#how about that weather man. OH I!!! talked to someone new today!!!
http-paprika · 3 days
There Was Something Here Once but a new day hides that haze
alternative universe / call of duty x female reader / taglist open / wc 2623 / warnings light swearing / no use of y/n / ship not yet decided / no beta, my grammarly hates me
a word from the author- i started classes in August, so I'm not on top of my writing but I started this the other day and wanting to share it with ya'll because it's too good. And for the pairing, I'm between two characters so you'll just have to see how it goes.
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Dew clings to the windshield, a heavy fog leaving the morning hazy and gray. Autumn would soon have a firm hold on the small, quiet town of Aberdeen, making the weather impossible to bear if one did not have a good flannel or coat. Which was a new addition to her wardrobe when she made plans to leave the city and hide away. The one postcard sent from her college friend, the one responsible for getting her this new job, boasted a quaint downtown, heavy snows, and an eerie ambiance she couldn’t shake no matter how hard she tried. It was Twin Peaks personified, just lacking David Duchovny and a young Kyle MacLachlan. 
The engine of her Ford Bronco sputters and creaks. The old vehicle had spent the whole drive up protesting the hills and winding roads that left her constantly breaking. Now, it seemed her ancient car, that she had served her faithfully through college and early adult years, had decided to kick her in the ass. 
“No, no, no.” She groans, hitting her head against the hard steering wheel and instantly regretting it. There’d be a bruise later in the day with her luck. “Not today, baby. I’ve only been at this job a week, I can’t be late already.” 
It would be just her bad luck that the car would give out, her luck that the cell service was questionable so she couldn’t even call. But what wouldn’t be her normal bout of unfortunate events was the man who lived just down the road that she’d seen tinkering with an old sports car. She pops up her head, remembering his existence and hurries out into the morning chill. 
With her fingers crossed together that the stranger would not be a creep, she walks in a fast pace down the cracked asphalt to the little arts and crafts home that sat at the bottom of the hill. There was a blooming garden out front, despite the change in seasons, vegetable, herbs and a few flowers bursting to life and ready for harvest. The two rocking chairs on the front porch made her a little less nervous. Whoever the home belonged to, they seem charming enough in their landscape and aesthetic. 
Hands trembling, she knocks against the screen door, wondering if she should open it and knock directly on the faded blue front door. But after a few knocks, the sound of muffled footsteps reached her ears and soon enough the door was unlocked and opened. Except, the man standing in the doorway was not who she’d seen tinkering with the car, instead, he struck her as a cowboy. Someone who would’ve starred in the western movies her father watched when she was a kid. 
“Can I help you?” He asks, a dull but still visible southern twang visible in his voice. Maybe he was a cowboy, his checkered shirt and worn down boots said as much. 
“Oh, um–” She pauses, trying to collect herself so as to not sound like a fool. The anxiety of being late and belittled by her unruly coworkers was pressing deep into her skin. “I’m sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning. But I just moved into the house up the road last week and my car doesn't want to run today and I’m going to be late for work. I had noticed in passing before that there’s someone in this household who works on cars and was wondering if he’d be willing to take a look at the engine for me? I’m helpless with mechanics.” 
The man nods, understanding her plea for help. “That’s right, John spends all his free time on that hunk of shit.” 
“Are you talking bad about my car again, Phillip?” A booming voice asked from inside the house, it caused her to stand at attention being vividly alert. Suddenly, the man she’d seen while driving by is standing over Phillip’s shoulder, hands resting on Phillip’s hips and a tilt to his head. “Hello there, not often we get new people in these parts.” 
“She just moved into the Riley’s house, her car is acting up, John.” Phillip tells the newcomer in the conversation. Together, the men made quite a fitting pair, rugged and worn at the edges, with various lengths of facial hair and two sets of blue eyes. Without them having to say it out loud, she could feel the warmth of their shared intimacy, a love she could only envy and never grasp. 
“Really? Never thought anyone would be willing to buy it— Ow!” John grumbles, rubbing his side where Phillip had jutted his elbow. “Right, your car. Let me get my things.” 
She frowns at the statement the man had begun but been unable to finish. What had John meant by that? Sure, the house wasn't the nicest, there were cobwebs in corners, cracks on some of the window panes, and a musty smell from sitting empty for a while, but it was a nice enough house. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a cozy kitchen that looked out into the woods. It was a quaint cottage that was a dream come true compared to the studio apartment she’d left behind. 
John disappears back into the house, leaving her with an awkward look on her face as Phillip stands there. She wants to ask what John meant by it, the curiosity or rather fear of the truth taps insistently against her skull. But she imagined her neighbor would just shut her down like he’d done with his partner. 
“If it can be fixed, John can fix it, ma’am. He owns and runs the little auto shop in town, you’ve probably seen it. It’s the only one in this hellhole.” Phillip tells her, breaking up the static silence that had overcome them. 
“You don’t like it here?” She raises a brow, surprised to hear it. The few coworkers she had at her new job only sang the praises of Abedreen, telling her it was the greatest little town to live in. But it was clear in Phillip’s tone that he didn’t share the sentiment. 
“I like John, that’s enough to take me anywhere.” 
There was a faithfulness in his voice she didn’t think she’d ever heard outside of television and novels. Her parents were divorced when she was a girl, all her friends in college seemed to have constant relationship problems and doubts, but there wasn’t a doubt in his words. 
“Alright, lead the way.” John reappears behind his partner with a fat toolbox in hand, seemingly unaware of what Phillip had said. But she had a suspicion he knew, because as subtle as it was, she noticed John loop his finger quickly through the belt loop of Phillip’s jeans and tug slightly. And as she turned away to walk off the porch, the smile on Phillip’s face was as visible as the mist that hung in front of her. 
The crunching of John’s boots on top of the gravel kept her company as they walked back to the road. There was a clear impression that the man was the less talkative of the couple, using few words to get his point across. Normally, she wouldn’t mind, but his big hulking figure following her like a shadow kept her nervous. While Phillip had reminded her of the movies her father used to watch, John reminded her of her father. Broad shoulders, dark hair covering his jaw, lack of conversation, and intimidating stature. She couldn’t even remember where her father had been born. Somewhere out west, or so she thought. 
“So how come you moved to Aberdeen?” He finally speaks up once they’re on the road, headed back up the hill to her new home. “Got family in the area?”
“Okay. You don’t exactly strike me as the logging or mining type–” 
“An old college friend was from here, and I happened to come across a job position at the library and remember her telling me about the town.” She shrugs, not knowing what else to say without spiraling into the life events that left her desperate enough to start anew in the middle of nowhere, in a town no one seemed to know about. 
“Ah.” John responds. She turned to look quickly down at the asphalt, his thoughtful gaze told her more than enough. He knew there was more to the story, and either he didn’t care or he was polite enough not to ask. “Who’s the friend?”
“Your old college friend from here? Who are they? I’d probably know them, lived my entire life in the area.” He says, coming to a slow pace as they reached the top of the hill, her Bronco sitting and waiting to be inspected. She could only pray he could tell her it was fixable. 
“Um, Beau Ridley. Well, now Beau Mayfield since she’s married.” She rambles off, stopping quickly in fear that she’s being too much. A habit she’d developed quickly in college. 
“Yeah, I know Beau– pop the hood for me?” John sets down his tool box and she scurries to follow his orders like a kid finding the right wrench for their dad. Despite owning the car for ages, she struggles to remember where she had to look to open the boot. Finally, the boot clicked open and her view out the windshield was obscured with the metal. From this view, she could see just how badly the paint had begun to fade, and that there was dried bird poop that hadn’t been there the night before. 
“Sorry.” She apologizes as she climbs back out of her car, fiddling with the sleeve of her shirt.
“What for?” He doesn’t even bother looking up from the engine of the car as he pokes around. Blinking at him, she realizes he doesn’t care that it took her a bit too long to pop the trunk or that she disturbed his morning. Realizing that makes her shift from one foot to another and drop her gaze down to the dirt of her driveway. 
“Do me a favor and try to turn on the engine, would ya?” John asks and she quickly hurries to fulfill that task too. She hated meeting new people and new beginnings simply because it meant she had to work hard to make a good impression, the people here weren’t disappointed in her and expected failure like those she knew before. It was a feeling she hated, seeking approval. Yet she did it anyway. 
Propping herself up in the driver’s seat, she fumbles with her keys– the cat keychain she had kept getting in the way– before finally turning the key in the ignition. The rough sound of her car sputtering and struggling, failing to do it’s most basic task of running, causes her to wince. And when she pokes her head out to see John’s expression as she continues to try to make it turn on, she realizes her car is screwed. 
“Need to get in the shop,” He informs her. John takes his time explaining what he believed to be the problem and it went all over her head, so she simply nodded. She knew how to change a tire, replace the blinker fluid, and even knew where to refill the car’s coolant, but anything more was outside her realm of knowledge. “You didn’t understand a thing I said, did ya?” 
“No sir.” 
John nods his head in sympathy, probably used to clueless customers in his auto shop. Reaching into the back pocket of his jeans, John pulls out his cracked phone and types up a number. “I’ll call my tow-guy to come up and take it down to the shop, free of charge.”
“How am I going to get to work?” She suddenly responds, remembering why she’d even gone to John’s house in the first place. There’d always been a struggle for her to focus on what comes after something, stuck in the present unable to look forward to the future. Even if the future is only an hour away. 
“Where do you work?” He asks her, putting the phone up to his ear to make the call. 
“At the library.” She responds quickly, John registers her words with a nod before turning away to speak to his tow-driver. He barks at the unfortunate driver, seemingly annoyed by his antics until the call finally ends and he turns on his boot heel to look back at her. 
“Johnny’s gonna be here in about twenty minutes, he’ll drop you off at the library. If that’s alright with you?” John says, making sure that she was comfortable with the situation. “Otherwise, I could drive you down later once I’m done with my breakfast and coffee.” 
“No, no, that’s more than enough.” Her mind keeps going back to his statement, free of charge. How many times had she gotten something in life free? Rarely, if she could remember correctly. “Thank you, John.” 
“You’re in Aberdeen. We take care of our neighbors here.” He turns to close his tool box, picking up the metal container with ease. “You fine with waiting on your own–”
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s fine.” The thought of inconveniencing John further after he’d already taken time out of his day to help her was too much to ask. Even if she didn’t like the idea of waiting for a stranger to come get her car and take her to work, she’d handle it. 
“You sure?”
“Yes, thank you. Again.” John nods, turning to leave with a hum in his throat low in sound but enough for her to hear in the morning. The fog is beginning to dissipate, letting the autumn sun climb through the tall spindly pine trees, the crisp air clings to your lungs like swallowing ice water. Up here, she finds that she can take a moment to breathe. Away from the bustling traffic of the city, the bog that coated the air. The only noise here was birdsong and wind. A bliss that eclipsed her senses before her phone decides to ring– her manager’s number on the caller ID. 
Her manager forgives the lateness, and even tried to ask if they could do anything to help her but she declines. Sitting on the front step of her house, the hum of a truck overtakes the sounds of nature. And when the tow truck slows to a stop in front of the cottage, she finds herself biting the inside of her cheek. The sudden realization that there’s a stranger here to get her car and take her to work makes her queasy. If she were still in the city, she would’ve considered taking the spotty public transport over this. But it was too far and difficult of a trek to make with her heavy work tote slung over her shoulders and her loafers sinking into the mud from last night’s rain. She wouldn’t make it walking. 
The door of the tow truck opens and the driver climbs out, his back stays turned to her as he reaches back in to grab something. The navy coveralls compliment his tanned arms well, and when he turns to look at her, she realizes they match his eyes as well. Even with his odd mohawk-like hair she finds herself coughing on nothing at the sight of his face. 
“You alright, ma’am?” He asks, knitting his brows together in his concern. There’s a golden look in his face, 
“Yeah, yeah. You’re Johnny?” She wheezes, struggling to clear her throat. 
“That’s right. I’ll have your car hooked up and you to work in no time.” He promises her with a grin, and she fully believes it. Maybe Aberdeen wasn’t the worst little town to exist?
Taglist is Open for Future Potiential Updates!
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twilightarcade · 3 months
I should makea tmau
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inmaki · 8 months
gojo showing off your back scratches to geto
( cont from this fic! req, visual ) .
contains: sex talk, desc of back scratches, crack, sugu is called daddy once (as a joke.. right..)
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everything was relatively peaceful in suguru's apartment. key word: relatively.
a forgettable yet appreciated sunday afternoon, not a cloud in sight despite the weather forecast predicting downpours of rain. either way, the raven-haired man insouciantly rested across his white couch, reaching the conclusion that today would be a day for self-care, relaxing, and perhaps some meditation.
there was only one thing ruining his peace.
all morning, suguru has been forced to try and ignore the stain a certain someone has left on his couch — a pair of unecessarily expensive yet dirty shoes being the culprit.
despite these attempts, every once in a while his gaze can't help but wander over at the mark — as if it'd poof out of existence if he glared hard enough.
"fuckin' asshole.." he mutters. it was a wonder his relationship with his best friend managed to stay so promising despite all their differences, yet suguru wouldn't have it any other way, even after situations like this.
right when he grumpily turns back to the tv — which was playing some crappy, low budget rom-com — his apartment door is yanked open and suguru swears he nearly jumps out of his seat.
great, was this it? was he about to get robbed, perhaps evicted? and then probably die? forced into the afterlife knowing gojo's shoe-shit was still on his new couch? no that can't—
"i fucked her!"
suguru whips his head towards the apartment door, announcement being disregarded as he nearly groans in agony. speak of the devil.
big blue eyes peak out from under circular sunglasses, one hand already raised in preparation for a dap up while his stupid, big, dirty shoe pushes the door closed behind him. gojo wears a black compression shirt with grey sweats, marching over to his friend with a ginormous grin across his cheeks.
"take your shoes off, now," suguru snaps, nodding to his friend's feet with a frown.
"yeesh... whatever y'say, daddy," the bastard never loses his smile as his hands raise in surrender, kicking them off by the door smoothly. "what's got your panties in a twist?"
geto pinches his nose bridge. "don't call me that," as he continues the scolding, he points to the living room with his free hand. "you got a mystery stain on my couch, satoru. do you know how many youtube videos i watched trying to get this shit off?"
unphased, gojo takes a look at the strangely colored blob against the armrest's leather material and shrugs. "my bad. did you try febreeze?"
"what— no? dude, febreeze is for.." when suguru looks back up to sourly meet his gaze, he could immediately tell the white-haired man was already drifting back into la-la-land, words going in one ear and out the other. "..nevermind. why're you here?"
at the reminder, satoru seemingly brightens, head shooting back up as if he was just told he'd won the lottery.
"oh god, don't make that stupid face—" he pauses. "the fuck are you doing?" suguru might as well say goodbye to his self-care day, because now gojo was stripping in the middle of his living room, shirt thrown haphazardly onto the still-very-much-stained couch.
"just look!" suguru squints as his friend swivels around to face the wall, pushing his bangs away to get a better view of the— oh shit.
it takes the raven-haired man a second to process what he's seeing before shuffling forward, closely examining the achingly red, bulging scratch marks displayed sexily across the latter's back and shoulders. "no way.."
suguru knows the strongest sorcerer well enough to notice how he purposely didn't use reversed cursed technique on these scratches, just so it'd be obvious to anyone that caught a glimpse of what exactly occured. to his further dismay, he can already picture a smug and sweaty gojo walking around their local gym like this, proud simper on his pretty lips as he easily raises a pair of weights in his veiny hands.
a hiss escapes geto's mouth as he runs his finger down a particularly agitated one, knowing exactly how painful they could be after experiencing many hook-ups of his own. even so, satoru only licks his lips, neck craning to the side so he can pride himself in his friend's gobsmacked expression.
