#how did i end up with two tags for nocte ugh
purgetrooperfox · 5 months
was not lying about the divorce I'm fighting tooth and nail. transplants them and transplants them and tr
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template source + eyes art cred to @/hamburgerslippers
npts to fill out the template 👁👁 @hamburgerslippers @baba-fett @cyarbika @kiwikipedia @jekyllnahyena @galacticgraffiti @irresponsibility101 @alwayskote and anyone who wants to
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alia-turin · 6 years
That is something cute and fluffy and heartwarming (as much as I can write heartwarming stuff) because next couple of chapters won’t be as nice. Enjoy the fluff. 
Fic Title: Not Strong Enough Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Rating [Warnings]: M [mention of body injury, some self doubt, sex] all chapters will have different warnings Pairing: Luche x OC, Nyx x Luna Summary: 3 years have passed since Noctis disappeared and Luche finds himself on the side of unfamiliar road with no recollection how he got there Note: I was listening to Apocalyptica’s Not Strong Enough while writing that hence the title. It’s VERY suitable sing for the fic.
Tagging: @birdsandivory @lazarustrashpit @jojopitcher @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy
At Nyx and Luna’s house Ada watched Cor being introduced to Sylva and that was the cutest and most awkward thing she had probably seen.
“I’m Sylva, two years old.” The girl introduced herself extending her tinny hand toward Cor. The Marshal blinked and then kneeled to be on the same level as the kid and extended his arm.
“Cor…ugh way older.” The handshake was very awkward due to the size difference and the obvious confusion on Cor’s end.
“You are a natural.” Ada teased him. And the Marshal gave her an angry look. “Sylva since Cor is taller than your dad if you ask him nicely to lift you, you will be taller than Nyx.” She winked at Cor who gave her another pleading look to stop to stop that torture.
Sylva extended her arms up to be lifted and Cor couldn’t say no. He got up grabbed the kid and…did what could be called lifting. His arms were extended and he was holding her as if she might be sick or something.
“Cor, she doesn’t bite.” Ada encouraged him and showed with her hands that he can put the kid on his shoulders.
“Since when do you know anything about kids?” He tried to fight her back and save some of his pride but did follow her advice and placed Sylva on his shoulder.
“Marshal, look at you!” Luna walked in from the kitchen and brought drinks for the three them, Nyx, Tredd and Luche were still dealing with the people outside. “You are ready for one of your own now, we should find you a suitable lady.”
That’s where it became awkward. Cor looked at Ada by pure instinct she suddenly felt on the spot feeling the need to say something even if no one was expecting her to say anything.
“He would be an amazing father, wouldn’t he?” Ada blabbed from the top of her head not even thinking what she said. Just as the words left her lips she figured how stupid and very much out of line that was.
“I will pass.” Cor forced a smile and let Sylva carefully on the ground. “Married to my work and the kingdom.” He watched as Sylva walked towards the drinks that Luna brought and then added. “I will check out on these three, they probably need some adult supervision.”
“Fuck.” Ada said as he was out of the room and she collapsed on the couch behind her.
“Fuck!” Sylva repeated enthusiastically.
“Sylva, no that’s a bad word!” Luna scolded her but her eyes were fixed on Ada.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” That wasn’t a statement just about the swearing it was about the whole situation.
“Did I say something to offend him?” Luna asked and Sat next to Ada grabbing a glass.
“It wasn’t you.” Ada sighed and drank from glass it was some sort of juice, she wished it was something stronger, way stronger. “He and had a thing. Serious thing for two years.”
“Oh sh…snap.” Luna stopped herself knowing the kid was going to repeat exactly that word. “You know what I have something for this conversation.” Luna disappeared in the kitchen and then came back. “It’s not good but it’s strong.”
She passed a brown unlabeled bottle to Ada and she sniffed it. It was rum, Ada never liked rum but right now anything would do even Tredd’s poison.
“So, what happened?” Luna asked after each of them had a shot. “Luche?”
“No, I still thought he was dead when things happened. And yes, I guess I never stopped feeling for him.” Ada sighed and took another shot. “We just had issues. Both of us individually. We worked well, he helped me go over a lot of issues I had and I would like to believe I helped him as well. But some things nobody could fix. He is still blaming himself for Noctis, the King…everything. No amount of words from me or anyone will fix that and he throw everything of himself into trying to redeem himself for something that is neither his fault nor could be redeemed. I on the other hand…” Ada poured herself and Luna another shot and they both finished them. “I always felt like I never stopped loving Luche. He was a corpse and I should have hated him for everything he did, but I guess not saying goodbye properly leaves you with that feeling of unfulfillment. Cor and I started drifting away then I figured out that the magic was hurting me more than I thought and he was going to see it. He was going to ground me and put me behind a desk or something and I couldn’t take that. I felt like I needed to fix my ex boyfriend’s mistakes. Eventually we split, it was mutual agreement. If those were divorce papers I guess you could call it irretrievable breakdown.” Ada sighed. “It’s all so stupid.”
“Do you have feelings for him?” This time Luna poured for both of them and they drank again.
“I respect him. He taught me a lot, helped me a lot.” Ada smiled. “He is an attractive man…I’m not sure how to put it to words. He warms my heart and he is somebody I could be with. Somebody that under slightly different circumstances could make me happy. Once all that is over perhaps and he as no more demons to chase, figuratively speaking. Now Luche…he burns my heat. It killed me when he was away. He had always had that power over me, he can just smile and I would melt. I should hate him. He killed my best friend, a lot of other people I called friends and then he looks at me and I cannot say no to him. He betrayed me and everything I thought we both believed in and as soon as I saw him I knew I cannot stay away from him. I’m rational about him when he is not in front of me and then I’m alone with him and…I would say yes to almost anything he would ask me to. I know it’s wrong, but my heart always overrules my mind about him.”
Luna poured them another drink and they drank then she grabbed Ada’s hand a squeezed hard.
“I can understand what you mean.” Luna said eventually. “Nyx made my heart burn in a way I never thought possible. It’s not the same, it’s absolutely not the same, I know but Noct was the man I could live with. He is handsome and I know he would treat me well, maybe one day I would have grown to love him. If…something is to happen to Nyx, I know I would be able to find someone else to make me happy, but I will never be as happy as I am with him, I know it.” Luna sighed. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to compare it, it’s nothing alike, I just wanted you to know I understand what you are saying.”
“Cheers to that.” Ada poured again and they both drank.
“Is he going to be okay?” Luna asked and at first Ada didn’t understand who, brain was getting slower but then figured it, Cor.
“Yeah. He is fine.” She said hoping she was right. “He is just a bit more protective now with Luche around and I’m sure there is certain level of silent comparison going on. I found them sparing this morning, Luche’s nose was broken pretty bad, Cor had just a scratch.”
“I didn’t see anything on his face!” Luna said astonished.
“Yeah magic does miracles.” Ada waved her hand. “I don’t want to tell Cor to back off, because I don’t think I am the right authority to make a judgement on what Luche deserves and how honest he is, but at the same time I’m trying really hard to believe in him and if I add Cor’s misgivings that’s never going to work.”
“About tonight…” Luna started.
“I was going to tell him I will stay here with him, but now I am having second thoughts. Not because something happened, I just doubt him.” Ada finally admitted something that was going around her head for hours.
