#house guest
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whatevertheweather · 8 months ago
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I have a lot to say about this but I'm not going to say most of it because I'm actually so so sleepy, but it's very important that I post anyway because guess who finally has a full draft of Musical Chairs.
It's all there. All the pieces. Have been connected. Edits need to be made but none of them are 'oh god why won't this work I need to rewrite this whole thing oh god,' they're just normal goddamn edits. I've thrown it at the betas, and now to conclude the cherished tradition of me endlessly posting about this fic almost being done, y'all get one last such WIP snippet, and then I'm going to bed and no one's seeing another word until the fic is posted.
“You’re a peach,” Shepard said as Baz agreed to split the last shot on the tray with him, and Baz rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. ”Why have you chosen comparing me to food as the hill you want to die on?” “Sorry,” Shepard answered with a furrowed brow. “I think I’m hungry.” Baz took the full shot himself. Shepard wailed. Their relationship was a fascinating study all on its own, though admittedly Penny was only looking at it so hard in search of cracks through which Shepard might be reachable.
Tags under the cut <3
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @moodandmist @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy
@aristocratic-otter @martsonmars @facewithoutheart @ivelovedhimthroughworse @bookish-bogwitch
@mooncello @monbons @iamamythologicalcreature @ionlydrinkhotwater @alexalexinii
@run-for-chamo-miles @forabeatofadrum @thewholelemon @rimeswithpurple @noblecorgi
@youarenevertooold @ileadacharmedlife @nightimedreamersworld
Some of those are thank you tags for those who've kept tagging me in things, I hope to look at stuff when I'm not about to fall asleep, and also I'm sorry to the people I've not tagged because of the aforementioned falling asleep, I love you all bye <3
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misthiosmagic · 1 month ago
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Omgomgomg finallyyyyyyy!!
Y'all. Y'aaaaaaaaalllllll let's fcking goooooo!!!! :D
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skoolz-of-thotz · 8 months ago
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subestu · 8 months ago
Round 1: Introduction
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lfthinkerwrites · 4 months ago
In which there's a trip to the museum, and a run-in with an old 'friend'.
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yahoo201027 · 5 months ago
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Day in Fandom History: October 2…
After getting his leg broken after the events of "Ocean Gem" and trying to fix his van, Steven allows Greg to stay over at the Temple for his leg to heal but he keeps on interfering with Steven during his missions, creating some problems. “House Guest” premiered on this day, 10 Years Ago.
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sportsandlaughs · 10 months ago
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thatone-highlighter · 1 year ago
„Now Greg theres no need to be so pathetic“ damn Pearl. So true tho
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S1 E27
House Guest
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Also Garnet really just said "not funny. didn't laugh."
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little-bitch-frog · 1 year ago
I'll tell y'all what, if the giant telekinetic eyeball spiders that live in the guest bedroom aren't a sign of something bigger I'll eat my shoes.
Sure the big one's name is Pam and she is just staying for the night and all and promised not be a bother and even offered to make breakfast (which I am not convinced will not be flies), but I still don't trust it. Giant monsters beyond the scope of my understanding don't just appear for no reason. Also why the fuck do they all speak with a southern accent? I live in Canada this shit ain't south
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mayorwhisper · 2 years ago
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This is going great so far 😂
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wasabithealien · 5 days ago
grrrr oh my goodness who killed my post eh it doesn’t matter anyways
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FREE JULIANNE!!! @kittyplushy 😭🙏
(Save her friends too)
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xtrablak674 · 3 months ago
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In Good Faith House Rules
for 1XX South Xth Street, Apartment #3
If there's one thing I can say about my first apartment as an adult is that I learned a lot, well after several roommates, I can definitively say that I wasn't meant to live with anyone, except myself. What is curious for me, was this was an exercise to create order where there wasn't any, clearly. In hindsight I don't think the intention was wrong, but maybe the execution could have used some polish.
Most of the rules came out of actual experiences, which is why I thought this would make a particularly good journal entry. Albeit the rules were riddled with typos and sometimes completely nonsensical paragraphs, it seems at sometime I asked someone to proof it for me, and you can see their notes in the pencil.
When I was younger I had a tendency to write from a place of emotion rather than calm reflectiveness, and you would think that even though I took the time to type up a twenty-page manual on how to be a better roommate, a lot of the things spilled out in a flurry of incomplete thoughts and unexpressed frustrations.
"These rules are just a basic outline of common courtesies and respect that should be shown to and from roommates and guests. There is a lot of flexibility in interpretation so if there are any questions about a rule, please ask. These rules have come into creation based on my past experience with former roommates. So don't be offended by some of the apparent simplicity and common sense of certain rules. These rules are subject to changes as deemed necessary."
Wow, and I thought I needed to excuse my excessiveness, but I set expectations right up front. I really was seriously always very intellectually mature if not emotionally. This paragraph attempts to excuse any shenanigans that follow. I have to say I already love it.
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The Guest section came about largely from Henry, albeit Henry and I were both on the lease he had a tendency to be a little loose and fast with guest. I would wake up some mornings finding people in my kitchen like WTF? I remember we had this lesbian couple who were in the film Homoteens with us stay for a night, I think that was something we coordinated together for them to have some "us-time" since neither of them live on their own.
