#how could dazai escape and not her
sugarcarnation · 5 months
skk plus kouyou trio has taken over my brain
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tallytals · 7 months
thinking abt kyouka and dazai again
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elibean · 1 year
the more i watch of bsd the less i understand
0 notes
osarina · 3 months
FEATURING: pm!dazai osamu
SUMMARY: in a desperate attempt to try to get you to drink with him, dazai offers up a secret he's never told anyone... and how could you possible refuse that? AKA the first kiss fic.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: here is the promised second fic! another light hearted one :D (warnings: fem!reader, there are some implications of reader and chuuya being taught to use their bodies as tools - as implied in canon - but nothing else really, this is light-hearted as promised)
You don’t usually drink. 
In fact, you usually stay as far away from any type of alcohol as you possibly can because the one time you did drink, you ended up passed out on the floor of the Colonel’s office with no recollection of how you got there. You blame Nakahara Chuuya because he is a bad influence and stole one of Kouyou’s bottles of wine, sneaking it up to your office to convince you to drink with him to celebrate your sixteenth birthday. The Colonel was severely unimpressed with you and you were severely embarrassed, more so when you found out that he spent half of the night cleaning up after you. 
You blame Chuuya. 
Neither of you can recall how you’d gotten separated that night, but you’re certain that it’s his fault somehow.
“Just a few glasses,” Dazai complains, a pout tugging at his lips as he drapes himself half over you and half over your couch, dangling a bottle of champagne in your face as if to tempt you. “We just ended the biggest conflict Yokohama has ever seen. I was just promoted to executive. Celebrate.”
“No,” you tell him instantly, putting your palm to his face and shoving him away from you. 
Dazai instantly lets out a string of complaints, unbalanced as he rolls off the couch and onto the ground. He scowls up at you, disgruntled and irate as he pushes himself back to his feet and throws himself right back down where he was, perhaps even more on top of you than he had been before. You sigh, he looks distinctly pleased by the withering look you give him.
“You drank with Chuuya.” Dazai instantly throws the fact in your face, as offended about it as he was the day he found out you and Chuuya got drunk for the first time without him. As if it was your fault that he was sent away on a two-week mission in Sapporo to try to draw Murasaki and her men out of Yokohama and back to their homefront. 
He didn’t speak to either of you for days.
It was the most peaceful few days of your life.
No, you’re joking, you spent a whole week doing paperwork for him as an apology, but no matter how much he tries to convince you to drink with him so he can be even with Chuuya, you deny it because you have no interest in drinking again any time soon.
“You drank with Chuuya and you won’t drink with me. You hate me,” Dazai complains, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. “You want me dead.”
“Dazai,” you start, but he doesn’t even let you get out a second word.
“You can’t even deny it,” Dazai accuses, pulling off of you to glare at you. “I’m supposed to be your best friend. Not Chuuya. You’re trying to replace me with him.”
You give him a blank look right back, and distantly, you wonder how you ended up in this position, regretting that Mori ever pulled you back to Yokohama from Kyoto, desperately wishing to go back to the city just so you can escape Dazai’s dramatics. Maybe you’ll ask him now that the Dragon’s Head Conflict has ended. 
His expression shifts into one of offense, as if he can read your thoughts. 
“Take that back,” he demands.
“I didn’t say anything,” you say, appalled.
“You didn’t need to, it was all over your face. Take it back.”
You lean forward, hand lifting to his face to squish his cheeks together. He squints at you, aggrieved, but you don’t let him yank his face out of your grip.
“I am not drinking with you,” you tell him firmly, tired of this conversation, you’ve been going back and forth about it with him for almost thirty minutes. You duly ignore the way his eyes droop and the way he sticks his bottom lip out—a ridiculous expression considering you’re still squishing his cheeks. “You’re welcome to have a few drinks yourself, but I am not going to be cleaning up after you.”
You drop your hand back to your lap and relax back against the couch, raising your eyebrows when Dazai only continues to pout in your direction. At once, a glimmer of mischief flashes through his visible eye and instantly, you’re on edge, tilting your head to the side as you wait for him to speak. 
With no concept of personal space, clearly, he leans forward again, lips curling up into a suspicious smile. “What if we made a deal?” he asks, looking mighty pleased with himself when your eyes narrow onto him, interest piqued.
“What type of deal?” you ask dubiously, not entirely convinced that he has something up his sleeve that could convince you to drink again.
“If you drink with me, I’ll tell you something about me that I’d never admit sober.”
Dazai smiles like he’s won. 
You click your tongue sharply and then say, “Pour me a glass.”
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This was a mistake. 
You don’t know where Dazai got his hands on two bottles of champagne, but you almost would’ve preferred his choice of whiskey to it. The bubbles have gone straight to your head, your entire body feels light and Dazai has become far more touchy than he usually is. It started out with subtle brushes—he moved closer to you, thigh pressed to yours as he spoke animatedly about his portion of the last mission, occasionally knocking his shoulder into yours. He’s no doubt over-exaggerating the grandeur of it all, but you find yourself smiling as he waves his hands around and describes the epic staging of his capture and how he almost died at the hands of the enemy because Chuuya ‘can’t function without Dazai there to order him around.’
You think Chuuya would punch him in the face if he heard Dazai say that, but you think you’ll let it slide this time because Dazai looks cute happy rambling on about the mission and boasting his feats. His cheeks are tinted pink from the alcohol and he’s talking so fast that you can hardly keep up.
Dazai had been weird the past two weeks. You thought he’d be excited with his promotion to executive and beating both you and Chuuya in the race to the open seat, but he’s been oddly glum. Hasn’t risen to the bait of Chuuya’s gibes, hasn’t chased you around headquarters to bother you about one thing or another; when people congratulate him for his promotion, his gaze slides past them as if they aren’t even there. You and Chuuya have been trying to figure out what’s wrong with him but every time you guys try, it’s like he knows to evade you.
This is the most ‘normal’ you’ve seen him in almost two weeks.
“What were you going to tell me?” you finally ask curiously when the conversation lulls as Dazai reaches to pour himself another glass.
He pauses, gaze cutting to the side to look at you. Your eyes narrow and for a moment, neither of you move, just staring at one another. Then Dazai pointedly continues to pour himself another glass.
Notably, not answering your question.
You scowl at him. “You are not getting out of this, Dazai Osamu,” you say, irate. If your voice is a little slurred, you ignore it. “You promised.”
Dazai makes a noise in the back of his throat—something caught between a complaint and a whimper—and you lean a little closer to him, intrigued, watching as his face steadily gets redder.
“Oh my god,” you say more to yourself than him. “You really are embarrassed. Come on, tell me, it can’t be that bad.” 
“I’m not drunk enough,” he protests, trying to physically turn his body away from you, but you shift closer to him, half leaning on his lap so you can keep your gaze trained on his face. “Stop that, get off.” 
“No,” you say instantly, delighted at the change in demeanor. “I’m drunk enough. Tell me. It’s time.”
The expression Dazai shoots at you is nothing short of withering, the look in his eyes hateful, you only give him a simpering smile in return. He pointedly turns his head away from you and mumbles something under his breath that you can’t hear. You frown as you lean in a little more.
“Speak up,” you tell him, nudging your shoulder into his and you can see him scowl, cheeks flushed, chin raised high. 
“I’ve never had my first kiss,” Dazai rushes out as if it’s his greatest shame, refusing to look at you.
You stare for a moment and then you snort.
“Did you just… laugh at me?” Dazai’s head snaps toward you, thoroughly offended.
“No,” you say immediately, forcing the smile off of your face as you look at him, but as soon as you catch the pink tint on his cheeks, your hand is flying to your mouth to muffle another giggle, this one far more obvious than the last.
Dazai looks entirely insulted. “You did. You’re laughing at me. You’re laughing at me.”
“I’m sorry,” you gasp through a wheeze. “I’m sorry, I just-you’ve got to be lying. There’s no way, I mean-”
Dazai bristles. “Stop laughing at me,” Dazai complains, burying his face in his hands, he covers his cheeks as he turns to glare at you. “I don’t know why you’re so surprised, it’s not like the slug has either.”
“Chuuya has had his first kiss, Dazai,” you say before you can think over your words and instantly Dazai’s brows are furrowing, eye squinting as he looks at you.
You think you’ve made a fatal mistake. The alcohol has made your tongue far too loose.
“How do you know that?” he asks suspiciously, staring at you intently as he waits for an answer.
Shit. You stare at him for a moment, contemplating your options because there’s no way in hell that you’re admitting to Dazai Osamu that you were Nakahara Chuuya’s first kiss. But the longer you wait, the more suspicious he’s getting, you can tell, and you have a feeling that if you do lie, he’s going to figure it out right away.
“He told me,” you finally answer and instantly, Dazai’s gaze sharpens.
“Liar,” he accuses, and you can see that even under the influence of four glasses of champagne, his mind still works sharply—a bit slower, maybe, because even Dazai Osamu is not immune to the effects of alcohol, though he does clearly have a ridiculously high tolerance. 
You see his thoughts whirling, racing to put together the pieces laid out before him, and you watch as he suddenly straightens in his seat, eyes wide. “Dazai-”
“No,” he breathes out, horrified. “No. No. You’re lying. You must be lying.”
“Dazai,” you say again, but he doesn’t let you finish.
“Noooooo,” Dazai complains, louder, more aggrieved. He tugs at his hair, squeezes his eyes shut. “No. No. Noooooo, I can’t accept this. Revoke it. Revoke it immediately.”
You blink. “Dazai,” you start slowly, “I can’t just revoke it. That’s-It’s not how that works, what-”
“Jesus Christ. Fine. Revoked. It's been revoked.”
Dazai lets out a long breath, leaning back against the couch as he turns another flinty look onto you. “You’re so disgusting.”
“Look in a mirror,” you snap back, irritated.
“No, you look in a mirror. You’ve kissed a-” he gags as if he can hardly bring himself to say the words. “You’ve kissed a slug. You’ve kissed a slug, you’re so disgusting, I can hardly stand to look at you.”
“You’re so fucking dramatic, Dazai,” you snort, rolling your eyes at the genuine repugnance painted all over his face. But you watch as the disgust suddenly disappears, melting into a conflicted expression that you have trouble reading. “You really haven’t had your first kiss?”
You don’t really know what you expected. Well, you would have thought that Dazai would have some experience—maybe not as much as you or Chuuya, the two of you have been trained in utilizing your bodies for strategic purposes, but you would’ve thought maybe he found someone to experiment with. 
Although, you suppose you shouldn’t really be that surprised. Mori is Dazai’s mentor, and he has the boy constantly swamped with missions and operation preparations, keeping him carefully under his thumb so that no one else can taint the control he has over his precious Demon Prodigy—Dazai likely doesn’t even have the time to even think of stuff like this, much less go out of his way to experience it himself. 
Dazai doesn’t respond, pointedly turning his face away from you. 
“So what if I haven’t?” Dazai snips, regaining his cool facade, even if it did take a bit longer while under the influence of the champagne. “Maybe, I’m saving it for someone special, ever think of that?”
You coo, reaching out to pinch his cheek, and Dazai gives you a look nothing short of affronted, pulling his face away just as you feel how warm his cheeks are. 
“Tell me about your dream woman then, Dazai?” You lean your elbow against the back of the couch, resting your cheek on your palm as you look at him. “I wanna know allll about her.”
“Well-” Dazai starts, clearing his throat as he takes another sip of his drink. 
You watch as he stares ahead for a moment, waiting to see what he says—a part of you is genuinely curious, a tight feeling of anticipation in your throat that you can’t seem to push away but don’t know why.
Finally, Dazai looks at you with a crooked smirk and a victorious look in his eye that makes you realize whatever he is about to say is going to piss you off. “You would like to know, wouldn’t you? I knew you had a crush on me. I bet you just want to know if you’re my dream woman.”
“HA!” you bark out a laugh immediately at the prospect, ignoring the weird tug at your chest. “You wish, Dazai, maybe when hell freezes over.”
You miss the way Dazai’s expression falters as you try to distract yourself from the tightness pulling at you by taking another generous sip from your half-full glass.
Dazai lets out an irritable puff, pushing out his cheeks as he looks away from you, making a show of being offended by your comment. You roll your eyes at him as you turn your attention back to him.
“So you’ve both had your first kiss then,” he says, voice clipped, and before you can make a comment about it, he continues, “Whatever. It’s probably not that great anyway. It’s just pushing your lips against someone else’s. What’s so special about that? Honestly, it sounds kind of gross.”
He’s not looking at you, and you have to gnaw at your bottom lip to not snort at the blatant bitterness in his tone as he speaks. You wonder if he’s that aggrieved by the situation, or if the alcohol is just making him looser with his emotions because he’d never usually be so openly bothered by this.
“Why haven’t you kissed one of Mishima’s daughters?” you ask curiously, tucking your knees to your chest as you watch him curiously. “Those three are always hanging around trying to get our attention.”
That’s putting it gently—Mishima’s girls are your age, and whenever the Sun and Steel host an event that the Port Mafia is invited to, the three are all over you guys. Whether it’s teenage rebellion against their father, or they’re actually interested in you, you don’t really know, but they make for better company than most of the other people in attendance and have loose lips, so you tend to find the oldest sister to entertain you for the night.
Dazai hesitates for a moment, an odd expression crossing his face. He finally says, “They’re not interested in me.”
You wrinkle your nose as you look at him, leaning your head against the back of the couch. “What do you mean? The youngest is interested in anything with two legs, pretty low bar to reach,” you try to joke but Dazai seems to find no humor in it, lips curling down as he stares ahead absently.
