#how amazing would it be for him to get a nom?
echantedtoon · 28 days
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch8 A Scarred Heart
(How many hearts can Y/n conquer? Let's find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z- Jk. Warnings for death mentioned.)
Taglist: @shadyd3ar @jcrml @tengensangel
@miniverse-zen @mysteri0uz @jjamsbangtan
@the-unknown-fandom @lavenderdropp
@mimisweetz. @purplesoulsapphire
Remember if you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
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Your heart was fluttering. Soaring like a plane even. As you walked down the road with your head leaned against Gyomei's arm, arm wrapped around his own, and holding hands. It was the perfect start to your new morning and walking outside only to be surprised by Gyomei patiently waiting to walk you to work.
Although you both did stop by the cafe where you had your first date to grab some coffee and something to eat. Chasing after kids all day meant you'd be needing the energy, however you were surprised by seeing a small box next to the cash register. A sign above it advertised some kind of raffle.
"What's that?," you asked pointing towards the box out to the cashier.
He brightly smiled. "It's a raffle to celebrate Kimetsu Academy's fiftieth anniversary! If you leave your name and contact info, you get a chance to win a thousand dollars and a certificate for free cafeteria meals for the rest of the year! Only registered students can enter though." He nudged the box closer to you. "Would you like to enter? I just need to see a student ID to confirm you're a student and you can enter for free!"
"It's going on today?"
"Actually students have until classes are over this Friday to enter, and the winner's gonna be drawn Saturday. How about it? Wanna enter?"
A thousand dollars AND free lunches for the rest of the year!? You could use a thousand dollars to help pay off your car! Or pay bills for a while! Or get Gyomei a great present! And free lunches for the rest of the year would save you SO much money!...Buuut the chances of you getting picked within like thousands of other students was slim. Oh what the heck. It was a free raffle. Even if you didn't win what's the harm?
You did end up digging your student ID out of your bag to confirm your student status to the cashier before writing your contact info on a piece of paper, slipping it into the box, grabbing your coffee, and then leaving with Gyomei.
He himself felt his cheeks and ears burn up a bright happy pink as the smaller hand squeezed his. He was still half convinced that it was all just a dream and he'd wake up to no one being there. But as she held onto him as they crossed the campus and towards your workplace. You were surprised to see that he came inside with you until your coworker came up to you with a baby currently nomming on their hand in her arms.
"Y/n, there you are! Practically everyone dropped their kids off already and we've been swamped!," she grumpily said. "It's about time you and the new guy got here!"
You blinked staring at her confused. "New guy?"
He gestured to Gyomei behind you bouncing the drooling baby on her hip. "Yeah? Himejima. The boss liked his application so he got the job."
You blinked in surprise blinking before turning to Gyomei who still only smiled at you. "Is that what you meant by 'the job interview ' you had?"
He nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry for not telling you beforehand but I didn't know if I would get the job here. It's only going to be for a year anyways before I finish my last year and earn my degree."
You beamed. "Are you kidding?! That's amazing! I'd love to work with my boyfriend! This is like a dream come true for me-"
"Then would you two PLEASE get changed and help me with playtime?," your coworker interrupted with a raised brow.
"Oh! S-Sorry."
You two quickly got changed into the signature pink aprons (honestly you were surprised they were able to find one that fit Gyomei-) and quickly just got to work helping your coworker take care of the infants that the parents dropped off before going to classes as your manages escorted Gyomei somewhere else. Guess she wanted to walk him through his first day on the job, and help out considering the increase of children that came into the daycare last month. But I digress. You only busied yourself by helping in the infantry wing of the daycare. Getting to work changing one crying baby's diaper before going on to sit down and attempt to rock a stubborn baby down for a nap. However he was stubborn and kept waking up just as he started to nod off and give an angry babble in protest.
"Stubborn little guy aren't you?," you asked him still gently rocking him in the chair.
Again the baby made a noise pouting and waving his tiny hands in protest making you chuckle-
Until the front desk bell rang out. The noise caused you to stop rocking and your coworker to look up from counting the diaper supply in the nearby closet, both of you looking towards the doorway.
The noise came back louder than before and one of the sleeping infants gave a small noise of protest in their sleep.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Your coworker mumbled before lightly placing her head on the closet door.
The constant dinging of the bell made her inhale deeply and turn to you. "Give me the baby and go see who the heck is there before I go and ding that thing against their heads!" She was already holding out her hands for the baby in your arms just as another two ding sounds sounded from up the hall. "And tell them to shut up before they wake up these babies!" She hissed already plucking the half asleep baby boy from your arms and heaving him onto one shoulder.
"Sure." You stood up with a smile. "I'll get right on th-"
Your head whipped behind you as finally the previously stirring baby woke up and started crying. Your coworkers eye twitch as only more dinging came from the front desk. You only quickly scurried out promising to come back soon and help her.
A rapid ringing sounded as someone repeatedly just mashed the bell at the front desk making you frown annoyed. What kind of Karen were you going to be dealing with today? With a frown you poked your head out the doorway making out half the figure of a man turned away from you looking around the front lobby, a toddler on his hip and two bags slung over his shoulders. You frowned before inhaling deeply and forcing a customer service smile on your face.
"I'm coming!," you called out making your way towards him to which he turned around sharply.
"Oh thank fu-.." He paused looking at the boy in his arms. "..Fudge! Thank FUDGE!! I've been standing here forever and I'm late for my da-..DARN classes! It's doesn't usually take this-.."
He paused seeing who came out from the back hallway and you also paused seeing who it was. You blinked once. Twice. Before the realization that SANEMI was the one standing in front of you hit you. The same thing must've been happening to Sanemi because he slowly blinked, face surprised. You both probably would've continued if the little boy in his arms didn't look up from his toy and gasped happily!!
"Y/N!!," he cheered tugging on Sanemi's shirt and pointing the toy at you. "Nemi it's da nice lady!!"
Sanemi jumped as his little brother squealed out and looked at him. "What?"
"Hi, Sanemi," you greeted making him look back to you sharply however you just smiled. "It's nice to see you again. Were you looking for Gyomei?"
He seemed to finally snap out of it before shaking his head. "No. I'm dropping off my baby brother for my mom. She's busy trying to fix an emergency at work." Without saying anything he leaned his little brother forward into your awaiting arms. "And I'm already late for my dam classes-"
"SWEAR!," Koto tattled pointing back to his brother hurrying to get the diaper bag off his shoulder.
"Here! He's got some clothes n' stuff. I'll pick 'em back up when my classes are done!" The bag dropped on the counter with a plop sound before reaching out to ruffle his little brother's head. "Be good. I'll see you later."
With that he turned and practically ran out with Koto waving at his big brother. "Bye bye, Nemi!" A toy was shoved up to your face. "Play?"
"Not right now. I have to work but I'll drop you off somewhere you can play with the other nice kids."
In the end you dropped off both Koto and his bag with your manager in the daycare room before you left back to help your frustrated coworker in the infantry wing. Luckily it wasn't too much of a problem afterwards to get both babies to sleep again and help her with a supply count. It was a bit of a pain to have so many children with a few workers but somehow you all made it. However you can't say you weren't happy when the day started to tick closer to a close and slowly parents started filing in, some carrying backpacks or books from classes, and picking up their kids after showing confirming identities. You waved goodbye to a little girl who was picked up by her tired dad after coming back from chemistry class and waved goodbye to you with a smile! You couldn't help but wave back with a chuckle before returning to the back to help clean up and disinfectant everything else for tomorrow, passing by your coworker hauling out some trash and stopping by one room which lead to what was essentially a giant playroom bigger than your kitchen and bedroom combined.
A few people were already in there sweeping, and picking up toys, and wiping down things with wet wipes. One being your boyfriend who was still holding a familiar toddler in one arm and wiping spilt grape juice off a table with the other.
"How was your first day?" His head turned to you with a smile already on his face as you leaned on the doorway. "By the looks of it, you had a wild snack time."
He chuckled and you swore his deep chuckles would make anyone blush. "Just an accident with a leaky juice box. Overall it was rather well." He slowly stood back up turning his head in your direction. "They seemed to like story time."
"You should've seen him!" Your boss proudly looked at him from spraying the toys with a disinfectant spray. "The kids all adored him! And he put them all down for naps in record time! I knew I had a good feeling when I saw you!"
He chuckled a bit flustered at the older woman's praise. "I thank you for the compliment."
"Is he the last one here?," you asked nodding at Sanemi's brother in his arms.
"Yes," Gyomei confirmed, "But Sanemi might be a bit behind today. He's been really busy with classes and helping his family these days."
"Oh no. I hadn't known about that."
It was then Koto looked up at you and gasped. "NICE LADY!!" He cheered making Gyomei blink at him. "Now we play?!"
You couldn't help but laugh at the two year old. "No sorry. I have to help clean up."
A loud whine escaped his throat but Gyomei only hummed. "I had no idea you already knew Sanemi's family."
"I don't. Well not all of them." You gestured to the boy in his arms still giggling in his arms. "I've been working here since Koto was a baby, but I had no idea that Sanemi was his older brother."
He nodded wiping the table again. "Yes. His mother uses his student discount for the daycare since his other siblings are already school aged. I'm afraid Koto still can't attend the local preschool until he's four or five years old."
"Oh, that's why he was dropping him off. But it's strange I've never seen him drop Koto off before."
He hummed brows furrowing slightly. "Well it could be because of the recent strain his family is going through."
Recent strain? What recent strain? You didn't think Sanemi looked stressed yesterday when you all went to the onsen. Other than arguing with Obanai on horror movies but with how those two acted you got the sense that's how they were all the time. So what could it possibly be? 
"He didn't seem that stressed when I saw him Friday or yesterday even. Is he alright?"
Gyomei looked at you before again his head tilted at the boy playing with a toy car. "... We'll talk later."
You weren't sure what he meant by that but you respected his choice. For now you you left to go help clean up the nursery room before it was time before you all left. By the time you got done helping to wash and change the sheets and wiping down the surfaces, Gyomei was already standing outside waiting for you still in his giant pink apron and still holding Onto who looked like he tuckered out and decided to take a nap in his large arms. He turned towards the directions of your footsteps and smiled brightly. 
"Ah. There you are. Are you finished with your duties?," he asked politely.
You nodded. "Yes. Oh." You stopped seeing Koto still asleep in his arms. "Has Sanemi not arrived yet?"
He shook his head no. "No but he'll probably be running a little late. He also tutors for an hour after classes to help make some extra money."
"What does he do for a living anyways?" 
"He tutors math lessons and currently works online part-time for a telemarketing company that sells magazines."
"Oh. He must be really good at math then."
"The best actually. He's smarter than he looks."
"I don't doubt that." You giggled at the memory of him using those skills to get more girls on Tengen's back Friday. "Did you want to come over to my house for dinner tonight? I can make a mean spaghetti with mushroom sauce."
He hummed and was about to say something but before he could say anything a loud shout from up the hall caused both of you to snap your heads to the left towards the front lobby. It sounded like a woman's voice.
"No identification! No pick up! Now leave before I call security!"
You knew that voice. Your coworker.
"Fucking hell! That's my student ID! You want my dam driver's license too?!"
Uh oh. You definitely knew THAT voice. Quickly you approached the front peeking around the corner and sure enough found the sources of the cussing. Sanemi was looking annoyed down at your coworker with gritted teeth and his student ID was laid out on the counter by his hand. You coworker looked angry but slightly intimidated by the way he was leaning over the counter. She remained firm crossing her arms.
"You're not on the registry for pick up or emergency contacts. You're not allowed to take any child unless you're on the registry or the guardian calls to confirm alternative pick ups which neither have happened."
"Fucking-" A hand gripped his hair before running down his face. THUD! She jumped as both of his hands slammed down on the counter and he leaned farther onto it to shout at her face. "We have the same fucking last name! I dropped Koto off this morning!! What other fucking 'confirmation' do you want?!"
"S-Sir, if you don't calm down a-a-and leave I-Ill  call campus security."
Oh no. This was escalating quickly. You had better step in before things got out of control.
"Lacey." Said woman jumped up and both of their heads snapped up as you smiled walking in calmly. "Is everything ok?"
"Oh thank fuck! It's you!" Sanemi sounded relieved before snapping Lacey another accusing look. "This walking clown is refusing to give Koto back! Tell 'er that I dropped him off!"
"Sanemi, we are a daycare. I'll have to ask you not to use cuss words and foul language or I'll have to ask you to wait outside." You lightly scolded him with a smile which caught him off guard with a blank blink. You just hummed turning to Lacey. "Now what seems to be the problem?"
Lacey scowled. "He's not on the registry. No registry or guardian notice means no pick up."
Sanemi looked about ready to combust with an eye twitch and a few viens popping up on his body. 
"Here. Let's just take a look at it to confirm just in case." With a hum you just gently nudged her out of the way so you could have access to the computer. Humming to yourself you just typed into it with both watching you. "Koto Shinazugawa. Right here. Now let's see...Oh. it does look like only his mom is listed." Lacey sent a smug look at- "Let's see if we had any missed calls from her." You continued into your database and with a few clicks of a mouse found something. "Oh. It looks like we have two missed calls from Mrs. Shinazugawa."
"Yeah! My mom tried calling you guys to let you know I'd be here!"
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Let's just call her back real quick just to make sure everything's lined up. Alright?" You stayed professional smiling at him as he continued to glare but slowly relaxed. Leaning off the counter and crossing his arms as you grabbed the phone and redialed the number. A few rings went by your ear before you perked up. "Hello, Mrs. Shinazugawa! I'm sorry to call you-...Yes. I know you are probably busy with deliveries. No. Your son is fine! Sleeping like a baby! I just wanted to call you back to make sure Sanemi was supposed to pick up his brother....Really? Great! Sorry for the missed calls. We were swamped today. You have a nice day, Ma'am. Sorry for bothering you." The phone hung up with a click as you smiled at Sanemi. "Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll go get Koto's bag for you."
Lacey's face dropped as Sanemi huffed. "It's about time."
"You're really going to give him the kid?"
You turned to Lacey. "Their mom confirmed it just now." She opened her mouth- You pointed at her. "You know you're supposed to check the database before denying or confirming anyone who comes in here. We provide good customer service which means we check first. You know that from training."
"It's not my fault." She hissed at you. Before half nodding back towards the now much calmer man. "Have you seen him?"
"I have actually. What are you getting at?"
She looked at you like you were crazy. "uh-..Are you blind? He looks like he just got out of jail!" Sanemi's eyes shifted over. "By the way he acts, I wouldn't be surprised if he's done some crap too-"
"Lacey. Do me a favor. Shut up."
Her face blinked at your happy smiling one. "I-..What?"
"You heard me. Shut up. I don't care what you think, discriminating someone just because he has scars is as stupid as saying that someone is dumb because they're blonde. And if I hear that again I'm telling our manager. So why don't  you just get the broom and start sweeping the front like you're supposed to?"
She didn't say anything as you turned to leave- Blinking at Gyomei standing there still with the sleeping toddler in his arms and tilting his head down at you. However you only patted his arm with a smile and informed him that you were going to grab Koto's overnight bag before leaving to go grab it from the cubby closet. He stood there still before tilting his head at Sanemi and could guess the surprise that was plastered all over the other man's face right now. Staring wide eyed in silence. 
