#how bout that ep today huh
after-witch · 1 year
Seeker [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Title: Seeker [Yandere Mahito x reader]
Synopsis: Mahito wants to play a game. Just a lil thing I had to write after Mahito's line about wanting to hunt down humans in the woods from the most recent JJK ep.
Word count: 2000ish
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, mentions of malnourishment, reader isn't having a good ol' time, mahito is his own warning
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If you were prone to long bouts of deep thought in your current state of existence, you might ask yourself: How did it come to this? How did you go from an ordinary life of going to work, coming home, running errands, going to bed, going to work, coming home, running errands, going to bed, going to work--
To this? 
To being held captive by some unknowable cursed creature with a patchwork face and a penchant for wild, impulsive violence?
To being pinched and held and kissed at his whims, to being kept inside a crude cage at night with a nest of blankets as your only comfort? 
He had offered to let you sleep with him inside the hammock the first time you quietly asked if you could have a mattress, perhaps three weeks into your captivity, although your sense of time was no longer cohesive. But you thought about it (pressed so close to him, vulnerable, awkward, fumbling--) and shook your head, so he shrugged, grinning, and shut the door on your cage instead.)
You had only brought up the issue once more, pointing out that people slept on beds or mattresses, and if he was going to keep you then could you at least get something more comfortable than a few blankets on top of a metal cage bottom? 
And he’d simply tilted his head and said, in a tone that might be called innocent if the phrase wouldn’t have immediately evaporated in his vicinity--
“Huh?” He looked genuinely perplexed, and you remember the twisting feeling it created in your stomach to see such a human-like expression on  him. “But humans keep their pets in kennels, don’t they?” He had gestured towards the water bottle and bag of expired Family Size chips he’d thrown in your cage a few days prior, brows furrowed, voice petulant. “I even keep your food inside so you can eat when I’m gone! Most of them don’t do that!”  
You shut up, then, and you certainly didn’t ask him to elaborate on his referral to you as his pet.
You don’t ask for elaboration on much nowadays, because you’ve decided it’s often better not to know. It’s better not to know how he chooses the victims that he transforms into monsters. It’s better not to know how conscious they are, when their mouths form pleas and screams. It’s better not to know if you’ll ever end up like them, writhing and deformed. 
Except now, you are being hurled into a completely new situation that has every nerve in your body frayed and burning, and that need to know what the hell is happening grows stronger with every step.
He’s taken you out. Out of the drain and into the light--the brightness and softness of the outside world hurts as much as it provides a twisting sort of relief, competing furiously with the fear growing in your belly. 
And, more specifically, he’s dragged you into the forest. Off the marked paths, pulling you here and there like a ragdoll while you trip and stumble to keep up with him, all the while he intermingles assurances of how fun this will be (“You’ll love it, I promise~!”) with giggles that make your stomach lurch.
Until finally he stops, in the middle of the woods. It’s both familiar and unfamiliar; the droning chirps of insects looking for mates, the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze. Gnats buzz by your face but you’re too frightened to swat them away with your free hand, as Mahito has yet to release his grip on your wrist. He has yet to even turn around, instead looking around him--up and about, grinning, almost closing his eyes as if he’s forgotten that you’re there at all. 
Finally, you can’t take it anymore. You have to know.
“Mahito?” Your voice cracks, dry from what little water you had today and the trek into the forest.
His eyes widen--like he’s just recalled your existence--and slowly, he turns his head towards you, a wide grin on his face.
You grit your teeth. You try not to sound frustrated or heaven--not that you think it exists, anymore--forbid, look frustrated, because that usually doesn’t end well. 
“I was just…” You swallow, thick, and smile a little. “Wondering why we’re out here. Not--not that I’m complaining. It’s… really nice.”
He giggles. Which can be good or bad, and you’re not sure which of those two his current mood falls under yet.
And then he yanks your wrist, and pulls you close to him. You stumble against his chest, but he catches you, and keeps you still.
“We’re going to play a game.”
Oh. It was a bad giggle. At least for you.
“A… game?” You shouldn’t ask, you don’t want to know. But this isn’t the type of thing Mahito will let you close your eyes about, is it? 
There’s an awful giddiness in his voice as he continues.
“Yes! I read about it in a book. Oh!” He grins. “And I’ve seen kids playing it at playgrounds. It’s called tag.” He pauses, and then continues, as if explaining something remarkably patiently to a child. “One person is the seeker, and they seek the other person until they find them and tag them! And then that person is the seeker.”
He’s going to chase you. He’s going to chase you. He’s going to--
You wonder if the feeling of your nerves trying to leave your body through your feet can show on your soul. Probably, because Mahito reaches up and squishes your lips together with his fingers.
“Don’t worry! I’ll be the seeker first, so you don’t have to worry about not catching me.” He stretches his neck to one side and smiles, giving a satisfied sigh. “I’m so generous, right?” 
“Mahito,” you say, and you say his name again because he likes it when you do, “Mahito, I’m… not good at games like this. Wouldn’t you rather just have a picnic today? Or we could…” You look around, fumbling for something that doesn’t involve you running through the woods being chased by a monster.
He pouts. Honest-to-goodness pouts, puffing up his cheek, looking hurt and frustrated. 
And then he whirls you around and presses himself up against your back, and the silly pout has drained from his body and his voice as he whispers low in your ear, dark and tinged with something distinctly inhuman. 
“I’ll give you 60 seconds. That’s enough time, isn’t it, for a human like you?” You can feel goosebumps dotting the back of your neck, and you jolt when one of his fingers traces them on your skin. “Let’s see… how about we play for 5 minutes? And if I catch you, I get to play a different game with you! One you haven’t been letting me play…” 
Fear constricts your throat. You don’t ask what this ‘different’ game is because the thought of knowing might just make you vomit.
You already feel like you might, bile and fear sticky in your stomach. This is happening. It’s going to happen. You can’t stop it. 
He blows a puff of air in your ear, and the dark thread of tension has dissolved as he gives you a playful shove. You can hear the grin back in his voice. 
He claps once, twice, three times. 
“And… ready… set… go!” 
You propel yourself forward on shaky legs and malnourished muscles. How long has it been since you’ve run anywhere? Much less in the woods, wearing worn out shoes, with a curse who could do worse than kill you with a single touch just yards behind you. 
“Oh!” You hear his voice from behind you, distinct but growing fainter. “I’ll start counting, okay?”
You don’t answer--you couldn’t even if you wanted to, chest heaving and breath panting from exertion already--but keep putting your feet to the ground, desperate to put as much distance between you and Mahito in 60 seconds as you can.
“One… two…”
Should you run in a straight line for much longer? 
“Three… four…”
Maybe you should turn another way, and make it harder for him to reach you.
“Five… six…”
You might even be able to find somewhere to hide, right? The woods could have tree hollows or caves or something, anything, that could give you some cover. You could wait out the 5 minutes in hiding, rather than trying to run.
“Seven… eight… nine…”
Your brain makes your decision for you, and you veer off to the left, keeping your legs pumping as fast as you can. His voice is getting fainter with every second counted, which must mean you’re making the right choice.
Your body jerks itself back just as Mahito appears in front of you, hands on his hips, a sly grin on his face.
“Found you!”
Your legs stumble back, a weak attempt to turn and run, but he grabs your wrists and keeps you from getting anywhere. It’s not fair. It’s not--
You shake your head and feel the anger coming despite your fear and heaving chest and his firm grip on your wrists. 
“You… you said you’d give me sixty seconds! That was only ten!”
Mahito shakes his own head, soft hair falling over his shoulders. “Mm… I said I’d give you sixty seconds, and I am! You’ve got mmm…” He considers, tilting his head. “40 seconds left or so.” 
What is he talking about? You furrow your eyebrows. “But you… you said you’d give me a 60 second head start.”
He blinks at you, and you hate how he can look so innocent, despite everything. You hate even more that you’re never entirely sure when he’s being genuinely naive or pretending. “Nuh-uh. I didn’t say I wouldn’t run in those 60 seconds, too, just that you had 60 seconds. You really ought to pay attention when someone’s explaining the rules of a game!” 
He grins foolishly at you and all you can do is tug at your wrists, hoping he’ll either make a mistake and let go or get bored of holding you and let you try to run for it again. But he does neither, simply keeping a firm grip on you while you pull and pull, feet digging into the ground. 
