#how do i make windows 10 safe for kids?
a-little-unsteddie · 9 months
cw: child abuse mentioned, child neglect
Steve, who was never allowed to play in the snow as a child because it was ‘too messy’. Steve, who stared longingly outside as he watched other kids play in the snow. Steve, wanting to build a snowman, or an igloo, or have a snowball fight, but was denied each and every time by his parents. “It’s uncouth, Steven.” “It’s dirty, Steven.” “You’ll just whine that you’re cold, Steven.” “No.” “No.” “No.” Until he stopped asking altogether, even as he stared out his bedroom window at the other kids playing. Steve who loves the snow but was never allowed to play. The one time he snuck out, he was brought inside being dragged by his ear and spanked until he cried.
And then some for crying at all.
Steve goes shopping with his mom and sees a snow globe and all but cries for her to get it for him. If he can’t have the snow outside, he wants to have a snow globe to have it inside. She lets him get it, but not without commenting ‘at least it’s not going outside’.
Thus starts a collection, of sorts. Whenever he sees a new snow globe, he makes his mom buy him it and because he never asks to go outside to play in the snow if she buys one, she keeps buying them for him.
He has around 10 or 15 snow globes by the time he’s a teenager and left alone more than he isn’t. He still doesn’t go out to play in the snow, even if he silently yearns to, because now he’s ‘too old’ to play out in the snow. Tommy doesn’t like being cold, so he never goes out, and Carol won’t do something if Tommy’s not there, so Steve doesn’t bother asking her to go outside.
Steve becomes friends with Dustin and the rest of the party, and he still doesn’t let himself play with them, even when Dustin begs him to. He passes on the same excuses to him as his mom told him, and the words feel like ash in his mouth, but he doesn’t just play in the snow like he’s aching to. It’s too cold, he’ll be wet and miserable later, he doesn’t want to get water all over the house.
Mostly, they’re excuses because he’s kind of worried he doesn’t know how to play in the snow. That somehow he’ll be bad at it.
Eventually, when he and Robin become friends and their first winter together happens, he tells her this secret fear. It’s right after the kids go out to play, and it’s just them, and he whispers to her.
“I don’t think I’ll be any good at it.”
Robin is confused, of course, because how can you be ‘bad’ at playing in the snow? He elaborates to her that he’s never played and she’s less confused but more angry at his parents, which he thinks is an over reaction and she insists he’s having an under reaction, whatever that means, and the moment passes. Steve is relieved to have revealed that much to her. He still doesn’t go outside, and Robin gets cold easily, so she doesn’t want to go outside, so they stay inside together.
He still collects snow globes, when he sees them. He buys one in front of the kids and brushes it off as a white elephant gift for a family thing, but displays it in the unused guest bedroom with the rest of the snow globes. It’s on the other side of the house from where every other guest bed is, so usually no one takes it, and so he knows his collection is safe.
Even if he keeps it secret, and plans to keep it secret forever, until the following winter, after the spring break from hell and after the grueling summer and cool fall brings the snow again and Eddie Munson is a menace in his life. He’s by far the most energetic person that he’s ever been friends with, all touches and open affection, it’s almost too easy to fall for him.
Eddie is nosy as hell and of course it’s him that finds the collection of snow globes.
“What’s this?” Eddie’s voice echoes from down the hall and it takes Steve a few seconds to process where his voice is coming from before he’s rushing down the hall and into the unused guest room.
Along the left wall, there’s a shelf that stretches from wall-to-wall filled with snow globes.
Embarrassment shoots through him, and he shrugs. “…snow globes.” he explains badly, wincing when Eddie turns towards him with an unimpressed look. It quickly morphs into concern because for some reason, Steve’s started tearing up and once the tears start they don’t stop.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m sorry,” Eddie soothes, wrapping his arms around him tightly. “You don’t have to explain if you don’t want to, sweet thing.”
And the thing is, Steve does want to explain. Suddenly overcome with the urge to spill everything, in fact. So he does. He tells Eddie about his mom and dad refusing to let him play in the snow, the one time he got caught and got spanked for it, the snow globes, the fear of being bad at playing in the snow, still desperately wanting to despite it.
Through it all, Eddie holds him and listens. He hums occasionally to acknowledge what Steve is saying, but never interrupts him, for which Steve is glad because he doesn’t know if he’d be able to continue if he was stopped for any reason.
At the end of it, when Steve’s tears have dried, and they’re curled up in a pile of blankets on the couch, Eddie vows to teach him out to play in the snow. How to make a snow angel, a snowman, an igloo, a snowball — everything. He whispers these promises and plans into his ear, their hands intertwined where they lay on Steve’s lap.
And he follows through. With everything.
And the next time the kids beg him to play, he plays his part and says no, because he’s still anxious he’s going to do it wrong, Eddie throws a snowball at his back while he’s busy arguing with Dustin. And silence falls over everyone, waiting for Steve’s next move. Because he’s never given in, and no one’s ever pushed their luck like that.
Steve turns towards Eddie, narrowing his eyes at him.
“Oh, it’s on, Munson.”
The kids cheer and then it’s chaos of snowballs being lobbed at one another.
Later, when everyone is warming up with hot cocoa, and Steve is curled into Eddie’s side with a blanket tossed over their laps, Steve knows he’s never been happier to have met Eddie, who taught him how to play in the snow.
“Thank you,” Steve whispers to Eddie, who hums curiously, lazily looking at him from the corner of his eye. “For teaching me how to play in the snow.”
“Always, Stevie. I’ll always help you.”
And it sounds like a promise.
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BG3 Characters Safest Driver Headcanons
I've been thinking about that poll from months ago way too much, so I've pulled this from my drafts. In this essay, I will explain why Boo is the best driver. Astarion: Terrible. Absolutely terrible driver. He is doing his makeup with the visor down, looking at the mirror more than the road. Suspend your disbelief, he's driving in this universe. He can use mirrors. ♥ You have to grab the steering wheel, regularly. Without warning, the man twists around to find his purse in the back seat because he wants a different eyeliner than what he grabbed. You are on aux duty. He hates everything you've picked. 2/10, he lawyered his way into that license Gale: You would think he would be safe, but then you remember that Gale didn't pay attention in boring classes. And how hard could driving really be?? The man knows how to drive perfectly textbook. He also thinks he knows how to do it better than everyone else. He does not adapt well to poor drivers. The roads are full of poor drivers. He is yeling "Zipper!" at the merging traffic. You spend five minutes in the parking lot so he can find just the right song for the trip.
6/10, you will probably not die Halsin: The man drives slow, I'm sorry. He's fuel efficient as you can get with the windows down. He pulls over and stops traffic for ducks crossing the road, no matter what the current road conditions are. He stops to show you the new tree the neighbor got. He is a Yellowstone Park tourist. He wants to show you the world, one traffic-stopping mid-road parking job at a time. There is no music, we are listening to nature today. 4/10, you will be rear-ended with him and not the way most people want Jaheira: I stand by what I said last time: Jaheira reminds me of so many older women I know. She drives like she wants someone to start shit with her. She's so conditioned by having 5 kids fighting in the backseat at all times that every time she's behind the wheel she's having Vietnam-level flashbacks. Her blood is pumping in her ears. There is no road, there is only the red of her vision. She won't start the road rage incident directly, but by god, she will end it. (You tried to ask about music, but the look she gave you when asked killed the question.) 5/10, you make it to your destination intact. But at what cost? Your pants are a different color at the end of the trip than they were at the beginning. Karlach: Karlach is talking with her hands while she drives. She's fiddling with the radio constantly. You've blown four red lights. Three of them were the same red light because she took a wrong turn. She will not use GPS, she's got the vibe of where she's going. She was trying to show you something on her phone at the same time. It cannot wait. It was so good you have to see it right now. The tunes are so loud she hasn't heard the sirens behind her. 4/10, the tunes almost make up for it Lae'zel: You are helping her check her mirror distance before you get in the car. You are buckled in before the car even starts. You are not allowed to touch the light in the car if it is dark out. She was taught that it's illegal to have on at night and she takes that shit seriously. You are on blindspot-watching duty at all times. You're not allowed to have music on the in car, it is a distraction. 7/10, we are efficient, but we are miserable Minsc: Minsc cannot drive. Minsc was meant to drive today, but Minsc got into the wrong seat. We are all relieved. Jaheira trained him wrong on purpose and will kill you if you correct him. 0/10, don't even try. He will survive the accident, you will not. Minthara: Minthara, light of my life. She is gremlin cackling and riding bumpers the whole time. People are pulling off constantly to get away from her. You are white-knuckling in the passenger seat and are too afraid to let go of the bitch-bar. You pray her airbags are up to date because your life has not stopped flashing before your eyes since you got onto the road. We are exclusively listening to The Flight of the Valkyries. 7/10, it is shockingly efficient when no one else is on the road anymore
Shadowheart: I have been in many a 'Shadowhearts' car. The car is more of a problem than she is. She drives the type of car that makes people go, "You live like this?" She drives a manual. She was not trained to drive a manual. Almost every single dash light is on, the ones that aren't had their bulbs die out years ago. We don't know how old that trash is, but it lives here now. She has one of those cassette players that has to hook into your phone to come out the speakers. Good luck finding the right adaptor in the mess. 4/10, girl get your shit together Wyll: Wyll is the best driver, hands down...when he is alone. Like all things in his life, his greatest flaw is being too polite. He turns his whole fucking head to look at you when you talk because that is the polite thing to do. The road is secondary to how important your conversation and companionship are to him. And you can't not talk him! He's asking you genuine questions about your day because he's interested. You get to listen to whatever you want and he's totally down for it even if it's not normally his thing. He'll find something he likes about it. Alone: 100/10, he somehow makes everyone better drivers by just being on the road With you: 5/10, Wyll, please, look at the road. ;_;
Boo: My eyes are closed. It's better this way. We made it there in record time. I don't know how it happened. I don't need to know how it happened. ?/10, it's best if you don't think about it
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sylusjinwoon · 4 months
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{ 183 }
slow it down.
academy arc
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
{ ain't it funny how it changes? | how the future rearranges | i get nervous, oh, i'm anxious | maybe loving you is dangerous. }
you lived in a relatively safe neighborhood, spending most of your childhood years in the same area. your parents had a good relationship with the other families, yet you didn't find many teens close to your age.
any children that lived close by tended to be in their elementary or middle school years. at times, you were hired to babysit them for a couple of hours when needed, and other than that, you had little to no interaction with the neighborhood kids.
it wasn't until you began your second year of high school that a brand new family moved into the neighborhood.
they were settled in the house to the right of your own home, and their move was quite the event for your tight-knit cul-de-sac. as you watched the large moving truck and the men that carried the heavy furniture within their new home, you couldn't help but wonder if they had any kids.
as you observe the scene from the safety of your window, you suddenly saw a tall boy stepping out into the yard. the mere sight of him was enough to make you straighten in response. with your lips parted, you felt as though your breath was stolen from you at the mere sight of him.
he was dressed casually in a simple shirt and jeans. he had perfectly styled ebony locks of hair with strands that fell across his forehead, coupled along with stormy grey eyes. the perfect clarity of such eyes was what kept you mesmerized as you watched him, noticing the way his full lips were tilted up in a half smile.
as if sensing your gaze, the boy suddenly turns his head, seeing your curious gaze from behind your glass window. a sudden heat was felt creeping up your skin, pure embarrassment at being caught staring at him. like you were a deer caught in the headlights, you were frozen, unable to look away from him or step away from the window, being completely and utterly rooted to the spot.
but he doesn't show you an expression of disgust or disdain when meeting your gaze-
instead, he smiles at you sweetly, lifting up a hand to give you a wave before turning away from you, as if hearing someone calling out his name.
"oppa! mom says she needs your help!" a cute girl looking to be around 9 or 10 years old with light brown hair and matching eyes starts pulling on his hand, making him chuckle before he disappears back into the house, leaving your heart a pounding mess.
that was the first time you had ever seen sung jinwoo, the boy who had become your new neighbor. he appeared to be close to your age, and you briefly wondered if he would attend the same high school as you.
your suspicions were confirmed when you saw him just a week later, donning the male version of your school's uniform. he was walking several feet in front of you, yet you kept a safe distance away from him. despite how much you longed to talk to him, your lack of confidence prevented you from doing so.
when their move was complete, your parents went over to introduce themselves to the family with some gifted pastries in hand. it was through them that you realized that they were known as the sung family, with their oldest son, jinwoo, being the same age as you. you were shy even then, unable to bring yourself to meet the new neighbors as you made up an excuse about needing to complete some homework.
after all, you still felt so awkward at being caught staring at him so blatantly when he first moved here.
but now that jinwoo was heading to the same school as you, you knew you were running out of excuses to avoid him.
so, you kept trying to keep a fair distance between you and him. however, luck didn't seem to be on your side when jinwoo physically stops, glancing behind him to see you walking the exact same path as him.
even when he was further away from you, you could have sworn you saw his eyes glow momentarily when he takes casual strides back to you. his hands were kept hidden within the pockets of his jacket when he greets you, "morning neighbor."
"h-hey, good morning." you tried to hide how flustered you felt, brushing back your hair while simply looking ahead. jinwoo ends up walking beside you, silently bringing you closer against the safety of the sidewalk whilst he took the side that was close to the open road. his quiet kindness fills your heart with warmth, and your ears perk when he introduces himself.
"i'm sung jinwoo."
you tell him your own name, and he repeats it with the same lazy smile he had given you that first day you had seen him. "what homeroom are you in?"
"ah, i'm in class 2-b."
jinwoo clicks his tongue in response. "that's disappointing. i'm in 2-c."
you pursed your lips, unsure as to why he felt disappointed to begin with. you continue walking in silence beside jinwoo, arriving at your school as several girls begin giggling at the sight of him.
"oh, who's that?"
"i heard that's the new transfer student."
"he is so cute. i'm going to talk to him later."
your eyes go wide, hearing everyone's whispers, but jinwoo seemed unfazed. he simply ignores them all, placing a hand behind your back while walking you to your class. once class 2-b was in sight, he removes his hand from you and gives you another smile, "have a nice day, and wait for me. i'll walk home with you when classes end."
and when jinwoo leaves you all alone, heading to his own class, you felt your heart performing somersaults from within your chest.
he truly was the perfect, boy-next-door type.
achingly handsome,
it came as no surprise that he had you so captivated in such a short amount of time.
{ ... }
ever since jinwoo and his family moved into your neighborhood, both of your families developed a deep friendship. your parents would invite the sungs over for dinner, while they would do the same.
and each time, jinwoo would always be there, wishing to sit next to you as his little sister, jinah, would sit across from him, teasing him throughout the night like little sisters would do to their older brothers.
yet it felt like as you and jinwoo got to know each other better, he would start steadily begin displaying his interests and affections toward you.
when he came over for dinner, he would purposely sit across the table from you, and you swore you could feel his legs gently intertwining with yours while giving you a soft smile. such intimate touches were enough to make your head spin, and you admittedly struggled to keep a straight face while making casual conversation with everyone at dinner.
you walked to school together every morning, and when jinwoo had track practice, you would end up waiting for him, simply working on your homework while seated on the metal benches. once he completed practice, he would come to you, dressed in his track clothes with his duffel bag in hand, ready to walk home with you.
it was a routine you had gotten used to, yet you wondered what type of relationship you had with jinwoo.
at the moment, it seemed too easy to simply refer to jinwoo as your best friend. oh no, the way he treated you teetered on the edge of being far too intimate-
far more romantic, in a sense.
but he never put a label on how he felt about you, and you never asked.
as you were caught up in your reveries, you were simply reading by the light of your nightlight, not really taking in the paragraphs or what was going on within the plot of the novel. when you found yourself re-reading a certain phrase over and over again, you gave up reading and slammed your book shut.
that was when you heard it-
several tiny taps felt against your window.
with a frown, you place your book on your bed and go to your window, eyes going wide when you see jinwoo on the ground with a handful of pebbles in hand. opening your window, you called out to him in hushed tones, not wishing to awaken your parents.
"jinwoo! what are you doing here?"
he gives you a smile, "it's the weekend, come on and take a walk with me."
you look around your house and bite down at your bottom lip. "i can't... my parents will kill me if they see me gone."
"don't worry about it... it's late and they're in a deep sleep. come on, climb out your window, and i'll catch you."
you could feel your heart skipping its beats at the sight of jinwoo with his arms outstretched, ready to catch you as his eyes were once more glowing purple with mirth.
a part of you didn't want to face your parent's wrath for sneaking out so late at night-
yet the stronger, more irrational part of you wanted to be with jinwoo and spend some time with him.
letting out a sigh, you climb out your window with your eyes clenched shut, taking a plunge when you allowed your body to fall directly into jinwoo's arms.
he captures and holds you with ease, letting out a hum of your name before proceeding to carry you out of the parameters of your home. feeling his grip on you tighten makes your face heat up, and you weakly tell him how you could walk-
but jinwoo simply shakes his head, "i don't mind holding you like this, sarang."
your heartbeat became erratic at the sound of that term of endearment, making your mouth go dry when he continues to carry you to a nearby park illuminated with a few streetlights. he keeps walking with you in his arms, not stopping until he reaches a hilltop. with his destination achieved, he sets you down on the grass before sitting next to you.
feeling jinwoo's warmth radiating off of him, you tried to ignore staring at him as you honed in your gaze at the night sky, admiring its beauty as you could see the crescent moon illuminating the night sky as the stars twinkled in response.
"i thought i had plans of meeting someone i once loved and admired."
jinwoo's sudden words and confession makes your heart twist a bit painfully in response. you end up facing him with a questioning glance and a tilt of your head, "is that so?"
he doesn't meet your gaze, simply continuing to look up at the skies. "yeah, i know that she's a star athlete... with track being her strong suit. i joined our school's track team in hopes of meeting her in a competition someday..."
"oh..." you prayed that your voice didn't show just how disappointed and hurt you felt, yet all feelings of pain disappears into thin air with jinwoo's next words.
"but ever since my dad had a promotion, and we moved here, such a change brought me to you instead."
you felt his hand reaching out to you, gently taking a hold of your chin with his gloved hand as you were forced to meet his gaze. his eyes were still glowing a vibrant, violet hue, yet this time, you could see the affection and adoration in his gaze.