"damn, these are deep. you actually hit it?" suguru confirms, raising a celebratory hand.
turning back around, satoru daps him up, a massive smirk now on both their faces. "hell yeah, it was amazing."
it was impossible to predict what gojo would do next after barging through his front door — especially considering how many times he's done so — but this has to be the last thing suguru ever expected.
not that he was complaining — in fact, all of geto's temper and need for relaxation seemingly flew out the window, the feeling of proudness for his best friend overthrowing anything else.
and even if he hated to admit it, the way gojo was so eager to come over and announce his virginity loss to him was more than a little endearing, and dare he say cute.
"that's great, man. congrats." suguru leads him into the kitchen — still shamelessly shirtless — to grab them both a can of beer in celebration. while the white-haired man usually didn't get involved with any form of alcohol, this occasion was most definitely exception-worthy. "you made y/n cum too, right?"
an offended glare is shot his way. "duh, two times."
"huh. surprised you could last."
as suguru pours their drinks into two fragile cups, gojo exhales, not bothered in the slightest by his jab. "dude, same.." he admits dreamily. "she was so fuckin' tight and warm.. and oh— fuck, her moans? heavenly.. 'can't believe i didn't bust after the first minute.."
geto gulps, trying his best to ignore the mental image his brain was producing from his dirty words. you can't blame him — both of you were smoking hot, and he was a simple man.
even now, he could already imagine what you both looked like; panting and moaning, skin-slapping so loud that it echoed through the whole room, how blissed out you'd look as gojo's cock split you in t—
satoru's playful sigh cuts through the tensing air. "who knows sugs, maybe you'll have another kind of stain to worry about next time we're over~"
he's never snapped out of a daydream so quickly. "don't even joke about that."
over the next hour, the two men sat manspread on the stained couch, taking leisure sips while recalling satoru's final moments as a virgin — suguru giving out his secret tips and tricks along the way.
maybe sometime, suguru could offer some.. hands-on learning instead.
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mlist! <- sugu.. how could u think abt ur bestie and his gf like that... tsk tsk tsk (if u enjoyed reblogs/comments r appreciated heheh)
© inmaki on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not cross-post, translate, copy in any way, etc.
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yoonsenji · 10 months
Summary: Their voice line!
"Oh! Her? She's mine"
Part 2 =
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Genshin impact!
Character: Lyney, wanderer, tartaglia,
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• CHAT : Soulmate.
" Oh no I don't have any lover, yet... I do have someone in mind for a long time tho, it's just that I can't even breath properly around them when I want to confess. I do wonder if she ever think about me the same way I think about her "
• CHAT : When it rains.
" when rain pours like this she would used to run outside and dance in the rain. She would always insist that I join her, of course I accept! I could never reject the love of my life "
• CHAT : After the rain.
" Great, the weather is clear again... I wonder where she is right now, say, do you think she's thinking about me right now? I hope so to "
• CHAT : When it snow.
" Achoo! Huh...? I've heard that when you sneeze someone is thinking about you. Could it be her? Or... Is it you? "
• CHAT : Secret [ 1 ] .
" I love it when she hold onto me for dear life when anything bad happened. Teasing her about it only make things worst so I just hold her back, she reminds me of a kitten, do not tell her I say that tho. She would kill me "
• CHAT : Secret [ 2 ] .
" I always lie about my hand being cold just so I could hold her hand. She's to clueless to understand that I'm lying, although her hand is very warm/cold, now I'm starting to miss her again! "
• CHAT : Feelings [ Jealousy ] .
" I have to admit... I hate to see her close with anyone else, I know it's wrong to feel this way but... It's not very nice to get that close to someone who is already taken. I meant about to be taken "
• CHAT : Feelings [ Sad ] .
" Whenever I perform on stage I always look for her. Sometimes she wouldn't come to watch me performed, no magic trick feel magical without her "
• CHAT : Feelings [ Proud ] .
" Whenever she praise or complement me I feel like someone else... I get praise and complements alot but, her's... Just special "
• CHAT : You.
" She rarely talk to new people, I really have to force her sometimes to make new friends since I'm a bit worried about her. But, she's awesome I promise you! She's like an angel, someone who hide their beauty yet once you see their true form you'll be lovestruck, that happened to me. She's very caring when you get to know her better. "
• CHAT : Family.
" Family? Well I do often think about that. I'm good with kids so even if she isn't good with them atleast I am! Well, if she doesn't want kid I'll respect her decision, my love won't disappear just because of some rules she wish for me to follow. As a man it's my job to follow the rule she wish for me to follow "
• CHAT : To remembered.
" One time, she got very mad with me, she look very cute when she was mad but I'll never say that out loud. I did apologise but she continues to ignore me. Oh yeah! She did come back crying and apologize she look traumatized that day "
• CHAT : Excuse.
" I would purposely ruin my bow tie so she could fix it for me, whenever she got that close to me I just want to hold her and kiss her "
• CHAT : Private show.
" Sorry, but this show is for her only... No amount of mora can buy such special show, afterall a special show for a special person! "
• CHAT : Confession.
" I was thinking of something along the line of my speciality Magic! But, I never knew confessing about feeling was this hard until today... Say, would you say yes if I were to confess? "
• CHAT : Busy day.
" Today's a special day! I get to spend the whole day with my darling. Of course I have to look good! I don't care how she look but I on the other hand have to since she always look angelic no matter what and if I look bad I'll ruin her reputation! "
Lynette -
" Lyney can't go a day without speaking about her in any way or form. At first I got really annoyed but thinki jing about it now... It's really sweet. They both clearly like eachother yet never confess about their feelings, I'm just confused at this point "
Freminet -
" I know nothing about her, she's completely a mystery to people like me. If you want to know anything about her go talk to Lyney... He'll be able to tell you her whole routine and even her whole life? "
Furina -
" Lyney fall first and fall harder for sure..! I just wanna see them together, it feel like one of those drama that took ages for the lead to kiss eachother... Boring! "
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• CHAT : Feeling.
" Feelings? Are you that dumb? No surprise, puppets do not fall in love, puppets do not have feelings... Why should I fall in love when I don't even have a heart, your way of thinking amused me everyday "
• CHAT : You.
" Annoying, dumb to the point it amused me, I only stay close to her cause she entertained me nothing else... I assure you, I am only using her, when I'm done I'll drop her without a second thought "
• CHAT : When it Rains.
" I wonder where that dumb girl is at, probably already soak by the rainfall. She really is dumb when I'm not around "
• CHAT : After rain.
" I could never understand why she act so childish after rain... All good thing must come to end but, it's not that nice to see her happiness fade away... What?! No I meant that I just hate it when her happiness doesn't last long since the longer you're happy the despair last longer! "
• CHAT : His Hat.
" Why should I let you, a dirty human touch my hat... I only let her touch my hat because she isn't as dirty as you are. Quit speaking back to me, if you know what's good for you you'll shut your mouth right now "
• CHAT : Special treatment.
" So...? I let her touch me cause I allow her to, it's call concent. Special treatment? Ok? if a mortal can have favourite why can't I have one? Go cry about it "
• CHAT : Passing time.
" Usually, I spend more time with her than I'll ever spend with anyone else. She managed to entertain me in the dumbest way ever, talking about her I really miss causing arson with her. I'm just joking but it's a good suggestion tho "
• CHAT : Feelings ( Jealousy ).
" Close, too close Don't you think? Exactly... If I could that guy head would already poof... Gone. Too bad I'm not in the mood to run from consequences, although it would be fun to mess around for a bit "
• CHAT : Remember.
" Don't put anything there, I'll ruin your life if you move a single things from there. Oh, and your so called food... Is not how she like her food, make it again or else I'll feed you to the tiger "
• CHAT : Smile.
" Heh, smile...? For what? I assure you I won't smile at pointless things, the only person who get to see me smile is her, why? Cause I say so, stop asking so much questions "
• CHAT : Inazuma.
" that place... The only good memory I have there is when I met her, she haven't leave nor betrayed me, I wonder how long it'll take for her to understand that I'm a bad person "
• CHAT : Nightmare.
" I have dreamt about her leaving me before, It'll be such a shame if she actually leave me. But, it's been years now, pointlessly following me like a dog, I doubt she'll leave me anytime soon "
" Oh her! Such lively and loyal person, he never reject any request as long as she's involved! I could tell that he is deeply I love, I mean who wouldn't? She have been with him since day one never leaving him... They're perfect for eachother "
" who? Oh her... I could never forget her of course. She left me for that thing she have only known for how much not as long as we know eachother... She was loyal and passionate about anything she set her mind to, only for that thing to somehow steal my treasure, people like her are indeed rare to find. If you find one never let them go never "
" her? Ever since he disappeared so did she. She was always around him or he was always around her, either way I could tell that he act different towards her, alot nicer, act more calmly he even lower down his guard. I don't really know much about her but if she can keep him in check than she sure is something "
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• CHAT : You.
" Well, she play very dirty while fighting. I still admire her, especially when she's covered with blood she look very hot. Although I have to force her to spend more time with me, I won't leave her alone until I get rid of this feeling "
•CHAT : Feeling.
" The feeling I harbour for her is quite unique, she's way more softer and sweeter if the other harbinger are gone. My heart have been calling out her name alot and by alot I meant from day to night even in my dream. Traveller if you encounter her told her that I kiss her already "
• CHAT : Fatui.
" I only enjoy meeting the other harbinger because she'll be there patiently waiting for me, unlike the other harbinger she is rarely busy doing something. Maybe because she always drop her task as soon as I call I hope so to... But that isn't the case unfortunately, she just ignore all her task and enjoy her life "
• CHAT : Loyalty.
" I'm very loyal to the Tsaritsa, although I can't say the same for her. While other harbinger fear or respect or pretend to she's just unhinged, if she say no nothing can move her decision the Tsaritsa herself have scold her and lecture her like a kid. I have a feeling those two have deeper connection "
• CHAT : When it Rains.
" I remember she once told me while it was raining just like this that she wish to die as soon as possible. I'm worried about her, ever since that day I try my best to always be by her side although it's such a difficult task, if you ever got to see her please do look after her as well "
• CHAT : After rain.
" The rain have stop... Oh comrade, I remember something important. After rain she always confined inside instead of showing herself to the sun, weird but it's cute... Although I really want her to get out more often "
• CHAT : Strength.
" Well if I was to compare our strength together I'm alot stronger, she's a higher rank cause of intelligence and her dirty tricks, even when I have a combat with her she always win using some dirty tricks against me "
• CHAT : Family.
" My brother trucer like her alot when I say alot I meant it... It's a bit worrisome on my side since I do not which to have anymore rival, although my parents sure love her... I'm sure in the future that she'll be mine "
• CHAT : Feelings ( jealousy).
" ...well, she isn't found of people yet sometimes doesn't say anything when others are being too.. touchy, that's when I step in to help her out. Sometimes I have to speak for her since she's clearly uncomfortable but to busy to waste her energy, really want to slice then in half but... I prefer not to be messy around her "
• CHAT : Snow.
" Not as cold as my homeland is but I for sure would like to cuddle with her "
• CHAT : Tricks.
" In order to accomplish her duties she always used other for her sake... Well, I am indeed includ to that list of toy but I'm the only one she gives reward after... And spend most time with so...? I'm more of a personal helper of hers than a toy "
• CHAT : Reward.
" As my reward she always give me a peek on the cheek... She did say that she'll actually kiss me if I keep doing such good job! I just know that I'll earn that kiss one day after all... I'm her favourite, am I wrong? "
• CHAT : Private time.
" Comrade promise not to tell anyone else? Whenever it's cold she would cuddle me close... I really miss those days for sure, but in the morning she would be gone and I'll never see her again for like months "
" Such a weird lady she is... Childe is stuck to her like a moth following a devine light, although she isn't the best talker nor good at expressing herself, her charm is really strong tho. I could tell her and childe have deep connection "
" Her? Oh I remember her, only listening to herself and no one else, quite brave if I have to say so myself... She's just a suck up brat who only listen to herself no one else matter, the world revolves around her... Won't be surprised if she was only using childe for her own entertainment "
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Caffeine fix and beyond - Part 1
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A/N: Did I come up with the worst fic title? Lmao. This is for @elixirfromthestars thank you for hosting the cutest writing challenge ever!
Sitting at the Coffee shop AU table, with some sweet treats - “I’m only doing it because you’re cute.”, “Why don’t you tell me what I can do to make your day better?” & Saying ‘I love you’ for the first time.
Find the writing challenge here ☕️
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warning: fluff! One bad coffee pun.
Word count: 2.2k
Tony Stark Masterlist
“Oh look! It’s my favourite superhero!” you exclaimed, giving the man before you a big grin as he mirrored your action.
“And it’s my favourite barista.”
Tony Stark lowered his sunglasses to greet you, shoving them in his pocket before ordering his usual cup of coffee to go.
Happy Hogan, his head of security or the guy who handed him things - as you formerly knew him, was missing today. That was a first. You got to know about his eccentric habits over the course of time, something which you initially found snooty and borderline narcissistic.
It was a sunny day in New York when the genius billionaire walked into your cafe with a caffeine urge to subdue and an air of indifference. He had cut through the line much to your annoyance but the people waiting didn’t seem to mind since it was the great Iron Man who’d just walked into your humble but prominent shop. After making him wait for a good fifteen minutes before giving him his fix, you were introduced to the man who had been observing you keenly from afar while you worked. As time passed, you got to know the man behind the titanium suit, the funniest, wittiest man you’d come across and a broken superhero you had grown fond of. It had come to a point where on days he wouldn’t show up, you would actually miss him.
“No Happy today?” you wondered out loud, raising your eyebrows when he held his hand out for the cup which you were about to place on the counter.
“He’s feeling under the weather. I’ll let him know you missed him.” he teased, taking a sip of the scalding hot beverage without flinching.
“Please do. You know how much I love him in his suit.” you grinned as Tony chuckled, waving goodbye as you watched the man head out.
“Might stop by later tonight, Y/N!” he called out without turning around, making a few heads turn your way before the superhero disappeared.
Shaking your head fondly, you went about your day, tending to the ever-growing line standing in front of you, all waiting for their favourite coffee.
While you rolled out the last of the cinnamon roll batch for the night, you heard the bell outside your door chime, knowing it wouldn’t be anybody other than the man who had quickly become one of your closest companions. He usually ended up in your cafe late at night for a chat, more often than not for a cup or three of his famous Stark brew - as you coined it.
“Are those cinnamon rolls I smell?”
You chuckled hearing his voice float through the empty cafe before the man appeared in the kitchen which was located behind the counter. Dressed in some faded jeans and a band t-shirt, he looked quite relaxed for someone you knew was running on four hours of sleep on a daily basis.
“Yes! Aren’t these a favourite of your best friend? James if I’m not wrong. Ask him to stop by tomorrow, will you?”
One of the things that you loved doing was teasing Tony Stark, the man was so easily annoyed, it was adorable.
“Yeah I’m starting to think you prefer my head of security and my best friend over my company, Y/N.” he narrowed his eyes at you, leaning against one of your work stations while snooping around for snacks.
“Finally you got the hint! You are as smart as they say, Stark.” you poked your tongue out, wiping your hands on your apron before handing him a bag of strawberries which he gratefully accepted.
“Alright, quit it.”
The two of you had quite the chemistry ever since you began talking, it always bordered on flirting and would more often than not lead to banter, something you thoroughly enjoyed and knew he secretly loved too. It had been a privilege getting to know the man behind the Iron persona. The man was generous and kind, he was sweet when he wanted to be and a stubborn prick when he pleased.
