#how in the heck is this show so perfect you guys
introverting-rn · 9 months
was gonna start post with something along the lines of “why aren’t we addressing” but thats literal bullshit because we are all addressing it and So Am I
it was perfect in the first two episodes too but this one just has me feeling so much i have to talk about it
“i am impertinent” and beginning to sing the consensus song - immediately a perfect persassy, and the returning annabeths cap is so cute i adore it, but also the conversation with medusa about his mother was incredibly done! i was leaning forwards to drink in every detail of the scene and i’m probably gonna go rewatch it now because WOW. the suspense was such a tangible, beautiful thing, and the sense of greed that seemed to sparkle in medusas eyes when we had still never seen her without the hat is seriously blowing my mind. her framing and tilts of the head and the antique feeling of her kitchen all hone in towards the scene and it’s messages and i found myself genuinely confronted as i tried to figure out which medusa story the show was going with. leaving that somewhat vague as the audience has to choose if we trust her as a narrator is so powerful in dragging you into the story. it means that what you believe reflects on you; there is no way to detach yourself from this world and the choices you are making within it, even as a mere spectator
and as she made the offer to percy and there was a long stretch of those camera angles, tilted ever so sweetly in such a menacing atmosphere, i was desperately trying to picture what percy’s reaction would be. i had expected him to have interrupted her already, to immediately cut through with a sharp “no” and cause her head to jolt up. i thought she would keep her chin high, turning sharply to face him in contrast to her flowing elegance, and that her head would be tilted back so that she could stare directly at him beneath the hat, tongue flicking over her teeth as she dropped her facade. i thought percy would instinctively go to match her eye contact with determination and be tackled by annabeth, who crept up to eavesdrop due to her suspicion, or that percy would look away by staring up at the sky, feeling isolated as medusa swept steadily towards him, and that we would see his eyes swim with tears and his legs refuse to move and his breathing increase as medusa ran a fingernail along his neck, and then annabeth would intervene
when percy didn’t shout to interrupt, i expected to cut back and see his face, wrought with raw emotion. i thought that he would let that moment of connection stretch, having felt so lonely before meeting this person who spoke exactly to his heart. i waited to see the grief and wrestling that it took him to refuse to help his mother, to accept the similar motherly figure before him as an enemy. i wondered if maybe we wouldn’t see his reaction now, and his silence would later be used against him as he himself is accused of betraying their quest
but the silence drew out for longer and longer, and when medusa turned her head to see the doorway completely empty, i realised that was the only thing that he would have done. i realised that he would think of the immediate danger to his friends first and go to warn them, and i realised that there was more to come and i loved every second of it
i loved seeing grover try to maintain peace on the quest. his look of disappointment at percy for sniping about thalia’s “fate of a pine cone”, and his refusal to comment about the validity of the voting system under totalitarian leadership (looking at you putin). the clapping for the consensus song had me so confused in the moment and then had me smiling uncontrollably with an extreme fondness because his awkwardness and his sincerity were so clearly shown. the finally shouting at percy and annabeth to get a grip, not having wanted to upset either of them but realising that letting this continue was only making it worse - man, this character is so wonderful. add to that the emotional weight of staring up at uncle ferdinand, feeling the presence of his failed quest heavy in the room as their current one began to fall apart. how he tried to conceal his tears, to be the Protector, not seeming to consider that his friends wanted to look after him too, perhaps because they themselves had forgotten to do so. he is so sweet and genuine and there’s such a depth and intricacy to his character in the show that i don’t remember from the books, although that may just be because i was younger when i first read them, or because seeing these people on screen is so much closer and more confronting in some ways
and annabeth. i fucking love annabeth. i love that she’s a bit of a dick in some ways, but that you’re never expected to hold it against her - it’s never presented as cruelty, just as pragmatism, because that’s what it is. as the same time, she can hold grudges, and they don’t shy from that. as i mentioned earlier, it’s constantly called into question which medusa narrative is the ‘correct’ one, and the way medusa describes to both annabeth and percy how they are direct parallels to the original story makes her feel so manipulative, and you feel annabeths faith in her previous notion of the story wavering as yours does, deeply connecting her with the audience. the way she explains her plan on the bus shows that she doesn’t expect herself to be so intelligent that nobody else understands - a common struggle in hubris - and her complete unwillingness to allow this plan to be questioned shows the leading nature she’s forced herself into. yes, annabeth is an incredible natural leader and strategist, but her refusal to show weakness is a sign of the struggles in her life. she confronts alectus on her own - self-centred or selfless? and in that final interaction with percy, the way she gives way just enough for both of them to discuss the offers they were given and understand each other. it was such a good moment to see that, even after percy’s unintentional acidity to her in saying they’ll never be friends, the two are laying down the basis for a firm trust and absolute belief in each other. she is such a well-rounded character so far and i am obsessed
not even to mention characters outside of this! luke’s slight hints of emotion as he alludes to his past, the hand the world has dealt him and how he has come to terms with it, are such perfect foreshadowing for those of us familiar with his character (which. by the way. i haven’t been on tumblr a lot recently so are we going for no spoilers or what lol). mr d claiming to be percy’s dad was a strong introduction of character in a way that makes me question why that didn’t happen in the book, and it lead into seamless exposition of the whole reason for demigods and quests. sally jackson is sally jackson and i fucking love her.
basically i am really enjoying the pj show, and loving every element - the biggest kudos to everyone working on it an aLSO ARE PERCY AND NICO GONNA NERD OUT TOGETHER ABOUT MYTHOMAGIC BYE 😭😭
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animationismycomfort · 6 months
I wish twdg explored more on how though human beings can become closer through awful times…..sometimes that’s not always the case
#I mean I know they technically do that in the games but it feels half-ssed#I feel like they could’ve made that comparison with comparing clementines new group in season 2 to her old one#and have internal turmoil over why her first group couldn’t get along like these guys#why they couldn’t stop arguing for two seconds why they wanted each other dead most of the time#why they coudnt stand being in the same presence of each other and wishing they could just leave without the threat of death#and also make a comparison on how much worse it could’ve gotten with season 3#show a group or town that is worse then both her groups#to really drive in the complication of something like this#and then with season 4 bring in a group that’s smart but naive maybe inexperienced#that way you can have all different types of groups to really round out humanity and how different people react in situations like this#and heck for the extras bring in more group dynamics that range from toxic to somewhat manageable#cause in the end twdg is about humans and humanity and how terrible it can really get BECAUSE of them#so why not drive that home fully#just a thought#my stuffy stuff#twdg#ideas#opinions#text#to add depth have that group not be as perfect as they seem let them have flaws that are and aren’t glaringly obvious to the character#have a character finally show their true colors and decide if it’s worth it or not(kinda like lily but less stupid)#idk I feel like it could’ve been cool#probably wouldn’t work as a long game though(then again the actual games aren’t that long to begin with)
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potofsoup · 3 months
i love your fourth of july comics every year but this years feels extremely optimistic about biden’s abilities in the face of him letting roe get overturned and funding a gen*cide at worst or letting it happen at best by taking the bare minimum of regulatory action… i mean can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands? and how do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?
Hihi! Thank you for reading and enjoying my July 4th comics every year! I am in a non-US airport en route to a month-long trip in a place with sketchy internet, so sorry in advance for sloppiness in my response (and potentially going radio silent).
I don't think he "let" Roe get overturned, since that was the Supreme Court's overwhelming conservative majority, which really started with Mitch McConnell refusing to approve Obama's appointee and forcing it into a 2016 election issue. The fact that Trump got to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices is what got us here.
Re: Biden and the Israel/Hamas war ... on the one hand, there's definitely more that he could have done, but on the other hand, they are a whole other country over there. It's Hamas that initiated the Oct 7 attacks and took the hostages. It's Netanyahu and his right-wing government who decided to retaliate to such extreme extent. Biden can talk about how he would really like Netanyahu to stop fighting and step down, but at the end of the day that's not his call, any more than he can stop the Sudan fighting that is near-genocidal either.
So, to come to your question #1: "Can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands"?
For me, it's a resounding YES. Guyz, he has passed so much good domestic policies. My spouse works in green energy and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act halved his anxiety and gave him legitimate hope. The tumblr post I linked to in my comic has links to many of the other great things that Biden has done. Tbh I voted for him in 2020 because "a moldy onion is still better than Trump", and I've been pleasantly surprised. Like how he tried to cancel student loans, the Supreme Court overturned it, and then he came back 6 months later with a different way to do it that didn't lead to a court challenge.
Is he perfect? Hell no. There's tons of stuff that I wish he did more about, or he went further on, but also he's just one guy heading one branch of government who is heading into an election year. (Just like FDR promising not joining WWII, while behind the scenes doing all the Lend-Lease Act stuff). And "the people" have lots of demands, many of them conflicting.
I'd also like to push at the unspoken part of your question... "Can he really be trusted to do the right thing..." compared to whom? Because right now the answer is "compared to Trump." And compared to Trump... I don't even trust Trump to respect the results of a legitimate election. Heck, he might just take his favorite state secrets, sell them to the highest bidder (or just show them off to someone for funzies), and then claim Presidential immunity. A decent Democrat who got stuff done vs someone who probably wants to pardon himself and all his friends and do Project 2025 stuff is not even on the same level. (Do I wish that there was a viable Democratic alternative to Biden? Sure! But who?) Heck, at this point -- imagine if it's Kamala Harris vs. Trump. Who would you vote for?
As for your question #2: "How do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?"
We don't. But also what can we do besides showing up to vote?
Actually, I need bullet points for this:
The 2022 midterm elections brought in fewer-than-expected election-deniers into crucial electoral offices at the state level, which means that hopefully most state electoral boards will continue to have integrity
Yes, voting is harder but at least we can still vote. So it's about getting out there and getting your vote counted. For some states, it involves waiting in 8 hour lines. For some states, it involves bringing 2 forms of ID. Document. Track. Make sure it's dropped off in a real ballot box and not a fake one. Don't believe messaging that the voting is happening on a different day or location, etc.
A 50.1% majority is easily challenged. A 55% majority, less so. Which means getting people out to vote.
The more people know about and think about the reality of a second Trump term (versus being disappointed by a Biden term), the more they will be motivated to vote against Trump.
Finally, let's be real here: I'm braced for a 2nd Trump term. That said:
I'm still going to go and vote for Biden, because the only way to prevent a 2nd Trump term is to vote.
A Trump term where either the House or Senate is controlled by the Democrats will be *very* different from a clean Republican sweep.
Even with a clean Republican sweep on the federal level, States have so much more power now, and voting the state level stuff will help shore up Democratic goals for the future. States get to draw voting districts however they want. States get to decide on abortion policies. If you live in a deep Red state, there still might be things to vote for that make it easier to live in now, and turn it purple a few elections down the line.
