#how does this one character get my blood boiling like this bruh
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padfootastic · 1 year ago
Remus: You need to stay in the castle, where it’s safe from Sirius Black
Hogwarts: *had Voldemort living on the back of a teacher’s head without anyone’s knowledge, once sent 11 year olds into the Murder Forest with only a dog for protection, had a giant murder snake roaming the school for months, Harry’s best friend was petrified and only avoided death because she realized what the monster was, had a teacher attempt to memory wipe two students, had a secret murder chamber for centuries, and Sirius had broken in to the school before*
Like, Remus, where is this alleged safety inside the school???? Page not found
remus is epitome of ‘mouth running w/o knowing anything’ bc he just,,,,keeps saying shit,,,,,without any knowledge
not the animagus thing. not the secret passageways, literally nothing. and then he has the audacity to pretend like the castle is safe and sirius black can’t touch harry there (where he literally got into his dorm!!! was right beside him!!) he also has the utter gall to tell harry he’s disrespecting his parent’s sacrifice jesus christ what a flaming trash can of a wizard
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damnfandomproblems · 2 years ago
Below the cut is all of the responses that were in the inbox related to Fandom Problem 3954 and the subsequent asks. These will be all of the ones that were sent as anonymous.
The following ask came in on April 19:
I just want to say I appreciate the DID asks on this blog. It was a nice sanity check for me. One of my friend's kids who is in high school got sucked into it, he started "switching" at 17, and she's getting him to go to therapy to find the source of the problem, but he's apparently really argumentative with the psychologist and keeps insisting he only has DID, for very wrong reasons. Symptoms that don't match any kind of DID I've seen. His mum was really careful to find someone who was familiar with DID, I know she wouldn't send him to someone who doesn't know what they're doing because shes amazingly good with google-fu, so it can't be because the psychologist doesn't know what DID is or how to spot it. For a while the whole thing made me feel a bit crazy because his obviously fake symptoms and onset (?) didn't match how adamant he was that he had DID, I was starting to believe him too. I want to thank the asks for resetting my perspective. He certainly needs help it just isn't going to be help for DID.
Here are the ones from April 17 and they are out of order because of how I added them from the inbox:
I'm in college and know multiple people who are barely even minors anymore who just started faking tourette's out of the blue. One day they just showed up and started doing tics. Obviously fake tics for that reason, also because it's obvious they have a brief "wind up" period before them when they look like they're contemplating just how to pull off tics. They're all neck tics and arm tics too, nothing is ugly or painful. So I can confirm a lot more people are faking these things than people think. Dhar Mann even made a good skit about it because it's such a popular thing for kids (even college age adults who have trouble making connections and getting attention) to do
Oh god this is syscourse
It shows up on my dash once in a blue moon and I never have any idea that the fuck people are taking about. All I know is it has two sides who both despise each other and years of grudges
just wanna say that i'm glad most people here seem to have sensible takes regarding the "DID" boom online
As someone who knows someone who uses a system and has DID, the anon that said they were not responsible for making someone feel safe in the discord server is awful.
That anon makes my blood boil because it literally happened to my friend who has a system. My friend's fictive is part of who they are, and it is them. They have the right to feel uncomfortable when people do strange things with the character the fictive is.
In my friend's case, they had been in that server before the rper had joined. But the server mods decided to take my friend's "character rights" away since they said "technically you aren't rping as the character, so someone else can have them." Would you all agree with the mods in this case?
Y'all saying people with systems who are uncomfortable with how people portray characters that are their fictives should just accept it do not get it.
Would you be okay with someone portraying a real life person in a different way?
Would you be okay with people rping as real people?
If the answer is no to both of these, then y'all should understand why people with fictives feel uncomfortable with people portraying their ficitives in such ways.
Replying to a comment on 714814266546470912: "that doctor literally took videos from their tiktoks without permission" Bruh, first off, someone does not need permission to share something that was posted publicly on a public website. Once you post something to the internet, it's fair game. This is why adults tell you to never put something online unless you want it to be there forever, because once it's up, it's up for good, and people can save it, share it, edit it, however they want. If someone has posted selfies on the internet, someone has probably saved them, for whatever reason, because they thought the pictures were cute, because they're collecting dirt on them, etc, and even if that's not the case, the data will always be there. Maybe it's not pristine ethics to share videos of minors, young adults, etc with mental disorders (not DID, obviously they have something else like factitious disorder), but it's not illegal at all. And if you actually watched the video (which I doubt), you would know the doctor, faculty, etc had covered all legal bases by repeatedly saying they cannot diagnose anyone over the internet or thought videos. Repeatedly. And they were strictly looking at the behaviors which they see regularly in people who fake, behaviors which are a strong indication (but, again for legal reasons, not a guarantee) someone is faking. They said this. You really need to brush up on your knowledge of laws, most of all in medicine, research, studies, etc and actually using nuanced thinking.
Sorry to add to the fire but in my fandom I see LOTS of "traumagenic systems" (DID) who also claim to "support endos". That raises so many red flags too because if someone really did have DID and was well educated on it as a result, they would know how DID really works and they wouldn't in a hundred years support people who are pretending to have something with totally wrong, obvious fake symptoms and consider them "part of the community". I guess it makes it easy to know who to block though?
I want to thank the person who sent 714815628520898560 for sharing that video, I watched it this morning during my shift and it was really insightful!! I learned a lot :)
I’m thinking about Roman genius and Juno spirits, and also of the post made by EarlGrayTay about how the English language struggles with nuance, when it comes to degrees of intensity.
We don’t have a word for something between having some tulpas and having DID, and so people are saying they have the latter even when they don’t clinically qualify. I do think that in most cases people who self diagnose with DID are more likely to be closer to the tulpa end than the disordered end.
Also, as memory stuff is part of it, it’s entirely possible that the apparent excess of people with DID in fandom is because the nature of the internet allows for pseudo-sockpuppeting, with multiple personalities creating different accounts, potentially unaware of what the others, as memory is a big part of the diagnosis
714820580417863680 2% of the world's population as of 2020 is 156 million people.
Say that again, slowly.
156 million people do not have DID.
These asks are wild lol. My thoughts are, fine, maybe "endogenic systems" exist in the context of not being actual DID, but if someone really thinks they can have multiple identities or parts without having trauma to predicate that, well, I hate to say but that's basically a religious belief at that point, and not even remotely related to a medical disorder. The human brain usually has one continuous, cohesive identity. Unless, like someone already mentioned, you experience harrowing trauma in your early childhood. You can call yourself a tulpa, you can call yourself endogenic, you can believe you have fifty fictional introjects, five different Resident Evil characters living in your head, but that doesn't make it science. If you want endogenic systems to exist, call it what it is: a religion. And stop trying to bully and force your way into getting medicine to accept these ridiculous things, because it will never happen
Got diagnosed with did in my 20s. Here’s a thing most of the issues I’ve had with the online system community in general. Also this phone im typing on doesn’t show text cause tumblr so ye spelling mistakes a plenty.
1: the whole community regardless of endo or traumagenic is kinds crap. Came to it for resources on how to manage things like persecutors and understand wtf was up. Covid was a wild time. Therapist officially diagnosed me in 21. Why is this important, cause the whole ass community hted endos or trauma or whatever and all unanimously hated tiktok
2: the whole fictive debate became even more dumb when there were 50 different i ndividaula claiming to be a fictive from genshin. Really weird. Cause the peeps in multiple communities threw a fit making those name close cultures. Personally i think it was due to so many fictives or some blue haired guy?
3: the fact people treated it like fictionkin something i thought i had because yknow issues with dissociation well the fictives got treated more like kinning
4: the biggest thing is the community allowed delusional attachments to become such a common place thing. I get it identity be fucky but its an issue when delusional attachment’s cone into play. Mainly cause most if not all system communities used carrds and tiktok as resources.
5 or 6? Cause phone be fucky: despite claiming to hate endos the community was nothyper critical to self dxing without reseach and minors self dxing. There’s a lotta reasons why it normally os pouring gasoline on a fire.
Finally most system communities are primarily white and it shows cause of how much they prioritize racial relations and closed cultures along with treating introjects like shit.
