#how could 7:30 be an address? but it's what she said so....
chekovsphaser · 1 year
In Portuguese (at least in Brazilian) it's usual to use "meia" ("half", as in half a dozen) for the number 6 when you are dictating aloud, because 6 rhymes with 3 and it helps avoid confusion. Unfortunately, despite the fact that there are sixes in my postcode, phone number, and ID number and I use this formulation on at least a weekly basis, I am an idiot.
I had to send some files to someone in another state - they dictated their address. It was supposed to be 76 whatever street. I wrote down 7:30 whatever street. The post office guy insisted it wasn't an address. I called the person back. She said the same thing. 76 whatever street. I had a realization. I wrote down 7.5 whatever street. The post office guy insisted it still wasn't an address. I am trying to figure out what could I possibly have misheard. My mother, who has not been a part of this conversation but has been watching me fail at this for about 5 whole minutes, finally goes "it's seventy-six!!!"
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explosionkatsu · 9 months
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Dad!Bakugo x Teacher!Babysitter!Reader
7 p.m. is what it says to the clock and Katsuki hasn't arrived yet. It seems like Eijiro is quite busy as well for Kazui is still with her.
You were starting to feel uneasy since something must've come up that caused them to be this late. After checking your watch once again, you've decided to just drop Kazui yourself. The thing is, you don't know where Katsuki's parents live and you doubt you'll get a detailed answer from him.
'Well, no harm in trying.' You thought to yourself and poked Kazui who was busy watching some cartoons on your phone.
"Kazui-chan." You called out making Kazui look up at you confused.
"Hai?" He responded.
"Do you know where your bachan lives?" You asked.
You were surprised when Kazui told you the complete address, including the lot number.
"H-how?" You were amazed.
"Papa told me if I got lost, I can state Bachan's address so that someone can take me there safely!" Kazui beamed.
"That's very smart of you, Kazui-chan." You praised and gently patted his head smiling.
"Thank you!" Kazui answered.
"What do you say I drop you instead to your bachan?" You suggested. "I don't think Uncle Eiji will be here anytime soon. Something must've come up."
Kazui just nodded when you noticed him yawning. Of course, he's exhausted.
"Alright. Let's pack our stuff and head out." You said.
Y/n began fixing her things as well as Kazui. Once finished, she checked everything and left the school taking Kazui's hand to hers. She plans on buying something to consume on their way as well since it's been hours since Kazui ate anything.
Y/n took Kazui to a ramen house where Kazui finished his meal almost immediately and ate his yogurt on the bus. You intentionally made him sit at the window seat so that he'd be able to point out the place.
"We're here!" He suddenly exclaimed while pointing to a certain house.
Y/n pressed the stop button resulting in the bus halting a few blocks away from where Kazui's pointing. Carefully, Y/n guided Kazui out of the bus and headed to where he was pointing.
'If this is the wrong house, she could just apologize and say it's the wrong house.' Y/n thought while internally praying, as well as readying herself for the excuse.
When they reached the porch, Y/n shakingly pressed the doorbell twice. She was ready to make an excuse, chanting it over and over in her head. Her dread vanished when a woman who looked exactly like a female version of Katsuki opened the door.
"Can I- Kazui!?" Mitsuki shrieked. "Where the hell is your father?!"
"Bachaaan!!" Kazui beamed hugging Mitsuki.
"That brat," Mitsuki mumbled. "Masaru! Your brat left Kazui to some- wait." She blinked, finally looking at you. "Who are you?"
"O-oh!" Y/n stuttered. "I am Y/n L/n." She said and bowed down. "I am Kazui-chan's homeroom teacher, as well as his babysitter."
"Did Kat-, Bakugo leave Kazui to you?" Mitsuki asked and let Kazui in the house.
"Oh, not entirely." Y/n sweat dropped. "Kazui has been waiting for Kirishima to pick him up. But it seems like something came up. I realized it was getting a bit late so I decided to drop Kazui myself, which I am a bit thankful he knew the whole address." She explained, chuckling in the end.
"Oh what am I doing, come in!"
"Glad we were able to catch that villain. Man, I thought I'd leave patrol early today." Eijiro said while sitting on the stretcher and letting someone treat his wounds. "Sorry, I couldn't pick up Kazui today."
"Shit!" Katsuki cussed.
"What is it?" Eijiro asked looking at Katsuki in panic.
"I have a fucking date today!"
"What?! With who!?" Eijiro exclaimed. "Bro. You realized it's 8:30 in the evening already, right?"
"I'm supposed to fucking pick her up at the daycare."
Without hesitating, Katsuki told the medic to stop treating him.
"Who!? Where- Dynamight!!!" Eijiro called out. "Awe man."
Katsuki darted away from the scene focusing on getting to the daycare fast, hoping Y/n and Kazui were still there. But as soon as he reached the establishment, he saw that the lights were out and the portico was locked.
"Fuck!" He cussed loudly.
'She must've taken Kazui her. But where? At her home? Yeah. Probably it.' Katsuki thought to himself and blasted himself towards Y/n's apartment.
It took him a few minutes to get there only to notice that her lights were off as well.
"What the hell?" He mumbled. "Where the hell are they.." Katsuki said. He went to the window to check closer but saw no one.
The only place he hasn't gone yet is his own house and his parents.
"Damn it." He cussed once again and blasted away.
"So, you've been spending time with Katsuki." Mitsuki was surprised after learning this. It irritates her that Katsuki never tells him anything. "So, how's he?"
Y/n, who was sitting in the dining with Mitsuki smiled. "He's very-"
"A-ah. No..." Y/n sweat dropped. "He's really sweet." She giggled. "Whenever I come over to take care of Kazui, I usually cook dinner for 3 people. He'll get mad at me for cooking instead of ordering takeout since he always leaves enough cash for takeouts."
"What do you do to the money he leaves?" Mitsuki asked before sipping her cup of tea.
'Ah.' Y/n thought. It seems like she knew what Mitsuki was doing.
"I bought groceries." Y/n looked down as she said this. "I noticed that there aren't any greens in the fridge. It's usually meat, cereal, a bunch of juices, and a few spices."
"What happened to Katsuki." Mitsuki facepalmed. "That kid is always passionate about his cooking."
"He always complains whenever I cook for him, but he'll eat it anyway." Y/n giggled and took a sip of her tea.
"Why do you do it?" Mitsuki's getting interested in Y/n.
"I can see how tired and exhausted he is whenever he gets home from work."
As Y/n went on to explain, she didn't know that Mitsuki was watching her facial features. Her expression changes whenever she mentions something about Katsuki.
'He'll be so lucky to have this woman.' Mitsuki thought smiling to herself. "Ah. I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself." She smiled. "I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, and here my husband, Masaru Bakugo. You can just call me Mitsuki."
"Oh. It is a pleasure, Mitsuki." Y/n stood up and bowed as a sign of respect.
Reaching his own house, Katsuki can see the lights are as well off.
"What the hell?"
He's starting to get worried. Did someone kidnap them? Did they know who Y/n is?
"Fuck!" The only thing he can think of now is to call. But as he tries to reach for his phone, he realizes he left it in his office which frustrates him more.
The only place he hasn't checked is his parents where he doubts, they will be there, but he was hoping they are.
"Masaru," Mitsuki called out for her husband signaling him to come over.
Y/n was with Kazui in the living room, obviously spending time with him.
"Yes, dear?" Masaru responded.
"We haven't fully known Y/n right here but I'm liking her for Katsuki right now." She was grinning ear to ear while murmuring what she said.
"What makes you say that?" Masaru said placing a palm on Mitsuki's shoulder.
"I heard the things she did for him. She's the woman I want for our son." Mitsuki smiled.
"You know we just can't-"
"Set them up," Mitsuki answered mischievously.
"Katsuki's smart, dear."
"Not with us." She snickered. "Y/n dear! Come here!"
Y/n blinked curiously but stood up anyway and went to Mitsuki and Masaru.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
This question made you blink again. "Huh?"
"Oh! We apologize for snooping around. You are a very lovely woman so we're guessing you have a man in your life." Mitsuki's a great actor alright.
"U-um. I don't have a boyfriend." You stuttered but confused. "It's been years since I last had one."
"Why's that, sweetie?" She was curious, okay?
"I just don't have enough time to look for someone..." You answered truthfully. "If someone came into my life, then I'll accept them wholeheartedly."
"I swear to god if they aren't here-"
Just as Y/n finished her sentence, Katsuki came barging in. Everyone was jolted by his entrance, making them all look at him, and Kazui, well, ran to Y/n in fear.
Mitsuki though, after seeing it was only her son, stomped her way to Katsuki and gave him a hard smack on his head which made Y/n gasp.
"That's normal, Y/n," Masaru says assuring her.
"Ooh.." Y/n said in response.
"Why the hell are you barging in here like that!? You gave us a heart attack you idiot!"
"I was looking for Y/n and Kazui!"
"That doesn't change the fact that you almost killed us all!"
"How the hell would I do that woman!?"
"Who are you calling woman, hah!?"
Then Mitsuki gave Katsuki another smack whilst Masaru just sighed in the background, smiling.
"A-ano.." Y/n's voice halted both the blonde-haired.
Both blonde-haired paused in bickering when they heard Y/n's voice making them look at her.
"Kazui!" Katsuki called out as he reached for Kazui, embracing him tightly. "I was so worried." He breathes out what after seeing Kazui safe.
"Papaaaaa." Kazui groaned, squirming a little while being embraced by his father. "I'm okay!"
Mitsuki just slightly shook her head while witnessing the scene.
"How did they get here?" Katsuki asked as he stood up looking at his mother.
"They knock at the door, genius," Mitsuki answered crossing her arms.
"I- whatever." Katsuki facepalmed.
"A-ano.." You stuttered. "Kazui-chan gave me the address."
He was so focused on Kazui that he almost forgot that you were also here in his parent's house. So when his eyes gaze upon you, he can't help but blush a little which goes unnoticed by Mitsuki who smirks seeing this.
"Tsch." Katsuki tched. "Thanks for keeping Kazui safe."
"It's my responsibility as his teacher and babysitter." You smiled.
"I'm guessing you've met my old hag here," Katsuki mumbles as he scratches his cheeks.
Y/n was a bit distraught. She never focuses on what he is saying because Katsuki is covered in bruises, scratches, wounds, and dirt. She was tempted to heal him.
"Katsuki.." Y/n called out softly.
Katsuki stopped talking and looked at her raising an eyebrow.
"I apologize for cutting you, but I hope you don't mind if I take a look at your bruises. It might get infected... Especially those open wounds.." Y/n said staring at Katsuki worriedly.
"Now that you mentioned it," Mitsuki spoke up. "You look terrible! I was just watching you and Eijiro defeat that villain! Why aren't you patched up!?"
Katsuki only rolled his eyes hearing his mother yell at him, but deep inside he kinda missed it. "Eijiro was getting patched up." Katsuki started. "I was going to as well when he fu-, mentioned Kazui. Since I made plans with Y/n as well, I thought of picking him up instead. But I realized it was a bit late, and looked around for them."
"Be glad that your son knows our address." Mitsuki sighed.
"Son, why don't you use your old bedroom and stay here for tonight?" Masaru walked towards them, smiling. "Your mother can help you with those while I prepare dinner. I'm sure Miss Y/n and Kazui are starving as well."
"A-ah! You don't have to-"
"That would be lovely!" Mitsuki beamed.
"Tsch." Well, it was not a bad idea. "Fine. Only because I'm exhausted."
"Alright then! I'll bring the aid kit while your father-
"Give it to Y/n," Katsuki said finally removing his combat boots.
"Ha?" Mitsuki was confused.
"She's a healer." Katsuki simply said making Y/n's eyes wide open.
"How did y-you know?.." Y/n stuttered.
"Doesn't matter," Katsuki said.
"Oh? That's very interesting, Y/n." Mitsuki smiled. "You can patch Katsuki in his room. I can finally spend time with my grandson!"
Katsuki went to his old bedroom along with Y/n following him. He didn't expect his night to turn this way but he was a bit glad to have some a little privacy with Y/n.
"This is my old room," Katsuki said stopping in front of a door.
He slowly pushed the door open and switched the lights on revealing a tidy room with a bunch of Almight stuff around the room.
"I see a fan." Y/n giggled while they both walked into the room.
"Whatever," Katsuki answered. "Be thankful it's not like Izuku's." He mumbled.
"I'll go shower." He said. "You can wait here. Just sit on the bed, I guess."
"Oh. I'll prepare the med kit while waiting for you." Y/n smiled.
"Alright. I'll be quick." Katsuki said and left.
A few minutes passed, and Katsuki got out of the shower fully clothed. He decided to just change in the bathroom so that it wouldn't create any awkwardness between him and Y/n. He also wore something that might help Y/n while she heals him.
"Would these clothes be a bother?" He asked slowly approaching Y/n who was comfortably sitting on the bed.
Hearing his voice shook her a little bit. Luckily she managed to hide it.
As she looked at Katsuki, her eyes widened on seeing what he was wearing. A loose black tank top along with what seems like sleepwear shorts stops a few inches above his knee.
Y/n blinked when he called out. "I-it's okay."
Katsuki sat across from her, not too close but not too far either. He watched how she took a bunch of stuff out of the kit as if she was familiar with what she was doing. Like a muscle memory almost.
"I have a question." Katsuki suddenly blurts out.
"Oh, uh. What is it?" Y/n asked while focusing on the liquid disinfectant.
"Why didn't you take the medical field?" As if hitting a sensitive spot, Katsuki noticed how her movements turned slow. "You don't have to answer if it's something sensitive." He quickly added.
"No, no. It's fine." Y/n smiled at him. "It's not sensitive as well." She said. "I just dont like seeing people die. Especially under my care." She sighed as the smile never left her lips. "I get attached easily which is not a good thing as a doctor, or so I was told. Haha."
While reading the formula of the disinfectant, Y/n managed to answer Katsuki. "I wanted to be a doctor. But since I am a very emotional person, I decided to just teach."
"Why didn't you tell me your quirk is healing?"
Y/n giggled remembering her reason.
"The hell is so funny about it, hah?" Katsuki was confused as to why she found his question amusing.
"Sorry!" Y/n apologized immediately. "I just think that you might find my reason foolish."
"I won't if you tell me." Katsuki tsked. 
"Well. I watched you a lot on the television. All your interviews." Y/n started.
"Right," Katsuki smirked. "I forgot that you're a fan of Dynamight."
"S-shut it.." Y/n blushed. "Anyway," after clearing her throat, she continues, "Dynamight is a very protective person and doesn't want to cause any harm to anyone. Since my quirk causes self-harm, I know you'd be against it if I used it on you or Kazui when I started working for you."
She does have a point.
"So, the day you got home injured, I told Kirishima to not say a word when I both mended you two," Y/n explained while dabbing the liquid on a cotton ball.
"You think I'll let you use it on me, huh?" Katsuki said looking at her.
"Of course fucking not." He added and looked away. "You're precious to me. I don't want you getting hurt." He said while his face was turning red.
Y/n's face was worse though, hers was redder than tomato. "U-um.. Your a-arm, please.."
"Wha t do you even like about Dynamight, huh," Katsuki asked out of nowhere while he raised his arm and felt her gentle grasp on his skin. For some reason, it feels very comforting.
"What do I like about him?" Y/n smiled. "He was very passionate about saving people. I admire how bold he is in every situation. No matter what kind of villain he faces, he assures people that he'll defeat them. I just hate it when people misunderstand him just by judging him. They didn't know that without his hero suit, Dynamight was a very different person."
"Hey, Masaru." Mistuki called out while preparing the food with her husband.
"Yes, dear?" Masaru answered.
"Did you notice what Katsuki said earlier?" Mitsuki said pausing on washing the vegetables.
"Hm.." Masaru thinks for a second before answering, "Which part?"
"Katsuki said he has plans with Y/n." Mitsuki looked at Masaru as she said this. "I think Katsuki doesn't need our help."
Masaru just smiled at his wife. "Like I said, our son is smart."
Happy New year, everyone!! I am back!!! I hope you like this part!
Thank you for all your patience! 🥺🥺
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katiemay-025 · 3 months
Cabin in the Woods
Summary: After the rebellion you decide to move to District 7 to be with Johanna and help her through her hydrophobia.
wc: 1.7k
warnings: y/n/n = your nickname, mdni, mentions of hydrophobia, swearing, brief nudity, blood. a/n: getting tired of searching tumblr for Johanna Mason fics and not finding any new ones so I wrote one myself.
The train pulled into the station and when the doors open, you’re greeted by the fresh smell of pine and the thick misty clouds. It had been a months since Katniss shot Coin and the victor’s were whisked away back to their district. You were from District 10, and used to live and breathe on the farm where you raised the cattle and horses. After months without a caretaker, some of them hopped the fence but most of them died.
There wasn’t much to rebuild in District 10 so you decided a change of scenery would be nice. More than anything, you wanted to see Johanna in District 7. You wanted to see how she was doing considering she refused any more help from the doctors. So here you were standing at the District 7 platform with a small pack of clothes on your back.
Finnick gave you her address and directions to her house since he’d been there for the victory tour as the mentor for the 72nd Hunger Games. When you had won during the 66th year, Johanna hadn’t had a house yet in Victor’s Village.
Making your way through the town was easy, most people far and wide had gone to The Capitol to see Snow’s execution, they were all still trickling back. The almost ghost town didn’t bother you, but a ghost house did. At first you weren’t sure if you had the right house but then you saw the horse figurine half carved from its stake and the many other figurines. As far as you knew none of the other victors had their talent as woodcarvings.
This was definitely Johanna’s house but it was as barren as when you had came home to your house. Musty and a layer of dust caking everything. Unsure of where she could have gone, you went back to the town where a few people were moving the logs around to help with the rebuilding. Someone must know where she went so you asked around. “Hey have you seen Johanna Mason? She’s a few inches taller than me, with brown spikey hair and brown eyes. She also permanently glares at everything.”
“Oh yeah the victor, she comes into town twice a week for food supplies.”
“She’s not at her house?”
“No she’s out west past the tree farms doing god knows what.”
“Okay thank you.”
All you had to go off of was Johanna was past the tree farms. The farms looked bad, the ground was uneven, the trees were uprooted and some of them had a chunk of the trunk blasted out, District 7 must’ve rebelled here, mirroring District 10 and the main work places.