So at the end of the day, it's "Vote AND". Vote and keep living your best life. Vote and tell others about Project 2025. Vote and have hope. Even if Trump wins, at least you'll have voted against him. Vote and stay to build up a progressive wave for the next election.
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toppersjeep · 6 months
Landos Girl ~ Lando Norris X Reader
A/N: I got this idea while watching ginge’s and landos new video. so basically you show up to landos when he’s filming with ginge and you join in on the fun. you’ve been dating Lando for a while now. you work with him at McLaren as a pr manger. that’s how you two met!
(a little fluff, mentions of smut but no actual)
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Your POV
I opened the door to Lando’s apartment with my key. I set my bag down and took my shoes off. Knowing I’d be staying for a while.
“Lan” I said. “In the kitchen” Lando said. “Oh hello are you filming” I said. “Yeah a quadrant video I meant to text you” Lando said. “All good I had a major McLaren meeting so” I said. “No way is that the Y/N in the flesh” Ginge said. “Ginge” I said.
“Guys I’m shaking Lando’s girl in person” Ginge said I laughed. “It’s nice to officially meet you” I said shaking his hand. “Don’t worry I won’t try to take your man yet” Ginge said. “Oh you won’t even get a try” I said. “Oh shit she is a bit scary huh” Ginge said.
“So.. I’ll let you guys film then because I am not eating whatever he eats for breakfast” I said. “What she doesn’t have to eat it” Ginge said. “She should” lando said. “No thanks I had a bagel earlier” I said going to sit on the couch.
“Damn and you couldn’t bring us any the hell” Ginge said. “Ooops” I said. “She doesn’t share her food you know” Lando said. “Well that’s rude” Ginge said.
A little while later…
I got up off the couch. I then saw Lando and Ginge working out. I stood in the doorway.
“Have her try the head pull thingy” Ethan said.“I think she does that with Lando off camera” Ginge said. “Oh my god” I said laughing. “Jeez mate” Lando said. “What we know you do” Ginge said.
“What’s next” I said. “Uhh landos turn” Ethan said. “I wanna see you guys pull him I’m intrigued” I said sitting on the floor. “As long as you do it too” Lando said. “Fine” I said. Ginge went first and pulled Lando. “My god he’s not even flinching” Ginge said.
“It feels quite nice” Lando said I laughed. “Really your weird mate” Ginge said. Ethan then did it. “Come on slow and hard” Ginge said. I laughed. “Oh be quiet over there with your dirty mind” Ethan said. “I didn’t say anything yet” I said.
“Keyword is yet” Lando said. Ethan the pulled the bands back. “What the heck so you even feel that” Ethan said. “It just feels nice” Lando said. “Alright your turn” Ethan said I got up. “Come on baby” Lando said. “I have like no muscles” I said. “You got it love” Lando said. I pulled it a little bit.
“No muscles my ass” Ginge said. “That’s good” Lando said. “Okay” I said stopping. “He’s flexing his jaw muscles now” Ethan said. “That’s so hot” Ginge said we all laughed.
We then went to eat some lunch.
“This is like rabbit food” Ginge said. “I just want some pizza” I said. “Don’t start pizza sounds good” Lando said. After we finished eating we went to show Ginge and Ethan around Monaco.
“I’m getting shotgun by the way” I said. “Ughhh fine” Ginge said getting in the backseat with Ethan. “So how long have you two been dating” Ethan asked. As Lando drove.
“Uhhh like a year almost two” I said. “Met her at McLaren well I kinda knew of her before” Lando said. “Oh really” Ginge said. “I worked at Willam’s with George but I wasn’t very social” I said. “Really you not social” Ethan said.
“Ughhh I guess I was just anxious about making friends” I said. “But then I did make friends and got a new job” I said. “I guess I brought out her fun side as she says” Lando said. “That’s nice” Ethan said. “Well you two do seem perfect but I’m still jealous” Ginge said.
“He’s mine Ginge” I said. “You win you win” Ginge said jokingly. “Hope everyone is hungry” Lando said. We all ate dinner and shared stories. I sat beside Lando. “Desert was so good” Ginge said. “You two go out every night or no” Ethan asked.
“Not too often it’s quite expensive” I said. Lando then licked the plate clean. “Oh my god” Ginge said. “Damn I really wish I was that plate right now” I said. Everyone laughed. “Oh my and she says she’s shy” Ethan said. Lando just looked at me all red.
“What” I said looking at Lando. “You got him all flustered” Ginge said. “You can be the plate later” Lando said. “Oh lord” Ethan said. “Get these two love birds a room” Ginge said. “Oh I’ll get one later on” Lando said. “Lord” I said.
“You two are perfect honestly with those out of pocket things” Ginge said. “Oh I know” Lando said. After we dropped them off we went back to our apartment. I kicked my shoes off and attempted to lay on the couch.
But Lando grabbed my arm.
“You wanted to be the plate so badly” Lando said. “I still do” I said. “So come on then” Lando said leading me to our room.
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the-original-skipps · 4 months
|| Relationship Headcanons || Poly!Sakura x Reader x Poly!Suo || Wind Breaker ||
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▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||| 0:10
sooo I’m like reading the manga and I see nirei always in between these two and I’m thinking WHAT IF and thus this was born
: fem!reader, polyamorous relationship, established relationship, bunch of fluff
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❥ Congratulations, you managed to score these two hotties as your boyfriends. There’s never a day that’s dull with these two. In this relationship there’s a perfect balance, Suo is the calm experienced one and Sakura is the brash inexperienced one. You’re kinda in the middle to balance these two boys out.
❥ Sakura will always get red in the face whenever you and Suo do some sort of display of affection. Just holding Suo’s hand and Sakura is already ready to combust like a volcano. Looking at you like you’re both heathens for holding hands. What will really make Sakura explode is when you hold his hand too.
❥ Suo really lets loose his mischievous side around you and Sakura. For Sakura, it’s not that hard to get him red but when it comes to you it becomes a little bit more of a challenge. Let’s just say Suo really likes the challenge so he tries many things to get you blushing. Getting Sakura to blush is just a bonus but you’re the real prize. He’s even keen on reenacting some BL scenes just to gauge your reaction. Sakura is an unwilling participant.
Suo hugs Sakura from behind.
❥ You will have to initiate most of the time when it comes to Sakura. He is too embarrassed to show any affection to you. So it’s always Suo who ushers (pressures) him to do it. Sakura wants to give you a hug? You’ll likely see Suo behind him encouraging him.
❥ Regarding Sakura’s lack of experience, you and Suo will both have to teach him things. He’s embarrassed to ask you directly but he’s less embarrassed around Suo. He will ask Suo if these are the type of snacks you like or how to compliment you. Practice sessions do happen often.
Suo: Now, repeat after me. (Y/N), you look beautiful today.
Sakura: (Y/N), y-you look b-beauーTHIS IS STUPID I CAN’T DO THIS!
❥ You don’t have to worry about any danger because you got two bodyguards who’s willing to face any danger for you. When a fights about the happen Suo will be the one to pull you behind him while Sakura will be the one to go ham on the opponent. Suo is the reliable shield and Sakura the fierce attacker. Not a single hair on you will be touched.
❥ They are both are really protective over you. If you’re alone and some guy tries to flirt with you, you already know Sakura will come running for a fight while Suo calmly walks toward you with a chilling glare at the poor guy.
❥ Cafe/Restaurant dates are quite common in your group as Sakura loves to eat and Suo loves watching you eat. You try to spoon feed Suo because the man does not eat at all. Meanwhile you gotta tell Sakura to slow down before he chokes.
❥ Another popular date idea in your group is movie watching. Which happens at either yours or Suo’s cause Sakura doesn’t own a tv. It’s a huge cuddle session but only you and Suo get to finish the movie because Sakura falls asleep halfway. The type of movie where Sakura doesn’t fall asleep are action movies, so majority of the time you all end up watching those. (bruce lee jackie chan tom cruise etc. )
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gonna stop here before I go overboard lemme know if ya guys want a part 2
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vyglitchcraft · 1 year
Since requests are open, can you write for havik, shao, Scorpion and sub zero with a size kink SFW and NSFW headcanons? ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
YES BITCH I WILL, you have good taste in men hot DAMN also yes putting their canon heights just so you can imagine it (atleast before MK1 assuming they didn't change the height)
Sizing Up (18+)
MK1 Shao, Havik, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang x gen!reader size kink headcanons
Warning: Havik's section has mentions of gore and more extreme fetishes
General Shao (7'2 ft)
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This hunk of muscles love to show off his build, he is VERY proud of it. Like the type of douchebag in the gym that would flex in front of the mirror type of guy. And you love every second of it
He likes to show off, that's just a thing that Shao likes in every timeline. He likes to pick you up and just point out how small and light you are, how you're lucky to have him because someone can just pick you up and run off with you
He's a bit of a jerk but you should expect that when you dated him. He constantly teases you about your height and he'll make sure you will NOT forget that you're short. Jars on the highest shelf, every lid is screwed on a bit TOO tight, you can't seem to find any stools to stand on so that means only one thing, you're forced to ask him for help and he would HAPPILY do it with a shit eating grin on his face
He LOVES it when you do a size comparison between you and him, especially with your hands, he thinks its so precious that he can just hold both of your hands with only one of his
He went FERAL when he saw you in his clothes
When i say this man is huge EVERYWHERE i mean it, you wouldn't be exaggerating when you compare it to your arm.
"Are you sure? I could break you" is something he constantly says. He loves to lay his cock right on top of your stomach, just admiring just how deep he could reach. Heck it scares you sometimes too, i mean who wouldn't?
But all those feelings are gone when you feel that delicious stretch as he slowly pushes his cock into you. He loves to compare you to a sex toy just because he could just hold your torso with one hand and just use you. He is VERY degrading in bed but god does he love you too.
"So pathetic, did it reach your brain too? Look at me while i use you" even when the two of you are doing it sitting down, you only reach his chest.
He loves to see the outline of his cock on your stomach, he's amazed that someone as small as you can take something that big.
You're practically getting tossed around from position to position, you're gonna get manhandled like a sack of potatoes
Havik (6'4 ft)
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Also messes with you but more just because it causes chaos. Although he doesn't care about his height unlike Shao, he is absolutely fixated by the fact that you're so small compared to him. He thinks you're adorable and wants to bite your head off.
Chews on your hair. You're probably the perfect height for him to lay his head on top of yours. Your hair gets into his mouth sometimes and he likes chewing on it.
He likes to hold onto you, he wants you to carry him around because he thinks it's funny that someone THAT small can carry a man his height. So yes you're here giving this man a piggy back ride while he chews on your hair. Look don't expect maturity from HIM of all people.