You returned a moment later with the bag Sanemi left with you and by then Gyomei was already handing him back his baby brother. Koto yawned half way woken up by the jostle however lit up when he saw his big brother.
"Nemi!" He tiredly reached out to him and tiredly curled up on his shoulder with a yawn.
"Here's his bag." You smiled handing him the duffle bag he just slumped over his shoulder with a blank look.
"Yeah. Thanks."
"Sanemi, are you going home after this?"
Said white haired man looked at Gyomei with a frown. "My mom doesn't get off work for another three hours. Genya and Teiko can watch the other three for a little longer. I'm just gonna work on my project until my mom picks up Koto."
"In that case do you want to join us for dinner?" The loom Sanemi gave you was like if you just slapped him. "I'm making spaghetti tonight."
"Sketti!" Koto peeked up immediately turning around to you with a smile. "YUM!"
Sanemi continued to stare at you.. before he shook his head and turned. "No. Kanae's picking up something. I'll see ya round Gyomei."
You frowned at him. Was it something you said? Koto waved at you from his big brother's shoulder and you waved back until they left out the door. Well safe to say that was strange, but you supposed that since he's been going through a lot it wasn't that out of the ordinary. You also decided not to pry Gyomei for answers. That was between Sanemi and his family and partners so you'd respect that privacy. Although you couldn't say you weren't curious about it all.
Tuesday went by better. This time you got there early enough to be informed that Sanemi and Koto's mom called. Apparently Sanemi would be dropping off and picking up Koto for the foreseeable future until she became available and to put him down as an emergency contact in the daycare's registry. You remembered Mrs. Shinazugawa. She was a middle aged woman who was oddly small and always looked tired when she came in starting to drop off Koto as a baby three years ago. At the time you assumed that she was going back to college to earn a degree and that's why she was using Kimetsu University's daycare.
But finding out she was using Sanemi's status as a student for a discount on childcare was both a more believable answer and only more curious about it. But again you respected their boundaries and only tended to Koto and the other kids until it was time for his big brother to pick him up. You thought it was adorable. He'd get so excited and shout 'NEMI' every time he saw him regardless of just seeing him that morning. 
Each time he'd give you a strange look before just taking his brother and leaving. You were confused about the looks but they weren't angry looks just almost confused. He probably just was still getting used to Gyomei having a new girlfriend. You were still getting used to having a boyfriend yourself so it was understandable. Lacey continued to give him and you dirty looks..but hadn't done anything since Monday's fiasco so you didn't worry about her anymore. It wasn't until Thursday morning that your curiosity was finally sated. You forgot your lunch at home while fishing out to work one morning, so again you decided to stop by the campus cafe to grab a sandwich to eat later when you ran into two familiar faces. One was a woman with long black hair and pink eyes. The other was a tall man with white hair and red wine eyes. They were shuffling around the side of the register as people walked by. 
Hey. Wasn't that-
"Kanae?" Your voice asked before the woman turned her head around with a blink followed by the white haired man. "Tengen?"
On cue he smiled. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the future Mrs. Himejima." He winked sending you a finger gun making you chuckle. "What's cooking good looking?~"
You couldn't help but giggle at him. "I forgot my lunch at home so I was just grabbing a sandwich for later. What are you guys doing here?"
"Entering that raffle. Tomorrow's the last day you can enter."
"Oh. Planning on getting that paint set you mentioned if you win?"
Tengen frowned shaking his head. "Actually it's for-" He paused looking back to Kanae and jabbing a thumb to you. "Actually it's ok to tell 'er right? Or is that stepping over a boundary?" She looked at him then at you.. before nodding. "Alrighty then." Red eyes looked back to you. "It's actually for Sanemi."
You blinked. "What?"
"Well if any of us win that is. No guarantee that any of us will." He waved a hand. "But the more of us that enter, the better chances there are of us actually getting it."
"Why does Sanemi need it?" You didn't think he was anymore broke than you were.
"It's not exactly for him really. It's so his mom can pay off that debt faster." 
That's when it all clicked. The mentioning of Mrs. Shinazugawa struggling, Sanemi helping to take his brother to daycare, Gyomei's reluctance to talk about it- You almost didn't catch what Tengen said next with a distasteful bite to his voice.
"Ever since that asshole died, his family's been having nothing but a hard time."
"Let's not speak ill of the dead Uzui," Kanae lightly scolded him. "He's still Sanemi's father."
"Wasn't much of a father in the first place."
"Wait. His father passed away?" You went wide eyed at them when Kanae nodded.
"It was an accident. A hit and run driver ran him over when he was crossing the road at night-"
"Right as he was coming back from the casino." Kanae shot Tengen a scowl this time. "Oh come on, Kanae. Don't sugarcoat it. If we're gonna tell her might as well tell it how it is." He looked at you with a mad look. "The greedy rats ass was killed coming back all high strung from the casino. Good riddance I'd say but because his mom wasn't divorced yet from the deadbeat now she has to pay off his gambling debt! At least they didn't have to pay for the funeral."
You could only stare at him in shock. "That's awful. How much was it?"
"Seven thousand dollars." Tengen threw up his hands. "How do those debt collecting sharks expect her to just magically come up with that money?! She's already trying to raise like six other kids!"
"Seven thousand dollars?!"
That was a lot of money! If Mrs. Shinazugawa was already struggling then this would've put a lot of strain on her already. 
"A thousand dollars ain't much but it'd be a thousand dollars she doesn't have to pay. ...*sigh* Anyways you said you wanted to get a sandwich?"
"Uh.. Y-Yeah. I was."
You made sure to be extra nice to Sanemi after that and play with Koto when he asked, despite the confused looks Sanemi still gave you. He wasn't ever mean to you and after finding out about his family situation you didn't have any reasons to be mean back. Soon Thursday and Friday turned into Saturday morning and you FINALLY got a day off to yourself to finish up some real work.
"Are you sure you don't want to come join us at the park? I heard there's going to be a vendor that sells delicious homemade ice cream."
You smiled one shoulder holding up your phone to your ear as you continued to write down on a piece of paper. "Sorry, Mei. I'd love to but I have to get this report done before Monday and I already planned on cleaning my house today. Maybe tomorrow."
"I understand completely. I'll swing by later today to make sure you're not overwhelming yourself."
You smiled. If there was one thing that you already loved about your boyfriend is was how understanding of you he was. "Alright. Have fun on your date with Giyuu and Shinobu. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun."
With that out of the way you were able to get your project mostly done. Mostly because of a second phone call you got right in the middle of trying to finish up your health class report. Which honestly did annoy you a little bit. You wanted to get this done TODAY and then get all of your household chores done TODAY so you could have TOMORROW off with your boyfriend! It continued to ring so with a sigh you dropped your pencil to pick it up and hold to your ear.
"Y/n L/n?"
"Yes. Who is this?" You frowned but soon that frown disappeared and your eyes widened. "Shut up. You're kidding? Wha- No! I'm not busy! I can come over right now and pick it up! Where?" You stood up quickly nearly knocking over the papers on your table as you ran to grab your shoes. "Dean's office! Right! Are you sure this isn't a prank call?....Ok! Im on my way right now! Holy cow this is unbelievable! Yeah! I'll see you soon! Bye!"
You squealed in utter astonished happiness as you ran to go grab your shoes! What should you do first?! Pay off your car? Get that pet ferret you always wanted? Maybe take Gyomei out for a really fancy dinner? The possibilities were endless! You happily skipped out of your house and ran down the road towards the academy. Running and running and running...
But slowly your running slowed.
And the giddy smile turned to a thin line.
And you stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.
Staring at nothing in particular until you blinked and looking back to your house.
"Nemi, chill! You're gonna give yourself brain damage if you keep that up!"
Two small hands on his head stopped Sanemi in his pursuit of hitting his head against the table repeatedly. Only stopping so he didn't painfully smash Suma's fingers between his forehead and Tengen's table. Not like it'd do anyone good even if they stopped him. 
"I just found out Genya and Hiroshi got a part time job to help my mom pay bills and Teiko started babysitting for money." His head lifted up to glare angrily at nothing. "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM?! THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO WORRY ABOUT BEING KIDS NOT HAVING TO HELP MY MOM PAY BILLS!! NOW TEIKO IS STUCK TRYING TO WATCH THE OTHERS AND OTHER BRATS AT OUR HOUSE AND MY BROTHERS ARE FLIPPING BURGERS AT A WACKDONALDS!!"
He ended his rant by slamming his fists on the table and letting veins bunch up in anger. Most people would flinch but considering how used to his anger they were, his girlfriend and Suma only looked on in growing concern than actual fear.
"Honey, it's not going to be forever." Kanae attempted to soothe her boyfriend with a gentle hand softly rubbing his back. A small kiss pressing to his cheek. "They promised you it's only going to be until that big debt bill is paid off, and you guys already paid off a good portion of it."
That seemed to calm him down somewhat as he ate least unclenched his teeth and relaxed back a little bit. "I know. I just don't want them to get it in their heads that they have to work at an early age! They should be worried about school and getting good grades not paying bills... Maybe I should drop out and get a full time job."
"WHAT?! NEMI, NO!!" Sum hopped from one foot to the other. "You came so far! And you'll graduate after next year!"
"She's right! You only have a year and a half more then you'll graduate. Your mom wouldn't want you to quit."
"Maybe that's not what she wants.." Body deflated. Head hung. "But that might be what she needs."
There was silence as both women stared at him then at each other in lost. He couldn't just quit. He worked so hard to get to where he was at, already sacrificing lots of things. If he did this now..then he'll regret it later. But with his family struggling as it was how could they ask him to change his mind? They would've continued to sit there in silence if there wasn't a loud knock on the door that had them all look up. Again there was silence before the knocking came again but a bit louder. After exchanging looks, Suma eventually stop up and went to go answer the door. Pulling it open, blinking...and then beaming into a smile.
"Y/N! Oh my gosh! Hi! What are you doing here!?"
"Hi, Suma. Is Sanemi here?" Said white haired man perked up hearing his name. "Gyomei told me I could find him here."
"Yeah! You wanna come in?"
"Can't. I have to go pay some bills and finish cleaning my house. But can you give him this for me? It's really important he gets it."
"Sure! I'll do that right now!"
"Thanks! You're a life saver!"
They were surprised when Suma closed the door a moment later before turning and revealing a large manilla envelope in her hand.
"The hell is that?"
She shrugged. "No idea. Y/n said it's for you. OOH!! Maybe it's the recipe for that ohagi you liked! Y'know she ones she made that weekend."
"Tch. That'd be one good thing outta this dam day."
He mumbled under his breath as Suma walked over to him and he just bluntly took it from her. Giving a look at the front and back before just tearing off the top and peeking inside. In an instant his face went from bored and annoyed to cartoony shocked in one second. Both girls watched his expression change rapidly, looked at one another, before Kanae just reached over to pull the opening up more to look inside and VERY quickly gained the same shocked expression.
"Oh my," was all she managed to say.
"What is it?! Tell me!"
"What?!" Suma quickly joined the two gasping out. "HOLY COW!! LOOK AT THE ZEROS ON THAT CHECK!!"
Sanemi continued to stare at the envelope blankly until Kanae pried it from his hands to peer inside with a raised brow. "There's a card in here too." Holding it up, narrowed pink eyes were able to read it. "It's a gift card of some sort."
"Hey. Wasn't this stuff like...the prizes for that raffle or something?"
Again there was silence as a realization of what exactly was sitting in Kanae's hands washed over them all...until a loud scraping of a chair caused both ladies to jump as Sanemi abruptly stood up and just..stared at the table. Silently stirring something around in his head before both hands landed with a loud thud sound on the table. 
"Sanemi?" "Honey, are you ok?"
"I'll be damned...Kanae."
"If Gyomei doesn't marry that woman we will."
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92 notes · View notes
ywpd-translations · 22 days
Ride 789: Inheriting wishes
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Pag 1
3: Yes, I got it! The last one!!
4: Bon apet...
5: What, Kabu, are you eating trash now?
Guaa- the worst person saw me!!
Th- that's not it, this it- uhm....
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Pag 2
1: Have mine
3: Nom nom nom, so good!
You worked a lot for the sprint
Good job following on this climbing while resting and resupplying
5: Imaizumi-san is treating a kouhai kindly!!
Hotshot is rewardina kohai!?
What is it, I feel a weird atmosphere
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Pag 3
1: I received my orders from Onoda-san!!
2: Climb and pull the team
3: Climbing at a fixed pace as much as possible, while watching the condition of tiredness of everyone's pace, synchronizing our breaths
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Pag 4
1: It's the least damaging way to climb!!
The pack is coming!
It's Sohoku!
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Pag 5
2: Danchiku... this is a good pace
He's good at watching everyone and matching his performance to them
3: You really are his polar opposite
Ah, person who gave me food
4: Rokudai, watch closely
Ye-yessir, teh!!
5: What Danchiku is doing now is the correct way to “pull”
Yessir, teh
You also
6: got your orders, didn't you?
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Pag 6
1: From Onoda!!
2: Mountain King and Manami are overtaking the other climbers who had come out!!
Are they going to the lead like that!?
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Pag 7
2: What, how, they're so fast....!!
3: Amazing!
So fast!
They're running at an incomprehensible speed
This is a race between the Inter High's
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Pag 8
1: two times finalists!?
2: Sakamichi-kun!!
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Pag 9
1: It's true, Mountain King and Manami are racing
Yeah, they're fighting seriously
For this year's mountain prize....
2: You seem to be in good condition!!
Yeah!! Manami-kun!!
3: the first day's mountain is gonna be the most amazing!!
4: There's a lot of people in the audience too
A huge crowd, the summer air, and the blue sky
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Pag 10
1: I wonder if Toudou-san and Makishima-san also felt the wind like this, on Hakone's mountain two years ago!!
2: The sky is blue!!
There's a lot of people in the audience too!!
4: I'm having so much fun chasing after it it feels like I'm in a daze
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Pag 11
1: Even though my body is tired and my muscles are exhausted, it feels like my heart is saying “let's go until our limit” and pushing my blood!!
5: Yeah!!
I think Makishima-san and Toudou-san definitely felt like this!!
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Pag 12
1: Shooo
Just get ahead of him by a few millimeters
My heart is pounding
2: About the race between them that day, I heard other people saying:
3: “It was fierce”
“It was a race of their souls”
“I saw a battle of the limits of climbers”
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Pag 13
1: But looking at their backs, it looked fun
3: Back then we could only imagine it
4: But now, like this
Running against you, who shares the same feeling
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Pag 14
1: It's like we can “experience”it!!
3: Yeah!!
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Pag 15
2: I didn't think the mountain on the first day was so freeing, that it would make my heart feel so clear
3: It's strange
4: The thing I longed for from the bottom of my heart... my strong wish....
5: even if I couldn't fulfill it at the time
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Pag 16
1: it still came true in another form!!
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Pag 17
1: You're right!!
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Pag 18
1: Mountain King and Manami accelerated again!!
4: The orders!!
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Pag 19
1: It's time, go
Switch with Danchiku
2: Pull the team, Rokudai!!
Yessir, teh!!
I received them from
2: Back-gate slope-senpai....
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Pag 20
1: My “orders”!!
2: Rokudai-kun
Yessir, teh
3: Please pull the team on the mountain while switching with Danchiku-kun
Yessir, teh!!
4: My first orders.....!!
