#hot and bold web series
infolate · 2 years
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sarvodayanews · 25 days
नॉटी तस्वीरों से भरा पड़ा है शमा सिकंदर का इंस्टाग्राम, अंग-अंग पर अटक जाएगी आँखें
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bmsposts · 4 months
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red-riding-wood · 7 months
Yellow Light
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Pairing: Jonathan Crane x F!Reader
Summary: Jonathan is your guide as you escape Arkham Asylum.
Based off the song "Yellow Light" by Of Monsters and Men (original version here and acoustic version here). This song is really special to me and helped me brave my heart surgery in August. A lot of this fic is a projection of my own experiences, trauma, and health issues over the past several years -- but Arkham can represent absolutely anything you want it to that you or the character is trying to escape.
Song lyrics are in bold.
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, depictions of PTSD (hospital trauma specifically), drug addiction/use, psychosis, hallucinations, fear of death, blood.
Will also use similar themes to my upcoming series "Darkness Until Dawn" and OC Cassie Hart but this is a standalone x reader fic.
I also feel like Crane might come across a bit OOC in this fic because he's in an established relationship with the reader and he's in a comforting role, but I promise I have some very fucked-up stuff for him coming up where he's an absolute menace.
WC: 3309
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Sounds of Hell threaded themselves into the night air. Howling, bleating, baying down the streets. Whispering thoughts of death into your ears. Thoughts that formed into icy talons that raked down your spine, that stirred goosebumps along the bare flesh of your arms. That froze you in place, your heart slamming against your ribs as they tethered you to the cold concrete like vines.
Frantic looks cast to your left, to your right, you turned, stumbling over your own feet as you whirled, the darkness of each alleyway sinking into your soul. Staring back at you as if to say, you cannot escape me.
I’m looking for a place to start. Everything feels so different now.
Which way was out? Which way was back there? Back to the dingy halls of Arkham, the acrid stench of spoiled cafeteria food, the howling of patients that still seemed to echo back to you from the alleys.
The maw of a great beast parted, razors of teeth glinting silver in the dark, stretching from one brick wall to another. Hurtling towards you, wisps of black smoke emerging from the darkness and curling round you like hissing tongues. The roar started as a peal of thunder, and ended as a shockwave, razor teeth shattering into glass as the beast collided against your skull. Dizzying waves sent the world spinning, brought you to your knees before the Devil himself.
She’s good as dead.
The beast’s maw burned hot as hellfire, breathing smoke into your aching lungs, ripples of molten lava racing beneath your skin. Teeth tore into your shoulder as your hand met the ground, shaking fingers settling into the grooves of the concrete like cold tiles. Death’s talons wrapped around your throat as a cry twisted from your larynx, pointed nails morphing to scalpels and tearing down your sternum, splitting open your ribs and baring your bleeding heart.
Crimson freckled the concrete, splatters of your blood landing hot and thick against the back of your hand as cold washed over each limb, the darkness creeping in from the corners of the alleys. You reached your free hand to your forehead, and nearly cried out again in pain, but you couldn’t speak; something sharp wedged itself between your fingers, something sticky attaching webs of hair against your clammy palm.
Your hand came away with a shard of glass protruding from the stretch of skin between your fingers, red dribbling down flesh too pale to be living.
Your stomach buckled, and you curled in on yourself, eyes rolling to the back of your throbbing skull and voices pouring in like a tide.
Get back here! She’s running. Running away. Where does she think she’s going? She’s not going anywhere. She can’t escape us. You can’t escape us.
Patients rattled the bars of their cages, threw themselves against their padded walls. Screeched warnings and mournful wails and haunted cries into the stale air of the hospital, into the icy chill of night.
Fingers seized into talons as they closed around your ears, attempting to block out the noise as it built into a terrifying crescendo, wails and whispers melding together as if the darkness were mocking you but the chill that swathed your impotent form reminded you of your isolation.
GET OUT! your lips parted to say but fell silent upon the words of the damned. Let me go. Let me go, let me go.
Warmth brushed your shoulder, and you blinked saline from your eyes, streaking salt down your lip, dampened hair falling over blurry vision as you looked up to the hand held to you in the darkness. The white cuff of a shirt disappearing beneath a black suit.
Just grab hold of my hand. I will lead you through this wonderland.
And his voice, soft and warm and human, cut through the noise. Hollowed a path through the tunnel of voices and breathed life into lungs that gasped for air. Sent a tremble of fear through death’s icy talons and made the demons crawl back into the earth.
I’m here, he said.
You couldn’t straighten your claw-like grip as it brushed the warmth of his hand, but his fingers entwined in yours and the glass split his palm and bled over your knuckles and he pulled, your shoulder screaming in pain and your legs wobbly beneath you, but you stood.