For a few moments he remained silent, watching you wrap the trays of cinnamon rolls in plastic before you transferred them to the fridge to prove overnight; he saw how meticulously you cleaned the kitchen before pouring a glass of white wine for yourself and perching yourself on the counter next to him.
“Not driving home?” he asked, concerned about how tired you looked, surely you were doing this for years and he had never seen you this exhausted. Maybe it was something other than your regular baking duties that were troubling you today.
“Car’s with the mechanic today, she’s giving me nothing but grief these days.” you sighed, rolling your shoulders to relieve some tension from your aching muscles. Some family drama aside, it had been a long, busy but fulfilling day.
“So, what ails you, dear child?” you joked, sipping on your wine. Tony would usually beg you to make him a cup of joe by now but tonight, he remained silent.
“Forget about me. Tell me about your day, Y/N.”
Tony rarely asked about this. His visits consisted of rants about technical jargon which you did not pretend to understand, they ended with him bragging about an invention or a girl he scored with the night before. You were more of a listener than a talker anyway, had been all your life, so it was like a natural fit. So this certainly came as a surprise to you.
“I’m serious. I always yap about my day and you always listen. You seem upset about something and I want to know if you’re willing to share. You need a listener too.” he smiled one of those rare Tony Stark smiles that were reserved for special people in his life. It warmed your heart.
He waited patiently as you took another generous sip from your drink, his brown eyes boring into yours, his body angled towards you, letting you know you had his full attention.
“Well, my baby brother is thinking about quitting college. He says he wants to focus on his start-up. You know the one I told you about.”
He nodded, immediately recalling the day you had mentioned about your younger sibling being inclined towards artificial intelligence and expressing the desire to venture into it professionally one day.
“I don’t want him to be yet another disappointment to my parents, Tony. One sibling has had enough trauma to last a lifetime. I don’t want him to go through what I did.” you sighed, closing your eyes to make the stray tears that gathered disappear.
Sure your parents gave you the upbringing you deserved, but they would never miss a chance to show their disappointment in you after you had quit your well-paying job to open up your quaint little cafe. It had been a lifelong dream of yours that didn’t seem to fit in their ideal world. You were used to ignoring the little jabs and remarks but your brother was still young, and you wanted to protect him.
“Look, I know you still think of him as your baby brother, but he’s old enough to make his own decisions now, Y/N. And you never know, he might be really good, good enough for the heir of Stark Industries to want to meet him to discuss ideas.”
He knew you would never take advantage of the fact that you guys were close and he was willing to do whatever it took to make you feel better.
A lesser known fact was that Tony Stark was quite smitten by you. His best friend knew it, Happy knew it, probably the only person who didn’t know was you.
“Tony, it’s not necessary. You’re being too kind, I just–”
“Nuh-uh. It’s already decided. He will be okay, Y/N. Stop taking his responsibilities upon your delicate little shoulders.” Tony jumped down and placed his hands on your shoulders to give you a little massage. His fingers felt like heaven, making you melt against his touch instantly, you had to stop yourself from letting out a moan that threatened to escape.
“That feels amazing. Do you moonlight as a masseur?” you yawned sleepily, placing the glass away.
“Perhaps. The rest of my services are paid though. Come on.” Tony held out his hand for you and made you stand up.
“Come where? Where are we going?” you frowned, eyelids already growing heavy, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up.
“I’m going to walk you home. Have you eaten today?”
You hadn’t. The day had been busy enough and you wanted to finish the batch of cinnamon rolls for tomorrow, that had eventually led you to forget about dinner.
Meekly you shook your head, making him let out a dramatic sigh.
“What would you do without me, Y/N Y/L/N!”
If anything, Tony Stark would never fail to make you smile. He had a tendency to brighten up a dull day. You found yourself thinking just how much you’d miss him if he wasn’t in your life; not that you’d gather the courage to answer out loud.
He had looped your arm in his as you walked the ever busy streets of New York, grabbing a pizza on your way. This was a new side to him you were shown, one you were sure didn’t come out often.
As you unlocked your front door, you turned to the man beside you who stood fidgeting with the cardboard pizza box.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Instead of answering, Tony leaned closer and wrapped his hand over yours on the door knob, his breath fanning your hair slightly causing your heart to flutter hopelessly. Ever so gently he twisted the knob and opened the door for you, his body heat still radiating near you, making you want to lean against that taut chest. If only you could…
He stepped in after you, observing your space with keen interest. Years of hardwork and savings had bought you this modestly sized apartment, right in the heart of New York. The space was a little cluttered but it had a homey vibe to it which matched you.
Placing the pizza box on the kitchen counter, you discarded your bag and asked the snarky superhero who was currently skimming over family photographs if he wanted a drink.
“You didn’t answer my question, Tony.” You said, handing him a glass of wine. This time he turned to face you, a small smile played on his lips as he took in your appearance. Hair messy from a long day of work, minimal make-up and the light in your eyes that drew him in from day one; to him, you were perfect.
“I’m only doing it because you are cute.”
He stated matter-of-factly, reaching for your free hand and letting his fingers entwine with yours. A small gesture that awakened a few thousand butterflies in your tummy.
“You’ve offered to help my brother, you bought me dinner, walked me home, and you didn’t try to sneak a cup of coffee today. All that because I’m cute huh?”
You teased, feeling just a little bolder as you took a step closer to him. It was now or never, you thought.
“Ask me what I’ve always wondered about.” He asked softly, still toying with your fingers which he’d now brought up to his chest. Something in your heart whispered he felt the same way.
“What have you always wondered about, Tony?” Your eyes dropped to his pillowy lips, unable to resist yourself from getting closer until you were only inches apart.
“I wonder why you won’t bake some blueberry muffins for me?”
It took a couple of seconds for you to process and snap out of it, when you did, Tony’s eyes were dancing with mirth. You shoved him away with a groan only for him to grab hold of your arms and pull you close.
“I’ve always wondered how I’ve grown so close to someone I only met a few months ago, I’ve always wondered how someone as beautiful and amazing as you would ever entertain a selfish prick like me..”
You were about to open your mouth to speak but were stopped when Tony placed a finger on your lips.
“I’ve also wondered what it’d be like to kiss you…” his soft murmur traveled down your spine in a delicious manner, making your breathing hitch as his doe eyes landed on your parted lips.
Taking initiative, you gently pressed your lips to his in a kiss that assured you your life wouldn’t be the same again. It was surprisingly tender, contrary to his boisterous persona, soft lips molded into yours in a perfect union making the surroundings disappear.
You smiled into the kiss when Tony let out a small whine, almost as if battling in his head whether to break the kiss or take things forward. You felt his grip on your hands move to your waist, holding you flush against his chest before he reluctantly broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, grinning.
“And?” You kept your voice soft, afraid to break the bubble you were in.
“I think I found my perfect blend.”
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For @turbulentscrawl
Rated Mature | Warnings: Age difference between Reader and Ithaqaua, Manipulation, Rumors
A/N: ngl i was playing stardew while writing this lolol
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It was a stormy winter night when his mother found him. It was a stormy winter night when you found him wounded after killing a group of hunters in the forest.
In the hazy of his hallucinating mind, he saw his mother calling out to him, for him to wake up. He reached out to that image not realizing he was reaching for his new savior.
When he woke up after the storm passed, he was under blankets that felt warm and in a room smelling of spice and wood. He jerked awake and got up, he touched his bare chest finding someone had patched him up. Cloth bandages and stitching for the deeper wounds. The Night Watch knows his body aches, his body protesting as he gets up carefully not to make too much noise. He wills himself to endure as he grabs his shirt and coat from the chair by the window, he swears to rest but not here—Not where he will be left further vulnerable!
He struggles to get his shirt on so ops for his coat only stop when the door opens. He grabs his weapon but stops as he hisses in pain.
You come in with a small bed tray of food, his stomach growls at the scent, “You're awake.” A bit surprised given his wounds, “Oh, if you want to leave I can help you dress.”
His eyes narrow as takes in the sight of you, his eyes sometimes glancing at the simple food you made. “Leave.” You move to go back out, “Food stays.” That made you happy though.
The boy, because to you he is a boy, was in bad shape when you found him. Malnourished, wounded, and you are surprised he did not succumb to hypothermia. You Luckily had your cart from gathering wood before the storm hit severely after you brought him home.
Listening with your ear against the door, you can hear him going to the bed and eating the simple porridge you made, shuffling after and you hear your bedroom window being opened then closed.
You do not expect to see him again, you did your good deed and that was that.
Until you see him again while you are foraging for some mushrooms and roots in the Icy Forest. There in the distance, he stands staring at you from a distance. Piercing blue irises watching your movements for who knows how long until you notice.
“Hello,” He stares silently, “Have you been taking care of yourself?” You step closer, “Do you need more food?”
A snap of twigs draws your attention from him to a deer roaming around. When you look back, the strangely dressed boy is dashing away.
“Wait!” But it is too late.
That will be the first of many interactions with the creature you have no clue is called the Night Watch.
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“Good morning, Ithaqua.” He hums at you as you start preparing breakfast, “Going out?”
“Yes.” His arms wrap around your waist as he rests his head on your back, “You should stay home today.”
“The weather is nice today, we should go see if the store in town has any fabric.”
“Or we can go see the lake instead.” His hold squeezing slightly, “You like the lake better than the store.”
You sigh, he does not like you going to town. You figure it because he lived in the forest for so long alone that interacting with others is stressful.
It took a lot to gain his trust, you figure there is a reason for the way he is but never push to talk about it. Everyone has their past.
“Ithaqua, we need things around the house.” Reminding him both of you cannot survive by using the vegetables in your garden. Other things are needed. You worry about him, worry about how he is quick to isolate rather than try to, at least, see the use of being around others. The little town is not so bad… Even if the rumors about you can be cruel.
No one sees the real dynamic between you and the boy— Because they all see him as a boy rather than a man— Who lives in the woods, but now he practically lives with you, hunting and gathering for you to earn his keep— Though you told him he does not need to do so.
They think you are manipulating him, using him as he is young and lacking social experience…
He finds that amusing how little they think of him, a poor little sheep none realize is a wolf under the wool.
“I can get them.”
“Are you sure? I do not want to bother—
“You are not bothering me. I want you safe and you say we need supplies, I will get them.”
You stand there unsure but nod in the end, maybe you can finish your plowing of the garden while he is away, “Okay…” He hums at your agreement, his hands rubbing the fabric of your apon as you go back to food prep, “I'll make us something warm to eat.”
Ithaqua is young, not a child, but young. You are older, much older, old enough to be a parent to him.
At first, you treated him as such. He seems receptive to it as he soon became a part of your life.
But something changed, you did not notice it until it was too late and you are sheep held down by the wolf's paw.
Only a handful of times has Ithaqua been to the town, if you could call it a town as it is a bit bigger than a village but smaller than an actual town. The few folks that did see him feared him, he looked strange with the mask and the stilts. They kept their distance, and you had to assure them he was just a mountain man, not a creature.
Something about a Night Watch but no one has ever seen that thing.
The town's people already are wary of you, you who live alone on the outskirts of town. You try to socialize but they turn you away until they need something. The irony, Ithaqua finds this ridiculous, you are often looked to in times of need because of your garden. You always plant things that do well in wintertime, planting and growing bundles to give away on Sundays after church service.
He swears they are all idiots, at least the pastor is sensible and grateful for you.
The new problem the town has with you— Rather than the ones who act like pompous dogs— Is you are using this poor boy. Funny, in reality, Ithaqua is not using you but he is slowly having you become more and more isolated from those fools.
This problem did not start until he was approached by one of the young women in the town. The mill's owner's daughter. The annoying thing, he saw in the Icy Forest once and would have killed her if he was not busy bringing meat to you.
It was the spring festival and you asked him to help you with the decorations and to hopefully get him to be social.
All you asked of him was to not wear the usual outfit he wears. Instead, you gifted him your father's spring festival attire. He looked handsome as he wore your father's clothes, tailored to fit his thin frame. You thought this would be a great step for him!
You told him at any time he is welcome to go join in the festivities, especially the flower dance. He knew what you were trying to do, he only humored you.
You stayed at the stall talking to the town mayor as he complements the decorations you have made this year.
People are fools, Ithaqua hates them but likes you, he did not talk while wandering around the festival. A few tried interacting with him, he permitted it for the moment at that time for your sake. How stupid of them to assume so much about him when all they know about him is as much as he allows them to know.
A young man named Ithaqua, a wild man who sticks to you like a boy to his mothers— They assumed the relationship from the beginning. You did too.
“I love (Name), I don't want you.”
Cold as ice water.
The woman was bitter and the rumors had added to many others about you.
Ithaqua could care less about what others think, they are the ones who beg you for help when someone is sick or needs extra food.
You are like a mother to them, yet they act ungrateful.
Winter is getting closer and closer, they will look to you for help and Ithaqua grins as soon they will find you gone by next spring.
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When he returns with the wagon of supplies, you greet him with a hug. The Night Watch knows you are trying to be affectionate to him but you hold back, you never kiss him or allow him to indulge in your flesh. Just hugs and kisses on the cheek, you poor thing thinking he changed his stance on wanting you.
You accepted this relationship, and he knows you did it out of maybe some misplaced sense of guilt, he has you in his grasp. All you need to do is stop caring about what others think about you.
A problem soon to be solved.
Once everything is put away, he has you cornered in the bedroom pinned down on the bed with him above you with nothing but pants on. You stare up at him then look away.
“You don't need them.” Leaning down to kiss your cheek then moving down.
“Ithaqua, we talked about this.” You try pulling your wrists out of his grasp but it holds firm. For such a small build man, he is surprisingly strong. “They are just nervous people.”
“Nervous people? They are hateful people, (Name), stop making excuses for them.” His eyes narrow and he bites at the top exposed part of your neck. “They rather burn you at the stake than admit they are wrong about you.”
“Ithaqua…” That is not true! People are people but not all of them are cruel.
“Think about it,” Licking the mark as you had flinched from the pain at first. “The mayor doesn't help you yet you do so much for the town. The pastor preaches but no one listens. The doctor's monthly checkups are just to see if you sprouted horns and a tail.”
“Please. Not tonight.” Begging him. Those words are painful, he knows these talks are causing doubts as you are becoming more aware of the bitterness these people have towards you. 
After the spring festival, you… You sat him down. Talk to Ithaqua as much as you could that evening. Your words twisted against you, you are too trusting with him. His metaphorical claws raked through your wool but never pierced the flesh of the sheep. You are trapped but loved.
Ithaqua enjoys this more than you ever will know.
It was too late to stop the rumors when those feelings were reciprocated, you… You are lonely and though Ithaqua is much younger than you… He is an adult, far more mature than the men at your age too.
Twenty-one winters, he told you, he should be married by now. He wants to marry you.
Guilt. A lot of guilt. You slip from under him when tries to grind his lower half against yours.
“How about I make your favorite tonight? I got some extra tomatoes–” Stand up beside the bed while Ithaqua sits there with his legs wide open.
“I'm not a child. We should leave before they hurt you, there is no need to put on a brave face for me.” He is going to devour you but you need to stop running from him! “We can leave. They are not grateful to you.” You shake your head at his words, he stands up and holds your face, “It will only be a matter of time before they hurt you.”
He smiles as you crumble, holding you as you fall to your knees and covering your face as you cry. This home your family built and lived in since you were born. The blood, sweat, and tears; the memories, the love within this home.
“Ithaqua.” He cradles you as you turn to cry into his bare chest.
A small crack, he chips away at you, the others were fools to think you were manipulating him.
Laughable given you had tried hard to get him to meet those of his age.
Why bother?
He likes you, older and experienced, you give him the care of a mother and the love of a partner. No one his age could give him that, they were all too free-spirited and reckless.
