#how can you be so heartless you killed an animal due to neglect I would be a little bit more tactful
artamos · 3 months
I'm sorry I don't think bad of you if you post jokes about hamsters dying but I think its like weird how everyone thinks its funny their parents bought them a small vulnerable animal with really specific husbandry and the animal died prematurely due to neglect or abuse. Like it's not funny and I'm sick of jokes about silly hamster deaths. You should be a little more ashamed that you failed to look after something that depended on you and you should be ashamed that your parents never taught you to value lives of small animals because they're not as charming as a dog or cat
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life-rewritten · 4 years
Flower of Evil: The Breakdown of the Psyche of Baek Hee Sung
Watching episode 15 of Flower of Evil is a thrilling experience that still haunts me till this very day. We could focus on the psychological state of Do Hyun So as he hears that Baek Hee Sung kills Cha Ji Won. I could analyse it as a Romeo and Juliet base;  dreadful outcome of miscommunication and how this has been foreshadowed since the very beginning of this show. But what's even more fascinating is how the ghost of Do Min Seok is used even more as a way to showcase the breakdown of his psyche again, especially when he starts to doubt Cha Ji Won in front of him because he always believed he wasn't sane. It's a fantastic painful scene. So yeah we could focus on all that, but I want to focus again on the actual message of the show being a flower made of evil/in evil, and look at the man, the coward, the villain of this show Baek Hee Sung. His reasoning, his descent into psychopathy, and his reasons for his thirst to kill.
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A breakdown of the psyche of Baek Hee Sung
When we first look at Baek Hee Sung, he's found lying on a hospital bed secretly stashed inside a walk-in closet of his parents. His mum is hugely emotional and anxious about him, we can tell she holds a lot of guilt, and she's involved in his situation. His dad is there to hold her back from making mistakes, whilst also still making her feel guilty whenever she tried to actively move on and accept Do Hyun So as her family. (which she admits to him in episode 14) 
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Baek Hee Sung lying on the bed doesn't feel as scary and whilst the clues are there that he is the missing accomplice; the reason for why the serial killings stopped after Do Min Seok committed suicide, (the day he went into a coma) and his family's need to conceal him away like a secret.  Even when he wakes up, he's still not as scary as his father who acts more coldly and heartless in situations and feels more dangerous than the guy who can't walk. It's until the audience is told he is the accomplice that things start to fall into place. The question is, why is Baek Hee Sung a killer.
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The Guilty Party: His Parents
I've already posted about the irony of the identity of Baek Hee Sung, how both he and Do Hyun So are mirrors of each other, foils of each other destined to intersect. Just like Hyun So was taken to therapy at a very young age for hurting animals, Hee Sung was also there because he also dropped a brick from the roof on a dog/car with people in it. He blamed it on stress, and unease from his exams, he needed to let off steam, and whilst Hyun So doesn't react or give of emotions to the therapist, Hee Sung cries and acts guilty making people think he's not someone with a disorder. Including his parents, who feel guilty for making him into one later because of neglect and stress on him to succeed as a maths wiz. This is when Hee Sung meets Do Min Seok, and he tells his parents he was coerced and forced by him into the killing. 