Your fingers balled into a fist, the touch of his hand dissolving like a pill in water, like sutures that held you to together for one moment only to leave you in pieces, scarred and bruised and broken. For a moment, you thought you’d fall again.
Faintly, a glow emerged from the blackness, silhouetting the lazy fall of a feather, so tranquil in contrast to the tendrils of ink black that writhed in your peripheral. You swiped a hand out to the feather, its softness akin to his hand, but the voices hissed at you to look up.
The jagged peaks of the skyscrapers groaned above, folding in across the dim sky and curling into black tides that came crashing around you as pressure mounted in your skull.
The darkness devoured you. 
Water up to my knees. But sharks are swimming in the sea.
The ocean came flooding in around you, dampness seeping into the cuffs of your trousers, rising as the blackness pressed in around you. Ahead, the light glinted yellow, casting a thin line of white against the waves. The feather bobbed along the surface, chased by current that now buffeted the backs of your knees.
One foot placed before the other, you waded through the water, each step weighing heavier than the last. Each time, the light ahead grew just a little brighter, though the sides of your vision darker.
Wretched creatures began to emerge from the darkness, hissing and snarling and reaching for you in tendrils of smoke and ink. Gravity began to pull you downward, the current guiding you forwards as the alleyway morphed into a tunnel, and the voices of the underworld rang louder in your skull as you descended into the bowels of the city.
She’s heading into the darkness. The rot.
A giggle, echoing against the walls of the chamber that reeked of all things barren and desolate. Her mind’s a disease.
The reach of death grew thick here, in twisted ropes and vines that swallowed the arched ceiling, that bore down on you like snakes and streaked through the sea like eels of tar, the water itself no longer seeming so heavy in comparison as they engulfed each limb. Tightening. Shuddering.
She can’t get very far. She’s killing herself.
She has to. She has to live.
The voices were starting to argue.
Some were even voices you knew; they came to you past the iron bars nestled into pockets of your memories, depressions in the walls – people you’d known in that awful place cried out to you, cursed you, their faces fuzzy but still recognisable even in the darkness. Fellow souls trapped in the place that knew not of the sun’s warmth against your skin or the whistle of freedom through the wind.
Look. Look, girl.
Your brow furrowed, and your eyes scanned the darkness. With each face they landed on, the symphony of wails seemed to spike in volume along to the frantic thud of your heart, the little weaving line of a monitor etching itself across your mind’s eye.
Not there. No, not there.
Can’t she feel it?
It’s too late. The rot has her.
Soon it will reach her soul.
Your heart came lurching to a burning throat as the waters stirred and a creature emerged from their murky depths, slivers of metal protruding from its back before it disappeared, for half a moment resembling the wicked tips of syringes that still pricked your swiftly numbing skin.
Tearing your hands from the water, you froze, paralysis seeping in to every pore.
Ink tendrils snaked across the pallor of your flesh. From your fingertips to your elbows, the rot had taken you. It tightened round your forearm, your fingers turning completely numb.
You screamed.
Shhhhh, he soothed. Just come to me, darling. I’ll make it all better.
“JONATHAN!” Your mangled cry turned into something intelligible, the name sweet like honey on your tongue despite the bitterness of bile at the back of your throat.
Just follow my yellow light. And ignore all those big warning signs.
You began to slosh through the water, seeking him out in a frenzy, your teeth gritting as the walls of your skull began to cave in, as the rot spread to your shoulders and turned the water to pitch.
And at last, you saw him. Like the feather, silhouetted by the light, but unmistakably him. He paused, looking over his shoulder, strands of his black hair wisping this way and that. His face was shadowed, the sockets of his eyes black. The frames of his glasses glinted silver in the dark, like the teeth, the scalpels.
And he disappeared round the corner that twisted, walls shifting and shuddering as if forming a maze for a path.
Death’s icy fingers pried their way beneath your skin as the cold seeped past your blood and bones and settled somewhere deep inside the dwindling warmth of your soul. Freed from the water at last, you turned the corner and raised a rot-wreathed hand to the light fractured by a criss-cross pattern that reminded you of the bars of the asylum’s gate.
And the damp air became dry and musty, and the sewers morphed into dingy halls, alabaster wallpaper peeling back to reveal the black rot. Your pace quickened as these walls closed in, groaning with curses of the damned.
Just a little farther, the soothing, slightly-lilted baritones of his voice encouraged you on, but every turn you made down the narrowing halls, he managed to evade you, disappearing just out of reach. At the end of each hallway, what must’ve been a sewer drain and not a gate yawned from the blackness, little pockets of light stretching wider with each turn.
The feather crunched beneath your toes.
