#how can one man be such a beautiful woman
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JoaquĂn Torres x Female Reader (Chapter One)
Disclaimer: Since there isn't much of a backstory for him, this is kind of setting up a background for both him AND you, plus, I gave him a little sister. I thought the dynamic would be fun to explore and could add to the story in a good way. :) Also, I just came up with a name for their mom because I wasn't sure if she's been spoken about canonically.
Synopsis: The seed of love once planted during your childhood with JoaquĂn never had the chance to bloom due to the weight of circumstance. Years later, you find yourself still totally and completely in love; but perhaps, after all this time, that love will finally be allowed to bloom.
Moving to Miami is as exciting as disorienting.
It had been incredibly hard; leaving all of your friends behind. But your father simply couldn't pass up the job offer that he had been given.
Being only twelve years old meant that you didn't pay any mind to the house your parents had bought. You did pay attention, however, to the fact that this neighborhood actually had other kids. Back home, there were only older folk, who wanted absolutely nothing to do with eager-to-face-the -world children.
It also helped that there was a beach only a few miles from this house.
You stepped onto the front lawn and observed your new home. The possibilities seemed endless; a sprawling front yard, perfect for the game of tag, a sidewalk just waiting to be drawn on with colorful chalk, and a huge tree sat in the backyard, beckoning you to climb it.
You were helping your father unpack boxes from the moving truck, relishing in the pride laced into his tone when you lifted a particular heavy box with ease. You set it on the curb, wobbling slightly as you noticed the neighbors that were chatting away with your mother.
A beautiful woman stood beside a gentle looking man, her hand hooked in the crook of his elbow, a smile splayed across her face. Between them, a young boy and even younger girl stood; the splitting image of both of their parents.
"Honey, introduce yourself," Your mother encourages softly.
You smile bashfully, fingers moving to grasp at your mother's long skirt. Bowing your head, you introduce yourself. When you peek back up, the boy is watching you carefully.
He catches your gaze, and smiles softly, dimpled cheeks becoming an instant comfort for you.
"I'm JoaquĂn," The boy says proudly, "And this is my little sister, Maria." He swings an arm over her shoulders.
JoaquĂn grins then, and it's so bright, that it makes you think that maybe he's the sun incarnate. In fact, you're almost positive that he is.
"Would you like to show Y/n around the neighborhood?" Their mother, Cecelia, asked quietly. JoaquĂn nodded enthusiastically.
You realized rather quickly that JoaquĂn didn't do anything half-heartedly. He didn't do anything without complete and utter certainty, and that apparently included becoming friends with you.
The little neighborhood you had moved into was safe. Kids could be seen wandering about the streets without supervision, because that's how secure everyone felt in their little community. You could turn a corner and be sure to see a familiar face.
You followed close behind JoaquĂn and Maria, rolling the sleeves of your shirt up your arms as rays of sunlight bit at your skin.
"We can stop by Max's and get a cold soda, if you'd like one," JoaquĂn says.
"I don't have any money."
"That's okay. Max always gives us our drinks for free!"
Maria, who had been quiet up until then, laughed loudly. "Yeah, but that's 'coz you annoy him. He doesn't want to deal with you."
In a few years, you'll look back on this moment and only have fond thoughts about it; the moment you met you're two greatest friends. JoaquĂn, who was always quick to say what was on his mind, always so ready to speak up about the things he believed in. And Maria, who was soft-spoken, always choosing to spill her thoughts on paper rather than from her mouth.
A cluster of businesses stood proudly in your neighborhood, all small, locally owned. In the middle, a group of men were attempting to set up what looked to be a fireworks display. JoaquĂn looked over his shoulder at you and then pointed toward the square.
"When it gets closer to Christmas, they'll put up a massive tree. It's pretty sweet! But one year, a hawk flew into it and knocked off one of the big bulbs. It hit Gloria in the head. Knocked her out, but it was kind of funny. She was fine, by the way. Well. Not really, 'coz she's kind of crazy, so I think it might have made her crazier-"
You were about to interrupt him and ask who Gloria was, but you didn't have to.
Maria jammed an elbow into her brother's ribcage, "Shut up."
A woman, who could have only been Gloria, based on the fear that emanated from the Torres siblings, was walking across the street. Right at you.
"Oh no, she looks like she's on a mission. Let's make a break for it," JoaquĂn whispered, beginning to turn in the opposite direction, toward the pharmacy.
"Hey, wait!" Gloria called. "I want to meet the newest addition!"
JoaquĂn grimaced. "Can you run fast?"
You shrugged. You weren't sure what fast was to him.
"Sorry, Gloria! Maria's real sick, you probably shouldn't get too close." And then he clapped Maria on the back. Maria bent at the waist, coughing loudly. JoaquĂn turned around and made a show of pointing at his little sister. "See! Nasty cough. Wouldn't want you catching that. We have to get her medicine, anyway."
The three of you took off running then, though Maria was still coughing wildly. "What is the matter with you?!"
JoaquĂn only giggled.
Even though you didn't really need to go into the pharmacy, you did anyway. The old metal sign hanging from the awning sighed loudly as the wind caught it, and you couldn't help but admire it for a moment. It was old, a testament to how long some of these businesses had stood in this little square for. The bell above the door chimed as the three of you stepped through, the elderly man behind the pharmaceutical desk greeting you all with a friendly smile.
You had only just moved to Miami, and already you felt like you belonged. That's just how it was there. It could get frustrating, not having much privacy, but you always knew you had people in your corner.
A month passes. Friendship festers.
Turns out, Maria did have a bit of a rebellious side to her. Though it only presented itself once she got comfortable with you.
The whole thing had been her idea.
Once July hit, the temperature spiked, and the days were often scorching. Playing outside was a no-go, with the weatherman warning of too high temperatures. Lazing around the house proved to be a hard task for a couple of twelve-year-olds, so you had to get creative.
It's how you find yourself climbing the tall fence running the perimeter of the Miami Shores Country Club swimming pool with JoaquĂn and Maria.
JoaquĂn climbed up with ease, lifting himself up and settling down on the top before reaching down to help you and Maria up.
You spent the day floating around the pool together, rummaging through your pockets once the sun got to be a little too hot for loose change so you could buy ice cream from the little concession stand. By the time you left, (that's how you all chose to tell the story; the real version was that you got caught and were kicked out), there was melted popsicle dripping down your fingers, and your hair smelled like chlorine, but you couldn't have been happier if you tried.
It was getting dark by the time you were finally heading home, so you wouldn't have come across it if it weren't for JoaquĂn getting distracted and crashing his bike. He had landed in a woody area, the thick grass breaking his fall. You and Maria quickly dismounted your bicycles and hurried after him. He had already gotten up and climbed through the brush. You weren't sure what you were expecting to find on the other side, but it certainly wasn't a massive meadow that you were expecting. It was as if the rows and rows of wildflowers were endless.
Without warning, you took off into the field, causing a swarm of fireflies to burst from the flowers. It looked like the stars were falling from the sky.
You caught one of the fireflies, and gently cupping it in the palms of your hands, you made a wish. You wished to always have these friends, to always have the security of the Torres siblings next door.
JoaquĂn wanted to keep catching bugs, and had been prepared to set some ground rules for a game (not that he ever really followed the rules back then), when you turned, and said the last thing he had ever expected.
"Come dance with me, guys!"
Heat burned JoaquĂn's cheeks. "Ah, I don't know...go ahead and dance, Maria. I think I'll just hang back here and look for bugs."
He wasn't sure why he felt so embarassed about it.
"Whatever, boys suck anyway," His sister announced as she brushed past.
The next few minutes were some of the worst that he'd ever endured in his short lifetime. He watched, partially in amusement, but mostly in horror, as Maria stepped all over your toes, as she apologized over and over again every time she did so. Finally, he got frustrated with having to watch you grimace and try to cover it up with a smile every time your toes got stepped on. He shoved off of the tree that he had been leaning on, and told Maria to watch and learn.
"Wait, where did you learn how to dance?" You asked, placing a hand on JoaquĂn's shoulder.
"Oh, our cousin got married last summer, so our Ma taught us."
There was a moment of silence, of pure joy as JoaquĂn twirled you slowly, and then...
You were so sure that you were going to have to break up a fight once the look of realization passed across JoaquĂn's usually passive face. Even more so once Maria laughed smugly at him.
JoaquĂn swore to never fall for one of his sister's deceptions ever again.
Another month passes, the gravitational pull grows stronger.
Daisy, your younger cousin, flew down with her mother to spend the remainder of the summer with you. It was a tradition you had back home, for your aunt and cousin to come and stay with you for one month out of the summer. You were excited that even though the location was different, that the tradition wasn't ending. You liked JoaquĂn and Maria, loved them even, but you were happy to have a familiar face around.
JoaquĂn had recently gotten into heroes, and nearly every day, at the crack of dawn, he'd drag you, Daisy and Maria to the meadow down the street to play a game of heroes with him. Though, on this particular day, only you were able to go.
Thankfully, you had proven to be just about up for anything, so when he asked you the night before if you still wanted to go, you quickly agreed. The next morning, he found you waiting on your front porch steps for him, and then you took off running for that meadow that had become a safe haven for your little trio.
The crack of a broken branch echoed through the muggy August air as you leapt from one tree to the next. Normally you'd be the sidekick in JoaquĂn's story, but now that Maria and Daisy were both at home, someone had to play the villain.
"That was sick, Y/n!" JoaquĂn broke character for just a moment, a shocked laugh escaping from his chest. "But please be careful."
You laughed wildly, feeling the freedom of air as you swung yourself from the branch and landed in front of JoaquĂn.
"This is fun. I want to be the villain every time!"
His mouth twisted down into a little frown, "But I like you being my sidekick."
"I do think we make a good team," You replied thoughtfully.
"Wait, really-"
He was cut off as a raindrop splattered along the ridge of his nose. You looked up, and took note of the angry gray clouds that were rolling in.
There weren't many things that frightened you.
Storms were one of the few things that did.
Not many people would've noticed that it wasn't just concern that danced in your eyes, but a deep-rooted fear as well. But JoaquĂn did. He always noticed things about you that no one else did.
"Hey, let's get home, yeah?" He commanded quietly, grabbing your hand. You stood in place, like a frightened fawn that hasn't quite learned how to leave its mother's side yet.
He realized then, that he would have to do anything he could to get you to move, that this was his chance to get a jumpstart on being a hero.
"Hey, rainboots," He said playfully, nudging your bright green boot with the toe of his sneaker. "Race you home? Winner gets the loser's dessert for the next week."
Now that caught your attention. Your mothers had grown close quickly and had implemented dinner's together three times a week. They collaborated on both dinner and dessert, but the dessert was always the best part of the meal.
Even though it was technically supposed to be a race, you didn't let go of JoaquĂn's hand when you took off into the rain.
He was quicker than you, but the both of you knew that he was going to say that you won the race.
You were only halfway home, when a crack of thunder tore through the sky. It wailed deafeningly loud, the ground shaking beneath your feet in response. Dense raindrops smacked at the tops of your heads as you ran down the street. You could barely hear over the roaring thunder, could barely see through the thick curtain of rain, but you weren't scared anymore. You couldn't feel anything but calm.
You just couldn't find it in yourself to be afraid when sunshine was running just a few steps ahead of you.
Summer descends, Autumn howling at its heels.
School was right around the corner, the dread finally settling in at the prospect of (forced) early mornings, homework, and shorter days. Daisy was due to go back home the next day, and then the following week, you'd start school with JoaquĂn and Maria.
You were spending the day with JoaquĂn, sipping sweet tea on the front porch as you played a game of cards. Daisy was down on the sidewalk, near the street. She was trying to catch a toad, and splashing around in the puddle's leftover from the rainstorm the previous night. The two of you were hidden from sight, so you didn't know what was about to happen until it was too late.
JoaquĂn always thought that it would be extremely difficult to envision you as an angry person. You were just so kind to every person you came across. You would sing to honeybees, even as everyone else was running away screaming. If Maria (or Daisy) dropped their ice cream cone on the sidewalk, the first person to offer theirs up would be you. Strangers would gawk at your sometimes unruly behavior, and would sometimes frown upon your boisterous laughter, but you'd just grin at them in response.
He came to a realization that day, though.
There was a boy who lived in your neighborhood. He liked to pick on people, but only if they were smaller than him and couldn't really fight back. He hadn't ever gotten brave enough to try anything with you guys, since he was always outnumbered. But he hadn't seen you or JoaquĂn up on the porch that day.
Neither of you realized what was happening until Daisy screamed. You watched in horror, as Beau shoved Daisy. She teetered back on her heels before losing her balance completely, her elbows skidding across the pavement as she landed. Her cries sent the both of you to your feet. JoaquĂn was the first to make it down to the sidewalk, his anger propelling him forward.
JoaquĂn was only inches from Beau, his hand reaching out to grab at him, when a blur flew past.
He slowed to a stop, watching in utter amazement as you gathered the back of Beau's shirt into your hands and yanked him back as hard as you could. Beau scowled as he turned, ready to strike. But then he saw you standing there, and laughter bubbled up in his chest, up and up, until it burst from his mouth, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He lunged at you, his fist raised as if he was about to hit you. JoaquĂn took a step forward as you took a step back.
Beau smirked. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He tugged a piece of your hair, before turning on his heel.
You tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned back around, you smiled innocently up at him, and rocked back on your heels.
Your smile dropped.
"You forgot something."
And then you swung your fist into his nose.
It was at that moment that JoaquĂn realized that, yes, you were kind, and friendly, and often went out of your way to help others, even if it meant you got slighted in the end.
You were also fiercely protective.
A year passes.
Middle school came, and while schools changed and so did the students, you and JoaquĂn remained the best of friends.
You fell in love with art, and ballet. JoaquĂn joined various sports, intent on becoming strong so that he could protect and provide for his loved ones.
The two of you were really finding yourselves. It was beautiful.
Two years pass, then three.
The shift happens when your world suddenly turns on its axis.
Everyone called it the Blip. You called it the worst, yet most defining five years of your life.
It was odd, how your parents had been there and then suddenly...they just weren't. Maria, and JoaquĂn's father were gone too. But both he and his mom were safe, still in that house next door.
His mom had practically begged you to stay with them, but you couldn't bring yourself to. You couldn't bear the thought that your parents might show up again, that they might only appear just long enough that you'd miss them if you were out of the house. So you stayed, even as the echoes of what once was haunted you.
Home went from love and laughter and so much fun with your parents to the kind of quiet that was capable of driving someone mad.
JoaquĂn, however, was determined to redefine what home meant to you.
Having a bedroom across from yours had its perks, one of them being that he could very easily cross the tree that connected your bedrooms whenever he pleased. He had been doing it before the blip, when the two of you decided one night that it would be fun to have your own way of communicating. One flicker of your bedroom light meant 'lets watch the stars together', two flickers meant 'i'm bored, let's talk', and three meant 'sos come over as quickly as you can'.
So it wasn't necessarily strange for him to come over at all hours of the night, but it was different when the blip happened. It became less fun, and felt more like something you both needed.
It isn't a surprise for you when you hear that familiar knocking on your bedroom window at half past midnight. You call out softly, telling him to come in. What you are surprised about, is the tinge of nervousness you feel when he climbs through the window, moonlight washing over him.
You pull your covers up and around your shoulders, as if that could protect you from the newfound feeling.
"Are you cold?"
"Yes," You reply.
JoaquĂn nods in understanding, and motions for you to scoot over in your bed. It shouldn't be strange, this had been the routine for a long while. But when he settles in beside you, face set in a peaceful expression, it gives you butterflies so badly that you think you might vomit.
"You okay?" He asks softly.
You only nod, too afraid that if you open your mouth that you'll say something stupid.
JoaquĂn shifts closer.
You're unsure of how and when this happened. You're unsure of when he became so...handsome. Somehow, it's only now occurring to you how much space he takes up in your bed, how broad his shoulders are when he rolls onto his side to look at you.
"Rain boots," He whispers, "Tell me what's wrong?"
Unable to look him in the eye, you roll over and stare at the blindingly red numbers on your alarm clock. "Just miss my parents."
It's not a lie.
You expect him to do what he always does. You expect him to offer some advice, to tell a joke so that you smile, you expect him to poke at your sides until you have no choice but to erupt with laughter.
You don't expect him to shift closer to you, an arm reaching out to drape over your waist. You don't expect the warmth of his breath against your neck. His chest presses to your back, and you have to stop yourself from dying right then and there. Tentatively, he slides his hand into yours, before he squeezes three times.
"Close your eyes, boots. I'll be right here when you wake up, okay? I'm not going anywhere. Not ever."
You do as he says, trying to get your breath back to its normal rhythm.
"Goodnight, Y/n."
"Night, JoaquĂn," You breathe.
The last thing you remember thinking, before sleep finally claims you, is that JoaquĂn's heart is beating in tandem with yours.
Two more years.
JoaquĂn always knew that you were destined for things far greater than you could have ever possibly imagined. It was apparent to him from the very beginning.
Growing up next to you had plenty of perks; one of them being that you had the ability to keep Maria entertained unlike anything else ever had. You had always managed to come up with fantastical scenarios, assigning the siblings their roles as you acted them out. From a young age, the world had been your stage.
You never seemed to mind that not everyone wanted to attend the show, you were always so unendingly free.
So it's absolutely no surprise to him that you seem so comfortable on a real stage.
You just...belong there.
The stage lights are bright, but not nearly as much as you are. You're radiant, a cosmic entity.
"This is beautiful," His mom announces quietly as she takes in the venue. After the blip, after everything was said and done, you decided not to waste any more time and accepted your offer into Julliard.
It had been difficult, moving away from home after everyone you loved came back. But if the blip had taught you anything, it was that life was short, and you wanted to make the most of it when you could. And now, here you were.
You'd always dreamt of performing in The Nutcracker. You weren't supposed to tell anyone when you found out, but you couldn't keep it from JoaquĂn that you'd gotten the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy. And to think, after all your hard work, you were performing with the New York City Ballet!
"She is so beautiful," JoaquĂn agrees.
"Not to diminish her, because she is very beautiful-but I said the venue was beautiful."
JoaquĂn looks to the side, at your mother's and at Maria. "That's what I said, too."
Maria snickers, and rolls her program up before smacking her brother with it. "That is definitely not what you just said, you dork."
He hates to admit it, but she's right. She was right all those years ago in that meadow when you were so excited to dance with them. She was right to trick him into dancing with you. Even when Maria was gone, he could almost feel her eyes on him any time he laid with you at night. He could almost feel the way she'd say, "Make a move you big dummy!"
But he was afraid.
He was afraid that he would put his heart on the line for nothing. He was afraid, because he was leaving in less than a week for the Air Force.
But mostly, he was afraid that he would get hurt, or worse, and that he would totally and completely break your heart.
So he kept quiet about it, though it was almost physically painful for him.
During curtain call, you take your final bows, and JoaquĂn can't help but leap from his seat. The entire audience follows suit, and he sees the way that your eyes light up. He sees the tears (that he knows are happy) that gather on your waterline. He sees, because out of everyone in the audience, you look for him.
And, damn it, if that doesn't make him want to drop to his knees and tell you right then and there how truly and completely he adores you.
But he's leaving, and you'll be here, dancing. He's leaving, and he'll be in dangerous situations that he'll be sure to not divulge with you. He's leaving, and you'll be here, safe and sound. So he keeps his mouth shut for a while longer.
Afterwards, you take them out to your favorite sushi spot. You're ecstatic, practically glowing. You had taken your hair down and taken the makeup off, but you couldn't have been more beautiful if you tried.
"This is insane," You gush, squeezing your mom's hand as you press the button on the crosswalk. "I can't believe this is my life right now!"
"Rain boots."
You glance at your greatest friend, the boy who isn't as much of a boy as he is a man now. "JoaquĂn."
I love you.
But he can't say it yet.
"I'm so proud of you."
You smile softly, and wrap your hands around one of his biceps before crossing the street as a group. He thinks that's all you're going to answer with, that this is where it ends. But right before you walk into the restaurant, you lean your head against his shoulder, and although you say it quietly, he hears you loud and clear.
"I'm proud of you, too."
Annnnd chapter one finishedâ¤ď¸ I'll get more into the plot of TFAWTS/CABNW, but I wanted to set up the back story and allow you guys to get a feel of the dynamic. (:
#joaquin torres#joaquin torres fanfiction#joaquin torres imagine#falcon#joaquin torres x reader#marvel#fanfiction#falcon x reader#danny ramirez#danny ramirez x reader#joaquin torres fic
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Here are some of my favorites! (A revamp of my old rec list.) They will span Tumblr, Ao3, and FF.net, as I did a lot of my early reading/writing on other platforms.
Keep in mind, I probably like several fics from each of these authors, but I'm featuring one or two that I very much enjoyed.
[OS] = One-Shot || [S] = Series || [HC] = Headcanon
Dean Winchester x Reader or OFC:
Stories are Dean x Reader unless noted OFC.
⌠Alisha Ashton
Clear the Area - [S | Excellent 4-part series!] This is the story of you and Dean, and how he manages to slip past your defenses. Written so that you can put yourself in the OC's shoes. Sorta set end S8. Slightly AU in the fact that Dean, Sam, Castiel, Kevin, and YOU all live in the MOL Bunker. Everyone is healthy. Cas is still an adorably clueless angel with zero tact.
Feral [S] (Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader) Feral is an Alphaâs most dangerous state. Pure raw instinct. A killing machine with no thought. Only an Alpha under extreme duress can submit to their feral side and they rarely can come back out of it. It takes highly specialized rehabilitation to even have a chance at working. When a feral Alpha comes into the readerâs low level rehab facility one night, she knows heâs a dead man walking. But he doesnât deserve to die and a split second decision to help him escape before that can happen will put them both on the run. Heâs no ordinary Alpha though. Heâs Dean Winchester. The boy who went missing all those years ago. The boy that made everyone realize no one was safe from the Alpha black market. The man that could destroy them both with one wrong moveâŚ
Headcanon: How They Meet Their Plus Size Girlfriend (Dean Winchester, Beau Arlen, Soldier Boy, and Russell Shaw included)
Wild Flower [OS] Dean gets hit by a spell when fighting a witch and assumes it was harmless or ineffective. He was wrong, but at least he wasnât dead. Heâs a woman now.Â
Creature of the Night [OS] When her car breaks down on a dark lonely road, she is lucky a handsome stranger takes her in. Grateful, she is willing to do anything to repay his kindness.
Headcanon: Valentine's Day (Dean Winchester // Soldier Boy // Beau Arlen // Russell Shaw â Edition) How would your favorite men surprise you for Valentine's Day?
Headcanon: Gettinâ Down and Dirty with Dean Smutty headcanons with Dean...
Take a Shot [OS] Letâs face it, his henley looks good on both of youâŚ
Late Night Show [OS] Youâre spending a little down time at Bobbyâs when HE shows up with his brother. You try to ignore those old feelings for him, but when you accidentally walk in on him pleasuring himself, all bets are off.Â
Lost in You [OS] A casual flirtation leads to a violent encounter, and Deanâs reaction is a little more than you expected.
Thatâs How It Should Be��[OS] (Sheriff!Dean x Reader) Sheriff Dean Winchester/Reader have to escape, quick - but Dean wonât let being on horseback stand in the way of showing a lady a good timeâŚ
The First Time Series [S] Even though he's a lot older than she is, and more experienced in every possible sense, Y/N finds herself incredibly attracted to Dean Winchester. Amazingly, one day she starts to think that maybe the attraction isn't all one-sided.
The Dangers of Hope [S | Endverse!Dean] When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
It's All For You [OS] After a hunt gone wrong, all Y/N wants is to make Dean feel better. Will he let her?
Things Learned and Unlearned [S] Y/N has spent her life trying to outrun her mother's reputation. When she meets the rich and successful playboy, Dean Winchester, how quickly can he get her to stop running?
⌠Lindsey D. Perez
Say I'm Beautiful [OS] You're feeling a little self conscious about your weight so Dean decides to show you how sexy you are. Dean x Reader Warning: negative body image, swearing Rated M for smut so go forth with caution.
It Ain't About Pity [OS] (Dean x Plus-Size!Reader) Dean Winchester has eyes for the reader. She has no idea. When he finally figures out why sheâs been dieting, he isnât pleased.Â
More to Love [OS] (Alpha!Dean x Plus-Size Omega!Reader) Reader is a hunter, and an Omega, an unusual combination. Sheâs always been mocked for her size, so she keeps to herself but a case Garth persuades her to take ends up with a confrontation she never saw coming.
Never Spoken, Always Said [OS] He doesnât say the words much but he shows her every day.
Taste [S] (Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader) The reader is pregnant with Dean's baby. Spanning the first year or so, we join them as they discover new things about each other.
A Simple Kinda Man Deanâs a pretty simple man. He likes the things he likes and you can rarely get him to change his mind about it.Â
Like Heaven (Dean x Curvy!Reader) Y/Nâs request might throw him off for a second, but heâs never going to deny her, not when it feels so good in her armsâŚ
Remind Me [OS] (Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader) There was no escaping what happened to you. There wasnât a magical number of days in which you would simply get over it either. It happened and you had to live with it. But your alpha would never leave you to work through it alone.
Delicate Dean made you feel things no one else ever had. But is it a good idea to see this through?
The Fallout (Alpha!Dean x Beta!Reader) [S] When Sam meets his true Omega, you fear your time with the Winchesters is fated to end. Before they can hurt you, you decide to distance yourself. But Dean isnât willing to let you get away so easy.
Girls, Girls, Girls [OS - Part of a Series] (Dean x OFC) While on a witch hunt Dean gets hit with a spell. Later at the hotel, Dean feels the effects of the spell and Tori has to help him through it.
NSFT Alphabet [Dean Winchester] [HC]
Masturbation [Dean Winchester] [HC]
Unspoken [OS] How many reasons are there to love Dean Winchester...?
Twenty Minutes or Less [OS] Dean raises an eyebrow at you, cocky smile firmly in place. "I bet I could get you there in twenty minutes or less.â
Magical Blooms [OS] After all, there was a flurry of customers walk through the doors to Magical Blooms each and every day, and quite a number of these were regulars. Just because one of those regulars was an undeniably gorgeous man that flirted shamelessly...
Feral (Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader) [S] True mates don't exist, at least that's what everyone tells you. It's nothing but a childish, fairytale notion to believe that such a person exists. Someone that is made just for you, your person. Who knew they were so wrongâŚ
Here For You (Dean x Little Sister!Reader) [OS] You help Dean through a couple different kinds of pain.
The Girlfriend Who Remade Christmas [S] Deanâs holiday spirit is nowhere to be found. Fed up with his Grinch-like behavior, Nicole is determined to open his heart again to the wonders of the world around them and help him find joy in the Christmas season.
Collared [S] Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Old Man [OS - Part of a Series] Dean never had a problem with the age gap between you two; not until now any way.
Friends with Benefits [S] After walking in on Y/N following a fun encounter, Dean and Y/N decide it would be beneficial and much easier to use each other for their needs. But can they keep it just about sex?
Safe [OS] You had hoped to get in and out when you heard what town the next hunt was in. Unfortunately, you canât outrun your past. You, also, canât outrun those old feelings--panic, anxiety and fear. You had hoped youâd never have to share this part of your life with Dean, but things donât always work out the way we had hoped.
Witches [OS] While hunting a witch, you accidentally stumble upon her collection of sex pollen.Â
Carry On [S] (Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader) Youâre an Omega in a small rural town. When your fatherâs gambling and drinking leaves him with a debt he canât afford to pay, he offers you to a group of Alphas. Dean Winchester is an Alpha desperately trying to escape his past and pain. Can you save each other?
You're Home [S] (Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader) After years away at college, you have finally returned to your home town. In order to settle back into the community, you have to seek permission from the Head Alpha. What happens when you see his son for the first time since presenting as an Omega?
Helping Hand [OS] Dean is tired after a hunt, so asks Sammy to drive Baby. You and Dean cuddle up in the back seat.
Love Language [OS] Youâve never said it, neither has heâŚis that weird?
The Widow [S] Sam and Y/N are happily married, but everything changes after a fatal car accident leaves her a widow. The Winchester motto: âFamily Donât End with Blood,â takes on a whole new meaning for Y/N as she navigates her new normal with the help of her brother-in-law, Dean. But what no one can tell her is what happens when she falls in love again. Â
While They Dance On A Pin (Jane Series 5) [OS - Part of a Series] (Dean x OFC) Sam, Dean, and Jane have been on the road almost constantly since Dean's return from Hell. They're finding Seals, finding danger, finding out each other's secrets. But it's what they find when they open the door to one more motel room that sends Dean back into his darkest moments. An OC's experience of episode 4x16, On the Head of a Pin.
She's My Cherry Pie [OS] Dean was drunk. So terribly drunk. And it was hilarious. Just some karaoke!Dean (aka the best Dean of them all).
Roots in My Dreamland [OS] Dean encounters a mysterious forest spirit whoâs an enigma.
Sexual Encounters with Dean Winchester - Edging Exploring new kinks with Dean. How far can you push him before he breaks?
Happy Accidents (Dean x Plus-Size!Reader) You haven't seen the Winchester's in over a year, but the case you're working has you scratching your head, and who better to call than some old friends. However, insecurities arise as well as the reprise of a long time crush. Little do you know, it's reciprocated.
When He Slides In And says âFuck, I missed you.â After a hookup with the (in)famous Dean Winchester, you figured that would be the end of it. Too bad you could never seem to get him out of your mind. People always told you that you got attached too easily. And they were right. You were just another notch in his belt. He couldnât possibly remember you...
To You I Belong [S] (Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader) Dean isnât looking for a mate. Not only does he think he doesnât deserve one, but the last place he expects to meet his soulmate is while on a case. Fate ainât real. He still has free will, and saving you from monsters is just another part of the job.
Another Notch on His Belt [OS] Every little part of him is holding onto every little piece of her, and any other woman heâs been lucky enough to escape his life with. Even if itâs only for the night - or - Dean replaces intimacy with sex.
It's Not a Big Deal [S] (Dean x Reader x Soldier Boy/Ben love triangle) Dean's in for a rude awakening when he finds out exactly what you did when you got stranded in another universe.
Dean Winchester x Lisa Braeden:
Damages [S] Ben is in a car accident causing a fractured skull. Consequentially he remembers Dean. Ben tries to find Dean, who is now a retired hunter after losing Sam in a final battle. This is the story of Dean finding something and someone to replace the hole in his life left by Sam.
One Step at a Time [OS] The Winchester way of life changes, and Dean adjusts accordingly.
A Dad By Any Other Name [OS] Ben is sick and Dean stays home with him while Lisa is at work. Lisa learns something about Dean's relationship with Ben.
Sam Winchester x Reader or OFC:
Stories are Sam x Reader unless noted OFC.
While You Were Sleeping - [S] (Sam x OFC) A seriously injured unconscious man is in the hospital Rachel volunteers. With no idea who he is and if anyone is looking for him, Rachel decides to keep him company while he's sleeping. With The Eyes of a Loving Man [S] (Sequel to While You Were Sleeping) Continuing through Sam and Rachel's relationship with all the highs and lows of dating a hunter. Mostly a collection of oneshots and some connecting stories.
⌠Lindsey D. Perez
It's Your Birthday [OS] The Winchester's find out it's your birthday and insist on celebrating with lots of alcohol. Sam introduces you to body shots and things get heated.Â
If You Give a Moose a Muffin [OS] ...he'll want kisses to go with it.
All of Me [OS] (Sam x Plus-Sized!Reader) Request where the reader (even thought she's usually pretty confident) is slightly insecure about her looks, and because she's plus-size. It ends in fluffy weight smut.
Could Have Told You That One, Winchester [OS] Imagine sitting one Sam's lap while you two are researching. She was reading one of the books about mythology for the Winchester's current case when she heard a frustrated groan from across the table. Sam Winchester had his laptop in front of him and various books of lore scattered around it.
Samnesia [S] (Sam x OFC) Brooke is a calming distraction from the chaotic mess of Samâs life. When a hunt keeps them separated for over a month, Sam returns to find she no longer remembers him. The need to find out what happened while he was gone sends Sam on a case that will change the course of his life. What he discovers along the way will change the way he looks at love.
Delicate [OS] Sam being intimate with an inexperienced reader.
**I will keep adding to this list as I read and explore! Please reblog the fics you read and let these amazing authors know what you thought of their work. đ
I have several more stories favorited on my FF.net account. (Beware if you try to read any of the stories I wrote there though. Some of those are old as hell and not to my current standard. đ¤Ł)

Dean Winchester AU Fic Rec List
Original SPN Fic Rec List
Supernatural Masterlist
Main Masterlist
#spn fic recs#lovely mutuals#amazing authors#support writers#dean winchester#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester x you#sam winchester#sam winchester x reader#dean winchester x lisa braeden#spn#supernatural#dean winchester x oc#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester smut#supernatural x reader#sam winchester x oc#supernatural fanfiction#dean winchester imagine#jackles#dean winchester x plus size reader#dean winchester x plus size!reader#dean winchester x plus sized reader#dean winchester x plus sized!reader#dean winchester x female!reader#dean winchester x ofc#jensen ackles#spn fanfic#sam winchester imagine#supernatural imagine
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Sephiroth watched impassively as Lucrecia made her way to the cave mouth and at long last gazed upon the full extent of his anguish and bitterness. The sight of the great Meteor filling the heavens was enough to bring any mortal to their knees - to realize that their time on this Planet was short-lived and bound to end in fiery retribution. It was a thing of beauty and one of the greatest moments of the madman's life, but he doubted anyone else could possibly see or appreciate all that he had accomplished coming from the life that he had.
To come from being a literal lab rat to a god...what greater story could there be than that?
Of course, Sephiroth didn't anticipate anyone else being capable of appreciating his accomplishments and as such he was not surprised by Lucrecia's reaction. Regardless of who the woman might've claimed to be she proved herself in that moment to be no different than any other human. They were all the same in their petty short-sighted and selfish nature, never once thinking how some things were truly greater than themselves.
âCan you hear the call of the Planet? It prays for salvation and soon it shall be granted.â
Like him, the Planet had called out for a release from its' pain and it too had been ignored. For far too long it had suffered at the hands of humanity, its' cries falling on deaf ears and despite his never being able to fully hear or speak with the Planet, Sephiroth could still understand it. But unlike everyone else Sephiroth wasn't simply going to ignore its' pleas and now he sought to set them both free once and for all.
âHasnât she suffered enough?â
The madman's cold and calculating gaze remained unwavering despite the ex-Turk's approach. If Vincent had sought to rebuke him then he would find no sympathy from Sephiroth as the whole concept was beyond his comprehension, but even if it wasn't he would lack the capacity to feel such a thing for someone who claimed to have wronged him in such a terrible way.
âWhat does she know of suffering?â He hissed, narrowing his eyes as he looked them with the gunman. âIs living a life of self-imposed isolation when you have the freedom to walk outside, to live a life you want and not having to worry about being cut open and harvested for parts truly such an unbearable torment?â
In Sephiroth's mind what made Lucrecia's situation so unfathomable was the fact that she had made this decision of her own volition. After all this time the woman could've left her self-imposed prison and made a life for herself away from Shinra, but she chose not to and Vincent made it seem as if she were a martyr. It was easy for someone to pretend to be noble and holier than thou when their suffering was self-inflicted, but it was quite another thing when it was forced upon you with no way for you to escape.
Being in that situation anyone would break eventually.
Out of everyone Sephiroth thought that Vincent would've understood, but apparently the man was unable to break away from his ties to the man he'd once been. It was actually quite disappointing that were the case as no one else could relate to Sephiroth other than his puppet, but nevertheless it served as more proof that he always was and would be something alien.
Turning his head to gaze upon the kneeling woman Sephiroth spoke once more: âShall I show you true suffering? Do you wish to see what it was like all those long agonizing years ago? With the cells that we both share I can make it happen, and you can see what your bargain has bought.â
The woman would have fallen to her knees had Vincent not caught her mid fall. The voice of truth, however twisted and painful, would never leave her. Jenova was a part of her. Just as Vincent suffered with the voices of 4 demons, she suffered with the voice of Jenova. The pain was becoming unbearable.
âN-no I⌠I didnâtâŚâ Lucrecia continued to fight the alien in her mind. âPlease, enoughâŚ. I canât⌠I canât do this anymore⌠I justâŚâ
âŚWanted to hold you⌠tell you that I will never hurt you again⌠neither would I ever leave you again⌠to be there at your lowest, to let you know what love feels like⌠But IâŚ
Her thoughts were cut off the moment Sephirothâs scoff rang in her ears, drawing her attention upward to look upon his weary but sadistic set of eyes. What he said next broke her heart, as though there was indeed more to break.
The tear-stained mother followed her sonâs hand towards the opening of the cave. Curiosity took over her pangs. The gesture may have confused Lucrecia, but it greatly troubled the gunslinger. He knew what Sephiroth was intending to show her⌠it would be yet another knife to her heart.
Iâve always been aloneâŚ
Lucrecia slowly stood up. Vincentâs grip tightened on her arm, drawing her attention momentarily. Deepest worry filled his eyes, causing her to pause.
âWhatâs wrong, Vincent?â Lucrecia asked, noting his expression and the grip of his hands. Though she had inquired after his concern, Vincent found it hard to inform her.
But instead of a reply, Vincent hesitated further. Those eyes were still the ones belonging to that naĂŻve kind-hearted Turk who would panic whenever she would get a paper-cut. But then her eyes wandered to his long hair, his pale complexion, the layers of pain behind his expression, and the gauntlet pressed lightly against her sin. He too was a product of her sin. His suffering was begotten of her own hand. And yet here he was still trying to protect herâŚ
Laying a tender yet firm hand on Vincentâs, she coaxed his grip to loosen, allowing it to release her arm.
ââŚItâs alright, Vincent,â her resolve was undeniable. âWhatever my sonââ She bit her lip as if catching herself, or that saying the word was now more painful than before. ââŚWhatever Sephiroth wants to show me, I will see it. I need to know.â Her voice trembled, as though understanding what she was about to witness would only twist the knife further, but this time she was willing.
Reluctantly, Vincent released her, following close behind as she followed Sephiroth to the opening of the cave. The amber colors bounced off the walls of the crystals, creating a hue that became warmer the further out the cave she walked. Until at last, that terrible scene was within view.
An unspeakable horror filled her chest at the sight of Meteor. She understood what it was, and what it intended to do. She had read about this Meteor in one of the earlier records from the Cetra. But never had she thought that her son would decide to use the most powerful and destructive materia known in existence. It was one thing to wield the powers of Jenova. But it was another to summon the planet destroyer⌠a sentence of death upon the planet and its inhabitants. Including her. This was a token of his hatred for humanity. She understoodâŚ
Terror-stricken, Lucrecia fell to her knees at the mouth of the cave, burring her face in her hands as the heavens were torn by the oncoming Meteor. Distraught, Vincent walked swiftly up towards Sephiroth.
âHasnât she suffered enough?â Though perceptively calm, there was restrained tension in his voice. Nevertheless, Vincent knew his words were falling on deaf ears. Â
#.Cycle of Suffering#phantomyre#that's the tragedy of#Sephiroth's character for sure#he's been a puppet his whole life#so little reason he finds 'comfort'#in using others in the same fashion#it gives him some sense of control he's never had
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I want to talk about a particular shining moment Legolas has that never gets talked about
In The Return of the King, Legolas and Gimli briefly reunite with Pippin and Merry when Merry is recovering at the Houses of Healing. During their discourse, the Hobbits asked Legolas and Gimli to tell what they'd been doing since they'd last seen each other, and Gimli goes on to tell about how the Paths of the Dead scared him out of all pride and senses. He says he was held to that road only by the will of Aragorn.
But Legolas points out, "And by the love of him also, for all those who come to know him come to love him after their own fashion."
And here's the part that really stands out to me.
Legolas continues:
"All those who come to know him come to love him after their own fashion - even the cold maiden of the Rohirrim.
"It was at early morning of the day ere you came there, Merry, that we left Dunharrow, and such a fear was on all the folks that none would look on our going, save the Lady Ăowyn, who lies now hurt in the House below. There was grief at that parting, and I was grieved to behold it."
The narrative notes earlier, when the event he is describing takes place, that only people like Legolas and Gimli, who were close to Aragorn, could see how much the interaction pained their leader. It's always evident that Aragorn felt compassion for Ăowyn. But here, Legolas notes that he, too, was grieved at the parting.
There was no reason Legolas had to have compassion for Ăowyn. She was none of his kin. He had little to no reason to be personally invested in Rohan. He wasn't the one who had to reject her pleas and turn down her love. He could've sat there watching and thinking, "Man, this is super cringe, when can we get out of here and get this crazy woman out of our hair?" Even Gimli admitted that he was too busy freaking out about the Paths of the Dead business to notice.
But Legolas noticed, and his heart cared even though he didn't have to. What was this woman to him, but another of the race of Men, just another human being who would be here and gone in what amounted to almost nothing of the Elven lifespan.
Yes, he felt for Aragorn and the pain this interaction brought him. But I think he was grieved for Ăowyn, too. Because that's the kind of person Legolas is. He's not so lofty and arrogant about his race that he can't invest in the quest of rustic Hobbits, or befriend a Dwarf, or fight for the race of Men, or hold out for years against his own innate sea-longing to help build Aragorn's kingdom. And it's that same heart that was moved to see Ăowyn so sad and lost and rejected. His Elven mind could've been wandering off to Battle or some beautiful Elven land during that interaction between Aragorn and Ăowyn, but instead, he was present, and he noticed, and he cared.
Even after the fact, Legolas could totally have chosen to confide in his Hobbit friends about how pathetic Ăowyn was with her unrequited love and her passion to follow Aragorn.
But he didn't say that. He didn't paint her in a negative light. He didn't say, "Crazy women, amirite?" No, he revealed a heart just as caring and compassionate as Aragorn's himself, and he said, "I was grieved to behold it "
People, this is one of the most underrated Legolas moments, and yet it's this small glimpse into his inner heart that makes me admire him the most.
#legolas#lotr legolas#lotr#lotr characters#middle earth#lotr rotk#hobbit#lotr books#lotr Aragorn#aragorn lotr#aragorn#lotr gimli#gimli#merry brandybuck#pippin took#jrr tolkien#Tolkien#jrrt#legolas greenleaf#this is one of the reasons none of the guys in this world will ever be good enough for me lol
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I am a fucking idiot- ahem. But first,
People, we need to talk more about The Tides. I am so serious. Apart from The Eye and Lull this season, The Tides (I want to yap more about its cinematic brilliance) explicitly supports shiguang canon. While other OP and ED of the first two seasons have a variety of themes entangled together, the whole point of The Tides is drawing a clear parallel between the old man with the time machine trying to go back in time to save his beloved wife (and his wife's photo is shattered by gunshots) and whatever the heck is going on with Lu Guang (Now, after Yingdu, add parallels of Shao Yuanyuan's attempt of saving her husband and Xia Fei's resolution of finding the culprit who caused Vein's death. You are welcome.)
I want to talk specifically about this scene

We see Lu Guang is the one holding a sketchbook (safe to say it belonged to that man) and he is gazing into the sketches. He assumes that man's position (also the fact that Lu Guang has a personal diary where he might not draw but keeps a lot of information about timelines).