"and i found myself not caring about that other girl anymore... i found myself not caring about anyone that wasn't you."
jinwoo lets out a rich chuckle upon seeing your wide-eyed, yet hopeful expression, resting his forehead against yours. "you're so damn cute. i love how i'm able to live so close to you. i get to see you every morning, and walk home with you every evening. you mean everything to me... and i can't help but wonder if me being here with you was simply fate."
your heart was practically skipping beats now, feeling warm and soft all over when he leans in closer to press a kiss against your forehead. upon feeling such a gentle sensation did you finally find your voice as you spoke, "is this really happening... jinwoo... i... i've had the biggest crush on you. e-ever since i first laid eyes on you, i was so mesmerized by you."
you felt his smile against your skin, feeling him kiss your forehead one more time before meeting your gaze again, "i could say the same to you... ever since i saw your cute face watching me from your window, i was hooked."
"so let me put us both out of our miseries and do this..." jinwoo trails off before leaning in closer to you to perfectly slot his lips against yours in a sweet kiss, making you let out a dreamy sigh in response as you carefully kissed him back, basking in the softness and first blossoms of true love while in his embrace.
{ so slow it down, take a moment now | we're too young to drown deep in dirty waters | full of hopeless doubt, let me pull you out | let me hold you now, let me slow it down. }
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a.n. - i had another fluffy and soft jinwoo brainrot.... i was thinking about boy-next-door jinwoo and felt my heart melt at the thought.... hhh i needed to get this fluffy story out of my system; please do enjoy (/ω\) ♡ this is currently unedited bc im lazy and exhausted lmaoooo
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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river-taxbird · 8 months
Have YOU got an old Windows PC Microsoft has told you can't run Windows 11? It's time to give it a new life!
How to install Windows 11 on unsupported PC Hardware using Rufus. You can also disable some other Windows 11 bullshit like data harvesting and needing a Microsoft account.
It has been in the news a lot lately that Windows 11 isn't allowed to be installed on PCs without certain requirements, including the TPM 2.0, a chip that was only included in PCs made in 2018 or later. This means that once Windows 10 stops receiving security updates, those PCs will not be able to (officially) run a safe, updated version of Windows anymore. This has led to an estimated 240 million PCs bound for the landfill. Thanks Microsoft! I get you don't want to be seen as the insecure one, but creating this much waste can't be the solution.
(I know nerds, Linux is a thing. I love you but we are not having that conversation. If you want to use Linux on an old PC you are already doing it and you don't need to tell me about it. People need Windows for all sorts of reasons that Linux won't cut.)
So lately I have been helping some under privileged teens get set up with PCs. Their school was giving away their old lab computers, and these kids would usually have no chance to afford even a basic computer. They had their hard drives pulled so I have been setting them up with SSDs, but the question was, what to do about the operating system? So I looked into it and I found out there IS actually a way to bypass Microsoft's system requirement and put Windows 11 on PCs as old as 2010.
You will need: Rufus: An open source ISO burning tool.
A Windows 11 ISO: Available from Microsoft.
A USB Flash Drive, at least 16GB.
A working PC to make the ISO, and a PC from 2018 or older you want to install Windows 11 on.
Here is the guide I used, but I will put it in my own words as well.
Download your Windows 11 ISO, and plug in your USB drive. It will be erased, so don't have anything valuable on it. Run Rufus, select your USB drive in the Device window, and select your Windows 11 ISO with the Select button. (There is supposed to be a feature in Rufus to download your ISO but I couldn't get it to work.?
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Choose standard windows installation, and follow the screenshot for your settings. Once you are done that, press Start, and then the magic happens. Another window pops up allowing you to remove the system requirements, the need for a microsoft account, and turn off data collecting. Just click the options you want, and press ok to write your iso to a drive.
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From there you just need to use the USB drive to install windows. I won't go into details here, but here are some resources if you don't know how to do it.
Boot your PC from a USB Drive
Install Windows 11 from USB Drive
If you had a licensed copy of Windows 10, Windows 11 will already be licensed. If you don't, then perhaps you can use some kind of... Activation Scripts for Microsoft software, that will allow you to activate them. Of course I cannot link such tools here. So there you go, now you can save a PC made from before 2018 from the landfill, and maybe give it to a deserving teen in the process. The more we can extend the lives of technology and keep it out of the trash, the better.
Additional note: This removes the requirement for having 4GB Minimum of RAM, but I think that requirement should honestly be higher. Windows 11 will be unusable slow on any system with below 8GB of RAM. 8GB is the minimum I think you should have before trying this but it still really not enough for modern use outside of light web and office work. I wouldn't recommend trying this on anything with 4GB or less. I am honestly shocked they are still selling brand new Windows 11 PCs with 4GB of ram. If you're not sure how much RAM you have, you can find out in the performance tab of Task Manager in Windows, if you click the More Details icon on the bottom right. If you don't have enough, RAM for old systems is super cheap and widely available so it would definitely be worth upgrading if you have a ram starved machine you'd like to give a new life.
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Hello!! I would’ve like to request a Hobie brown x Spider woman reader hcs who has a cat backpack and she Carries her cat everywhere with her because she’s always out exploring?
Feel free to ignore this request! Keep doing your amazing work!! 🫶🫶
Ooh! I haven't thought about cat backpacks for a while.. thanks for the amazing reminder that they exist!
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Hobie x Spider-Woman! Reader
Ft. Backpack Cat
He was smitten with you at first sight
Not because of your incredible personality or the way you carried yourself, or even how great you were in the field
It was because of your companion
Personally HC that not only is he great with kids (Mayday, y'all), he's also an animal person!
He always dotes on him, giving chin skritches and making sure he's calm if Mayday wants to meet him
(He's a docile kitty, so no worries there)
And loves toting the Beastie around in your backpack
You came with the cat, so he guesses you're ok
He actually loves your company!
Even without the cat
But that doesn't happen often
Loves exploring with you!
You both take turns with the backpack while hiking, climbing, or window shopping
He likes walking behind you when you have the cat, smiling and responding to him whenever he meows
If y'all visit Petco?
He's holding the leash
He won't let you say no
I'm sorry
He'll climb buildings under you just in case something happens
He doesn't think it will, but hey
Better safe
Totally gets his own cat backpack in case you forget yours & just have beastie on a leash
His is covered in stickers and patches
The first time it gets used you can't help but laugh
Beastie's eyes line up nicely with a set of vinyl sunglasses on the clear dome
He looks very stylish
He'll catsit if you get called on a mission without him
Claims it's just because it's safer for Beastie
But he mostly wants quality tims
Times like this he kidnaps Mayday if she's available and just
Dotes on both of them until you get back
Peter B. finds them one day just chilling, Mayday in Hobie's lap while Beastie sits in front, head bowed to let her pet him
You get a photo of it as your coming back from your mission and can't help but swoon
Honestly, 10/10 cat dad / spider boyfriend
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explosionkatsu · 2 years
"Age doesn't matter" 8
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
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"So." Eijiro started as they both exited Y/n's apartment. 
Katsuki stayed silent while carrying the sleeping Kazui in his arms along with his things for school.
"She seems nice." Eijiro grinned. "And very helpful." He added as he clicked his car keys unlocking his car.
"Straight to the point," Katsuki mumbled carefully getting in the car.
"Well, you both look close to each other, especially after the news," Eijiro said getting in the driver's seat.
"The news is nothing. They're spouting lies. That's all they fucking do." Katsuki mumbled once again, trying not to wake Kazui.
He's not ready. Not yet. But he sees you fitting to be Kazui's mom knowing how close you were with his son. Of course, he knows him being a single father is fine, but he also knows Kazui will be looking for a mom. Now that he can see other kids being picked up by their mothers.
"What do you think will happen if she saw the news?" Starting the engine, Eijiro slowly drove off of the parking lot.
"The fuck do I care," Katsuki growled lowly. "For all I know she's fucking banging any other guy in every bar she goes to." 
He doesn't care.
He doesn't care that they're not officially divorced. He won't accept her back. Not after what she did. 
"Hey, that's not how you talk about your-
"She's not my fucking wife. Not ever." Katsuki scowled deepened, but soon disappear when he shifted his eyes to Kazui's peaceful face.
He'll do everything for his son. He'll risk his life if he has to just keep him safe.
"Okay, okay. Sorry." Eijiro apologizes.
"Kazui doesn't deserve to know her." 
After Eijiro dropped Katsuki at their home, he drove to a secluded area. 
His eyes were serious while he focuses on driving. No one knows he's here. Not even Katsuki.
Suddenly, he stopped in front of a dark alleyway and roll the passenger seat's window down. 
"Get in." He said.
When the person got in, Eijirou started driving once again. 
"You'd be surprised by my intel." 
"Tell me," Eijiro said quietly while his eyes focuses ahead.
"Didn't I say she's in the city?" 
"Surprisingly. She got her own home."
Eijiro side glances at him after he what he heard. "We're you able to track her house?"
"Give it to me."
“Good morning, class.”
Friday finally arrive. That means tomorrow, Y/n can finally rest.
“Good morning, Miss Y/n.”
But deep inside Y/n, no matter how tiring her job is, she loves children. Maybe it's because of a quirk? Pft. Of course not. Was it? Seeing the children smile after she mends their booboos away makes her feel warm. So maybe it was indeed her quirk.
“Alright everybody, today we’ll do arts!” Miss Y/n smiled cheerfully.
A loud cheer of small voices engulfed the room.
“Be quiet everyone.” Miss Y/n spoke up clapping her hands to settle the children down. “Take out the art materials that I advised you to bring. If someone needs more art materials, come to my table, okay?”
“Yes, Miss Y/n!”
“Okay! Draw your favorite hero and you will show it to everyone.” Miss Y/n said.
She was about to make her way to her table when suddenly, a loud crash was heard from the other side of the room alerting Miss Y/n. The children began crying due to being frightened.
“Everyone, please evacuate the premises. Everyone, please evacuate immediately.”
Y/n’s eyes widen. What is an attack? No. This is not the right time to think about it. She needs to take the children outside. Then another loud crash was heard.
Then a laugh.
Terror and fright were getting ahead of her. She couldn't think straight. Seeing the children crying around her makes her heart clench.
Y/n let her eyes roam around her classroom. There must’ve been something she can use.
Her eyes suddenly focused on the windows. So without any reluctance, she rushed towards it opening it wide enough for the children to fit.
“Children. Come to teacher, we need to leave.” Miss Y/n said as gently as she could say. “Everything will be okay. The heroes will arrive. They will save us.”
One by one, she held the children and pass them through the classroom window with another teacher outside waiting for the children. But her eyes went wide when she was missing one.
“Kazui!” She shouted. “Where are you, come here, baby!”
“Miss Y/n. You need to get out!”
“No no! I’m missing one student.”
Y/n was now panicking. Her eyes were scanning the classroom repeatedly. He was nowhere.
“Kazui, baby!”
Then another crash was heard. But this time, it was the classroom door she was in.
She yelped in terror and surprise.
“Miss Y/n.”
Miss Y/n turned her head to her left. There she saw Kazui hiding under her table.
“Kazui!” Instantly she took him in her arms protecting him. “It's okay. Don't cry.” She needs to be strong for him. She needs to protect him. Y/n was frightened as he is but right at this moment, she was willing to give her life to protect Kazui.
“Isn't that the number 2 hero’s son? Well well, ain't I lucky?”
“Ugh. This is so boring!” Eijiro complained as he walk to the pavement with his buddy.
“That just means the crime rate was decreasing, idiot. Be glad.” Katsuki crosses his arms saying this.
“Oh yeah-
Their communicator suddenly started making a buzzing noise. Someone’s trying to communicate.
“Dynamight! The daycare from ***** is under attack!”
Not letting the person on the other line finish, Katsuki blasts his way to where the daycare.
Kazui was all he can think of. He can't lose him.
“Back off!” Y/n yelled at the villain while carrying the crying Kazui in her arms.
“Ya know. You can just show me where the money is. Every money in this establishment then will be all over. You’ll save the heroes from work.” the villain smirked.
“As if I’d tell you! Heroes will come here and they will arrest you!”
Where was this courage coming from?
“Suit yourself,” The villain suddenly launched itself into her but Y/n was quick to dodge and move away. Although, that movement made her catch her breath.
“Aha. You’re fast.” The villain smirked evilly as they slowly pull a knife out of where.
Y/n watches in fear. She doesn't know what to do.
“Oy? Where's that brave face you were wearing? Although I have to say, that look suits you more.” After what the villain said, they once again launched themselves at Y/n.
Y/n manages to run away though. Why hasn't she thought of running away before?
“Miss Y/n I’m scared!!” Kazui cried out loud.
“I know baby, but we’ll be safe. Your papa will protect us!” You said between breaths.
“Where do you think you're going, doll!?” The villain suddenly appeared behind her.
“Papa!” Kazui cried.
Her lungs felt like burning. She's starting to lack oxygen due to running. But she needs to keep both of them safe. She needs to protect Kazui.
All of a sudden she felt immense pain in her back and it made her slow down.
“Miss Y/n!!”
Was all she heard when she felt another. But this time, she knelt, still holding Kazui tightly in her arms.
You were now panting. Every breath you take hurts you.
“Miss Y/n, no!” Kazui was still crying. He slightly pulls himself away from you to look at you.
You were hurt.
“Miss Y/n heal yourself like what you did to Papa and Uncle Kiri!” Kazui cried as he held your face with his small hands.
“Not so tough now, aren't you?” the Villain sneered watching them. “If only you gave me what I want-
“You! Villain! Just wait until Papa came here!” Kazui cried staring angrily at the villain.
“So I was right. You are indeed the no. 2 son!” The villain laughed. “Where was he now though?”
Kazui was sobbing. He shifted his eyes back to you when you suddenly tried to stand up.
You were facing the villain now. You kept Kazui behind you as you stare at the villain. “I will n-never give you want you to want.” You manage to say.
“Come on now. Less the hassle. But eh. It's not like you can fight me. I can just end you right here.” With that, knives were thrown and stabbed right at your shoulder, stomach, and legs.
Everything hurts. Y/n couldn't believe her life will end like this. She always thought she’ll grow old and just die peacefully. Her thoughts are slowly slipping away. Her vision was darkening and her body was numb. She couldn't feel anything.
Y/n’s body just fell on the floor.
“Maybe I wouldn't mind touching you while this kid watches us, eh?”
“Don’t fucking touch my wife.” 
Took me a while to do part 8. I'm sorry!
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brodieland · 7 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Spidey Valdez !! ´ˎ˗
Spidey!Leo Valdez x Fem!Poseidon!Reader Synopsis: Your boyfriend Spiderman, or Leo Valdez, took a break from saving the city to eat with his girlfriend. Word Count: 1110 A/N: I hope it doesn't show to hard that Ive never watched Spiderman.. or read hero's of Olympus.. PART 2
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Y/N Jackson was a child of Poseidon, along with her twin brother, Percy Jackson. They were known for embarking on dangerous adventures. These include, but are are not limited too, the underworld, Mount Othrys, and the Labyrinth. Safe the say the two of you making it out alive proves how extraordinary the both of you were.
Though, were you experiences even considered cool when you learned what your boyfriends secret identity was? Well, yes they most definitely were, but still.
Your boyfriend Leo Valdez, on top of being a child of Hephaestus, was in fact Spiderman. Yes, that guy who swings from building to building with webs in his red suit. That, may you add, fits him very nicely. When he's not swinging through the streets of queens solving issues or working hard in the Hephaestus workshops, he was swinging through the streets of Manhattan looking for his lady, Y/N, to spend time with.
You were currently sitting in your bedroom, doing some last minute homework by your window. It was Saturday night, and most kids would've been out hanging out with their friends, but you were grounded after getting suspended at school. Your mom understood the troubles but it wasn't demigod trouble so she didn't let it slide this time. While of course, you could've snuck out through the fire escape your window leads out to, you may or may not have been expecting a secret little visitor.
You were sitting at your desk. You were supposed to be doing your English homework, but of course your dyslexia made it kind of hard, so you just resorted to staring out the window. You were people-watching, and before you knew it, a white string zoomed right past you and connected to your building. You stood up from your chair so quick it almost swung and fell backwards, and before you knew it a boy in a bright red suit landed on your fire escape.
When he landed he quickly pulled off his mask, revealing his dark curly hair and the mischievous grin you love oh so much. You stood there admiring him for a second before Leo starting pointing at your window, causing you to scramble and slowly open it, doing your best not to make much noise, and slid your self outside. As you regained your footing, you quickly grabbed Leo's face and pulled him into a kiss.
"Hey there" Leo grinned. You noticed he had his hand hiding behind his back.
You crossed your arms and raised your eyebrow. "Whatchu got back there?"
"Oh." Then Leo pulled out two medium sized brown bags and handed one to you. "You mean this?" You slowly took the bag and looked inside. You gasped, it was Shake Shack and you were starving.
"You got us Shake Shack."
"Thought we could eat together, never to busy helping out my city to eat with my girl." Leo said as he took a seat on a step, you shortly following him and sitting beside him.
"And you remembered my order, what a dream."
"Of course I did, you think I'm a rookie at this?" you busted out laughing at him. "Anyways, not that I'm not glad you were here, but its Saturday night, why are you home?"
"Oh right I haven't told you yet. I'm grounded." Leo looked at you confused.
"Grounded? Since when do you get grounded?"
"Since I got suspended from school yesterday. 10 days." Leo choked slightly on his burger.
"Yo what? I miss ONE day of school. What'd you even do."
"First of all, you miss a lot of days." Leo just rolled his eyes before you continued. "And it wasn't anything crazy, just the usual."
"Nah nah, please tell me what the 'usual' is."
"I pulled a little prank. It honestly wasn't anything crazy and those girls deserved it." You paused for a second. "And no snakes were harmed in the process."
"SNAKES? I can't believe I missed out on this what." Leo stared wide-eyed at you.
"All I'm saying is, those girls should start, whats the word, showing interest, to another guy" you smiled a Leo, your boyfriend, and crush of the girls who got on the bad end of your snakes.
"Aw you threw a bunch of snakes at girls who thought I was hot." Leo fake pouted and leaned toward you, you jokingly shoved him back to his side.