Also likes to carry you everywhere and put everything (including you) on a really high shelf, why? Because chaos.
"I can throw you" "Havik WHY" "what if i throw you across the arena so you can attack people from behind" "WHY WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT"
He's big but he acts like he's small, he either is NOT aware of his height or just does it to mess with you, could be both.
Cute aggression but kinky. That's all i can say about him.
But anyway he likes to point out certain details that just make you want to cover your face. He appreciates that you're so easily pinned down. Your feet aren't touching the ground if you're getting fucked on a table or some other random surface.
Please be warned, the man has no filter. His dirty talk is explicit and isn't for the faint of heart.
Goes fucking FERAL when he sees your stomach bulging from his cock. How you can barely handle anything yet you do, easily too. He loves it. "I wonder if i pull out fast enough, i could pull your intestines inside out"
"I can feel myself hitting your lungs, do you like it?" he's exaggerating but he loves how you're basically choking from the pleasure. Although if you're genuinely uncomfortable or hurt, he will stop. As chaotic as he is, he doesn't want to see you hurt or at worst die.
Loves it when you're the dominant one though. He's a switch. He likes it when someone weak like you can overpower him (if you can't, he likes to pretend) you can do anything to him, he can regenerate any part of his body.
Bi-Han (6'2 ft)
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Overbearing as fuck. He treats you like you're just this small vulnerable rabbit. He feels the need to always protect you, i mean someone your size surely can't protect themselves right? That's why you have him! If you think he's overprotective, he's even more so when you're small
You're a porcelain doll to him, one wrong move and you'll be hurt. Although he's very gentle, he's also like a predator, almost a yandere. You're spoiled, he's the grandmaster, who's gonna stop him from using the Lin Kuei's money for you. But you ain't gonna do shit without him "protecting" you
Since every ninja is around 6'2 (except Tremor and Reptile i think) so you bet your ass you can't reach shit but don't worry, Bi-Han is there to help you. You won't be lifting a finger when he's around.
Oh but don't think he's all soft, his anger is fucked. He uses his size to intimidate people, standing behind you like a shadow. Or having you on his lap like a pet.
Your size means you're also easily movable. He uses this to his advantage to just carry you around or pick you up if he needs you.
Again, predator/prey. He absolutely takes advantage of the fact that you're so weak compared to him. The way he can make you whine with one of his fingers, gives him an ego boost. "I can't wait to stretch you to the limits"
Everything about him screams possessive and the fact that you look so small and weak compared to him makes it even worse. The fact that he can just wrap his hand around your whole neck. The fact that you cry every time he fucks you, he lives for it.
He'll pin you down, bite you, everything that you'll love today but regret tomorrow. His grip is bruising but no worries, he'll make sure to take care of you after it. His hands would be cold enough to soothe the pain
Seeing you grip onto him, how he overpowers you and you're hugging him as if he's the only person that could keep you safe. God he could go another round just from seeing it.
Kuai Liang (6'2 ft)
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Not as obsessive as his brother, he's respectful. He loves you and he'll make sure you know it. He wants you to feel protected but not scared. Although he discourages you from fighting because he's scared that you'll get overpowered.
He's pretty self aware about his height but he won't make it your problem.
He LOVES it when you wear his clothes or any oversized shirt. He just wants to choke you with his chain and hug you until you can't breathe.
He likes to hold your face with both of his hands and just squish your cheeks. His hands pretty much cover your face. Oh and he doesn't mind carrying you everywhere he goes, it's embarrassing but if you want him to do it, he'll handle the teasing, as long as you're happy.
Does that thing where he just puts his hands on your face, grabbing your head like a basketball. He isn't really thinking about anything, he just does it sometimes. Also accidentally gained the reflex of having to crouch just to go face to face with you. Yes its a bit degrading but he'll snap out of it and go back to his normal position.
The fact that you're so light and small compared to him makes it so easy for him to just pin you against a wall. He loves the sense of power that he has over you. You're so vulnerable and he could just defeat you.
To his dismay, he's pretty similar to his brother but much more merciful and less degrading. "So small, so weak, i could just break you"
He would tie you up with his chains and just let you warm up his cock, his big arms wrapping around your neck while he studies in his room. His hand would wander down, cupping your stomach or thighs. Feeling your head lean back on his chest while you beg for him to move.
In his mind, you're like a pocket pussy, a cute toy but he would never mention it. He has a filter but his mind does not. He would love to see you beg that he's too big, that it hurts, your hole not closing up after he's done with you, he wants to see it but he would never say it to you, its too embarrassing.
Your small frame when you go all limp after a session looks so adorable that he just wants to hold your hips down and use you until you're all loose and open. "I'll mold you into my shape, i need you to be mine" he pants out, biting your shoulder, he really is similar to his brother even if he denies it.
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navstuffs · 1 year
Traffic stop
Pairing: Rookie!Leon Kennedy x BustyF!Reader
Summary: Your sports bra malfunctions during a traffic stop with a shy rookie cop.
Warnings: au obvs, happens in raccoon city, wrote with a busty reader in mind but anyone can read it, shy!leon, accidental exposure, suggestive themes, speeding (DRIVE SAFE PEOPLE!!)
Author's Notes: kudos to my husband for giving me the idea/title. if anyone would like to write a smut version of this, i also wouldn't mind, just let me know! i do have another plan for re2 leon in works cause he is my baby. hope you enjoy your reading!
my leon's masterlist | part 2
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It is still hot, you think as you exit the gym after an exhausting leg day. You decide to wear your sports bra while driving home since your car's air conditioner has not worked since you bought it. You always think you will have money to fix it or even buy a new car, but you must work with what you have now.
You sigh, throwing your bag and your shirt on the backseat. The pain in your legs will only worsen, so you decide to drive fast to get home, shower, and relax. And oh, yes, hope the wind provides some sort of comfort on your face. Placing your sunglasses in your eyes, you start going, mentally praying you wouldn't see any cop.
But of course, this isn't your lucky day.
Not even ten minutes on the road, the sound of the siren from a car of Raccoon City P.D. is behind you. You groan an audible no, asking mentally what you did to deserve this.
"Perfect. Great," Your murmur.
You pull into a nearby parking lot, take the paperwork from the glove compartment and throw it in the passenger seat, the air already getting stagnant inside the car, making you sweat.
Your eyes roam to the rearview mirror, wondering where the heck that cop was, when you notice the zipper of your sports bra is half open. You attempt to zip it, but it immediately unzips it again, leaving half of your cleavage exposed. You think it doesn't look bad, so you leave it alone. It is not like you were driving topless anyway.
With droplets of sweat on your forehead, you see the cop coming out in your driver-side mirror. Finally, you think as he takes his sweet time to get to you. He looks young. He seems to take a breath before walking to your car, pulling his pants up and his other hand on his gun, and even someone who doesn't understand anything about cops would know this guy is a rookie.
He approaches slowly and carefully, analyzing your old car, and when he finally stops by your window, the first thing you catch is a pair of innocent blue eyes. Staring right at you.
"Good afternoon, ma'am." You read the name tag Leon Kennedy as his eyes go from your face to your sports bra half open. Officer Leon probably has a great view since your car is on the lower side. He gulps, you don't know if nervousness or something else, then stares directly above your head.
"Do you know how fast you were going?" Oh, this one is definitely a rookie, with his voice still showing some nervousness.
"Yeap, I know."
You really don't want to prolong this more than it should, and the way Leon Kennedy seems to stare everywhere except you proves he wants the same.
"Look. I was just trying to get home. Just issue the ticket, and I will be on my way. I will behave, I promise."
That clearly sounded more seductive than you meant to be. You don't judge yourself as a woman who could get out of a ticket by flirting; honestly, you didn't care at this moment. Your whole body is getting sweaty and sticky, with a few drops of sweat coming down from your neck, and your legs are literally pulsating with pain. It is worth trying.
And just for the right timing, you feel a single drop of sweat coming down from your neck to your cleavage. Leon Kennedy's blue eyes follow the trail until the drop disappears inside your bra top, and he gulps, licking his lips.
Well, you may be one of those women who can get away from a ticket by flirting.
"License and breas— I mean, car registration, please."
Leon thanks mentally you don't seem to hear his mispronunciation. You grunt, impatience, turning to grab your documents for Leon. When you turn back at him to hand them, your zipper finally gives up, opening it up completely. It is a nice feeling at first, the same feeling you have from having your boobs released after a long day.
For a moment, you both don't move, too mortified. Officer Leon Kennedy is now staring, really staring, at your boobs. He doesn't even attempt to look away, his face entirely red as a tomato. Your immediate reaction is to try to close the zipper, but it seems it had enough. Leon finally turns around, mumbling an apology.
"I am sorry, I am so sorry, Officer!" You groan as you give up on zipping, going for the shirt under your bag in the back seat. 
"It-it is fine!" Leon rushes to say, his voice going high a few tones. If this wasn't embarrassing as it was, you would have laughed at the poor rookie's reaction. But now, great, you were probably going to be arrested for public indecency. You finally find a towel, a medium one, that might work. You cover yourself as best as you can.
After Leon gives you a few moments of privacy, he turns back to face you, and you know, by the expression on his face, you are doomed. You were probably getting arrested for trying to seduce a cop-out of a ticket. 
"You can go, ma'am."
"What? Like that?" You wonder before stopping yourself.
"Well, y-yeah. I can see you have much bigger problems to deal with it. Have a good day."
Leon gives you one good final look, a strange glow in his eyes. It seems he wants to say something else, but the moment passes. Leon gives you a slight smirk, his face still red, and walks back to his car.
You watch Leon drive away, your gazes somewhat crossing before he disappears into traffic. You sigh, the external heat forgotten, hoping this isn't your last encounter with Leon Kennedy.
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kkencess · 10 months
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downtown baby, chapter one.
i. professor suguru, the hot asshole. 𖤐
summary; you’re a pretty nerd in college. unfortunately, with the word nerd attached to your name, there’s usually one thing that comes to mind first. bullies. well, maybe you are being picked on a bit, just not by your classmates… but wait, your hot professors?
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˚ ༘ ♡ ·˚ ༘ you never thought you’d go from nerd, to hot nerd— but a lot of things seemed to change the second you made it to college. who knew guys were so obsessed with a pretty girl in glasses? heck, surely not you. but, you couldn’t say you hated it all that much. you got a few benefits from it, and you weren’t being bullied.
you were on the school’s volleyball team, and you were a great player. you had a nice body, a little fame, and you were somehow able to balance your studies, on top of sports. you liked your college experience so far, and it was enjoyable— needless to say.
the only problem you had were unfortunately your professors.
your grades were up to par, you came to class on time most days, and you even did extra credit assignments when offered. you were starting to think you were being treated a little unfairly by your teachers, but there wasn’t any way to prove it. why did it seem like your grades were slowly, but surely dropping— despite how outstanding your work was?
so, here you were— thinking about your professor named; suguru. a rather handsome man who you had grown to despise. a bunch of the students had a crush on him, hell— even men. that gorgeous hair of his was usually tied up into a bun, though strands of hair that were too short usually slipped out, and resided against his forehead.
he had pretty slender eyes, a great athletic form— heck, he even smelled great and had good hygiene, and skin as far as you knew… still, you freaking hated him. you were starting to think he picked on you specifically, because you seemed to be the only one with this academic issue.