This brilliant rack shot.
Idk why I didn't notice it before (I have seen it multiple times but today I just 'got' it).
So, in the first shot, let's see what constitutes the mise-en-scene : Cheng Xiaoshi, a portrait of the lady (whose hands are only shown) and the statue of the lady. It's not white light all over, rather there is a little play of light and shadow. The background wall as well as the statue is green. Overall, there is a green tint. Film nerds and enthusiasts, please explain the lighting and colour palate further if you can find some significance.
in the first shot, Cheng Xiaoshi is in the focus. He has a strange (pensive) look and he is looking at the statue. Then, the focus shifts to the statue and everything else fades into the background. In this simple editing, you realise that- Cheng Xiaoshi and the statue of the lady are somehow connected, connected by the same fate. I can't really explain how but the cinematography establishes the relation beautifully.
Edit 1 : Hi, I wanted to add a few things. Thanku @whispersoflullaby for engaging with it
also, please read @psychopomp-namine their repost.
A few reflections I didn't elaborate before
The woman's face in the portrait is absent in the frame and the lifelessness of the otherwise beautiful statue is intensified by the (intentional) lack of the eyes. So Cheng Xiaoshi's presence in the frame balances this out. Face is the most important part of someone's identity and eyes are one the most important features of someone's face. Eyes also have a higher level of significance in Link Click, associated with power activation, sense, perception, past, future, memory. And ofc, Cheng Xiaoshi's death scene and power (trust/life) transfer to Lu Guang - there is a HUGE focus on the eyes, extreme close ups. And this brings us to the second point,
Consciousness, subjectivity, perspective, reliable/unreliable narration .
My interpretation of the colour green here is unreliable narration or lack of subjectivity, with a feeling of something changing. Cheng Xiaoshi's pensive look makes us think that he knows something, something unsettling but we can't quite grasp that. His subjectivity is yet to be known. His vision is literally shared (and commanded) by Lu Guang and a big portion of Cheng Xiaoshi is constructed out of Lu Guang's perception of him. How would Cheng Xiaoshi write back to that? Cheng Xiaoshi is a mystery and The Tides prepares us for his development in season 3.
#uff#link click cinematography#lan studio#link click#lu guang#shiguang daili ren#shiguang#ćśĺ
䝣çäşş#cheng xiaoshi#donghua#guangshi#The Tides
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From her hair style to the oval shape of her face, from her rosy cheeks and red lips to her petite plump body, this Susanna is an ideal 1820s beauty. This may as well be an 1820s pinup for how it treats this biblical scene. Indeed, like the pinups of the 1940s and '50s, this Susanna finds herself in an embarrassing situation that happens to show off her body, rather than in a dangerous or distressing situation. Her bright body takes up most of the frame. We get to see a scantly-covered breast with a dainty pink nipple peaking out. The long, unbroken length from shoulder to toes shows her supple curves and the availability of her body. Her expression is just contorted enough to show concern without marring her beauty.
As for the elders themselves, their depiction has more in common with the Muppets Statler and Waldorf than the sexual predators they are. Like the heckling puppets, these elders are separated from their subject by barriers: a thick black column, a waist-high wall, and several bamboo forming a natural fence. Their threat level has been reduced by these obstacles. They are relegated to the background, blending in with the darker tones, part of the scenery, the audience.
One chuckles in surprised delight: a nude beauty in the wild? What a joy! What a treat!
The other's older, balding face is harder to read. Are his raised eyebrows hopeful, pleading? Please miss, might I touch a breast? Is his toothless mouth meant to make him look a hungry beggar?
These are comical perverts, rendered unthreatening by the artist.
Even the exotic details play into the aestheticization of the scene: the bamboo and palm trees and abundant leafy foliage, the peak of a body of water in the distance, the warmth of the golden and red fabrics. The setting is certainly more Mediterranean than Dutch. This is a pretty picture in a pretty setting.
Ultimately, this is another example of a stock scene being chosen for the prospect of painting a nude woman rather than a moral condemnation of a horrid situation.
Who did the artist paint this for? For men with cigars to chuckle at while giving their friends a knowing wink? "Wouldn't mind finding myself there, if you know what I mean!" At a time in history where young European men of means would travel around the continent for education, culture, and worldly pleasures, the dream of stumbling across an exotic bathing beauty in a balmy climate and having your way with her was a tantalizing erotic trope. A respectable young man could have his sexual study abroad before returning home to marry a chaste young lady without sullying his reputation. Indeed, conquest would only enhance his masculinity, not diminish it.
So obviously, why would he condemn the elders when they were living the dream? Of course this painting makes the situation cheeky and playful, and only mildly inconvenient for Susanna. Once the (male) audience has had their way with her, they can return to hearth and home, no less a Christian gentleman. This Susanna is a dalliance on an 1820's man's European tour, not a biblical figure facing assault.