So the submission about bein a fictive whos tired of people treating em like they’re gonna be identical as the character iscorrect. Rampant problem
Re: all this DID stuff and certain people digging in in the comments to defend what they're doing, I think it's interesting to contemplate not just why people do this for DID delusions, but also for fandom things in general because I think it applies to both (and to keep things a little more on topic, ha). I read a comment recently where someone was talking about personal truths, which are subjective feelings and beliefs, and social truths, which are laws and social constructs. When someone loves themselves and has confidence, they're able to maintain personal truths that may differ from other people without feeling threatened, and they can maintain those personal truths or values. This is what happens when someone has strong feelings about characters, or identifies with a character, but is able to witness people sharing opinions without going to war over them.
On the other hand, people who have insecurities and a lack of self confidence (or worth) will fight to make personal truths into social truths, to make up for that self loathing. They feel they can force society to accept their personal truths to make them feel comfortable, because they can't derive any actual comfort from simply existing with their personal truths that differ so much from social truths. This is what happens when you have, like a lot of confessions lately have mentioned, people bullying others over headcanons, calling them bigots for not sharing a gay ship or something. Or when people have low self-esteem and might be struggling with mental health problems, and are trying desperately to find answers and find self-worth, but have accidentally opted for something that is not a social truth, but a personal truth (believing they have DID when it is very obviously not), and so they fight tooth and nail to make that warped version of DID into something officially recognized. That is the only way they can get validation beyond their bubble. I think it's a growing problem not only because it seems like the world is kinda imploding right now and people need some kind of stability, when personal truths may not suffice for that because of the above issues with self-confidence or insecurities, but also because we've reached the point where kids are growing up without ever NOT having known social media, and they have near-constant access to that social media, which makes for an increasingly bad precedent. Not just for kids, adults with underdeveloped coping strategies are susceptible too.
I'm pleasantly surpirsed by the convo around DID here, because I read the post and was half expecting a horde of endogenic or willowgenic or (word)genic systems to come stampeding in here calling everyone ableists lol, I'm kinda relieved there hasn't been a bunch of that
Honestly laughing at how a word like sysmed exists. Are people "sadmeds" or "anhemeds" for telling someone they're faking depression? Are people "schizomeds" for saying people are faking schizophrenia? This is absurd and it's ao fricking offensive to compare the above to being a transmedicalist.
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skaruresonic · 1 year ago
Why do I get the feeling this list is a combination of IDW!Sonicisms, misunderstanding Games!Sonic's character, tarring everything with the Big Bad Sega brush, and strawmen of things we've said? 1.) "Speak more than one sentence" is an extremely absurd strawman of the general point that Sonic is reticent and shouldn't be expositing for paragraphs on end. 2.) "Not care about the death of someone he doesn't like" - still salty about the fact that "big oof" is a stupid and hypocritical thing to say about the death of someone you claimed to want to give a second chance, aren't you 3.) "Kill," "not kill" - Once again people are trying to boil this shit down to a false dichotomy. Sonic has proven willing to kill in the past and his general attitude towards saving Eggman's life is that of neglect and disregard. No, that doesn't mean he goes around slaughtering his enemies in cold blood, but neither is he an uwu I would NEVER type of guy. 4.) "Be too violent" - idk where they got this one from but it's probably connected to #3 5.) "Be part of the Restoration" - because IDW isn't canon. 6.) "Actively participate in Restoration missions" - because IDW isn't canon.
7.) "Have a phone"
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8.) "Try to redeem an enemy"
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Not even gonna bother falling down this rabbit hole.
8.) "Dislike the attitude of others"
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9.) "Have short quills," "have long quills" - yeah mostly because people flipped their shit about the possibility of Frontiers recycling Forces!Sonic's character model, so now we can't have nice things
10.) "Cry" - Sonic canonically dislikes tears.
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inb4 you say "but that's an old profile though," in Battle he taught Emerl that the worst thing you could do was make a girl cry.
11.) "Get too angry" - idek what this one means but okay
12.) "Have emotions like a normal person" - oh you mean you don't like how Sega doesn't like it when you contort Sonic's face in order to make him broadcast his Emoshuns from a mile away. oh ok. I get it now.
13.) "Have a girlfriend/boyfriend" - putting aside the fact that the series has never had a heavy focus on romance, the games have been hinting that Sonic's relationship with Amy has grown a little closer. Notice I said a little; he was still heavily implied in SatBK's manual to be stressed out about his upcoming date with Amy.
14.) "Have facial expressions" - because Yardley's blowing it for everybody in that regard lmaoooo
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15.) "Say y'all" - I have no idea what this is referring to, but I can say with about 95% confidence that Sonic the Hedgehog Would Not Fucking Say That
16.) "Make too many jokes" - still salty that Boom's writers didn't understand Shadow enough to realize he wasn't a quip-spouting machine, aren't you Squidward
17.) "Make references to pop culture" - because that shit is obnoxious and too much of it will date your work. Sonic's supposed to be relatively timeless.
18.) "Eat chili dogs" - ???? yeah 'cause people act like he eats nothing else. In Unleashed, he eats a wide variety of food, but based on fanon, you'd think his diet consists entirely of chilidogs
19.) "Have anxiety" - ???????? bruh?
20.) "Play guitar" - pointing out that IDW issue whatever-the-fuck where Sonic's reclining on a couch strumming the guitar with a smug smirk pasted to his face is a direct lift from a panel in Archie 175 where he's doing the exact same thing does not equal "Sonic can never play the guitar." my God the bones you must have broken with that reach
21.) "Be cute," "be cute and cool" - no idea what this even means but ST's always striven to balance Sonic's rougher bad-boy side with his cute and good-hearted side. Somehow it's everyone else who struggles to get the memo. 22.) "Not be in a dynamic pose 24/7" - you are aware that you're talking about Sonic the Hedgehog, right 23.) "Not have a three-quills silhouette 24/7" - these are some weird-ass hangups about the character models man 24.) "Be a shounen protagonist," "not be a shounen protagonist" - hey can we collectively decide to put the word "shounen" on a shelf until fandom knows what that shit actually means and how Sonic still doesn't fit the definition? pls and thank
25.) "Be defeated" - considering that one of the Sega mandates we DO know of states that Sonic cannot be shown definitively losing... no shit. But even then, how do you explain Sonic getting his ass whooped in Forces? play the games pls?
26.) "Drive a car"
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27.) "Ride a hoverboard" - doesn't make much sense to use Extreme Gear outside of the Riders games.
28.) "Use a sword" - oh so you're just being facetious. m'kay. 29.) "Sit back and relax," "be hyperactive" - hey remember what I said yesterday about people being unable to grasp Sonic's multiplicity of character, their failure to realize that context determines his behavior, and instead trying to shove him into false dichotomies? This is exactly what I'm talking about.
30.) "Be goofy" - lmao someone's extra salty about Sonic Boom, I see
So, according to Sonic Twitter sheep...
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wistfulcynic · 5 years ago
The Ballad of Emma and Killian
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This began life as a little drabble of rockstar!Emma and actor!Killian--not my favourite trope but I thought I’d give it a try. And then @thisonesatellite FORCED me to actually like it and once I did it kept getting bigger and bigger until it became DRABZILLA and had to go in Secret Things instead. SO. 
Part 8 of Secret Things. This one is really very sweet. Struggling young artists in love stick together through the hard times until the good ones come. A little slice of life with just the teensiest little bit of Neal being an asshole and getting what-for. 
Summary: They aren’t famous when they meet, or when they fall in love. As the years go by and their careers flourish along with their fame, their love endures. 
Words: 2.2k Rating: T Tags: actor au, rockstar au, fluff, secret relationships
On AO3
Importing the tag list from Drabbles, apologies if you didn’t want a tag here: 
@thisonesatellite @kmomof4 @teamhook @courtorderedcake @jonirobinson64 @tiganasummertree @stahlop@mariakov81@facesiousbutton82
The Ballad of Emma and Killian: 
They’re not famous when they meet. Her band is still playing bars and clubs and he’s barely managed to scrape a few minor roles in local theatre. They’re not famous, but they see the potential in each other. 
“You’re brilliant with that,” he tells her, nodding at the guitar she’s slung over her shoulder. He’s had just enough to drink to give him the confidence to speak to her but not so much that he’s going to tell her he came here tonight expressly to see her play. 
“Oh yeah?” She has her eyes on the barman mixing her drink, doesn’t look at him until she’s got it in her hand. “Do you—” Her eyes widen when she turns towards him, and a smile tugs the corner of her mouth as she slowly takes him in. “—play?” she finishes finally. 
He’s grinning wide, flattered and more than a little turned on by her bold appraisal. “Only a few chords,” he says. “I’m an actor mostly.” 