"First off, I didn't throw it at them, I set them loose in the locker room and locked the door." You threw up one finger and spoke in your matter-of-fact tone. Leo just smiled. "And two, they wanted to try and break us up so I don't think I was being overly dramatic."
"Ughhh why are you so obsessed with meeee" Leo threw his arm around you and pulled you close.
"Interesting, what about the time you used your webs and hung them around some guys ankles because they were staring at my tits as I spoke?"
"I think that was reasonable." You both didn't say anything for a split second.
"Maybe we both have a jealousy thing." You said the same thing at the same time and started laughing together. Leo continued to hold you close before pulling up your face and kissing you. You guys continued to make out for a few more minutes before your window slid open, revealing your amazing brother Percy who was now also standing out on the fire escape.
"This doesn't look very grounded to me." Percy crossed his arms, staring right in your eyes.
"Oh my gods what is it that you need so bad." You stared right in his eyes back, squinting.
"Well, moms home." You quickly turned to Leo who was now looking for his mask. "And she already saw Leo from downstairs, so."
"I love when you let me know she's here, oh wait, you didn't." You sassed back at Percy. "Wait for the next time Annabeth sneaks in."
"Oh so the both of you are sneaking people in?" Your mom, Sally Jackson, said as she was leaning out of the window staring between her two twins.
"NO!" You both said quickly, but Leo was still sitting next to you, staring wide-eyed at Sally.
"I think its your cue to go Leo" your mom said.
"Yeahhh.." Leo stood up and quickly kissed the top of your head before putting his mask back on. "Bye guys." And he left as quick as possible from the awkward situation.
"I'm drilling the both of your windows shut." You and Percy rolled your eyes. "Calm down stop acting like we don't have a front door, now come inside."
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dawnofh · 2 years
Getting saved by 141 [Headcannon]
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Disappointment but not surprised, how hard was it to stay put and don’t get kidnapped?
Made an entire rescue mission just to get you back.
Was the first face you saw when he came to your aid.
“I’ve got you Son.” Reassured you that you were alright and in safe hands.
“I’m sorry Sir, I told them about the team’s whereabouts…” could care less that you gave them information, more about the fact you were tortured for it.
Shines a flashlight in your eyes and tells you to follow it just to make sure you’re still functioning.
Is angry but not at you, likely at himself for allowing one of his own to be taken.
Will offer to carry you on his back if you can’t walk.
Patches up your wounds by himself, warns you in advance when disinfecting the wounds, “This is going to hurt like a bitch so suck it up.”
10/10, give this man father of the year. Don’t expect candy from this man, he will offer you a cigar though.
You’re on probation. Don’t even try change Price’s mind. He’ll just give you a pat on the back and apologise, “It’s for your own good, Kid.”
Checks up on your mental state daily and recommends you a military councillor.
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Knight in military uniform.
Sneaks into the warehouse you’re being held captive in.
Stealthy asf, no one ever sees this man coming and if they do then it’s already too late.
If he isn’t opening fire then he’s probably throwing knives into necks.
Throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes if you’re injured, doesn’t matter what injury, he’s just not patient.
Stabs adrenaline into you to keep you alive.
“You breathing, Soldier?” Gently slaps your face to keep you awake.
Will undress you from your uniform without second thought to patch up a wound so you don’t bleed out.
Sits next to you on the plane ride back to monitor your state. If you were unconscious when he found you then he’d allow you to lay on his shoulder but if you’re conscious he’ll make sure you stay that away until you’ve received medical attention.
If you’re the former then he’s probably not the best face to wake up to.
“Holy shit, am I dead?” “You nearly were.” “Because I’m seeing a Ghost.” “I still don’t find you funny.”
He definitely killed everyone in that warehouse for harming one of his own but will never admit that to you and simply just tells you, “Everything is taken care of, Kid. Go rest up.”
Puts you on probation and during that probation he’ll teach you some moves so that he doesn’t have to save you again.
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*Panicked Scottish noises*
Radios you over and over to try get your location, when he finds out you’ve been taken he goes into Captain Mactavish mode.
Doesn’t really make a plan, runs straight into danger. Definitely blows something up just to live up to the demolition expert title.
Would quite literally NOT tackle someone out of a window onto a car but simply will throw them out of one. That Captain Mactavish mode has its limits.
Rushes to your side and cuts off your restraints. Cups your face with his gloved hand and tilts your head back and forth to check for any head injuries. You could be staring him dead in his eyes and he’d still check your pulse.
Will fireman carry you if you can’t walk or you’re unconscious.
Clicks his fingers in your face and then asks you how many fingers he’s holding up. You look at him dumbfounded, “5…?” “Fuckin hell you need medical treatment…”
If you’re falling off to sleep then he’ll keep you awake by teaching you some Scottish slang. “So you’re telling me that Elizabeth or Lizzie is slang for…coffin dodger?” “Or old cunt.” “I will be sure to use that more often now.” “Aye but do be careful of who you’re saying it around. You know how Brits get.” “……”
Gets Price to put you on probation even if the injuries aren’t serious. He’s just not taking any chances.
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“You broken?”
Panic mechanic Gaz.
Acts on his knee jerker responses to which needs Price to hold him back and keep him in check.
Threw tear gas through the vents and came through the roof opening fire. Couple of knives went through eyes, one of them nearly hit you. So much for a rescue mission.
Gaz would probably stare at you if you’re unconscious to see if you’re breathing or not. Gets up real close to your face, “Okay good, you’re still alive.” He was just afraid to be the one to collect your dog tag so he didn’t want to check your pulse.
Doesn’t have enough muscle mass to pick you up so would either drag you out of danger or let you lean on his shoulder.
Gaz is definitely the type to over bandage you, “Can never be to safe than sorry.” You looked mummified after he’s done with you.
Will let you sleep on his lap if he found you unconscious, after every 5 minutes he put a finger below your nose to check if you’re still breathing.
If he found you awake he tries his best to keep you awake, “Hey buddy, keep your eyes open or else you’re going to die.”
Doesn’t sugarcoat, tells you exactly what injuries you have, “I think your knee is dislocated, do you want me to relocate it now?” “Sergeant, please don’t.” Will relocate it anyway.
Tells you about his life story and how he got recruited into 141, “I was born at a very young age.” He really tries to lighten the mood.
Threatens to shatter your kneecaps if you don’t take at least 5 weeks off.
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ultralightpoe · 9 months
Full House llll -Eddie Munson
Authors Note: Merry Christmas Pookies! Today I am blessing you with not one but TWO NEW FULL HOUSE CHAPTERS! Because I love you guys so so much.
Word Count: 10,668
Warnings: Semi Smut. Cheesy engagement here folks.
Part one HERE .... Part Two HERE.... Part Three HERE
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(Thank you for the gif @thehumming6irdwrites )
“Edward! Edwardedwardedward-“ That seemed to be the only thing you could manage to say, hand clutched into his own so hard that he could feel the bones crack under the skin. 
He can do nothing but watch in amazement as you push, and push and push and he thinks that you look so angelic. 
The nurses keep cheering you on, handing you ice chips here and there as he swipes your hair out of your eyes to try and help. 
“You’re doing so great. You’re almost there, give us another push.” The nurse mumbles as the doctor keeps busy trying to help you. 
“You’re so fucking metal.” Eddie smiles, letting you squeeze his hand. “So metal.” 
You cry out, and then there is one. He cries, the newborn baby cries, you sob. Eddie doesn’t know whether to follow the nurses with his kid or to keep with you and support you. 
He is answered when you shove him lightly. “Go.” 
And he does, heart beating through his throat as he walks up to where they are holding the baby. 
He doesn’t like how aggressive the nurses are being, and he wants them to lighten their touches but at the same time he understood that they knew what they are doing. 
The baby sobs as they press him to the scale, and Eddie can’t help but say something. “Take it easy on him, man. He’s new to the world.” 
And he hears you laugh before you cry out. It was all a flurry, they brought the first one back and replaced him with the second. You held the first, hospital dress moved down so the baby can get skin to skin contact to calm him down. 
Then the second baby comes back and you grab him as well, letting both calm down in your presence as Eddie gulps and watches. 
They were here. Holy shit these were tiny humans. He helped make these things. 
He leans a little closer to look at them as tears roll down your eyes and he leans to touch one of their cheeks gently. “Hey buddies.”
“Got any names mom and dad?” The nurse asks, holding a clipboard. Eddie could barely tear his eyes away. 
You look at him with wide eyes. “Eddie?” 
“No no. I’m not the one that just shoved them out my cooch. You name them.” 
“Even if I name one of them Arnold?” 
“I’ll find nicknames.” He mumbles, hands shaking as you try to hand him a bundle. “Welcome to the world rockstar.” 
“Sorry! Sorry!” He winces as the car hits a pothole. “I’m sorry.” 
“Why are you sorry?” You laugh, laying against the window and keeping your lower half comfortable as he drives home, the new twins buckled safely in the backseat. 
“I keep hitting all the bumps and holes.” He sighs, casting an eye to you. “I don’t want to bother the boys and I don’t want you being in pain.” 
“Those car seats are comfortable.” You sigh. “And I can’t feel my lower half so-“ 
“The drugs that  good?” 
“Yeah. And the fact that woman have enough pain tolerance that the chemicals in their body made the memory seem more sweet the painful so that they might want to do it again.” You murmur, watching as he flinches while hitting another bump and looking nervously to the babies in the back. 
“Women are metal man.” 
“You know you have to move faster than 10 miles an hour right?” You tease. 
“I’m trying. I’m a bit nervous.” He blushes, shaking his head. 
“Oh…..” is all you can mumble, your legs tucked under your sweater as you sat curled up on the couch, your chin on the tops of your knees and your eyes so wide as you stare at the screen in front of you. 
Eddie hears you, shuffling out slowly to come see what had grabbed your attention so closely, trying his best to peer at the screen without bothering you. When he realizes he can’t see he just gives up and shuffles to sit by you, melting into the couch as you immediately melt into him. 
With your head on his chest he takes advantage and rubs your back comfortably, eyes watching the screen to try and gather what you were watching. “Are you watching the news?” 
“No. No. It’s a court case special by this like, true crime channel.” You murmur, not blinking. “I cannot believe what is going on-“ 
“Explain.” He smiles, ready to hear all about it. 
“It’s so nasty.” You whisper back, still not blinking. Eddie gets caught between 2 emotions, thinking you're adorable and also being a little worried for your sanity right now. 
He chooses the ladder, leaning to kiss you softly as his hand grabs the remote and turns off the tv. “It’s bedtime.” 
“What?! No!” You gasp, leaning to snatch the remote but he chucks it to the other side of the couch and pulls you closer. 
“Baby… we gotta sleep.” He whispers again. “The twins aren’t gonna be asleep forever. Take our chance now.” 
You whine, letting Eddie pull you to stand up as he does a concerned once over of your body to make sure you were okay. “Do you need your diapers?” 
“I will shank you.” You warn, blushing at the thought of the diapers you have been wearing since labor. “I know where you sleep.” 
“Oh don’t I know it. You give the the sexiest view every night.” 
“If you make another breastfeeding joke I’m leaving and never returning.” You tease, making him laugh as he follows you through the kitchen and shuffling down the steps with his hand laced in your own. 
You both have already gotten quite skilled at getting ready for bed in silence and little light since both the boys’ cribs were in the room. 
He makes quick work of getting out of his clothes and into boxers, moving to the dresser and removing all his rings as he watches your figure through the mirror. It was his favorite thing to do, watch you when you’re not paying attention. 
He watches as you take off your earrings and get into one of his shorts for the night before grabbing both your cups and using the bathroom sink to fill them up just in case either of you would need them. 
By the time you both get into the sheets you are already passed out, cuddled into him to keep some warmth. 
Neither of you realize that you had left the tv on that channel. And neither of you had realized that Motley had begun sneaking out of her room to watch cartoons since you guys had moved downstairs and could not hear the tv from your room now. 
Within the next hour she manages to watch the entire special, getting more scared out of her mind as it goes and finally it breaks. Screaming and crying as Motley runs down the steps, slipping in the dark and falling down half the steps which makes Eddie snap awake hearing a kid fall. 
“Shit.” He curses, launching from the bed quickly as you wake up at the screaming, and right on cue there are two newborn screeches filling the air. 
“MOMMY! DADDY!” Motley screams, and you struggle to find a light in the panic and when you finally do you find your daughter absolutely sobbing with a purple face. 
“Breathe. Breathe baby- EDDIE BLOW IN HER FACE!” You panic, moving to help as Eddie hurriedly blows in her face as hard as he can. She doesn’t, her face just gets worse before Eddie is rushing her into the bathroom, reaching a panicked hand out for the shower and setting it as cold as it will go before he hauls her in with him.  
He makes sure that her face and chest are being hit by the water which forces her to breathe. 
“Ohthankjesus-“ Eddie gasps out, finally breathing himself as he pulls her head to his chest and sits in the tub. “Ohmyfuckinggod.” 
You lean to turn the water from cold to warm now that she’s breathing before you bend down to kiss at her face, tears streaming down everyone’s faces as you both hug her tight. 
“What the hell?” Wayne asks from the door, eyes wide at the scene. The twins are still screaming and now there is pattering in the kitchen of Ziggys feet and Zeps paws which makes you worried she’s gonna fall too and dashing past Wayne to go grab her. 
Eddie can’t let go of Motley, hands shaking as he keeps a hold on her, not really knowing what to do. He just had to keep a hold of Motley. 
He sees Ziggy run to the bed from the doorway, climbing up before your figure makes it to the cribs to try and ease the sobs of the boys. 
“Wayne, can you hold one of the boys? I gotta-“ he’s already there , helping you by scooping Ozzy up in his arm and limping to sit with Ziggy on the bed as you scoop up Halen. 
“Motley.” Eddie whispers, moving a hand to the center of her chest to make sure she was breathing since he couldn’t see her face. A sigh of relief falls past his lips as he feels it rise and fall before he manages to pull himself together, reaching to turn the water off. She keeps quiet, keeping her hands gripped tightly on the arm he has wrapped around her as he stands up and exits the shower, carrying her into the room and moving to grab his robe quickly. 
“Go sit on the bed please.” He orders gently, kissing her head and moving to help Wayne calm Ozzy down as you sit in the corner with a blanket covering you while you breastfeed Halen. 
Tears are still springing from your eyes as you try to subtly wipe them, obviously still scared that this had all happened. 
“Who left the tv on?” Wayne asks, rubbing his hip in pain as Ziggy kept trying to convince Zeppelin to get on the bed. He must have rushed down here too quickly at all the screaming. 
“Did we…?” You croak out, swiping your cheek once more as you look at Eddie. 
“No we turned it-“ he realizes then, turning to look at Motley. “You watch something a little scary on tv?” 
“I’m sorry.” She mumbles, staying burrowed in your pillows, soaking wet from the shower. 
“Sissy bad.” Ziggy murmurs, leaning to touch her cheek before Motley slaps her hand away. 
“Hey now!” Eddie warns, reaching a hand to pull them apart. “Ziggy mind your business.” 
“Shit Ziggy.” 
“No. Bad.” 
“She’s not a dog Eddie” you sigh and he gasps. 
“You don’t say?!” 
“I swear to god with you tonight!” You snap and he turns to snap back as the girls start bickering. 
Wayne breaks it all up. “HEY HEY HEY!” 
Everyone stops, taking a look to him. “Everyone needs to breathe. Okay? It’s been a rough two weeks, we are all lacking sleep. Okay? Let’s not let it get the best of us.” 
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” You mumble, sniffling as you lean to unlatch Halen. Eddie moves naturally, helping you switch the boys before kissing your forehead and moving to wrap Halen with his scarf so he could carry him on his chest and then he reaches for Motley. 
“Come on. Let’s go get you dry clothes.” He holds her hand as he goes up the stairs, leading her to her room, setting her on her desk chair as he finds her new pajamas. 
“I’m sorry daddy.” She murmurs. 
“Do you know what you did wrong?” 
“Are you going to do it again?” 
“Then this was a lesson learned and I forgive you.” He smiles, summoning her closer to help her get changed. “You fell really hard. You okay?” 
“I’m okay.” She nods. 
“It scare you more than hurt ya?” 
“Yeah.” She nods, looking down to where Halen is sleeping in the wrap. “Can people get in the house?” 
“Not without getting fucked up.” Eddie sighs. “But I’ll go check that everything is locked just in case.” 
“Swear it?” 
“Swear it.” 
He puts her to bed, tucking her in and turning on her nightlight before checking her closet and window, then moving to change the channel on the tv before turning it off. Then….. for his own sanity he does check all the exits before moving to get Ziggy. But when he goes downstairs he realizes that you already have her set up and Wayne must have gone back to bed so he gets Halen changed and back into his crib before sitting on the bed and waiting for you. 
When you get downstairs he pulls you into his lap, and you both take a moment to sob. 
“Ziggy. Final warning.” Eddie warns, one hand on his hip as the other is pointing a finger in her face as the girl stares up at him with a little glare of her own, stomping her foot. “What. Do. We. Say?” 
“There it is! Now who are you gonna say sorry too?” Eddie asks, moving to the side so she can see where Dustin now sat on the couch. 
“Not him.” 
“Yes him. You were mean.” Eddie sighs. 
“Him first!” She yells, stomping her foot again. 
“He was mean first?” Eddie asks, leaning to look at Dustin. “You were mean first?” 
“Nuh uh.” Dustin denies and Eddie spots the way he casts his eyes to the lamp beside him. 
“Come here!” He yells, charging for Dustin which leads to a half assed wrestling match in the living room. 
“Not in the house boys!” You call from Motleys room where you are currently trying to clean the stain from her mattress. 
Eddie laughs, being dragged to the front yard so they can continue to wrestle. 
Ziggy and Zeppelin follow, and without realizing the dog makes it out the front door to immediately book down the street. 
“Oh shit!” Eddie sighs, pushing Dustin. “Stay with her. I’ll get him.” 
And then before he knows it Eddie is booking it down the street, chasing after the dog as the mutt barks in excitement. Then, without any context, the dog turns and starts dashing back which makes Eddie groan out. 
“Ahhhhhhh. I hate you!” He huffs, running back. When he gets there he sees you standing on the porch, covering your mouth to keep from laughing as he huffs and puffs. 
He falls to the grass, pressing his cheek into it as you finally cackle. 