At the end of the grid of trees, there was a trail between the bushes, at the start you found tracks that led further into the forest. It took another 30 minutes before you heard wooden logs tapping against each other.
Johanna was 10 feet in the air hanging with her legs wrapped around the tree and using the back end of her axe to hammer in the final frame log for her… whatever she’s building.
“So this is where Johanna goes after the war.” You say grabbing her attention.
“You know damn well why, I fucking hate that mansion.” she said swinging down to the roof of the cabin she built below the platform. “How did you find me?”
“Oh you know, I asked for directions and the guy sent me this way to follow angry gremlin tracks.”
Johanna rolled her eyes. “I have an axe in my hand right now.”
“You’re not a threat to me Mason. I can spit on you and you’d go into shock.”
“Shut the fuck up.” She scoffed. It was mean yes, using her fears against her but Johanna needs the reality check and from experience, she takes you more seriously when you don’t coddle her.
“No. You can’t sweep it under the rug Johanna. Not this time, I won’t let you. It starts just like this, not showering, avoiding the rain. Soon it’ll turn to you not staying hydrated and I’m not letting you die.”
“So what? You’re going to stay here until I get better?”
“If that’s what it takes.” You felt it first, the cold drop of water on your hand. “Let’s go inside, you can give me a tour.” You offer your hand towards Johanna and she pushes it out of the way as she walks around the cabin to the front door. You see the hair on her neck stand followed by heavy breathing. Without a second thought, she sprinted towards the door tripping on the steps of her porch and ramming into the door.
You winced watching her in pain so you moved to help her. As soon as you touched her shoulder she knocked it away again. “I’m fine!” She shouted. You could hear the pitter patter as the rain hit the leaves above you. You felt more drops on your head and looked up to feel them on your face. You loved the rain and if Johanna wasn’t going to accept your help, you’d at least enjoy it.
You reached your arm towards the sky smiling at the cool misty air. You hopped from the porch and ran circles around the tree spinning through the forest like a fairy. In the floor, you collected the pine needles and threw them into the air with a giggle, but you quickly turned your head to Johanna who sat with her back towards the door and her knees pressed to her chest.
The rain wasn’t getting to her because of the overhang but you saw the glistening under her eyes. Blood ran down her nose as well and watching her was like that 17 year old girl who cried through her reaping and her interview. Only this time it was real. You quickly stopped your dance and walked over to her, ignoring the squelching in your shoes. You crouched down out of arms reach from her. You wanted to hold her but you knew it would send her into a deeper madness because of your wet clothes.
“Are you okay?”
“It’s not fair! It’s not fair that you get to go out and dance in the rain and I can’t.” She whined. “District 7 is a rain forest, it rains majority of the days here and I can’t even step off my porch.”
“You’re right it’s not fair, but like I said, I’ll be here and I’ll help you every step of the way. One day we’ll be able to dance together in the rain.”
“It’s stupid. I know you’re fine but I-“
You waited for her to continue but her voice died out. “It’s not stupid Johanna. It’s completely understandable.” You reached your hand out to catch the rain and held it out towards Johanna. “Baby steps. If you wanna poke the water, go ahead. If not I’ll just sit here.”
This was a tactic to get the horses to trust you with a brush, holding the item in your hand and letting them feel the bristles of the brush for themselves before you grooming their hair. Johanna crawled to sit next to you. You heard her sniffling and saw her fingers shake when she brought it up. You never moved letting her dip her finger in the pool of your palms. “I can do this. It can’t hurt me.” She said to herself before plunging her finger in the water.
Johanna looked up at you like a child looking for approval and you returned a beaming smile. Your cheekbones rose high to turn your eyes into crescent moons. In all honesty you were proud she at least retained some things the doctor in District 13 taught her, like positive self motivation.
It seemed to click for Johanna that she actually touched water from the first time since The Block. “It’s a start. I’m proud of you.” You said.
Johanna let out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding as she looked into your eyes. If you weren’t here, she’d have hid under her bed until who knows when, but in your presence, it was like a protection. Through everything you had gone through, you were still the same caring and patient y/n she knew.
“I’m going to change before I start catching a cold.” You stood up stripping off your jacket. The cold water seeping down your back and you left it next to the door.
“If I see any water inside I’m strangling you.”
You shook your head as you stripped off the rest of your clothes turning to an all too smug Johanna. “Happy?”
“Very.” She said checking you up and down. “It’s like your horses and the apples you give them when they do a good job. I touch water and you get naked as a reward.
You laugh at her comparison. You couldn’t even be mad at her, after all, you did treat her like a horse a couple minutes ago. If this was going to help her then you wouldn’t mind.
“Okay. I can do that only in private though. I am not getting naked at the market, when you run your hand through the produce sprinklers.”
“That’s better for me then. I get you to myself.” She opened the door and let you go in. As you stepped into her cabin in the woods, you felt a hand squeeze the skin on your butt and snapped your head towards her, her name on the tip of your tongue. Johanna threw her head back laughing at your reaction before walking past you and bumping her hip with yours. "Make yourself some tea, I've got tea bags and pine needles. Collect your own water though. I'll get you some towels and clothes to dry off."
What a day, from being on a train to getting naked in the middle of the forest. No matter what though, you were glad that the day was ending in the presence of Johanna Mason. After putting on her clothes, because you stupidly left your pack in the rain, the two of you cuddled under a blanket and enjoyed the warmth of the crackling fire.
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Thoughts on DRDT Chapter 2 Episode 12
//Hey everyone! So, it's been 17 months since the last episode, which...holy crap, right?
//Now that we've come to the continuation of our story, we have some new things to discuss, and I'm not just talking about what I've said. Instead of just repeating myself again, let's break down what's been happening in this episode and then we can continue theorizing.
I have three big things I want to address in this, which we should consider going forward:
The Murder Was Actually WORSE than it seemed
So Charles' point about where they fucked up was about the murder. However, it was about something I don't believe any of us quite considered: that the water from the relaxation room was taken and held for later use. We do have jugs in the trash that prove it's possible.
It's nice to see Teruko admit that she made a mistake and that the time of the murder was wrong, but to me, this meant two things: our murder could've happened at quite possibly any time and it would've been worse than it sounds.
See, death by drowning is already one of the worst ways to die, but if they obtained some jugs of water and used those in the murder, it means that our victim must've been waterboarded to death. Drowning is bad, but waterboarding is an even worse and more horrific way to die. More importantly to this case, it's pretty quick for the culprit.
Without oxygen, you'll experience brain death within 6-10 minutes. Since we now know the murder was set up in advance overnight, this means that all they really needed to do was grab their target, carry out the drowning and then hang the body to break the neck and disguise the cause of death. It could be over in less than 15 minutes.
We also now know that, as we all predicted, the murder likely took place around 7:30-8 AM, not PM, when most people were asleep and only a few were up at breakfast. This has also thrown most everyone's alibis out the window.
Essentially, whomever our victim was, she was murdered via waterboarding and then her body hung up while some people were awake. They cut is so close that the body was still swaying, as Teruko noted. That wouldn't happen just from the fans.
2. What's David Game Plan?
I've made it no secret that I'm not a fan of David, nor do I agree with the view that he's set to be DT's rival. As I've said many times before, Teruko doesn't need a rival like him, since the only challenge he offers her is being an existential threat.
That being said, I both like and dislike what happened with David this episode. It's good to see him not consistently being an annoying troll who evades questions by being a dick, and to actually have something more to say and some actual questions he raises. He's been lying about being Arei's killer, and apparently, that's part of what he considers a noble goal on par with Xander.
David's point in this episode is that he wants to be a "good person" like Xander, which echoes my points in my theory about how that's what this chapter is about: The Meaning Of A "Good Person." Teruko is, understandably, still very bitter and hurt by his betrayal, so she considers that idea laughable. David's point that "I'm sure he had a good reason" actually made me laugh, admittedly.
But what's interesting is he gave us an answer in the form of a non-answer. He claims he believes in something greater than himself and the lives of everyone else in this game, and since they're all on TV, he questions why this would be happening if the people behind it didn't want to make things entertaining. He brings up how Xander wanted to end the killing game and he's been derailing the trial because he says he wants to do the same.
What's frustrating is, as Hu says, David has essentially decided everyone's lives aren't important enough to preserve, so it's better if they all just give up and die to end the game. Xander did not want that, he wanted to end it with minimal casualties. A Total Party Kill is antithetical to everything Xander stood for, so if David is being sincere, he's really spitting in the guy's face.
I'm really curious what exactly he meant by him being the only one who "recognized" him. The thing with J early on proved that some of these people were at least aware of each other pre-game.
But does this mean David is actually a good person with noble goals? What part of "You exist to manipulate others" is not clear? I can't accept that at this point, but here's what I can accept, because it fits in so well with what we've been seeing:
Consider: why exactly did Xander try to kill Teruko? Because someone wanted her dead and somehow convinced him to give it a shot. We know that someone out there wants Teruko dead for whatever reason, and direct attempted murder has failed. What's the next best thing? Convince someone else that she needs to be dealt with.
Remember the secret David got? "How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault."
And let's be real: it's gotta be Teruko's. Between everything we've seen, it can't be anyone else. I'm sure David just said it was Xander's because it was easier to blame a dead person.
So let's consider how easy it would be for David to see that secret and then convince himself that Xander not only had the right idea, it really is better to let everyone die if it means Teruko is gone too. I can buy his admiration for Xander could drive him to do something like that if he learned something that horrible about Teruko, and then decide it was all for the greater good.
That, of course, assumes he actually means what he says. I remain convinced that Hu was the one who carried out the killing in his stead, and with the Blackened rule- it's the one who's the "most mastermind-y," not just whoever deals the fatal blow- David's alibi is irrelevant.
"But Bubbles, didn't Hu and Nico say that they have alibis for morning?"
Yes, but I'm also convinced David drove both of them to attempt murder for these very same reasons, first with Ace and then Arei. Either this was a "selfless" act based on his blind hero-worship of Xander that required everyone to be sacrificed, or this is all a selfish act to end the game and escape with his own life. Until someone can independently verify that Hu and Nico have alibis, I can't believe anything they say.
As for why they wouldn't say anything, Hu made a very impassioned speech about wanting to live and that David has no right to decide who should live and die. She is correct, and if her secret is that she was a hopeless child who tried to end it all three times, that actually adds a lot more weight to what she's saying here.
...But at the same time, under the belief that whomever killed would be executed, why would someone who wants to live just admit to being the one who did it? I don't like to consider it, bu Hu's desire to live paradoxically makes her more suspicious in my eyes. At least in being David's patsy.
Oh, and speaking of murder, here's the thing we all called.
3. Levi's Secret
Let's be real: we all probably saw this one coming. In the closing minutes of the episode, Levi admits that his secret is being a remorseless murderer.
Now, where everyone got this wrong is in assuming that, because that's his secret, it means that he must've been the one to kill Arei. That theory can be pretty definitively put to bed because, as I said with Hu, why would a murderer just admit to being a murderer after all this has happened?
Moreover, his point wasn't a confession. He didn't say he was the one who killed her, he apologized for potentially derailing the discussion again, and this was when everyone had hit a dead end in how to progress. If Levi were the Blackened, why would he do that? It would be in his best interest to stay quiet until the very end.
Instead, I think this is where an even stronger point in my favor comes in: Arei really did visit Levi, and they did discuss their secrets, but he didn't kill her. They either collaborated, talked about it or at least made peace about it, since they both came from pretty shitty families and probably found some common ground.
David brought up what it means to be a good person, but Arei and Levi are also great examples. Both have done terrible things and wanted to find redemption from them, Levi with murder and Arei with being a bully. The only reason I can see this being brought up now is because we have yet to hear his or her side of this story, and that could bring us to more important revelations down the line.
//So there you go, my breakdown of this episode. It's answered some questions, pretty definitively ended a couple theories, and raised many more points of discussion. And thankfully now we only have to wait until Friday to receive some more answers : P
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DILF - Ted Nivision x Reader
I think i'll make this a multi fic... no NSFW in this part but because of what a DILF is and the fact that it will be NSFW in future parts, I'm gonna go ahead and say MDNI
The vibration of your phone against your desk tore your tired eyes and depleting attention from Professor Stinwell's dull voice and the monotony that is color theory.
"Hello?" Your voice cracked from disuse.
"Hi, is this Y/N?" A deep voice responded.
"It is," you cleared your throat "May I ask who's calling?"
"Hi, This is Ted Nivision, my wife and I are friends of Heather's, and she recommended your babysitting service. I'm sorry, she gave us your number and said it'd be fine to reach out whenever."
"Yes! Of course. I'd be happy to help."
"That's a relief. Normally, we'd want to meet before hand for you to meet our girls, but we actually would need you for tonight, my mother in law had something come up last minute and isn't able to come. Would that be okay?"
"That's totally fine. How old are your girls?" You asked, trying to figure out what kind of activities to prepare.
"We have three year old twins, Penelope, we call her Penny, and Tilly."
"Those are beautiful names. What time do you need me tonight?"
"Would you be able to be here at 7:00? It would be a few hours, we have a late dinner with my wife's colleague, so we probably wouldn't be home until around 10:30."
"That totally works." You already knew you'd be exhausted for your early class tomorrow but wanted to make a good first impression.
"Great. Let me give you our address and we'll see you when you get here."
Pulling up to the Nivision's house at 6:45 you admired how beautiful the house was. It wasn't massive, but it had the charm of a southern cottage that you loved, a comfortable looking swing sitting on the framed porch, toys littering the floor and ivy climbing the lattice on the side.
Knocking on the door you looked at the yard, noticing the obvious time that was put into the landscaping, lawn mowed to perfection, flower beds full of colors, and a large tree with a swing.
You turned back to the door when you heard it being unlocked.
"Y/N?" A man, you assumed Ted, answered. Looking up you were taken aback at how handsome he was, and his sweet brown eyes and infectious smile only added to his charm.
"That's me. You must be Ted, we spoke on the phone." You smiled back, offering your hand.
"It's nice to meet you." He said, taking your hand and shaking it before opening the door wider. "Please, come in."
"Carrie, the sitter is here!" He called up the stairs, walking into a family room to the right.
Following him in, you see two identical little girls sitting on the floor, surrounded by plastic plates and cups.
Ted sat between the girls, before taking a teacup from one of the girls, his large hands dwarfing it, and making you smile from the ridiculousness.
"We're having a tea party," he said, looking up at you. "Aren't we, girls? Can you say hi to Y/N?"
"Hi! I'm Y/N!" you said, crouching down and introducing yourself.
"Hi!" one of the little girls said, waving at you excitedly.
"That's Tilly. And this one-" Ted said, reaching out and tickling the other one, who'd handed him his tea, making her giggle. "is Penny."
"Hi, Penny." You whispered, giving a small wave, matching her shy demeanor.
"If you ladies would excuse me, I'm going to talk to Y/N for a bit." He says, standing and offering you a hand to help you up.
"Can I get you a water or anything?" Ted offers, walking into the kitchen, motioning for you to sit at the bar.
"That'd be great, thank you." He takes a water bottle from the fridge and slides it across the counter to you.
"So tell me about yourself, Y/N."
"Not much to tell, honestly. I'm taking classes online for Graphic Design, I have another year before I have my degree. Outside of that, I work at the library and babysit on the side."
"Graphic Design, huh? I should probably take a few classes, I could sure use it a bit for work. What do you do for the library? You seem a little young to be shushing people and checking in returns."
"Thank you," you laugh "I actually run the story time center, read to kids a few times a week."
"That's sweet. Do you like it?"
"I do. I love seeing their faces when the fairy tales become real, and their imaginations take over."
You blushed when you realized Ted had been watching you with a dopey smile on his face.
"What do you do and your wife do?"
"She works in corporate for a management company. Long hours, but it brings in good money, and I work from home so it's not so bad. My jobs a little less important, I'm a producer."
"What do you produce?"
"I write and then film videos for kids. Songs, make animations with it. And then outside of that one of my friends and I have a podcast."
"What is it called? I'll have to check it out, they're all that keeps me awake when I'm up late finishing projects."
"It's stupid, really. We started it up with another friend of ours just for fun and we talk about bullshit. But it's called Chuckle Sandwich."
"Sound interesting, I'll have to check it out."
You turned your head to the sound of heels clicking across the tile. An attractive woman walked in, fastening an earring, her business ensemble looking more expensive than your car.
"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Carrie." She holds out a perfectly manicured hand.
"Y/N." you said, taking her hand to shake. "Ted tells me you work in management."
"Did he tell you to call him that? I'm sorry." She looked at Ted. "Honey, I've told you that's unprofessional. Mr. Nivision is fine, Y/N."
"Oh. Of course." You nod.
"Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but we're running a bit late. "Theodore?" She says, walking out of the room.
"Right. That's my cue to leave. Um, emergency numbers on the fridge, you've got my number, but let me get you Carries, just in case." He says, writing on a hanging notepad. "The girls ate just before you got here, but there's leftovers in the fridge or snacks in the cabinet if they get hungry. Help yourself as well. Um... Bed by 9:00? Between you and me though, I don't usually get them to bed until later than that so you be the judge, I trust you. I think that's it." He says, looking around to see if anything would spark anything else. "Yeah, that's it."
Walking back in to the family room he leaned down to the twins.
"Okay babes, Mommy and I will be back later, but you might be asleep. You're gonna stay here with Y/N, okay?"
"Yes, Daddy!"
Ted pulled them both in for a hug, blowing raspberries into both their cheeks.
"Love you to death." he says, standing. "Thanks again, and I'm sorry for the late notice."
"No worries! Have fun."
A while later you were singing songs with the girls, and were currently only the alphabet.
"-E F G, H, I, J, K, LMNOP, Q-"
"That's my name." You looked at Penny where she was sitting at your feet and coloring.
"What was that, Penny?"
You said my name. Penelope."
"Kinda sounded like that, didn't it? Should we call you that now? LMNOP?" She gave the biggest smile you'd seen from her since you'd met her and nodded.
"Okay, sounds great." you laugh. Looking at the clock you noticed the time. "It's getting kind of late. Should we put on a movie before we go to bed?"
The girls had agreed vehemently and rushed to their room to change into their pajamas while you got a movie set up to play.