Susanna and the Elders, 1820, Museum of the Netherlands
Suzanna en de ouderlingen. De naakte Suzanna wordt tijdens het baden bespiedt door twee oude mannen die zich achter struikgewas verscholen houden.
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Thinking about her. Where is she? Who is she with? Whatâs she thinking about? Is she thinking about me?
#Kids in the Hall#dave foley#Newsradio#i need her so badly#how can one man be such a beautiful woman#itâs a crime
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One of the best things about Disco Elysium by far is that it does not fear ugly women. The world is full of ugly men, but ugly women are so hard to come by.
#I'm not calling the characters ugly btw#i don't believe any one can be ugly#i do not care for beauty standards and thus i don't rank people based on how âuglyâ or âprettyâ they are#but the characters in DE do not meet the conventional beauty standards and look like actual people with unique faces#and thus would be considered âuglyâ#and that is so important to me. i go feral whenever media represents how people look like in real life and not how they look like in the#fictional parallel universe where everyone is a model and where a majority of the movies take place#because irl you don't have to be a model to be desirable#the most attractive man in any video game I've ever played has a receding hairline and a big nose and thick glasses and a small chin#and not only is representing realistic people. just good. in general. but it makes the character of Dolores Dei stand out so much more which#works for the game so well. she's barely human. she's a deity- a myth- a legend. the only version that exists of her now is the one with#glowing lungs. she's perfectly beautiful because she's inhuman. the fact that everybody else looks so human only highlights how inhuman she#has become yk?#if everyone was as conventionally attractive as her then she wouldn't stand out. we wouldn't get why she's so special.#disco elysium#disco elysium analysis#media analysis#beauty standards#this is only one aspect of how this game portrays real people btw. as someone interested in character design this just immediately stood out#to me#the first time i noticed it was when i first met garte and the second time was when i met ruby because neither are conventionally desirable#oh my fucking god the nerds who complain about a woman with a model face having body hair in a video game would perish if they played this#mainstream game/movie studios catering to western masses could never
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It's happened she LITERALLY did this for MEđĽşđÂ
the warning............ already has my stomach tense as fuckđŤ
Thor is such a sassy king in this LOLL dramatic man with power đŽâđ¨
A formal gala, with Bucky dressed up in a suit and you in the most alluring dress in your closet, could be the perfect place to earn a second warning. LMAOOOO YOU GO BABE !!!!!!Â
âOkay darling, theyâre closed.â He plays along, knowing that when it comes down to it, he would do anything you ask him without contest because itâs for you. My God shutup this whole encounter between them is literally the most freaking precious thing EVERâšď¸âšď¸
Buckyâs fearful that you wonât actually believe his statement, even though they are perhaps the most honest words that have ever left his lips. Itâs no secret that before he met you, Bucky had enjoyed sleeping around - had entertained more than his fair share of attractive women in his bed, but after just one month officially as your boyfriend, becoming intimately familiar with your beautiful soul, he has zero doubts that you are the only woman he wants in that position for the remainder of his life. Em I'm SICK this is everythingâšď¸â¤ď¸
You playfully slap his chest, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and then proceeding to rub your lipstick stain off, before pushing him along to get you a drink. He looks back at you as he walks away, almost bumping into the Chief of Surgery, apologising profusely with a guilty glance to you, before he shuffles off towards the bar. THE LOVE THEY HAVE IM SCREAMING đđ
âMonths⌠how much can someone really change in a couple of months? Thereâs so many of us around the hospital heâs fucked. You really think heâs loyal to you?â You recoil at her words, not having expected the conversation to turn into whatever this was becoming, nor so soon into your small talk. I just gasped so loudly.............what a bitchÂ
âYou donât know him like I do and have no right to speak about him like that.â You state firmly with a small humph. If you werenât at an event packed with your colleagues, youâd slap her. YESS STANDING ON BUSINESS BABYÂ
Coming to a compromise, your brain instead decides that being frozen in place, unable to look away like an impending car crash, is the best place for you to be. But that is also pure torture. this is so realisticđ poor baby I'm feeling so bad for her rn
What if you are just Buckyâs practice run at being in a relationship, the one who fixes him up, teaches him all the valuable lessons, only for him to leave you and be the perfect partner to someone else? UGH EM the writer that you are !!!!! Seriously!!! The self doubting and silent spiral is so me lol so I can confidently say you wrote this out so well â¤ď¸âđŠšÂ
Thereâs a split second where the whole world stands still, everyone at the gala other than the two of you disappear and itâs like youâre standing right in front of him, regardless of the space separating you. Their love đĽşđĽşđĽş I will never be over themÂ
You lean your head on Buckyâs shoulder as he continues to rub your back. Why canât the world just exist like this? Just the two of you in peaceful, quiet, solace. He kisses the top of your head and in that moment you know heâll wait patiently, all night if thatâs how long it takes, for you to explain how youâre feeling. I'm going to cry over this foreverÂ
Fracture into a million pieces, the fabric of reality tearing apart at the seams around you as euphoria flows through you like wind on the surface of water. Every single cell in your body feels like itâs been lit on fire, burning bright like a shooting star soaring through a galaxy assembled by your love for him. How actually dare you write this
âI love you.â Bucky confesses with a shaky breath, even though he is assured in his affection. Though youâre not conscious to receive his words, something about disclosing his most closely guarded secret to your beautiful face, finally admitting his profound feelings aloud, feels like an enormous step for him. Never in a million years did he think he could open his heart up far enough to allow space for these types of feelings to nestle within. âYou are the most precious thing in my life. Iâm never going to compromise what we have, never going to take you for granted. Iâm going to love you and only you for every day I have left in this life and even when Iâm no longer here, my soul will forever be yours.â A SLEEP CONFESSION I'M SO SICK HES SO FUCKING PRECIOUSÂ
A male paramedic was shot. ........I know you did not do what I think you did..........Â
And then you see it. The thing that flatlines your heart. No.
You try not to break down seeing the sheer amount of blood, Buckyâs blood, soaking the gauze they are pressing into his shoulder wound, how pale and fragile he looks strapped down to the gurney. Youâre an emergency medicine doctor, youâve treated wounds like this before, confronted much more blood than this from a patient. But nothing in your training prepares you for observing your soulmate barely clinging to life, their claret staining your gloved fingers as you help maintain pressure, how cold his skin is to the touch, how his face looks almost serene even though these could be his final moments on earth, that he could be abandoning you for the warm embrace of death.  No simply no what the fuck hey what the hell đ em what the fuck! My heart is in my asshole right now you're so evil what the fuck is this babe!! (This is really written so beautifully but I'm mad at you currently)Â
James Barnes simply wouldnât exist anymore. STOP??????????? DON'T SAY SHIT LIKE THAT WHAT THE FUCK.Â
Youâd never hear his voice again. Or his laugh. I'm literally sobbing RN
Neither comes. You are fated to live in excruciating limbo, your lungs burning, as if you canât take a breath until Buckyâs destiny has been sealed. Me fkin too đđđđđÂ
So I'm basically feeling all stages of grief RN but mostly denialđŤśđť I simply refuse to believe you would do this to ME SPECIFICALLY?????? HOW DARE YOUđđđ YOU GIVE ME ALL THE BEAUTIFUL THINGS SO WONDERFULLY AND LOVEY AND SOFT AND PERFECT AND THEN TO RIP IT ALL AWAY SO FORCEFULLY LIKE I'M THE ONE BEING SHOT WHAT THE HELL EM RESPECTFULLY WHAT THE FUCK. talk about a twist bc I was in denial from the beginning I really was thinking you'd make it Steve to throw us off but no she had to go and pull the trigger on my fucking man I'm so sick rn I'm going to bed until bucky wakes up.
In Situ
[Heâs Hazardous To My Health Series]
Paramedic!Bucky Barnes x Resident!Fem!Reader
< < PART 8 | Series Masterlist
In Situ - meaning in the natural position (ie. Buckyâs place next to you)
Summary: You ask Bucky to accompany you to the hospital's fundraising gala.
Warnings: strictly 18+, unprotected soft loving sex, creampie, graphic depiction of gunshot wounds & significant bleeding to a major character, a bit of angst as they struggle to reveal their feelings, will we finally get an âI love youâ??, certain ex-fling of Buckyâs makes an appearance, this part has a bit of everything, fluff, angst, smut all rolled into one; I will apologise in advance you have every right to hate me given the ending of this
Word count: a whopping 10.3k (buckle up)
A/N: this part is dedicated to the wonderful @treatbuckywkisses and @yenzys-lucky-charm, I havenât updated this series in so long and I genuinely thought no one would care about it being incomplete but you both have left such sweet comments on the other parts that inspired me to continue with my vision for paramedic!bucky, so I hope you both enjoy my darling friends 𩵠banners by @vase-of-lilies
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Itâs the start of a very long shift when the person you least want to encounter, Dr Thor Odinson, approaches you with a glowering expression which looks like the most accurate embodiment of âI would rather be anywhere elseâ.
You would rather quite literally be in any other room of the hospital than in trauma room 2 right now, but as your direct superior, you have to constantly take direction from the same man who tried to compete with Bucky for your affection, and then blacklisted you at work after you turned him down.
âBefore you say no to this, I need you to know this is a requirement of your employment here and you cannot get out of it, no matter how much you might want to.â Thor states with the same amount of joy as if he were inviting you to a funeral. His hands fidget almost unconsciously with a sealed envelope as he speaks, before offering it to you with a firm, outstretched hand. âBelieve me, Iâve already tried.â
You consider him for a moment, his eyes not quite meeting your examining gaze and nervously grinding his back teeth. Taking the envelope, you notice your name written in messy, scrawled handwriting on the front.
âNot sure why I wouldnât want to, whatever youâre inviting me to sounds like the absolute time of my life.â You jest in an effort to diffuse the tension between you. Thor, however, doesnât seem to find it funny as rather than a chuckle, you elicit the most forced eye roll youâve seen in a while.
âItâs a fundraising gala, mostly for the research labs associated with the hospital, but part of the proceeds go to supporting patients without healthcare who otherwise would not afford our help.â
Though the thought of contributing to those of the community who are less fortunate, and find themselves in the unfortunately common situation of being in debt to a healthcare system which was designed to further cripple the already vulnerable, the lack of enthusiasm Thor is conveying during the conversation makes you wary of what important information youâre likely missing about the event.
âYouâre allowed to bring a plus one.â He adds with a rising inflection, almost as if itâs a question rather than a statement.
Silence falls between you two, and for a moment you fully believe Thor is waiting for you to confirm whether you will be bringing Bucky as your date, which would just make this uncomfortable encounter even more awkward, but thankfully he speaks again before you need to say anything.
âYouâll be representing the ED, and more importantly the hospital, at this event. You and whomever you bring better be on your best behaviour, I donât want to have to write you up again.â A smirk curves on your face as he walks away. Although there is a finality to his voice in which you know you wonât get out of this work event, Thor has reminded you of the very public display of affection Bucky showed you in the emergency room which had earned you an official warning from hospital HR.
A formal gala, with Bucky dressed up in a suit and you in the most alluring dress in your closet, could be the perfect place to earn a second warning.
* * *
The night of the Gala, Bucky knocks on your front door, feeling rather uncomfortable in this taut suit with the unnatural feeling of the shoulder pads compressing against his already broad shoulders.
He tries adjusting them as he waits, he wants to look his absolute best for you, to rival even a fraction of the radiance heâs sure you will exude tonight. But they feel even more out of place now heâs fiddled with them and regrets the decision until he hears the pattering of your footsteps behind the door.
âYou have to close your eyes before you come in.â You call out to him in a playful voice, without opening the door. âIâm not ready yet.â
Buckyâs positive that in any state of undress or stage in the process of getting ready you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world, but a warmth spreads through his chest at the notion youâre wanting to look your best for him.
âOkay darling, theyâre closed.â He plays along, knowing that when it comes down to it, he would do anything you ask him without contest because itâs for you.
Bucky hears the lock click as it opens and a small giggle, before the light pressure of a pair of lips on his.
âNo peeking.â You request as you take his hand and lead him inside. Bucky knows your place like the back of his hand already and doesnât need his eyes open to know that you take him towards the couch. âIâll be right back, donât you go anywhere.â
âWouldnât dream of it.â With each beat of Buckyâs heart his anticipation of seeing you only grows. Heâs seen you in every way imaginable, naked and writhing for him, vulnerable with sickness, beaming with pride and joy, and yet every time he sees you he is continually flawed by how stunning you are in every scenario.
âBuck, you can open them.â
Bucky is simply lost for words. Never in all his life has he been in the presence of someone so utterly breathtaking. Looking at you now, practically radiating golden light, a brilliant smile tugging at the corners of your mouth, and your body looking downright heavenly in a form fitting dress which compliments the colour of your eyes, Bucky believes angels do actually exist.
âYou are so beautiful.â He manages to stammer out once heâs picked his jaw up off the floor.
âNot as handsome as you in this suit.â You grip the lapels of his jacket to pull him even closer to you, straightening his tie in an action that overwhelms Bucky with a need to kiss you.
âWhat, this old thing?â He attempts to brush off your flattery, because next to you, there is positively no way anyone could compete with your beauty.
Bucky gulps the excessive saliva pooling in his mouth as his eyes roam your frame once again, because he canât help but literally drool over how stunning you look - canât believe that he gets to be the one who walks into the gala tonight with you on his arm.
The only other time he has felt this utterly floored by someoneâs appearance was the first time he laid eyes on you as you strolled across the ER on that now historic day when he could not believe someone in scrubs and a lab coat could look so breathtakingly beautiful.
âYou are genuinely the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on.â
Buckyâs fearful that you wonât actually believe his statement, even though they are perhaps the most honest words that have ever left his lips. Itâs no secret that before he met you, Bucky had enjoyed sleeping around - had entertained more than his fair share of attractive women in his bed, but after just one month officially as your boyfriend, becoming intimately familiar with your beautiful soul, he has zero doubts that you are the only woman he wants in that position for the remainder of his life.
You kiss him in the breath after he finishes speaking, in that luscious, sensual way that no one else has ever kissed him and evokes a warm, fuzzy, almost life-ruining devotion, dare he say love, in his chest.
âLetâs just stay here tonight.â Bucky mumbles against your lips, his hands finding the zipper on the back of your dress and slowly unzips to let the fabric fall from your dĂŠcolletage.
He can feel you smile against his lips but then you bruise his heart by pulling away and saying âAs much as I would prefer to spend the whole night naked here with you, Iâve already been told I cannot miss this event.â
However, they arenât words which scare Bucky away from a challenge, he dives back into the kiss, the tip of his tongue tangling with yours. He thinks he has you convinced when your hands start playing with the hair at the nape of his neck - you know how much he likes it and do it constantly to turn him on, but then you pull back and Bucky sighs.
âYouâre insatiable, arenât you?â
âOnly when it comes to you.â He responds with a chuckle. Youâre the only woman whoâs ever had him whipped before, and Buckyâs not sure you realise how powerful the hold you have over him is.
âI promise, all we have to do is last an hour at this thing, and then you can take me home and have your way with me.â
* * *
You walk into the Gala, which is already packed with hospital staff dressed to the nines, hand in hand with Bucky who, in your opinion, looks magnitudes more handsome than any of the other men all dressed in black suits.
You turn to him and heâs already looking at you with that sparkle in his eye, like youâre absolutely perfect, just as you are, and there is nothing about you he would ever dream of changing.
âWhat?â You ask when those twinkling eyes donât look away, but instead study your features as if thereâs words left unsaid on the tip of his tongue.
âJust imagining pulling you into one of the on-call rooms, tearing this dress off you and tasting every inch of you.â Bucky shifts his hand to rest on the small of your back, his breath warm against your ear sending a shiver down your spine.
âWell, we have done some of our best work in there.â Bucky hums in agreement, both of you taking a second to remember the first of many visits to the on-call room which left you with shaking legs, but was also the first time either of you acknowledged that your feelings were deeper than simply hooking up. âI think you need to grab us both a drink to quench that thirst of yours, James.â
You playfully slap his chest, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and then proceeding to rub your lipstick stain off, before pushing him along to get you a drink. He looks back at you as he walks away, almost bumping into the Chief of Surgery, apologising profusely with a guilty glance to you, before he shuffles off towards the bar.
While Bucky is busy with that task, you instead make your way over to the other side of the atrium to take a look at the items available for the hospital's silent auction. You have to chuckle to yourself looking at the prices listed on the bidding sheets - as if anyone with medical school debt could afford to pay for even one of the allusive holidays or artefacts they had obtained for the fundraiser.
But you suppose your job tonight isnât to bid on the items themselves, but to shmooze the wealthy guests in attendance into bidding with their spare millions.
Searching out one of the items at the lower end of asking prices, you decide to put an almost embarrassing low bid on an all expenses paid weekend to Mexico, that you know someone will outbid you on, just to say you participated in the night without needing to lie through your teeth.
You stroll through the busy hall, keeping your eyes peeled for Bucky near the bar but it seems youâve lost him in the packed crowd. Itâs usually fairly easy to spot your tall, broad boyfriend, and your heart sinks a little that youâre forced to walk aimlessly around the event as everyone else is wrapped in conversation.
âDoctor, lovely to run into you like this.â You hear a voice youâve heard before but cannot place from behind you. And though you canât actually see their face, the tone of their voice contradicts their words - they donât seem pleased to see you at all.
Turning around, a face that evokes prickly apprehension in your chest comes into view. Sheâs hauntingly beautiful, the type of beauty which artists spend hours trying to commit to canvas and which is just not attainable for regular people like yourself. She holds herself like sheâs closing out a Victoria Secret fashion show and is fully aware of the enchanting effect she has on any man who sets eyes upon her.
âJacqui⌠I didnât know pharmacy staff were invited to this thing.â Even with her disagreeable inflection, you do your best to sound pleasant.
âOh well you are when youâre heading up the department.â She boasts, with a little wobble of her head which you mostly think is to draw attention to her shiny, voluminous blonde hair.
So is she just here to rub her new job title in your face?
âCongratulations, I didnât know you got promoted.â You try to sound genuine even though you really couldnât give a shit.
âI saw you walk in with Barnes. Where did he scamper off to?â You are now actually very glad to not have found Bucky in the crowd earlier. Something about the way she is trying to control the curiosity in her voice, and that she was actively watching the two of you together, makes you cautious of her intentions.
âNot sure, I was just looking for him.â
Thereâs a long pause where both of you refuse to be the next one to speak. You just want this conversation to be over. But you arenât that lucky.
âHow long have you two been together now?â The inquiry is almost punctuated with sharp spite, and though you donât want to indulge her line of questioning, thereâs a voice in the back of your head thatâs telling you you need to defend your Bucky from whatever that time is implying.
âA couple months.â Is the defensive response you retort - itâs technically correct, though youâve only been official for a month of that.
âMonths⌠how much can someone really change in a couple of months? Thereâs so many of us around the hospital heâs fucked. You really think heâs loyal to you?â You recoil at her words, not having expected the conversation to turn into whatever this was becoming, nor so soon into your small talk.
Where the fuck was this coming from?
âI trust him implicitly.â You attempt to control the absolute bewildered facial expression thatâs trying itâs very best to overtake your features.
âOh you poor, naive thing.â She says with a tone you use when delivering bad news to patients' families. âMen donât change, they just hide their true nature from you. Wait a few months, heâll be back to his fuckboy ways, guys like him canât resist cheating. I guarantee it.â
Most men are like that, at least in your experience. But Bucky has never given you any cause to believe he would treat you like that. Just because he had a reputation of casually sleeping around before meeting you, doesnât mean once heâs in a relationship heâll be unfaithful.
You canât imagine the sweet man who walked into your place tonight with his eyes closed, waiting for your consent to see you fully dolled up in your gown and then proceed to call you the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on, would ever cheat on you.
âYou donât know him like I do and have no right to speak about him like that.â You state firmly with a small humph. If you werenât at an event packed with your colleagues, youâd slap her.
The look in her eyes appears like youâve challenged her, but you donât want to think about the connotations of that right now. Without saying goodbye, you turn on your heel, needing to get as far away from her as quickly as possible.
Rippling anxiety bubbles in your chest that in your experience only Buckyâs touch can soothe. You frantically search for him in the sea of black suits, trying to also keep half an eye out for Jacqui so you donât accidentally run into her, but he is again nowhere to be found.
Where the hell is Bucky? Your mind practically screams as you bump into a strapping chest, but this one unfortunately belongs to the one and only Thor Odinson.
God, could he have worse timing?
You plaster on your best smile, trying your best to keep a calm facade as he introduces you to two older gentlemen he appears to be chaperoning for the night.
As wealthy and influential as they are, having made their billions from a tech empire started with a little trust fund from their families' generational wealth, you canât find it in you to care at the minute. You just want to find Bucky. Need him to hold you until the tornado of anxiety dissipates in your chest.
But Thor doesnât allow you to slip away unnoticed, instead he prompts you to talk up the work the team does in the emergency room, speaking about the people you save from all walks of life, from those without health insurance to the affluent who can afford the life saving medical procedures others fail to receive.
Knowing their donations tonight could mean the difference between many getting life saving medicine and not, you summon the will to engage in conversation, trying to push down the acidic bile bubbling in your stomach that had risen as result of your interaction with Jacqui.
The sharp taste remains on your tongue as youâre now caught in philanthropic discussion, silently cursing Thor who stands beside you for ever inviting you to this damn gala in the first place.
Itâs at least fifteen minutes later when you finally excuse yourself from their presence, the two men having pulled out their cheque books, much to Thorâs delight, preparing to make generous contributions that would have the hospital naming wards after them.
You hate to think what trouble Jacqui could get up to in that time frame. But you donât have to wait long to find out.
Finally, after searching near the whole hall for Bucky you find him. Goddess like Jacqui by his side.
She stands there, supermodel tall, blonde bouncy hair, beautiful, toned legs on display through the slit in her dress, a flirty smirk curving on her face, tucking strands of loose hair behind her ears like a schoolgirl with a crush.
The nerve of her, approaching Bucky at all, but especially after the words spoken between you earlier.
Just seeing them together, the most exquisitely gorgeous woman flirting with the man whom you love and confirmed less than half an hour ago to her you are in a relationship with, makes your insides tightly twist with jealousy, as if someone were wringing out a wet towel.
Half of your mind is telling you to stalk over there and possessively claim your man in front of everybody, but the other half, the insecure side which believes Bucky could do so much better than you, who would want someone as beautiful as Jacqui by his side, and which is currently winning the battle in your mind, wants to run off crying into the furthest corner of the hospital.
Coming to a compromise, your brain instead decides that being frozen in place, unable to look away like an impending car crash, is the best place for you to be. But that is also pure torture.
Bucky smiles, not quite his signature cocky smirk that never leaves his face when the two of you are together, but itâs definitely a smile nonetheless and your heart sinks through the pit of your stomach.
Men donât change. Heâll be back to his fuckboy ways.
Youâre not sure why youâre letting Jacquiâs words penetrate your mind, burrow into the deepest crevices and allow them to make a home there. You suspect itâs because at one point in time Bucky thought she was desirable enough to take home and do unexplainably filthy things with. Does he still have that same attraction for her?
What if you are just Buckyâs practice run at being in a relationship, the one who fixes him up, teaches him all the valuable lessons, only for him to leave you and be the perfect partner to someone else?
Practically paralysed in place as you watch their interaction, it feels like your heart has stopped beating all together when Jacqui strokes his arm. But buoyant relief comes near milliseconds later when Bucky brushes her off. Thatâs your man.
You canât hear what theyâre saying, but you distinctly see him mouth the words âI have a girlfriendâ, which relieves some of the tension in your tightly wound heart.
Bucky frantically searches around the room, and appears to have found what he is looking for as his eyes settle on your face.
Thereâs a split second where the whole world stands still, everyone at the gala other than the two of you disappear and itâs like youâre standing right in front of him, regardless of the space separating you.
But when your mind catches up to all the drowning emotions swirling in your chest, an uncontrollable sob bubbles up your throat and tears sting your eyes. Youâre not even upset with him, but the fear of what Jacqui had been planning on trying with him still manifests as a choking lump in your throat.
The physical distance between you throughout tonight has let doubt and hesitancy creep into the only small space in your heart Buckyâs affection has not yet touched. Jacqui planted the seed and itâs already bloomed into a large tree, branches crowding space in your tightening chest.
The last thing you remember seeing is Bucky taking a large stride towards you, before your hands fly to cover your mouth and you take off, walking as quickly as you can in your heels, to where you know the nearest on-call room is.
* * *
Prickling panic fills Buckyâs lungs.
Has he inadvertently just ruined the best thing in his life?
Jacquelineâs voice calls his name as he chases after you, watching as you weave between guests and make your way to the nearest exit, which only takes you deeper into the hospital.
He was naive enough to think Jacquelineâs intentions were innocent when she approached him for conversation, just two colleagues catching up at an event that neither of them were fully participating in, but he was sadly mistaken.
Heâll never make that blunder again.
Watching you shuffle into the nearest on-call room, Bucky takes it as a positive sign that heâs not the one youâre upset with, at least not completely, when you donât slam the door in his face but instead leave it open knowing heâll follow you inside.
Bucky stays by the doorframe for a split second, watching as you work to steady your breathing, hands wiping the corners of your eyes, but the overwhelming urge and the need to comfort you wins out and he canât help but hastily rush to your side.
âDarlingâŚâ He starts to say but when you look at him with big, wide eyes that are filled with tears, his mind goes blank and all he can think about is holding you.
You turn into his chest, face nuzzled into his lapel, and his arms instinctively close around you.
Itâs the little sob which escapes your lips that does Bucky in completely. He hates to see you upset, but never in the months of knowing you has he been privy to this amount of genuine distress. Heâs seen some not so great days, shaking frustration, even teary eyed with sadness, but never breaking down weeping.
He would move heaven and earth to ensure you never feel this way again.
He places a feather light kiss to your hairline whispering, âIâm right here. Nothing can hurt you.â
Though it was not his intention, his words provoke more sobs to escape your throat and Bucky pulls you ever closer. Heâs practically holding up your entire body weight, and decides youâll probably be much more comfortable on the bed this on-call room provides.
Even seated, you cling to him like heâs your lifeline, and Bucky canât ever imagine letting go. Heâd drown if it meant holding you safely out of the rough, relentless rapids currently flooding your mind.
As a paramedic, heâs so used to taking action, launching into a crisis with the equipment to be able to provide aid, to prevent further suffering. But right now all you need is his presence, to be the anchor grounding you to this world as a reminder that you have someone in your corner fighting for your happiness.
He hates not being able to do more for you.
âCan you tell me whatâs wrong?â Bucky asks after minutes of comforting you without words.
God, you feel so stupid. Crying at a work function because one of your boyfriend's ex-flings decided to flirt with him.
But itâs more than that - itâs the disrespect, the fact that she seems so entitled to Buckyâs affection simply because at some point in his history he slept with her, regardless of if she hurts you along the way to get to him. Do all the women at the hospital look at you like youâre an inconsequential ant they can step on to get what they want?
It doesnât help that she's also the most stunning, physical personification of a manâs wet dream youâve ever seen.
âItâs not you Buck, itâs her.â
He doesnât answer immediately, just continues rubbing his large hand up and down your back, which tells you heâs confused by your statement. Perhaps youâre not making any sense in this outburst of emotion, you can barely keep your thoughts in a logical stream let alone expressing them eloquently.
âJacqui, she⌠I told her we were together, she knew I was your girlfriend, and she still had the nerve to flirt with you.â
âI didnât flirt back.â Bucky says defensively, and as much as you adore him, itâs making you frustrated having to spell it out for him how her actions have made you feel when your throat is aching from pure emotion.
You take a deep breath, allowing oxygen to diffuse into the deepest alveoli of your lungs, calming the constant stream of anxious thoughts, and letting you regain control of the tears falling from your eyes.
You lean your head on Buckyâs shoulder as he continues to rub your back. Why canât the world just exist like this? Just the two of you in peaceful, quiet, solace. He kisses the top of your head and in that moment you know heâll wait patiently, all night if thatâs how long it takes, for you to explain how youâre feeling.
âI donât know if itâs jealousy or insecurity. I genuinely donât care how many women you were with before me Buck, itâs just a number, it doesnât matter.â You sit up and look him in the eye, needing to convey just how vigorously you believe your statement. âItâs just⌠it's a soul crushing feeling that people in the hospital, people I have to work with every day, use the fact that youâve slept with them to make me feel uncomfortable. That somehow because they know what you look like naked it diminishes our relationship and then they feel entitled to flirt with you and try and fuck you even though they know youâre dating me.â
The misery in Buckyâs eyes is almost tangible, and maybe itâs just an illusion from tears in your own, but seeing you hurting makes him start to cry too. His large hands engulf both of yours and his thumb strokes the backs of your hands resting comfortingly in your lap.
Previous partners have always brushed you off, gaslit you or raised their voice and called you crazy when you expressed an ounce of self-doubt or insecurity, but Bucky listens to each of your words with a determined focus, taking the weight of them on himself, as if they have just as much significance to him as they do to you.
âDarling, Iâm so sorry Jaqueline made you feel that way. She had no right. But you need to know there is not a single woman on the face of this earth that could tempt me away from you, no matter how hard they try. No one has ever had me like you do.â
The panic beating of your heart starts to calm when Bucky places gentle kisses to your knuckles. His eyes brim with trepidation, as if heâs just realised how fragile relationships can be and heâs desperately trying to hold onto you, preventing you from ever letting go again.
âI canât change my past, as much as I might want to, but all I know is youâre my future.â Tears trickle out of the corners of your eyes, but now the reason being due to happiness at Buckyâs sweet confession.
What did you ever do to deserve him?
âMy life before I met you was dull, black and white reruns of the same shit each day. Since I met you, everything is in vivid colour. If I could go back in time and wait for you, I would. If I knew you were around the corner, there wouldnât be any other women. But to me, youâre the only woman that matters. Itâs so profoundly better with you because I-, because I care about you beyond comprehension. There were never any feelings with anyone else. You are the only person I have ever felt this way for. You have nothing to be insecure about or anyone to be jealous of, youâre the only woman in my eyes, and I-, youâre my everything.â For someone who constantly says he isnât very good with words, Bucky always seems to know exactly what to say to make you fall even more in love with him. They are perfect words. Precisely what you need to hear from the man who has quickly become the reason for your being.
Thereâs a buoyancy in your chest as those familiar eyes, so blue you could drown in, examine your face for any non verbal cues of how youâll react to his words.
âYou really feel that way James?â You ready yourself, inadvertently grinding your teeth, waiting, hoping, wishing for him to say those three little words that will take your relationship to the next level.
But that hope pops like a bubble floating in the wind.
âDarling, I would never lie to you.â He punctuates with a kiss to your lips, slow and fervent, full of meaning. The look in his eye tells you he wants to reveal more, but it passes in a blink. âCâmon, let me take you home, and Iâll show you just how much I care.â
Buckyâs firm hold on your hand never leaves yours as he leads you back through the gala. You notice some glance at you, but all youâre focussed on is your boyfriend, his head held proudly high, not giving a damn what other hospital staff are whispering under their breaths.
* * *
Bucky slowly unzips the back of your dress, the material slowly falling away from your shoulders. A shiver runs down your spine as his lips kiss down the path of the zipper, starting between your shoulder blades, careful not to miss a single inch of skin as your dress bunches around your stomach and hips.
âYou were the most beautiful woman there tonight. Youâre the most beautiful woman in the whole world.â He whispers against your skin, in such a sure tone you canât help but believe him. His hands roaming over the base of your spine before gently pulling your dress over your hips. âCanât believe I got to be the man who walked in with you as my partner.â
Bucky turns you around to kiss you once youâre bare for him. The passion, zealousness of his lips feels like youâre drowning in a tender devotion he could not articulate with just words themselves.
You donât need to break away from the kiss to push his jacket off, unbutton his shirt, nor unbuckle his belt. Heâs as hard as a rock, standing at attention ready for you as soon as his trousers hit the floor.
âMy darling girlâŚâ He practically growls in your ear when you cup his balls with one hand as the other starts stroking him, using your thumb to spread the pearly bead of precum over his tip whilst placing kisses to his chest. âThis will be a very short, one act play if you keep doing that.â
âIâve barely touched you Buck.â
âMmm, I know. Thatâs just how much you turn me on.â The signature smirk he shoots you turns your stomach to mush, and makes you feel like youâre the dazzling sun at the centre of his universe.
Buckyâs large hands pull you down on the bed, on top of him. He sits you on his thick thighs, tongue sweeping into your mouth, hands exploring your every curve.
You wish you could live in this moment forever, relishing in how much care Bucky holds you with, but still manages to make you feel like youâre the sexiest woman in the solar system.
It hits you square in the chest when his soothing, wide blue eyes look up at you with a familiar tenderness that gives life to butterflies in your stomach, that you would do anything for the man underneath you, the man you love.
âWhat do you want, darling?â Bucky asks between breaths as he sucks on your hard nipple, his tongue swirling, doing magical things that could make you cum just like this. âWhat do you need?â He adds, switching to your other breast, which makes it hard to control your stream of thoughts - but there is one thing at the forefront of your mind that you donât have to consider to know you need desperately.
He lets out a groan around your nipple and you suspect thrusts his hips up involuntarily, just to feel closer to you.
âI need you Buck.â You repeat, tucking your finger under his chin and bringing his lips up to tenderly touch yours, as the urge to kiss him overcomes you. If it were up to you, the remainder of your life would be spent with your lips locked with his.
âHow?â His stubble scratches the tips of your fingers as you cup his face. The desire brimming in his eyes, the hunger to ravish every part of you, the yearning to have you so close to him you canât tell where you end and he begins, leaves you breathless.
âJust like this, please.â Your voice is barely above a whisper, but your imploring tone inspires Bucky on, not wanting to waste a single second more where the two of you are not joined.
Your forehead rests against his, his eyes boring into yours as he simultaneously uses one hand to assist you lifting yourself to hover over him, and the other to line his tip up to your dripping entrance.
An obscene sound from the back of your throat topples from your lips as you sink down on Bucky's cock. He doesnât take his adoration filled eyes off you for a single second, even to blink, as he fills you up completely. A whine escapes his lips once youâre seated on his thighs, appreciating how your pussy is swallowing his entire, impressive length.
âYou enjoy sitting on your throne?â You can tell heâs trying to tease, a mischievous twinkle in those deep blue eyes, but his voice quivers slightly, almost as if itâs strained, which you know him too well to realise is a dead giveaway for just how aroused he is.
How aroused he is by you.
That fact alone is enough for you to start grinding against him, hips moving back and forth, working up a rhythm that has you seeing stars and him groaning your name.
Both of his large, calloused hands are resting on your hips, helping you keep the tempo, making sure each rock of your hips results in your clit being stimulated against his pelvis. His lips find your collarbone, teeth scraping your delicate skin, the sensation of which clears your mind of any coherent teasing response you could have come up with.
âFuck, look at you fucking yourself on me. Youâre a fucking dream.â Buckyâs mouth is one of the most arousing parts of him, not only for what his lips and tongue can do to your body but also for the salacious words he speaks in that gravelly tone which turns you on just as much as his body does. âThatâs it, fuck me darling, this cock is all yours.â
âBuck youâre so deep.â Is all you can think, all you can feel is how his length is nestled within you, how much he fills you up. Youâre bursting because of how satiated you feel with him inside you, but Buckyâs musky, woody scent, as well as his warm, tender touch surrounds you from the outside, you feel like heâs everywhere all at once, and it brings you right to the brink of coming undone.
âBe a good girl and cum for me.â In this moment you want to give him everything you have, give him everything heâs asking for and more. His voice is gentle the next time he speaks, a murmur just for you, and matches the softness in his gaze. âItâs okay, I got you. Let go for me.â
Bucky sucks the pulse point on the side of your throat and itâs the complete end of you. You shudder, feeling safe caged in his arms as ecstasy fires up from the base of your spine through every neuron in your body, your toes curling, fingers scratching down Bucky's back - you can even taste it on the tip of your tongue as you scream his name.
Your legs shake uncontrollably, unable to continue your pattern of movement grinding down against him, but Bucky takes matters into his own hands by wrapping his arms around your waist and fucking up into you to prolong your high.
Once youâve finally stopped seeing stars, your vision coming back into focus, all you can see is the adoration, pure captivation as he looks up at your sweaty form trying to catch your breath.
âThatâs the most beautiful sight Iâve ever seen.â
No oneâs ever looked at you like this before, as if youâre the only girl in the world, the only person that matters to them, the one who holds their fragile heart in the palm of your hands and trusts you not to break it.
A dangerous thought flashes through your mind - do you dare tell Bucky that you love him for the first time right now, in the middle of the throes of passion. You have always wanted to let him set the pace of the relationship - he was the one who wanted to take it slow, not rushing into anything, but you can tell by the blooming warmth spreading through your chest, you have never loved someone more than you love him right now.
Bucky reaches up and affectionately brushes his thumb over the apple of your cheek, and before you can think twice about if you truly want to confess your devotion in this moment, heâs kissing you again.
Before you can even recognise what heâs doing, his toned arms have engulfed you in a tight embrace, and without pulling out of you, he flips you onto your back, making sure your head rests gently on one of your pillows. His body weight presses you deliciously into the mattress, it feels like being tucked in securely with a weighted blanket that just so happens to look like a Greek god.
âNeed to feel you cum on my cock again, itâs so fucking addicting.â Bucky practically growls in your ear, his breathing heavy. His long chestnut hair falls into his eyes, but it doesnât prevent him from gazing at you with a tangible combination of awe and lust.
The thrust of his hips is downright sinful. You feel the longing absence of each inch of him as he pulls out, only for him to split you apart again as his hips snap forward. Bucky starts out slow, his fingers intertwine with yours, forcing your hands above your head, but when he starts placing open mouthed kisses on the underside of your jaw, his strokes pick up momentum.
James Barnes has you in a trance, caged in by the sheer size of him, each languid, sensual thrust into you tightens the knot twisting into shape at the bottom of your belly.
Heâs so breathtakingly beautiful, the most gorgeous person youâve ever laid eyes on. As his shining pupils fixate on the pleasure contorting your face you ponder if he is possibly thinking the exact same way about you.
The moans dripping from his lips, mixed with grunted curses, along with the telltale crease in his forehead, and the fact that his teasing mouth canât come up with anything coherent is evidence of how close he is. But you know Buckyâs generous heart better than anyone, perhaps even himself, and you are sure heâll be determined not to cum before you.
One of his large hands continues to pin your wrists down as the other moves to wrap your legs tighter around his waist. Then he has the fucking audacity to rub the pads of his fingers over your clit in tight circles. Youâre so done for.
âBucky, oh fuck⌠yes, just like that.â You manage to stammer out, barely able to move with his weight pinning you beneath him, knowing your body is hurtling towards an inescapable, forceful orgasm, and all you can do is feel as Bucky plays your body like a fiddle.
âPlease, need you to⌠I canât last like this.â You can feel the desperate, animalistic timbre of his deep voice in your chest and his hot breath against your neck. âDarling please.â
And then you shatter.
Fracture into a million pieces, the fabric of reality tearing apart at the seams around you as euphoria flows through you like wind on the surface of water. Every single cell in your body feels like itâs been lit on fire, burning bright like a shooting star soaring through a galaxy assembled by your love for him.
Bucky speaks your name as a prayer, a vow, a promise. Over and over again. A reminder that you are who he is coming apart for.
It almost makes you dizzy how lost he is in the feel of you, how his hands spread you open as far as your legs will flex, but then you hear the wanton whimper as he spills his orgasm inside you and itâs almost enough to make you cum again.
As your heart rates slowly return to normal, Bucky lays down beside you, cupping your face tenderly as his tongue slips once again into your mouth. You would have thought given the display of passion just produced heâd have had his fill of physical affection, but he continues to surprise you.
Who would have guessed that Bucky âdoesnât go on second datesâ Barnes would now be clinging to you like a koala, not being able to get enough of your touch.
* * *
âSweet dreams Buck.â You whisper in that tired, yet sickly sweet tone that Bucky associates with the contentment of falling asleep beside you.
âTheyâll all be about you.â He responds with a delicate kiss to your forehead, fingers tracing gentle lines up and down the expanse of your back.
âThen I wish you nothing but dirty dreams.â
He rarely dreams of anything else nowadays, but it makes him smile nevertheless that your minds think in such similar ways.
You really are the girl of his dreams.
Even more than that, if there was an expression which captured just how significant you had become intertwined in his life after a relatively short period of time. His brain could not have concocted someone as perfect as you, even in his wildest fantasies.
He holds you close to him in the total darkness as your breathing slows, but there are too many thoughts racing through Buckyâs brain for him to fall asleep.
Tonight was perfect. Complete, utter perfection. Not that he expects any less of a night spent with you.
So why, even after building the courage all week ahead of the gala, (and if he was honest with himself, since the week he swapped to be on the night shift with you), had he yet to utter those three magic words?
Steve would say there was one final wall around Buckyâs heart he had yet to pull down for you, to reveal his deepest darkest vulnerability that he could barely admit to himself, let alone the flawless woman who consumed his every waking thought.
The insecurity he had been plagued with since he was fourteen years old and his father had wished death upon him.
The fear that he is innately unloveable.
Just because he loves you in a way that influences his every decision, impacts every aspect of his existence, and alters the chemistry of his brain, doesnât mean you are as hauntingly consumed by devotion as he is.
And even though the rational part of his brain tries reminding him you would not have shown such patience and stuck around as he clumsily attempted to manoeuvre being in a relationship for the first time if you truly did not want to be with him, that nagging insecurity is always at the back of his mind like a fog that wonât clear, doubting whether after everything he has endured, if he is deserving of being loved the same way he adores you.
But at some point Bucky knows he needs to find the bravery to take that leap, even if your possible rejection would be his ultimate downfall.
âDarling?â Bucky whispers as quietly as he can into the still night air. You donât stir, nor do you respond, which is exactly what heâs hoping for. âDarling, are you awake?â He questions slightly louder so that you couldnât help but hear him considering his proximity.
You continue to rest peacefully, lips slightly parted and breathing steadily, which is precisely how you always appear when sleeping beside him, but given the gravity of what he is about to reveal to you, Bucky has to be absolutely positive youâre in a deep slumber.
âChicken butt.â He says randomly, hoping that if you are feigning sleep this will cause a crack in your rather convincing facade. But to his delight, your expression doesnât change in the slightest, no muscle in your face so much as flinches, and Bucky is finally convinced.
He takes a deep breath, readying himself even though he knows youâre unable to hear him.
âI love you.â Bucky confesses with a shaky breath, even though he is assured in his affection. Though youâre not conscious to receive his words, something about disclosing his most closely guarded secret to your beautiful face, finally admitting his profound feelings aloud, feels like an enormous step for him. Never in a million years did he think he could open his heart up far enough to allow space for these types of feelings to nestle within. âYou are the most precious thing in my life. Iâm never going to compromise what we have, never going to take you for granted. Iâm going to love you and only you for every day I have left in this life and even when Iâm no longer here, my soul will forever be yours.â
You provide no response, features stay perfectly still, breathing rate doesnât change. Which is of course exactly the reaction heâs hoping for while you rest, but he canât stop his mind from wondering what your reply might be if you were awake; if youâd profess the words back to him, or if instead youâd recoil, shying away possibly because Bucky was moving too quickly.
Nevertheless, Bucky knows better than most that life can be painfully short, everyone has their expiration date, and you need to tell the people in your life how much you care about them before itâs too late.
âI love you.â He repeats with a smile and a kiss to your bare shoulder. Though he is navigating the all consuming, anxiety riddled, life ruining feeling of falling in love for the first time, Bucky knows with absolute certainty that he would go through it all again, one hundred times over, if it meant getting to spend his life with you.
But now for the difficult part - he has to say those three life changing words when youâre actually awake to hear them.
* * *
When the irritating ringing of your alarm wakes you up the following morning, a wave of disappointment washes over you. The night before with Bucky had been nothing short of memorable; complete with overflowing emotion, devotion, and no hint of apprehension from the man who had previously told you himself he wanted to take the relationship slow.
It was the most tangible display of pure love you have ever beheld.
But now, you lay alone in a web of cold sheets, Buckyâs place beside you unnaturally empty. When he has an early shift, typically he wakes you before he leaves, and at the very least gives you a kiss on the forehead, if not a much more intimate show of affection. But today, you have no recollection of being woken, no memory of his pillow soft lips on yours.
You find it takes a much more determined effort to get out of bed without an energising kiss from your Bucky.
The gala is the talk of the hospital, those who did not receive an invite interrogating everyone who attended for all the latest gossip. You hear your and Buckyâs names dropped a couple times in passing conversation, but all that does is remind you of the night before, and Bucky proclaiming his devotion to you while extracting a pleasure from your body no one else has been able to produce.
Tonight, you promise yourself, those three small words that have been tugging at your mind for the last month, tonight youâll tell Bucky.
His declaration of wanting to take your relationship slowly was all the way back before your second date, before you officially became his girlfriend, before you held him as his mother underwent life saving surgery, before you knew of his traumatic past, before he switched to the night shift just so he could see you more often, before last night where he told you you are his everything.
Regardless of if he says the words back, you need to tell him. Need him to know that he is the love of your life, that synapses in your brain have reformed so your train of thought always comes back to him, that he has rewritten the molecular code inscribed in your cells so that they crave him like water, drawing him in like osmosis.
Your thoughts are interrupted by your pager going off, calling an all hands on deck emergency.
The ER is a frenzy of nurses clearing trauma rooms, doctors discharging patients who have already been seen to and Dr Strange shouting at surgical staff to prepare the operating rooms.
âThere was a shooting at the mall. Police and paramedics are on scene, but it sounds bad.â Wanda fills you in as you both wash your hands and put gloves on, getting ready for the volume of blood and carnage that comes with gunshot wounds.
Dr Strange gathers the emergency medicine team together to brief you all on what youâre about to face. His face is stoic, having treated too many disasters to even seem phased by the decimation of so many lives.
You have not mastered that, but you also like having your humanity, caring about people is what you do best.
âSo far we know of eight victims being routed here. There will most likely be more. All G.S.Ws, five women, two men and a child, about eight. One of the men was a paramedic on scene.â The last sentence out of his mouth gives you pause.
A male paramedic was shot.
âA paramedic? Did they say who? Give a description?â All eyes turn to you and no one needs to say it aloud to know exactly what youâre thinking.
âNo, thatâs all the information we have at this time. They should only be a few minutes out.â Youâve never known Dr Strange to be very sympathetic, but the look he shoots at you is what you assume to be the most compassion he is capable of.
The nagging part of your brain that always finds a route to the most devastating scenario, no matter how unlikely, is screaming so loudly you cannot ignore it.
What if that paramedic is Bucky?
There would have to be thousands of paramedics in a city of this size, what would the chances actually be that Bucky is the one paramedic in critical danger at this very moment.
But the universe has always found a way to be cruel to you, with the exception of when it brought devilishly handsome Bucky Barnes into your life. But what could be more cruel than introducing you to unconditional love and then destroying your heart by taking it away just as swiftly?
Wanda, sensing your paralysing worry beside her, comfortingly strokes her hand up and down your upper arm. âHe was working the morning shift today, his shift will be well and truly over. He shouldnât have been working when the shooting happened.â
âYeah⌠he was on morning shift today.â Reminding yourself how you woke up in bed alone. Your lips tremble as you attempt to talk yourself down from the ledge of sheer panic. But your best friend can tell this fact doesnât convince you.
âCall him.â Wanda instructs with a level voice, only a small glisten in her pupils gives away that she too is worried for his safety.
Your hands are shaking uncontrollably as you locate his contact in your favourites, accidentally dialling your mum first before you see the picture you have of the two of you together set as his contact pop up as it starts ringing.
Time stands perfectly still, the bustling hospital which is always full of movement, the constant beeping of patients pulse oximeters, announcements sounding over the PA, it all goes dead silent and all you hear is the ring tone of a phone call which Bucky isnât answering.
Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.
It goes to voicemail, his voice filling your ears but itâs of no relief because itâs only a recording.
You press his contact again.
And again.
And again.
The fourth time youâre forced to listen to his infuriating voicemail, you leave a panicked message. âBucky Iâm so worried about you, please ring me back as soon as you get this. Thereâs been a shooting. Please, I need to hear your voice, hear that youâre alright. Please.â
You thought heâd pick up the phone and relieve you from this torment, but now knowing he hasnât answered after multiple calls, youâre more convinced than ever itâs him thatâs been shot.
âWanda if itâs-â
âYou canât think like that.â But that's all you can think about. Your job, the duty you have to these patients who are en route to the hospital, none of that comes close to the need to know Bucky is unharmed.
The world starts moving in slow motion as the first of the patients arrives. Time runs like molasses, but the anxiety in your chest turns up one hundred fold, as if flashes of lightning strike your chest one after another.
A woman gets pushed in on a gurney, light brown hair stained with blood, and even from the sight of how the paramedic needs to hold her skull flap to her head to prevent her brain being exposed, you know she wonât make it as much as the surgeons will try to save her.
Thereâs a child, not much bigger than Sasha who you treated the day you first met Bucky, that gets pushed through next. In complete juxtaposition, sheâs sitting up talking to paramedics, arm in a sling, but mostly looks unharmed.
And then you see it. The thing that flatlines your heart.
Chestnut hair and an EMT uniform.
Youâd know those thick, wavy locks anywhere.
âBucky!â You donât even recognise your own voice with how much terror it is consumed with. This canât be happening. This canât be real.
In a flash youâre by his side, keeping pace as they wheel him deeper into the hospital, your lungs and throat scorching with distress.
You try not to break down seeing the sheer amount of blood, Buckyâs blood, soaking the gauze they are pressing into his shoulder wound, how pale and fragile he looks strapped down to the gurney. Youâre an emergency medicine doctor, youâve treated wounds like this before, confronted much more blood than this from a patient. But nothing in your training prepares you for observing your soulmate barely clinging to life, their claret staining your gloved fingers as you help maintain pressure, how cold his skin is to the touch, how his face looks almost serene even though these could be his final moments on earth, that he could be abandoning you for the warm embrace of death.
Not your Bucky. They canât take your Bucky.
âBuck, can you hear me?â Your hand cups his cheek, and heâs as cold as ice. His eyes are shut so he canât even look at you to give you one last chance to memorise the astonishingly blue irises which have been your source of solace since meeting him.
A mask covers his mouth and nose, delivering rescue breaths. You try to place a block in your mind to stop it from retrieving the medical knowledge you have spent years memorising - you donât want to know how catastrophic a situation his body must be in to be needing rescue breaths.
âI love you, James. You hear me? I love you!â It almost ends your existence when he doesnât answer, doesnât even so much as flinch at your confession. You hope any part of him that is still alive inside the casing of his cold body manages to hear those words.
Dr Strange and Wanda have to physically restrain you from following the team treating Bucky and prevent you entering the operating theatre.
Dr Strangeâs voice sounds like a hum, too far away to make sense of even though heâs pushing you away from the OR. All youâre focussed on is keeping your eyes on Bucky for as long as you can.
Is this the last time you will ever see him alive?
Itâs only once he is out of sight, that your brain starts to catch up to the realisation of what has actually happened.
Bucky was shot. A bullet ripped through his skin, tearing muscle and fascia, lacerating his organs, possibly fatally wounding him.
Bullets are designed to kill. To end the life of the organism the gun barrel is aimed at. There is no mercy from a gunshot wound, you had seen too many to believe better.
A guttural cry forces its way out of your parched windpipe without you being able to prevent it, your kneecaps sting as you fall to the ground. Hot, large tears cascade onto your cheeks as Wandaâs arms engulf you.
Any second now, James Buchanan Barnesâ heart could be taking its final beat and you wouldnât be any wiser. His lungs would stop breathing, preventing oxygen from binding to hemoglobin in his blood and reaching his brain. Everything else would shut down quickly from there.
One second heâd be here and the next he wouldnât.
James Barnes simply wouldnât exist anymore.
You had seen it too often, heard from bereaved family members time and time again how quickly it had all happened, but it wasnât until this very moment that you understood the magnitude of that sentiment.
How could he go from telling you yesterday night that you were the most beautiful sight he had ever laid eyes on to now possibly his cold, lifeless body laying on an operating table with his soul having crossed over to the afterlife?
Youâd never hear his voice again. Or his laugh.
Never see his dazzling sapphire eyes as they regard you with overwhelming affection.
Never feel that warm rapture blooming in your chest when heâd proclaim himself as yours and kiss you in the same breath.
Heâll never get to know you love him.
It feels as though you are tumbling wildly down into an abyss, waiting for the inevitable crash at the bottom that would either end this eternal suffering or that sudden jerk, the lurch as you wake up from this cruel nightmare.
Neither comes. You are fated to live in excruciating limbo, your lungs burning, as if you canât take a breath until Buckyâs destiny has been sealed.
Oxygen would be the gift youâd allow yourself once your love was awake and talking again; cracking stupid jokes with his signature cocky smirk and flirting with you like you were on your first date again.
And if he were to pass into the next life, taking your heart with him, then you would simply refuse to take another breath until you were reunited with him once again.
Part 10 coming soon
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Heâs Hazardous To My Health [Paramedic!Bucky Barnes] Taglist: @lavenderpenumbra @crazyunsexycool @eralen @buckbuckyoongs @blackwidownat2814 @crayongirl-linz @ozwriterchick @desert-fern @misshale21 @chalesleclerc164 @rookthorne @janineb86 @emmabarnes @scarletbich @princezzjasmine @thebuckybarnesvault @doasyoudesireandlive @solitarioslilium @iamfandomwasted @tanyaspartak @pop-rocks-818 @Dumdidditydumdoo @missvelvetsstuff @kayden666 @amiimar @katheryn1 @safew0rd @kentokaze @thewackywriter @lady-loki-barnes-djarin @badasswlthafatass @loveoldmenlikelana @00cmh @pointless-girl @honeyglee @nerdxacid @ashhsage @prettylittlepluviophile @otomefromtheheart @sjsmith56 @mandijo17 @lokidokieokie @oceansandblackhearts @rebeccapineapple @soorwellystan @excusememrbarnes @lofaewrites @snapcapquartet @wishingwell-2 @aya-fay @lowkeysebby @redbarn1995 @lex-is-up-all-night-to-get-bucky
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Some of Tee and Ja'Marr's thoughts on the Tee Situation
Tee said to me 'right now I get to play with one of the, if not the, best quarterbacks in the game, I get to play with one of, if not the, best wide receivers in the game, that opens up so much more for me.' And then he said 'this offense is designed for so many different players to be spotlighted, the way that I am used in this offense so plays to my strengths.' And then he said to me, 'can you guarantee I can have that exact situation anywhere else?'
So do I think he's taking a home discount? No. But I do think that he is very very smart, he sees the whole picture out there...
It's very easy to compare this situation to what Ja'Marr had at LSU with Joe Burrow and Justin Jefferson. And Ja'Marr has said Tee is very different than Justin Jefferson. That every single minute with Justin Jefferson was a competition. That everything was who makes the more dynamic catch, who has more catches in practice, who runs faster? Everything was that way. Ja'Marr had to speak up and demand the ball a lot at LSU, because so was Justin. Ja'Marr told me that he doesn't have to do that in Cincinnati because Tee, and this is a quote from Ja'Marr, is one of the most unselfish humans you'll ever meet.
#VERY VERY INTERESTING STUFF#also fuck evan this guy is so annoying he KEPT interrupting her through her whole segment and then smiled all condescending like#'what about the money you idiot woman'#and it's like YES the money IS a good point#this could easily all just be talk from tee and ja'marr#because tee DOES deserve all the money he can get#he DOES also deserve the chance at being WR1 if that's what he wants#(he has always done well as WR1 when ja'marr is out/hurt)#so like yes. those are important caveats.#that can definitely be talking points without evan's annoying ass comments and interruptions and looks#(like dude are you not also just some sideline reporter? no need to act like you're better than aditi. BUT WHATEVER)#very interesting considerations! that tee is aware of all the good of his current situation#and may not want to change it at all??#again. could just be saying shit. actions speak louder than words and all that#but the action of dropping your agent (who has the BEST track record of getting guaranteed money) only to go to the agent of the guy#who the front office is going to try to leverage your negotiations against#is like. well. that feels very very deliberate!!#that these two are going to put up a united front. to try to do their best to stay together AND get paid.#which sounds too good to be true tbh!#and then ja'marr comparing his relationship with justin and his relationship with tee!!#both important relationships! both beautiful connections!#and like. justin and ja'marr NEEDED that kind of relationship in college#one of support and competition. pushing each other to be their best. so that they could come into the league#and break all these records almost immediately#and then now a more settled relationship with tee. calmer softer maybe.#that post about how important relationships that let you REST are#man. man. i could go on forever about all of this but this is already too much!!!#tee higgins#ja'marr chase#cincinnati bengals
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something has been bothering me ever since the discourse regarding marcille being conservative ir2 gender started rolling around. it doesn't bother me that it was said; it's obviously true based on the shapeshifters chapters. but people trace it back to her elvish background, and i think this is a sort of misunderstanding of elvish gender?
elves see themselves as androgynous and are interpreted as feminine by Everyone Else. there doesn't seem to be a very strict "feminine" or "masculine" presentation that elves must adhere to- mithrun is a manly ass elf. otta is a masc elf lady. lycion is a fem elf dude. the only thing i can imagine would possibly gender their presentation is their hair length (and boobs i guess? notably cithis and marcille are the only elves i can remember that really have a rack. anyways). this is a gender role in it of itself- androgyny without flexibility can and will be its own shackle. BUT this isn't the gender conformity that marcille reinforces!
marcille's childhood was incredibly lonely, and her closest friends for like 30 years were her parents. her parents, of whom were her tallman father and her elvish mother. her elvish mother who left elvish society to be a court mage for a tallman. her elvish mother who in ALL of her appearances is doing Housewife Things.
as an aside, don't you think it's interesting that falin considered accepting a proposal from someone she didn't even love because she feared it would be the only shot she had at getting married, implying that being married would make her more desirable? don't you think it's interesting how in laios' nightmare, his mother is pressuring him to have children? don't you think it's interesting how it's gender roles that are familiar to us are the gender roles that marcille seems to be trapped between?
marcille's problem is that she's applying that good ol' fashioned elvish superiority to tall-men gender roles.
#hummingbird chirp#i understand the impulse to dunk on dm elves at every turn but in this case it feels somewhat reductive?#i can see elves reinforcing their One gender role (elvish standard of androgyny)#but marcille isn't advocating for androgyny. shes very clearly trapped in the binary of Man and Woman#partially i think this is due to how would marcille feel like she can never achieve elvish beauty standards anyway#pointy ears are attractive to elves. she can literally never achieve that without mutilating herself#so why give a damn about what she can never be. at least she can be feminine in a tallman way!#the elves can be lax about gender/sexuality and still be an imperialist kingdom btw#dungeon meshi is good bc this shit is Layered#idk how to tag this.#dungeon meshi#dungeon meshi spoilers#there i guess#dunmeshi meta
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Fires of Fate | jww !!
I have finally made it to Izzy's fic, I've been thinning about it non-stop and I'm just so excited I get to read it :)! Unto my thoughts!!
Does the world burn because of people, or is it people who burn because of the world they live in? â the start is already so beautiful, it sets the tone for the entire fic.
I already adore Wonwoo's relationship with Misoon and the parent - child type relationship they have :(, like â âYour father will summon you in a few minutes, Sir,â she informs him, taking a few steps closer. âDonât call me that,â he frowns at the sudden address. âYouâve changed my diapers before, I think itâs only fair to call me by my name.â â this moment is adorable. And seeing his thoughts on the matter shows too thet the distance she has to put (in terms of the formalities) clearly affects him as he seems to despise the reminder that they aren't blood-related.
A part of him wanted to turn around and run away when he listened to the real reason why he was going but he knew he couldnât. âYouâll become a true man after that and will be able to find a wife for yourself. It was about time, after all.â â ...at least he's able to choose his own wife?? the vibe of the dad is so intense wow, fit for a demon king.
Chan cameođ why is he so cute omgâ There is a sigh that leaves his lips when he notices the blond in a headlock, laughing with another two boys he canât remember the names of at the moment. Seokmin looks confused upon that for a second until he looks into Wonwooâs eyes, a smile appearing on his lips as he realizes the exhale is nothing but wishful. â and Seokmin!! this makes me so happy.
The developed friendship with Chan is so cute omg đ and the fact the Seokmin calls hum by his name at the pub?? I'm soft. I love how caring Misoon is :((( I love her so much.
Jeonghan omg!!!!đđđ I DIDNT EXPECT HIM TO BE HERE IM SO EXCITED (I miss him badly), and he's a fallen angel no less, I love that and how his personality shines. The king is so suspicious, like I'm concerned.
âYouâre notâŚâ the shock on his face is obvious when his eyes set on a woman, one he doesnât recognize. âHands up.â He obeys, carefully examining the person in front of him. He blinks a few times as he takes the image of you in his eyes, trying to figure out what you were doing. â reader introduction!!!! I already love her idc. SHE HAS A FIANCĂ????? girl I'm shocked. but the fact thet reader hesitated at his mentioned makes me intrigued.
You sigh when he doesnât give up, stopping in the middle of the road. âHow about you shut up, follow me, and then ask questions. If you donât piss people off, maybe theyâll give you answers.â â her personality is absolutely lovely. The ice prince is the fiancĂŠ of a fire fairy, huh, that's interesting. IZZY ?!?!?!? IGASPED THE ICE PRINCE IN MINGHAO???????????? AHHHHHHH NKOOIIOOO
Oh, the story behind their relationship and what they expect of reader is so depressing, I feel so bad for her :(
âYou should keep fighting,â he comments, grabbing your book again. He stares at the title, brushing off the dirt on it before handing it to you through the bars. âYou have free will, do what you want to do.â â this is so sweet I can't handle it. I'm so glad they're getting to know eachother :( I'm suspicious about the monster attacks but I just love their bonding moment and the way reader gives Won a nickname so easily.
Yet, you canât help but steal glances at the boy beside you. You question what youâre doing here again. There is a handsome man waiting for you in your shared bed, so why do you keep sitting outside with this demon? â :( oh my goodness
You gaze into his eyes, trying to figure out what is going on in his mind, but before you can read him fully, he leans down to you, his lips brushing against yours slightly. Itâs not a full kiss but your breath shakes nonetheless, sending shivers down his spine. â what if I scream oh my god. The way he teases her as they try to run away?? I'm so glad reader's is taking control of her life though:(
I was so glad reader finally met Chan and Seokmin then I fucking gasped at the death if Misoon??? like ik there was a character death warning but still!! oh my god.
He wanted to obey you, do whatever you tell him to and be good for you. â this made me giggle, I love when men are so downbad and submissive
Has he found someone who was going to help him take over the throne? Did you manage to run away from your fiancĂŠ who was holding you back on your every step just to fall into the same thing all over again, this time, with a demon? You hated just the thought of that. The suffocating feeling of having to deal with thatâthe limitation, all over again made you sick. â baby :((((( but the fact that she can't run away because she's so onto him :(
THE SCENE WHERE WON EXPLORES HIS POWERS??? THE WAY READER HELPS HIM????? me when honestly, that was so attractive.
âWeâll take it at our own pace,â he proclaims eventually. âWell, considering you guys slept together after only knowing each other for like, what, two days, I think we can expect the wedding next week,â Chan laughs and Wonwoo rolls his eyes. â I love their friendship, I just love everything about this.
Mingyu being the human friend I'm going to sob omg I cannot handle this, I love this fic so much omfg.
âNo need to attack me,â Mingyu chuckles, shaking his head slightly. âI take no interest in your lady, you have my word,â he assures the demon, glancing at you to see your reaction to the situation. There is a blush on your face, one that canât pass by unnoticed, and your lips are curled up in a smile, your eyes set on the black-haired demon. â I love jealous Won, I'm so giggly about it.
When you explain it, his eyes soften. Oh god, was he being jealous of Mingyuâs mom? He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. Of course it was a nickname his mom gave you. Misoon probably would have done the same if she met you. She would have loved you. â Misoon :((((((
âI donât, I donât!â He tries to argue but itâs already too late, and before he can think of a way out of the situation, he is cornered with questions from all of you, asking who she is and how long theyâve been together. For a second, Mingyu regrets taking you in yesterday. â I love their friendship so much ahh.
âFratricide,â he admits with a sigh. âThe current king was never supposed to rule the kingdom. But I have to give him something, he did well with covering everything up. He married your mother before people found out she was pregnant, so it was easy to say you were his child.â â OH MY GOD.....????
You rest your head on Wonwooâs shoulder, nodding as you listen. He smiles, pressing a kiss on the top of your head before he focuses on Chanâs old story about how he and Jisoo met again. When he finishes, Wonwoo canât help but tell the story of how the two of you met, calling it the best day of his life. â oh my god. I love the moment they approached Won's uncle to him becoming King and then the timeskip where we see their children :(
Izzy there is truly no amount of words that expressed how much I enjoyed your writing. This will be my first piece of many from you and I'm so so glad. The way you tell a story is absolutely amazing and the way you've kept me so surprised was remarkable, I loved every momentâĄ
đđđđ đđ
đđđ - đđđđ đđđđđđ

You canât put out fire with fire. But you can combine them, and watch the place burn down in front of your eyes. The demon king realized that when he watched his son dethrone him. He should have never sent him on the mission in the first place. If he hadnât, he could have kept his sonâs fire under control.Â
IN WHICH Wonwoo spends most of his time in his room, watching the world around from the comfort of his window. He likes it that way. It wasnât like the outer world would be something heâd like to see any other way anyway. However, when his dadâthe demon kingâdecides itâs time for him to go out, he canât say anything in protest.Â
As Wonwoo wanders through the mountains to reach the Angelâs territory, the little flame you leave behind yourself catches his attention, and you know you found someone interesting when even the flame you fire into his face doesnât make him turn around and get to where he came from.Â
ââ .âŚ
genreâ Fluff, Smut
warnings/containsâ fire fairy!reader, demon prince!wonwoo, side character death, Wonwoo has horns, tail and wings, some sexual jokes, Wonwoo is compared to a horny teen, drinking, mythical creatures, demons and angels rivalry, love at first sight, forced proximity, lots of plot (especially regarding the demons), arranged marriage (unsuccessful), dom!reader mostly, sub!wonwoo mostly, handjob, unprotected sex, kinda horn play/sensitivity play, they do it once with their friends sleeping on the other side of the cave they are in, oral (f!receiving), face sitting I might have forgotten some
word countâ 29.2k
⪠izzy adds... okay this was so fun. I really enjoyed the world building and playing around the powers and backstory of the demons. I'm so happy to be a part of this collab with my friends and so so so thankful to them. I also want to say a special thank you to @beomiracles because she was the one who organized most of it and helped us all unite. You did so well with it serene <33 This story is barely proofread, so sorry for any mistakes you might come across

