#how bout a dude who grows his hair out as a signifier of growing a sense of self?
pocket-deer-boy · 2 years
I would love a story with a timeskip where a character who’s completely bogstandard, strict, normal, whatever, to become an absolute weirdo freak both in appearance and behavior after the timeskip
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writing-anomaly · 5 years
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Fandom:  Jojolion
Summary: Yasuho’s life is tearing at the seams. The volatile Rokakaka trade is catching up to them and when Josuke unravels, Yasuho  is pushed to her limit. She’s left more vulnerable than ever as she struggles to protect two men who barely know her.
This a story in which the protected must become the protector.
Chapter 4
Josuke fell with a grunt, tasting all the gravel that hadn't lodged itself into the skin of his face, arms, and knees when he fell gracelessly into the bushes.
Following Yasuho had been a snap decision.
His lungs burned, his feet hurt, and his heart was freaking out.
In all honesty, he hadn't planned on leaving the Higashikata estate. But his gut made him go after her, slippers and all. Yasuho's face was seared into his mind.
The hurt in her eyes..
Why wouldn't she tell him what was going on?
He'd fix it no matter what it was.
Why couldn't she just trust him..
Josuke huffed, trying to regain all the oxygen he'd let slip away during his pursuit. He had sprinted with a reckless abandon, causing a ruckus as he almost ran into a bewildered drunkard. The man had wanted a fight, but Josuke hadn't the time.There were more important pursuits he was after.
Yasuho was keeping something from him.
Ignoring the pain, he hoisted himself back onto his feet, looking around to gauge his new surroundings. He stepped out of the bushes of what looked like a small a park and onto the sidewalk. This prefecture was more populated than the suburban area of the estate. The Multi-story buildings told him that he had reached the downtown area at the heart of Morioh. Neon lights blared offensively, bringing attention to a wide variety of shops. More than a few shady characters weaved in and out of questionable establishments with storefront windows displaying whips and an array of strange contraptions.
Oh, no. The bus!
Josuke nearly gave himself whiplash as he searched for where the bus had turned to. Letting his focus slip for a fraction of a second could cost him everything. Sure enough, he saw the rearview lights of the massive vehicle three blocks down from his current position and turning onto what he recognized as the entry ramp of the highway.
"Shit, shit, shit!"
He was prepared to hunt it down regardless. Savoring the last bit of unlabored fresh air he'd have for a while, he spared himself a cat stretch.
Then booked it.
He went on blind dash down the street, not bothering to look for stop lights, straight into the oncoming traffic.
"You stupid fucker!"
The driver of a red corvette expressed his displeasure as he honked his horn, swerving in order to avoid hitting the young man. The car after that stopped abruptly, earning itself a hearty ram from behind, curtesy of the next car.
But none of that mattered.
He was about to lose track of the one person who mattered in his life, aside from his "mother," Holly Kira. The streets were becoming increasingly more crowded than he thought they should be on a Friday night. Much to his irritation, he was forced to weave in and out of crowds of rough-looking night prowlers. The horde of hoodlums became thicker with each step and Josuke found himself having to push his way through, grabbing shoulders and faces alike, just in order to clear a path.
Not good.
At this rate, he'd never catch up to Yasuho. Josuke scowled. A burning Irritation was quickly replacing whatever hope he had to find her.
"Hey, watch it!"
A rough hand snatched the fabric of Josuke's collar, nearly choking him in the process, and he was forced to look into the green eyes of a very aggressive, haggard looking fellow. The large man appeared to be in his forties, with sharp features and an overwhelmingly prominent nose. His flushed face, was as round as the moon, and sparsely covered in what Josuke dared to call a beard. Two, equally unattractive women clung to either one of his arms, scantily covered in leather vests and ripped spandex. Their bodies were practically spilling out of their clothes.
"Listen punk, that was my gal you pushed just now. I don't take kindly to disrespect." The threat, hardly concealed within the man's thick accent. His weathered face contorted into an expression so fowl, the muscles in his forehead formed what appeared to be horns.
Josuke regarded the man with bewilderment. "What's that on your face?"
"The hell you talkin' bout?"
Josuke could feel his nose hairs disintegrate from the hot breath that escaped through the holes in the man's decaying teeth. Faintly, he pointed at the metal piece poking out from either side of the man's nose. Without giving him a chance to reply, Josuke pinched the tips of the silver stud where it rested in the bridge of his nose, and yanked it straight out.
There was a loud crunch followed by a scream as horrid as grinding metal.
The two accompanying females looked on in horror as blood gushed from their lover's face like a faucet.
"Kevin-kun!" The blonde woman shrieked as the brunette fawned over the Gaijin who was holding his face while crying in a fetal position.