“Not me,” Dazai says after a few seconds. “... They think I’m weird. Heard them talking about it at the last event—Noriko and Michiko.”
You pause, lowering your glass from your lips to rest your hands down in your lap as you observe him. His expression is mostly blank, but there’s a conflicted look in his eye that makes your throat feel tight. You’d always wondered if Dazai cared about what people would say about him—they’re not exactly subtle regarding how they feel about the youngest executive. They find him odd and disturbing, most people evade him as much as possible. They think he’s inhuman, closer to a demon than man. You’re sure he’s overheard a lot of it: Dazai knows anything and everything that goes on in the Port Mafia, you can’t imagine he’s blind to people’s opinions on him, but if he is aware, he’s never let it outwardly bother him. In fact, you think he’s utilized it to his advantage for the most part.  
But… you’d learned quickly once you were back in Yokohama that Dazai Osamu isn’t alone by choice. He craves interaction with people, but finds little of it because people find his presence unnerving and the few that don’t are wary of the tight leash that Mori has him on. So, you suppose you shouldn’t really be surprised that he’s more bothered than he lets on about some girls your age, who are clearly hung up on both you and Chuuya, having no interest in him because of how they perceive him.
“Well, fuck them,” you finally scoff, already plotting out a way to humiliate the two that Dazai had overheard talking shit about him at the upcoming event in a few weeks. “They’re bitches anyway. And stupid too, clearly. You’re not weird.”
Dazai looks as if he doesn’t believe you, lips tight as he lifts his glass to his lips only to find it empty. He seeks out the bottle and sighs when he notices that it too is empty. He places his glass back down on the table, but doesn’t turn to look at you.
“You don’t need to lie,” he says, keeping his voice breezy but you can see the expression on his face even if he is trying to hide it from you. “I know that I am, I-”
“You’re not,” you repeat, getting increasingly more irritated. “Don’t piss me off. Stop saying that shit.”
“It’s the truth,” Dazai says simply, folding his hands over his lap. “I don’t know why you’re getting so upset about it. Even Chuuya thinks so.”
“It’s not the truth,” you snap, “and I’m getting upset about it because you’re my best friend. I’m sick of people acting like you’re some evil incarnate for doing what we all do. And I’m sick of you letting it feed into whatever complex you have about your humanity. And for your information, Chuuya has drop-kicked people for talking poorly about you—and you better not tell him I told you that, he said he’d kill me if I did.”
Dazai doesn’t react to what you say for a second, brows furrowing and a strange expression crossing over his face at your words, as if he wasn’t sure what he expected from you but it wasn’t that. But it’s the truth. 
Chuuya has beat the shit out of people for talking badly about Dazai—no matter how much he bitches and complains that Dazai is annoying and a freak, he doesn’t let other people say the same shit when he’s around. You don’t like getting your own hands dirty like Chuuya does, but you’ve had people killed for talking badly about Dazai—you won’t admit that to anyone even if there’s a gun to your head—but all it takes is a few words about a certain subordinate stirring dissent within the ranks and the Black Lizards are on the move to take care of the inciter. 
It’s safe to say that the Mafia subordinates are careful to not voice their opinions about Dazai around the two of you anymore. 
Then, he says firmly, “I’m not your best friend.”
Your eye twitches. “What?” 
“I’m not your best friend,” he says again, speaking in a calm, matter-of-fact tone. “Chuuya is your best friend. You hang out with him more than me, you go drinking with him and don’t drink with me unless I bribe you, you kiss him.”
“Why can’t you both be my best friend?” you ask, annoyed, feeling much like a child.
“That defeats the purpose of best,” Dazai says snidely. You roll your eyes at his tone. 
“Well, I only hang out with Chuuya more because you’re on missions more than both of us because you have that fancy executive title now. And I don’t go drinking with Chuuya. I drank with him once and never again.”
You pointedly don’t say anything about the last comment he made, but Dazai catches that, leveling a steady look onto you.
“You kiss Chuuya,” Dazai repeats, quieter this time. “You don’t kiss me.”
“I would kiss you,” you tell him, voice a little more hesitant than you intend for it to be. Nervous, even. 
This is different from when you kiss Chuuya—from when you do anything with Chuuya. Kouyou directed the two of you to each other a few weeks ago toward the end of the conflict, saying that if you ever plan to bring any of the tactics taught by your mentors about utilizing your bodies for strategic purposes to the field, it’s best for the two of you to practice with one another as training. 
It was work. 
It was training. 
It wasn’t whatever this is about to be.
Your heartbeat feels erratic in your chest as you stare at him, he hasn’t reacted to your words, staring at you as if trying to figure out if you’re being serious or if you’re setting him up to make a fool out of himself.
“… I would not mind if hime was my first kiss.”
You let out a flustered noise in the back of your throat at the sudden use of the title you’ve grown to loathe over the past two years, dubbed by none other than Mori himself. Usually, Dazai only uses it whenever he’s trying to goad you into an argument, knowing how much you hate it, but there’s something different about it this time—something that has your cheeks heating up. His voice is softer, breath a bit hitched as he speaks, as if he’s just as nervous as you are but is trying to hide it.
“I thought you were saving it for someone special,” you say quietly, looking at Dazai carefully.
Dazai finally turns his head to look at you, expression subdued. “... Hime is special to me.”
Your breath catches at the admission, wondering if he’s trying to say you’re special because you’re his closest friend or if he’s trying to hint at something more, but Dazai’s expression doesn’t betray any of his thoughts and he doesn't seem inclined to expand on his painfully cryptic comment. 
Nor do you have the courage to ask.
You take in a quick breath, gathering your nerves before Dazai takes your prolonged silence as rejection and flees. You shift closer to him, watching as he takes in a sharp, quiet puff of air, staring at you carefully. His fingers are stiff in his lap, twitching as if he doesn’t know what to do with them. You lift your own hands to cup his cheeks between them.
His bandages are rough against the pads of the fingers on your left hand, and absently, you think that you should maybe stock up on a softer brand, because you’re sure they must be irritating his skin. His skin is smooth in contrast as the fingers of your other hand brush along his cheekbone, you watch as he lets out a shaky breath, visible eye wide as it traces your face. He instinctively leans into your touch and for a moment, you can’t help but wonder when the last time someone has touched him gently. Even Chuuya didn’t have such a reflexive reaction to your touch.
You don’t kiss him for a second, gaze lingering on his face, searching his eye to make sure that he’s ready. His tongue darts out to nervously wet his lips, cheeks tinted pink, fingers still unsteady in his lap as he waits. It’s cute, you think—and it might be the first and last time you’ll ever see Dazai Osamu so plainly flustered over something, so you want to savor it as best you can.
Once you’re satisfied, you lean in to press your lips against his. His lips are chapped and taste like the champagne the two of you have been drinking and faintly like the cigarette he’d been smoking on the walk back to your apartment. Not the most pleasant taste, but for some reason, you can’t seem to get enough of it. 
As far as kisses go, it's definitely a bit awkward, but still, it’s nicer than kissing Chuuya. You tell yourself it’s because kissing Chuuya is like any other job or mission, but a part of you wonders if it might be more than that.
You disregard that thought instantly. 
You keep the kiss soft and chaste, lips moving only subtly against his own. Dazai doesn’t kiss you back—you can feel his lips trembling and you try to relax him by smoothing your thumb over his cheekbone, but it only seems to make him even more nervous from how his breath hitches against your lips.
You can’t help the smile that tugs to the corner of your lips and he can obviously feel it, so he pulls back and asks, “Are you about to laugh at me again?” His voice is edged with a whine, lips turned down and expression sullen.
You don’t respond, instead, you lean in to press another quick kiss against his lips, letting out a puff of amusement when he lets out a surprised noise but swiftly melts into it.
Then you press another, and another after that, and again, until you can feel his own lips curving up against yours. You don’t know how long the two of you sit there, sharing short, chaste kisses and giggles until you can hardly remember how the two of you ended up there. You blame the dizziness you feel and the way your heart flutters in your chest on the alcohol.
When you finally pull away, Dazai’s face is flushed. He tries to hide the way his fingers are shaking by sneaking his hands beneath his thighs to sit on them, attempting to save some face by raising his chin and giving you an arrogant look.
“I knew you had a crush on me.”
“Ugh! I do not, you’re so gross, Dazai.”
But even as you speak the words out loud, you know that it’s a shameless lie. 
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
Hello. Can I ask imagine (or headcannons, if it would be more convenient for you) for Mori Ogai, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol (separately) and their fem!s/o? Their child is jealous of his mother (s/o) to his father and tries to take all the attention of his mother to himself. Please.
— your child being jealous of dazai, fyodor, chuuya, nikolai and kunikida
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a/n: I do hope that this is what you wanted and that you like it <;33
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dazai never thought he would be bestowed the blessing or the bliss of having a family, but here he is. he has you wrapped in his arms and he is certain that nothing could feel better than this.
however, it is eerily quiet in this household and osamu guesses it’s because the little devil is asleep, the little devil being his son.
his son looks exactly like you, but my god if the kid doesn’t have the same amount of love dazai has for you then dazai doesn’t know what does he have.
the kid never lets him have his time alone with you and for some reason is genuinely upset whenever you and dazai hug or kiss.
that’s why dazai is making the most out of his time today.
he starts pressing kisses to your shoulder, “it’s been a while, right, belladonna?” your fingers find their way through his hair and dazai smiles instantly, “my pretty wife.”
alas, good things don’t last because the both of your are snapped from your sweet moment by the offended and sob-filled screech of your son.
the kid is balling his eyes out at the scene and starts screaming, “GET AWAY FROM MOMMY!”
dazai’s eyes widen; however, before he responds, you push him away and run to your son to coddle him and calm him down.
dazai pouts but lets it go because his son probably needs the hug.
but, what dazai didn’t expect was that his son would grin and stick his tongue out at his dad.
dazai is flabbergasted, but smiles back.
“she was and is my wife before being your mom,” he whispers and winks pointing at the ring on his finger.
your son frowns and simply huffs, assuming that you’re clueless to what the heck is happening while you’re hugging him.
your, petty, husband also believes that this banter would go unnoticed by you so he sticks his tongue out at his son and his son gasps quietly.
well, they’re both equally stupid cause you obviously know, but oh well.
never in a million years did he imagine that the person who would challenge him in everything would be his own daughter, his way too smart for a 7 year old, daughter.
today, she saw him hugging you from the back while you were cooking and decided that it’s enough time with you for him.
“father,” she calls out and he hums in response.
“that’s enough time with mom; get away,” she says calmly and he doesn’t look at her and instead tightens his hold on you and whispers, “milaya, you look breathtaking, today.”
you shake your head with a smile and a small, rare chuckle escapes fyodor.
“father, please distance yourself from mother,” she says one last time, patience running out.
fyodor looks at her, “and if I don’t, dear?”
she blinks up at him then kicks him in the shins. he staggers, surprising both himself and you. he looks at his daughter with a frown, “how courageous of you, my dear daughter.”
“cry me a river; we agreed that we each get one hour with mom!” and there comes out the you in her. she smiles the moment you pat her head, signaling for her to go wait for you at the couch.
she bolts there and leaves you and your husband to be. fyodor finally stands up and looks at you with a barely visible pout that has increased in appearances since you gave birth to your dear daughter, “y/n.”
“yes, fedya?”
“our daughter kicked me in the shins.”
you raise an eyebrow, “and you didn’t guess she would?”
“of course, I did,” he looks at her, and somehow your husband who often is known for his intelligence seems like some jealous baby, “but I thought she wouldn’t do it in front of you, at least.”
“well, I didn’t see anything,” you sing and he smirks lightly.
“teaming up on me, are you?”
you shrug, “how can I ever?”
“what a cruel wife you are,” he mumbles right beside your ear and you merely roll your eyes.
sometimes, you feel like you’re a rope being tugged between your son and husband. they are both equally possessive and both have quite the tempers and you have to act like the peace keeper most of the time.
today was no different; however, you have decided to simply watch from the sidelines this time.
“dad! I am gonna marry mom! don’t fight me about it!” your son says confidently.
your husband feels a vein pop, “you little— you can’t marry her! she’s already married to me!”
“no she isn’t!”
“yes she is!”
“what’s your proof?” your son says with a smirk that he definitely inherited from his father, but who’s counting.
your husband narrows his eyes at him and huffs and goes to your shared bedroom. your son giggles and runs towards you, “finally! mom, can I have a hug please?”
you open your arms and your son wastes no time jumping into your embrace making you smile and pat his back. you’re kind of surprised that chuuya didn’t fight back as hard today; maybe you guessed today’s outcome wrong—
you’re quickly proven to have indeed guessed it right as your chuuya appears in all his glory holding your wedding photo, the marriage certificate, and proudly showing off his ring.
your son’s eyes widen, “what is this?”
“the proof that me and y/n are married,” he replied smugly and you sigh.
“w-well, she doesn’t have the same ring as yours!” your son stammers and your husband simply smirks and points at your left hand.
you’ve never heard your son screech so loudly in all his 6 years of living as his eyes lay on your ring.
he jumps away from you, clutching his heart, “mom, what is the meaning of this?!”
“of what exactly?”
“YOU’RE MARRIED TO DAD??” he gasps and you chuckle lightly because if you were to roll your eyes then this house will be turned into ruins.
“honey, I had to marry dad so we can have you,” you smile and chuuya looks as offended as your son.
“HAD TO??”
you side-eye him and he quickly zips his mouth shut and looks away but not without grumbling a couple of curses.
“but that means that I can’t marry you cause you’re already married,” your son says defeatedly as he sits on the floor.