“Of course you are.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just that you’re really pretty. I bet those eyes show up well on camera.” 
“I wouldn’t know, love, I’ve not managed to land anything that requires a camera quite yet.” 
“You will.” 
They end up in her hotel room, a nondescript place on the Lambeth Road. She shrugs and says she’s got far better things to spend her money on than somewhere to sleep, then proceeds to make that dingy room the most memorable place he’s ever been. 
The next morning she has to head off early, to Manchester for her next gig. He walks her to the tube station and  kisses her in front of it, then pulls back, memorising her face. 
“Nice to meet you, Emma Swan,” he says. 
She smiles. “And you, Killian Jones.” 
Emma plays a dozen gigs in Manchester and word begins to get out. On the band’s last night in town an A&R rep is in the audience, and when she wakes up the next morning she has a record deal. She should be happy, she knows; she is happy, thrilled in fact, but she can’t get those blue eyes out of her head, or the wistful note in his voice when he said her name. 
She goes back to London, back to the pub where they met. She goes with no hope or expectation, and when she sees Killian there at the bar her heart leaps and when she sits beside him and he grins in delight she feels like she’s come home.  
“I have a record deal,” she tells him, after. 
His whole face lights up. “That’s brilliant!” he says. “You’re brilliant.” 
She flushes at the praise and he takes her hand, twining his fingers with hers. “Emma,” he says, looking around the bland room they’re in. “Nothing against your taste in hotels, love, but I wonder if you would care to see my flat. It’s not much but it’s better than here.” 
It is. He lives in the attic of an old house, fitted with a tiny kitchen and tinier bathroom, and a bed that folds out from the faded sofa. 
“A garret!” She laughs. “Perfect for a starving actor.” 
“That’s exactly the aesthetic I was going for,” he says, laughing with her. He wraps an arm around her shoulders. “It suits an emerging musician as well.” 
She snuggles into his side. It does. 
They get married in a simple ceremony at the Southwark registry office; far too soon, his brother says with frowning disapproval and her parents Skype them from Maine to say the same, but they don’t care and they don’t listen. They are sure of each other, and deeply in love. 
The first few years are hard. Emma has to tour to promote her album and Killian takes every acting job he can, always hoping the next one will be his big break. The album is a huge success and the tour is extended; she is exhausted and burnt out and misses her husband, but she loves her music and the thrill of performing for the huge crowds, and they call each other every day, no matter what. His unwavering support keeps her going.  
Her fame grows and she begins to do interviews, answering probing questions about her music and her life. The interviewers don’t ask her if she’s married and she doesn’t volunteer the information. She doesn’t wear her wedding ring onstage —she doesn’t like anything on her fingers when she plays— and she allows people to keep the conclusions they draw. The interviews appear online and on television, and soon Killian starts to hear people talking about her. He beams with pride whenever someone says they like her music, and when the remarks touch on the personal he simply shrugs them off. People can be assholes, but he knows his wife. 
When her tour finally finishes they take a vacation— a month in the Seychelles, just the two of them in a beach hut with crystal blue water stretching out to the horizon. It is pure bliss; she unwinds for the first time in more than a year, and by the time they’re back in London the two of them are expecting a third. She tells her manager she’s taking a break to write some new songs and spends the next year in their tiny attic flat, playing her guitar and growing her baby, and watching her husband perform in his first lead role on the West End. People keep to themselves in the neighbourhood where they live, and if anyone recognises ‘the cultural heir of Nancy Wilson crossed with Jack White’ or ‘British theatre’s fastest-rising star’ the tabloids are not informed. 
They have never been happier. 
They’ve been married nearly five years when Killian’s big break finally comes. He lands a role in an American TV show and brings his family with him when he moves to Boston for filming. Emma’s on tour again but she Skypes him and the kids —they have two of them now— in their new place and tells them she can’t wait to be there. She tells him in private that his eyes look great on camera, as she always knew they would.
His new costars know he’s married, of course, he talks about his wife a lot but refers to her only as ‘Emma,’ a common enough name that no one thinks anything of it. The show is a breakaway hit and he finds himself suddenly famous, suddenly the focus of more female attention than even his handsome self is accustomed to, and fielding interview questions more probing than any he’s encountered before. He doesn’t hide his wedding ring but he also doesn’t mention who his wife is. His marriage is private, and there’s enough scrutiny on his personal life as it is. 
“You know who I’d really like for this role?” the lead showrunner says to Killian one day, discussing a new character being introduced in the show’s third season. “Emma Swan. Do you think she’d be interested in getting into acting?” 
He chokes on his coffee. “How would I know?” he asks cautiously. 
The showrunner shrugs. “I know you’re a fan of hers,” he says. “I’ve seen your Spotify. Anyway, it’s pure speculation. I think she has the perfect look for the character, but I’ve got no idea if she can act.” 
“Well, I’d love to work with Emma Swan,” says Neal Cassidy, the show’s secondary male lead. “Whether she can act or not, she’s a hell of a piece of ass. Nothing hotter than a chick who plays guitar.” 
Killian concentrates hard on not punching the man in his leering face. He’s had to listen to a lot of people talk about how hot his wife is over the years and most of the time it doesn’t bother him, even when the remarks veer into the lewd. But he’s never really clicked with Cassidy, and the idea of the smug arsehole trying it on with Emma makes his blood boil. 
“If she does join the show, I’m sure one way she’ll act is professionally,” he says stiffly. “And I’d hope the rest of us would too.” 
“Oooh hooo,” says Neal in a taunting singsong. “Someone’s got a little crush.” 
Killian gets up from the table and tosses his coffee cup in the trash with deliberate control. “If anyone needs me I’ll be in my trailer,” he says. 
“I had an interesting call from my manager today,” says Emma over dinner that night. “Apparently I’ve had an offer to read for a part on your show.” 
“Yeah,” Killian replies. “Bob was telling me he thinks you’d be perfect for the role. What do you think?” 
She shrugs. “Acting’s really your thing. I wouldn’t want to step on your toes.” He’s sure she means this, but there’s a wistfulness in her voice and he knows she’s getting tired of all the touring and would love something more stable that didn’t take her away from their kids. 
He reaches across the table to take her hand. “You wouldn’t be, love, you know that,” he says, smiling at her. “If this is something you really want to try, you should try it.” 
She smiles back, warm and soft. Her smile will be great on camera. “I think I will then,” she says. 
She squeezes his hand. “I love you, Killian Jones.” 
“And I you, Emma Swan.” 
“Hey, hey, did you see her?” Neal elbows him in the ribs and once again Killian has to suppress the desire to respond with his fist. 
“Who?” he asks, though he knows the answer. 
“Emma Swan, bruh. She’s meeting with Bob right now. She walked right by me on the way to his office and lemme tell you, she’s even hotter in person, if you can believe it.” 
He thinks of his wife as he saw her that morning, all messy hair and tired eyes, cradling their youngest in her arms and singing softly to her as she nursed. “I can believe it,” he says. 
“Hair like that, man, you just wanna wrap it around your fist and pull—” Killian turns his back and stalks away before he can hear what Neal wants to pull, reminding himself firmly that beating up a costar is frowned upon in the industry, and he would like to work again once this show ends. 
He goes to his trailer and waits for Emma to finish her audition. Ten minutes later she slips through the door, flushed and glowing, and walks straight into his arms.  
“How did it go?” he asks, as if he can’t read the answer on her face. 
“They want me to start filming next week,” she replies, and her smile is radiant.  
“That’s brilliant!” He hugs her close, grinning into her hair. “You’re brilliant.” 
She leans back, studies his face. “And you’re sure you don’t mind, babe? I can still say no—” 
“Absolutely not, you’ve earned this and Bob’s right, the character is perfect for you. Though it does mean we’ll probably have to tell people we’re married.” 
She laughs. “Well, it’s been eight years now, I guess it’s about time we came clean. Plus it’s not like it’s a secret as such, it’s just something we’ve never told anyone before.” 
He joins in her laughter and then he kisses her, a sweet, soft kiss that soon turns hot. She’s never visited him on set before, of course, and he finds himself overwhelmed by the desire to make love to her here, in this place where he has spent long days of filming sitting alone and missing her.  
He lifts her onto the back of his armchair, pushing her skirt up her thighs so he can stand between them. She wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and grinds against him. They are lost in each other —this is how it’s always been between them— and neither of them hears the door to the trailer open or senses Neal’s slack-jawed presence until he manages to close his mouth and find his voice. 