Useless. Stupid. Weak.
The tears come, then. Ugly and hot, making your face squish and your lips curl even as you continue to uselessly pull against his grip. You were never going to get away and he knew it and you knew it, too, but did he have to make it so cruel? 
“Th-th…this isn’t fair,” you choke out, your tears thickening your voice. 
Mahito does release one wrist, then, but only so he can wipe at your tears roughly with his thumb and lick it afterwards. 
“D-D-Don’t be a spoilsport,” he coos. Then he sighs, happy and content, like a cat who has gotten all the cream and more. “60 seconds is up, and I’ve still got you so… I win!”
He pulls on your wrist then, bringing you close to his chest. 
“That means you have to play what I want to play now, okay?”
You look into his mismatched eyes and you’re terrified of what you find. 
He leans forward and rubs his nose against your cheek, humming happily.
“You’ll like this one, I think.” You can feel his smile against your cheek, the upward tug of his muscles. “Although I can’t make any promises!” 
You don’t ask what game he wants to play now. 
Sometimes, it’s better not to know. 
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hahskeleton · 7 months
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I know Moon made him go but I think it actually did him a little good! I’m being actually truthful, here, I think Eclipse really considered confessing a few things, but I also might be wrong. Eclipse could definitely still be putting up an act for all this but like he’s said in previous episodes, he never actually did anything he’s hated for doing. That was the previous copy of him, he’s just a replacement.
When he was asking about how Lunar was dealing with the whole *BOOM* thing and Earth was like, “We ain’t gonna talk ‘bout that” I’m honestly kinda glad. That would’ve probably flourished into a weird, long, argumentative conversation. On Eclipse’s part, tho, Earth’s pretty chill :)
When they were talking abt how Earth was coping with seeing Eclipse explode and Eclipse was like, “Yeah, how does that feel btw? Terrible? Scary?”
and then stuff happened and it led up to him saying, “You never know when your just going to go BOOM.” holy heck I should draw that. lmao I’ll probably be drawing a lot for this ep
also at the end when Moon fricking APOLOGIZED??? HUH??? Where was that hiding the whole time??? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am so happy Moon finally said something to him, and damn it silenced Eclipse, too!
When he said, “You probably don’t want to hear it, but, I’m sorry for leaving you behind.” And eclipse DIDN’T SAY A SINGLE THING LIKE- holy moly man Eclipse I wish you actually took that relatively seriously. When that part came I was just-
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ALSO when Moon said that specific line “I know you probably don’t wanna hear it, but,” we forget Sun has said the exact same thing to him before, except not him, it was Old Moon he said it to. In that episode, Sun said VERY DISTINCTLY, “I know you probably don’t wanna hear it, and I know I don’t say it often, but,”
This honestly probably means absolutely nothing, it’s just something I’m pointing it out—
Anything thing, when Eclipse first came in and Moon was like, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he was talking like he went into a dentist’s office and his kid was misbehaving. Also Eclipse is a five year old at heart and you can’t change my mind. The way he walked in and just started insulting everything and throwing sh!t around was kinda funny to me.
Also, yeah, Earth noticed he was avoiding trying to talk about himself and his problems, and she was right he was definitely doing that. He would change the subject whenever Earth asked something remotely close to his feelings or his trauma.
I have a lot more to say but I don’t wanna make this post any other than it has to be so yeah… I’ll probably post another ramble and rant post today sometime to ramble about Eclipse and lore and stuff.
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peachyfnaf · 7 days
*Monty coming in to see nexus torturing moon.*
Monty: *Holds up a shotgun*, “I hope you bullet proof for this bout to hurt”
Nexus: wtf???
That scene was so funny,Monty tried to pull a gun on nexus and I thought “DUDE HUH??? How is THAT gonna stop him???” 😂😂😂
“Seriously, Nexus will absolutely demolish you in an instant, HE HAS DARK STAR POWER. Do you want to get ruined again??” 💀🥲
i mean i wouldn't be opposed to nexus ruining him, get that gators ass pookie KJDFHSDF
but fr, hearing about today's ep has been.. Interesting. don't like Nexus doing villain things since y'know, hate this arc in general, BUT it was nice to hear John's name again!! that was a very unexpected callback, good to know that Moon is still haunted by what he did there. chefs kiss on Trauma
..do kinda wish Monty tried it, because then the episode would've ended like
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watchingspnagain · 4 months
Rewatching The End
Welcome to “Beware the Toilet Paper Horde!: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e4: The End.
Dean is at a hotel taking a quick sleep break from hunting for a way to kill Lucifer with Cas. Cas agrees to meet him in the morning. Before Dean can conk out, Sam calls, wanting to work together again. Dean gives him a speech about being stronger apart because everyone uses their love and protectiveness of each other against them. When Dean wakes up, the town he’s in is suddenly run down and abandoned. Oh, and crawling with people infected with the Croatoan virus. He goes to Bobby’s and finds a clue about where Cas might be and heads there. He finds himself, hard and bitter, and a Cas who is human and a stoner. Turns out he’s in the future, a future where he said no to Michael and Sam said yes to Lucifer, and this Croatoan hellscape is the result. Future!Dean has a plan to kill Luci!Sam with the Colt. Our Dean tags along, witnesses himself get killed by Luci!Sam, and has a heartbreaking conversation with him about how this end is inevitable. Dean then gets zapped back to the present by Zach, who arranged this little trip to the future to try to convince Dean to say yes. But Dean is more determined than ever not to, and Cas saves him from an irate Zach just in time. Dean then meets up with Sam and reverses his position about whether they should work together. The fraught brothers ride again, as God intended (heh).
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
[and we begin:]
oooooh this episode
i don’t know which one this is yet
ooooooo bounces
god’s plan for Dean. NICE
"too friggin much pal" haaaaaahahahahaha
Cas on the cell phone. ADORABLE
and he's getting bitchy, poor baby
"what stuff?"
"I'll just wait here then" I CANNOT
such a cutie
ooooh Sammy’s fightin’ mad I LOVE IT
Dean, you GOOB, you ALSO are trying to hunt down Lucifer and kill him
nnngggg Dean's ring
the way this boy flipflops between FAMILY and GET AWAY FROM ME is a little ridiculous
he needs some intense therapy and a long bout of angel snuggles
such an emo drama queen
oh wait is this the hippie Cas ep?!?!
also Luci!Sam in a white suit episode
huh. I have the timeline all messed up in my head, I think. So confused
I thought that part was much later
Wow. apparently it doesn’t take much to get Dean to punch a child. Interesting.
sounds like you need to... rewatch HAAAHAHAHAHA
He’s so cute when he runs, though
I was just thinking that! at the least he should look more upset about it
he is ADORABLE when he runs
lolololol the music
...alos the Dean likes to wear panties episode. the line that launched a thousand fics
OMG Dean hitting the steering wheel after Zach pops in
no more sports, so it’s not all bad news
though we all know now that you don't need people to assemble and watch in person for there to be sports
i suppose
way to ruin it
HA! sorry, friend
poor Baby
i didn’t remember a double dean action
oooh yep
god bless Rhonda Hurley
oooof, Dean
yeah. both of them
lololol Parent Trap reference
Haley Mills or whatsherface, Dean?
both, although he’ll deny the remake
"maybe, uh, share?"
omg hiding behind Chuck
if the CW had any cajones at all, there would have been at least two pretty boys sitting in that circle too
"you are not you, not now!you, anyway"
i LOVE that Cas immediately knows
omg his voice is so less deep
... I wanted bead curtains so bad when I was like 17
ooooof, Deans
HAHAHA i had them in my dorm room
I love that, in addition to other things, we have here a Dean who has to be A Leader, and it doesn't quite... fit
and why do you think it doesn’t work? I agree with it, but i think the interesting thing is why
because he’s lost Sam?
well, I think, this particular example is muddled because there are so many things making him not fit, losing Sam being a big one
but I think he CAN lead but it's not where he's most comfortable. and it's not exactly that he wants to follow, but that as soon as he's in charge of more than just a few people, he doesn't want to
"oh, so we're torturing again. oh, that's good. classy"
"I like past you"
"okay, if you don't like reckless, I could use "insouciant" maybe"
I… don’t like this Cas
no, me either. like, I enjoy it as a performance and a "what-if," but the what-if itself is not one I want to spend any more time with than this one ep
"Sam didn't die in Detroit. he said yes"
I also don't like this Dean
which makes interesting the fact that I like the real Dean, who DOES get more WORN better than young Dean
he needs more wear on him, but not THIS wear
Hm. I do. I mean, not as much as Real Dean, but you know how I feel about Bad Guys (tm)
I do
I trust real Dean implicitly, and this one I don't. I think that's the crux of it for me
i get that. I like a little danger, though
oooof, Deans
the thing is you and Sam BOTH need to say no. like, in this moment, that's the alternative they aren't looking at
and YES
hoard? I can never remember which is which
omg Cas's nod when Dean says "stick out of your ass"
it is REALLY interesting to me that this is part of what Zach thinks Dean will take one look at and go "NOPE. better make a different choice." and he's RIGHT
hoard, i think. horde is the unruly band of vikings type thing
it doesn't have the effect Zach wants, but Dean doesn't want this to happen to Cas any more than he wants to be this Dean or have Sammy say yes to Luci
aaah. I thought one was the verb and the other was the noun?