“EXACTLY SO LET US BE!” your husband shouts confidently.
tears well up in your son’s eyes and he bursts into a wail that has your house flooding in a couple of seconds.
you simply look at chuuya, “way to go my dear husband.”
most of the time, your daughter was a daddy’s girl. she always listens to him and a grin is automatically plastered on her face once she sees him.
you can never blame her though cause you have the same reaction whenever you see your lovely husband.
your daughter turned out to be an exact copy of you and both of you share the insane amount of love you have for kunikida.
but there are times where your daughter just wants time with her mama not her dad.
for example, today, you and kunikida were cuddling in the bed, slowly drifting off to sleep. his arms are wrapped around you as he strokes your hair and you feel him press a kiss to your forehead making you nuzzle into his chest.
you feel him smile and you close your eyes to welcome sleep, but you hear a couple of knocks on the door.
your husband sighs softly before sitting up and putting his glasses on, “come in, d/n.”
she slowly opens the door and peaks in, “sorry pa.”
he adjusts his glasses and shakes his head with a smile, “it’s okay; did you have a nightmare?”
she nods softly and perks up at her dad patting the bed. she walks to you two and climbs up the bed, which is quite the travail for her.
most of the time, when she has a nightmare, she squeezes herself between you both to have ‘best of both worlds’ as you say.
so kunikida expects her to sleep between you both like usual, but instead she pushes him away, albeit gently, and sleeps right next you —where he once was— and cuddles close to you.
you pat her head and pull her closer with a smile.
you look up at your husband who had his spot taken from him and giggle at the sight of his small pout.
kunikida watches you guys cuddle and then decides to just lay back down and simply wrap his arms around both of you at the same time. he didn’t train all of that time for nothing.
your daughter whines jokingly, “paaa, I want to be with mom.”
he raises an eyebrow, “is that so?”
she nods and starts squealing and laughing when her father squeezes you guys in a tight hug. both your laughters fill the room and kunikida smiles before saying, “do you not want papa anymore?”
“no no! I want you; please mercy!” she pleads making both you and kunikida chuckle before he finally relaxes his hold and kisses both your and her cheek and the three of you finally succumb to sleep.
“quiz time! guess who had his share of y/n today?”
you deadpan, “kolya, I am not a pie.”
“well, you’re certainly as sweet as one,” your husband grins, but both you and your son just gag at the terrible pick up line.
you’ve long got used to his theatrics, after all. your son, though, calls bs on everything his dad does.
“not me,” your son replied with a grin and holds you tighter, sticking his tongue out at nikolai.
“AHAHA! you’re as funny as me, s/n,” nikolai cackles, and you’re sure he is keen on throwing your son off of you any time now.
“but dad, I can’t be funny as you,” your son says dejectedly and nikolai’s eyebrow rises.
“why is that?”
your son smiles, a closed eye smile, before replying, “you’re not funny at all; that’s an insult to me.”
nikolai doesn’t say anything as he pulls your screaming son off you, after quite the struggle.
he walks to the garden and throws him there, “go play with a frog or something; I will have y/n all to myself for the rest of the day. thank you!”
your husband smiles victoriously and is about to throw himself into your embrace until his son reappears right beside you and the boy has a frown that only means one thing.
chaos is about to ensue.
your son starts throwing a tantrum and yelling, “I WANT TO CUDDLE MOM!!”
“no can do, young man,” your husband says shaking his head, “you already got your fair share of mama per the agreement.”
“what agreement?” your son asks, tears still streaming down his face.
your husband puts his hand in his coat and gets out a contract.
the contract reads that your son will only have 2 hours of your attention and time while your husband gets the rest.
“b-but these types of papers need to have signatures of both sides!”
your husband giggles, “your signature is right here, my dear son.”
your son gasps but quickly composed himself.
“oh whatever shall you do now? I rightfully deserve all of y/n’s time—AHHHHH WHAT THE HELL?!”
you come back —after leaving to get yourself a cup of coffee cause this is way too much for you— and find that your son has effectively set the contract on fire.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudssimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @waosobii
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or i will cough in your face
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mncxbe · 1 year
Could you write about the bsd boys' (dazai, chuuya and akutagawa) reactions to their fem s/o having an intense orgasm? like, she squirms, moans loudly and throws her head back (bonus points if they kiss her neck when she does)
I got so excited when I saw your request and I loved writing it. Hope you enjoy.
4 a.m
𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒚𝒂, 𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂, 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡
this man knows your body like the back of his hand and he took his time to learn how to please you
most of the time he takes it slow, making sure you enjoy every second of it
Dazai is a tease; he always denies your orgasms, edging you until your core aches
your pleas and begs only determine him to keep up this act
he prefers to be on top so he can see your expressions; he's so mesmerized by the way your eyes roll back and the way you bite on your lower lip as he finally allows you to cum
The bedroom was filled with the sound of your whimpers.
"Dazai, please I can't take it anymore" you whined, tears starting to cloud your vision. Your boyfriend has been at it for hours now, edging you beyond belief. No matter how much you begged him he just wouldn't let you cum. As for now, he had you on your back, thighs pressed against your chest as he rammed himself into you.
He only only cooed at your words, mischief glimmering in his eyes. "Aww bella. I'm sure you can take a bit more. Would you do that for me?"
You only nodded, earning a grin from the man. "Good girl" he said lowly, flipping you over to your belly. He raised your hips until they were alligned with his cock, one of his hands pressing onto your lower back to keep your curve. When he thrusts into you again, a sharp moan escaped your lips. "There you go, bella. Here's your reward for being so good today"
You could only squirm and babble nonsense into your pillow as he moved in and out of you at a relentless pace. Soon enough, you were getting close to your release, your walls clenching around him. You half expected him to deny your orgasm again but he kept ramming you.
One of his calloused hands grabbed your neck, forcing your head off the sheets. "Gonna cum for me doll?" he uttered between grunts.
"Y-yes 'samu" you replied in a shaky voice. You bit down on your lower lip in attempt to contain your lewd sounds.
He leaned in, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear "Then go ahead". His mouth found the sweet spot right under your ear and he started sucking on your skin.
This was enough to make the knot in your stomach snap. Your legs started to shake as you let out a ragged moan, almost like a cry. Your boyfriend let go of your throat, allowing your head to rest on the pillow again but he kept whispering sweet things into your ear as he worked you through your high. "That's it dear. So tight f' me"
It didn' take long for him to finish too. Even after he pulled our you were still slightly shaking. Dazai carefully placed a hand on your thigh, which gained him a sharp whine.
"N-no more" you managed to utter while trying to regain your breath.
He chuckled, taking in the view before laying next to you again. His arms snaked around your waist pulling you closer.
no because hear me out this man doesn't really know what he's doing
compared to Dazai, he's really unexperienced and although he does his best to learn to how to please you, he lacks the confidence
he can often gets lost in the feeling of your walls wrapped around him, which causes him to pick up the pace
he literally doesn't realize that he made you cum so much until you start shaking under him, moans rolling off your lips
my baby is so confused at first but he quickly regains his composure and keeps thrusting into you.
he definitely wants to see you squirm again
praise him, tell him he's a good boy and he'll literally never stop pleasing you
Akutagawa was on top of you, his hips slapping against yours as Rashomon kept your legs open. The black fabric snaked around your body, sqeezing you in all the right places.
As a result you were a whining mess, mouth slightly agape. You were trying to conceal your fucked out expression but Akutagawa's hand seized your wrist. "Don't you dare hide from me. I wanna see how good I make you feel" he spoke in a sharp voice, his words only making you clench around him even tighter.
"Oh fuck" he cursed, hands grabbing your hips as he pushed himself deeper into you. He picked up the pace, completely focusing on the warmth of your core. He is so pussy drunk, watching as his cock went in and out of your wet folds.
The black fabric tightened around your body - the last drop in this cocktail of pleasure. Your back arched, thighs squeezing the sides of is abdomen. It was only then that his eyes moved to your face and he quite literally froze. With your eyes rolled back, your body was jolting in pleasure. "Please don't stop now, Ryuu" you pleaded, your glossy eyes meeting his. He immediately started moving again, gaining another desperate moan from you.
Soon after he came too but that didn't mean you were done. He used Rashomon to tie your legs together, hooking them over his shoulder as his fingers kneaded the plush of your hips.
"We're not done yet pretty. I wanna see you do that again, alright?" he said as he resumed his movements. It's safe to say you were in for a long night.
Mr fancy hat is a true gentleman who proritizes your pleasure over his own
he prefers to be on top and in control but sometimes he will let you ride him. After all, what's better than receiving some special treatment from their s/o after a hard day at work?
he's quite handsy; loves seeing twitch and squirm under his touch
Chuya couldn't keep his hands to himself. And how could he? When you were riding him so prettily, nails digging into his chest as you tried to find some support; eyes shut tight. He could tell that you were close to your release by the way your movements got sloppier.
He chuckled, cupping your cheek with one of his hands as the other one traced lines along your belly.
"So pretty for me, doll. You like it when you have your way with me? I bet you do."
He thrusted his hips, making you jolt in pleasure. You picked up the pace, rocking your hips faster. Chuya's hand moved to your clit, lazily rubbing circles. "You're doing so well baby. Don't stop now" The words of praise added to the physical pleasure were enough to make you come undone.
You threw your head back, mewling in pleasure. A wave of satisfaction and desire took over your boyfriend as he watched you ride through your high. He pulled you down on him, your bare chest pressed against his and he caressed your figure.
Your body was still sensitive, each touch making you moan lowly into his ear.
Chuya's hands eventually rested on your hips but his lips went straight to your neck, leaving butterly kisses from place to place.
"Good girl. How about I get the bath ready for us?"
You gently nodded and slid off him, arms wrapping around his torso. A smile made its way to your lips "I'd love that. But let's stay like this for a bit."
"As you wish, my love" he replied, giving into your embrace.
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oikasugayama · 9 months
You can't escape from chuuya 😜 the same as with dazai with the reader with a short skirt nsfw I wanted the most chuuye😠
fiiiiine, fine. Have Chuuya smut that's twice as long as the Dazai one ;)
MDNI, NSFW, fem!reader in a short skirt, 5k of filthy dirty nasty smutttt, name calling, brat taming, spanking, daddy (only once), fingering, cum eating, blow job, all sorts of shit ok. MDNI MDNI MDNI
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You’re always professionally dressed at work. Members of the Port Mafia are paid handsomely, so you can all afford to dress to the nines, even for a simple day in the office or a dangerous tryst out in enemy territory. Like many of your coworkers, you prefer a polished, businessy look when conducting Port Mafia business. You have a closet full of perfectly tailored pantsuits, mostly in black though you do keep a few fun colors should you get the chance to wear them. 
On your days off, however, you’re more or less unrecognizable to your coworkers thanks to the difference in your business style and your personal style. You’re not just fond of bright and pastel colors, you’re obsessed with them. The girlier, prettier, and gaudier a piece of clothing is, the more you love it. You’re inspired by Harajuku, and pastel goth styles, as well as some frilly vintage vibes now and again. You even have a small collection of colorful wigs you like to wear out sometimes when an outfit calls for just the right one. 
One of your favorite outfits includes a black tube top, a cropped pastel pink cardigan that hangs off one shoulder, a black and pink plaid mini skirt over some fashionably ripped fishnet tights and a chunky pair of black platform boots. You like to accessorize of course, and typically go for a pastel pink dog collar choker with a heart pendant, chains hanging across your waist and down one side of your skirt, dangly earrings, and several rings. Depending on your mood, your makeup is either very sharp and black, or very soft and pink, and if you choose to wear a wig, its color is the opposite of the makeup you chose.
On the day you accidentally run into several of your coworkers in a bar, you’re in a pink wig with black eyeliner so sharp it could cut a man. 
You’re not surprised that they don’t recognize you. At work you have very plain, naturally colored hair, typically smoothed back into a bun, much like Higuchi and Gin do. In a plain black suit, it’s hard to show off your style. Besides, you wouldn’t want any of your fun clothes getting ruined in the line of duty. And it’s not like, on the rare occasion you hang out with your coworkers, that you’ve had time to go home and change. Typically if you go anywhere with them that isn’t for work, it’s just to lunch in the middle of the day, or to a bar at the end of a shift. They’ve never known you to look anything except professional.
This leads you to want to have a little fun with them all, to see how close you can get and what you can start saying before one of them catches on that it’s you.
You walk past the group a few times on the way to the bar or to the table you’re perched at. They don’t say anything about you at first, and they’re not talking about anything important from what you hear. On your third trip past, however, you do catch one of them mentioning you, and you use your ability-- which allows you to focus your hearing on anything you so choose within a certain radius-- to eavesdrop from across the loud room.
“--same chick has walked by like 5 times already,” Tachihara says.
“Are you sure?” Gin asks.
“Why does it matter? We’re in public,” Higuchi says. “People are going to walk by.”
“I know it’s definitely her because, I mean, look at her. Of course I noticed her.”
You pretend like you don’t notice when several curious heads turn your way.
“God, she’s hot,” Chuuya says, whistling under his breath. “Fucking Christ, those thighs.”
“Hey, I saw her first,” Tachihara says, while the others roll their eyes and tell the two to quiet down.
“I’d offer to share, but if I get a piece of that ass, it’s fucking mine.”
“Jesus Christ, Chuuya, you’ve had too much to drink already.”
“We’ve been here 20 minutes, I’ve barely had one glass!” he says defensively.
“Why don’t you ask her to dance if you’re so interested?” Akutagawa asks, disinterested but amused at the notion of Chuuya making a fool of himself.
“Nah,” he says, waving his hand at his group. “A hot piece of ass like that you’ve gotta chase a little. I’ve gotta buy her a drink, maybe, then ask her to dance later, then lay on the charm.”