“Son of a bitch!” he yells. 
Emma and Killian break apart and turn to glare at the intruder. 
“What the fuck, man?” shouts Neal. “Aren’t you married?”
“Aye, mate.” Killian is fuming, his jaw clenched and his eyes like shards of ice. “Allow me to introduce you to my wife. This is Emma.” 
Neal chokes and his eyes go wide as he clearly tries to remember just how disgustingly offensive he’s been about Emma Swan. 
“Look, man,” he stutters. “I’m sorry—” 
“No you’re not,” says Killian coldly. “But you are unwelcome. Kindly fuck yourself off now so my beautiful wife can fuck me.” He turns back to Emma, who pulls him in and resumes their kiss. 
Neal stumbles and nearly falls as he backs out of the trailer, still stuttering apologies, but they are too busy tearing off each other’s clothes to notice. 
They weren’t famous when they met, or when they married. But they are when they announce their relationship to a press and a public that goes mad over it. They’re at the top of every gossip site and trending on every social media network. Offers of joint interviews come pouring in, all of which they decline, which —people and the internet being what they are and what it is— only adds to their mystique. They are the story of the decade— for nearly an entire week, until Neal gets caught soliciting a prostitute who turns out to be an undercover cop, and everyone forgets about Emma Swan and Killian Jones. 
Which is just the way they like it. 
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ravenaveira · 6 years ago
OK I just need to go off about KH3 again
Im sorry your probably gonna be seeing alot of these posts because I am friggin PISSED and no Im not saying this ONE THING ruined the game for me or that the game is bad thats not my intention I personally gave the game a 8.9 so clearly I enjoyed it I just didnt enjoy THIS shit
The romance between Sora and Kairi omg its just SO BAD it makes my danm blood boil because it didnt HAVE to be this bad but you wanna know why it was so bad this game and worse than any other game in the franchise?
Because Kairi was off the island
You heard me right, Kairi being off the island and put onto the battlefield destroyed this relationship for good and turned it into the biggest friggin joke its ever been when before there were actually some decent moments between them but this? this was downright laughable and so forced it felt like Sora was being held hostage and forced to say and do the BS that he was and it just felt uncomfortable to watch
Like him saying ‘Im strong with you Kairi’ which apparently in JPN he said ‘your strong Kairi’ which somehow makes it better to some people but bruh both are equally bad and equally laughable because neither of them are true
Kairi’s not strong and never has been, Kairi is just a love interest and has never been anything else from the moment she was introduced all she was is Sora’s love interest and that was literally all there was and all there still is to her character
Oh well without Kairi Sora wouldnt be alive she was the only thing keeping him tethered to the real world and lit his way back
So tf what? she deserves a friggin medal because she ‘believed’ ? dont make me laugh, wow Kairi’s one big moment of use was just ‘believeing’ in Sora which literally every single other character does but when Kairi does it suddenly its the biggest contribution anyone could give her because thats literally ALL she did so yea bravo Kairi, you believed
And then everybody proceeded to nearly get bodied all over again xD nice save Kairi, you literally almost made everyone die TWICE
Know who ACTUALLY did something to stop it a second time? Namine, Lingering will, The past keyblade masters, Yen Sid, those are the ones who actually DID something that made a difference and ACTUALLY kept them alive this time
Kairi literally barely kept him alive, brought him back to the light, just for him to nearly die all over again and her whole role ends up being a total failure that changed NOTHING
So yeah congratulations, her biggest moment amounted to nothing
Oh and dont get me started on that stupid hug Sora gave Kairi when she was about to get struck down by Terranort
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Bruh dont give me that ‘he was moving too fast’ or some crap like that so he only had time to do that, BULLSHIT did you SEE how fast Aqua came at Riku in the ROD? Sora managed to get between them and shield Riku with his keyblade in literal seconds, but with Kairi he just hugs her?
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You see now why I say this ship is laughable in this game and forced af? that made no danm sense, even if he would of pushed her out of the way it would of made more sense then just friggin hugging her as if thats really gonna stop anything
Bruh Sora and Riku had a more believable romantic moment in that entire ROD moment with Riku saying Sora’s name and then Sora appears to help him save the day and they summon a friggin rainbow keyblade, and then Aqua is about to friggin body Riku with literally only seconds to react Sora manages to protect him
Now I’ve seen people try to argue well everybody really was useless or needed saving in this game so its not just Kairi
BULLSHIT and lemme tell you why
Yea its true people like Riku and Mickey who are far more experienced still struggled and needed saving but guess what? they were DOING something, they held their own they didnt just friggin stand there they put up a danm fight and DID something that actually CONTRIBUTED
I mean bruh Riku and Mickey were literally fighting by themselves at the end of the game against THREE PEOPLE, again BY THEMSELVES holdin their own while everybody else had atleast 1 person helpin them, Aqua with Ventus and Kairi with Lea but Riku and Mickey? solo and doin the danm thing idc if they eventually get defeated or knocked out or struggle alot the point is their DOING something or atleast friggin TRIED to do something
Aqua gets roasted alot too but we’ve seen what she can do in BBS, she held her own and even fought and beat Vanitas, again even if she eventually was defeated or knocked out etc like her Vanitas fight in KH3 again she friggin TRIED and friggin DID something
Ventus got bodied but again we’ve seen what he could do in BBS and Ventus is no pushover, he unfroze himself with sheer will power and his glare was enough to give Xigbar [now Luxu] PTSD everytime he sees him or someone who reminds him of him, he too took on Vanitas and tied even though he didnt WIN he didnt lose either so his performance against Terranort in this game I agree was underwhelming but understandable given thats still his friend but he still did something in the end and wasnt totally useless
People raggin on Lea need to STOP because its thanks to him Kairi didnt get friggin smacked down early on because he took the danm hit for her and got sent flying instead of her defending her danm self
Keep in mind Kairi and Lea got the EXACT SAME TRAINING and even HE reacted with common sense but Kairi? even AFTER SEEING Lea get sent flying after defending her that STILL didnt make her defend herself and she just friggin STOOD THERE
Or how about when both Kairi and Sora got knocked back and Lea literally fought Saix and Xion and Xemnas BY HIMSELF to protect them
Gtf outta here man and put some respect on Leas name because he DANM sure deserves it for all the crap he took from Xemnas and the utter disrespect of having his keyblade I assume broken or damaged, being shot by multiple lasers AND having his hand stomped on by Xemnas this man was still TRYING even with all odds against him and being clearly outmatched he still TRIED
Meanwhile Kairi just gets her arm grabbed, I wanna make this very clear
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She is not lifted off the ground like Sora was with young Xehanort, she was not pinned to the ground, she was not backed into a wall, she did not have both arms forced behind her back NO
Her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she has one arm being pulled above her head but she has another free arm which may not be her dominant arm but is still better than having none and she does NOTHING
She doesnt try to get her other arm free from him
She doesnt struggle or pull away from him
She doesnt try to turn around to lessen the pain of her arm being pulled behind her
She doesnt stomp on his foot to try and get him to loosen his grip on her to give her a chance to break free
Know who was in a similar situation and handled it way better with no battle experience?
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So dont tell me it wasnt friggin possible for her to do anything in that situation because thats utter bullshit and you know it, Kairi didnt even STRUGGLE she didnt even TRY to get free
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She used her free arm to reach out for Sora to ‘save’ her though, but not to even attempt to free herself
Yet THIS is who people are hoping is the main playable character next game to go rescue Sora?
