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#let us take a minute to appreciate spencer hastings being spencer hastings #cutie pie is the only one complaining because a freaking test was cancelled #I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS LITTLE SCENE OKAY?!! (via @houseofhastings)
#it is a great note of this scene#pll#spencer hastings#good for emily emily did no last-minute studying for the SATs#this episode everyone went would you like to have a serious emotional conversation#right before you take the SATs?#pll s1#the liars
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It all comes back to Radley Hastings 💋
#pll#pretty little liars#pretty little theories#prettylittleliarstheory#pll theories#pll theory#spencer hastings#troian bellisario#hastings#houseofhastings#starthere#ad#hanna marin#ashley benson#emily fields#shay mitchell#aria montgomery#lucy hale#alison dilaurentis#sasha pieterse#mona vanderwaal#janel parrish#liars#wkc
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i don't think mary killed jessica. i feel like it should be more to the story, but whatever also, I DONT LIKE PETER!
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Good call on avoiding houseofhastings account. I had to do that awhile back with his supergirl teaser reviews and tweets. It’s good for the mental health 😅
I noticed very early on, during s5a how he dodgy he has always been. He makes great points at times, but he tends to overhype & exaggerate every SINGLE thing for clicks/interactions. I wish supercorps didn’t give him so much attention just bc he validates the ship. Another thing that irks me is the way he’s always asking for followers on twt - it’s incredibly telling that he only caters to the sc fandom for popularity, not that his tweets don’t already show that
#asks#ppl really need to start calling him out on his bs#so glad to see im not the only one who finds him unpleasant anon 🤧
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Some early review for the finale and it will have some spoilers
Who is gonna die? Mouse? Jacob (some said its maybe him but he had a major role in Batwoman comics so I dont think so)?
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Toby & Spencer Tribute (S1-7) | Give Me Love
This one is for you spoby family. Even though the finale wasn’t exactly what we hoped for, I want to bring some positivity back to this fandom. I’ve seen a lot of people saying that they wished they had never shipped spoby because of the ending, but I hope this video makes you remember how epic this ship will always be. I don’t ever regret a second of shipping this iconic couple because I have met so many talented, amazing, close friends because of Toby Cavanaugh and Spencer Hastings.
That being said, there are some special people that I want to give a shout out to (and I’m probably going to forget some ugh). These blogs have always made some amazing contributions to the spoby fandom and I smile whenever I see them on my dash. I know this doesn’t make up for the finale, but I hope it will help you relive spoby’s most iconic moments and maybe put a smile on your face. :)
@allensbellisario @cavanuaghs @cavanaughstobias @spencerstobias @safeplacetoblog @houseofhastings @spoobes @surnmersbuffy @safe-place-to-land @spoby-20-1 @iwasalwaysaromantic @captainstydiaswanx @thousandtimesovers @sparklebubbleblonde @spobyficstalker @marstuart @thefaketeam @owcnhunt @bebrave-bekind @dreamsarefantasmic and of course @scrabble-necklace thank you for being such an amazing friend, Jess <3
#spoby#pll#spoby video#pretty little liars#fan video#toby cavanaugh#spencer hastings#toby x spencer#otp#pll 7x20
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First, I want to apologize for that sucky edit but like you can guess my blog is now five years old and I just needed to do something to celebrate that.
I would like to thanks all the people who follow me, seeing you reblog and like the things I make or just the fact that you are here is one of the happiest thing in my life (sad, I know, but what can I say, I enjoy the little things)
A special shout out to the best girl I know, that I would have never met if I didn’t decided to join this site and my best friend, my person, my polka dot sister: @halsteadandlindsay. Suzana, I love you and I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have you in my life <3
And now, to the people I follow... we might be friends, might have never talked to each other at all or just from time to time, don’t talk as much as before (we should try to talk again, like seriously!) but seeing your edits, watching your videos, reading your stories and rants about the shows and the ships that I love (and hate), reading your tags for some of you, just you being amazing people to follow, you are the reason that I’m still here and that I’m still enjoying this hellsite after all these years so to all of you, THANK YOU!
@adamruzek @amuzed1 @allensbellisario @allenramon @backtothestart02 @bartholomewallen @bisexuallaurellance @briarsrosie @captainswaan @cavanaughspencer @cavanaughstobias @cbsnforeverandalways @chylerlwest @cisco-iris @clarkegriffinblake @cystalreeds @deputytoby @desireearmfeldt
@guerrasfrias @halsteadandlindsay @hashtagpll @hastingsandcavanaugh @houseofhastings @inksmudge @irissswests @iriswestallens @karevsprincess
@@latebarryallen @lilocalloways @lindaspark @liquidheartbeats @lovingmccall @lucifer-morningstar @lyannaboleyn @lying-little-legend @maiammitchell @martinlydias @mayalunas @meenadhawan @minute42 @ohmygettingcrazy @owcnhunt @paceypotter @penboobis
@safe-place-to-land @shepherdsgrey @sophisticatedloserchick @sparklebubbleblonde @spencexhastings @spenceroswald @spencerstobias @spobyficstalker @stydixa @theroseiris @troiastings @valeriemperez @vanessaschandler @veronicalodg @wanderer765 @wehavegotthedreamersdisease @westallensiris @whatwouldiriswestdo
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Do you know where I can reblog the video of Aisha Dee singing Stacy's Mom and Alycia was trying to harmonize but ended up laughing?