Fingers wrapped around the bars of the gate, and the hinges squealed as it swung open, your feet slotting into indentations along the walls as you desperately attempted to pull yourself up.
Warmth made you shiver in your cold sweat, and whispers funnelled into thin threads and lay buried beneath the ground as his hand met yours. In the faint glimmer of the light, you witnessed the rot dissipate, chased away by his touch. Purified.
“Jonathan,” you breathed, pulled flush to his chest, the mint of his breath raking across your lashes and the familiarity of his musk inhaled deeply through flared nostrils. You buried your face in his wrinkled tie and dress shirt and sobbed, your tears still tasting like saline. You savoured this moment, trembling beneath his touch, his hand petting the back of your dampened hair. You pulled away only as he hissed in pain.
“Jonathan, I’m scared,” you whimpered, guilty that you had seemed to wound him but caring only for sanctuary in this moment in which you knew nothing but fear. “Please don’t leave me. I’m so, so scared.”
“I know you are,” he said, squeezing your shoulder. “But you have to keep going.”
“Where? Where are you taking me?” You stared into the hollows of his eyes, still pitch black past the glint of those silver frames. Why couldn’t you properly see him? Could he see you? Was he just another shadow, a trick of light on the wall?   
Somewhere deep in the dark, a howling beast hears us talk.
Sirens wailed from the alley behind, and your blood ran cold. Jonathan stepped away, his touch tearing from yours almost painfully. Like he’d left the shards of glass in your palms.
“Don’t let them take me!” You pleaded, stumbling forward through the darkness. “I can’t go back! I can’t! COME BACK!”
She’s so afraid. So pathetic. She can’t do this without him.
The light grew in intensity, tinted more gold now than yellow, bathing the walls in a soft glow as they drew impossibly close, tapering the air in your lungs, building the pressure against your temples until your shoulders sagged under the weight of fatigue and white-hot fire cleaved your skull in two.
Jonathan paused, and turned. “Close your eyes,” he told you. “It’s not so dark here when you embrace it.”
I dare you to close your eyes. And see all the colours in disguise.
“NO!” You screeched, afraid that if you so much as blinked, he’d disappear, and you’d be lost to the darkness forever. You lurched forward on your heel, wedging yourself between the shuddering walls that closed in around you, following the same – and only path – he had taken. Turning sideways, you gulped in a breath of air, fingers scraping madly against the brick walls as the tide beginning to pool again round your ankles. The sky collapsed, pinning you, forcing your only breath from your lungs and snapping your ribs around your stuttering heart.
She’s gone. She won’t make it. She can’t reach him.
The air grew stuffy, stale. Your own breath bounced off the walls and flushed your cold, tear-streaked cheeks.
“Just trust me,” Jonathan said. “Just let go.”
Running into the night. The earth is shaking and I see a light.
With the darkness claiming you and the ground beneath you quaking with wrath, the howls of the damned echoing through a familiar hall, the world swaying on its axis, you had no choice but to suffocate your fear, to shutter your eyes closed on the light that seeped through the crack in the walls, warm against your skin in the cold dread of night.
She’s giving up.
She’s fighting.
She wants to die.
She wants to live.
The yellow-gold exploded across the backs of your eyelids, streaking like fireworks along the pitch black. Your skull still throbbed in pain, and your lips parted, the sound of a window banging against old hinges as death whispered to you through the alleys, the sewers, the hallways.
Next time.
Jonathan’s touch met your clammy palm, and the world fell silent, the walls disappearing around you and the emptiness of air spilling around your limbs.
I’m here, he reminded you.
The light is blinding my eyes, as the soft walls eat us alive.
Your eyelids peeled back to reveal the checkered, rose pattern of your wallpaper, the bright fluorescents of the bathroom, the blue eyes that bore into your own past silver frames. Slivers of ice encroaching on ink black pupils, cold and calculating yet echoing a familiar warmth.
He loosened the makeshift tourniquet from your arm, pins and needles racing from your fingertips to your elbow. A syringe of your favourite poison lay on the bathroom tile, beige powder swirling in a sea of saline.
“Come back to me. Come back to me, please,” he begged, as if for this moment alone, he allowed himself to believe in the higher power you knew he cursed.
Water seeped into your clothing like the sea of pitch, spilling from the bathtub that you had left on. It carried little rivulets of crimson around a minefield of glass. He didn’t seem very concerned with turning it off right now, despite always bitching at you about saving electricity or water. His eyes were on you, and only you.
“Jonathan,” you mumbled weakly, though you thought you screamed; your eyelids fluttered and your heart pounded faster in your chest as the darkness threatened to spill across your vision again. Your nails dug past the fabric of his suit, gripping his arm tight so that he could never let you go.