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Girl couldnt even save herself yet yall think she can rescue Sora? what a joke but unfortunately some people are actually serious about this and actually want a playable Kairi after this travesty of a performance
Before yall had good arguments, Kairi WAS inexperienced and she DIDNT have any battle training so she really COULDNT contribute or do much but that all changed in KH3, now she DOES have the SKILLS and the TRAINING and the means to be able to contribute and DO something and theres absolutely no more excuses why she shouldnt
Kairi says herself, this time I’ll fight too, this time its my turn to protect you
And when she fiiiiiiinally gets the chance to do all that, everything the fandom has wanted and waited years for her to finally be able to do, this is what she does
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THIS is Kairi off the island, THIS is battle ready Kairi, THIS is Kairi DOING something and by doing something I mean NOTHING but getting in the way like Sora said years ago when he left her back on the island which now makes total sense because this is what happens when Kairi goes with Sora to the battlefield
Now we know what Kairi is truly capable of if you give her a weapon and the training to use it, absolutely nothing
And people actually want playable Kairi next game xD
Honestly I somewhat blame the fandom for this because I wouldnt be surprised if Nomura tried giving her a more active role because the fandom desperately wanted this for years and I guess this was his attempt at throwin them a bone but to be perfectly honest? he should have just left her ass on the island atleast then she had an EXCUSE to be useless but because he tried to give the people what they wanted and actually gave Kairi combat skills he just made Kairi 100% justifiably hateable now and I am so glad to see more people finally turn on this chick because the excuses for her has finally run out and its about danm time she got the hate she deserves because Sora deserved better
I think thats the part that hurts the most, I can accept Sora dying but its HOW he died that I cant accept and do you even need to guess how it was? thats right, saving Kairi
Seriously FDB
Listen Nomura, you tried and failed miserably, its time to stop, seriously, its time to stop, Kairi had her chance and she blew it and now its time to let it go and bench her ass on the island like you been doing out of everybodys danm way and leave the rescuing of Sora to Riku and everyone else who is actually of some danm use and knows wtf they are doing
Kairi can just stay on the island and ‘believe’ since thats apparently all shes good at doing, let her just ‘believe’ that Sora will come back while Riku and everyone else actually do the work of getting him back and she just be there to greet him when hes back
Im hoping the secret ending is hinting at us playing as Riku trying to save Sora because Im all for that, but if they really try to shoe horn playable Kairi in after all the negative reaction from this game Im not saying I wont play it but it will definitely make the game unenjoyable if majority of it has you playing as someone you strongly dislike instead of Riku whos actually a pretty popular and beloved character amongst majority of the fandom while Kairi is descending to one of the most disliked
So Im hoping Nomura has learned from this and just doesnt even try with Kairi anymore, just stop it
This game would have been so much better if he’d just manned up and took the risk and just abandoned Kairi in this game by letting her actually STAY dead and Sora accepts this and moves on [of course over time not instantly] but with the help of Riku and everyone else by his side Sora’s able to move forward and live on keeping Kairi in his heart forever and at the end instead of what we got hes just sitting on the beach watching the sunset while everyone else is playing and he takes out and looks at Kairi’s charm remembering how he didnt get to give it back to her this time but then all of a sudden a paopu fruit washes up near his feet which is unusual but he picks it up and as he does notices something in the distance but is blinded by the sun but he can vaguely see Kairi before she fades away, similar to how Axel saw Xion here
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Lets say Kairi is holding the other paopu too, and once she disapears Sora cries for a moment but wipes them away and smiles knowing that Kairi’s still with him, he then proceeds to take a bite of the paopu fruit which would tie in perfectly with the title screen showing Sora with his back turned and a bite taken out of the paopu hes holding
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This way Kairi’s importance to Sora is still in tact but shes no longer here to get in the way or need saving AGAIN, her character ends on a high note and Sora grows from the experience realizing that he cant save everybody no matter how hard he tries some people simply cannot be saved and he just has to let them go even if he doesnt want to
But nope, instead Sora dies saving Kairi like in KH1 and its just not sweet, its not even bittersweet, its more of a slap in the face than anything and Sora has zero growth from this, it just changed from Kairi needing saving to Sora needing saving and honestly we JUST saved everybody else and already we have to save ANOTHER person? its just ugh man I cant
Theres plenty more things I didnt like besides this but this is the one thing that pissed me off the most because I never expected it to be THIS bad
Also I know I use Sora and Riku as a comparison alot but that isnt because Im some salty Soriku shipper whos just mad my ship aint canon because honestly I dont give af when it comes to Kingdom hearts pairings I could literally care less about any of them hell Roxas could marry a tree for all I care or form a three way with Ven and Aqua I DONT CARE the only pairing I ever had a problem with is Sokai and thats because of my strong dislike for Kairi more so than the pairing itself and I think Sora deserves better than Kairi so this isnt just some bitter Soriku shipper because like I said I DONT care but I do somewhat ship Soriku, just like I somewhat ship Roxion and RokuNami and some older ships more out there like Sonami or Namitas etc no one cares but you get my point
I dont care about Kingdom hearts for the ships theres far more important things going on than to be worried about some stupid pairing, but Sokai just leaves a bad taste in my mouth everytime its even mentioned
And now no matter what they do with Kairi or Sokai in the future it wouldnt change a thing because after KH3 its irredeemable, the damage is done and theres no undoing it unless you give it one long ass arc like Riku to slowly redeem it but I doubt Nomura cares about the romance and Kairi enough to actually dedicate such an arc for it so yeah the damage is DONE
My bet for next games playable characters, Riku, Aqua, Roxas, Ventus, Xion, those are the only ones who make sense to me since they all have the strongest connection to Sora and are capable fighters and I feel Aqua although not having a strong connection to him like the others she would wanna repay Sora for saving her so thats my bet
If anyone bothered to read this whole thing then lemme know who do you thinks gonna be playable in the next game?
Also if you like Kairi and Sokai thats perfectly fine this isnt to bash the shippers or demanding you dislike it cuz hey to each their own, Im just saying I DONT
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justanotherboyinblue · 4 years ago
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name?        Icarus 
2. How old are you?      immortal till proven otherwise babey <3 3. When is your birthday?        feb 26th
4. What is your zodiac sign?         Sun Pisces, Ascendant Virgo,  Moon Libra 
 5. What is your favorite color?       sunset oranges and yellows, soft baby blues, warm forest greens 6. What’s your lucky number?       i have decided just now it’s gonna be 14 7. Do you have any pets?       four cats and one dog inside, five cats outside  8. Where are you from?       michigan 9. How tall are you?       5′4, and no i dont want to talk about it 10. What shoe size are you?         like. 9.5 ww mens i think 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?         6, counting slippers 12. What was your last dream about?          .....nsfw and that’s all you get from me 13. What talents do you have?          i write some bomb ass poems  14. Are you psychic in any way?          i’m Stupid empathetic if that counts 15. Favorite song?         no roots by Alice Merton slaps p hard rn 16. Favorite movie?         the dark knight, could watch that back to back all night 17. Who would be your ideal partner?           they follow me <3 18. Do you want children?             Absolutely Not 19. Do you want a church wedding?          no, and tbh i dont even plan on getting married  20. Are you religious?        unfortunately 21. Have you ever been to the hospital?         for a checkup like 5 years ago but no 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?         not yet 23. Have you ever met any celebrities?          nope 24. Baths or showers?         take a bath While the shower’s on it’s great 25. What color socks are you wearing?         white n pink