Does the world burn because of people, or is it people who burn because of the world they live in?Â
Wonwoo thinks about this question daily as he stares out of his window, watching the demons outside scorch the ground beneath their feet. But he knows they arenât the only ones causing all the messâthe world above, teeming with other creatures, is far worse.
He couldnât say he has met many of themâhe wasnât even sure if he could say he met any of them (he refused to count the brief eye contact exchange he made with one of the vampires years ago when he was a child)âbut those are the things heâs been taught. âWe arenât bad like everyone portrays us,â he recalls his nanny saying, the pause in her words still etched in his memory. âSome of us, at least.âÂ
A sharp knock on the door pulls Wonwoo from his thoughts. He turns away from the children outside, who are tossing little flames at each other. âCome in!â He calls, and it takes barely a second before the door opens and he meets eyes with the same lady that raised him. âMisoon,â he smiles, standing up. She exchanges a smile with him, hesitantly closing the door behind herself.Â
Misoon has served the demon king for as long as Wonwoo can remember. Her face is lined with wrinkles, yet he has never thought of her as old. She is wise, having lived more lifetimes than he could imagine. She has always been thereâteaching him how to read, speak, and harness the basics of his powersâeverything his parents never cared to be part of. A part of him hates that he sees her as a mother figure, especially since his own mother is long gone, but he has learned to accept it. So, heâs learnt to read her, and he knew that frown on her faceâfull of worry, wouldnât bring anything good.Â
âYour father will summon you in a few minutes, Sir,â she informs him, taking a few steps closer. âDonât call me that,â he frowns at the sudden address. âYouâve changed my diapers before, I think itâs only fair to call me by my name.âÂ
âI already promised to drop the Royal Highness, but I canât afford speaking so casually to you, Prince.âÂ
Itâs like a reminder to him that she isnât actually his close family member, but one of his fatherâs workers, who only happens to care for him. Wonwoo sighs and nods. âAlright then. So, what was it about my father calling for me?â He asks, and the hesitation he catches in Misoonâs eyes makes him worried. âIâm not exactly sure what happenedâbut I overheard a conversation His Majesty had with one of the knights. They want you to go out with them.âÂ
âOut?â There is a mixture of feelings in Wonwooâs eyes as he glances out of his window again. âTo do what exactly? From what I know, there isnât anything happening in the kingdom that would need the knights involved.âÂ
âOutside the kingdom, Prince. We are talking about the real Aethera.â Suddenly, her worries made sense. The world above was a mystery to him, and he isnât sure itâs one he wants to unravel. The demon king never mentioned anything about wanting him to help out, prove himself, or even take any responsibilities on, so it was more than confusing to him. It always seemed like he didnât care, like heâd be happier not having a son rather than having to deal with Wonwoo, so why start caring now?Â
âAre you sure?âÂ
âPositive,â she nods, and he notices her small horns have shrunk. He bites the inside of his cheek, nodding in return.
âThen I guess Iâll have to see it out.âÂ
âNo, Prince, I actually think you shouldnâtââÂ
A loud knock on the door echoes through the room.Â
âCome in!â Wonwoo yells, turning his attention to the door. The sigh Misoon lets out goes by unnoticed.Â
Just as she said, minutes later, Wonwoo is kneeling in the grand hall before his father, listening to him speak.Â
âThere is time for everyone,â the king starts, clearing his throat. Wonwooâs eyes flicker up to him for a brief second before he glances back down, almost staring a hole into the floor beneath him. Thanks to Misoon he knew what the conversation was going to be about, but he hadnât expected a lesson with it as well. âYouâre 27 now. Itâs way past yours.â Wonwoo stiffens at the veiled insult but holds his tongue. âSo, as a way to get back on track and prove yourself worth itâthis throne for exampleâI want you to co-lead a mission.âÂ
Prove his worth? Did he need to do that? Did he have to take over the kingdom at some point and rule the demons like his father has? He knew it had to come once, but a part of him always thought that the later, the better. He loved the freedom he had nowâthe ability to exist without the weight of othersâ expectations.
A part of him wanted to turn around and run away when he listened to the real reason why he was going but he knew he couldnât. âYouâll become a true man after that and will be able to find a wife for yourself. It was about time, after all.âÂ
âOf course,â Wonwoo mumbles through gritted teeth, realizing that maybe Misoonâs worries werenât so out of place. âPerfect,â his fatherâs voice comes out strong, and before Wonwoo can look up, there are already two knights on each of his sides, waiting for him to get up so they could escort him out.Â

The sudden change is something Wonwoo wasnât fond of.Â
Just last week, his days looked simple. Eat, study, eat, stay in his room, eat, sleep. But now, for some reason, everyone needed to keep an eye on him. He could barely find a free minute to run off to his room and relax before another one of the knights or teachers showed up, insisting on having to teach him something.Â
Now, his day looked something more like this; Workout, fight, study, eat, fight, workout, fight, snack, sleep.Â
âYouâre holding it wrong,â the knight grumbles, walking over to fix Wonwooâs grip. âYour Highness, itâs important that you learn as much as you can before we leave. When we reach the mountains, itâll be too late. We canât keep an eye on the angels and you on top of that.âÂ
It felt humbling to say the least. Wonwoo was an adult, he should have learnt how to hold a sword a long time ago, not to mention his power control.Â
âNoted,â it comes out more raspy than heâd want to, catching the older male off guard. He doesnât say anything, though, and a part of Wonwoo feels relieved.Â
Later that day, when Wonwoo sits alone in the large dining room and his eyes land on the clock that marks already 3pm, he is surprised to see another person walk in, a portion of the same lunch he has in his hands. He feels even more conflicted when the blond boy sits down opposite him. Didnât he find himself impolite for not bothering with saying at least a greeting to his prince before invading his space?Â
Wonwoo clears his throat, loud enough to catch the boyâs attention. Their eyes meet, but all he gets is a smile in return before the blond continues eating. The prince wasnât sure what was going on through the boyâs head, but he wasnât one to mention anything, so he simply returned to his lunch.Â
It wasnât for another 3 days before he saw him again. His blond locks cover his eyes, and he looks kind of funny looking up at the other men in armor, but Wonwoo canât doubt his skills, not after he saw him fight.Â
âOh! Itâs you again!â His eyes land on Wonwoo, causing the taller male to widen his eyes. âFrom the dining room? We had a late lunch together!â He sounds offended when Wonwoo doesnât automatically act like theyâve been friends for years. He opens his mouth to answer but before he can do so, one of the knights nudges the blondâs shoulder, informing him this isnât how he should speak to his prince.Â
And heâs right. Had Wonwoo been anything like his father, the young boy wouldnât have a tongue by now.Â
âDonât mind him, Your Highness. Chan just wants to get along with everyone.â Wonwoo turns his head to the side upon hearing the voice, slightly nodding when he notices another knight. If his memory recalls correctly he introduced himself as Seokmin before. âHe means no harm, though.âÂ
There is a sigh that leaves his lips when he notices the blond in a headlock, laughing with another two boys he canât remember the names of at the moment. Seokmin looks confused upon that for a second until he looks into Wonwooâs eyes, a smile appearing on his lips as he realizes the exhale is nothing but wishful.Â

Spending weeks with a group of men who either think with their dicks or swords was something Wonwoo never imagined doing. Yet, he noticed some of their traits growing onto him as well.Â
He wasnât sure if it was a good or bad thing.Â
A lot of people told him heâs gotten more talkative and louder in the past few days, and it always sounded like a compliment, but the feeling of turning into a person he didnât even know always made his smile fade away. Heâd much rather have people avoiding him because they find him weird than them praising him for being someone he isnât.Â
âHey, prince!â Chanâs laugh fills Wonwooâs ears, making him turn around. âAre you coming with us? We want to grab some drinks since itâs the last day before the mission,â he informs him, and Wonwoo thinks about it for a bit. Seokmin told him about it earlier, and he said he wonât go but now that he saw how excited Chan was for it, he didnât want to miss it.Â
Thereâs a quiet âYes!â that leaves Chanâs lips and it makes Wonwoo chuckle.Â
âYou can go first. I still need to take care of some things but Iâll come,â he assured him, watching him walk away before he turned on his heel, walking through the castle to get to the library for his last lesson with the kingâs advisor.Â
He had mixed feelings about the situation, honestly. He was glad he wouldnât need to have his head buried in the pile of books while listening to older men talk his ears off about topics he had no interest in anymore but a part of him knew heâll miss it in the future nonetheless. Once heâd come back with the knights, his whole world will be changed and heâll probably want to come back to the somehow-easy times where all he had to care about was making sure he wouldnât fall asleep while listening to these lessons.Â
So, for the first and last time, he walked to his lesson with a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, ready for anything else he still had to learn.Â

Itâs safe to say Chan is drunk when Wonwoo finally arrives into the pub right outside the castle and joins the table full of knights. He tries his best to ignore the pairs of eyes on him and orders a beer for himself immediately, which follows a loud chant from the others.Â
âI thought you werenât going to join us, Your Highness,â Seokmin comments with a teasing smirk on his face. Wonwoo rolls his eyes at that but a smile creeps up his face. âWonwoo is fine,â he proclaims, and it catches the younger man off guard. âI donât think I canââÂ
âItâs fine. I promise,â Wonwoo assures him before he can finish, looking around the table. âYou are the only one who still calls me by my title. Everyone else dropped it a long time ago, so you should too.â He smiles, nodding. âOkay, then, Wonwoo.âÂ
A round of drinks goes by only to be met with a new one, and soon enough, the group supposed to protect all of the demons and their empire is drunk in a local pub, singing loudly and yelling over each other. Itâs a funny sight for sure.Â
âYou!â Chan points at the prince, making him blink confusedly. âHow come you donât have a wife yet?â Another one of the knightsâJisungâjoins in and everyoneâs eyes land on the tall male. âUhm,â he starts, trying to think of any valid reason. âWe keep waiting for you to find someone so you can take over the throne but it feels like you donât take any initiative to do so!âÂ
âI havenât found the right person,â Wonwoo lies. Heâs never cared about finding a wife for himself, nor taking over the throne for the matter. Deep down he knew it was something he should think about every second of his day, he took lectures on how to rule a kingdom for reasons after all, but for now, it seemed like something so far beyond his capabilities heâd rather not bother himself with it.Â
âI call bullshit,â Seokmin says, nudging the princeâs shoulder. âSurely you hadnât been single this whole time. Thatâd just be a disgrace to your little royalââ The owner interrupts him before he can finish his sentence, placing another round of drinks on their table. Wonwoo feels relieved. Heâd rather not discuss his (barely existent) sexual journey with them.Â
âOkay, I think thatâs enough,â Wonwoo laughs it off, finding an escape route. âWe still need some sleep before tomorrow. Last round.â There are a few complaints from the others at first, but in the end Wonwoo is the one with the last word, calling it a night when everyone finishes their drink.Â
There is a weird feeling that creeps up Wonwooâs shoulders as he walks through the castle hallways to reach his room, but he tries to pay it little to no attention. Surely itâs all the alcohol he had tonight and nothing else. Thatâs what he thinks until he senses the presence of another human being. But before he can do anything about it, figure out who it is or why theyâve been following him, two arms wrap around him, dragging him aside into one of the rooms.Â
âFor fucks sake, you scared the shit out of me, Misoon!â Wonwoo yells when he finally sets his eyes on the person, and she immediately covers his mouth to quiet him down. She has to stand on her tiptoes to reach him, but she is willing to do that if it means getting him to shut up. His words are muffled against her palm but she makes out the words to be something like âWhatâs going on?âÂ
She sighs, letting her hand fall back to her side. Wonwoo notices the worry in her eyes first and then the few new wrinkles on her face. He wouldnât dare to point it out, but she didnât look the best.Â
âWhy are we here?â He asks when she doesnât answer his first question, looking around. It is her room, he realizes. Itâs been so long since heâs last been here that he almost didnât recognize it. âSo I know we are alone,â she proclaims, walking past him to sit in her chair. His eyes follow her, but his feet stay glued to the floor, not moving an inch.Â
âThere have beenâŚweird things happening,â she explains when she sees the confused look on Wonwooâs face. âYour father is full of secrets, Prince, and Iâm not only scared for myself, but mainly for you.â Now he laughs. âScared? For me?â However, the expression on her face shows she doesnât find it as funny as he does. He swallows hard, trying to read her and somehow make sense of what is happening. He shakes his head before he takes a seat on her bed. Itâs small, the whole room is, and it makes him feel bad. After everything sheâs done for his family this is how the king repays her?Â
âThere are things you donât know about. Stuff His Majesty decided to bury so deep only he knows about them.âÂ
âLook, Misoon, I know my father has his issues but no one is perfect. Weâve actuallyâŚgotten closer since he decided to put me on this mission. I donât want to ruin that based on nothing.âÂ
She closes her mouth again when he says that, trying to think of something, anything, that could convince him. It seemed impossible though when she had no evidence she could hold onto. âJust promise me youâll be careful? Iâm not sure why he decided to send you on this mission, but I know it canât be anything good.âÂ
Wonwoo smiles but doesnât say anything else. He stands up again, walking over to the door. With one last look at her, the words âGood nightâ leave his lips before he exists, falling asleep as soon as his back hits the comfort of his bed.Â

Drinking the night before was a bad idea. They all realized it as they walked through the Darkwood forest, the birds chipping around them making their heads dizzy. How were they supposed to fight anyone like this?Â
âAlright, letâs settle down for some time,â Seokmin commands, turning around to face the knights. âI hate saying this but we are not ready right now,â he sighs and without any complaints, the group of men gets comfortable in the middle of the forest. Thankfully, this wasnât a battle they could win in a single day anyway. Only the walk to the mountains would take almost the whole day, not to mention the stairway to heaven. Climbing up was going to take some time. No one would mind the few extra hours they had to spend outside.Â
âMy head hurts,â Chan complains, resting his back against one of the trees. âBecause you drank twice as much as everyone else,â Jisung comments, slightly kicking Chanâs leg as he walks past him. Wonwoo laughs as the blond raises his hand as if to fight but Jisung isnât paying him any attention by then. âHere, have this,â he offers him his water bottle. âThe sooner you sober up, the sooner we can go.âÂ
âYou and your stupid royal blood,â Chan mumbles, taking the bottle from him. âWhy are you not drunk? Is it some super ability you royals have? Not feeling the alcohol in your blood the next day?â The prince laughs at his questions again, shaking his head as he takes a seat beside him. âIâm just lucky I guess.âÂ
âI donât get why we canât just fly over there, it would be way quicker.â The complaint catches Wonwooâs attention, making him look up to see Seokmin talking with one of the younger knights. âIs that a real question?â Seokmin raises an eyebrow confusedly, giving him another chance to prove he isnât stupid. âYes, it is.âÂ
âOh god,â Chan sighs. âDo you think heâll slap him?â Now itâs Wonwoo who is confused. âWhy would he do that?â Chan shrugs. âMin slaps me when I have stupid questions. But the more I think about it, the more Iâm realizing it might just be because he doesnât like me,â he mumbles the last part, hoping he is wrong once again. âThatâs not it,â Wonwoo assures him. âI actually think itâs because he does like you. He cares, otherwise he wouldnât get so worked up. Look,â he points at the two guys, watching as Seokmin only gives a brief answer before walking away from him, deciding he isnât going to deal with him.Â
âDid he not listen at all when we planned this whole thing?â Seokmin asks, frustrated as he joins the two guys next to the tree. âYou probably tired him so much he slept through it,â Chan jokes, ignoring the dead stare Min sends his way. âEven if he did sleep through it all, isnât it basic knowledge? If we were to fly up to them, theyâd notice us and weâd lose our only advantage.âÂ
âNo need to explain that to us, you made sure we wouldnât sleep when everything was explained,â Wonwoo laughs, again. Itâs weird how many times heâs done that around them. After he reached his teenage years and was forced to learn about the world and all the rules of the demon kingdom, there wasnât really much to laugh about. It was a nice change. And he appreciated his new friends for it.Â
Seokmin rolls his eyes, taking out an old wrist watch from his pocket to see the time. âWe should get going again soon. Find water and then get out of here so we are out of the forest before night comes.â Wonwoo nods, standing up and clearing his throat to get everyoneâs attention. âOkay, enough lazing around! We need to find a water source and then weâll get back on track. Now!â He insists when no one moves at first and everyone listens. Itâs not like theyâd have a different choice when their prince tells them to do something.Â
Chan whines, Wonwooâs words ringing in his head. He was never going to drink again.Â
Except for when they get back victorious.Â
âWhy did I sign up for this again?â Seokmin sighs when he gets back to others. It took forever to find the water source and the sun was already setting down when they all met again. Their plan couldnât be more off. At least he knew all his knights were sobered up now.Â
âBecause you love action?â Wonwoo suggests. âAnd youâre way too loyal to the kingdom.â He canât disagree, so he simply hums, ordering everyone to start moving. They only get to take a few steps before Wonwoo stops, holding onto Seokminâs arm to make him halt too. Thereâs a questioning look on his face, but he doesnât explain anything, simply looking around the forest, trying to find something.Â
âSomeoneâs out there,â he finally says and within seconds, Seokmin has his sword out. âWhatâs going on?â The whispers coming from their men donât make it any easier for them to locate the sounds but that doesnât stop them.Â
âWhose territory is this, Jisung?â Seokmin asks, getting a response immediately. âWerewolves mostly, sir.â The prince and him share a look before looking back at their men. âWe donât want to mess up our relationship with them, everyone understands?!â When they all agree, he continues. âOur time is ticking, so letâs get out of here as fast as we can! No one, and I repeat, no one, will do anything to piss them off! Letâs avoid them,â he glances at the taller man next to him again and Wonwoo nods. âThatâs right! Letâs go!â He joins, encouraging them to get going again.Â
When they get out of the Darkwood forest, itâs the middle of the night.Â

Wonwoo isnât sure if heâs ever experienced a sunrise before. Down, back at the kingdom, there wasnât a place he could watch them from, so he only heard about them from stories. Heâs never got the hype about them. However, as he walked beside his friends now, watching the clear sky gain colors and the sun come up, he understood it all. It was truly beautiful. He regretted not being outside sooner. Who knew what else he was missing out on.Â
âOkay, guys, we trained for this,â Seokmin turns to all of the guys, his feet covered in snow as he stands on the bottom of the stairway to heaven. The stairs are visibly old, and Wonwoo wonders how long itâs been since anyone stepped on them when he sees the dust and rats running around. âWhoever is up there waiting for usâif there is anyone, they wonât see it coming.âÂ
It goes as planned, every step of their way is peaceful, almost too perfect. Wonwoo follows last, guarding the men from behind while Seokmin and Chan lead the way. He knew the stairs werenât used by angels but still, something was fishy about how easily it all seemed.Â
Itâs only when they reach the top that Wonwoo finally senses the presence of another creature. âWait, guys,â he tries to warn them, stop everyone and tell them to prepare their swords, but instead, he watches a light flash in front of his eyes, slicing through the air. It takes less than a second, just one move and before anyone can react, a light sword cuts through a demonâs flesh.Â
Wonwooâs eyes widen and his whole body freezes. Hadnât it been for Seokmin, yelling at everyone to focus while he fires towards the light, who knows how itâd all end up. Who knows if Wonwoo would be able to react at all.Â
Thankfully, he manages to shake himself off, ignoring Jisungâs body falling to the ground and lighting up a fire with his hand, trying to calculate the speed in which the lightâlikely an angelâmoves in order to fire at the perfect time. He watches the men in the front take out their swords, looking around themselves, waiting for it to strike again while the guys in the back create a fire in their hands just like Wonwoo.Â
Wonwooâs eyes quickly follow all the movements around him, making sure not to hit anyone else as he shoots right in front of Seokminâs face. Gasps are heard from the guys around but it doesnât change the fact he hits the right spot, causing the light to turn back into an angel. A wave of relief washes over Wonwoo when the angel falls to the ground but to his luck, the battle has only started. And the war they started by this attack is near.Â
Soon enough, before the demons get to collect themselves or mourn their lost knight, there is another light flashing in front of their eyes.Â
âI believe we havenât met yet.â The soft voice catches Wonwooâs attention. There are three men standing in front of his men and who knows how many are hiding in the back, waiting for the best time to attack. âNo, we certainly havenât,â Wonwoo settles for the safe choiceâtalk. Whatever gives him time to think of a way out of this mess. âYoon Jeonghan,â the angel in the front introduces himself, politely reaching his hand towards the demons. Wonwoo doesnât shake his hand though, and neither does Seokmin.Â
âJeon Wonwoo,â the prince decides to introduce himself, creating a smile on Jeonghanâs face. âYour Highness,â he bows slightly but itâs obviously a sign of mockery. âWhat brings you here today?â â âI hopeâŚâ a chuckle leaves his lips, as if he was finding amusement in the whole situation. âYou didnât come here to fight us, did you?âÂ
Wonwoo hesitates, briefly exchanging a glance with Seokmin. âNo,â he answers through gritted teeth. âBut you attacked one of ours.â Jeonghanâs eyes wander to the lifeless body under him. âI believe we are even,â he shrugs and Wonwoo notices how he didnât pay the tiniest of attention to the fallen angel yet. âEven thoughâŚâ he starts again with a smirk on his face. âI donât like being even.âÂ
Before Wonwoo can figure out what those words mean, another light flashes in front of him and the next thing he hears is a gasp from one of his men. He quickly realizes fighting someone who moves at the speed of light is nearly impossible. Bodies fall to the ground right beside him and it feels like he is unable to move again. Unable to help, save his friends.Â
âPrince, careful!â Itâs Chanâs voice that brings him out of the trance, making him take a step back, which almost causes him to fall down the stairs. âBehind you, Chan!â Wonwoo yells right back as he takes out his sword, creating a fire in his empty hand. âPrince, I need you to listen to me!â He briefly glances at Seokmin as he swings his sword towards one of the angels that appeared in front of him. âFocus on your powers, search deep in your core!âÂ
âNow isnât the best time to give me extra lessons!â Wonwoo yells back as he listens to the comical instructions. âItâs exactly the time!â Min disagrees, trying to help out one of the younger demons. âDo as I say!â He wants to question it, argue with him at least, but he decides to do as he is told, taking a deep breath as he follows. âImagine lighting your sword on fire!â Any angel nearby could see in his expression that Wonwoo wasnât confident in what he was doing, and with powers, the key factor was confidence. Believing you could do whatever you wished for.Â
But there have been weirder orders he received before, some he questioned more.Â
So, even though Wonwoo doesnât have the greatest faith in himself, he believes in Seokmin.Â
âWoah,â he breathes out in shock, his eyes tracing as the sword ignites in flames. He smirks, gazing into his opponents eyes before he steps forward, cutting through the angelâs body in one swift motion. âHow did youââÂ
âNow is not the time for that!â Seokmin interrupts him, glancing over at Chan to see how he is holding up. âWe need to get out of here immediately!âÂ
Wonwooâs eyes never worked so much, so fast as they do now. He scans his surroundings, noticing Jeonghan on the top just watching the scene under him with pleasure. It annoys him how above-everyone he thinks he is. But he needs to focus on something else right now, so he counts the heads. There are eight demons still standing strong against who knows how many angels. He sees fifteen for now, but itâd be foolish to think more couldnât show up any second.Â
âOkay, everyone, Iâll keep them busy but you need to leave, now!â Seokmin tries to argue with Wonwooâs command but it barely reaches the princeâs ears as he practically pushes them down, refusing to hear it out. He swings his sword again when one of the angels gets too close, glaring at the others so they know he means it.Â
It takes no time for the angels to surround him, but it takes even less time for Wonwoo to push his wings out and take them down with one swift sweep. If Jeonghan wanted a show, Wonwoo was going to end it before the plot twist.Â
âIs heââ Chan starts, glancing back to see the situation as he runs down the stairs with the others, trying to get as far away as possible before theyâd resolve to flying away. âDonât look back,â Seokmin orders, trying not to do so himself. âHeâll manage. He has to.âÂ
Itâs obvious that they are both worried but there is nothing they can do. Now, itâs up to Wonwoo if he finally understands his powers.Â
Jeonghan scoffs, taking a step forward to get closer. Wonwoo doesnât let him, swinging his right wing right in front of him to stop him before he returns it to its original position in order to keep the other angels glued to the ground. âDonât take another step or elseââÂ
âOr else what?â He isnât scared, not a bit. If anything, Han feels intrigued, looking forward to what the prince might show him. âIâve lived much longer than you did, prince. Fought many more battles.â Wonwoo swallows, carefully observing the situation he is in. He needs a solution, and he needs it now.Â
Then it hits him. Imagine lighting your sword on fire! What if he did that with something else?Â
He focuses again, giving all his attention into his wings.Â
âI see,â Jeonghan mumbles, unable to take his eyes off the demon in front of him as his wings slowly turn from black to a deep, warm red and his eyes catch the same color. âYou take a lot after your father.âÂ
The comment goes unnoticed by Wonwoo but it doesnât matter. At the moment, he wouldnât be able to make sense out of it anyway.Â
âYou can run after your little friends,â Jeonghan encourages him with a slight movement of his head. âIf you can get out of this state, that is.âÂ
Wonwoo isnât sure how long it takes for him to push his wings back in, but he certainly doesnât like how much the angel seems to know about him. It felt as if he knew exactly what Wonwoo was capable of before he even did. It made him wonder just how much he didnât know himself or his powers.Â

âYou what?!â Wonwoo closes his eyes, tired of all the yelling that has been happening for the past half hour. Sure, they werenât able to fulfill their mission, but was it that important? Was it all worth the lives it took? Honestly, he didnât think so.Â
âWe werenât prepared well enough,â Seokmin mutters through gritted teeth as he glances at the king, lowering his head immediately again when their eyes meet. âI underestimated the situation. I should have taken on more knights. Maybe thenâŚâÂ
âFighting on their territory couldnât go well for us no matter what,â Chan steps in, ignoring his eldersâ warning looks and whispers. âWith all due respect, Your Majesty, we lost that battle before we even took out our swords.âÂ
âGet them out of here,â the king commands, and before his personal guards can move to escort the knights out of the area, Seokmin and Chan are already on their feet, leaving as soon as they can. They have done their best.Â
âWhy are you still here?â The king questions with a frown when his eyes land on his son, who hasnât moved a bit since he came. Wonwoo looks up, taking a deep breath before he stands up, rethinking his words. âThat order wasnât for me.âÂ
âYou think that?âÂ
âI know.âÂ
The king nods just so slightly, glancing at his guards to let them know they can come back to their spots. âYou need to go back.â This time, it is an order for him, one he canât argue with. âTheyâve made more mess than whatâs worth a few heads you managed to cut this time. We need them to suffer.â We? Wonwoo frowns. Itâs more than obvious this whole plan comes from the kingâs head, no one elseâs, so why is he pretending now that itâd be beneficial for more people?Â
âIs that all?â Wonwoo asks after a second thought, unbothered with how impudent he sounds. He catches the shock on the kingâs face even though he shakes it off shortly after, sending his son away with one move of his hand.Â
âSo?â Chan asks immediately when the door closes behind the prince, catching him off guard. He chuckles, glancing at the closed door before he walks away with his two friends by his side. He tells them the absurd order he received and watches as the smiles disappear off their faces. Honestly, it isnât looking good for Wonwoo, or any of the knights that will be forced to go on the mission with him.Â
But, the kingâs order is slightly different than what they thought. It isnât the trained knights that should take on the mission and fight for their king, itâs only the prince who is allowed to go. Everyone knows itâs fishy, and that the king definitely has some ulterior motives, but there is nothing they can do about it.Â
And so, after a few days, Wonwoo sets off alone this time, tracing through the dark forest with no hope of returning back home.Â

The snow on the side of the mountain still feels the same, and Wonwoo canât focus on anything but how he wishes to have the same snow down at the kingdom. He is sure the kids would love it just as much.Â
But for now, before figuring out how to transfer snow from here to the kingdom, he needs to perfect his powers. He had spoken to Seokmin about what happened before, asked him about how he knew he was capable of something like that, and if he knew what happened when he tried to light his wings on fire.Â
âPower strength comes from beliefs. If you believe you can do it, it will happen,â Seokmin explained, drawing something on the board while Wonwoo and Chan sat at the nearest table, listening to everything he had to say. âThen, of course, status also has its values.â â âThe moment you explained to me before, when your vision darkened and you felt physical pain on your wings when you tried to apply your powers on them, is something I wouldnât be able to do. I havenât seen the king do anything similar, either,â he stopped for a second and turned around to face his two friends. âHonestly, Iâm not sure what it was or what you did at that moment, but it might be useful in the future.âÂ
âIâll go to the castle library later and see if I can find anything similar,â Wonwoo proclaimed and Seokmin nodded. âNo matter if you find anything or not, I believe the best you can do now is try it again. Try as many times as you need until you achieve it again and can see what youâre capable of.âÂ
Wonwoo wasnât able to find anything during his search party in the library but it didnât discourage him from following Seokminâs advice. If he needed to repeat what he did a thousand times just to get the answers he craved, he would.Â
He ends up settling near the stairway to heaven. He knows itâs risky, any of the angels could walk down any minute and he wouldnât stand a chance, but the truth is, itâs dark under the lamp.Â
It feels weird, like something has changed when he watches his wings. They look longer, wider and even though their color has turned back to black, for some reason they donât feel like they are. But before he can ponder upon it more, his thoughts get interrupted by a little flame fired in his face.Â
Wonwoo quickly blinks in shock, waving his hand in front of his face to blow away the smoke. âWhat theââ Another flame. This time, fired at his right wing. âChan, if you followed me hereââ His left wing receives the next hit. Before he can take another hit, he hides his wings again, annoyed as he narrows his eyes to see, expecting to meet his younger friend.Â
âYouâre notâŚâ the shock on his face is obvious when his eyes set on a woman, one he doesnât recognize. âHands up.â He obeys, carefully examining the person in front of him. He blinks a few times as he takes the image of you in his eyes, trying to figure out what you were doing.Â
âWho are you?â You ask, aiming at his left leg this time in case he would want to move. âAs far as I know, demons arenât exactly welcomed here.â You take a step forward, watching as his eyes move from one side to another, probably trying to find an escape route. âWho are you?â You question again, this time harsher.Â
His Adamâs apple bobs as he swallows and when he doesnât give you an answer immediately, you fire at his face again. âHey!â He complains, but your fire doesnât leave any bruises. You doubt if he even feels any pain from it. âWonwoo! My name is Jeon Wonwoo!â He admits when he notices another flame appearing in your hand.Â
You scoff, âOf course you are.âÂ
Before he can ask what thatâs supposed to mean, you come closer to him, grabbing his right horn and pulling him to the ground. âYour little game is over. Youâre coming with me.âÂ
Wonwoo hisses when you touch his horn, his eyes closing on instinct. The fire before was annoying, thatâs for sure, but this hurt like hell, so much that without having to apply much force, you brought him to his knees. âWait, youââ You tug on his horn, making him look up at you and he shuts up again. âStay quiet and I might be gentle,â you smile innocently and he gulps, trying to stay as calm as possible as he gazes into your eyes, a part of him finding pleasure in the way you touch him. This wasnât going to end well.

You feel his stares on you the whole way back to your village, debating if you should slap him out of it or ignore him. Eventually, you decide on the latter, just hoping the fire ropes you created to tie him up would be enough to hold him.Â
âWhat is that?â You turn around when you hear one of the guardsâ voices behind you, tugging Wonwoo with yourself. âA demon I found in the mountains,â you explain, glancing up at him. You love how even though you have to look up at him, it feels like you have the upper hand now. âGo on, introduce yourself,â you encourage him proudly.Â
When Wonwooâs name leaves his lips, the guardâs expression changes. His eyes widen before narrowing again as he looks the demon up and down, stopping at the fire ropes you made. âHow long will those last?âÂ
âA few hours, I donât have enough power to keep it alive for longer.â He nods, calling over another guard. Wonwoo watches everything with caution, trying to remember the village layout as best as he can. âTake him to the cage in the back. Weâll inform your fiancĂŠ.â You hesitate for a second before nodding and turning around, refusing to give them enough time to examine your face.Â
âWho wasââÂ
âItâs better you donât ask many questions,â you interrupt him, not sparing him a glance. You notice a few people looking out of their window to see whatâs going on but you donât look at them either. Involving as little people as possible is the key right now.Â
âIs everyone here a fire fairy?â He turns his head towards you, watching the people around. You donât answer him but he figures out the answer is no when he catches a glimpse of a little boy showing off to his friends by creating a snowflake in his hand. âWhere are you taking me?â No answer again. âWhy do you know who I am? And why did those guards know who I am?âÂ
You sigh when he doesnât give up, stopping in the middle of the road. âHow about you shut up, follow me, and then ask questions. If you donât piss people off, maybe theyâll give you answers.âÂ
âWhat people?â You glare at him and he closes his mouth again. He doesnât say anything afterwards and you learn to appreciate the silence. You wouldnât have guessed the demon prince known for his closed-off attitude could get on your nerves so much, but sometimes, we canât see into the future.Â
Thatâs something Wonwoo proves to you a lot in the upcoming days.Â
Wonwoo grunts when you practically push him inside one of the cages, locking the door behind him before he can turn around. He sighs and steps closer, grabbing the metal bars and leaning forward to prove how tired he is. You scoff at his action, taking a step back. âCare to give me my answers now?âÂ
You stay quiet, smirking which creates a grin on his face. âSo this is how you want to play?âÂ
âI donât need to play anything,â you shake your head with a smile. âAs far as I know, youâre the one locked up.âÂ
There is a hint of amusement behind his smile as he watches you, unable to take his eyes off you. âWho are you?â He questions. You stay still for a second, trying to read him the best you can before you decide to share your name with him, figuring out there is nothing he can do with that information. âAnd this fiancĂŠ of yours?â He continues his questionnaire, making you roll your eyes at the hint of mockery in his voice, almost as if he didnât believe you could have a partner. âWait and see,â you shrug, unbothered.Â
He continues asking you one question after another, and you eventually give up, sharing with him whatever he asks for. You explain how the angels approached you before and asked for a small help with keeping their territory safe, how Jeonghan himself explained to the selected group of people what happened that morning in heaven, but you leave out the fact you know about his new found powersâthe ones he still doesnât know how to get under control yet.Â
âHow many people know about me?â You open your mouth to brush him off and tell him you wonât disclose that information but before you can do so, another fairy interrupts you. âI think thatâs enough bonding for now, donât you?â You turn your head towards the voice, your lips curling up into a smile when you land your eyes on the ice prince. âYour highness,â you bow slightly and it makes him chuckle as he comes up to you, cupping your cheeks in his hands and making you look up. âHi, love,â he smiles, pressing his lips on yours.Â
Wonwoo coughs to interrupt you and you scoff. âPrince Wonwoo himself,â you introduce your prisoner and the proud grin on your fiancĂŠâs face makes you smile. âGreat job, darling,â he praises you, quickly glancing at the two guards following him to dismiss them. âFor sure, darling,â Wonwoo mocks, barely sparing the prince a glance. You donât react to his comment, ignoring him and letting the fairy prince speak instead.Â
âMy name is Minghao,â he introduces himself with a slight bow. Wonwoo hesitates for a second before bowing too, deciding to declare respect to the prince even though he is currently keeping him imprisoned. âI hope she didnât cause you too much discomfort while bringing you here, that would be very unfortunate,â he quickly glances your way at the mention of you before returning his full attention to the demon.Â
Wonwoo frowns at how painfully fake Minghao sounds but he doesnât say anything. He knows if the situation was turned around he wouldnât behave much differently.Â
âShe took great care of me,â he grins, slowly looking down at the bars he is still holding onto for the effect before speaking again. âBut ever since I came to the village my experience wasnât the greatest,â he tries to shake with the bars to prove his point but it only makes the fairy prince chuckle.Â
âIâm sorry about that, but there is nothing more I can do for you. I fear this is how youâll have to stay for a while. At least until Jeonghanâor any other angelâcomes to take over.âÂ
âSo you plan on giving me up to the angels? I see.âÂ
Minghao hums, and it tools like he is thinking about something. âI mean, there isnât much more to do with you, is there?â When he looks at Wonwoo again there is a hint of amusement in his eyes and a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, as if he knew he has already won. It pisses Wonwoo off.Â
âI guess not,â he mumbles through gritted teeth.Â
âLove, will you look after him for now? Iâll talk to Jun and ask him to visit the angels as soon as possible. The less people know about him the better.â You nod even though you canât say youâd look forward to spending more time with the demon. Itâs not exactly like you have a choice anyway. If a prince orders you something, you listen without complaining. Even if itâs your own future husband. âIâll see you later at dinner,â he says, kissing your forehead before leaving again.Â
Wonwoo notices he doesnât look at you while doing so, though. He is looking at him.Â

