#hottest characters
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My Top 10 (current) Villain Crushes (male)
#10. Greed/Ling Yao from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
OK Greed is about as nice a character as you can get and still technically be a villain. But hey, still part of the Homunculi, still kidnapped Alphonse. Definitely the sexiest and coolest of the Humunculi. Arguably the best character in FMA, and that’s no mean feat. Especially when he’s possessing Ling, who is already a hot anti-hero.
#9. Obito Uchiha from Naruto
Naruto is chock full of pretty boy villains. Like, literally every single one of them. But Obito really takes the cake for both pretty and tragic/lovable. He’s the perfect villainous foil to the protagonist, and also super shippable with Best Boy Kakashi due to the whole “used to be his friend” thing.
#8. Norman Bates from Psycho (1960)
My first ever villain crush - actually my first movie character crush in general. Interestingly, Hitchcock deliberately made sure audiences would have this reaction by casting handsome rom com leading man Anthony Perkins to give the performance of a lifetime as the broken serial killer.
#7. Harvey Dent/Two Face from Batman
Batman villains definitely have a massive following for their sex appeal. Harvey/Two Face has always been my personal crush out of the group. I’m actually really partial to both Comics!Harvey and 1990s Animated Series Harvey, though Dark Knight Harvey is certainly handsome too. I love me some half-faced, conflicted split personality villains.
#6. Spike (and Angelus) from Buffy
Buffy has some of the sexiest villains ever, both male and female. Angel is mostly a hero throughout the series, and his villain counterpart is hot but also really evil. Spike is a bit more redeemable, dumbass writing choices in Season 6 aside. Spike is another villain who is just made by the actor’s performance. James Marsters (who also plays crush-able villains as Brainiac and even live-action Piccolo in that terrible movie) just makes him.
#5. The Phantom of the Opera/Erik
Yes, I too had a Phantom Phase. Most (straight) girls do. And I think we can all connect to being isolated organists dwelling in the Opera basement these days. I’ve seen every Phantom film and three different actor performances of the stage play. I’d say the appeal rankings are something like this: Phantom ’98, Phantom ’89, Phantom ’04, Phantom of the Paradise, Phantom ’25, Phantom ’43, Phantom ’62 (hammer), Michael Crawford, Ramin Karimloo
#4. Dabi/(SPOILERS) Toya Todoroki from My Hero Academia
I mean, I always noticed he was hot, but I didn’t develop a hardcore crush on him until these recent chapters. But hey, come in swinging with a gleeful dance as you reveal you’re secretly the tragic long lost brother of Human Cinnamon Roll Shoto? Spilling your whole tragic backstory while shirtless over the air? Pleading for understanding while showing us all your cute baby pictures? Yeah, that’ll do it.
#3. Loki from MCU
Yep, every (straight) girl also has a Loki phase. Specifically of course Tom Hiddleston’s Loki from the MCU. Doesn’t need much explanation. The good looks, swagger, badassery, and for me especially the dorky hilarious comedy (I love me some funny trickster villains); the eventually redeemable nature. The guy’s just a magnetic, impossible to hate and inherently lovable baddie.
#2. Zuko from ATLA
Duh. Though admittedly Zuko is a lot sexier when he redeems himself and goes all adorably dorky in Season 3. Though Part 1 Season 3 is Zuko at his most evil and antagonistic and also at his second most sexy, so they count. The lovable, best redemption arc ever having, tragically sympathetic and victimized Deuteragonist of ATLA is a big part of the reason why ATLA works as well as it does. Great character and irresistibly hot.
Hon mentions: Ulquiorra Cifer from Bleach (he might make the official list once I get to know him better), Sylar from Heroes (trashy show but almost worth it for Sylar), Amon/Noatak from Korra (the reason I started watching LOK), the Once Ler (yes I was one of those) Luke Castellan from Percy Jackson (best homme fatale) , Sasori from Naruto (not terribly complex but sexy as hell), the Count of Monte Cristo (best villain protagonist), Michael Myers (the prettiest slasher villain)
#1. Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z
There might some day be a sexier villain that Vegeta. It’s conceivable. But I doubt it. The Saiyan prince turned servant of Frieza, the truly unstoppable villain of the first arc of DBZ; the best redemption arc in the series (aside maybe Android 18), the future DBZ Best Boy who goes from caring only about power to fighting to protect wife and kids to the death…and of course the deep, throaty voice, skintight spandex, Saiyan physique and cocky smirk don’t hurt him any.
#top 10 list#hottest characters#greed fma#obito uchiha#norman bates#harvey dent#spike bts#the phantom of the opera#dabi#loki#zuko#vegeta#bnha spoilers#naruto#psycho#batman#Buffy The Vampire Slayer#my hero academia#mcu#Avatar The Last Airbender#dragon ball z#i clearly have a thing for dark hair
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Hottest DanganRonpa characters of all time. any order
I haven’t posted about Dangan Ronpa in a long time so I am surprised I would be asked this but I like it! “Hottest” can mean a lot of different things so I am actually going to narrow it down “characters I am most personally attracted to in one way or another.” Personality will play a bigger factor here but looks will still be considered and my taste can vary a lot from others. Also I will do Top 5 lists just to cap otherwise I’ll go through every character. Also I am bisexual but picky so I am will make 2 lists divided by gender.