The Night Watch wants someone to greet him upon his return home, shower him with love, and if the mood strikes him— Lay with him as accustomed for partners to do.
“(Name),” Rubbing your back, “I love you.” You told him he is too young to understand the weight of those words. “I will take care of us.” Making promises of taking sole responsibility is not fair, you told him yet you do it all the time.
When winter came followed by another snowstorm and the people looked to you for your winter’s crop that Sunday, you were not there. Nor were there the many Sundays after that. The pastor with two other people went looking for you, only the pastor cared to check in on you.
The house was buried in the snow, the garden destroyed. There is no trace of you or the mysterious young man who came into your life. There are no bodies found, it is like you were there and are now suddenly gone.
Maybe you left, the pastor hopes you found a better place.
Or maybe the Night Watch claimed another victim.
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drefear · 1 year
Hail to the King (prologue)
Summary: Miguel O’Hara is the head of the biggest mafia family in Nueva York, scaring almost all of its citizens. Except you. And that’s exactly what he needs.
The restaurant was on 5th Avenue, between Gucci and Balenciaga. Miguel stepped out of his SUV and buttoned the suit jacket he had on, glancing around at the glittering lights of the street, identifying certain faces he knew and familiarizing the ones he didn’t. Walking into the restaurant, he glanced at security at the front and they just nodded at him as he walked in towards the hostess stand. The girl looked up at the 6’9 man, intimidated as she kept her eyes down once she realized who he was, and led him to a table towards the back.
This was a normal night for him once a month, taking a specific meeting here to discuss imports and exports to the city and the competition of the other families.
Miguel O’Hara was a name that many feared in this city, The head of the O’Hara family, a facade for the mafia that ran Nueva York, he was in charge of most organized crime within the metropolitan area and some of the biggest drug trafficking rings within the state. Being a mafia boss aside, the man was huge. His hand could wrap around an average man’s throat and crush it without flexing more than his hand.
He walked to his table without really needing to be led, the girl placing the menus down and walking away without a word. He sat and spread his legs a bit, leaning one elbow on the table and thinking quietly. Another presence made him stand and reach forward, shaking the man’s hand.
“Nice to see you again.” He spoke and sat with the man, talking about some business.
You were new. Very new. Your second night. You’d just moved to the city to become a writer, loving the scenery and hustle of the lives here. Visiting when you were young was always the best feeling, your parents showing you around and bringing you around to see the staples of Nueva York.
You had just finished serving another table for a lovely couple visiting the city as you saw someone get seated in your section. Walking towards the table with a skip in your step, you smiled at the two men and waved. “Hello! I’ll be your server tonight, how about we get started with-”
“Where’s Gwen?” Miguel glared at you as he raised a brow, as if you’d disrespected him in some way.
“Oh, uh. She’s not working tonight.” You added, intimidated.
“I only order from Gwen.” He deadpanned as you scrunch your nose in confusion. “Go get Peter.” He demanded, to which you began to boil a bit. How dare he speak to you like this? Yes, this was a very high end restaurant, but no one was allowed to treat you so terribly, to speak down to you. Your mother taught you never to accept that type of behavior.
“I don’t think I will.” You answered, with the same insulting tone he did, the man sitting across him staring at you with wide eyes. “At least, until you learn to speak to me correctly.”
“Do you know who I am?” He hissed, eyes boring into you and standing in front of you with a towering stature, but you didn’t care. Big or small, no one got to demean you.
“No, and frankly, I don’t care. I don’t give a shit enough about a 15 dollar tip to tolerate your rudeness. Learn how to speak to people before you walk around like some bigshot.” You leaned up towards him, eyes narrowed with anger that mirrored his.
Someone rushed in between the two of you and placed a hand on both of your shoulders. “Hey! Miguel, hi, how are you? I forgot to tell you that Gwen wasn’t feeling well today and called out sick. Hopefully, our new little beauty will suffice.” Peter, your manager, spoke with a friendliness in his voice, a familiarity he must have had with Miguel.
The hulking man stood up straighter, still looking down at you with a snarl still evident on his face. “She won’t be working here anymore.” He spoke in a cool tone, as if just asking about the weather. Your jaw dropped and you glanced between him and Peter.
“You can’t- I don’t-” You stuttered in disbelief and watched him unbutton his suit jacket, taking it off. “How dare you?” You got louder now, calling attention from the few hidden tables beside you.
“You have a disregard for who someone is, and you have no patience for others who try to put you in your place.” He announced, ignoring your angry chatter. “You start to work for me right now.”
“What?” You and Peter gawked as he sat back down and handed you his coat.
“I do not work for you.” You growled with hatred dripping from your lips.
“Well, you don’t have another job anymore, isn't that right, Peter?” He flashed a look of Warning to Peter and he looked between you two before giving you an apologetic smile. “Glad that’s understood. Go wait in the car and I’ll be out in ten minutes to take you home and give you your new assignments for tomorrow.” he waved you off and everything in your being shook with rage. You removed your apron and threw it at the large man.
“Fuck you!” You shouted before exiting the building.
Chapter 1
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creedslove · 10 months
Oh, Mari, help! I need a living heater in the form of Joel. It's been damn cold in my country, it's 11 degrees (it was 27 a week ago). And my furnace broke down (so my radiators are cold) and the repair guy won't come until Saturday 😭
Also, this song gave me "Heartless" vibes today: Stephen Sanchez - Until I Found You
Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: aww baby, I know this ask is a few months old now but I hope things are alright for you! We are also dealing with drastic temperature change, I mean a week ago it was more than 30° but today the max temperature is like 17° so I could definitely use Joel to keep me warm too 😭🫦
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• Winters during the outbreak are possibly one of the worst and most depressing things mankind had ever faced, lacking sources of heat, electricity and basic things such as warm clothes, decent blankets and hot water, surviving that weather became one of the many other things someone would need to survive in that world
• no matter if you lived in a QZ, or if you were on the run over the long abandoned roads, winter was hard and that was the time people usually drank the most in order to keep themselves warm and numb to how bad things were
• and even if everything was terrible, you were still so lucky you had Joel, because that man would do anything he could in order to protect you from any danger and of course, from the cold weather as well
• if we are talking about the time you live in the QZ, he would use his smuggling skills in order to offer you the best he can find: jackets, coats, sweaters, blankets, booze, anything really
• and of course you will both snuggle so close in bed, it's funny how Joel is the little spoon even if he's bigger, but he can switch positions whenever you need his body sheltering you
• fucking to keep warm is also a possibility you both really enjoy
• when you guys escape the QZ, he knows nights out in the open are also cold, even if it isn't the winter, and you can't take space in your backpack to carry big, thick blankets, so you will both have to handle sleeping bags
• Joel would always make sure to find shelter and start a fire, so you can spend some time as warm and cozy as possible and of course you would both cuddle so you wouldn't lose heat
• when you get to Jackson, you can barely believe there is such a place, where you can actually have lights on, warm baths and decent, comfortable beds
• while you are both in awe, after eating a proper meal for the first time in months, you decide to share a hot shower together; you could've done it separately, but you are doing it together, because you want to have feeling of running your hands through Joel's skin, the warm water pouring over the two of you, as you both soap and shampoo each other
• then, after changing into new, clean and warm clothes, you go to bed; now there's a heating system in the house that actually works, you won't have to feel that excruciating, painful cold wind that seems to reach your bones, but you will still both hold each other at night, as if your lives depended on it, because deep inside, you know it's not just to keep warm you slept like that
• Joel buries his face into the crook of your neck and pulls you closer, his hand holding your hips and stroking your skin up and down, he's able to sleep peacefully, knowing he can finally offer you the protection you need and that you'll be safe in his arms
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Do you take requests? Because I have a request. This is my first time but k love your stories. Okay what if reader is 23 and she is the secret Blossom daughter anyways she is also dating FP and she gets super jealous of Alice (who I’m sorry don’t like) anyways what if she gets down and sees maybe FP would do better without her but he changes her mind? With some smut?!! Hehehe ahh I’m so excited
Hii, aww thank yooou 🥳 How exciting, this is my first request! it took some time writing this, im so sorry about that but here it is 🙈 oh and bytheway hahah, I got a little carried away so its kinda long 🙈
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The Blossom Secret Pairing: FP Jones x F!Reader Warnings: 18+, smut, explicit sex, alcohol A/N: masterpost & links are pinned on my tumblr.
You let out a sigh as you were walking on your way home from a long day. The weather was hot today, so your long ginger-red hair was sticking to your back. You shaked your hair to get some air under your hair and when that didnt help you tied your hair up into a bun. You walked up the stairs to your little apartment, as you opened your bag to find your keys. You unlocked the door and walked inside to find the remote to the air condition on the wall and turned it on. You let out a breath as you stood underneath it to cool down.
You turned around to put your groceries in the fridge. You got your eye on the white wine you opened yesterday and grabbed it from the fridge. You poured yourself some wine and sat down in your couch. You bowed down and grabbed a box from under the couch. Inside there was secret documents that you had gotten in the mail, which was the reason why you came to Riverdale.
Inside there was your birth certificate and you found a note where it stood: From Alice cooper. Apperently this Alice had sent them to you months ago. So when you found this Alice Cooper from Riverdale, ofcourse you packed a bag and travelled to find Riverdale and this woman, only when you found this woman you ended up getting interviewed instead of getting answers. She swore that she had found them in her mailbox and had made copies and mailed them to you. She swore she didnt know anything more.
That woman really got on your nerves, you left that day and promised yourself you were going to find out what the hell is going on. You bought an apartment and got a job at some diner named pop’s. You just had to find out what actually stood on that birth certificate. But the thing was they had been blacked out and when you asked your adoptive parents they said it was an closed adoption so they knew nothing. you figured out you were on your own.
You sighed and took a big sip of wine as you threw the box away. After a couple of weeks after you had settled in, you found someone who was willing to help you. He was tall, dangerous smile and god damn: handsome as fuck. So was it really a suprise you couldnt resist and eventually flirted with him? For months you had worked together to try to find out who you are related to, But you grew more interested in him than your birth parents.
You wanted to know the truth ofcourse but you already had a family who you missed like crazy and loved deeply.. You only did this cause you hated not knowing. You wanted to know but this man, right now, he was much more intresting. After months with flirting you fell hard. He had flirted back and he was after all trying to help you, but you could tell he should be with someone else. Infact he convinced you today himself.
Today at 4 pm:
"Hi, could you please take out the trash and then youre done for the day apperantly." Pop said as he looked up at the clock and continued to help some costumers. "sure, thanks pop" you said simply and smiled as you carried out the trash. You smiled knowing you actually had began feeling comfterable in your new job. You loved talking to the costumers and serving people who lighten up when you served the famous milkshakes at pops.
You tried to open the door with one foot, cause you were carrying so much garbage, so you turned around and dragged them out. You felt a firm hand on your back which made you starled. "what" you said as you turned around to figure out who it was. "hi" Fp said in a low tone, he slowly inhaled your scent.
"hi" you said with a half smile and tried to walk over to the garbadge cans. As if he had just woken up he walked over to you and grabbed the trash from your hands and smiled "I'll help" he smiled, the actual smile that made your knees turn into gello. You opened the trashbins and he threw in the trash easily. "Thanks" you smiled and walked away from the smelly trashcans. "can we talk?" he asked. "Sure" you said and he followed you around the corner where there was more privacy. "what's up" you asked.
He sighed out loudly and it looked like he was debating on what to say. "tell me" you said as you took your handkerchief from your apron and playfully smacked him on his arm. He let out a short laugh as he sighed long. "I found out something big and I think you should sit down" he said, you looked worried at him. "just tell me" you asked and he sighed "alright" he looked into your eyes as he said. "Youre a blossom" he said "blossom? really?" you asked and knew some stories from the blossom family. You had heard allot of stories at pop's, so you werent all unimformed.
"apperently Clifford and Penelope Blossom tried to hide the fact they got pregnant when they were young and had you adopted." he explained. "wow" you simply stated. "I need some time to thaw on this" you said. But honestly you were more concerned with him. Right now he felt so right in your life that he had become the light in your life. Everytime the bell rang at pops you hoped it was him, you became more and more invested in this research because of him?
"are you ok?" he asked. you shaked our head clean, from stopping yourself of thinking anymore about this. "yeah, anyways I should probobly go, thanks again" you said and hated that, thats what came out of your own mouth. "I mean it, thank you so much" you tried to smile and he took out his hand and touched your arm. The warmth that came from his hand made your heart flutter. you starred into his eyes as you walked closer to him and gave him a hug.
He arms wrapped softly around your waist and you heard yourself exhale. "thanks" you whispered softly, you tried to walk away from his hug but it was so damn hard. You didnt want to leave. you felt his cheek come close into yours, you leaned back to get a look at his lips. He licked his lips dry as you were just inches away from eachother, you looked into his eyes and bit your lower lip. he stared at your lip as he leaned closer to you-
"FP!" someone yelled. A familiar female voice stopped you from finally tasting his lips, he sighed "sorry I got to go" he said. he pulled back away from you and walked away, suddenly he was gone. You touched your cheek as you felt the warmth from where his chin had just been, slowly fade away and turned cold. You closed your eyes and wanted to savior every moment.
You grabbed your bag and were ready to head home. You were dizzy from the heated moment from you and Fp still. you walked outside of pops after you had just said goodbye to everyone. You were on your way to the car. Months of pining after him and Alice just- "FP!" Alice exclaimed "Im in love with you and I want to be with you" she said. You froze and looked at where the voice were coming from. "I can't believe this" you felt tears build up as you saw Fp hold her both hands and said something only she could hear. "I cant believe this" you uttered under your breath.
Now 6pm:
Yep, that happened. You felt anger rise inside you as you inhaled and exhaled. You rised up to go and find something stronger to drink. You opened your cabins from the kitchen and found a bottle. «There you are» you sighed, grabbed a shotglass and poured tequila into it. «fuck them» you said as you raised your hand and threw down the shot.
Today you had found out the truth and that you were some secret blossom daughter. Honestly you didnt care about the blossom family, you already had a loving family. The only thing you couldnt get out of your head was him, you just wanted him.
But you cant have him, because of Alice. Fuck this and fuck him and her, you made up your mind to go out and drink somewhere not alone. You took another shot and changed out of your uniform into something better. You found a black strapless dress and put on some red lipstick.
You stood ready to leave when you opened the door and you saw him standing there in the doorway. "hi" he said as he starred at you on your dress "what do you want?" you asked as you leaned your hand on your waist as you held the door open with your other hand. He couldn't stop looking at your waist and tried to not stare his hardest but failing. "why aren't you with Alice?" you asked with a mean look. "If you came here to gloat why didnt you bring Alice?" you joked and shaked your head, you looked into his eyes waiting for him to respond.
"hm?" he looked up confused "wait, why are you talking about Alice?" you crossed your hands and shaked your head. "I couldn't care less about Alice" he reasured. "yeah right" you let out a snort and tried to shut the door in his face but he grabbed the door and walked halfway inside and looked at you with a smile which made your knees turn into gello once again.
"youre mean" you barely managed to say. He walked inside, closed the door behind him and gave you a puzzling look. "what" you asked annoyed. "Do you know how frustrating this whole situation is?" he sighed as he walked further inside the apartment, He had been here a couple of times but he never let you out of his sight. he slowly walked over to you until he stood close enough for you to inhale his perfume.
the perfume made you let out a whimper, you covered your mouth trying to hide the sound that made him look into your eyes with hunger "what do you want? and why arent you with alice, you should be with her, not me" he shaked his head slowly as you asked all these questions, he looked down on his shoes and let out a sigh "y/n" he began "can you leave, If youre going to let me know youre not interested you didnt have to come here and pity me, I have your money right here, so you can just go back to that fuckin-" you barked.
he looked at you with a tense look in his eyes and interupted you "I dont care about Alice" he explained and shook his head, "what are you even talking about, I want you!" he said annoyed "I didnt come here for her or money" he took out his hand and placed it under your chin. "I came here for you" he whispered, "can you please stop making this so damn difficult" he let out a short laugh. "I saw you in your car today driving home from pops, I know what you saw and I knew you would misunderstand, She was jelaous of you and wanted to be with me, but I told her that I was falling for someone else" He leaned closer to you, just a few inches away from your lips.