Reasons for why his family continues to aid him into killing: 
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The father and his neglect
The mother of Hee Sung states that from the very beginning she was the one who took care of Hee Sung, she was the one who taught him, stayed by him as he grew up. His dad was nowhere to be found because he was always working. Even in the past, when he was taken to therapy, his father wasn't at the hospital, it was his mother who knew and fully understood his character. The most important scene that is repeated is that his father refused to answer the phone when he ran over Do Hyun So and because he panicked he proceeded to try and bury him in the back yard. This is what caused the catalyst of his mother, stabbing him and realising the monster he's become. It's what drives him to be in the coma. Looking at this information and what Director Baek says, it's his guilt for not being with his son that causes him to act out if he was there perhaps Min Seok wouldn't have coerced Hee Sung if he was there or answered the phone his family would not be in the predicament they are in. His guilt is focused on ensuring his family is safe, protected and mended. Because he was not there at the beginning. From his cold attitude, and unfeeling persona about other matters, it can be assumed that he only focused on the fact that his son was a genius, and math wiz, he probably didn't think it was wrong as long as his status and reputation were good.  He believes after his son wakes up that by being by his side, he will change, he will now be part of it and control the other variables. This is what causes him to pardon Hee Sung continuously; he feels too guilty to try and stop him. (though his guilt doesn't stop him from being abusive, I guess.) He's even willing to kill to get his family protected, as long as he can manipulate someone else to take the fall. He uses Do Hyun So as physical place holder, hoping to get rid of him and return his son to that position, he even menace says that Hyun so's wife and child will end up being given to Hee Sung, and that's his goal. The father's character is three dimensional because as much as he acts cold and unfeeling, he does have one thing he cares about his son and family's reputation. This is why it can be proved as well that the environment for Hee Sung was also part of the reasons for his descent into psychopathy/murder. His father neglect that makes him more prone to following Min Seok to get attention.
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The mother and her guilt
Baek Hee Sung has a different relationship with his mother; he indulges her and doesn't feel angry about her trying to kill him. He coerces her into helping him and his antics because he plays as well on her guilt. Different from the father's responsibility in neglect, his mum is representative of the burden in pressure. From the start of the show, the mother reacts anxiously to any hints of pressure: she rips up Eun Ha (her fake grand daughter's) maths work because it's too ahead of her, she blames the work for the reason for why it would ruin her life and her mum's, she also questions Eun Ha if her mum hits her, or hurts her when she gets the answer wrong suggesting that Hee Sung may have been forced into the life of being a maths wiz. Her character is over-reactive, and she makes mistakes all the time. She feels guilty for pressuring him into studying, especially when in the psychiatry hospital he says it's what caused him to throw the dog from the rooftop. In her mind, the pressure they instilled on her son is what made him look for refuge and release from Min Seok.  Her guilt continues to hunt her because she reacts to the reveal of his killings by stabbing him and putting him in an extended coma. Her guilt is what makes her hide him on life support in the closet, ensuring they keep him alive, and her guilt even worsens when she finally wants to end it all (and move on) by killing him again but only making him wake up. Not only is she feeling guilty for making him a monster because of pressure, but she feels guilty for trying to kill her own son who 'was a victim of the environment'. In her mind, her husband's neglect pushed him into wanting to seek someone else in his life as a mentor, and her pressure on him to succeed caused him to break down in need of release (he killed to feel calmer/distract himself from the stress). Because of this, and the fact that her maid betrays her (she doesn't have anyone else to trust but her family) she allows Hee Sung to coerce her into framing Hyun So. In her mind, because everyone else is terrible/fake because there is no one else who will protect her but her son and her husband she decides to team with them and keep protecting Hee Sung. It's all about guilt. Both the parents feel guilt, but the immense guilt they have is not knowing the influence of Do Min Seok in their son's life. 
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Do Min Seok and his cruelty 
What Hee Sung tells his parents is that Do Min Seok forced him into the killing, he feared for his life, and so his only option was to kill. This is interesting if you do believe his perspective. We've seen Min Seok can be quite coercive as he tried to coerce Do Hyun So as well into hurting and maiming animals, he took him out on excursions waiting for potential to see if he was going to kill like him. Min Seok also approaches Hee Sung due to hearing about his incident with the brick, and he tells him that he's just like him. Reasons for why Hee Sung's parents would believe that Do Min Seok did do what their son says, is because of the cruelty of the murders,  and their refusal to accept his role in it that makes them see it as the only option/reason for why he did it.  However it is revealed that Do Min Seok did not need Hee Sung anymore once they captured Jung Mi-Sook, he wanted him to turn himself in and stop, but Hee Sung proceeded to kill him because he could no longer go back to his past life, and he now had a never-ending thirst for violence. And this brings the question why did he develop an appetite for murder? 