Wonwoo sits on the ground, his back pressed against the iron fence while you sit on a chair near the cage, a book in your hands.Â
âWhat is it about?â He wonders, his arms resting on his knees as he turns his head towards you. âStuff,â you respond, flipping to another page. âLike?â He prompts. âWhatever you want to think itâs about,â you say, not paying much attention to him as your eyes scan the words on the page. âHm,â he hums and when you finally think you might get a break from him, he speaks up again. âSo youâre reading about a fairy being fucked by a demon.âÂ
âWhat?!â You turn your head his way immediately, slamming the book shut in embarrassment. However, the smirk you see on his face turns your flusteredness into frustration. You close your eyes, tilting your head slightly as you try to calm yourself down. He chuckles at your reaction, a part of him glad he is locked behind the bars when he sees you close your fist. He knows if he was outside with you at the moment, you would have punched him.Â
âYou said youâre reading whatever I think youâre reading,â he shrugs, trying to make it seem like he doesnât fear you a bit. You sigh, shaking your head at him.Â
âSo is it not about that?â He asks, laughing when you glare at him. âIâm sorry, Iâm sorry,â he raises his hands in defence, unable to constrain his laugh.Â
âWho would have thought a prince could be such an idiot?â Itâs you giving him a question this time, and even though itâs supposed to offend him, he smiles. âWho would have thought fairiesâwho Iâve been taught are these innocent creaturesâwould have the soul to lock up an actually innocent demon?âÂ
âYou attacked the angels for no reason,â you remind him. âAnd you went there again, this time alone for some reason, to do what exactly?â Wonwoo doesnât answer, knowing he canât argue with that. âI was simply following orders.âÂ
âAlone?â You ask, raising your eyebrow at him. âA bit weird, donât you think so?âÂ
âMaybe,â he shrugs. âBut you donât question the king.â You hum, the silence that follows louder than youâd like.Â
âYou know that was a suicide mission, right?â You finally speak again. He nods. âIâm not as stupid as you want me to be.â â âIâm also not as weak as you want me to be, though. Donât underestimate me.â He brings a smile back to your face and it causes his lips to curl up too.Â
âIf you had just slightly over average mana, those fire ropes I made wouldnât have stopped you from breaking away.âÂ
âMaybe I just didnât want to run away.âÂ
You sigh, the smile still on your lips as you shake your head at him. You get up from your chair, throwing the book to him. âIâll be back later. Use up your time and learn something so the angels donât crush you immediately.â You catch his grin as he looks down at the book and when he raises his head to say something, you walk away with a slight wave of your hand.Â
Wonwoo picks up the book you left him, his fingers tracing the cover as he reads the title. Fire guide and everything that comes with responsibility, advanced learners. He chuckles. âA story about a fairy and demon would have been more interesting,â he mumbles but still opens the book to see whatâs inside.Â

You stare at your plate, frowning at the ham and rice. The same thing youâve been eating the whole week. âHow is he doing?â You look up upon hearing your fiancĂŠâs voice and place your fork aside again. âAs well as a prisoner can, I assume.â Minghao nods, looking at you from across the table. âJun promised to set off after dinner, Jeonghan should be here the first thing in the morning,â he informs you, a heavy sigh following right after. âWhen all of this is done, we can finally resume the wedding plans. Everyone is pushing me to have a descendant as soon as possible.âÂ
âYes, of course,â you mumble with a nod. âWhatever the people need.â He calls out your name, a hint of pity in eyes as he looks at you. âI know this isnât exactly what you wanted but Iâm trying.âÂ
âI know,â you assure him, forcing a smile. âI was never meant to be out in the world anyway.âÂ
âI promise weâll figure it out,â he tries to make you feel better, you know he is doing his best, but you canât help but hate it. The only dream you ever had was to fight. Be useful and prove yourself to the other fairies, prove that just because you were a woman you didnât need to revolve your life around a family. However, all your dreams came crashing down when you learnt what everyone planned for your life without asking you.Â
You were barely five when you met Minghao for the first time. You were confused as to why the prince came down to the training room but didnât ask many questions, not wanting to be rude. It was your dad who encouraged you to talk to the prince in the first place, but youâre sure it was all the kingâs plan from the beginning. It made sense, the royal possessing ice powers and the daughter of the kingâs personal knight who showed signs of great control over her powers since she was little. It was a great deal for both parties.Â
At least until you showed interest in wanting to lead your life yourself and follow in your dadâs footsteps, offering to be the princeâs personal knight. It sounded foolish to everyone. Minghao never thought so, though. He was the only one cheering you on in your plans, convincing everyone you would do great if they just gave you the chance, even coming to the king to tell him how it would make the two of you closer and make your relationship easier. Eventually, thanks to his help, you managed to get what you always wanted.Â
But ever since you became an adult, the public became more and more demanding about what your relationship with the prince should look like and everyone started doubting you again. They wanted you closed inside the fairiesâ palace, away from the world outside to do nothing but raise the princeâs children.Â
Minghao tried to be supportive as much as he could but once the pressure came down on his back too, he always chose to listen to the kingâs orders, following what the people wanted. It was a miracle that you still got to keep your position as the royal knight, honestly. You knew how fragile your place was. One misstep and the next thing youâd know, youâd be locked in between those very four walls you were occupying right now.Â
âIâm full,â you proclaim, not waiting for the maid to come pick up your plate or your fiancĂŠ to say anything before you stand up. You glance at him, feeling bad when you see the apologetic look he gives you. You want to be by his side, support him on his way to become the fairy king, but you canât put him before yourself. âIâm going to train and stay outside for a while. No need to wait for me, you can go to bed before I come back.âÂ
You watch him open his mouth as he wants to argue with you, maybe even ask you to stay inside, but he closes his mouth again when he realizes what he was about to do. He knows he canât do that to you. Not after everyone else already asked you to do that.Â
âBe careful,â is what he settles for at the end and you nod to him. âGood night,â you smile, leaving the dining room and going straight to the outer gym.Â
Swinging your sword around and attacking the wooden enemies was surprisingly more helpful than you thought. At first you just wanted to get out of the room for some fresh air, but when you picked up the weapon, you felt a lot more at ease than when you left the palace. This was your true calling, what you were meant to do. You couldnât let anyone take it from you.Â
You werenât sure what time it was when you left the area, wandering through the village. You were jealous of everyone sleeping peacefully in the houses you passed. But you also felt a different emotion towards themâone just as strong. Anger. They were the cause of your problems in the first place. Hadnât it been for their opinions on your and the princeâs situation, you might have been in the greatest relationship ever.Â
You sigh as you reach the last house, looking up at the stars. You wondered what they thought of you, what they had planned for you. A part of you hoped that it was different from what the villagers intended.Â
âAm I being dramatic?â You ask quietly, biting your bottom lip as you look for the answer in the night sky. You kick one of the rocks under your feet and look down again, taking one more lap around.Â
âWhat are you doing?â You ask carefully, tilting your head to see better. Youâre unsure why you decided to come here. You were already on your way back to the palace when you looked back, and as if he was pulling you towards him on purpose, you ended up going to check on your prisoner.Â
âIs that the book?â You blink a few times to make sure youâre seeing things right, chuckling when you comprehend the situation happening in front of you. Wonwoo used his powers to create a small fire lamp once it has gotten dark and has been reading your book.Â
He flinches, the fire going off as he loses focus. âFuck, you scared me,â he mumbles when he turns his head to you. He lights up the fire lamp again and presses his back against the metal bars, closing the book to focus his full attention on you. âWhy are you awake, and here?âÂ
ââCause,â you mumble, walking closer to him casually. âLet me guess, troubles in paradise?â He laughs, making you roll your eyes. âHe canât be any good for you.âÂ
âBecause you know me and him so well, right,â you scoff at his comment, debating why you decided to come here again. You already regretted it. âI donât need to know you or him. I have eyes.â You donât say anything and he takes it as his cue to continue talking. âThis is all Iâve been doing my whole life. Watching people. I might not know the reason, but you donât have the spark in your eyes when you look at him.âÂ
âI do,â you argue but your voice sounds broken, as if he had hit a weak spot. âYou want to,â he corrects. âYou donât.âÂ
âYou donât know me,â you remind him but he only chuckles. âFine, then let me get to know you.âÂ
âWhy?â You frown, trying to read his face. It didnât make sense. His attentiveness, attempts to get closer to you, and neither did his calmness. He was locked up, knowing you were going to bring him to the angels the next day, so why did he look so unbothered by it? You couldnât quite figure out what was going on through his head.Â
âWe have the whole night ahead of us,â he shrugs. âAnd it doesnât look like youâd want to go to sleep anytime soon.â You stay quiet, trying to think about what to do. He is right, you donât want to go back to the palace and fall asleep on the bed next to your fiancĂŠ, but was staying here and spending the night talking to the person you captured just mare hours ago a good idea?Â
âFine,â you agree, prompting him to start. âIf you donât bore me to death with your talking then I might stay and tell you something about myself too.âÂ
You soon get reminded the world isnât just black and white. Wonwoo tells you about why they allegedly went to attack the angels in the first place, about the monster attacks that have been happening in the past months. You recall those. You had looked into them with a few of the other knights and after talking to a few people, you came to the conclusion that it was demons behind those attacks.Â
Turns out, you were wrong all along. According to him, it was the angels who caused all those troubles, framing the demons out of spite and nothing more. That was the first step to starting a war, and the demon king didnât let the change pass by him, immediately planning their next move with his knights.Â
âIt wasnât for nothing.âÂ
âI see,â you nod even though youâre not certain starting a fight like this has been the best idea.Â
âI donât think fighting was necessary, no battles ever are really, but I couldnât just disobey the kingâs orders. None of the guys could,â he mumbles, sighing when he remembers all the bodies the mission caused them to leave behind.Â
âYouâre right,â you smile slightly. âI get that more than youâd think, actually.â Wonwoo hums, questioning what you mean with his eyes.Â
And just like that, it ends up being you talking his ears off next. You tell him about your fiancĂŠ, how your parents set you two up when you were little and about how even though you adore Minghao, you have been questioning everything lately.Â
âYou should keep fighting,â he comments, grabbing your book again. He stares at the title, brushing off the dirt on it before handing it to you through the bars. âYou have free will, do what you want to do.âÂ
âThatâs the thing, I donât have the option to just do what I want,â you argue. âI thought I did, that I could satisfy everyone and still do what feels right, but they exclude each other. I canât be a mother to the kids everyone wants me to have and fight in the front lines at the same time.âÂ
âWhy not?âÂ
âItâs not what the people believe in.âÂ
âThen change their beliefs.â He says it so casually, as if it was easy to do. But itâs far from that.Â
âAs you see, Iâm a prince and yet, Iâm being the only one in the front line at the same time.â Youâre not sure if it was his attempt to make a joke out of his situation, but it makes you chuckle anyway. âI should take you as my role model then.âÂ
âOh, for sure,â his laugh fills your ears and you watch him with a smile on your face. For some reason, sitting here with him in the middle of the night, talking about things you never even mentioned to your fiancĂŠ feelsâŚright. Itâs casual, neither of you expecting anything else from the other one. Itâs a nice chance for once.Â
As you continue chatting about nothing and everything, you feel your heart sinking the more time passes. The more time you spend with him, the worse you feel about whatâs supposed to happen when the sun rises again. You begin to think you donât want to let go of him.Â
âI honestly didnât think I could get so close to them,â Wonwoo says, a smile spread across his lips as he talks about his friends. âI guess itâs true that the right people always come into your life when you least expect it.â It sounds clichĂŠ and it makes you roll your eyes when you see the look he gives you, but deep down youâre thinking the same thing. A part of you always hoped for someone like that, and now that you were slowly giving up on them, Wonwoo showed up, with his stupid dark eyes that seemed to read you perfectly.Â
âIâm sorry, Won,â you whisper when you avert your gaze from him and gaze at the night sky. He hums confusedly, scanning you with his eyes before he shakes his head. âItâs fine,â he answers, the back of his head resting against the metal bars behind him as he looks at the stars with you. âItâs not your fault. Youâre only following orders.âÂ
You bite your bottom lip until it starts to bleed to get your mind to focus on the pain instead of what was going to happen, but when you glanced at the man beside you, the guilt overtakes you again. For the first time in your life, you doubt the orders you received and question yourself. You should have never agreed to talk to him. You never should have come here and let your guard down. Hadnât you done that, youâd have no problems taking him to the angels.Â
âYouâre bleeding,â he comments softly, raising his hand up to your face. His thumb brushes over your bottom lip and for a second, he makes you forget about everything. You gaze into his eyes and he quickly pulls his hand back to his side, realizing what heâs done. âSorry,â he mumbles but you barely register his words.Â
There is a moment of silence that follows, the tension building up as you gaze into each otherâs eyes, both of you forgetting about the world around you as you wait for the other person to make the first move.Â
Eventually, itâs Wonwoo who moves first, turning his body to face you and casually moving closer. The iron fence around him hasnât pissed him off as much as it did now since you locked him there.Â
You try to breathe but it feels like the air gets stuck in your throat as you grab onto the metal bars and he places his hands on top of yours. He looks up at you, still sitting on the cold ground while you stay in your place on your chair. So close yet so far.Â
You hear something rustle near you and immediately pull your hands away, finally able to breathe as you bring your mind back to reality. You have a fiancĂŠ you love, you remind yourself. Yet, you canât help but steal glances at the boy beside you. You question what youâre doing here again. There is a handsome man waiting for you in your shared bed, so why do you keep sitting outside with this demon?Â
âI shouldâ I should go,â you proclaim, quickly standing up. A wave of guilt runs through you when the whole situation comes crashing down to you and you try to avoid his disappointed look as you walk past him to get back to the palace.Â
Still, you canât help it and glance back once more.

You try to sleep, you really do. You do your best but no matter how much you try, you only keep turning around, unable to turn off your head. You groan, getting up again and staying as quiet as possible so you wouldnât wake up your fiancĂŠ. He seemed to have no trouble sleeping.Â
You walk to the nearest window in the room, opening it so the cold air could hit your face. The sun is slowly rising up and as you watch the sky gain more colors, your mind becomes even more of a mess. âFor fucks sake,â you curse under your breath, closing the window again and looking around the room to find your clothes.Â
âYouâre stupid, annoying, bothersome and absolutely screaming trouble,â you babble, your feet rushing towards the cage faster than they ever did. Wonwoo looks confused as he watches you, frowning as he accidentally kicks into the iron fence while stretching his legs. âWhat are you doing?âÂ
âI donât know,â you respond, unlocking the cage. You really donât. Youâre not sure what has gotten into you but you donât have the time to question it. âGet up,â you command and it takes him a second to process what is happening. He quickly stands up, a part of him hoping he isnât reading you completely wrong and you arenât planning on taking him to the angels yourself.Â
âBe quiet and follow me,â you order, looking around to make sure there isnât anyone nearby. âBefore I regret it,â you add, finally meeting his eyes. You grab his arm, pulling him with yourself as you try to rush to the forest behind the village. He stops you. âWait, you canât.â You try to make him move again but he is too heavy for you. You groan, letting go of his arm. âCanât you just listen to me for a second? I need to get you out of here before Hao wakes up. I donât know how much time we have left.âÂ
He gazes into your eyes, a deep sigh leaving his lips. He wants to go, live, but his head canât win a fight with his heart. He canât let you do this. Your name leaves his lips and your heart feels heavy. âLock me back up. Go to bed and live your life.âÂ
You hesitate, unable to look away from him. âThatâs what Iâm trying to do,â you say, grabbing his hand again with pleading eyes. âSo, please. Come with me.âÂ
Wonwooâs heart skips a beat when your words reach his ears and all his initial worries and plans to make you come back to your fiancĂŠ disappear. He tugs on your hand, pulling you closer with ease. Your body presses against his due to the movement and you try your best not to freak out at the sudden intimacy.Â
He isnât sure what has come over him but his hand moves up to your cheek, his thumb brushing over it softly. You gaze into his eyes, trying to figure out what is going on in his mind, but before you can read him fully, he leans down to you, his lips brushing against yours slightly. Itâs not a full kiss but your breath shakes nonetheless, sending shivers down his spine.Â
You never imagine there would be a time in your life where youâd be kissing someone other than Minghao, yet, here you are, pushing your lips against Wonwooâs urgently, your right hand moving up to the back of his neck where you tug at his hair slightly, causing a light moan to escape his lips.Â
âW-wait,â you pull away, your left hand squeezing his biceps as he holds you close to himself by your waist. âIâ I have a fiancĂŠ,â you say but do nothing to get away from him. Wonwoo smirks, squeezing your waist tighter. âOh, yeah?â He coos, watching as your cheeks turn red. âThen why are you here?â Because you make me feel seen and alive. You stay quiet, and his smirk grows wider.Â
You try to open your mouth and say something, anything to brush that smirk off his face, but when the muffled voices reach your ears, you know there is no time for that. He nods to you, turning around to try and see how much time left you had. âWait, I need to do one more thing,â he proclaims, running back to the cage. He picks up your book and throws it your way before flaming at the lock, making sure his escape would look like an accident.Â
âCome on, we need to run,â you hurry him, grabbing his hand as soon as he is close enough. Youâre not sure yet if this is something youâll regret later but you donât care. This might have been exactly what you needed in your life all along.Â
The warmth of Wonwooâs hand keeps you calm as you run through the forest, each of your steps ringing in your ear as a reminder of what you were doing.Â
âCanât we slow down now?â He asks but it feels like talking to a wall. He sighs, squeezing your hand tighter with a slight pull to stop you. You stumble on your feet, sending a glare his way. He laughs quietly, stopping completely. âCome here,â he mumbles and you watch him hesitantly. You step closer to him after a bit of thinking, biting the inside of your cheek as he smiles at you.Â
Wonwoo looks down at you, finding himself falling into your eyes as you look up at him. He wishes he could engrave the image into his head and be able to look at it at any time. âWe canât slow down now,â you break the silence carefully. He shakes his head, âWe can.âÂ
âI need a break,â he proclaims and you raise an eyebrow at that. Were his physical abilities that bad? âSomething that would take my mind off things,â he adds, the look in his eyes suggestive as he closes the space you left out between the two of you, brushing off a few hair strands off your face with his fingers to see you better. You gulp as you realize what he has in mind, anticipation slowly building up in you.Â
âWonwoo,â you breathe out his name, creating a smile on his lips. âYeah?â He coos softly, staying in place which somehow drives you more crazy than if he had closed the space between you completely. âYouâre terrible,â you curse at him, grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling him down so you could reach him.Â
Your lips crash onto each other within seconds, the kiss full of need and lust neither of you are able to explain with words. His hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer as he deepens the kiss, his fingers digging into your flesh as he searches for more, anything that could provide him some extra pleasure.Â
âWe reallyââ The rest of your sentence gets swallowed as he kisses you again, unable to let go. He smirks against your lips when you leave out a moan, the grip you have on his shirt tightening. You pull away, ignoring his disagreeing whine and pushing him away with all the power you have. âWe need to keep moving,â you state, refusing to play this game of his. âLetâs go.âÂ
Wonwoo mumbles some quiet curses under his breath but obeys, letting you lead the way as you wander through the forest, trying to find the quickest but also most discreet way back to the demon kingdom.Â
âAre you sure that is where you want to go?â He asks, hesitant. The kingâs orders were clear: donât come back unless youâve made a mess with the angels. âWhere else would we go? The angels? I donât think so,â you respond, only looking forward as you follow the road under your feet. He sighs, rethinking his opinions. âWe could just stay out here, somewhere. Go to the beach, or maybe blend in somewhere near the humans,â he offers and you stop again, turning around to face him. âAre you serious right now?âÂ
You sigh, looking around and running your hand through your hair as you try to think. âLook, I know the king sent you on this unreasonable mission but we need to get you back to where youâre safe. The angels might not be actively looking for you, but Iâm sure Minghao is. Heâll realize we are together sooner or later.âÂ
He knows youâre right, that you canât just stay out here, but the thought of sneaking back into the kingdom scares him more than heâd want to admit. âYouâre right,â he nods after a second of silence. âLetâs continue and figure things out as we go.âÂ
You smile at him, giving him a reassuring nod before you hold his hand again, resuming your plan.Â

Wonwoo stops when he hears muffled voices coming from somewhere on his left. You share a glance with him confusedly but he doesnât explain anything as he tries to make sense of what he hears. âSurely notâŚâ he mumbles, narrowing his eyes and trying to capture the movements nearby. He scoffs, finding it unbelievable as he sets his eyes on two male figures.Â
âWhat is it?â You ask, looking the same way he is. When you spot two men in the distance you quickly create a fireball in your hand, the same one you attacked Wonwoo with when you first met. âWait, no need,â he stops you before you can fire their way. âThese two arenât dangerous,â he laughs quietly, watching them with a smile on his face.Â
âFinally!â The shorter one yells excitedly, running towards the two of you, his friend right behind him. âWe thought you were dead!âÂ
You watch them cautiously while Wonwoo greets them as if they were old friends and then it finally clicks. You redirect your attention to the blond one, tilting your head slightly. âLee Chan?â You question and he looks your way, nodding. âAnd that is Seokmin?â You guess and this time itâs Wonwoo that nods, his grin growing wider at the thought of you actually listening to what he was talking about before.Â
âAnd you areâŚ?â Seokmin asks carefully when he reaches you, sending a knowing look towards Wonwoo before you can even answer. You introduce yourself shortly, also explaining how you found yourself here with the demon prince when they ask you. âI see,â Seokmin nods, chuckling a bit when he looks at his friend again. âLooks like youâve had fun while we were searching for you.âÂ
âIf your view of fun is being locked up in a cage then of course.âÂ
âYou didnât seem to complain much before,â you tease him, finding amusement in the way Wonwoo canât hide his smile when he looks at you, memories of the previous night vivid in his head. âHow could I when I had this pretty fairy next to me?â He teases you right back, watching your cheeks turn red.Â
Chan clears his throat to remind you they were still there and you avert your eyes from the prince, embarrassed. âUhmâŚâ Chan starts when he has your attention again, quickly exchanging a glance with Seokmin. The switch in the atmosphere is immediate, and your smile disappears off your face even quicker when you notice the pitiful look in the blondâs eyes. Whatever he wanted to say next was going to hit.Â
âThere is something you should know about,â Seokmin proclaims and Wonwooâs eyes quickly flick between his two friends, his eyebrows raised in confusion. âThe kingâŚâ he hesitates, trying to find the right words for the message he was bearing. âShortly after you left yesterday, he ordered for Misoon to be killed,â he admits, the words barely above a whisper. Yet, Wonwoo hears them better than anything else before. She wasâ Sheâ He froze, starting to feel dizzy as the words ring in his ears. Everything around him becomes blurry, the voices of his friends muffled as he tries to regain his composure.Â
âWe were all shocked, some of the guys asked too many questions and heââ Seokmin pauses, the pity in his eyes changing to worry as he catches the switch in Wonwoo, debating on if he should continue or not. âHe dismissed all of us, said the knights wonât be needed for a while now. He told the public our latest mission was successful and there was nothing to worry about now. And as far as we know, Monsoonâs death wasâŚmasked as an accident,â he continues even though he isnât sure Wonwoo is still listening.Â
You catch the change in the demonâs eyes as well, carefully squeezing his hand in yours, trying to find the right words to say. Wonwoo turns his head towards you slowly, blinking as he tries to make sense of the situation, figure out what was the reasoning behind all of this. âIâmâŚIâm fine,â he says, shaking his head slightly as if it could help him shake off all the information too.Â
âItâs okay not to be fine,â you assure him, your thumb moving in slow circles on the top of his. You watch him bite the inside of his cheek as he holds himself back, his eyes flickering to his two friends next to him and then back to you. You nod, somehow understanding the small movement. You know itâd be a lot easier to comfort him if they werenât around, if you could just pull him into a hug, but you know Wonwoo doesnât want that. Not now with them watching the two of you. You understand, and donât push him.Â
âItâs been a mess,â Chan mumbles carefully, staring at the ground beneath his feet. âAnd we thought itâd be better to let you know that before we get back.â The demon prince nods, the grip he has on your hand becoming tighter as if he searched for your support through it all anyway. âThanks,â he whispers, doing his best to hold up. Not only in front of them, but also you.Â
The thought rushes through him so fast he barely gets a chance to catch it, but when he does, itâs like a reminder of what he is doing at the moment. Why were you here again? No matter how strongly drawn to you he fell, he didnât know you. You didnât know him and yet, here you were, holding his hand and trying to help him accept everything his friends just told him. He glances your way, the sincerity piercing through your eyes as you exchange eye contact with him before turning to the two knights beside him, saying you should get moving again.Â
They both hesitate, as if they werenât sure if it was the right thing to do. âShe is right,â Wonwoo speaks up quietly, remembering what he was hiding from. âThere is an annoyed fairy prince somewhere behind us that wants to give me to the angels and watch me die,â a chuckle leaves his lips as he finishes but he isnât sure why. There is nothing funny about it, he knows that. Yet, he canât control it.Â
Seokmin and Wonwoo share a brief glance, telling each other everything they need with their eyes before the younger man wraps his arm around Chanâs shoulder, forcing him to walk first with him in order to give you and the prince space.Â
You stay silent at first, not sure what you should say. You didnât know who Misoon was, or why it mattered so much to him that she was dead now, but you didnât have the heart to ask either. You didnât know how to comfort him, tell him everything would be okay again without sounding off. It felt like it wasnât your place to do so.Â
Wonwoo seems to catch the hesitance you feel as he walks with you, following right behind his friends. You seem tense no matter how he looks at it. A sigh leaves his lips, causing you to look up at him. âSheâŚraised me,â he whispers softly as if he was reading your mind. âMisoon was like a mother to me, especially after my biological passed away,â he admits and your eyes widen, suddenly feeling worse about the situation.Â
âIâm sorry, Won,â you whisper, giving his hand a firm squeeze. A smile tugs in the corner of his lips as he watches you. He doesnât question why youâre there anymore. He might not know you fully yet, but he knows heâd be a fool to let you get away.Â
âI just wish there would be a way for you to make me feel betterâŚâ he leans down to you, his hot breath landing softly on your ear and sending shivers down your spine. He glances at his two friends again and then back at you. âSomething that would really take my mind off things.âÂ
Itâs more than obvious what heâs suggesting and you have to bite your bottom lip in order not to give him the reaction he wants. As much as youâd love to help him out, youâre not sure if itâd be a good idea. Not only because of the guys accompanying you, but also the current state of his. You couldnât just give him your body as a tissue.Â
âWonwooâŚâ His name leaves your lips and you turn to him, examining his face. You stop after a moment of hesitation, sighing. âDonât do this.âÂ
âDo what?â He asks, the smile still on his lips. Yet, it feels forced the more you look at it.Â
âTurning off. Thatâs what youâre doing right now.â He blinks a few times, trying to make sense of your words. âYouâre turning off your head, your emotions just so you wouldnât have to deal with the pain.âÂ
âIâm not doing that,â he disagrees and you exhale again. âYeah? Then explain why youâre behaving like this? Itâs okay to be sad, to be emotional over this,â you remind him and he frowns. âYou canât just act like nothing happened and fuck your emotions into me.âÂ
He hears you, he really does. He knows youâre right and can see where youâre coming from, but the moment you finish, he canât help it and imagine how good thatâd feel. With you bent over one of the large stones on the side of the road, your pants with your gear on the ground as he slams his hips against yours, his mind on you and you only. He imagines the pretty sounds youâd make under him, screaming his name while he bites your shoulders from behind, leaving love bites all over your body.Â
His dick twitches at the mare thought of it and he is sure to lose his mind soon.Â
âAre you serious?â You ask, your eyes falling to the growing bulge in his pants. âIâm sorry,â he groans, averting your eyes as he looks for his friends to make sure they arenât looking your way. âBut it really isnât about my head turning off, or avoiding things,â he proclaims, his free hand coming up to cup your cheek. âI want you so bad, and Iâd want you no matter the situation.âÂ
The words mean nothing but horny blabs as he searches for some pleasure, you know that, and yet, they make you feel some sort of way. He looks somehow sincere as he gazes into your eyes, the words feeling like a confession when they leave his lips.Â
You shake your head slightly, trying to think of a solution. You just canât let him walk around the forest with a boner, can you? âStay quiet,â you warn him, pointing to the side of the road to signal for him to go there. He tries to find answers in your eyes, anything that would help him figure out if you were going to fulfil his fantasies or let him suffer by himself, but he sees nothing. Still, he nods, his Adamâs apple bobbing as he swallows.Â
As if he knew something was off, Seokmin turns around to talk to Wonwoo to get his mind off things, but when he doesnât see him or you behind them, he stops. He looks around, closing his eyes in realization when he notices you running off to the forest, somewhere where he or Chan couldnât bother you and play the third wheel.Â
âWhat is it?â The blond turns around as well, confusedly looking at his friend when he doesnât see you or his prince anywhere. âWe better wait for them, this might take a moment,â Min sighs, exchanging a look with Chan before he points to a fallen tree on the other side of the road where they could wait.Â
You donât say anything as you push Wonwoo on one of the trees, pressing your lips on his before he can complain, his arms wrapping around you in an instance, the bulge in his pants pressing against you as he pulls you closer. His hands wander under your shirt, quickly squeezing your breast as if you were to disappear any second.Â
You whine into the kiss, unbuttoning his pants to give him what he was craving so much. He tries to do the same, his hands moving to pull down your pants but you quickly press your palm on his chest, stopping him. âYouâre not getting everything,â you proclaim and something in his eyes switches. âDonât be too greedy and just let me take care of it, alright?â He nods, too lost in the moment to be able to argue with you.Â
He imagined this differentlyâhe thought itâd be him taking the lead, guiding you through everything as he had no hope for your fiancĂŠ to be anyone whoâd know how to show you any pleasureâbut he couldnât say heâd mind how things turned out. Honestly, heâd let you take the lead anytime if that was what you wanted.Â
You tease him through the fabric of his underwear, proudly smiling as you listen to his moans while squeezing his cock softly, his pre-cum starting to leak through the thin layer that was still covering him. âYou look a bit broken,â you mumble, smirking as you watch him throw his head back, trying to keep the sounds leaving his mouth as quiet as possible. âYourâfuckâyour fault,â he manages to say between broken moans.Â
âOh yeah?â You tease him, finally pulling down his underwear and letting his hard-on breathe. âMy fault? Werenât you the one basically begging me to let you fuck me?â He asks, palming his length slowly. Too slow. He quickly catches your wrist in his hand, leaning down and resting his forehead on your shoulder. You chuckle, your free hand running through his hair. ââS okay,â you coo, resuming your movements when he slowly lets go of your hand.Â
Itâs that moment when he realizes he was so incredibly wrong. About you, your experience, but also about himself. Because now that he has you so close, gliding your hand up and down his cock, he admits to himself something he thought heâd never doâhe didnât want to take the lead. He wanted to obey you, do whatever you tell him to and be good for you.Â
Oh god. He closes his eyes as he slowly thrusts his hips towards your hand, chasing for more. He was in so much trouble.Â
As you walk back to meet with Seokmin and Chan, you feel a bit awkward. Youâre not sure how long youâve been there but you know it changed your whole view on Wonwoo. Somehow, you wanted him even more than before now. Something about him, the way he clung to you, whined at your touch and now followed you as if he was your puppy, made your head spin in a way you didnât know you could feel.Â
Wonwoo clears his throat, avoiding making any eye contact with the guys. âSorry weâ We thought we heard something so we went to check it out, turns out it was just a wild animal.âÂ
âOh yeah?â Seokmin starts, not letting him brush it off so easily. âWhat animal?â Wonwoo hesitates, trying to remember what animals lived in this region of Aethera. âDonât worry,â he shakes his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. âI think I know what animal has gotten wild,â he jokes and the way both of you turn red is embarrassing.Â
Chan laughs at the sight, shaking his head as he stands up. âLetâs keep going, we need to get as far as possible before the sun sets.â You nod slightly, swallowing a lump in your throat as you quickly glance at Wonwoo before averting your gaze again, focusing on the task at hand.Â

As the sun sets down and you reach an empty cave, you all agree to settle down for the night. âMin, can you help me out?â Wonwoo asks as he stops at the entrance. Itâs not a question towards you but you still feel curious, your eyes flicking from one boy to the other as they leave the cage together, not bothered enough with explaining themselves.Â
Chan seems to catch your glances because as he helps you make a fire that will keep you guys warm through the night, he speaks up. âDonât worry about them, whatever it is that they are doing I donât think itâs anything to be scared of.â You hum with a nod, brushing your hands together as you stand up again once youâre done.Â
You hesitate as you watch the blond, biting the inside of your cheek and wondering if the question youâre about to ask isnât too insulting. âUhmâŚâ you start and he immediately looks up at you, his eyebrows raised in question. âWhat is it?â He wonders, his voice soft. âThe demon kingâŚâ you furrow your eyebrows as you try to find the right words. âDonât you think heâs a bit, well, unreasonable? Cruel? I mean, why would he send his own son on an impossible mission? Alone on top of that.âÂ
Chanâs eyes soften when you finally ask whatâs been bothering you, his eyes trailing off to the ground again as he thought about his answer. âI canât disagree with that,â he mumbles, raising his head again. âHonestly, he is probably worse than what you think, but we need a king no matter what. And since Wonwoo hasnât shown any interest in taking overâŚwe never had a choice. It is what it is, I guess,â he shrugs, standing up slowly.Â
âIâm not sure what goes through His Majestyâs head, no one does, I think, but Iâd like to look at it from the brighter side. Now that Wonwoo found someone, itâll be much easier for him to become our king when we come back,â he smiles, so genuinely you donât even register his words at first.Â
But then it hits you. Now that Wonwoo found someone. Your eyes widen when the words ring in your ears but before you can say anything, Chan is on his way out to find the other two.Â
Has he found someone who was going to help him take over the throne? Did you manage to run away from your fiancĂŠ who was holding you back on your every step just to fall into the same thing all over again, this time, with a demon? You hated just the thought of that. The suffocating feeling of having to deal with thatâthe limitation, all over again made you sick.Â
You looked around the cave, debating if this wasnât your sign. Everyone was gone, no one would notice if you just left. Maybe you should, maybe youâd be much happier if you ran away again, somewhere where no one knows you and you could do whatever you want.Â
The thought crossed your mind, staying there until you shook your head and took a deep breath in an attempt to make it go away. Because as much as you know youâd love the freedom it would get you, you canât. You donât have the courage to just leave without a single word. Wonwoo had you wrapped around his finger without even knowing, and for some reason, you didnât even mind.Â
âHey,â Seokminâs voice makes you turn around. You raise your eyebrows confusedly, âHi?â You watch him hesitate and glance behind himself before he speaks again and it makes you even more curious about what he and Wonwoo were doing. âI think we might need your help, he canât focus,â he says simply, waiting for you to leave with him without saying anything else.Â
You follow him out, your eyes widening immediately when you see Wonwooâs full form, his wings out with his tail slowly swinging in the back. Youâve seen a few demons before but there was something different about him. His wings touched the ground and his horns were suddenly longer than before. Yet, it wasnât the first thing you noticed. The biggest difference was in his eyesâthey had turned dark red. You furrow your eyebrows as you try to see through them, only being met with the same hunger heâs been looking at you with since earlier.Â
âWhatâsââ You barely get to blink before Wonwoo interrupts you with a sigh, saying he canât clear his head well enough. âOkay butâŚwhat are you doing?âÂ
âExploring his powers,â Seokmin answers instead, walking around you to grab one of the small rocks on the ground. âChan,â he says softly, and as if on cue, the blond fires at the stone, breaking it apart with ease. âThis is something most ofâif not allâdemons can do but WonwooâŚâ he trails off, picking a bigger rock this time and throwing it at the demon prince. He catches it, lighting it up on fire with ease. The rock doesnât break in his hands, it just keeps flaming. âThis is nothing compared to what he is fully capable of, but itâs still better than a lot of demons can do.âÂ
âAnd you acted so immersed when you read through my book,â you scoff slightly, watching as his lips curl up into a smile right after. âIt showed me what you were capable of,â he shrugs simply and you shake your head at him.Â
âSo, let me guess,â you start, walking closer to the demon prince to fix his shirt. âYou guys are attempting to do what he did when he was fighting the angels before? That weird state?â Seokmin and Wonwoo blink a few times, confusedly exchanging a look together. âHow do youâŚâÂ
âJeonghan,â you explain, softly smiling at the boy in front of you before you take a step back again. âHe told me and three other fairies when he came to ask us for protection from the demons. I was curious what it looked like.âÂ
Chan steps back while Seokmin gets closer to the prince, carefully touching one of Wonwooâs wings. âThey grew a lot after it happened,â he says, pushing his own wings out of his body. âThey were as big as mine before we left the kingdom.â Your eyes widen at the difference and you confusedly shoot a glance towards Chan. âThatâs notâŚtheyâre twice as big now!âÂ
âAnd his eyes,â he points, continuing. âYou noticed the chance, right?â You nod, carefully examining his body as you look for any other changes. Your eyes stop at his crotch, your cheeks slowly heating up as you begin to wonder if he had grown in other places as well.Â
âYouâre blushing,â Wonwoo points out and you immediately curse him out in your head. âNo, Iâm not,â you argue, clearing your throat as you look at the guys before you. âOkay, letâs see then,â you change the conversation immediately before he can have any more comments. âShow me this state you were in and maybe weâll be able to figure it out together.âÂ
Wonwoo smiles at you, his heart skipping a beat as you lean your back against the tree behind you, carefully observing him, actually wanting to help out.Â
He closes his eyes for a second, his wings twitching as he tries to light them up on fire, just like he tried back then when he fought the angels. You notice his tail swing with full force into the ground, almost as if it was protesting against it. You hum, trying to think of a solution.Â
âGuys, can you leave me and Wonwoo alone for a bit?â You ask, causing them all to look your way. You feel all six eyes on you but donât take your eyes off the prince, barely registering the two guys leaving. âThey are gone,â Wonwoo says quietly and you hum again. âWhat was that for?âÂ
âI think you need to fire yourself up before you try to fire up something as large as,â your eyes flicker between the end of one of his wings to the other, âthat.âÂ
âIâm doing that, though, no?â He questions and you take a step forward. âJust stay quiet and use your senses, okay?â He frowns but nods nonetheless, his eyes following your every movement as you walk closer to him. âHearing,â you start, motioning for him to lean down so you could reach him. âRemember my hand on your cock,â you whisper, your breath landing just above his ear. He quickly turns his head to face you, almost embarrassed. âTrust me.âÂ
Wonwoo canât quite understand what youâre trying to do or how itâs supposed to help him but he listens, closing his eyes again as his memory travels back to a few hours ago. He can still feel your fingertips on the tip of his cock as you teased him, the coos you whispered into his ear slowly coming back. No matter what you wanted to achieve with this, he couldnât complain about your methods.Â
He groans quietly, opening his eyes again when his dick twitches in his pants. âIâm getting hard again,â he mumbles, his breath catching in his throat as his eyes land on your half naked figure, your breast on full display for him. He swallows, hard. âWhat are youâŚâÂ
âSight,â you whisper softly, smirking. âOh, yeah?â Thereâs a smirk on his face now as well as he slowly realizes what youâre doing and he cups your cheek, leaning down again to place a kiss on your lips. âAnd what about touch?â He asks and you immediately guide his hands to your breast, letting him squeeze them however he wants. The groan that leaves his lips makes you feel hotter than it should, and you almost lose your mind when he mumbles into your kiss again, âand taste?âÂ
You pull away from him, hesitating for a second before you slowly trace your fingers under your pants, a moan escaping your lips as you push two of your fingers into your cunt, collecting your wetness on them as you finger yourself, watching his mouth fall open, unable to take his eyes off you.Â
âTaste,â you say, bringing your fingers to his mouth. He doesnât waste a second before his lips wrap around your finger, moaning as he gets the taste of you. You will be the death of him at some point, he was sure of that. âSo fucking good,â he mumbles, his saliva dripping on your fingers as you pull them out.Â
âYou smelled my fingers too, right?â You blink at him innocently and his head spins as he nods, his clothed dick begging for release. âNow, then, close your eyes again.â He listens immediately and for a second you think about how easy it would be to play with him. He trusted you, maybe more than he should after knowing you for so little.Â
Your eyes fell down to the bulge in his pants, certain that his body was on fire by now. âTry again. Focus on your wings, on what you want them to do,â you guide him softly, pulling your shirt back on as you start feeling the cold air hit your skin.Â
He stands still, it might have been a few seconds, minutes, or even an hour. He wasnât sure, honestly. But when he opened his eyes again, noticing Seokmin watching him with his eyes widened, he knew he had accomplished what he wanted to. He looks around, almost swinging his wing into you by accident. Thankfully, you manage to dodge it and laugh, your smile proud as he watches his wingsânow flamingâin awe.Â
âHow did you know?â Chan turns his head to you and you shrug. âJeonghan said sensesââ you pause, tilting your head and closing your eyes as you realize what your next move needs to be. You turn to the small lamp hanging on the tree branch that lights up the place for you all to be able to see and then back at Wonwoo. âI know this might seem a bit insane, but I think we should go see Jeonghan in the morning.âÂ
The guys try to argue with you, telling you how badly that would go, but you brush them off with one shake of your head. âFor some reason, he knows about Wonwoo and his powers more than any of us. If we want to figure this outâŚwe need to.â They exchange a glance, knowing you are right. When no one says anything, Wonwoo extinguishes the fire again and hides his wings, his tail following right away with a sigh. âLetâs do it,â he agrees, nodding slightly. âEven if things go left, we have an addition to our team now,â he smiles at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He doesnât wait for his friendsâ opinion, simply leading you back inside the cave.Â