I'l ldo it with all my strength
5: I wanted to say “please climb the mountain together with me”
8: Huh!? Together!? The mountain!?
9: When I was in first year, I didn't see the race between Makishima-san and Toudou-san
10: …. so
For Rokudai-kun
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Pag 21
1: I wanted him to see the race between me and Manami-kun as a first year climber
2: Onoda-kun
3: But it'a not as easy as taking him along to race together
4: If I don't refine my thoughts I'll never catch up with Manami-kun as he is now!!
6: That's why I have another order for you, Rokudai-kun
Another one...!!
7: Look up at the mountain
Send your heart out to the road before you
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Pag 22
1: Imagine it with everything you have!! Our
2: our fight to our limits!!
Their fight!!
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Pag 23
3: Back-gate slope-senpai!!
Then... on your first year... or your second year- when you'll have a rival....
4: A ri-rival!? Me!?
5: Hakogaku caught up!!
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Pag 24
4: Remember about today, please
5: Ah... the guy who came on Minegayama with Manami-san...
Is this guy really the manager....!?
69 notes · View notes
justmeinadaze · 1 year
I Have Nothing (If I Don't Have You) Part 6 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Security Dom Steddie X Sub (slightly bratty) Singer Fem Reader, SMUT, spanking, dirty talk, slight rough play (they show her a bit more of what they are into), FLUFF, they go on a date through Paris and she shows them around, they do discuss being more exclusive (as if she or they would want anyone else🙄 ), ANGST, slightly so with her talking briefly about being sober and her fears of being in a relationship again.
Word Count: 4812
“Obviously, you’re taking us to the Eiffel Tower, right?”, Steve grinned in your direction as you three walked the streets of Paris. 
“Yes but tonight when it’s all lit up.”
The day couldn’t be any more perfect for you and you were the happiest you had been in a long time. You took them around to each place you could think of that didn’t have a long line, stopping at bakeries and little shops to have them taste everything while looking for little trinkets to bring back home. 
They seemed to really be enjoying themselves which made you smile. Eddie had befriended a street musician who handed him an acoustic guitar and he sat beside him as they played a couple of songs. You took them to a vintage store where they had a blast looking at the clothes. Steve keeping trying on different hats asking you how he looked. One had a brim that three sizes too big causing you to spit out your water as you laughed at him. 
After grabbing lunch, you took them to a park nearby and had a picnic. 
“Seriously, I’m going to gain like thirty pounds off of this bread but so worth it.”, Steve chuckles as he takes another bite of his sandwich. 
“Oh, yeah. The food is phenomenal but you have to watch out for the butter and the sauces. Don’t even get me started on the chocolate.” Eddie smiles when your eyes playfully roll back.
“Did you parents show you all these places or did you find them yourself?”, he asked.
“A bit of both. The first few years I came here I basically recreated that vacation but as I wondered the streets I found more places and things to enjoy.”
“Excusez-moi.” A little girl shyly comes up to your blanket holding out a pen and paper. “May I have your…”
“Autographe?”, you smile up at her comfortingly as she grins. “Of course. Um… Quel est… ton nom?”
“Chloe.” She beams in your direction.
“I’m sorry, Chloe. My French isn’t great.” 
“It’s…okay.” Her grin grows as you give the paper back to her and lean up on your knees to give her a hug. 
“Merci, Miss Y/L/N!”
“Merci, Chloe.”
The three of you watch her as she runs back to her parents. 
“That was adorable.”, Steve smirks.
“It was. I didn’t know you had fans that were so small.”, Eddie adds. 
“Yeah, that’s another reason I want to be better. I’m supposed to be a role model for them you know?”
“And you are, honey. You’re already doing so much better and we are extremely proud of you.”
“Why do I have to wear a suit?!”, Eddie shouts from the bedroom as he adjusts his tie.
“Because we’re taking her to dinner, you idiot.”
“I’m just asking!”
“Plus, this will technically be our first date with her so we should look nice.”
Both men turn when they hear you exit the bathroom and their mouths fall open in shock as their eyes drink you in. Your hair was pulled up into a neat bun displaying a pair of earrings that shimmered when you moved your head. The thin spaghetti straps held up a gorgeous, black, V-neck style dress that just barely touched your ankles. When you nervously shifted your weight, the slit in the fabric exposed your leg up to your mid-thigh showing off some fancy, matching black high heeled shoes. 
“What, um, what do you think?”
“You…you…Jesus, I may be underdressed.”, Steve breathily chuckled.
“You look beautiful, princess.”
Blushing, you loop your arms into theirs as they escort you out of the hotel. When you three arrive at the restaurant, they watch you in amazement as you talk to the people in charge and an antsy gentleman leads you to a table. Steve pulls out your chair and you thank him as you take a seat. 
Both boys straighten up when a man comes out from the kitchen and heads towards you but immediately calm when you smile, assuring them that this is someone you know.
“Miss Y/L/N! It’s been so long, my love! How are things?”
“Things have been rough but they are getting better. Julien, these are my friends AND security, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington.”
They grin as they shake his hand and he returns their smiles with a bright one of his own. 
“Who better to watch your back than a friend that loves you, ah? Now, mon amour, should we start with the usual champagne?”
“Oh, no. Um, do you have something without alcohol?”
“Hmm? Oh! How about citron pressé?”
“Sure, I trust you.”, you giggle as you shrug, watching him disappear without asking the guys if that was ok with them. “I have no idea what that is but—what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Both men had been starring at you with a cute, goofy smile plastered on their face. 
“Nothing. You’re just adorable.”
“It’s nice seeing this side of you to. You really needed a break, sweetheart.”
The rest of the meal couldn’t be described in any other way beside perfect. They talked to you more about some positive things in their lives trying to keep the mood uplifted. Eddie told you about his love for fantasy related things like D&D which made you laugh when the other man rolled his eyes. Steve surprised you by telling you of some movies he actually really liked.
“Ok you can’t sigh aggressively when I talk about sci-fi fantasy shit but then tell her that one of your favorite movies is Star Wars!”
“It’s completely different, Munson.”
“It’s actually not that different.”
“Thank you, princess!”
“But to be fair, George Lucas said he made Star Wars kind of like a western so Steve may drift more towards that then regular sci-fi.”
“Ok, you’re not on my side anymore. Hush.”, Eddie responds playfully.
You did your best to tell them more happy memories with you and your family but you struggled because it hurt. Every time you stuttered through a story, though, one or both of them would reach for your hand and urge you to continue. 
After you were done eating, you kept your word and took them to the Eiffel Tower as it was all lit up. The people in charge cut off a section so you three wouldn’t be noticed or bothered which you greatly appreciated. 
“Wow, check out that view.” Steve exhaled as he took a few pictures pausing when he noticed your face as you leaned against the railing. “You alright, honey?”
“Yeah. I just wish I could stay here in this moment. I’m having a lot of fun with you two and I think this is the first time in a long time I’ve actually been…happy.”
Eddie’s palm gently reaches out to run down your back before bringing you to his chest to wrap you up in his embrace. 
“I know what you mean. Stop me if I’m wrong Harrington but we’ve never felt like this about anyone before. We really like you, Y/N.”
“We’re all in if you are.”
“You barely know me. What if I fuck up again? What if I hurt you? What if…I’m not what you thought I am?”
“She’s doing that thing again.”, Eddie murmurs to Steve as he releases you and leans against the railing. “It’s like her own brand of self-harm…or maybe self-protection?” He raises his eyebrows inquisitively and you quickly shift your gaze. “Ah yes. There it is. She keeps says ‘What if I’ but what she really means if ‘What if you’.”
“Baby, we’re not asking you to marry us or anything. What we’re asking for is MORE nights like tonight. To be able to take you out more and get to know you better and vice versa. We know you’ve been through a lot and still are. We would never push you like they do.”
“And quite frankly, sweetheart, I don’t think there could be any more surprises because you’ve already showed us you’re not who we thought you were originally.”
“Spoiled, washed up singer.”, Steve explains when you look at them in confusion. 
“When it comes to the I’s, babe, we got you covered. You slip again and want to run all over Vegas, we’ll come get you. You have one of those moments where you try to verbally hurt us, don’t worry, we got you. We have ropes and handcuffs for situations like that.” You can’t help but giggle when he winks. 
“When it comes to the you’s, you can ask us anything and we’ll answer. If there’s something you need or need to know just let us know and we can talk about it.”
Glancing out towards the city, you feel everything run through your brain at once. You knew from the moment you met them that they were different. You trust them with your life so why were you so scared to trust them with your heart?
Because everyone who’s supposed to love you, hurts you…
Do they even love you? They can’t possibly…like you said they barely even know you. I guess it couldn’t hurt to jump in with both feet.
“Ok. Can we…we keep it between us?”
“We honestly assumed you would because of the press and everything.”, Eddie answers with a small smile. 
“I think that’s another reason Simon was with me. He liked the attention from the press.”
“Hm. Well, coming from a small town where everyone was in everyone’s business, trust me, we don’t want that kind of attention.”, Steve retorts as he leans over the railing like you had. 
Looping your arm through his, you lean your head against his shoulder as Eddie holds your hand and looks out into the city.
“I have a request.”
“Oh lord.”, the metalhead playfully sighs making you smile.
“Calm down, Mr. Munson.”, you giggle. “The other night I asked you two to show me how much you care about me…” They nod when you pause, urging you silently to continue. “Can you show me how to take care of you?”
Both men, who were now sitting on the couch in the hotel room looked up at you now with slight confusion. 
“When we first got together, you said you liked it rough. The other night you implied there was more to what you both were into. I want to give you what you want.”
“You do, honey.”
“You really do.”, Eddie follows almost too eagerly. 
“I still don’t think your ready.”, Steve sighs as he takes off his jacket and starts rolling up his sleeves. 
“Isn’t this all about trust? Not only do I trust you two but you should trust me to know my limits. Well…in this regard.”
The other man takes off his jacket as well, removing his button up shirt underneath along with it now donning a white tank that displayed his muscles and tattoos in a way that had you salivating. 
“Oh, come on, Stevie. We can start slow. Maybe we can show her what a punishment would look like. Something small for running away and having us worried.”
Steve sighs playfully as he motions with his fingers for you come closer. As you sit beside him on the sofa, he gently pets the back of your head while they both continue to look at you with nothing but care. 
“If you feel uncomfortable at any point, just say the safe word, ok?”
“Ok, Steve. I promise.”
He grins as his hand slides down to your back and guides your body till you’re laying across his lap on your tummy. While he flips up the underside of your dress Eddie runs his fingers through your hair, moving any lingering strands away from your face. 
“How many you think, Ed? 10?”
“10 sounds good. I think she can handle that.”
As your stomach tightens into knots with nerves, Steve’s palm soothes you as it runs down your spine and over the meat of your ass. Abruptly, it lifted and came down spanking your behind eliciting a shocked gasp from your lips. He didn’t hit you hard as it was meant to test.
“How did that feel, babe?”
“Um, odd but g-good.”
“Has anyone ever spanked you before?”, Eddie asked.
“No. Not like this.”
“Honey, I want you to count for me, ok?”
“O-O-Okay. One.”
His hand come down much harder and this time you let out a little moan especially after Steve soothes you by running his fingers along the reddening skin. 
“Good girl, sweetheart.”
He spanks you twice in quick secession and they both let out a groan of their own as you breathily count them off. Steve tugs down your panties, his hand coming back to travel a bit between your legs as your mouth falls open when his thumb slides between your sex. 
“Oh, Eddie. Little baby is so wet right now. I think the spanking doesn’t feel so odd anymore, huh?”
When you didn’t answer, ringed fingers gripped your hair tightly and tugged you back. 
“He asked you something, your highness.”
“Feels…good…AH! Five!”, you moaned as Steve spanked you again.
Eddie held a tight grip on you as the other boy began steadily rubbing your clit while occasionally delivering a harsh smack to your ass. 
“What number are we on, baby? Wouldn’t want Stevie to lose count and have to start all over again.”
“Mmm—Nine—Please, Steve. I’m gonna…”
You didn’t see it but they smirked at each other as he slide two fingers into your core and rapidly pumped them inside of you. Your eyes rolled as the coil snapped and as you moaned his name his hand came down one final time while you panted out that final number. 
“Good girl, honey.”, he cooed as he delicately lifted your dress over your head. “Let’s get this off here.” You keened into his neck as he sat you up and placed you in his lap while Eddie ran his palm along your legs. “Did you like it, baby?”, Steve whispered.
“Yeah, I liked it a lot. Did you like it? Spanking me?”
He chuckles under his breath, trying to stifle the moan that wants to come out at the sound of your little voice. Reaching for your hand, he places it directly on the bulge in his slacks. 
“I loved it.” Your eyes flutter closed as his lips tenderly trail up your cheek to your ear. “You like that, pretty girl? You like making us feel good?”
“M-More. Please. I can handle more. I swear.”
They glanced at each other mischievously knowing you were all riled up. 
“Please! I can handle it!” As you begin to whine they smile and you can’t help but laugh. “You’re messing with me?”
“A little. We’re kind of curious in this headspace how far your brat can go.” Eddie’s grin grows as you climb on to his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Do you want me to be more bratty?”
“I think you’re capable of it. I work with you remember?”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Hey. In here, honey, you answer us, not the other way around.”, Steve scolded. 
The metalhead tries to keep the upper hand as you grind your hips against his own. His eyes remain heavily on yours as he licks his lips to keep any other sounds from escaping. 
“In here, sweetheart, we have control.”
“You do out there to!”, you whine as you point absently outside. “Where do I have control?”
“Stop moving.”, he says sternly.
“Make me.”
His eyes grow dark as the smile he was adorning falls from his face. 
“Stop. Moving.”
You falter for a second as his voice and demeanor throw you off guard but you remain steadfast as you continue. Steve laughs from your side before Eddie lifts you up with one arm and carries you to the bedroom. 
Throwing you on to the mattress, he holds your down with his palm on your chest as he uses his other to unbuckle his belt and free his cock from its confinement. 
“If you want to stop, just tap twice, ok?” When you nod, his fingers grip your hair as he hovers his face above yours. “Ok?!”
“Ok! Yes, sir! Tap twice!”
Steve nonchalantly throws himself beside you as he watches Eddie slide his cock into your mouth. 
“She’s so fucking stubborn sometimes. I swear.”
While the metalhead takes over thrusting his length down your throat, Steve is always alert, watching you to make sure you really were ok. They genuinely did trust you would say the safe word if you needed but neither boy wanted to push you that far. 
“Fuck, princess your mouth feels so fucking good. With all that fucking sass, I’m not sure she deserves our dicks in her pussy tonight, Harrington.”
Eddie tried to control his eyes from rolling back when he felt you groan around him. 
“Did you have something you wanted to say?”
“Please. I’m sorry, Eddie. I’ll do whatever you want. I promise I’ll behave.”, you beg as you shift up to your knees and continue stroking him with your hand. “Please. I need you inside me. I need to feel you.”
Pinching your cheeks between his fingers, he brings your lips to his before firmly pushing you backwards onto the bed. 
“Go show Steve how much you’ll behave.”
As you crawl over to the now naked man, you tenderly kiss his stomach making him smile as he strokes your hair. Delicately running your tongue along his slit, he moans as he pulls your hair into a ponytail with his hands and watches you fully take him into your awaiting mouth. 