26. Have you ever been famous?          no and thank fuck for that 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?         n o 28. What type of music do you like?        mostly pop/modern 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?          no and why do people do that??? 30. How many pillows do you sleep with?            three 31. What position do you usually sleep in?         on my stomach 32. How big is your house?          average? i think? 8 rooms in total including the basement idk 33. What do you typically have for breakfast?           i. dont usually wake up early enough to eat breakfast im ngl 34. Have you ever fired a gun?          yep 35. Have you ever tried archery?        at camp one year yeah! i thought it was p fun once i got the hang of it 36. Favorite clean word?         no idea 37. Favorite swear word?          fuckass 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?           a little under two days 39. Do you have any scars?         oh boy do i!  40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?         not that i’ve been made aware 41. Are you a good liar?          thank strict parents for that! 42. Are you a good judge of character?           historically? no. do i still like to think so? mayhaps 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?            not well nor accurately 44. Do you have a strong accent?          i’m from michigan, the closest thing to my accent is neutral 45. What is your favorite accent?           russian or german, or scottish 46. What is your personality type?          ,,,,,infp 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?           bruh i have no idea, i dont think any of my clothing is above $30 48. Can you curl your tongue?        mhm! 49. Are you an innie or an outie?        innie 50. Left or right handed?          right handed supremacy  51. Are you scared of spiders?       positively deathly  52. Favorite food?         pasta or potatoes  53. Favorite foreign food?          do crab rangoons count?  54. Are you a clean or messy person?        organized mess 55. Most used phrase?        sucks to suck loser 56. Most used word?        either like or fuck 57. How long does it take for you to get ready?          10 minutes at Most 58. Do you have much of an ego?          yes but we dont talk about it so shh 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?            depends on if im feeling patient that day 60. Do you talk to yourself?            oh Constantly 61. Do you sing to yourself?          i do 62. Are you a good singer?        mother says im a tad tone deaf lmao 63. Biggest Fear?         spiders and being abandoned yk the normal ones 64. Are you a gossip?        not even a little 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?         6 underground  66. Do you like long or short hair?         short all the way babey 67. Can you name all 50 states of America?         no i cannot and i stand by that 68. Favorite school subject?          vocabulary 69. Extrovert or Introvert?          introverted extrovert if you get my meaning 70. Have you ever been scuba diving?         never 71. What makes you nervous?          the ever-looming knowledge of death and it’s infiniteness  72. Are you scared of the dark?          yes but for spicy reasons  73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?         depends on the mistake 74. Are you ticklish?         i haven’t been tickled in Years i dont know anymore but probably  75. Have you ever started a rumor?         not that i remember 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?          highest position of authority i’ve been is a discord mod 77. Have you ever drank underage?          ,,,,,,n,,,no 78. Have you ever done drugs?           no 79. Who was your first real crush?          this girl named Cassie when i was like 9 or something 80. How many piercings do you have?           just the two basic ear piercings, but i want to get my seconds done  81. Can you roll your Rs?“            no and im really salty about it 82. How fast can you type?          im gay why is that even a question 83. How fast can you run?        relatively, but not for long 84. What color is your hair?       atm blood red 85. What color is your eyes?             brown 86. What are you allergic to?         ginger? i think? no clue 87. Do you keep a journal?          i do and it’s a Mess 88. What do your parents do?            my father is a loader operator and my mother was an accountant  89. Do you like your age?          bold of you to assume i like anything about myself (but no) 90. What makes you angry?          it’s a long list my g, let’s just boil it down to stupid people 91. Do you like your own name?          i love my name, probably because i’m the one that chose it and im biased 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?            when i was 11 lmao, i really want to name a cat Zira now tho 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?          ew children 94. What are you strengths?          i can deflect like a Motherfucker 95. What are your weaknesses?          the second someone starts yelling at me i start crying, which is. yeah 96. How did you get your name?          honest to god don’t remember where i got Nox from, but i added the K after i watched dead poets society so do with that what you will 97. Were your ancestors royalty?          my father’s always saying there’s a prince somewhere on his side of the family and he’s Probably right but idk man 98. Do you have any scars?            duplicate question pog but yes 99. Color of your bedspread?         lilac 100. Color of your room?           oh dude it’s like a pumpkin orange accent wall i love it sm
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summerrrluvvv · 5 years ago
Chapter 4:
Play Music For Each Character To Catch The Vibe:)
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“Wakey Eggs and Bacon” Tye said waving bacon near my nose. I looked up at her struggling to see it was so bright. “Mmm Tye close the blinds” I said. She got up and closed them and sat back down. “How you are feeling?” She asked. I groaned outing the cover over my head. “I feel okay, I was so sick on that boat” I told her. She shook her head. “You threw up on this fine ass nigga, who was the owner of the boat, and he helped you clean up and brough you to the car, a gentleman might I say” She told me. I remembered throwing up but not on anybody. I palmed my face. “Tye your lying” I said. She shook her head “Nah honey you threw up on him, he was in a towel because you ruined his fit” She said. “OMG, bruh It was the liquor that had me feeling crazy, I should apologize or something” I stressed. “Well he said he stop by sometime today to see if you’re okay” She said smiling. I looked at her, “He really that fine?” I asked. She nodded. “Yess girl and he got moneyyyy” She sang. “Mmmhm well Ima see for myself” I said. She passed me some bacon. “Yeah get your ass up and get cute right quick, I’m going to the mall with Samar today. I think the girls want to go to the salon too, so Ima see yall when I get back and we can just be on chillllll tonight” Tye said. I nodded and looked at my nails which one was broken. “Ooh yeah I need me some new claws baby” I said. I got up and got dressed. Kept it real cute and casual today, I wanted a frappe today and to also get a wax cause my hair was growing back fast. I looked at myself in the mirror to see which shoes I was going to wear. “Melodyyy” I heard. “Yeaahhh” I screamed back. “Come here!”. I walked out my room and to the balcony to see who called me. I see it was Ari. “Yes?” I asked. “Somebody wants to see you” She said. I curiously walked downstairs and over to the door. Ariana smiled at me and walked off. I grabbed the door and Opened it. I see it was a tall sexy man. “Um hi?” I said confused. “Hey, you probably don’t remember me, you kind of puked on me” He said laughing. I blushed embarrassed. “Hi, I’m soooo sorry, I was not feeling good and I’m sooo sorry, you need me to pay for anything?” I asked sincere. He shook his head and held out his hands. “Nah, you good baby girl, I just came to check on you. My name is Malachi Davis, I wanted to meet you” He said. I smiled. “I’m Melody Dixon, and that’s so sweet you didn’t have to” I said. He smiled this nice ass smile. Whew and his jawline. “Well I mean after I seen you, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I was like damn let me go see who this beautiful girl is” He said. I blushed trying not to hard to smile. “Is it okay if I get your number and take you out on a date?” He asked. I shook my head. “Yeah no problem. Its 678-872-4562” I told him. “Mm okay you from Atlanta” He said putting my number in his phone. “How long yall here for?” He asked. “2 weeks” I said. He nodded. “Cool, listen I’m out here for promo and business but Ima make time to show you a good time is that okay Melody?” He asked. His voice was smooth and chill. “Yeah that’s fine, I’m down” I said trying to not be so excited. He smiled at me. “Good so I will be hitting your line okay?” He told me. I nodded. “Great” I said. He smiled and walked off looking back at me smiling. I see his car it was a blue Lambo. “Girl let me throw up on somebody” Zion said eating chips behind me. I looked at her and laughed. “Girl gone some where you got a man” I said to her. “You better get that Dick!” Tye yelled. “Brother look like he is hanging!” She said. “This isn’t no girls trip anymore” Ari said laughing. After joking and talking we all went to do our thing for the day. Ari, Z and I went to get our nails done, and we my lashes done.
Soon after we split up and I went to my wax appointment while they went to the spa. I enjoyed just being to myself for a minute. I got me a milk shake and just walked across the beach. Thinking about life, feeling the breeze. “Melody?” My thoughts stopped as I looked to see who called me. I turned around and seen Isaac. My heart dropped. I couldn’t really think of what to say so I just smiled. “I been hoping to see you again since the club” He said. “I uh been busy” I said feeling like I said something stupid. “Yeah, so how you been? what you are doing down here?” He asked. I looked at him and seen he had grown out his mustache and he had been working out since we broke up. He was fine as fuck; my heart was beating so fast. “I been good, amazing actually. I’m here on a girl’s trip with my girls you know Tye, Ari, and Z” I said. He nodded, “I see, yall got into a fight” He laughed. I awkwardly smiled. “Well you know Ari, started that” I said. He shook his head. “Yeah Ari with the shits boy” He said. “But yeah, you look beautiful Mel” He said. He leaned in for a hug and pulled back a little. “I’m sorry” I said. I leaned in and hugged him awkwardly. I kept thinking about how when we broke up I replayed this moment in my head we see each other again and I be mean as fuck but honestly everything I felt slowly creeped up on me, and I wanted to disappear ASAP. “I see your IG, I wanted to contact you, but I didn’t know if you reply back. It’s crazy how we meet up here huh?” He asked. I nodded. “Yeah, crazy” I said. The wind started to blow hard and my hair was all in my face. He got closer to me again and moved my hair out my face. “It was nice seeing you, I got to go meet up with the girls” I lied. “Mel wait” He said grabbing my hand. “Can we meet up and talk maybe kick it?” He asked. I hesitated. “Just text me Isaac, I still have the same number” I said leaving. My stomach was going crazy, I had to shit. He smelled so good, fuck. “Get it together Mel”.