“I’m here,” he breathed, and reached his other hand around your neck to cup your head, to bring you forward. You glimpsed the white ceramic of the bathroom sink, bloodied where you’d tried to steady yourself with your hand after you’d bashed your skull against the mirror – your ineffectual attempt to cast the demons out. Glass shards lay scattered against the tile. Fragments of your broken reflection.
You still remembered the haunted look you’d hoped to banish from your eyes.
“You have to get your head out of that place,” he murmured against your scalp, his fingers bloody and sticky as he brushed shards of glass from your hair, seemingly immune to the pain. “You’re not in hospital anymore. You’re here. With me. You have to come back to me.”
Your lower lip trembled. “I can’t escape them,” you admitted, voice a mere whimper. “I can’t escape it. You’re here to take me back, aren’t you? You’re gonna lock me up.”
For a moment, you really thought that he might; his palm still rested, warm and bleeding, against your cheek, but his cold blue eyes studied you not as his lover but as his patient, assessing your condition. He sighed, as if disappointed. Shame crawled its way beneath your skin like the cockroaches that had infested the asylum’s lower wards. You had always been so desperate for his approval, he rarely saw this side of you since your rehabilitation. It wasn’t until slivers of ice shattered into twin pools of blue fire that relief began to seep into you, slow and warm but whelming.
“No. No, I’m not,” he said, voice gentle, soothing. Blue eyes glanced to your head again. “Though, you are showing symptoms of a concussion…”
Your heart sped in your chest, and the icy talons of death speared your soul, the darkness hedging the borders of your vision. Innerved by your fear, you reached for the bottle of tiny white pills that lay open, haphazard next to you. But the warmth of his hand left your face, and your fingers clenched around nothing. In a blur of movement, Jonathan threw the bottle at the toilet and it clattered against the back of the seat. You jolted, gasping, wincing as the jagged teeth of the beast sliced through your clothing.
“You prescribed me those,” you told him. “They’re supposed to make me better. You said so yourself.”
“I’ll fill you a new prescription tomorrow. Taper you off. They were no good for you,” he said, and laced his fingers through the bloodied locks of your hair. Pulled your forehead to his so that your breaths became one, and the demons in your skull grew muffled, and his warmth chased away the icy touch of death.
“What am I gonna do?” you whimpered, sobbing, hands grasping feebly at whatever you could grab hold of – his sleeve, his tie, his collar. You felt as if your soul, your mind, were laying in fragments around you like the glass, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t piece them back together. “I just want to be free. I just want to be okay.”
“I know.” He inhaled, closing his eyes, and his grip tightened on your hair, scalp stinging slightly at the almost needy action. Like in this moment he was more afraid of losing you than you were him.
Even he thinks she’s a lost cause.
And Jonathan was never one to utter false truths; because you knew this about him, his silence unnerved you. But finally, after what could’ve been hours or minutes of your pitiful sobbing and the endless drone of the tub, the trickling of water against the tile, he said,
“I’ll be right here, darling. All you need to do is take my hand.” The warmth of his palm slotted into your own, and you wove your fingers so tight that your knuckles turned white around the blood that trickled down both your wrists from the jagged glass that barbed your flesh. A seal. A pact.
“I will see you through this,” he said. “All of it. I promise.”
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saintgoths · 1 year
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WORD COUNT - 4,613.
RATING - 18+. [infidelity, angst, joel being the bold and petty person he is and multiple hardcore sex].
SUMMARY - both you and Joel could feel the building intensity between the two of you, even after the intense and bitter history the two of you had shared, the both of you openly long for each other but there are two obstacles in the way, yourself and Shiloh.
if you want to join a the last of us/joel miller discord here you go! 𓆩♡𓆪
feedback would be appreciated!
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As the pair were hungry, the two rode out of the woods in awkward silence, even though it had normally taken you longer to become ravenous compared to Humans, you had lately arrived to your limit. You had been in front of Joel, and comically the both of your stomachs had been faintly growling, in spite of the years of wandering around the world specifically due to the outbreak, living in Jackson had weakened both their endurance for food.
You had turned around to look at him, nonetheless of the feelings you demonstrated the night before, you had adhered it was right to get food for the both of you. “We’re near an ocean, I can go fetch us fish to eat before we make it back to Jackson,” you forwardly clarified and timid, Joel held the reigns of Old Beardy against his lower stomach and haltingly beckoned his head.
“That’ll be great,” he softly replied; and earnest to make it quicker to the beach, you had directed Mira to jaunt faster.
Still and all the ride to the beach wasn’t long, and you had lightly pondered how long it would have taken if both you and Joel were on foot. Would it have made the two of you find way to accommodate and make peace with one another? Withal, it was not like Joel had to make appease with you, especially because it was him that had made you feel like a problem. Feel ruffled because you weren’t Human.