Baek Hee Sung and his thirst for violence 
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The father figure
It's interesting when we analyse the scene when Min Seok warns Hee Sung not to bring his son into the conversation, his desperate need to frame Do Hyun So as the murder/accomplice, and why he reacts by killing Min Seok for wanting to abandon him. The intentions from Min Seok is clear; he understands that Hee Sung won't be in trouble because his parents are wealthy enough to acquit him for his murders if they pay enough. He's not selfishly abandoning Hee Sung, but he's giving him an excuse to stop killing. This goes against Hee Sung's own claim that Min Seok was abusive and forced him into the killing.  So why is he obsessed with framing Do Hyun So. From looking at the environment/nurture, he received so far before he met Min Seok, it could be possible that just as the neglect plagued his father, Hee Sung was plagued by it too. The first way Min Seok coerces Hee Sung into joining him is to speak about them as equal, he states whilst others see it frightening and weird to understand him, Min Seok is like him, and he should find others like him, so he's not lonely. Min Seok used Hee Sung's loneliness to bring him to his side.  One might guess that from learning and being mentored by Min Seok,  Hee Sung found a father in Do Min Seok, someone who let him be himself (aided his thirst to hurt/maim) and someone who understood him.  This can then explain why he is determined to punish/frame Hyun So for the murders; jealousy.  It seems that just as much as Hyun So in the future wants to be Baek Hee Sung the most to live, Hee Sung wanted the reverse to be like Hyun So, and have someone like Min Seok who understood his urges and thirst for violence but still cared.  The jealousy of Hyun So also can explain why he reacted and killed Min Seok.  Min Seok was about to abandon him whilst trying to protect Hyun So who isn't like them. Min Seok wanted Hyun So to be like him, he waited for chances to see Hyun So will want to kill (waiting for his skills to ripe) but overall still cared and wanted to protect Hyun So even till the end. This would have triggered jealousy in Hee Sung who didn't want to go back to his environment and wanted to continue killing. He didn't want to feel controlled or judged by others, so he got rid of Min Seok and resented him for making him a murder. His longing for a father figure might have pushed him to the edge, once he felt there was no hope of ever being normal/sane, and he didn't want to be. 
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The stress
Again breaking down the other reason for why he was prone to follow Do Min Seok and found refuge under his mentoring and presence. He killed to relieve stress and tension. This could be relieving tension of the pressure on him to succeed in his studies or the anticipation of feeling suffocated that he must wear a mask to be seen as normal. (The crying and the unnatural act he put on when he was in front of the therapist.) Do Min Seok became the alternative to all that, and he developed an addiction to killing, a sort of release from it that he enjoyed and revelled in.  He became so addicted to it, that when Min Seok tried to stop it, he lost it and ended his life. He resented being this way, but he also enjoyed doing the act. Do Min Seok represented a sort of freedom for him, one where he didn't have to pretend or hide, or feel forced to live up to expectations of others. So his reaction in killing Do Min Seok makes sense when you look at the variables, he's not just a cold-blooded killer, he had incentives and reasons for why he did so. But this brings the question: Nature vs Nurture. 
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The nature vs nurture
What made Baek Hee Sung a serial killer, was he born with it or was he made to become it. From how he reacts to his diagnosis/mostly when he fakes emotions, it's clear he was born with a disorder (psychopathic/sociopathic), his automatic reaction was to find something else to use as an excuse, and he himself refused to believe he was one, a psychopath. Two from everything we've analysed now, he's also made to become one, from meeting Do Min Seok and learning how to kill, to enjoying it, to wanting an escape from the environment he was from. Three the question, however, is if he hadn't met Do Min Seok would he be a killer. My answer is yes, it was only a matter of time before he found something else to latch on as an excuse for killing, so it's both, the environment he was nurtured in was toxic and would have made him search for ways to find release, but also with his money/ social reputation it would have made it easy for him to get away with his murders, but also he wanted to kill. He didn't feel any emotions in hurting people, so we can argue that he would have tried and hurt someone even without the help of Do Min Seok, as a reaction to something, when he felt threatened in the world, or he felt annoyed by someone, he would have ended up one way or another finding reason to kill. So Baek Hee Sung might be a victim of circumstance, but he isn't innocent. 
