpected actually that you couldn’t stop staring at him, blushing and with heart-eyes.
You were shamelessly staring at the water drawling on his hair, his skin and under his shirt. You were staring at he skin showing under his soaked t-shirt, or at his wet lips, probably waiting for yours…
« Y/N? »
« Oh yes? »
« I asked you if you wanted some water? There’s still left. »
« No thanks… I’m fine. »
« Your face is red, you know… Are you sure you- »
You took the bottle out of his hand and drank it, trying to hide your embarrassment. First shocked then amused, Taeil giggled and patted your head with a warm gaze. He was perfectly understanding what was going on.
« Y/N… »
« Okay let’s go home now… »
Embarrassed, you took his hand and started walking as he was kindly laughing at you. No matter what you could do you’ll always be the cutest girl in the world to Taeil. And nothing will ever change that.
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franeridart · 6 years ago
what program/brushes do you use for your art? it's so damn pretty
Easy Paint tool SAI and the default pen/brush/marker tools, mostly! and thank you!!! ;^;
Anon said:When I was a kid I would've had a crush on Akane
HECK that’s such a compliment!! Thank you!!!
Anon said:Couldn't Akane technically Control/move Kiri's hair since it's dyed? I mean it's like his hair is stained meaning it's not alive! so Akane finally warms up to him and messes with him or plays with his hair?
She can and she did! I drew her doing just that both in the first and in the fourth thing I posted about her! :D
Anon said:okay i don't know if this is coming through but i have just looked through your entire blog(can only go 4 years back) and let me just say you are wonderful, I absoluty LOVE how you paint/draw like its sooo pretty??? like dnjwcfehbi i cant describe it, (part 1) || like you are wonderful, I absolutely LOVE how you paint/draw like it's so pretty??? like dnjwcfehbi I can't describe it like it's absolutely Fabulous, Stunning, Amazing, Lovely and it looks so smoooooth like what????how??But anyways love your art and love you keep being Amazing! (part 2)
AH GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! This is such a sweet ask to get TT^TT (and you can only go 4 years back because the blog is 4 years old! Can’t believe you actually went through it all!!)
Anon said:I really love your art style and your comics are so cute and I love how you draw older Bakugou and Kirishima!! It’s all so wonderful! Thank you for sharing it with everyone!
Oh man thank you!! ;;; I’m so happy yo know you like them!!!!!! TTOTT
Anon said:the level of FLUFF and KOOKIENESS and SOFT and MARSHMALLOW and MY HEART CAN'T TOOK THIS IS is so much I could die.
Anon said:I love everything about Akane's au. Her, her interactions with Bakugou, how she dislikes Kirishima but is beginning to warm up to him, the boys' aged-up designs. Everything. It's all amazing. Thank you for bringing it into my life!
Nggghhhhhhhh no anon thank you for liking her!!!!
Anon said:Currently procrastinating on my essay to go through your blog because it de-stresses me and I love your art so much like seriously h e l p
Anon said:There's something I'm not understand in your AU children kiribaku. She adopted by bakugo or she is a kid bakugou have with someone. ( I'm really really sorry for my English )
Anon said:Your comics are so cute and funny! I'm loving the story with Akane, the last update was great! I really like the way you draw the characters, like your style is so nice. Thanks for making my day better with your art!
G o d thank you So Much!!!!!!
Anon said:Akane is adorable, and I absolutely love the comics that you upload of her, but also on top of that your mohawk Bakugo has cleared my skin, watered my crops, and brought me back from the dead at LEAST twice.
I’M REAL GLAD TO HEAR THAT because mohawk Bakugou owns my whole soul and it’s nice to know I’m not alone in that hahaha
Anon said:What are some ways Akane messes with Kiri (or used to) when he wears red clothes? Does she often do that? Does she do it when Baku's not home, or when he is so that she can hammer in just how much she dislikes Kiri? Has she ever done anything major that caused her to be really reprimanded by Baku, but being the best person in the world Kiri did not get angry?
She really only ever gets pissy (or used to! they’re starting to get along better !!!) at Kiri when she feels jealous for whatever reason, and that doesn’t happen as often as it seems through my doodles, so it’s not like she’s always antagonistic towards him! Mostly she just ignores him, so no, it doesn’t happen often at all! And she’s never gone further than messing his hair up or tugging a bit at his clothes, since she doesn’t have the strength to move Kiri all that much haha the only reason she managed to have him fall the first time was because he was balancing already, but generally Kiri weighs way too much for her to move him around or pull at the red stuff he’s wearing enough for him to notice it all that much 
anyway, Baku never reprimended her for it - not more than he did in the first comic I posted with them, at least, specifically because the damage she can make is so minor that Kiri and Baku barely consider it something to tell her off for... if she were ever to act that way towards someone she might actually hurt (say, a kid her own age) then Baku might reprimend her more seriously, but as long as she’s just tugging at Kiri’s clothes they don’t see it as anything worth fighting her over :D
Anon said:Just sent an ask, so forgive me for this one, but I'd love to get this straight: in the Akane AU Kiri and Baku graduated and share an apartment, are madly into each other, but they neither has made a move on the other yet? Perhaps that should be sad, but it's 100% adorable.
I know I shouldn’t say this as I made the au myself, but I find the arrangement pretty dang adorable too haha they act like a married couple anyway, so it’s like... pining while the rest of the world already considers them an item? and the pining is mostly about stuff like ahhhh I wanna tell him I love him or ahhhhhh god I wanna kiss him, but then they’ll fall asleep on the couch together or hold hands just for the hell of it or cook for each other or make plans that always involve each other and all in all act as each other’s partner, so it’s mostly just like *Kaminari voice* “God these oblivious idiots” hahaha
Anon said:That latest Akane comic melted my heart like you often do. Though for a moment, I expected Eijirou to say "I don't want Katsuki to be my dad, I want him to be my daddy" XD Though that would not sound like him. Props for his adorable interactions with Scarlet Death Queen Witch.
Anon you don’t get it that’s exactly why I had him say “be his son” instead of “be my dad” LMAO it was like, a conscious wording decision hahaha thank you so much for liking my girl, btw!!!
Anon said:Fran! I was just wondering if you would be willing to post your Demon Kiri and Angel Baku art on Redbubble? I'd love to buy a print of it!! Totally understand if not. Also your newer Akane comics are killing me, they're so damn cute!! So yeah love you and your beautiful art! Hope you have an awesome year!!
