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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Oh, deer 馃 #igotjokes #verypunny #somanydogs #seniordogsrock #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKm05IAG51/?igshid=1e1ravibh8f4i
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Auntie M (Maria) says that Presley had a good night and that he's settling in well in her home. This is a big change, so he's understandably a bit confused; but she's working with him to make him feel comfortable. Her cats are a bit put off by his presence, but he's had no reaction to them! Presley will be going to the vet soon for his intake and blood work. His former mom took such good care of this boy, so other than his seizures he's a very healthy guy. But we did notice a bit of hind end weakness that we want to have looked at. One of Maria's concerns is that Presley's slipping on her hardwood floors; so we added a couple of items that will work for him to the top of our Amazon wishlist, including a joint supplement and paw pad grippers - if anyone would like to take a look 馃挄馃惥 https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2PRD4V0RB6JNO?ref_=wl_share PayPal.me/houseofjoydogs #norwegianelkhound #rescuedog #fosteringsaveslives #rescuefosteradopt #fostermomsrock #specialneedsdog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJYmalgkSD/?igshid=s2qajrtlsmdf
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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I feel like Mason just needs a beer and this pic will be complete 馃嵒鉀憋笍馃尀 Waiting on filters for the bigger pool to arrive, but needed to give him some relief from the heat while he's doing his yard walking that he loves. Can't have our sweet guy getting overheated 馃挄馃惥 #masonstrong #seniordogsrock #specialneedsdog #sanctuarydog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHet9IAwVI/?igshid=1r4qgq9nbonm7
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Welcome PRESLEY to the House of Joy family! You'll notice that this 60lb Norwegian Elkhound/Shepard mix is a bit... larger... than we normally rescue, but when he was brought to our attention, we immediately said yes. Presley is about 5 years old and has seizure disorder. He was originally adopted from another rescue that is no longer in operation. Due to personal reasons, his loving mom could no longer care for him. So many rescues were contacted in hopes of getting this guy in a safe place so he wouldn't have to go to the shelter. But seizures are a scary thing that not everyone feels comfortable taking on. But our hearts went out to him, and Maria was willing to foster him for as long as he needs. The plan is obviously to get him adopted. He's still a young guy with plenty of life left in him. His seizures are well managed with his meds, and he's a sweet and adorable guy who deserves to live! So we're happy to help him 馃挄馃惥 #welcome #fosteringsaveslives #fostermomsrock #rescuefosteradopt #specialneedsdog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHNPCQgrsR/?igshid=1csm7xrmdmz8h
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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BEST DAY EVER!! Miss Kyla came over to hang out and love on the pups. Between the current state of affairs and her being in school, they've missed her so much! AND Denny's furever momma, Paula, made the trip down here with him and his brother, Homer. I was kinda heartbroken that Denny didn't seem to recognize me at first. But more than anything, just so grateful that he's in such an amazing home with his loving family. He obviously loves his family so much. He's so well cared for and so happy, I couldn't ask for anything more 馃挄馃惥 #volunteerday #reunion #pupdate #reunitedanditfeelssogood #seniordogsrock #specialneedsdog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CDE4sasAyh7/?igshid=1l77v9alqdk6d
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Mr. Darcy, whatcha dreaming about? 馃挄馃惥 #tongueoutnottuesday #properpoodle #diabeticdog #diabeticandblind #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CDCdIhbAoxc/?igshid=1g63jsr5ybxd1
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Honey Pie and Doodle Bug had a meet and greet with their new mom and dad, and it was love all around - in fact, they were even given full names! We weren't sure whether the two young ones and their senior chi, Purdy Girl, would hit it off; but they all seemed to accept each other's presence immediately. Purdy is the little black spot under under new mom - don't worry, mom tells me she likes to hang out under chairs, so this wasn't a stress reaction. Mom and dad just need to get the house ready for new kiddos, and then they're off to their new home! 馃挄馃惥 #loveatfirstsight #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_52RtnuOO/?igshid=13mwfx2rrwub9