“Shut up!” He laughs, flipping over to stare at the sky. “That dog is a fucker.” 
“FUCKER!” Ziggy laughs. 
“You gotta be kidding me.” 
Two months after the twins are born, with them sleeping peacefully in their cribs, Eddie munsons lays on top of you with his nose shoved into your abdomen as he kisses across your stomach. He is hypnotized by your light giggles and the way you flex at some of the nerves ticking you. 
He takes turns from kissing, licking a few spots to see you gasp out and he nips at his favorite spots that he knows will make you giggle. He just couldn’t stop himself. 
“I’m not getting pregnant again if that’s what you’re aiming at.” You mumble through closed eyes. “We can barely keep our eyes on the four we have.” 
“I don’t want to get you pregnant again.” He murmurs, nipping at one of your stretch marks. “I wanna play with you.” 
You laugh, moving your hand to flick his forehead before he snatches it into his own, pretending to bite at your fingers which makes you yell out in fear before you cover your mouth and he freezes. 
“If you wake the demons up before I am done with you I will never forgive you.” He whispers, smiling from ear to ear, as he crawls over you before kissing you deeply and shoving you into the pillows. 
“All of them are demons cause of you.” You tease when he pulls away to let you breathe, tugging at his hair which makes him bite his lip to hide groan. “The munson chaos curse.” 
“The Munsters.” He smiles, leaning to take your shirt off. You lean up, slipping a hand beneath his boxer band to take him into your hand and kiss him to hide the moan that falls from his lips as he starts thrusting into your hand. 
And just like that he is falling apart, still in his boxers just after 30 seconds. His eyes shut tightly and his fists raveled in your hair tightly as he shook while he came undone. 
Once he rides it out you smile, watching his eyes widen and his cheeks redden in embarrassment while he falls back to sit on his calves. Staring down at the wet patch in his boxers with such disgust. 
“I am so sorry.” He blurts, still panting from the orgasm. “Oh my god.” 
“Why are you sorry?” You giggle, leaning to kiss him quickly. Once again his hands find their way to your hair and hips, keeping you close as you take control. 
“I can’t believe I did that.” He murmurs, nose tracing your cheek. 
“I thought it was hot.” You smile. It had been awhile since you two had done anything, your last months in pregnancy spent in pain and ever since labor you obviously couldn’t. It was nice to know you still had that effect on him. 
“I….. d-do you…. Do you believe in soulmates?” He asks, tracing your collarbone with his fingers. “I think I’m the luckiest son of bitch to have found mine.” 
“No. Let me…. Let me talk. Okay? Because I’m the luckiest man and you have given me so many great things. Far too many than I deserve. You’ve given me yourself. And you’ve let me into the lives of two of the biggest angels I have ever met and you’ve given me 2 little hell raisers.” 
“I- shit- words are getting caught on my tongue here. I would be nothing without you. When you’re not near I feel like I have this red little rope on my rib cage just pulling and pulling like it might rip my heart out and all I want is you. All I need in this life is my family. 
I was nothing but a freak for the longest time. No matter how hard I tried I was just branded that way and no one thought I was worth the time before that whole VECNA situation. And then you came in and you just, without any question, just let me in. You didn’t see me as a freak and I still wonder to god how I managed to get ya but I did and I don’t think I ever want to let go.” He rants, licking his lips before shaking his head and reaching over you to open his nightstand as you stare at him. But a gasp leaves your lips as he pulls out a ring. 
“I hadn’t planned on doing this with a cum stain on my boxers but-“ 
“Munson chaos.” You laugh, sitting up as he leans to kiss you. 
“Marry me.” He mumbles while kissing you, mourning the words with his lips on yours. 
“This is…..” 
“Disgusting?” He laughs. 
“Yes. Absolutely yes.” You laugh as well, letting him put the ring on you. 
“Don’t. You. Fucking. Dare.” Eddie grunts out, keeping a stern look on his face as he glares at his twin sons, hands on his hips as he tried to seem confident and sure. 
Did it work? Of course not. 
Ozzy, three months old with the same curly black hair his father had at that age, takes the apple sauce that he had scooped in his hand and lets it fly across the room as Eddie groans. Halen giggles and claps at his brothers throw and Eddie thinks back to a time where he liked using condoms as he cleans the mess, making sure to glare at his boys every once in awhile so they knew he was upset by it. Ozzy did not seem to care, Halen however seemed to take his fathers glares to heart. 
His little lip quivers as he watches Eddie which makes him sigh out and move to kiss his son on the head to ease his worries. 
“I’m back!” Ziggy calls as you usher the girls into the house, trying to bring in the bags without their help. Motley runs to see her brothers, her new favorite friends as Eddie moves to help you. 
“You buy the store?” He laughs, and you swat his shoulder easily. 
“You wanna see?” 
“Of course.” He scoffs, setting the bags on the coffee tables while Ziggy keeps running in circles around him. 
“Motley, you wanna show daddy what you got?” You call, a smile on your face. “He’s gonna love it.” 
“I am?” He asks suspiciously, watching the look on your face which tells him he probably won’t. “I won’t.” 
“Shhh!” You smile, watching your daughter snatch her bag and dash to her room quickly. 
When she comes out she is wearing a cami too and choker necklace, capri pants and sandals and Eddie shakes his head. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Nope. No. Go put another shirt on. I don’t like that.” 
“It’s a style!” She stomps her foot and he blinks. 
“Baby I’ve seen style. I’ve been style -“ you scoff at that. “And that is not it.” 
“Who says this is style?!” 
“Britney spears!” 
“Who the fuck is he?!” He snaps and you laugh. Motley reaches into the bag, pulling out more shirts and Eddie snatches them to look through. He seems two acceptable before throwing the others to the side, then Motley hands him a pouch of very colorful rubber bands. “What the fuck?” 
Then there are tapes being shoved into his hands, no cds, all with some blonde girl on the cover. “This is Brittany Spires?” 
“Britney Spears.” 
“Is she metal?” That seemed like a dumb question but he had to ask, which led to his daughter snatching his hand and dragging him to her room so he could listen to one of the cds. 
It was the worst 30 minutes of his life, but when the songs finally ended he did his best to smile, watching as she smiled in excitement. 
“You liked it?” 
“…..yes?” He lies, nodding. “You’re still not wearing that shirt.” 
“SO CALL ME!” Eddie sings, sliding down the hall in his socks with Motley over his shoulder as he dances to the music. “On the line call me call me anytime!” 
He had a wash rag hanging from his back pocket and a bandana around his hair, all set for spring cleaning as the girls ran around trying to figure out what toys they wanted to keep or give away. 
You were out shopping for a dress, which meant that Eddie had all the kids to himself and that meant ample entertainment. As much as he loves his daughters he can’t listen to another spears song so Blondie it will have to be. 
Ozzy and Halen are both sitting in their playpen. Well more of Halen is building with his little blocks and Ozzy is napping but the twins were happy so who could be mad. Ziggy, who has officially learned that she likes giraffes, is on the couch clutching her newest gift from Steve, watching a cartoon on the tv even with the loud music Eddie is playing. 
“Okay motley, I gotta clean the bathroom so stay in here.” He mumbles, setting her down before dancing down the hall to the song. Only there was no peace. 
Within minutes the girls are running in, yelling above each other as Eddie whirls from where he was cleaning the tub. 
“SHE CALLED ME THE B WORD!” Motley yells and Eddie whirls on his youngest daughter. 
“You called her a bitch?!” 
“I did not say bitch, daddy.” Ziggy shrugs, dimples showing as she pouts. 
“What did you say?” 
“She called me bad.” Motley explains and Eddie does his best not to roll his eyes. 
“Bitch.” Ziggy whispers. 
“Get away from me. Both of you. Daddy Eddie needs alone time.” He grumbles, shooing them away before rubbing his forehead. 
He hears Ziggy mumble “bitch” down the hallways and groans out, hitting his head against the wall.
“I’m sorry? You…. You what?” Eddie sighs, sitting next to Steve and across from Gary (Troys dad) at the annual spring festival for the elementary and middle school. 
It had been quite a struggle to get everyone out of the house today, including Wayne. The old man didn’t want to use his cane and Ziggy didn’t like her pants but didn’t want to wear a dress. The boys were….. Jesus they just don’t like anything and Motley didn’t like her hair. 
But you had managed, somehow, and Eddie swore he loved you more than anything in the world. 
Promising a candy apple to Wayne if he used the cane, finding a pair of shorts for Ziggy that she somehow didn’t turn her nose up to, bouncing Halen on your hip as you prepared breakfast and leaving Ozzy in the playpen with his little stereo since one twin craved physical affection and the other only really calmed down to music. Then you spent an hour…. Yes an hour, in the bathroom with Motley trying to figure out her new zigzag hairstyle as she threw a fit. 
But you managed to do and now Eddie sat across from the dumbest dad in the grade as he slowly sipped on a lemonade. 
Steve had found him pretty quickly into the fair, pulling him to a wooden picnic table so they could hang out while the kids ran around. Wayne went to find sugar and you followed Ziggy around to get some photos of her while Eddie kept the twins in their stroller with him. 
They had been having a nice conversation (granted Harrington is an idiot who pronounces woman’s suffrage as sufferings but same them3 right?), then Gary showed up bragging about his awesome parenting. 
“Well it was dinner time, right?” He restarts the story. 
“Got that part.” Steve says blandly. 
“And the kid wasn’t paying attention. Too caught up in that damn book. and I warned him. I fucking warned him.” 
“You warned him. Got it.” Eddie nods, trying not to snark off. 
“Well the bastard didn’t listen so I grabbed the book and just started tearing it apart.” Gary brags, imitating the way he tore the book as Steve and Eddie just continue to stare. 
“Wow.” Steve sighs. 
“Great parenting.” Eddie snarks. 
“You guys don’t get it. It’s a book about satanists.” Gary mumbles the last word, casting a quick look to Eddie. “No offense.” 
“Not even going to respond to that.” 
“Are you talking about Harry Potter?” Steve blurts, eyes widening. “Your kid is already reading Harry Potter and you ripped it up? That would mean he’s reading above grade level.” 
“You would know with your little nerd-“ before Eddie can blink Steve had reached across the table to snatch Gary’s shirt and pull him close. 
“You say one bad thing about my son and I’ll ruin your damn life. Got that?” 
“Sorry!” Gary shoots out. Eyes wide. 
Steve rolls his eyes, grabbing Gary’s cup and pouring the liquid on the dirt beneath him before throwing the plastic cup in his face. “Let’s go Munson.” 
Eddie laughs, grabbing his lemonade and turning the stroller away as Ozzy laughs loudly with his feet kicking out at the scene that just unfolded before him. Halen however couldn’t care less, too busy reaching for his dads lemonade with hungry eyes. 
“King Steve. Controlling the masses once more.” Eddie mumbles, enjoying the way Steve blushes and shakes his head. 
“I’m worried about Vinny. You know?” 
“Well yeah. I was once Vinny…. Because of you.” 
“Did I ever apologize about that?” 
“You have. I just like rubbing it in your face.” He mumbles, voice trailing off as he spots Motley, only she isn’t talking to her normal short friends, instead there is a taller adult figure shielded from view that’s talking to her. “Harrington.” 
Steve already got the stroller in his hands as Eddie dashes to Motleys side, cursing out when he sees Billy there. Of course it would be Billy. 
“You got a problem?” He snaps, walking up and pushing Motley behind him gently. 
“No problem. I saw my daughter and brought her cotton candy.” Billy mumbles, giving him a shit eating grin that makes Eddie’s stomach ache. He turns to grab the candy out of his daughters hand and throws it to the ground, whirling and walking away with her as Billy curses him out. 
“Stay where I can see you.” Eddie orders, irritated. “Go find Vinny.” 
“Vinny?” She whines. “Daddy please.” 
“Go find him. Stay close to them. Okay? I’m serious.” He snaps, kissing her forehead and pushing her off to the direction away from Billy. When he gets back to the stroller he sees Steve has given Halen full access to Eddie’s lemonade and your little mini me is chugging it from a straw. 
“He had such cute eyes.” Steve defends. “And Ozzy looked like he was gonna beat me up for his brother.” 
Of course Vinny was surrounded by Troy and all his friends. What else was new? 
“Vinny!” Motley calls, dashing to him. “Let’s go.” 
“Hold on Munson. We got business with Vincent.” Troy snaps, shoving Vinny harshly as the rest laugh. 
“W-why are you talking like a mob boss?” Vinny tries to fight back which just makes the others look at eachother and laugh at him. 
Daddy always says to stick up for others, and as much as Motley did not want to stick up for Vinny she wasn’t gonna let them laugh at him like that. 
“Hey! Don’t you have better things to do?!” She snaps, bursting into the circle to stand by Vinny. 
“Get lost Munson.” 
“You first Barker.” 
“Why don’t you go cry to mommy?” He teases, and all his friends make crying faces. 
“I would say the same but you’re mom is so slow it took her 9 months to make a joke.” Motley snickers, making Troys eyes widen. 
“You’re dead Munson!” He rushes to push her, but leaves his face open so Motley rolls her fist just as daddy taught her and gets him center in the face. His friend Ashton rushes next, she kicks him in his no no square and Vinny pushes him down. 
This turns into a brawl, and Motley is at the center swinging and kicking. 
By the tjme the others are all crying and running she is snatching Vinny’s jacket to pull him away. 
He snatches himself away, stomping off as she follows. 
“I didn’t need your help!” He whines. 
“Yeah you did.” 
“No! Now everyone is gonna say that I needed to be saved by a girl!” He yells, whirling on her and shoving her so hard she falls into the grass beneath them. “I hate you!” 
“I hate you more!” She screams, jumping up to push him back and before he could retaliate again Aunt Nancy is snatching his hand quickly and giving a warning glare. 
“Better think twice.” She snaps and he mumbles out an apology. 
When spring break rolled around Eddie had decided that it would be fun to take the kids to the cabin that Wayne used to take him to when he first moved in with the man. 
He wanted to make their spring break special and keep it affordable and you loved the idea so you had packed swimsuits and sunscreen for days and soon enough you were all piling in the family van Eddie had borrowed from Steve. 
The back was separated into two rows, with the luggage packed to the brim in the trunk space and the girls in the backseat with the boys in the middle row.  
Zeppelin found a nice spot between the girls with his head on Ziggy's lap as he smoozed away. Motley had a book to read and Ziggy brought her giraffe. 
The boys would be entertained with their little blocks hopefully long enough to make it to the gas station otherwise you would have to go back with them. 
So the seven hour road trip started.  Eddie put in a Britney Spears cd for Motley and you tried not to laugh as how hard he was holding the wheel to try and pretend he was enjoying it. 
Then, when it was over, she wanted it again….. then again. 
The boys started crying about an hour in so he stopped and let you change them as he let Zeppelin out to go potty. He asked both girls if they needed to go and they said no. 
10 minutes later, right as he turns onto the highway, Ziggy whines that she has to really pee so he takes the next exit and you take her in to pee. 
Back on the road the rain starts up, and it’s almost like you can see the concern on his face because you mumble out “it’ll lighten up when we get there. I’m sure the sun will be out.” 
And then he feels better, so he reaches out a hand to hold as they play Britney Spears AGAIN. 
“Ew! Daddy!” Motley snaps. “Zeppelin farted on me!” 
Right on cue the dog starts whining and Eddie looks in the rear view. “Did one of you feed him something?” 
“Ziggy gave him her applesauce!” 
“Damnit….” He whispers, pulling off onto the next exit and taking Zeppelin out in the pouring rain so the dog can go potty. 
Then he gets back on the road, this time he manages to take the exit they needed and he figures it will all be smooth sailing from here. It’s just driving through the woods. 
“Daddy! Zeppelin!” Ziggy cries, so he pulls over and does it all again. 
And then, “I don’t feel good.” 
That came from Motley as she tosses her book to the side and then proceeds to puke all over her lap. 
“Shit!” Eddie snaps, pulling over as you unbuckle and rush to help her. 
You have to help her change out of her clothes, tying the infected ones in a bag and shoving them in the back as eddie uses the rain to wet a beach towel to try and clean it up. Now with one less seat and a crabby family things have to be rearranged. 
You move the twins closer to the door to give Motley a seat, which happens to be closer to a door herself in case that happens again. Ziggy is kept in the back, and Ziggy now sits on the ground. 
With everyone settled you move to get back in, soaked through to the bone as Eddie gives you one more hopeful smile that seems to say ‘it can only go up now’ and tries to start the engine. 
A sputtering sound fills the car as the tries to start the engine again, and again. 
“Let me go see what the problem is.” He sighs, getting out to pop the hood and start looking around. You wait patiently, leaning to peak around the hood to see him sighing. “I gotta get the tools.” 
So you help him unpack the back, setting the bags under the safety of the trunk door as he finds what he needs and goes back to try and fix the car. 
30 minutes later, as Halen sobs uncontrollably you hear Eddie throw his wrench harshly and yell a “JESUS H CHRIST!” 
“Is daddy mad?” Motley asks. 
“He’s a bit frustrated.” You explain. “But not at you.” 
“Is he gonna leave again?” She blurts, making Ziggy peek her head up quickly, her  pigtails whipping quickly. 
“Is who leaving again?” Eddie asks, coming up to the open slide door, looking tired and pissed. 
“You daddy.” Ziggy explains and his jaw tightens. You see him take a breath in, rolling his shoulders to release some tension. 
Then he lightens up, getting into the van and shutting the door. You can still hear the rainstorm from the trunk door being open but other than that you were all closed in the back together. 
“Don’t you guys know?” He asks, a smile spreading on his face. “You guys are stuck with me for life.” 
“Oh yeah. Your mom and I are getting married which means I am stuck her like a thorn in your side.” He says it like a threat, but the girls giggle excitedly. 
You got lucky when another car drives by, offering to help you get to the cabin by towing you on their hitch. 
You make quick work of buckling the kids in while Eddie repacks the back and before you know it you are on your way to the cabin. 
You all rush to get inside, Eddie thanking the family who laugh and say it was no problem. It takes a minute for everyone to dry off and ease up but you manage it. And when it’s time for dinner you plan on making sandwiches so you don’t have to grill. 