I CAN TRY I think I did try last time I updated my rb? But the format of the pic made it hard to use it for a lot of things so I gave up??? I can try again tho!!! Thank you for being interested in buying it!!! And thank you for liking Akane too!!!!!
Anon said:is katsuki and kirishima not together in the adopted child comics or is there gonna be a plot to them getting together? 👀
I’m not really writing anything cohesive for it so I wouldn’t call it a plot point, but yeh they still aren’t together! And I wanna have them get to the point in which they are together!!! :D
Anon said:I'm gonna die why do you do this with your adorable art my god
PLEASE!!!!! DON’T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Your Akane + KiriBaku comics are adorable and I love the relationships that exist between them. I can't wait to see more of them!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I won’t disappoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love your art so much!! Especially the little Akane au (so freaking cute!!!!). Random question: if you’ve ever seen Lucifer, who do you think would fit his character? Have an awesome day!
I haven’t seen it, sorry :((( but thank you for liking my girl!!!!!!
Anon said:I apologize if this has already been thought of but i feel as though when akane gets older and if she decides to be a hero, part of her costume could include useful red objects mayhaps?? Such as a shield or daggers or handcuffs so if there’s a lack of red around her she isn’t in a complete ditch. But i love your work sm ahhh💕💕
Yes!!! That’s the plan!!!!! I don’t think I’ll ever draw a teen version of her character but I MIGHT mention this idea in the current timeline, I like the idea so much TT^TT
Anon said:Hey there, I am absolutely obsessed with Akane like I love her so much wow but anyways I was wondering if you've ever drawn tododeku/ will in the future?
Thank you!!!! And I have drawn them in the past (under my tododeku tag!) and I might draw them again in the future, though currently I’m in a pretty big izu//ocha mood so I dunno when that will happen!
Anon said:I love your art so much like??? Help???
Anon said:Y'know it could be gayer c'mon
This ask has been in my inbox for 17 days and I still don’t know what it means ??? but I laughed a lot when I got it so thank you anon and yes, definitely, everything could always be gayer that’s just how the world goes
Anon said:I swear you drew an older version of the krbk kids and it wasn't a fever dream I'm currently frantically searching through your blog rn help
I DID that post is CURSED anon, you can look it up through any of the tags I used to tag it and it won’t show up it won’t and I don’t know why!! I always lose it exactly because of this reason I have zero idea why it does this but??? okay I guess???????????
anyway if you still want it it’s here
Anon said:If Akane can control red things, does she low-key also have control over things that are pink and orange depending on how reddish in hue they are? I love her btw. Such a smol bean who could probably kick my ass!
What a good question you got there!! She has control over everything that has a color that falls in the red wavelength of the visible spectrum - that does include certain tones of pink and certain tones of orange, but there’s a point where orange gets too yellow or pink gets too white that her powers stop working. As long as the red in the color is more than any other hue, though, her powers work! 
Anon said: im just imagining if baku takes akane with him when he is going to work and is there with kiri and akane help kiri with his hair bc she is suffering when he tries to style it himself
Once they start getting along better Akane and Kiri actually start helping each other with their hair! They’re both very particular about it so they understand each other as far as that topic goes haha
Anon said:Hi I just wanted to say I’m really enjoying what you are doing in your latest drawing. The contrast with the thick sketchy lines and the thinner crisp ones and the spaces that have no defined line! It’s cool to see you experiment with your line work while staying true to your natural style! Sorry if this came off weird but I love seeing talented artists try pushing the boundaries of their style it’s really visually/conceptually interesting! :)
AH MAN thank you so much I’m so happy to know you like that tool TT^TT it’s really super comfy to use, so it’s nice to know someone finds it visually appealing too!!! thank you!!!!!
Anon said:Is there any chance you could make a masterpost of the aus you do? It's a lot to scroll down to the beginning of a concept u have sometimes and it can be unclear when they start
They all have a tag they’re under, tho? If I’ve made more than one post about them! I have so many AUs going around that making a masterpost with all of them is a bit... mostly so since I don’t know for how many I’ll actually go back on! But if the tags don’t really work for you (generally the link is gonna look like https://franeridart.tumblr.com/tagged/[here goes the tag]/chrono to have it in chronological order) then I can try? I can’t promise I’ll find a comfortable way to do this, tho orz sorry!
Anon said:This might be an odd ask but does Akane like Jirou? I feel like they would get along really well. And how about her grandma Mitsuki? Since she takes after Katsu who takes after her, they could make an adorably angry trio
She hasn’t spent much time with Jirou yet so right now she’s mostly meh about her (though right now she only actually likes Bakugou, and she’s warming up to Kiri, but that’s about it). She doesn’t mind Mitsuki, but she hasn’t spent too long with her either! She yells a bit too much at her dad tho, which Akane isn’t particularly fond of (protective bean that she is, she doesn’t get that that’s just their way of communicating just yet), so out of her grandparents she prefers Masaru, after all~
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exolstice-blog · 7 years ago
EXO reaction | to their s/o not feeling well
[A/N: Requested by anonie: reaction to you being on your period and not feeling well. Here you go! Sorry for the long wait, have been so busy lately TT, but here it is! I hope you enjoy it~]
He would become the softest.
Calling you every 20 minutes.
[kms] “Y/N, are you good? Did it get better? Does it hurt too much, do you need--”
Even though you really told him it wasn’t much of a big deal.
[kms] “You’re so brave, baby.”
I mean, it happened every month, he should be used to it too.
But no. The man wouldn’t budge.
Unexpected visits.
He would come over with that over-sized hoodie you couldn’t help but love.
Ice-cream too.
He was just the sweetest.
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Oh, he would be so understanding. 
With the mood swings and all--because it wasn’t just a myth, he’d learned that much.
Although you were most calm, he wouldn’t fight back whenever you began your bickering. 
He would be so chill, honestly.
Just listening to all you have to say.
And after you become so ashamed for all, he would just laugh, give you a hug, and stare.
“What are you looking at? I’m embarrassed.”
[kjm] “Why, I love when you get flustered like this.”
“I hate you.”
[kjm] “Cute.”
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Can I just say, he would be so warm.
“Why are you hugging me so much?”
[zyx] “I read somewhere that heat relaxes your muscles. Is it working?”
He would just be so thoughtful.
Forever looking for ways to alleviate your pain, regardless of its intensity.