You held out your hand on his chest trying to stop him, you felt his heart bump like crazy under your palm. "Fp" you whispered, he grabbed your hand and guided you around his neck as he leaned closer to your ear. "I dont have anything more to talk about that woman, I only want to talk about us." he whispered, "I want to feel you lay naked under me" he said as he kissed your chin "I have wanted to kiss your neck for months now" he said as he kissed your neck softly, you let out a whimper.
"How much more do I have to explain to you that youre the one I want?" he kissed your chin once more and grabbed your head and looked softly into your eyes. "I'm in love with you, not her" he finally said and waited for you to respond. you completly froze and after a second your body reacted "don't break my heart" you said and kissed him deeply, he inhaled your kiss and sucked your lips playfully.
He broke the kiss and grabbed your legs and held you in his arms as he walked into the wall, as he deepend the kiss. he pushed you up into the wall more as he licked your upper lip. You held his shoulders, he grabbed your thighs and lifted slowly up your dress as he kissed your neck with soft kisses.
He grunted as he grabbed your ass and pushed himself into your core. You let out a whimper as his hard shaft made contact with your core, you began thrusting into his shaft and wanted to kiss him more. He grunted and thrusted back as he opend his mouth to let you explore his tounge.
His eyes fell behind his head as he let out a deep grunt. "youre already so wet for me" he smirked and grabbed your waist. "please let me taste you" he asked as his voice broke. "in there" you managed to let out and he turned carried you into your bedroom.
He layed your body down on the bed and took off his jacket and shirt, You felt his gaze burn onto your body, He was so beautiful. You threw off your dress and were about to take off your panties, but he stopped you "let me" he asked and took off his shoes and pants. He bent down to your core, and grabbed your waist and pulled you twoards his mouth as he dragged your panties off your waist.
He licked his lips dry "youre so beautiful I can't-" He tasted you with a flat tounge. "you taste so good, I-" he said with a smirk and tasted you once more and he was not being shy, letting out all sorts of sounds as he tasted every inch of your core. You let a whimper and felt euphoric as he couldn't stop tasting you.
He looked up at you and smirked "if you let out a whimper one more time I can't stop myself from-" he began while he took one of his fingers and touched your g-spot. your head flew back as a result and you let out a moan. He stopped and flew over you in a second to kiss you deeply.
His hard long shaft was throbbing against your core, you both wanted more contact from eachother but couldnt stop kissing. "you drive me insane" he whispered as he thrusted gently into your core and started to find a slow rythum. "take it off" you said and he smirked. "do it" you pleaded and tried to take off his underpants yourself.
He stood up from the bed and dragged off his underpants and your gaze went straight to his big throbbing manhood, you let out a whimper as he rushed over to you again and kissed your neck. "Do you know how hard it is to be around you and not wanting to kiss you?" he whispered into your ear as he let his shaft close to your core.
Your hips began moving wanting some friction. "Ive wanted to to this for so long now, and I want to see your hauntingly beautiful face when my dick makes you orgasm." his voice broke as he grunted and pushed his long shaft into you. "FP" you let out a moan, he started to thrust slowly to make you adjust to his size. "I want you so bad" you whimpered, you felt your entire body turn electric at the contact of his skin, his body and his breath.
He thrusted slowly and began turn up the pace as he kept kissing your neck and then he pulled out and sat in a upright position, as he grabbed your body and you felt like a magnet, searching for contact.
you sat down ontop of him and began to ride him, your lips searched for his lips as you looked into his beautiful eyes. "Im so in love with you" he whimpered, you let out a moan as his words were making you close to climax. "You're so beautiful I cant get enough of you" he said as he began breathing heavier.
"I cant wait to see beautiful orgasm" he panted "youre doing so amazing" you kissed him deeply and grabbed his shoulders and started to pick up the pace, "Im gonna-" you let out a moan and felt your orgasm come closer, you pushed his body down on the bed and held his hands down beside his head. He sat up his legs to thrust into you as you finally felt the orgasm take over your entire body. "Your orgasm is making me so hard" he said as he kept thrusting as you rode out your orgasm.
He pulled out and you grabbed his shaft, he let out a moan at your contact. You licked his length and started adjust his size into your mouth as he thrusted himself into you. "Im-" he panted and you bobbed your head in a rythum as he thrusted himself slowly into your mouth. "Im-" his orgasm shot electricity threw your body as you watched him cum on your stomach.
You walked off the bed and held out your hand, "shower with me?" you asked. He smirked and raised up from the bed, he grabbed your hand and kissed your arm and upwards your shoulder then he kissed you deeply "I would love to"
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hannyoontify · 1 year
morning dew be damned - kim mingyu
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member | mingyu x reader
genre | meet-cute, nonidol!au, strangers to lovers au, crack/humor?
word count | 1315 words
synopsis | why was morning dew romanticized in writings so much? all it did for you was make you slip and fall for a man you just met.
warnings | cursing, kkuma’s a bitch but also the best wingdog(?)
notes | I FINALLY. FUCKING. FINISHED. my first attempt EVER at a meet cute so pls bare with me if this sucks 🥲 i actually wrote this bc i saw this super cute guy at the park during my morning run the other day and i was like “i wonder what would happen if i actually had the balls to talk to him” and hence this fic was born LMAO i’m not fully satisfied with the result so i might rewrite it in the future but hope you enjoyed!!
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It was the same every morning. At exactly 7:45 am, your alarm would go off and you would get ready to go running. You always made sure to wear the same hat. It was one of a kind, a custom made hat you made back in high school with your friends.
Your local park was perfect for morning runs. There was plenty of shade provided by large, looming trees, benches for resting, and a smooth, paved cement floor. Today’s weather was nice, rays of sunshine peeking through a few clouds as the sky and the rest of the world slowly began to wake up and greet the day.
Pulling on your headphones, you started a light jog as you made your way through the park when you noticed an unfamiliar figure sitting on your usual bench. You run so early in the morning, there are only a handful of people who you see regularly and the stranger was not one of them. Curious, you slowed down as you pulled off your headphones to see who it was.
Even from behind, you could tell that the stranger was tall. He had broad shoulders, and you could see his long legs outstretched in front of him. His heels were grounded on the floor, and he swung the rest of his feet side by side, the top of his shoes touching and making a soft click sound. You smiled, thinking that the action was quite unfitting for a man built like himself, and found it endearing.
“Excuse me, I-” You choked on your words the moment you saw the stranger’s face. When your eyes met, you felt your heart catch in your throat. The man sitting in front of you was definitely sculpted by the gods themselves; his sharp eyes twinkled as they looked into yours, and his lips and oh my god his jawline- How could someone be this attractive?
“Is everything alright?” The stranger asked. You mentally shook yourself out of the daze you were in, and smiled. Even his voice was attractive.
“Yeah, sorry. It’s just-” You fumbled for your words, suddenly nervous because of the attractive man in front of you. “I’ve never seen you around before so I was wondering if you were new to the neighborhood or…”
He smiled. “Yeah! I’m new, my name’s Mingyu, by the way.” You shook his outstretched hand and returned his smile as you introduced yourself.
“Nice to meet you, [Name],” there was an awkward pause before he motioned to the empty spot next to him. “Would you like to sit down?”
You glanced down at your watch. You still had 9k steps to complete, but how could you say no to having a conversation with the most attractive man you’ve ever met in your life? “Sure.”
After taking a seat, you took off your baseball cap and set it down to the side before running a hand through your hair, trying to make yourself presentable.
“I like your hat. That’s a really cool design I’ve never seen before, where’d you get it?” He asked, a sweet attempt at starting a conversation.
“This old thing? Oh thank you, it’s actually custom made! When I was in high school, my friends and I saw this cool vintage shop where they personalize hats and shirts and stuff for you, so we all got matching hats. I was actually the one who drew the design,” You said, a hint of pride in your voice. You loved to talk about the story behind your hat, it was one of your favorite stories to tell.
Mingyu nodded and smiled. “That’s really cool. So I’m guessing you’re an artist?” 
“Kind of? I draw for fun, but I major in journalism,” You shrugged. “I’m taking a gap year right now because of finance stuff but I’m hoping to return this upcoming fall so I can get my master’s and get a stable job. What about you?” 
“Me?” Mingyu pointed to himself and you nodded. “Well, I’m a film major, and I recently started working as a producer for this upcoming film and- hey that dog just snatched your hat and is running away.”
You turned away and saw a white blur running away at high speed, with your navy baseball cap in its mouth. “KKUMA WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Before Mingyu could fully process what was happening, you bolted out of your seat and chased down the white, fluffy dog that was now almost on the other side of the park. Although he couldn’t make out what you were saying, he could definitely hear you screaming and yelling at the tiny dog.
Mingyu’s body moved on its own and he broke into a full sprint, his long legs allowing him to have longer, more powerful strides than your own. Soon enough, he passed you with ease and if you weren’t so out of breath, you would’ve laughed at how comical everything seemed. 
With extra force in your step, you jumped at Kkuma, preparing yourself to (gently) tackle her–but morning dew be damned. You silently cursed out every work of literature and its author that has ever romanticized the morning dew on blades of green grass as Kkuma easily jumped out of your grasp and you slid sideways–on your stomach–at least 3 feet before you stopped.
“GET THAT FUCKING DOG,” You yelled at no one in particular. Mingyu kept running, holding back a laugh as the white dog continued to sprint down the asphalt like it was nothing. You got back up quickly and caught up to Mingyu and you two continued to chase down Seungcheol’s dog.
This time, it was Mingyu’s turn to take a leap at the dog. Needless to say, it was a fruitless attempt and resulted in him rolling in the wet grass similar to you. And to his luck, he even got a couple blades of grass in his mouth. With a look of disgust, he spit out the vegetation and continued to run.
As you ran after the dog, you suddenly remembered why you liked to run so much. This was it. The thumping of your racing heartbeat in your ears, your erratic breathing and that rush of endorphins that you can almost feel in your system. 
Just as you thought were getting the hang of it, Kkuma abruptly paused and dropped the hat. She looked at you and Mingyu who were now doubled over, each trying to catch their breath, and barked. After a single bark, she ran to Seungcheol, who you could see waiting in the distance and you inwardly cursed out your friend and neighbor. 
Now that the runner’s high was wearing off, you felt exhausted. You collapsed on the floor and Mingyu followed your example, spreading out his limbs into a shape resembling a starfish. You felt a little lightheaded as you felt blood rush back into your head and you tried to even out your breathing.
“Is… is your hat okay?” Mingyu asked, still slightly out of breath. His random question had you giggling that soon turned into peals of laughter as you gripped your stomach because of how hard you were laughing. Mingyu joined in on your laughter, and soon, the two of you were just rolling in the grass, laughing your asses off.
You wipe your tears of joy away and glance at Mingyu, who’s looking up at the sky with a bright smile and the sight of him makes your cheeks heat up. And no, it wasn't from the weather or the workout you just had. The fast thumping in your chest seemed to speed up and you suddenly felt like floating, your heart soaring above the clouds. 
This definitely wasn’t because of your runner’s high. 
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reblogs and feedback is always appreciated ^-^
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Omg omg feed me more of the hybrid cafe pls I am starving
principally how saber (the cat boy) met reader
"What?! What do you mean there's fucking traffic?!"
The catboy grows more and more irritated at his driver's ramblings, opting out of tossing his phone to the ground in favor of shouting in the man's ear.
"If I have to stand out here in this God damn storm for more than fifteen minutes, I'll make you drink the rain water from my boots before I shove them up your ass!"
Saber hangs up the phone, giving the side eye to someone who glances at him quizzically. They hurry off as the man sighs, huddling against the base of his shelter as heavy rain beats down on the umbrella. He shutters- it so cold. The day had been perfect up until about thirty minutes ago, and he was dressed for sunny weather. He'd try moving to another location if he wouldn't be burried under gallons of rain water and the harsh winds. Lightning flashes in the distance - making him jump.
Saber scowls. A prized model like him, shivering like some alley cat. If anyone saw him like this it'd be the talk of the week. He just wanted to go home. He's scared.
"Are you okay?"
Saber opens his eyes to a curious face peering up at him, hand umbrella over their head. He quickly looks away.
"I'm fine."
The person chuckles. "Enjoying the weather?"
"Piss off."
"Rude- but I get it. I'm starting my shift at my job today. It's just up the street, and a Cafe so we can get you something warm to eat. My treat, to celebrate my first day."
Saber stares at the floor. "I don't need your pity."
"It's not pity. Just kindness. Come on."
Saber grumbles. It was either go, or deal with the possibility of a terrible cold. The person smiles as he jokes their side. "My name is Y/n by the way.
With Saber close by, you head off to your shift. His eyes widen as he steps inside, seeing all of the other hybrids seated about. You fucking tricked him. He heard about this place opening recently, and wouldn't have been caught dead in here if he had known the truth. He glares in your direction.
"You-" But you're gone.
As he looks around, a fluffy towel falls on Saber's head. You dry his wet hair, scritching behind his feline ears. He wants to slap at your hands; humiliation growing as a soft purr rumbles in his chest, but he can't deny how nice it feels. The fear in his heart is overshadowed by new found tolerance. You pull away - to his surprising displeasure.
"That should be good enough for now! Let's get you to your table and get you that hot-"
"Milk tea."
"I don't want any hot drinks. I want milk tea."
"Oh! I'll see if it's on the menu."
"It better be. Or I'm leaving... and taking you with me to a better location."
"Alrighty then." You lead Saber to his booth. As luck would have it, his beverage of choice was on the menu and served shortly. He sips the drink in silence, head falling on your shoulder as the rain beats on the outside window. He nudges your cheek, signaling you to pet him more.
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maskofthetragedy · 4 months
Dressed Up.
//uh very very brief mentions of alcohol//
other than that expect more content soon real not clickbait
more news at 11
You grumbled, attempting to tear off the fancy necktie you had bought the other day on the way to the spider’s room. Sure, you had decided to give dating a try, even after the terrible track record that was your love life. But hey, at least this guy seemed different, right?
Oh, how very wrong you were.
This royal jackass had decided to leave you waiting in the dining area of a nice restaurant, prepaid by you of course, so it ended up with you drinking some very ill booze. The alcohol wasn’t refined to your tastes, as most liquor isn’t, but hell… you paid for this and you were damn well gonna enjoy it.
At least, that’s what you kept telling yourself.
After an embarrassingly long time of waiting and being told to leave, your feet seemed to move on their own accord, quickly dragging your slightly dazed mind out of the room. Now, with that whole ordeal out of the way and checking your phone to yell at the dumbfuck who just ruined your day, you had come to the realization that he had ditched you.
Well, shoot dang.
And of course the weather was gloomy on the walk back, but you were grateful that it didn't start to fucking rain on the way home - or well, the shared residence between a Queen and her goons. 
Underground. In a cave system. 
Because that was the agreement.
When you had learned of your colleague getting turned into a literal demon, you were shocked at first, as anyone should be. But, there was the spark of empathy and concern for your friend. If you could call him that, which was still very debatable. The two of you had mutual respect for each other, and at times you two had talked and been vulnerable, that was usually after plenty of sleep deprivation though. Anyway, the point is that you can still go rant to him about your not so good day, and he would probably take your side in this situation. Just hope and pray that he’s not working ‘overtime’, in a cranky mood, or something else entirely.