After the movie ended, both girls were nodding off against your sides, fighting the urge to fall asleep completely.
"Alright, come on guys. Bedtime." You said, picking them up and carrying them into their room.
Turning on the light you smiled at their nursery. The walls on either side matched each girl perfectly, even though you'd only spent a few hours with them. Tilly's wall was spattered in bright rainbow colors, wild and fun, while Penny's wall was a soft pink, tiny dots of white sprinkled like stars.
Helping them into their beds you tucked them in, walking to the door and starting to dim the lights before you heard a soft request for a bedtime song.
"A bedtime song?"
"Daddy sings." Tilly explained.
"Alright, lets see." you though before starting to quietly sing 'You Are My Sunshine', and by the time you were done both girls eyes were shut in a deep slumber.
Turning to the door to leave you jumped when you noticed Ted standing in the doorway.
"Shit- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"That's alright." You softly laughed, exiting the room.
"You have a wonderful voice." Ted said, walking you to the door.
"Oh. Thank you. How was dinner?"
"It was nice. It was better knowing the girls were home with someone who would take such good care of them."
Ted handed you a folded wad of cash.
"Oh, Mr. Nivison, this is too much, I couldn't-" You started, counting out the stack of twenty dollar bills.
"Nonsense. If it makes you feel better you can consider it a retainer."
"Yes. The house looks wonderful, and I can tell you're good with kids, and I bet the girls got along great with you. If you'd like, we be happy if you'd be our new babysitter."
"Yeah, that'd be great. I'd love to."
Ted smiled.
"That's great. Now, it's late and I'm sure you need to get home, so I'll let you go." He said, opening the door.
"Good night." you said, starting down the porch steps.
"Oh, and Y/N,"
You paused, turning back to face him.
Ted looked into the house behind him before looking back at you. "Call me Ted."
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sapphicromanoffxo · 11 months
Lucky Ones | vi. Whispers of Discretion
Tumblr media
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
Word Count: 4,188
Warnings: smut, fingering, cunnilingus, mentions of scars
Summary: Wanda finally confessed her love for Natasha and discoveries were found along the way.
A/N: I'm not quite confident with this one :( but I hope y'all still like it. 👉👈
»»-----------► Series Masterlist
The comforting atmosphere of the city's usual buzz and the cozy ambiance inside the cafe where Wanda is currently sitting provide her with a great sense of comfort. She can spend hours peacefully reading book after book, and that's what makes her feel content. However, right now, Wanda is diligently going through her lecture notes, rewriting the ones she needs to memorise in preparation for her exams.
Wanda is deeply engrossed in her studies, with her headphones in, and she doesn't notice when someone tries to get her attention.
"Hey, Wanda. Hello there," Vision greets with a bright smile, capturing her attention.
Wanda removes her headphones and responds politely, "Oh, hi! I'm sorry, I didn't hear you right away."
"No worries. I can see that you're busy. I just wanted to say hello," Vision replies.
Wanda notices that Vision is holding some books in his arms and curiously asks, "Are you here to study too? You can join me if you'd like. I don't mind some company."
Vision happily accepts the invitation and sets up his study materials next to Wanda.
Their meetings continue for many days, eventually leading to them exchanging numbers so they can easily communicate for their next study sessions. There are times that they would meet up and just hang out. Wanda doesn't have any friends and having someone to talk to is something that she needed.
During one of their study sessions, Wanda lost track of time and received a call from Natasha. She was relieved that Vision was too engrossed in his studies and hadn't noticed Natasha's caller ID photo. She quickly stood up to answer the call.
"Hi, Natty," Wanda said as she accepted the call.
Natasha's tone carries a blend of concern and a hint of irritation as she questions Wanda, "You should have finished your classes by 4:30. Where are you? It's past 6 PM."
"I'm with some of my classmates, and we're having a group study session," Wanda replied. She couldn't quite pinpoint why she felt the need to lie to Natasha and why she was hesitant to mention that she's only with Vision. Perhaps it was because she hadn't told Natasha about these meetings with Vision, and it made her somewhat anxious.
Natasha sighed on the other line, "I see. You could have told me, baby. I was about to drive over to your university."
"I'm sorry. I kind of forgot, and I also lost track of time."
"Would you like me to pick you up after your study session?" Natasha offered, concerned about Wanda being alone. However, this suggestion sparked a mild panic within Wanda.
"No, you don't have to do that. I can easily take the train, and you need to rest."
"Darling, you know how I feel about you commuting alone. I'll just book a Lyft for you, okay?"
"That's fine by me. I'll send you the address later," Wanda agreed, hoping to end the conversation and hating the feeling of lying to Natasha.
"Good girl. Study well, baby. Bye."
"Thank you, Natty. Bye." Wanda ended the call and let out a long, heavy sigh. She felt a sense of guilt and confusion about her actions. Returning to her seat, Vision asked who she had been talking to.
"It's my roommate. She just asked what time I'll be back, that's all. Do you mind if I head home early around 7 PM?" Wanda asked Vision.
"Sure, Wanda. I can walk you home if you'd like," Vision, always the gentleman, offered.
"No need for that. I'll take a Lyft since it's been a long day for me," Wanda replied, simultaneously texting her current location to Natasha.
"That's alright. I think I'll head back to my apartment too since it's getting late. But I'll see you on Monday, yes?"
"Of course! I'll be here at the same time."
"Perfect. Let's wrap this up so we can go home." They both focused on finishing their studies, leaving Wanda with her conflicted with what she had just done.
Natasha was buttoning up her shirt and applying the finishing touches to her makeup in preparation for her date with Wanda later in the evening. She had taken the initiative to book a two-day vacation on the weekend outside the city, convinced that both of them deserved a weekend of relaxation—morning snuggles in bed, afternoon swims by the pool, and a passionate romantic evening.
"Natty, how do I look?" Wanda's voice interrupted Natasha's concentration.
As Natasha turned around, she was completely surprised by what she saw when her gaze met Wanda. Wanda was wearing a dress with a deep neckline that tastefully highlighted her creamy cleavage. The dress snugly embraced her waist and ended gracefully at mid-thigh, accentuating Wanda's beautifully long legs.
"Can you twirl around for me, sweetheart?," Natasha stood up and placed herself behind Wanda, planting a tender kiss on the right side of Wanda's neck while gently gripping her waist.
"Natasha, you should behave yourself. It's our date night. You can have me after our dinner date," Wanda playfully promised.
With a wide grin on her face, Natasha replied, "I'm eagerly looking forward to it, baby."
"You're insatiable," Wanda chuckled at Natasha's teasing.
"Come on now. I can't wait to have you as my dessert."
Hand in hand, they left the room and made their way to the elevator, heading up to the rooftop where they had a reservation at the restaurant. The receptionist greeted them warmly and led them to their table. The ambiance was set with a soft glow of yellow lights, and the background was filled with the soothing sounds of indie songs.
Their order had been placed when they made the reservation, and within just five minutes of being seated, their food arrived. Natasha couldn't help but gaze at the stunning woman in front of her, causing the butterflies in her stomach to flutter. They had been dating for almost nine months now, and no one had ever captured her interest quite like Wanda. She knew she had to have this incredible woman in her life, no matter what it took.
"You've been staring quite intensely, you know. You haven't even touched your food," Wanda's words snapped Natasha out of her reverie, bringing her back to the present moment.
"Oh, my apologies. You look absolutely stunning tonight, darling. I just can't take my eyes off you."
Natasha's compliment made Wanda blush deeply. "You don't look too bad yourself. I don't know how you manage to rock a simple white shirt. Maybe it's all those accessories that make you such a delightful sight." Wanda decided to return the compliments to Natasha.
"Oh, so you find little old me a pleasant sight too?" Natasha playfully flirted.
"Stop it. You may be little, but you're not old," Natasha snorted in response to Wanda's playful remark about her height.
Seeing Natasha so carefree, laughing and flirting with her, warmed Wanda's heart. She knew how Natasha often guided her emotions, and sometimes, she could be overly formal and serious. But moments like these reminded her of the beautiful connection they shared, one that allowed them to be themselves and revel in the simple joys of each other's company.
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and as they spoke, Wanda's mind drifted back to the day they first met.
"I can't help but think that meeting you was like a gift from heaven," Wanda admitted, her voice filled with sincerity.
"Perhaps it was my stunning looks that initially captured your attention, detka," Natasha teased, flashing a mischievous smirk.
"Natasha! I'm being serious here. It was actually my birthday on the day we met at the convention."
"No way! Why are you telling me this now? I should have swept you off your feet right then and there." Natasha momentarily remembered her birthday which is on the next Saturday, but did not let her emotions show.
Wanda chuckled softly. "Nah, I think I wanted to see you put in some effort before I gave in. Besides, those visits you made to the cafe during my work shifts were the highlights of my day." Wanda fondly recalled how Natasha had gone above and beyond to find reasons to visit her during those early days of their relationship.
Natasha leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms with a self-satisfied grin. "Well, my efforts paid off because, obviously, I got the girl," she declared confidently.
Wanda playfully rolled her eyes. "You're getting a bit too full of yourself now. I might be inflating your ego even more."
"I just happen to know what I want, and luckily for me, it's you," Natasha responded, her eyes sparkling with delight as she gazed at Wanda.
Wanda rested her elbows on the table and propped her chin up with her palms. "I'm all yours, Natasha," she declared with a warm smile.
Natasha reached out with her left hand and gently caressed Wanda's cheek. Wanda felt herself melt under Natasha's touch. "I know, baby."
The two women left the restaurant after having some wine, and Wanda was starting to feel a bit tipsy. Natasha noticed this and took off Wanda's high heels. She had to hold Wanda's waist tightly to keep her from stumbling as Wanda's steps had become a little unsteady.
As Natasha went to slide the hotel card into the door, Wanda suddenly wrapped her arms around Natasha's neck and asked her to slow dance even though there was no music playing in the hallway. Instead, Wanda started humming a song that they had heard at the restaurant earlier.
"Got my dress on tight 'cause you know that I
Look shinin' in the light, there's so much ridin'
On this life and how we write our love song
Ooh, let the light in
At your back door yelling 'cause I wanna come in."
Natasha found herself gazing at Wanda as the girl sang softly. Wanda was clearly putting her emotions into her song, hoping and wishing that Natasha would be open to accepting her feelings instead of pulling away in fear.
"Cause I like to love, to love, to love, to love you
I hate to hate, to hate, to hate, to hate you
Put the Beatles on, light the candles, go back to bed
'Cause I want, I want, I want, I want you
I need to, need to, need to need you"
As Natasha listened to the song and understood its heartfelt message, she felt a lump in her throat. She decided it was time to gently encourage Wanda to come inside with her.
"Would you believe me if I told you that I love you?" Wanda suddenly blurted out, her eyes glinting with sincerity, catching Natasha completely off guard.
Natasha was left stunned, frozen in place. Thoughts swirled in her mind. Is this love? Is she in love with Wanda as well? Can she find it in herself to return the love that was being offered to her?
Natasha couldn't help but feel a mix of exhilaration and fear as she realised that her feelings for Wanda are growing deeper. It was like she was on a free fall into the depths of love, and she wasn't entirely sure if this descent would lead to her emotional salvation or if it would ultimately drown her in a sea of uncertainty.
Natasha often found herself questioning whether her feelings for Wanda would prove to be her undoing, leaving her struggling in a turbulent sea of vulnerability. The thought of losing control of her emotions haunted her at times.
But, on the flip side, there was a tantalizing hope that clung to her heart. Perhaps these feelings would be her salvation, rescuing her from the emptiness and Wanda's presence had breathed life into her world, filling it with colors and warmth that had long been absent.
Natasha had a part of herself that often saw the negative side of things. It made her worry and imagine bad things happening. Sometimes, when she felt vulnerable, she thought that she didn't deserve the goodness and kindness that Wanda showed her.
This negative part of her thinking was based on her past experiences and her own insecurities. It told her that she was in a situation where she might accidentally hurt Wanda, who had become incredibly important to her. Natasha knew she had her own flaws and imperfections, and being around someone as kind and pure-hearted as Wanda made her feel undeserving.
"Wanda…" Natasha was left speechless by Wanda's unexpected confession. She struggled to find the right words to respond.
"It's okay, Natasha," Wanda reassured, sensing Natasha's hesitation. "I understand if you don't feel the same way. Just being this close to you is a privilege for me." Wanda rested her head on Natasha's shoulder, her heart heavy with the pain of unrequited love. She had anticipated Natasha's reaction, but it hurts nonetheless. All she had ever wanted was Natasha's undivided love, but she didn't want to pressure Natasha or make her feel uncomfortable, especially since Natasha had kept her own feelings guarded.
Wanda has been keeping her emotions to herself for quite a while, and she's aware that Natasha cares for her in her own special way. It's the way Natasha wakes up early in the morning, even if she had stayed up late because of work just to cook breakfast for Wanda. When she leaves sweet notes in Wanda's notebooks, filled with words of encouragement, especially on days when Wanda feels overwhelmed by her studies. After Wanda finishes her exams, Natasha would shower her with kisses and arrange romantic candlelit dinners at home. Natasha provides her financial needs without even batting an eye on the monthly bill because she truly cares about Wanda.
Wanda could go on and on with the little things that Natasha does for her which she deeply appreciates and it should be enough. However, within her heart, a powerful longing persists. Wanda yearns for something greater, a desire that runs deeper than mere affection. She yearns for Natasha's validation, for the assurance that she is cherished above all else. What Wanda truly longs for is unwavering commitment, the kind that wraps around her like a warm, protective blanket. She hungers for a love that offers her security, a sanctuary where she can always find solace and contentment.
Natasha crouched down a bit in order to carry Wanda in a bridal style as her mind cannot process the whirlwind of emotions that is going in different directions. Maybe they could talk about what has just transpired outside their room when both of them are in the right mindset, achieving a productive outcome.
Natasha carefully helped Wanda get into bed, ensuring she was comfy. "I'm going to take off your makeup. Just stay still, okay?"
Wanda felt really touched by Natasha's gentleness. She'd always treated her well and have never done anything to hurt her. How could she ask for more when Natasha was giving her so much attention and care?
Natasha returned with a makeup remover, Wanda's nightclothes, and a glass of water. "Can you sit up for me? You need to drink this water before sleeping, and please, remove your clothes to get ready for bed."
Wanda followed Natasha's instructions, taking the water and undressing, while Natasha helped unzip her dress. "Thank you, Natasha."
Sitting on the bed, Natasha gently removed Wanda's light makeup. "There, you look better without makeup," Natasha complimented sincerely.
Wanda placed her hands on Natasha's face. "Natasha, please don't let my feelings change our relationship. I just needed you to know how much I love you, and I can't hide my feelings any longer."
Natasha couldn't process Wanda's confession, so she looked down and replied, "Will you promise to wait for me until I'm ready to say it back? No matter what happens?"
Wanda's heart ached as she felt Natasha's sadness. She was willing to wait as long as it took for Natasha to love her back. "I promise, Natasha. You're the one for me, and I hope you can see that."
"I feel happiest and safest with you. You brought light into my life, and I'm grateful for your love. I'll cherish it, Wanda," Natasha confessed, bringing tears to Wanda's eyes. She hugged Natasha, finding comfort in her words.
After a while, Natasha pulled away and saw how Wanda's eyes were shining with love and adoration.
"I want you to make love to me, Natasha. Please."
Natasha felt her inhibitions left her and all she could think of is making Wanda feel that she is being taken care of as she deserves all the good things that Natasha can offer.
"We have all night, baby. God, you drive me crazy."
Natasha surged forward and kissed Wanda softly and escalated to a passionate kiss which will surely make their lips bruise. Both women found themselves in a dance where they can freely express their needs and how they will fulfil those desires.
"Please, Natasha. Let me see you." Wanda pleads, gripping the other woman's shoulder, her eyes bearing with sincerity. Natasha will either reject her request or give in to her wants. Wanda is hoping for the latter, she wants to be able to convey her love for Natasha through physical touch, even if it would not lead to anything sexual.
The older woman sighed at first and nodded but shuddered at the thought of being bare in front of Wanda. She painstakingly unbuttoned her shirt and removed the sleeves from her arms. Natasha then unclasps her bra but opted not to remove her panties. Wanda is watching her closely and her breath hitches once she sees Natasha's nude torso.
In the dimly lit room, Wanda can clearly see how full and firm Natasha's breasts are, her eyes salivating even more at the sight of Natasha's lean and taut abdominal muscle, how it ripples at each intake of breath.
"Fuck. Natasha. You're so beautiful." Wanda uttered with no hesitation and immediately reached out to feel her nakedness. Her touches were light which started from Natasha's chest, and moving up to caress her neck and arms. Natasha is a sight to see and Wanda would worship the woman everyday if she was given the chance to do. However, this touch is foreign for Natasha and nearly flinches when she touches her. Wanda can sense how tense Natasha's body is.
"Relax for me, Natasha. It's just me, okay?" Wanda spoke with tenderness and not wanting to spook the woman away. She wants to show Natasha the love she truly deserves.
"I know it's you." Natasha whispers while she feels Wanda's hands softly mapping out her exposed body.
Feeling out of her comfort zone, Natasha leaned down instead and started roughly nipping at Wanda's neck, leaving a trail of hickeys.
"Baby, we'll go swimming tomorrow and I will be covered with hickeys if you don't stop." Wanda protested however her moans would say otherwise.
"I don't fucking care. I am marking what's mine. I want everyone to know that I own you." Natasha then pressed her left hand on Wanda's neck to further assert her possessiveness. Her fingers drifted down Wanda's throbbing center and was satisfied to feel that the woman was already dripping and ready for her. She then gave a teasing motion at Wanda's clit, further stimulating the woman.
"Goddamn, baby. Are you always this wet for me? What a good girl you are." Natasha's praises always hit her in all the right places and her brain soaks up everything that Natasha says to her.
"Mommy, please."
"Hush baby, I will give you what you want. I promise."
Natasha moved down and kneeled in front of Wanda's awaiting pussy and she's so pleased to see how it glistens with the wetness that accumulated after being touched. She wasted no more time and lapped up the entrance of the woman's pussy, her tongue teasing her inside then went up to the engorged clit.
"Ahh! Mommy, just like that. Please, please."