“you’re exaggerating, cutie. i’m sure he doesn’t hate you.” a male associate of yours said, who you hadn’t even remembered the name of. he had a hand pressed against the small of your back, that he rubbed thoroughly…
“i know he hates me. look at this!” you tell him, before grabbing a piece of paper from your bag. it showed your grade, and you scored an eighty-nine percent. “i was supposed to get a perfect score, yet that asshole keeps nitpicking my work. he didn’t even bother rounding my grade up to an a.”
the guy looks briefly at you, before licking at his lips. he had a lazy smile on his lips, and it was clear he wasn’t paying you any mind. “you’re so fuckin’ cute…” he mutters, before his eyes fell shut.
you sigh, getting up from your spot, and grabbing your things. that guy had paid for your lunch, but after that— your appetite was far gone. you decided it was time you took matters into your own hands. instead of hiding like you always did, you’d have to confront professor suguru yourself.
so, you head over to his classroom. you let your emotions get the best of you; and you ended up banging harshly against his classroom’s door. of course you’d regret it after, wincing in pain as you looked down at your acrylic’s. good thing you always got a short set, but shit they still hurt like hell.
shortly after all your knocking, the classroom door did in fact open. the pain from your hands suddenly seemed to fade away, and you’d quickly get your shit together as you looked up at the tall man; who towered over you with ease. maybe you should look into buying platform shoes, your low top converse weren’t doing you much good in height competitions.
professor suguru looked down at you; those eyes of his seeming to watch you intensely. there was something so… off about him. his gaze almost seemed predatory. you unknowingly trembled, the longer he stared— and for a second, you forgot why you were here.
“can i help you?” he’d ask, eyes unblinking as he watched you. that was right, you were here to complain about his horrible grading skills, and uncalled for pestering. how could you forget?
“u-um, yeah.” you stutter, quickly clearing your throat before you began to voice your complaints. “i’ve noticed my grades have been dropping, and i know i’m doing the work perfectly.” you start, hoping you hadn’t come off as cocky. well, you were being truthful. you were doing the work without flaws.
“is that so?” he’d ask, back pressed against the metal door behind him. he seemed to think for a second, before his lips curled up; just a bit. you almost didn’t notice it. did he find humor in this? “oh, i see. so you think i’m grading your work incorrectly?”
“i know you are.” you say, your voice stern, and harsh. it wasn’t a mistake, you fully intended to be rude. serves him right…
he seemed taken aback by your sudden outburst. he’d scoff shortly, eyes swishing down your frame. his gaze was cunning, and direct— he knew what he was doing. he was trying to intimidate you, and it was working.
“you have no idea what you’re talking about, little girl. maybe simmer down on the cockiness, and start double checking your work. maybe then you’ll see a positive change in your grades.” he’d insult, his fingers grasping roughly at your face. you’d squirm in his hold, though your attempts to slip away were rather futile.
“sir— let go of me!” your efforts to shout seemed useless, and his grip was firm. you hadn’t expected him to put his hands on you of all things. was this even allowed? what a rule-breaking asshole, you knew there was something up with him.
he’d soon release you, which was on such short notice. you’d stumble back, falling against the ground. this is so embarrassing. you thought, as you quickly gathered your spilled files, and folders.
professor suguru seemed humored by this, and he’d sort of kneel down to match your height, his warm breath fanning against your ear. he’d press a hand against your lower back, fingers slowly grazing the anatomy. unbeknownst to you, his eyes did sweep down your thighs, that were exposed because of how your skirt folded when you were bent.
he’d grab your cheeks once more; forcing your attention on him this time. he was so harsh, to the point where you could feel tears welling up in your eyes. if it wasn’t already obvious, he was inflicting a concerning amount of pain. “watch yourself. next time, i won’t let you off so easily.” he’d whisper, his face so close you could feel his breath fanning across your lips.
and then, he’d get up, and leave; the sound of his classroom door shutting quickly snapping you out of your thoughts. you’d sit up, bum pressed against your backpack that was also on the ground. you’d quickly wipe at your eyes beneath your lenses, not giving the tears time to drop.
“what an asshole…!” you’d curse, back pressed against the wall behind you.
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chapter two link.
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nyuoqi · 3 months
            — SO I MARRIED MY ANTI-FAN     ౨ৎ     SES
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OO5.    s-class buffet
✸ SYNOPSIS !  : congratulations! you have been invited to korea's #1 romance reality show 'We Got Married' where you will be living with your co-star like a married couple. but what will you do when you find out that your husband is actually your anti-fan?
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(830 wc, not proofread)
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"PLEASE DON'T GET NERVOUS, you'll sweat all over and I would have to redo your whole makeup look! " your makeup artist for today warns as she lightly daps a moist sponge on your face to blend your foundation in.
the clear plastic chair beneath you is making your bottom cramp painfully from how long you have been sitting on it— guessing that it has been an hour since you've started yet all your makeup artist has done yet so far is setting your foundation in.
"i know what you're thinking and yes, this much amount of time is required to create the most flawless base you will ever see. can't have you looking botched on your special day, can you? " she continues to dab a moist sponge on your face, blending in your contour this time.
you bet the makeup look your regular makeup artist tends to make for you looks way better than this and it surely does take a shorter time— heck, it's not even a real wedding!
yet why is it that you let a fake wedding make you sweat all over enough to make your palms all sweaty and sticky. you're not even someone who sweats that much normally!
all these complains however remain locked into your heart because you out of all people know better that if words ever get out, your manager will kill you then herself after.
you yawn, your mouth gaped apart freely. "don't move. " your makeup artist warn.
oh so now you can't even yawn because you lack sleep?
your lack of sleep may or may not be your fault. but to be fair, who can sleep soundly knowing that by tomorrow, they will be wed to a guy they've never properly met before? 
not you, at least.
with that being said, your eyes slowly drops as they struggle to keep themselves open after you stifled another yawn. you can see the makeup artist giving you the stank eye but you couldn't care less, especially not when your eyes drops again and struggle to pick itself back up.
next thing you know, your makeup has been done to perfection as the previous makeup artist behind you is now replaced by two hairstylist who are currently brushing through your hair to make them smooth.
"oh you're finally awake! wedding preparations must've been very tiring considering the fact that you were fast asleep when we got in place. " one of the hairstylist greets you with a huge smile, her hair is short and blonde whereas the other has a medium length brown hair. 
you laugh, making up a reply to not make it sound obvious that your sleepiness is caused none other than your thoughts antagonising your future husband in your head throughout the night, leaving you no time to take a good rest.
your hand reaches for your phone. the screen showing that it has been approximately 3 hours since you fell asleep.
i'm such a mess, you thought.
the huge white door in front of you remain unmoved as you fidget around with the end of your white dress. you are about to pick on your nails and hair when you catch your manager glaring at you from behind the curtains, automatically making you opt to holding your bouquet properly instead.
your whole body is on fire as your nerves can't seem to calm down. with the fast rate your heart is beating at, you might as well just drop dead as a result of it pumping more blood than it is able to handle.
however before you have the chance to pretend to drop dead in front of your manager and a 'bridesmaids' (you genuinely have no idea who they are), the door in front of you opens, revealing your figure towards the guests attending your wedding.
the venue of the wedding this time surely is different from the previous seasons. instead of a very fake themed wedding ceremony, the production team decided to make the wedding ceremony this time appear as realistic as possible.
which means that the guests are sitting on the side, below the altar on round tables. your all white theme matches your white dress which you rented from an actual wedding dress rental place. same thing goes for your white heels who will be walking on the altar covered with yet another white coloured carpet.
at the end of the altar, you can see the guy you've been dreading to meet since the day you heard that you will be getting fake married for six months.
despite your nerves practically telling you to play dead on the ground right here and there, you managed to calm yourself down as you begin walking and making your way to meet your soon-to-be husband for the upcoming six months.
"hi. " you smile when you finally reach him.
"hello. " EUNSEOK greets back with a warm smile hanging on his face. your heart melts, he's definitely the perfect groom.
or is he?
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TAGLIST (bold cannot be tagged) : @ujisworld @leileixq @leeknowarchives @marshwatz @seunghancore @yipyipmorals @wonychu @renjuneoo @secretiny @haowonbins @https-yeonjun @vixensss @luffysgfforevaa1 @beomgyusonlywife @st4rryhae @woniepop @gisellessgf @yang2k @jeeluv @billiondollarworth @keilover @nyiaswrld @meowbini @asahilvr @brachioswrld @chuutaroo @sinsgaybutthatsokay @gyuszn @samvagejkflxhrt @itsactuallylina @woonagi-lemon @onebnis @fae-renjun @nujeskz @wantluv @lilyluvszb1 @addorations @lotties-readings @sanasour @dutifullyannoyingfox @haechansbbg @woongiez @kaelysian @niinaspeaks @en-verse @yyangj3lly @ffixtionista @astro-doll-the-star @mizuhasgurl @lovaeri @daegale @maleegayuh @swee7dream @angelseokjinie  (send an ask or reply to this post to be added)
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skelliko · 10 months
★-Tokyo revengers
- their insecure
๑-Context: them thinking about their crush (you) but then they start to get insecure and self sabotage about not being good enough
๑- featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, keisuke, seishu, rindou
-for seishu it was so hard because I know that boy is perfect-
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°- kazutora hanemiya
• everything, he thinks of every little thing about him but manages to miss the bigger parts about him that does need fixing. his main thought was that no one as good as you would want to be seen around someone like kazutora due to his delinquency, heck even if you've also done some bad stuff he's still afraid that he'd just bring you down and be an awful influence on you.
for someone who went to juvenile for 'accidental' murder and is in quite a dangerous gang, thats a good reputation to hold in terms of strength, but for wanting something other than fights and instead something innocent like feeling what it's like to be loved... that's difficult.
• he also still dislikes how his face looks, to others he's handsome. to himself, he's nothing but a shit show that he looks deep and hard in the mirror with a straight face but then his expression changes to disgust.
sometimes he thinks if you've also felt like that, he's asked his friends about that sort of thing and the response is always 'sometimes' but when he thinks about you being insecure he feels like he's gone mad because to him you're absolutely perfect.