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ink-asunder · 4 years
The Heartless DLC - The Rest of the Story
I’ve given a lot of thought to this, but I’ve decided to drop my Dragon Age: Inquisition/Dragon’s Dogma crossover fic, The Heartless DLC. I’m not out of ideas, but it turns out retelling the entire last 2/3rds of the game WITH original quests was too much of an undertaking for me. That combined with my surprising distaste with elements of Dragon Age and issues with the fandom just made it a project that I have no interest in continuing at this time.
It’s not fair to keep my readers in the dark, even if I *do* plan to get back to it someday. So I’m going to give a heavily abridged but general summary of how The Heartless DLC would’ve continued and ended right here, just so you get the full story instead of me leaving you hanging. It’s also a fairly long post!
After the events at Adamant, the Inquisitor and Arisen ltake care of some side-quests, favor quests, and cleaning up some areas whilst also preparing for the ball at Halamshiral. As stated previously, the Arisen and Gale will be going on their own, not under the Inquisition. Once there, the Inquisitor searches for clues, and the Arisen very quickly realizes that there are pawns serving at the ball. Gale pretends to faint, which allows him and the Arisen to be temporarily excused while the pawns take them to the servant’s quarters.
Once in the privacy of the servant’s quarters, the pawns give Marnie an urgent update about the state of things in Gransys. The Duke wasn’t ill, he was trying to keep her away. Nothing particularly heinous is unfolding, but the pawns are worried the Arisen has abandoned them. Marnie assures them that she’ll return, but before they resolve the issue, the harlequin drops in and tries to murder them.
Cut back to the Inquisition. The Inquisitor finally finds some clues and escapes to the servants quarters with his companions. By the time they get there, Marnie and the pawns are nowhere to be found and everyone else is slaughtered. They briefly have a moment of “oh, so I guess we might have to consider Marnie did this” and move on. They find Marnie and the pawns engaged in battle in the courtyard, and the two groups converge for the rest of the quest. They discover the pawns have been traveling to and from Gransys by a Riftstone they brought overseas with them. This Riftstone is later transported to a grove closer to Skyhold for ease of access to the Pawn Guild. It might be noted that Marnie is the one who finds and unlocks the Empress halla door, mostly because her pawns were collecting whatever they could find already. She has Gale interrogate the man for her, then she brings the information to the Inquisitor. The empress is spared, Florianne is arrested, and the Inquisitor has enough evidence to ally all three parties.
Now that there’s a Riftstone at Skyhold, Gale is going out at night on jobs in other worlds. More pawns begin to frequent Skyhold. They don’t blend in well, but the Arisen is able to explain it away as if the Duke sent over members of his elite army, of which the Arisen is a commander. No one ever suspect she had that kind of station. The pawns all seem moderately wary of Solas, but decide he won’t pull anything in Skyhold around the Arisen, for whatever reason. Gale has the most influence over the other pawns aside from the Arisen because he is the main pawn in this universe. That puts him at a high position, even though he may be younger than many pawns he meets.
Gale still goes to Solas frequently. Their meetings range from Gale asking for help with spells to discussing the Inquisition and the Arisen. Solas starts asking Gale to keep their meetings a secret from the Arisen (red flag!). Meanwhile, Cole and Marnie settle their differences; Marnie says she was never upset with Cole to begin with, and they both make a point to be more objective and communicative with each other. Marnie resumes training Cole and gifts him a pair of climbing boots with spikes on the bottoms (shout out to RavenNox on fanfiction.net for mentioning the strider concept art in a review, because I hadn’t seen it before!).
After Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts, the Inquisitor decides to finally get in a good dragon hunt like I’ve been teasing. This is a long-ish “Dragonhunt Arc,” and it’s what I’d imagine Marnie’s main favor quest would be if this was a real DLC. They go to the Hinterlands to fight the Fereldan Frostback, (I know, I should be writing them getting back at that damn dragon in Crestwood, but I haven’t written anything in the Hinterlands yet, and I wanna get to it). There’s an epic battle where the Inquisition FINALLY gets to see more of that dynamic climbing from Marnie and Cole. Gale also shows some creative use of healing spells by preemptively casting healing spells while Marnie is in danger, then she’ll heal as soon as she’s injured and it’ll spare her, (Gale actually did stuff like this with consumable curatives while I was fighting the Ur-Dragon quite a few times, so I wanted to implement it).
At the end of the battle, the Arisen realizes that dragons are just animals here, as opposed to intelligent, self-possessed beings like in Gransys. Therefore, the only real “reason” she came to Thedas was a bust. She’s noticeably sullen and distraught for several days, and Gale begins to worry. Eventually, Gale reaches out to the Inner Circle for help, and they arrange a quiet evening in the yard where she and Gale could dress fancy and slow-dance because it was the one thing she wanted to do at Halamshiral and couldn’t do. There’s this vague internal monologue about how she never gets to keep what she loves, and it’s implied she only truly loves Gale, and it’s also a subtle reminder that she’s a fucking god, but anyway.
After the Dragonhunt Arc, I get back to the main quest, except I kind of don’t, because I want things to be more dramatic. They chip away at some favor quests, and oddly enough, Gale and the Arisen start to drift apart. This is due to several factors including but not limited to Marnie being preoccupied with other pawns and Inquisition-related duties, but it’s also largely because of a concentrated effort on several people’s part to get Gale to assert himself as an individual human as opposed to a pawn defined by his Arisen.
When they go to the Temple of Mythal, Marnie and Gale can barely keep themselves together. The group manages to complete the quest regardless. They ally with Abelas and Morrigan drinks from the Well of Sorrows.
When they face off against Corypheus, Marnie uses the Backfire skill when fighting the red lyrium dragon to ensure it dies. In that moment, a part of her is frighteningly powerful, almost like she is no longer human. (God this stuff sounds corny.) She passes out for a minute and Gale stays with her while she recovers and the others go to fight Corypheus. Corypheus probably delivers a villainous monologue. I was originally going to have Marnie and Gale bust in and at the part where Corypheus says "ancient ones, if you've ever been there, be with me now," Marnie says "I am one" but I decided against it. The Inquisitor lands the killing blow because this is his quest and his game.
During the afterparty, the Arisen and Gale interact with each member of the inner circle with the news that they'd be leaving for Gransys in the morning. Neither are drinking and they're both dressed as if they're going to leave any minute.
When Marnie and Gale are setting off, Cole comes to Marnie one last time and tells her she never will be alone. That reassures her and, for the time being, she seems ready to confront Grigori upon her return to Gransys.
When Marnie and Gale return for the Tresspasser DLC, they still haven't killed Grigori, but they did go to Bitterblack Isle. As such, their gear is dope and dragonforged, and their mental health is in shambles. Gale also converted to the way of the bow while they were there. They aid the Inquisition in fighting Qunari and finding Solas, and he and Marnie have a final showdown where he's revealed to be the Dread Wolf and she's revealed to be the Seneschel who reset the world so she could relive being the Arisen again and again. Solas needles her about why she redid everything, why she refuses to assume her place as Seneschel, and how many times she's done this same thing over and over again. Gale manages to shoot Solas from afar and they're all driven apart.