BOY Jensen does a good job playing against himself
…isn’t that what i said?
also the stitching together is really good. are they still using film in this season?
“something is broken in you” oh MAN
is it? ...I guess it is
my god he looks good in that suit
"aren't you a surprise?"
the thunder in the background is such a nice touch
the rolling grumbling kind
"the last perfect handiwork of God"
Dean's teary eyes
god Jensen's VOICE in this speech
"whatever you do, you will always end up here"
the fact that the tears spill when he suggests it's INEVITABLE
"well if it isn't the Ghost of Christmas Screw You" haaaaaaahahahahahahaa
oh poor baby, lookit him
"naah" OMG
he just wants to mow the lawn
“we had an appointment” I LOVE HIM
"we had an appointment"
vibrates out of my skin
He’s leaning against the car dies
Sammy’s hurt/confused face
the conferring of weapons as a gestures of love flops and rolls in it
"we keep each other human" GAH
"we make our own future"
FUCK 327
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harlequinpants · 6 years
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let them rest
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: this contains more writing than pictures!! really excited with this series, the ideas just kept coming in my head kfndkf how are you all liking this so far? i'd love hear your thoughts in replies! or you can send me an ask, whichever you're comfortable with ^3^)/ enough chit chats, here you go happy reading!
masterlist; regrets@1004
friend!megumi x fem!reader, friend!yuji x fem!reader
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you knocked on megumi's door bouncing on the balls of your feet, "gumi i swear to god i will kick this door down!" you shouted from the other side, hearing his footsteps you wear a glare on your face as soon as the door opened "sorry was doing something"
you let out a huff making your way inside his house, your glare soon turned to a soft smile seeing the acoustic guitar lying down on his couch. you turned and face him showing your smile, he raises a brow at the sudden change of your mood "for someone who grew up with a person that sang nonstop to them, you sure get excited every time"
megumi sat down holding his guitar, his finger mindlessly plucking the strings random chords filling the room. "but yuta's overrated" you said waving a hand around, you situated yourself in front of him leaning on your hand. "besides, it's not like you always sing to us"
he just shrugs looking up at you before returning his attention back to his guitar, "why did you call me so suddenly anyways?" your head slightly tilting to the side, "yuta said he was gonna be busy today recording a cover, he forgot that we we're gonna have one of those jamming"
"and you called me just for that?" you got confused since it's not like he need someone to hear him sing a cover song, "no, been composing something actually" you gasped loudly causing him to look back at you, "what?"
you pointed a finger at him other hand on your chest, showing you're hurt "and you didn't tell us- me?!" megumi grumbles looking to the side, his mouth slowly turning into a pout "it's nothing special, why would i need to?" you shake your head at him before realizing something.
"wait. does that mean i'm the first to hear it?" you look at him, your eyes sparkling in excitement. he shake his head, "actually it was yuta" you threw your hands up not caring about his statement, "no, i stand by that i'm the first" he let out a sigh, yuji really has been rubbing off on you.
"let's hear it let's hear it let's hear it" you chanted clapping your hands together, his fingers gliding in the right place for the correct chords. "it's still a bit rough, tell me if you hear something wrong or if you have any suggestion" he reminded you giving you a last look, you eagerly nod at him before he looked back down clearing his throat as the start of the song nears. his soft voice echoes the room blending perfectly with the warm sound of his guitar.
you stare at megumi with wide eyes after he finished his little performance, "what do you think?" he asked while putting away his guitar, "i think i'll have another famous friend" you exclaimed at him still amazed by his creation. he rolled his eyes at you, "so that's all i am to you huh? fame?" he crossed his arms playing around with you
you gasp sitting down next to him, "of course it's about your bank too, i mean jeez gojo really went into depositing money on your account" you turn and look at megumi who's laughing a little, "what? it's true" he raises a brow "the money?" you frown bumping shoulders with him slightly "about gojo silly"
you giggle hearing him breathe out in relief, "can't believe you really think of me like that" he shrugs "gotta be safe" you pushed him to the side yelling at him while he laughed at you.
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you repeatedly scroll on your phone getting frustrated as seconds pass by, you can't believe it yuji really forgot this. he's leaving you in his inbox, not even on read! you can't help but feel a little upset by this, it's been your thing for so long and it felt like it was part of your daily routine at this point.
you shake your head trying not to overthink, "no, he's most likely just busy" you said to yourself nodding in encouragement. you blink down at your phone screen not knowing you were calling someone,
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"y/n?" you heard megumi's voice from your phone speaker, "heyyyy i didn't realized i called you, sorry about that" you mumble to your phone as you press it against your ear, "did something happened? you don't sound like you usually do" he voiced out, talkative than usual.
you let out a sigh, lips slowly turning into a pout. "kind of a childish reason" you muttered drawing circles on your lap, "when wasn't?" you groan hearing his chuckle on the other side, "on a serious note, you wanna talk about it?" you shake your head before remembering you're on a call,
"don't wanna" megumi hummed, "wanna facetime instead?" you agreed angling your phone where he can see you properly, you waved at the camera seeing him leaning on his bed's headboard, you leaned on the pillow you're hugging mumbling your words "can you sing for me again?"
megumi looks at you for a minute before sighing, "fine since you're upset today" he cleared his throat beginning to sing you a song. before you knew it, your eyes are slowly drooping close, megumi's voice lulling you in the background. a few minutes passed and you're already fast asleep, he looked at your peaceful state longingly "so pretty" his voice cause you to stir in your sleep.
he purses his lips almost getting caught, holding his breath until you make no move of waking up. megumi smiled before taking a screenshot, "sweet dreams beautiful, hope you'll feel better when you wake up" he whispers before tapping the end call button.
-random facts;
megumi respects yuta more than the others because of his talents
yuta and megumi spend most of their time jamming
one time when the group decided to let loose, megumi got so wasted that he just randomly burst out singing on the top of his lungs
no yuji's not holding a video of that as a form of blackmail
you accidentally broke yuta's guitar back in your childhood yuta was and still so heartbroken bout that
maki is slowly getting encouraged by nobara to join her on making megumi confessed
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
taglist; @lumpiang-toge @deanodonk @duhsies @syynnaaah @calamariie @champagnetvstes @kirustne @iamlowkeycrying @asheseiler @janessawonderwall @erueru501 @mknz01-blog @xmellows @sukunas-cult-leader
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, December 5
WILLOW: Well, for starters, how 'bout the hellmouth's getting all rumbly again. And, now I know it's got teeth. And, are those literal teeth? 'Cause I don't know if I can handle it. And, what if I can handle it? Does that mean I have to be a bigger, badder badass than the source of all badness? And, what if I give up all this control stuff and I go all veiny and homicidal again? And what if— GILES: They won't take you back? WILLOW: Uh-huh. GILES: Willow, we could spend another two years here training and practicing and learning to hone your powers, and still there'd be no way of knowing for sure that the friends you left behind you are still your friends. WILLOW: Well, sure. I mean, if you put it that way, duh. GILES: I'd love to offer you some guarantee that you'd be welcomed back to Sunnydale with open arms, but I can't. You may not be wanted, but you will be needed. WILLOW: That all you got? GILES: For the moment, yes.