°- chifuyu matsuno
• sometimes he feels as if he can't protect you, there are times where he pictures out scenarios and he's afraid that he can't keep you safe due to where gangs would get the innocent involved even when they have nothing to do with either of the two bickering gangs and that always ends badly.
he doesn't want you to become a target and he's scared that his strength alone wouldn't deal with anything and you'd get involved in something that you didn't have a choice in. due to that he's forcing himself to stay away from you but part of him can't, he calls himself selfish for talking to you and going out in public with you where anyone would be watching.
• he wants to make you his but how can he keep you as his when there's a lot of options to choose from? he's afraid that there's someone better than him, that eventually you'd lose interest in chifuyu and that's not because he doesn't trust your trust but he's seen other guys and how they easily attract and how they can go on the day confident, chifuyu can't and he can't see that it's not because there's something wrong with him but it's just because he's not a player and he can't see that for himself or others.
°- Keisuke Baji
• when it comes to Baji he knows hes a good looker and as well as the heart, but sometimes in school he'd see you walk in the hallways and he gets a little embarrassed that he turns the opposite direction in hopes of you not seeing him in his nerdy disguise just so the school doesn't kick him out or hold him back for his delinquency. his slicked back hair that he honestly spends time on and is proud in the moment, but when he looks at it for too long he has to hold back on scruffing it up and going to school like his normal self.
You're aware of how he looks outside of school but not everyone does, he's nervous that if you're seen talking to him then he'd just embarrass you, and because of that he thinks you're embarrassed to talk to him too and you force yourself to, even if you've held conversations for a long amount of time and you seem to enjoy it with a smile Baji has a little worm in his brain telling him otherwise
• held back a year for him failing his exams, sure someone being smart isn't exactly a top priority for some people but he thinks you're one of them and he curses himself for not having the academic smarts for it, he'd sometimes compare himself to someone else in his class and think 'how the fuck are they able to memories this and I can't?' In all honesty though academics is pretty hard when you've got other stuff going on too
°- seishu Inui
• his burn mark isn't exactly something that bothers him but whenever he thinks of you and gets a glimpse of the mark from a window he can't help but think that it bothers you. he tends to get a little frustrated about it and whenever he thinks too much of the mark his frustration ends up in sadness because all the memories of the fire and his sister come rushing in.
• whenever he looks at you he can't keep his eyes away, he's always in awe at everything you do. but what does seishu do? getting hurt in gangs here and there and making bad decisions for himself? he knows his skills and the good of him but he also knows his flaws and he can't stand that. he wants to do so much more but he can't, he doesn't know how to and he doesn't want to disappoint you in any sort of way yet he always manages to disappoint himself
°- rindou haitani
• sometimes he considers himself to be in his brother's shadow, he hasn't thought of it like that at all but rindou would pick some things out and then look at his brother and that sense of being younger than him equals to being lower, his older brother seems to always do great causing jealousy to grow. it's like regular sibling rivalry, nothing major but it does linger around his brain that maybe at somepoint if given the chance you'd run right over to ran inside of rindou
• rindou knows the reputation that he holds, the dangers that he keeps with his gang. and one of those dangers also happens to the innocent. he's been foolish to be part of those sort of things before and karma always plucks out the ones that finally find something to be happy about. he doesn't want you to accidentally get involved and get hurt or even killed.
considering that the haitani brothers are quite well known if anyone were to see the sentimental value that rindou has for you, then you will become a target from other gangs that want to take the brothers down. rindou looks through multiple of scenarios as to how or where that could happen and in all of those scenarios the date is all unexpected. rindou's afraid that he'd be the reason to you getting hurt from someone else and he won't be there.
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dewdropdinosaur · 5 months
Lay All Your Love On Me
ALASTOR X READER X LUCIFER Summary: Insecurity bites harder than one would think in the underworld, and you are no stranger to its sting. However, with two affleunt and attractive boyfriends, you may learn just how beautiful you are. (AKA: My lovely you are beautiful the way you are and these boys wanna show you) Warnings: NSFW/18+ Oral sex/cunnilingus, implied P in V, nipple play, Dom/Sub dynamics, use of names such as "Daddy"/"Ducky" in sexual context, restraints, SMUT Only my second time writting smut so...sorry Requested by @boogiewoog Requests OPEN
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In the vibrant, chaotic realm of Hell, where redemption seemed like a distant dream, a unique bond blossomed among three unlikely souls - Alastor, Lucifer, and Y/N. Alastor, the radio demon with a twisted sense of humor, Lucifer, the suave and sophisticated ruler of Hell, and Y/N, a human soul, whose presence brought light to the darkest corners of their world. Nothing could ever compare the joy that Y/N had awoken within the two demons, loving them both equally proved no challenge for her bright soul. With her love and guidance, the relationship bloomed and soon all three parties fell head over hooves in love with each other. From dates in Alastor’s radio tower, to Lulu Land, or helping Y/N work around the kitchen; Hell seemed like Heaven. 
However, not everything was sunshine and rubber ducks. At least for Y/N. One evening, as the crimson sky draped over the cityscape of Hell, Y/N found herself consumed by her own insecurities. She sat alone in her room, the flickering candlelight casting shadows across the space. Her fingers traced the scars and imperfections on her skin, each one a reminder to herself that even in death, she couldn’t look how other people did. Dating one handsome and affluent demon was one thing, but two was another all together. What if she wasn’t good enough for them, what if someone else came along? What if Lillith came back, heaven forbid, Y/N just knew Lucifer would leave her in the dust the second that demoness walked through the doors., Y/N couldn't shake the nagging whispers of doubt that plagued her mind, centered around her own insecurities about her body. She just couldn't help but scrutinize every curve and contour of her form. The voices of doubt echoed in her mind, taunting her with their cruel words, as she fought to hold back tears.
Just then, a gentle knock sounded at the door, and in walked Alastor, his signature grin brightening the room like a ray of sunshine. Beside him stood Lucifer, his elated gaze filled with slight concern as he took in Y/N's troubled expression.
“Ducky, we just came to get you for dinner! Al made a real nice…something. What did you say was in it again?”
“It’s just jambalaya, I promise all normal ingredients. Why don’t you join us darling?”
“That’s alright, guys. I think I’m not super hungry right now.” Shying away from Lucifer’s embrace, Y/N wrapped her arms around her waist. 
Alastor and Lucifer sensed her distress, looking at each other the moment the words passed her lips.  With silent understanding, they came slowly to her side, their presence comforting and reassuring. Y/N looked up, her eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill over.
"Ducky, what’s going on in that head of yours?" Lucifer's voice was smooth like velvet, soothing her troubled mind.
Y/N hesitated, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I feel so insecure about my body. I can't help but compare myself to others, to feel like I'm not enough for you two."
Alastor knelt beside her, his grin warm and genuine. "Now, now, my dear. You are perfect just the way you are. Perfect just for us."
“But, I am not. Just look at me! I am not slender, heck you couldn’t put me next to anyone without noticing. Let alone Lillith or–” Holding her arms just to gesture to herself, Y/N could feel herself spill all her emotions manically. 
Suddenly, Lucifer grabbed her wrists and pinned her down against the bed. His smoldering gaze glowered down at her as his face leaned down to whisper in her ear. 
“I don’t want to hear that name off your pretty little lips, okay? You are mine, the one for me. Not her, not anyone else.” 
Coming to their side, Alastor joined his partner in looking down at Y/N. Using his hand to reach around and cup her chin, bringing her gaze to him. 
“My dear, I think out little darling needs to learn a little lesson. Mhmm?” 
A dark chuckle erupted from Lucifer’s throat, as he stood up and let his grip go. Both men now stared down at their partner, who laid on the bed; half near tears from her thoughts and half near moaning at the sight of her boys looking at her in such a manner. 
"We love you, Y/N," Alastor murmured, his voice soft like a melody. "Every inch of you, flaws and all." Slow kisses started down her neck and chest, heat blooming in her core. Attempting to maneneur her shirt lower, her hands werre halted by Lucifer; who grabbed her wrist and pinned them to the headboard as the red demon continued a show of his devotion. 
“Ducky, you are going to learn very quickly. Your pleasure, is our only concern.”
With a quick snap of his fingers, all clothes were removed from Y/N and both men were left shirtless; toned and slender bodies on full display. Both men’s eyes darkened with hunger at the sight of her bare form, a silent understanding among them of what was about to happen. 
Alastor leaned down and took one of her hardened nipples in his mouth, the warmth of his tongue teasing the aroused bud. Dragging her hands across her torso, he slowly marked her skin with his hands. Lucifer, instead dipped down and spread her thighs, enjoying the way they felt in his hands. Slowly kissing up her thighs, just barely ghosting over where she needed him most, Y/N let out a soft moan. 
“Darling, see what you do to us? You are absolutely breathtaking.”
“Driving me mad ducky, fuck, you are just so good to squeeze.” 
Finally giving into her whimpers, Lucifer licked one long stripe up her dripping slit. Y/N gripped the sheets below her, legs attempting to get away from the overwhelming sensation. Alastor pinned her legs to the bed, as his mouth came off her nipple with a pop. 
“Now darling, let the man finish his meal. He hasn’t even started yet.” Lucifer then dived into her cunt like a man starved, sucking on her clit and slurping her jucies that it was better than heavenly ambrosia; while Alastor moved his minstratitions to her neck, sucking softly. It was only a matter of time before that familiar band became taut in her stomach. 
“Fuck, Luci…baby please.”
“Let go ducky, cum all over daddy’s face.” 
That’s what did it, Y/N felt the coil in her stomach snap as she cried Lucifer’s name. Cum now coated his face and the bedsheets below as her high overtook her senses and she saw stars. Lifting his head up slowly, slick shone and glinted. Licking his lips, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and both moaned at the salty taste. Pulling back, Lucifer looked at Alastor who smirked; grabbing Y/N’s chin and forcing her gaze to him. 
“Now darling, how would you like your beautiful lips to scream my name next?” 
As the night unfolded, Y/N found solace in the arms of her two loves, their embrace a sanctuary from the harsh whispers of doubt that had plagued her for so long. In their presence, she discovered a newfound sense of confidence, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have Alastor and Lucifer by her side, guiding her through the shadows and into the light of self-acceptance.
In the heart of Hazbin Hotel, amidst the chaos and clamor, a quiet moment of love blossomed, as Alastor and Lucifer vowed to stand by Y/N's side, their bond unbreakable and their love unconditional.
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wabatle · 6 months
HAIII may i req pjsk boys x fem!reader (seperatly) w/ the scenario that they ask her "Was i you're first kiss..?" expecting a yes most likely but then she says "actually no...' how would they react ?? (bonus points if jealous akito) ofc you dont have too but thx !!
ty for the request!! i'm always looking for excuses to write about akito, so tysm for giving me this opportunity LMAO
i probably did more of a gn! reader instead of fem so i hope that's ok!