The rough assault on Wanda's clit continued and she can feel her orgasm building faster than she ever wanted. She cannot fathom how easy it is for Natasha to make her cum with just her tongue.
"Fuck fuck! Natasha! Please don't stop! I'm cumming!"
Two fingers were inserted on Wanda's pussy as Natasha wanted to feel how her velvety walls would clenched while cumming. This made Wanda's back to arch and her legs shook from too much pleasure.
"I am not done with you, detka. I will make you cum over and over again. You understand?" Natasha looked at Wanda dead in the eye, showing how serious she is with her promise and it made Wanda whimper with want.
"You can do whatever you want with me."
Natasha has lost count on how many times Wanda screamed and moaned her name in ecstasy and her jaw started to hurt. She laid down beside Wanda after giving her multiple orgasms.
Wanda gasped for breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly, as she desperately tried to regain composure, each inhale is a struggle to even out her racing heart and ragged breaths.
"Are you satisfied, detka?" Natasha asked, feeling proud of herself for putting Wanda in her current situation.
Wanda stretched out her legs and found it sore, "I don't think I'll be able to swim tomorrow, let alone walk!"
"You will be fine, malysh. Your long legs will be good as new tomorrow and I cannot wait to see that bikini that you're hiding from me."
Wanda yawned suddenly feeling all tired, "Let's sleep so you can see me in that bikini tomorrow."
"Good night, baby."
"Night Natty, love you." Wanda said softly and Natasha's heart soars with happiness. Maybe she can get used to this affection that she is receiving.
In the morning, the air feels nice and calm. This time, Wanda wakes up before Natasha, which doesn't happen often. Natasha's head is facing her and Wanda can't stop herself from looking at Natasha, thinking about how beautiful she is. Natasha has a pretty button nose, thick lips, and cute eyelashes that flutter every now and then while she's sleeping.
Wanda leaned down to gently brush away the stray hairs from Natasha's face. As she did, something caught her eye – tiny scars on Natasha's eyebrows, nose, and just above her upper lip. This surprised Wanda because she hadn't noticed them before. These scars were quite subtle, not immediately noticeable, but they became apparent when you looked closely.
She couldn't help but wonder how Natasha had acquired these scars. Wanda realised that she might have missed them because Natasha usually wakes up earlier, already dressed and with makeup on, ready to prepare breakfast. During their intimate moments at night, especially whenever they are on missionary position, they keep the lights off with only the soft glow of Natasha's bedside lamp. And when Natasha is using a strap on, Wanda had always been facing downwards, so she had never seen Natasha's face clearly. Afterward, they would clean up separately and cuddle, with Natasha typically being the one to hold Wanda in a spooning position.
Further examining Natasha's exposed skin, Wanda noticed small, circular scars on her shoulder blades and trailing down her arms. Some of these scars appeared to be from burns, while others seemed like they had been dragged along her skin, leaving a line of scars. Wanda frowned at her discovery and wondered whether there were more and she's too scared to pull down the blanket to check. She began to question if these scars were the reason Natasha hesitated to be touched and why she always remained fully clothed during their intimate moments. It was a miracle when Natasha stripped bare for her last night.
Natasha slowly woke up, blinking as her eyes got used to the light. A big smile spread across her face when she saw Wanda.
"Good morning, detka. How was your sleep?" Natasha's deep morning voice made Wanda feel all warm inside. She forgot about Natasha's scars for a moment and nestled her head on Natasha's chest.
"I slept well. I think I woke up earlier than you because I'm excited to go swimming!" Wanda's excitement made Natasha chuckle.
"We can head to the pool now if you want. It's only around 9:30, and we can have lunch at 11:00. Does that work for you?"
Wanda jumped out of bed and grabbed her two-piece bikini from her bag. Natasha shook her head, amused.
"Yes, let's go, Natty! Change, and we'll have breakfast by the pool."
Natasha didn't want to deny Wanda anything she wanted, so she got off the bed and retrieved her swimwear which consisted of a compression shirt and shorts.
Wanda was having the time of her life. She feels content and she could easily get used to this life with Natasha, where she could experience things she never had the chance to because of her past. Natasha fills the void in her heart and envelops her in a warm embrace. Wanda loves Natasha deeply, and she couldn't imagine anything that could ever take her away from this wonderful woman.
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pedroscurls · 1 year
Always Been You (Part 7).
Character(s): no-outbreak!Joel Miller x fem!Reader Summary: Your friendship with Joel has changed since your argument... Can it be mended? Word count: 4,491 Author's Note: The time jump will happen in the middle of this chapter btw! Joel's now in his early-thirties (32-33ish), which makes Sarah about 12-13 and Reader is about 29-30. We're gonna spend the rest of the story in this timeframe, so stay tuned! Warning: None. SERIES MASTERLIST
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It had been a few days since your argument with Joel and he hadn’t returned any of your calls or messages. He hadn’t even stopped by your coffee shop for his usual pick-me-up with Tommy. At first, you were sad and upset, but now that you had enough time to think about it, you had become more annoyed. 
You wanted to tell him that the date went well, but that all you could think about was him. You wanted to tell him that all you could ever think about was him, how he occupied most of your thoughts every day, and how you always looked forward to seeing him or talking with him. 
Since meeting him two years ago, you and Joel have talked almost everyday; and now not being in communication with him for a few days made you miss him, more so than ever. 
The sound of your phone ringing brought you out of your thoughts and when you saw Joel’s name displayed on the screen, you felt your heart leap in excitement. You didn’t hesitate before answering, hearing him sigh at the other end of the call.
“Joel,” you answered. 
“I need you to come to Sarah’s school.”
Immediately, you grabbed your bag and left your coffee shop, already raising your arm in the air to grab a cab. “What? Is everything okay? Is Sarah–”
“She’s okay, we just– Something happened and I think it’s best if you come by.” 
“Okay, I’m heading there now. See you soon.” 
Joel didn’t respond like he usually did. Instead, he just hung up the phone and you sighed, climbing into the back of the cab and telling the driver the address to Sarah’s school. 
After about fifteen minutes, you climbed out of the cab and walked into the school building. You were just about to call Joel when you saw Sarah sitting outside on the floor, back against some lockers. When she looked up at you, you noticed tears building in her eyes. 
Quickly, you sat next to her and pulled her into you, feeling her begin to break down against you.
“What happened, sweet girl?”
She shook her head, holding onto you as she cried into the crook of your neck. You held her like that a few minutes before you heard the sound of heavy boots approach you both. You looked up and saw Joel, biting the inside of your cheek. 
“Babygirl,” Joel said, crouching down in front of the both of you with a quiet grunt. “We’re gonna go and talk to your teacher now, okay?” 
Sarah bit her lower lip and pulled away from you to wipe her tears away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t– I shouldn’t have said what I said.”
You furrowed your brows in confusion and gently kissed the crown of her head before you stood up. Joel followed you and motioned towards the classroom nearby. 
“We won’t be long, babygirl.” Joel moved a hand to your lower back and pulled you aside for a moment. 
“Joel, what happened?” 
“She got into an argument with another girl,” Joel sighed. “The girl made some comments about her not having a mom and well,” Joel ran a hand over his face. “Sarah told her that she did have a mom…” 
“Well, she does,” you pointed out. 
“She said that you were here mom,” Joel replied. 
“Oh,” you replied, biting your lower lip. “I don’t–”
“Her teacher thinks it’s best if she talks to the both of us about what happened.”
“Joel,” you sighed. “I don’t want to overstep any boundaries. She’s–”
“This involves you,” Joel interrupted. “I know we’ve got a lot to talk about, but I don’t–” he sighed. “I don’t want to do this alone.” 
Your eyes softened and you reached to rest a hand on his arm, gently giving it a squeeze as if to tell him that you weren’t going anywhere. You just nodded and dropped your hand, which Joel immediately took in his own and led you into the classroom. 
The talk with Sarah’s teacher lasted for about twenty minutes. You didn’t know how to feel, or what to say, but you kept a tight hold on Joel’s hand throughout the entire time. You could tell that it wasn’t often that he had to speak with Sarah’s teachers; she had always been so well-behaved, never getting into trouble, so this was completely new to him. 
Joel finally released your hand once you both stood up to leave the teacher’s classroom. You wanted to say something, anything, but you just didn’t know what you could say to make this situation better. You and Sarah had always been so close from the moment you two met and truthfully, this was inevitable. Sarah never had an important, female figure in her life as constant as you, but you weren’t sure how to feel about Sarah saying that you were her mom. 
“Can you come over?” Joel asked, breaking you from your thoughts.
“Sure. I think that’s a good idea.” 
He nodded and led you down the hallway to see Sarah standing up and slinging her backpack over her shoulders. Joel immediately took her hand and you followed closely behind, watching the two of them walk in front of you as Sarah leaned against him. 
Your feelings for Joel had grown over the years since meeting him, but the more you found yourself falling in love with him, the more you realized that you wanted to be part of his life and Sarah’s. You thought that by keeping your distance and choosing to just be friends that you would have less to lose, less of a risk at putting a rift in your friendship and relationship with him. 
But this… This overstepped so many boundaries that you and Joel had set in place. 
Sarah claimed that you were her mom and while it seemed harmless, you knew that there were deeper and underlying issues that Joel needed to address. 
There were certain things that you and Joel now needed to talk about. 
Once at the truck, Sarah pulled away from Joel and turned to look up at you. You could tell that there were still tears threatening to spill over, but you just leaned down and pulled her into a tight hug. You knew how she felt, having grown up without either a father or mother; it was lonely and filled with so much envy of other kids who had both. 
“It’ll be okay,” you whispered into her ear. “We’re okay, Sarah.” 
“Y– You promise?” she whispered. 
“I promise.” You pulled back and wiped her tears, kissing her forehead. “Come on. I think your dad’s waiting for us.” 
Sarah nodded and turned around to climb into the backseat of the truck. You shut the door and climbed into the passenger side, looking over to see Joel staring at you with a look that you weren’t familiar with. Once he was sure you both were buckled in, he started the truck and pulled out of the parking spot to head back home. 
It took about ten minutes before Joel pulled into the driveway of his house. It wasn’t long before Sarah climbed out of the truck, hurriedly making her way inside before you or Joel could pull her aside; you assumed that she wanted her own space to process what happened before either you or Joel talked to her. 
You were about to climb out before Joel’s large hand reached out to rest on your knee. You looked over at him, seeing his eyes still focused on the steering wheel. You could feel his hand trembling against you and while this would have made the butterflies swirl around in your stomach, it gave you an entirely different sensation. 
“These last few days have been fucking miserable,” he said. “I shouldn’t have said what I said to you and I ain’t got no business chiming in on your dating life.” 
You sighed, hesitantly moving a hand down to rest over his. You felt him relax and when he finally looked at you, you took note of the tiredness in his features. 
“You never answered any of my calls or messages…” you whispered. 
“Wasn’t in the right state of mind to answer ‘em,” Joel answered honestly. “And then this happens and I just… Maybe we should set firmer boundaries.” 
You felt your heart breaking. You wanted to tell him so badly that there wouldn’t be a second date with Sam and that there won’t be anyone else you were interested in because your heart belonged to him. 
But you couldn’t. 
You had to remind yourself that this wasn’t as simple as telling someone you were in love with them. Joel had a daughter that you also had to think about. 
So instead, you gave his hand a squeeze and nodded in agreement. “Okay,” was all you responded with. What else could you say that would make this situation better? Telling him that you loved him would make things more complicated. 
“Maybe we should–” Joel sighed, pulling his hand away from you. “Maybe we should give each other some distance for now.”
He was breaking your heart and stomping all over it. Tears threatened to spill over, but you just inhaled a deep breath and nodded. This was what he wanted; he was never interested in you and you were so naive to think that someone like Joel would like you the way you liked him. 
“Okay,” you repeated. 
“But I think that we should both talk to Sarah. Let her know that our relationship is just–”
“Friends,” you finished. 
Joel nodded. “Right.” 
“Okay, Joel. Whatever you want,” you whispered. “I don’t want to overstep and I certainly don’t want to give Sarah any ideas that we’re more than that.” 
“Thank you,” Joel said. “For understanding and you know, everythin’ else.” 
You nodded and climbed out of the truck, waiting for him to do the same. When he did, you watched him walk in front of you at a distance. This was different; your relationship with Joel had shifted in the last few days and you weren’t sure that it would ever go back to what it once was. 
You followed him inside and down towards the hallway where he gently knocked on Sarah’s door. You heard her muffled voice telling him to come in and when he opened the door, you caught sight of the young girl lying in the middle of her bed with an arm draped over her eyes. 
“Can we talk?” Joel whispered, gently tapping her leg. 
She sighed and sat up, looking between the both of you with furrowed brows. “I didn’t mean anything by it,” she began. “I just– Everyone else has a mom that’s there for them and I don’t and it just– It came out.” 
You bit your lower lip, glancing over at Joel before you walked towards the foot of her bed. You sat down next to her and gently tapped her knee, flashing her a small smile. 
“It happens,” you reassured her. “We have been spending a lot of time together in the last two years–”
“But she ain’t your mom,” Joel interrupted, causing a quiet sigh to leave Sarah’s lips. He didn’t even look at you, didn’t even look at Sarah as he said it and part of you had to wonder if this was hurting him as much as it was hurting you. 
“Your dad’s right,” you sighed. “But just because I’m not your mom doesn’t mean that I love you any less. You’re my sweet girl,” you continued, tucking a strand of curly hair behind her ear as you noticed the tears slowly beginning to fall from the corners of her eyes. “And you know what, you’ve got an amazing dad.” 
Sarah nodded, bringing her hands to wipe away her tears as she leaned against you. “I do wish you were my mom,” she whispered quietly, but it was loud enough that you and Joel both heard it. You looked up at him and bit your lower lip, seeing him look away from you as quickly as your eyes met. 
“You know,” you said, your arm around her shoulders. “I spent my entire adolescence wishing I had a mom and dad, but my grandpa– He had so much love for me that I started to realize that he was both. He was both my mom and dad whenever I needed him. And I think your dad does that for you, right?” 
Sarah nodded. “He does.”
“And whenever you need me, I���m always gonna be right here.” 
She gave you a tight hug and buried her face further against you. You held onto her, placing a gentle kiss at the top of her head before you pulled away. 
“Can I have some alone time with you?” Joel asked Sarah.
You bit your lower lip and left her bedroom, closing the door behind you as you made your way to wait on the front porch. You knew that it was going to be different from now on, that you weren’t going to be seeing Sarah or Joel as much as you had been these last couple of years. 
Deciding that you didn’t want Joel driving you back home, you decided to call for a cab to pick you up in about five minutes. After you had gotten off the phone, you heard the front door open and the sound of Joel’s footsteps approaching you from behind. 
“I just wanna thank you,” Joel said. “For what you said back there.” 
“Of course, anything for her. I just wanted her to know that what she said wasn’t a bad thing,” you replied honestly. You stood up and turned around to face Joel, the distance between the both of you seeming like miles and miles apart. “I would do anything for your girl, Joel.” 
“And I appreciate that.” 
“Boundaries,” he said. “We need to have ‘em.” 
You nodded. “Okay.” 
“Let me take you home.”
“Don’t. I already called a cab. You want boundaries, Joel, so that starts now.” 
“What Sarah’s feeling is valid, Joel. It’s valid and it’s understandable. Her teacher shouldn’t have made a big deal about it and if anything, she should have talked about this with that other girl’s parents, not Sarah’s.” 
Joel sighed. “She called you her mom.”
“I’ve been the only woman in her life, Joel. What did you expect?” 
“Not that.”
“Really?” you scoffed. “Are you that naive? It’s just going to get tougher as she gets older, Joel. She needs you to reassure her that it’s okay to have these thoughts, that it’s okay that she doesn’t have a mom. You can’t shield her from the realities of this world and you know that.” 
“But you’re not her mom,” Joel replied, tightening his jaw. 
“No shit,” you replied. “And quite frankly, her mom is missing out on an amazing girl. I mean it when I told Sarah that whenever she needed me, I’m going to be right here. I know you want boundaries, but that girl means the world to me.” 
Joel sighed, running hand over his face. “We ain’t together. You don’t owe her or me anythin’.” 
“Are you that oblivious, Joel?” 
“You and Sarah saved me two years ago. I was stuck for the longest time and then I met you. My life won’t ever be the same and that’s a good thing, but–”
“You goin’ on that date hurt,” Joel interrupted, changing the subject mid-conversation. To him, this wasn’t about Sarah. It never was. He knew that what Sarah was feeling was understandable and the talk he had with her had less to do about what she actually said and more to do with you. 
“Joel…” you sighed. Just as you were about to say something, you heard the sound of horn honking. You turned to look at the cab that you had called and you bit your lower lip, looking up at Joel who didn’t want to meet your eyes. 
He had put a guard up around himself again and you weren’t sure if you could lower them again. 
“I’ll see you around,” Joel said. 
“Joel,” you repeated. “I–”
“Boundaries,” he interrupted. Joel then turned on his heel to walk back into his home, not bothering to wait until you left. That was different. Joel would always make sure that you got into the cab safe or that you got into your coffee shop safely before leaving. 
You felt tears stinging your eyes before you turned around to walk towards the cab. 
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“If you love her, why don’t you tell her?” Sarah asked, sitting on the couch with Joel. 
“Because,” Joel sighed. “It’s just complicated.”
“It just is, babygirl.”
“You know she loves you too, right?” 
“No, she doesn’t,” Joel replied. 
Sarah rolled her eyes, bringing her legs up onto the couch as she leaned against the side of Joel’s body. After what happened earlier today, Sarah was tired – mentally and emotionally. She was hoping that you would stay for dinner, but when Joel told her what happened, Sarah had to come to terms that things were just going to be different from now on. 
“Dad,” Sarah sighed. “You deserve to be happy and she– She does too.” 
“So that must mean that we should be together?” Joel shook his head. “She deserves better than me.” 
“Who’s better than you?” Sarah asked, tilting her head. 
“She went on a date, babygirl,” Joel sighed. “She said she’s ready to date and she didn’t pick me. It is what it is. I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but we have to set boundaries from now on.” 
Sarah shook her head, wrapping her arm around Joel’s and looking up at her. “It’s always been me, you, and Uncle Tommy… But these past couple of years, it’s been the four of us and I– I like it. It works. It’s–”
“You know, you’re only nine but you act like you’re an adult.” 