~~"Beneath You," Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Ep. 124 (S7E2)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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"The Beekeeper" (Spike/Buffy, Dawn; FRT) by pfeifferpack
"A Leap of Faith" (Faith/Buffy; FRT) by Bl4ckHunter
"Buffy and Spike Do Easy Living" (BtVS/EL; Buffy/Spike, Giles; FRT) by jesterlady
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"An Unexpected Stay" (Giles, Spike; FRT) by ynyseira in giles-shorts - EDITOR REC!
"The Tragedy of Family" (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure/BtVS; FRT) by madimpossibledreamer
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"Spike Wins the Soul in Kitten Poker: The Fridge Poem" (Buffy/Spike; poetry; FRT) by thenewbuzwuzz
"A Time You Forgot" (AU-canon; Buffy/Spike, Giles, Willow; FRMA) by Grief Counseling
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Out of the Fire, Into the Hellmouth, "Nowhere Else to Go" (1/?) (Thor[film]/BtVS[TV]; Loki[Marvel]/Spike, Scoobies; FRM) by RunaEindride
The Path to Redemption, Chapter 1/? (Post-BtVS AU canon; BtVS/AtS; Tara/Willow, Angel/Cordy, Lilah/Wes, Fred/Wes, Buffy, Xander, Giles, Dawn; FRT) by Aragorn_II_Elessar
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, "All the Rules" (178/?) - (JBA/BtVS; FRT) by madimpossibledreamer
And I Still Do (Love You), (I Would Have Still Loved You, Part 4) Chapter 26/? (Buffy/Spike, et al.; FRMA) by slaymesoftly
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Have a Very Spuffy Christmas!, "December 5th" (5/?) - (Pre-to-Post BtVS/AtS Rewrite; Buffy/Spike; FRT) by Puppet
, Chapter (Buffy/Spike;) by
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Seacat, Chapters 1-25/? (She-Ra/BtVS; FRM) by Starfox
Rating Info
Fiction Rating Key Here
"NR" = "Not Rated"
Authors' given ratings usually trusted, but "general audiences" and "K" or "K+" are increased to "FRT" because of original BtVS/AtS series' ratings. Occasional stronger ratings given when chance glance shows they're needed. "F-bomb" and/or gratuitous coarse language marked as FRMA-AL, no matter how used. Graphic depictions of human-on-human violence and/or abuse deferred to next day's editor for private life reasons. Thanks for understanding. :-)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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ARTWORK: So true but overall Buffy has the biggest heart (Buffy still collage by @buffsummers; SFW) shared by TypicalPsychology6
ARTWORK: A Buffy and Angel Christmas wallpaper I made (Buffy/Angel mobile wallpaper; SFW) by -WhY_HellO_ThERe-
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VIDEO: BTVS | "Carol of the Bells" (Merry Christmas) (Amends) by anomalykru NEW TODAY!
VIDEO: Angel, Darla & Connor - "Devil's Dance Floor" by NileQT87 NEW TODAY!
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Baby Connor by Wesxfred
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"Bring on the Night," S7 Rewatch, review by ghoststar
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Annoying gripe with season 6 episode 1 by GuitarTest in buffy subreddit
Whose bright idea was it to bring Spike onboard Angel in the 5th season? by KevTravels in buffy subreddit
Buffy's character really was a miracle. by moviephil4315 in buffy subreddit
The Xander and Willow cheating storyline is the worst in the show by The810kid in buffy subreddit
What a special show by emergencyx0x in buffy subreddit
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PODCAST: "Peace Out"/"Home" by mmpodcastnetwork
[ISO & Recs]
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"A Cheeky Nod to a Fan Favourite Trope" (Giles/Buffy, Willow; FRT; by littleotter73) recced by petzipellepingo
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My Tweets by dontkillspike
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Where can I find the “Angel & Faith” comics? by SarcasticGayBitch in ANGEL subreddit
[Community Announcements]
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Updated Collections & Challenges Help Documentation by AO3 admin
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VHS (BtVS & AtS) by JackieB71
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Gen Prompt Bingo Round 19 by purplecat in fandomcalendar
2021 Theme Suggestion Post by runpunkrun in fancake
Fancake Theme for December: Amnesty by runpunkrun in fancake
[Fandom Discussions]
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Wes and Lilah (REPLY) by Myheadsgonenumb
Lilah and Wes (OP) by Joan the Vampire Slayer
"Cordy, Were We In Love?" (REPLY) by Joan the Vampire Slayer
Naughty Thought (Buffy's love life; NSFW) by Moggin
Secret Santa with the Scoobies? by IndianaSolo221
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Xander is somewhat responsible for the rift between Faith and Buffy in Season 3 by jdpm1991 in buffy subreddit
For the fans who saw BtVS when it aired which Season 6 story line was a big shock for you? by jdpm1991 in buffy subreddit
When BtVS was originally airing, did people pick up on the romantic/sexual tension between Willow and Tara before it was made overt? (NEW VIEWER; NO SPOILERS IN COMMENTS) by pinkmapviolin in buffy subreddit
Angelus is just a narcissistic puppet by CashDecklin in buffy subreddit
"Normal Again": Weird episode but also interesting by NewShinyThings in buffy subreddit
Spike Plot Hole (Spoilers for BtVS Season 5 onward) by humandalek1507 in buffy subreddit
Which season had the best DVD special features? by jdpm1991 in buffy subreddit
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Give Me Something to Sing About (request for spirit lifting) by Moggin
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Suggestions for other shows for BtVS fans by Aesthetic_sandwiches in buffy subreddit
Happy 44th birthday Amy Acker! by Justeneyyy in ANGEL subreddit
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VIDEO: Gold Blend compilation (Tony Head's coffee ads pre-BtVS) by VHS Video vault
Did we miss something? Want us to announce a Buffyverse contributor's/fan's upcoming birthday? Submit a link to be included in the newsletter here! NOTE: There will be occasional overlap of material, as well as deferring of material to the next editor. Please check the next day's Herald before contacting the editors if you feel your work was overlooked. Thank you for your patience with us as we try to balance real life with fandom!
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synvamp · 5 years
There. Fixed it!
From Vol 7 ep 5 all the way to happily ever after – WHERE NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENS. When Clover falls in love he falls hard and fast but can he score the most snarky, eligible bachelor in Remnant? You bet your ass he can.
(Part One HERE)
Title: Healing
Fair Game – Part 10 / 10
Rating: M
 When Clover said thirteen days it had filled Qrow with dread. He just didn’t trust the world… his semblance… himself. Things just didn’t work out for him. Friends, lovers, colleagues… anyone he got close to either betrayed him or died.
 That night he lay awake for hours, tossing and turning in tiny quiet movements, trying not to move the bedcovers too much in case he woke Clover.
 I don’t know why I’m being so damn careful… the guy sleeps like a log!
 He could just make out Clover’s face in the dark. He looked so peaceful.
 It must be nice to sleep like that. To just lie down and let go of it all.
 He still looked sexy, even with his mouth open.
 I guess I am pretty far gone, Qrow smiled.
 If Qrow had ever tried to imagine his perfect partner, it would not have been Clover. He never really had a type with guys so he hadn’t thought about the ‘perfect man’. No Mr Right. Just Mr Right Now. Plus, Clover’s compliments, his endearing, concerned gaze… it was a bit awkward. Qrow didn’t need a cheer squad! But those same compliments made him feel so good. He could tell Clover really meant it, too. He really admired Qrow, what he’d achieved, who he was.
 It felt so strange to be seen. Really seen and just… accepted. Adored, even.
 It wasn’t something he usually got in relationships. He was used to being the chaser… the giver of compliments, the buyer of drinks, the desperate one…
 It was… nice to be wanted. Nice to feel like he was worth pursuing. Worth going to all this effort for. And Clover had. Qrow had seen him struggling. He knew what it must have felt like when he said I love you and got nothing back but he didn’t give up.
 I would have given up.
 But Clover didn’t. He just changed tactic and came back stronger.
 Maybe he was like that because he was so used to things working out… because of his semblance. He was so used to everything going his way, he just couldn’t imagine that it might turn out different… but he looked so uncertain… so hurt when Qrow had been cold to him.
 Maybe he makes his own luck.