“You have every right to doubt him.” Luna nodded.
“Yeah I wasn’t doubting him last night…” Ada said with a short laugh and the princess made a curious face.
“Why don’t you try it on test basis?” Luna suggested. “You guys have a lot of issues, like serious issues, but obviously both of you want to get over them or at least try to do so. Try it for a week. Living together and all that. But I mean really living together, not just sleeping. Try to furnish that place with whatever is left in this world and trust me you will be tested.” She laughed and poured again to both of them. “Finding mattress for Sylva was the hardest thing ever, at some point Nyx was going to hunt all the ducks that he could find and make a mattress himself.”
Ada couldn’t stop but laughed. Imagining Nyx running after ducks and then trying to make a mattress. She would pay to see a video of that.
“We also don’t have a single matching sheet.” Luna continued also laughing. “It was so weird at first but now I don’t really care that much. I already have so much.” She looked at the little girl and Ada had to smile a bit nostalgically. Matching sheets or not, having a family seemed like the most normal thing anyone could have in this weird world and she was happy for Nyx and the princess.
“Oh, by the Six do these people ever shut up.” Tredd walked being as noisy as possible. Sylva looked at him curious not scared but probably wondering what kind of creature that was. “Are you two drinking? Desperate housewives much?”
“You are just jealous because you actually have to do something.” Ada came back at him and gave him a smug smile.
“Hello there, little demon.” Tredd knelt in front of Sylva and Ada saw the princess getting on edge. Didn’t blame her. “Oh, you are so lucky you are not as ugly as your father.”
Tredd’s words were met by a kick in the ass from Nyx making the redhead almost loose his balance and fall.
“You will scare the child.” Luche said and laughed. Sylva didn’t seem scared but her blue eyes had became wide staring at Tredd continuing to wonder about the nature of that unknown element.
“Come on, I will make you all dinner for job well done.” Nyx said before they all moved to the kitchen.
 Luche was sitting on the ground, his back leaning against the wall behind him. They were finally alone in their still empty house that didn’t look like much. Ada was sitting next to him her eyes fixed somewhere on the wall across.
“I think Nyx and Luna found new babysitter in Tredd’s face.” Ada said and laughed. She was right, Tredd was the unlikely person who for some reason the kid liked. He was trying to avoid communicating with the child buts he followed him everywhere. Even tried to follow him to the bathroom and her mother had to hold her.
“From all the people this child could take a liking to she likes the one that absolutely cannot stand in the same room as a child.” Luche chuckled. That was going to be hilarious tomorrow.
“I think we should give it a try.” She said after a break and Luche turned toward her with a wide grin. Then she added too fast “Living together I mean.”
“I’m happy to provide either way.” He continued grinning and could see her blushing. He loved making her blush. His problem however was, he didn’t want to ‘try’ he wanted to do it. The Marshal had told not to try anything on her that might make her change her mind, but Luche had to disagree with him. He loved her and he was going to do anything to keep her with or without the approval of Cor.
“Let’s just see how we work together after all that…” she got up slowly as she said that and he just watched her. “You did well today.” Ada said as she started undressing. Her back was turned toward him but that was enough to make him take a deep breath. She loved teasing him and he loved watching. She pulled her top slowly and then started working on her pants.
“I’m glad something I did meets your approval.” It sounded petty but he was just teasing her, his words meant nothing. She bit on it however and turned around, her pants already gone, she had just her underwear on. Luche smiled to show her he was joking and she just raised an eyebrow. “Come to me.”
She stepped closer to him unhooking her bra, he pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it away. By the time she sat on him her panties were gone and he had pushed his own pants enough to free his erection. She sat on him slowly moaning has his full length went all the way in. Luche pushed himself closer to her and wrapped his hands around her back, his mouth on her ear.
“Marry me.” He whispered on her ear and suddenly she pulled away from his chest, her eyes fixed on his.
“What?” her face was covered in confusion and doubt, probably she thought she didn’t hear him.
“Marry me. Or however that thing works now, I doubt we can go to the court and get marriage certificate.” He smiled. “Come on Ada, we have been together for four years before my untimely demise, you had three years to forget me, you were with someone else and then eventually ended up in my arms again. You might not trust me, but you love me. That trying thing…sure let’s try but I want you.” At the back of his head he added ‘and fuck what Cor thinks’ but didn’t say it. It was going to make thing worse.
“I never took you for a man who says stuff like that because his dick is wet and warm.” She joked but he didn’t smile, he was dead serious. Took him a day to figure it out, but he did. That’s how he sorted everything out. She was going to be his, and they could work on their trust issues without having a Marshal between them.
“I’m serious.” He continued looking her in the eyes. “Look at me and tell me there is anybody else who made you feel the way I do or that you think there might be someone else.”
“Luche…it’s not that simple.” She tried to get off him but he placed his hands on her hips and kept her in place. He did pick a bad timing for that. In his head he asked her, she said yes and then they fucked. Now the fucking has been postponed and his own hips were just aching to move.
“It kind of is. Do you want to spend your life with me or not?” he narrowed it down since he really started wondering how on earth to weddings here work. Did people even get married or just decided hey we live together now.
“Yes.” She said quietly after taking a moment too long for his liking.
“Wasn’t that hard, was it?” he smiled and rolled her over under himself.
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amidalogicdive · 7 years
I was tagged by @geekgoddess813 who was interested in hearing what I would say lol. IDK why, I'm such a pleb asdfghjkl  XD  hahaha! But, I did it for you!
To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year of updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! I haven’t seen a tag meme like this for FFXV yet, so I decided to make one. If you see this and want to, copy/paste this list and share what your favorite things about FFXV are.
Favorite Chocobro:
Oh, my god, this isn’t fair, so I can’t say Nyx?! Lol, ok no seriously.  If Noctis counts, he’s my favorite. If it has to be one of the other three, it would be Ignis. I’ve always loved Ignis and (fun fact) before I was a huge NyxNoct shipper, I was an Ignoct shipper. If ya look back I have a few Ignoct fics...that I still need to finish.  >.<
Favorite Guest Party Member (including Ravus and Libertus from DLC):
Oh damn, this is hard. This is really hard, I’ve deleted my response like three times cuz I keep on going ‘oh but what about…’ Ugh, do I have to pick, can I plead the fifth? Ugh fine…
Ravus - Because I loved getting more backstory on him. This poor boy was so wronged, and while he did come off as an ass, everything he was doing was for Luna.
Aranea - Girl got some sass and I love it, she was fun to listen too and I’m glad she was tossed into a DLC as a guest party member. We needed more Aranea in FFXV
Cor - Damn son, I love this man here. I need to know more, I want more backstory. Seriously, he got the respect of Gilgamesh!! GILGAMESH TALKS ABOUT THIS LITTLE IMMORTAL LION! *flails*
Yeah, I couldn’t pick  :P
Favorite Minor Character(s):
Can I pick two? CAN I?! Biggs and Wedge - Ok ok, they weren’t in it a lot but I loved them. They were funny and their loyalty to Aranea was just, ugh. I really liked them and I wanted more of their back and forth, especially with Aranea lol. When she asked them to drive a train into a daemon-infested city - which was basically a suicide mission for all they knew and they are just like, oh that's all? Yes boys, yes!  