After the Inquisition returns to Skyhold and orients themselves, only Gale reappears saying his Arisen sent him in case they meant her any harm after her reveal. After the Inquisitor agrees not to compromise Marnie, Gale leads him to the ruins by the Riftstone, where Marnie's been waiting. They have a chat about her true origins and intentions, and she admits she didn't defeat Grigori because she knew she'd have to leave the mortal world soon after. She agrees to help the Inquisition when she can and places a Portcrystal by the Riftstone. They both agree that things are probably going to get a whole lot worse.
And that's where the fic ends. There's also a number of subplots I neglected to detail. Cole's favor quest, a few side quests related to the pawn guild, etc. As I said, I might return to the fic later on, but I really don't care for it or the fandom or the source material anymore. It's sad, but I'm happier elsewhere. And I thought it was only fair to leave some conclusion to the fic regardless. I might post certain chapters and snipets on my tumblr, but for the most part, this is the last you'll see of the official fic.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the readers and fans that have stuck with me through all this. I wish you all the best, and I'm sorry I couldn't give you the full fic. Stay safe out there!
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inquisitive-mess · 4 years
This is a continuation to this post since I want expand upon it on it. I’m going go full detail on how Anne(Ann) transformation happen and what this cause her. And I like to thank @thenicestnonbinary for inspiration and help.
Most of her life(past and current) Ann was bought up to stay composed and show no weaknesses. Despite seeing her friends dying front of her eyes, watched people rise and fall due to power/greed, and close to death door; She remind calm and only revealed her feels to who she was close to(her husband, children, and her sister, Cathy). It’s when she got reincarnated to modern time when her troubles began. Her being reincarnated into adolescent and not knowing anything about the times made her a easy target to a horrible caretaker who did everything in their power to make her feel like crap. After so many years of neglect and verbally abused, she was free from that place, but it cost her emotional state to be damaged a little. No matter how much she try to forget all of the negative thoughts she heard and abuse she dealt with, she can still hear them every once in a while, but she was able to block them out and had some help with her support stuff animal friend, Vincent. It also didn’t help that she was working a toxic environment, where she felt like she was back in 1500′s, to help pay for university.
As time passed, her emotional state started to crumb little by little, but she continue to hide it from everyone, ever thought it was straining her physical . It last until she got her current job that her life changed. She was able start healing from her past experiences and the whispers slowly turn silent. When she learn the queens return, she was so happy and couldn’t wait to see them, but stopped herself when she saw picture of them smiles and laughing on their social media page. As she was looking through their page at the multiple of pictures, she slowly begin think on her past life and flashbacks of their death appeared, but shook it off as she didn’t want this to effect her. She was happy for them, because their past life wasn’t good and they need this. She decide to leave them alone because their happiness was more important than her own and she doesn’t want to ruin what have going on. This of course cause the whispers to come back with the addition of her guilt from her past life returning and her emotional state to begin cracking again, which started her steps to her transformation.
As days goes by, she continue with her life as her emotional and physical state was slowly breaking her due to her guilt and past abuse. She try to fight it everyday, but it started to affect her work and she decide to closed her shop, until she can figure out what going on. As she about to lock up her shop, she overheard two people walking behind her talking about Six. She stop for a bit and this made her little happy inside, but her happiness stop when they mention LiW band members and one asked why Anne(herself) wasn’t part it due to her serving all the queen. When she heard the other answer, this made her very sick and went back into her shop. She lock the door and try to collect herself. She started to get light headed and decide to head to her work area, so she can take a seat. As she was doing that, her vision started to get blurry and she stop dead in her track when she heard a booming voice. Anne turn around and look everywhere to see where it came from, but saw nothing. She turn back when she saw a full shadowy figure with half a face appear in front for her. She back up out of surprised and figure laughed at her
They started to saying all of the things she been told throughout her time in orphanage, like call her name, putting her down, and saying she not wanted. She talk back to the figure telling it that wasn’t true, but figure chuckled a bit and ask her if that was true, then why doesn’t she have any friends and why is she all alone. Before she can answer, they told her that it’s because she really was a horrible person and no better than those corrupted, heartless, power hungry courtier all those years ago. This struck her a bit and she started to shaking from it. The figure smiled at her reaction and went on explaining why. They talk about all of her regrets she withhold for so long, how she disguise her to be this innocent lady to only betray them by not saying to protect them, and her advises was nothing but toxins that ruins people lives. Anne try her best to block all the words out and end up falling on her knees due to the pressure. The figure stop for bit look at state she was in and finally said with the giant grin that she was reason for most of her friends deaths. This complete destroy her emotionally and physically. Then they said that she the reason for Boleyn’s, Howard’s, and Askew’s deaths and how she could stop it, if she actually cared and got involved; How she could help Aragon and Cleves out, so they wouldn’t be discarded and died alone; Helped Jane out more, so her death was less painful; And how she let and approved her sister to marry that horrible monster of a man to die giving that man a child. Anne did nothing, but listened to what was they said, took in everything her heard, broke down, and admit that they was right about everything.