The second you had found a good place to tie Mira around, you had directly dragged your feet against the sand once you became shoeless. With Joel left behind, he had watched you near yourself towards the cold body of water with the moment he multi-tasked to tie his horse next to your stallion, he had observed you taking off your clothes in order to prepare yourself to dive inside the water.
Despite of what you had told him the night before, he couldn’t help himself but miss you, he had missed everything about you, and favourably, you had given him parts of yourself he had longed for. Your impudence, allure and physical figure. Contrite, Joel pulled himself together, his hazel vision set on how your black tail flicked out of the water, before the entire of your body had plunged into the liquid.
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It didn’t take you long for you to retrieve the fishes for the both of you to eat, in fact, you had reclaimed multiple of fishes just in case. The concept of Joel standing in front of where you would pull yourself out of, didn’t come to you, thus, the moment your eyes met with his, you weren’t familiar with how you should’ve reacted, howbeit, you kept yourself together. Silent, you had dragged yourself out of the body of liquid, the laser of his perception hot on your skin.
Your skin a lighter shade compared to your Human skin, your hair longer and your fingers webbed. The small gills in your cheek and the thin slits in your eyes, impertinent, Joel had externally gazed at every detail of your Siren frame. The black scales of your rudder that had dimly glowed blue hues, the prevailing details of your inhuman form had Joel consider that with how complicated and exact your Siren body had looked like. Perhaps Sirens weren’t an aversion, mayhap they were made to exist by God just like how Humans were but instead were made to live in the Sea.
You were beautiful, and he had no longer had any fear that had made him think other-wise. Eventually, you had looked away from him, suddenly ambivalent due to how hard he had been staring at you. “What are you doing here?”
“Waiting for you.”
Nourished, you curved your eyes at him. “You didn’t need to do that,” chiefly, with the conversation you had shared with him yesterday, you’d think he’d leave you alone, yet, Joel wasn’t always a man of his word, as well as you being a flaky person, but there was a commodity of him being there for you to make sure you came out that had made you feel cordial.
The moment your entire body had been pulled out of the water; you had forced yourself to transform back to your Human physique. Your skin had returned to its mortal shade while your hair had returned to its previous length, your hair was long but your Siren hair was considerably longer, and the webbed skin between your digits had shrunk back into your hands. Your akin legs currently separate and abruptly, you were back on your feet.
Absorbed, Joel had watched the entire transformation and the second he had realised you were naked he had briskly turned his head away from you.
“Nothing new,” you coolly muttered and satiated, Joel scoffed.
“Does it hurt?” Joel asked and the moment he had felt your body was covered, he curved his face to look at you.
“The first few times it did, but now it doesn’t anymore,” you answered, your back faced towards the bearded man as you picked up the dead fish you had collected.
“It must be strange, living with people who aren’t like you,” Joel thoughtfully commented and you had continued to achieve your task without responding to what he had said. “What type of fish did you catch?”
Impressed, Joel nodded his head just as he directed you to where he had lit the fire within the brief time period you had assigned yourself to catch bait. Constructed, you had put down the chum and wrapped your arms around your body, the weather was cool and sunny with a bit of breeze that had poised the two of you. Perchance, it was because of the time you had currently spent together, but there was a brusque craving the two of you were hit with, perhaps, it was always there and you had pushed it away thus your explosion towards Joel the previous night.
Fluctuant, you had looked at Joel and an article in you had broadcasted that you knew that he anticipated the same emotions, but, no---you couldn’t, you couldn’t do this to Shiloh, you just couldn’t, but you did. You were in his arms; your lips longingly caressed his while your body had pressed against his physique. It was so quick, so impetuous that you didn’t even realise your frame was against the ground, ready to open to him and ready to be worn.
The fabric you had currently worn had been taken off again, and your breast, plump had faced upwards, fondled and played with by his generous hands. His lips removed off your mouth and placed against your neck, sensitive, your body had lightly jolted to his touch, the pad of his fingers had glid down the side of your waist and to the hem of your lower garment. He was quick to pull them down, quick to contact your pearl with his digits, the motion soft but the feeling had felt excessive and fervent.
Your opening wet had ached for his size, and in entreat, you had gripped your breasts and gently moaned to his touch. “Joel, please,” you perilously begged, and quickly his eyes landed on yours, his range of view hungry and sensual, he had gazed at you, his eyes inquisitive and lewd.
“What is it, gorgeous? What do you want me to do?”
His voice had been coarse and genitive, the way he had sounded had made your skin rigid and firm, timid your eyes had become low, his fingers had worked on you and you had arched your back and released a flushed moan. “What do you want me to do?” He dragged and quickly you had grabbed his wrist the moment you had recognised your climax which had throbbed to release.