The makeshift door to his room is closed, as usual, and you knock three times.
“You may enter.” His voice sounds a bit tired, and you reconsider disturbing him with your rather unfortunate experience. But you’ve already knocked and he’ll probably get more pissed if you just leave without saying anything after that.
And so you enter the dimly lit room, making sure to close the door behind you.
“Uh, hey man.” You mumble out, suddenly feeling very self conscious about your fancy as fuck clothes. Because normally, you’d stick to casual attire, but you had wanted to seem better put together for this guy.
The demon raises an eyebrow when he finally turns his swivel chair around, giving you a look of both intrigue and confusion.
“Well, what’s the occasion? Is someone getting married?” He asks, setting down the printed circuit assembly he had been messing with back on his workbench.
“Well, no. I might’ve gone on a date.” 
He chuckles, pointing a pen at you and your shattered dignity. “Dressed like that? Really, I mean you look nice, but isn’t it a bit much?” 
You huff, going to sit down on the floor next to Syntax and continue retailing the events of today. “It was a fancier establishment, mind you. But I was stood up by the dickhead.” 
He just nods, going back to his electronics. The odor of the soldering iron is there, indicating that he had been and was still working. 
“Mm. That’s unfortunate. But continue, if you will? I have a feeling that’s not all.” 
You roll your eyes, mumbling quietly. You’re not upset, but just annoyed that he’s able to read you this easily. Or maybe you’re just an open book, you’ll probably never know unless you ask with him about it. Which is something you’d rather not ask the technician since he one referred to you as a 'bright neon billboard' rather than the usual book in that analogy. “Yeah. I tried messaging or calling, but when I looked on my phone, I couldn’t find his contact info on anything. It’s like he just disappeared.” 
Syntax sighs, glancing over at you sitting on the floor next to him. The sight to him is quite silly, you in such formal wear,  yet still choosing to rest on the ground. “Just don’t let Hunt know or see you like this, he’ll never stop bullying you.” 
You chuckle, but nod anyway, it’s quite true that he wasn’t too fond of you. But then again that spider wasn’t fond of anyone, well, besides the Queen. Then you speak up again, replying to his words with something other than a movement. “Yeah, yeah you’re right. But c’mon, that man bullies everyone. He’s a straight up menace.”
The demon laughs, though it’s more like those airy ones where you just exhale quickly, yet everyone calls it a laugh. He doesn’t turn the chair again though, just focusing on connecting wires and doing what he does best.
Computer hardware.
“True, but you do look nice. I’ve never seen you so dressed up before, and the man that stood you up must either not have good taste, or he’s just plain… idiotic.” Syntax muters out, turning off the soldering iron, seemingly finished with whatever he was doing.
You’re slightly surprised at his words, but you still smile at the… compliment? You’re assuming that was a compliment. Eh, it doesn’t matter, he’s being nice. “Yeah, I guess so.” You’re unsure of how to respond, but you say something anyway.
“You finished?” A small question is asked, your curiosity not being able to contain itself.
“Hm? Oh, yes. I’ve completed the work load for today,” Syntax replies to your inquiry.
You nod and give the technician a thumbs up, looking at him from the floor even though he’s not facing you. There’s a small pause, where you’re a bit unsure of how to further continue the conversation. So instead, you look around his quarters. For the first time noticing a small radio sitting in the corner, it plays some quiet music from a station.
You can’t really pick up on the beat, or the lyrics for that matter, but Syntax seems to enjoy it either way. Then, you just start to wonder what exactly this technician meant by his previous words. And soon enough, you’ve already come up with a mental theory board filled with red string and notes.
“Are you going to continue to daydream, or are you going to accompany me for coffee?”
You snap out of those thoughts, noticing that he’s standing now, his eyebrow raised while he was watching you mumble and staring at the radio for… only the gods know how long.
“Oh, yeah. Okay, okay, I’m getting up-” However a quick glance at your techy watch, courtesy of Syntax, would tell you that it’s already really late. Like, nearing ten PM late. 
“It’s dark out,” Your voice speaks, a hint of confusion growing there too.
“Yes, and? You expect me to go out in broad daylight?” He mutters, revealing to you that he doesn’t mean a trip to the group’s kitchen area. 
He means going outside.
And then, you remember how you look. The fancy clothing that currently adorns you, you think its amusing now, but some small part of you is still concerned about the thoughts of others. The spider seems to read your expression too well, so a plan comes to form in his mind.
“Well, if you’re nervous about something so… insignificant. Then, I guess I have no choice but to assist you.”
You’re immediately lost as to what this means. Syntax just ends up walking a few steps closer to you, looking you dead in the eyes, and in the most monotone and bemused filled voice goes:
“You look decent, and anyone who says otherwise is delusional, now stop fretting. But if you don’t… I will be needing your credit card without your supervision. My caffeine is very necessary, and I won’t hesitate to spend your savings for such a purpose,” He gives you a smirk, seemingly satisfied with how your eyes widen and your words don’t seem to be wording at all.
“Fine, fine. I’ll come with you to fuel your addiction,” You mumble, trying to ignore the slight heat on your face.
“Exellent. Now, should I call Hunt as well? Maybe he’ll have some other words of encouragement about your attire, hm?”
“Oh, fuck off.” 
He laughs, the sound just as cocky as he is. But he does hold the door open for you, allowing you to exit his room. Well, it’s time for some caffeine and spending some of your cash on this dickwad.
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toxicanonymity · 2 years
Corey C. from the call center (one shot)
Words: 4.5k | Corey Cunningham 🥹 x Fem!Reader
Sub!Corey,kinda. Shy, brooding, meowmeow!Corey, post-accident, pre-Michael.
Summary: You start talking to Corey when he's working at the call center and you call in. You invite him over for Halloween 💕. [In Halloween Ends, Corey's mother threatens to send him back to work at the call center when she thinks he was injured at Prevo]
You take Corey’s jacket and for the first time see his strong, expansive chest.  He notices you noticing, and he assumes he has something on his shirt.  He looks down at himself and brushes nothing off his chest then smiles shyly and tucks a wild curl behind his ear.  You welcome him to sit on the couch with you.  He sits upright, awkwardly.  You can tell he's going to need some encouragement. 
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You recently moved into your own little house.  It’s the first time you’ve lived on your own, and you’re far from where home used to be.  Right after college, you lived with a partner who would call the landline every day after you got off work to make sure you came straight home.  When that ended, you stayed with family for a while, then moved to Haddonfield for a fresh start.  The weather felt cold and bleak at first, compared to the deep South, but the town seemed to have a real sense of community, almost like perfect strangers were trauma-bonded.  
Still, you haven’t been fast to make friends, and sometimes you’re lonely.  You initially moved in with a roommate, but she moved in with a boyfriend and you hadn’t been able to find a new one.  Instead, you move into a little duplex you can afford on your own.  
Your internet hasn’t exactly been reliable, and you’re still getting used to managing your own utilities.  You haven’t called for help yet because the prospect of it overwhelms you, but you get tired of rebooting the router and finally call your internet service provider to troubleshoot your connection.   
You reach a polite young man named Corey C.  Corey has a deep, sexy voice and a Northern accent.  Northern accents are super hot to you the same way a foreign accent might be hot to someone else.   
“Can I get your phone number in case we get disconnected?”  You give it to him. 
“Tell me about why you’re calling today.” He follows the script, you give him the answers. 
“I lost the internet.”
“Are you near your router? Can you tell me which lights are blinking?” You tell him you don’t know what the lights are and he guides you through light by light.  You aren’t really listening, you just savor the sound of his voice. You could listen to Corey C. talk forever. 
“Ma’am?  Ma’am are you there?” 
“Yes, sorry.  The top one is blinking orange.” 
“Okay, I can reset the connection from here, it’ll just take a minute to reboot, okay?” 
“Sure.”  It’s refreshing how sweet and patient he is.  You were nervous to call for help, and he’s made it easy and even enjoyable.  
“I’ll stay on the line to make sure it works, okay?” You already want to hug him.  Sometimes you still feel so alone, and even though he;s just helping you through this tiny problem in the big scheme of things, it feels good to have someone sound like they’re actually there for you.  
“Sounds good,” you say.  “How’s your day going?”
He sighs.  “You know, it’s just another day.” Something sounds so sad in his voice. 
“Actually, you’re the first nice customer I’ve had all day.” 
“Sorry to hear that.” 
“That’s alright, it’s just the job.  How’s your day?” 
“Oh, fine, not too interesting. I was just streaming Euphoria when I lost connection.”
“Sorry about that.  How is that, by the way?”
“Oh it’s awesome, you should watch it.” 
“I don’t have Showtime, but it looks really good.” 
“You have an amazing voice, by the way, sorry if that’s weird, I just had to tell you.” 
“Uh, heh, well, thanks.” You can practically hear him blushing
“Do you get that a lot?”
“Um, no, not really, most people are just annoyed.  Their internet is out or their bill is too high.” 
“That doesn’t sound very fun, sorry.” 
“Well, it’s a job, my mom got it for me, so I could save for college.” 
“Oh, are you still in high school?”  He doesn’t sound young, but you feel like you have to ask.  
“Oh, no, no, I go to community college, I’m just saving up for engineering school.” 
“Well, you’re good at your job, Corey C. You’re patient and kind, and hey, it looks like you already fixed my issue.”
“Oh, heh, you can just call me Corey.”
“Okay Corey,” you smile.   
“Is there anything else I can help you with today?” 
“No, I think that’s all for today.  I hope your day gets better.” 
“Thanks.  You’re nice.  Give us a call back if you need anything else, okay?” 
You wish you could talk to him longer, but you let him go and give him five stars on the customer service survey.   
For the rest of the day, you can’t get his hot voice out of your head.  He’s earnest and sad and that just makes you feel more connected to him.  The whole time you’ve lived in Haddonfield, you’ve felt like an outsider.  It’s almost like people wonder why anyone would move to Haddonfield after 2018, and they never quite let you in.  You hear something similar in Corey’s voice.  You hate the thought of him getting yelled at all day.  
A few days later, you have the same issue and get Corey C. again when you call.  He remembers you.  You make conversation again, and at the end he says “It was nice talking to you, really.”  
The day after that, you call back just because, and you ask for Corey C. by name. He’s about to go eat his lunch. You talk about your favorite foods and drinks.  
Each time you call, you pretend there's an issue and give him five stars.  Corey tells you he's switching to a later shift and gives you his extension.  The late shift is pretty dead sometimes, so if you're ever bored you could give him a call.  Now you have his extension. 
You're listening to WURG in the car, and Willie the Kid is on about how Corey Cunningham is a killer. Corey Cunningham.  You always felt bad for him, but hadn't thought about him since you started talking to Corey C. on the phone.  
You go on YouTube to try to find old CourtTV footage, and there it is, that deep sexy voice.  You didn't know Corey Cunningham was hot.  You had a feeling Corey C. was though.  
Corey's hot voice paired with his sweet curly hair and glasses and the way he can barely make eye contact really pulls at your heart.  You also can't help but notice the way his prison garb hugs his body, and his thick neck, and his Adam's apple when he gulpsl. 
He's a gruff, sexy hunk of man wrapped around the sweetest saddest package and you just want to squeeze him.  
You call Corey on the late shift. can talk until he has another customer.  You talk about your favorite holidays.  Yours is Halloween but he doesn't like it.  You ask him his story and he tells you his full name and says you probably already know it.  “It’s cool if you have to go,” he adds, sadly.  You don’t, of course.  
You come clean about hearing his name on the radio and looking him up.  He doesn't mind.  He’s just relieved you still want to talk to him.  You tell him your full name and story, too. You tell him things you hadn't ever told anyone else before. He tells you about his home life.  You tell him how you came from a similar situation - in terms of feeling controlled and unable to live your life.  You talk for hours.  He only has one customer and calls you  back after.  
You call back the next night. 
"I wasn't sure you'd ever call back again," he says.  “After getting to know me more, I mean.” 
Your heart hurts.  "I called back especially after getting to know you. I wanna get to know you even more, now."
"Yeah? What do you want to know?"
"Do you have friends? A girlfriend?"
"Not really" 
"No girlfriend, really?"
"No.  The past couple years have been - it’s been tough. I wouldn’t want anyone to deal with this.  Plus, you know, I still live with my Mom.”
"Well.  You're sweet. And cute, you know that, right?" Secretly, you suspect he doesn't.  
"Heh. You don't have to say that.” 
"Really.  Very huggable, too.  I just want to squeeze you"
"You do?"  You wonder if he was even hugged as a child. 
"Yeah, is that weird?"
"No, not at all. Just unusual.  I mean, I can't remember my last hug. Is that messed up?”
He has another customer, but you tell him to text you later.  You know he already has your phone number from your file.  
You text throughout the week, and sometimes you talk on the phone because you like to hear his voice, still.  As Halloween approaches you worry about him, especially because it sounds like Joan has been acting even crazier now that he’s working a later shift.   Everything you learn about him intrigues you more.  He doesn’t drive.  He rides a bike.  He trespasses and hangs out at abandoned, bleak locations a lot.  He never really had a dad, but his stepfather is cool. 
Even pathetic things – like his mom still doing his laundry – only make you feel closer to him.  
Knowing how traumatic Halloween must be for him, you invite him over to spend the evening with you.  The whole night, if he wants.  
You watch your niece while her parents go to a Halloween dinner party and your sister picks her up right before Corey's shift ends.  The flow of trick-or-treaters tapers off.  When the doorbell rings, your heart races.
You answer the door and almost don't recognize Corey.  He looks so much bigger in person.  His hair is darker, too.   He's wearing a brown corduroy jacket, black and green flannel shirt, and black jeans that are too big. His glasses are different. Round, wire rim.  He's wearing old white sneakers. His bike is on a kick-stand behind him.  His curly hair is wild from the wind.  He’s even more unassuming and huggable than you imagined.  “Hiiii Corey,” you say.  You can’t believe he’s really here.  Your heart is fluttering.  “You can park your bike on the porch.” You get the bowl of candy and set it out on the porch for any late trick-or-treaters as he parks his bike.
“Hey, thanks for inviting me,” he says.  His voice is even nicer in person. 
You hold your arms out  for a hug before he's even in the door.  He walks into you with his arms hesitantly outstretched and you curl your arms under his.   His big corduroy arms wrap around you like a blanket, loosely at first, then you squeeze him around the waist and inhale, and he gives you the bear hug you really wanted.  His shirt smells like a wood shop.  His jacket has a faint hint of smoke.    And his skin - his thick, masculine neck, smells freshly showered, minty. 
You invite him in and lock the door behind him.  You have a big leather sofa with an oversized plush ottoman. Your TV is mounted on the opposite wall.  You’re going to watch Black Christmas and the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 
You take Corey’s jacket and for the first time see his strong, expansive chest.  He notices you noticing, and he assumes he has something on his shirt.  He looks down at himself and brushes nothing off his chest then smiles shyly and tucks a wild curl behind his ear.  You welcome him to sit on the couch with you.  He sits upright, awkwardly.  You can tell he's going to need some encouragement. 
He faces the tv and you face him with your feet up on the couch.  You tuck your feet under his muscular thigh.  He puts his large hand on your foot and stretches his big feet out onto the ottoman. After twenty minutes like this, you say “Can I have another hug? The first one’s wearing off” and smile
"Come here,"  he says, smiling shyly and extending his arm.  He's finally relaxing.  
You settle in next to him, hugging him from the side, inhaling his masculine, minty woodshop smell.  He strokes your arm.  