Most times it was random ass folks just popping up. As I look back I have to say it wasn't me, it was Henry's lack of communication or more importantly his being remiss in thinking he didn't need to communicate better with someone he lived with. He just assumed everything was fine, when it wasn't. Particularly when he had messy guest.
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Illegal actions & actions that can lead to expulsion
OMG I still can't even believe this really happened. Henry had like six siblings and one of them I think his name was Jerry came over. Hey this was family I had no problems with this. What I did have a problem with was when Jerry thought it was appropriate to open our living room window and use his slingshot to break windows in the abandoned building across the street. #🤦 Yes, I will repeat this "use his slingshot to break windows", I still just have no words for how horrified I was. Like were you raised in a barn or maybe a junkyard?
I've always been a teetotaler, but I am not one to inhibit others having fun and getting their swerve on. But I really didn't like alcohol in the house. I may have been being a bit inflexible here but I recall coming into the kitchen to get something out of the fridge and there was some clear liquor sitting on the shelf. #Girl Now if he kept that in his room, out of sight out of mind. But I couldn't have guest coming and thinking there were a bunch of alcoholics in this house. Not that I had a problem with excessive alcoholism in college it was something that was never very attractive to me and I just didn't want it around.
The rule about the stoop and smoking came because once again Henry had friends over and I am pretty sure this was during the summer and they all sat out on the front stoop of the building smoking hash. First of all, that whole look is just ghetto as fuck, I was running a classy joint. Secondly, our apartment was right above the stoop, I was sitting in the living room getting a contact high... Girl, no.
With two young gays living together we needed to be explicit about what kind of parties were appropriate. Henry partook of the night-life a bit more than me and sometimes ran with a racy crowd. I needed to be explicit about these kind of things to protect my sanity especially since I had funded the acquiring of most of the furnishings of the apartment circa Ikea. There was also a large amount of found pieces, something that I think is just very New York to do.
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Bill Statement
I love how specific I am here, with the two days, and by two-thirty. I think my local bank branch closed at three o'clock.
Once again most of these rules had applied to Henry who would ultimately end up being my first in a long line of roommates. Please don't ask me to remember how many. I can't even remember their names. I recall there was a whyte gay guy who's dildo I would borrow. I would of course wash it before putting it back in the sock and in his top drawer. Yeah, I agree, maybe a bit inappropriate. But I remember this guy had for some reason shared with me that he masturbated every night before bed, cut-to me peeking in his window from the fire escape watching. I did say I was young and gay, and clearly very messy.
Tim's sister Angel actually bought the twin bed and dresser for the second bedroom that the future roommates would use. There was the sister of a college-mate who terrorized me and decided to stop paying her rent. I instituted operation Tumble Tumble, the sound of her stuff going down the stairs in garbage bags, but that is a story for another time.
I think the last one was a Black dude, also gay I think. I left him there when I had stopped paying rent due to lack of work and moved in with my aunt. I recall having friends over to pack up the house and move most of my stuff to storage, while I moved up to the Bronx for a year before moving into my current apartment.
Its so interesting how your formative years can influence your future years. I had become very good at drawing boundaries having flexed those muscles very early. But I was also a terror as a roommate, I think I have a little low-grade undiagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder. I would get very particular about leaving notes on Henry's door. And I also had a huge problem with tone, so these notes were usually antagonistic, condescending and judgmental.
Later, I got better at just talking with folks. I want to be clear I wasn't an angel by any means. Living with anyone is always a challenge. You're bringing two sets of growing up, frames of reference, values and cultural influences into what can be a very intimate arrangement. You could have been best friends in high school but that doesn't mean you will be the best living-mates.
The one definitive thing I do know as I said in the beginning, I learned that I just couldn't live with folks. I like things how I like them, and I don't want to compromise. This would also apply to my relationships. I recall how I admired this woman Edith Springer who had lived with her beau for eighteen years in a two family home, her upstairs and him downstairs. That always seemed like the ideal situation for me, being with someone but living apart.
To me it just makes the most sense for anyone grown. I think we need our own spaces and a respite from having to share and compromise all the time. What's mine is mine and whats yours, you can stay for a night, but at the end of the day, I know you're headed to your own home, and I can have the peace of my solitude.
[Photo by Brown Estate]
My Room
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nnschneider · 3 months ago
TFW your out of town holiday guests are simultaneously
Too respectful of your undocumented, cryptic kitchen organization to ruin it by loading or unloading the dishwasher; and
Too lazy because they're on vacation to bother loading or unloading the dishwasher.
You could find out by asking them directly but I feel like we're getting very quantum mechanics here.
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ciegeinc · 4 months ago
Durand Bernarr Talks Erykah Badu & Kaytranada
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sohannabarberaesque · 5 months ago
The Peter Potamus sort of beach house when he's in Polynesia Uncharted:
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(More than likely situated in a native village, and as guests of the local royalty or chieftains; usually, he'll be invited to stay with a native family in their sheer simplicity of that Polynesian aesthetic excusing minimalist dress and a belief that "sex should feel good.")
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