 Clover snuffled next to him and rolled over, his muscled back outlined silver in the light from the window.
 Even his shoulders make me horny. Qrow laughed softly to himself. Maybe it’s time I started to make my own luck too.
 Carefully, slowly, inch by quiet inch, he rolled his body over and wrapped one arm around Clover’s waist. He shuffled his hips forward until he could curl his body up against that muscled back and breathe the man in. Clover curled forward and his arm pulled Qrow’s hand tighter,
 ‘My tweety sweety…’ he murmured.
 ‘I hate you,’ he growled as he snuggled closer.
 ‘Mmmmm,’ Clover sighed happily.
 Qrow tried to fume but he found that all the fears that had been swirling in his head had somehow gone and all he felt now was comfortable… and tired.
 I’ll kick your ass in the morning…
 When Clover woke he was in a great mood. He practically leapt out of bed, stopping only to gaze down at Qrow’s messy bed hair WHY SO HOT!? HOW SO HOT!? before skipping off to make coffee.
 He had to get some of his excitement out before Qrow woke up properly. He wasn’t sure how Mr I Hate Mornings would deal with a bouncing ball of boyfriend first thing.
 Boyfriend. He’s my boyfriend. Most eligible Batchelor in all of Remnant, huh? Kiss my lucky charms!
 Clover did a little soft shoe shuffle in his boxers and felt like a total idiot. It was great.
 And today was a rostered day off! They could actually spend time together… if Qrow ever got out of bed.
 Why do you want him out of bed!?
 Clover chuckled to himself and went to the kitchenette. He made the coffee just shy of strong enough to dissolve the spoon and sat it on the counter, hoping the smell would be enticing.
 After several minor bouts of dancing, Qrow sat up sleepily. He reached over the side of the bed and grabbed the first thing he found, Clover’s tank top. He pulled it over his head and threw the covers back. The top was so big on him it looked nearly like a dress and for some reason, the sight of him all scruffy and sleepy and wearing his clothes…
 I really do love him.
 Qrow shuffled up and collapsed onto Clover’s chest. Clover wrapped him up in his arms and just let the feeling wash over him. My boyfriend.
 No. Don’t dance.
 Qrow groaned loudly into his chest.
 “I made you coffee,” Clover whispered into Qrow’s soft, messy hair.
 “MMMmmffffgggghhhh…” Qrow fell onto the nearest stool at the breakfast counter and took a long sip, “Ah… thank you,” Qrow looked at him with those beautiful eyes and smiled, warm and open.
 After a couple more sips, Qrow blinked and looked up at him, his eyes narrowing.
 “You called me tweety sweety last night in your sleep,” the red eyes blazed, accusing.
 “I did not,” Clover said, trying to keep a straight face.
 “How would you know if you were asleep?” Qrow asked; his voice low and dangerous.
 No! He’s got me! Escape before it’s too late!
 “Well… I’m still alive for one. If I had called you tw… uh… I’d be dead by now, yeah?”
 “It’s only because you’re s..” Qrow started to grumble.
 “And if I’m still alive, then you must have liked it!”
 Ha! Touché!
 Qrow stood and looked up into Clover’s eyes, his sexy, gravelled voice rasped, “We will never speak of this again.”
 Clover’s eyes watered. Do not laugh. Do not laugh. Do not laugh.
 “No. Never again.”
 “Or it will be the last thing you ever do…”
 “Last thing,” Clover nodded, lips jammed firmly together.
 “Good. Glad we got that sorted,” Qrow sniggered a little bit.
 Clover lost it.
 Qrow raged as best as he could, “Stop it! I’m a fierce warrior! Sweety at your peril!” but Clover was laughing so hard and it just made him laugh and it was just all too damn stupid for words.
 After a very long and breathless minute, Clover got his voice back, “So… Fierce, would you like to hang out today?”
 “Sure,” Qrow shrugged his shoulders, a little smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.
 “What would you like to do?”
 “I don’t know,” Qrow ran one long finger around the rim of his coffee mug.
 “We could go ice hole fishing? It’s pretty awesome out there if you don’t mind the occasional grim?”
 “Uhhh…” Qrow blinked.
 “I can see the enthusiasm is a little lacking… no ice hole puns though so I guess that’s something.”
 Qrow smiled, “Nah, I was just thinking you’re trying to get out of the bet.”
 “Get out of it?”
“Well… tundra, grim, icy death… if you make it through today, you’re stuck with me, right?”
 “I guess I am,” Clover put his hand next to Qrow’s on the counter. All he wanted to do was pick the man up and yeet him into bed. Why did he have to look so wide-eyed and beautiful ALL THE TIME!?
 “So…?” Qrow asked, shrugging like it didn’t even matter.
 “So you make a good point. Maybe we should build a blanket fort? No one ever died building a blanket fort.”
 “Is that how you usually pick up? Dinner and a blanket fort? That’s a little creepy.”
 Clover laughed, “Picky, picky… what would you like to do then? The ass is yours to command.”
 “Now I’m starting to get interested,” Qrow lifted one dark eyebrow.
 Clover leaned over and ran his thumb along Qrow’s stubbled jaw. He loved the way his hair was just flecked with silver, the long dark eyelashes, his strong jaw, his burning red eyes… Qrow tilted his head, bird like and turned his cheek into Clover’s hand. Clover stepped closer, leaning down and let his lips just brush Qrow’s. Qrow’s teeth nipped at his bottom lip and then one pale hand reached up to cup the back of his head, pulling him down into a passionate kiss. Qrow’s other hand trailed slowly down Clover’s chest, one sharp nail flicking a sensitive nipple and making him squirm. He could feel Qrow smiling into the kiss as he stroked Clover’s skin lightly, making his whole body thrum. Clover leaned closer as Qrow’s expert touch tripped over his stomach muscles, then one finger hooked into his waistband.
 Qrow pulled away from the kiss, looking down, “Seems you’ve built a fort already,” he grinned down at the tent in Clover’s boxers. Keeping eye contact, Qrow let his hand dip below the elastic and Clover moaned and closed his eyes.
 That’s it. Yeets for you.
 Clover wrapped his arms under Qrow’s knees and went to lift him up.
 “No! Wait!” Qrow shouted.
 Clover froze…
 “I haven’t finished my coffee.”
 Clover crossed his arms, “You get that bouncy butt into bed or I’ll make sure you can’t sit down for a week.”
 “Can’t I have both?” Qrow drawled, biting his lip.
 Clover turned slowly and stretched, making sure every defined muscle rippled as he moved. “Absolutely,” he grinned, lifting Qrow effortlessly and flexing his sexy ass back to bed.
 They spent the day just walking. They saw some of the sights, stopped in a couple of shops, ate when they were hungry and sat when they were tired. It was a normal, peaceful kind of day. True, Clover did nearly fall down a manhole but apart from that, it was… quiet.
 It was so different from everything Qrow’d had before. It felt utterly foreign and yet so comfortable. Clover talked non-stop, telling Qrow all about Mantle. It turned out he was a bit of a history buff and he had a way of picking the best bits of a story so Qrow really enjoyed learning about all the little quirks that made this place unique.
 When it started to get really cold, they’d ducked back to Clover’s room to get something warmer on and now Qrow was buried in one of Clover’s huge duffle coats. He knew he looked ridiculous but when he saw how Clover looked at him, what anyone else thought just didn’t seem to matter.
 Finally, the sun started to set and they found a park bench. Clover dusted the snow off and then sat, pulling Qrow into his lap. The sky was awash with pink and purple, the air crisp.
 “Thank you,” Clover whispered in his ear.
 “What for?” Qrow asked, enjoying the heat of the strong warm arms around him.
 “Just being here… spending the day with me. It was nice.”
 “Yeah, it was,” Qrow didn’t know what else he could say.
 I feel like I’ve been waiting for this forever… I never wanted to be comforted but it made me feel whole. I never wanted to be held but it makes my heart warm. I never wanted to rely on anyone but now that I do… I feel stronger. I thought that this would make me vulnerable, weak… but I’m more certain now than I’ve ever been about anything.
 “I…” Qrow started, and in his chest it was like a revelation, a secret he had kept even from himself. He had felt it building but he’d pushed it away, something to deal with another day… but it was here.
 Ready or not.
 “…I love you.”