“You’re a real ladies man, Chuuya,” Tachihara says sarcastically.
The conversation gradually turns to something else. You let it drift away since your focus isn’t exactly on them anymore, it’s suddenly on the pulsing desire burning in your crotch. “Holy shit,” you think. “Chuuya wants to fuck me so bad he’s making stupid ass plans for it.” Honestly, he could hit it any day of the week if he’d just ask, but he’s never seemed too interested in you at work. “This is what does it for him, I guess,” you think, downing the rest of your drink. You then decide to grab his attention again by stretching a little, arching your back and raising your arms over your head to make your cropped cardigan and your tube top expose a bit of your belly. It’s not a lot, but for someone already desperate to see more of you, it works.
“Fucking hell,” Chuuya mutters under his breath, eyes on you. You make eye contact with him and wink, and when he smirks instead of looking away, you run your hand up your thigh, pulling your short skirt up even higher. His eyebrows raise, giving you a look like “oh yeah?” and you smile. 
“His move,” you think, using your other hand to twirl your empty glass around a little bit. Chuuya excuses himself from the group and goes to the bar quickly.
You’ve got him hook, line, and sinker.
It’s then that the worst thing happens. Higuchi’s phone rings, then Gin’s, and Tachihara’s, and Akutagawa’s, and Chuuya’s, and yours. It’s an emergency alert from the PM. You’re all being called in, and you need to be there fast. You’re only a couple of blocks from the office. All of your coworkers will be there in less than 10 minutes. You don’t have time to go home and change. You have to go right now.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you hiss under your breath, getting up and rushing for the door before the others do. Maybe if you get out ahead of them they won’t notice you--
“God dammit,” Chuuya groans. “I was just about to get her a fuckin’ drink.”
“She’s running out, too,” Higuchi points out.
“It’s weird that she’s going in the same direction as us, right?” Tachihara asks, unsure.
“There are a lot of other things out this way, dumbass,” Chuuya says.
Then you take a left, and the group takes a left. They get closer, and you try to walk faster.
Then you take a right, and they take a right. Then you approach the PM headquarter building.
“What the fuck?” Chuuya asks, rushing forward to try to stop you at the door, but you rush inside as soon as the door opens a crack.
“Hey!” Tachihara calls, rushing in after you. You hit the button to call an elevator, but realize the only available one is several floors away. You’re cornered. The jig is up.
“Heeeey,” you say, slowly turning around to greet the group as they gather. “Any of you know what the emergency is? I’m wondering if it’s about the Detective Agency’s involvement in our failed gun import. I was just telling Akutagawa-san yesterday that I had a feeling they’d end up losing the guns to some other organization stealing them before the Detectives could decide whether to turn us in over it.”
“Oh my god,” Higuchi gasps.
“It’s [Y/N],” Gin says.
“What?!” Chuuya and Tachihara both say, and Akutagawa is the only one to stay focused.
“It likely is exactly that,” he says. “Your foresight is spot on as usual.”
“What’s with this outfit?!” Higuchi asks, feeling your cardigan and grabbing the hem of your skirt. “It’s so short! Why are you dressed like this? You were at the same bar as us!”
“This is how I dress on my days off,” you answer honestly, shrugging. The elevator doors finally open and you all start to file in. “And yes, I’m well aware we were at the same bar,” you say, glancing at Chuuya as he shuffles past you. His cheeks blaze and his eyes lock onto the ground, refusing to meet your gaze.
So that’s how it is.
The emergency meeting goes on for two tense hours. It’s exactly what you and Akutagawa thought it would be about, and your group, as well as other Mafia and specifically Black Lizard leaders and members discuss action plans, potential repercussions, and viable reconnaissance missions. When Mori finally announces that you all deserve a break and that you’re meet again in an hour, you’re the first to get up and leave the room, feeling embarrassed to be in a work situation in your fun outfit.
Several footsteps follow you into the hallway, but they all patter off in different directions after a turn here, a turn there.
Only one set of steps follows you into the stairwell. It’s quiet, with very light steps, but you know it’s there thanks to your impeccable hearing.
The same footsteps follow you down two floors, three, four, five…
You feel like you’re being chased, but you think you know exactly who it is, and so the chase is more exciting than it is scary.
You finally get to the floor that your office is on and leave the stairwell. You walk quickly to your office, go in but leave the door cracked, and to test your theory that you’re being followed, you “accidentally” drop your phone after walking a few feet inside. You slowly bend over, letting your short skirt rise up over the curve of your ass, completely exposing your fishnet-covered ass and black thong to anyone who may be standing at the door. You grab your phone slowly, give a cheeky shake of your butt, then stand back up.
Your office door clicks closed behind you, and the lock engages loudly.
“That show for me?” Chuuya asks. You turn to find him leaning against your door. A quick glance down shows you that he’s already at least half-hard in his pants.
“Who else?” you ask softly, leaning against the edge of the desk. It’s cold on your mostly bare ass, but you act cool, crossing one ankle over the other. Your legs look long and sexy stretched out in front of you, and you can tell that Chuuya thinks so too because he can’t stop looking at them.
“It’s a shame we were called away,” you say to break the tension. “I was looking forward to that drink.”
“Were you?” he asks, slowly walking toward you. His hands are deep in his pockets like usual, always acting calm and cool. The look in his eye is different than normal, though. It’s hungry. “Nice to know.”
“You know, you’re not as forward as I thought you’d be,” you admit, leaning back on your hands. You’re on full display for him now. “I half expected you to be all over me as soon as you closed that door.”
“Tell me to leave,” he says, finally standing toe to toe with you. “Tell me to get the fuck out otherwise I will be all over you.”
“Why would I tell you to get the fuck out when I could tell you to come the fuck on already?”
Chuuya makes a noise between a moan and a growl and leaps forward, standing so both of his legs are over yours. He grabs your face with both of his hands and pulls you in for a hot, hard kiss. It’s all tongue and nipping at each other’s lips and hot panting into each other’s mouths.
Your hands shamelessly roam his body once you’ve sat up to meet him. You push his jackets back off of his shoulders so it falls onto the ground. You feel his muscular back and shoulders and arms. You slide your hands lower, feeling his sides and hips. You start messing with his belt by the time he even realizes he can touch you back.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” he pants, yanking at your cardigan so you take it off. “Honestly good that you don’t fucking dress like this at work,” he says, yanking your tube top down too so your breasts are exposed. “I’d be fucking you every time I fucking see you.” He gropes your tits, squeezing them and massaging them in his hands. He tweaks your perked nipples, rolling them between his fingers, making them hard and sensitive. 
“Chuuya,” you whine, “why don’t you suck on them if you like them so much?” He looks up at you and smirks, temporarily grabbing you by the hips to push you further back on your desk so you can lay down comfortably. Once you’re flat he climbs on top, knees on either side of your hips, and leans down to your chest. He licks wet stripes across your tit, teasing your nipple with his tongue. He kisses open-mouthed around your boob, refusing to give you what you really want until you finally whine and shift under him, then he sucks your nipple into his mouth and keeps steady pressure on it for several seconds until finally releasing it with a wet smacking sound. He gives the other breast a similar treatment, teasing and sucking and licking. You reach a hand up into his hair, gently moaning his name while you card your fingers through.
He starts grinding his hard-on against your lower belly, just above your crotch given the way that he’s kneeled over you. You whimper and push your hips up, trying to meet him as he grinds. He’s thoroughly attached to your breasts, playing with one nipple while sucking on the other, trading, kissing, sucking hickies onto them. He works a stream of moans and pants and whines from you, getting you to moan his name several times, which makes him grind down onto you harder.
Finally, his hand leaves your chest and trails down your body, his slightly calloused fingers feeling rough on your soft skin. Chuuya flips your short skirt up, wasting no time in cupping your still-clothed cunt and stroking his fingers over it.
“God damn, you’re wet already,” he says, shifting so his face is against your neck.
“You’re fucking hot,” you admit, tugging on his hair. He bites not-so-gently, leaving an instant red and purple hickey on a very obvious spot. His fingers slowly spread, coming together again almost squeezing your pussy lips together. He does it again after you moan in his ear, adding more pressure to tease you with, and again, but this time his fingers dip under your panties and bunch the fabric up together. He pulls it up, several inches higher than your body, making the fabric squeeze in between your lips, leaving it pressing against your clit.
“Oh yeah?” he asks, chuckling when you grind up against his hand and your own panties, seeking stimulation. “That why you’re letting me touch your cunt? ‘Cause you think I’m hot?”
“Yeah,” you whine, still grinding upward. It’s working, your movements are giving you little shocks of pleasure as the damp fabric drags across your clit and also teases your pussy somewhat. “I’d let you fuck me too.” Your voice is breathy and unsteady, and Chuuya can tell just from the sound of it that you’re getting really worked up.
“I don’t know, doll,” he says, hovering over you by one hand pressed against the desk beside your head. “I kind of like the view watching you fuck yourself on my hand.”
“It’s not really ‘on your hand’ without your fingers in me.” You could swear that his eyes light up.
“What was that?” He teases you again, drifting his fingers over the extremely sensitive skin of your pussy. “Did you say something--” he dips a finger past your lips just enough to hook around your panties and pull them back, pushing them to the side-- “about my fingers?”
“Fucking tease,” you huff, reaching down to grab his hand, but he becomes an immovable force when you try to push his hand further down. “Oh and that stupid fucking ability of yours.” He laughs at that and tsks at you.
“You’ve got a dirty fuckin’ mouth,” he says. “Maybe you need something good in there to clean it out.” He gets off the desk and unbuckles his belt, unzips his pants, and kicks them to the floor. You sit up to see him in just his black underwear and white t-shirt, palming himself through the fabric. “C’mere and suck this dick.”
You obey, getting onto the ground with shaky thighs. He’d gotten you more worked up than you realized, and knowing yourself, sucking his dick is not going to calm you down, it’s going to get you closer to the edge.
You pull his boxers down and he steps out of them. His cock is thick and longer than your fist when you close it around his shaft. You give him a few pumps, spreading some pre-cum down his length, before leaning forward with an open mouth to take him in greedily. You start bobbing your head immediately, trying to take as much of him as possible. He stretches your mouth more than anyone else ever has, and you have a feeling your jaw is gonna get sore if you do this for too long.
Chuuya grabs fistfulls of your hair and uses it to guide you back and forth, setting a quicker pace than you already were. He works up to fucking your mouth, using your head like a sex toy. His tip bounces off the back of your throat multiple times, and you have to focus really hard on not gagging. You get messy, letting spit and drool fall out of the corners of your mouth. Tears also spring up in your eyes from him fucking your throat, but you don’t even try to stop them from falling. Your eyeliner is waterproof, but your mascara isn’t, so some black streaks may fall down your cheeks, but you don’t care. You honestly kind of want to see the fucked out look on your face when this is all over.
“You’re too good at this,” Chuuya moans. “Fucking cockslut, aren’t you? Gonna be my slut now, huh? Gonna let me fuck your throat some more, right? Whenever I want?”
You hum around him but can’t exactly nod given his cock in your mouth. He gets it though, and he also moans when you hum as the vibrations go straight into his sensitive tip when it touches the back of your mouth.
“Gonna cum in your mouth,” he grunts, “gonna make you eat it all.”
You try to shake your head, pushing back on his thighs, whining.
“No?” he asks, slowing down and stopping. “Why not, doll?” He lets you back up, finally letting go of your hair.
“That’s a waste,” you croak out, then clear your throat and try to make the fucked-out sound go away. “If you don’t bend me over my desk and fuck me until I scream I’m never fucking touching you again.”
“Oh, fuck yeah!” he says excitedly, reaching down for your arms. He picks you up effortlessly thanks to his ability, and for some reason that really does it for you. You moan just from that touch, feeling your pussy throb. Then he turns you around, pushes you down onto your desk, and smacks your ass hard. You yelp and then moan as he rubs the sting out.
“Where do you want me to cum? On your back?”
“In my cunt, dumbass.”
“Geez, you’re a fucking bitch, you know that?” he hisses, squeezing one hand around the base of his cock while the other swings and spanks you again. “And it’s so fucking hot.” He spanks you again. He refuses to tell you he felt his orgasm building from you telling him to cum inside, though his brain is being overrun by that thought now.
He flips your skirt up and rubs his hands on your ass, squeezing your cheeks and gently smacking them to make them jiggle.
“Are you having fun?” you ask him, earning another hard spank, which you moan loudly in response to, a fun smirk on your face. “I kinda like that,” you coo, wiggling your hips back toward him. “Spank me again, Chuuya-san. I’ve been very, very bad.” 
He spanks you hard and you yelp, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. “Oh, fuck,” you moan softly, torn between pleasure and pain. “You’re an asshole.” He spanks you again on the other cheek. “Will you fuck me already, asshole?”
“I would if you’d stop being a bitch.”
“Maybe you’ve gotta fuck the bitch out of me,” you say, trying to look at him over your shoulder. “You’ll never know until you try.”
“Amen,” he says flippantly, pulling your panties to the side again to make sure they’re still out of his way. He rubs his fingers over your wet pussy, dipping between the folds but never into your vagina. He spreads your wetness all over your folds, as if it wasn’t there already, but then he huffs and you hear a slight ripping.
“What was that?” you ask, turning to him.
“Stupid fucking lines are in my way.”
“Lines? My fishnets? You did not just rip my tights, you fucking douche.”
“So what if I did?” he asks, stroking himself with your wet.
“Are you serious? You fucking a-- ohhh, fuck!” You try to insult him again but get cut off by his thick cock skewering you in one swift movement. You’re so wet and ready that he slides straight in, your walls stretching to fit around his girth.