And the boy would even take notes of it, I’m soft.
Ah, and something else.
Belly kisses.
[zyx] “Oh, you’re blushing.”
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Often your changes in mood would affect him too.
Specially when all he did was quarrel back.
That’s why most of the time he would just fight you off by making you laugh.
With whatever silly thing he could, he did.
Making up the weirdest of things.
Saying the stupidest of things.
[bbh] “Ugh, that’s, like, the only reason why I prefer being a guy.”
“You wouldn’t mind being a girl?”
[bbh] “Heck no. Specially when you have those.” -pointing at your chest-
“But they hurt!”
[bbh] “Want me to kiss them?”
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He would become so tamed lmao.
Trying to not get on your bad side.
Not only that, he knew you were going through something that wasn’t so satisfying.
So he did everything he could to satisfy you.
Being the loveliest.
He would build forts with blankets.
Arrange pillows.
Wrap you around in warm towels.
[kjd] “Aren’t you the tastiest taco, babe?”
“Stop tickling me, you!”
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So he would visit you, okay.
Or give you night rides through the city, he knew you needed a breath of fresh air.
He would bring Toben, too.
Knowing how much you loved that ball of fluff.
Small concerts.
He would give them to you.
He would play for you. The piano. The guitar.
He would sing.
Do I really need to say more?
[pcy, singing like all the angels up in heaven] “ ’Cause all of me, loves all of you.”
“...Are you looking at Toben?”
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Chef Soo in the house.
So much squishy, too.
He would cook for you, ever the softest.
Concerned about your comfort, he wouldn’t let you do anything.
That wouldn’t stop you, though.
You would flee bed and join him in the kitchen, making a mess out of everything.
That would only encourage him to carry on, making play of your antics.
The both of you, of course, would end up covered in flour or any concoction he’d spent all night preparing.
“Soo! Stop it, I’m covered in honey!”
[dks] “And I thought you couldn’t get any sweeter.”
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Honestly he would be so playful.
Primarily to lift up your mood, knowing how much you could sometimes hurt.
He would prepare the most fun movie dates.
All the sweets you could imagine.
Him being the biggest of them all.
Often encouraging you to act out some of the most ridiculous scenes.
And, of course, tickle wars and pillow fights.
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He couldn’t be more gentle.
Careful hands and tender fingers. Cotton-soft.
He would warm your blankets before going to bed. 
Prepare warm tea and apply on you toasty kisses. 
Bed-time stories.
Yes, he would read to you--
books borrowed from his hyungs or simple stories he’d make up.
Mostly about him teaming up with Vivi in some parallel realm to beat some litte asses and rescuing his princess. You. 
[osh] “Good night, princess. Sweet dreams.”
[osh] “And by that I mean me.”
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bangtan-spells · 8 years ago
Yoongi Scenario: Say Yes To The Dress.
Request: Yay, your requests are open❤️ I’ve been binge-watching a show called Say Yes To The Dress and I was wondering if I may request a Yoongi senario where he comes with you to pick your wedding dress along with the members? Yoongi is my favorite member, he’s so pretty TT^TT
Genre: Fluff / Romance.
Your appointment was set for early in the afternoon, so after lunch you had been fuzzing around with your outfit, hair and make up. Going to buy your dress at Bridals had been your dream for as long as you could remember, so after you found out Bridals had opened a branch in Seoul you decided you had to go.
-Y/N, anyone would believe the wedding is today-
Your fiancé, the funny guy who at the moment wasn’t funny, was staring at you from your bed. 
You huffed, trying to rearrange your hair differently since the up-do you were attempting made you look old. -I just want to get this right- you said more to yourself than him.
Yoongi sat watching you from the mirror to then stand up, going to you to hug you from the back. His face was semi buried on a side of your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist.
-It’s going to be ok, you look beautiful-
You pouted staring at your reflection, placing your hands over his. You were nervous as you were excited, this was an important occasion for you, but Yoongi’s presence made it all better, he held you when you needed it, and not just physically, Yoongi was always willing to take care of you even if sometimes it was in his own slightly shy ways. 
A little smile bloomed thinking about it, you loved your boyfriend too much and you couldn’t wait to be his wife.
For the appointment you knew you could take people with you, usually girls went with their mom, mother in law, the bridesmaids, sisters, etc. But for you it was a bit different than that. The host looked at you and back at your companions with wide eyes, surely she didn’t expect to receive a bride with seven men trailing after her.
-This is a first- she said with a nervous giggle, registering you while the team that would be assisting you arrived. You smiled at Yoongi who nodded in reassurance, then you saw the other six companions for the day, since your family couldn’t be here, you had decided that who better for the occasion than the six boys that had become over the time important and indispensable people in your life, so much you could call them family, these days required a support system and honest opinions and you knew that was what you were going to get from them.
The consultant that would be assisting you arrived, she was the Lori of Seoul, in her fifties, short hair and a classy outfit but with an expression that was gentle but yet awake. 
-Welcome to Bridals, my name is Nara-
You bowed and so did the boys, but it was you doing the talking since this was after all your day. -Hello, I’m Y/N, thank you for having us today-
You noticed behind Nara there were two younger women, surely the assistants for fitting and for searching the dress. -It’s our pleasure, so who is coming with you today?- she asked looking at the boys sharply. -I heard they are singers-
You nodded. -Yes, that was why I requested the privacy…- Nara made a hand gesture for you to not worry about that at all, so you smiled a little. -These are Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung- you went saying their names as they greeted and bowed politely. -And this in my fiancé, Min Yoongi-
The two assistant gasped and Nara took a hand to her chest. -We have a fox in the henhouse!-
After Yoongi tried to not seem too faced by the expression and Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin stopped giggling you went into the store, seeing the elegant and classy decoration so characteristic of Bridals, Nara was making you the typical questions, how you met Yoongi, when and where was the wedding, what kind of style you wanted for that day. 
You answered her questions, you had met him at a friend’s party, you had almost five years together, the wedding would be at a hotel, a good nine months from now, it would be more like a private date with not that many guests but that didn’t mean you didn’t want to look your absolute best.
The boys were distracted watching everything, Jungkook nudging Jimin to see dresses, Hoseok and Jin ogling everything and trying to keep Namjoon away from the casual accessories racks that were dispersed throughout the place, they knew that if Namjoon stepped so much as close to them he could bring the whole thing down.