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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I have to announce that Lammy has succumbed to the vicious jaws of the House of Joy dogs. Sadly, he wasn't the first, and he won't be the last. But he served well, in providing enrichment for the pups who so carelessly destroyed him. RIP Lammy 馃挄馃惥 #lol #notoyissafehere #crazyanimals #diabeticdog #specialneedsdog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_FQjuHk-P/?igshid=1b1hxxpgh42rv
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Thinking of changing our name to House of Love. Mason was lying down and Gracie plopped down right beside her new buddy 馃挋 Because of Gracie's sensitive skin and her insistence on laying down on the hard floor, we went ahead and got a couple of lightweight pajamas for her. The hope is that it will provide just enough barrier to reduce the rubbing and causing the sores. The cuteness is a bonus 馃挄馃惥 #gracieandmason #lovebirds #buds #seniordogsrock #specialneedsdog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9NP_bnfOQ/?igshid=hzixwtjmvxje
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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That look of betrayal on Dewey's face, as he's wanting an ear cleaning; but Dolly (resident ear cleaner) is currently occupied with Dex 馃挄馃惥 #yourcheatinheart #betrayed #seniordogsrock #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8yFS1nUZM/?igshid=1dnft3l21lxi4
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Blep ~ Mason, who's saving some food on his nose for later (because momma hasn't done the daily face cleaning yet) 馃惥馃挄 #blep #tot #tongueouttuesday #seniordogsrock #specialneedsdog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC69gNuHE2c/?igshid=h756fhc0lcco
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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A Bug and his lammy 馃挋 I believe we found Bugs'and Honey's perfect furever home - just depends on the other adorable little senior princess and Honey - as Honey can be a bit of a diva. But they're both so adorable and really sweet pups. Fingers crossed! 馃惥馃挄 #adoptachi #chiterrier #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC6T8PxAnIh/?igshid=w7tqqw8s7ykr
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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When this is what you see when you happen to look around the corner 馃グ馃槶 These beds are a definite favorite of most of the crew, and it's actually Mason's first time snuggling up in one 馃挋 I haven't been able to coax Gracie into a snuggly bed yet; I think she's probably used to the floor which is why she seems to prefer it. And also why she has those pressure sores 馃槨 Spoke with the vet and thankfully they've given their blessing to continue her antibiotics, as yesterday was supposed to be her last day, but her skin is still so inflamed and angry. We'll get her all fixed up 馃挄馃惥 #aww #cutenessoverload #socuteitshouldbeillegal #seniordogsrock #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4fWjvgyu3/?igshid=1go1z4t1rt2ds
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Who says three's a crowd? 馃挄馃惥 #threescompany #sharingiscaring #snugglebuddies #chilove #seniordogsrock #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4F5s8gdfR/?igshid=1unmyvc9ds0e3
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Miss Gracie has a very good appetite, and I'm so grateful for that. Some more pics of her condition, poor little thing has sores all over and inflamed skin. The vet isn't able to get us in until next week. Gracie was just seen and given meds by the shelter vet, so I'm comfortable waiting to be seen; BUT I just sent these pics in along with her records, and am waiting on a call back for recommendations on what we can do to make her more comfy in the meantime, while we wait for her appointment 馃挄馃惥 #minischnauzer #seniordogsrock #specialneedsdog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3ay83ACuq/?igshid=z8rahgemywrb
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houseofjoydogs 5 years ago
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Some pics from this weekend. Thank you SO MUCH to Kyla, Maria, Debi, and Tami for all your help with the Farmers' Market. I can't wait for the next one! Maria came over to meet the new girl, who I believe is Gracie, and love on the rest of the pups. Gracie is settling well and seems to know to go potty outside, so she obviously had a home before. I wish she could talk and tell us where she came from and how she got to be in such poor condition. Will be making a vet appointment first thing tomorrow for her. Also just for fun... we found three little baby birds in the nest. They look about the age where they'll be leaving the nest and learning to fly, so Maria and I created a little fenced in area to keep them safe from the pups 馃挄馃惥 #volunteersrock #seniordogsrock #specialneedsdog #houseofjoy #houseofjoydogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CC1cPlIgyaq/?igshid=19mxzmq0ekoxd
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