“Fuuuuuck,” he moans, throwing his head back as he bottoms out. “Your bitch pussy is the best shit I’ve ever felt, I swear to god,” he says, grabbing both sides of your hips as he withdraws and then snaps his hips forward again. “You’re so fucking hot.”
“Oh, shit, Chuuyaaa,” you whine, voice going high and strained. “You’re so big, what the fuck? What the-- fuuuck,” you moan as he sets a pace, hips snapping forward every second, filling the room with wet fucking sounds and the smack of his heavy balls against your thighs.
“I’ve gotta fuckin’ see you,” he says after only a minute, backing out of you. You grunt and groan, glaring at him over your shoulder until he once again grabs you with that ability of his and moves you around like you weigh nothing. He has you on your side, one leg hanging off the desk, the other hooked over his shoulder, and then he teases your pussy with the head of his cock, dragging it back and forth, up and down your lips, pushing in only near your clit, not near your hole.
“Chuuya, please,” you sigh, reaching down toward where your bodies meet, but he grabs your hand and pins it to the desk. “Please fuck me, don’t do this.”
“Don’t do what?” he asks cheekily, moving his hips as if thrusting, only letting his cock rub between your pussy lips.
“Don’t tease me,” you pant, trying to squirm your hips. “Put your cock back in me, now.”
“Now?” he asks, playing dumb.
“Now,” you insist. He rubs his tip against your clit.
“What about now?”
“Stop teasing me!”
“You know, that’s no way to ask for a favor,” he says. “Maybe I’ll just walk away. Then what would you do? Fuck yourself on your fingers?”
“I’ll find Akutagwa,” you huff, trying to loosen your hand from his grasp. He barks out a laugh, whole body shaking for a moment.
“Akutagawa?! He wouldn’t know what to do with a pussy like this, babe,” he smirks, finally moving his tip back toward your hole. “You really don’t think he could fuck you like I can, right?”
“What if I do?” You try to keep sounding tough, but the brat is being teased out of you, and you really, really want to be fucked dumb on his cock right now. “Maybe-- ahhh--” Chuuya enters you slowly, smirking down at you and the way your eyes roll back before fluttering closed. 
“Maybe what?” Chuuya asks, bottoming out.
“Maybe-- Akutagawa--” you stutter as Chuuya pulls back and snaps his hips forward again, spearing your g-spot as if he was locked on target.
“Akutagawa?” he asks, trying to lead you on as he slowly builds his pace. You try to babble something out, but as he starts properly fucking you, leaning over you and holding your leg up so he can press you into the desk, you just can’t think of anything except for Chuuya.
“Chuuya-- Chuuya-- Oh, fuck, right there-- Ohh, Chuuya!”
The sound alone is enough to make someone blush, your wet pussy gushing around him every time he goes balls deep, his body pressing against yours, getting wet and precum and sweat all over each other's crotches. You both get lost in it, moaning and swearing and giving stupid empath threats to each other.
“You better make me cum,” you say to him, and he responds “You better stop being such a bitch when I make this pussy squirt.”
He starts palming your tits again when he gets close, panting and fucking you as quickly as he can.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum. You sure I can bust inside?” he manages to ask through his panting.
“Yes,” you moan, “oh fuck yeah. Cum in this pussy, daddy.”
“Daddy?!” he asks, and that’s what does it. You caught him so off guard that his whole body jerks and he hunches over you, cumming a big, hot load into your cunt. His face is burning red, and some sweat drips down his forehead. His eyes are squeezed shut, his mouth dropped open, a tiny bit of drool about to sneak out the corner of his mouth. “Fucking bitch,” he says, but it’s so high pitched and tense that it makes you laugh. Your pussy involuntarily contracts when you laugh, and your whole body slightly jiggles under him, and it makes him yelp and moan again, long and drawn out. “God damn,” he whines, pulling back as if he’s going to back out now.
“Hey, hey, hey,” you say, trying to stop him by the leg that’s thrown over his shoulder. “You didn’t make me cum yet. You’re not done here, Chuuya.”
“I’m not but my dick is,” he says, still kind of whiny. “I think you just sucked me dry, I really fucking think you did.” You can’t help but to laugh a little more as he lowers your leg and rolls you onto your back. “It’s only polite--” he says, dropping to his knees “--that I return the favor.” In a flash his tongue is on your pussy, lapping up his cum as it spills out of you. He swallows it without comment, and keeps lapping at your pussy, dipping his tongue into your hole while it’s still nice and open from his cock. You run your hand through his hair again, making sure he can’t pull back too far. You want his whole face in your cunt and you aren’t letting up on this. 
His fingers join his mouth, taking over for his tongue in prodding at your hole. They slip inside, twisting together at the same time as they pull in and out. He teases your g-spot every time this way, and the side of his fingers on your sensitive walls feels so so good. You start moaning his name when his tongue swirls around your clit, working relentless circles on it. He intersperses little sucks on it, and once he even dips his nose down and uses it to rub your clit since it’s a bit firmer than his tongue. He eats you out like an absolute fucking champ, shaking his head and blowing out to give you slight vibrating sensations, suckling to give you quick peaks of stimulation, and flicking his tongue back and forth and rolling it in circles to build your orgasm up higher and higher and higher until finally.
“Oh god, Chuuya-- I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna-- oohhhh Chuuya!!” Your back arches up, your fists close tightly in his hair, and you force his face into your pussy as you cum on his mouth and his fingers, rolling your hips to meet his touches. He doesn’t stop, doesn’t slow down, just keeps letting you use him as your orgasm rolls and rolls and finally starts to patter out. Only when you let go of his hair does he sit upright, pull his fingers out of you, and suck your cum off of his fingers.
“You’re a lot of fun, you know that?” he asks, standing up, stretching his somewhat sore muscles.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you sigh happily. Your whole body feels weightless and blissful and you aren’t ready to get up yet, even as Chuuya starts getting dressed.
“You dress like this often?”
“Every day off,” you say, finally having enough energy to at least pull your tube top back up to cover your breasts.
“Good. You should come see me again then.”
“You came to see me. And yes, you should come see me again.” You sit up, tilting your head and smiling mischievously at him.
“Guess I didn’t fuck the brat out of you yet,” he mumbles, reaching up to grab your jaw in his hand. “Next time then.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
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tachiguin · 7 months
Thinking about Dazai and Kyouka and how they're both former Mafia members who managed to escape and join the Agency... and that's an experience that's uniquely theirs, nobody else could understand what they went through—and what they're still going through, as a consequence of all that they did in the past.
They could afford to talk about it more, or share some kind of solidarity over it. But then again, neither Dazai or Kyouka are the type to be forthcoming, especially when it comes to their pasts. I imagine that there's still little things! Like Dazai understanding some of Kyouka's trauma when nobody else knows exactly what bothers her and why. Like Kyouka knowing the full extent of the cruelty that Dazai is capable of, and therefore comprehending the weight of his choice to be on the side of good.
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aviiarie · 3 months
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⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ SUBSTITUTE BIG BROTHER. platonic pm!dazai & reader !
synopsis. dazai is reduced to his lowest form: babysitter for chuuya's sibling. contents. PLATONIC. chuuya's younger sibling!reader. gn!reader. they/them pronouns used. fluff. 1.9k words. notes. dazai gets some fluff, as a treat. and as an apology for the amount of pain i am putting him through with the next thing in my drafts. ALSO this is an old, completed draft and was my first time writing dazai so apologies for any mischaracterization.
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“You’re kidding me.” Dazai said dryly, staring at the kid before him. They met his gaze with a fiery glare, daring him to continue.
“Do you have something to say?” they snapped. Dazai raised an eyebrow. “Go on, spit it out.”
“I’m only wondering how that yappy little dog’s precious sibling managed to escape their kennel,” Dazai hummed, the corner of his mouth ticking upwards as they began to protest. They sounded just as furious as their brother; the resemblance amused him immensely. “Aren’t you supposed to be… anywhere but here?”
The question was out of courtesy more than anything; Dazai knew the answer very well. Chuuya was tight-lipped about almost every aspect of his life that wasn’t intertwined with the Port Mafia, but his sibling was one detail that Dazai had managed to squeeze out. It wasn’t voluntary, mind you. It was more that Chuuya was explaining his life before the Mafia to Kouyou during one of their evenings drinking tea together, and Dazai had started eavesdropping at the right moment.
When he casually dropped their name during a conversation a week later, Chuuya has gone still for only a moment, before shoving him against the nearest wall and holding a knife to his throat.
“How the fuck do you know about them?” Chuuya had hissed.
Dazai wheezed, for once caught off guard. He’d been expecting Chuuya to react emotionally, but the idea that he would resort to murder within seconds had somehow slipped his mind. “Perhaps Chuuya shouldn’t leave the door open if he doesn’t want his conversations being overheard. I’m sure Ane-san would agree, it was her conversation too.”
Chuuya turned white. His grip loosened, and Dazai slipped away from his grasp. “Shit.”
“Mhm!” Dazai said in a singsong voice, readjusting his collar. “So, tell me about them. How old are they?”
“I’m not talking to you about them, you bastard.” Chuuya tucked his knife away, shoving past Dazai with far more force than was necessary.
“Oh, come on,” Dazai whined childishly, but there was a dark glint in his eyes. “Would you prefer to talk to Boss about them?”
Chuuya’s face turned the prettiest shade of red. “You wouldn’t dare—”
“Of course, Chuuya wouldn’t keep such a key detail of his life hidden away for no reason.” Dazai interrupted. “And maybe I could find it in myself to omit said detail when the Boss questions me about where he’s been disappearing to, for a price, of course—”
“You’re a real piece of shit, you know that?” Chuuya scoffed. “Fine. I’ll owe you a favour, and in exchange you do not breathe a word of their existence to anyone. They don’t exist to you, got it?”
Even when trying to appear confident, there was still a note of anxiety in his tone. The mere mention of his sibling was enough to rattle him, it seemed. Dazai paused for a moment, letting Chuuya stew in his restlessness.
“Well? Do we have a deal, asshole?”
He agreed. He wouldn’t tell a soul about [Name], and Chuuya would postpone smothering him in his sleep until he had reasonable cause. Their little secret, Dazai called it—as if anything could stay secret from the Boss for long.
One of the prerequisites for making sure the Port Mafia never knew of their existence, was ensuring that they took careful steps to prevent contact with members of said Port Mafia. An easy way for that to be guaranteed was to avoid any and all places associated with the Mafia, to minimise the chances of bumping into any unsavoury types that might consider their relation to Chuuya to be a weakness to exploit.
All this to say: the last place they should be was right in the middle of Port Mafia territory.
Dazai sighed. “Chuuya will be mad that you’re here, you know.”
“Who even are you?” they asked, in lieu of an answer.
“I’m hurt!” he gasped, grasping at the front of his shirt like a Victorian woman clutching her pearls. “Is Chuuya so cruel that he never mentions his own partner?”
“Are you Dazai?” they asked, wrinkling their nose at him. “Chuuya won’t shut up about you. He thinks you’re really annoying.”
“Oh, the feeling is mutual.” He laughed. “What else does he say about me? Does he tell you about how I can shoot a gun better than he ever will? How one touch from me renders his ability useless? How I’ve beat him in every round of arcade games we have ever played together?”
“He actually said you were big-headed, but I think I could have gathered that myself.” They said dryly.
“Tch. Such a mean dog, spreading lies about me.” Dazai complained, but his mind was elsewhere. He eyed the rumpled state of their clothes and dark circles around their eyes. If they were desperate enough to ignore their brother’s warning to keep away while he was working, the matter must be urgent, and Dazai knew Chuuya would bite his head off if he left them alone in such a dangerous place.
“Why don’t we wait for your brother somewhere nicer than here?” Dazai suggested. “I know a place that isn’t too far, that we both frequent.”
“Am I being kidnapped?” They asked warily.
“Why would I want to kidnap someone as unpleasant as you?” Dazai scrunched his nose up at the thought. “Besides, I’m supposed to be helping keep your existence on the downlow. That becomes difficult if everyone in the Port Mafia catches wind of a strange young person asking for Chuuya.”
“They won’t,” they said, but their voice was doubtful.
Dazai turned, tucking his hands in his pockets and walking back the way he’d come. “Come on. It’s not a long walk.”
The lights and sounds of the arcade were a dull comfort on Dazai’s senses. A chime of the bell above the door greeted them both when they entered, the cashier looked up and gave them a nod.
“Have you been here before?” Dazai asked, and they shook their head. “Excellent! As your benevolent guide, I will be happy to show you around.”
“I thought we were waiting for my brother?” They squint at him suspiciously.
“Of course, but we might as well have fun while we're at it.” Dazai steered them over to the corner to the best machine in the arcade, the game that him and Chuuya had a running bet on who could beat.
It was a basic side-scrolling hack-and-slash game, with only four controls and very simple graphics. What made it stand out was not the game itself, but how infamously hard it was. The first few levels were easy, but once the game deemed the player had an adequate understanding of the controls and how the game worked, it would increase in difficulty until the player was left in an aggravatingly high-speed bullet hell that took an inhuman amount of dexterity to defeat.
There were 100 levels in total. Dazai—who had his initials permanently at the top of the high score board—had only manged to get past level 96.
“This is the best test of skill that this arcade offers.” Dazai slid a token into the machine and he was met with a title screen he had seen many times before. The tinny music came out of the speakers, cheerfully announcing the name of the game. The player character appeared—a little red and black silhouette of a person—as well as the first enemy.
“It's deceptively simple—”
Jump. Punch. Slide. Dodge.
It was a pattern, muscle memory that had settled into his fingers. His movements were precise and measured and not a second off the mark.