This was trigger that started her transformation and her whole body suddenly burst into pain. It started with hands as they were breaking, nail changing to black and shaping into claws, As her hands slowly shaping into something paw like, a voice rang in her head “Mija, I can’t believe you let him hurt me and sent me away. Your mother would have been disappointed in you.” Her forehead then begin to form four bulbs on it and felt something sharp underneath them. She grab her head with her deform paws, fell on her side, closed her eyes, and try to block out the pain. While she try blocking out the pain, two other voices rang “You let them kill me, petite merde. How could you let that happen? I though we were friend or was that a lie too.” “ I shouldn’t have trust you. You let them killed a child and let me get hurt again. You’re suppose to protect me and be my friend. I should of gave my jewels to someone else.” The pain increase as her arms, legs, and chest was reforming her body to a quadruped creature and increase in muscle mass. She started to cry some more as the pain was too much and try to call for help, but couldn’t say anything due to her mouth was reshaping itself to increase her fangs and addition of new ones. The bulbs soon burst and four horns begin to grow out of it. This freak her out and new voice rang “ Why did they let you be part of my funeral and watch my son be baptizes? You heathen. You let my son grow up without his mother and it all your fault.”  She couldn’t understand why this was happening and try again to ask for help, but this time the figure intervene. They grab her by the neck, told her that she has no right to ask for anything, and should feel what the others felt. And with that, the figure soon took away her voice, let go of her, and new one rang “Look like you got what you deserved. After all, you didn’t use your voice to stop those courtier making fun of me, so why should you still have it, Hündin.” Her transform still continue as her feet destroy her shoes and turn into paw, small deep orange brown hair begin to grown, and her hands completely turn into paws.
She though she was over when a large jolt of pain shot up her spine and felt huge pressure on her shoulder blades and tail bone. She got on all fours and felt everything building up even more to the point where she had no choice and clawed her clothes off with two new voices. “It’s your fault I died Ann. You didn’t say anything, you let them torture me. Honestly, sometimes I regret burning in your place. It should’ve been you instead.” “Ann, why didn’t you help me? Why did you let him find me? I never wanted to be queen, but you said nothing even as he demanded my hand. Why didn’t you say anything?” When she did that, the pressure on her shoulder blade release itself and wings came out of it, her tail bone spread out revealing a scorpion tail forming, and spike and needles begin to sprout all over her body. All she can do is cry, heard all of voices continue to haunting her, and enduring the pain that was still happening for her. Her tail fully developed, wings was completely spread out, fur cover her body, spikes and needles in full display, and her whole head reconstructed itself to resemble a loin with ears matching it. The transform was completed.
Once she was done, she open her eyes, readjusted herself to her new heighten senses, walk to her area which had many monitors, and looked at her form on the reflection of them. The figure appear behind her only smiling and said before disappearing that she finally in her true self and won’t be able to hide it anymore. Once they disappear, Ann sat down, put one of her paws on nearby monitor screen, and look down in defeat accepting that this is who she truly is.
She deserved to be all alone in this world.
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