Your skin is hungry for his.  You can't get close enough to him.  The closer you are, the closer you need to be.  You already have your arms wrapped all the way around him, and his arms over yours, and you still don't feel close enough. It's like your body has a magnetic need to be all the way around his.  Like an affectionate, emotional horniness. 
"Wanna lie down?" you ask?  "On your back." You wonder if that was too direct, but he takes off his glasses, then does it.  
He lies there, watching you curiously.  You climb on top of him, straddling his sturdy hips with your legs, and you slip your hands under his large arms.  You hug and squeeze him like a koala.  "Can I stay like this?" You ask.  “Like forever?”
He laughs softly at you. "Yeah, you can stay like that," he says softly. You love feeling his voice through his chest.  “I like it. Do you want to watch the movie like this?"
"Yeah," you say.  You haven’t been this close to anyone the whole time you’ve lived in Haddonfield.  
He’s very strong and solidly built, but not overly cut, which you love.  He’s unassuming and comfortable to lie on.  He’s perfect.  Your head is against his soft flannel chest, rising and falling with his breaths, listening to his heart pound.  Your knees are to either side of his hips.  You're straddling his meaty thighs and it's a stretch.  Your crotch is just below his, but they would be aligned if you got out of your koala posture.  You scoot your knees back a little.   You’re very comfortable.  His hand comes to your head and strokes your hair.  Your eyelids are heavy. 
"You're really pretty, you know," he says as your breathing grows steady and falls in rhythm with his against his chest. Your heart swells.  
His belt buckle digs into you. You pull your head up for a second and touch his belt buckle and say "can I?" He blushes and nods. You feel his cock twitch under your arm as you unfasten it and slide out the leather.  
As hot as he is, your awareness of his cock doesn’t distract you from your primary desire at the moment, which is just to be close to him.  You're so overwhelmed with affection for him that your number one priority is to hug him forever and never let him go and never let anyone hurt him again.  You pull a thick blanket over both of you and doze off top of him.  
When the movie ends, you wake up in the same position.  You look up at Corey and he's asleep.  You stretch out so you’re more parallel to him and lie on top of him with one of your legs falling between his.  Your hunger for affection is actively being satisfied, and now a different hunger stirs in your core. 
He looks so peaceful.  He stirs and you kiss him on the cheek, then the neck, then you lock eyes and kiss him on the mouth.  His soft lips embrace yours.  As he kisses you tenderly, you begin to unbutton his flannel shirt.  You feel him harden against your thigh and your clit is screaming for you to grind against him but you don't want to make any sudden moves.   You can take the lead if you have to, but want to savor every moment and resist the urge to rush things. You kiss affectionately as you finish unbuttoning his shirt. Meanwhile, you’re twitching with need for him.  
You spread your hands out, fingers wide, and trace his pecs through his tight, thin undershirt. His breathing changes when your palms graze his nipples and you feel him twitch against your thigh. He sits up on his elbows and you back off to give him room.  He takes his arms out of the flannel sleeves, revealing how his thick arms fill his thin undershirt.  
Corey looks like he’s trying to read your face like a book as he drops the flannel shirt to the floor.  He begins to wrap his arms around you again, but you slide your hands under his white cotton shirt.  His skin is smooth and warm under your fingers.  You meet his eyes with a hopeful look.  He helps you remove the shirt, then he lies back down and opens his arms for you. 
You take off your own sweater, and before laying back down on him, you take a moment to appreciate his bare chest.  His skin is pale and smooth and warm.  You hug him again like you were, with your cheek now resting on his bare, warm chest.  One hand strokes your hair while the other caresses your back.  His large fingers graze over your bra strap repeatedly, and you take that as his way of asking you to remove it, so you do.  His face flushes and you smile.  His eyes look back and forth between your nipples as you bring your chest to his.  There’s a magnetism between your bare torsos as they meet and your breasts flatten against him.  He rests his arms on top of you and strokes your skin.  You kiss his neck, then his cheek, then his mouth, and you’re making out again.  
You take in the feeling of his lips against yours, his skin against yours.  Your chests and arms together feel like they should never come apart.  You could stay like this for hours, do nothing else, and still consider it a good night, but you want all of him against all of you.  When you look him in the eyes, you’re certain he wants the same. 
“Your skin feels so good,” he whispers.  
“Yours too.  I want to feel all of it.” 
He slips a hand in between the two of you and you lift yourself up to give him some room.  Large knuckles graze your skin as he unbuttons, then unzips his pants.  You scoot yourself down toward his feet and begin to slowly remove his jeans, pulling from the ankles.  His briefs start to come with them, revealing some red pubic hair.  He doesn’t pull the briefs back up.  He’s breathing slowly, deliberately.  His thighs are muscular and fade from white to tan.  His legs have soft, auburn hair and a few scars lighter than his skin.  His feet are huge.  You leave his socks on.  You almost can’t believe how lucky you are to have him here in your house.  
You lie down again, cradled by a large arm, slowly squirm out of your joggers - you weren’t wearing any underwear to take off.  He watches you while you’re nestled against him.  Your entire naked body now lies against him.   He takes his free hand and nudges his briefs down a little more and you help him slowly pull them off with your hand, then your toes, not wanting to leave his side again.  He raises his knees one at a time to help.  You don’t look directly at his cock but you see enough to know it’s thick and getting thicker. 
You’re both nude. The room is just chilly enough that your body heat together will be enough.   You pull the blanket up so only your heads peek outside it.  You’re cuddled up so close you’re like one body with two heads.   You hook your bare leg over one of his and nestle comfortably against him.  You reach down and remove one of your socks, then use the toes of that foot to remove your other sock. You slip your big toe into the hem of his sock and he lets you remove them one by one and he giggles when it tickles. 
As you play footsie, you feel his cock harden against your leg, and you feel yourself moistening against his strong, hairy thigh. The contiguity of your bodies is intoxicating - the magnetism of his warm skin against yours.  
He kisses you softly on the forehead, then on the lips.  You close your eyes and inhale through your nose as you kiss, feeling his arms around you.  You’re cosmically absorbing him into yourself and at the same time transmitting yourself into him.  You want all his feelings and his fears and his trauma and his problems. You want both of you to carry them and yours together as one. 
His cock swells against you and his pelvis pushes into your leg and he whispers "sorry."
It stirs you from your affectionate stupor and you whisper back, "don't be.  It's natural."  You bend your knee and spread your legs, shifting yourself so his hardness is nestled against your warmth.  "And I like it," you add.  “I want more,” you purr.  He takes a deep breath.    
Corey’s expansive hands glide over your arms and his thick arms wrap around you tighter.  His hot, stiff, member rubs against your warmth.  You grind against him, bury your nose in his armpit, and inhale slowly. Your nipples harden as his musk fills your nostrils. 
He kisses the top of your head.  You look and he bows his head, a wild curl falling in his forehead, and his lips meet yours.  He pushes his rock-hard length against you harder as you kiss, and you feel pre-cum.  You tilt your hips, slickening his shaft.  He softly moans and pulses rhythmically there.  You badly want to be filled by him.  Your body inches upward on his.  Your legs spread for more direct contact and you grind your clit hard against his shaft.  You drag your warm, wet cunt against him.  Your hips tilt, offering your entrance if he wants to take it.  
The wet, swollen head of his cock slides against your folds and nuzzles at your soaking wet entrance.  You truly ache for him. You feel the pain not only in your throbbing cunt but in your head and in your chest.  
His cockhead nudges your entrance and you whisper “yes.”  
His hips rotate upward and the head of his cock pushes into you, unleashing a swarm of butterflies in your core.  He sighs.   He inches further into you, pleasantly stretching  your cunt.  Time stands still.  You feel his cock pulse and your hips start to move on their own.  As you roll into him, his hips jolt up, plunging his whole length into you.  
It takes your breath away.  You’ve never felt happier than this moment.  He sighs and you gasp as pleasure shoots through your spine and spreads to your nipples, your thighs, all your skin against his.  Your eyes feel weak like you might cry.  
Corey is still for a moment, both of you savoring the first moment his length was sheathed entirely in your warm, wet cunt.  You breathe with him, feeling your skin against his, your cunt around his cock.  You feel him pulse inside you, then he pulls back a few inches before thrusting into you harder.  He shudders as he fills you again.  Your chest is hot against his.  Your arms curl under his and his thick fingers dig into the smooth skin of your back.  
You bring your knees up and hug him like a koala again, rolling your hips into his, your throbbing clit rubbing against his pelvis, savoring the perfect feeling of his length inside you.  Your body has a mind of its own now.  Your hips let his shaft halfway out, then lower yourself back down hard, and repeat.  You drag your breasts down his chest a few inches then sit up.  He marvels at your body and his hands come to your  hips as you ride him.  He reaches for a breast and your nipple hardens against his wide palm.  Your pace quickens.  
Corey’s face is flushed and his eyes are dark.   His dark eyes sparkle as they gaze into yours.  His lips are slightly parted. “You’re so beautiful,” he says in a low, gruff voice.  “I love being inside you.” 
“I love it too,” you say as you keep riding him.  He closes his eyes and you watch his hot Adam’s apple as he swallows.  His breathing gets heavier.  His hands go from your breasts to your sides then beg you closer against him.  You kiss him deeply as you lower your breasts to his chest.  His lips are soft and plush but they kiss you hard this time, invading your mouth with his strong tongue, sucking you into him, consuming you as you ride him. 
Your hard nipple grazes against his and he softly moans into your mouth.  His hips rise and you slowly stop riding him, hovering half-on his cock, begging his hips upward into yours.  He thrusts upward into you and begins fucking you from the bottom and your cunt clenches around him.  You both breathe heavily against each other’s mouths, breathing each other’s breath.  
He starts to say something, “I–” but his own moan cuts him off.  You sense he’s about to come and as much as you want his hot seed to fill you up, you want to swallow it even more.  You want your body to digest him, millions of little versions of him, take little bits of him and turn them into you and you into him.
Your cunt is clenched around him but you beg it to release.  You lift your hips and slowly let his swollen cock slide out.  It’s ready to burst.  You grab it in your soft hand and scoot quickly down his legs, then bring your lips to the head of his cock.  You suck the head of his salty cock then open your jaw to slide your lips down his girth. Your strong tongue massages him and you suck from the back of your throat.  He strokes your hair and groans and says he’s going to come.  
His hips tense as his cock releases a huge salty load into your throat in waves.  You seal your lips around his shaft, not wanting to waste any of it at all.  You swallow after every pump, still sealed round his shaft.  Then, once he’s empty, you gently slide your lips off and replace them with your gentle hand, wanting to protect him from the cold as he deflates.  
He sits up and kisses you frantically, pushing you down onto the opposite end of the couch so you’re on the bottom.  His huge hand engulfs your cunt and his lips come to your nipple, then your neck.  His middle three fingers massage your aching clit and your hips roll up into his huge hand.  You can tell he’s desperate to make you come.  It won’t take much.  He begins to move his hand to your thighs, and you sense he’s getting ready to bury his head between your legs, but you’re too close to let him break contact.  You grab his wrist and force him to stay. 
His lips come back to your neck and he sucks you hard, biting you lightly, as his soaking wet hand pleasures you rhythmically. You feel the blood in your neck rising to the surface of your delicate skin.  Just a few more seconds and your back arches as pleasure shoots through your core, seizing your entire body, and through your final waves, you moan “Corey, Oh, Corey,” and your eyes well up, and his eyes water too as he kisses your lips again.  You collapse and hug him into you, on top of you.  
Corey nuzzles his curls into your neck and the skin of your chest tingles against his.  Your insides buzz with his cum inside you.   You would be content to stay like this all night.  Preferably every night.  
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motions1ckness · 1 year
hi 🙂 can you do roman roy x asexual fem reader where reader has a crush on roman (shaky hands blushy cheeks when he is close) and gardener in logan's house, so one day roman is walking in garden and hears her talking on the phone with her friend about how she doesnt want to have sex with anyone, and will never have children etc. And realizes she is just like him. Aaaand He starts talking to her...
ofc and i hope you enjoy!
content: ace!reader, f!reader, pining, fluff, mention of sex
Your mornings started with a 20-minute commute to manage Logan Roy’s garden. What the fuck does he know about flowers? To your surprise, a lot. Marica hired you as a gift for Logan. She told you his mother used to bring discounted bouquets home when he was a kid, so no pressure.
Today went on like the others, showing up at nine, and doing your job, except for the part where his kids stopped by. Fuck.
His youngest, Roman always caught your eye. Usually, you would be there for a few hours and be gone by noon, but now Roman was here. You tried prolonging your stay, now glad you began wearing summer dresses to combat the warmth.
Frankly, you've never spoken to any of Logan’s kids. They'd sometimes call out to you, or Roman would comment on Logan, “only hiring hot people.”
Before heading out, you phoned your roommate, who teases you because you casually walk into a billionaire's home every day.
They picked up within two rings “Hey, what’s up are you almost off yet? Or does the old man want you to be human furniture?” They say with a sarcastic tone. You laugh but also don't put it past the family.
“I’m about to go, it's just, you know his son? Roman, the one I keep telling you about?” You were slightly pacing, turning to peer inside, but it’s not like you could look in if you want to. Logan made it impossible for anyone to peek in.
The call caused Logan to notice you chatting and not working. He sent Roman to check on you, which caused him to feel Logan was punishing him by sending him outside. With a soft exhale, mixed with a groan, Roman headed towards the terrace.
“Oh? Should I break out candles? Pre-order a new mattress?” The other line egged on. You rolled your eyes at the comment, completely forgetting you were at work. The terrace was rather big. It wrapped around half the suite. Making Roman’s entrance undetected.
“Yeah, sure. But for real, It’s not like a sex thing. You know I’m not into that,” you slightly clear your throat, embarrassed by the thought someone would hear you from inside. Unbeknownst to you, Roman was listening to the conversation. When he heard you talking about sex, he panicked and moved toward the wall so you couldn’t see him. He thought it would be worse if you found out someone heard you. “It’s already bad enough it’s my boss's son.” That caught Roman’s attention, apart from him fearing you were talking about Kendall, but he couldn’t stop listening. Like a book he couldn’t put down.
“I think that makes it more fun. You know, sneaking around. But without the sex. Anyway, what was he wearing? I need more details than just his name and what the press says. C’mon, tell me who is the Roman Roy.” You liked how engaged your friend was, fearing opening up about your crush would end in humiliation.
“I don’t know what he’s wearing, I can’t see through the glass. But uh, I don’t know ‘the real Roman Roy'. I don’t interact with any of them. They’re all scary as shit, but I think it's time to head out. It’s fucking scalding.” Followed by exchanging goodbyes and looking up when the next train was going out.
Roman knew that conversation was about him, which made him nervous talking to you. It wasn't the first time you piqued his interest, how your wardrobe changed according to the weather, and how meticulous you get about the garden's appearance. You fascinated him. He also felt relief hearing you didn't want to sleep with him. Intimacy was his grey area, and he loved not feeling pressure to do it.
Roman waited a few seconds before emerging and speaking up, “Uh, my dad um, just wanted to know what you were doing out here,” Oh my god. He undoubtedly heard you. You wanted to curl up and die or resign out of embarrassment. Maybe he JUST got here, let's hope.
You turned to face him, feeling your face flush, “Oh, just heading out, looking when the next train is going out,” You put on a smile, hoping it makes you seem coy. It didn’t. Even if he didn’t overhear you, your face was beet red and your hands were slightly shaking.
“Well, I was about to head out, maybe, I can give you a ride? Or get a drink somewhere?” You could've sworn your face turned scarlet. Holy Shit. You stood in awe for a second, unable to fathom the words he spat out. “Um, y/n? Are you having a heat stroke or something?” He shields his eyes, feeling the heat against his skin, “He is a piece of shit for making you work out here, wow.”