“—But it gets difficult.”
Jump. Dodge. Punch. Slide.
He was close. So close.
“If you just—”
Dodge. Punch. Slide. Dodge.
Level 97 appeared across the screen—the highest he’d ever gotten before.
“—Keep going...”
Dodge. Dodge. Slide. Punch—
Game over.
Dazai slumped in his seat, miserably entering his initials into the high score again. Chuuya would be cursing his name if he knew that he had managed to once again overtake him, but he could hardly savour the thought when he wasn't there to witness it.
With a sigh, Dazai glanced over to [Name] beside him. They were watching the screen, but their foot was tapping against the ground in an uneven rhythm, and they were picking at the edges of their nails without even seeming to realize it.
The anxiousness had set in again, it seemed. Dazai cleared his throat. “Do you want to try?”
Somewhere between the first and twelfth round of games, he’d sent a short message to the contact in his phone labelled ‘Slug’.
come to the arcade. i have a surprise :P
And when that message was left on read, Dazai decided to clarify further with a second.
the surprise is [name] by the way.
By the time their thirteenth round finished and [Name] left to use the restroom, the doors were slamming open and a familiar person with red hair and wild eyes burst in. He scanned the room, locating Dazai’s bandaged self easily heading straight for him.
“Where are they?” he hissed, turning back and forth like they would appear beside him when he wasn’t looking.
“Who? I’m not sure I know who you’re talking about?” Dazai asked innocently, as if he had done anything innocent in a long time.
“Don’t mess around! Where the fuck is—”
“Chuuya.” A voice dripping with relief cut right through Chuuya’s rising yell. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“[Name]!” Chuuya spun around, the tension melting from his stance as he saw them. “Where were you? I got home and you weren’t there.”
“I was looking for you.” They glanced over to Dazai, and lowered their voice. The rest of their exchange was muffled under the sounds of beeping and chimes from the arcade machine. Throughout it, Dazai stood frozen watching the pair.t
“We’re leaving,” Chuuya said, after what felt like hours of whispering. “…Thank you for looking out for them today.”
“You thank me like I did it out of the goodness of my heart,” Dazai said with a laugh. “That’s one more favour Chuuya owes me now.”
“Bastard. See if I ever thank you for anything again.” Chuuya growled, turning on his heel and pulling his sibling along with him.
Dazai watched the pair leave, his eyes lingering on their retreating forms. It was unsettling how easily they molded to fit the other’s company; the way Chuuya unconsciously matched his steps to theirs, the way the tension melted from their shoulders the moment they laid eyes on him. Even the tone of Chuuya’s voice softened when he addressed them, which was a sight that Dazai didn’t think he was capable of.
Was this family? Did Dazai act this way long ago when he had a relatives of his own? He could hardly fathom reaching such a closeness with anyone, let alone a family. Was he even capable of such a thing, being the broken, shell of a being he was?
Dazai shook his head, ridding himself of the trivial thoughts clouding his mind. When he left, he left alone.
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© aviiarie 2024. do not copy, repost, translate or use my work to train ai.
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starb3rrys · 1 year
Could you write about the bsd boys' (dazai, chuuya, atsushi and akutagawa) reactions to their fem s/o having an intense orgasm? like, she squirms, moans loudly and throws her head back (bonus points if they kiss her neck when she does)
Oooh!~ The amount of smut requests I’ve gotten is astronomical!, I love them all though and I can’t wait to write them. It makes me happy to see so many people enjoy my stories. (My motivation to keep writing Ong-). Anyways, without further ado! This one’s for you, Anonymous (¯ ³¯)♡
☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆
Over The Limit!~
Bsd Men x F! Reader
Ft. Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, Akutagawa
☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆
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It’s late at night, around 12pm…a time when most of the world is asleep peacefully in bed while others relax from a rough day at work, but not you. You had the misfortune of being in your boyfriends mercy for the night~. Loud whimpers and moans mixed with labored breaths were the only things that could escape your parted lips as your boyfriend slams his hips onto your plush ones. Dazai holds your lush thighs with a possessive and lustful grip keeping you in place as your legs rest on his shoulders. A pillow lays under your back, placing your defenseless body at a perfect angle for Dazai to hit your sweet spot ruthlessly. You grip the sheets as you whine for him to slow down, but your weak pleas fall on deaf ears as Dazai is too overcome by pleasure and greed to hear your sweet voice begging for mercy. Dazai grits his teeth as he groans at the feeling of your tight wet cunt wrapped around his already sensitive and needy cock as it pulsates and twitches inside you, begging for realize. Your cries of pleasure drive Dazai crazy as he let’s his instincts overtake him, you gasp as he presses onto you more, his whole body weight presses onto your weak overstimulated body as he forces his own cock deeper that before. Dazai rests his head next to your ear as he whispers erotically lewd words into your ear…and with one final thrust, you break. Your eyes widen as they roll back, tears present in the corner of your eyes. Your hands grip the sheets with immense force as your back arches, a loud shameless moan leaves your lips…~. Dazai let’s out a breathless chuckle at the feeling of your warm liquid around his member. “That’s it…let it all out..~”. He kisses your neck as he continues thrusting into you, riding out your orgasm. He then pulls out and finishes on your stomach. After a few moments, he smiles softly and caresses your cheek, his eyes are full of love as he gazes upon your flushed and dazed state. As much as he was pretty rough with you in bed, he still loves and cares for you…but he can’t deny the fact he loves it when you show him just how good he makes you feel, he’ll make sure to tease you about all those cute noises and reactions you made.
“You okay?…that was one intense orgasm, my my~ did I make you feel that good?…hm? Oh i see, you’re too out of it to answer, look at you tremble…haha…rest assured I won’t forget about that lewd expression of yours anytime soon~”.
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It was Chuuya’s day off, and what a better way to spend it than by binge watching movies with you. Although, around half way through the movie…you and Chuuya weren’t doing much watching, it was hard to when your boyfriends cock was plunged deep inside of you. Chuuya’s hands gripped your waist as you bounced on his dick in a constant rhythm. Your moans and whines filled the air, your hips moved sensually, seemingly by pure instinct. Chuuya threw his head back, and closed his eyes as he let out low groans and curses at how tight you were. You couldn’t help but find the lewd noises your boyfriend was letting slip past his lips arousing. You felt pride in knowing you alone made him sound so needy…but it wasn’t enough, you needed to hear more. These thoughts influenced your next actions; you sped up your movements, causing Chuuya to let out a small gasp as his grip on you tightened. You lean down and kiss his neck, teasingly moaning into his ear. Chuuya is surprised by your sudden boldness yet finds it amusing…and frankly very attractive. He allows himself to be lost in the pleasure, to be lost to the feeling of your warm walls clenching around him. You can feel the way his cock twitches inside you, the way his groans are now mixed with whimpers…he’s close…he’s so close he can almost feel himself painting your insides…just a little faster, just a little more…but suddenly, you slow down. He groans in frustration at the feeling of you slowing down, preventing him from reaching his high. You pull away from his neck, wearing a taunting grin, you’re teasing him…but he is not having any of it. Before you can even react he grabs your hips, keeping you in place as he starts to mercilessly thrust upwards into your wet cunt, using you like his own personal flesh light. “Your boldness is quite impressive, but teasing me just won’t do. Now be a good girl and let me use you~”. You can’t even properly register what’s going on as pure pleasure and ecstasy fill all of your senses, not allowing you to think about anything but the feeling of his tip abusing your sweet spots. Chuuya looks up at your delicate body, as his gaze falls onto your breasts, bouncing with every thrust. Without a second thought, he leans his head forward, kissing and sucking on your sensitive nipples. You cry out as you feel yourself become overstimulated, your hands grip onto his shoulders in a pitiful attempt to steady yourself. He groans and pants into your skin, leaving hickeys and bite marks everywhere…with one final deep, and possessive bite, you’re sent over the edge; Your back arches, eyes rolling back as your head tilts up at the ceiling, your lips part allowing you to let out a borderline pornographic moan as your thighs tremble. He smirks, the way your body reacts to your sharp climax as you cum and contract around him is enough to drive him wild, he finishes inside you with one last thrust, a low growl leaves his lips as he pants. You both pant, cheeks are flushed as he pulls you into a soft and tender kiss, pulling away only to hold you tight, an exhausted yet satisfied chuckle leaves his lips.
“I really enjoyed seeing you act so bold in the beginning…but you were getting a little too cocky for my taste…so i had to remind you who’s really in charge around here~…and im pretty sure that orgasm was a perfect reminder~…that moan you let out..mm~ ill be thinking about that for days~”
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The night started off sweet; soft kisses and gentle caresses as you two sat on the couch of your cozy apartment. But that sweetness soon turned into hunger and desire, as Atsushi gripped your shoulders and pushed you down on the couch. What once were soft kisses and touches, now turned into pleasure filled whines as Atsushi’s mouth was now attending your needy heat. Atsushi keeps your thighs spread apart as he licks your wet folds, your glistening arousal covering his lips, allowing him to taste you fully. His hands trail and squeeze your inner thighs, softly pulling away for a second to kiss and bite them, allowing some of your slickness to decorate them. Your back arches as you grip his hair, guiding him back to tend to your growing wetness. As he dives back in, he moves his mouth up, making sure to pay attention to your swollen clit, as he starts to suck and lick it like a starving man, god you swear you can see stars as the texture of his tongue swirls around your already sensitive bud. Atsushi moans softly into your heat, causing soft vibrations that drive you wild. Your cry’s and sweet taste are enough to make his own arousal grow. His tongue licks every nook and cranny of your sensitive area, his hot breath sends shivers down your spine. You pull and tug on his light gray hair, as you feel your release coming, you squirm and roll your hips on his face, trying your best to get even more friction. Your lips part allowing loud whines fill the air, your eyebrows furrow as you focus on reaching your climax. Your boyfriend grasps your hips and lifts them lightly up, allowing you to be at a perfect angle for him to sneak his tongue into your sopping wet entrance as you groan in pure bliss. The feelings too good…too overwhelming and before you know it, your orgasm hits you like a train. You wrap your legs around his head, gripping his hair, utterly trapping him as you throw your head back, letting out loud cries of pure ecstasy. Atsushi’s eyes widen slightly at how fervid your orgasm hit you, he quickly licks up all of your juices as he holds your trembling thighs, his eyes scrunch as he tries to breathe in through his nose, taking in your luscious scent. He pulls away and kisses your quivering thighs as he looks at you with a nervous smile. He’s glad he made you cum so hard but he’s a bit afraid he might’ve overwhelmed you…in a bad way that is. He holds you tightly while he praises you and offers to clean you up as well as bring you some water.
“You did so good…god you tasted amazing, but are you sure I didn’t go too far?…alright I’m glad to hear it, you really do look zoned out though- can I get you some water?…hm? Oh yeah- my pants…I might’ve gotten a little too excited…”
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These past few weeks have not been kind to you, at all. Having to balance work and personal life can become overbearing at times. This stress truly only had one cure, your boyfriend. Akutagawa seemed to not really understand why you’d want him to be your “personal stress reliever”… but after a bit of convincing, he gave in. Which explains why you were now panting and groaning like an animal in heat as you rode your boyfriends face. Your head was tilted up, lips ajar allowing erotic noises to flow in the air. You swirled your hips on his nose, one hand was circling your swollen clit, while the other stroked your boyfriends tender cock. His hands rested on your lush thighs, keeping them spread as his tongue worked wonders on your wet core. Spit and pre-cum sloppily decorated your boyfriend’s phallus, providing the perfect lubricant as your delicate hands attended his needy cock. Hushed curses and whines fell from your lips as the feeling of his mouth made all of your worries dissipate. Your bittersweet taste only motivated him to keep going, every noise you made drove him crazy. His dick twitched at your every touch, your thumb teased his sensitive tip. The feeling of your soft fingers caused him to groan. Your breath hitched as you felt gentle vibrations caused by his groans. This influenced your hips to move faster, by pure instinct and desire; searching for more stimulation. Your mind felt fuzzy, clouded by lust while your hands continued to pump his cock. The mutual pleasure you were both providing each other was so intense, so blissful…it was the exact thing you needed after so many stressful weeks. With each suck and lick, your worries and stress seemed to disappear, you both felt close to your breaking point. Akutagawa continued to lap his tongue relentlessly on your dripping pussy, your juices dribbled down his chin. He could feel the way your walls tightened and clenched around his tongue. The feeling of his nose massaging your folds was heavenly, causing you to moan and whine in pure ecstasy. Your thighs trembled as they clamped around his head. He could tell you were close; the way your moans got more and more breathless, the way your movements became more sporadic, the way your hand squeezed his cock like there was no tomorrow…he had to finish you off…no way he couldn’t now, you we’re so close…it would wound his pride if he didn’t. Your weight on his face combined with the feeling of your hands on his arousal made him struggle to breathe a bit but he didn’t care. He grabbed your thighs and pulled you even further down onto his face, making his tongue reach deeper than before. His hands moved up to your breasts, fondling them, causing you to cry out in overstimulation. The feeling was too extreme, your body couldn’t take any more, you stroked his hard faster, and in an instant- you both came. Your hips bucked, back arched as a loud whine of his name filled the room. You continued to milk his cock as your fingers were drenched with his seed. He groaned and swallowed everything you had to offer. You slowly got off his face, he let out a loud gasp of air followed by pants, his face was flushed and covered in your slick. Akutagawa sat up and wiped his face off, he turned to look at your poor exhausted body. He smirked and kissed your lips. He noticed how intense your orgasm was this time around. He was proud of himself and utterly satisfied by the fact he caused you to have such a reaction, that orgasm definitely boosted his ego.