You reached the big sofa in which the boys were going to be sitting, with a huge mirror and elevated area in the front for you to show them the dresses.
 -I’d like something elegant, classy, but at the same time I’d like it to have an edge, something sexy but not way too sexy- you started listing. -I like lace, but only when it’s delicate and doesn’t look like napkins, also I don’t like the kind of bodice that is thick, it makes me feel uncomfortable. I like jewelry and the sparkle, but not when it’s too much, I wouldn’t like a dress that looks like a disco ball- Nara nodded to everything as the boys stared at you with their mouths open.
-Y/N came prepared-
Yoongi smiled and he shook his head -You have no idea-
-What kind of dress would you like?- Nara asked, she seemed very concentrated as you could see she took her job very seriously and you appreciated that.
-I like mermaid dresses, or maybe a trumpet style-
-A trumpet?- Taehyung asked intrigued. 
The two girls behind Nara giggled. 
-It’s a kind of dress- the old lady answered kindly before turning to you again. 
-Nothing like sheath style or tea cup, I like white but not blinding white, it could be bone or maybe champagne too if it is elegant enough, and also, for the train length nothing too long although I can handle a bit long, maybe court or chapel length-
Nara nodded. -Girls we got ourselves a challenge today- 
Everyone laughed and you could feel Yoongi’s squeeze on your hand to tell you it was ok to be demanding. You knew it was, but once again having his support made it all better, you were glad he was with you.
-And the groom? what would you like to see your bride on?-
That took him by surprise so the boys started to tease him.
-Yes hyung, tell us your hopes and dreams-
-What have you been imagining Y/N on?-
He was embarrassed with the attention you could tell by his smile. -I just hope she shows up- 
Everyone laughed again, including Nara, the boys continued teasing him but you could only think in hugging him or giving him a kiss, because of the audience you contained yourself, instead reaching for his hand to this time give him squeeze of reassurance on your behalf, your attendance was one hundred percent certain. -I just want her to choose something she likes, maybe nothing too big-
You nodded in agreement, you didn’t want anything too big either. 
-I wanna see Y/N with a lot of sparkle- Taehyung commented when they were asked. -She has to shine-
Jin nodded. -I have seen these dresses that have like jewelry all over-
-I kind of wanted to see Y/N in a princess dress- Hoseok commented and to that Jimin agreed.
-Y/N should wear something tight- Namjoon opined gaining a few stares and raised brows, a slight glare from Yoongi. -I mean- he laughed nervously. -Nothing like that, but like the dress not being too wide-
They all gave their opinion about what you should wear, some of them thinking the same as you, in Jungkook’s case he was clueless and Hoseok was pouting about you frowning a little at the princess dress.
The two assistants took note of the requests and Nara nodded attentively commenting something here and there to then ask the final question. -Now I have to ask you, what is your budget?-
You had saved money for this occasion, you knew your family backed you up too but you didn’t want to make any sacrifices. -It will be…-
-Unlimited- Yoongi answered before you could say anything else. -She should choose whatever she likes- he said directly to Nara who was staring at him with an impressed yet satisfied expression, the two assistant clapped and the boys erupted in cat calls and more teasing on Yoongi going all out just for you.
You looked at him, shaking your head slightly. -It’s not necessary…- you whispered for just him  to hear while the boys kept being loud with their jokes and laughs.
-It is- he said softly and you knew by his gaze that there was no chance on him going back on his word. It wasn’t a bad thing, it was just him surprising you always with these little tokens of affection. You knew he didn’t do it to brag about his money, he did it because he wanted you to choose whatever dress made you happy. What more could you ask? Feeling way too happy with all the love you went off to find the perfect dress, for Yoongi you would be the most beautiful bride.
You were accompanied by Nara, walking around dresses and more dresses as she showed you some and gave you advice on which you should try on, you picked up a good amount and went to the dressing room.
While you did that they boys didn’t stay put, with he company of the two assistants they were too in the hunt for a dress, each of them was going to pick one for you to try on.
-Y/N should be a princess on that day- Hoseok grouched softly while walking beside Jin who was chuckling. 
-She should, but with the dress she likes-
-I think she’ll like my pick- Hoseok smiled proudly turning to the ballgown and princess dresses.
Namjoon was looking at the dresses like someone looked at complicated art pieces on a museum, he saw one and then picked another but then had second thoughts and picked something different. Jungkook by his side was watching attentively like Namjoon knew all about dresses.
-I should pick something sexy because Y/N likes sexy- Namjoon mused. -But not too much for Yoongi to punch me in the face-
Jungkook laughed. -This looks like something she’ll like- he said showing a lace dress to Namjoon who frowned. 
-Y/N would hate that-
Jungkook frowned. -How do you know?-
-Because she clearly said she doesn’t want to look like a napkin-
Jungkook grumbled. -I don’t think it looks like a napkin though-
-You just have to follow me Jungkook, think elegant-
While Namjoon and Jungkook argued about elegance, Taehyung and Jimin were having no trouble loving the dresses the two assistant suggested and they had picked four dresses each. 
Yoongi on the other hand contemplated the dresses, examining them and wondering which one would you love, he knew he’ll marry you in whatever you chose to wear, but he wanted you to be happy and that excited him and got him nervous at the same time.
He saw a pretty dress in satin with lace applications, it was long and not too wide, elegant but Yoongi could see the dress had a nice shape, he bet you’d look stunning in it so he took that one. Giving them to the assistant who had to deliver the dress to you.
First you chose to show them their picks leaving Yoongi’s last just because. You showed them the “a line” dresses Jimin had chosen for you, and although they were pretty and they fit, you didn’t think they were your dress.
Taehyung was obnoxious even when picking dresses, they had everything. Lace, jewelry, tulle and satin, with low backs some of them with deep v neck lines another, some of them were pretty but the others were just way too much and in Jungkook’s words it looked like you had assaulted a wedding store and put on everything.
Jin had actually chosen a pretty one, off shoulders trumpet style, he had a good taste and you could say it was a contender, Yoongi liked it more than the others so that encouraged you, but you still didn’t know if that was your dress. 
Then you decided to wear Namjoon’s pick, a fit dress with lace embroidery in in horizontal lines, before putting on it looked nice but in you not so much, the boys were laughing tears when they saw you and you couldn’t blame them.
-Y/N, you look like a prison- Taehyung said laughing. 
-A convict- Jungkook blurted.