Favorite Villain:
This is so easy, frikin Ardyn ‘Trash Jesus’ Izunia. What, you didn’t hear me, let me repeat: ARDYN ‘TRASH JESUS’ IZUNIA. Ok, let me explain something here. This boy, this BOY WAS SO WRONGED. He did everything that was asked of him, and what happens? He gets fucked over by his brother, the crystal changes his mind and the gods - not only do they turn against him, but they won’t even let him pass on into the afterlife. Dragonbutt needs to get some balls, but damn son, you did nothing! You caused this problem to happen!
This man had 2000 years of suffering, hatred, and betrayal built up inside of him and he went off the deep end. Like he said, it wasn’t even about Noctis. He was just the poor sap that was born to be the King of Light. This was revenge against a crystal that denied him and the gods that turned their back on him. And you can see it, you can see he’s still hurting, you can see there is a good man that’s been tainted by thousands of years of torment. When he tells his story to Noct, you can see the pain, and when Noct beats him, you can see that he thinks Noct’s going to do the same thing the Gods, Crystal and his brother did. Erase him. I love this trashy man, and I can’t wait for this DLC.
Favorite Kingsglaive Character:
No Surprise: Nyx. Do I really need to explain why? He’s an amazing, cocksure, humble, hurting little ball of fire that fights like the daemons and just makes my heart do weird things in my chest. This man is so frikin badass, even the Kings had to bow down to him and let him take charge. This dry sense of humor and self-sacrificing nature is just asdfghjkl and though all of it he never forgot who he was and what he was fighting for. Like he said, his life means nothing but giving a future to those who wanna see it is everything. Oh, baby, your life is everything, and he deserved better, damn it.
And don’t even get me talking about the fact that three, THREE frikin people put on that ring (four of you count Luche, but eh…) and all three asked the Kings for their strength and two of them for sure (Nyx and Ignis) offered to sacrifice their life and only NYX FRIKIN DIED.
No, don’t get me started - cuz we are talking more salt then the dead sea here…  >.<
Favorite Astral/Divine Being:
Funny thing, I have always loved Shiva since like FFVIII. She’s my Queen, I bow down to her… but before I realized that Gentiana was Shiva, I was in love with Gentiana. When I saw her in clips before the game came out I was thinking: Woman I don’t know who you are, or what your role is, but please I love you. Her being Shiva, my Queen, my everything… that just made it even better. Lol, so obviously - Shiva.
Favorite Character Overall:
Noctis. He is a very self-sacrificing and strong character who goes through a lot and honestly, finds his courage and self-worth. I think he had a lot of issues before, I think he was depressed and didn’t feel like he was right for the throne, and he was just playing a part. Once he was out there, once he realized what had happened and that he was now King, things changed. He because braver, and stronger. He started putting his trust in others as much as they put their trust in him. He realized that he didn’t have to do things and save people for the recognition, just doing was enough. You can see the impact that it had in comrades, where people (just random NPCs) talk about a boy or four boys in black who saved them, or helped fix their car or did some random act for them and how much it meant. He goes from a kinda sheltered boy to a King who knows what sacrifice is. I love his change, and how he keeps going. Like he told Iggy, they can’t stop, they have to keep going or everyone who sacrificed their lives for him, it would be pointless.
Noct is a good boy.  :3
Favorite Weapon:
Nyx kukri that you get in Insomnia, oh don’t act like you’re surprised lol. Noctis always has them on him and I use them a lot.
Favorite Location:
Omg, so many people are gonna disagree and be like: What?! *flails* - I like Altissia lol. It was confusing at first, but now I know my way around pretty well, and I love the 3x exp from the hotel.  >.>
And I love the arena and gambling lol, and that was the first time I head the whole “this place is so romantic” “And you're here with us, all three of us, you are a lucky man” and about died. Lol
Favourite Quest/Questline/Hunt:
The fishing questline. Hush, don’t laugh at me… I honestly really love fishing in this game and I loved the fishing questline with Navyth.
Favorite Boss:
Ardyn, lol. He’s such a shit and I love to listen to him shit talk Noctis as they fight. Ifrit was a good fight too, so kudos to that fiery SOB. lol
Favorite Monster/Monster Family/etc:
Tonberry, I’ve always loved Tonberry with their cute little lanterns and their stabby frikin knifes. They are small, cute and ruthless. It's like that scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail “Aww it's just a little Bunny Rabbit…. RUN AWAY RUN AWAY!!”  Yeah, Tonberry!  :D
Oh, and Coeurls. Just cuz I like cats and much respect for something that can one-shot me with lightning from its whiskers lol.
Favorite Song:
Please like I can pick just one… So like here are my top whatever:
Nox Aeterna: So short but so much emotion. Nox Divina: Badass summoning music, yes, please! Noctis: It was not what I was expecting, and it was a very pleasant surprise!   Prayer De Luna: This is just asdfghjkl she’s got a beautiful theme and ya gotta respect it. Dewdrops at Dawn: So beautiful, simple and just all the feels. Just makes me think of the people seeing the sunrise after such a long time, or for the first time for some… and realizing what Noct gave up for them. Somnus: The original, the beauty that it is. This song is a godsend, I love it and I love her voice.
Favorite Boss Theme:
Does Somnus Ultima count? I mean its basically the second part of the... fight? Damn, I love that song! Ok if not, Magna Insomnia is epic, and love it. Also, Hellfire, damn that opening (the first like 18 seconds) sounds so ominous like wtf did I get myself into here lol.
But honestly, all around this soundtrack and all of the music is epic - honestly, there is no song I hate, except maybe Stand By Me - but only because it makes me FEEL THINGS PPL SJHAFKLHSJ!! Just kidding I love it too. ;-;
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event:
Assassin’s Festival was awesome and I want them to put the whole roof thing into Lestallum full time so we can run up there and have fun lol. Think of all the NPC’s and shit they could put up there and quests they could add. Yes, please lol.
Favorite Episode DLC:
Ugh, ok. It’s a toss-up. 
I love Episode Ignis because it adds so much to the story and the alternate endings, yes, please. I love that SE made the end of this game so transparent and said that the ending of the main game was simply an Alternate Reality, something that could have happened. Now they start tossing in all these other endings and you realize that one choice, one thing did differently could have changed the whole outcome of the game asdfghjkl. I know some don’t like it, but like Episode Ignis said: Possibilities.  And I love those possibilities.
That said - Episode Prompto, and him finally finding out who he was, dealing with it and coming to terms with it. Finally having the courage to tell his friends, look this is what I am. Not only to see them accept him but for him to accept himself… it was great!
Other Favorites of Note:
I love:
flying the Regalia, except when I crash and kill them all. 
hitting the breaks when Noctis is sitting on the trunk and seeing him getting all pissed off.  
the fishing and I need to catch them all. 
the shit talking they do while fighting
the new character switch during battle and the geeky things they do and say.
just driving around and listening to the soundtracks.
the pics that Prompto takes.
Idk, there is so much to list. I mean is it a perfect game? No. But do I love it and do I enjoy playing it? 100% Yes. 