Eddie jostled you around a bit till your ass was fully on display for him and you both whimpered as he guided his cock into your entrance. The warmth of his chest encases you as he leans against your back and kisses your shoulder. 
“Come on, sweetheart. I know you can take him better than that especially with the way you run that sassy mouth.” Taking over Steve’s hold of your hair, he guides your movements making you gag and drool as the man mewls with pleasure. “Atta girl. There you go.”
Eddie rolls his hips hard, roughly nudging against that tender spot inside of you that has your eyes rolling back. 
“Is that the spot, pretty girl?” Pulling your head, he forces you to look at him. “Is it? Right there?” You struggle to form words as he continues to grind against you. “Answer me, Y/N.”
“Ah! Y-Yes, there. D-don’t stop. Please…”
The metalhead grins as he pushes you back down on Steve’s cock before releasing his hold on your hair to grip your waist as he leans back on his knees and pounds his hips into yours. 
“G-Good girl, honey. Fuck. You take us both so well.”, Steve coos as he pets your head.
Eddie’s fingers slide underneath you, rubbing fast circles into your little bundle of nerves, driving you crazy in the best way as you throw you head back in pleasure. 
“FUCK! Eddie please!”
Ringed fingers wrap around your throat and pull you up to your knees as you lean against his shoulder. 
“That’s right, baby. Say my name again. Who’s making you feel this good?”, he murmurs into your ear as he slams into you harder. 
“Eddie! I’m…Eddie, please…”
Your hand takes hold of his wrist as your other clings his hair while your arm wraps around his neck. His fingers move faster to match his pace while you continue chanting his name until the ball drops and your body trembles against him as you cum. 
“Fuck me.”, Eddie groans, shoving you back down against the mattress and holding your wrists behind your back as he chases his high. 
Grunting above you, his rhythm becomes sloppier and you mewl as you feel him release his seed inside of you. 
“Good girl, princess.”, he praised as he gradually pulled out of you and kissed any part of your skin his lips could reach. “It’s Steve’s turn, sweet girl. Whenever you’re ready.”
Your head shot up in search for him and as your eyes met his soft ones, his fingers reached out to caress your sweaty face. When you nod, he motions for you to come closer, taking hold of you under your arms and scooting you both up closer towards the pillows. 
“Come here, honey. No, the other way.”, he instructs as you started straddling his waist. After turning away from him, he guides you down till your back his against his chest. One of his strong palms holds on to your chest as his other holds the base of his cock and runs to along your dripping lips between your legs. “Jesus. Eddie made you feel real good, didn’t he, baby?”
Nodding, you turn your head to kiss his cheek and he moans as he breaches your entrance, sheathing himself inside of you with minimal resistance. As he thrusts his hips up against you, his fingers move around to massage your nub as the hand on your chest takes hold of tit making you growl in ecstasy.
“Steve! So…so deep…oh god.”
“Yeah? Does that feel good, Y/N?” Picking up his pace, the bed begins to move underneath you as he clings to your sweaty, messy frame. “Fuck, that’s it. That’s our girl. Your pussy is just fucking clinging to me, pretty girl, God damn.”
 Pushing up, you balance on your hands as your hips push down to meet his. 
“Can you see it? My cock disappearing inside of you?”
“Steve, please. Please!”
Tugging on your hair, he pulls you back against him, hugging your tightly as he thrusts into you harder. The sound of skin hitting skin fills the room and your eyes roll back as you drag your nails against his flesh.
Without warning, he shoves against your back pushing you up and pulling himself out of you, yanking your hips backwards till your pussy was hovering over his face. Roughly, his hands pushed you back down, urging your lips over his cock as he wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you still as he his tongue devoured you. 
Your hips grinded against him as his head moved quickly from side to side causing you to lift your head and scream as you came. As he continued to lick your clean, you bobbed your head around his length wanting him to feel as good as he had just made you feel. 
His grunts reverberated in your cunt as he pumped his hips upwards till you felt rope after rope of his spend hit the back of your throat.
Falling to the side, you both panted till Eddie’s voice broke the silence. 
“Yeah, that’s cool. Just put your feet by my face.” You giggled as you lifted your leg and touched his nose with your big toe. “Ew, gross. With these beautiful pedicured, toes. Still purple, I see.”
“I like purple and no one is looking at my feet that closely in an arena style concert.”
“Do you want to take a bath, Y/N, or a shower?”, Steve asks.
“I want to curl up into a cocoon and sleep for 100 years.”
“Ok, bath it is.”, he grinned as he rolled over the side and lifted you into his arms. 
While he got everything ready, Eddie’s hands lightly gripped your shoulders and tilted you forward. When your eyes shifted to the mirror, you realized he was looking at your behind.
“It doesn’t hurt. I mean, it’s sore but…”
“I figured. I just need to take a look and make sure you don’t need any ice or anything. I’m sure you’ve noticed but Steve Harrington has big hands so sometimes he unintentionally leaves marks that last for a couple of days.”
“Part of the reason I ask questions.”, he winks as he guides you into the water.
“No one has ever asked me questions before or even done any kind of aftercare. I like it. It makes me feel cared for. 
“We do care… a lot.”, Eddie smiles as he holds up your hair while Steve continues to clean you. 
“Is this normal for you two? The shared partner thing?”
“I wouldn’t say ‘normal’ but we’ve done it before. Never with a client, however.”, Steve sighs. 
“So…this could look bad for everyone if people found out?”
Both men stopped moving as they gave you their full attention. 
“Yes. And not just because of the press.”
“People may not hire us anymore if they thought our judgment could be altered when it came to protecting them.”, Eddie followed in a serious tone.
“Are you implying Mr. Munson, that your judgment in keeping me safe has now changed?”
“I’m saying, Y/N, I would take a bullet for you but, for example, us keeping you sober isn’t a part of the security job description. If…If you wanted to get drunk right now we shouldn’t have any say in that…”
“Unless it leads to you roaming Paris in your underwear or makes someone want to hurt you.” Steve glances over your serious face. “What are you thinking, honey?”
“I just…I see what you mean. I wouldn’t want either of you to take a bullet or get hurt because of me. I’d rather it be me…”
It had been a while since you saw their eyes shift into this particular authoritative glow. Steve almost too roughly cupped your cheeks in his hands as he forced you to look at him. 
“Don’t ever think or let us hear you say that again. It’s our job to keep you safe not the other way around. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, I understand.”, you whisper as your hands takes hold of his wrists. 
“Y/N, like I said, we care about you but if your safety is on the line BECAUSE of us then we would end this right here right now.”
You pushed down the urge to cry at the thought of them leaving you. They had done so much for you in the short time they had been a part of your team. 
“I promise I won’t interfere. I trust you both to take care of me.”
Steve’s eyes flick to Eddie’s for a moment before he kisses your forehead and lets you go. 
The following Monday, the three of you were sitting in your manager’s office waiting for him as he burst through with Sarah in tow. 
“Well, look who decided to finally grace us with her presence. How was the vacation, Y/N?”, Jack sassed. “I don’t know why you two are even here. You’re fired.”, he gestures towards the boys. 
“No they aren’t.”
“Excuse me?!”
“I said no they aren’t and you lower your voice when you speak to me!” Sarah smiled from her seat as the men on either side of you contained their excitement for you. “Jack, I’m tired. You were one of the ones that kept pushing me to get sober and now that I’m trying…I shouldn’t be on tour right now especially not with people like Mark shouting at me every 10 seconds. I need time to really have go at this.”
“Y/N…”, he sighed. “We’ve had this tour set up for months. Now I’ve put up with a lot from you but—”
“But nothing. I’m telling you no. I need a break. I can do interviews and keep working on the album. I can do little shows here but I can’t do a country wide tour right now.”
“Y/N, listen to me. Hear me. If you do this, if you cancel this tour, I will be forced to drop you as a client.”
You straighten up as you exhale, tapping into that sassy girl that resides within you. 
“So be it. Sarah? Have you thought about being an agent?”
“Me? Oh, um, I mean…”
“You’re honestly the only person I trust who has always had my well-being in mind. I’ll pay you what I pay Jack and then some.”
She smiles as she glances towards your now former agent. 
“I guess I just got a promotion.” You both stand, giving her a big hug before she pulls back to cup your face. “I’m really proud of you. I’ll come by later today and we can talk about a statement for the tour.”
“Y/N, please! Don’t do this! Look, why don’t you sit down and we can talk about this rationally.”, Jack begs. As he reaches for your arm to stop you from leaving, Eddie swats it away. 
“I’m sorry, sir. You aren’t allowed to touch Miss Y/L/N.”
“But if you would like to speak with her, feel free to call her agent Sarah to set up an appointment.”, Steve grins as they both follow you out of the office. 
@rckstrbee @melodymishahiddlestan @strangerfreak
@siriuslysmoking @micheledawn1975 @cositaslua
@munsonmoonshine86 @unfocused81 @paleidiot
@dad-steddie @aol19 @strngrlytn @mrsjellymunson
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
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Disclaimer: this review is from a shipper's perspective and it's objective is to rebut a few misconceptions about 7.
When I first heard the song was gonna be titled seven, I rolled my eyes- like how many times are these boys going to pander to Army with the whole 0T7 agenda right? Here they with yet another song about how much they love eachother like come on! I love BTS, I do but- I mean yall had the tattoos and the cute meet ups, and heart wrenching sappy goodbyes- isn't that enough why yall gotta make yet another song about your bond and friendship WHYYYYYY yall don't have nothing else to talk about? I thought season two was yall on tour grown grown shit- how is this growth if you singing bout the same thing over and over- right? BOY WAS I WRONG ABOUT THAT!
It's a good thing I didn't come out here to rant about that cos that would have been the biggest embarrassment of my life and I would be eating my words right about now while penning several apology letters to Jungkook- anonymously.
Seven thus, to me, is surprisingly good. Not at all what I had thought the song would be about so when I tell yall I was screaming up and down in my living room surprised and amazed clapping and cheering on as if this was the best thing I ever heard- yall wouldn't even understand.
It is why the first thing I love about the song is the title and how creative it is in as much as it doubles as a play on the word and teases out his connection to Bangtan- say whatever you want but I think that was hella genius and creative and reflects Jungkook's personality for someone who has always been creative in this way from his use of color contrasts in his GCFs to tell a story right down to choosing ABCD as his IG handle.
The MV had Jungkook written all over it- playful, goofy fun yet delightfully hot- it's the memes for me.
It was nice to see him be himself in a music video- nothing felt forced and contrived to me nor seemed out of character and that's what gave the song the flair I think it has. Jungkook pulled this off smoothly.
His acting was spot on- I loved the female character in there (in spite of yall saying they didn't gat chemistry) that's just because she's my type so thank you for that Jungkook. Mean cold emotionally unavailable, physically intimidating- yea no, I'm in love with her not gonna lie🤧
And I don't know what it is but she reminds me of Park Jimin too. And I sorta kinda like Jimin soo🥴
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Is it the cheek bone?
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Or the neck and shoulders
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Either way, she invokes the same feelings I get when I look at Park Jimin- strong alpha female😌 may be it's because they both give off masc/fem androgyny energy and I like that shit- eat it up nom
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She played her role very well and helped sell the story.
Those saying they lacked chemistry yall never seen BTS around girls huh cos it doesn't get better than this😩😩😩😩😩
Don't know if yall were expecting them to be flirting and shit- at least this female lead played center I'm still trying to find the female lead in JMs MV😭🤣🤣
I'm actually surprised how good Jungkook's acting turned out in this MV. Whatever they were doing in the restaurant- I'm sold.
And I know alot of people aren't too enthused by the plot of the MV- a young man hopelessly in love with their partner to the point of clinginess and obsession- look, may be if I were looking at this concept from an outside in perspective I would find issues there with that narrative too but as some one who has been following these men almost through out their music career and have had the privilege of consuming content beyond the music they do- I kinda find it hilarious 😂
Hilarious because it's everything fans, and BTS accuse Kook of- it's giving me war flashbacks to the perila leaf conversation they had, to all the times he and Jimin have been caught sneaking into each other's hotel rooms because CLINGY, to Jimin complaining he comes into his room at 1am just to sit on the bed and do nothing, to all the theories about Kook being the clingy one in Jikook- hate to say I told ya😆
It's almost as if he's saying we'll folks yall are not wrong I kinda is clingy and I'm not ashamed🤣🤣🤣🤣
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He's a hopeless romantic and he hasn't made that a secret at all. To me, what this is is he's owning the narrative- that is if this was a conscious decision and artistic choice by him.
I had to look up the director of the MV and this is the first time in my life I've genuinely cared about the director behind any project for that matter cos how much of a coincidence is this to cast characters who complement each other so well and craft a narrative which is not a narrative at all!
Their website says they blend "youth and pop culture with high concept storytelling." Well they pulled that off. The plot is simple and easy to follow and reflects pop culture. I wouldn't say this is exactly ground breaking though, because it's been done over and over again- but I think Jungkook rejuvenated the concept by adding his own take and personality to it. It was done well and I must give him high praise for this.
If you are a fan of pop culture and pop music this is consumable as fuck. The song is really catchy. And that's just the thing, there is a market for this genre of music whether you like it or not and he doesn't have to cater to everyone's taste all at once. However to me, this is a step in the right direction for his career especially if he is to position himself as a global artist.
People may know BTS but not everyone knows Jeon Jungkook and this right here is him carving a niche out for himself. He is not trying to ride on the success of BTS. He is not trying to be the solo version of BTS. He is trying to be JEON JUNGKOOK.
His music is gonna play in every teens living room, every adults bedroom, in the club on the streets- he's reaching places even BTS struggled to reach and that's the power of his brand.
He's making waves and he's only just begun. And it's about damn time too!
I don't have much to say about Latto other than give that bae some grammy just for the titties😩 the explicit version of the song makes so much sense why she was so freakylicious up on a BTS song😭😭😭😭
First I was like gurl what? Slurp what??? Then I heard the fucking you right version- I said carry on. My mistake chilee. Jungkook ma n*ga you wild.
It's refreshing to see him step into his power and own his image and his brand and control the narratives- if not capitalize on them.
Overall I think this was a great pop song and Jungkook carried it so well. He's gonna go places. It's high from here and nothing less.
While on the subject, let me address some of the remarks people have been making about the song. To anyone complaining this is yet another pop song- with all due respect, he is not Beethoven he is not an Opera singer he is a freakn pop artist 😩
If yall are tired of pop music just say so and go but don't come for a pop artist doing what a pop artist is supposed to do- and don't let a lie slip out of your mouth it's a great pop song that bops. Seven freakn days a week.
No other kpop artist have come this close to breaking into a western market much less come this close to dominating it. And to some of us, this has always been the dream. I have spent so many sleepless nights meditating and praying for BTS particularly Jikook to gain a strong foothold in the western music market, beyond Korea and Asia and when finally they are making attempts and moves towards that goal yall want to tear him down- fuck yall opps HE IS FREE BITCH.
At this point I really don't care whether people like the song or not because we have moved past that stage where their in their progress in their career was contingent on people liking their shit. How are you gonna like a song if you've never even heard it? Now more than ever, what's important is reaching as many listeners as possible and to that end I think they are all on a right truck.
Jungkook is out to make a name for himself and solidify himself as one of the top pop artist in the world and I don't think his language or country should hold him back- asking him to stick to Korean songs is holding him back from his full potential. Faulting him for for branching out and reaching for the stars is equally holding him back and putting him in a box- well burn that box would you.