Nara cleared her throat and despite you seeing Yoongi’s little smile trying not to laugh too he turned to glare at the maknaes and then to give Namjoon a what the fuck face. You honestly wanted to laugh to not cry.
Hoseok’s pick went next and you should have seen this coming, it was a beautiful but way over the top princess gown. The skirt was really wide and although the bodice being of beautiful beaded crystals you thought it was way too much.
-I’m showing this because I love you guys way too much- you said when coming out. -Hoseok I know this was you-
He clapped excitedly and the other boys laughed and glared at him. -Hobi hyung, come on, that doesn’t suit Y/N- Jimin said smiling.
Jin shook his head. -I warned him Y/N-
-I bet Yoongi hyung could fit inside that skirt-
-I bet he could live inside that skirt- 
They were snickering and clapping, having way too much fun with this, you laughed too, winking at Yoongi who was trying to tell them you would never wear that dress and Hoseok was a fool, Hoseok was obviously faking tears for his dress not being picked.
After that you started trying more and more dresses, you spent hours on it, some you showed to the boys, some you couldn’t even bare to see yourself in. Truth was that it was wearing you out all the process and even if Nara and the girls were helping you and giving you encouragement you were starting to feel frustrated. So you decided to just try what Yoongi had chosen for you, if you were lucky that might be your dress, and it would be more special coming from him.
So Nara handed you the dress, it was really pretty you could tell even without wearing it, so you put it on, having the girls tying it at the back. But it didn’t. The dress didn’t fit you.
-Don’t you have it in a bigger size?-
Nara shook her head pensively. -No, that is the only size-
You looked at the mirror, it was a pretty dress, but it didn’t fit and it didn’t even go that well with your body. But this was Yoongi’s election, the only dress he had liked and it didn’t fit.
-Could you please give me a moment?- you asked feeling your stomach heavy and your eyes starting to water, it was foolish of you to feel this way, everything had been going so well, you had laughed so much, but then there was no dress, it was all pointless.
They left you alone in the dressing room after they helped you out of the dress. You sat in the little sofa they had there, wearing only a silk white robe that was complimentary to each appointment in Bridals, you didn’t want to cry, everything was perfect and then it wasn’t, you felt stupid for getting too emotional over this, but you knew you couldn’t help it.
There was a knock on the door, you hurried to clean your face not wanting Nara to see you crying even of you knew she must had seen some ugly crying brides before. But instead of Nara you saw Yoongi peeking his head, going inside when he saw you.
He sat beside you, silently, gazing for a second at the enormous rack with the dozens of dresses you had tried on, then he stared at you, but you didn’t want to look at his face so you looked at your lap and how he pulled your hands to intertwine with his, he squeezed them before speaking.
-What’s wrong?-
-Nothing- you muttered feeling your voice breaking once again.
Yoongi hummed. -Nothing, huh? Is it because the boys laughed a while ago? It was Namjoon’s fault for picking that dress, but I’ll scold them, no one will laugh-
You shook your head. -I like the laughs, I knew it was an ugly dress I just showed you to laugh too, this is not about them-
Yoongi nodded, being quiet for a moment as he looked at you trying to figure out how to help you. -Then what is it? Y/N I don’t want you to cry for anything-
-I know- you sobbed. -It’s just that, I want to choose a pretty dress and everything is so difficult and most of them look weird on me, and then I wanted to try on the one you chose for me because you chose it, and then it didn’t fucking fit- you groaned shaking your head. -I just want to look good you know, you are always doing things for me and I’ve dreamed so much about this day and with us, I just want to have a dress to look pretty-
Yoongi sighed and hugged you, letting you calm down as you rested your head on his shoulder. -Y/N, I will say this although you know it already, but I’ll marry you with any dress, I’ll marry you with the enormous thing Hoseok chose or with that hideous thing Namjoon picked, for me it doesn’t matter what you wear- he smiled getting you to see his face. -I love you and I’ll spend the rest of my life with you, believe me, to me you are beautiful no matter what- he said pecking you. -Damn, I’ll marry you right now if you want-
At that you giggled, looking down at your silk robe. -Like this?-
His smile got wider. -Like this, you want me to? the boys are already here so I can call a few contacts and…-
-Yoongi!- you nagged hitting his shoulder but both of you laughed after that. -I love you-
There was another knock in the door and then Nara came in. -Excuse the interruption, but Y/N still has this dress to try on-
You were puzzled. -You searched another? I…-
-No, this was your youngest friend pick- she said and you recalled you hadn’t tried anything coming from Jungkook. The boy was clueless about brides and dresses and it was surely going to be another miss, but either way you decided to give it a try.
Yoongi went outside and you tried on the new dress, it went up well and you felt how Nara adjusted it at the back comfortably, then you turned around and gasped at your reflection. This was the most exquisite dress you had ever seen.
 A mermaid fit and flare dress, beautiful lace went over the fit jersey that gave your body a sexy but classy silhouette, it had sequins and jewelry scattered all over which gave it enough sparkle to shine but without being overbearing, the v neck was deep and scalloped to give your cleavage a nice view without being too much, it had slight cap sleeves, and you were marveled at the scalloped lace back that gave the illusion of bare skin and the lace surrounding it beautifully, a straight line of diamond buttons adorning it at the middle, as you had requested it had court train and the waist adjusted naturally with a stunning belt. Your eyes were now moisten for other reasons.
-Are you ready to go out?- one of the girls asked.
You nodded, not trusting your voice. But Nara stopped you. -Let’s doll you up first-
They did, putting your hair on a side with he help of diamond pins, long diamond earrings adorned your ears and on your neck a simple but elegant necklace that complimented the v cut of the dress, a pretty bouquet on your hands and a simple and classic veil that went perfectly with the accessories. You looked at yourself again, you were gorgeous, this was your dress and you knew that despite Yoongi loving anything you chose, this was a choice that would blow him away.
-I… tell him to wait for me outside-
-You don’t want the groom to see?- Nara asked with a  gentle yet knowing smile.
You nodded. -I want him to see this the day of the wedding, I know he’d love it just the same but… I just want to see his first reaction when he waits for me at the altar-
When you went out Yoongi wasn’t there, but you could see the reaction on the boys faces. They were clapping, amazed by how this dress made the difference, Hoseok and Jimin saying Yoongi would need a heart pill for when he saw you with that dress, even getting a bit too emotional which made you giggle. Jungkook was proud of himself although he wasn’t bragging, you dedicated him a special smile, who would have told, the clueless boy had chosen the dress of your dreams.