“I want you to fuck me,” you implored and for one last time, you had stretched a moan, your sap had quickly slipped out of you and furthermore, you had gently run your fingers against your nectar and pushed your coated fingers into his mouth, and compliant, Joel had sucked the amrita off your digits. As his hands found way to his clothes, the Miller man had swiftly pulled off his clothing, his shaft hard which had flared hungry and cardinal.  
The moment he had lowered his body against your frame, he had embraced you once more, his caress rough and eager, your lips sore to his esurient behaviour, you had wrapped your arms around his shoulders whilst his hands found way to the back your knees. You could feel the stiffness of his cock press against your cunt and the juncture your wetness had coated around him, you loudly discharged a moan against his mouth, your eyes tight shut as your body re-adjusted to his size.
Oh, you had missed him so badly, and your body knew, throughout the time the two of you were separate, your body had craved his touch so much, Shiloh couldn’t give you what had needed but Joel did. His moves were strong and persuading, as he pressed his body in an able and laden manner, his stout bulky to prove that once again, you were his. His thrusts angry and chafe, as his hot breath waved against the edge of your neck as he chased his comfort, your moans altered loud as the head of his cock pressed against the urchin-like spots that had been elevated.
Your nails had dug into his shoulders as you submerged the need to mark his body, your digits found way to his hair, and roughly you had gripped his locks, eyes shut and cunt in ardor. “Joel,” you had whined in pleasure, the way his sac had slapped against your heat and his low grunts in memo of his pleasure, firm, your cunt had gripped around his shaft, the hotness sweeping around your body as you could feel yourself pulse around him.
“Fuck, gorgeous,” Joel sparingly moaned, his movements twitched and inconsistent as the high ride dragged through his current. The wet slaps expanded just as Joel’s figure pressed harder against your body, his seed had quickly released inside you but the hitherto hunger he had was still prominent, his hips continued to buck forward, strong and speedy, being selfish to chase his lust but his libidinous ways had caused your body to shake under his, your forehead urged against his while you had wrapped your legs around his waist, your body tight while you had eventually released a carnal nectar that had wickedly built up in your chassis.
Relieved, you had slumped your body against the cold sand to gather on what had just happened.
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The two of you had barely spoke since the exchange, moreover, you had both silently consumed the fish you had finished cooking a couple of minutes ago and the both of you had awkwardly exchanged glances to each other while the other wasn’t looking.
Guilty, you had lightly bit off the fish food your teeth had dug into and slowly chewed on the fare, you had dragged your eyes to the older man who had sat opposite you, even though he had seemed sullen, you could detect the alleviation he had embodied due to the activity the both of you had shared.
“Don’t tell anyone what we did with each other,” you dryly muttered, your eyes serious while his coloured orbs met with yours. He seemed like he had attempted to hold something back, but Joel’s pettiness usually got the best of him.
“The anyone being Shiloh?”
He had seemed diverted of your request and his mean but pleasantly occupied expression had made you shrink into your error. “He’s too good to me and I ruined everything.”
In response, he shrugged. “It’s my fault for kissing you.”
“I’m the one who agreed to kissing you,” you contritely muttered as you threw away the bones of the fish you had finished eating into the fire carcass.
Silently, Joel gazed at you as he quietly disagreed with your comment, it was a moment of zeal and as Joel had no regrets with what he had done with you, he could see that you were rattled about what had just happened and he comprehended that for now, there was nothing he could do about it. In spite of that, you had all of a sudden been distracted by something that had caught your disrupted attention, he had curved his head to give attention to what had caused you to become pre-occupied and briskly, Joel had noted Shiloh and Bella come into view with their horses.
They had appeared happy and it was authentic, the moment Shiloh jumped off his horse, Rocky, Shiloh had immediately caressed you into his arms, his limbs soft and inviting which had you blended into his touch. You had returned his hug and felt Shiloh press his mouth against the top of your head.
“I missed you so much,” Bella commented then turned to look at the Miller man who had gracelessly watched the scenario occur in front of him. “Well, I missed you too,” Bella clumsily delivered in order to make Joel feel appreciated, her inept behaviour had pushed a laugh out of you as Joel uncouthly beckoned his head towards your best friend.
“Is there something wrong?”
The abrupt inquiry from Shiloh had caused you to stiffly shift your head towards him, he had his hands framed around your face just as he carefully examined your frame. During his time being in a relationship with you, Shiloh could easily tell when you were upset, and he had consistently taken your emotions seriously.
“There’s nothing wrong,” you responded but your answer hadn’t been enough for Shiloh to believe so.