He leaned forward and rested his forehead on Clover’s, looking deep into those perfectly shaded green eyes.
 The world stopped and for a minute, they were alone in a future which neither of them had ever dared to dream of.  
 “Say something,” Qrow said, feeling a little flustered.
 “I… love you so much. I just want to spend every minute with you. I want to dance with you and laugh with you and never, ever let you go…”
 Qrow smiled, “Ok, you can stop now.”
 “I will never stop,” Clover said, pulling his snuggly, ruffled boyfriend into a deep kiss.
 Qrow melted into the embrace; I guess I can live with that.
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glassheartff · 7 years
24. Like Together-Together
"You know...maybe I'm not the best person to ask for advice on buying these kind of drinks...since the bar I work at sorta specialises in using the cheap stuff from Target" Tina said as she picked up a bottle of Chardonnay. I didn't miss her eyes widening slightly after checking out the price. "Holy shit I am out of my element here."
"As long as he doesn't see a Target receipt, Brandon will be fine" I took the Chardonnay from Tina, took a look and shrugged at the price. You only finish an album so many times in your life. I put it in the cart. "Now onto the exciting part: the drinks when we get tired of champagne."
"Now that's something a downtown bartender can help you with" She smiled taking control of the shopping cart.
About fifteen minutes later I pulled up outside my house again and looked at the time. 5.04pm,  though you couldn't tell from outside because it still looked as bright as it did this morning.
"So what now?" I looked to the side at Tina who looked back at me as soon as we put all these drinks on the counter, the later it got the sooner I needed to head to the office to celebrate with the guys though that was literally the last thing on my mind right now.
Though these last twenty-four hours were a fucking whirlwind and a drink sounded like heaven right about now.
Tina looked at the clock. "I think I'm gonna go."
"You sure?"
"Yeah..." She leaned against the counter. "I promised Fara I'd catch her up for a meal and since breakfast and lunch are off the cards I guess we have to do dinner." She said it in a way like she wasn't looking forward to dinner at all.
I tilted my head at her. "Should I even ask?"
"Just best friends doing their duty and giving their opinions whether you ask for it or not."
"A conversation I know all too well, trust me." I guess Fara was Tina's Phil in a sense.
"If you don't hear from me again know my cause of death was being drowned in Fara's advice. But I know she means well and wants what’s best for me...sometimes it's just easy to forget that..." Tina left it as it was and she was right, God knows I hated it when Phil or Ryan or Eric start voicing their opinions in my life and it's easy to forget that they meant well and that was their way of caring -- pissing me off. "Your shorts, I need to give you back these shorts"
"Keep them."
She raised an eyebrow at me "Bruno..."
"Nah I'm serious, don't you think it's best if I give up on my NBA dreams now? Plus they look better on you"
"They arere really comfy" She admitted and we just stood there smiling at each other."Okay, I really have to go before I end up spending another night here."
"You say it like it's a bad thing."
Unorthodox Jukebox has a ring to it, doesn't it?
So does: Bruno Mars' sophomore album.
Every fucking thing's coming together.
I took a sip of the Whiskey me and Tina bought earlier today from Target in Brandon's office with the guys, the radio was on playing whatever RnB song was hot right now. It was just us guys like how it's been in Doo Wops and my first EP.
I kind of felt...light -- not in that drunk way but just in life, I took the drink in pure celebration, not for a hidden agenda - not to get rid of the guilt of what I was like to Amelia or because I was angry at her or to hide my issues I was having with Tina in the past.
I was drinking because I was fucking ecstatic. 2012 was a rollercoaster but I was coming out on top.
"Hey! Jaime just called to say congrats on the album!" Eric called out to me from the other side of the room where he and Brandon were talking over drinks.
"Tell her thanks, where's she now?"
My older sister was somewhat of traveller, being the first of us to venture out to L.A. now around the world just for the fun of it.
"Ecuador last time I asked."
South America, her journey was drawing to a close, I think she said she was aiming to come back before the start of the new year which was in a few weeks.
"Who put happy pills in this guy's drink?" Phred said taking a seat opposite to me with Ryan. "Damn, doesn't your face hurt from all that smiling?"
"I just finished an album - sue me" I said back with a laugh.
"A fucking good one at that" Phred held his solo cup up and the three of us toasted. "I cannot wait to get on the road."
"Same man" Ryan agreed. "This album promo tour's just the start, you excited man?" He nudged my knee and I nodded, not really paying attention. Ryan narrowed his eyes at me in question.
"See man, you sent him to sleep. You know the only thing that gets his attention is: food, drink, music and partying and did you say any of those things...no" Phred said to Ryan. "Hey -- earth to Mars."
"I'm listening." I took another sip of the good stuff.
"Here's something to get your blood pumping. Not that this isn't great or anything but we need a real party to celebrate this album. How 'bout at my place tomorrow?" Phred asked me.
"Tomorrow?" Ryan blinked. "Cutting it a little too thin don't you think, Phredly?"
"Like anyone does shit on a Sunday" He countered. "You guys in or out?"
"Hell yeah, we're in, Bruno?" Ryan looked to me.
"Yeah sure, you know me, I can't say no to a party."
About an hour later I was out on the office's balcony smoking a cigarette and I wanted to speak to Tina. Plus I had a pretty legit reason to speak to her because of Phred's party, to know if she could make it and if she can't then I'll make her come or we'll both miss it together.
She answered on the fourth ring.
"Mr. Mars..."
"Ms. Danielson" I replied.
"How's the album party?"
"Just imagine fiftheen men in one medium sized office listening to top forty radio making conversation with each other and you'll have a picture." I tapped the end of my cigarette on the railing watching the ashes fall through the air from the third floor here into the fake grass below.
"A pretty vivid one at that." Her laugh rang through the phone and I found myself trying to suppress a grin on my face.
"So...our good friend Phredly Brown isn't happy with this get together."
"Shocker." Tina said sarcastically and I could practically picture her rolling her eyes. "This is the same guy who tried to start a one man acapella of I'm too sexy in San Diego."
"That was a...revealing night." I admitted. "So he wants to throw a party tomorrow" I heard Tina breathe in sharply...why did I not like that sound? "Why don't I like that reaction?"
"I'm behind on my blog entries for Mode...which I planned to work on today after the Christmas party but certain people showed up at my door and journeys were made at three in the morning which kind of made me not do it."
"C'mon, Tina you can't miss the party! Actually that's an order. You're not missing it. You're going." I leaned back on the railing looking back into the office where everyone was either talking or drinking or both. "If you were gonna do it all today that means you can do it all tomorrow...and I'll help."
"You'll help?" Tina asked surprised
"I probably won't be much help would I?"
"I'll tell you what...how 'bout you swing by mine at nine and we'll see?"
"Sounds like a deal." I agree.
"Good. Now go have fun with the guys...you worked it hard on that album, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye, Tina" I hung up and turned back to the view out here taking in everything. Shit it was still overwhelming but I swear all traces of the guy I was this time last year would be gone, I won't mess up this second chance.
Out walked Ryan closing the door behind him and joined me looking out at L.A. drumming his fingers in the railing idly.
"Go on" I laughed, I could tell he was holding himself back.
He turned to me about to say something then paused before opening his mouth again. "Are you okay?"
I drew out a breath and smiled -- it was a simple and loaded question all the same. "Yeah..." I chose to answer. "I'm good."
He narrowed his eyes at me and leaned back. "Something's different about you."
"Maybe because I officially have made two albums. Or maybe...maybe it's because Tina's given me a chance..."
I almost laughed as Ryan's eyes widened. "You mean...no....way."
"Uh huh." I nodded with a smile and Ryan gave me a little shove.
"DUDE. How can you not tell me this?"
"Because I still can't believe it myself."
"When did this even happen? We only got back last night!" He asked me. "Whoa back up, what about Amelia?"
That feeling came back again, the guilt. I'd treated Amelia like crap since the start of the year. "She was at my house when I came back with Kenji and I broke up with her" I shrugged. "Then...Tina and I did what we do best."
"Get in a colossal argument or just start making out like you don't need oxygen?"
"...the first."
"Then it ended up with: Hey, you wanna start dating? Yeah, why not" Ryan made the shittiest impressions of me and Tina, it made me drop my cigarette off the railing ad how shit it was. "You know I'm fucking with you" And we ended up laughing. "But thank God you guys got together, I feel like I've been through a fucking Nicholas Sparks novel with the both of you."