Anyway, I sometimes like all the plot holes that they leave all over the place. Perfect for me to build a fic around and let my own imagination inspire me. I haven’t loved a Final Fantasy game like this in a long time, and I'm glad that I do. It made me meet some really nice people and fall into a perfect little life raft of feels that makes up the NyxNoct fandom!
So, let's see what y’all gotta say now. I tag (and you don’t have to do it lol especially if you already did!): @prettyprompto @aithilin @courtingdestruction @grimmvertigo @jazzraft @midnightpyres @rsasai @argent-the-moderately-useful @ghostl0rd @ignoctgirl @cardigan-carm @glaivenoct @nicolareed @nicrt @stylishchocobutt  @bezier-curve
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siren-dragon · 7 years
To Stand Beside Him - (Prompto and Noctis) drabble
Hey guys, I’m back…kinda.
I wrote this due to certain events that happened during this week, and also as a bit of a apology. Also a big thank you to those that…helped me a lot during this past week. You guys are the best. I just hope the person I wrote this for…gets a chance to read it.
Tagging: @valkyrieofardyn, @seerya, @pascha-chan, @rosecoloredkay, @poisonous-panda
He could only watch in horror as the blade struck true. As if in slow motion, wine-red faded to bright-blonde as blue eyes stared back in shock before gravity took hold. A scream tore through Prompto’s throat as he fell off the train, disappearing down the tracks. Noctis stared after his friend as the train rushed on beneath his feet; frozen in place as the realization fell upon him.
What had he done….
Footsteps tapped across the metal roof, barely heard over the roaring wind all around them. “How long were you in the dark?”
As the pistol slammed against his head, Noct winced; the world fading fast as black spots danced across his vision. Lost in the dark? Longer than he knew.
”Is that Prince Noctis?”
”He’s so cute!”
”I wonder how many servants he has?”
”Do you think he’d let us visit the Citadel?”
”I heard he’s super smart, already top of the class!”
He hated the whispers.
All around him they stared, like he was some incredibly rare exhibit within the zoo. Did they think he could not hear them? Were they only curious about his life and not him as a person? No, to them he was only Prince Noctis…always had been and always will be.
“Um…. Prince Noctis? M-My name is Pr-AHH!”
He turned at the mention of his name, only to gasp in surprise as the blonde kid tripped over a caution cone, falling flat on his face. “Are you okay?” he asked, hurrying over. “Here, give me your hand.”
The kid immediately complied, taking hold of his hand as Noctis tried to pull him up. “Ugh, you’re heavy!”
At last he managed to pull him up, panting slightly in exertion. He glanced over the boy in front of him, from his bright blonde hair to his cubby physique, recognizing him from his class. What the heck was he doing out here?…
A bell echoed in the distance, signaling the end of lunch. Noctis frowned, before waving farewell, “well, see ya.”
Yet as he walked away, Noctis couldn’t help but wonder…was that kid- no. He would likely just act like all the others.
Slowly he crept through the desolate Keep, stealthily trying to avoid daemons and MT’s alike. What the hell was going on here? Regardless of his current situation, first thing to do was to find Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio- then, the Crystal.
”Did you hear that? …There’s something out there….”
Noctis growled in anger at the voice that chimed over the intercom. And of course, there was that bastard to deal with.
Dodging another patrolling MT as it shuffled away from his hiding place, Noct quickly hurried down the next corridor. He sighed in relief before continuing on past a empty dormitory, mentally taking note of the safe haven. As he walked up the stairs he paused at the sight of a silhouette walking ahead of him…one that he recognized.
“Prompto!” he cried out, immediately giving chase. “Wait up!”
He sprinted after his friend, rounding a corner only to find him gone. With new found energy Noct ran further in search of the blonde. At last, he found him; slumped forward on a metal chair behind iron bars.
“Damn it, it won’t budge!” Noct shouted in frustration, trying in vain to open the gate.
“…. Noct?…Is that…you buddy?….” Prompto whispered, his defeated tone sending a chill down Noctis’ spine.
“Don’t worry Prompto, I’m coming!”
Rushing to the next room Noct quickly inched through a small gap nestled between the walls. When he finally emerged, he dispatched the daemon guard in a fit of rage, the ring resting upon his finger glowing brightly as the magic within answering the call of it’s master. When the monster fallen Noctis moved to Prompto’s side, a smile of relief on his face.
“It’s okay now Prompto, you’re safe…..Prompto?…”
Noctis took a step forward and reached out toward his friend with a shaking hand and grasped his shoulder. He jumped back in surprise as the body crashed to the floor, showing nothing but a rusted MT. Clenching his fist in anger, Noct kicked the decoy. “Another trick!” he hissed in irritation.
”Ah, you should have seen the look on your face. You’d best hurry; next time, it might really be your friend…”
Turning his face to the floor, Noctis quickly scanned the master keycard before opening the iron gate to continue his journey. He refused to show Ardyn the tears that fell from his eyes at his failure.
Again, the whispers continued, clinging to his every moment like the symptoms of an illness. For 8 years he had endured their words on “Prince Noctis”. Always the upstanding student; top of the class even. Yet they did not see beyond that title as it hung over his head like a shroud. He didn’t want to be Prince Noctis, just Noctis…and no one would see that.
He nearly tripped over his own two feet when a hand slammed into his back. Wondering who the hell had hit him, Noctis turned to see a boy from his class standing there.
“Hey there Prince Noctis, I’m Prompto Argentum! It’s nice to meet ya!” 
Noctis stared at the boy, the very incarnation of sunlight with his bright blonde hair, brilliant smile, and happy attitude. But…he seemed so familiar. Was it? …it couldn’t be.
”Have we met before?”
Prompto blushed, starting to stutter a bit. “Erm, n-not that I know of. Besides, this is the first time I’ve talked to you and I thought that we could maybe be friends?…”
He blinked in surprise before an easy smile spread across his lips. “…Sure thing, Prompto.”
The blonde cheered before clapping an arm around his shoulders, causing Noctis to laugh.
Noctis continued down the corridor toward the control center, Ignis and Gladio in tow. Now there was only one missing, and by God he was going to find him.
“This one’s unlocked,” Gladio spoke.
“Meaning…there’s someone inside.”
Quickly Noctis rushed ahead, ignoring Gladio’s call to wait as he guided Ignis. Approaching the small prison, he glanced about looking for his friend before he caught sight of it. Pale blonde hair on the figure that was chained to the wall across the way.
“Prompto!” Noctis shouted, wasting no time to help his friend.
Ripping off the metal shackles with Gladio’s help, he caught Prompto as he fell forward, gently lowering him to the ground. Prompto gasped, taking deep shaky breathes as they waited for him to recover.
“Are you alright?” Ignis spoke gently.
Gladio huffed, “he didn’t do anything to you, right?”
“No, I-I’m okay.” Prompto gasped out, “But…. Noct?”
“I…. I have to ask…were you worried about me?”
Noctis spluttered, horrified at the question. “Of course, I was! What kinda of question is that?!”
Prompto chuckled, “I figured you would be. That’s why you came here.”
”….. Prompto…”
“That’s why…I told myself I couldn’t die. So, I could see you, and hear you tell me that I’m not a fake…. that I’m me, and I always will be.”
Noctis frowned, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, everything is alright now.”