"There, there, babe.." She dabbed his face with a napkin she pulled from her cleavage. The injured man paid her no mind, opting to look up at Josuke who was trying to rub the blood off his formerly white shirt.
"Aaaw, man. I just washed this too.."
"You bastard..." he growled in between snorting the blood that continued to leak out of his face.
Curious onlookers had formed a circle by this time, though none moved to intervene. A petty fight was not the outcome Josuke was hoping for when he decided to leave his house. He heard the siren of what he recognized as the police in the distance then decided it would be best to take his exit and avoid a more dramatic scenario.
Josuke scanned the area for a reasonable pathway, taking note of a wisp of pink hair flowing through one of the gaps in the crowd of people.
There was no need for him to push his way through this time, as anyone standing in his path was swift to remove themselves, throwing him wary glances as he wiped a few specs of blood from his porcelain skin.
"Yasu-" He began to yell for all his excitement, then thought against it.
Maybe he shouldn't disturb her.
When he was free from the multitude of people, he glanced at the massive entrance to the building that everyone had been crowded in front of. On the wall was a large poster signifying the concert of a punk rock band. It depicted the severed head of a goat along with snakes, skulls, and roaches crawling along an apple.
It was rather grotesque for his liking.
Shaking his head, Josuke continued to stalk Yasuho quietly from the shadows.
Yasuho climbed the stairway to her apartment with much trepidation.
Her mother had never brought a man home before.
..this was uncharted territory.
She tried to imagine what type of guy her mom would go for.
Rich, was a given.
Growing up, her mother never worked a steady job. Though, somehow the lights never went off and there was always money for food. It wasn't unusual for her to sport designer clothes and mink furs, so whoever she was involved with had to have been loaded..
He was probably an old dude too.
Yasuho imagined a short, little wrinkly dude, fawning over her mom as they shopped for the latest Gucci gear. She was aware of the whole sugar daddy concept, and most of those relations involved buttering up a lonely guy with deep pockets and nothing to loose.
Yasuho hoped her mother wouldn't resort to such.
Upon reaching the final step to her floor, she saw that the walkway was clear, and began to move toward her own abode. There were several wooden doors along the inner wall of the concrete building. Each had their own assigned number mounted in silver.
Unit 708 was the apartment she shared with her mother.
On second thought..
Yasuho took a moment to compose herself.
She stepped to the outer end of the breezeway, readjusting the heavy grocery bag in order to relieve the blood flow in her finger tips, before opting to set it down.
The cool air was exactly what she needed to soothe her nerves.
Leaning against the railing, she gazed upon the Morioh city skyline.
A thousand golden lights danced along the horizon, beautiful enough to rival the stars above. It was a clear night aside from a few sparse clouds that glowed pearlescently in the moonlight. The atmosphere was not quite as peaceful as one would expect to relax in. She could hear the bustling traffic and uninhibited yells of bar patrons beneath her home; an unavoidable cost to living in the affordable, yet sketchy part of the town.
Yet having spent so much time in that environment, Yasuho allowed the roars of the city to lull itself into a hum of ambience within her ears. It was like an auditory haven where she didn't need to process the day to day strife she was force to live.
It was a far cry from Josuke's peaceful abode in the Higashikata estate. He'd been adopted into a family of multimillionaires, and Yasuho was sure he still didn't know just how lucky he was. She, herself, was all too aware that he resided in a part of town she could only dream of being able to afford.
Speaking of which, the guilt of her departure was starting to sink in.
Technically, Yasuho had ditched him when he only wanted to ensure her safety. Josuke was such a gentleman and sweeter than any guy she knew. Yet, when he tried to comfort her, she pushed him away...and she felt so bad for it.
Was she thankful for the swift escape?
Of course, there was no denying it.
Buying the alcohol and spaghetti was not a problem.
Nothing unusual about that. Everybody had to eat. And she was grown enough to have a drink if she wanted it.
...but the condoms..
Yasuho peaked once again in to the plastic bag she held, setting her cheeks ablaze in an instant as she recalled her shopping experience.
She had tried to be as discreet as possible.
Morioh was a sizable town, but word spread around fast and she preferred not being the center of the latest gossip. Thankfully, no one was in the intimate care isle of the corner store so swooping in and snatching the XL pack went without incident. It wasn't until she presented her items to the cashier that the man took the liberty of reading the package label out loud.
With that stupid pervy look on his face..
"Extra large! My, you must be a lively young lady!"
She could've died on the spot.
All the more reason to be thankful that she had left Josuke behind. She couldn't fathom, having to explain to him why she was buying a pack of Trojans.
But still...she wished her mother just hadn't bothered her with the task at all.
With one last sigh she braced herself to face her mother and her mysterious love interest.
"Here we go." She walked up to her door and grabbed the handle.
Suddenly her phone chimed and her navigational stand, Paisley Park spoke up.