You finally grasped what he said, “Y-yeah it’s actual hell out here, but going out sounds fun yeah.” You tried your best to sound easygoing after facing the worst embarrassment you've ever endured.
“Cool, uh, my driver is downstairs already,” he said in a merciful tone, gesturing for you to exit first.
The car ride was mostly silent. A few questions got thrown out asking about your job to ease the drive. The bar was incredibly upscale, feeling out of place arriving in your work clothes. Roman did his best to make you feel comfortable, he paid for the tab, and reserved a quiet area; he was trying to impress you. He asked about your life while you tried your best to pry about his.
“C’mon, tell me about something not so surface,” you paw at him, the two of you facing each other. You scanned his face as he took a sip of his drink, patiently waiting for his response.
He set the drink down, slightly smiling to himself because of the comeback he came up with, “So you could know ‘the real Roman Roy?’"
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myveryownfanfiction · 10 months
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Rickmans day 7: stormy reunion
tags: @illiana-mystery, @deepperplexity, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @cassieuncaged
warnings: swearing
I groaned as the rain started pouring down. I had thought the weather in Los Angeles was bad but New York weather was worse. I had been caught without an umbrella and trying to catch a taxi was like trying to catch smoke in a bottle. Traffic slowed down as the rain started to pick up. Just as I got a taxi to pull over, someone else went to grab the door handle.
“hey!” I cried while I turned to look at the person. My eyes went wide and I gasped. “Hans?” I breathed out. The man standing next to me blinked at me as he slowly nodded. “Oh my god. I thought…”
“Not here. Please.” He whispered. I nodded and watched as he opened the car door. “Get in. We can talk when we get to your apartment.” I nodded again and got in. Hans slid in next to me and closed the door. I watched in shock as he gave the driver my address and we pulled back into traffic.
“Hans.” I breathed out, reaching out for his hand. Hans smiled at me as he turned his hand over, intertwining our fingers. We sat quietly, thoughts running rampant in my head. The more I thought about it the more pissed off I got at him. He left me after nakatomi. He made me think he had died. And then took the money and ran! My emotions started to brew just like the storm outside the cab. I didn’t let go of Hans’ hand through it all, scared that if I let go it would all prove to be a dream or a figment of my imagination. When we pulled up to my apartment, Hans paid the driver and helped me out. My gaze had turned stony and I tried not to look at Hans even as he walked by my side, fingers still interlocked.
“(Y/N).” He started when we had entered my apartment. I dropped his hand and turned on him.
“don’t.” I growled. “Don’t do that. You left me. You took the money and went god knows where. You fucking left me hans! I didn’t know where to go or what to do because every contingency plan hinged on you being there to put it in motion.” I pointed my finger at him and ground my teeth. The pain in my jaw brought me back. “I thought you had died you bastard.” Hans held his hands up. I could see the tick in his jaw that meant he was thinking how to gain control of the situation again. And then in a second everything dropped. His gaze. His face. His hands.
“I did.” He admitted. “I didn’t want to. I was supposed to be able to get out of there quickly and find you. Take you away.” Hans took a step towards me. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t…” he sighed and shook his head. “I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t supposed to…that wasn’t…” he squeezed his eyes shut and slowly lowered himself to his knees. “I didn’t plan on it. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” Hans looked up at me. He put his hands together and pressed them against his chest.
“how am I supposed to believe that?” I asked, my temper abating slightly as I stared at him. “From the man who planned everything out. Down to our…” Hans chuckled and shook his head.
“I know. I’m sorry.” He admitted. “I didn’t think there was going to be someone running around the building.” We stared at each other for a few minutes before hans stood slowly. “I understand. If you want me to leave. If you never want to see me again. But I needed you to know…” he smiled at me and his expression turned sad. “I didn’t do it on purpose. If I had any say in it, I would have made my way back to you long before today. I love you and I never wanted to hurt you.” I stared at him as he slowly advanced towards me.
“That doesn’t change the fact it took you so long to do it Hans.” I hugged myself as he stopped in front of me. He nodded.
“I know. And I’m incredibly sorry for that.” He said softly, trying to catch my eye. “The police kept looking for me when I disappeared from the hospital. I finally got them off my tail. My brother landed yesterday. He’s a bigger fish to fry than me. I can move about as I please now. And I’m here to stay.” Hans reached out and rubbed my arm.
“Simon is here?” I asked. Hans nodded. “They’re going to have a field day with him.” He laughed and nodded again.
“Am I forgiven?” He asked. I have him a small smile.
“maybe. Maybe not.” I shrugged. Hans laughed and leaned down to kiss me.
“given your amount of snark I’d say I am.” He said just before his lips made contact with mine.
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cinewhore · 1 year
pairing: Doug Renetti x fem!reader word count: 4k warnings: fluff, angst, smut: vaginal penetration, cumshot a/n: in a minx mood! I just finished the second season and fell in love with the characters again. Folks have also been asking me about this so I guess this can live on here again. no beta and this is kind of old lolz. Enjoy & give credits to the gif creators!
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Popping your grape flavored gum, your eyes fly across the screen of the game you were currently engrossed in, hips swaying back and forth to KC & The Sunshine Band “Get Down Tonight”.  You came to the Hot Spot bar often, checking the high score of space invaders. You were the top player of the famed game ever since Charlie installed it and he always made sure to tuck away tokens for you whenever you showed up. 
It wasn’t your thing, playing video games. With the increase of working days and a higher demand for adult content, you were always looking to blow off steam that wasn’t sex related. You drunkenly stumbled upon the flashy box and were hooked. 
“C’mon, you piece of shit, eat my dust!” you mutter, tongue poking out a bit as your concentration deepens. The colored aliens jump around, narrowly avoiding your blazing ray gun. You weren’t going down without a fight and with a quick flip of your wrist, the last three aliens on your screen were blasted to hell. The machine dings as NEW HIGH SCORE appears, prompting you to input your initials for the scoreboard. You continue to hum to the song, jerking the joystick around the alphabet to claim your rightful throne. 
“Whew momma, I’d know those hips anywhere.” 
You bite a smile as you finish your gaming session, tossing your purse back over your shoulder. Turning around, you come face to face with Doug Renetti. He holds up two shot glasses filled with brown liquor, shaking them a bit to entice you. 
“You’re late.” 
Doug laughs and it pings your heart. You hated how much you liked to hear his laughter. 
“What can I say, I’m a busy guy.” 
You permit the rugged looking man to escort you to a booth, sliding in across from him and accepting the drink. 
“Too busy for me even? Wow!” you joke, signaling to the bartender for another round. 
“Never too busy for my favorite girl.” Doug flashes you a smile, dazzling you with his pearly whites. You bite your lip and lean back against the plush seat. 
“You go to work today?” 
Doug nods, thanking the waitress for the new set of drinks. “Yeah. I, uh, actually got this new magazine in the works. It’s gonna be big, I can feel it.” 
“So I heard.” 
Doug raises an eyebrow, massaging his sharp nose. “Oh yeah? Tony keeping tabs on me now?” 
You let out a nervous chuckle, rolling your eyes. Tony was always a sore subject of conversation. Your current boss, Tony Delgatto owned one of the biggest adult production companies in L.A. Tony and Doug started in the industry together but lines were crossed and the two went their separate ways. Tony and Doug both refuse to discuss what exactly happened between them and you knew better than to ask. Something about men with their dicks and egos. 
“No, the porn industry is just very small. Word travels fast.” you shrug but Doug wasn’t buying it. 
“How much did Bambi tell you?” 
You giggle into your glass. “Everything.” 
Doug groans. “She never stops talking, that Bambi.” 
“We go to the same hair salon! What else are we supposed to talk about, the weather?” 
“Yeah, that’d be nice for a change.” 
You scoff. “Oh, geez, maybe next time I’ll lead off with a: Hi Bambi, how’s the weather today? Oh! It’s mid-70s? Again? Someone call the press!”
“Yeah, alright. I get it.” 
A moment of silence passes by and you know exactly where this is going. 
“The offer still stands-” 
“Doug! Can we not do this today?” 
Doug’s face softens, his normal joking demeanor changing into something serious. “You’re a goddamn sex symbol and instead of becoming a household name, you’re wasting potential by showing your ass on a calendar spread where February has thirty days in it!” 
“Hey! Gertrude apologized for that and got new ones printed.” 
Doug sighs. “What I’m saying is that I can take good care of ya and present you to the world in the right way. You need to be on magazine covers, video tapes, television, not that other shit.” 
You clear your throat, gazing down at your hands in your lap. Doug was right. He tends to be, having done this for such a long time. Even as a high school dropout, Doug always felt that he was smarter than any test could prove. His business started off a tad rocky but once both of his feet were planted firmly on the ground, it took off. You always teased that he was hiding all his secrets in his hair. 
“I know my worth,” you assert. “And I’ve been working with Tony for years, if I just up and left for his biggest competitor he’d blackball me before I even left the parking lot.” 
Doug downs his drink. “Yeah….maybe.” He takes in your sullen expression. “I didn’t mean to make you upset, let me make it up to you.” 
You give him a half smirk. “Oh yeah? And just how do you plan to do that, Douglas?” 
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The walls to the single stall squeal as you get fucked against it, holding onto Doug for dear life. You were happy that you decided to wear a dress for the occasion, forgoing the bright colored tights due to the warm weather. Your underwear was currently dangling off of your right foot, legs thrown across Doug’s arms. 
“Now this,” Doug grunts, shifting his angle and hitting a deeper spot that made you cry out. “Is some grade-A pussy.” 
You laugh breathlessly. “Don’t you fucking forget it, sweetheart.” you grab a handful of his hair, tugging on it hard to spur him on further. 
The bass of the music playing seeps into the restroom, helping to conceal the moaning you were doing. Doug licks at your throat, analyzing your facial expressions. Even though you were a performer, he could tell from certain ticks that this wasn’t an act. Doug knew how to fuck you good and he was cocky about it. Some days he took it for granted but today he wanted to savor the moment, he wanted to make you unravel as many times as he possibly could. 
Creeping over to the sink, Doug sets you down and flips you over, spreading your legs with his foot. He doesn’t warn you as he enters you again, slowing down his pace in order to catch his breath. 
Your eyes meet in the mirror and you grin, eyes half open. He towers over you and tugs at the front of your dress, yanking it down enough to release your breasts. Doug kneads your tits, fingers pulling at your nipple. You whine, arching your back more. 
“I’m a pretty girl, say it.” 
Your eyes open all the way as you stare at Doug who doesn’t skip a beat. 
“Say it or I swear to God I’ll stop.” 
He thrust forward more harshly and you shuffle your feet around to accommodate him more. 
“I’m-oh-I’m a-” 
Doug smacks your ass. “Eyes on me when you say it.” 
You force yourself to glance at Doug. “I’m a pretty girl.” 
Doug nods. “Again.”
“I’m a pretty girl.”
He grabs your neck, pulling you up straight against his chest. “The prettiest fucking girl with the best pussy, ain’t that right.” 
You mumble and whimper affirmations, losing yourself to an orgasm. “I’m comin’, Doug, please.” 
“Uh huh, honey, I’m not done with you yet.” 
Doug slips out and prompts you to sit on the sink, positioning himself in between your legs. You groan as he enters you again, your immense amount of wetness making it an easy process. 
You surge forward kiss Doug, licking into his mouth. Your tongues fight for domination, Doug devouring all of your soft moans. 
“You want my cum?” 
Your head bobbles as you say yes. 
“How much you want it?”
“Bad. I want you to cum so badly, Doug.” 
Doug pumps his cock into you a few more times before he pulls out, snatching the condom off. He jerks his shaft, gasping as he spills his seed across your open legs. 
He drops his head on your shoulder, arms locking around your hips. You take a hand and lace it through his hair, humming lowly as your body simmers down from its tiny spasms. 
“Come work for me. Please.” he utters, pressing kisses to your bare shoulders. 
“You know I don’t talk business with your dick out.” 
Doug laughs softly, leaving one last kiss on your cheek before he makes himself decent. You adjust your dress, thanking Doug when he hands you your panties. 
“Doug, you know I can’t work for you.” 
Doug stares off into the distance, nodding to himself. 
The whole Tony excuse was played out. You could give a rats ass what Tony thought, you were fucking scared of Doug. You were head over heels for your oldest friend in the city who you sometimes had sex with. Ok, so you had sex a lot but it wasn’t like he was asking you for more and you were happy not to enter that unknown territory. You didn’t want people to think that you were fucking him for special privleges. You didn’t want to admit your true feelings. You didn’t want to get hurt. Not by anyone but definitely not him. 
Doug goes to leave the restroom but stops himself, digging in his suit pocket. He produces a small velvet cloth bag, handing it to you. 
You grab it, looking at him confused. “What’s this?” 
He gestures for you to open it. You gasp openly, a hand flying to your mouth. Inside the bag was a silver starfish necklace. Simple and beautiful. 
Doug takes the necklace from you, fastening it around your neck. He admires the charm, touching it gently. “Saw it and couldn’t stop thinking about how much you would like it. Happy birthday.” 
Doug says nothing else as he leaves you alone in the bathroom, closing out his tab and exiting the bar. 
Tony hadn’t said anything to you all day. 
It was a tough business. Not the industry you’d thought you would be a part of when you first moved out west. You wanted to go to school for marine biology but your parents didn’t approve, saying that the money wasn’t there and you should do something more practical with your life. They agreed to let you go to L.A. but set a hard rule that they weren’t going to support you so you had to find a job while applying to schools. 
Balancing rent, tuition, books, and other bills proved to be too much so you took up a call girl job when an older woman you came across in a bar one night told you that you were wasting your pretty over the phone. 
“Film is where it’s hot, sweet cheeks.” she advised, handing you a business card for Tony. Doug offered to help but you turned him down, saying that phone sex was better because you didn’t want your image to be broadcasted everywhere. 
You weren’t exactly sure when your beliefs changed but talking sexy over the phone wasn’t putting food on your table. 
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A Week Later.
You slip your sunglasses on top of your head, popping your gum noisily. You mosey up to the front desk of Bottom Dollar, smiling at the receptionist. The poor girl couldn’t get a word out before Bambi rushes past her, engulfing you in a tight hug. 
“I knew you would show up!” Bambi steps back, grabbing your hand and dragging you through the office. “Doug was adamant that you were not going to come but I just kept telling him that you’d end up here and here you are! My horoscope said that good things come to those who wait.” 
Bambi leads you into the photo area where Doug, Tina, and Richie were observing a new layout. They all turn when you enter with Bambi. Doug sits up straighter when he sees you, eyes zooming in on your neck. 
The necklace was still there. 
“Well would you look at what the cat brought in!” Bambi shrieks. 
You wave, surveying the scene. 
“You came.” Doug says, walking over to greet you with a hug. You hug him back, inhaling his familiar scent. 
“I heard you were struggling to stay afloat so I figured I’d offer a helping hand.” 
Doug chuckles and pulls you over to the table. “Oh really? Wonder where you heard that.” he side eyes Bambi. 
Gazing at the boards on the table, you whip your head up to look at Doug. “Is this for me?” 
Bambi holds up the layout for you to see it clearer. “I came up with the idea!” 
“Well, that’s half true.” Doug points to the board. “With the new magazine we got coming, it’s all about the female gaze. Intellect. What a better way to gain knowledge than having your own fun fact spread! We would feature you in every other issue and we’d use the space to feature fun trivia and facts about the ocean. We could even give some proceeds to a sealife charity of your choice.” 
Tears well up on your eyes as you gaze at Doug’s work. Setting down your purse, you shed off your jacket. 
“Where do I stand?” 
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