The night is cold to say the least, so itâs no surprise you find yourself cuddled up in Wonwooâs arms while his two friends lay on the other side of the cave. You were confused why at first, but when Wonwoo sent them one glare that explained everything, you didnât ask anymore.Â
âThis isâŚweird,â you mumble into his chest, his breath landing on the top of your head as his fingers make small circles on your back. You couldnât remember the last time you laid like this with your fiancĂŠ, barely remembering what his touch felt like. Itâs been weeks since you had the time for each otherâhe always blamed it on being either too busy or tiredâand even though it felt like the spark between the two of you was disappearing, a part of you felt bad for lying like this with a different man now.Â
âHm?â Wonwoo hummed. âWhat is?âÂ
You raise your head slowly to look at him, your eyes softening when you gazed into his. Despite all that, the moment you see his face you canât help but feel like itâs right. Like youâre exactly where you belongâin his arms.Â
âUs,â you whisper, biting the inside of your cheek. âDonât you think so?â He groans in response, watching you through his eyelashes. âNo?â He waits a second, his eyes wandering all over your face, and you blink confusedly, trying to see what he is thinking. âThis feels good, actually.âÂ
âOr do you really think otherwise?â He questions and for a second you think you might see a sign of vulnerability in his eyes. It takes you a second to think about it, but you shake your head in the end. âYou know,â he clears his throat, pulling his hands away from you and resting them behind his head as he lays on his back, staring into the darkness. âChan told me what you talked about before.âÂ
You donât answer, so he continues. âIâd like to think I found someone,â he mumbles softly and Chanâs words ring in your ears again. âI donât know what we are doing here or what it is between us, but it does feel good.â â âBut thatâs just how I see it,â he looks your way again, swallowing hard as his eyes drop to your lips. âThatâs how I felt since you dragged me by my horn to the ground.âÂ
âThat felt good?â You tease him, taking the chance to ease the atmosphere a bit. You arenât sure if you want to hear what he says next, too scared to go through the same thing you did with Minghao again. âSo fucking good,â he admits. You raise your hand to his head, your fingers softly running through his hair and then making their way back to the horn on his head. You wrap your hand around it, your breath shaking when you hear the groan that leaves his lips.Â
He rolls over so he is on top of you, a smirk tugging in the corner of his lips. âThe guys are just over there,â you say, the words barely above a whisper. âThey are asleep,â he shrugs. âWonwoo.â Itâs meant to make him hesitate, realize that you shouldnât, but instead, he leans down to your ear. âIf you want me to stop so much, why are you still pulling at my horn?âÂ
He smirks when you donât say anything, your cheeks gaining the color pink. âMaybe I donât want to,â you mumble, watching as his eyebrows twitch every time you squeeze. It looks like he is trying to hold himself back, biting his bottom lip so no sounds would leave his mouth. âGood, because I donât want to either,â he says, and before you can add anything else, his lips brush against yours.Â
You pull him close, returning his kiss without hesitation. Your legs wrap around his waist, the space between you disappearing. âCan you stay quiet, though?â He asks and you smirk, giving his horn a tight squeeze again. âCan you, baby?âÂ
The nickname alone sends shivers down Wonwooâs spine, not to mention the way you begin to pull his clothes off, your eyes needy. He really wants to be in charge, prove himself to you, but he already knows there isnât a big chance at that when you switch your positions, sitting on top of him instead.Â
âYouâre quite desperate, donât you think?â You tease, leaning down to his ear so he can know what it feels like. âFirst you get a boner just at me mentioning you fucking me and now youâre trying for it again? One might think youâre just a horny teenager.âÂ
âOr is it the demon genes?â You ask, kissing his neck and slowly moving down to his collarbone. âDo all demons have a high sex drive? Maybe just the royal ones?âÂ
He moans at your touch, quickly closing his mouth again in an attempt to keep it down. He canât risk the guys waking up in the middle of this. Not only did he know heâd get teased about it for the rest of his life, but he also wouldnât let them see you. Your naked body, wrapped with his, was for his eyes only.Â
âDoesnât matter, you wonât get to explore any other demons,â he says, making you chuckle. No matter how hot he is, you find him cute. You grind your hips on top of him, your hands resting on his chest. His eyes follow your every movement, his cock growing harder under you. You smile to yourself as his fingers tug at your shirt, begging for you to get it off.Â
He moves quickly, getting rid of all your clothes as soon as possible so he could feel you fully on himself. âPlease,â he whispers. You lean down again, catching his lips in yours as your hand wraps around his base, aligning him at your hole. As you slowly sit down on him, biting your bottom lip to keep yourself quiet, his hands find your waist, helping you get comfortable.Â
Soon after you start moving again, your hands on his chest again for better control. You went slow, wanting to see his reaction. It was painfully obvious what he thought of that when you looked him in the eyes, his whole fighting with himself not to thrust his hips up against you. However, when you donât speed up even after a while, he squeezes the flesh on your ass and thrusts you down onto him, harsh and fast. You gasp, your mouth falling open as he controls the speed, hitting the right spot.Â
âYou donâtânghâhave to do anything you donât want to,â he says suddenly in between groans, causing you to look down at him. It was a weird thing to say while you bounced on his cock. âWhat?â Your arms give up at the same moment and you fall onto his chest, glad he took over earlier. âWe donât have toââ he swallows the rest of his sentence as your nails dig into his shoulders, a whine escaping his lips. âDo the whole king and queen thing,â he continues, mumbling quiet curses in between. âI want you to do what you like, fight, sword-train, anything.âÂ
Your eyes widen as you realize what heâs talking about. He is coming back to your previous conversation. Your breath shakes as you bury your head in the crook of his neck, letting him talk. Youâre so glad this is the position youâre in right now. You wouldnât want him to see how watery your eyes get all of a sudden when he shows you he cares.Â
âI just want you to be there with me. Us, together,â he thrusts his hips up after each word, sending you over the edge. You clench around him, another moan leaving his lips as he gets closer to his climax. âAlâAlright,â you agree, gasping when his cum fills you up and collapsing fully onto him afterwards.Â
He rests his hands on your back, turning around so youâd both lay on your sides. âAlright?â He coos and you nod. He closes the gap between you again, pressing his lips on yours again while also forcing his wings up, covering your bodies with just one of his wings. Heâll worry about the clothes in the morning again.Â
You snuggle closer to him, resting your head on his arm when he offers and closing your eyes. You canât wait to find a river in the morning and wash yourself.Â

You ignore the teasing glances from Chan and Seokmin as you leave the cave, Wonwoo right behind you. You have clothes on now, finally, but you canât say it would have been the same when the two woke up and walked to you and Wonwoo to wake you up as well. Thank god Wonwoo covered you with his wing last night.Â
âWonwoo, are you coming with us?â Chan questions. Wonwoo immediately glances between his friends and you, trying to see what you thought. Going on a hunt for food with his friends or finding a river with you and then watching you shower? He had his preference clear, there was no questioning that.Â
âActually, I think IâmââÂ
âGo with them,â you encourage him, chuckling when you see the hurt look on his face. You step closer to him, making him lean down as you go to whisper into his ear. âI know we established that you have a high sex drive last night, but I need to shower alone now to have enough energy for you later.â His breath hitches. You bite back your smile when he quickly turns his head to face you, sending him off with the guys.Â
Seokmin wraps his arm around Wonwooâs shoulder, saying something about going to take him under his wing. Youâre not sure if he means it metaphorically or literally, but you chuckle anyway. You wave them off quickly, telling them to catch something delicious before turning around, setting off into the forest.Â
âSo,â Chan starts, a smirk on his face. Wonwoo frowns, already worried about what he would say next. âWhatâs up with you two? I mean, I knew there was something but that much?âÂ
He sighs, raising an eyebrow at his younger friend, as if to see if he was being serious with his question. âWhy donât you care about yourself more, hm?â Chan rolls his eyes, chanting, âBoring!!â with a laugh. Seokmin chuckles, shaking his head at him. âItâs your fault,â he comments and Wonwoo shifts his attention to him. âHow so?âÂ
âIf we didnât see your buttcheek on full display this morning, he probably wouldnât have brought it up at all,â Min explains, watching Wonwoo avert his eyes in embarrassment. âI donât know why on earth you thought it was a good idea to come wake us up anyway,â he mumbles, looking at them again. Seokmin shrugs, unable to give a clear answer to that.Â
âNo, but seriously,â Chan pipes up again. âShould we be looking forward to, I donât know, seeing her with you a lot when we get to the kingdom? Are you guys going toâŚyou know, do what weâve been all waiting for?âÂ
Wonwoo sighs. The thought of ruling the demons isnât something heâd call exciting but he knows he has to. He canât hide for much longer, stay in his room and pretend the throne doesnât exist. Especially not when everyone seems to be counting on him so much. And, if youâre by his side during all that, maybe it wonât be that bad after all.Â
âAnd heâs smiling,â Seokmin laughs, patting Wonwooâs back. âIf just the mention of being with her makes you this happy, you shouldnât hesitate.âÂ
âWeâll take it at our own pace,â he proclaims eventually. âWell, considering you guys slept together after only knowing each other for like, what, two days, I think we can expect the wedding next week,â Chan laughs and Wonwoo rolls his eyes.Â
He doesnât say anything else after that, refusing to respond to his friendsâ teases and questions about how the night with you was. The fact it was the best night of his life is something they donât need to know.Â

âHow exactly do you want us to get there without running into any fairies or different angels?â Chan questions, leaning forward on the stone in front of him. âWell,â you start and Seokmin takes out his map of Aethera, telling his younger friend to move away so he can set it down. Chan groans but obeys, taking a step back. âYou see the Little village? While I was on a mission last month, I stumbled in and that was where I saw Jeonghan for the first time. Iâve heard heâs got a lady there.âÂ
âSo weâre just assuming heâll be there? What if someone reports us? This isnât only about us as demons attacking the angels, they probably couldnât care less if we go visit the Little village or not, but you ran away with Wonwoo,â Chan points out. âFor all we know, the fairies might think he kidnapped their future queen and are on a hunt for his head now.âÂ
âIâve got a friend there, heâll let us crash at his house and Iâll ask him to let us know when Jeonghan comes around,â you assure them, looking around to see if they are all still up for it. âAlright then,â Wonwoo nods, leaning on the stone, not caring about covering half of the map with his body. âWe have a plan, so letâs not delay any longer.âÂ
And so, the four of you set off again, cutting the road through the forest to get to your destination as soon as possible. You walk in the back with Wonwoo again, carefully holding onto him every time the road ahead looks just a bit tricky. You didnât think it was needed at first, but after you almost tripped over a tree root, he insisted.Â
âSo, this human friend of yours?â He starts and you raise an eyebrow at him confusedly, the twigs on the ground cracking under your feet. âWhat about him?â You blink and Wonwoo has to fight the urge not to kiss you immediately again. Youâre too beautiful for your own good. âI mean,â he clears his throat, âhow do you know him? WhoâŚWho is he?âÂ
You chuckle as you watch Wonwoo nervously awaiting your answer. He is kind of cute when he looks at you like that, with a mixture of jealousy and genuine worry.Â
âI met him when we were teens. I tagged along to one of my fatherâs missions and we ended up needing a place to stay, so his parents offered. He yelled at a bug because he was scared, and when I set the bug on fire, he cried and said he owes me his life,â you laugh at the memory. âIt was my first interaction with humans as well and his whole family made me feel really welcome. They never cared about us being fairies, and if they did, they hid it damn well.âÂ
Wonwoo hums as he listens to you, somehow feeling relieved. Still, that doesnât mean he wonât make it obvious to everyone that youâre not available.Â
Thankfully, it doesnât take that long and shortly after fourâas Seokmin informed youâyou find yourself in the back of the village, listening to the muffled voices nearby. You point to the left, going first as you lead them. Itâs been a while but you still remember the exact place of the house. It wasnât the first time you sneaked in like this.Â
âAre you sure itâs okay for us to justââ Before Seokmin can finish his sentence, you throw a small rock at the back door of the house, catching everyone off guard. âI take it back, it might have been better to just come in like you wanted to at first.â You roll your eyes at his comment and turn around to explain your action, but before you get the chance to do so, you hear footsteps coming closer and immediately turn on your heel again.Â
âFirefly?â You smile as you hear the familiar voice behind the door before he can even open them, pointing itâs way. âThatâs why I threw that rock,â you explain. âWe used to do that when we were younger whenever I needed to escape from, well, life.â The door opens and your eyes land on the tall man. You feel like he might be even bigger than you remember him.Â
âWhatâs with that nickname?â Wonwoo whispers quietly with a frown, making Seokmin laugh as they watch you come closer to the human, pulling him into a hug. âAlright, man, good luck with not setting his face on fire,â Min pats his back, walking towards you to introduce himself.Â
Wonwoo quickly catches up, and just as Seokmin offers his hand to say hello, he holds the humanâs hand instead. âIâm Wonwoo, nice to meet you,â he says through gritted teeth, barely registering Chan laughing behind him. âMingyu,â the taller man smiles, quickly glancing at you before shaking his hand. âWhat are you guys, uhm, doing here?âÂ
âMin, I need your help,â you practically push Wonwoo out of the way, which only causes another way of laughter from his friends. âAnything,â Mingyu encourages you and Wonwoo immediately frowns. âCan we talk about it inside?â You suggest and he doesnât hesitate, stepping aside so you and your group could walk through the door.Â
âSo, let me get this straight,â Mingyu starts, his eyes flickering between all of the guys before setting on you again. âYou finally ran away from Minghao,â he says as if it was a praise, and it makes you wonder if your relationship has been that bad all along and you just didnât realize. âAfter you realized you might like a demon that you imprisoned the day before?â This time, there is a hint of irony in his voice, almost as if he was judging you. You frown, âThatâs not important.âÂ
âAlright, Iâm just making sure I got everything,â he raises his hands to prove his innocence and you roll your eyes. âWell, anyway, and now youâre here to, what, track down an angel and force him to help you uncover the princeâs powers?âÂ
âWell, when you say it like that it sounds bad,â Chan comments, his words catching in his throat when he sees all of you turn your heads towards him. âWe know itâs risky,â Seokmin proclaims, making you all turn to him instead. âBut itâs the only option we have, really. And we know itâs a lot to ask, but weâd appreciate it if you could help us.âÂ
Mingyu smiles, nodding without a moment of hesitation. âIâm in,â he agrees, looking at Wonwoo. âHopefully, it also means getting the future demon king on my side.âÂ
Wonwoo glances at you and then back at him, agreeing. âI donât see a reason not to.âÂ
âIn that case,â Mingyu stands up, opening his arms with a smile. âMake yourself at home.âÂ
You lay on the couch in the living room later that night, your legs resting on Wonwooâs lap while Mingyu sits on a chair near Wonwoo. Seokmin and Chan had fallen asleep on the old mattresses Mingyu prepared for them earlier after getting out of the shower, so it was just the three of you now.Â
âIâll talk to Haewon tomorrow and ask how things are going between her and Jeonghan, maybe sheâll know when heâll be here again.â You hum with a nod, smiling gratefully at your friend. âThank you again, for everything.âÂ
âNo need,â Mingyu shakes his head, his smile warm, comforting. Wonwoo doesnât buy it just yet. âI told you you can turn to me whenever you need help,â he assures you before glancing at Wonwoo, chuckling when he sees the warning look. âSo, Your Highness,â he mocks, finding pleasure in teasing him. Wonwoo exhales sharply. âYouâre the second prince our little firefly took an interest in. I should probably take your title as a red flag after the first one, but something tells me to give you a chance.âÂ
âMingyu,â you try to interrupt him, trying to stop him from some unreasonable questionnaire or an argument he might start. It doesnât move with him the slightest bit though and you sigh.Â
âMaybe I should be the one worrying about you instead, though,â Wonwoo hisses. âI mean, why exactly are you calling my lady your little firefly?â Mingyu seems caught off guard when Wonwoo fires back against him, but his smile doesnât disappear. You, on the other hand, canât keep your expression when the tone of Wonwooâs voice reaches your ears. He is jealous. Heâs questioning your friend because he is jealous.Â
âNo need to attack me,â Mingyu chuckles, shaking his head slightly. âI take no interest in your lady, you have my word,â he assures the demon, glancing at you to see your reaction to the situation. There is a blush on your face, one that canât pass by unnoticed, and your lips are curled up in a smile, your eyes set on the black-haired demon.Â
âI think Iâll leave you two up to it then,â he gets up, still smiling. âGood night.âÂ
The two of you sit in silence for a second before Wonwoo turns his body to face you, staying on the opposite side of the couch. For now, at least. âYouâre jealous,â you whisper, grinning. He frowns, shaking his head in disagreement. âMe? Jealous? Over some human boy?âÂ
âHis name is Mingyu.âÂ
âI know,â he answers through gritted teeth and your grin grows wider as he practically confirms your accusation.Â
âItâs fine, Won. Itâs hot, actually.â You watch something in his eyes switch, but he still doesnât admit to his behaviour, telling you he isnât being jealous. âYeah? Then what was that? You worry about firefly? Itâs a nickname his mom gave me when we were kids.âÂ
When you explain it, his eyes soften. Oh god, was he being jealous of Mingyuâs mom? He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. Of course it was a nickname his mom gave you. Misoon probably would have done the same if she met you. She would have loved you.Â
When the thought runs through his head, something in him breaks. He isnât sure what it is, but he is certain itâs noticeable because the next thing he knows, you are pulling him into a hug and wrapping your arms around him tightly.Â
You donât ask, you donât have to. You just give him what you think he might need the most at the moment. âItâs okay,â you assure him, placing a kiss on his cheek. You move to sit on his lap, still holding him as he buries his head into your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist as well. âShe would have loved you,â he whispers and you sigh, drawing circles on his back with your fingers. âShe would have created some stupid nickname for you too.âÂ
âIâm sure she was an amazing woman,â you whisper, feeling him nod against your neck. âAnd she raised an awesome boy too,â you proclaim, leaning back to make him look at you. When he does, you cup his cheeks. âYou are allowed to miss her and feel sad,â you assure him, pressing your lips on his. The kiss is soft, calming. âLetâs hope Jeonghan comes by tomorrow so we can get this over with as soon as possible and then get you back to the kingdom so you can say your goodbyes in person, yeah?â He nods and kisses you again, holding you close to himself, almost as if he was scared youâll disappear as well.Â
Wonwoo lays you two down on the couch, his arms never leaving you as he rests his head on yours and you snuggle closer to him, falling asleep in his arms shortly after. He holds on for a while longer, listening to the rhythm of your breath and closing his eyes, slowly drifting off.Â
The room is loud when you open your eyes again, your friendsâ voices mixing in together as they argue over how to have their eggs, and if they should make some for you and Wonwoo as well when they are at it or let you prepare your breakfast on your own. You groan, burying your head in Wonwooâs chest again in protest. You donât want to wake up just yet.Â
He shifts slightly under you, carefully sitting up and looking around the room. You take a deep breath and sit up as well, trying to get your eyes to focus as you stare at your friends, their eyes on you already. âGood morning,â Chan chuckles, holding up two eggs in his hands. âYou guys want some?âÂ
âSure,â Wonwoo nods, his morning voice sending shivers down your spine. âYeah, Iâll take some too,â you answer and the blond turns around again, handing the eggs to Mingyu who is cooking.Â
âDid you even get any sleep on that couch?â Seokmin chats, joining you. You hum, âbetter than the cold ground yesterday.â He smiles, nodding. âSurely it doesnât have anything on the royal beds the both of you have been sleeping on your entire lives,â he jokes and you frown. Wonwoo seems to catch it because he leans closer to you, his voice low. âI can assure you our beds are better. Probably make less sounds too.âÂ
You glance at him, biting back your smile. The idea of sleeping with him in his bed doesnât seem bad at all.Â
âOkay, lovebirds,â Mingyu interrupts your conversation after a while, handing you and Wonwoo your breakfasts. âIâm going to go out in a bit. Iâm not sure when Iâll be back but Iâll definitely talk to Haewon today,â he assures you. âWhere are you going?â You wonder, taking a bite of your eggsâthey agreed on scrambled in the end.Â
âUhm, just so,â he mumbles, turning around to plate the rest. You raise an eyebrow at the lack of answer he gives you, exchanging a glance with Chan. âOh? Does this going out include a lady by any chance?â He teases, watching Mingyuâs ears turn red. Your eyes widen, weakly hitting Wonwooâs knee in excitement. âWhat? Since when do you have a girl?â You yell immediately.Â
âI donât, I donât!â He tries to argue but itâs already too late, and before he can think of a way out of the situation, he is cornered with questions from all of you, asking who she is and how long theyâve been together. For a second, Mingyu regrets taking you in yesterday.Â

âThere has been a slight change in the plan,â Mingyu announces as soon as he walks through the door, making all of you look his way. âWhat did you do?âÂ
âNothing! Donât worry,â he shakes his head, walking straight to his kitchen corner. âI think I might have made it easier for you to approach Jeonghan actually.âÂ
âDo tell,â Wonwoo encourages him. âDid you find out when heâll be here again?âÂ
âYes,â he nods, looking at the clock on his wall. âIn fact, heâll be here in likeâŚthirty five minutes,â he proclaims and you blink a few times, as if to find out if itâs just a dream youâre having. âWhat? HowââÂ
âLong story short, I ended up inviting them over for dinner because I thought it would be easier than you guys busting into Haewonâs kitchen to ambush him but then I got caught up and lost track of time, so I need your help making this dinner as quickly as possible. Now. That was your cue to get up,â he says impatiently, opening his fridge and taking out a few things.Â
It takes you a second to comprehend what is happening but when you do, you jump up from your place on the couch, the three guys beside you following shortly after. âWhat do we need to do?âÂ
âCome here, Iâll give everyone a job.âÂ
Youâre not sure how it even works, four grown guys in the kitchen somehow not standing in each otherâs way. They move quickly, listening to every word Mingyu says so the food is ready for when the pair arrives.Â
As the loud knock on the front door reaches your ears, you flinch. âThatâs our sign. Letâs go,â you quickly say, going into Mingyuâs room with the guys to hide. Mingyu needs to set the scene first before Jeonghan sees you.Â
âAlright,â Mingyu takes a deep breath, opening the door with a smile. âHi,â he greets them warmly, pulling Haewon into a hug before shaking the angelâs hand, trying to search for any evil in his eyes. âCome in, I just finished cooking,â he steps aside and the two walk inside, looking around the house.Â
âItâs similar to mine,â Haewon comments with a slight nod, smiling. âThey werenât very original while designing these I guess,â Jeonghan says, narrowing his eyes when his eyes set on the number of plates in the sink. âYou live alone?âÂ
âI do,â Mingyu nods. âI mean, technically I do. But you know how it goes, Haewon also technically lives alone,â he jokes, leading them to the table. âSpeaking of which, a lot of people are wondering whatâs going to happen to you? I mean, should we expect to have an angel in our village full-time?âÂ
Haewon nervously glances Jeonghanâs way as she sits down, but he only shrugs. âThatâs nothing they need to worry about. We are fine as we are.â Mingyu hums but he isnât sure what to think about it. Itâs been years since he first started showing up in the village, wasnât it about time they tried to figure out something stable?Â
âThatâs all that matters,â he nods, setting the plates. âWhat about your lady, though, Gyu?â She asks with a grin. Mingyu chuckles as he sits down, rubbing the back of his neck. âIt hasnât been that long since we started going out but we are doing great,â he says, a hint of a blush on his face.Â
As the dinner goes by and the conversation flows more naturally, Mingyu finally finds the courage to ask what he needs. He clears his throat, making both of his guests look up from their plates. âSo, I know this might be a little sudden or inappropriate, but to be honest, I invited you here tonight because I need help,â he admits and Haewon tilts her head confusedly.Â
Jeonghan scoffs, putting his fork down and giving his full attention to the man opposite him. âJust because Iâm an angel, it doesnât mean I can magically give you whatever you need.âÂ
âI know that,â Mingyu shakes his head. âBut you do have some knowledge, donât you?â Before the angel can open his mouth again and ask what it is that he wants to ask him, you come out of the room, your footsteps catching their attention immediately. Jeonghan smiles. âWe havenât seen each other in a bit,â he greets you and you return his smile, stepping forward.Â
âDo you know your fiancĂŠ is looking for you?â You nod. His eyes soften, you think. It might have been a figment of your imagination, but you could swear you saw a slight change in his eyes. âMy king was excited when he heard you had captured the demon prince, but also very disappointed when he found out he escaped.âÂ
âI understand.âÂ
Jeonghan shakes his head, stopping you before you can continue. âHe wants his head now. A way to get back at the demon king. Your finacĂŠ has taken on the mission, he is leading his men as they look for him.â You swallow hard. Getting out of here might be harder than you had expected.Â
âBut I never agreed on anything like that,â he assures you all of a sudden. âSo your new boyfriend can come out of the room and ask me what has been bothering him himself, I donât see any reason to hand him over to my king.âÂ
You hesitate for a second, trying to figure out what his deal is, if he is being sincere. But before you can, the three demons are standing behind you, staring at the angel. âOkay,â you breathe out, stepping aside so Wonwoo can get closer. He takes a seat next to Mingyu at the table while you and the guys stay aside, carefully observing the situation. Haewon, unlike Jeonghan, seems to have no idea whatâs going on.Â
Wonwoo doesnât hesitate as he gazes into the angelâs eyes, resting his hands on the table. âHow do you know so much about me? About how my powers work?âÂ
âI donât,â he shakes his head in disagreement. âI donât know how your powers work, not really. But I guess you could say I know more than you.âÂ
Jeonghan chuckles at his impatience, turning to his girlfriend. She sighs, understanding what he wants to say after a simple eye contact. âDonât be too long, Iâll be waiting.â He nods with a smile, leaning closer to kiss her. âIâll try to be back as soon as possible,â he assures her and without a moment of hesitation, she says her goodbyes to all of you, saying how she wishes you good luck with whatever you need to deal with before leaving.Â
âI used to know your father,â he explains, making Wonwoo frown. âSeokmin said he has never seen my father do anything like this. I mean, lighting my wings on fire? Iâve never heard of anyone being able to do that.âÂ
The angel examines Wonwooâs expression before humming, as if he had figured it all out. âHas your mom ever got the chance to tell you about her first love?â He asks suddenly, making Wonwoo blink confusedly. âNo?âÂ
He hums, glancing at Seokmin and Chan. âYou are all too young to know, but there used to be a demon knight that caused a lot of troubles to us angels. He possessed the same powers you do, and we never really figured out how to fight against him.â You frown when he starts his story, cringing at how clichĂŠ it sounds. As if there was supposed to appear an animated story in front of your eyes about this mysterious knight that would explain everything.Â
âEven though we were on opposite sides, we became friends for a while,â he continues, something in his eyes changing as he remembers the man. âAnd he told me about the girl he was supposed to marryâthe demon princess.âÂ
âWait,â Mingyu interrupts him, the picture Jeonghan was painting with his words disappearing as you blink to look his way. âThis must have been decades ago, how old are you for fucks sake?â The angel laughs, and you realize Gyu is onto something. There was no way this twenty-something looking angel could have lived through that.Â
âIâm twenty eight,â he shrugs casually. âWill be for the rest of my life.âÂ
âWhat do you mean?â You furrow your eyebrows. Jeonghan leans back in his chair, looking around the room before answering. âIâve had anâŚencounter with a witch once and letâs say it didnât go that well,â he says, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips again. âBut it did gain me immortality, even though Iâm not sure if itâs a curse or a blessing.âÂ
âThatâs the worst curse of all,â Wonwoo comments, his words barely above a whisper as he carefully glances into the angelâs eyes. He shrugs again, brushing it off.Â
âSo, this knight?â Chan asks cautiously. âWhat happened to him? I donâtâ I donât think Iâve heard of a king like that before.âÂ
âThatâs because he never became the king. He never married the girl he loved,â Jeonghan explains, his eyes trailing off to the plate in front of him. âHe died before he could, and she had to continue living without him while his descendant grew in her belly.â You catch the small change in the tone of his voice before he can put a smile back on again, sharing his all-knowing glance with you again.Â
You know it isnât that easy for him, though. One dies, the other has to out-live them. Wonwoo was right, immortality is the worst curse of them all. Because no matter how unbothered Jeonghan wants to look, you know the thought of everyone around him dying scares him. There is no way it doesnât.Â
âOkay, what are you implying?â Wonwoo finally asks, the vulnerability in his eyes noticeable from far away. He hesitates, the words catching in his mouth. He glances at you for a brief second, taking a deep breath before turning his attention back to the angel opposite him. âWhoâŚwas this baby?â He wasnât sure if he wanted to hear the answer, too scared of what it could all mean.Â
Jeonghan stays silent, gazing into the princeâs eyes. He doesnât need to say it out loud, so he doesnât. Wonwooâs breath shakes as he slowly takes the story in. You see his leg bouncing under the table and come closer to him, resting your hand on his shoulder. âHow did he die?â You ask quietly, squeezing his shoulder tightly.Â
âFratricide,â he admits with a sigh. âThe current king was never supposed to rule the kingdom. But I have to give him something, he did well with covering everything up. He married your mother before people found out she was pregnant, so it was easy to say you were his child.âÂ
âIâm sorry,â Wonwoo pushes his chair back, barely looking at any of you as he quickly storms out to the backyard, needing some time off. You sigh as you watch his back, glancing at Jeonghan. âThank you.âÂ
âIâm not sure if you should,â he shakes his head, his eyes wandering to the back door. âI canât help you with his powers and I doubt there is anyone who could. Heâll have to figure it out on his own.â You hum, thanking him once more anyway. âOne more thing,â Jeonghan starts as he gets up. âEven though I donât exactly know how his powers work, I know his mother was what helped his father the most. So, just stay by his side and Iâm sure heâll do big things.âÂ
âAnd if we are lucky enough, with him in the lead of the demons, the unnecessary rivalry between our kind can be solved,â he smiles one more time, briefly thanking Mingyu for dinner before he leaves the house without another word.Â
âShould weâŚâ Chan hesitates, glancing at the back door. Before he can ask his question, you are already shutting the door behind yourself, though. He sighs, looking at the two guys still in the room with him. âWe should just clean up then, I guess.â Seokmin nods, helping Mingyu take all the plates and offering to wash the dishes.Â
âWhat is the next plan after this?â Mingyu asks as he hands Seokmin one of the plates. He hesitates, watching the water fill up the sink. âIâm not sure,â he admits. âDo you mind if we stay one more night?â Mingyu smiles and gives him a reassuring nod, saying they are free to stay for as long as they need. âWonwoo needs some time, but Iâm sure once he processes everything, heâll want to go back to the kingdom more than before.âÂ
âAre you sure?â Chan asks, doubting him a bit. Wouldnât it make more sense to avoid the place from now on?Â
âYeah,â he nods. âNow that he knows the truth, heâll want to dethrone the king more than ever. Take back what belongs to his family.â Chan hums, understanding what he means.Â
âWonwoo,â you call out after him, sighing when you see him sitting on the porch. You carefully sit down next to him, wrapping your hand around his waist as you hold him close. You donât say anything and neither does he, relaxing in the warm silence. He rests his head down on your shoulder, closing his eyes with a deep exhale.Â
âMy dad is dead, and I never actually got to know him,â he whispers, his voice breaking in the middle. âI donâtâŚI donât remember my mom much, but I donât have a single memory of her alongside my fathâ the demon king,â he corrects himself, almost spitting those words out. You rest your head on his, just listening. âIt makes sense now why they were never together.âÂ
âThere was no way you could have known. You heard Jeonghan, he did a great job masking it. Who knows if there is even a single person who knows he isnât supposed to be on the throne.â Wonwoo hums in response, the sound so quiet you almost donât catch it. âMisoon probably found something. It would explain hisâŚhis order to kill her.â Your eyes soften. You donât think you could understand the pain heâs feeling even if you tried to.Â
âAnd now I know as well, and itâs pissing me off.âÂ
âThen letâs do what we can do to take it from him,â you proclaim, squeezing his bicep. You slowly raise your head and he follows right after, glancing at you. He leans closer, cupping your cheek as he presses his lips on yours firmly. âTogether,â he whispers. You nod, capturing his lips on yours once more. âTogether.âÂ