I really hope seven is the first of many English pop songs he will make because we want to see more of him, all of him and especially what he can contribute to the genre he dabbles in. His best is yet to come.
And for those complaining seven is nothing new- understand IT IS NEW FOR JUNGKOOK. It is new for many of us who are seeing him do this for the FIRST TIME AS A SOLO ARTIST.
His English keeps improving with each new song, his delivery gets better and better- yall just leave him alone please and thank you.
If this is the start we are off to a good start.
The MV to me gave him opportunity to showcase more of his goofy personality, to show people he really doesn't take himself too seriously and has a great sense of humor.
As a performer he nailed his role. Definitely understood the assignment. And it's a good thing they casted a strong female lead cos them damsels in distress be getting on my nerves.
Do we need more of this? Yes AND YESS AND HELL YES!!!!
Between Jimin's Angel and this, you guys have no idea how excited I am for their journey. I want to see more collabs, I want to see them take more risks and build their individual brands.
Jungkook should definitely consider acting. A cameo in a popular American series wouldn't hurt his career.
In fact, the entire maknae line should.
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courtingchaos · 6 months
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Butcher Knife
This is a late follow up to my fictional self in @dr-aculaaa amazing little Valentine’s Day fic. This is just self indulgent nonsense so like, don’t read it if you don’t want to I don’t care 😂
18+ No Minors
Eddie met you when you worshiped at the altar of Bourdain and read Kitchen Confidential like it was a holy text only given to the worthy. Anyone with the wits and smarts and balls and idiocy to rock up into a kitchen 6 days a week and sweat for 10 hours each night.
He met you when you abhorred brunch because it’s what Anthony told you (and like, he was fucking right it blows) but you had just perfected that pancake recipe. With the buttermilk and separated eggs with whipped whites not at stiff peaks and the good flour mix you’d made.
But you’re stuck on this fucking brunch shift and that asshole Rich is a no call again and-
You shake your head with a laugh at the memory. You’d met Eddie that night after one of those long shifts where you’d been on sides and expo because of Rich being hungover again. A dingy little dive bar in the worst part of town, Keep Your Hands to Yourself weakly trickling through the old jukebox. This is when you still lived in Florida and Corroded Coffin was kind of on tour, kind of just like, doing their own thing man.
"A butcher knife, for Meg." Says the smooth Mrs. H.
"Heheheh... Fuckin' Meg." Says Eddie fucking Munson. You’d put off listening to this particular podcast because it was still a soft spot for you. Tender and pale like a lot of other metaphorical wounds left by various lovers but Eddie was…Eddie.
"I love that you have a whole theme going on: knife, cheese, a sugar cookie's next, an olive-"
"Hummingbird! And what can I say? I'm a simple creature, food is my comfort."
"Is it a love language for you then?"
Yes you think to yourself. You know it is. You remember that first morning after how he’d watched you move around your stupidly small kitchen in your stupidly small apartment like it was a range at the restaurant. Almost like he held his breath for fear of breaking your concentration, but little did he know you worked through most shifts hoarse from yelling over fryers and the busted boombox that crackled overhead on a metro.
"Ohh. Damn, yeah. Food is a love language."
See, you knew something after all this time.
"So what about Meg?"
What about Eddie, huh? Would he talk about your hair? Now bereft of deep auburn but shot through with silver your mother never had. Mention your piercings that you’d let go of after one too many lost screw on balls. Maybe he’d bring up that tiny sliver of scar tissue on your ass that came from him biting you awake. Red tinged laughter while you slapped his arm and he commented on your ‘natural blush’ and he’d somehow ended up with a fistful of his hair in your fist.
"Heh. Fuckin' Meg. She had cheeks like pancakes. I just wanted to eat them. Nom. Bite into her cheek and watch how red she gets in the face. I loved it when she yelled at me. I loved it when she wore heels and was just a smidge taller than me. When she pulled my hair
-what? What? Why are you laughing?”
You can’t help but laugh along with Mrs. H, that lifelong ailment of red cheeks flaring at the mention of any of this to the public. You’re too old to be embarrassed about something as trivial as this but you can’t help the knot that loosens a bit in your chest. He maybe had a tender spot about you too, something covered in flower petals now.
“Ohh..” You hear Eddie pause and realize something in real time. “You know what I just realized? I still use her pancake recipe. Like.To this day, this morning. Waking up at the fuckin asscrack of dawn to make Brock and Hunter pancakes."
He liked when you yelled at him except for that last time. You remember how fucked the night had been at work and there was the band in the dining room suddenly. Lost in the shadow but Eddie saw you running expo and couldn’t read a room for shit at that time. Stuck his head through the window to try and kiss your bangs and you’d snapped. Shoved. Yelled. It’d been happening a lot more recently when he’d roll back through town and it wasn’t him and it wasn’t you.
It was probably the vices and midlife fast approaching you both but he’d left with a goodbye and then you’d gotten a slim box in the mail with simple little E.M. note. It was one of those really nice Wusthof utility knives you’d mentioned in passing one night, flashing him the catalog between a shared beer.
"That's love, Edward."
"Shit. That is love."
You look to the window and see the darkened restaurant. Yours now. New building. New city. The street lights still on outside even as the sun starts to break over the horizon between the buildings. You imagine Eddie walking through those doors, not the skinny 30-something who did questionable drugs with you in dark dive bars after your 12 hour shift over hot pans, but the almost 60-something with the greying hair and the worn in warm smile. He’d walk into your restaurant and lean into your expo window and watch you carve into these vinyl red strawberries, making them little works of art to be buried around your crafted deserts. He’d watch you wield that little German made knife around with dexterity like it was just another finger on your hand.
You could make him those pancakes again. Layer these soon to be syrup soaked strawberries between the fluffy layers. You could make that vanilla bean whipped cream that was basically room temp ice cream. You wouldn’t snap at him this time when he stuck his arm through and wiggled his fingers at you in greeting.
You split the strawberries and carve your notches in them, slide them into the container of cooled lemon syrup and tuck it back in the fridge for later. In your office you connect to your little bluetooth speaker before everyone else starts filtering in and put on The Georgia Satellites and bring up the Instagram for the podcast, hovering over the message button with pink stained thumbs and grin.
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Hi! I've been thinking about this for awhile but how would slashers survive an zombie apocalypse with or without a s/o?
Slashers in a zombie apocalypse
Omg I had sm fun writing this!!
Michael Rz
•Terrified. Undoubtedly. Terrified. But! Would do remarkably well! He’d dig a hole somewhere and call it home.
•he’s a big man so food is an issue. But he manages.
•would have constant adrenaline if he has a s/o. He wants to protect you and keep you safe. If you die, especially if it’s because of him, he’ll…. He’ll walk unarmed into a swarm of zombies and fight them with his bare hands. Once he is inevitably turned, his body will wreak havoc while his mind is finally put to rest.
Michael Og
•lil man would be fine. He’d pick a house to make a base in and board it up.
•if the zombies are drawn to noise he’ll be totally okay. Dude doesn’t speak and is so quiet walking around. There’s no way he’d gain their attention…. Unless his unbathed stench brought them…
•I think he’d kill a bunch of zombies…. and eat them. Therefore turning into one. Unlike someone else on this list, he wasn’t trying to fuck around, he just needed food and went nom nom.
•Now this one’s interesting! Are we talking about zombie Jason? Or living?
•Zombie Jason is a fucking unit and would turn the most people. The only drawback is he kills extremely violently, he rips his victims apart, aka he makes a lot of crawlers or immobile zombinos.
•Living Jason I think would get very overwhelmed. He’d use his machete and or some sort of long ranged weapon that isn’t a gun.
•He’d do well for a long time, but Pamela would call to him from the other side, but only if he was alone or if y/n had been infected/died. He’d cradle his mom's head and possibly his s/o or a belonging of theirs and bury himself in the earth.
Hewitt Family
•Thomas goes into sheer panic. But less panic when he remembers how far from civilization they live.
•Thomas, Hoyt, and Monty if it’s before that even cut Thomas gave him will work together to make huge scrap metal and wood walls on the perimeter of their property.
•Luda Mae goes up into the attic to find scraps of cloth, old guns, and other helpful stuff. She’ll be handling the house and cooking as she normally does, while Thomas, Hoyt and again, maybe Monty, will patrol the perimeter.
•The tea lady moves into the Hewitt estate, and Henrietta brings her trailer into the encased property.
•they’re very stressed about how they’ll be able to provide food for everyone. They’ll turn one or more of the fields into crop land. Luda Mae, Thomas, Monty, and Henrietta will work the fields as well. Not Hoyt. Never Hoyt. I think he’s worried about breaking a nail.
•Long story short, I think they’ll do very well for themselves.
Sawyer Family (-choptop)
•Almost a complete disaster. Nubbins has a zombie chained up outside, he’s been calling it his gross dog. Drayton and Bubba tried to build a wall around the house, but couldn't do it by themselves. Bubbas panicking because they’ll have to eat his pet chicken. Drayton is taking his stress out on everyone. Grandpa is god knows where, no one’s remembered to check on him.
•Yeah they don’t make it.
•he would either do amazing or instantly get turned, no in between.
•I think he’d bite a zombie- “how ya like that bitch” and then turn…. Like an idiot.
•Undead Freddy is far more nightmarish than living Freddy. Yuck!
•or on the other hand would kick some undead ass.
•his powers wouldn’t really help him? If my memory serves me well, the more people fear him, the more power he has. Zombies can’t feel fear, there’s only one thing they think about nom nom. Hence he’d have to use his claws or another weapon.
•100% fine. Out of all of the boys, he’s good. Like- he’s going to be completely fine. Bruh doesn’t even live on this planet.
•He’ll make sure there’s not a scratch on his s/o, and gods forbid you get infected he can easily cure you with yautja technology.
•they can’t infect him, cus he’s, ya know, a fucking alien. So even if they do bite him, he’ll just be more pissed off then anything.
•He’s not worried about it, he can hop in his ship and just leave. Depending on your mate, he might let you bring family or close friends with you both. He’s not going to be happy about it. But he’ll allow it. Will also allow pets…..hesitantly….
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astraymetronome · 11 months
In order to thank @dingbatnix for helping me stumble upon the story I'd been looking for, I offered to write them a Mcyt story! This is the outcome of my endeavor and I think it's cute. I wrote all of this from just being asked for Primeboy noms.
This isn't the best but I enjoyed writing this regardless!
Apex Insight
Word Count: 3,972
Warnings: Vore, mentions past life-threatening events, and cursing.
Dream wasn’t a bad person. Tommy knew this now after the months they’d been around each other. His human seemed rather sweet and kind despite everything going on around them and he was well aware of how protective he could be. Being warned about his friends before they even were allowed to come over was enough to help him understand where they both stood with one another. 
Clay saw him as a close friend and Tommy saw him like an older brother. 
Regardless of the familiar feelings between them both, he had felt horrified about meeting other people. The human wouldn’t let anything happen, that was clear, but he couldn’t guarantee his safety since some things couldn’t be anticipated. George and Nick seemed really lovely with the latter even asking to be called Sapnap instead. He found riding on their shoulders and even sleeping in their hoodies amazing since it helped his nesting needs. 
Tommy got to basically join in on their hangouts whenever they were congregating at the apartment. He was scared of the world outside. He knew this over everything. There was one time he tried to sneak out of the place via Clay’s college bag and within moments he’d started to freak out. He was lucky the blonde human had heard his panicked whimpers before he’d left the driveway or else he probably would have passed out due to his fear. 
Of course, that was what led them to what everyone was trying right now. Each and every single one of them was trying to convince him to leave. Not permanently, of course, just to try to handle a block or so with Dream. He wasn’t sure about this.
The last time they had convinced him to try something new he had to experience Brussels sprouts, or as he liked to call them, dog shit. All three of them had busted into laughter the moment he gagged. It was so gross and bitter. Trying vegetables wasn’t the greatest experience but he learned he liked carrots and broccoli… if they were drowned in a strange dip? Sapnap called it, vegetable ranch dip. Despite the name, he enjoyed it. They gave him coke afterward, at least that was more sweet than the veggies. 
He was adamantly denying their desires. Yeah, it was nice out, and no one would be around for a few hours but he couldn’t do it. Right before he’d moved into the apartment complex and ended up in Dream’s flat, he’d almost died. The cold had been miserable and 2 years ago he’d not even been 14 yet. Animals were frightening and some raccoon almost made a snack out of him. It was the main reason he felt… unsure. 
“Come on Tommy! It isn’t that bad, there is even a kid's playground a few blocks away.” Sapnap started to try and convince him. He refused to go to a playground. Whatever that was.
“I’m not a fucking kid!” He yelled out, quickly stepping from his shoulder to Dream’s as he started to scramble into his hoodie. Sitting against his neck and between the fabric of his shirt and the jacket was nice. He liked the feeling of Clay’s signature green hoodie on his body, it reminded him of his nest and the fact he had more access to softer and thicker fabrics. The warmth of his body was the icing on the cake for the perfect comfortable napping spot. 
The small chuckle that left the tall blonde shook his small body but he wasn’t mad. He liked to be close to his big brother as his tail carefully wrapped around his neck and under his Adam's apple. He felt his body vibrate as he spoke up. “Come on Toms, you’ll have to get over it eventually.” He stated simply.
“Yeah! Eventually you assholes!” He concurred as his small form hid under the fabric slightly. He couldn’t bring himself to do this yet. Tommy took a moment to steel his feelings before George gave a small comment.
“How about we all go out to the balcony? It’s outside but it’s an environment we can control.” He found himself contemplating it. Tommy didn’t think this would be that bad. He would be outside and it wasn’t like he had to move away from where he was currently perched. 
His moment of silence was interrupted as Dream got up from where he was, causing the borrower to wobble into the nook of his collarbone. “I can try.” The blonde found himself mumbling as he pulled himself back to his shoulder, getting back into his comfortable purchase. 
His moment of resolve had to be immediately ruined as the three humans were quick to holler about how many things they could finally show him once he was comfortable being around other people, but Tommy found himself shaking at the idea. Outside and people were two different things. He felt Dream’s hand gently brush against his side, causing him to move and bring himself back down into his palm.
Tommy was larger compared to some kinds of borrowers, the smallest he’d ever seen was a few inches but here he was as big as a human hand. He sat in his hold without much fear, kicking his legs over the side as he leaned back into his thumb. He liked being caressed in Dream’s grip.
The balcony actually hadn’t been that bad in his opinion. The sun and wind had felt nice while giving him a chance to bathe in the light. It meant he was teased for acting like a cat, but he couldn’t help it! Tommy has spent around 16 years in the walls, getting to sit out in raw sunlight was an experience he enjoyed. He understood why they’d been pushing him to get past his fears but it wasn’t like he would actually let them know this. Once George and Sapnap had left he found himself sitting right next to the open screen door, taking in the scents and sunshine. Dream walking around the apartment, he knew this, probably making dinner or working on something around their home. 
He found his eyes drifting as he watched clouds go by and the sun slowly start to set. “Tommy!” Only to realize he’d zoned out as he glanced over his shoulder, his human crouching near him with his hand out. The borrower scrambled to his feet, running over to his hand and clambering into his palm without any struggle. He smiled brightly as he held onto his thumb to ensure that he did not fall. His eyes were brightly shining and now that he thought about it, they looked a lot like the sky. 