☆~Pjsk boys figuring out they’re not your first kiss
(wa)batle nonsense (author's note):
is it obvious who my favorite is
warnings: none/all fluff
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☆~Akito Shinonome
A perfect time for the flabbergasted gif
First question is “who”
So. Mad.
Not at you, though
He wants to go back in time to hunt down whoever was the first person to kiss you and stop it from happening so he can be the first
Unfortunately, he can’t
So he has to settle for being second.
If you were to tell him it was Rui or Tsukasa or someone like that, he would just get more and more jealous
And cut ties with whoever it was if he knew them
“Wait… I’m not your first kiss? That’s not fair! Who beat me to you?”
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☆~Rui Kamishiro
He doesn’t mind.
Not at all.
Or so he tells you
He’s already putting together blueprints for an invention to take revenge against the person who stole the honor of first kiss from him
He’s in disbelief that he’s experiencing jealousy, but he is
He’ll get over it eventually.
“I’m not your first kiss? I don’t mind. Anyone would want a chance to kiss someone as beautiful as you, love.”
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☆~Tsukasa Tenma
Actually weeping, sobbing on the floor rolling around like a baby
He’s just acting though
Acting like you cheated on him because he loves seeing you laugh
Yelling so loud Saki shows up being super confused
Saki just looks at you two like “?????”
Tsukasa would try to explain and she laughs at him too
More crushed, he once again rolls on the floor
what the heck tsukasa
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☆~Toya Aoyagi
Like Rui but shows his emotions more
He tells you he’s fine but he’s pretty obviously disappointed
Poor guy is crushed but he tries not to show it
You have to comfort him and tell him your relationship is special
Poor Toya probably feels so insecure now but as long as you’re there to make him feel better then he’ll be okay.
“I’m not your first kiss? Oh… No, I’m okay.”
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probably-writing-x · 2 years
Blushing Boy
Drew Starkey x Reader
Summary: There were few things that made Drew Starkey lose his confidence, in fact, perhaps only one could truly ever do it; you. He didn’t know how, or why, but you just seemed to have that goddamn effect on him.
Warnings: Nothing besties, just fluffy as heck
Author’s Note: Thank you so so much for the love on my other post, I just had to post this one too !! Please please send in any requests you have my angels <3
Not my gif
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You were just about nearing the end of press for Outer Banks Season 3, and all bases had been covered - you’d done interviews to see how well you knew your cast mates, ones looking at scenes from the show, and, of course, the puppy interview. Today was your last day, though all of you were split up in different places, on different projects, and so the last day of interviews would be done over zoom. This was your first experience working on the show, having come in to play Rafe’s love interest as the start of the season. Thankfully, the fans had fallen in love with you, and especially with your storyline with Drew. So much so, in fact, that they’d started to ship you two as actors as well, adoring every moment that they saw you spend together. The two of you were just friends, but you can’t say you didn’t find it amusing whenever theories were made. And, being honest, some of the edits did make you two look cute.
That was your side of things, anyway. Drew had fallen for you at the same rate that Rafe had fallen for your character. He wanted to see you every morning you started work, waiting to catch sight of you on set. He wanted to film all of his scenes with you, watching in awe whenever you acted. He was mesmerised whenever he saw you at events, amazed by you from the red carpets to the earliest of mornings. Drew felt like a schoolboy around you, stumbling over his words, blushing at prolonged eye contact, ears pricking up at the sound of your name. And it only got worse the more he saw of you.
“Okay, thank you guys all for joining me today,” The interviewer begins, smiling widely into the screen, “We’ve got Madelyn, Chase, Madison, Rudy, Jonathon, Carlacia, Drew and (Y/N), the cast of season three of Outer Banks, now streaming on Netflix. How are you guys doing?”
“I’m good,” Madelyn smiles.
“I’m tired, I flew back from Paris today and I’m so jetlagged,” Madison laughs.
“Okay, we’ll start off with a question for Chase, how has it been with the new additions to the cast this season - with Carlacia and (Y/N). How does that fit in with the dynamic of you guys working together?”
Chase leans closer to his microphone and speaks, “You know I think we got really lucky again to work with another great group of people, we all get on so well and these two just fit in perfectly with that, and it makes it so easy to go to work when you’re with such a good bunch.”
“Amazing, and (Y/N), what was your experience like being on set?”
You shift in your seat, glancing at all of the faces on screen, “Like Chase said, it was just ideal getting to work with everyone, it’s like being on one long holiday all working together, you’re out in the sun everyday, you’re on the water, you’re doing stunts, it was just such a great experience. And I was so lucky to get to share the screen with Drew, he makes it so easy to come into work everyday and, I mean, it’s not exactly hard to pretend to fall in love with him.”
You glance at him on the screen and the way his eyes seem so transfixed as you speak, like he holds onto every syllable one at a time. He’s wearing a purple t-shirt that brings out his eyes and his hair is messy in that sort of perfect way it always was.
“And Drew, what was it like to be working with (Y/N) so closely?”
“Yeah, I mean,” He coughs over his words, “It was great, (Y/N) is just perfect to work with, I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. She’s so talented, and kind and supportive as an actress and she just made me want to get up every day and come into work.”
You’re sure your cheeks heat with the vulnerability of what he has said. His are bright red too, and you’re relieved for a moment to share the same feeling even across the screen.
A few more questions are asked, Rudy explains about how many injuries he managed to pick up on set and Jonathon tells an embarrassing story about you and Madelyn from the wrap party. And then attention falls back to you and Drew.
“So, whilst I’ve got you guys here, I have to ask Drew and (Y/N) about the rumours that have been going around about you two, can you tell me anything the fans will want to hear?”
You laugh, slightly allowing yourself a bit more time before you figure out what to say, “You know, these things are inevitable when you play a couple on a show. But I think we take it as a compliment if anything, at least it was convincing enough for people to believe us, you know? Right Drew?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Drew chuckles dryly, “I’m just glad they know that we don’t hate each other.”
“Are you blushing Starkey?!” Rudy exclaims, coming closer to the screen.
Drew laughs and looks away, biting the tip of his tongue between his teeth, “Shut it Pankow.”
Everyone laughs but it’s as if you can feel all eyes on the two of you, and in that moment, all you want it for him to be there with you to share the attention. For him to be close enough that your hand could brush his, your eyes could focus solely on Drew’s, your laugh in rhythm with his. And, in that moment, perhaps for the first time, you realise that maybe those edits had realised something before you had.
“Okay, well it’s been great speaking to you guys, thank you so much for joining me,” The interviewer finishes up, closing off before telling you that you’re all done and you can log off from the call.
You shut your laptop and pull out your phone to see notifications already bursting through. They’re all from the groupchat you had with the other girls.
Oh my god did you see his face?
Are you kidding me rn??? That boy is in love with you
I’ll never forgive you if you don’t date Starkey fr
You laugh, fingers hovering over the buttons as you try to figure out a response. You wanted to tell them that they were being stupid, that there was no reason for them to think like that. But you can’t bring yourself to lie to them.
You swipe away from that chat, scrolling the short way down to where Drew’s chat with you was. The last thing he’d sent you was a fan made video of the two of you, a video from set where he had you on his shoulders in the pool and both of you fell under.
When you go to text him, he’s already typing.
And this time, you’re the one that’s blushing.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
the kitty chesire bit is mostly her power to disappear and teleport + love for chaos
as always reader is gender neutral!
[sequel to this fic]
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“YOU. . . HAVE A FOX FORM ? !”
Your team member, Garfield, shouted into your ear as you untied him and the rest of the members after a battle you won.
Via tricking them of course. You were meant for stealth and illusions, not fighting. Most missions with the Titans had you as a scout or back-up. Rarely were you in the heat of the fight.
It was mostly due to your penchant with being a liability. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, placing you with the main group was a recipe for disaster.
It was a perfect role for you. Cause really, who enjoys sitting back and watching everything unfold? You did.
And after watching your friends getting their asses handed to them and laughing for several minutes while invisible (so that they could definitely hear you but you wouldn’t get captured). You came in to save the day.
“Oh, how could you not know BB. I thought we were friends!” You sighed dramatically while finally untying the last member and leader, Robin.
Despite your close proximity, you fail to notice the rare grin on his face.
“Hey, that’s my line! How could you not tell your best friend, huh?!”
“To be fair, it should have been obvious.” Rachel commented. Her cape had gotten covered in some unknown goop, so her voice came out strained as she tried flicking it off.
“Yeah, Garfield. Kitsune, Fox. It’s hard not to know about it.” Jaime added. The scarab on his back’s eyes glow red in agreement.
“I feel wounded, hurt, unimaginable pained—“ Garfield grasped his chest. “But you know what would make me feel b-“
“In your dreams.” You quickly answered. Already knowing what he’ll request. It wasn’t as if you didn’t like turning into your fox form. But you had a plan,
and that plan was chaos.
“I didn’t even finish!”
“Give or take another hundred years or so, then it’ll be a maybe.”
“But- But why—?”
“My kitsune form is not a party trick or just something that can be shown at a whim. It has to be special, as is the person I show it to.”
“Wait, so that’s why you didn’t show me? I thought it was cause you couldn’t do it for another hundred years or so.” Rachel perked up as soon as she heard your words. The remaining goop on her cape forgotten.
“I thought it was because only humans or other beings from Earth could witness it.” Kori crossed her arms.
“You mean it isn’t dangerous for you to turn into one in case you aren’t able to turn back?!” Dick, Jaime, and Victor all screeched in unison.
“Excuses may vary from person to person.”
Ah yes, all according to plan.
It wasn’t that long before you all had another mission to accomplish. It wasn’t that hard really, in fact the enemies seemed a lot weaker in comparison to the previous ones.
So why were you and the rest tied up?
“Oh no, we’re at risk of dying. Whatever could we do?” Garfield feigned a moan of pain.
“Maybe if [Y/N] shifted into their Kitsune form and got out of their restraints—“ Victor tried suggesting but, like what you did with Garfield last time, you shut him down immediately.
Everyone instantaneously gets out of their restraints. No effort at all.
These goddamn desperate little shits—
It had been a month or so since Garfield and the rest found out you weren’t turning into a fox simply because you didn’t want to and they have yet to lose gas when it came to motivation.
It had even gone to the point where the Justice League and heck, even some villains and other unaffiliated vigilantes joined the mix. It was as if every moment someone was trying to coerce you to transform.
“Guys let’s have dinner!” Dick called out from the tower’s kitchen, not bothering with the intercoms since he knew you were close by. As a Kitsune you had a fantastic sense of smell, as such you were already hovering the kitchen since the start.
