#house ethera
the Celeste Ethera experience
loyalty to the family,
duty to the people,
honor to the deserving.
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"my kindness is no weakness,
my mercy is my willingness to care,
even knowing I may not be cared for in turn."
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exalted-dawn-drabbles · 8 months
Unusual OC Associations
Thanks for the tag @inquisimer :3 just another chance for me to get to talk about my babes XD Tagging @oxygenforthewicked @alienturnipp @nananarc
Talenna Ethera (she/her)
Seasoning: Cinnamon
Weather: Thunderstorms
Colour: Gold
Sky: Early Mornings when everything is a gauzy yellow
House Plant: idk why the vibes are fern but fern LOL
Weapon: Dagger dagger dagger
Subject: History but English is a close second
Social Media: She’d be a Twitter girly
Make-up Product: Eyeliner
Candy: Werther’s Caramels
Fear: Solitude
Ice cube shape: Singular Orb™️
Method of long-distance travel: Boats
Art Style: Impressionism
Mythological Creature: Sphinx
Piece of Stationary: Letter Paper
Celestial Body: a galaxy (does that count?), but also because Reasons™️, the Sun
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I has been my pleasure to commission the exceptionally talented @looceyloo a few times over the past year, and I am absolutely delighted each time with the results! Something that has always been important to me in my character designs is giving them distinct and varied appearances, and the way Lucy was able to bring that to life is just incredible! I arranged them in the order in which I commissioned them, with Thesseus being the first, and Immyraeth being the most recent. What can I say, I like elves~
A little bit about each character below the cut
Lord Thesseus Stormkirk Pronouns: He/Him Age: 23 Level: 7 Thesseus was born the eldest son to his parents, the latest in a long line of the illustrious Stormkirk family, dwarven stewards of the town of Mooncress. Against the common trend of nobility to be very insular, the Stormkirks have a broad range of people among their members, Thesseus' own parents being a high elf former adventurer and a half-elven nobleman with dwarven heritage. Chosen to be the next heir to the family's seat on the Council of Lords, Thesseus had been travelling to visit different towns and cities in order to gain a broader, more holistic view of proper governance when he was swept up in adventure with a very colourful crew of characters. He helped them find a sword, fell in love, and is currently helping them with preparations to fight a dragon who has been threatening the realm.
Amvyll Auvry'Torghym Pronouns: He/Him Age: 21 Level: 8 (Whispers Bard 6/Rogue 2) Amvyll was born to the matron of a noble house in Menzoberranzan waning in its power and clawing desperately to hold onto whatever she could. His upbringing was harsh, both physically and psychologically, but eventually he was able to break free and stumbled to the surface. That was not a happily ever after, however, and he found those on the surface cold and suspicious of his motives. Over time, he made friends, becoming one of a handful of chosen champions of the dragon goddess, Ethera, the matron of time and fate, whose power had dwindled almost to nothing when Amvyll and his friends stumbled into one of her holy places. He wields the tail of her previous great champion, Bollothar, Commander of the Steel Dragon Legion, and draws on his sordid past to accomplish his tasks as quickly and discretely as possible. In his free time, Amvyll loves singing, playing music, and spending time with his girlfriend, the camp medic. Always sticking up for the little guy, he hopes to one day be a hero worthy of legend~
Immyraeth Laphelkiir Pronouns: They/Them Age: 108 Level: 10 Born in the Eldeen Reaches prior to the dawn of the Great War of Eberron, Immyraeth has an insatiable curiosity for the strange and unusual. One part adventurer, one part researcher, and always ready with a cheeky quip, they've been investigating across Khorvaire to learn what has been causing the strange zombie-like disease and the black ichor that spreads it. The team's search has lead them once more to the Mournlands, a hot spot for the type of strange activities and mutations that Immyraeth finds especially exciting. Their canine companion, Epidote, was acquired in a trade during their first trip to the Mournlands. They gave a rock for the unusual skull which, in time, would awaken to be a fun and slimy pal~
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johnmurphysreddit · 4 years
Need to talk Ethera. In seeing Blorke accounts convinced Bellamy is on Ethera so he'll be back mid-August (second new episode) for the EP named Ethera.
My impression was that "Ethera" was the Mountain where the Shepherd pulled doctrine, meaning it would almost Have To be on Earth (since he had doctrine before they left) or a fictional place / dream state like ALIE's world.
Thoughts? Remember the Ethera info bits differently?
How did ALIE get to Becca's house for Jaha to activate?
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goldenandglorious · 8 years
I was tagged by @circulargoat (HOO BOY LET”S DO THIS)
Name: plz no
Nickname: Ethera, Golden, or G&G are fine :3
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 5'8″-5′9″
Time Right Now: 6:30pm
Last Thing Googled: Azura Fire Emblem (I needed a drawing ref)
Favorite Music Artist: I‘m not sure...Mystery Skulls?
Last Movie Watched: High School Musical at midnight with circulargoat fun
Last TV Show Watched: Blue Exorcist <3  I haven’t finished it but it’s such a good anime
What Are You Wearing: Pajamas with foxes on them :D
When Did You Create Your Blog: tbh I have no idea
What Kind Of Stuff Do You Post: A little bit of everything
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Nope, but I have a Deviantart and will have an etsy soon :3 Both are ArtByEthera
Gender: I’d prefer to be a “they” online
Favorite Animal(s): Sneks, foxes, wolves, birbs
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw MBTI: Mediator (infp-t)
Cat Or Dog Person: Puppers and doggos!
Favorite Color: Purple
Average Hours Of Sleep: idk like 6
Lucky Number: 8
Favorite Characters: Hoo boy (I’m just typing them as they come to mind) Vaati (LoZ), Dimentio (SPM), Every character in Undertale I really care about them all, Dalv (Undertale Yellow), Keith (Voltron), Rin (Blue Exorcist), Roy (FE), Link (LoZ), Midna (LoZ: TP), I know there’s more but I can’t remember them all
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: So many
How Many Pillows Do You Sleep With: s o  m a n y
Dream Job: I don’t know *cries*
Current Number Of Followers: 18 i’m trying
Why Did I Pick My URL: Short answer: OoT Link’s hair Long answer: @circulargoat and I have this really dumb roleplay where OoT Link’s hair is really long, lusterous, glowing, perfect, and, most certainly, golden and glorious ;)
Dream Trip: Anywhere, man. I haven’t ever been on a trip anywhere i have never seen the ocean I usually don’t tag but if you wanna then go ahead
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✨Unusual OC Associations✨
I was tagged by @inquisimer to share my unusual OC associations!!! I’m sorry if any of y’all were already tagged but honest I can’t remember who mer tagged with me so 😂 @nirikeehan @dreadfutures @alienturnip you’re it!
OC: Talenna Ethera
Seasoning: Cinnamon
Weather: Morning fog
Color: A deep, amber gold
Sky: A starry night sky dotted with scarce moonlit clouds
House Plant: Just a lil cactus 🌵
Weapon: Dagger
Subject: Language Arts
Social Media: Twitter (cause she’s a gossip lol)
Make Up Product: Smokey eye shadow
Candy: Salted dark chocolate caramel squares
Fear: Isolation
Ice Cube Shape: Whisky sphere
Method of Long Distance Travel: Walking
Art Style: Expressionism
Mythological Creature: Sphinx
Piece of Stationary: An empty page waiting to be written on
Celestial Body: Venus, the Evening Star
Thanks for the tag mer! 🥰
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