I had like an epiphany last night. It had just dawned on me that Phred's party tonight would be the first party Tina and I would be going to together - like together-together in front of our whole clique - clique.
Did I really just use that word?
Anyway we're like a couple now aren't we? And couples go to things together.
But couples aren't actually couples until other people know they're a couple and the only person who knows was is Ryan...and probably Fara. I don't know.
Today would be our entrance, we were supposed to do this together...if only Tina would put her damn laptop down for the night. It's been like an hour since I got to her apartment and it's just been type this, type that, backspace it all, grammar, punctuation and other words I haven't had to think about since I graduated high school.
"I told you I could drive myself to Phred's after I get this entry done" Tina said to me as I walked laps around her apartment feeling useless and restless.
I stopped my pacing in front of her. "But knowing you you'll spend two extra hours making small little changes to it and you'll just bail on the party all together in the end. C'mon Teen, the blog'll be waiting for you when you come back."
She paused and the typing noise on her laptop stopped. "What's got you in a hurry?"
"...I'm not in a hurry. I just want a drink"
Half a lie, half a truth.
And she looked at me properly, as if for the first time. "You're so jumpy, I'm scared if I touch you I'll get electrocuted or something."
"Hmm, why don't you try?"
"I'd rather finish my entry" Tina started typing away again but it wasn't the end of the conversation. "But you're so edgy...what's so special about going to Phred's tonight?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I sat next to Tina on her sofa and tried to get a peak at what she was typing. Partly to see how much she had left to type but mostly to see what she was typing about, she was kind of shifty when it came to her writing.
"No..." Tina shook her head leaning to the side of the sofa making sure I couldn't see any of what she's typed.
"What? It's not like I can't search it up on my phone...if I knew how to use the internet on it..." Yeah I wasn't the best when it came to technology. I was the type to physically write things down on a piece of paper, the type to call Ari if something electrical wasn't working because I didn't know what the hell was up. "You know what I mean."
"You're just gonna have to wait to see the finished product" Tina said with a growing smile. "Just like everybody else."
And there I go eating my words again.
"Is this payback for the album?" I ask.
"Not really, I just don't want you to see it until it's done. But now that you mention that, it's like killing two birds with one stone...one bird being an unorthodox one."
I check my watch. It was nearly nine-thirty.
"Are you nearly done?"
"I might be if you tell me why you're so excited..." Tina looked up at me in a way that made me want to tell her why but I needed to save face in case I overwhelmed her or something.
So I just laughed it off "I'm not excited, Teen." I insisted.
She shrugged, turning her attention back at to her laptop. "Then I'm not nearly done." And the typing started again, I was getting pretty sick of that sound. So sick I started getting immature and desperate.
"Ow!" Tina yelled turning to me and touching her head, on the spot where I tugged on some of her hair. "What was that for?" She said hitting me back in the arm.
"I'm gonna keep on annoying you until you walk out that door with me to my car so we can walk into Phred's together."
"...together, huh?" Tina leaned back on the sofa with a satisfied smile on her face.
Fuck, I said too much.
"Is that why you're so insistent on picking me up today? So we can go to Phred's together?"
"What? N-No." I guess I shouldn't give Tina grief about her being a terrible actor because I'm pretty sure I won't be winning Oscars with this performance.
"No point denying it. Spill." She closed her laptop giving me her full attention.
"Just...this is the first party where we don't have to hide anything." I give in. "No sneaky glances or pretending like nothing's happened between us, all that is exhausting...and I really want a drink."
Tina put her laptop on her table and turned to me pushing a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. "So...have you told anyone about us? Like...what's happened in the past because I've told Fara."
Shocker of the century.
Fara Patzer's facial expressions can tell a story worth a thousand words...or just a few. Like: you're an asshole, stay away from my best friend. That was her usual facial expression a couple of days after something bad happened between Tina and I.
"Wait, you knew?" Tina looked surprised.
"Kinda hard not to." I admit. "She's been giving me the occasional death stare since San Diego. I've told Ryan"
Well more like Ryan's dragged it out of me, more like Ryan's got this crazy gift at being able to read me so well I don't even need to speak.
"Eric's my brother, he always knows when something is going on but I didn't admit anything and the amount of times I've had to deny it to Phil is crazy...but I couldn't tell those two, it's difficult trying to make someone understand why you keep being unfaithful to your girlfriend." I guess I was a little nervous about what Phil and Eric will say when they find out. Which is precisely why I needed a few drinks in me beforehand.
"What do you think they'll say?" Tina asked and I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was.
She'd have to answer to Raye and Kendra just like I do with Phil and Eric.
"Phil will probably smile" I lean back on the sofa. "Make some lame joke that everyone finds funny then he'll get me alone in a room and warn me not to fuck things up" You think I'm joking.
This will happen.
"Oh and Eric will definitely do the last part so when I go missing, you'll know what's going down."
 The only thing that was missing in this interrogation was the bare light bulb hanging from the bare ceiling.
That and a desk.
Instead Phil, Eric and I were in one of Phred's spare bedrooms.
At least I took a drink before they whisked me away.
"You know how much I hate to be in the dark" Phil began, he stood up straighter from the dresser he was leaning on next to Eric who had his stern face on. The same face when I would finish the milk or when I used the last of the hot water in the shower back home.
I won't lie, it still scares the shit out of me.
"...the light is a little dim, why don't I get a new bulb from downstairs while--" I stopped as Eric's face grew sterner.
Okay, no fucking around.
"Or not..." I sat back down on the bed letting myself take a cautious drink of the whiskey concoction in my solo cup.
"What the hell was that?" Eric started.
I blink. “What?”
"Now's not a wise time to be a smart ass." He raised an eyebrow at me. "You. Tina."
"I broke up with Amelia two days ago" I stated.
"What?" Phil took a step towards me in surprise. "Seriously?"
"Seriously" I nod. "Is everything good now? Can I..." Eric raised both his eyebrows "Nope, I'll stay here."
"What gives?" Phil asked.
"...you know what gives" I gave Phil a look. "You've always known..."
"Can you guys use actual sentences? I don't know what gives." Eric interrupted, breaking Phil and my stare.
"You weren't there when Bruno invited Tina and the girls to have drinks with us after the concert...and you weren't there in San Diego..." Phil said to my brother.
"Is that right?" Eric looked right at me. "Let's just all lay our cards on the table, this is supposed to be a night of celebration." He clasped his hands together. "We all know what you were like with Amelia. That's not happening with Tina--"
"--I know--"
"--no, I don't think you do know. None of what's happened this whole year is going to be repeated with her, nothing. Because if I hear, or if I see, or if I get the vibe that you're doing the same things you did to Amelia on her I will pull the plug on this thing so fast you don't even know."
"Eric" I stood up. Sure I didn't match him in height but I hope I matched him in strength of seriousness. "Believe me when I say I know. She means more to me than you realize and believe me when I say I'm going to do all that's in my power to not repeat the mess that was me and Amelia. I'll show you...I'll show the both of you that I mean business."
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Good Intentions
Oh no! Poor baby having nightmares!
Fuck you, Michael
Donatello is Kevin all over again, except less cute and loveable
That is very true, Hallucination!Cas. We do take and take and take.
Um, I'm pretty sure that's not what Sam was teaching Jack
Haha. Jack is smarter than this angel lackey dude
Misha does creepy way too well
... are Gog and Magog the things Asmodeas wanted Jack to free?
I forgot Mary was there for that
He's such a baby. Lil Baby Jack. I wish he'd gotten to be an actual baby.
Mary is so smart.
You're not fine, Cas.
You were brought back because you were so fucking annoying, Cas, lol
Dad!Cas is worried about his son
Ugh. The blade spin. Dean, are you trying to kill me?
I need Cas to speak Enochian more often
Uh, that's his native tongue, Dean.
Dean. You're such an idiot. I love you.
"Or she" I like this dude
Omfg, they're definitely brothers
"They're equally pretty" I agree, dude. I agree.
"I hate to do this, you are very beautiful" there is no straight explanation
Whoa, Mary! No one is dying today! (Also, she is 100% a Winchester. Self-sacrifice for the win)
Glowy eyes! Go, Tiny Son!