“Is that . . . [Favorite Food] and - and [Favorite Drink]?” Your mouth watered as you gazed at the dining table. All of your favorite meals, snacks, and beverages were all laid out. Ready to be consumed—
“Ah, ah! Let us see your Kitsune form first.”
You took one long stare at him before disappearing, literally. “I’m ordering take out.”
“God damn it!” The rest of the team all exit from their hiding spots, absolutely saddened by the lack of reaction and that they couldn’t spoil you with your favorites for once.
(It’s not like they can forget about your fox form and just give you everything on a silver platter. Hell no!)
You trudged to Damian’s room. Still invisible until you were sure you entered without anyone seeing you.
You reappear with a smile before shortly turning into a miniature [Favorite Color] fox.
“Tired?” Damian asked, still focused on his computer while you jumped to his lap and made yourself comfortable.
“Mm. Not really! They’re really funny when they’re like that.”
He nodded at your response and began petting you. His other hand reached forward to his phone, “Hey, are you still open? … Yeah . May I have [Favorite Food] delivered at this address…”
You faked a gasp. You knew he had been watching over you since the beginning. Normal people would have freaked out and questioned how knew but you didn’t. How could you? He is your boyfriend after all. Him knowing everything was expected. At least, that’s what he always says, and you didn’t really mind so . . . “You’re the best, Damey!”
“I know.” He finally gazed at you. The love in his eyes are as clear as day, “Now, get off. We have to pick up our order.”
General Batfam Taglist: @the-sander-fander
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lilyrachelcassidy · 3 months
Felix Catton Headcanons
Meaning how your relationship with Felix gestated overtime & what he is like.
Summary: Farleigh looks over in your and Felix's direction and rolls his eyes over, "You guys are positively nauseating."
WC: 2.7k
Warnings: language, sexual allusions
-he had first seen you in a bar, in the beginning of the first year, guffawing with the group of your friends and doing shots. He instantly thought you extremely adorable, a small little smile making its way on his face as he watched your for the protracted moment, but he dismissed these thoughts — he knew a lot of pretty girls, he could get over it somehow;
-the second time he caught a glimpse of you, a longer one this time, was during the classes which you both happened to share. It so turned out that your were also majoring in English literature and sitting in the front row, showing off your stellar knowledge which didn’t fail to stun him every time you raised your hand. Felix didn’t consider himself a layman in the field of literature, heck, he even spent far too much sitting in the Saltburn library, rifling through the literary classics for literal hours (Farleigh and Venetia would even tease him about that for being a ‘nerd,’ but that’s beside the point). When you spoke up, however, it was somehow some pundit knowledge that your were offering, like the [sic] notion or the free indirect speech digression, which was just a wowie in his eyes. So you were adorable and smart. And that impressed Felix which didn’t happen with the other adorable girls that he had met. He felt intrigued;
-a few weeks elapsed, your reputation never waning in Felix’s eyes, and he spotted you seated with your clique again some random Friday night. Before he knew it, he was already making his way to your table and inviting you over to sit with his group of friends which appeared to have thrown you off a little for a moment. But then you quickly recovered from a momentary daze and you recognized him as the guy from your class; you agreed, obviously. During that night, Felix managed to learn a lot about you: your hobbies, a bit of your familial background which proved to be very similar to his own, your scrabbles to chalk up a scholarship, morsels on your opinion of Manchester United’s last game, etc. Should he be intimidated by your over-ambitions? Probably. Was he going to care? Nah, he is Felix Catton, the heck;
-overtime, the both of you started hanging out a lot with one another. You would often stumble upon each other in the pub, then devote literal hours to talking to one another and getting to know each other better, but at last you would start arranging some meet-ups on your own. For example, both of you just loved studying together, with you nestled in between Felix's legs (friends do that, right?) while you both read some coursebook or what. Felix would frequently ask you to explain something to him pertaining to English literature, not because he didn't know or didn't understand, but because he just loved watching you so vivacious, so passionate about the subject; the way your eyes would lit up, smart words rolling out of your perfect little mouth, and how you would seem genuinely happy that you could freely speak about your literary fixations;
-from time to time, Felix would also try to flirt with you, not in the conspicuous way, but he would surely make a point of complimenting you on a daily basis, like how much he loved your barnet today, how cute he though your outfit was, or how much he loved your smile or your dimples when you did. You would then get so flustered, every damn time, with a blush covering your cheeks. It was the favorite sight of Felix's;
-as much as this thought made him nervous, Felix finally decided to ask you on a date after some excruciating weeks of pretending to be just friendly (he loved spending time with you in a friendly way too, don’t get me wrong, but let’s be honest here queen — he wanted to kiss your lips so badly already; he was obsessed with you and your Cupid’s bow, it drove him mad. Mad!);
-he needed to find some idiosyncratic way to ask you out though, Felix would never settle for some plain “go out with me?” flowers. He mused on it for a long time and then finally figured — he will get you the Penguine Classics edition of your favorite book, the one you had been telling him about for the past few weeks now; you had never seemed to get a hold of the book though, with the limited supply of inventory in the bookstores around the Oxford campus. Oh well, Felix will find his way around the problem, be sure of that;
-he got the aforementioned book within two days and… let’s just leave the man up to his own devices but, boy!, was it a slog to get it. Once all set, he promptly scampered to your dorm, not even being able to contain himself for the next day or so, then bought a bouquet of sunflowers seeing as you have told him that these were your favorite flowers, and went searching for you all over. He eventually found you seated in the library, hunched over "Gone with the Wind," and so deeply lost in a brown study that you didn't even notice Felix approaching until he finally grunted as he stood in front of your table. You first smiled at him, ready to greet him, but then noticed a bunch of items in his hands and your countenance momentarily twisted in astonishment. "Is that for me?" you asked at which he nodded. With a perfect smile making its way on your lips again, you took the items from him and, at discerning your favorite book which you had been blabbing so long about, you literally squeaked. With way too much ebullience, you opened the book and your gaze landed on the little loopy inscription within;
-you read the inscription in the book (“date?”) and your face contorted in confusion at which Felix’s heart fell — were you going to refuse him now? This sinking feeling continued for a couple of seconds until finally alleviated by your beam with the cute little blush and the coy “yes” uttered from your mouth. He lifted you up and spun in the air, grinning maniacally, while you giggled at him softly;
-after a date, both of you started dating. Officially. Once the news was spread around the campus, it was accompanied by a myriad of different reactions to it — some applauded the relationship, calling you the perfect match; some girls, smitten with Felix, only threw you envious looks, yet nothing beyond, etc. Farleigh, on the other hand, merely shrugged and produced “fucking knew it,” then promptly returned to his drink and carried on with a conversation he had had with someone before (he’d always been catty, don’t take it personally);
-believe it or not, but Felix was in fact a perfect human being, hence a perfect boyfriend — he literally showered you with gifts (eg books, jewelry, flowers), for it was probably his way of indicating how much you mean to him and although you had told him that it was alright, that you loved him and didn’t need to be constantly won over or whatever, he shrugged it off and kept doing it anyway;
-the man was very PDA-ish; he would make sure and surely find his way to touch you somehow, somewhere, anywhere, should it be fidgeting with your fingers (he just LOVED playing with the rings on your hand), brushing your hair, holding his hand on your lower back or around the waist, just for others to know that you were his, only his, and that no one should even dare looking in your direction — get a hint, he’s extremely possessive, especially when it comes to you which you found very sweet. And securing in a way — he was always there to protect you;
-dating Felix also entangled spending with him 24/7, especially since you also shared classes together; Felix would go above and beyond to orchestrate your time together: study dates, going around Oxford shopping, pub get-togethers with your friends, park strolls, or movie nights. While at first it came off as a little surprising to everyone that the two of you would go around literally everywhere, especially seeing that you had been pretty self-sufficient in the past, but overtime it became customary that inviting you over also equated to inviting Felix over and vice versa. You were in a relationship now, thus a unity I guess;
-you mostly spent time in his dorm and despite having your own, you still slept in his room. Hear me out, hear me out -- it was due to a number of reasons: the softness of Felix's (100% cotton from Harrods and omg you could just lay in his bed for another century or so), the lingering scent of Felix's cologne on his bedding, or even the simple fact that Felix's room reminded you of your shared time and how much you loved spending every second with him -- especially with the polaroids of you and him strewn about the room. Also, should I mention that Felix was such a cuddler during the night, totally crossing the margin of personal space, not that you minded of course; he particularly loved being a big spoon because he then felt like he protected you from the rest of the world which was probably his masculine achievement of some kind lmao. Nonetheless, he also wouldn't mind being held by you from time to time, he found it extremely adorable and that provided him with a better access to smelling your heady perfume which he was in as much love in as with you;
-sweet little habits and gestures that you had in your relationship? Too effing many: slipping each other notes during the classes and complimenting on one another (Felix: "You ass awful sexy in that skirt;" You: "Shut up, I love you"), wearing Felix's clothes, making each other breakfast, reading poetry to one another, taking an occasional road trip as a date (you especially loved the one when he took you near the lake and you went skinny dipping; why? it was a blistering day, let's go with that), cooking together (not that's any successful heh), art classes together, etc. Since you were much shorter than Felix, you sometimes had a problem of keeping up with his long strides and so he would make a point of piggybacking you while you meantime brushed his hair or hugged him closely. Other times, Felix would hold you by your waist or snake an arm around your shoulder, anything to make you feel secure. Felix just loved the though of being your safety resort;
-attention attention: Felix did not only look like some literal Greek god but he also acted like one. One day, no specific occasion just... Felix I guess, he surprised you with a picnic under your favorite oak tree sequestered from the prying eyes of the students and with a perfect vantage view on the sunset. He fetched a blanket and packed the picnic basket with the romcom cliche items like wine, grapes, strawberries in chocolate, poetry, etc. However, he also took a guitar which initially confused you but he then went on explaining that he wanted to teach you how to play (in parenthesis, you hadn't even known he played but whatever). Hence you squandered a couple of hours learning how to play and let's just say you could strum "Riptide" at the end of the night, or at least partially;
-despite Felix’s sweet nature, he also knew how to take his time with you in the bedroom. He was such a tease. He adored watching you squirm underneath him, pleading him, whining, bawling his name when he didn't give you what you wanted until he finally finally(!) did; you would then emit a lewd moan which would both excite and galvanize Felix, seeing the effects he had on you. Depending on the mood, he could be either slow and sedulous, or he could be quick and passionate but it really pivoted on how you felt (he would do anything for you, more then he would care to admit). Felix especially loved doing it in his bedroom, for no one would dare to interrupt you there and he would relish watching you strip to your little black lacy lingerie and... oh boy, he would make you come countless times; he didn't mind doing it in the other places though as well, like a pub loo or even against the wall in some discrete alley but again it depended of you and your mood;
-matching tattoos! Call it irrational or whatever, but the thought of having the same tattoo as Felix (two little stars on your wrists) was too appealing of an idea to resist. Everyone seemed to love this idea, barring Farleigh who only rolled his eyes at that, but as I've said -- let's just ignore him, he loved the two of you [you and Felix] anyways and was just too proud to admit it;
-Felix literally pestered you to come over to Saltburn during the summer holidays which you questioned at first — what was his family going to think, were they going to like you, would you fit in...? But Felix dismissed your questions, only uttering something that "you don't have to worry about anything." Finally coaxed, you made your way to the English suburbs where Saltburn resided and soon enough you were facing a big-ass castle which Felix called "home." You had been hearing about the grandioseness of Saltburn beforehand but the reality surpassed your expectations far off and, all of the sudden, you could feel the heat creeping in your chest at the thought of entering the threshold of the mansion. Before you had time to plan your decamping, however, Felix was already snatching you from the entrance while constantly kissing you and reassuring that everything was okay and that should you need anything, he would be always there for you;
-Felix's mom, Elspeth, instantly fell in love with you. She walked over before you even had the time to properly introduced yourself, and muttered, "Oh, aren't you just gorgeous? No wonder why Felix talks about you so much" (at which Felix groaned "Mom!," making you giggle). You then shook hands with James, Felix's father, who gave you merely a nod of acknowledgment with a stiff smile, but you didn't expect much more if being honest. Venetia, on the other hand, turned out to be as lovely as her mom and she promptly embraced you as a family member while you chatted carelessly for the rest of the evening;
-Saltburn moments: spending loads of time in Felix's bed (again, you had your own room but let's be frank here -- what for?), drunken tennis, reading "Harry Potter" naked in the middle of the field, hours and hours spent at the pool since it was scorching, fancy family soirees and dinners...;
-one time when you were stargazing during one of those summer nights in Saltburn, Felix’s head on your stomach as you both laid, Felix stated matter-of-factly: “You know, I’m going to marry you one day.”