Tommy let his tail wrap around Dream’s ring finger as he heard him continue with the started conversation. “I made dinner it’s not something you’ve had yet.” He said simply. He felt his small body grow a little dizzy at the speed before it was slowed down. He took note of the giant sheepish smile before he resumed. “It’s called Egg-drop soup. My mom used to make this all the time.” He told him without much thought. 
He’s never met Clay’s family. The borrower was doubtful this was on purpose but he wasn’t upset regardless. Family wasn’t something he had so it wasn’t like it really mattered. “That sounds good! I like eggs but why is it called Egg-drop soup?” He asked swiftly as he was set down on the table, slipping off without much effort as he smiled. 
“Well, you drop egg whites into the broth as it cooks in order to cause these little strings,” Dream told him as he sat down a small take-out container. He knew this was once used for some kind of condiment but it was better than Tommy having to eat from a medicine cup. “The broth is made of chicken broth and egg yolks so it’s called Egg-drop soup.” 
He found himself nodding as he looked down at the pale yellow soup, the small strings were big in his opinion but he knew full well they were small for Clay. “If you buy it instead of making it, it’ll be this bright yellow color because people add yellow food dye to make it more appealing. I don’t really see why but it doesn’t change the taste.” 
Tommy moved to reach his hands into the soup. The bits of egg were too big for his whittled spoon but he wasn’t one to shy away from messy eating. He couldn’t help an eager purr at the seasoned taste that spread across his tongue. This was one of the best things Dream had made over the few months they’d known each other. 
The low chuckle that left his human wasn’t a surprise considering he was very prone to this kind of reaction as he felt his tail sway. “Good?” He heard the blonde question before digging into his own meal without any question. 
He could feel his body warm up from the inside with each and every mouthful. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stomach the entire cup, he never could, but he was happy enough to not care. Dream, as always, finished his own bowl of soup before he did. It wasn’t very surprising considering he was aware that his handfuls still lost plenty of it due to how much would drip out between his fingers and such. 
Tommy was licking his fingers to clean up the residue of broth as he finished up, motioning to his friend to take the container. With practiced ease he watched Clay scoop up the bowl, throw his head back, and gulp down the content. He wasn’t very surprised, well aware he didn’t need much to be fed but he still found himself fascinated every time he did this. 
He’d heard rumors about how humans had these things called storage. It was described as a pouch in the abdominal area practically right next to the stomach. He didn’t really think it was true, and he was always tempted to ask but he remembered something that an elder had once told him. She’d claimed the easiest way to tell if a giant had one of these sacs was if they had sharp fangs. He’d been curious for a while but Dream had always been careful about that kind of stuff. 
He knew he had them, Tommy had snuck up to him one night after he’d dozed off. It had been hard to wiggle his hands under his lips in order to make enough of a gap to see. The one advantage he had was his natural night vision. It let him take notice of the sharper canines in the front of his mouth that slightly faded towards his molars with each passing tooth. It had frightened him just as much as it had piqued his curiosity. 
Of course, this was a risk but Clay had known about his kind before they’d even properly met. It was the main reason he’d revealed himself to a human in the first place. He’d been desperate to eat and had no choice but to beg for something from him. 
Last winter had been harsh, actual mice kept getting to what had been left out for him and it led to a lot of problems for the two of them but he grew attached and it seemed his human had to. 
“Dream?” Tommy felt himself shake as he mustered up his courage. If he could manage to step outside without being dragged or forced he could do this. It may have not been far, just a balcony by human standards, but for him, it was a wonder of his life. 
The borrower wrung his hands together as he looked up, green eyes settling on his trembling form as he heard a worried voice shake the air. “Are you alright, Tommy?” His human was concerned and as bad as it made him feel he needed to feed his desires. Mice were curious by nature and he was considered part mouse so it made complete sense. 
“I’m fine dickhead! I just have a question…” He mumbled before he placed his hands in his lap. “Do… Do you know about storages?” He asked softly. It wasn’t in his normal confident way, he knew this would set alarm bells off but he didn’t want to confuse the everloving fuck out of Dream if he had no idea. 
He watched as his human paused, seemingly fine before he watched color flush up his face. Tommy felt confused, he expected more anger or confusion but not…
His tail swayed with his curiosity as he went ahead and stepped closer. Dream had to know what he was talking about, why else would he react in such a way? He went ahead and smiled as he crept closer knowing full well the bright green eyes that settled on his small form were aware of his teasing. 
“Clay? How does it work?” He asked as he put his hands up and reached for his friend, giving grabby hands as he asked to be held. “Please!” He begged. The borrower giggled as he was removed from the table and felt warm hands under him. A part of him was nervous, after all, he’d been told that storage was inside a person. If it was near his stomach then… 
Well, he’d have to be eaten. Right, that's how it would have to work… But being eaten was a huge fear for his kind. He couldn’t do that… but he had to curb his curiosity like many of his kind before him. “W-well..” The human started before he stuttered and looked down towards him.
Tommy did his best to give him his biggest and brightest puppy dog eyes. He was hiding his fear with his smile as he pleaded with his gaze. The finished sigh that escaped Dream told him all he needed to know as he spoke. “Well, in the past, people saw borrowers as food. I don’t know all of the details.”
“We developed the sacs in order to... Well originally held food for later but plenty of people ended up using it to keep your kind safe. So it no longer held the purpose of digesting things. It stopped having a purpose so plenty of people lost it as generations passed. Some people still have it.” The man added before Tommy reached up. He wasn’t sure about this but he needed to know. 
“Could… Would you store me?” The blonde borrower asked before he pushed his hands against his lips. “I know you have one… because of your teeth.” He added to help Dream understand where he was coming from. He knew full well they wouldn’t hurt to try it out. 
“Think about it this way, if I can hide inside of you then I can confront my fears somewhere safe. I won’t overreact or panic because I can’t see anything.” He started to ramble on before he took notice of how a smile spread up to his cheek. He could feel his own face flushing and becoming a bright shade of red. 
“Toms, are you telling me you’ve been curious about this since we met?” His human asked smugly making the comment as the borrower was slightly pulled from his face. Tommy didn’t hesitate to kick his leg and speak up.
“Maybe I have! It’s none of your business dickhead! Don’t get your panties in a twist!” He called out as he crossed his arms before turning his head away. The all-too-familiar chuckle almost broke his gise of confidence before he heard him speak up.
“Well, I can at least give you this..” Dream muttered, his face just as bright. 
This got him thinking… This was just as embarrassing for him as it was for the human. He had to be just as flustered and unsure as he was but they were both going to experience this together. It made him feel like a little kid again, happy to be allowed to go out borrowing on his own instead of being overwatched by an adult. 
“I know how to.” He started making the smaller blonde look up in surprise. “I got into a lot of trouble as a kid, so having this little pocket I could put things in was a nice way to get out of trouble for a moment or two.” There was so much Tommy didn’t know about Clay and this was what he really needed to help ingrain this fact into his memory. He found himself quiet as he was brought up close. 
His instincts wanted him to run away. He knew what was about to happen as he sat down, placing his hands in his lap he gave an anxious shiver as he was held close. Having both of Dream’s hands under him was nerve-racking but he was well aware he was doing it to give him more room to shift or move if he felt uncomfortable. The heat under him as his tail swayed, displaying his overwhelming curiosity, was quick to feel ice cold as he watched his lips part. 
His abdomen twisted and squeezed at the sight. He could make out his teeth and how blinding white they seemed to be despite how his lips seemed to block them. Clearly to try and keep his anxiety deep down. The way the light behind them allowed him to take notice of the glistening saliva that spread across every part of his mouth and sunk into each crevice. 
He tried to ignore the scent his mouth seemed to waft off. It wasn’t the best thing but it was better than he expected to smell. Regardless of this, he found himself leaning forward and placing his hands on his lower lip. He couldn’t help letting his own mouth drop open in awe as the human’s tongue curiously pushed towards his little fingers. 
The warm slime that began to coat his palms made him slightly cringe but it wasn’t as bad as he expected. Dream’s nervous breath washed over him allowing him to understand just how similar they were. As he’d pointed out earlier, both of them were just as embarrassed and unsure but they both wanted this. Tommy knew this. 
As he slid his hand inside, settling his upper body’s weight onto the pink muscle in front of him. He felt the tongue twitch and squish as he pushed his hands deeper into the moving flesh. The sudden gasp that left the large blonde made him burst into laughter.
“Oh My Prime! Y-you’re more scared than I am!” He called out as he gasped for his breath only to feel his weight unbalanced and his body slip forward. He spit out any spit that got into his mouth after his face planted into the muscle, his legs kicking slightly in an attempt to help himself righten his form in order to sit up. The warmth was surprisingly intoxicating. He found it more inviting than frightening despite being in the mouth of something his kind has always seen as a hunter. 
Tommy let his gaze drift to look around the space he sat inside. His eyes turned to the cheeks, allowing him to focus on the white discolored tissue that decorated some spots of the internal side pouches. He was well aware of how Dream was prone to biting his tongue when he focused so, by his guess, it had to be from that. Right? Still, he found himself tilting his head out of curiosity only to feel a glob of clear, hot slime drip onto his head. “Shit!” He yelled out as he moved, slipping and falling onto his back in his desperate attempts to right his balance. 
The small fit Clay burst into at his action almost went completely unnoted as he felt himself bring his hands onto his chest. As he watched the roof of his mouth, he took in the small harsh ridges and the sharp, animalistic-like teeth before his eyes drifted back to see the uvula danging over a darkening abyss. He felt his anxiety spike once more but he took a deep breath before he lifted one hand over his head. He gave the softer pallet a very gentle pat as he spoke up. “Alright, you big dumbass! Send me into your black hole of a storage!” He yelled out as he kicked his legs letting his tail wrap around his left thigh as he closed his eyes.
Tommy could feel the hesitance they both held but he wasn’t worried. Dream wasn’t going to hurt him nor would he allow him to stay in his stomach if he somehow ended up in that unforgiving space. He gently shifted but as he felt the tongue under him shift, forcing his head to slip back and bump against the entrance of his throat and slightly past his tonsils. 
It didn’t even take a second before he heard the moving of muscles as they squelched and opened before a gulp filled his senses. His torso was pushed against the walls before his body was grabbed and tugged downwards. He yelped at the sudden motion, kicking his legs slightly as one arm was trapped above his head and the other pinned to his chest. 
Tommy kicked his legs as he was forced down and into the tight tube that seemed to be endless as he felt himself being forced into an upside-down fall. He didn’t like the sensation very much since it was forcing saliva down his nose and into his respiratory system. The soft sound of pounding only seemed to grow even louder as a soft wooshing filled everything around him before his head hit something rather rough. Without a moment's warning, he felt his body push through after it softened up only leading to him tumbling into an open space. The lack of a sour or a sulfur smell and a very shallow puddle was enough to tell him he wasn’t in his stomach. 
Within a second he felt weight against his back, causing him to scramble to an upright position. There wasn’t as much room as he expected. He couldn’t lay flat or really sit straight up without hitting a wall and stressing out his surroundings. He smiled a little as he moved, pushing his own hands against the weight against the wall. He felt it shift around him as soon as he made contact as Clay’s voice boomed all around his space. 
“Toms. Is it okay in there?” He asked, voice shaking slightly. The nerves explained the heavy pounding that seemed ever so concerned. 
“Yeah! I’m a big man! Nothing can scare me!” He found himself yelling. He figured this was the best choice since he was buried in the human’s body at the moment. Of course, his snark had to be followed with some in return as his friend spoke up.
“Yeah, like how you weren’t scared of taking a walk around the block.” Dream told him with obvious humor riding his tone. He didn’t hesitate to kick out, his foot coming in contact with the shifting flesh and it simply flexed in response to his small weight. He growled at the comment and turned to lie on his side. It didn’t take much before he felt the warmth and shifting walls all-encompassing his body. It really reminded him of the nests he had made in the walls before and the plush one in Dream’s end table. It was overwhelmingly comfortable. 
Not that he would admit this.
“Fuck off.” Tommy grumbled in response as he crossed his arms over his chest, a soft smile creeping across his face as he nuzzled into the walls. He had a feeling this wouldn’t be the only time they’d do this. 
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hyperfixating-rn-brb · 7 months
guys david just got his first ever bafta nom stop shitting on him and crowley. yes I would love for Michael to be nominated too. but david did fucking amazing and deserves this entirely. Michael is absolutely David's #1 fan and has been supporting him through everything, and is most definitely proud of him for getting the recognition he deserves. let david have one day where he is the star. you've all yelled about how david was hosting the baftas while never having been nominated and now he has. now stop yelling to say that Michael should be there instead of him! every new event creates lose lose situations here. do you think Michael would tolerate everyone screaming about how david doesn't deserve it? no! he's up there congratulating his best friend. be happy for david and let him have his moment.
there needs to be a separation between actor and character. and if you really love one character, you should still acknowledge their faults instead of bashing another character. I love aziraphale, I see myself in a lot of his character. but he's flawed. and I acknowledge that. and I'm not spitting on crowley because he didn't go to heaven. too many people are carrying over their hatred for Crowley onto david and it is entirely undeserved on both parts. they are not the same person!
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lazyneonrabbitt · 6 months
MarchWeres prompt day 31
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Daryl Dixon x Original female characters
A/N: The last prompt! It has been a ride, this first try at a writing event. I had fun!!
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Preparations were in full swing now, within the walls of Alexandria.
The whole last week had been about today's celebration. Something for everyone including the kids.
The adults were gathering tables and lining them with cloths, taking plates, glasses cups and cutlery from their homes and setting the table. Others gathered bread, prepared thermos' with tea and brought pitchers of water to the tables.
Everything was on the way to be an amazing brunchlike meal. Inside the closest house, meats were prepared. Cooled and sliced or heated and put in sauce. Fresh greens and vegetables were placed in between the plates too.
All while the kids of the community ran around in search of the last piece of the celebration meal.
All of them had stayed busy yesterday, painting them all kinds of pretty colors.
Daryl had spent all week out in the woods to get as many different meats for this feast. He brought home a collection of birds, fish and some small game. He had his hopes set on a deer as well, but even with his enhanced senses he hadn't been able to sniff one out in the area. He was tired from being in his changed form day after day, but he found it important to have this one day of feeling normal.
He hoped to spend the day before with all the kids and assisting his wives with egg painting babysitting, but instead he spent all day in the creek, fishing for those last bits of the feast.
He had apologized about it throughout the entire evening but was time after time assured everything went well on their side and told how happy they were with what he had brought back.
"Come on, big guy." Tabby was the one on older Dixon-duty while Sherry went to put the kids to bed after the moms spent enough time scrubbing paint out of their furry paws.
Tabby took Daryl upstairs to find Sherry getting ready for bed already. She knew her partners would be up only a short while after Tabby left.
"Yer too good fer me, girls." Daryl's tired, gruff voice sounded quietly as one pair of hands unbuttoned his shirt and another undid the tie on his sweats and pulled them off his body. "You did amazing, bringing us so much food." They peppered kisses all over him and lead him to bed, each curling up against him on either side. "Everyone is gonna have a feast thanks ro your hard work." They kissed him goodnight, sharing a kiss over his chest too and making sure their hunter rested.