You search for the bag of bread and chips you packed, digging through everything as Eddie sat with the boys. He bounces them on his knee with his thumb in Halens mouth and his pointer finger in Ozzys so they can both gum at the flesh. 
“Ed’s? We grabbed the bag of bread…..right?” You ask, looking arohnd as you trip on shoes. “Motley. Shoes please.” 
“Of course we grabbed it. I remember moving it to get to my tool box…. Oh crap.” 
“Please tell me we didn’t leave it in the rain.” You sigh, sinking to the couch. “We only have sandwich meat and cheese. Other than that everything is for the grill and we don’t even have buns.” 
“We…. Shit. I’m sorry.” 
“We’ll be fine.” You sigh. “We can….” 
“Mommy I’m hungry.” Motley grumbles, moving to cuddle into your side as Ziggy and Zeppelin jump on the couch as well. 
“I think….. cold cut roll ups for dinner.” You smile. 
“What’s that?” 
You ate dinner together on the floor, staying huddled together to keep warmth as you laughed about everything that went wrong today. Halen sat in your lap with Ozzy in Eddie’s lap and you ate a dinner of ham rolled around cheese, taking turns passing the fruit bowl around to grab a piece with your fingers. 
The girls had fun, both imitating Eddie when he was frustrated. 
It was a great night, no matter how stressful the day was. And once you got all of them laid down to sleep you and Eddie sat on the couch, with you laying on his chest and him playing with your hair. 
“What would I do without you?” He mumbles, which makes you smile. 
“Let’s never find out.” 
“No I’m serious. I hope I go first. I can not imagine a world without you.” He huffs. 
“No. I want to go first. I call dibs.” 
“You can’t dibs that!” 
“Already did.” 
(Spoiler alert, you go first. You’re 86 and pass away in your own home with Eddie laying beside you. Your funeral brings all the kids home and they take care of Eddie the next two weeks since he is devastated. 
You’re wedding anniversary falls two weeks after you pass, and Eddie passes away that evening, wearing a red piece of yarn around his ring finger just as he promised you on your wedding day. 
Ozzy is given Eddie’s guitar and your favorite book. Halen is given Eddie’s very first lord of the rings book set and your sketch book. Ziggy gets Eddie’s bandana and your earring collection. Motley gets Eddie’s leather jacket and your record collection. She also inherits both your wedding rings but she puts them in your shared grave so they you both could keep them wherever you went. She gives the ring Eddie gave her from his mother to her eldest daughter.) 
The wedding is an easy affair….. well not to Motley. The poor girl was stressed out of her mind. 
Her dress was perfect and Nancy managed to pin her hair into place, and Motley had dashed around as you got dressed into the prettiest gown she had ever seen. 
“Metalhead. Aren’t you supposed to be with you dad?” You ask, leaning forward to fix her hair. “He needs his best girl.” 
A large smile cracks across her face and she bounces up and down before a knock sounds out at the door and Steve comes into view, sighing audibly. 
“The best man is here to get the best girl for the ceremony.” He groans, obviously joking when Motley throws a pillow at him before dashing to go find her dad. 
For the wedding it was decided that Motley would stand next to Eddie, in a new role he deemed to be so utterly important the church might burn without it. So she did, in her cute little bridesmaid dress as they shared excited glances while waiting for you. 
Steve stood with Ozzy, Dustin with Halen. 
Nancy and Robin stood by your side, and Ziggy was the flower girl with Zeppelin as the ring bearer. 
Steve had made some stupid comment about how the dog would lose them, but you weren’t worried since you were already wearing the rings. 
For your ceremony you and Eddie chose to take a red piece of yard and tie your ring fingers to eachother, just like he said the day he proposed. As the minister goes through the process Eddie gets a suspicious smirk before subtly tugging his hand to pull yours near. 
“Always drawing me near.” He whispers. 
“And I intend to keep it that way.” You smile back. 
You sit, in your wedding gown on the kitchen floor, eating cake with a spoon with Eddie sitting next to you with a tub of ice cream. You took turns feeding eachother the desserts as you giggled. 
“When steve and Nancy took our kids I imagined something more…. Sexy.” You laugh, “but this is perfect.” 
“Oh? Am I not sexy to you?” He scoffs, posing as the best from his suit unbuckles smoothly. 
“Munson.” You snap. 
“Munson.” He snaps back with a shit eating grin. “I was thinking…..” 
“Never good for anyone.” 
“As much as I love sitting and snacking with you on the kitchen floor-“ he smiles.  
“I think it’s time it changes.” 
“No go! You and I snack on the floor! Just like our first date!” You complain. “You’re a traitor-“ 
“I just mean-“ he interrupts, reaching up to cover your mouth. “That we have a very full house and maybe it’s time for….. a different kitchen.” 
“You want to move?” 
“Please tell me you’re not pregnant again.” Eddie mumbles, staring wide eyed at you from where you sat on the bed, shoving your face with snacks. “Not that I would mind because it would be partly my fault but the twins are kicking my ass. I can’t tell if Ozzy wants to kill me or he just dislikes me.” 
You don’t respond, staring at him numbly as he tilts his head to look at you, waiting. 
It was the second week in your new house, and you guys were almost done moving and settling everyone in. 
The twins now had a room beside yours, with Wayne across the hall. The basement in this house belonged to the girls, the two bedrooms split amongst them and the room connecting them with the laundry room now being used as a rec room. 
“Hello?” Eddie calls. 
“hello…..” you mumble, squinting at him. “Did someone call?” 
“No….” Eddie mumbles, confusion lacing him as he walks a little closer to you. “Are you expecting a call?”
“No.” His eyes widen as he meets your own, a laugh breaking out. 
“Are you high?!” He cackles, grabbing your jaw lightly as he checks your eyes. “How?!” 
“I don’t know.” You mumble. “I ate the brownies that our neighbor brought, and next thing I know my feet are fuzzy.” 
Your explanation comes out as a whine and you point to your feet. “I can’t feel them.” 
“You…. You didn’t smoke? This came from the brownies? How many did you eat?” 
“3.” You sigh. “I had one and the next thing I knew I was so hungry I had to eat another.” 
“Shit.” He mumbles back, reaching a hand under your shirt to rub your abdomen in circles with his thumbs. “That’s pretty high, baby.” 
“I don’t even have a ladder.” You say, confused. “Ed’s. I’m fuzzy.” 
“Yeah I bet.” He smiles. “You wanna cuddle? I think we have the afternoon before the kids come back from school and daycare.” 
“Yes.” You mumble, falling back quickly. “But I can’t move.” 
He helps shuffle you up the bed, laying you on the pillows before moving to kneel by your feet and picking your right foot up to rub your ankle softly. 
“Eddie no.” You mumble, closing your eyes. “The room is flying.” 
“I know. I’m just gonna help you get some feeling back okay?  Just keep your eyes closed and try to nap.” 
He watches as you keep your eyes closed, trying not to laugh at the way you grip the sheets like you are trying to stay rooted there. 
Massaging one ankle for a couple minutes before moving on to the second. He knows you’ve fallen asleep the second your hands unclench from the sheets and he shuffles to cover you with the comforter, making sure you have a glass of water by the bed just in case. 
By the time he shuffles down the stairs he plans to unpack a couple more boxes before a loud and rushed knock covers the house. 
Opening the door to reveal an older woman, looking extremely panicked. A smile spreads across his face as he realizes who you got the pot brownies from. 
Before she gets a word out he asks “looking for your brownies?” 
“Yes! Oh I am so sorry!” She panics. “I made a batch for your family the same day I made my batch and I confused the pans and I know you have young kids and-“ 
“It’s fine. They haven’t had any.” He eases, letting her in as he shuffles to the kitchen to find where you had left them. “There was an argument yesterday over a box of Barbie’s so no one got dessert. My wife however tried one today and then got the munchies.” 
He shows her the pan, and she smiles at the sight, obviously trying not to laugh. 
“I can make you more, if you want.” 
“You know how to make these kinds?” She asks and he holds out his arms in a way to say ‘you see me?’ 
“Of course I do! And I know how to make them taste more like chocolate than anything.” 
“I….. please don’t think I’m some druggie old bat that tried killing your kids. I use these to help my cancer, and we’ll….” 
“Hey, there’s no problem. If anything my kids would have just gotten a little spaced out.” They would have gotten more than that but he wasn’t about to make her feel worse. 
“How many do you have again? I saw two when I talked to your wife.” 
“We have 4.” He answers, giving her a small smile as she grabs the pan. 
“Oh how wonderful. How old are they?” 
“Our oldest is about to turn 10, then we have a 4 year old and the twins just turned 2.” 
“Busy busy.” She laughs. “You seem so young too! To have a 10 year old. Oh my gosh.” 
“She’s a handful but gotta love her.” 
“What are their names?” 
“Motley, Ziggy, Ozzy and Halen.” Eddie answers easily, a feeling of pride in his chest as he talks about them. 
“Oh! You’re into rock music ,I take it?” 
“Just a bit.” He didn’t mention the dog running laps out back being named Zeppelin. “My daughters not so much though. They’ve gotten into this pop music phase.” 
“I had the same face when my own kids got into rock music over my classic music.” She giggles. “Oh, well I should be going. I would love to meet your kids sometime, you should throw a house party so the neighborhood can welcome you!” 
How had he gone from the town freak that everyone at school refused to sit by to a father that this woman wanted to welcome? 
“We’ll think about it.” He shuffles behind her to the door, walking her out and making sure she gets into her house safely before going back inside and heading back upstairs. 
You’re in a cocoon of your own making, face smudged into the pillow as you sleep. He keeps his movements slow, gently prying the blanket out of your hand so that he can crawl into the cocoon with you, keeping pressed against you as you move to welcome him in. 
He didn’t have to pick the kids up for another 4 hours, might as well nap with his wife as she’s high as a kite. 
You ended up signing Motley up for soccer, and you had no clue just how big the team was. 
So when her birthday party rolled around you were overthrown with younger girls dashing around the backyard. They screamed and giggled, jumping in and out of the pool and tracking water everywhere. 
Eddie, Steve and the rest of the boys had set up a large pool in the main area of the backyard and then a small kiddie pool closer to the patio, with pool chairs along the backyard and colorful decorations strung everywhere. 
You were sat on a pool chair close to the kiddie pool, basking in the sun like a lizard as you watched the twins with Steve and Nancy’s youngest. There were more toddlers at the party but so far those three were the only ones that had made it into the pool without crying. 
You kept leaning in to dip a hand on and make sure it wasn’t too cold, but the sun was hitting it perfectly so the water stayed perfect for the boys. 
Ozzy had found one of the mini squirt guns and had been shooting Steves youngest, Micky, with it for about 5 minutes as Halen kept leaning over the side to splash Lucas. 
“You could move.” You offer half heartedly, doing nothing to stop your little brat as he tries to do it again. 
“It actually feels nice.” Lucas mumbles from his own spot under the sun. “But if I don’t over react he will thinks it’s not fun.” 
Right on cue Halen splashes him and Lucas gasps out, groaning a bit as he pretends to dodge. Halen laughs looking at you with such excitement. 
You smile back, which makes him jump up and down and you wonder why he had gotten go excited, then a shadow looms over you to reveal your husband bending down to kiss your cheek. 
“How are the boys?” 
“Wreaking havoc-“ you answer right as Ozzy sprays Micky in the face again. “As per usual. Where are my girls?” 
“Ziggy is currently chasing Jonathan around with a fake snake and Motley is racing her friends in the pool.” He answers, looking around for both just in case before shuffling. “I wanna sit with you.”
“There is no room.” You scoff, still attempting to give him room since he doesn’t hesitate to push his way in. Before you know it he is halfway on your lap as you laugh out, trying to shove him off. “Edward.” 
“What? Aren’t married couples supposed to share everything?!” He teases, wiggling his hips. 
“You used that excuse last night when you ate MY PUDDING!” You whine, giving up on pushing him off and just choosing to rest your forehead on his shoulder. 
“You could have just let me eat you for dessert like I wanted to.” 
“We had important things to do.” You explain. “For your daughter's birthday.” 
“Excuses excuses. Don’t splash daddy Halen-“ too late, your youngest son was already on it and before you know it both you and Eddie are getting hit by the water. 
“This is what I get when you come over-“ 
“No no no. You’re not blaming this on me. He was looking right at you when he did that baby.” 
“You’re such a bad influence!” 
“You’re the one that showed him how to do it!”
“Hey! Mom! Dad!” Someone shouts and Eddie groans.  
“Whatever happened to mommy and daddy? Or daddy eddie?” He whines. 
“Kids grow. Sadly.” You sigh. 
“We’ll she shouldn’t.” 
“I’m sure Wayne said the same thing about you.” You mumble, taking a finger and swiping some of his hair out of his face. “You need a haircut.” 
“Is the pizza here?!” Motley asks, staring at you both. 
“Does it look like I have pizza?” Eddie asks, holding out his hands, one empty the other with a can in it. “Where’s Vinny?” 
“I have no clue.” Eddie sighs. “Probably hiding.” 
“I wanna spray him with the hose.” 
“Then you should find him.” You tease as Eddie finally gets up, moving to help you up. “Ozzy. Halen. Let’s go boys.” 
“Where you guys going?” Eddie asks, pouting a bit. 
“To rob a bank.” You smile, grabbing their hands into each of your own. “Or to add more sunscreen. Haven’t decided yet. Motley, you need more sunscreen.” 
“No! I want to-“
“We’ll do that later. Come on.” You reply sternly, turning to Eddie. “Get Ziggy will ya?” 
“On it.” He nods, turning around to whistle loudly and nod her over with Zeppelin. “Unbelievable.” 
Zeppelin was wearing swimming trunks, because you thought it was adorable. 
“Are you looking for VinnyyyYy?” Ziggy teases her sister which makes Eddie roll his eyes already knowing it will start a fight. 
“Are you looking to die today? Nerd bomber.” Motley snaps back. 
“I’m not a nerd bomber!” Ziggy shouts, pushing her sister. Motley pushes back and before it can get worse Eddie is grabbing the back of their necks hard enough to pull them away but not hard enough to hurt. 
“Get moving before I ground you both.” 
“Yes dad.” Motley sighs. 
“Okay papa.” Ziggy groans. It’s only then he releases them to go inside, following where you had disappeared with the boys. 
He shuffles behind them, watching them look at each other glaring every once in a while. It was insane to him how they went from sweet little angels to fighting nearly everyday. 
He spent most his time trying to get them to stop. 
“Don’t do it.” He warns when Ziggy rolls her fist. “You girls are on thin ice today.” 
Just this morning he had separated a pretty bad fight which had both of them crying. 
When they make it to yours and Eddie’s room you are already almost done reapplying the boys sunscreen, Halen hugging your calf as you help Ozzy. “Are you hungry?” 
“I am.” Eddie smiles only for you to subtly flip him off which makes him laugh. 
“We weren’t asking da-da! No we weren’t!” You make Ozzy clap his hands with you before setting him down on the ground and move to get the girls with the sunscreen. 
“I’m beat. Let’s kick everyone out and take a nap.” Eddie teases, falling backwards onto the bed and splaying out. 
“Booga!” Ozzy yells, dashing to the bed to attack him. 
“We can’t! We haven’t even cut the cake, silly.” Motley laughs, watching her little brother jump into Eddie’s stomach. “GET HIM!” 
And that’s when the riot ensues, all of the kids rush to attack Eddie in his moment of weakness, giggling and tackling him. 
His eyes widen as they all lunge for him, crying out to you for help. You debate it for a moment, pretending to move closer and reach a hand out only to pull away at the last moment and walk out of the room as he calls out for help. 
Teach him to eat your snacks.
The rest of the day is spent chasing kids around. If it wasn’t the twins then it was Ziggy and if it wasn’t her it was Motley. 
Presents and cake went by quickly and soon enough you were cleaning up the mess of the party. Eddie was picking up trash and you were packing up all the food. Both looking at each other subtly and every time you make eye contact you look away quickly. 
“You have fun today?” 
“Of course.  Did you?” 
“Oh I had a blast. I just wish she’d stop growing up.” Eddie sighs, and you look over at him as he picks up a cup by the kiddie pool before moving to walk away. Only he trips on a pool chair and stumbled face first into the kiddie pool. 
You can’t help but laugh, loudly, as he scrambles to get out. His hair sticks to his face and he looks like a wet dog as he glares. 
“That’s not funny!” He snaps as you wheeze, leaning forward with your hands on your knees trying to breathe. 
“I could have died! Drowned right there and my wife is just laughing away!” Tears are rolling down your cheeks now as he huffs, standing and marching over. “Not funny.” 
“Y-You …. Ohmygod!” You wheeze out, hand grabbing his bicep to help stabilize yourself. 
“I’m done. We’re divorcing.” He huffs, hand moving to your lower back to lead you inside. “I hate you.” 
The entire family was sprawled out in the living room after one of Motleys soccer games, tired and ready for bed but now quite ready to stop hanging out together. 
Eddie sat on the floor with his back to the couch, a comb between his teeth, and Motley sitting between his legs as he tries to brush out some of the knots from her hair. 
You were laid out with the couch and Ziggy was curled up on your right side with Ozzy asleep on your left. Halen laid between your legs and the side of the couch, using his brothers sleeping form as a pillow as he stared at the tv with wide eyes. 
Zeppelin lay on the mat by the door, the teams soccer jersey still on, while Wayne slept in his recliner chair. 
It was nights like these that Eddie loved, everyone together. No fighting, no rush to go anywhere. It was just peaceful. 
When he finished brushing through Motleys hair he made sure to put it in a brain before laying against the couch so his head was on your calf while Motley laid against him. 
The tv showed a new scooby cartoon, which is partly the reason Ozzy ended up actually cuddling someone since he normally hated hugs and cuddles. But when scooby doo was on? That kid was all about it.  
“Hey dad?” Motley whispers, drawing Eddie’s attention to her. 
“You’re the coolest dad ever.” She mumbles before closing her eyes, and Eddie can’t stop smiling for the rest of the night. 
“What’s up, Metalhead?” Eddie asks, tightening the tire onto the car he was currently working on as Motley stares at him from her spot. 
Monday afternoons were a bit packed for the Munson household. Wayne had gone back to work as a manager so he spent Mondays going through billing and finances. 
You always picked up shifts at the diner while Ziggy had her ballet class and the boys were at preschool. 