Hastily, Shiloh turned to look at Joel who immediately gathered the strength to defend himself. “Did you do anything to her?” Shiloh bluntly accused and suddenly, the fear he had for the respected man had depleted, his eyes denunciatory and fervent, he had angled his body in direction of the bearded man who swiftly stole a glance from you.
“I didn’t do anything,” Joel calmly responded and in distrust, Shiloh turned to look at you then twisted his gaze to Joel once more.
“Did you say anything to upset her?” Shiloh inquired, “because that is definitely something you’re talented at.”
“Okay that’s enough,” Bella interrupted, she had fleetly dragged herself between Joel and Shiloh to prevent anything tangible, if it were to happen.
“I just told you nothing happened between [Y/N] and I, she even told you,” Joel impolitely replied, crassly, he looked at you, his eyes crude. “Did you tell him everything?” Joel questioned; his tone had bluntly hinted to the break-up you two had mutually shared a while back.
 Snotty, Shiloh curved his orbs at the older man as if what he had asked was deficient. “Of course, she did!” Shiloh arrogantly responded. “She tells me everything, I’m her boyfriend!”
Humoured, Joel crassly laughed at him, his sharp tone had caused you to diminish into your body and confused, Shiloh turned to look at you while you had looked back at him, your eyes had pleaded for him to stop. “I told you everything, now just sit down and eat.”
For your well-being, Shiloh had sat down beside you, his position grumpy and mellow, “if he had just accepted you for who you are, things wouldn’t have been so tense.”
“I’m very confused,” Bella candidly confessed. “It seems like there are things I’ve been left out of because things aren’t making any fucking sense.”
Fallen silent, the group had been sunken into their own thoughts, you had promised yourself that you wouldn’t speak anymore, if you were honest, you had been tired of hearing everyone’s voice, chiefly your own. “After this, we’re returning back to Jackson,” Joel dryly instructed, as your eyes were fixed on the ocean you were still able to catch Bella nod her head with the corner of your eyes, dismal, you had dragged your bent legs against your chest. You had then wrapped your limbs around your lower body and pressed your face against the cup of your knees and lightly fell asleep.
The moment Shiloh and Bella had finished their fare, Bella had lightly shoved you awake, the group had readied to return back to town and Shiloh and Joel were already on their feet and had carried their hooves to their horses.
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The ride back to Jackson had been awkward, everyone had resumed to keep their thoughts to themselves for the sake of everybody but specifically, [Y/N]. Joel had been in front of everybody while you had been sandwiched between Bella and Shiloh. When the four had arrived to the gates they had quickly been able to note the people who had awaited at the opening, it had seemed like everyone had been able to make their way back, and you had considered it as luck. The moment you had dropped off of Mira, you had noticed the auburn haired that hastily made way to you and Joel, the person’s stance excited yet relieved.
“I thought something really bad happened to the both of you!” Ellie had cried out; her reassured physique had wrapped around you with her thin arms. Content, you had returned Ellie’s caress and gently pressed your lips at the top of her head while she quickly said a few hyped words that included of you having to tell her what had happened when you were out there.
Just as she resumed on speaking, Shiloh had appeared beside you, his large hand had been placed on your shoulder which had caused you to let go of the Williams girl who had impertinently looked at the man who stood next to you. She muttered a low welcoming to the man just as Tommy arrived and commenced to speak to both you and Joel.
“I’ll walk you home,” Shiloh candidly asserted just after Tommy left after he spoke about how he was glad everyone made it intact. It was evident that Shiloh hadn’t waited for you to tell him that you had agreed for him to take you home, he had just grabbed your arm and softly dragged you away from Ellie and Joel.
You didn’t want to see the look Ellie and Joel must’ve had on their face, aside from Joel’s apparent dislike for your romantic partner you could also tell that Ellie discernibly didn’t take liking for the nurse. Nevertheless, your home hadn’t been far from the gates but it didn’t stop Shiloh from his investigation. “Did anything happen before I came with Bella?”
You had gritted your teeth, you had wished that he had just let go of his inquiries and you had wished you didn’t fuck Joel in the beach, but you’d be lying. “Nothing happened, and if something happened, I would’ve told you.” You impatiently declared and with his hand now moved into your hand, Shiloh turned to look at you, the both of you had arrived to the destination of your home and it had seemed like the weather had begun to pick up the babble, you weren’t surprised, you can tell the nice weather was about to change the moment you saw the skies blue darken.
Your partner had then cupped your face, his face solemn but satisfied. “Good, I’m just glad nothing happened to you, and that you’re safe,” he kindly declared, “get some sleep, you must be tired.”