"Choose one option." Her stand's mechanical voice piped up
1. Text Josuke or 2. Text Josuke
"You're right." Yasuho happily agreed and typed up her 'apology' text.
Yasuho: I made it home safe.
That didn't seem to be enough.
Yasuho: Miss you already <3
She'd make it up to him later.
Gathering her resolve, she grabbed her bag off the ground, turning toward her apartment. Yasuho had barley touched the handle when the door flung open and she was rewarded with a mouth full of hair.
"Hi Honey!"
Yasuho's mother squeezed her like she was shaking down a bottle of ketchup. The curls of her honey auburn hair glowed like a wild fire in the fluorescent lighting of the foyer.
An array of kisses, assaulted Yasuho's cheeks.
As much as Yasuho'd hate to admit it, the overwhelming display of affection softened her heart. This was the mom she always yearned for. A mom who was sober enough to greet her with a smile; who didn't allow her own thirst for love to dry up any affection she had to give to her own child.
"Hi mom." she replied faintly.
Yasuho felt her body giving in..
..slipping, into her mother's embrace.
And it terrified her.
After they separated, Yasuho was able to get a good look at her mother, Suzuyo Hirose. The cigarette smell she remembered her by, was absent. Her eyes were bright, just like her hair which she had lightened from it's natural dark color. And her slim but curvy figure was clothed in a modest, white, polyester v-neck and a knee-length fuchsia pencil skirt.
It was very..professional..
Was this the same Suzuyo Hirose who gave birth to her?
"Oh! I have a surprise for you! Well, he's waiting in the kitchen.." Suzuyo smiled ecstatically and grabbed her daughter's free hand.
So I was right...there is a guy..
Kicking off her shoes, Yasuho barely registered the chime of a text alert before the door shut behind her and she was pulled deeper into this alternate dimension she called a home. The place was almost unrecognizable. What she had come to know as a landfill was now devoid off all the wear and tear that came with being occupied by a dysfunctional family.
It was clean.
Shiny even.
There were no empty food containers laying around.
The wine stains in the living room carpet had been eradicated.
No broken glass to cut her foot upon.
Yasuho could even see her own confused reflection within the dark wood floors.
Where am I, really?
Part of her was suspicious of a stand attack. This had to be some kind of mind freak, or practical joke. She wouldn't have been surprised if Tsurugi was playing one of his 'Let's trip up Yasuho' games again like he did when he took away her ability to differentiate faces and signs.
An even greater part of her feared that this was legit.
Yasuho's stupor was lifted when she bumped into her mother who had stopped short of the entrance to the kitchen.
"Mom, what's wrong?"
Her mother was trembling.
Suzuyo swiftly turned to face her. The faint crinkles above her rosy cheeks framed her glossy chestnut eyes. She squeezed Yasuho's hand, coming close to whisper in her ear.
"I feel like we're about to start a new chapter. I know I haven't been the perfect mother, but, just know that I love you and I want things to be better between us."
Yasuho nodded mechanically.
It felt like the right thing to do. Whomever this love interest was, had to be really important to her mother. Slowly, Yasuho brought her hands around the older woman and hugged her, resting her head on the crook of her neck. If she had truly found her happiness, then Yasuho would do her best to support her.
For now, she'd reserve her judgment.
Yasuho moved break the embrace, but found herself tangled within not one, but two sets of arms.
"You're just as lovely as your mother." The unfamiliar voice was deep and oddly rhythmic like the bass of a drum.
A tall figure overshadowed her mom from behind.
Yasuho's body tensed.
Omg, he's touching me!
"Kaito, I thought I told you to wait in the kitchen!" Suzuyo giggled, releasing Yasuho to grab ahold of her lover's arms from where they were wrapped around them.
"Sorry dear, sensed all the good vibes coming from the hallway and I couldn't help myself." The man, Kaito, was grinning wide as a Jack-o-lantern. He was a clean cut man, with a perfectly symmetrical face. His hulking frame was moderately built and draped in a perfectly tailored, emerald dress shirt that his ripped jeans rebelled against. Dark hair and brows accentuated his tanned skin, creating a stunning contrast to the platinum eyes in which the light seemed to dance.
Suzuyo playfully booty-bumped him, causing the man to hunch forward reflexively as he stumbled back a step.
He grabbed his crotch and faintly mouthed the word "Ouch."
Yasuho stood in silence, watching the playful interaction unfold.
"Sorry dear, let me introduce you properly."
Suzuyo Hirose bit her lip, eyes alight with a spark she hadn't seen since their family was in one piece.
The love doves shared a knowing expression then faced Yasuho together with the widest smiles on their face. They both presented their left hands to Yasuho, but it was her mother who continued to speak.
"I'd like you to meet your new father."
To be continued...
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