It seemed cruelly ironic to have people celebrating at the festival when the Empire paraded about, effectively ruining the festivities for Noctis and the others. Well, there were always easier ways to go about removing the threat. And what better way to do that then as an assassin.
Quietly Noctis hid within the haystack, trying to ignore the sharp pokes of the hay jabbing at his skin through the costume. Listening for the heavy, metal footsteps of the MT Noct whistled loudly, causing the rhythmic taps to stop and turn. He grinned in anticipation as the footsteps got louder and louder, eventually coming to a stop right beside the haystack.
“Got you now.” He whispered, springing from his hiding place.
He released the hidden blade on his gauntlet and pierced through the MT’s armor, causing it to freeze and fall limp. Catching the metal body before it hit the ground, Noct hauled it into the haystack before jumping out. Prompto came up from his hiding place behind a crate just as Noct readjusted the hood on his costume.
”They bring those troopers to life just to let ‘em die…. It’s kinda sad, ya’ know?”
”What’s so sad about a bunch of robots getting their circuits fried?” Noctis laughed.
Prompto frowned, “Robots…. Right.”
”Nothing, just saying you were right.”
The young prince shrugged, moving back toward the Leville. Prompto glanced back at the haystack and sighed before following his friend.
Noctis hurried forward toward the jamming device, pausing only when encountering a blast-proof door. He frowned, waiting for the others to catch up, “Door’s locked.”
“The sound is coming from within. Is there no way through?” Ignis asked.
“…. There’s a way.”
The three turned to face Prompto at the sound of his words. Noctis watched as Prompto stepped forward, raising his hand toward the electrical lock…the one with his barcode. After a few seconds, the light upon the lock glowed green as the doors slid open. A stunned silence fell upon the four as they kept their eyes fixated upon the blonde.
“So, MT’s…. They’ve got those code prints…just like I do.”
“Do they? Never looked.”
Prompto bit his lip, “yeah… So, as it turns out…I’m one of them. Not exactly something I could tell people, growing up in Lucis. Still…. You guys are like…the only friends I’ve ever known.” He blinked back tears, refusing to look up. “I just hope that things can stay the way they were.”
“Whatever, who cares where you were born.”
Ignis smiled, “I don’t see you turning against us; not now or ever.”
“Thanks guys. Still… I can’t change where I came from…. What I am.”
Time seemed to freeze as Noctis watched Prompto nearly succumb to tears. He had to admit, of all the things to hear that was not what he expected. And yet…Prompto still came on their journey. Even under the threat of death if any of the Crownsguard found out about his origins. He thought back to bygone days, walking through crowds as they praised his name; yet none truly seeing him. The real him. And then…. he came barreling into his life.
Through it all…he stood with him. And now…now it was his turn.
“Since when does where you come from matter to you?” Noctis spoke, causing Prompto to blink in surprise. “You’ve never once treated me as a prince.”
Gladio laughed, “He’s got you there.”
“Never so much as a Highness.” Ignis added.
“We’re done here. C’mon, crown citizen.”
“You’re one of us, right?”
“….Unless, you’d rather not be.”
Noctis watched as the blonde blinked away tears before grinning happily, causing a smile to tug at his own lips.
Sitting in the last dormitory, Prompto stared at the floor, lost in thought. He didn’t even notice Noctis take a seat on the opposite side of him. “Hey…. I’m sorry.”
“Hmm? For what?”
Noctis glared at the floor beneath his feet, hands clenching in anger. “For falling right into his trap…. and for hurting you like that.”
“I know, right? ‘How could you possibly do such a horrible thing - after everything we’ve been through!?’” Prompto chuckled softly. “Nah, it’s okay. You’re not the only one who fell for it.”
“….. No. It’s not okay.”
Prompto spun about in surprise as Noctis began pacing the room. “I hurt you Prompto. After you’ve done absolutely nothing but be a good friend, I hurt you. For God’s sake, I pushed off a train! You can’t tell me that everything is going to be okay after that! I…I betrayed you…and you still sit here with me when I deserve none of it….”
Noctis sat down heavily upon the bed, burying his head in his hands as he tugged at his hair in frustration. It seemed like an eternity passed until a hand landed upon his shoulder, causing him to turn about. Prompto smiled, “I’m here because you’re my friend Noct, and you always will be. And you came for me because you are my friend. A king cares for his people and…I think you’ve got that nailed perfectly.”
The black-haired prince stared with shock at the blonde. He gave an easy smile, “you know, when I was a kid I always hated going to school. Everywhere I went people would stop and stare; whispering about the Lucian Prince. I never liked it because they never saw the real me.”
“O-Oh? What changed your mind?”
“Well, one day this really fat kid came and found me behind the gym. He marched right up to me and just before he could say one sentence, he tripped over a caution cone,” Noctis chuckled. “So, I helped him up and said goodbye when the bell rang. I wondered who the hell that kid was…but I never saw him again.”
Prompto coughed, blushing slightly in remembrance of the incident. “Well, he was probably too embarrassed after that screw up. Do you ever know what happened to him?”
“Not really… I never saw him again after that. But then when I got to high-school, this cheerful blonde slammed his hand into my back and I nearly fell flat on my face. He grinned brightly, introduced himself and said we should be friends.” Noctis smiled, just like the incident was yesterday. “I knew nothing about him, but he ended up becoming my best friend…. One I’m proud to have.”
”So, I will stand beside him just as he did with me. I just hope…that he’ll be willing to help me as I make this world a better place.”
Prompto grinned brightly before nodding. “Ever at your side, your Majesty.”
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
You know one of those status ailments where they turn into toads? What if one day they found this new creature that turna them into babies instead and surprise surprise that thing got Noct and Prompto. So while trying to figure out the cure for this Ignis and Gladio have to deal with two cute babies (which I think Noct will remain the same cause no matter how old is he, he's still *ignis's* a baby.) Lol it would a bit chaotic dont you think?
That would be MAXIMUM FLUFF.
Omg anon you triggered me, like asjkfdkslf, ahaha, it’d be hilarious and so cuuuute, listen:
When battle’s done Ignis and Gladio just look at the babies and they’re like “Rly? -///-”, and Ignis suggests they wait, and maybe the status will go on its own, like the toad one.
Turns out it does not, so after a good two hours standing there Ignis reaches down and picks baby Noctis to his arms like “Well, we shall wait in a safer spot. Let’s move; take Prompto.”
“You mean as in carry him?”
Gladio’s not happy with the idea of carrying any of the babies but Ignis’ glaring at him so he’s left with no option.
He picks baby Prompto by a leg, btw, and carries him like that the entire time until Ignis notices and loses his shit.
When they get to a haven Ignis carefully sits Noctis down and tries to adapt his shirt, still adult sized, so it can be some sort of onesie.
Gladio’s just carrying Prompto and glaring at him all like
“You don’t fool me, smartass. You’re conscious and act like you’re really a baby just to get spoiled.”
Prompto pees on him.
“…you son of a bitch.”
They have to get some sleep, but the status doesn’t fade even overnight.
Gladio and Ignis didn’t think a baby could be troubles until it was time to sleep and both babies did not stop crying, rolling around, toying with the grown-ups’ eyelids and trying to sneak out the tent.
“Your highness, please, stop. Stay here. Sleep. Your- Noct, no, that’s enough. Prompto, don’t- Astrals, Gladiolus, help me.”