Sarah rolled her eyes. “And that’s a bad thing?” 
“I just miss you being so little,” Joel smiled. 
“Stop changing the subject, dad.” Sarah chuckled. 
Joel sighed. “If we’re meant to be, babygirl, we’ll find our way back to each other.” 
“You really believe that?” 
He shrugged. “I can hope.” 
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Three years later…
You looked down at the invitation Joel sent you, biting your lower lip. 
Please join us for Sarah’s 13th birthday! 
It was at their house, a small get together with some of Sarah’s close friends. Joel had put a pool in their backyard, so while it was going to be a barbecue, it was also going to be a pool party per Sarah’s request. You had told him that you were going to make it, but since the talk of boundaries came up three years ago, your friendship with Joel changed. 
You didn’t talk to him as frequently as you did. 
You didn’t see him as regularly as you did. 
He didn’t visit your coffee shop as often. 
And you didn’t see Sarah as much as when you first did when you first met. 
Sure, you still checked in with both Sarah and Joel, but the distance between you and Joel had caused a rift. The boundaries he wanted to set in place had become something that you didn’t want to overstep and something that Joel didn’t want to break either. 
You knew that Joel and Tommy finally started their business, constantly working since they had built rapport with other businesses. You knew that Sarah was definitely reaching her pre-teen years and she still called you whenever Joel wasn’t giving her what she wanted. 
Despite still being present in both their lives, it just felt different. 
And with the space and distance that Joel created, your feelings for him slowly started to disappear (or at least you thought so). You didn’t think about him as much and it helped that you didn’t see him as often as you did. You went on more dates, had more one night stands than you cared to admit, but there was something missing. Joel and Sarah had been the two people who gave you purpose, who made you laugh and smile on a daily basis, but it went away as soon as Joel wanted to set boundaries. 
And now, you were standing in front of Joel’s home dressed in a pastel yellow sundress that stopped just past your knees. Before you could even knock, the door swung open and you smiled at the sight of Tommy. 
“Look at you,” he grinned. “Looking like a summer’s dream.”
“Always the charmer,” you teased, gently nudging his midsection as you stepped inside with a couple of gifts for Sarah. “Where’s the birthday girl?” 
Just as you finished asking, you heard a loud screech followed by a splash of water. You and Tommy both chuckled. 
“I’m guessing the pool.” 
Tommy smiled. “Sounds right. Joel’s in the back doing some grilling. I just had to come out here for a smoke, away from the children.” 
You nodded. “Okay, well, I’ll see you back there.” 
Tommy nodded, giving you a gentle hug and placing a soft kiss at your temple. “We miss you, you know?” 
“I miss you guys too.” 
“Whatever that old man tells you, don’t listen to him. He misses your coffee and he misses you.” 
You rolled your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek as you pulled away from him to walk towards the backyard. You heard the sounds of laughter overpowering the sound of music that was bumping through the speakers. Once you stepped out, you bit your lower lip at the sight of Joel dressed in shorts and a dark t-shirt that clung to every muscle. 
But as you were ogling him from afar, you noticed an older woman come by to stand next to him, resting her hand on his bicep and leaning up to whisper something into his ear. You saw them share a laugh and he pulled back to look down at her, eyes obviously taking in her frame. 
Then, you saw him lean in to give her a soft kiss on her lips. 
Your heart broke all over again. You didn’t know what you were doing here. He never mentioned anything about seeing someone and Sarah didn’t say anything either, but it was naive of you to think that Joel would remain single. After all, he was a good dad, a good looking man, and a good person overall. 
Before you could look away, you heard Sarah scream your name, which Joel turned to look over at you. His eyes slightly widened and he pulled away from the woman he had just kissed, acting like he had just gotten caught red-handed. 
You gave him a small smile and turned to face Sarah instead, forcing yourself to look happy when deep inside, you wanted to scream, wanted to cry, wanted to just leave his house. 
“Happy birthday, sweet girl,” you smiled, seeing her wrap herself in a towel before she hugged you.
“I’m sorry, I’m gonna get you all wet.” 
“That’s okay, get in here.” You said, feeling her wrap her arms around you in a tight embrace. 
“I’m glad you came,” she said, pulling back to look up at you. “I wasn’t sure you would.”
“I would never miss your birthday.” 
Sarah smiled. “Are those for me?” She asked, pointing to your gifts. 
“It sure is, should I set them down anywhere?” 
Sarah nodded. “I think dad wants them inside, away from the water.” 
“Ah, that’s a good point. I’ll be back and then we can catch up, tell me all about this boy you have a crush on.”
She widened her eyes, cheeks blushing almost instantly. “You can’t tell dad.”
You smiled. “You have my word.” You gave her one more hug before walking back inside the house, biting the inside of your cheek as you set the gifts down onto the table where the other gifts were. You brought a hand to wipe at your face, catching the fallen tears in your fingertips. Now you understood what Joel must have felt when you told him that you were going on a date. 
As you turned around, you felt Joel’s hands reach out to rest on your hips, bumping into his chest. 
“Still clumsy, I see,” he mumbled.
You cleared your throat, not wanting to look up at him as you took a step back. “Guess so.” 
“I’m glad you made it.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” you replied.
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” you said, finally having the courage to look up at him. “If you’re happy, I’m happy.” 
Joel nodded, his eyes looking at you from top to bottom. He thought keeping his distance would lessen the feelings he had for you; and it worked, for a while, but now that you were standing in front of him looking just as beautiful and stunning as you did when you first met, Joel felt all those feelings come rushing back. 
“It’s new,” Joel murmured. 
“Good for you, Joel.” you smiled sadly, looking over his shoulder and back towards the backyard. “You have anything to drink?” 
“Water? Soda?”
“Anything stronger?” 
Joel nodded, bringing you to the kitchen and grabbing a beer from the fridge. He opened it for you and reached out to hand it to you. You smiled your thanks and took it from his hand, your fingers brushing against his and almost instantly, you both felt the same surge of electricity rush through your veins at the touch. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“I should get back to the grill before those burgers burn.” 
“Of course. I have some catching up to do with your daughter.” 
Joel bit his lower lip. Before the hesitation and thoughts came to mind, he instantly pulled you into a tight hug. Joel’s arms snaked around your waist, feeling your arms move to wrap around his shoulders – just like old times. 
“Thank you for coming,” Joel whispered. 
“Thank you for inviting me…” 
Both of you pulled away to look up at each other, inches separating the both of you. You felt his eyes move to your lips and you moved your eyes to his, but before anything could happen, you heard a quiet clearing of the throat and you both pulled away instantly. 
You turned around to look at Tommy, leaning against the dining table with a knowing smirk. 
“Who’s watching the food?” Tommy smirked. 
“I was just about to check on it,” Joel replied, tightening his jaw. 
“And I was just about to go and talk to Sarah.” You grabbed your beer and walked past Tommy and towards the backyard, finding Sarah almost instantly.
Tommy looked over his shoulder at you before he turned his attention on Joel. 
“What are you thinkin’?” Tommy asked.
“I’m thinkin’ that I’m still in love with her.” Joel answered.
prev. - next.
taglist: @casa-boiardi || @veryprairieberry
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 4 months
The Bluey Drama (even though I like the show)
As an adult who loves kids shows, I appreciate how Bluey is fun for both kids and adults and I can enjoy it a lot. It's an adorable and fun show and even though I still prefer the more nostalgic kids shows, I still enjoy Bluey because it keeps the simplicity of the 2000s-2010s shows that I grew up with. I'm only 21, so I am a young adult, and I repeat YOUNG adult! I also have trauma (and probably also neurodivergent but wasn't diagnosed) so I'm very happy that a kids show because popular enough with adults so that more people are accepting to people like me watching shows meant for preschoolers. However, there are some issues that popped up recently. For the longest time, fans have been really respectful of the show and sweet, but people are now taking things too far!
It's sad how Bluey and Nanalan' seemed like shows that kids, teens, and adults can love, but some people will easily ruin it for the kids and the normal adult fans. For one thing, shipping kids is freaking disturbing! Like, most of the drama is because grown adults were speculating on who Bluey's future partner is in a scene that showed her as an adult with a kid. WHY ARE WE HAVING A DEBATE OVER THAT? Like, even though it flashed forwards to when Bluey's older, she is still a kid in the majority of the show and it's really creepy that 30 something year olds are having a debate over who a 7 year old's future partner is. Also, people straight up ship her with Makenzie or Jean Luc and as I said before, shipping kids is freaking disturbing! Especially if you're an adult and you're obsessed with a 6 or 7 year olds being in a relationship. Even when parents think their kids have a crush at that age. it's weird! They're just LITTLE KIDS! Like, at this point you can't watch an enjoy the show without having a debate over who the father of the baby is. Now if you're like 20 and you're watching a show where most of the characters are teens and you see a couple on the show and you're like "Aw what a cute couple!" it's fine, but if you're old and you're debating over who the father of Bluey's future child is, then it's weird!
Also, weirdos in the fandom have made NSFW of Bluey, and I understand that it was mostly involving Bandit and it's fine as long as it's only adult characters. However, remember that there are still kids who enjoy the show and you don't want to ruin it for them like people ruined My Little Pony for the kids. Also, Bandit simps are not as bad as Bronies from what I remember, and I hope that the fandom will stay calm and not get out of hand. Like, the thing is that if adults get too weird with the fandom, it will soon drive the kids away and we won't realize how good the messages actually are in both shows. Both Bluey and My Little Pony actually tackle topics that other kids shows don't normally cover, and they deserve to be hyped over for that! It's okay to simp for Bandit and that attractive voice of his, but just remember that there are still children in the fandom too.
I really wish we could have nice things! Bluey wasn't the only show that weird adults were ruining, Nanalan almost got hit too. NANALAN! The puppet show with that "Who's that wonderful girl?" song meme! Yes, they had an episode with a little boy that Mona played with, a FRIEND and only a friend, and people got so angry because they thought Mona had a boyfriend. I'm sure if it was another girl, people wouldn't get so upset but because it was a boy, they automatically assumed "they're a couple" and people were commenting things like "Stay away from Mona!". I couldn't believe these comments! Me and a few other people were addressing how crazy these people were in the comments. Like, it's a kids show and it's fine for adults to enjoy it, just please don't get too upset over little issues.
Anyway, tell me your thoughts! I know there's a lot to talk about here.
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maggie-004 · 1 year
(Un-) Lucky coincidence – drabble 1
Jenna Ortega x Fem reader
Summary: After waking up early, Y/N enjoys a peaceful morning walk in Madeira and shares her experiences with her cousin Emma via FaceTime. Later, she immerses herself in DJing, unaware that Toni and Jenna are watching her with amusement and admiration.
Warnings: none
Words: 2400
When I woke up the next morning, my phone displayed the early hour of 7:30 a.m. While I would have loved to luxuriate in bed a bit longer, the anticipation of the day ahead kept me from staying under the covers. I decided to embrace the morning and headed for a cool, refreshing shower before anyone else stirred. The water cascaded over me, waking me up fully and invigorating my senses. I took my time, allowing the water to wash away any remaining traces of sleepiness. After the shower, I wrapped myself in a soft, fluffy towel and made my way downstairs. It seemed that everyone was still asleep, so I decided to slip outside for a peaceful morning walk. Toni had shown me a beautiful, secluded path on my previous visit to the island, and I knew it would be the perfect place to start the day. The path was surrounded by lush greenery and led to a quiet spot by a small river. It was a serene oasis where time seemed to stand still. As I walked along the trail, I noticed a group of adorable stray kittens playing among the bushes. Their playful antics brought a smile to my face, and I couldn't resist sitting down to watch them for a while. As the morning sun cast a warm glow over the surroundings, I took a moment to reflect on the incredible journey that had led me here. The serenity of the place allowed me to clear my mind and think about how fortunate I was to be in this beautiful location with two amazing friends. With Madeira being an hour behind Austria's time, I remembered my cousin Emma back home. She was more like a sister to me, and we had grown up together, sharing countless memories and experiences. Feeling a pang of homesickness, I decided to FaceTime her to catch up and share the breathtaking scenery of the island.
Emma's face lit up with happiness as she greeted me, "Hey, Y/N! How are you?" Her voice was filled with genuine excitement, and I could tell she was eager to hear all about my adventures in Madeira. "Hi, Emma! I'm doing fantastic," I replied with equal enthusiasm, feeling grateful for this opportunity to catch up with her. "Madeira is beyond beautiful; it's like paradise on Earth. I've fallen in love with this place. The atmosphere is so laid-back and peaceful, and the locals are incredibly welcoming and friendly. I could easily imagine living here someday." Emma's eyes widened with curiosity, "Wow, that sounds incredible! I'm so happy you're having such an amazing time. And Toni, your best friend, lives there? That's fantastic! She must have shown you all the hidden gems and secret spots." "Absolutely! Toni has been the best tour guide," I said with a smile, recalling the wonderful experiences we shared. "She knows this island like the back of her hand, and she's given us all the addresses to the most breathtaking viewpoints. It's like having our personal local expert." At that moment, I remembered that Emma had watched the streaming session Toni and I did together, so I decided to mention it. "Oh, and guess what? Toni even invited Jenna and me to join her on one of her live stream. It was so much fun! Her chat was super friendly, and they loved getting to know us. I'm grateful for the chance to share this experience with her audience." Emma's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Oh, I saw that stream! You guys were amazing. You really have such great chemistry on camera. You and Toni just have this natural connection that shines through. And I must say, it's adorable to see you and Jenna together. You make such a lovely couple." I blushed, grateful for Emma's warm words of support. "Thank you, Emma. It means a lot to hear that. Jenna and I are really happy together, and being here in Madeira has been an incredible experience for both of us. We're growing even closer as we explore this beautiful island and share so many unforgettable moments." As our conversation continued, I shared more details about the picturesque places we had visited, the delicious local cuisine we had savored, and the charming little encounters with the adorable stray kittens that had captured my heart. Emma, in turn, updated me on the latest happenings back home, including exciting news about her career as a medical student. After a delightful chat with Emma, I felt even more grateful for this magical journey to Madeira. Not only was I basking in the natural beauty of the island and the warmth of its people, but I was also able to share these moments with someone who had been a constant source of love and support in my life. As I ended the call with Emma, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude.
I slowly made my way back to Toni's house, the warmth of the morning sun enveloping me like a comforting embrace. As I approached the house, lost in my thoughts, I must have caught Maria off guard as she opened the door. "Oh, sorry dear, you scared me for a second," Maria chuckled, her hand on her chest. "I'm not used to people being awake this early in this house." I smiled apologetically, realizing that I might have disrupted the usual morning routine. "My apologies, Maria. I hope I didn't cause too much of a stir. The beauty of Madeira's mornings lured me out for a walk." "No need to apologize, dear. It's lovely to see you making the most of your time here," Maria replied warmly. "Now, how about a coffee to start your day?" Her offer was impossible to resist. "Oh, I'd really love that. Thank you," I gratefully accepted, knowing that Maria's coffee-making skills were something to look forward to. As I settled into the cozy kitchen, the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Maria was a true master at her craft, and I couldn't wait to savor the first sip. "So, Maria," I began, curious about her story, "I hope it's okay to ask, but how did you end up working for Toni?" Maria's eyes gleamed with nostalgia as she thought back to how her journey with Toni had started. "Of course, dear, I don't mind sharing at all. Before I joined Toni here, I used to work at a hotel in another part of the island. But to be honest, I didn't really enjoy the experience there." Intrigued, I leaned forward, eager to hear more about what led her to this beautiful home and its welcoming atmosphere. "One day, while I was still working at the hotel, a group of Toni's friends came to stay there," Maria continued. "I overheard them talking about how Toni was looking for someone to help her with the household, and they mentioned that she wanted someone reliable and kind-hearted." It was fascinating how chance encounters and conversations could change the course of one's life. I couldn't help but smile, envisioning the serendipity of that moment. "I knew in my heart that I wanted a change, and working for Toni sounded like a dream come true," Maria said, her sincerity evident in every word. "So, without hesitation, I mustered up the courage and approached her friends. I gave them my phone number, hoping they would pass it along to Toni." Three years later, Maria was still a vital part of Toni's household, and the joy she found in her job was evident. Her story reminded me of the power of taking chances and following one's instincts. "I'm so glad it worked out for you," I said, genuinely happy for Maria. "You and Toni seem to have a wonderful connection, and it's heartwarming to see how much you enjoy being here." Maria beamed, and her eyes sparkled with affection. "Thank you, dear. Working for Toni has been a blessing in more ways than one. She's not just an employer; she's become like family to me. And meeting wonderful people like you and Jenna only adds to the joy of being here." And with that maria handed me my coffee and went to do other things that are required.
With my coffee in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, I strolled into Toni's beautiful garden. It was a serene place, adorned with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, the perfect spot to enjoy a quiet morning moment. As I settled into a cozy chair, the soft sunlight filtering through the leaves, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. I took a contemplative sip of my coffee, savoring the rich flavor that Maria always managed to achieve. As I did so, I decided it was time to share some of my Madeira adventures with the world, or at least with my social media followers. After all, I had been thoroughly enjoying my time here, and it felt only right to let others be a part of it too. Unlocking my phone, I began scrolling through the pictures Jenna had taken. Her photography skills always managed to capture the essence of the moment, making even the simplest things look extraordinary. I selected a few snapshots of myself amid the stunning landscapes, the stray kittens that had melted my heart, and the charming little river that whispered stories of its own. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about Jenna, my ever-supportive partner. She had a way of making every experience more vibrant and meaningful. Her presence in the photos made it feel like she was right there beside me. As I continued browsing through the gallery, I found pictures that showcased my other great passion: DJing. Music was an integral part of my life, and I loved the thrill of curating beats that resonated with people's souls. There were snapshots of me behind the turntables, lost in the rhythm of the music, and shots of the chat spamming emotes and Toni dancing.
Feeling a surge of happiness and gratitude, I wrote a caption to accompany the photos: "Lost in the mesmerizing beauty of Madeira! 🌿🏞️ These past days have been a dream, filled with breathtaking scenery and adorable fur buddies. Grateful for the warm hospitality of my dear friend @RevedTV and the chance to explore this paradise. Here are some snapshots of what brings me the most joy—@Jennaortega’s photography talent, the love for DJing, and moments of serenity during my morning walks. Sharing the love and positive vibes with all of you! 🎶❤️ #Madeira #TravelDiaries #DJLife #NatureLovers."