-Y/N, I think it is time- Nara said walking closer to you. -Do you say yes to the dress?-
You inhaled, not containing your happiness, not only because you had found a gorgeous dress but because you were immensely happy with Yoongi, and you couldn’t wait to say yes to him too. -Yes, I say yes to the dress-
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imsarabum · 8 years ago
Responses to {Part 17} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
@purelyple said: never clicked so fast in my whole life for a vampire fic. 
Thank you so much :3
Anonymous said: the enDING ARE YOU K I D D I N G ME i need it to be next tuesday right now immediately
I apologise for ending that chapter right then! It was 6,000+ words and it was definitely running on for too long ^^ Thank you so much for reading it my dear =)
@mysr3 said:  Thank you Sara!!! IWSY sigh~  so good! Can't wait for the next part. Although I'll be spending Valentine Day alone, I'll have this to accompany me and make my heart fluff❤️❤️❤️
Thank you very much! At least the next chapter will be a lovely one for Valentines Day for all us lonely souls spending it alone hehe c:
Anonymous said: The reason Tae wanted her to wait before he could get out of view from the mirror was because of the whole vampire thing right?
I’m afraid not my love! I have already laid out my lore of a Vampire’s reflection in Chapter Two when I said that Vampires DO have a reflection (along with not being destroyed in sunlight.) The reason why Taehyung would have moved out of view is because he would have wanted her to see only herself without seeing him in her field of vision ^^
Anonymous said: I absolutely love IWSY! Your writing style is amazing and I always look forward to reading a new chapter❤  Do you have any tips for writing fanfiction? I would like to start writing too but I don't have good ideas.. 😂😊
Thank you so much my dear ^^ I’m really happy you’re enjoying it. I made a post a little while back with some tips so I’ll link it to you here!
Anonymous said: Do you have any idea how long the IWSY serie will be? I loooooove it so much btw
Like I have said before, I have no idea how long it will be going on for. You’ll know when I do! :D Thank you so much for reading it my love :)
Anonymous said: Eventhough this chapter of IWSY is all about Y/N being excited about the dress and everything, i can't help but feel nervous about the upcoming ball. TT Yoongi actually scares the crap out of me in this story xq How amazing that you can make me feel this way with writing! Love you 💕
Are you feeling the calm before the storm? *whispers* good~ hehe Thank you so much for reading it! ^^
@omelys-space said: Again amazing update as always ~ ❤ Now I have two things:  I need that dress in my life 😍 the way you described it was so stunning  And can ChimChim and TaeTae get any cuter?! 🙈 I am freakishly excited to see Kooks reaction next week 😄 Ohhh and to learn more about her power that she has
Thank you very much ❤  I’m so happy you enjoyed it! And yes - I really want/need a dress and shoes such as the ones in my fan fiction hehe~ Yes! There are many things to be revealed! I’m excited to show them ! ^^
@bangtan-bap-sonyeondan said: I was feeling down earlier and just thought I'd search around the scenario tag and I stumbled across I won't stop you and I read the entire series and then waited for this new part and I love it. I couldn't stop reading all parts and did it in one sitting. I hope you keep at it and I'll look forward to each upcoming part!
I’m so happy that you could find my series and it could make you (hopefully) feel a little better ^^ Thank you so much for reading it and messaging me to tell me, as well! *hugs* I will definitely finish it until the end of the story! You have no need to worry about that :)
Anonymous said: Ok wow.Wow.I've never had a full chapter of changing into a dress get me excited and smily at 2 am when I have to wake up at 7 to study. Wow.You killed me.You should at lest come to my funeral *cries a red river*.MY GOOOOOODDDD. But seriously, I was hoping to get some reaction from jungkook.I can't believe I have to wait a whole week for that omo kill me  Plz make the next chapter loooong with maaaaaaanyy secrets revealed and maaany important details!!!Looking forward to it!THAnks SARS I LOVE U!
I’m happy to know that you enjoyed reading about the dress! I wanted to fully explain everything because of what will happen at the ball ;) There’s method in my madness, I promise you! And don’t worry, you’ll get a worthy description of Jungkook’s reaction next week (seeing as it’s Valentines Day as well ❤ ) This chapter was actually the longest chapter I’ve ever written (6,000+ words heh) Thank you for reading and looking forward to the next one, I love you too!!
@pandafish said: goodness! the gown sounds absolutely beautiful.  and what a fitting color ;)
I really want a dress like the one I described c: It’s like my dream dress! Haha and yes, a very fitting colour indeed ;)
Anonymous said: Oh my gosh, I am absolutely in love with I Won't Stop You! Your writing is so great! It's so detailed and the story is beautiful!
*blushes* Thank you so much! I really feel like the dress needed to be explained in great detail as I wanted you (as the reader) to be able to envision the next scenes perfectly and exactly how you look! :D
Anonymous said: WOW!!! I WONT STOP YOU PART 17 was so good!!!!!!!! I loved it!!!!! But is there a picture of the dress????? I would really love to see it!!!!!!
Thank you so much beautiful! Unfortunately, there is no picture as I created it from my imagination (as there is a reason why Taehyung and Jimin designed it the way they did ;D) - but THE SHOES ARE A REAL THING. Follies Strass by Christian Louboutin are the most beautiful heels I’ve ever seen.
Anonymous said: "You ARE a princess"  Me: *is suspicious* 🤔 lmao now that I think about it they mention her looking/being a princess a lot...😏
Haha aww it’s more so because she has no idea that Jungkook is ACTUALLY a Prince. It’s more of an inside joke that they are keeping from her - especially when she said she felt like a princes ^^
@gwynethjodie said: You are truly a gifted writer. I'm just realizing I've only been reading "I Won't Stop You", when I should be reading all your work. The way you've set everything up in IWSY is indescribable, it feels like i'm watching a movie from all the details, imagery and scenes. Every scene feels so significant to the story and in no way feels like fillers. I was dying for a picture of the dress&such from the last chapter, but maybe you didn't provide one cause you wanted the reader to envision themselves
This is truly such an amazing message to receive. You really made me smile and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I’m so incredibly happy that you feel this way and that you can see everything so clearly in IWSY because that’s exactly what I was hoping for. And yes - unfortunately there is no picture of the dress because I created it entirely from the realm of my head haha - but if you want to get an idea of the shoes, they are a real thing! Follies Strass by Christian Louboutin are just...so beautiful...^^ Thank you so much my love, I hope you have a great day :)
@audreymv said: I wont be able to say an opinion about this chapter sadly because I decided im going to read it when the other or next part comes out. I feel bad but i knowing you this chapter is probs really good
There’s no need to feel bad! You can read it whenever you wish :) I know some people like that who don’t watch TV series until the series has finished airing so that they can watch it all in one go. So I don’t mind at all my love! The series will remain on this blog for you to return to whenever you want to :)
Anonymous said: I'm not even an army but your jungkook vampire!au appeared on my dash and I started reading just for fun and now I'm obsessed BC ITS SO GOOD!!!!! and I'll follow your weekly updates now. I really liked your writing and keep on doing girl 'cause you're good FIGHTING
Ahhh thank you so much! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it despite not being an army ^^ I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the series cutie ^^ Have a great day!