Motley was the only one that had Monday afternoons off so Eddie would take his lunch to go pick her up from school and she would spend the afternoon at work with him until you could come get her or it was time to go home. 
He always made his work table into a desk area so she can do her homework, which is what she was supposed to be doing now, only she sat staring at him. 
“I need help.” She mumbles. 
“If it’s math I can’t help ya.” He smiles. “Or English. Or science. Act-“
“Fine. Fine.” He mumbles, pouting that she’s not being fun today as he stands up and wipes his hands before moving to see what she needs. “What’s this?” 
“A family tree.” 
“Okay? Why’s it blank?” He pulls his stool closer so he can sit and work with her. 
“I don’t know what to put.” 
“Your family. Silly.”
“I know. I just don’t know if I should do…. Biological or my real family. This is to track where we came from but…..” he catches on then, blinking slowly as he realizes what she can’t choose between. 
Put down her biological dad or put down Eddie. 
“I think either or.” He shrugs, trying to play cool. “It’s your project.” 
“But….. I don’t really know anything about him. And….. I don’t like knowing I came from him.” She blushes, playing with the ends of her hair like she always does when she gets nervous. 
“Then don’t. You shouldn’t have to feel upset or nervous about any of this. If you want to leave that side blank it’s up to you, Metalhead.”
“Can I….. can I put you down?” 
She smiles, and turns so she’s facing him. “Okay. Full name please?”
“Edward Wayne Munson. Pleasure to meet you…” 
“Motley Marie Munson.” She pretends to be serious, shaking his hands. “For father it’s Grandpa Wayne right?” 
“Actually, it’s not.” Eddie sighs, rubbing his side. “Wayne is my Uncle. My dads brother.” 
“Then why do we call him Grandpa Wayne?” 
“Well… he took me in when I was younger. Your age I believe. And…and even when I wasn’t living with him fully Wayne always made sure I had a place that was safe. Wayne is my chosen dad.”
“Where are your mom and dad then?” 
“Well my mom is gone…. She passed away when I was 6. And my dad…. Well my dad is in prison.” 
“What’d he do?” 
Child abuse, drug abuse, manslaughter. “Bad things.” 
“Do you see him?” 
“I used to…. I used to bug Wayne to go all the time and the more I grew up the less I wanted to go. I used to want him to miss me though.” The look she gave Eddie  made him realize that he might be able to help with whatever emotional turmoil she was feeling more than he realized. 
“I actually, this is gonna sound silly but just bare with me,” he sighs and she scoots closer. “I used to love my dad more than anything. And when I was taken to Uncle Wayne I used to hate my uncle for separating me from my dad. He refused to let me go and visit him at first and when he finally did I realized why. And then I was stuck in this constant anger that my dad didn’t want me. Why did I want him more than he wanted me? I’m his kid, he helped bring me into the world, what did I do wrong?” 
“What do you think now?” 
“That I’m better without him. That I will always try to be a better dad than he ever was and….. and I hope my mom knows I made it out. I hope she knows, wherever she ended up, that I found what she always wanted for me.” 
“What did she want?” 
“A happy family.” 
“When’s the last time you saw your dad?” 
“I went right after I met your mom.” 
“That was a long time ago!” 
“Yeah it was.” 
“Can…. Can I meet him?” 
“No.” Eddie snaps, chest tightening. “I don’t think that would be-“ 
“I wanna see you with your dad.” And Eddie knows what she means. I wanna know if I can leave my dads shadow. 
“I’ll ask your mother.” 
Part five is already here babes! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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brbsoulnomming · 11 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 27 (final part)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | AO3
rating: explicit
In the morning, Jonathan and Steve and Argyle make breakfast together, and Eddie watches them move around each other kind of bemusedly. He's not sure how, but somehow, it works, and the end result is a spread enough to feed even this hoard.
They trickle out sometime after that, most of them checking on Eddie and Steve one last time. Robin hurries some of them - Dustin and Mike - along, saying Steve has to help Eddie with his physical therapy.
"Wayne's dropping me off at home," she tells them, when it's just her and his uncle waiting in the truck left. "That's my gift to you - you get the weekend to enjoy your physical therapy."
She waggles her eyebrows meaningfully, cackling at them as she leaves.
When it's just them, and the house is utterly silent, they look at each other.
"I'll lock up downstairs," Eddie offers.
"I'll take upstairs," Steve agrees, already running towards it.
Eddie checks the doors and windows, just to be safe, then books it upstairs.
Steve's already sitting on the bed, eyes scanning what looks like Eddie's discharge paperwork.
He looks up when Eddie walks into the room, his expression lighting up in a way that makes Eddie's heart beat a little quicker.
"We need to talk," he blurts out, before he can let himself get distracted by the urge to kiss Steve senseless.
Steve's face falls. "Oh," he says. "Um. Yeah, okay, sure."
"About Jason," Eddie adds hurriedly. "And everything that happened."
"Oh! Right, you're right. Of course." Steve sets the papers aside, scooting up on the bed so Eddie can come sit across from him.
Steve immediately gets his hands on Eddie's knees when he does, leaning into his space. "How are you doing?"
That's not what Eddie meant, but he lets himself think about the question anyway.
"I don't know," he admits. "Can we come back to that?"
Steve makes a face at him. "That won't work forever," he warns him.
"I know," Eddie says. "Does it help if I say this time, at least I knew I wasn't alone?"
Steve considers that. "Does it help you?"
"Yeah," Eddie says slowly. "Before - when I was in the boathouse, or on the lake, or in the woods alone, or even in the Upside Down, there was a lot of times that I thought for sure I was going to die. But last night? I believed I'd be okay. I knew you were there, I knew you all had my back."
"We always will," Steve promises, tipping his head to kiss him.
"That's the other thing we need to talk about," Eddie says. "You always being so ready to be the one to take the hits."
Steve rolls his eyes. "Why does everyone keep bringing that up? I'm not trying to get hurt."
"You still do, though," Eddie points out. "Every time. You think we don't worry about you? Look, if you can look me in the eye and tell me it's a hundred percent not because you think you're worth less than the rest of the party, or that you're only as good as what you can do for them, then I'll drop it."
Steve's jaw tightens, throat working as he swallows.
"Thought so," Eddie says when Steve's been silent for a while.
"I don't exactly think I'm worth less," Steve says.
Eddie waits, but there's no lie, so he relaxes a little.
"But I guess I do think this is what I'm good for," Steve continues. "This is how I can help them."
"Stevie," Eddie whispers, his heart breaking a little. "There's so much more to you than just that, okay? You're more than that to them. To us."
He knows that Joyce said it last night, and he's pretty sure that Robin must have told him it at least a dozen times, but he's also pretty sure that Steve needs to hear it as much as possible.
Steve gives him a bittersweet little smile. "What else am I supposed to do, Eds, sit on the sidelines? Let one of the kids get hurt instead?"
"That's not - okay, look, I'm not going to ask you to stop. No when it's for the kids, and not when we all make plans for Vecna. I get it, I do," Eddie says. "But I don't want you to do it for me."
"Like you weren't going to do the same thing when Jason had the gun pointed at you," Steve says.
Which -
"Okay, fair," Eddie concedes. "But if I don't like it when you do it for me, and you don't like it when I do it for you, where does that leave us?"
Steve frowns. "I don't know. I guess - I guess we work as a team?"
Eddie scrubs a hand over his face. "We did okay once we actually got on the same page?"
Steve drums his fingers on his knee. "I think this is a conversation we need to have with Robin here," he admits.
"Good call," Eddie agrees.
Steve's quiet for a moment. "But I hear you, okay? I do. I know you and Robin don't like it. Like I told her, I - I'll think about both of you before I do anything."
And that -
Yeah, actually, he thinks that's all he needs right now.
"But you have to do the same," Steve adds. "No more like what you did with the demobats."
Unlike when he promised Dustin he wouldn't do that again, he actually thinks it through this time.
"If it's Dustin or me," he says slowly. "It's going to have to be me."
Steve looks at him pointedly, and Eddie winces.
"Right, I know, it's the same for you. But I-" Eddie cuts off, trying to figure out how to say this and be honest without being too vulnerable.
"Eds," Steve murmurs, thumbs rubbing over the inside of his knees.
Right. It's Steve, his soulmate. He can be vulnerable. More than that - he thinks he needs to be vulnerable.
"I wanted to be brave," he admits. "I didn't want to run anymore. I know you don't think I had anything to prove, but I thought I did."
"What about now?" Steve asks.
"I don't know," Eddie says. "I don't think I'm an NPC anymore. But this is - I'm not like you guys, I don't know what I'll do next time. If I'll run again."
Steve frowns. "What's an NPC?"
Eddie huffs out a hollow little laugh. "Non-player character. It's the side characters in a D&D campaign, the ones that no one actually plays, they're just there to facilitate the story and then disappear."
Steve's face smooths out into understanding, and he leans in to kiss him, just the softest brush of their lips together. "Yeah," he says when he pulls back. "I figured you felt like you weren't really one of us, and that you weren't going to make it. But you don't anymore?"
"No," Eddie says. "I don't really know what to do with it, but I know this is it. This is where I want to be. You, uh. You're it for me, too, Stevie."
He'd already accidently fessed up to overhearing Steve and Robin's conversation, after all, so he might as well go all in.
Steve huffs out a little laugh, kissing him again. "I love you."
"Love you, too," Eddie whispers. Then he pulls back, arching one eyebrow. "So how about that physical therapy?"
Steve pulls Eddie's discharge paperwork back out.
"Wait, you - you actually wanted to do the stupid stretches? I thought that was a euphemism!" Eddie says, disappointed.
Steve bumps their knees together. "If you don't stretch out that leg first, you're going to cramp up in the middle of something you really don't want to be cramping up in."
"Oh. Oh! Okay, I'll take it." Eddie flops onto his back on the bed, legs sprawled out. "Okay, Stevie, you're the jock here. Get me stretched out."
Steve laughs, scooting over to get his hands on Eddie's leg. He spreads the paperwork out next to him, looking at it for a moment before he dives right into it.
Eddie lets out a surprised grunt as Steve maneuvers his leg, one hand cupping his knee and the other on his thigh. He can feel it deep in his hip as it rotates nice and slow, can feel the stretch of his thigh, but no there's no sharp pains like he might have expected.
"Tell me if it hurts," Steve says, glancing back at the paper and then moving him again.
The diagrams hadn't been all that helpful when Eddie'd looked, and he'd figured he'd have to actually read through the written instructions a few more times to make any kind of sense of them. But Steve moves his leg around easy as anything, his guiding hands gentle and firm and every movement nice and fluid.
Eddie props himself up on his elbow so he can get a better look at Steve. "You're pretty good at this. Hey, I bet you'd make a good physical therapist."
Steve hums noncommittally.
"No?" Eddie asks.
"I mean, sure, maybe, one day. For now? I might get the Family Video job back, or somewhere else around town that's still open, but until Vecna's down for good, my full time job's gonna be - what'd you call it? Being a paladin."
Eddie can't exactly refute that, but shit, everything about that statement sucks.
Well, almost everything.
"You know, I can see the barbarian side of you, too," Eddie teases.
Steve rolls his eyes. "Fine, full time paladin, part time barbarian."
Eddie snickers. "You're already multiclassing."
Steve scoffs, but his expression is unbelievably fond. "I can't believe how into it I am when you're being a giant nerd, it's pretty embarrassing."
It makes Eddie's insides go all warm and gooey, Steve looking at him like that, and yet -
"You are, though, right? Into it?" he finds himself asking.
"Eds," Steve murmurs, leaning in closer. "I'm into everything about you. It's you."
Eddie tries to just accept it. It's clearly not a lie, but something about the way Steve says it like it should be obvious makes him hunch in on himself a little.
"Right, who wouldn't be into a nerdy, virgin, drug dealing super super senior?"
Steve frowns, pulling back to look at him. There's a scrunch between his brows that says he's thinking hard about something, and Eddie wants so bad to reach out to smooth it out.
Now he can.
Eddie presses his thumb to the little spot, rubbing it like he's rubbing away whatever Steve's thinking about that's making him make that face.
Steve huffs out a laugh, batting his hand away. "All right, let's look at this," he says, rocking back on his heels and holding up one finger.
"First - in case you haven't noticed, all of my friends are huge nerds, man. I'm kind of a nerd, I just look like much less of one compared to all of you. Second -" Steve puts up another finger. "All right, I'm not super thrilled about the drug dealing when it comes to the harder stuff, but you did what you had to, and I'd be a huge hypocrite if I complained about the weed. Third - it's high school. Weren't you the one who said it feels like it's a lot less important now in the face of everything else?"
"That's different," Eddie mutters, feeling a little bit overwhelmed. He's not used to having someone systematically refute almost all of his points about himself like that, and he doesn't know what to do with it other than focus on the one it feels like Steve doesn't understand. "That was social conformity, this is - this is fucking graduating, man."
He's not sure what he'd do if Steve brushed it off again. Fortunately, Steve just shifts a little, laying down on his side next to him.
"Will you tell me?" Steve asks.
Eddie turns to face him more, hand coming up to fiddle with the hem of Steve's shirt. "My dad never graduated," he says finally. "Dropped out after junior year when they told him that it wasn't looking good for him to be able to graduate, said there were bigger and better things out there than high school, anyway. I don't want to be like him, I don't want to give up."
Steve brushes his hair back, tucking it behind his ear. "You fought Vecna with us. You stuck with us, even now. You decided to work with me on making our bond romantic even when you thought Robin and I were together. You aren't the give up type, Eddie, and if graduating is important to you, then it's important to me, too. I know you can do it."
Eddie slips his hand under Steve's shirt, thumb rubbing over his waist. "Yeah? You gonna cheer for me at graduation?"
Steve quirks a little grin. "I'll yell for you and Robs so loud you'll hear me over everyone else."
Eddie kisses him.
"Noticed you didn't say anything about the virgin thing," he jokes when they break for air.
Eddie doesn't actually think that's an issue for Steve, not after how he'd reacted when Eddie first told him, but when Steve doesn't say anything, it makes him frown a little.
"Steve?" he asks, pulling back to look at him.
"It's not like that's going to be true much longer," Steve points out, but there's something about the way he says it that makes Eddie narrow his eyes at him.
"Steve Harrington," Eddie drawls, delighted. "Is that a thing for you? Do you have a virgin thing?"
"I don't have a-" Steve starts to protest, then amends it to, "I don't exactly have a virgin thing."
"Oh, but you have a sort of virgin thing?" Eddie teases. "You're into it, aren't you, popping cherries?"
Steve shoves him as Eddie cackles, and before long Steve's giving a little snort of laughter too.
"Shut up," Steve says. "I just - I like being able to make someone's first experience a good one, okay? I like that someone's trusted me enough to be their first time. And - maybe I really like the idea of being that for you."
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, his voice softening a little. "You gonna make it good for me, Stevie?"
Steve props himself up so he can lean over Eddie, dropping a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "You gonna let me?" he asks, just as soft.
Eddie swallows. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll let you."
Steve hums in response, kissing along the line of his jaw.
Eddie grunts when Steve bites him just under the edge of his jaw, his hips bucking up involuntarily at the sensation of Steve's tongue soothing over the sting from his teeth.
His hands push under Steve's shirt, fingertips scratching through the hair over his stomach as he pushes the fabric up.
"Off," he mutters, tugging insistently, until Steve finally pulls away from his neck to strip off his shirt.
Eddie groans, finally getting to openly stare at him the way he couldn't do the last time Steve was shirtless. He reaches out eagerly, palms sweeping up Steve's ribs before he pushes his fingers through the fucking lush mat of hair on his chest.
Steve grunts as Eddie skims over some of his soulmate words, eyes going wide. "Fuck."
"Right?" Eddie agrees, sliding one hand back down to do it again.
Steve shoves his own hands under Eddie's shirt, manhandling him a little to get him sitting up enough that he can pull it off.
Eddie's dick twitches, practically straining against his jeans - yup, Jesus Christ, confirmed that is definitely a thing for him.
When it's Steve, at least.
He expects Steve to get his hands on him, the way Eddie's still stroking possessively over Steve's chest, but instead Steve dips down and gets his mouth on his collarbone, sucking a mark into his skin.
Eddie makes a choked off sound, something between a moan and a curse.
"That okay?" Steve asks quietly.
One of Eddie's hands abandons Steve's chest so he can push it into his hair instead, tangling in the soft strands so he can hold him right where he is.
"So fucking okay," Eddie says.
Steve huffs out a little laugh, the puff of warm air against his collarbone sending a little shiver down Eddie's spine.
He doesn't dive back in immediately, though, leaving Eddie squirming and arching his hips up.
"What're you waiting for?" he demands.
"Looking for something," Steve replies.
Before Eddie can ask what, Steve dives back in, tongue dragging a line over his sternum.
Right where Eddie knows it says I don't think you're brave.
If Eddie thought it was overwhelming before, having Steve's hands on his words, it's got nothing on his tongue. The wet heat against his chest seems to have a direct line to his dick, and when Steve's lips brush over another line of words on his stomach, he feels it fucking everywhere.
Eddie's not entirely sure how, but somehow, they manage to get both of their jeans and underwear shoved down and tossed aside.
There's so much fucking bare skin, and Eddie's greedy for it, reaching out and touching anything he can reach as Steve practically makes out with every bit of soulmate ink he can find.
Eddie throws his head back as Steve sinks lower, tongue carefully tracing one of raised red lines of his mostly healed bite marks without quite touching it, teeth grazing along one of the bisected words instead.
His hands tangle in Steve's hair again, grip a little harder than he means to - but Steve gives this punched out moan, and fuck, okay, Eddie's going to assume a little hair tugging is on the table.
Steve finds the words on the inside of Eddie's thigh, the ones that say I don't care about my soulmate, too, and I won't do anything to keep them safe, and if Steve's hands weren't on his hips, Eddie's pretty sure he would have hit Steve in the face with how hard he bucks up when Steve bites him there.
"Steve," he manages to get out. "Steve, I'm gonna-"
"Yeah," Steve says, getting one hand around his cock and stroking over him. "Come on, Eds."
His grip on Steve's hair tightens so much it has to hurt when he comes, spilling all over Steve's hand and his own stomach with a strangled shout. Steve strokes him through it, like he's trying to get every last bit of sensation out of him that he can.