As I hit the "post" button, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Sharing my experiences with the world allowed me to connect with others who appreciated similar passions. Of course speculations about me and Jenna dating or even me and Toni dating started in the Comments but, no matter what I’d post people know that Jenna’s in madeira as well right now so I couldn’t care less. I enjoyed my solitude a little longer, before boredom started to get me.
Feeling right at home in Toni's house, I was thrilled when she gave me the green light to use her DJing equipment. Excitement bubbled inside me as I savored the last sip of my coffee, and with the mug in hand, I made my way to the kitchen. The aroma of breakfast filled the air, courtesy of Maria's culinary skills, and my stomach rumbled in appreciation. But DJing beckoned me first; the kitchen could wait. With my mug now empty, I carried it upstairs to Toni's streaming room. As I entered the room, the familiar setup brought a smile to my face. Rows of neatly organized vinyl records, decks, and an impressive mixer awaited my touch. I knew exactly where to begin. Toni's playlist was a treasure trove of electronic dance music (EDM), tech house, and techno – genres I absolutely loved. I carefully donned the headphones, letting the world outside fade away, and the music enveloped me. The first track I selected had a mesmerizing beat that seemed to sync perfectly with the rhythm of my heart. My fingers danced effortlessly over the mixer's knobs and sliders, blending the tunes with an innate sense of harmony. As I lost myself in the music, the outside world ceased to exist. The early morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room, amplifying the enchantment of this moment. The melodies flowed through me, and I became a conduit for the soul-stirring sounds that filled the space. An hour felt like minutes as I immersed myself in the euphoric world of mixing tracks and creating seamless transitions. But as fate would have it, just when I thought I was alone in this musical haven, Toni stirred from her slumber. I didn't notice her presence at first, still captivated by the music, swaying to the rhythm. It was only when I turned slightly that I caught her smiling eyes watching me with amusement. Instead of snapping me out of my DJing reverie, she seemed to enjoy the moment, a silent witness to my creative expression. Toni's impish grin gave away her playful intentions, and without a word, she tiptoed away, surely to get Jenna. As the beat continued to pulse in my ears, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, and there was Jenna, wearing an equally amused smile. I finally realized that they had been quietly observing me, lost in my own world of music. A blush crept up my cheeks, but Jenna's soft laughter instantly eased any embarrassment. "You were in the zone, Y/N. That was incredible to watch," she said, her eyes sparkling with affection. Toni joined in, teasing me gently, "You were so absorbed in the music; we didn't have the heart to disturb you. But we couldn't miss the chance to witness this epic DJing session!" Grateful for their understanding, I couldn't help but laugh along with them. It was wonderful to share my passion with friends who appreciated and cherished these moments of creative freedom. They gestured for me to continue, and without missing a beat, I dived back into the music, this time with the joyful company of Toni and Jenna.
A/N: I really like this one, it’s a little drabble, just Y/N’s morning. Hope you still like it.
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titaniasfairy · 9 months
dilf!price who’s kid you babysit for. you can’t help but get jealous when he finally goes on a date!
this isn’t finished and if y’all want it i’ll finish it (with smut teehee)
cw: femreader!
price was a sad man with a sad life. he’d never admit it, but it was the truth. a 40-something retired military man fresh out of a nasty divorce. he’d gotten his son, jj (john junior), and the house she left him in, along with the bad memories of screaming fights in nearly every room in the house but he didn’t really have anything else.
sure every friday night his old army buddies that were still active would invite him out for drinks at a dingy pub, but that wasn’t really a social life was it? when they were deployed he was out of luck talking to anyone.
except for you. his young and bright babysitter who still had hope. you’re a cute little student who attends the local university that finds some extra money watching his little tot.
you were funny, sweet, kind; all the qualities anyone would admire in a girl. it seems like babysitting jj was more of a fun opportunity than a job for you, and price adored you for it.
you didn’t complain about payment, or cancelling last minute, you didn’t even mind staying the night for certain days. price thinks you’re more of a mother to his son than his ex-wife ever could be.
he couldn’t help but stare at your ass or look down your shirt at times, you were just so attractive! it’s just instinct to find his child’s mother-figure adorable when you play with him or cuddle him to sleep. price even gets jealous of his own kid sometimes.
it had been about a year, and his buddies were nagging him about not have a lass on his hip by now. eventually a certain scottish someone set him up with a lady about john’s age, with some boring full time job. she was remotely attractive and price didn’t want to turn down the offer, so they set up a date.
7:30 saturday night, he’d told you. of course you dropped everything to be at his doorstep like the wonderful babysitter you are. you sat on his leather couch with jj in your lap, playing some kind of game on your phone.
price comes in trying to tie a tie, obviously struggling. god he looked so attractive in dress clothes, didn’t he? you weren’t used to the burly man wearing such sophisticated clothes. embarrassingly, it sent butterflies to your core. after about 5 seconds of price fumbling over his own fingers, you offered help.
“need some assistance there?” you smiled while playing with jj. john didn’t notice how ridiculous he looked until you said something. he cleared his throat before speaking.
“yeah, hadn’t done this in awhile.” you placed jj off your lap and gave him your phone to play with. “let me help you” you stood in front of him, tying his tie with a focused look on your face. he always thought you looked cute while you were working on something.
john tried, he really tried to not look right down your cleavage but it was right there. how could he resist it? you finished up and went to the refrigerator to grab a drink.
“so hot date tonight, eh?” you chuckled while you cracked open a soda. price let out a laugh, you’re so funny to him.
“is that what it is?” he grabs his sports coat and his keys while he talks. “i don’t look ridiculous right? i haven’t been on a date in awhile.” you think his nervousness is cute despite how handsome he looks.
“i think you look quite handsome mr. price.” the way you always address him so formally makes his cock twitch in his dress pants.
“for the millionth time sweetheart, you can just call me john. but thank you, i gotta look nice re-entering the dating scene.” he checks his beard in a nearby mirror.
“they don’t know what they’ve been missing.” you smile at your cheesy comment while sipping on your drink.
“well i’ll be back eventually, it depends on how it goes. i promise not to bring some random lady in the house later tonight.” he makes sure he has everything, his keys, his wallet.
“well good luck, im rooting for you- kind of.” if you’re being honest, you don’t want any woman near this man. in your mind he belongs to you.
“kind of? what’s that mean?” he leans into the conversation- what could you possibly mean?
you move over to jj and pick him up “kind of as in, i don’t someone taking my job. i’m attached to the little guy what can i say?”
john chuckles and bends down to talk to his son. “daddy will be back soon bud- i promise. gimme some” price holds out his fist for a fistbump with jj. after he gets it, he ruffles his hair and gives him a kiss on the head. meanwhile, you can’t stop thinking about price calling himself ‘daddy’
“don’t set the house on fire okay?” he gives you that toothy grin you’re so used to.
“i promise, john.”
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yandere-mha-blog · 1 year
Tumblr media
Part 11
Words: 2590
Both you and Keigo lay down some boundaries 
Keigo looked at his clock when he finally got home from his job, 12:30, and he still needed to wake up at 7:00 to get to his morning class at 8. He flopped down on his bed and took out the food he got for free from his job, perks he guessed.
He opened his phone and saw the selfie you two took together. Why did he post it online, he should have figured it out when you told him you didn't have any social media. Still, he shouldn't be too hard on himself, he knew he couldn't go back and unpost the photo.
He was just thankful that you did drop your Id in his car, if he hadn't headed back to your place to return it, who knew what your ex would have done?
And he found her because you posted the photo.
Keigo shook his head as he turned the tv on, he just needed some background noises.
Then his phone buzzed, he thought you would be texting him, but nope it was from Yuki.
“Hey Takami, can you help me?”
“What happened?”
“I went out to a mixer, but I'm feeling really drunk and the guy is acting weird.”
Now Keigo didn't like Yuki, but he didn't like what could happen to him if he didn't go.
“Send me your location, I'll come to get you.” he texted back as his phone pinged, he grumbled and grabbed his keys, and headed out the door. Man, he was tired.
He finally found the palace and walked in, Yuki was Waiting at the side, she looked relieved to see him.
“Keigo you are here,” she said and ran over and grabbed his arm in a hold.
“Hey, Yuki, who is your friend?” A guy asked,
“This is Keigo, he is a very close friend of mine, well I better get going home now, right Kei?”
Keigo forced a smile “Yup, come on Yuki let's get your drunk butt home.”
Keigo helped Yuki in the car as the guy looked at his friend
“She didn't even drink anything.” He said
“Eh, she was just a filler so there would be an even number.” He said “Probs just wanted a ride home. It was late.”
“True…you want to hit another bar before we go home.”
“Hell yeah dude,” he said and the two of them walked off down the street.
“Where is your place again?” Keigo said
“Oh, it's… hmm…”
“Yuki, Yuki, stay with me at your address.”
“It's around the school.’ She slurred out, Keigo smelled the air, there was no trace of alcohol on her lips, he sighed and pulled over “Huh what's going on?”
“Yuki, how many fingers am I holding up?” he asked and Yuki grabbed his hands
“You have nice hands.” She said
“Thanks, but you are avoiding the question, man your hands are really cold.” Keigo lied she felt warm
“And a bit clammy,” he said as he continued to feel her hands, they were not
“Uh Keigo?” she said
“Crap, Yuki, how much did you drink!” he said in a panic, as he reversed “Don't worry i know a hospital around here.
“What are you talking about?” she said completely sober
“Confusion, low body temperature, clammy hands, and slurred speech.” Keigo mumbled, “Yup, it sounds like alcohol poisoning.”
“What?’ She said starting to get a little panicked
“Don't worry I know a hospital, just try to stay awake!” he said
“Keigo, calm down, I don't have alcohol poisoning.” She said and Keigo made a sudden stop and pulled over
“I know because you didn't drink did you,” he said
“Are you accusing me of-”
“Whatever you are about to say, yes,” Keigo said as he crossed his arms and narrowed his gaze
“Hey, I can explain.” She said
“What act drunk, pretend you can't remember your address so I have to take you to my place where you sober up,” he said, her eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights.
“Are you mad at me?” She asked
“Hmmm, no, annoyed, yes.” Keigo said “Look, just tell me your apartment address and I can drop you off. I have to wake up early and I am very tired.”
“...why don't you like me?” she asked “You were super friendly with me, then all of sudden you barely talked to me, I think I deserve an explanation.”
“Fine.” Keigo said, “ You bullied my friend back in high school, and made her cry.”
“(name)?” Yuki said, “hey I never bullied her!”
“Directly maybe, she told me you called her a drowned rat after your friends tossed water on her.”
“I don't remember saying that.” She said “And if anything in the victim her, her boyfriend -”
“Ex-boyfriend.” Keigo corrected her
“Whatever, she asked him to push two kids out the window and beat another one up so bad that his nose broke, and their teacher got so beat up he had to take a leave of absence till the year ended!” she babbled out “Next thing you know she is walking into class like she owns the place all smug.”
“I don't think you have the right to bring that up,” Keigo said
“Keigo, her boyfriend is a nutcase!”
“Ex-boyfriend.” Keigo corrected her again “Yuki, I wasn't there, so I can't know what actually happened, but from what (name) has told me vs what you have told me, I understand where (name) is coming from.”
“Oh, where could she possibly be coming from!?” Yuki yelled
“The only way for these people to leave me alone is to use extreme measures even if I don't like them.” Keigo replied, “Your entire class bullied her, she found someone who would make it stop.”
“You aren't making any sense.” She said
“You ever hear the saying ‘A cornered animal is almost as dangerous as a wounded one.’” Keigo said
“Huh?” she said and shook her head
“When an animal is hurt and backed into a corner it will bite.” Keigo said, “You and your classmates kept pushing and pushing and pushing, till she finally fought back and all of a sudden you are all the victims.”
“That's not what I'm….that isn’t what happened I didn't do anything,” she said
“Yuki put your address in, I'm done with this conversation, I'm tired,'' Keigo said she just slumped and put her address in.
Keigo finally got back home at 1:36, that was an hour and six minutes he was never getting back. He finally hit his head on the pillow when his alarm rang, he let out a groan of misery as he rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud
“Ow…” he mumbled as he stumbled to his fridge and pulled out a can of coffee and chugged it down, he shook his head and went into the bathroom, and turned to shower.
“Aghhh it's cold, when is the landlord gonna fix the heating,” he grumbled as he got out and got dressed, he grabbed another can of coffee and a piece of bread, spreading some jam on it, he rolled it up, and stuffed it all in his mouth.
He ran to his car and got in driving to the parking garage, his class was starting and he ran to the back of the classroom.
Finally, it was over, now he just had to get to his next class that was across campus, he ran as fast as he could and opened the door.
“Ah, late again mister Takami.” The teacher said, “Why am I not surprised?”
“Sorry teach my bad,” Keigo said as he scanned the room and saw you in the back looking better rested, you saw him and you gave him a small smile, he went to the back and dropped his bag down.
“What did I miss?” he whispered
“We are finishing up proofreading our assignments and the format he wants.” you said “Revision, revisions, revisions.”
“Got it,” Keigo said
The two of you finally left class, he let out a yawn
“Long night?” you asked
“You could say that,” Keigo said
“Well you want to get lunch together today?” you asked
“I'd love to.”
“Great, I want to go to that vendor's stand again,” you said
“Sounds like a plan, I'll meet you by the fountain,” Keigo said
“Sounds like a plan,” you said and walked to your next class, Keigo looked at his watch and made a B-line for his next class, there was Yuki sulking when he walked in.
“Just ignore her.” Keigo thought as he sat down, but could feel her staring at the back of his head the whole class.
“Hey Takami.” she said “I wanted to say, I'm sorry, for lying and asking you to get me.”
“Do I really have to accept her half-hearted attempt at an apology?” he thought “just smile through the pain.”
“It's fine, but I don't think I'm not the one you should be apologizing to,” Keigo said
“You want me to apologize to (name)?” she asked
“No, I don't want you to.” Keigo said, “I think you should, but only because you feel bad about what happened, and not to appease me.”
“Well I was thinking about it, and I messed up back in high school, what you said about the dog being cornered, I think I went along with it because I didn't want to end up as the dog.”
“Well don't tell me that.” Keigo said, “Tell her.”
“I would but I don't know where she is,” Yuki said
“Follow me then.” Keigo said, “We are getting lunch after this.”
“You and (name)?” Yuki said
“Yup,'' Keigo said as he left and headed towards the fountain, you were completely sucked into a book.
“Hey (name)!” Keigo shouted and waved, you looked up and waved then looked a bit confused as Yuki was walking next to him
“Hey Keigo…and Yuki…” you said, the air felt so thick you could cut it with a knife and Keigo thought okay this may have been a bad idea
“(name), I wanted to apologize.” Yuki said, “I'm sorry for what I did in high school, so can we start over and maybe be friends?”
“Excuse me?” you said
“I said I was sorry for how I was in high school.” She said
“...I don't think I can forgive you.” you said ‘in fact, I don't think I can forgive and forget any of my classmates for what happened in high school.``
“But…I said I was sorry, I feel awful.”
“You should feel bad.” you said “I feel bad for how I handled it, and you don't have to forgive me for what I did, but I do not forgive you.”
“But..I wasn't even one of the bullies!” she interjected “Please i just want to put what happen in the past.”
“East for you to say.” you said and crossed your arms and started picking at your sleeve “You weren't the one who went home silently crying to yourself, hating everything about you and wondering, why they hate me.”
“You want to know why everyone hated you?” she said “You were such a stuck-up snobby little pompous- ugh even now you are acting like you know it all!”
You rolled your eyes, and looked at Keigo who looked regretful, you let out a sigh
“Yuki do me a favor and just don't talk to me anymore, just don't be in my life, I don't want anything to do with you, or what happened in high school.” you walked past Keigo
“I'm heading to lunch, feel free to join me alone.”
Yuki was left there stunned, her fist shaking “You see that's how she was, self-imposed, mightier than thou attitude!”
“Huh.” Keigo said as he walked after you, Yuki followed him “Keigo where are you going? You saw what she just did right.”
“Sure did,” Keigo said as he brushed her off as he hustled over to you. Yuki's face was red with anger as she stormed off.
“Care to tell me why you brought her,” you asked, yup you were mad
“I have a good explanation, but a long one.” Keigo said, as he then proceeded to tell a very long story about last night, and what happens in class “And that's the truth, sorry I wasn't thinking”
“...well you had my best interest in mind, so I can't be mad.” you said “But maybe Yuki has a point.”
“Hmmm no I don't think she does,” Keigo said 
‘No I am pretty…petty at times.” you said, “Maybe I should have just bitten the bullet and accepted her apology, but it wouldn't have felt right.”
“I envy that.” Keigo said “I wish I could be more blunt with my boundaries and feelings. Guess I have a tendency to tip tow around the issue.”
“I think we all do, to keep the peace.” you said, “you know me and Yuki were on the swim team together, I was always faster than her, I tried to give her some of my tips, but then she grew cold towards me, she probably thought I was nit-picking her.”
The two of you arrived at the stand
“Hey hawks, the usual for the two of you?” Aiko said,
“Yes please.” Keigo said, “And look you have every right to not forgive her, if you want someone who caused you a lot of pain in your life to not be in it, then so be it.”
“Thanks, Keigo, that means a lot to hear.” you said, “I have to get to my next class, but let's get lunch again sometime.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he said as you gave him a small smile and left.
Kiego took a bite from his food as he watched you walk off, he felt funny like his stomach was filled with static, his heart beating a little faster than usual. He shook it off as he made his way to his next class, it was just a study hall, he looked at his phone again and saw the selfie of the two of you, and there was that funny feeling in his gut again.
“Oh no.” he thought “Nope, nope, nope, we are not doing this, you hear me Keigo, you put those feelings away right now, she just got out of a horrible relationship and here you are catching feelings!”
He closed his phone and went back to his book
“I mean I'm sure the emotional  baggage from her other relationship is still heavy in the air, you shouldn't have to deal with that.”