Gladio’s snorting and hiding under the pillow because HE WANTS SOME SLEEP DAMMIT.
The status stays like that even the following day so the grown-ups have to carry them around looking for an answer.
Ignis carefully found a way to carry Noctis on his back, wrapped in his coat.
Gladio’s still carrying Prompto by a leg.
They end up buying carry bags.
Gladio’s a bit embarrassed at first, tbh, but Ignis seems to be ecstatic and just dissimulating and trying to seem uninterested.
First time the babies poo, lmao
“What happened!? Is anybody hurt!?”
So they enter a paranoid mess of
They ended up calling for Cor.
Cor, embarrassed, sighs and uses his master skills for treating with babies.
“I thought I was done with you years ago….”
Cor ends up teaching them how to change diapers, hold the babies properly, and all that’s needed. 
Gladio and Ignis constantly go to all stores to try many options on the babies to get rid of the status that’s lasted days already.
Lmao imagine if anybody recognized them AHAHAHA
Like they turn on the radio one day and it’s the news like
“In other news, some civilians have a testimony- they say that they saw the sworn shield of our missing prince Noctis Gladiolus Amicitia and adviser Ignis Scientia in a store at Old Lestallum together. And not only that, but they were also carrying, pay attention, a pair of adorable baby kids. Here you have the photo on screen for those of you watching us on TV. Who would have thought. This has made the rumors of a possible relationship between the two rocket up, to the point people believe that not only are the once-royal Amicitia and Scientia together but have also taken their time to form a family of their own, just months after the Fall of Insomnia. What are your thoughts, we’d like to hear, you can phone at (x) phone number or tweet us, Hashtag AmicitiaScientia and Hashtag AmicitiaScientiaFamily.
Gladio’s a bit embarrassed, and Ignis’ hiding his face in his hands.
Most tweets will go on “I KNEW IT” which will just embarrass Ignis even more.
“Noctis, please, stop being so picky, you’re a baby, you should be eating everything, even what you shouldn’t, don’t do this to me.”
Constant married-couple-like fights between the two friends.
“He doesn’t like the one with cranberries, leave it. It’s food for the babies, Gladiolus, not for us.” - “Ignis Scientia, I told you multiple times to get (X) size of diapers, and what does this tag say? Ah, I thought so.”  “Gladiolus Amicitia, did you use my spoon to feed him? Omg, you’re a pain in the ass.”
When days pass and Gladio notices the babies are really not their 20-y.o. conscious, the starts enjoying of this.
Gladio’s taken charge of Prompto’s camera and has overloaded the memory card with photos of the babies.
He enjoys putting signs on the babies (because they can’t read) and snap pics.
Noctis has a photo of him laughing while sat in front of a paper that said “Fuckboy”.
Prompto has a photo of him laughing, sat on Ignis’ face when the man had been mid-sleep.
Like they had no money or time to buy baby seats so Gladio has to sit on the back to take care of the two.
He, the wild man he is, enjoys taking the babies by the clothes and putting them up on the air while the Regalia moves.
Nah, Gladio will enjoy lifting them both on the air.
The babies laugh the entire time, and complain if Gladio sits them down.
Ignis had tried putting the roof on, but Gladio would just hold them outside the window, which was worse, so Ignis ended giving up and letting him do that.
At first it’s a big ass mess, but the guys end up enjoying of it.
Gladio has constantly walked in on Ignis humming or singing to baby Noctis while carrying him to his shoulder, so well and carefully held that Ignis looks as if though this is not his first time being nanny.
First time Gladio walked in on that, he stayed slightly away as if to give them privacy, but he was too amazed by Ignis’ perfect and natural fatherly being that he can’t look away.
The babies insist on not letting them sleep and pat them on the face at 4 a.m.
“Uh…Iggy…your sons are calling…”
“Before dawn, they are YOUR sons.”
Hashtag that was a Disney reference, ten points to myself.
Gladio constantly throws the babies in the air…and remember, Gladio’s STRONG, so the babies go fast and really high up and are a mess of laughter.
So Ignis is constantly freaking out and swearing he’ll grow white hair sooner than expected if Gladiolus keeps doing that.  
Ignis has walked in on Gladio spoiling the babies, making faces at them, tickling them and, like Gladio’s had it, singing them to sleep far too many times.
Ignis is always amazed and moved; Gladio’s tough and big, but he’s really just a fan-boy mess for little kids and babies.
Baby Prompto will laugh every time Gladio’s carrying him and go quiet when Ignis does. This makes Gladio laugh at Ignis.
Baby Noctis, however, prefers Ignis.
Baby Noctis will insist on throwing his tiny hands to Gladio, frowning and with the legs flying around (if he’s being carried), as if he wants to fight.
Baby Noctis, despite his constant attempts of murdering Gladio, will cry if Gladio’s not back by the time it gets dark outside, and will want Gladio to carry him for a whole hour before he gets to sleep.
Baby Prompto will constantly hug Ignis’ leg and hide behind it.
Baby Prompto will insist on trying to take and sometimes really taking Ignis’ glasses.
Both babies will start clapping and cheering as soon as they see Ignis get close to the kitchen or any stove (even when he’s just passing by).
Ignis loses his extreme disgust of the dirt with the weeks; both babies had puked on him times enough for him to just get adapted.
It takes them a while, because at first it was very chaotic, but now they’re adapted as if they were a family.
They will still carry the babies when going grocery-shopping.
Baby Prompto will cheer every time he sees another baby and will try to reach to touch their faces.
Baby Noctis will whimper and whine if he sees another baby.
“Oh, he’s so cute! Is this your child? Aw, he’s so cute, who’s his mommy?”
Gladio will point at Ignis and smile proudly.
“That’s his mommy.”
Lmao imagine Gladio trying to flirt with a girl at Lestallum and while he’s in the middle of it Ignis arrives with both babies like
“I beg your pardon, but they won’t stop crying since you left.”
LMAO the girl will gasp and look at him like !?
“…I swear this is not what-”
And there goes Gladio’s possible date “THANK YOU, IGNIS”
“I’m sorry, but they won’t stop crying no matter what I do, they want you ;____;”
Gladio won’t mind and will go back.
Gladio will constantly hide the babies (in safe places ofc) and make Ignis freak out because “I SWEAR HE WAS THERE JUST A MOMENT AGO, OMG GLADIO WHAT DO WE DO HE LEFT THE HAVEN I KNEW WE DIDN’T HAVE TO CAMP, OHMYGOD WHATDOIDO”
Baby Prompto wouldn’t stop whining until they bought him five chocobo plushies.
Like one day the status breaks and the guys go back to normal and everything’s happy and it’s endless jokes everywhere.
But both Gladio and Ignis will constantly be thinking on how much fun they had while the guys were babies.
Except none will say a thing about it because both will be extremely nervous of what the other thinks.
And then one day Gladio just can’t keep it any longer.
“Iggy…I’d…what if…we’ve been together for a very long while by now and…I was thinking…we’re…wouldn’t you like…”
And after many days trying to say it he will just snap it out.
“Iggy, let’s have babies.”
Ignis will just look at him with wide eyes.
“…I don’t know Gladio, are you sure we can handle pregnancy already?”
Gladio will lose his shit at Ignis’ terrible timing for a joke.