Eddie's panting harshly when Steve finally lets go, and his hands slip out of Steve's hair as Steve pulls back to sit up.
His brain is practically mush, and he's not sure he can even feel all of his limbs, let alone move them, but he still makes a greedy little noise when Steve rocks back on his heels and Eddie gets his first good look at his cock.
"Gimme," Eddie mutters, hands twitching as he tries to reach for it.
Steve laughs softly. "Next time," he says.
Instead, he takes one of Eddie's hands in his, lacing their fingers together. With his other hand, Steve jerks himself off, stroking quick and rough, and Eddie's fucking mesmerized by the sight.
It doesn't take long for Steve to come, too, and Eddie's feeling pretty fantastic about that. Steve is so fucking beautiful when he comes that Eddie's spent dick gives a little jolt, and he wonders how quick Steve could be ready for that next time.
Steve drops down next to him when he's finished, and they press together as close as possible, trading kisses that are more like panting into each other's mouths than anything else.
"I love you," he murmurs in Steve's ear, when he's finally got enough breath left to speak.
Steve holds him closer, burying his face in Eddie's neck. "Love you," he returns.
They lay like that for a long time, as Eddie slowly feels his heart start to calm down - as it sinks in that this is fucking real.
"You okay?" Steve asks after a while, voice soft.
"I'm fucking fantastic," Eddie replies.
Steve hums happily, finally tipping his head up so he can kiss him. "That was a first for me, too, you know," he admits quietly.
Eddie smiles. "First boy Steve Harrington ever slept with, that's a pretty good achievement."
Steve rolls his eyes. "First and last," he points out, which -
Okay, apparently that might be kind of a thing for Eddie, too.
"Ruined you for all other men, didn't I?" Eddie asks smugly.
Steve snorts, pinching his side.
Eddie just grins at him, wide and gleeful, until Steve huffs out a little laugh and kisses him again.
"You're lucky I really like seeing you like this," Steve retorts.
"What, all fucked out?" Eddie asks.
"Nah. Like seeing you happy."
"Stevie," he murmurs, gently pushing his fingers through Steve's hair.
Steve tilts his head into his hand for a moment. Then he smirks. "Besides, that wasn't anywhere close to what I plan to do to get you all fucked out."
Eddie's dick twitches again.
"So, uh. How soon can we have that next time?" he asks.
Steve grins at him. "Lunch first, then round two?"
"Hell yes," Eddie agrees.
It's going to be a fucking fantastic weekend.
Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler graduate with the rest of their class that year.
And this time, finally, so does Eddie Munson.
Graduation doesn't happen until July, with all the delays, but Eddie is right there among the class of '86, wearing Steve's jeans and one of his uncle's button ups and all of his rings and chains under his cap and gown.
Robin's name gets called first, and Eddie joins the near deafening roar that comes from all of the people cheering her in the bleachers. He can faintly hear Steve shouting "That's my girl!" over everyone else, but Eddie's not sure if that's because Steve's actually louder than all of them or because he's listening out for Steve more.
When it's Eddie's turn - he honestly doesn't know what to expect. It might be dramatic of him, but he wouldn't be all that surprised if he got tomatoes thrown at him.
What he gets, though, is a roar just as deafening and a fucking standing ovation from two rows of the bleachers. He can hear his uncle shouting "That's my son!", a whoop that sounds like a battle cry coming from the party, and Steve damn near screaming, "That's my boy!"
Eddie can't resist throwing out a pair of devil horns after he takes his diploma.
Vecna is still out there, and Hawkins is still a shithole, and Eddie still doesn't have any more of an idea of what his future holds than he did when he was still in high school.
But he's got two soulmates, and a boyfriend, and a family big enough to fill two rows of the bleachers, and as long as he's got them by his side?
They can handle anything that comes for them.
And we have officially reached the end! I do have a little bit more planned in this verse eventually - a couple of B side things and some prequels from Steve's POV, and a one shot of the campaign they all agreed to play, but for now, this is completed.
I wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, and commented! The response to this honestly astounded me a little, and I wouldn't have been so motivated to finish this without reading everyone's comments and tags in their reblogs. Thank you all so, so much, and a massive thank you to the Steddie fandom in general!! I'm definitely not done with this pairing, and I hope to have more done for them soon.
Tag list: @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Deep down, Tim knows that they are at fault. Deep down he knows that Jason and Damian attacking him like that *isn't ok*. But that's a truth he can't bring himself to face because even if he did, would Anyone believe him? If he told Bruce or Dick that the attacks still happened, that one of them tried to take his life at least once a month still, that neither of them would do anything. Tim doesn't know if they would defend him and punish Jason and Damian, or if they would just say, "you need to be more careful Tim, they can't always control themselves." And if the answer is anything but the first he knows his heart wouldn't be able to take it.
Instincts are there, but they are easy to over come. They very from shifter type to shifter type and usually fall into groups by Animal Type. Such as a Tiger and a Housecat will have similar instinctive problems but they won't be the same as a Wolf or Dolphin's. As a snake Tim 100% has the urge to nap in warm places and does get slower when cold. His suit has special heaters in it that the others don't have due to his inability to regulate his own heat. Damian insists that Tim being unable to function without "a bunch of hand warmers" I'd proof that he shouldn't be in the field and should be fired. Tim bites his forked tongue to stop himself from screaming that if Damian can't not give into his instincts and attack Tim anytime he sees him Shifted then he shouldn't be in the field because he's gunna attack a civilian.
Also for now Bruce has no idea how shifters work. But this is Good Dad Bruce. He's going to put in Effort. He's *going* to find the resources he needs to parent this New Tim because he doesn't think he can bring himself to send any version of any of his children to a home that could hurt or likely kill them. Until then, Bruce is going to insist on New Tim (he gets called TJ thanks to Duke. After all, they can't call him Drake, he hates Timothy, Tim would be confusing, and neither Tim likes the idea of being called "Jackson") takes one of their spare rooms and gets a full 8 hours of sleep every night/day and 3 full meals a day. TJ was Visibly Confused by this due to the fact he hasn't been staying in the manor at all for almost a year due to Damian and Jason. He only sleeps in his nest which has Beyond Batlevel Security to keep them out.
Also, I can't decide. Would a healthier version of Damian and Jason stay away like Tim wants them to or would they go "no *fuck* your bastard excuses for Brothers we will teach you what it's like to actually trust and have us have your back."
Tim not seeking an answer or help is very angsty. He chose his emotional/mental health over his physical well being. Part of it may be him knowing how to navigate the murder attempts but not knowing how bringing this up would change the status quo (in possibly worse ways).
I like what you've added about Tim's instincts. A good milestone for that batfamily is if they find Tim napping on a window seat. This would be a huge show of trust by him and an indication that he feels safe.
I think a healthier version of them would give Tim space and communicate boundaries with him, but they would also try to bond with him.
For Damian, this is a lot of parallel bonding. The kid will find wherever Tim is in the Manor and sit in the same room with him doing something different (like drawing or doing his homework). It is an effective way for Tim to get used to his presence and stop seeing him as a threat. Of course, Tim is nervous or on edge the first 10 or so times this happens. Eventually, he starts to lower his guard enough that Damian can make a comment or two. They slowly work up to full conversations and Tim seeking out Damian's presence himself.
For Jason, he'd try to read in places near Tim as well. His main strategy, though, might be favors or gifts. He'd learn what foods Tim likes, what activities Tim wants/needs to do that Bruce won't let him (like sneaking out), and generally just helping Tim out in small ways. It at first freaks Tim out, but they work up to Tim himself asking Jason for favors.
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1-800-imagines · 4 months
the party. part 2 |r.c.|
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series masterlist
after talking about it with sarah the two of you had decided that just you would be going to the party. sarah didn’t want to add any more drama especially since it was at topper's house. 
sarah was reluctant to just let you lose on the party without her for backup but you had reassured her that you would text her if you needed anything. 
sarah wasn’t going to completely ditch you. she was going with you to your house to help you get ready. then she would most likely be going to be with john b but still accessible if they needed to come wreck havoc at the party. 
you had asked sarah multiple times if she thought rafe actually meant it about taking you alone to which sarah had said, “yes. he likes you more than he likes me.” she was currently doing your hair. then she added, “he always asks about you, especially once you started dating that dick bag and didn’t come over as much.” she paused for a moment and said, “honestly surprised rafe hasn’t literally killed him.”
you didn’t know how to react to what sarah had just said. she went into your closet to pick something out for you to wear so you took that moment to text rafe and make sure he was okay with just you going.  he hadn’t been back at sarah’s when you made the decision. so, you texted rafe to tell him and make extra sure he meant it and said ‘hey, just me tonight. that still ok?’
he had texted you back in minutes saying, ‘course it is kiddo. i’ll pick you up around 9.’
your heart did a small backflip and sarah walked back in the room, holding up a variety of outfits. you shook your head a little and smiled at her, “you’re really putting a lot of thought into this sare.”
“duh, we gotta make you look hotter than you usually look to make that douche realized how bad he fucked up.” she quipped, grabbing your hand and pulling you to a stand so you could try on the different outfits. 
after what seemed to be forever, sarah had finally chosen the ‘perfect outfit’ according to her. 
it was a light pink mini dress that had a v neck. “don’t you think this is a little much? i mean it’s just topper's house.”
“no it’s perfect. you look smokin.” sarah said smiling. “now, do you want me to wait till rafe gets here? to make sure he shows up? coz if he doesn’t, i’ll take you. ”
you shook your head, “nah it’s okay. i’ll let you know when i get to the party.” you had to admit you did have a small amount of doubt that rafe would change his mind and not want to bring you after all. 
but sure enough, at 8:50, he had texted you that he was on his way. 
but at 8:55, your doorbell rang and a minute later your mom called out to you, “sweetie! rafe is here to pick you up.” 
your eyebrows furrowed together as you walked down the stairs, unsure why rafe was at your front door, much less talking to your mom. 
“don’t worry miss y/l/n, i’ll make sure she gets home safe.” you heard rafe say. 
you bit down on your lip to keep from smiling. you finally stepped up to the door and you felt rafe’s eyes rake down your body. 
you blushed and looked at your mom to hide it. she smiled at you, “have fun. be safe.” she kissed your cheek and you walked out the door. “bye rafe honey.” your mom added as the two of you walked towards his truck. 
rafe got to the passenger side and started to open the door for you. you thanked him and got in. 
when he got in the drivers seat, he paused before starting the truck, and turned towards you, “you look really great kid.”
you blushed again, “thanks.“ your eyes looked out the window, not wanting to look directly at him. 
he obviously saw this and patted your thigh then giving it a little squeeze. this shot electricity through your entire body. 
you did turn back towards him, without looking at him, but you could just tell he was smirking. 
after an agonizingly long car ride (less than 10 minutes), you had made it to toppers house. 
when rafe got out of the truck, you took a second to text sarah that you had made it. he walked around to your side and opened the car door for you. he also put out his hand to help you hop down. when you were standing, he turned towards you and gently lifted your chin up, “how do you wanna play this?”
you gave him a puzzled look, “what do you mean?”
“well. we could be here as friends or we could be here on a date. or i could get topper to hit on you. any of the above.”
you contemplated before saying, “i think he’d be the most pissed if it was us on a date.”
“gotcha sweetheart. tell me if it’s too much and i’ll back off.” he said, closing the car door and putting his arm around you to walk inside.  
comment to be tagged for part 3!!
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distantlaughter · 1 year
originally written by Luca Barnaba for TKART magazine 5 March 2022 (x)
The 2016 F1 world champion as you've never seen him before. Through the anecdotes (which are about destroyed hotel rooms, prostitutes and much more!) of those who knew him well, before he became a star.
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After winning the Formula 1 world championship in 2016 and retiring from racing at the end of that same season, Nico Rosberg has shed his driver's shoes to take on those of an entrepreneur-influencer. In recent years, the former Mercedes driver has been involved in a variety of areas, such as promoting projects aimed at environmental sustainability, creating teams that participate in international electric racing series (such as the Rosberg X Racing team in Extreme E), and posting vlogs, track analyses, and stories on social media and about his life and memories. In short… About what Nico Rosberg is today, one really knows or can know everything.
But to know who Nico Rosberg was before F1, world triumph and fame, one has to rely on the stories of the people who saw him grow up and take his first steps in karting, people who know him well, like few others. Dino Chiesa is one of them. A prominent figure in the world of karting, founder of Kart Republic, over the years he has been manager and mentor to some of the promising, later to become undisputed stars, in karting and beyond, including: Alex Zanardi, Vitantonio Liuzzi, Lewis Hamilton and… Nico Rosberg himself.
Of Nico's karting period there are several "stories," especially about the emergence of the friendship-rivalry with Lewis Hamilton (another phenomenon of that generation), but very little is said about who (and how) young Nico was.
It is Dino Chiesa himself who reveals: "I remember him as a child, perhaps smaller than others his age. In the sense that he was more innocent than other peers: 'mannered,' polite." Kids, you know, at 10 to 12 years old begin to develop their character, on and off the track. And, basically, they divide into two groups: those who are less…mischievous and those who…are a little more so. If of Nico we can safely say that he fell into the former, his friend and teammate at the time, Lewis Hamilton, just as quietly we can say that he was part of the latter: "I have an episode that explains how Nico was, even compared to Lewis. I picked them up at the airport. When we arrived in Padua, before dropping them off at the hotel, we passed through a street where there are several prostitutes. Nico, naively, asked me 'What are those women doing there'. And I, considering that he was only 13 years old, replied 'They are waiting for the bus.' Nico did not reply. After a few seconds, however, Lewis said 'Can I take the bus tonight?'"
The genuineness of Nico's era, goes hand in hand with his goodness, which, according to the manager, could also be a flaw, especially when it related to races and competitions, although "Like all good people," Dino Chiesa recounts, "he later bursts."
"And he goes further, erring twice. The first time because out of his goodness he suffered. The second time because by blurting out he then overreacts."
If the portrait of little Rosberg you are getting from these stories looks a lot like a blond angel, know that it is not so. Even Nico - as a teenager - had a chance to show himself reckless: "One morning," Chiesa says, "he comes to the track before the race, makes me promise not to say anything to anyone, and shows me a wound on his foot. I ask him, 'How did you do that?' He said, 'Lewis started hitting me with pillows last night. I responded and we ended up throwing mattresses at each other outside the window of our hotel room. To avoid getting caught by my father and you we went to get them back only to climb over a net…I cut my foot!' I couldn't bring myself to scold him!"
A "naughty" little boy, like many others, then. Unlike many, however, Nico had to handle an unusual challenge early on, that of carrying a "heavy" last name on his shoulders: "Certainly having a father like Keke must not always have been easy. Every time, especially as a child, the comparison was automatically triggered, even though Nico was someone who never abused his surname and did not seek advantages just because he was famous.
"Indeed, as I know him, he is someone who would even go and sleep in a 2-star hotel without necessarily needing to have the suite. Also because, to be honest… He is someone who is very careful about spending."
His distinguishing features over the years have not changed: "For me he is still Nico, the kart guy. He hasn't changed. As he was then he is now, so much so that we talk very often by text or phone. And I for him, in my opinion, am still the one in the kart, his boss. So much so that he still calls me 'boss' today." Also because in his interpersonal relationships he has always maintained that good dose of genuineness: "He's not one of those people who has to have his friends who are soccer players or who are stars. If there is a need to go for a bike ride to train, he even goes with his neighbour."
Impossible, however, to talk about Nico Rosberg without putting his innate talent under the magnifying glass: "I put him among the best in the dry lap! In behaviour, however, he is a gentleman. One of those who does no improprieties, never over the top. Fast, but correct. Not a common thing." But his strong point was undoubtedly working on the kart and finding the best set-up: "He was The Best. In the sense that he was the first to do the dirty work, to prepare the material, to do whatever was necessary to develop chassis and engines."
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rokishimizu4 · 26 days
Green Lantern and his run-in with a spider.
(I have figured it out! Tomato soup, Sudafed, and being sick makes me feral as fuck! So be prepared cause I’m still sick and it’s probably not ending anytime soon.) TW: Arachnophobia (But it’s not a real spider, just a spider made of copper)
Hal Jordan was not made for long nights of all work and no play, or traveling on and off Earth to exchange information with the other Green Lanterns.
He all but collapses on his dirty bed, still as the Green Lantern, only to jump up with the most manliness scream known to man as he comes face to face with Red Robin, who was sitting right next to his bed (waiting in the dark and quiet). “Don’t fucken do that kid! I about hit you!”
”You couldn’t hit the red side of a barn with a bottle.” The kid replays with an exhausted grunt, clearly the kid is back to his own bullshit of not sleeping properly, which is very valid to Hal.
”Why are you even here? It’s like.. 4 in the fucken morning or something.” Hal mumbles as he tries to get comfortable, only to feel something hard under his stomach. Which he properly searches his bed and finds a small spider made of melted copper.
“Oh come the fuck on…” Green Lantern grumbles as he grabs the spider and tosses it towards Red Robin. “Your turn kid. Not it.”
Red Robin grabs it and checks it over, finding a small note etched into the under belly of the spider.
“Look to the stars, and find the trail of powered Kryptonie.” Red Robin reads out loud, and looks at Green Lantern for a clue.
”Isn’t that the stuff that Superman’s made out of, or wait. He is weak to that. It’s like the Red Sun and magic.” Hal rolls out of his bed and moves to stand up, but notices that someone else had joined the later night party.
A, fucken, giant copper spider crawls into Hal’s apartment through the OPEN window, and settles itself on the floor near a confused Red Robin.
”FUCK THAT!” Green Lantern and Red Robin screams in pure panic as they both rush away from the giant spider and barrel into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind them.
“Green Lantern to JL, you have five seconds to come to my location before I burn this building down!!” “Red Robin to Oracle, how do you kill a giant copper spider, without burning the room down?”
The noises of confused panic is the only response that Green Lantern and Red Robin make out as they both try to figure out how to get out of the bathroom without destroying the entire room, as the bathroom window was too small for Red Robin to crawl out of.
Cue a few hours later, really only 10 minutes later, and another heart attack, due to Martian Manhunter popping his head in the bathroom through the wall, until Red Robin and Green Lantern were able to safely come out of the bathroom.