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  I stood in line feeling on how soft my face felt while waiting in line at Taco Rico with Zion. “Mel just text the group chat” Zion said. I grabbed my phone. “Damn she seen that nigga again” I said. At this point Isaac is stalking Mel. “I think it’s cute, he aint seen her in a long minute and now that he does, he ready to hit them new squatted cheeks” Zion said. I playfully bumped her with my hip. “Stop it, he left her the fuck” I said annoyed. Zion looked at me. “Trust me! I’m not a fan either but shit ironic, this could get spicy new boo and old boo” Z said. I rolled my eyes. “She aint got no boo......yet” I said. Zion spoke to soon about boos cause in walked in Anthony, the man from my run yesterday. I tapped on Z. “Z look there he is, the fine nigga from yesterday I seen” I told her. She slightly looked and her eyes got wide she pulled down her shade. “Girllllllll go over there” She said trying to move me over lowkey. “No, I’m hungry” I said. “Go over there!” She said slightly poking me all over. I left her and walked over near him; he was near the napkins waiting in line, so I pretended not to see him. He turned over towards me. “RiRi?” He said. I turned around. “Oh, it’s you” I said pretending to not care. He smiled and laughed a little. “Yes, it is I, your knight and shining armor” He said playfully bowing. I laughed and looked over to see Z peaking with her shades on the bridge of her nose. “What you came to eat?” I asked. He nodded. “Yeah you?” He asked. I nodded. He smirked. “Bet, let’s get some food and dip” He said. I looked at him crazy. “Hmm?” I asked. He smiled. “Yeah let’s get some food and go explore, I will show you around my city” He told me. I hesitated on leaving Zion. “I don’t know my friend is right there, I came to meet her that be rude” I told him. “Hey mami?” Anthony yelled loud as fuck; people turned around. Zion looked at us embarrassed. “I can take your friend on an outing?!” He asked. She turned around and gave us a thumbs up. Damn it! I thought. “See no problem” He said looking his lips. I stood there annoyed, but lowkey hype. We grabbed the food which he paid for and got in his nice ass car. We stopped at a store to grab a blanket then headed to the beach, but not like the big beach, it was a small part with just us a maybe 5 other people just chilling. I bit into my food and looked over at him just smiling at me. I rolled my eyes. “Can I eat in peace?” I asked. He quickly looked away laughing. “You funny, I like your aura” He said. I looked at him annoyed. “Well I think your weird” I said playfully. He shrugged. “I can take weird, I just like to study people, sorry” He stated. I looked at him for a minute. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know people intentions so, I’m mean to protect myself” I said. He nodded. “I can tell, you like a boiled egg” He said smiling. “That’s cool cause I like me a boiled egg” I busted out laughing at him. “Nigga can I be an M&M not an egg”. He shook his head. “Nope, I don’t like M&Ms I like boiled eggs” He said taking a bit of his taco and sipping his drink. We talked and laughed. He made me open up to him. I felt like we were only here for 2 weeks so who gives a fuck if he knew me like that. “I’m for real I had to go to the hospital it was so much blood, I will never again try to skateboard off my room” He said. I squirmed at the thought. “You are soo weird who the fuck does that?” I asked he laughed pointing at himself. He then got up and gathered our trash. “Get undressed” He said. I looked at him crazy. “Nigga what the fuck?” I asked. He pointed towards the beach. “We are getting in” He said taking off his shirt and pants revealing his boxers, and I could tell he was right. “I don’t know about this” I said. He started backing up dancing into the water. I looked around and got undressed revealing my grandma draws and my sports bra. “Don’t laugh at my draws Anthony” I stated. He laughed. “Come on Ms. Ari, I’m going to help you baby” He said playfully sounding old. I playfully pushed him into the water. “Shut up!” I laughed. He picked me up and swung me around, and then put me back down. I felt so free the sun was setting it was the perfect vibe. He splashed me with the water on my back. “Nigga you are ruining my vibe!” I screamed chasing him around falling. “Oh, water fight” He slightly said. After a while it was just us on the beach, almost dark. He brought me close to him, my heart rate when up. I was nervous. “What you want to kiss me?” I asked. He smiled and bent his head down to kiss me. Sounds crazy I know but, with Marlon we just chilled at his house all the time, he was my first ever real something and we only went on 3 regular ass dates before I gave it up, I never had no spontaneous shit like this happen and I was going to give up my punnai like that already, but I learned my lesson, but baby I wanted to show him things on the Dick that I couldn’t even do yet. The kiss was so intense, I had butterflies in my stomach and vagina. He broke the kiss thank goodness. “You ready to go, got to get you home before midnight!” He joked. “Want to race?” I asked. He shrugged. “I don’t know, I don’t want you to lose” He said. I smirked. “Ready, set Go!” I yelled running to the car beating him by 4secs. “Damn you fast mami” He said. I did a little dance. “Basketball and Track in high school” I said. His mouth dropped. “Aight we need a one on one. Which is cool cause tomorrow my folks having our Puerto Rican barbeque and My abuelita has a basketball goal” He said. “Nigga you want me to meet your family already?” I asked. He shrugged “Yeah why not my uncles Rio and Arnez make the best Puerto Rican barbeque Im just trying to get you some good food skinny mama” He said to me. I sucked my teeth in. “We gone see if this some good barbeque sir” I said. We got in his car and just vibe out to music, he lit a blunt and we just smoked as he drove us back. We sat in his car and just made jokes about each other until I started dosing off. “Wake up, am I boring you!” He asked sounding silly. I laughed a little. “No, a bitch is worn out” I said. All this adventure and facials and weed got me gone. “Aight well, don’t forget tomorrow RiRi” He stated. I started grabbing my stuff. “I won’t” before I got out, he kissed my forehead then my lips. “Ima make sure you get in before I pull off” He said. I smiled and nodded. When I get inside, I took a shower and passed out naked.
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 “This is cute” I said looking at clothes. Samar was on his phone just giggling with some girl. I’m only here because he needed me to style him for Lit and Wild. Plus, in return he said I get a $200 shopping spree which was not much, but I was going to take my time. “Hurry up Tye Tye damn” He snapped. I shooed him away. “Finish talking to your bitches” I said. He mugged me before walking out of the store and sitting on the bench. I got me 2 dresses, another swimsuit and some sandals and 2 pairs of shades and some perfume from Forever 21, Zara, Ray Bans and Macys. “Tye?” I heard. I looked to see it was Julian. Sexy Cuban from the club. “Hey” I said smiling. We hugged and he smelt spicy but good. “So, you busy, you here alone?” He asked. I pointed towards Samar, “Nah I’m here with him” I said. He looked at me. “That’s your man?” He asked frowning. I shook my head laughing. “No that’s just my gay best friend” I lied laughing at what I said. Samar was pissing me of with these hoes so this my way of getting him back. “Oh okay, so you never hit me back about the date?” He asked. Julian and I been texting off and on. I see Samar turn around and look at Julian and me. “Yes, I’m free” I said. He licked his lips at me. “Cool, I been thinking about you ever since the club, I just want to eat you up” He said looking me up and down like he aint ate in days and I’m the first meal he seen. I was scared but i was ready to get ate like he was a savage. “Well Bon Appetit” My dumb ass said aloud. I covered my mouth. “I can’t wait I meant to say” I said embarrassed. He laughed at me and lightly brushed my chin with his finger. “You bad as hell” He said. “What’s up homie?” Samar rudely interrupted. Julian stepped back and just lifted his head up to say hey. I wanted to laugh cause Julian thought Samar was gay. “Ima see you later mama” He told me hugging before he left. “Who’s that nigga?” Samar asked. “The guy I met from the club” I simply said as we walked through the mall. “You trying to fuck?” He asked. I shook my head. Yes, I thought. “No” I lied. “Jelly?” I asked. Samar laughed. “Nah got to make sure niggas treat my sister right” He said. Oh, see now I am about to pogo stick Julian’s dick now, nigga call me his sister. I guess my chance of telling how I feel just was a dream. “You really see me as your sister?” I asked annoyed. He shrugged. “I mean you fam, I love you, I protect you. You know?” He simply said. We got to the parking garage and I put my stuff in the car and got in. “Have you ever been attracted to me?” I asked. He slowly nodded. “Yeah but then I see you as my pretty best friend cause we never took it there just can’t see you being in my life as anything else” He said kissing my hand. I wanted to drive us into the mall. “Yeah just like bro and sis whew” I awkwardly said. He looked at me. “You good?” He asked. I nodded. “I’m happy” I lied. I texted Julian. “I’m free tonight 😋”. He texted me back. “Bet 😉”.