This time, you spend the night on an actual mattress. After you and Wonwoo came back inside and told everyone your plan, Mingyu offered to lend you his bed, saying something about how you need to sleep well before you set off in the morning. You didnât argue and ended up wrapped in Wonwooâs arms in the bed, Seokmin and Chan on the floor beside you.Â
And you have to say, Mingyu was right. When you wake up the next morning, you feel a lot more energized. Youâre not sure how everything will turn out today, but at least you have enough power to try to fight whatever the demon king throws your way.Â
You say your goodbyes to Gyu shortly after breakfast and he promises to introduce you to his new girlfriend the next time you come to visit, not forgetting to mention he hopes that by then, youâll be the demon queen. You chuckle, squeezing Wonwooâs hand in yours. You donât promise him anything, but a part of you hopes for the same thing.Â
âHow exactly do you want to do this? They are going to notice us if we just walk in,â Chan questions, a step behind everyone else. Seokmin slows down slightly to join him in the back so he wouldnât have to walk alone, awaiting for Wonwooâs answer. Itâs something he has been trying to figure out as well.Â
âWhoâs going to notice?â You hum back, a smile on your face. âDidnât you say the king dismissed the knights, saying they wonât be needed?â Seokmin scoffs in disbelief, shaking his head. The king has made it so much easier for them without even knowing what was coming.Â
âOkay, we get in, whatâs next?âÂ
You turn on your heel with a smile, making all of them stop in the middle of the road. âChan, Iâll need you to find the other guys, anyone you can in the shortest amount of time possible,â Wonwoo orders and the blond immediately nods. The demon prince then turns to Seokmin. âEven though the knights got dismissed, Iâm sure he still has his personal guards with him so weâll need to figure out a way to get through them, make sure not even a cleaning lady notices us walking in the hallways.âÂ
âWe donât have to walk, remember?â Seokmin grins, pushing out his wings. âItâs about time we stop walking all the time,â he says, encouraging them to do the same. Wonwoo chuckles, nodding.Â
The next thing you know, Wonwoo holds you tightly around the waist, keeping your body pressed against his as he flies through the sky, his friends right behind him. You fight the urge to scream your lungs out as you look under you, your eyes widening when you realize just how high you are at the moment.Â
They are lucky itâs actually faster when you fly because otherwise, youâd beat them up for almost causing you a heart attack with their way of transportation.Â
When you step into the underworld, shivers run down your spine. It doesnât feel like Aethera down here anymore, and you question if you can really live here for the rest of your life. However, when Wonwoo takes your hand in his and leads you through the alley, you know itâll be okay.Â
You look around as you go, your eyes falling on every one of the holes or smudges on the houses caused by fire. Youâre not sure if those places caught on fire because of the location or demons but you donât ask either. You figure thereâll be enough time for that later.Â
Chan leaves the three of you alone shortly after reaching the town, running off to the local pub. He wasnât sure where they were now, but he knows that when they were leaving, most of the knights settled down there to drink off the disappointment that came after the kingâs announcement. If he was lucky enough, most of them were there again tonight.Â
âReady?â Wonwoo asks when you reach the back of the castle. You hesitate at first but end up nodding nonetheless. You came here, there was no backing down now. âReady,â you agree and his hands wrap around you once again. He shares a glance with Seokmin before they both jump off the ground, a yelp leaving your lips as you tightly hold onto the demon prince.Â
The window breaks immediately when Wonwoo slams one of his wings against it, quietly groaning when the shattering glass ends up in the same wing. He tries not to pay it any attention, though, focusing on the task at hand. âThis way,â he says when his feet hit the ground again, dragging you through the hallway to get to the main hall.Â
Wonwoo doesnât hesitate as he pushes the door of the main hall open, his eyes immediately landing on the king, eating fruits from a plate one of the maids is holding up. You watch the kingâs eyes widen as looks at the three of you, quickly glancing at his guards, a sign for them to get ready.Â
Before they can take a step forwards, Wonwoo swings his wings forward, causing everyone in front of him to close their eyes as the strong wind combined with the dust from the room hits their faces. âNo one moves from now on,â he orders and your eyes soften as you watch the maid tramble in shock.Â
âYou, right there,â you call out to her, making Wonwoo glance at you confusedly. He quickly turns his attention back to the king, though, trusting your judgement. âCome here.â She looks at the king, her head falling down when she notices the dead stare he gives her. She shakes her head slightly, obviously scared. Youâre not sure if itâs of you or the king himself. âItâs okay,â you assure her, and after a moment of hesitation, she finally walks over to you. You give her a reassuring nod before you create one of your fire ropes, tying her up. âIâm sorry,â you apologize quietly. âBut itâll be safer on this side, I just canât leave you free.â She nods, still shaking.Â
You come back to the two demons, tilting your head as you take in the scene in front of you. Youâre in advantage right now, you think, but youâd still feel a lot better if Chan and the knights were here as well.Â
âWhat is going on here?â The king questions, waiting, observing before his next move. Wonwoo tilts his head, smiling. âAmbush, attack, an argument, call it whatever you want, dad,â the word feels poisonous on his lips, something he wasnât supposed to eat but did anyway. âOr wait,â his smile falls, the disgust in his voice obvious. âActually, I should call you uncle, shouldnât I?âÂ
His eyes widen but he doesnât move. Not yet. âWhat are you talking about?âÂ
You scoff at the sudden lack of confidence in his voice, your eyes landing on one of the guards who has been staring at you. You frown. âCan we move quicker?âÂ
âAlright,â Wonwoo clears his throat. âThis can go either one way or another. We know you killed my father, who also happens to be your older brother, so there is no need to pretend otherwise. Donât worry, the rest of the demons you led in a lie this whole time will know soon as well,â he assures him and you can see the way the kingâs jaw tenses. âWhat do you want?â He asks through gritted teeth.Â
The prince smiles, chuckling. âWhat you hoped Iâd never ask for. The throne.â When he doesnât answer immediately, Wonwoo continues. âIâm the sole legal heir and I even have my queen alongside me now, there is no reason for me not to take over. So, either weâll do this nicely, youâll leave without a word and I will never hear of you again orâŚâ he trails off for dramatic effect, and as if on cue, the door swings open again.Â
âOr we will join your little party,â Chanâs voice echoes through the room, creating a grin on your face. You glance behind you, exchanging a proud glance with Chan when you see all the knights behind him, ready to fight. A few of them look unstable, almost drunk youâd say, but thatâs not important right now. You just need the numbers.Â
The king grits his teeth and his eyebrows furrow as he thinks everything through, trying to figure out what to do next. âAnd if I fight back?â He signs for his guards to move, but before they can take a step forward, Wonwoo swings his wings once more. You hold his hand tightly, giving him the strength he needs so he can ignite them again. The kingâs eyes widen when he sees what the prince can do, swallowing nervously.Â
âIf you want to fight back, we can do that,â Wonwoo proclaims calmly, stepping forward. âBut we both know why my father was in the front lines while they never let you into a battle. Good thing it seems like I take a lot after him.âÂ
âYou take after him too much,â the king mutters, his fingers digging into his palm as he hits the armrest. âYouâre not suited for ruling the kingdom, neither was your father! I only ever did what was the best for the demons.âÂ
The grip Wonwoo has on your hand tightens. You squeeze back, assuring him it will all work out. âThat will be for the people to decide, not you. Your time here is done. Iâm taking the throne back.âÂ
âYou canât force meââ Before he can finish his sentence, you fire his way, the smoke in his face occupying him enough for Wonwoo to create a fire rope, a stronger one than you could ever achieve. You smile at him proudly, sending another flame at the king so the prince would have enough time to tie him up. âYou canât just force me out!â He argues, trying to fight against the ropes around him. He fails badly.Â
âI gave you the opportunity to disappear. Now, though,â Wonwoo trails off with a sigh, as if he actually cared about what was going to happen to the king. âYou give me no choice. I need to live in order to take care of the demons, and the angels want a head thanks to your actions.âÂ
âIâll take care of it,â Seokmin says, patting Wonwooâs back slightly and taking the king from him with a reassuring nod. âYouâve done enough and have a lot of work to do here.â The prince smiles at his friend, mumbling a quiet thank you before he turns to face you. âYou can untie the poor lady, I think we are done here.â You nod without any questions, squeezing his hand again. âAm I right, guys?â He turns to the kingâs guards and they agree without a moment of hesitation, their Adamâs apples bobbing as they swallow. âYes, yes, of course, sir. We are at your service.âÂ
âGreat,â he smiles. âGather all the demons then, I need to have a speech.âÂ

Chan and Seokmin laugh as they pat their friendâs back, congratulating on his change of title. You shake your head at them but canât hide your proud smile.Â
âYour Majesty, you were quite impressive up there,â you tease when you are finally alone, following him as he leads you through the castle hallways, showing you around. âSo were you, my queen,â Wonwoo smiles back, leaning closer to capture your lips in his. Itâs gentle, soothing. Thereâs nothing more than you could want at the moment.Â
Well, maybe except for one thing.Â
You kiss him back, pressing your lips against his harsher, with more need. His eyes widen in surprise but he quickly closes them again and cups your cheek, bringing you closer. âHow about you show me those beds you were speaking so highly of before?â You suggest and he doesnât hesitate, holding onto your hand tightly as he pulls you forward, finding his bedroom in the mix of the doors.Â
Just as the door closes behind you, before you can get the chance to look around, he pushes your body onto the door, his kiss hungry. You smile into the kiss, hooking your arms around his neck. His hand slides up and down on your thigh, his fingertips digging into the soft flesh as his kisses move lower, down to your collarbone.Â
âYour Majesty,â you breathe out, sending shivers down his spine. You place your hand on his chest and push him away with ease, the grin on his face never disappearing as he backs to his bed until his legs hit the frame. He sits down, his eyes wandering from your face to your body. âYou should celebrate your first day as the king.âÂ
âOh, believe me, I have plans,â he holds your hand, pulling you closer. He positions you between his legs, tightly holding onto your waist as he looks up at you. You scoff at the sight, running your fingers through his hair. He looks almost desperate. Yeah, you could imagine looking at him like this for the rest of your life.Â
âMhm?â You hum with a smile as he presses a kiss on your lower belly. âAre you sure? Because I have my own plans.âÂ
âYeah?â He questions, his kisses going lower. He doesnât look at you again, entirely focused on your thigh now. âTell me about them.â You smirk, your hands wrapping around both of his horns and pulling on them, causing him to raise his head as he whines. âThey involve this pretty demon and his really nice cock.âÂ
He swallows, his breath hitching as he gazes into your eyes. âYouâre going to drive me insane,â he mumbles, twitching slightly under your touch. âHow about I ride you insane instead?â You suggest and you can see his mind short circuit under you. You chuckle, pushing him down onto his back. He moves up on the bed so his legs arenât hanging out of the frame while you sit on his lap, leaning closer to him again. âAll of you, in your real form,â you whisper, the hot breath on his ear making him shake.Â
âYou want toâŚâÂ
âEverything,â you nod, your hands sliding under him. He prompts himself up on his elbows, watching you curiously. You roam his back until your fingers find the scars from his wings. âAre you sure?â He asks quietly, his words barely above a whisper. âSo sure,â you assure him, sitting back up again. His eyes wander all over your figure, trying to see what you wanted to achieve with this.Â
Still, he listens, pushing out both his wings and his tail. He shifts uncomfortably at first but gets used to it soon after when you kiss him again. He wraps his hands around your waist, holding you. When you pull away, thereâs a smirk on your face. He narrows his eyes as if to see through you, trying to figure out if he should be excited or scared.Â
âI want to try something,â you say and he raises an eyebrow at you. âDonât worry, itâll feel good,â you smile, your hand softly brushing over his clothed boner. He groans, his hips instinctively thrusting up. âWhat do you think?â You coo, kissing his cheek. âDo you want to taste me?âÂ
Thereâs nothing he could protest about. You, on top of him, asking him if he wants to taste you? Heâd be a fool to refuse something like that. And so, he lets you do whatever you want, not saying anything as you make a pair of your fire ropes and use it to tie his hands to the bed. He stays silent even when you take off your clothes, his eyes glued to your body. He wasnât in hell anymore. No matter how he looked at it, this was heaven.Â
âCome here,â he whines impatiently, making you chuckle. You move up, carefully positioning yourself on top of his face, sitting down when he gives you a nod. Your eyes roll back almost immediately, his tongue sliding between your folds and sucking on your clit as if his life depended on it. You grab onto the bed frame at first, grinding your hips on top of him. However, as his whines reach your ears, you get a better idea.Â
You look down at him, moaning just at the sight. You let go of the bed and hold onto his horns instead, the loud moan that leaves his lips after a pure pleasure to your ears. You continue riding his face while occasionally squeezing or pulling at his horns, driving him just a bit more crazy each time.Â
âFuckâshit, Wonwoo,â your movements slow down as you get closer to your climax. He has to fight everything in him not to break the stupid ropes apart and force you onto his face harsher so he could drive you over the edge when he notices how you shake, resisting the urge by chasing after your clit instead. âSo good,â he praises, moaning as his cock twitches in his pants. âTaste so fucking good, baby.âÂ
Your breath grows heavier as you finish on his tongue, moving back to sit on his chest instead as you try to catch your breath. When your eyes fall to his face, he is smirking. You feel your heart skip a beat as he licks his lips, shaking his hands impatiently. âCome on, baby, untie me now.â You chuckle, shaking your head at him. âI donât think so,â you whisper into his ear, pulling on his horns again, enjoying the way his brows twitch and he closes his eyes. He moves his hands again, with more force this time. Still, he doesnât actually try to get out of the ropes.Â
Wonwoo groans as he watches you, throwing his head back as soon as you collect yourself and start exploring his body. It starts with his horns, watching to see his reaction every time you touch them, then you slowly move across his face to his chest, tracing his bare skin under his shirt. His eyes widen again when you move to touch his wings, the feeling of your cold fingertips sending shivers through his body.Â
You pull down his pants next, scoffing at how messy his underwear is by now, his precum leaking through the fabric. You grab his tail, gently moving your hand over it until you get to the end and pull, making him gasp. âYouâre so sensitive,â you tease him, watching his dick twitch. âWhat are we going to do about this?â You coo softly, brushing your hand over his crotch.Â
âBaby, please,â he whines, thrusting his hips up against the air. You shake your head, pulling down his underwear with ease. He breathes out in relief when you free his cock, watching as you wrap your hand around the base. âI said Iâll ride you insane, didnât I?â You ask innocently, aligning yourself above his cock as you slowly sit down, a whine escaping your lips.Â
Wonwoo watches you move on his cock, your mouth wide open as he thrusts his hips into you as fast as he can, almost as if it was revenge for teasing him before. You try to slow down, pull out or anything, but every time youâre only met with a harsher trust, full of need. âWa-Wait, let me,â you say in between moans, his lips turning up into a smirk. âAfter you untie me,â he says, thrusting into you after each word.Â
You gasp, shaking your head in protest. âN-No,â you disagree, quickly finding his tail and pulling on it to get the upper hand again. He groans, grabbing the ropes around his hands and pulling on them fiercely. You grin again when his thrusts turn sloppy and he glances at you. âPlease,â he begs and your head goes blank for a second. âWant to touch you, feel you.âÂ
Your eyes roll back at his words, bouncing on his cock slowly again. You sigh as you gaze into his eyes, leaning down and pressing your lips on his. âOkay,â you whisper, and without another second of hesitation, he tears the rope apart, freeing his hands on his own. He holds your ass, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he helps you move up and down, his lips never leaving yours.Â
The room is shortly after filled with the mixture of your and his moans, the smell of your sweaty bodies filling the air. You donât care at all, ignoring the sweat on your forehead as his cock slides in and out of you. You kiss his collarbone, muffling your whines against his skin as you leave love bites all over his neck, marking him yours.Â
âIâm gonnaââ he doesnât even get to finish his sentence as you speed your movements, driving him over the edge. Your mouth falls open as he fills you up, slipping his cock out after a few more trusts. You fall right beside him on the bed, trying to catch your breath as you feel his cum running down your body. He prompts himself up on his elbows quickly, pushing his wings back into his body so there is enough space. He turns to you, cupping your cheek and pulling you in for another kiss.Â
You smile, kissing him back without hesitation. He gazes into your eyes, giving you one of his grins. The same grin youâre slowly falling in love with. He presses his forehead on yours, breathing heavily. âThis was great,â he mumbles and you hum in response with a smile. âCanât wait to repeat it,â you chuckle, kissing him again.Â
Just as he turns you so you would be under him and places wet kisses on your neck, a sharp knock on the door interrupts him. âYour Majesty, are you in there?â He closes his eyes in protest, acting as if staying silent could help him avoid whoever was outside the door. âWe need to discuss a few things regarding your duties. We should also talk about what weâre going to do with the knights, sir.âÂ
Wonwoo groans when the voice doesnât leave, plopping back down on the bed beside you. You laugh at him, encouraging him to get up. He tries to argue, but the man behind the door only insists more and he is left with no other choice. Heâll just have to enjoy you again later.Â

10 years laterÂ
The laughter of your husband mixed with your daughterâs fills your ears and you watch them run around the forest while you walk behind. You know you could have taken the carriage or fly, but there was something nostalgic about walking through here.Â
âShe has him wrapped around her little finger,â Chan beside you laughs, watching the scene ahead. You chuckle, glancing at him and his wife. âIf your son didnât have a lesson with Seokmin today, you would be out there running with them, â you point out and he rolls his eyes. He doesnât argue, though.Â
âMom! Are we almost there?â Your daughter runs to you, leaving Wonwoo forgotten. He scoffs in disbelief as he watches the two of you, crossing his arms over his chest. You shake your head at him, picking up the little devil. Literally.Â
âYou see those houses ahead?â You point and her eyes follow your finger. âItâs right there,â you smile. She nods, resting her head on your shoulder. âCome on, letâs get you to dad so he can carry you, yeah?â She shakes her head in disagreement, making you chuckle. âHow about uncle Chan then?â You suggest, watching as she raises her head to look at the blond beside you. She thinks for a second and then nods.Â
âAlright, come here, princess,â he takes her from you and you walk to Wonwoo, wrapping your arm around his. âShe canât honestly prefer him over me, right?â He asks, hurt. You laugh at him, shaking your head. âSheâs a kid. Youâre going to bore her from time to time. Let her play with Chan and Jisoo for now, itâs no big deal.âÂ
And so, for the rest of the walk, your daughter stays with the two while you lead the way to the Little Village, a smile spreading across your face immediately when you get closer. Itâs been years since youâve been here.Â
âAra! Be careful!â Wonwoo calls after your daughter as she jumps off Chanâs arms and runs around the moment you reach the center, examining every corner she can. He sighs and you shake your head slightly. âIâll go find Mingyu and you look after her,â you proclaim, kissing your husbandâs cheek. However, before you can turn around and do as you said, a strong voice interrupts you. âThereâll be no need for that, firefly.âÂ
Your smile grows wider as you land your eyes on the tall man, pulling him into a hug immediately. Itâs only when you pull away that you notice the little human hiding behind his leg, crouching down to be at the same height. âAnd who might this be?âÂ
âYou have a son?â Wonwooâs eyes widen and he comes closer to greet the man as well. âFor six years now,â Mingyu nods with a small laugh, looking down at him. âSiwoo, itâs okay. Those are my friends.â He carefully steps forward, watching you and Wonwoo. âWhat are you doing here?â He asks, glancing back at Wonwoo.Â
âWe came to visit,â you shrug, calling after Ara to come join you. âYou still have to show me the mother of your son, remember?âÂ
Mingyu chuckles, nodding. âCome join us for lunch then,â he offers and without a second thought, you agree.Â
His house is still the same it was years ago, except for a few new toys lying around and his sonâs clothes everywhere on the couch. You have to smile. âIâve heard a lot about all of you,â Mingyuâs wife introduces herself, tugging her brown hair behind her ears. You shake her hand immediately, saying how lovely it is to finally meet her. Who would have thought itâd take you ten whole years to come back here?Â
After Mingyu quickly cleans up all of the mess in the living room, you all gather on the couch, leaving your kids to play on their own in Siwooâs room. Ara was quick to befriend him, showing off her powers to him. He was scared at first, hiding behind the table, but when she made a fire snowflake in her hand, he peaked out again, curious.Â
âSo, the demon queen,â Mingyu starts, leaning back in his chair as he watches you proudly. âAnd a famous knight,â he adds, creating a smile on your face. âYou heard?âÂ
âJeonghan seems to know a lot of things,â he shrugs casually. His eyes flicker from Wonwoo back to you, smiling warmly. âIâm glad you got to be everything at once like you wanted.âÂ
You feel your eyes water at his words, the memories of the past ten years running through your mind. You did do everything you wanted. You managed to balance peopleâs expectations with what you always dreamed of and made the best of it. It couldnât have been any better.Â
âHadnât it been for her, the kingdom would be a mess,â Jisoo nods. You groan, closing your eyes in embarrassment as praises start to leave your friendsâ lips, extolling you as if you were some sort of goddess. âItâs nothing like that,â you quickly shake your head. âOh, no, sheâs right, itâs not,â Wonwoo agrees, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. âItâs so much better.âÂ
And so, you chat throughout the whole afternoon with your old friends, talking about everything that comes to mind at the moment. You mention how much Ara takes after her father, and Wonwoo adds that she has your eyes. Chan talks about his son as well, ranting about how he and Seokminâs son never leave each otherâs side, bothering all of you with their crazy ideas.Â
Mingyu also tells you about his son, daydreaming about his wife while she sits right beside him, and you have to smile. You know heâs found a great woman just when you look at them. You also find out Jeonghan had finally moved into the village as well, even though he often leaves to visit heaven still, staying civil with the rest of the angels.Â
It feels good to know everyone is doing well.Â
You rest your head on Wonwooâs shoulder, nodding as you listen. He smiles, pressing a kiss on the top of your head before he focuses on Chanâs old story about how he and Jisoo met again. When he finishes, Wonwoo canât help but tell the story of how the two of you met, calling it the best day of his life.Â

ââś izzy's tags @beomiracles @adel222 @liaatiny @cherrylovescheol @bamgeutsz @codeinebelle @luvsicktyun @xylatox @usuallyunlikelyfox @zi-vian @brrytears @stormy1408 @dontwannacry04 @soobabby @nshmrarki âśâ want to get notified? join taglist here!
#xylatox ficrecs#seventeen#jeon wonwoo#wonwoo#jeon wonwoo x reader#wonwoo x reader#wonwoo x you#fem reader#reader#x you#smut#fluff#jeon wonwoo smut#jeon wonwoo fluff#seventeen smut#svt smut#svt fluff#seventeen wonwoo#wonwoo seventeen#jeon wonwoo x you#dk#seokmin#lee chan#kim mingyu#mingyu#royal au#seventeen fic recs#seventeen fic
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i have such a morbid fascination with those weird reddit dudes who rate their attraction to a woman by working out the ratios and proportions of her features. i want to know if it has ever occurred to them that this is not how other people experience attraction
#ik theyre awful misogynists but a part of me really feels bad for them#thereâs definitely a chunk of them who do it bc they resent beautiful women#and kinda self-soothe by âproving with numbersâ that these women arent ACTUALLY attractive and they dont want them anyway#but i always wonder how many of them truly just dont feel attraction when looking at women#so they use the numbers as some sort of proxy#bc We Live In A Society that kinda tells boys that if ur not pursuing and getting women then ur not a real man or whatever#im not saying theyre right but i can follow the lines of thought of that second genre of guy#where ur pushed the idea of Getting With A Woman so much but you dont actually want to get with a woman#so you end up with resentment towards women#idk.#anyway this all mostly applies to the very young ones#i have little time for grown adults who use society as an excuse to continue making society suck
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#before you comment âoh you donât have to be either you know lesbian presentation isnât a binary!â: yes i fucking know that believe me#yes itâs not a binary. yes i donât have to be strictly femme and strictly masc. iâm aware of that#believe me. i know ALL about obscuring binaries but thatâs a different post#the problem is that itâs still often just boiled down to that distinction#and those are like. so fucking strict when people care to uphold them???#like. femmes are held to a certain ideal of beauty. mascs are held to a certain ideal of behavior. you know???#do i fit the femme ideals? absolutely not i hate trying to wear a lot of femme fashion#do i fit the masc ideals? absolutely not im a goof 24/7 and i hate trying to withhold genuine emotions#i hate trying to be always tough but i hate having to always be sweet and cutesy#anyway my point is: lesbian presentation is not a binary until itâs upheld as one. and if i donât fit what the fuck do you want me to be???#can we move the fuck on from binaries please???#tldr i hate how femme vs masc has just become woman vs man again in certain spaces itâs fucking horrible what are yâall doing over there#grace being stupid#text post#wlw#lgbtq#lesbian#sapphic
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This was just chefs kissđđ¤đ
You won me over already In the first part where you wrote that she got a horse, like as a horse girlie it just made me so happy to read about the bond between her and CarlosđĽşđ also I donât know how many times Iâve been in a similar situation where a horse just decides they no longer wants to walk and no matter what you do they wonât budge, unless youâre taking them back to the stableđ
Gosh I fell in love with the way you wrote this one shot, itâs so beautifully written, like the details in it really helps set the mood and I couldnât stop reading! I love a confident woman who knows what she wanna do and seemingly takes pleasure in her job like fuck yes! Love the flirting between her and the lady at the inn𤊠huadhdbgdsvcugsvdc they even kissedđđ
The gasp I gasped when I realized the man she spoke to at the inn was Mingi and that he is in fact Yunhos soulmateđ§ I mean I shouldnât be surprised we literally saw Yungi get engaged at the Copenhagen show but still I wasnât expecting it since you had written he had a wife and allđđ (I also feel bad for both Yunho and his wife, like if soulmates exists it must hurt to live your life with someone youâre not destined to be withâšď¸)

Those three pictures are like a good visualization of how I reacted every time Hongjoong and her were together, like the banter! Them fighting each otherđŤŁđđ¤đ the whole cat and mouse game they got going on but also slowly realizing that perhaps your soulmate is a part of the gang of criminals youâve been hunting?! And still going after them?!
I enjoyed so much reading the chemistry between the two of them because before we get to the end where both realizes that oh shit youâre my soulmate I got the feeling they enjoyed brawling with each other, chasing after the other etc. like ughhhh Iâm not sure I can like vocalize enough how much I loved those partsđ
And the ending of both understanding theyâre soulmates and her actually choosing to go with him despite knowing that someone she cares about will hate her for it𼺠and the kiss!!!! AushdbduhwbddihnwdfibhefbufuerybfiherbfubherfđŠđŠđŠđđđđđđđ the ending was absolutely perfect!â¤ď¸