“How was that for a stress reliever?…Im guessing it was satisfactory considering how hard you came…hm? Of course I noticed how intense your orgasm was, I expected no less considering I was the one to bring you over the edge. No other man has nor ever will make you orgasm that fervidly, only I can provide you with such pleasure…now get some rest..”
☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆ ☆°~♡▪︎°☆
Jesus- trying to find synonyms for “dick” is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack
Saying “cock” so many times gave me a stroke- (hah- get it? Stroke?- I’ll shut up)
Anyways! As always, I hope you all liked this story!
Please feel free to request anything you’d like! Love y’all! <3
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 year
wondering if you could include ranpo in your caught making out p2 fic, if you do id deeply appreciate it!! <3
consider it done<3
๋࣭ ⭑ caught making out. p2. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: short imagine/scenario
characters: ranpo, poe, and yosano<3
warnings: lowercase writing, short, make-out sessions, suggustive writing!!
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๋࣭ ⭑ ranpo smirked upon hearing your sentence. "can i have a taste?" you asked, pointing to his candy in his hand. he was seated ontop of a work desk in the middle of the agency. "of this~?" he teased, and with a nod he jumped to his feet. as your hand was out and ready for him to give you the sucker, you felt him take your hand instead, the candies in his mouth. "ranpo-" you suddenly felt his lips connect to yours, his tounge licking your lips. couple seconds of him kissing you felt like hours, but when you felt his tounge push itself into your mouth with the candy now in your mouth, you blushed hard. your face full-on red. he pulled back, grinning at you. "how's it tastle, hm~?" he asked, and you stuttered out a sentence. before he could kiss you again, the sound of someone hitting a wall and a "OW" caused both you and ranpo to turn your heads to see atsushi on the flor rubbing his head, papers scattered all over the place. "ow- uh..." he looked back at you both and chuckled nervously. ranpo looked back at you to see you hide your face into his neck and your arms wrapped around his torso. quickly, atsushi ran out of the room, leaving the papers on the floor. ranpo felt himself blush slightly, but he lept his composure. "well...did it taste good?" he shrugged.
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๋࣭ ⭑ poe kissed your lips gently, unsure if what he was doing was correct. he was just wanting to complete his novel, but the way your hips moved on his lap made him...desprate. he messaged his fingers up and down your spine, his hands going into your shirt every now and then. you wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, trying your best not to fall with how far he's making you arch your back. giggles escaped your lips when his fingers reached your sides, "ticklish?" he smiled at your nod. he placed his hands on your hips while his lips kissed a sweet spot on your nech he's recently discovered. mid-moan, you covered your mouth whe you heard the door suddenlu open and ranpo's figure caused you to fall onto your ass on the floor, "y-y/n!" poe cried, blushing when he noticed ranpo standing at the door. "weeell~ i was going to read your newest novel, but i can see you have other plans. i will come back later~" ranpo smirked, closing the door as he walked out. poe was speechless, karl sitting on his head as he looked back down at you, "did-did you want to-" "moment as passed, babe."
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๋࣭ ⭑ yosano licked her lips, gripping onto your hips and pinned you into the desk of her office. all you did was gently tap her ass as she was looking through files, causing her to almost instantly pin you. "how bold you are, y/n~ tapping my ass like that out of no where..." she licked your neck, wetting it before going in and kissing the living hell out of it. you moaned, arching your back and grabbed her shirt, gripping it tightly. "a-akiko-" you tried your best to not scrunch your neck, causing her to move to your lips. she slid her hands up your shirt, untugging it from your pants and let her hands roam free-"oh nonono, don't mind me.." dazai's voice caused yosano to bite your lip, pulling away from you to look at the man. she removed her hand from your skin and held your shoulders. "d-dazai!" you stutter out, looking at him look for papers by his desk. "just neeeeed, aha! here it is~" he smirked at you two before turning on his heels to leave, "you may continue~ it took a while to notice me in the first place you two could've kept going like i was never here~" yosano grabbed her heel and threw it hard in dazai's direction, however he closed the door in time for the heel to hit the wodden door instead of his face. the woman sighed, attention back to you, "yosano..this bump on my lip wasn't always here.." you whined.
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
Headcannon that Ranpo will often make himself the focus in a tense situation. In order to take the attention off his friends and put it on himself.
Ranpo has seen first hand the mistreatment of ability users. He was kidnapped for supposedly having one. He helped Yosano escape her abusers and Fukuzawa definitely told him a story here and there.
Ranpo doesn't know the whole story of his friends pasts. (I like to think unless it's absolutely necessary he wouldn't pry. That he wouldn't trying to deduce answers) but he knows enough.
And he refuses to let anyone hurt them again. So if some bigot comes along and starts talking rubbish, Ranpo makes them turn their attention onto him.
He knows more than anyone that words hurt. He's felt the pain of such words hurt him in the past. And few things anger Ranpo the way than seeing how simple words can hurt his friends.
Fukuzawa's heavy sigh. Yosano's haunted gaze. Atsushi making himself smaller. The tears in Kyouka's eyes. Kenji's smile becoming less bright.
The shame on Junichiro's face. Dazai's smile becoming so obviously (to Ranpo and those that know him) fake. Kunikida excusing himself to hide his discomfort.
Ranpo wishes more than anything he could take all that pain away. But he can't, so this is the best he can do.
He can take the bullshit. What are they gonna do insult his intelligence? Ha he'll just outclass and surpass them, make them look like the idiot that they are and send them packing.
Than smile cheerfully at his friends, at his family and slip them a sweet when they're not looking.
And well if the bigots escalates, well Ranpo knows his family has his back. They won't let anyone hurt him and he's more than happy to return the favour.
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deonsx · 1 year
If They Cheat On You
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Nikolai, Jouno
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Content: Cheating..
Dazai Osamu
The man you loved more than yourself in the world doesn't come home anymore, even if he comes, he comes drunk and late at night. When you saw him like this, you asked him a lot of questions, but he dismissed them all with the excuse of "work"
It was one of those nights, you sat on your seat overlooking the sea and started waiting for Osamu, but he didn't come early as usual, hours passed, you only thought about him, you had no patience anymore, finally the sound of the key was heard and the door opened, a familiar silhouette entered, turned on the light of the dark room and made you see him clearly. messy hair, rumpled trench coat, unbuttoned white shirt, and a faint smell of alcohol
You stood up from the couch and directed your step towards the brunette who finally noticed you. You looked at his indifferent face. His face was no longer looking at you with those tender, happy and loving eyes as before.. his gloomy face was dragging you into the darkness, "You-" just as he was talking, you saw bite marks under his scattered bandages and The truth you never wanted to accept has finally been revealed
Your eyes filled with tears as if they were burning, the tears stinging your eyes made you wrinkle your face "Why..? Just tell me.." the seriousness on his face did not change but the brunette let out a deep breath "I'm sorry you're right you deserved at least an explanation s/o" your eyes filled with pain even more. His face, indifferent and not caring about you anymore, was hurting you. “Now..I don't feel anything for you anymore”
Chuuya Nakahara
Your boyfriend was sleeping around at work for a long time and this made you suspicious after a long time, you finally decided to go to his workplace. It was the middle of the night, everywhere was dark except for one part, in that part, white light was leaking from under Chuuya's office, he was a hard worker. You knew that's why you never insisted, but now... you hear moaning sounds coming from your boyfriend's office
"No, this can't be real" you chose to tell yourself false stories in a light whisper and denied seeing the truth, but your steps were slowly approaching those voices, you could see Chuuya through the glass door and..a blonde girl was sitting on his lap.. "You smell of wine, my love" Chuuya was thin. He said it while kissing a certain woman's hands..the lies he told you...was he telling her now?
You had the strength to open the glass door even after seeing this.. slowly your hand reached for the door handle and the door opened wide to look at the faces of the duo who had not seen you yet and yes, now they were both looking at you with serious but nervous eyes. "S/o...?" The name he bestowed on you with kisses on your warm skin every night was now telling you while another woman was in his arms
He looked away but then the woman got off his lap and hid behind him "What, you think I'm going to hurt her?" You said it with a smile of pain, but chuuya said the thing that broke you, "Please don't hurt her, she's not guilty."
Fyodor Dostoyevski
A new woman had come to the place where you worked with your boyfriend, she was the same age as you and a model-like woman. She was brunette, tall, with colorful eyes and a melodious tongue. You were always suspicious of someone like her, but you trusted Fyodor very much. A month passed and you only saw the woman in the mornings. Apart from that, no one could find her, and this made you suspicious
Something escaped their mouth as they listened to their co-workers gossiping "This new woman is around that guy every day" Your friend said with a pout on her face and the others agreed, you frowned "She has a boyfriend? How long have you known?" When you asked this, the surroundings fell silent, everyone had a worried expression on their faces, they were so relaxed that they didn't realize you were there
They turned to you, who was leaning behind them in the doorway, and coughed rapidly, "Nothing! Come on guys, let's get to work!" Everyone disappeared in a hurry, but that was enough to make you cringe. You weren't stupid, but you had some ideas about who this man was, your boyfriend Fyodor? Was it him? You used to leave work first every night, but before this sitation we used to go out always together
You waited for it to be night and you waited for the message that Fyodor sent you every night. Finally, your phone rang and every day's message was mailed to you in the same way. "Honey, I have a busy workday today, see you tomorrow." The sign you were waiting for came, you slowly walked towards the direction of his office, that is, the basement. No one would enter this floor unless something important happened. After all, it was the boss's office. "Slow down, dear!" a girl moan?
Finally everything came true and it was that girl's voice.. you didn't want to go in and show yourself and you didn't want to cry in front of the door you quickly ran out of the office and went to the shared house you lived with your boyfriend and packed your things then before turning off your phone you sent him one last message "I throw away the one who gave me pain, I'm leaving you”
Nikolai Gogol
It's been a long time since you've been together, every moment you spent together made your heart soar and butterflies fly in your belly, he made you feel very special, he was with you in every moment, these are what you thought when you looked at your pregnancy test, the butterflies in your belly have given way to a beautiful child
You were going to give him this surprise when he got home and that's why you decided to tell him that you were not at home. You sent a message saying "Honey, I'm going out to have fun with friends tonight" Now all you had to do was wait for your boyfriend
But your boyfriend didn't come home, it's been a long time, but he didn't come home. Under normal circumstances, he would come through the door of your house sulking, having finished his work... you called him to make sure and he answered the phone after ringing twice. "Hello, love?" Hearing his affectionate voice on the other end of the phone made you even more happy to wait. "Nikolai, I called to let you know that I will be late," you said with a chirp. After 1-2 minutes, you hung up the phone and continued to wait for him
It was 10:00pm when you heard the door lock and yes you could finally hear her chirping laughter but you thought "What is she laughing at??" You thought it must be one of his stupid jokes again. When the door opened, you waited to greet him, but when he walked in with a woman, your world fell apart. Your boyfriend's laughter faded quickly, his face looked at you with tension. "You/him?" You were just looking at the woman he brought with him
You had a big fight and you even tried to attack the woman but instead of explaining to you nikolai protected the woman and this drove you crazy "Were you cheating on me!? all this time? was everything a lie!" You slapped Nikolai hard, but he didn't speak, the woman next to him spoke to you instead. "Please don't hurt him!" what.. were you to blame?? Why did they put you in this position?
You quickly left that house with the child in your womb, you cut off all ties with him without needing to tell him. Before leaving, he said only one thing to you: "I couldn’t leave you when I should have left.. I'm sorry”
Jouno Saigiku
Everything was thought out thoroughly, a beautiful table and official candles that highlighted the romance of the table, a nice meat dinner, everything was ready for our 3rd anniversary, and now you just had to wait...
Hours passed but no one came, Jouno didn't come.. he was late some days of the week these days, but you got confirmation from him whether he could come for today's surprise... but he didn't show up, you decided to call him as the clock hit 1 am. He didn't answer, you sent him a message but he didn't reply
Now you were just worried and you didn't know what to do, it hurt to be ignored, he had promised you but he wasn't here, what if something happened to him? You called each of his coworkers and they said he had already left work. To his surprise, he had already finished work 2 hours before your scheduled time.. so where was he now?
You just waited.. the clock struck the morning and you were desperately worried about him on the table where there were already melted candles. When you heard the door being unlocked with the key, you got up with excitement, he didn't care if he was late or he forgot, we were just wondering if he was hurt or not, until the door opened and jouno with messy hair and Until you see come with kiss marks on your jacket
"What is this jouno..?" You asked the confused man as your eyes scanned all traces of him, He didn't answer and that drove you crazy You pulled his shirt and started yelling at him "3 YEARS! 3 WHOLE YEARS AND YOU CHOOSE TO CHEAT ON ME ON OUR ANNIVERSARY!?" His hands moved to the ones you were choking him with and he moved his head away "This day wasn't special...it's been 5 months s/o"
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ravencincaide · 6 months
The word that made the difference 
Summary:  You knew you had to get professional help even if you did not want to, Dazai’s words and actions made it absolutely clear to you he wouldn’t tolerate anything else, and Chuuya seemed to silently agree with him. Still the answer you got was not for the question you asked; but that one word was enough to make you reevaluate everything. 
Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya xfem! Reader (skk x fem!reader) 
Author note: An independent continuation of Desperate times series, and next part of  Happy unhappy home! Check that series out if you’d like more angst, skkx reader, new parents, all that and see more of what happened right before this scene! 