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 I was walking all over the house on the phone talking to Kyrel. “Favorite Childhood movie?” He asked me. “Ooh easy Cheetah girls, that’s my shit!” I stated. He laughed. “Wow you and my sisters’ man” He said. “Nigga that movie is a classic” I told him. “Because we are sisters we stand together” He sang. I fell out on the floor in a laughing fit. “Kyrel I’m going to make you watch it with me now” I told him. “That’s cool with me, spending anytime with you is cool” He said in a sexy tone. “So how about now?” He asked. “Hmm?” I asked confused. “I just pulled up” He said. I heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and opened it. Revealing this fine angel glowing in the dark. I smiled. “What are you doing here?” I asked. He walked in and closed the door. “Just wanted to see you, watch a movie and possibly hold you and that’s it” He said staring into my soul. I nodded. “Okay” I said. I brought him up to the room, I was staying in and we started kissing a little then he stopped me, and we watched Cheetah Girls on Disney plus, until we fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to Kyrel holding me. I felt a since of protection. I wanted this forever, but I reminded myself in two weeks I be gone, and this shit be over so kept it together.
Supporting Characters:
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swearronchanel · 8 years ago
AHHH OMG, I was out all day & Actually MISSED the NEW episode like wtfff?!!? it was TOrture!! & I literally had to delete twitter and Tumblr off my phone because the devil himself would’ve tempted me lmfao😭 I love spoilers but not when everyone has seen the episode but me! it’s okay though I had some rum chata to distract me lol, which is just rum and horchata which is the Hispanic version of Horlicks so, At least I was in the CtM Spirit 🙃
Anyway I’m finally getting to watch it so here we go ..
shit I’m so nervous and I haven’t pressed play
why is my heart beating so fast omg
i usually skip the intro but I’m legit not ready
damn Vanessa already hinting at what’s to come
Baby Susan so precious omg!!
No lie one of the prettiest babies I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen lots of ugly babies and lots of cute babies, I’m qualified to judge.
“Courage and resilience will matter most of all” 😭😭ahh omg
My spirit animal and campion Phyllis deserves nothing but the best I’m not ready to see her hurt
But I’m going to binge series 6 with my mother when I’m home Saturday and can’t wait for her to watch because she wanted to see shelagh have a baby & also she doesn’t know what tf has happened 😭😭😂 it’s been a crazy series! She will be s h o o k
“I know I’m just not a very relaxed sort of person” SAME but BBY RELAX 😭💕
That was a cute moment with Babs and Shelagh!! But still wish it was w/ Trixie though 🙁 also it didn’t seem like a “heart to heart”? was it supposed to or was I expecting too much
Aw Rhoda 💔
what a ignorant ass teacher though, I’ll  FIGHT HER REAL QUICK
ugh Shelagh and Patrick’s faces 😫 I hope they don’t feel guilty for having a baby
But also why does shelagh have to keep wearing the same things lol, I feel cheated of all the cute maternity looks she could’ve served instead
“Having to explain” poor Mrs Antoine UGH THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY, THERE’S NOTHING TO BE EXPLAINED   I’m mixed, Hispanic and white not black and white but still my dad is tan & we’ve been places where people have given my parents the dirtiest looks and have heard a nasty comment or two & it BOILS MY BLOOD
Omg the Antoine boys are precious
TRIXIE 😍😍 my bby looks good!
I swear if she says anything more I’ll lose my shit
“No one can really choose who they fall in love with” BLESS U DEELS
Bless Phyllis for making sure those cubs don’t grow up to be as ignorant as their parents
“I surmise the puller of teeth is intended to admire it” SISTER MJ IS A GEM
A bassoon? Lmaoo what the actual fuck Tim
Oh it’s for girls ofc LOL give him a girlfriend already, I’d get such a kick out of it. & Patrick could make another dad joke and say like take a lesson from me I legit beat God over a woman’s heart
The Mullucks fam 😭
Patrick with Susan omg aww
Trixie looking like a b a b e I’m dead 😍
I need Trixie’s everything, no joke. HOW
But I’m dying my hair blonder this week don’t play
Ah my bby shelagh again 😍💕
I feel so sorry for Patrick like this wasn’t your fault
She’s scared to take her driving test aw 😂😂 same like I have my permit but I’m scared to fail the actual driving test
“Oh I have a soft spot for the Antoines” PHYLLIS TIENE UN GRAN COROZON 😭
Omg Mr and Mrs Antoine are so cute too, dios te bendiga 😰
Christopher being a flake wtf no me gusta
Sister W is in on the drama like Sister B was, am I right??
Prosthetics are so wild, my abuelo has a prosthetic leg and I was so interested when he first got it. But also I’m going to hell for being evil because I joke around way too much when he’s extra senile
“People call my kids hair frizzy, but I think it’s beautiful” MY HEART😭💔 literally my mom was the same with me. Defensive over my curls - even tho my hair is frizzy sometimes😭
The song though, took me a second to process but that’s my bby shelagh’s song ?? Ummm wut
lol sister Winifred hella late, let me guess this will make her want to drive?
this prosthetic place is so great wow omg
damn it Bernie
GET THE RUM ! or I will lol
ah never mind
the question is, does/has sister Winifred drink/drank ? she seems like a light weight
fuck is this when it’s gonna happen
damn Bernie..
Phyllis is in shock o h m y g o d
I can’t process this either
TIM SUCKS LMAO stick to the damn piano boy
“That lovely gp of yours” lol does everyone have a crush on Dr Turner but me? Lol don’t come @ me pls I’m sorry I know people love him 😭😭 Im here for Christopher and Tom But He is handsome, just in an older man way Lmaoo guess it’s cause he could be my dad 😂 lol he’s older than my dad
I’d take him as a sugar daddy real quick though. I need my tuition paid and he is so sweet😏 😭😂
So it was a scarf, hmm I thought trixie was gonna find like stockings or something
“Not Hermès but something very like it” lol how does Trixie know what Hermès feels like on a nurses salary?
Valarie is on my nerves & she’s had like 2 mins of screen time Lmaoo I’ve liked her until this episode. I hope they don’t ruin her for me
Aw Sister Winifred
Oh Rhoda 💔💔she’s such a great mother
Tom trying to comfort Phyllis😭😭
“You’re fond of your meat, and our views on God and His existence are divergent to say the least, but we both follow vocations…. so if you caused harm to someone else, even inadvertently would it not make you question what everything in your life has come to stand for?” I’m c r y i n g
“I, a rational woman, have no one to question but myself” 😭💔
“Sometimes cheering people on the sidelines doesn’t help”
my bby killing it 😍
Why you being a flake Christopher? go ahead man tell her about your kid
he’s divorced ah, thought it was out of wedlock. I don’t care though haha
NO DRINKS FOR TRIXIE, TELL HIM BBY.. in your own time of course 💕
Fred brought her car ugh And Phyllis is still so hurt as am I 💔
This lady is so sweet! I hope she and Rhoda become friends right now
lol wait where are the Turners I miss them??
“.. and the words ‘Nonnatus house this is not a midwife speaking’ are most unlikely to reassure the caller” SISTER MJ!
YES SHE DID OMG. I need them to be best friends omg 💔😭
“Nothing was said, nothing was done” 💔💔
my heart my heart
aw the mullucks'😭 ofc IT WASNT YOUR FAULT!
TWO GEMS 😭💕 but also if this was the birth they meant that sister MJ was involved in ill be lowkey sad, but we shall see next week if she’s randomly with Shelagh when she delivers
Trixie serving more looks 😍
Aw my bby 💔does she tell him about her alcoholism at the end of this ?
Also what are we guessing about Valarie rn?? she has a secret? tragic backstory to be unlocked? what ? She gay?
Aw the mulluks’s again! All so sweet💕 & YES LYDIA BE FRIENDS
ugh Christopher looks good af😍 and that car yes
YES TRIXIE 😍 my girl looking good as well
Oh shit Patsy’s dad is dead. I assumed that was coming
Phyllis reassuring Delia awww
Lenny’s speech omg brb crying
The support group for thalidomide victims omg my heart
I was cryin before and now I’m crying more for this Irish lady
Omg side side side note there was this cute old interracial couple that seem like my parents in 20yrs in JFK yesterday that were so precious and sweet and we’re talking to me the whole time waiting at the gate & then there was this sweet Irish couple who were confused about the time difference and I helped them out and then when we landed they helped me out looking for my bag so now I have much more faith in humanity because usually the people in NYC airports are angry new yorkers who don’t care lol like me (jk)
“There’s no rule of life so simple or so true ..” 😭😢💔💖
Thank u Vanessa I’m so emotional, show me next week 
Bonus: next week
Lol oh shoot I didn’t take mine yesterday or today brb
Lol idk why but even though I like Tom and Babs their relationship just doesn’t do anything for me😂😂 like I don’t give a shit? They’re cute but idk it doesn’t cut it. Like they’re just there and I’m like “aw ok”
I will die next week. For real. 
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