In conclusion thatâs me the entire time I was reading this one shot! AriadnĂŠ youâve done such a beautiful job with this one shot, the love and passion behind it is truly shining through and it was such a delight reading this wonderful pieceâ¤ď¸â¤ď¸
Chasing your shadows
đź Cherry Blossom, March Event đź
Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Outlaw!Kim Hongjoong x Bounty hunter!reader
đź Warning: cursing, violence, guns, mentions of past abuse, slight sexism and misogyny đź Word count: 11k đź Rating: nc-17 đź Genre: fluff, soulmates: each day on your arm is a particular event your soulmate will face today (ex. promotion, family death, new pet etc.), outlaw x bounty hunter, Wild West AU, enemies to lovers đź Summary: What was supposed to be a wild chase after a bounty you had your eyes set on for years now, turns into a life changing event. You had always known your soulmate was never up to any good thanks to the words inked on your inner forearm ever since you were five years old, but you hadn't expected him to be the biggest menace known to the state...or the man you had been relentlessly chasing, trying to catch for the hefty reward promised.
A/N: Hello, my lovelies!! The first drabble of the series is here, ack, I'm so excited to hear your thoughts about all of the drabbles. I'd like to think we had pretty original ideas and tried to write as fluffy stories as possible lol. I don't think I have much to yap about right now, but I'll let you know that I'm obsessed with cowboy/wild west AUs (especially Bouncy era, how can one be over that?? I even went to the concert as a Sheriff(-ish) lol). I hope you enjoy the story and let me know what you thought of it, feedback always feels really nice! Enjoy! ^^ (as a second thought, based on the characters in this story...should I write a Yungi spin-off?? lol, I cannot be helped at this point...) divider @cromernet
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Taglist: @thecarnivaloflies @faeriehwa @mingiatz @kang-ulzzang @xylatox
@mintchocolatto @mintsugarr93 @solaris-amethyst @foxinnie8 @marvolos
@licityvibes @amoryeonjun @nkryuki @matchahintonagar @k1ttym0nkey
@justconniez @ateezswonderland
                       The earth was still scorching hot even with the merciless sun finally taking its departure for the day, soon to be replaced by the moon, which had more mercy for us mere humans. The nights werenât cool, but at least the breeze managed to move the otherwise choking hot air that persisted during the day, forcing everyone to sweat immensely. Your thighs were burning, and your hands were sweaty despite you rubbing them off on your pants every now and then, and your stomach growled at the first sight of buildings. You had finally reached the next bigger town. You knew you could do it, but Sheriff Jeong had tried talking you out of it earlier this morning. It wasnât that he didnât believe in your skills; itâs that he saw you as his little sister and was worried about you. Youâve known each other for many years now, and if it werenât for his trust and respect for you, you most probably wouldnât be here now.
Your horse slowed to a strut, no doubt just as thirsty and hungry as you were. You had given him your last three apples hours ago when you had stopped for a little breather under the shade of a lonely tree, not a soul in sight. Thatâs how most of your adventures went like, it was you and Carlos, your most trusted ally. He was a gorgeous horse, standing taller than any other horse you had known, its ears long and sharp, eyes round and observant, and its feet strong and quick. He was still young, so he was in good shape, and while you could say that about Carlos, your own bones couldnât relate to that statement. Youâd soon be hitting thirty, a prime age for people in these times, and if it wasnât your body asking you to be kinder to it, then it was Sheriff Jeong reminding you of it continuously. He had it easy, though; he had a loving woman waiting for him at home at the end of each day, cooking him his favourite dishes and running a bath for him. YouâŚyou had no one waiting for you in the small cabin you had claimed as yours years ago once youâve had enough of your fatherâs abuse. He didnât let you have anything, not even the little money you saved up by working ungodly hours at the Inn, cleaning up piss and vomit, smiling to sleazy men while delivering their beers to their dirty tables. And then your mother got sick, and you realised she wouldnât make it if you didnât make enough money.
In the end, it didnât matter how much money you had earned for her to get the best treatment, she was gone in under three months. It was then that you decided you didnât want to live in a house where your father didnât bother to do anything for himself, taking whatever he could that you had claimed as yours. He was a homeless man now; youâve seen him around the Townsquare at times, begging for change or a loaf of bread. You didnât pity him, you just hoped your mother wasnât disappointed that you had left him behind with nothing but the disgrace that he was. Your eyes surveyed the quiet town as Carlos took the two of you further inside. Older men stood on their porches smoking tobacco they could barely afford. Youâve always found it pathetic when the poor flaunted the wealth they never had, hence why there was nothing to you that you could brag about. Carlos neighed loudly and abruptly stopped, yanking its head low and making you lean over since your fingers were tightly twisted into the reign.
âWhat is it, handsome?â You whispered as you leaned towards your horse's ear, smiling fondly as you patted its cheek, âTired? Come on, just a bit more.â
But Carlos just neighed loudly again, turning the heads of those walking past you. The lady had a basket filled with goods, a young boy latched onto her ragged skirt, curious round eyes looking up at you. You paid them no mind as you tried to get Carlos moving again, but your horse was even more stubborn than you and wouldnât budge. You groaned and threw a leg over the saddle, jumping down with practised ease. The young boy was still looking at you as you patted your horse's rear, tutting your tongue as you tried to get Carlos moving again. Maybe if he saw you walking, heâd get to it too.
âMissy!â A high-pitched voice called out, making your head turn, âAre you new in town?â
âIndeed, I am.â You answered the boy as he and the lady had stopped walking now, both of their eyes filled with curiosity, âTell me, boy, is any Inn close by?â
It was the lady speaking up, her eyes looking past you, her free hand pointing forward, âSee that grand building? Go past it, and youâll find one half its size; they might have a few free rooms.â
âMany newcomers?â You quirked an eyebrow, prodding without being too obvious. You were here with a purpose, after all, but you couldnât let anyone know your true intentions just yet.
âHeard some men galloping in last night.â The lady shrugged, grabbing the boyâs hand into hers, âDidnât look too nice or kind, keep safe, Missy.â
âYou too.â You grabbed the front of your cowboy hat and gently lowered it in a respectful greeting. The boy grinned and waved before he was ushered forward, the lady tugging him after herself since he was still gazing at your gorgeous horse. You smiled and walked in front of Carlos, throwing him an amused look, âYou heard that, princess? Think you can walk for another five minutes?â
As if you were understood by the horse, it neighed and surged forward, walking ahead of you as you chuckled and shook your head, playfully slapping its rear and making it huff as you decided to follow your horse on feet; you needed the movement. Your lower back and thighs were stiff, neck aching from the rigid position youâve had to keep while riding all day long. Your throat was parched, and you couldnât wait to wolf down a jug of waterâor beerâbut what you wanted the most was to throw yourself in a bathtub filled with lukewarm water and let your muscles melt into it.
As the lady had said, the Inn was half the size of the grand houseâa mansion, you came to realise, looking unoccupied at the momentâand it was just like any other Inn youâve had the pleasure of staying in. The structure looked old and was not in the best condition as you walked around it, trying to find a stable. A boy, around fifteen, seemed to be dozed off as he sat on a hay, a long string of grass falling out of his mouth as he was leaning against the stable door. You chuckled and then cleared your throat, making the boy jump up with heavy eyes.
âYes?! I am on it!â You raised an eyebrow as you watched the boy fumble around himself without doing anything, and then he froze, slowly looking up at you, âOh, I didnâtâthatâs a gorgeous horse!â
âThink you can keep him safe for me?â You quirked an eyebrow with a grin on your lips, patting Carlosâ cheek. The boyâs eyes went wide as he nodded eagerly, righting his posture and tapping his dirty clothes down.
âYes, maâam!â He called loudly, holding his chin high. You smirked, holding the reins out to him.
âIs the Inn full? Got many people in town?â Perhaps the stable boy knew more than the previous lady and child.
âSeven men came in hours ago, maâam, but the Inn still has some rooms available.â Seven men, heâd said, perhaps you really were in the right place. You smirked, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
âPerfect, Iâll pay you tomorrow, sound good?â You untied your bag from the backside of the saddle, throwing it around your shoulder, âAnd not a word to anyone that Iâm here, am I clear?â
âCan I ride him?â The stable boy asked as he opened the door, staring with yearning eyes at Carlos.
âKeep my secret, and weâll see.â You winked, grabbing a slightly melted lollipop from your pocket to toss it at the boy. His eyes glinted as he caught it, veering Carlos inside the stable after him, âFeed him well, my boy is famished and thirsty!â
âYes, maâam!â And then you were off to the Inn, smirking to yourself at the presence of six horses inside the stable. So, the gang was hereâŚall you had to do was find them. The town wasnât as big as the last one you had trailed the outlaws in, you had a feeling youâd finally find him here. It was a feeling you couldnât explain, but you felt it deep in your stomach like when you were famished.
The Inn had yet to be filled with patrons, but the early birds were already here, downing their beer like it was water, talking loudly for no reason. The woman behind the counter looked sickly and tired, but she still smiled at you when she saw you. You sauntered over, tipping your cowboy hat in a greeting before you took it off, the air feeling cool against your heated hair, âGot a room for me, pretty?â
The girlâs smile widened as she turned, grabbed a key off the wall, and then faced you again, âTen pennies.â
You laughed, but you were already undoing your satchel tied to your waist, âIsnât that too much, sweetheart?â
âArenât you staying for three days?â She quirked an eyebrow, leaning against the counter and exposing her already visible cleavage. You huffed down another laugh, enjoying the banter as you leaned in just for the fun of it.
âYou know where to find me if you need me.â The woman giggled then, letting you take the keys as ten pennies landed on the counter. You wouldnât try and bargain your way for a lower price since Sheriff Jeong was gracious with the payment before you left on your little hunt. Your satchel was filled with pennies, and youâd have even more by the time you reached your good old town again, âGet me a drink too, Iâm thirsty. On the house?â
The womanâs eyes narrowed at your playfulness as you took a seat on a stool, feeling eyes on your back. It wasnât often that people encountered a woman dressed as a cowboy, the silver pistol with black engravings strapped to your outer thigh rather visible to anyone. What was also rare was a female bounty hunter. Sheriff Jeong took plenty of convincing to finally accept your pleas to send you out on a wild chase, then shocked, but pleased, at your return with the criminal in your hands. The officers had been trying to catch the man for years, and you managed to do it in merely two days. You were a prideful woman, proud of your accomplishments and unafraid to boast about them to men who look at you with little regard and respect. Youâd spit in their face and then take them in a gunfight anytime, you knew whoâd come out as the winner. There is a reason why Sheriff Jeong places so much trust in you. Youâve never failed him before, and you wouldnât start now. You smiled as the woman pushed a pint of cold beer towards you, winking as she said, âon the houseâ. With a chuckle, you grabbed the handle of the pint and raised the heavy glass to your lips to finally quench your thirst. You didnât stop until you had drunk half of it, your throat burning in a good way, the cold extinguishing the fire you felt inside your body. A shiver ran down your back as you slammed the pint back onto the wooden counter, letting out a satisfied sound as you nodded in appreciation. The beer was delicious, or maybe you were just too thirsty.
You hadnât noticed the man who had taken the stool to your right, leaving one empty between the two of you, but you now felt his sharp gaze on the side of your face, âIâve never seen a woman wolf down beer that fast.â
You huffed, turning your head to give the man a look. You hadnât expected him to be so tall with short dark hair and sharp features, his heavily lidded eyes dark and staring sharply at you. His nose was long and his lips were plump, his skin tan, and his face covered by little blemishes and scars. His dark brown leather vest clung to his toned torso like a second skin, showing off his bare arms, his biceps bulging, his shoulders wide and menacing. Much like you, he had a pistol sheathed at the waist, which was small with his leather pants clinging to it tightly, his thighs thick. You wondered how he survived the heat in a full leather-clad outfit, but you werenât here to find out.
âIntimidated?â You smirked, throwing back the rest of the beer and barely suppressing a loud burp. It was good, you deserved it after the long day youâd had under the hot sun burning your skin, the dust making your lungs ache since you hadnât worn your scarf for protection. The man laughed, its sound rich and amused, deep like his voice.
âMaybe if you down two more of those, yeah.â His cowboy hat was placed on the dirty counter much like yours, and you hummed, standing up.
âGotta pass on this one, cowboy. Iâve had a long day.â You winked at him as you grabbed your hat, setting it back on your head with ease. It had been worn for way too long, and it was visible, but you didnât want to part with it until it hadnât disintegrated into nothing.
âYou a newcomer?â He questioned as he nursed his drink, something darker than your beer, most probably Whiskey. He didnât look rich, but if his leather gear didnât scream money, then the expensive drink did.
âAnd you?â Answering a question with a question was always the way to go when you hoped to pry out information from others. If this pretty man was just a dumb boy, heâd fall for it easily. But maybe you had underestimated him as he smirked, chuckling behind his glass of alcohol.
âHad a long day, too.â Then he tipped his drink back, rasping his knuckles against the counter to ask for a refill, âRest easy tonight.â
âYou too, cowboy.â The man seemed to like being called that as he bit his bottom lip, his eyes taking your form in. You werenât here for him or to have fun that could potentially distract you, so you took your leave before he could try and hold you back with more useless chit-chat. But your eyes strayed towards his inner forearm as he raised his hand to wave you away jokingly, the bold letters exposed and looking like he had tried tempering with them. He wouldnât be the first person to do that. Sheriff Jeongâs supposed soulmate refused to look at the words on her inner forearm after finding him, cutting into her skin, and refusing to admit that perhaps something was amiss. But who were you to judge since you knew your soulmate was far from being a good man? Youâve been reading the events inked under your skin that would occur to him ever since you could read, and heâs never once been up to anything good. You found it peculiar what the words on the cowboyâs forearm said, seeing the bounty hunter off on a day like today. You didnât mean to think of Sheriff Jeong, but thatâs exactly what he had done earlier this morningâŚseeing you off and wishing you luck for your long and dangerous journey.
The stairs felt a bit uneasy underneath your boots as you made your way upstairs, the Inn filling out with more patrons now that the sky had significantly darkened outside. Your room was towards the end of the hallway, and as you pushed the door open to step inside, the one across from yours opened. The man stepping outside wasnât too tall, his hat tipped so low you could only see his red lips. You paid him no mind as you slammed your door shut and locked it, making sure to keep out any unwanted guests. It wouldnât be the first time a man felt entitled enough to try and let himself into your room without your permission, promising you foolishly sweet nothings that ended in a beating heâd never forget.
The room was dingy and small, just like any other room at any Inn, and you let your things fall to the wooden floor as you walked towards the windows to push them open, closing your eyes as you were met with the cooling temperature of the evening. You leaned over the windowsill and inhaled deeply, relishing in the moment of quietness and allowing your muscles to ease up, your mind silent for the first time today. Then, you slowly stepped out of your boots and walked towards your bed, peeling off your clothing one by one until you stood naked, groaning at the feeling of nothingness on your skin. It felt like heaven peeling off the sweat-clad clothes, untying your long hair and massaging your scalp as you walked towards the bathroom attached to the room. You were lucky you didnât have to share it with the others staying at the Inn. You let the water run as you sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring down at your inner forearm. The ink was black and thick, bold letters not too large, staring back up at you. Bar fight was carved under your skin, and you couldnât help but feel unimpressed. Your soulmate could do something more impressive. Not even three months ago, he hijacked a train and robbed the rich. Coincidentally, days later, it was discovered that it was the outlaw gang youâve been following for years now, the seven men who had been terrorising the Southern parts of your state.
Knowing you could run out of water anytime now, you quickly got into the bathtub and stood under the spray of lukewarm water, sighing in relief as all the grime was finally washed off your body. The first loud noise got your eyebrows furrowing, but then shouts followed until you could hear glass breaking and manly voices shouting intangible things. You chuckled as you washed your hair out, feeling the need to refresh it. Drunk men were so simple, one wrong look would result in a stand-off, and you could only hope the pretty woman behind the counter wouldnât get injured in the bar fight downstairs.
           There was nothing better than waking up to complete silence, with the occasional rooster crowing and horses neighing in the distance. But that was back in your town, where you could sleep in unless Sheriff Jeong needed you. The wicked didnât rest, therefore, you were up before the sun could even rise, sauntering down to the bar. The pretty lady was gone from behind the counter, now replaced by a tall and muscular man, his eyes sharp like knives and rather judgemental. He had given you a one-over before rolling his eyes and knocking on the small window youâd failed to notice last night. Ten minutes later, a sloppy breakfast was pushed in front of you. Some sunny side-ups paired with a rather sad-looking saladâwhich you were sure was slowly starting to rot awayâbut food was food. If they didnât charge you extra, youâd try your luck and ask for a cup of coffee tooâŚif they served fancy stuff like that here. As you ate your breakfast, you subtly surveyed the place, looking for the handsome man from last night. He wasnât here, not that you had expected him to be, and the bar looked like it went through a rough night. But given the fact that there was a bar fight just a few hours ago, you figured nobody bothered to clean it up since it would end up looking like that again soon.
Having finished your breakfast, you were ready to scoop out the town to get to know the way things worked here and get some intel on the residents and newcomers. Getting information like that was always easy if you played the confused and lost little damsel in distress; men were pathetically desperate to help out any woman who looked at them for long enough. It was hilarious, you tried to keep your grin off your face as the man leaning against the Bankâs wall spoke slowly on purpose, his expression feigning fake worry for your safety.
âMissy, excuse my prodding, youâve been saying youâre here alone?â An eyebrow arched in your direction, and you smirked, tilting your head.
âWhy, sir? Would you like to accompany me?â A trick question, but it always worked getting them off your back.
âWell, since missy seems so lonely and scaredââ
You didnât care for what he had to say, so you didnât let him finish, âIâm afraid the handsome fella who travels with me wouldnât be too keen on me bringing a stranger inside our shared roomâŚâ
The man paused, his eyebrows furrowing deeply as he looked at you with a new glint in his eyes. Anger. Your smirk grew as you pulled your shoulders back, slapping your cowboy hat back on. Your job here was done with this man.
âHave a lovely day, sir, may we never meet again.â You chuckled under your breath as you tipped your hat in his direction, then quickly left the narrow alleyway before he got any idea on how to make you stay there with him for longer. He wouldnât be the last nor the first one; men around these towns were desperate for something âfreshâ. They couldnât wait to cheat on their wives with whoever rolled into town, even if for a remotely short period. You found your feet taking you further inside the city. Carlos would rest today and hopefully tomorrow, too, if you deemed this town useful of any sort.
You couldnât tell whether you were in the right place just yetâŚbut there it was that gut feeling again, still persistent to the point there was a buzzing too in your ears. It felt like your inner forearm was suddenly on fire; the words were hidden underneath a scarf you had purposefully wrapped around your naked skin to hide the words petty theft. It was unsurprising that your soulmate was trying his luck yet another time at something that could land him behind bars. The words thrown in prison were yet to be marked underneath your skin, so whoever this criminal was, he was good at whatever he did. You wondered if heâd soon run out of luck, your mind taking you places. How amusing it would be if you were the one to catch him, the thought that he was on the wanted list you were hunting through has crossed your mind more than once before. You couldnât help but laugh it off every time, especially if Sheriff Jeong was entertaining that thought. Not that he was so much better offâŚthe sole reason why you knew his pretty partner was not his soulmate was because whatever the ink on Jeong Yunhoâs forearm said had never been the one his girl was up to that day. Sheriff Jeong and you were in a rather similar position, but he wasnât ready to admit that just yet.
The marketplace was loud as you walked through the open wooden gates; the place was filled with people despite it being the early morning. In small towns, everyone rose with the sun and went to bed at the first sighting of the moon, living a healthier and perhaps even longer life than those in the bustling towns, greedy for more than they could ever handle. You surveyed the place, your eyes taking in all the people, the eager vendors standing behind their stands, shouting to gather more attention and more buyers. You recognised a few faces already, people who were kind enough to open their doors for you this morning and have a chit-chat. The lady from yesterday with the little boy stood behind a stall filled with freshly baked goods, and you made a mental note to buy a loaf of bread from her on your way home. Maybe you could take her son to ride Carlos later in the day, it was rather obvious that the little boy badly wished to at least touch your gorgeous companion.
Asking around was never the hardest part of your mission, yet there was one downside to it. People would grow suspicious of you if you didnât do it smartly, so you decided to ask around the elderly instead of the youth, who could easily accuse you of planning a heist or perhaps even an attack on their otherwise serene town. The old lady you had set your eyes on had a wrinkly face and trembling hands as she sat on a small chair, knitting quietly as she hummed a melody. There werenât many products on display, but the clothing items she handmade looked rather useful for the hot days these regions faced daily. If the price was good, youâd be walking away with a hand-knitted flowy vest and perhaps even more information that would be highly useful right now. You smiled as you approached the stall, letting your fingers run over the soft fabric of the vest you had set your eyes on.
âMorninâ!â You called cheerily, smiling widely at the old lady as she jumped at your sudden arrival.
âOh, Saints, that scared me.â She chuckled, letting her handiwork rest in her lap as she returned your wide smile, âMorninâ, dear, youâre new in town. Welcome, what brings you around here?â
Leaning your hip against the wooden table, you decided to slip in a bit of truth, âIâm chasing after someone. I have a hunch they might be right here, but other than that, itâs nice to travel to new parts of the state from time to time.â
The woman hummed, a faraway look crossing her features, âI once had the chance to travel the whole worldâŚbut then I fell in love.â
You watched the lady rub her covered forearm, turning her head to look at you with sadness in her eyes, âDid you settle down here?â
The old lady hummed, picking up her handiwork to continue it, âLove can be a beautiful but painful feeling. Are you here on your own? Perhaps youâre chasing your soulmate?â
You scoffed but suddenly felt a weird pang in your gut. Could you be chasing your soulmate? It was possible, but what were the chancesâŚhere you were again, entertaining that thought. You shook your head and shrugged, keen on changing the topic of the conversation, âIâm just looking for someone. I doubt they are my soulmate. Heâs out there somewhere, wreaking havoc in his wake.â
âThose damn outlawsâŚâ The old lady muttered, and your eyes widened slightly, making you chuckle under your breath. There was something about her demeanour that screamed calmness, her hands looked like theyâd been through a lot as they were decorated with scars. You were here to find out more about any suspicious movement, though, so you couldnât focus on small insignificant details about the people living in this town. Itâs not like youâd see them ever again, so what was the point of forming bonds that would dwindle out once you left?
âYou know anything about them?â You tried to make your voice sound casual, your bottom lip between your teeth as you averted your eyes when the old lady snorted under her breath.
âWho doesnât, dear?â The old lady huffed, the look in her eyes fiery as she looked up at you, âThey always ruin everything, cause carnage and leave suffering behind. If I could, I would still be catching them, but my old joints barely let me walk, let alone run.â
You couldnât mask your surprise as your eyes widened a little bit, âWere you a bounty hunter?â
âNot quite,â The lady grinned, averting her eyes as her hands worked diligently on the sleeves of the blouse in her lap, âI helped the Sheriff catch felons a few times, but I was never brave enough to become a bounty hunter. It seemed like too much effort and danger, plus I couldnât deal with all the mocking that already came due to me working with the SheriffâŚâ
âRight,â You hissed, venom slipping into your tone, âPeople are like that, stupid cunts.â
The old lady started laughing loudly, her lips pulled into an amused grin as she looked up at you, shaking her head, âYou must hate a lot of people, then.â
You huffed with a nod, not bothering to confirm what she already knew, âDid you notice anyone suspicious coming into town these past days?â
âSo, youâre a bounty hunter, then.â The old lady hummed to herself, resting her handiwork in her lap once again, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked off into the distance, âI canât say, I donât walk around much, but my nephew told me heâd seen men riding around just by the border as if they were scooping out the place, or something of the likes. Thereâs nothing much by the borders, so I wouldnât know why they were there specifically.â
âTo check the exits and set up any traps for those who would try and follow.â You smirked, mentally jotting down this new piece of information. This old lady had been more useful in just a few minutes than all the cocky men you had to listen to this morning, trying to woo their way into your pants instead of sharing valuable information.
âBrilliant,â The lady huffed, shaking her head in disdain, âTell you what, dearâŚbut you didnât hear it from me, alrighâ?â
Your eyebrows furrowed, and then you moved closer as the woman beckoned you to her height with a wave of her hand. Your toes curled, and your heart raced in excitement at the prospect of finding out even more about the possible outlaws residing in the town, and you couldnât help but quickly crouch down and stare at the lady with sparkling eyes full of curiosity. The old lady chuckled at your behaviour, and you almost flinched when she patted your cheek, her grey eyes running over your features.
âYouâre a gorgeous one, dear, take care of yourself,â She hummed, then looked around before she leaned in too, her voice low, âTwo days ago, around midnight, I couldnât sleep, so I went to smoke on the veranda. I live close to the border, and there are few houses around, yet I heard voices coming from the abandoned stable on my property. It wasnât anyone I knew and not someone from the town. I swear on what I have most precious! There were two men, based on the different tones in voice, and they were talking about a hitâmore like arguingâI couldnât tell what the fight was about, they heavily disagreed if staying in this town was smart or not. The one with a sharper tone kept denying that they were being chased, and the other one kept pressing theyâd get caught if they didnât lay low for a bitâŚdo what you will with this, darlinâ, I donât know more.â
The lady could only stare at your wide smirk, your body almost vibrating as your suspicions were now one hundred percent confirmed. The outlaws were in this town, youâd finally catch Kim Hongjoong, and he had no idea you were so close to putting him behind bars, taking the hefty payment you deserved after all these years of chasing after him and his band of baboons. You grabbed the ladyâs hand and pressed an appreciative kiss against her knuckles before standing, grabbing the vest you had set your eyes on, âCould you hold on to this for me for a bit longer? Iâll come back for it in a few hours.â
âI leave before noon, darlinâ; you better return before that!â You chuckled and tipped your cowboy hat in her direction before turning around and walking off, trying to remember where you had seen the store that looked like they had supplies you could use rather soon. You were passing just by the stall where the lady from yesterday was, and you stopped to buy some fresh bread, but your eyes caught something peculiar. There were more people around her stall, amongst them the tall and handsome man from the Inn, so she couldnât pay attention to everyone at once. That wasnât the issue, however; it was the shorter man sneaking pastries into his satchel bag, moving slowly yet somehow lithe at the same time. You chuckled to yourself and found yourself walking towards him, stopping right behind him, your hand shooting out to wrap around his warm wrist. The man froze, his whole body tensing up as he whipped his head around, but you couldnât see his face well due to the cowboy hat he was also wearing. He didnât seem much taller than you, though. You wondered for a second if you had seen him somewhere before.
âDid you think no one would notice?â You wouldnât have meddled, but you figured the young lady needed to fend for herself and her son somehow. And if some petty thief stole some precious buns, she wouldnât make as much as on a regular day. You couldnât let that happen.
âNot many cares around here.â The man hissed back, his tone on the shrill side, but it was raspy as he tried to yank his wrist free. Your fingers only tightened around his skin, making you smirk when the man couldnât exactly break free.
âWell, I do. If you donât cause a scene, Iâll be more lenient with you.â The man scoffed, his voice filled with amusement as you saw him glancing to the side, making you look too, only to find the handsome man turning away. Your eyes narrowed as you wondered whether the two knew each other, but before you could dwell more on it, your foot was being stomped on, and you jumped back with a shout of pain. People looked your way, startled, and as if to mock you, the thief grabbed another hot bun before booking it, his laughter loud and amused as your teeth gritted, taking off after him before anyone could react. The ladyâs calls sounded confused, and those who realised it was a thief you were chasing tried to help by jumping in front of the criminal, but he was fast. He was way too fast and way too light on his feet as he twisted his body almost in an enchanting way whenever someone went to grab him from the side. He was cackling still; you could hear it louder now that you were gaining on him, and he jumped over the wooden fence and turned sharply to the left, scurrying down an empty, muddy street.
You hissed under your breath and jumped the fence too, your feet almost tangling when you landed again, your pace thrown off. You werenât too athletic despite chasing criminals for a living, and you cursed the petty thief as he pushed barrels over to make it harder for you to chase after him. But you werenât giving up; your quick thinking got you jumping on crates and over the rolling barrels, and your eyes locked in on the chain hanging from a building. You didnât even consider whether it could hold your weight as you lunged for it, your hands tangling into the hot chains, your body swinging in the air as you kicked your legs back and sent yourself forward. The man had glanced back while you were in the air, completely missing that you were mostly above his head now, and slowed his run into more of a strut. You grinned in triumph as you timed your jump smartly, the chains rattling loudly as you released them and kicked forward, making the criminal raise his head jerkily. You had just a few seconds to take in his features, at least what was visible since the lower half of his face was covered by a bandana, his cowboy hat disguising the upper half of his head. His eyes, however, somehow managed to burn into the back of your mind despite the brief glance into them.
They were sharp, small, attentive, and so much cat-like that it made you wonder whether the man had grown up with cats and bizarrely started taking after them. They were pretty eyes, a dark brown that felt like it burned your own ones before the man twisted around and tried to make a run for it again, but your feet were already colliding with his back, sending him harshly to the ground as you tumbled just a little to the side of him, your groan matching his. Your right elbow throbbed as you landed on it funny, but when the man tried to get up, you kicked into action again and got onto his back, straddling him and pinning him to the dirty ground by the hips. He hissed and tried to throw you off, but you knew how to distribute your weight, so he was rendered motionless. It was hilarious to watch him try to fight you off until, suddenly, he went stiff.
âWhat? Is that it all?â You mocked, your tone laced with amusement, âYou looked like you had more fight in you.â
The man didnât answer much to your dismay, it wasnât fun if your hostage wasnât a bit sassy. You noticed the man didnât have a weapon on him, at least not visible, and his dark blue shirtâs sleeves were rolled up to expose his forearms due to the heat. His vest was old, much like yours, and it hugged around his pretty waist, his trousers a dark brown and soft under your fingertips as you found yourself lightly grazing the fabric. You stopped when you realised you were being a creep, but there was a sudden pull to the man that made you want to touch him. It was peculiarâŚyou mostly liked staying away from male specimens, unless it was Sheriff Jeong, but this one got your interest piqued for an unexplainable reason. You gulped and grabbed the strap of his satchel bag, yanking it a bit and making the man groan. His hands were pressed to the ground, and he was motionless still, his head turned to the side, but you couldnât see his profile due to his cowboy hat.
âYouâve got something here that youâll be returning.â You said as you yanked on the strap again, making the man gruff out something under his breath. Your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes narrowed, and you leaned just a bit closer, âWhat was that?â
The man said something lowly again, and you were getting irritated by his lack of answerâŚat least one that you could hear, âSpeak up, cowboy, or did you bite your tongue during your fall?â
âI said, Iâd like to see you try, skivvy.â Your eyebrows furrowed at the blatant insult, your anger exploding inside you out of nowhere. You were good at controlling yourself, but this just felt absolutely uncalled for and way too derogatory, coming from a criminal. You huffed, loudly and clearly offended, clenching and unclenching the fingers of your right hand, debating whether you should punch the man to teach him a lesson. But he spoke up before you could make a choice, âWhat? No more mocking?â
And as you sucked in air through your teeth, deciding to punch the man, indeed, his head suddenly flew backwards while his hips kicked up strongly, and you were thrown off balance as the back of his head collided with your forehead. It didnât hurt since he was wearing the hat, and you werenât too close to his head, but it was enough to jostle you off the man. Suddenly, your whole world was spinning as your back hit the ground hard, weight settling over your hips as the sharp eyes were now staring down at you, obscuring the blistering sun. You realised your cowboy hat was knocked off in the ordeal, the manâs fingers twisted into the hair on the back of your head, not tugging, but warning enough. His other hand had your collarbones pressing down, and you grabbed his wrist, glaring up at him.
âYou must be so proud of yourself right now.â Your tone was sarcastic as the man chuckled under the bandana covering his face, and you could see the blatant amusement dancing in his eyes. You would bet on your cowboy hat that he was smirking, too.
âYou arenât the smartest pea in the pond.â Another low blow that got your blood pumping faster, nostrils flaring from anger.
âWhat makes you smarter? You literally needed a distraction to free yourself.â You fired back, your jaw clenching. For some reason, freeing yourself was a distant thought in your mind, even though it wouldâve been comically easy. He didnât restrict your hands, you could punch him, scratch him, even try and push him off.
âRight, and all you needed to free me was a distraction.â Well, that spurred you into action, your fist rising, but he caught your flying hand before it could fully raise. He tsked under his bandana, and you felt your cheeks heat up from both annoyance and embarrassment. This hadnât happened before; men rarely managed to outsmart you or even overpower you, and what was most embarrassing was the fact that the criminal wasnât even attempting to keep you subdued. It was your body that suddenly didnât want to fight back, your heart racing while your muscles relaxed. To be fair, the man wasnât making it difficult either; it was as if he found this fight amusing and was holding you still because he took pleasure in it.
âWell then, thereâs nothing to brag about to your pals.â And suddenly, it felt like you were both just measuring dicks as to who was better at this and that, it was downright humiliating, but your mouth wouldnât shut up, âYou went down embarrassingly easily, I could headbutt you right now and youâd pass out instantly.â
The man laughed, his cat-like eyes scrunching up in amusement, âWell then? What are you waiting for?â
âA distraction.â You smirked and watched as the manâs eyes narrowed at you. You bucked your hips and twisted to the side, easily throwing the man off yourself. It wasnât even hilarious anymore, just how easy it was to get him off, but it felt as if he wasnât really trying to fight you. And why was that? You threatened to hand him to the Sheriff of the town, did he think he could get away with it? But he recovered quickly; he was up on his feet in a blink, and you were moving too, not about to let him go. You caught his arm and twisted it around, pinning it to his back as you held the manâs chin from behind, his back pressed to your chest.
âI have to admit,â The manâs voice was lower, filled with amusement and poorly timed seduction, âIâve never been manhandled by a woman before. Itâs kinda hot.â
âShut up,â You hissed, looking for the rope usually around your waist to tie criminals up in situations like this one.
âLooking for this?â The man sing-songed, and your eyebrows furrowed as you looked up again, his left hand holding the exact rope that shouldâve been on your waist. That, however, wasnât exactly what got your heart racing while your ears rang loudly, blood going cold. Chasing a criminal was inked under the manâs fair skin on his forearm, as clear as day, glaring back at your gaping expression, âSee? You shouldnât discredit me so much, darlinâ.â
âShut up.â You hissed, snapping yourself out of your delusional thoughts as you wondered whether it was him. But there was no way this man right in front of you was your soulmate. Jostled by the thought, you pushed him forward and watched as he braced himself before he could fall into the buildingâs stone wall, quick on his feet as he turned around. You were about to say something, you shouldâve said something, but you were instead gaping at him, plotting how to rip his bandana off. The man wasnât moving either, for some reason, he was closely watching your expression, his eyes landing on your covered forearm. You were smarter than him with that, at least. An explosion resounded in the distance, and you both jumped, your eyes wide when you realised it had come from the market.
âWould you look at that?â The man laughed, tipping his cowboy hat forward before he winked, âThatâs my cue to go.â
And before you could lunge for him, he was already sprinting back down the way you had come, and for some reason, you didnât chase after him. You looked down at the ground and bent down to grab your cowboy hat and rope, wondering whether the man you had just caught might have been your soulmate. Your gut twisted oddly, and you gulped, your jaw clenching as you took the way you had come, going back to the market to find out what the explosion was all about. At least you couldâve snatched his satchel bag to return all those hot buns.
          Your heart raced as you sprung up from the bed, eyes falling on the open window. You had forgotten to close it last night, and now your skin was covered in goosebumps as a chilly breeze blew inside. It had gotten significantly colder yesterday evening, making you cosy up underneath the blanket, your body tired from the day youâve had. Your forehead was covered in a sheen layer of sweat, and you tapped it down with your arm, slowly realising that your forearm was burning. You lowered your arm and turned it around, staring at the inked words unblinking. Bank robbery. You gulped, suddenly feeling a hollowness in your chest as your eyebrows furrowed. The outlaws that were in this townâŚso was it one of them? Your soulmateâwas it one of the outlaws? You gulped, your heart suddenly racing as you threw the blanket over your feet and sat on the edge of your bed, caressing your skin gently. In moments like this one, you wished your soulmate was a country boy, a farmer, a simple mine worker, anything but a criminal. What you did for a living didnât mesh well with your soulmateâs profession, and you knew Sheriff Jeong would never understand you.
His soulmate was an outlaw too, judging based on the inked words on his inner forearm, and he had loathed his partner before even meeting them. You, on the other hand, couldnât share the sentiment. You were displeased, of course, you were, but youâve spent your whole life lonely and watching couples from afar, wondering what it felt like to finally find your soulmate, to reunite with them for an eternity. Nobody wouldâve guessed, but deep down, you dreamed of a romance like in the old folk tales. You wished to be madly in love, blinded by it to the point that you couldnât breathe if your soulmate wasnât next to you. You winced as the ink felt like it was splitting your skin in two, making you wonder what was causing such a reaction since itâd never happened before. You knew today would be a long day, and you also knew you had to face the consequences of your soulmateâs actions. You knew you had a hard decision ahead of yourself, but you prayed to any existent deity that your soulmate wouldnât be the worst of the worst. Maybe he was part of the outlaw gang youâve been chasing, maybe he was just a local from this town, trying to make amends. Committing so many crimes wasnât an excuse, but if he was doing it to fend for himself and his poor family, youâd let it slide. With a heavy sigh, you dragged yourself off the bed and went inside the bathroom, well aware of your next step.
The market had been a mess of panicked people by the time you had reached it yesterday, but you were glad to hear nobody was injured. Someone had set fire to an unoccupied table before the first small granite had gone off, making a storeâs windows explode since it was ignited right underneath it. The old lady was shaken when you had checked in with her, and you decided to accompany her home after you bought more bread than was necessary from the lady with the little boy. You had searched for the handsome strangerâs face in the crowd, but he was nowhere to be seen, much like the thief youâve had the chance to catch but hesitated. You werenât pleased with yourself, but your body had refused to cooperate when you needed it most. Now, however, you knew what was the right thing to do. You didnât want to draw even more attention to yourself, so after a quick trip to the stable to make sure Carlos was still there, healthy and safe, you took off on foot towards the Bank. It was rather close since it was in the heart of the town, and you had decided to stake out in front of it, sitting at a cafeteria.
Their coffee was overpriced and not as good as back in your town, but it would do for now. You werenât here to enjoy a cup of coffee, after all, but to keep your eyes on the Bank and observe who came and went. You had an eye for telling the locals and newcomers apart; it was their way of dressing and conversing, of looking at ease, versus the gorgeous man with red hair who looked fidgety as he walked towards the Bank. He was wearing rather hand-me-down robes, trying a bit too hard to fit in with the crowd. It made him look even more obvious, and you smiled as you realised you had caught the first suspicious person. He walked inside the Bank, and you wondered whether it was him or not, subconsciously rubbing your forearm. You wore no sleeves today, and you made no effort to cover your arm up. It was time you faced whatever the Universe had in store for you if you came across your soulmate.
You took a sip of your coffee just as a large horse galloped right into the middle of the square, coming to a stop in front of the Bank. You realised with elation that it was the handsome man from the Inn, his sharp eyes narrowed as he surveyed the place. You quickly lowered your head and pretended to be interested in the newspaper by your cup of coffee, having forgone your cowboy hat today as you knew it would attract unwanted attention. You kept your leather pants, however, and borrowed a sleeveless shirt from the pretty girl behind the bar. She was rather eager to lend it to you after you offered her a soaring kiss, one she certainly wouldnât forget. When you deemed it safe to look up again, you realised the handsome man was moving on, the redhead having just left the building. Your eyes narrowed, and you watched as a short-haired buff man approached your target, throwing an arm around him and casually walking off with him. You were determined to sit there all day long if it meant catching the outlaws red-handed, but that thought was quickly changed when a motorcar pulled up in front of the Bank, its engine running loudly.
A rather tall man with gorgeous long black hair stepped out, keeping the door open for someoneâŚand your eyes widened. It was the same man from the market, the thief, the one you had chased! Your heart lurched, and your hand shook as you loudly placed your porcelain cup on the small plate, leaning forward in your seat as if that would help you see the two men better. They didnât seem to exchange any words between each other, just a nod of a head before the long-haired man confidently walked up to the Bankâs entrance, smiling gratuitously as the door was opened for him, the other one sneaking off to the side of the building. Something in your gut told you to get up and go after the shorter one, his outfit almost the same as yesterday except that his vest was missing and an obvious pistol was lodged in his pants against his lower back. You stood and left your unfinished cup of coffee behind, making sure the road was safe as you crossed it in a run, keeping your eyes on the thief. He walked down the narrow alleyway, his gloved fingers tracing the wall before he turned the corner, making you hurry up since you didnât know what the back of the building hid.
You made sure your steps were light and silent, and you found your fingers tracing the same spots the criminal had too, your cheeks flushing red in embarrassment. You yanked your hands away and let them lay limply by your sides as you pressed up against the building to peek around the corner. The man was smoking, a tobacco dangling from his lips, but you couldnât see his face since his cowboy hat was pulled down low again. Much like you, he hadnât bothered hiding his forearm, and you had a burning curiosity to know what the ink said. You flinched as a door you hadnât noticed was there was thrown open, the hiss of a voice beckoning your target inside. The man chuckled and didnât bother putting out his tobacco, and you were quick on your feet as the door started shutting quickly behind the man. You managed to wadge your foot inside before it could close, and realising you probably didnât have much time to act, you flung the door open as you took a deep breath. Almost as if the man sensed he was being followed, he was leaning against a table facing the door, tobacco put out and a smirk on his red lips. You froze, your heart nervously skipping a beat, and the man chuckled.
âYou are not as sleek as you think you are, bounty hunter.â You gulped, watching the man as he chuckled under his breath. You felt like you couldnât speak, too focused on the burning sensation of your arm and the racing of your heart, âMingi saw you leaving this morning and figured something wasnât right. You have a pretty pistol, but it screams Sheriff.â
And he was right, Sheriff Jeong had gifted it to you many years ago. It was custom-made and expensive, resembling the one most officers used. You gulped, suddenly not as brave as you used to be. The criminal, however, seemed to have more to say, âWe met yesterday too, thanks for not turning me in. Those buns were delicious, by the way. Did you get some for yourself?â
Your jaw clenched, eyes narrowing, âNo, because you stole them all.â
The outlaw chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, âWhat can I sayâŚI have six mouths to feed.â
âIs the food at the Inn not good enough?â You quirked an eyebrow, suddenly realising why he had seemed familiar yesterday. The day you had arrived in town and had gone up to your room, the man leaving the one across from yours had been this man, the outlaw. All this time, he was right under your nose. You felt your heart rate rise in anger, your fists clenching by your sides.
âMeh, Iâve certainly had worse.â The man pushed off the table, fearlessly stalking towards you, âBut whatâs the fun in following the rules? I love a little chaos.â
âI know.â The words slipped out your mouth before you could catch yourself. Did you know? Something in your gut told you that yes, you did know, youâve known your whole life.
âYou do?â The man raised an eyebrow, stopping a few inches in front of you. Tackling him to the ground would be easy, but your body refused to move just yet, âHow come?â
âHow do you know Iâm a bounty hunter?â You answered his question with a question, your heart racing as you could see the manâs lips pull into an amused smirk. You were itching to see his whole face, your fingers trembled at the thought of knocking his cowboy hat back to see his face. You gulped, waiting for his answer as the man shrugged, tilting his head slightly.
âIâll call it a hunch, I guess.â And then, you gasped as he jumped forward all of a sudden, pressing you up against the door. You hadnât expected him to attack you, but you finally snapped out of your frozen state and took action. You yanked your head to the side as his fist came towards your face, slightly thrown off guard that he could so easily punch a woman. Perhaps he saw it on your face because he chuckled, his left hand tightening around your bicep, âMy apologies, sugar, did you think I didnât hit women?â
âMy mistake for considering you a gentleman.â You hissed under your breath and took a left swing at his face, which he easily dodged. It felt just like yesterday, with pointless punches thrown at each other with no intention of harming the other. Your body had never acted on its own like this before, and you wondered why it was happening now of all times.
âNever mistake an outlaw for a gentleman, sugar.â The man chuckled as you managed to free your left arm and elbowed him in the neck, the man making a choked-up sound. You shook him off yourself and went to kick his legs out of underneath him, but he managed to avoid your kick even as he clutched at his neck. Your next punch, however, he couldnât deflect as he was busy getting his breath back, and his head flew to the side, knocking his cowboy hat off. You didnât wait for him to recover as you got behind him and pushed him, throwing your arm around his neck once he was hunched over, putting him in a headlock. The manâs eyes were wide as he grabbed your arm, his nails digging painfully into your exposed skin. You turned your head, needing to see the face of the man, only to freeze in shock.
âKim Hongjoong?â Your voice was barely a whisper, but your faces were so close next to each other that he heard you. He chuckled, gulping hard as his eyes fell on your face, a satisfied smirk still on his lips.
âSurprise, sugar, no bounty hunterâs managed to catch me before.â You felt speechless as you felt all of your hard work finally come to fruition. You had Kim Hongjoong in your arms, at your mercy, your pockets full of coins that would last you and the next generation if you spent it wisely once you handed the criminal over to the Sheriff, âClose your mouth before a fly flies inside.â
Your cheeks burned, and you felt your arm lightly soften against his neck, but then you quickly snapped out of it and willed yourself to focus. The man was gorgeous; none of those sketches did his beauty justice. His sharp features werenât as intimidating as the handsome strangerâs from the Innâwho was part of his outlaw band, now you realisedâbut his eyes held danger, a promise of pain and unforgiveness. You gulped, tracing his nose and red lips, your eyes lingering on them, and you felt your tongue poking out to wet your own lips. The outlaw, Hongjoong, hummed to himself and touched your cheek with his left hand, making you jump.
âBank robbery.â You heard him whispering, his eyes glancing down at the forearm exposed to him since you had him in a headlock with your left hand, âPeculiar, isnât it?â
You gulped nervously, your heart racing even faster as you allowed your eyes to fall onto his own exposed forearm now that his arm was outstretched, his fingers grazing your cheek. Finally catching the outlaw. You gasped and pushed Hongjoong away, a coldness seeping deep into your bones despite the scorching hot air inside the dimly lit room. Hongjoong looked at you apprehensively, watching you as if you were a rabid animal, analysing your features and body language. You didnât know what to do or how to react; it all felt too much, too overwhelming. Why did you have to be right? Where was Sheriff Jeong to make fun of your fate and tell you it was just a joke all along? Why was Kim Hongjoong your soulmate, and why did your body yearn so desperately for his touch again? It felt hard to breathe as your eyes filled with tears, and you didnât want to break down, but it suddenly felt like you werenât so alone anymore.
âOh, donât cry, sweetheart.â And when you felt arms around your body, you started crying hard, your body shaking with sobs as your fingers curled into his shirt, squeezing Hongjoong to yourself, âItâs alright, Iâm here now.â
âYouâre a terrible person.â You managed to get out as you were still crying, blinded by the tears in your eyes as you tried to look at his face, âYou steal from people, you hurt others, youâve killed too, Iâand I had to sit through all of that, wondering all this time why was I fated to a man like you. Why is it you, Kim Hongjoong? I was supposed to bring you back to the Sheriff, I was supposed to get rich off of youâIâIâve been chasing you for so long, itâs unfair!â
Your tears subsided as your anger won over, and you pushed Hongjoong away, staring at him with a glare as his jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowing, âIâve been wondering too why I was fated with someone who wanted to catch me, harm me perhaps, hand me over to live a miserable life.â
A deafening silence fell over the two of you as the realisation settled in that Hongjoong mightâve been feeling the same conflicting emotions as you were. Your heart raced in the excitement that you had finally found your soulmate, finally feeling complete, but your brain told you that you could still come out of this victoriously, that you could hand him in and live a life aloneâŚitâs what you were used to after all.
âItâs not too late to walk away,â Hongjoong muttered quietly, caressing the ink on his skin, his gulp loud, âWe wonât harm you if you leave us alone, I promiseââ
âAre you telling your own soulmate to walk away? To leave you alone after I finally found you?!â Your voice was rising in anger, and Hongjoong flinched, glancing behind you.
âLetâs keep it down or else weâll be discovered,â He suggested and took a step closer, his eyes analysing your face once again. You gulped when he didnât stop approaching you and almost flinched when he reached out, his warm fingers grazing your cheek again, âDonât you hate me?â
âI hate what you are and that youâve made me chase you for so long that I was forced to be alone for thirty years.â You whispered, eyebrows furrowing as Hongjoongâs fingers traced your eyebrows down to your nose, under your eyes and then your lips, his gulp loud.
âYouâre beautiful,â He whispered with a smile, stepping even closer to you, your faces just a breath away, âCome with me, learn my world, let me show you the brighter side of it.â
âThatâs not who I am, Hongjoong.â
âNo? Then who are you?â
You gulped, letting the question settle in your mind. Who were you? What did you have besides Sheriff Jeong and a house you had forcefully claimed as yours? You were nothing but a lonely woman hunting down criminals because it filled your time and distracted you from the void in your chest, a void that was no longer eating away at your heart.
âPromise youâll never leave me. Promise youâll keep me safe,â You gulped, already dreading the sudden twist of your future. Were you doing the right thing right now? Was this the smart choice? âPromise youâll never hurt Sheriff Jeong.â
âI promise to keep you safe and never leave you, not now that Iâve found you.â Hongjoong chuckled then, cupping your jaw gently as shouts came from behind the door. You tensed, but Hongjoong didnât seem phased by it, âAnd I wonât hurt Sheriff Jeong, even though I wonder who that isâŚâ
âNot just you, your whole gang.â Your eyebrows furrowed as Hongjoong traced your bottom lip with his thumb, smirking at himself.
âOkay, fine, no one will hurt the Sheriff.â You hummed, eyes widening when Hongjoong closed the distance and pressed his warm lips against yours, tasting like the homemade meal your mother used to make that you loved so much. Hongjoong felt like home, like coming home after a long day and falling into your bed, knowing it always had your back, always would be there for you. These comparisons felt silly as you kissed him back, fingers tangling in his black hair, but they were everything youâd always wished for.
A sudden explosion outside made you yelp, and Hongjoong smirked, letting go of you to grab his cowboy hat, extending his hand for you to take, âWell, thatâs our cue, sweetheart. We better get going before the Sheriffs get here.â
You knew Sheriff Jeong would hate you for an eternity for accepting the outlawâs extended hand, but there was nothing you could do when your soulmate was grinning at you with mischief and wickedness in his eyes, so confident and proud as your fingers intertwined.
Š HONGJOONGSPOETRY & BVIDZSOO 2025 - All rights reserved. Copying, editing, reposting or translating our work is not allowed.
#âď¸solaris reblog#A MASTERPIECE#wheww this was so good#still not over Hongjoongs and the mcs chemistry and their bickering as they fight#Iâll be reading this one again tomorrow#simply that good#hongjoong x reader#kim hongjoong x reader#hongjoong fluff#kim hongjoong fluff#hongjoong angst#kim hongjoong angst#Hongjoong soulmate au
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showing my dad good omens 2 and during the scene where maggie bursts into tears and tells aziraphale that shes in love with nina but thinks nina hates her, my dad went âoh no :(â and I was like âwhat?â and he said âwell, doesnât aziraphale have a thing for maggie?â and I. you guys I couldnât help myself. I guffawed
#good omens#good omens 2#good omens 2 spoilers#(I guess?)#I love my dad but my Fucking god heâs the most obtusely heterosexual person I know lmfaooooo#like I know itâs been awhile since he watched season 1 but HOW did az and crowleyâs chemistry#completely fly over his head????#and like Iâm sorry but how did he watch any of their preceding s2 scenes without picking up on the mega gay vibes???#like. crowley knowing all of azâs moods well enough to discern his tone from a phone call#the coffee shop convo about the naked man etc#all their little looks and smiles#THE NEBULA SCENE WHERE AZ THINKS CROWLEY CALLED HIM GORGEOUS?????#(or was it beautiful? canât remember but u get it.)#their lack of personal space#I could go on#like if one of them was a woman my dad wouldâve picked up on it so fast! he loves rom coms!#anyways it was so funny I almost spoiled the whole season out of indignation#like how can you watch aziraphale and think that man is straight Iâm sorry but thatâs so fucking funny
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