Ignis will laugh and will just stare away because he’s too shy (on his own way) to look at him when talking about this.
“…I’d like it, too.”
This is how you murder Moon Raccoon. With extreme fluff, asifjosfjgsfp.
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nraidx74 · 5 years
Birthday Party (Child) (Part 1)
The mansion was filled with laughter and chatter from both the old and the young. Well-Decorated rooms, as well as beautiful flower arrangement, decorated the whole mansion. The Mansion courtyard was a bouncy castle, a snack buffets, a gorgeous fountain, and a cake two feet tall. Everyone was busy preparing dishes to bring into the dining hall for the guests. There were dishes where the guests would take as much as they want.
Everything was hustling and bustling, a very festive atmosphere. Everyone was enjoying their time, with food in their hands and companies to talk to. Everything was to celebrate the most important day, which is Noctis's Birthday. The birthday boy was in the middle of the living room. Sitting on a throne with people coming up to him to greet him and give him their presents. Boxes began to pile around him. There was large boxes as well as small boxes.
Inside them were toys, books, and other cool stuff that any child would want yet from Noctis expression he wasn't a bit amazed by them. He was wearing his usual nonchalant expression not that it bothers the festive mood which continued to rage on. The sound of music could be heard from the whole mansion. It was a soft tune of classical music. He wouldn't mind hearing to it rather than to hear flatters from people he doesn't know.
"Happy Birthday, Noctis. I hope you will enjoy your presents along with the others"
"Yes thank you"
"Happy Birthday, Noctis. You looked handsome as always"
The girl blushing while giving him his present.
"Thank you..."
Noctis tried to smile but give up halfway. The girl didn't mind she squealed as she went back to her friends. So troublesome...
"Noctis, congratulation for your Birthday. Here for you"
"Yeah, thanks"
His classmates were handing their gifts to him one by one. It was such a long line that he wanted to stop. After a few more of his classmates, a familiar face appeared. It was his classmates that asked Prompto to come to them, they were looking all nervous.
"H-here your present, Happy Birthday, Noctis"
Noctis took their present and nonchalantly.
"Yeah, thanks"
Seeing that Noctis was acting normal they let out a sigh of relief. But they were still nervous around him, not that it matters to him so he just shrugged them off. It took a while until everyone gave their presents to him. Now that the gift giving section had finished. Ignis told him to come to his father to meet his friends. Noctis whined.
"Why do I have to...? It's not like they are my acquaintances"
"Still they are your father acquaintances and as his son, you have to show them your respect and appreciation"
Ignis knew that none of these people actually cared for him, they were just giving face but even so, this is how the society works so he had to do it. He sympathized with little Noctis for living in such a society but this is also good for him to learn. A soft smile appeared on his face as he kneeled beside little Noctis.
"Once you are done with greeting your father friends you can be with Prompto"
He almost forgot about his blonde best friend which he hadn't seen anywhere.
"Where is he? Why hasn't he come?"
Now a little bit worried, usually Prompto would storm out when he came to Noctis's home.
"Your father knew that you would rather spend time with him, that's why he asked them to come a little later. So once you are done you can enjoy your time with your friend"
He didn't know that his father was already planning to let him spend time with Prompto. Usually, he would have to accompany his father and once he was done, he would just continue to tag along with him. It was better than being with his friends. Regis knew that his relationship with his classmates wasn't actually good so he didn't tell him to play with them and let him do what he wants. But now it's a different story.
Noctis comply and headed to where his father was. They were in the dining room. It was transformed into a banquet where some was standing while some would sit down. They were conversing as well as enjoying their meal. Some was laughing while others were talking quietly there was some who were in a serious conversation. His classmates were nowhere to be seen. Many of them were actually out in the courtyard, eating sweets and desserts which they actually preferred compared to having to eat the meals in the dining hall.
Many who have gathered in the dining hall are the parents of his classmates as well as Regis's friends and acquaintances. Noctis scanned the room for his father only to him being surrounded by so many people. He let out a sigh before walking towards him.
"Regis, I'm very happy to see Noctis had grown well"
"Yes, he has become quite a fine child, I heard that he's on top of his class"
"Handsome and intelligence, truly your genes"
"Thank you for your compliments. I'm very proud as his father"
"He's also sharp just like his father, maybe I should introduce my daughter to him. Who knew they might become good playmate to each other"
"Oh my daughter as well, my daughter is cheerful and kind. A good playmate for your handsome son"
"We could agree on a play date for our daughters with your sons. How does that sound? It's good to have many friends and who knows your Son would end up choosing one of our daughters"
This time Regis was feeling a little bit annoyed. They were practically flaunting their daughters to his Son. They were still ten years old yet they have come this strong.
"Well, I-"
Noctis timing was perfect.
"Noctis, you are here. I was waiting for you, come greet them"
"Yes Father"
With a well-mannered attitude, Noctis bowed his head slightly, before speaking.
"Thank you for your attendance to my birthday party, as well as the gifts you have brought me. I hope you enjoy your evening"
Another small bow before he realized their surprised expression. And here it comes...
"Such a well-mannered young boy you are"
"My son was never that polite even toward his parents, yet your Son holds poise and grace. Truly amazing"
"I'm astonished, what a brilliant child you have Regis, makes us envious"
"Little Noctis, you are very welcome. We have discussed something before you appeared. Would you like to have a group- I mean a play date with our daughters? You may never know, that you might find a fine playmate from our daughters"
Before Noctis could say anything else he was tackled by a certain blonde. Luckily he knew what was going to happen next, the Raven held his guard. This time he wasn't knocked down easily. The bump on his head was slowly healing, he didn't want it to get worse. So this time he was prepared.
"Noct! Happy Birthday! I'm glad that you are born"
He said giggly while still hugging his best friend. His smile was the thing Noctis needed to feel alright. He was glad to see him. Noctis smiled softly.
"Thank you, Prompto"
Prompto pushed him enough to look at Noctis face while still smiling. Noctis was enjoying his sunshine like smile, when he suddenly felt an ominous atmosphere around them. That's when he realized that Prompto was being glared at. They were looking at Prompto like he was some kind of a nuisance. Noctis tried to shield his best friend. He didn't want anyone to hurt his best friend. Seeing Noctis guard up, Prompto wondered what was wrong.
"Noctis what's wrong?"
Before Noctis could say anything, Prompto was lifted up in the air.
"And what did I told you about running off by yourself"
He only giggled. Cor let out a sigh.
"You never learn huh"
"Cor, my friend, you made it"
Regis greeted.
"Nice you see you too, Regis"
Cor looked at Noctis and ruffled his head lightly.
"Happy Birthday to you, Noctis"
Noctis was glad to see Cor. At least with Cor, he knew that Prompto would be saved. They won't dare to harm his bundle of sunshine. Looking at his surrounding the ominous atmosphere had died down a bit. For some reason many of their faces felt nervous seeing Cor, it was like they knew him. The glares stopped and everyone returned to doing their business.
"Well now that you are here, let's meet the others"
Cor put Prompto down and kneeled down.
"Now you have to promise me not to wander off again"
"I promise"
Seeing his son beaming face he somehow had a bad feeling. He let out a sigh.