Top 5 Female Characters I am Personally Attracted to
5 = Kaede Akamatsu - She is so pure and relatable. They do such a good time making you connect to her and feel her every thought. Being connected to one of the greatest twists in the entire series means the mere mention of her is filled with memories and emotions. Not to mention a certain famous song has the same effect.
4 = Junko Enoshima – She is a character I love to hate! She is such an unexpected yet deep villain that fills you with intense passion. She is a black hole of madness and evil. One that even though you shouldn’t get sucked into, you are still kind curious. My personality and beliefs are polar opposites of hers but that makes a twisted “opposites attract” vibe to her.
3 = Maki Harukawa – Another character connected to a very good plot twist. Most characters with a major plot twist get that twist at the end of their character arc. But for Maki is the beginning of her arc and leads her to being one of the most in-depth characters with the most flushed-out backstories of all characters. Plus red, black, and white is my favorite color palette so she is absolutely beautiful! And just an all-around cool badass!
2 =Chiaki Nanami – The purest of all cinnamon rolls, an absolute angel! Plus her talent is the one I would love to have most! I know that DR3 ruined her for some people but actually it cemented her as such a high spot for me. In Future Side episode 2 when she uses videogames to bring her classmates together, I was so moved! That is exactly why I love games so much and she understands that.
1 = Miu Iruma – Finally the dirtiest of them! She plays to my primal filthy desires and seduces them. If Chiaki is my angel then Miu is my devil! Not to mention it helps that she is super funny! Her intense swearing and vulgerness make me smile so much. Her tsundere side is not my favorite part of her but I do have to admit that it has its charm. Finally, her being an inventor is really badass even if she makes a lot of useless stuff.
Top 5 Male Characters I am Personally Attracted to
5 = Kokichi Ouma – I feel guilty putting him on here even though he is one of the most popular characters. Much like the appeal of Junko or Komaeda, he is another character you hate but deep down you love have they make you feel. Another primal force of insanity. I just got to respect how determined he was to make his plans work and the extreme lengths he went to make things go his way. Unlike most people I don’t see him “redeeming” himself in the end, he is evil! But again such an entrancing evil.
4 = Kaito Mamota – He is just such a good bro. Dude has you back and believes you. Helps that he is quite funny too. I love the inside of his coat. I would be so happy to just chill and hangout with this man. I don’t have much to say other than he is just a great guy!
3 = Juuzou Sakakura – This is probably the most surprising one on this list but I really fucken felt for this man and his story arc. He fucken had it rough! Doesn’t forgive him being a bit of an asshole and partially responsible for some bad shit happening. But again you know that if he cares for you then he has your back and will crack skulls on his fists to protect you. I want to hug this man!
2 = Makoto Naegi – Another precious cinnamon roll. I really feel like Makoto does not get the respect from the fandom that he deserves. I get that he can come off a little one-tone without much character depth but he is the kind the character he doesn’t need to be complicated. His simpleness speaks volumes and still inspires you to follow his beliefs. I have a lot in common with Naegi and really think we would get along well.
1 = Chihiro Fujisaki – For some this probably feels like cheating somehow by having him on the “male” character list. But Chihiro’s struggle with masculinity is a very real struggle. I appreciate the unique story he gives us into a problem men face but isn’t often addressed. I want to cuddle him and let him know that I see him as manly even if he wears a skirt. Probably because I would also be wearing a skirt at the same time!
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Hottest people in the Avatar world
This is just my opinion, of course.
Asami - she's gorgeous. Damn, Korra is lucky.
Tarrlok - dat hair. Especially when it's messy and windswept. I want to play with it. And I really like middle-aged Water Tribe men.
Noatak - like damn son you can get it. I want to listen to your voice for the rest of ever.
Ozai - well flameo, hotman. You may be evil but your hair is fabulous and you have a niiice body. And a perfect evil smirk. If I were Ursa I would eslave you with my womanly charms and we could dominate the Earth. But I would dominate the bedroom.
Su - I don't care how old she is, she damn fab.
Unalaq - not too effective as a villain but damn, he looked good.
Ghazan - why did you have to die. Why.
Zuko - Book 3 hair only please. Or longer.
Lin - I hope I'll look that good when I'm 50.
General Iroh II - oh yes just mature enough and that Fire Nation hotness.
Korra - especially with her Book 4 hair
Tenzin - I'm not attracted to bald men in general but have you seen him shirtless
Tonraq - mmm yes DILF much
Adult Sokka - hell yeah (Water Tribe)
Zaheer with long hair - he does have that Jochanaan vibe like can we have a Salome AU where Princess Korra wants his head
Wing and Wei - they damn cute
Zhu Li - it actually took until Book 4 to notice how gorgeous she can be
Adult Aang - mmmm yes. Lil goofy kid grew up really handsome.
Poor Hot Soldier From That Outpost Kuvira Destroyed - you were so hot. Rest in peace.
Hakoda - dat middle-aged Water Tribe man magic always works
People who just didn't make the top 20 (but still hot): Varrick (his hair is not long enough), Adult Toph (her girls got it from somewhere), Mako (especially with messy hair), Zhao (he looks like Javert and he's Jason Isaacs like WHOA), Avatar Kyoshi, Avatar Wan, old!Hiroshi (he's like Sean Connery, he looks much hotter with a white beard), Piandao
Most AtLA mains don't qualify because they are kids.
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Yes, it’s true, Kili and Fili are the cutest, but THORIN MOTHER OF GOD THORIN.
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