Anonymous said: Hey. Just want to let you know once again that I really like your writing and this story!!! I have been waiting for the dress reveal for soooooo long!!! I was having quite a bad day until got home and got the notification that you had updated the story! It made my day to see that you had put up the new chapter! IWSY makes me look forward to tuesdays and i'm really happy that you continue to write! :-) I really liked the chapter and I hope the next one will be just as amazing!!! ~Ro :-)
I hope the dress didn’t disappoint you then ;D I know I kept a secret for a very long time - and there are still more things that I think a lot of people are dying for me to uncover heh ^^ But that’s just the story! I think it’s a little harder because I release it week by week. If it was a book, it would all be revealed in an instant ^^ Thank you so much for reading the chapter and I’m glad you liked it Ro! :D
Ahhhhh it appears that you’re all so clued into my double meanings and hidden intentions ;) But I promise you that he is just producing an inside joke because she said she felt like a princess, and it’s funny because Jungkook is actually a REAL prince :P
Anonymous said: I BET HE ISNT EVEN GONNA BE THERE WHEN (Y/N) WALKS OUT. //flips tables// cant wait for the next chapter kthnx
Oh come on I’m cruel but I’m not THAT cruel! ;P It would be funny tho “Sorry (Y/N) I had to leave I got tired of waiting” lmao xD Thank you so much for reading it babe!
Anonymous said: Sara, you leave me in absolute awe. This dress that yn has is so beautiful even though I can't actually see it. You're a master of your craft much like tae and jimin are of their dress making omg I am in love with this series and can't wait to see jungkook. That was so sweet how tae told yn to love him no matter what and just omg I teared up. Thank you so much for this. I'm in love with you in the most platonic way 😭😭😭😭 thank you so much Sara ❤️❤️❤️❤️-also I hope your mom is healing well :)
Master of my craft *blushes* YOU FLATTER ME TOO MUCH DEAR ANON. I’m so happy that you could envision it clearly in your mind, that’s what I was hoping for ^^ I love you too my dear! And thank you so much for this beautiful message - you’re making me tear up!! And yes - my Mum is home now and she’s healing well so I’m super duper happy about that! Thank you for mentioning it ^^
Anonymous said: ...I'm crying. That was emotional asf ok. how can words on a screen make me feel this way I don't understand lol. I can tell that you put so much of yourself into your writing cuz I can feel the emotions from reading it. If that makes sense lol. Your writing is better than amazing ok can't wait til next week! Also idk if it's just a side thing for you or you want to make it a career, but I support you and your writing 100% and I know I'm not the only one 💕💕💕
It makes perfect sense, don’t worry! I’m so glad that I could put my emotion into it and make you feel it too ^^ Your message was so uplifting and kind, so thank you for that from the bottom of my heart :) *hugs* You’re amazing and I hope your day is as amazing as you are! Thank you also for reading the chapter beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: this chapter thobsjsjidj i feel like im reading a book holy shit youre very detailed i can literally see the dress infront of me lmao
I’m so happy you appreciate the detail that goes into each chapter! And I hope you enjoyed the chapter my love - and that the dress pleased you! :D hehe Thank you so much c:
Anonymous said: So this is what I am going to do - I'm going to wait until next Tuesday so you've updated two times, so I have two new chapters of IWSY to read, since I don't want them to end
That’s perfectly alright with me! You do what makes you happiest my dear ^^
@doubletroublesince1994 said: OH MY LORD THIS CHAPTER IS BEAUTIFUL ♥ I wonder if you have a picture of the dress that you wrote about, I would love to see it  (Tumblr unfollowed you wtf does this happen often?)
Thank you so much beautiful ^^ And no, unfortunately the dress came from my imagination - but if you would like to see the shoes, they are a real thing! Follies Stress by Christian Louboutin ^^ hehe And oh no! Silly Tumblr :( Don’t worry my love, it’s all good!
Anonymous said: Genuinely the only writer who can make me read thousands of words about putting on a dress (well I suppose it's not just A dress, but anyway) and still have me captivated until the very last word...  You're so talented 🙈💕  - UK anon
Haha I’m glad it could do that for you! Well, it was mostly about the dress but there was important lore about natum lamia in there too c: And of course, Taehyung’s way of telling her that no matter what happens, she should always go with her heart and love Jungkook ^^ Thank you very much for reading it my dear! I’m happy that you enjoyed it :)
@jynxy24 said: Newest part of IWSY was :3 Atleast you didn't play with my feelings :D I have nothing to say except thank you lolol. Stay Awesooooooome!!
See? I’m not ALL cruel and bad :P Thank you so much for reading Jynxy my love c:
Anonymous said: Is it weird that I can hear "She Is" by Jonghyun playing in mynhead on the last chapter? I don't know the significance to it. It's just a fleeting thought, really.