You grinned, lifting your head off the grass, but still not ceasing to brush his hair with your fingers. “Oh, yeah?”
“Don’t laugh, I’m being perfectly serious.” And he was. You looked at him now and your amused grin dissipated upon seeing the solemnity of his expression.
“And what makes you think that I would have agreed?”
Instead of answering immediately, he took your hand and drew it to his mouth, kissing each of your fingers separately, slowly, showing that he cares. That it matters. “Because I love you,” he said in between the kisses. “And you love me, hopefully.” He eyed your now-amazed face and a small smile began dancing on his lips. “So I couldn’t imagine it otherwise. It has been always you and me. It will always be you and me.”
“You and me,” you repeated blindly, hypnotized, a blush creeping on your visage now while eyes cavorting with merriment.
And he didn’t lie. He proposed at the end of the summer.
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ceruleansx · 1 year
for eternity | jack champion
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↳ pairing : beachgirl!reader x actor!jackchampion
↳ warnings : nothing much but pure fluff, insecurity, comfort
↳ summary : after a long year of filming for scream 6, you, jack, and the other cast members decide to take a trip to one of their beach houses along the coast. you two spend some time together on the beach, only for him to end up confessing his love.
↳ a/n : hey guys!! sry its been a while, but i would really love if any of you guys dropped some requests!!
"okay okay!!" jenna screamed as she looked around at everyone. "there's gonna be two cars."
she started naming everyone's assigned seats (just for fun), but you weren't paying attention. you were paying attention to jack. he was there in a little puffy jacket, since he got cold so easily.
his curls looked perfect that day. but not like they always were. you loved his hair. sometimes you just wanted to hug him so tight and mess around with his curly hair.
"and in the backback seat is gonna be y/n and jack!" jenna gave you a smirk.
she knew that you had the biggest crush on him ever since you two started filming. you were his 'love interest' and the directers told you that you guys had to spend quality time together.
but you and jack enjoyed each other's company, without any of the directors orders. sometimes you thought that jack liked you, but you were just too delusional.
you nodded as you walked over to jack. he looked and smiled back at you. now it was his turn to stare.
jack liked you for forever. he started liking you when he saw a movie that you were in. he was practically in love with you. in his eyes, you were basically the only girl living.
but he didn't know how to show it.
jack insisted that you went into the very backseat first. your tummy flustered at his action, but he was just being a gentlemen you thought.
the backback seat was very tight for some reason. so now, you two were basically squished. it wasn't awkward or anything, you two were very close.
"hope your not claustrophobic." you laughed.
his face looked like he was gonna puke, "now i am because i'm next to you." he joked.
you opened your mouth, about to say something, but he covered your mouth with his hand.
he could feel your cheeks burning through his palm, and he smiled softly at the expression and feeling. he patted his lap.
"cmere.." he said softly. "it's gonna be a long drive."
you rolled your eyes playfully. "dude the drive is an hour."
he chuckled softly. "so? lay down, cus when we get there i'm throwing you into the ocean."
"cant wait for that." you said as you laid your head down on his lap.
he was honestly so comfy, and so warm. he smelled good too. he was surprised at his own demand of making you lay down on his lap, but he wanted more.
he laid his hands down on your head and started to massage your scalp. you adjusted yourself to be more comfortable, trying to avoid him seeing your face completely red. the others in the front and other back were too busy talking to notice. but jack liked it. he liked being alone with you, just the two of you.
you eventually dozed off to sleep, and jack did too. his hands were now placed on your waist and shoulder, keeping you safe and secure, even though no one was there.
"cmon sleepy head." jack teased as you stumbled of the car.
everyone finally arrived to the rented beach house in time. the house was just in front of the beach, the type where the backyard door just led to the ocean and sand.
"i'm weak jack!! i'm done forr.." you groaned, pretending that you bag weighed 1,000 pounds.
he rolled his eyes and ran over to help you. he grabbed the strap of your backpack and lifted it up with no effort.
"the hell?!" he laughed.
he heard you snicker in the back of him. "you little liar!!" he grabbed your waist and picked you up.
"jack!! what the heck-" he put you over his shoulder, "oh my gosh jack if you drop me!" you screamed playfully.
"i won't" baby. he almost said it. he practically thanked the gods that he stopped saying what he was gonna say.
you gave up your efforts of trying to get down. but deep down in your heart, you really enjoyed being so close to him all the time. first the car ride, now this? it had to be a dream for you, but you always were overthinking. jack was just being a good friend. nothing else.
but it wasn't like that in jacks case. jack adored you. his eyes were only for you and forever for you. he would practically worship the ground you walked on. or he would paint every sunset you saw. he really hoped you felt the same way.
after everyone got into their rooms, you and jack started to unpack. the room was a good size, and there was one big bed.
"can you unpack fasterr??" you begged as jack folded every single piece of clothing.
"patience y/n.." he laughed inside as he saw that all you wanted was to go to the beach.
everyone was already unpacked, and they all decided to order panda express and play mario kart. but you nor jack wanted to. you begged him to go to the beach with him and watch the sunset.
he folded his last hoodie and he closed the drawer. "done!" he sighed, seeing a big grin on your face.
"finally gosh." you looked at his outfit.
you were already in your bikini. it was jack's favorite one, but you didn't have to know that. it clung your body so perfectly. sometimes jack wished that you saw yourself in jacks eyes. so beautiful.
"what?" he stared confused.
"where's your bathing suit?"
"oh! yeah." he grabbed the end of his shirt and took it off.
youve seen him shirtless before at the pool parties, but boy he was mesmorizing. his abs were toned so perfectly with his skin.
he caught you staring, and he couldn't help but turn a bright shade of pink. he cleared his throat. "my eyes are up here.." he teased.
you blinked before meeting his gaze. "i just zoned out jeezzz, don't worry, those crazy fan girls will take you all for themselves." you rolled your eyes playfully
"hmmm but what they don't know is that theres a special someonee." he hummed.
you gasped. you tried to pretend that you didn't like him, so he could spit out his crush. theres a part of you that was praying that it was going to be you.
"whoo?! who is it who is it." you started to punch his chest softly.
"stop-pp-" he giggled, since he was so ticlish. he blushed strongly again.
"let's just go to the beach you little baby." he ruslted you hair.
you rolled your eyes, "finee."
the sunset was beautiful tonight. jack thought for a moment. for some reason, whenever he saw a sunset, he thought of you. you were his sunset. his light.
he turned to you, seeing the colors of the sky through your pupils. you turned to him and met his gaze. you two held eye contact for which seemed like forever, until you heared a two shrieks.
"o-m-g!! jack champion!!" some two girls near you and jack's age came running offer.
"that's me..!" he said as he cringed to himself.
he looked a little uncomfortable. he was. a perfect moment with his girl ruined. well, in his mind you were his girl.
"can we pleasee take a photo with you??" they begged.
before jack said yes, they both gave you nasty looks. jack noticed their gaze towards you, and he also noticed you reaction. he saw that you were hurt, and that you were looking at one of the girl's bodies.
'she was really pretty' you thought. jack mustve liked her or something since he did a little pose with her, you also thought.
jack didn't though. ever since he met you, he never liked anyone else. and he knew it was going to stay like that.
after a few more pictures, they finally left. he gave a big sigh and sat on the towel next to you again. "told you." you said.
he turned, his curly hair moving along with his head.
"told me what?"
"those fans girls are gonna snatch you up quick."
he chuckled softly, saddened that you thought like that. "nahh, what makes you think that?"
"they were very pretty. perfect bodies too." you brought your knees to your chest and hugged them tight.
jacks eyes turned into guilt and sadness. "well your pretty too.." he said softly.
"yeah but-" you pointed out, "how could a guy not go for girls like them? they got the whole package and stuff."
he paused, scared off what to say next, hoping that it doesn't ruin your friendship. "but maybe.." he whispered.
"maybe some guys don't want annoying girls like them."
you turned your head, finding jack already admiring you. "y/n i-" he stuttered.
why was it so hard to speak? maybe it was because he was confessing his only one true love towards you.
"i'm in love with you. and i know it doesn't make sense because were not even dating, so im not really supposed to say-" he rambled before his words were cut off with your lips.
his breath stopped before he accepted the lustfull kiss. his lips were soft, but filled with such need that hes been keeping. his hands cupped your head as you two started to learn each other's movements.
you finally pulled away and pressed your forehead to his. "your so perfect.." he whispered.
"jack i-" you gulped. "i love you so much, words can't even explain."
"words can't explain how beautiful you are in my eyes y/n. i will love you for eternity." he said.
and with that, you pulled his face towards yours for another deep and loving kiss.
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