Witch!Sam is my fave
Man, how does Sam not have permanent brain damage? Between all the times he's been choked or hit on the head, you'd think he'd have some kind of issue (totes gonna write a fic)
Michael is such an ass
Zachariah, huh? Still an evil douche, even in another universe.
I wanna run my fingers through Jack's hair. Those curls 😍
Still adorable and polite as hell. Don't ever change, Jack.
Aw, Sammy. I wanna kiss it better
Bobby is such a teddy bear. I've missed him so much
Yep, Donatello has lost it.
"Sorry bout that" omfg Dean
That was anticlimactic
What the fuck was that spell?
This Bobby barely knew the boys and he knew how good they are. What does that say about Sam and Dean?
Hard on Kevin? That kid worked himself to the bone, Dean.
Ah, yeah, forgot about the no-soul thing even though it was in the Then segment
Not a good idea, Cas. This is really not a good idea.
Jack, what did we do to deserve you?
Cas, what the fuck are you doing??
Whoa, that was intense, Cas
Jack just wants to help ;o;
I love Mary so much
Whoa. Bye, Zachariah.
Damn, Jack. Damn.
That probably shouldn't have been as hot as I think it was.
Now we just need to see if Jack can heal people. I want him to have that power.
Jack is definitely a Winchester.
That was a little much, Cas.
Kinda wish we'd focused on Dean "What the fuck" face, lol, cos his eyes just got huge
Whoa. Cas. Getting more Season 4 vibes than ever.
I'm gonna go watch @angeldoveyt 's Whatever it Takes video again, cos I think it might have been prophetic.
Final Thoughts: this was a good ep. Jack is back and more precious than ever, and he's growing to be like the boys (I can't decide if that's good or bad). Mary is back. Cas was whoa. Sam was a sweetheart. Dean needs a hug, I'm pretty sure. Poor Donatello didn't ask for this shit. Bobby is awesome and I was a little bummed at him being so angry about Jack, but I understand where he was coming from. No Lucifer this week, which was awesome except he'll probably be back in full force soon (ugh), especially since they need Archangel grace. Maybe he'll agree to help, tho? Since he does want Jack back and he does want to beat Michael. Maybe he'll decide opening another rift is too big of a risk, tho. Who knows what goes on in his head.
Promo Thoughts: Love when the boys deal with pompous rich people, lol. And Sassy Little Brother Sam! Doesn't look like a season arc episode, tho. More of a MOW ep. Guess we'll see. Either way, it looks like fun!
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filosofablogger · 8 years
A bit much, huh?  Yeah … I was trying to infuse the morning with some excitement, but … I think the cake, confetti and all may be a bit much, ’cause my stomach is flip-flopping.  Okay … how ’bout this one …
Oh yeah … much better.  So … welcome to yet another Monday morning … the start of a new {yawn} week.  I feared I might not be able to find anything humorous for this morning’s post, but as it happened, I popped onto one of my favourite sites for funny stories, and was chuckling within minutes.  Then, one of my feline housemates, Miss Nala, began her attention-getting antics, and I was, much to my surprise, actually laughing!  For those of you who do not have the benefit of four-legged critters, I must tell you, they are better than an old Three Stooges movie for brightening your mood!  Plus … there is the added benefit of fur on the carpet and furniture, hairballs on the floor … litter boxes to scoop … having to vacuum every day … mop twice a week and … oh heck, never mind … I just lost my own debate.  Okay … on that note, let us proceed to the fun part of the morning …
Safer Superbowl
Guess WHAT?????  This coming Sunday is … {drumroll} … SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!!!  Now, I realize that my friends across the big pond probably don’t understand why this is such big news (frankly, I don’t either, as I do not enjoy watching football) and I’m sure would even argue that American football is NOT even ‘real’ football!  Still, I think you’ll get a kick out of this one.  I thought for sure this had to be a joke, but nope … it’s for real:
The limited-edition “Party Safe” Tostitos bag, designed by Goodby Silverstein & Partners, contains a sensor connected to a microcontroller that detects trace amounts of alcohol on a person’s breath, turning the front of the bag red and showing an image of a steering wheel and the message, “Don’t Drink and Drive.”
The bag also flashes an Uber code and contains technology that allows the holder to tap their phone against it to order an Uber for $10 off during and after the Super Bowl on February 5th.
“A lot of times all you need to stop short of driving after drinking is a friend who calls you off. On Sunday of the big game, we want Tostitos to be that friend.
I don’t know … most of the drunks I have known in my lifetime are convinced that they are actually better drivers drunk than they are sober, and nobody can convince them otherwise.  And … I have to wonder what a bag of these costs???  I will check when I go to the grocery later this week and get back to you on that …
Hamburger Harry
Now here is a guy with way to much money to burn … or grill.  His name is Harry Sperl, but they call him Hamburger Harry.  Harry is said to have the largest collection of hamburger memorabilia in the world!  I didn’t even know there was such a thing as ‘hamburger memorabilia’.  Now, if you’re thinking that by hamburger memorabilia, I mean a wrapper from Hardee’s, a crown from Burger King, or a toy from a McDonald’s Happy Meal, think again. Harry has a hamburger Harley!  Take a close look and note the onion on the rear wheel, the tomato on the front wheel, and the ketchup on the whatever-that-thing-is-called.
And a hamburger waterbed …
And countless other burger treasures …
Harry holds the Guinness World Record for “Largest collection of hamburger related items” with 3,724 items in his Daytona Beach home. He said his prolonged passion for hamburger memorabilia stemmed from his belief that the burger represents the core of American culture. Hmmm … maybe …  Ah well … I collect books, Harry collects burgers … to each his own, yes?
And speaking of burgers …
The Burger King up in Epping, New Hampshire, had a bit of a problem earlier this month.  It seems that customers going through the drive-thru would ask the person at the window if “Nasty Boy” was working.  If the answer was ‘yes’, then they would order “fries extra crispy”.  But instead of French fries, what they got when they pulled forward to pick up their order was a coffee cup filled with … marijuana!
“Nasty Boy” turns out to be an employee, 20-year-old Garrett Norris, who was arrested last week along with his shift leader, Meagan Dearborn.  Ms. Dearborn had this to say:  “I didn’t know what was going on, but since I took the order and gave them the food they charged me. Basically there was an undercover cop that one of my employees sold to and I took the order and I got arrested.” Somehow I am not buying that story, but I’m sure she will get a chance to try to sell it to a judge or jury sometime soon.
Two things I wonder:  What happened if you were an innocent customer and just happened to say the code word “fries extra crispy”?  I would be pretty surprised to find a cup of pot in with my order!  And … I wonder what they charged for those “fries”?  I mean, if Burger King fries range from $1.79 for a small order to $2.39 for a large … that is a bit below the going rate for a cup o’ weed, I’m thinking …
Dumb, Dumber and …
What do you do if you’re playing blackjack at a casino and you aren’t having a very good night, but you can feel Lady Luck breathing down your collar … you know that THE BIG ONE is just a few more deals away?  What do you do?  Well duh, you take a break, go rob a bank, then come back to the table with your ill-gotten gains and play some more!
At least that’s what Kerry Johnson of North Carolina did.  He later told a judge that he was under the influence of drugs, and I’m inclined to believe it, because the bank Kerry robbed was the same one he had done business with for 40 years!  Now I ask you, how smart is that?  He handed the teller a note claiming that he was armed with a gun and a bomb, and walked out with $5,000. “It was less money than I had in my account,” he later told the judge.  He pled guilty to second degree robbery and will face between 5-18 years when he is sentenced on March 2.
One more chuckle before I bid you adieu … my friend Herb found this video of a deer and a rabbit playing in a yard, and it is the cutest thing I have seen all week, so be sure to check it out … guaranteed to bring a smile to your face … Bambi & Thumper???
And on that note, I see I have taken up far too much of your morning and now, if you don’t hurry, you will be late to work and blame it on poor ol’ Filosofa.  As always, I ask you to pass along a bit of kindness today, share a smile, take a minute to remember the things that are good in your life.  Keep safe and most of all …
10 … 9 … 8 … 7 … 6 … 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1 … HAPPY MONDAY!!!!! A bit much, huh?  Yeah ... I was trying to infuse the morning with some excitement, but ...
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