Warning: Cursing, depression/postpartum depression, New parents/exhausted parents =bad choices/reactions, Angst,  
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The word felt unfamiliar- surreal- like a misdiagnosis wrapped in excuses, wrapped in women’s issues and wrapped in reasons to get you out of the office. Yet it was as if that singular word explained everything you had experienced lately and nothing at all. Maybe it explained the hopelessness, the darkness, the unbearably tense existence that has become your home; but it could not explain the way you felt about the twins. The inability to connect with them. Or the inability to feel any warmths from Dazai and Chuuya. Perhaps, at this point, you were so ruined and wrong that you could not connect with anyone. Not the twins, not Dazai and not Chuuya. 
We think you have postpartum depression
A part of you wanted to stand up, run out of the medical office and into the waiting room right outside where the four of them were waiting. To rub it into the two mafioso's faces that they were wrong. Ha the geniuses were not genius enough to sidestep medical school, and it wasn’t as easy as to use some template they took from god-knows-where and assed you by it instead of talking with you, asking you, helping you. They were wrong- you were right. You won. 
But what was your prize? 
“ I have never had a reason to hit you. You’ve always been a smart girl- don’t give me another reason to do it. Again. If you’re sick- get help.” 
Dazai’s words from a day ago rang in your ears. His tone, the iciness in his gaze as he brought you down to the knees in cold standing water with a single slap repeated itself in your mind. Like a never-ending loop it played before your eyes. Your mind, the twisted bastard, hadn't left the image unchanged, but rather conjured up the way it must have looked from all angles; from the side, from above and even from below. Driving in the humiliation further. Like some dramatic exaggerated scene out of a soap opera, a middle aged housewives tv-series, and the act was meant to be a huge burden for the main stars in season one but then it gets solved three episodes later. 
Forgiven and forgotten.
But this wasn’t a soap opera, this wasn’t some lame drama created to satisfy lonely women as they waited for their loving husbands to come home from golf. This was reality. Your reality- your life. And soon, not only your own. That one realization grounded; it was enough to escape the clutches of shock and confusion and placed you back inside the small, simple medical office and the woman opposite you.  
“ Well yeah, it’s no wonder you’ve been feeling like shit the last few weeks. I’d say congratulations but really— “ 
Yosano’s voice faded into the background again; your mind tiffany twisted, drowned out her words as more flashbacks pulled you under the surface of reality. Simple things, comparisons like the joy last pregnancy brought and the dread this one carried. How caring, sweet and gentle it started but how difficult the previous one ended; and how difficult this one started while the thought of it getting worse filled you with dread. 
Blood rushed to your ears; your pounding heart overshadowed all sounds, dulled the quiet medical office into an obnoxiously loud space. Your vision blurred, tunneled and span. Inadvertently you pressed the fingers of your shaking hand to your eyes and rubbed them, then shook your head to try and clear the dark dots which played in your sight. 
You wondered how and why it happened. You couldn’t fathom the idea that you were, yet again, carrying a life inside you. No, it was absurd. Surely Yosano was mistaken, it hadn’t even gone that long since the twins were born and– 
All at once the reality came crashing back down again. You were back on the hard chair, back opposite Yosano and suddenly very aware of every inch of the office. And the continuation of her displeased rant; the way her tone grew louder, annoyance sipped into every syllable. The barely held back curses which evidently played on the tip of her tongue. Yet she tried to look casual, head rested in the palm of her hand, body language open and turned towards you. But the anger was undeniable in the way her second hand gripped the pen, almost snapped it in half and poured the goey black onto a pile of papers- the results that signaled your doom. “ I told the damned bastards to–” 
“ – But I thought you couldn’t get pregnant at least until 18 months have passed after birth” you interrupted her, your voice a fraction away from hysterical. You looked at Yosano expectedly, begging her for the confirmation that this was some weird biological fluke. A mistake that no one of you could have predicted.
You jumped as she slammed her fist against the wooden desk. 
“ Where the hell did you hear that bullshit from?” Yosano took a deep breath, slipped back into her composed doctor mask and did you the courtesy to reply to your questions calmly and professionally “It’s not recommended to get pregnant earlier than 18 months after delivery, to give the body time to heal. However, biologically speaking, there’s nothing preventing you from it once you’ve gotten your period. Some can get pregnant as early as four weeks after.” 
You bit your lips to hold back a curse, and hung your head at your own stupidity. “ But one time..” you mumbled absentmindedly as memories of an unromantic quickie on the same night the pair returned home from their months long mission ran through your mind. A disappointing act that drove a rift in your relationship. That became a silent fight you never openly addressed; just picked up your things and moved into the shoe-sized spare bedroom. Something which neither part of double black seemed to mind. 
If anything you swore your absence in the bedroom brought them relief. 
To your surprise, Yosano rested a comforting hand on your shoulder. “ Sometimes one time is plenty. Now then to break the news-” She moved away from you and began stomping towards the door which separated her office from the rest of the medical bay. And ultimately, the space where your so-called lovers waited with the twins. 
“ No wait!” you cried. In an instant up on your feet, both hands wrapped around Yosano’s arm. Although she was undoubtedly stronger, the action was shocking enough to halt her movements. She turned to face you, surprise edged into her features. But you couldn’t meet her eyes. No, you did not want her to see that the seemingly perfect relationship had been reduced to shambles. A broken thing which had become filled with responsibilities and fear. The thought made your cheeks redden in shame; never ever in your life would you have thought you’d be fearful of your lover's reaction to seemingly joyful news. And even more shamefully, feel the need to make excuses for it in public. 
“ Tell me honestly Y/N” Yosano’s voice was low, the accusation unmistakable. 
“ It’s Dazai’s” You answered in a heartbeat, met her gaze full on with the most earnestness you had ever displayed in your life. “ Undoubtedly his.” 
You dropped your hand from her arm and brought it back to your side, wrapped it protectively around your stomach. You forced your lips up into a smile, hoped it looked innocent yet nervous. Then mellowed out the look in your eyes to the point the blush looked more shy than guilty. “ W-well, you know, Dazai’s been wanting a child of his own since the twins and I.. just want to break the news to him in a special way.” The lie rolled smoothly off your tongue and Yosano seemed to buy it. 
She laughed at you, teased you for the still corny behavior while lightly reminded you this wasn’t your first kid as she sat back down and began going over essential medical information with you. Information you took in with a smile, nodded in appropriate places without really listening. But who could have blamed you? 
Your mind was for once on your side as it formed second by second a feasible plan for you. Not easy, but manageable. Drunk on thought that you, YOU, the innocent little weak dove had gotten away with such a blatant lie gave you the courage you needed to indulge in those thoughts. The thoughts you hadn’t even dared to think of before. Now they felt so close and so real. 
Although, admittedly, the lie you uttered wasn’t a complete lie. Indeed, you intended to make sure he would find out this news in the most unforgettable way possible. 
You just never said the surprise was going to be good… 
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Author note: The first part of this chapter is dedicated to each and every person who thought A Hit Beyond Rock Bottom was not heavy /angsty enough and Dazai’s actions weren’t too bad.
The second part is for us who can see that the reader is strong and it's time to see that strengths manifest itself into something useful. Well hope you enjoyed this and until next time~
Click here for: Part 1 , part 2 and part 3 or Check out Raven's masterlist.
©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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lupintrio · 21 days
I have a theory regarding how this arc may end for Fyodor. Well, it's mostly the chess metaphor, but taken more seriously, however.
We've heard of hey, Fyodor killing himself, Dazai killing him, which yes! These would be preferable endings to his character, at least in my eyes. They would be exactly what I wanted, as well.
However, seeing earlier chapters, Dazai and Fyodor both stands as the king piece in panels where there are chess metaphors.
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In chess, a king piece cannot get rid of another king piece. White always starts first, we have gotten confirmation that Lucy is Dazai's 'queen'
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During recent chapters, Fyodor had told amenogozen to get rid of the ADA members one by one. However, I believe, has always been his tactic throughout, by slowly getting rid of everyone on the board. Amenogozen, however, runs from a black pawn, turned into Fyodor's queen, while most on Fyodor's side are absent or gone. That may go for Dazai, as well. (or about to)
But at the end of the day, a king cannot get rid of a king, but a queen can. Lucy is Dazai's queen, as mentioned.
So if Lucy uses her ability on Fyodor? Fyodor wouldn't die, but if Fyodor was trapped in Anne's room, nobody can escape. That wouldn't activate crime and punishment. I'd say that's a possibility. Not that I would favor this ending, but I would say it could happen.
It is midnight, sorry for poor wording. I'm simply rambling, but I've been finding the chess metaphors between fyozai silly, and interesting.
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uhhhandskullanon · 1 year
───── ⋆⋅ ☆ ⋅⋆ ─────
You should’ve known that you never really could escape them, no matter how hard you tried. You wanted to scream, shout, sob, beg, whine, yell, anything at all, but the gag in your mouth prevented any sound whatsoever.
Not like if it wasn’t there it’d change anything. The basement is still sound-proof either way. You just wish Fyodor put a second thought in cleaning it up, because it smelled horrid in there.
Probably because of the pile of rotting body parts in the corner, or the bloody, moss-covered walls.
…he probably did this on purpose, actually. It’s only a part of your punishment, for leaving your loving fathers, is what he might say.
The gag was leaving a literal bad taste on your tongue, and if you could see the chains on your wrists, you’d bet they were already bruising and scarring. It was too dark for that though.
That was all in the start, however. It’s been nearly months since you’ve been ‘saved’ and ‘returned,’ in Nikolai’s terms. Everything had only been horrible, up until you were finally trusted enough to be let out of the basement. You would never say this, but it is partially thanks to Nikolai’s delusion and nagging of Fyodor that sped up that process.
…you missed the Agency. A lot, actually.
You missed Atsushi, and how he’d comfort you and you two just went out for chazuke on breaks.
You missed Yosano, and her headpats with the occasional need for healing. Despite her (kind of hidden) sadism, you never really were awake to feel her abilities… pre-measures.
You missed Dazai’s stupid antics, and the way he’d somehow drag you into them one way or another, but always made sure you never really got in trouble.
You missed Ranpo just rambling or being sleepy with you, occasionally sharing sweets and always calling for you to join him on cases whenever he could.
You missed Kunikida scolding you for joining Dazai’s shenanigans, but always doting over you like a real dad.
You missed listening to Kenji ramble about cows and farm animals.
You missed going out with Kyouka and eating crepes with her.
You missed just chatting with Fukuzawa, and even the cats at the shelter you two would visit.
You never voiced these though, because lord forbid you speak of anything or anyone on the outside while within the confines of Fyodor’s new base… you didn’t want to see that basement ever again, either.
“Oh [Y/N]! We’re baaaaaack!~” A (unfortunately and overly) familiar voice called out happily, before you were immediately tackled into a hug by none other than Nikolai. “Didya’ miss us?” He’d ask, and you already knew exactly what to say.
“Of course I did. I always miss you, Dad.” You smiled, hugging him back tightly. You knew how this went, and you knew that this would slowly but surely coax him into letting you out of the base… and after a few outings sticking by his side, surely you’d be freed.
Surely. Surely you kept telling yourself. Optimism and hope slowly blending into desperation and longing inside your mind. Surely you’ll find a way to run away. Patience is a virtue. Patient, patient, patient and good little [Y/N] before you leave them again.
“Waaha, how cute!” He’d exclaim soon after, hugging you even tighter before picking you up and spinning around, and you had to force out a fake chuckle and expression of joy. He only put you down (but still held you,) when Fyodor entered the room, brushing off his coat. It was then when you noted that they both had small splashes of blood splattered across certain spots, but you didn’t say anything on it. You knew how that went…
───── ⋆⋅ ?! ⋅⋆ ─────
"You can't- you can't keep doing this if you want me to stay!" You shouted at the two, blood-soaked males who in return just stared back at you.
"Are you saying you don't want to stay, my dear?"
"N-no, I just...-"
"Are you saying you'd leave us if we didn't stop?"
"That's not what I was saying! Don't put words into my mouth! I- ?!" You were cut off by a sudden cold knife to the throat, held by a gloved hand appearing out of a yellow portal.
"Watch your words wisely," Fyodor warned, "We are your fathers afterall."
'Never,' You wanted to shout, 'Never in a million years will you two ever be anything more than monsters to me.'
But even a fool knows when to bite their tongue.
───── ⋆⋅ ?! ⋅⋆ ─────
“Hey, Father?” You turned to Fyodor whilst still hugging Nikolai.
“Hm? What is it, doll?” He responded, taking off his cape and hanging it on a rack near the door before looking back at you.
You hated that nickname. “Doll.” Like you were some sort of item to show and control.
'Not for long,’ You’d think, ‘Not for very long at all.’ Though you were about to ask a risky question… you’d just hold on tight to Nikolai and hope for the best.
“...what happened to my kidnappers?” You hated referring to the Agency like that.
“Oh.. Well, not much. Merely a bit of… framing.” He said darkly, and eerie and small grin crossing his face.
"They won’t ever take your freedom away again, and you’ll never ever have to leave us again, isn’t that right dove?” Nikolai smiled evilly whale hugging you even tighter to the point that it hurt, and you had to muster up the ‘happiest’ smile you could.
"Yes, thank you Dad, and Father.” You said softly, looking at the two ‘gratefully.’
...You were going to get out of this hell hole, and you were going to save the Agency, one way or another.
───── ⋆⋅ ☆ ⋅⋆ ─────
'This might be a bit of a stretch,’ You thought to yourself as you stared down at the large drop ahead of you. Its been a long while, and you’ve finally been allowed to go outside with them… however, you’ve taken precautions. You know exactly what to do.
You’re on top of a large building with a barrier, and you’ve marked it just enough so that you’re only barely out of reach of Nikolai’s ability. It’s also only a matter of time before they find you…
…It’s a long way down. Do you want to jump?
— TAG : @kolyakisses
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