Only to see that the giant, LIVING, copper spider, and the fake small cooper spider were gone, and the message was now written on a piece of golden paper laying on Green Lantern’s side table, near his bed.
To say that Hal Jordan decided to spend the night, and a few more nights, in the JL Headquarters would be an understatement, as would Red Robin switching to patrolling in the daytime hours for a little while be as well.
At least until Batman figures out the meaning of the message, and receiving an envelope with an apologetic letter and a promise that no more copper spider visits for Green Lantern and Red Robin.
”Are we SURE that it’s not some cosmic gremlin child playing pranks on us? Does it not know how else to send out a letter? Does it not have a phone or email?” Green Lantern complains for weeks later from this experience.
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half-oz-eddie · 9 months
One week after being taken in by Joyce and Jim, Billy's found it hard to kick his old habits.
He's found himself rather dependent on drugs and alcohol. So, he does what he usually does to deal with time at home— he gets high and drunk.
He always did it to numb himself, mind and body. So he wouldn't feel the punches. So the screams wouldn't sound so loud. So his body could still feel relaxed in frightening situations. So he could still sleep at night after facing the waking nightmare which was Neil hargrove.
He didn't need to do it anymore, but he still did.
Jim wasn't trying to smother the boy. Eighteen's still an adult, even if he's a kid in Jim's eyes. So he just...waits for Billy to eventually come home, hoping to God he doesn't have to go out looking for him.
10:30 PM...11:42...12:20...1:35...
2:32AM, Billy finally stumbles in the house, quite noisily. His keys hit the floor, he mumbles curses under his breath, he bumps into the coffee table because he's not used to navigating this house in the dark just yet.
He sighs in annoyance and just plops down on the couch. He's already feeling a little uneasy because he made so much noise.
Jim surfaces from his bedroom and sits next to Billy. He shines a flashlight in his face, answered by a groan and the quick reflex of Billy slapping the flashlight away.
"You're wasted, aren't you?" Jim assumes. "Joyce has been worried sick about you. I stayed up all night waiting because she sat by the window waiting to see you park in the driveway."
"Mmh." Billy groans. He's not coherent enough to respond, to apologize.
"How the hell did you drive like this?!" Jim questions.
"I do it all'a time. S'no big deal."
"It's a big deal. Are you crazy? You could've gotten yourself killed!"
"So what?"
"So what?! Billy! How do you think we would feel if something happened to you?"
"I'unno. I just got here. Wouldn't matter."
"It would matter. Jane loves you. Will and Jonathan really like having you here, and Joyce, psh, forget it. You're her baby, just like her other boys. She knows what you went through and all she wants to do is take care of you."
Billy whimpers in response before a soft sniffle can be heard.
Jim places a comforting hand on Billy's shoulder. "Don't cry, alright? Let's sober you up so you can say goodnight to Joyce."
"M'kay." Billy nods.
Jim makes him a cup of coffee and a sandwich.
"Listen. You don't have to check out whenever you come home. Things're different now. It'll be nice if you're present so we can feel like a family."
"You don't need a screw up like me in your family."
"We're all screw ups, Billy. We've all screwed up in one way or another, or been screwed over by life. That's what makes our family so great. We understand each other."
Silence filled the kitchen. The kitchen clock ticked and the lightbulb above them softly buzzed.
"Sorry." Billy finally said. "I'm not used to this."
"I know. You want some cookies and milk?"
"I'm not a kid." Billy rolled his eyes.
"You're my kid. And you can have cookies and milk if you want 'em."
Billy chuckled. "I guess I do want them."
"Atta boy." Jim excitedly opened up a pack of Oreos and poured himself and Billy some milk.
They'd eaten nearly half the package when they heard someone clear their throat.
They both turned to see Joyce standing in the doorway, her arms folded over her robe.
"Having a late night snack, are we?"
"Sorry." Jim apologized. "Did we wake you?"
"No. I was already up. I went to check Billy's room to see if he'd come home and...here he is with you, eating all the snacks."
"I'll replace the oreos." Jim promised.
"I don't care about the oreos, honey. I'm just glad you're home." She said, smiling at Billy. "I was worried you wouldn't come back, then I wouldn't know if you were safe or taking care of yourself."
Billy frowned. "I didn't mean to worry you. I-I swear I won't do it again."
"I hope not." She approached him and kissed his forehead, then snatched the oreo out of his hand and dipped it in his milk, before shoving the whole cookie into her mouth.
Billy laughed as she strutted away, bidding a quiet goodnight before returning to bed.
"I guess I'd better turn in too." Jim said with a stretch as he stood. "What about you?"
"Yeah. I think I'm gonna do the same."
"Goodnight, kid."
"G'night dad."
They looked at each other wide-eyed. Billy didn't mean to call him dad. Not this soon.
"Sorry was that...that was weird, right?"
"Not to me. Whatever makes you feel comfortable."
They smiled at each other before heading to their rooms.
Billy snickered at the pajama set Joyce had laid out for him on his bed. He hadn't worn a pajama set since he was 8 years old, but the red lounge pants and matching cotton shirt were so soft, and the made bed was even softer.
He didn't want to feel numb anymore. He wanted to feel the comfort of his bed, and the warmth of his loving family.
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robiinurheart33 · 2 days
Part 1
The next time Soap wakes up, he isn’t screaming anymore.
He sort of felt that after passing out from the pain of Ghost’s touch along with the stitches that he was gonna wake up in a shitton of pain but surpringly he felt…comfortable. Soap opens his bleary eyes to take stock of the situation. He’s obviously in one of the rooms in the safe house, the room completely void of light. Not even the moonlight is able to pierce through the blackout curtains. No doubt Ghost probably would’ve also dead locked the windows. He feels the cooling touch of a bedsheet under his fingers, the whirring of a fan blowing on his face. He can hear shuffling downstairs, Ghost probably settling down for a few days at the house before they’re cleared to go out.
Johnny sits up with a soft groan, hand patting his side where his stitches lie. His mind feels blissfully silent, like for once a higher being is allowing him to rest, if only for a short while. He feels 10 again when his socked feet slide across the ground as he stands, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and opening the door to the bedroom. Johnny isn’t completely sure of where his bedroom is located, but he manages to find the living room easily and by extension; Ghost. He looks ethereal and deadly in the moonlight, sitting on the couch and cleaning his guns.
“About time you woke up.” Christ, he sounds exhausted. Has he rested even once when he patched Soap up?
“How long was I out?”
A pause. “Long enough.” Ghost sounded more gravely than usual. Soap tries not to dwell on it, what it implies. He knows that even if he tries to get Ghost to rest, it would end up fruitless. He knows other ways to trick him into resting.
Johnny spots his phone on the table and checks the time. 2:37am. Shit, it’s been quite a while since he passed out. They left for the op at 4am, and arrived at the safe house at around 7:30am. He’d been sleeping all this time. He sighs and perches himself onto the couch arm. Far enough that he isn’t invading Ghost’s personal space, but still remaining within his reach. He stares at the generic wallpaper his phone is blinking back at him. His real phone is back in his bedside table at base. The wallpaper is of his family about 8 years ago, all of them grinning at a eyefish filter Johnny’s sister took. Johnny looks ridiculous, his mowhawk not yet making its debut, and an old phase of a beard is evident on his face, bushy and proud. This was taken when they were all on vacation together, a rare occasion when he was able to save enough offs and before all the kids, complications and death. There were the MacTavishes, once upon a time. His mother, two older sisters and a little, blue eyed John. Remember John, His sister hissed, wagging a finger in his face. You’re a Mactavish. When we get down we get the fuck back up again. He’s always admired his sister. he misses them both so, so, much.
“Do you sometimes ever wonder if this life is really worth it?” Johnny suddenly blurts out. He feels his face immediately start burning. God, that’s embarrassing. “Being in the military, I-I mean.”
He knows that Ghost, out of all people would be the worst person to talk to about feelings. He’s an important person that has more responsibilities to lie his focus on, much less his feelings. Shit, can he take back the words? No, that would be even worse. Can Ghost just ignore him? No, wait, that might be even worse if they just stay in this stupid awkward silence Soap subjected them to-
“All the time.”
Johnny whips his head around so fast he’s sure he has whiplash.
“A-all the time?”
To be honest, Johnny never really thought Ghost has a life outside of the military. He never talks about family, friends or maybe even a girlfriend. He doesn’t like to think of the implications or anything about his past. It just felt invasive and inappropriate to do so, even if they were close. Price had told him one late night, smoke curling lazily behind his ear, with low murmurs and blood shot eyes that Simon has no one left to mourn him. Johnny didn’t ask for the details. He didn’t have any right to.
“Yeah.” He doesn’t elaborate. Johnny doesn’t blame him.
He turns back to staring at the wooden walls deprived of any decoration, not even a small potted plant. He takes a deep inhale and sighs, breathing in the stale air. Fuck it. Whether he wants to hear it or not; Johnny can’t take the pain of awkward silence.
“My mom back home, she…” He wet his lips, thinking for a moment. “She writes to me, sometimes. Tells me every single detail of her day, that old hag.” Johnny chuckles, tracing the gnarly stitch work Ghost had done on him over his shirt. “But that’s just because she doesnt have anything else going on in her life. Which, I mean, it does sound depressing, but she’s in her own little bubble y’know? She goes to her yoga class, book club, she bakes, and she’s just fine with that life.” He looks over at Ghost, who’s now looking right at him, gun hanging loosely from his hands.
Soap thinks it would probably be a nice way to go. If Ghost shot him in the head right now.
“She’s…. Happy. I think. I hope so.”
Soap scratches at the base of his neck, looking out the window. The grass seemed to stretch on forever, into the horizon. The moon is just a sliver today, peeking over from its shadow, casting a light blue tint over everything. He thinks if he stood on the road and looked straight ahead, it would look something like those pictures they make you stare at when they check for eyesight at the doctor’s, but without the hot air balloon.
A soft click alerts Soap back to reality, watching Ghost place down his gun.
“Let me get dinner.”
He blinks.
“You haven’t eaten?”
Soap hears a few pots cutleries clink against one another.
“…was waiting for you.”
And fuck, if that just makes his intensities melt and swirl together. Ghost was waiting for him? He was waiting for Soap to wake up to eat dinner together? Jesus Christ. He manages to crack a smile, and a little too tender “aww, Ghostie.” Gets breathed.
He comes back around to face Soap, handing him his MRE with a plastic fork sticking out of it, stream curling from the packet. He can smell the curry chicken and he almost sobs.
“You got me my favourite?”
“Don’t sound so emotional, Sargent. It just happened to be in my bag.”
Ghost plops down onto the couch and pulls off his mask to scarf down his bag, barely stopping for a breath.
Soap chuckles. “Goddamn animal..” He ignores the way his ears feel hot and his chest feels itchy, just holding the packet in his hands.
He fidgets around with it, letting the heat seep into the palms of his hands, wondering how long it would last, if it would stay there forever, cupped in his skin, his bones. Wonders if he could press it to his chest and the heat would spread throughout his body, into his head. If he ate the food would it warm him from the inside out, would it taste as delicious as how Ghost’s considerations made him feel?
“Jesus Christ just eat the fuckin’ food Johnny, before it gets cold.” Ghost grumbles, speech a bit muffled due to the food in his mouth.
He giggles before picking up the fork, scooping up some of the rice and shoving it in his mouth. He lets out an appreciative hum, scooping up more rice and chicken, stuffing more and more into his mouth.
Eventually, Johnny slides from the armrest to the actual couch cushions, tossing the empty packet onto the table with a content sigh. Ghost had resorted to staring out the window now, arms resting on his knees with his hands clasped together as if deep in thought. The Scot lays his head back on the cushions, closing his eyes for a bit. He doesnt want to disrupt the silent peace they have going on right now.
“Let me check your stitches.”
He opens one eye to look at Ghost.
Before he could shift his body towards him though, Ghost already slipped to the floor, sitting cross-legged in front of soap’s legs.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“It’s easier this way. I don’t want you to turn any more than you have to. This’ll be quick.” he says, like Soap isn’t currently fighting for the air to go into his lungs at the way he just with no hesitation start to go for the hem of his shirt.
“Jesus, okay! Fine, i can do it myself.” He grumbles, slapping Ghost’s hand away before quickly pulling his shirt off.
Now, it isn’t the first time Ghost has touched him, nor will it be the last. For fuck’s sakes, he was screaming in anguish just less than 25 hours ago, and Ghost was touching him in the exact same spot. But this time, it was different. It wasn’t physical contact for the sake of keeping all his organs intact, it was more out of concern for his safety. It is also a helluva lot more intimate the last few times they’d touched. (Not like he was keeping count) The moonlight hits him from the back of his head, making his brown eyes shine in the dark. He always looked like he was on the verge of tears, Soap noted a long time ago. They were constantly glassy, waterline reddish-pink an eyelashes longer than a damn horse. His pupils always looked intense and scary, black in the sunlight, caramel in the moonlight. Soap’s sweating now, more so that he’s actively pinning Soap under that stare, watching for any painful expression.
As he reached forward, big bastard he is, knocks his knees apart so that he’s more in between his legs than in front of them. Johnny breathes. His ears are definitely red now.
The first touch felt more like a jolt than anything, cold fingertips pressing into his side.
“Fuck, Ghost, you don’t have any blood in ya?” Johnny cracks a nervous smile, trying to lighten the mood. Ghost doesnt reply, eyes now trained on his midriff.
His left hand cups his waist, their contrasting temperatures slowly making its way to even themselves out. Soap can’t help but shiver, Ghost suddenly whipping his hand away like he’d burned him. He blinks, looking up at Johnny.
“S’ okay, sir. Just didn’t know you have the touch of an ice princess.”
He slaps his ribs, pretty eyes narrowing as he focuses on his stitches again. His left hand comes back to cup his waist, thumb right above the stitches. His right thumb is below the wound, hand resting on his belly, pinkie on his military-issued shorts.
In all honesty, Johnny’s completely losing it. The touch is like liquid nectar spread across his middle, settling under his ribs and squeezing his lungs. He feels indulgent, gluttony taking in the form of Ghost’s touch. It’s so much more than he’s expected it to be, and he feels a bit light headed. The thumb tracing so, so carefully along the uneven stitches almost feels like it could be mistaken for care, for love. Johnny’s light headed, and his limbs feel heavy like it turned into lead. It felt feather light, and all too special. Like if Soap wasn’t completely honed in on whatever the hell is happening right now, the moment would slip away and he would regret it for the rest of his life. So he savours. He memorises the touch pads of ghost’s fingertips against his skin, the light framing his body, his eyes fixated on the stitches. Fuck, fuck. What Soap would give to feel like this all the time.
In spite of his internal turmoil, Ghost looks up at him, eyelashes fluttering.
“You good?”
Johnny swallows, Ghost’s eyes following the motion.
“Yeah- yeah I’m good.”
please touch me more. please hug me. please cup my face and touch me as gently as you do for my wounds. please take care of me. please care.
Soap’s flushing hot now, he doesn’t need to look in a mirror to know. Ghost’s eyes hone in on him, pupils trained onto his body for what, soap doesnt even know. He tries to look as normal as possible with your CO’s hands on him so warm, so gently, like he belongs there.
Whatever Ghost is looking for, he finds as he sighs softly, letting his hands drop and now resting on his hips.
God fucking damn it Ghost is driving him crazy
“You got any siblings?” His hands absentmindedly squeeze him, and Soap mentally checks out. He’s done. He’s actually dying. This is heaven. Or hell. Either way, he doesn’t ever want to leave.
“Two sisters.” He manages to squeeze out as much as he can without his body moving. He’s tuned in with every nerve, so, so scared that if he moves Ghost will take away his hands.
“Can tell.”
“Haud yer wheest.” He grumbles, looking at anywhere but Ghost. Why hasn’t he moved yet?
“Tell me about them.”
Johnny scrambles for any kind of information on his sisters to tell him.
“Well- uh. Marjorie is my oldest. Uh- oldest sister. She hates her name. Has a bubbling little husband little ways from our home. Lovely guy, has no backbone. Honestly could not tell you how he managed to bag my sister. He even says it’s a miracle, heh.” The more he talks, the more he relaxes. “Middle sister, Gwyneth, she.. uh. She has a little rascal running around at home. Little runt, that kid. Fuckin’ love her.”
“Sounds like your mom has a knack for naming her kids.”
“Yeah right, imagine a Marjorie, Gwyneth and then just John.” He shakes his head, chuckling softly. “Lame name.”
“It’s a okay name.”
“Ghost, i can literally name you 10 guys I’ve met with the same name as me. Our captain is named John.”
“Yeah you’re right there. John is a shit name.”
“Shut up!” Johnny giggles, raising his hand as if he was gonna hit Ghost.
“It’s better than Simon.”
A pause. “What’s wrong wit Simon? Right bonnie name, there.”
Even with the darkness, Johnny can feel Ghost’s eyebrow raising.
“Am’ serious! Simon…. Yeah, it’s a good name. Solid.”
He huffs, as if not believing it, one of his thumbs tracing patterns absentmindedly on the soft part of his midriff .
“Who wouldn’t love a Simon in their life, hm?” Soap hums, tapping the cheekbone of Simon’s mask with a finger.
“Simon.” He whispers again, just for good measure, and Ghost looks up at him, eyes shining so, so brightly. He looks almost wistful, hopeful if he looks too much into it. The hands at his hips squeeze.
I love you.
I love you so much I can’t bear it sometimes.
Johnny says nothing else.
“We should probably go sleep now. We have to get up in less than 5 hours.” He whispers.
Ghost hums an agreement, but neither of them move for a long time.
“Okay.” Ghost mumbles, breaking the spell first. He climbs up to his feet and looks down at johnny one last time, hooking an index finger to his chin. “I’ll see you in the morning, yeah?” Johnny can feel the rumble deep in his chest. He doesn’t reply, only nods as he watches Ghost disappear down the hallway.
Once he’s out of sight, Soap buries his face in his hands and groans softly. God, his whole body is alight. How’s he ever gonna sleep now? How’s he going to move on with his life knowing how ghost’s hands felt on his waist, his hips, his chin? His face feels hot, and he scratches at his chest, wringing his shirt he picked up in his hands nervously.
He lays his head back, staring at the water stains on the ceiling.
He’s fucked.
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