"How's the search going, Jude? Has RJ beaten your count yet?" The siblings were digging around the porch stairs, RJ bouncing as he found another egg and put it in his bucket. "Yeah. He's so good at this! Are you sure uncle Daryl hasn't taught him stuff?" Sherry only giggled at her as she leaned down and sneakily pointed out a yet unfound egg and gave the girl a wink before moving on to watch around the area.
Tabby was on the other end of the street, watching a set of fluffy rascals on their own egg hunt as she peeled one cracked egg for Willow to gnaw on while Hunter and Rose were on either side of someone's shrubbery and sniffing out the remaining eggs.
"Hey, no sniffs. That's cheating, Rosie.." Tabby volunteered to watch the pups and make sure they wouldn't either eat everything as soon as they found it, or sniff out everything and not leave any for the other kids. All of that while carrying around Willow in her arms, who held an egg between her paws and smacked loudly as she slowly nommed on her snack.
It wasn't long before all surveilling parents came back with the kids and all found eggs, the indicator of the feast ready to begin.
All the kids were seated inbetween the adults around the table and proud tales of egg hunting were shared all over the place.
If anyone would take pictures of this and show them to anyone outside the community they'd velieve they were tsken before the fall, but still here everyone sat together enjoying their easter sunday feast.
"Hunter, eat some bread too." Sherry handed her son slices of bread to put his meat on. "You need to eat other things too, nit just the tastiest stuff."
Rose sat on the other side of her, peeling an egg and stuffing it in her mouth entirely before downing a glass of water and moving on to put warm meat on a slice of bread and devouring that too.
"Wow, here I thought Hunter was the one with the apetite." Carol laughed behind her hand, finishing her bite of food.
"Let the girl eat! She needs the energy if she still wants to spar with me later." Rosita interjected, catching Rose's attention with the mention of sparring later.
"Yeah!" The pup exclaims around a mouthfull of food. "Go'a eat good!"
Daryl was proud of his little fighter girl. Such a fierce little kid.
"Hey, Lobo. Can you hold her for a bit?" Tabby had moved over to hand Willow to her dad. "I'd love to use both hands to eat."
Willow was gladly taken off Tabby's hands by Daryl, who only had a few bites left on his plate and shared those with her while Tabby ate her own meal.
Sherry watched how Daryl kept his daughter entertained with a piece of meat on his fork. Tabby joined in to stare at him skillfully dodging her grabby hands and keeping it out of reach with the sweetest loving smile on his face. Both moms kinda stopped eating, food hovering on varying degrees between their plate and mouths as they watched what was concidered the most beautiful scene.
Daryl could feel the stares and pauzed his movements, having Willow steal the last piece of meat off his fork and nom at it, pulling back Daryl's attention to her and feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. He wasn't used to being fatherly so out in the open in front of everyone, but it was clear everyone who saw the scene play out loved it. "Good job, Willow." Carol cheered from across the table. "And here I remember you worrying about being a shitty dad back at the prison." She continued her sentimental speech with love. "Did you ever think back then you'd be as lucky as you are now?"
Daryl took a moment to admire all he had, then. Willow in his lap, happily chewing away.
Sherry and Tabby, each occupied with one pup now, cleaning paws or just being happy together. It was perfect to him.
"Nah, tha' ol' me woulda told ya yer crazy fer even thinkin' tha." He softly booped Willow's nose as dhe looked up at him. "M'the luckiest. N' I love all'a my family."
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ccraccz · 4 months
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┏━°⌜防風鈴 ⌟°━┓
Chapter 3
┗━°⌜防風鈴 ⌟°━┛
30 minutes after
Having taken off his blazer, Ryuu and the rest of the group painted the over graffiti that was on the wall, rolling on coat after coat to be able to cover the both amazing and vulgar arts. Finishing his part, he walks back and behind Hiragi. “Hey, Owner! We got this side taken care of!”
“Aaah, thank you so much!” The owner comes up to them, holding a box of freshly cooked taiyaki. Walking behind the Sugishita, Ryuu looked at Suo and Nirei from the corner of his eye, who were nomming on their taiyaki. The treat was still warm in his hand, getting cooler and cooler every second he avoided eating it. It seemed that Suo felt his stare, turning towards him with a smile.
“Yes, Osamu?”
“Uhm… What is this?” Ryuu held out the treat towards Suo, who stared at him bewildered, Nirei peeking from beside him, also taken off guard by the question.
“It’s called Taiyaki, a fish-shaped cake filled with sweet red bean paste,” Suo smiles at Ryuu, encouraging him to take a bite of the treat. Bringing it to his lips, he opens his mouth to take a small bite of the warm fish cake treat. Both Suo and Nirei looked at him expectantly, hoping that he would like the sweet, though they would understand if he didn’t. Ryuu smiled as the flavor and texture of the sweet invaded his taste buds, walking slowing down as he focused on eating. 
 The group walks closer to the tunnel under the train, a weird looking lion drawing atop of the entrance. Ryuu takes another bite from the taiyaki as Nirei starts to scold Sakura.
“We’re right at the border between Bofurin and Another team’s turf. We can’t, under any circumstance, cause any trouble past this train track!”
“Just like how every country has their own laws… our rules don’t mean crap over there.”
“The team that controls that turf are… The Devotees of Power.” “That’sh a shick name…” Ryuu mumbles with his mouth full, having taken his last bite of taiyaki, Suo chuckling beside him at his pronunciation.
Getting ready to turn around, a voice cuts through their conversation.
Everyone’s heads turned back to the tunnel, a boy with bruises running towards the tunnel from the other side catching their eye.
Hiragi stiffened, rushing forwards to see if it was true.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YA DOIN’ OVER THERE?! HURRY AND GET BACK HERE!!” Hiragi calls out, worried for the kid.
Ryuu sucks in a breath as he gets ready to throw his bag off of him and fight, but the kid who’s running, trips and falls. The predator from shishitoren gets knocked back, the middle schooler landing in the arms of Ryuu, who decided to run over and catch the falling boy instead of fighting. Both Sakura and Sugishita land in front of Ryuu and the middle schooler, having kicked away a member of the so-called lions.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Nirei yells out in fear, his voice trembling as he continues. “W-We took the first swing… in another team’s turf…” “Nirei…”
“What are you on about?” “If the kid is one of us…” “Then they’re the ones who struck first.”
All three of them spoke, but Ryuu moved quickly and efficiently, making the middle schooler face him. “Let me check injuries please.”
“Ah… Y-Yes…” Ryuu smiled slightly, taking out the first aid kit he carries, opening it and putting on some gloves. He starts disinfecting the wound the kid got on the side of his face before putting some ointment and placing a white bandage on it.
“There, you could be doing gr- better in about three to five days.” “Umh…? Thank you so much…” Standing up and picking up the middle schooler, pushing him back towards Hiragi, Suo, and Nirei before looking at the backs of the two tanks of first years. The two members of Shishitoren who weren’t with the other guy poke and prod at the injured male. 
“Aaah… shit. Welp, he’s completely knocked out.” “He went down with just one kick.” Ryuu frowns, nose scrunching at the sight. ‘Aren’t those two on the same side? Why are they picking at him and not helping him out?’
“PATHETIC…” Ryuu takes a breath at the word, eye widening as he clenches his fists and bites his lip. He never liked that word, it was degrading and just purely disgusting in his vocabulary.
Ka-clack ka-clack Ka-clack ka-clack Ka-clack ka-clack Ka-clack ka-clack
“Well?” The new figure says “What’s all this, now?”
His voice was low and slow, he was wearing a monk working outfit, and some lifted sandals that Ryuu didn’t remember the name of. The two males who were picking at the fallen dude quickly made way for the new guy, who’s attitude and way of talking made him quite irritated. “I was wondering what was happening there…” He spoke “When I saw one of our guys zoomin’ by…”
Ryuu takes off his bag and holds it behind him, keeping the first aid kit in his other hand, and waves it slightly, signaling for one of the group members to grab it from his hands. It gets taken by Suo, who gives it to Nirei to hold.
Hiragi grits his teeth, grinding them together as he mumbles “Of all the people to show… It just HAD to be him…”
“Shishitoren’s second in command,” Ryuu listened in, feeling like something worse was going to happen. “Jo Togame.”
“Oh, Whu? Furin? Over on this side?” Jo pushes down his orange shades, before looking down at his fallen underling, “WHat The?! Saruwatari?! What Happened to YOU?!” The brunette glares at the situation, before being pushed back by Hiragi, who walks at an angle and speaks up. “That punk a yours chasin’ one of our own around.” Second in command looks up in shock at the entrance of Hiragi. “Why, if it isn’t Hiragi! Yoooo!” He slowly speaks, waving around his Ramune before pointing down at the knocked out member.
“So, was THIS… Your work of art?” He grins, bringing the Ramune up and pointing at them. The creepy grin makes them all shudder. Ryuu bites his bottom lip with his canine, before letting it go as the Saru-whatever picks himself up.
“YOU LITTLE SHITS! THIS AIN’T NO GODDAMN GAME! WE’VE GOT RULES HERE! WE DON’T MESS AROUND WITH YOUR TURF, AND YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO STAY OUTTA OURS!!” It seems like he didn’t notice that their higher up was behind him as he spoke, the two that were with him cringing at the sight of the male talking back. “PAST THE DAMN TRAIN TRACKS IS SHISHITOREN’S DOMAIN!! DON’T GO STRUTTIN’ INTO OUR TURF… LIKE YOU OWN THE GODDAMN… place”
Jo strikes the dude with the Ramune bottle that was in his hand.
Everyone stares in shock, confused at the situation that’s happening. Ryuu’s mouth is open, wanting to say something, but his voice is stuck in his throat. “OUR turf?” Jo yanks up the male by the hair, bringing his fist back before punching him.
Looking at the two other members, one was giggling and the other stared at the attack, nonchalant. 
“Didn’t you get your face beat in? THAT MAKES YOU WEAK!”
Weak, his gramps favorite word. Pathetic, what he used as a description. His grandfather has an amazing ability to be able to get under Ryuu’s skin, it was sickening, and borderline abusive. Ryuu was on the floor, holding his tummy, nose bleeding from the amount of stress his seven year old body has been going through.  He’s lucky that Gramps wasn’t physically training him. Or he would have been dead.
“STOP!!” Hiragi steps up, taking action and attracting the attention towards him. It breaks Ryuu out of his trance, breathing heavily at the memory. “What?” “Isn’t he one of your guys?!” Hiragi scolds him, though Jo just tilts his head in fake confusion.
“Who’re you talkin’ about?”
Ryuu slowly walks forwards, quietly and sneakily walking, more than silent as he steps forward. He doesn’t dare touch Jo Togame, eyes wide and focused, hand clutching the first aid kit hard enough that his knuckles are turning white. Jo Togame takes off the male’s jacket in a flash. Ryuu quickly grabs the bloodied male and drags him over to a wall, sitting him up and opening the first aid kit beside him. 
Ryuu ignored what was happening behind him, quickly working on bandaging the male’s face and head up. He breathed in, the smell of blood seeping into his nose and taking over his taste buds, the metal taste not bothering him. 
The brunette quickly works on getting the bigger chinks of glass out of the dudes head, gently pulling at them and throwing them to the floor before cleaning up the wound. He huffs, not being giving up on getting the other, smaller but holdable chunks of glass as one of them pierces his skin.
Ryuu cleans off his hands, disinfecting them before efficiently wrapping the dude’s head with a white bandage, and placing some gauze in his nose.
Standing up, Ryuu turns around as Jo starts walking away. “Hey…” He calls out from the side, both groups looking towards him. “Bring him to the nearest hospital, or urgent care, or something, I don’t care.” Ryuu points to the guy on the floor, having been bandaged up and taken care of. “You guys wouldn’t want a charge on your names wouldn’t ya?”
Everyone was staring at him with wide eyes, shocked that he was able to treat the dude in such a short time.  “He has glass impaled on his head, and he most likely has a broken nose and jaw due to the kicks and punches he got,” Ryuu crouches and grabs his first aid kit, and then gets back up and walks towards his group. “The last thing you could do is take him somewhere to get taken care of, then you won’t have to ever see him again.”
Jo Togame shrugs with a smirk, grabbing the bloodied teen and dragging him around as Ryuu turns his head to the side to look at the taller male over his shoulder. “Pick him up correctly please, you wouldn’t want the pieces of glass to impale him through his skull and kill him would you?” He asks loudly, “Then you would have a murder charge on yours and Shishitoren’s name.”
Ryuu smiles and turns around, taking his bag out of Nirei’s hands and putting the, now messy and bloodied, kit inside. Everything is silent as the Shishitoren gang walks away, the second in command’s sandals clanking against the floor every step he takes.
“All right, that’s enough. Calm down, Nirei-kun,” Suo walks over, Ryuu’s sleeve in one hand and patting Nirei’s back with the other. “Sooo, I know I kinda missed my cue to interrupt you guys, but…”
Ryuu stares at the third year, who is about to overdose on Gaskun 10’s.
“Looking at THAT MESS, I assume not saying anything was the right choice.” “Hiragi-san, it would be for the best that you follow the dose needed for intake on the instructions in the back of the box,” Ryuu raised his hand, sweat dripping due to the over exaggeration of the male “You wouldn’t want to overdose.”
“Togame…” Hiragi butts in, popping one of the pills in his mouth “He ain’t that easygoing, y’know?”
That makes Ryuu pay attention. “Among the guys in Shishitoren, He’s extra particular ‘bout their territory. He wouldn’t have let us go that easily.” “Is that so…?” Nirei slumps forward a bit in defeat.  “What’s done is done.”
“Besides…” Hiragi looks down, making Ryuu stand up straighter, eyebrows furrowing closer together. “I should’ve been the one to step in first… Sorry.” Hiragi apologizes quickly , making everyone stare at him in shock, though the tension quickly breaks as he walks forward towards the middle schooler.
“Let's head back to the school.”
“You, from San Middle…” “I-I’m Sasaki…” “Great. Sakaki, Come with us.” Walking away, Ryuu is quick to walk over and pick up the kid by his armpits, like a cat, and placing him back on his feet.
“We gotta report everything… To Umemiya.”
At the school
Walking up the stairs, all that could be heard were the steps of the group and Hiragi’s groans. Ryuu was walking beside the middle schooler, making sure he was fine and was able to walk up the stairs without falling. Though he could feel the nervousness radiating from the kid.
Reaching the door at the top of the stairs, Hiragi grips the knob and turns it, pushing the door open and letting the light inside the stairway. Ryuu smiled at the state of the roof of the school. It seemed to be quite cozy and comfortable up there. The smell of mulch, dirt, and wet grass invades their senses, the color green surrounding them.
On the roof, on one side of the entrance, are two beach chairs, a volleyball court, a ping pong table, and a couch. On the other side, there is an amazingly large tree, roots growing out and around the school, there being a path to be able to get to the other side of the school roof above its protruding roots. Under the tree, there is a gazebo and farther off, there are some garden beds laying about. The freshmen looked around in amazement, minus Sugishita. “Wh…What in the…” Sakura mumbled in shock, having expected everything but this. 
Hiragi walked away, calling out to the leader. “Umemiya!” That brought the attention back to the main reason as to why they are there. To meet the rep and tell him what happened at the border of the town. 