"And this is already the million times we promised"
Yet I'm still asking him to promise. Cor looked at Noct. He didn't want to say this but he had no choice, compared to his Son, Noctis would at least hold up to his promise.
"Noct, take care of him"
"I will"
Noctis held his blonde best friend hand tightly. Seeing this Cor wanted to snap. This kid is sharp... by now even seeing Cor glaring at him, Noctis didn't flinch because he knew even if he's scary he won't hurt him. Pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance Cor stopped up and let out a sigh.
"Prompto stay together with Noctis"
"Okay, Daddy"
Beaming sunshine. Ugh... Cor was really reluctant to let this continue. But before he could say anything Regis called him to come. Swallowing it down he went to where Regis was. Noctis was still holding on Prompto thinking that he'll protect his best friend no matter what. Seeing his Raven best friend brooding Prompto pulled him toward the courtyard.
"Come on let's play Noctis"
Feeling the tug of his friend, he smiled softly and nodded. Both of them ran toward the courtyard. Prompto launched himself into the castle surprised by how soft and bouncy it was. It made the blonde excited. Jumping around and laughing. Noctis was also having fun jumping together with him. The other kids were having too much fun to notice the two was near them. They played into their heart content until Prompto's little tummy gurgled.
The Raven laughed when he heard it. Embarrassed by it Prompto tried to make Noctis stopped laughing at him but only made him laugh harder. It was really rare for him to see Noctis laughing this much so he allowed him to laugh at him though he was still pouting at him. The two went to the snack banquet. Noctis choice to eat chocolate milk truffles while Prompto ate some carrot cake.
"Why are you eating veggies in a cake?"
Noctis didn't like eating vegetables so seeing his blonde best friend eating it so happily made him wondered.
"But it's tasty, try it"
"No way"
Seeing Noctis so reluctant only made Prompto want to tease him more.
"Oh come on, Noct~~"
He cooed.
"It's super delicious you know"
"Never going to happen"
"In that case..."
Before they knew it, they were playing tag with Prompto holding a piece of carrot cake in his fork trying to make Noctis ate it. Noctis ran away and they were laughing and having fun together. In the end, Prompto managed to catch Noctis, he was faster than Noctis due to his previous lifestyle. But he didn't have the heart to make Noctis eat the carrot cake. So he just ate it in the end.
They were now tired from running around so much. The festive atmosphere was still going. The sun was slowly setting down, letting the dark sky slowly engulfed the remaining daylight. The party will continue until the fireworks display which was set a little later. Laying down on the grass they were trying to catch their breath when the first star in the sky shone. Prompto got up first while Noctis continued to lay on the grass. If he can he would take a nap right then and there, but he knew that his blonde best friend wouldn't let that happen.
"I want to show you something"
Intrigued by it, Noctis got up.
"What do you want to show?"
"You have to come me first"
He knew that the Blonde was up to something. He wanted to retort reminding him what his dad told him about running off somewhere. Yet the Raven was actually curious, Cor miscalculated. He didn't know that Noctis was a curious child. He wanted to know and see everything he can. And now the two went deeper into the mansion backyard. Reaching the stone gate that surrounds the whole mansion. Noctis wondered where they are trying to go, he knew that both of them are way too small to climb it over.
But knowing his Blonde, he should have guessed that he was quite prepared with everything. Prompto showed him a small crack in the stone wall. It was covered with bushes so no one knew about it and didn't fix it. The blonde managed to find it while staying with Noctis after school. Sometimes Noctis would take a nap and though Prompto was supposed to take a nap together with him he managed to slip away.
That was the time for him to go exploring unnoticed by anyone. Prompto was really good at stealth after all.
"Come here"
Prompto gestured as they ventured outside of the mansion stone wall and into the woods behind the mansion. Noctis's Mansion was sitting below a huge hill, just outside the skirt of town. Like a boundary from the woods behind it. Noctis followed him without questioning where they are actually going. The path was a little rough but it was no problem for the Blonde while the Raven struggled a bit. It's not like he was weak, he was top at being alethic at school as well. But compared to Prompto he felt like he was out of shape. Is it because I like napping a lot? The Raven wondered.
As they wondered deeper. Noctis could see a bright light even though it was supposed to be dark. The night had already fallen and the darkness was surrounding them yet he didn't feel afraid of the dark. The Blonde held his hand tightly as he led them through the forest. It was strange even though it was supposed to be dark but Prompto's was shining a bit. Noctis couldn't tear his gaze away from his blonde friends.
"Look Noct, we are almost there"
They were near the place where Prompto wanted to go. Prompto pushed a few more bushes before they were out of a woods and into a plain of tall grass. There he led them toward the middle of the tall grass and suddenly pulled Noctis down on the ground. Noctis grunted a bit due to the bump that isn't swelling down due to all of this.
"What was that for?"
He rubbed the bump a bit still growling.
"Noct, look up"
When he looked in front of him, he was struck awe by the sight before him. The sky was covered with millions of stars. The sky wasn't pitch black instead it was in multiple colors. It was a truly magnificent sight to behold. He didn't know that the sky was in this many colors. He always thought that it was just dark black but he was wrong. It was beautiful. Even the stars that he thought only have one size now in front of him was a mixture of stars in different sizes. Some would glow so bright while others were a bit dimmer. But it was breathtaking for him.
"It's beautiful"
"Isn't it?"
He was still taking it all when he looked at his Blonde friend who laying on his side now looking back at him with a huge smile on his face.
"Happy birthday, Noct. I hope you like my present"
It's not like he wanted a present from Prompto. He had been given a lot of gift all his life, it was either toys, book or clothes but everything felt bland for him. But now, right there, he received the most beautiful gift he ever received. The blonde suddenly looking a little bit bashful continued.
"Actually I want to buy you a present, but unlike the other kids, I can't afford to buy you any expensive things. I also don't know what kind of stuff you like too. That's why I decided to show you the most beautiful sight ever. Back then at the orphanage, I always managed to come to the woods at night. The sight at the sky was truly amazing there, I wished I could show you. But I know that I can't so I thought of the next best thing. I'll show you the beautiful sky here. That's why when I found this place I was really happy... I'm sorry for not being able to give you the things you want, Noct"
Noctis was awe not because of the sight in front of him but due to his Blonde best friend. Someone was actually wanted to give him what he wants. He was actually thinking about what he wanted and not just plainly give him what they want to give him. This is all new to him, all too new for him. His chest was swelling with happiness, tears were about to swell out but he needs to hold it in. He was so happy. This time a gentle smiled appeared on his face as he caressed the side of Prompto's face.
"I like your present way more than any presents I have ever received"
And you actually have given me two gifts. I always wanted a friend and you already have given me that. Something that no one would ever give me before.
"Thank you, Prompto. I really like this, I'm glad that we are best friends"
"Yeah! Me too!"
Prompto was really glad that Noctis was happy with his present. He was really excited when he showed it to him and he was glad that the reaction from the Raven was way more than what he expected. He wanted to stay a little longer but Noctis remind them that it was time for the fireworks. Usually, before the fireworks, he would have to blow out the candle of his two feet cake. With that, the two of them stood up and ventured back to the woods.
But as the two were on their way, Prompto sensed something.
Prompto grabbed Noct's hand and the two began running. That's when Noct realized that they were not alone.  
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