#how long until he regifts them to other people just to be rid of em
ratatatastic · 24 days
"Sam Bennett, our guest, Stanley Cup Champion with the Florida Panthers—just had his day with the Cup last week. So got some pasta in the cup. I'm sure, you know, beer, wine, other assorted spirits. I've seen videos like I remember when the LA Kings won in '12 and '14, there were videos of them eating cereal out of the cup in the morning—all types of weird stuff. Was there anything a little bit off the wall that was put in the Stanley Cup over the 15 hours that you had it, that you witnessed?" "Um—Yeah, so the main thing, like, the first thing that me and my dad had always said is we were gonna eat Cap'n Crunch out of the Stanley Cup." "Yes!" "That started because when I was like, I don't know how old, maybe 8 years old? I won the Championship with our—whatever triple A team—and we ate Cap'n... my dad's like pick whatever cereal I wanted and I picked Cap'n Crunch. We always just agreed that one day if I ever won the Stanley Cup, first thing we're gonna eat is Cap'n Crunch. We got to do that so that was pretty special for my dad. He loved it! We haven't had Cap'n Crunch in years but it was a pretty special moment that we enjoyed." "So forget Wheaties boxes! We need to send a petition to Cap'n Crunch and get Sam Bennett in the little McDonald's mustache on the Cap'n Crunch box with the Stanley Cup! There's your next endorsement!" "That was pretty good! That was pretty good, yeah! I wouldn't mind that. They actually—Cap'n Crunch actually—they reached out. They sent me a ton of boxes of Cap'n Crunch." "There you go! Nice!" "If you know anyone that wants some I got a bunch!"
First Up (TSN) | 8.27.24 (x)(x)
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