I reblogged it from someone :) http://allthingsalycia.tumblr.com/post/142171750937/houseofhastings-here-have-actual-voice-of-an
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tagged by: @komorebicoin thank you ^.^
rules: list 10 songs you’re currently vibin on and tag ten people
relapse - anna clendening
idfc - blackbear
most girls - hailee steinfeld
walking the wire - imagine dragons
tied down - jaymes young
miracle - the score
walls could talk - halsey
bird - billie marten
mercy - shawn mendes
heavy shoulders - trace
tagging: @houseofhastings @captainheroism @lazy-bae @weird-different-but-free @chibird @hashtagpll @iwasalwaysaromantic @shadowskissed @brotnide @maevesmilay
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'Good Trouble' Preview: Changes Afoot (Season 2 Episode 2)
#GoodTrouble Season 2 Episode 2 puts some of our characters on a much different path. Plus, @MaiaMitchell and @ZuriAdele deliver killer performances. Read @houseofhastings' preview of the episode!
After dealing with the aftermath of the season finale on Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 1, the writers are shaking things up for the future of the series.
On Good TroubleSeason 2 Episode 2, Callie and Malika have to face the music after Malika’s outburst in Judge Wilson’s office, while Mariana continues to struggle with her work environment at Speckulate. And, unfortunately, one character is…
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Were you ever “houseofhastings” ?
nope! i’ve had a lot of urls but never that one
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I was very recently reminded that the family we come together with here, on tumblr, is the one we choose ourselves. And that's why I'm all the more grateful for it. This place gives me a place to vent (and someone who listens), to share stuff I’d normally never share with my friends, and at the end of the day to learn (mostly about how none of us are perfect, but we’re all still trying).
You are a blessing that makes this site what it is, and you brighten up my dash every day. I could not be more thankful for the connections I’ve made this year—for the friendships that started off as acquaintances, but grew into something more. I hope 2018 is everything you hoped it to be, and that we continue make each other’s experience on tumblr brighter and happy.
My special snowflakes:
@allenting ❆ @dylanobrienstyler ❆ @iriswestallenhuh ❆ @percesphone ❆
A -> D
@adamruzek, @angelinasjolie, @b0omshakalakaa, @bdavisbakers, @brightbettycooper, @brooke-davis, @bushxsoffer, @cavanaughspencer, @cavanaughstobias, @clarissasjace, @derekshepherdz, @dobrevclarke, @domesticdelena
E -> K
@e11evenseggos, @emily-rhodes, @emily-betts, @erinshalsteads, @erlijaha, @ezrafitzgerld, @fuckyeahdamose, @guardianwinchester, @halsteadpd, @haydnromerx, @houseofhastings, @iwantyoudamon, @jacobames, @jamko, @jayhalsstead, @jingleamells, @justkillingtimewhileiwait, @justovertherainbowskiesareblue, @j--halstead, @karev
L -> P
@letitrainletitsnowbutdontletmego, @letsplayscrabble, @lilocalloways, @mackayla-lane, @marvelthismarvelthat, @messylj, @mysteriousdamon, @naleylinsteadlover, @ohmyamysantiago, @prettymysticfalls
Q -> Z
@queseraone, @reylospark, @run-into-oblivion, @runnin-on-sunshine, @sansagreene, @soovermyself, @sophiabuzh, @standbydelena, @stardecker, @suttonbraddy, @taylorswift, @thousandtimesovers, @troiastings, @ttommycalligan, @untamedunwanted, @varietyofwords, @voightsgirl, @whistlewhileyouwrite, @zoeswade, @4littleliars
#follow forever#ff#I hope you all have wonderful holidays#and an even better year#my follow forever#pretty sure the last one I did was in 2015
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hey @houseofhastings i'm curious last year you told me that i was the only one you follow blogging about the tonys was that the case this year
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houseofhastings replied to your post “my mom told me the fish we bought for tomorrow wasn’t fresh anymore...”
there's a 78% chance you're about to get your period. it's science
i’ve been waiting for my period for two weeks now, so you’re probably right.
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you've officially murdered my soul with that unexpected pregnancy prompt. I hope you're happy.
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'Good Trouble' Review: Percussions (Season 2 Episode 1)
#Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 1 puts an end to the Jamal Thompson case, but what's next for Callie (and her love life, since she didn't make a decision)? Read @houseofhastings' review of the episode!
Picking up right where we left off, Callie and Mariana must face the repercussions of their actions, while someone else makes a startling decision that will surely have consequences for another character’s future.
Good TroubleSeason 2 Episode 1, “Percussions,” begins with a narration from Alice as she attempts to make sense of her new reality, including the new expectations from her parents as…
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