Yuki's words rang in his head “More like she shouldn't have to deal with another shit-bag crushing on her, I've only recently learned how to be a semi-decent person, she shouldn't have to deal with my silly little emotions, especially since her ex literally stalked her down and forced his way into his apartment, and if he is as vengeful as (Name) says he is, I should keep my eyes out, all I can think of doing right now is just try to be a good friend, and get my shit together before I even think about how cute she is when she absorbed in a book, the way her eyebrows furrow when she reads a - AGHHH STOP IT!”
Meanwhile, Dabi was still sitting in the motel bathtub looking at some public records Kent found from searching, as annoying as he was, he sure was good at uncovering people's dirty little family secrets. 
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mdpikachu · 10 months
yes this is the dante theory list for those who liked this post but im also making it my pinned
First; Hi, I'm Md (they/it/she) and welcome to my autism hole. Boops you. HERE is my art blog, HERE is my eldritch sideblog, HERE is my berserkerlot sideblog, and HERE is my photoblog, HERE is my AO3, HERE is my Flight Rising, HERE is my BlueSky. Okay, now back to the actual post. Limbus FC is C092709920.
Md's hot hot list of Dante limbus theories that I've been sitting on since I started playing
ONE OF THESE WILL BE RIGHT. MAYBE. cut for length. discuss in the comments. contains ruina and lobocorp spoilers. maybe even leviathan spoilers. assume spoilers for the newest content. pinning so i can keep adding to it in the future. (edited 7/7) (up to TKT)
Theory 58, pushed up bc it has potential, 7/7- Dante's name is Da'at or something similar. it's a hidden sephirot. iIT'S NUMBER 10. WAIT THIS FUCKS TO THE TOP OF THE LIST THIS GOES.
Theory 1, from early march 2023- Dante has the option to get their head back, takes it. Human Dante is shown. except clearly hiding unfamiliarity with the sinners. The clock head is still alive. A clock doesnt need a body to live. Human evil dante uses the golden whatever to cause Problems and has the sinners chained to them. vergil is free tho so he can beat down evil dante. (this now works with a canto 5 tidbit where vergil said he'd only step in if "all sinners dead, dante is beaten, and the hands of the clock are about to be torn off".)
T2, 3/12- 9 circles of hell, Dante, and a few subsections. Dante is sinner 10. Charon is also in the divine comedy so she'll get a section. Dante are u lucifer. who is the lucifer of the setting?? i'm saying pre-dante Dante until otherwise noted. (not personally fond of this one)
T3, 3/15- iori saw limbus going a certain way and guaranteed it by making sure Dante got factory reset by force. villain to cause heroism. (dont know enough about Iori for this one)
**T4- Backwards clock relation possible. (possibly canon validated) (even more possible connection as of 6.3)
T5- Saying Dante had a significant other named Beatrice is way too low bar but It's a necessary one. ech
T6- Dante IS Beatrice and given the name of someone else. (too ez)
T7, 3/17- future Dante guaranteeing the future changes by getting past Dante's head removed. issue solved. This one is based on the opening and reading the lyrics real goodly.
T8, 3/20- Dante's head has a lil bit of angelas ai in there. or ayin data. benjamin. any of them. carmen even. fuck whatever. maybe hokma bc ticking in ruina theme. (this one lead to some Better Ideas. see later) (4/7) POSSIBLY SUPPORTED BY 6.2. WHY DID THEY SEE THAT.
T9, 3/23- The three censored letters. B E A, S I N, E G O, A L I, who knows. v e r. could be anything this one is nothing
T10, 3/26- Faust VERY SPECIFICALLY says that brains cant be replaced-- so even if Dante gets their head back, it's incompatible now. (!! this is a Top Theory)
T11, 3/28- Beatrice or someone else died around Christmas, which makes Dante sad even without their memories. The pain exists but the context is missing. (They also seem to know Christmas music without any issue, able to sing along with Charon in their head. This is not addressed in canon.)
T12, 3/30- Beatrice was one of the orphans that died in Leviathan :) the time period matches up. It was around Christmas.
T13, 3/31- HARD LOBOCORP SPOILER. Thinking about In Hell We Live (Lament). "Each loop we live/die thru"? How many times? How many times has Dante done this? Or Pre-Dante, anyway. Faust is probably in on it. The new L corp took one look at what Ayin was doing and went "we can do that too lmao". Losing their memory was a base requirement to prevent madness. I rewrote this theory on 9/19 but added "to prevent a paradox"
T14, 4/18- Less a HC and more a suggestion, just use F Corp's shit to Unlock Dante's memory. If we ever visit District F, you KNOW Faust is gonna keep them on one hell of a tight leash.
T15- Is the Star a Singularity? Did Dante STEAL it? Are THEY the singularity? The clock? This one's too easy too though.
T16, 5/8- WAT IF THE STAR IS LUCIFER. MORNING STAR. CAN MANIPULATE SOULS IN HELL. (weak but proj moon loves their Christian imagery. this will come back repeatedly) not this one. maybe
T17, 5/10- Dante is either connected to whitenight OR a jesus figure (12 apostles, sin, not dying when killed, revives people, etc. the christianity again. it will continue. i already drew plague doc dante.) (4/7, possible but carmen is the lucifer adjacent if 6-34 is anything to go by. jesus is still open.)
**T18. 5/16- Dante's clock hands are made from a Golden Bough. ez. LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO canto 5.2
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T19. 6/16- This has 0 canon basis but what if Dante was a Bloodfiend, would that be cool or what? They already don't need to eat, but is that from the clock or something else? Do they get IVs with nutrients? How does this work? Idk. I just want Dante to cut their hand open, make giant claws and rip a man apart before eating dirt. Dante can chew on a Sinner as a treat. c: I just want this one.
T20- Wouldn't it be fucked up if Dante found their head and it had either Distorted or was an Abnormality??
T21, 9/29- Religious Bastard Dieci Dante Aligheri.
T22- Dante has gotten Very Attached to the Sinners as their only form of contact while they've gotten themselves together. They recently realized many Sinners are doing this for the end goals, not to be a team. This seemed to upset them. UPSET THEM MORE. DISTORT THEM. DANTE REALIZES THEY'LL ALL LEAVE WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD. Carmen! Come get this bitch.
T23- Actually, Dante should distort for any reason. I Absolutely Understand the Mechanics (lying). Got too depressed, hit -45 SAN and decided they're just a useless tool instead of a person? Absolutely. You're now a piece of equipment. (when Heath asks if they're okay in canto 5 bc they got injured, dante responds "the clocks fine so who cares?") (I now understand the mechanics but want it anyway) They won't.
T24- Building off the previous, they're really starting to believe they're just a tool like how Gregor thinks he's a bug. That Is Not Good For Your Mental Health (garry ib icon.png)
T25- Putting this here just before my fav one, their skin. We never see it, so a list of potential possibilities excluding Being White bc that's BORING: Any POC, ashy skin (like vergil), dark ashy (charon), pure black or close to (a lot of people do this, me included), dark and covered in stars, very tattooed, very mechanical, just outright a robot, bloodfiend again, scarred, frankensteiny, bough roots, fucked up censored, ETC. Based on the few images we have that show anything, it's just pitch black under there unless it's a skinsuit. the rest of them may be any of the above but for now most of these are defunct.
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T26- My Current Top Theory of All Time- Dante is an AI. They have never been human, just machine. At least one of their creators cared enough to do better than Ayin ever fucking did, fostering curiosity and a desire to live in the little AI. Thing is, after Angela, AI became Very Illegal. There's no way their creators survived. L Corp New got them. Old AI Dante was, at their core, still an unfeeling machine that made decisions based purely on cold logic. New Dante is a person that is learning and growing, refusing to follow the colder path at times.
Is the clock part of them? Unsure. That can work either way.
But they're definitely becoming a person who doesn't want every encounter to end in bloodshed and death. Good for them. (this part is correct)
T27- Dante is not Ruina Dante. they didn't get booked. I think they'd throw hands on sight.
T28- Verg/Dante that's all glory to yxxiville
T30- I missed one! Their eyes with a human head. This has a few that rotate. Red eyes, Gold eyes, Gold with the star, heterochromia with only one gold/star and red, pitch black (pre-d), or night sky/star. mix and match. who cares?
T31- I personally like the idea of Dante being a redhead (real red not ginger like ish) but realize it doesn't make much sense. Black hair works too, esp smoky, but they need more color. maybe fire streaks? if POC, maybe dreads?
T32- I am now also accepting heathcliff/dante post canto 5.1 he care so much.... actually just sinner polycule is valid. so is sinner family. both work. the only part I dont like is dante/faust. doesn't feel right. Charon excluded. that is our child. sinner x any other sinner. dante x anyone. including vergil. not charon.
T33- Forgot an old one where I figured Dante was a hacker that got into a Lot of trouble and being sinner #10 was meant to be a suicide mission.
T34- Dante being an ai part 2, having been planted in a body. maybe even a body they knew.
T35- [added to 25]
T36- Memory loss being fully intentional to kill their previous self and only carry over the necessary. A new start.
T37- Yknow how we never SAW Dante being an upper torso and arm in canto 3? Why? What is being hidden that's so important? robot parts? are you a robot? are you a -
T38- Dante being an artist of any kind. musician, poet, painter, etc. even post amnesia. give em a hobby
T39- Somewhere else I discussed forms that'd be fun for a Dante Distortion but i cant find it so ill reiterate: coffin spider, all around helper clock, useless fucking thing. all of which have gold chains suffocating them and it doesnt fight back. give it morphine
T40- this one's insane but dante's og self being the Player/self-insert. thats why they were "Me" and not "Dante" we're not them. but we also are. (in tkt theres an npc names Mai so like. its close)
T41- This ones a joke but og dantes name actually just being "Me". (but not pronounced that way) (alternatively it was a nickname)
T42- Dante being an interviewer or reporter- A big name one. No wonder they keep secrets like K corps singularity. They can release that publicly later... if they choose to.
T43- RECREATE CARMEN. DO IT PUSSY. That 5.5 Blade scene is Damning as all hell. That or the bough + the monolith had an Interaction.
T44- Dante's internal programming knows the City Lore but Dante isn't allowed to know. The fact so much of that scene was censored...
T45- Dante is Bongbong
T46- I haven't beaten Ruina so I don't know a lot about Constructs or Librarians but like. Maybe they were one of those.
T47- Dante is going to eventually explode (figuratively). Even they can only take so much abuse and bullshit. Self-esteem can only go so low.
T48- Dante being a disaster chimera of stuff. AI made of someone else's brain, in someone else's body, with other stuff installed, etc, etc, etc.
T49- The Star reminds me too much of Blue Star, talking about Sin and such. Maybe it's an abno relating to that. who knows.
T50- Dante is an ID and there's a mirror in their head keeping them active. I hope they do a Charon/Lapis and totally overwrite the og bc the og's an asshole.
T51- Dante's the first successful "new human"
T52- Dante IS fucked up but something in their head hides the fuckedupness from everyone else.
T53- Dante is connected to that "ancient river".
T54- Dante was part of the 13th association.
T55- Dante stops keeping info to themselves so damn often. This is basically a bingo free space.
**T56- The Sinners are using Dante's time CONFIRMED jfc i JUST added this one too. and then tkt just confirms it like a minute later.
T57- Dante is a star. just straight up.
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n0vadroid · 3 months
From Strangers to Soulmates
“So you two are all good now?” Runa asked.
Gogo nodded. “Yeah, everything turned out okay. We're both good with each other.”
“Well, I’m glad,” Runa replied, placing her hands on Gogo’s. “But I do want to meet this Robert. I’ve heard a lot about him, so I need to meet him. Especially since he’ll be your future husband.”
Gogo blushed. “O-Oba, he’s just a friend. He just broke up with his girlfriend, so I don’t think he’s even looking for another relationship.”
“Hm, if you say so,” Runa replied. “But since he’s your friend, I still want to meet him.”
“W-well, only if he says yes. He’s pretty busy,” Gogo said.
“Sounds good to me. Just let me know by Friday,” Runa replied.
Gogo nodded. “I will.”
“Great. Oh! I almost forgot, but your grandparents were thinking of having dinner with everyone at their house,” Runa said. “What do you think?”
“Sure, but when is it?” Gogo asked.
“Actually, I’m not too sure. I’ll have to ask them later today,” Runa replied. “I’ll let you know, though.”
“Okay. What about Ken? Does he know?” Gogo asked.
“I don’t know but I’ll let him know just in case. And your sister, too. She might come down here for it,” Runa replied.
“Sounds great, Oba-” Gogo was interrupted by her cell phone ringing. “Um, can I get this?”
“Sure, go ahead,” Runa replied.
Gogo gave her aunt a smile and then went to the kitchen to get some privacy. “Hi, Robaire.”
“Hey, Gogo. How’ve you been since yesterday?” Robaire asked over the phone.
“I’m doing good. I feel way better after you apologized yesterday,” Gogo replied.
“That’s good. Uh, are you busy tomorrow?” Robaire asked.
“I’m back at work now, so I get off at 4:00 and I go to school until 7:30 tomorrow. Why do you ask?” Gogo asked.
“W-well, how do you feel about another thank you?” Robaire asked.
Gogo smiled. “You mean…you wanna take me out again?”
Robaire blushed. “I-yeah. I do. I wanna thank you for…everything you’ve done to help me out with Aaliyah. Taking care of me while I was drunk, telling me about her kissing Perris, cooking for me, giving me medicine. Everything.”
Gogo’s heart raced as she was silent. “That sounds great, Robaire. So is it gonna be another surprise like last time?”
“No, actually. I was thinking about us going to the pier. We could get food, play some games, and maybe go on a few rides. What do you say?” Robaire asked.
Gogo nodded. “I say let’s do it. When’s a good time for you?”
“You get out of school at 7:30, so let’s go then,” Robaire suggested. “The pier’s open until 9:00, so we got an hour and a half.”
“Oh…” Gogo deflated. “I kinda don’t want to stay for only an hour, there’s plenty to do after all. How about we go on Wednesday? My last day of college is on Tuesday, so we can do it then.”
Robaire nodded. “Sounds like a plan. So do you wanna meet at the cafe again?”
“We can, but we’re driving to the pier, so maybe not.” Gogo had an idea. “How about you pick me up?”
“P-pick you up?” Robaire asked.
“Mhm. You’ve been to my house before but you were pretty drunk, so you might not remember how to get there. I can send you the address…how does that sound?” Gogo asked. 
“S-sure, yeah, that’s fine. Just….let me know before Wednesday,” Robaire replied.
Gogo smiled again. “I will. Oh and we can go at 4:30. That’ll give us a lot more time to do a lot of stuff,” Gogo blushed, “together.”
Robaire’s heart skipped a beat. “Yeah. T-together, uh…sounds good. 4:30 it is.”
“Perfect. I’ll-I’ll see you on Wednesday,” Gogo said.
“Same here. Bye,” Robaire said before hanging up.
Gogo held her cell phone close to her chest and sighed before meeting her aunt back in the living room.
Part 26
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
Tbh I think Aidan is a nice guy and not the type to date a much younger woman. I don’t think he has a history of doing that, and he’s said that the Petyr/Sansa stuff makes him uncomfortable. It’s just his characters who are creepy, not him.
Well no, I think it's pretty well established that Aidan wouldn’t date a woman in her early 20s. I'm sorry anon but did you just stop by my blog for the first time today? Because I've already addressed this on many occasions. No one thinks Aidan is a creep, no one has called Aidan a creep, and we've established that he didn't approve of a romantic relationship between Petyr and Sansa. (However, I've never heard or read him say that it makes him uncomfortable. Just that he doesn't see it romantically because he has a kid her age.) But that's because she's VERY young. The age of his kids young.
And as far as his history, Camille is 7 years younger than he is. I dont know how old baby mamma is. And those are the only two women he's been publicly linked to. He's very private. But I garuantee you that between baby mamma and Camille, he didn’t become a monk. And we'll never know the ages of whomever warmed his bed on those nights. But, IF he were single, I don't think he'd be opposed to dating someone my age or a few years younger, like early 30s. That's 15 to 20 years his junior, which IS much younger. So I don't entirely agree with you that he would never do that.
And I'm not just saying that because I want him. The girl who played his girlfriend in 12 Rounds is almost a year younger than me and in the behind the scenes footage he goes on about their kissing scene and says she is a "very, very sexy kisser" and even jokes that the kissing scene was all his idea. So I think it's safe to say he's sexually attracted to women at least 15 years his junior, possibly up to 20. Because 20 years younger than him is still a 35-year-old grown ass woman. I don't think he sees a 30-something as someone who is unequal to him. I don't know how many 30 some year old women you know, but myself and the ones I know don't take shit from a man because he's older than us. (In fact, I got told by a 62 year old man that I'd never find a man because of my mouth. 🤣 Not my cussing but because I stand up for myself and express my opinions.)
Look, I love the boy and yes he is a sweetheart, but sometimes I think some fans want to put him on a Saintly little pedestal and completely forget the fact that he is still just a man.
Some fans think he's too shy and pure to be seen as sexy and yet he buys a fan a drink who calls him sexy to his face. On the red carpet women taking photos were cat-calling him and saying "ooh look at that tongue action" and the little fucker had the BIGGEST shit-eating grin on his face loving every second of the sexual innuendo.
I bring this up because it goes hand-in-hand with the fans who think he's too pure or saintly or something to look at a woman much younger than him and want to fuck the living shit out of her.
It's just not a very realistic viewpoint of a 55 year old man. Personally, I like the idea that he's a little naughty but for those who like to see celebs as super sweet and pure and wholesome, could be at risk of having that bubble popped, I'm just saying. I learned that lesson a very long time ago. Especially when it came to my idea of what older men are like. They're good in bed but the vast majority of them are pervy as fuck. More so than younger men in my experience.
The shy, quiet ones are often the kinkiest too btw. And are usually way better at it than the ones that brag.
Oh, and that picture of him talking to Natalie Dormer at a GOT premiere one year...his hand on her tit looked like no accident. I'm sorry, there's no way that was an accident. She's not crazy younger, she's 14 years younger, but her age isn't my point. My point is, he's still a MAN.
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Oh and I just remembered this picture where he looks like he's absolutely hating the female attention. (Note sarcasm)
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Okay, sorry that got long-winded. I just wanted to put this topic to bed for the last time with all of my thoughts, opinions, and evidence.