I’ve never listened to that song, so I will listen to it when I have a spare moment! Thank you for telling me about it :D
@line-fangirl said: Thanky you so much for i wont stop you xxx (cont.) I swear im always afraid that if i read too fast the chapter would end soon i love it <3 :3
Awww you’re so sweet! You’re very welcome and thank you so much for reading it :D And take your time with reading it and absorb everything! Each chapter has some kind of lore or important information to the story, do don’t miss it! ;D hehe
@animeimmortal said: I. WANT. THEM. TO. BE. TOGETHER. SO. BAD. GAHHHH (cont.) AND STAY TOGETHER CUZ LIKE UGH. yoongi will fuck things up I know that for sure but I want them to stay togetherrrrrrr :/ *still loving it*
They are together thooooo! c: But yes, there is the threat of Yoongi~ I wonder if he’ll really show up to the ball and who will accompany him? ;o eheh~ thank you so much for reading the new chapter my love :D
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dreamiehrs · 5 years ago
haunted trail ➛ p.js
Tumblr media
genre: fluff, boyfriend!jisung, both of you being scared, comfort
pairing: jisung x you
summary: you and jisung take an adventure to your town’s local haunted trail and... it doesn’t end up well
note: bulleted scenario! hopefully you guys enjoy it :) (this is really short I’m sorry TT) (gif credit: @jisuong​)
so you and jisungie have been wanting to go to a haunted trail for forever now
in the past it never worked out: you would end up going to the wrong one, it was closed, fall was over, etc.
but this time... you guys were determined!!
although you two were scaredy-cats to the max, you loved the idea of it!!
you guys just wanted to get into the autumn spirit... especially since the two of you loved Halloween so much
so when jisung comes running up to you one day after school and rambles to you about it... it felt like both of your dreams had come true
you guys had to mentally prepare yourselves for the trail... like even though you guys were jumping up and down out of excitement... deep down you were both terrified TT
you both made sure to dress comfy and to even wear tennis shoes because... you could never know what would happen
on the ride there jisung put some calming music on, attempting to calm down both yours and his nerves about the whole thing
his right hand was rested comfortably on your thigh, tracing little circles against your skin which always comforted you
he hums in response
“if you ever get too scared, just know we can always stop, okay?”
he can’t stop the wide smile from covering his face, and also can’t stop himself from pressing a small kiss to your cheek “I know~”
you guys finally arrive and park near the trail, and you can see jisung faintly shaking
to be honest... you’re shaking, too
you grasp his hand and give it a firm squeeze before mustering up the biggest grin you can
he glances over to you and you’re... shining in front of his eyes... somehow giving him all the confidence he needs
you guys read each other’s minds and exited the car, jisung locking it before you two started towards the entrance of the trail
jisung pays (after much discussion) and the two of you link arms as he grips the flashlight tightly
“sungie, it’s not that serious.”
“yes, it is! what if we die out here?”
“we won’t. here, let me have that.” you gesture towards the flashlight and he hesitantly hands it to you
you two waddle down the dark and creepy trail until jisung suddenly stops, his eyes trained on a bush nearby
“I-I swear that bush just rustled...”
he points to the bush closest to you, and you lean closer to him as you speedwalk away from the bush
“see? nothing was―“
you’re interrupted by the sounds of quick footsteps behind you, and you take a look back (bad idea) to see a black figure running towards you guys
jisung grabs your hand before sprinting off, the black figure coming after you guys like no tomorrow
you guys are running for a solid three minutes until you two eventually have to stop
you rest your hands on your knees, feeling the sweat drip down your neck and your lungs constricting then releasing every few seconds
“what,” he breathes out. “the heck was that thing?”
you shake your head at him. “I have no clue. it definitely didn’t like us, though.”
you guys hear more moving around from behind yourselves and you two quickly hurry off before something chases after you again
you are grasping each other’s hand so tightly, but you can’t feel it as your heart is pounding from all the adrenaline that rushed through your veins
“jisungie, you alright?” you squeeze his hand, and he does the same back to yours
“I could be better, to be honest.” you laugh at his response, him just nudging your shoulder with a huge smile on his face
you guys reach the eventual end of the trail, surprisingly only being spooked once
don’t believe in that for too long lmao because you guys got jump scared as you two were walking to jisung’s car
you both hop in and turn up the radio, speedily making your way to jisung’s house
where the two of you would watch Netflix shows and eat candy to get into the spirit
(but also to forget about the experience of the haunted trail)
you guys were just very... freaked out
but luckily!! hilarious tv shows and your lovely boyfriend, jisung, made you all forget about that black figure that chased you guys down
you guys called the night early (around 10 pm) and changed into your pjs before jumping into jisung’s bed
“we should definitely go to that trail again.”
you roll over to face him. “even though you were terrified?”
“you made it all the worth it, though.” he cups your face in his hands before pressing a slow kiss to your lips.
and that’s how you two made it a tradition to go to a haunted trail every October from now on!!
(and how jisung would turn all gooey inside when you would lead him down the trail every time without fail)
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starsmuserainbow · 8 years ago
NAME: I go by Star or Starfire online.
SEXUALITY: No comment
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Single and not looking
I have an old phone I loved back then, it’s round and when opened has the screen, buttons and mirrors inside, I dream of one day turning it into a communicator that works as a phone! No smartphone, but still! I once started working on that dream with the help of a friend, but that ended in the early parts of the process and right now it’s only covered with... not really yellow, but yellow-transparent-ish mass of color and a few areas aren’t colored like the hinge or the cover for the sim-card slot. (Here’s an image of the phone before working on it for those curious)
I intend to start working on getting better at drawing again, by probably redrawing characters from screenshots I took from TT while iconing.
I’m currently sort-of working on a TT-Music Video (AMV-like), but I’m having problems to get the last minute together as good as I’d wish for it to be.
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): About 9 and a half months it should be!
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: A few guestbook and forum pages, but in a real community only tumblr.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Making a blog here and finding so many wonderful people that interact with me!
FEMALE OR MALE: I seem to tend to pick mostly females for myself. As for what I prefer in others, I don’t think I have any preference.
MULTI OR SINGLE: I prefer to have a single blog for each muse I have. I feel it gets a bit too confusing if I have more than one. For others, I can work with multi-muse but it might happen that I only follow once we interacted or I saw quite a few interactions I liked on my dash already.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: No smut, otherwise both I think!
PLOTS OR MEMES: I can work with both I think!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I tend to go longer than I plan to, so longer!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): In a way, yes. I very much sympathize with her not understanding all of earthen culture, that sounds stupid because I know I’m part of earth and all, but there are still so many things that I simply can’t understand the reason behind, so yeah. Other than that, we’re probably rather different. My skin is incredibly light whereas hers is orange-ish, she’s so very outgoing and I’m even shying away from liking something. I won’t continue the comparison further, I do think that mostly we are rather different but I still can highly relate to her.
Tagged by: @beastoraboy
Tagging: None, I think I’ve done this before so I also probably tagged ones already! Feel tagged if you want to do it though!
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