“Yo, Hiragi! Some take a look at this!” The crouching male turns around with a large smile, two potted plants in his hands. “The eggplants and green peppers are growing strong!!”  “We can have a full-on barbecue with everyone in summer!!”
If Ryuu wasn’t blinded by the sun, he was now blinded by the smile that Umemiya has shown them.  Ryuu chuckles, blocking his eyes from the brightness of the white haired male’s smile and sura.
“Umemiya.” “We’ve got trouble.”
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slytherinshua · 5 months
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LIKE HES SO MY BABY I WANT TO NOM HIM SO BADDD BUT AAA imagine ur teasing him abt the concept photos and pretending to notice the other members more and he's just like ☹️☹️☹️ INSTEAD OF FIGHTING BACK LIKE I WANT HIM SO BAD GRRRR
sangha baby he's so adorable and soft and tiny and cute and just so cutie patootie how the hell is he the oldest like it doesn't make sense 😭😭😭 warnings: erm sad sangha :( wc: ~550
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"woahh, kangsu must've worked hard for those abs." you said, purposefully a bit louder than you had previously been talking to get sangha's attention. his eyes met your face and then drifted down to your computer where you were flipping over the newly released concept photos for nomad's debut. sangha's throat felt a little dry as he watched you zoom in on the photo, carefully studying the stickers on kangsu's torso.
"awww, it's hello kitty!" you smiled– a little too widely for sangha's liking, before you flipped to the next photos. he watched silently as you complimented doeui, junho, and jiwon, patiently waiting for you to flip to his photo and compliment him as well. you eventually did, clicking over to the concept photo with the lollipop.
but, to sangha's disappointment, you only gave a small approving hum before moving onto jiwon's photo. another exaggerated reaction sounded from your mouth, compliments flowing out about the styling, the hair, the pose, even the abs.
all sangha could do was frown.
you had been curious whether purposefully noticing the other members instead of him would get your silent, reserved boyfriend to finally speak up. but you seemed to have underestimated how conflict-averse he was. he wasn't even willing to comment on it, though his eyes didn't leave your face once. it was as if he was silently willing you to stop with his big pout and sad eyes.
"are you okay, baby?" you asked softly, wondering if a little push was all he needed to voice his feelings. but he only shook his head and averted his gaze, his frown deepening even more. you tried to hold back and continue with your teasing, but it was impossible to resist how cute he was being now. you cupped his face and turned it towards you, cooing softly at his pouty expression.
"i was only teasing. i'm sorry, baby." you said, squishing his cheeks slightly between your palms. he looked away from you, now sporting a hurt expression. "don't be like that, sangha." you giggled, "i was only joking."
he huffed, "it's not funny."
your face straightened, realizing it would take a little bit more work to cheer him up from your little stunt. you had never teased him before, and you silently decided that you would never again because now you felt awful. he looked so sad, and knowing you caused it just for your own entertainment made you feel like a bit of an asshole. he didn't deserve it.
"i'm sorry. you looked amazing in the photos too." he only frowned again, his face still between your hands. "i'm serious. you looked really hot. and i'm sorry for pretending to ignore your photos."
he seemed a little happier by that answer, even letting his gaze drift from the floor back to your face. you took the opportunity to give him a kiss, ensuring that he would forget all about the little stunt. everything was always better when you were kissing sangha, and he loved it just as much as you did; always finding opportunities throughout the day to give you little pecks.
"all better?" you asked, giving one last peck to his lips. he just dropped his head onto your shoulder, mumbling to never do that to him again. you giggled, hugging him close to your chest, and promising you wouldn't.
↳ nomad taglist: @eternalgyu
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 9 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡.{Number 6}.♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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{♡} personal
- Silly love notes
{♡} personal
- You....your a normie? Omfg we need to teach him a/b/o
Hand holding
{♡} personal
- buddy I need this hand, it's my dominate one. Just hold the other- WHY ARE U MAD???
Incorrect Quotes
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Incorrect Quotes
For you
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Casper gets migraines
{♡} requested
- migraines fuckin SUCK luckily Charlie is there to help!
Autistic Casper HC's
{♡} requested
- Charlie with a autistic Casper!
Purse Charlie
{♡} personal
- I need him in my purse.
Casper's side quests
{♡} personal
- Casper is just doing side quests at this point
Au idea
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes
Limited options
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The not so but so happy day
{♡} requested
- Autistic Sunflower having a meltdown, in a grocery parking lot. Luckily Finn knows what to do.
Finn's listeners meeting
{♡} personal
- all the Sunflower variants are losing their minds
Hooked nose
{♡} personal
- he'd look beautiful w one
Incorrect Quotes
Actor au question: Yandere Finn?
Tummy ache
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{♡} personal
- nepotism fucks over Faust falling in love
Faust things
{♡} personal
- teehee Faust brainrot
Gacha luck
{♡} personal
- Are you a gambling man!??!
Hatsune Miku
{♡} personal
Role play partner
{♡} personal
Shit talking couple <3
{♡} personal
- shit talking w your babe is amazing really
{♡} personal
- 100% a Sims girly
Talking shit in Overwatch voice chats (lil rant on my side)
{♡} personal
- Faust shit talks
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Don't talk to me or my child
{♡} requested
- Rook WILL kill you.
Planning a birthday surprise hc
{♡} requested
- Auron plans something big!
Puffed up
{♡} requested
- Rook, annoyed puffed their cheeks angrily. Sadly that didn't work on Auron.
When world's collide-
{♡} ask
- So Rook and hunter swapped...how would the Auron's take it?
Theme song
{♡} reblog
Jessica and Roger Rabbit
{♡} personal
- literally their dynamic
Vampire Rook
{♡} personal
- Give Rook the vampire and see Auron lose it
Weird kid allegations
{♡} personal
- he will NEVER beat them.
Demolishing a keyboard
{♡} personal
Dark romance novels
{♡} personal
- ....wanna recreate the sex scenes-
Bite his arm and hands
{♡} personal
Social media thirst
{♡} personal
Clowning Auron's face
{♡} personal
- could Auron kill me? Yes. Will I keep clowning him? Also yes.
Rook hacks Auron's social media
{♡} personal
- fuckin w his social media bc why not
Nasty Lustful Tango
{♡} personal
-I wanna dance w hiimm
Incorrect Quotes
Look good
50 shades wannabe nerd
Actor au question: anything break?
Auron's fault...
And bricked!
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Personal Grill
{♡} personal
- What if he could be a grill almost?
Man handling
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes
Tucked in
Chimichanga stand
Ordained minister
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Boo scaring the boys
{♡} ask
- teehee boo scaring their boys
{♡} my art
- my art :D
{♡} personal
- more anime cross overs :D
Good Omens
{♡} personal
Seth in a dress...
{♡} personal
YV boys with kisses on them <33
{♡} personal
- I can't draw men </3
OC boo idea
{♡} personal
- ex biker?, tatted?, and strong? Damn mf got a type
Who I think YV boys would main on Overwatch
{♡} personal
- mains the boys would be
What dances would the YV boys do?
{♡} personal
- dance styles for the boys!
{♡} personal
- my prized post ngl
Twitter PT11 PT12
Incorrect Quotes (Multi character):
What could have happened
Actor Au
How bittersweet chp3 ep10 went basically
Wonderful experience
Caring is giving a pinecone. On a stick
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nalem · 10 months
I somehow went from casually liking "What We Do In the Shadows" to adoring it all of a sudden. I need to take a moment to emphasize how perfectly written Colin Robinson is.
The writers somehow outdo the level of cringe with every scene he's in. It's amazing. They even got him trying to trick people into asking "what's 'updog'?" Absolutely insufferable. I love it. If he were real, my presence would kill him.
And don't even get me started on Evie the emotional vampire. God, the delicious cringe om nom nom
Laszlo is still my favorite. I got a thing for the chaotic evil character, and Matt Berry. Come on.
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safety-writes-noms · 1 year
holding out my idea of wolfwalkers type shit but with dragons. im jsutbtrghgrhgbrjrghrgjngrughibkjfggfhbjgrfihdkjh SMASHING MY HANDS ON MY DESK. PLEASE.
just imagining big angry dragon miguel with gold accents trying his damn hardest not to snap as hes got a bunch of smaller dragons clambering on him and excitedly talking while waiting to be told what to do. being dragons and all they go around and make sure theres peace between kingdoms and stuff ....
sobbing into my hands. i need to see more dragon content im GGGGHR AAHHHHHH
YES OMG PMG I LOVE DRAGON AU’S (so sorry this is kinda late 🙏 school seriously beat me up this week. Also YOUR ART IS SO SO SO COOL!)
(Also also I’m so sorry but I’m not familiar with the wolf walkers series and never got the chance to watch it :(( but I absolutely love the animation style and premise from the ads I’ve seen)
I can just imagine miguel grumpily walking around with all of the spider kids either nestled on his back or chattering somewhere in the cave, waiting to get assigned their missions. I am in LOVE with the idea of Miguel sending them out to keep the peace between humans since sometimes humans can be very… not wise. Idk actually, maybe the some of the spider kids are humans and that’s how they meet Miguel or peter and Jess (bc I’d love to see them as dragons theyre so cool)
imagine a human Hobie just confidently walking around a dragon’s cave/network society and just casually arguing with a giant dragon Miguel. I’m feel like he’d get in the dumbest arguments with him just for the giggles. I can see him also baby sitting a hatchling mayday, keeping her fully entertained while Peter goes off to finish missions too dangerous to bring her along. Their little interactions in atsv were adorable especially the little salute he gave her.
or the fight between miles and Miguel ☹️ even tho I love him (Miguel) and understand why he did that and his motives, I’ll always feel so bad for miles. I feel like it would even be worse because instead of having a 6’9 roughly judged 310 pounds of muscle man chasing after you and pinning you down, there’s a ten ton dragon hellbent on having your dad die for the sake of the canon, claws, wings, VENOM/FIREBREATHING. It’s pretty much game over at that point. Ofc miles is a resourceful amazing wonderful intelligent human so I think he’d be able to reason with him. Besides, even then I kinda doubt Miguel would want to kill a kid, even if they’re a human. Nurturing instincts don’t go away after ur daughter dies 😋! Actually Miguel might even nom miles in an effort to keep him from messing up the canon :( can you imagine being so so terrified of this huge creature and getting nommed and you don’t know you’re safe and you’re panicking and —
The hurt and comfort is strong here :o. And the guilt. So much guilt. Once they work out their issues (there are so so so many poor dudes) I’m sure they’ll be besties. But that’s for human miles au
dragon miles would definitely get the short end of the stick. Even if he’s a hatchling (kind of, he’s in that odd stage between adult and adolescent but on the younger side) he’s still a whole lot more durable than if he’s a human. Which means that Miguel won’t be nearly as cautious handling him physically. Ouch. Miguel genuinely wants to protect miles in the movie but does it in the worst way possible. That would probably transfer over to this universe too.
But still because I absolutely LIVE for found family, I want to imagine they work through their problems in a long and very very non linear path that has setbacks and leaps forward and minor changes and everything because I love all of these characters sm and without depth they don’t feel like people. Plus imagining sleepy spider kids/dragons stumbling into Miguel’s section of the cave system/lair and deciding to take a quick nap there because it feels safe and waking up with Miguel curled loosely around them, wing slightly shielding them from the chilly drafts and hsjskskdjskj they have my heart. (Miguel will deny it later.)
or peter b taking the human kids out flying to let them feel at least a little what it’s like to taste the sky while Miguel lurks in the background anxiously, crimson eyes tense just in case peter accidentally drops one of them. Not that he would, he may be goofy but he’s most definitely not stupid.
I can imagine Miguel trying his hardest to stop some of the kids from doing things that he thinks is wayyy too dangerous for them and just giving up and tucking them away in his brooding pouch. If they won’t listen to his very very valid concerns then he’ll just have to make sure they don’t go anywhere >:(. Plus it’s warm and safe and even though Miguel will never admit it, he feels calmer if they’re there, protected completely bc he’ll never let anything hurt them. At least not while they’re nestled in one of the literal safest places in the world. I can’t imagine anyone would have an easy time getting to them when there’s a very protective and vengeful dragon guarding his precious brood.
and I haven’t even really gotten into the other characters either :( especially exploring the relationship between Jess and Gwen or Hobie and miles/gwen and pav but I feel like I’m writing too much so I’ll end it here. If you or anyone else wants to continue this thread/au PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME AN ASK! I LOVE THIS AU SM 😭😭
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suzyandthefox · 3 months
OH OH how do u feel about Werewolf Cookie pred,,, it would be super difficult to earn his trust enough for him to nom u but once he does I bet he’d be extremely protective
Werewolf cookie has potential for a lot of scenarios and AMAZING pred potential!
I can imagine it can go like these:
1: He would nom you to protect you from his bad side, since you won't get hurt by his claws or teeth when you're in his belly
2: Would accidentally nom you during a full moon, wake up feeling full for some reason, and when he realizes you're there he is going to feel EXTREMELY guilty, like , "I am a horrible monster" levels of guilty, and he will basically never get close to you again unless you convince him by some miracle that you aren't scared of him.
3: You're willing prey trying to be friends with him, he would be very wary about you at first, since you're edible and his instincts flare when you're around him, the only time he would nom you would be in a time of danger, trying to protect you.
When he finally trusts both himself and you to nom, he would be the most protective son of a gun ever, full on growling if even a person trying to get close to him with you inside.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
(not a request - just me sharing thoughts lol)
Abvdhabsb I just wanna scoop some of the lil guys from the pet AU into my hands and give them belly rubs or something. Just have them on their back, cupped in my hands, with my thumbs squishing their cheek or tickling them or whatever,,,, they're so cute lol
I bet the twins would try to nom me though. And Vil wouldn't want his appearance to be messed up (although he may be willing to put up with some pampering,,,) I think Ace and Deuce would be smug little menaces - teasing the other if they're the one to receive the affectionate treatment...
Abshshsb I love your AUs so much you have so many great ideas and the way you execute them are!!! Amazing!!! Pet AU is one of my favs - alongside the Janitor AU and your Eldritch one too (those rose bushes have remained in my brain lmao - junji Ito is one of my favourite mangakas for a reason. The reason is that the eldrich horror is fun.)
I hope you have a great day! Also make sure you stay hydrated!
Thank you thank you! I have a lot of pets so I have a lot of memories to pull from and use as inspiration for the little shenanigans that happen in the house pet au.
Oh, and because of the most recent chapters, specifically the knowledge that Malleus was born from an egg, I've been in the mood to write a what-if where the house pets are genuine babies. As in, they're not at all old enough to be away from their parents just yet. Basically, nursery au type thing. Vil doesn't have his eyes open, a pretty bald little thing with only the lightest of fuzz on his head. The plant nymphs are still in their hard shells, tripping and don't even have their colors yet. Soils needs constant changing. You get the deal.
Would any of you like that idea? An AU of an AU. A Nursery AU.
I'm having the slightest bit of trouble with the spirits in Savanaclaw but I have a few ideas as to how they would be as real youngsters.
Anyways, funnily enough, I actually haven't gotten into Junji Ito until waaaay after I got into university. But, I have been exposed so a lot of Juniji Ito inspired works, so I suppose my horror writing style was, in the end, influenced by him. I like strange horror. I like beautiful horror! Like in the manga Hell's Paradise. I'll try and make some more horror pieces, mostly because I haven't done so in a while.
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