Final verdict: no one thinks Aidan is a creep. It's an actual FACT that he does not approve of Petyr and Sansa romantically. He IS a super sweet guy. But he has a dick attached to him. He isn't perfect. He is only a human man.
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hoeforgvf · 2 years
AN: hii! I really enjoyed writing this and yes I thought of this idea while sitting in class and I had to make it. Very happy how it turned out! Little proofread so if there’s a mistake don’t be afraid to tell me lol.
Warnings- none, just some good ole fluff
Word count: 1,987
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“This is going to be a big project grade” your teacher continues talking. You zone out for a couple seconds just to pulled right back out. You feel someone tapping on your shoulder. You turn around to see Jake kiszka behind you. “Hey um, we are partners.” Your eyes widen a little, you weren’t surprised, your science teacher never let you pick partners. You definitely thought Jake was cute but you wouldn’t say you had a huge crush on him because to be completely honest you never really talked to him. Josh was in your 1st period and sat behind you. He was a chatter and you could keep a conversation going with him no problem. “Oh, sorry I wasn’t pay attention.”
“It’s fine.” He smiles. The bell rings but Jake doesn’t leave you. “Not sure if you heard her but she said that we need to look at the sky tonight. She said we didn’t have to be together but we had to write the paper together.” You nod your head as he kept talking. “So if you’re not busy you could come by my house or something, so you know it would be easier to do the project.”
Science wasn’t your best subject but you did enjoy astrology so it was easy and you could definitely do this project by yourself. “Ok that sounds good.” You both walk out of the door and into the busy hallway. “I can give you my number, so I can text you my address.” You pull out your phone and give it to him. He puts in his number and hands it back. “Ok all set. What time is best for you?” You thought to yourself, you had dance at 5:30 and wouldn’t be done until 6:30 and you would probably have to come home and change. “Is 8 good?” “Yea that’s perfect. See you then.” “Bye.” He smiles and you go on your separate ways.
You couldn’t wait to go to his house. The school day took forever and dance seemed longer than usual. But 8:00 finally rolled around. You looked at your phone to see the address he gave you and you got in your car. Only 7 minutes away. You started getting a little nervous not knowing if it was going to be awkward or not.
You got to his house and knocked on his door. Sam opens it up. “Jake your girlfriend is here!!!” He yells and runs back upstairs. Jake coms out of the kitchen and closes to the door behind you. “Hey” you say. “Hey, I’m sorry about Sam. He is um well, he can get annoying sometimes.” You laugh and you see josh get up from the couch. “Y/k? What are doing here?” Before you could talk Jake answers for you. “We have a project to do, so don’t bother us.” He rolls his eyes and goes into the kitchen. “I set up some stuff in the backyard. I also ordered pizza, I didn’t know if you already ate.” “Oh thanks.” He started walking towards the backyard and you followed him. There were about 3 blankets laid out on the soft grass as well as a couple of small pillows. “I put some blankets and stuff down, I didn’t know how long we would be here.” You nod back and you both sit on the blankets laid out. “What exactly are we supposed to be looking at?” He ask. You look at him. Jake was still looking up at the sky, the moonlight perfectly lighting up his beautiful features. “From what I read on the assignment, we are supposed to find 3 constellations and that’s what we have to write about.” He looks over to you. “That’s seems east enough, however I don’t really know any besides the big and Little Dipper and everyone knows that.”
“Lucky that you have me as a partner, I used to be into this type of stuff.” You point to the night sky and show him Leo. “That one there to left is called Leo.” He looks at you and back at the sky. “How did you find it that fast?” He asked pretty amazed. You laugh a little “I used to sit in my backyard and look for stars.” He smiled back before we were interrupted by his mom. “I have a delivery!” She comes to us with a box of pizza and some waters. “Thank you mom.” Jake says as he takes the box. “If you two need anything else just come inside and I will take care of it for you.” You smile back and nod as she goes back inside. “I hope you like pepperoni pizza.” Jake says. “I love it.” You grab your pizza and laugh at Jake as he tries to take a big bit of the very hot pizza. He laughs too and you guys have small talk. You were so relieved that it wasn’t awkward and very it was natural. It felt right, not forced.
When you’re finished with your pizza you too look back at the sky to find the next two constellations. After about 20 minutes you found them. “Well I guess I better go.” You looked at your phone, 9:57. You start gather your things and get ready to stand up. Jake grabs your wrist. “Wait, i- I uh I want to tell you something.” You sat back down and looked at him. He opened his mouth but closed it before anything came out. Everything was quiet except the crickets chirping and the very faint music that someone was playing from inside their house. “Y/k, I think you’re really pretty, and uh I really like you. I’ve had a small crush on you for a while and my heart kinda dropped when Mrs. Melton partnered us together. I think your really smart and even though we don’t talk I can see that you have a good personality, and josh tells me about you sometimes.” You sat there in shock. “Y/k? Say something, please.”
“Jake, i-, I don’t know what to say. I’m really flattered.” He sat there. “Oh.” He says back “I’m sorry.” You say.
“No, it’s ok. It was stupid, sorry.” You sat there in silence. “Jake, I still want to be friends with you.” He nodded and you could see a single tear go down his cheek. You scoot closer and give him a hug. He was warm and comforting. “I’m really sorry Jake. I like you too but I don’t think I’m ready for another relationship right now.” He nods again and you both stand up. “I can walk you out.”
He walks you out to your car “see you tomorrow.” he waves. “Bye.” Was all you could say. You turned your car on and you felt terrible. You had just gotten out of a relationship a month ago and still needed time to recover. You did like Jake but you didn’t want to date him yet.
When you got home you got a text from Jake.
Jake Kiszka:
Hey, just making sure you got home safe. Sorry if I made it awkward, but I hope you had a good time.
Y/k: I had a lot of fun, I think that we should do it again sometime. Thanks for letting me over, and you didn’t make it awkward I promise. Goodnight Jake :)
Jake Kiszka: Glad! Goodnight y/k.
The next day in science you sat by him while you both started writing your essay. It wasn’t uncomfortable to be with him, if anything it was nice to be with him. And as time passed you too became good friends.
2 month later.
Jake Kiszka: You still coming over?
Y/k: Yeah, otw right now.
Jake Kiszka: Okay. Drive safe. See you later
This was about your 10th time going over to his house since the project. He asked if you wanted to come over to watch this movie with him and josh. You of course said yes, you also didn’t have any other way to spend your Friday night.
When you arrived you were greeted hugs by both Jake and josh as well as his mom. You loved Karen, she was starting to become your mom as well. Ronnie and Sam would occasionally make an appearance but you mostly saw Jake, josh, and his parents.
Josh had picked this thriller movie about these teenage kids in the woods. You weren’t really paying attention, instead you were paying attention to jakes leg. You and Jake had always been touchy but you really started to have feelings for him. Jakes leg was against yours and his arm brushed against yours. You didn’t really realize that the movie was over until josh stood up and you saw the credits. “Did you guys like it?” Josh asks. Jake nods and you lie saying it was good even though you only saw bits and pieces. Josh goes back to his bedroom. “Do you have to go back home?”
You checked the time.
“I have about 45 minutes to kill before curfew.”
“Okay. Do you wanna go to my room?”
You had been in his room only 1 time before this. You walk in and sat on his bed.
“So what do u wanna do?”
“I’m not really sure, I thought you would have an idea.”
You both laugh and he sits beside on his bed. You guys sit there a second before you start to talk.
“You know how the first time I came here you told me that you liked me.”
“Yea… how could I forget.”
“Do you still feel the same because I feel differently then I did.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“I think I’m ready.”
You look over to him and he has a bright smile on his face.
“Yes, I thought it about it a lot and it just feels so natural and perfect to be with you.”
He smiles and his hand brushes up to your cheek. You both lean forward and his lips brush up against yours. He tasted sweet and warm, just like you had imagined. You pull away at the same time. You could feel yourself blush.
“Y/k, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
You laugh and pull him back in.
You could feel him smiling half way in the kiss. You pull away again. “I really like you Jake.” “I really like you y/k.” He says back.
“So what does this mean?” He says. “What do you want it to be?” You say back. “I would love to call you my girlfriend, but I get it if we are moving too fast.” You shook your head. “I want to call you mine as well. I think we have been talking for long enough.” You both smile. Jakes hand was resting on your thigh and your hand was toying with his hair. “I’m really happy y/k, you don’t know how much you mean to me.” You pull into another kiss. “I’m glad I could make you happy.”
Not much longer you had to go back home but that didn’t stop you from talking to Jake. You texted him form the minute you got home to the second you fell asleep.
Everyone around school were calling you too the hottest couple at school. As much as it flattered you, you did want to keep it a little private. However you didn’t mind the little hugs Jake gave you before walking you too your next class or holding hands under the table in science. It was cheesy but you didn’t mind it.
You too we’re constantly at each others home. You guys were inseparable. Either watching movies and cuddling or making out on each others bed. You guys went out on late night car rides blasting music. You guys went on cute little dates, going to different parks and setting out a blanket and watching the stars just like the first night you hung out. He was the one. He was the love of your life.
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bex2313 · 2 years
can you please make your cold call drabble a fic?? I need it in my life.
Wow, I never thought that would become as popular as it has? I can't commit to making it a whole fic, but I did write a continuation. Exclusively in text messages. Will I write more? Maybe. It depends on how frustrating the end of the semester gets. But for now, here's another little piece of this story. (And if you want this to make sense, here's part 1)
Tuesday 1:22 pm PST
Hi Luke, this is Julie Molina!
doesn’t seem like you had time for more than a quick look at your calendar. sure you’re ready to make plans? 😉
Lol yep! I’m free every day next week. 
Just let me know what works for you!
how about monday night?
instead of coffee we could get ice cream?
That sounds perfect! I love ice cream!
Plus there’s a fantastic old-timey ice cream shop near my apartment
cool. meet there around 7?
Can we say 7:30? Traffic.
definitely. 7:30. send me the address?
You got it. I can’t wait!!
Wednesday 9:17 am PST
so jules
i was thinking about our plans
You’re not changing your mind, right?
no way!!!
not what i was thinking
actually the opposite
The opposite of?
opposite of canceling
can i steal 2 nights of your week?
Depends. What for?
so you can meet the guys
maybe that’s dumb
but they’re my people
i want to meet flynn too
and carlos
and anyone else
since you and i are already friends, our friends should be friends
or something
idk alex worded it better
maybe this is a bad idea
No, I love it!
I’ve been dying to meet the guys, anyway
So, does this mean they’re getting ice cream with us?
Or is ice cream just us and we’re doing something else with them?
how about ice cream just us, then we get drinks as a group another night?
willie’s bartending on wednesday at some underground club in los feliz called jumeluf. 
it’s a dumb name but the band is supposed to be excellent
according to willie
My brother’s mentioned that place. I’m in!
cool i’ll see you then
well, after i see you before
i’ll see you mobfay
ugh you know what i mean
lol yeah I do. I’ll see you Monday!
Thursday 7:52 pm PST
so there’s something i didn’t consider
about any outings without lila
i won’t have a car in la
because mine’s in chicago
Oh, I didn’t think about that
Do you want me to pick you up? I don’t mind!
You’ll just need to give me your hotel info
nah i can borrow reggie’s car
but he said he has to meet you first
because he’s an idiot
is that okay?
Sure! I don’t care! 
So drinks on Monday? Or ice cream with everyone?
drinks monday if that’s cool
flynn can come too
for safety or whatever
although i promise me and the guys are cool
but bobby says his sister would never meet a group of guys without a friend
especially not in a bar 
for safety
but also i want to meet her
i can’t remember if she was coming anyway
Yeah, I asked her but she was busy on Wednesday.
She’s free Monday, though!
That sounds great!
Will Willie be working?
he’s working mon-thurs at jumeluf, this weird artsy bar
then fri-sat he’s teaching painting with a twist classes
so the only way i’ll get to meet him is if we go to his work
since i’m working during the day while he’s not
tho we did facetime once with alex
Cool! Yeah, I wanted to meet him too, so that’s perfect!
And Flynn has just agreed with Bobby’s sister
“No woman with half a brain meets a group of strange guys in a bar they’ve never been to without their best friend sitting two tables away drinking water, carrying binoculars, and armed with pepper spray and/or a knife.” 
She will have both, by the way.
A small knife, but a knife. 
should i be worried for our safety??
Definitely not!
Flynn’s protective, but not unnecessarily violent
She won’t hurt you if you’re not a threat
And I’m trusting you not to be
You don’t seem like the type
so long as we’re all still alive and not in the er by the end of the night
Perf! It’ll be great! 
Friday 8:33 pm PST
what’s the weather like in la right now
it’s so cold here i’ve forgotten how to dress for warmer temps
Oh, it’s a little chilly. Mid 60s mostly this week
I’ve been wearing cardigans over my dresses for a while
Not that I can think of a men’s clothing equivalent to that outfit
But that’s been my solution.
What did the boys say?
they rolled their eyes and then ignored me
Well, what do you normally wear in LA at this time of year?
I’m sure that would be fine. 
Luke sent a photo
Not sure your boss will want you working in a cutoff band tee
That *is* you middle-left, correct? 
yup! how’d you know?
Lucky guess, mostly. It was the vibe
Plus I saw the blond guy at Eats N Beats, so I assume he’s Alex
Process of elimination from there.
You’ve talked about how in love with his fancy red bass Reggie is
And there’s something in Bobby’s face…
He doesn’t look quite as obsessed with music as you
Still like a nice guy, but not crazed enough to be you
i’m not crazed
but also you are completely right
alex would be laughing at me right now
saying if even the girl i talk to once a month knows, there’s something wrong with me. 
I guess it’s good they’re ignoring you
But Flynn and I are about to walk into the theater
Talk to you later!
Saturday 10:26 am PST
Luke sent a photo
You got snow!!!! I’m so jealous!!! 
I’ve never seen snow in person before!
no way!! snow was such a common part of my childhood
i’ve got so many fun snow day memories
one year, we got out of school for three whole days for snow
reggie stayed with us for a couple days and we built snowmen and a fort and drank cocoa
mom made us matching scarves. 
bright red, so we would stand out in the snow
Awww, that’s so sweet! 
Do you still have it?
And will you build a snowman this morning?
Julie sent a gif
lol i’ve never seen frozen, but i’m definitely more anna than elsa
and no, i don’t have time for a snowman today
i’ve gotta take mom’s car to the shop and then pick up some groceries
confirm that mrs. callahan is still coming tuesday morning
run to the pharmacy to refill mom’s prescriptions
and pack for la
but man would i love to build a snowman instead
I guess you don’t have time for a snow angel either
Too bad!
I’ve always wanted to make a snow angel
snow angels take way less time
i’ll try to fit one in 
Whether you get a snow angel in or not, make sure you get the essentials done
And then get some rest! 
Can’t have you too tired to hang out when you get to town!
i’ll get everything done and sleep on the plane if i have to
i’m too excited to meet you
Saturday 4:32 pm PST
Luke sent a photo
You did it!!! So fun!!!
I hope you get some good rest now!
And maybe drink some hot cocoa?
i went with coffee, actually
but yeah, more fun than I remember
and now i’m resting-ish
i’m resting. and also doing something else
Is that something relaxing and restful?
i’m working on a song
So no. 
Get your thoughts down and then put the notebook away and watch a movie or something
i hear you. but also 
i want it to be done so the boys and i can try it out
I’m sure they’ll help you write it if you let them!
Just think about it!
Travel is the opposite of restful
So rest while you can!
i’ll try
That’s all I ask! 
Sunday 6:37 am PST
Julie sent a photo
I know you’re probably not awake yet, but the sunrise was beautiful this morning
I had to share it with someone, and Flynn is sick of my sunrise obsession
Sunday 8:21 am PST
dude that’s stunning
i love that
good morning!
in 12ish hours i’ll be on a plane to la
You’re coming in today?
I thought you’ll arrive tomorrow
we’re getting in just after midnight. 
lila’s big on night travel, apparently
I never travel at night
You’ll have to let me know how it goes!
you got it, boss!
Sunday 7:15 pm PST
headed to the airport! be in la in about five hours
Thanks for the text. Be safe, Luke! 
yaass cant wait to see you
i call dibs on picking you up at the airport
We’re all picking him up at the airport
Actually I cant make it
Dad called a family meeting
But Ill be back in the morning
technically none of you are picking me up at the airport. 
lila hired a car service to take us to the hotel
but you can get me from the hotel
Have a safe trip, Luke! Can’t wait to see you!
hi random stranger
Reggie! Don’t be rude! 
That’s Julie, right? Are you Julie?
lol yep, that’s me! 
julie are you a serial killer
no jules isn’t a serial killer
be chill!
Sorry about him. Reggie’s got a good heart. He’s just… Reggie
You’ll understand when you meet him. 
I’m Alex
No worries hahaha! My best friend would probably react the same way
But more intense, actually
And no, I’m not a serial killer
alex im wounded
dont make me come in there and fight you
Noooooooo wait to fight him till I come home
Ive got money on Reg winning but I have to have video proof
You bet Reggie would beat me in a fight?!?
Guess he’s not the only one I’ll be fighting this week, Robert
If it makes you feel better Willies got complete confidence in you
It does, actually. Thank you. 
we’re boarding in ten minutes 
but apparently i have to do work now
so i’m turning off my phone
talk to you later
and please stop blowing up julie’s phone
oh right sorry julie
see you tomorrow
No worries!! I’m excited to meet you all! 
Monday, 12:32 am PST
just got in to lax
we’re at baggage claim and then we’ll head to the hotel
address is 5249 W Century Blvd
its the la quinta
Thanks! We’re headed that way now! 
Glad you made it safe!
Monday, 1:17 am PST
Reggie sent a photo
evidence that I *did* in fact pick up luke at the airport
except we were at the hotel already
but you know what i mean
Duuuudeee some of us are trying to sleep
thats what do not disturb is for
I hate to say it, but he’s kind of right.
But also, why are we texting pictures to people who all saw the thing in person??
julie didnt
*cough cough*
neither did bobby
Reggie sent a photo
Monday, 1:44 am PST
Reggie sent a photo
Monday, 2:01 am PST
Reggie sent a photo
Monday, 6:13 am PST
Looks like you guys had a fun night! 
I hope you all got some sleep!
I’m expecting four wide-awake musicians at a bar tonight!
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