Softly, you had nodded your head, the warmth of his hands was removed from your face, and you had then been heralded to enter your home, and when the door was closed behind you, automatically, your shoulders had dropped, and you could feel the acute and excessive energy in your veins disappear. Finally, you didn’t feel like the whole world was on your shoulders, and eventually, you had become unburdened by what you had done.
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Luckily, rain hadn’t picked up, you had gazed out of your windows for a couple of minutes while your thoughts and fought in your mind. You knew shouldn’t do it, but you were an adamant girl, and an adamant girl who usually made the wrong choices.
With your mind made up, you had carried yourself out of your home, and on your way out you had quickly yanked your coat from where it laid and quickly guided yourself out of cabin, and forcefully made your way to Joel’s home, you had noted that he was in as you could see there was a couple of lights that glowed in his window, as your eyes had stared into one of his windows, you had suddenly fell into a puddle of hesitation, yet, just as fast, you allowed yourself to drag yourself up his porch and knock on his door.
He didn’t take long to open his door, and the moment his coloured gaze rested upon you, he remained stunned. “[Y/N]?” He questioned, surprised, slowly, he had pushed himself slightly out of his door frame to check if anyone had seen you come by, but with this strong weather he doubted that anyone would be outside. “[Y/N], come in,” he quickly ushered and in response, you stepped into the warmth of his home, the vehement warmth you had longed for.  
“Is there anything wrong?” Joel questioned and quickly you shook your head, but you were in truth, unsure.
“I wanted to come and apologise for what had happened, and I wanted to know if you were okay,” you truthfully explained, tightly, your arms were wrapped around your body as your eyes were big and destitute for his response.
“I’m fine,” Joel kindly replied, “why do you want to know?”
Graceless, you had gently bounced your shoulders. “I can’t keep lying to myself,” you poorly responded, “about the fact that I don’t care about you when I really do. I’m not angry at you anymore, I can’t bring myself to still be mad at you.”
“Especially with what you said last night?” Joel asked, his eyes intrusive to her answer.
“Everything I said last night, I take it back,” you candidly replied, your vision examined the bearded man who calmly stood in front of you, searched for his approval, for him to at least understand that what you said had come from the heart.
Indulgent to your reply, Joel had felt the intensity in his shoulders become permissive. “And I take back how I reacted when I found out what you were the other time.”
Content with his answer, you had automatically hurried yourself towards his muscled figure, your arms ready to hug him but something once more switched in your mind, and instead of a hug, you had invited him to a kiss. Joel hadn’t been surprised with your behaviour and had wanted what he had received from you, ever since yours and his interaction at the beach, it had left Joel wanting more albeit the anger Shiloh had brought out of him. He liked the fact that he could fuck you again, to silently prove that no matter how much Shiloh could be angry with him, you would always run back to him, to Joel.
With your trousers and damp underwear nether to your ankles, Joel had slid his fingers between the wetness of your heat, just by the feather of his touch you had loudly moaned at his caress, your swollen lips pulled away from his mouth just as you begun to grind against his digits.
“Do you want to keep doing this behind Shiloh’s back?” Joel boldly asked and in control to his touch, you had furrowed your eyebrows in bliss.
This was a bad idea, you knew this could end bad, but doing this with Joel had given you entice. “I can’t do this to him,” you whimpered as your forehead softly collided with his, your eyes had wettened not due to sadness but due to pleasure. The roughness of his fingertips had circled on your nub and quickly you could feel your body quake against his.
“Do you love him?” Joel inquired and in ease you closed your eyes, your lack of response had caused the taller being to become rough with this play, his rough moves had caused you to yelp in revelry. “Do you love him more than me?”
In desperacy you hastily shook your head, you had wrapped your arms around Joel’s shoulder to balance yourself, you had lightly lifted your left leg to give Joel better space to fondle and stroke your clit and when he had found the gratifying area and continued pursue it, you had gasped, your cunt eager and keen to have his cock thrust inside you. “I want you to say it,” Joel eagerly escorted, “do you love him more than me?”
“No!” You shamefully cried out; tears had rolled down your cheeks as you could feel yourself climax endlessly to his touch. Breathless, you had rested your head against the corner of his neck, gingerly tired. “I love you more than I love him.”
“Show it,” Joel forwardly offered, “fuck me and show it.”
Suddenly electrocuted with energy, you had aided Joel to unbuckle his belt, as well as the moment his trousers dropped, his shaft had eagerly heaved out from hiding, quickly, Joel had carried you and allowed you to wrap your lower limbs around his waist, and slowly his cock had immersed into your cunt, relaxed, the both of you had sighed but not too long after, Joel had begun to thrust his cock upwards, his heavy pulls taking you for surprise. Yet, you had hastily joined his act, in sync you had bounced on his shaft, your wetness thickly coated and gripped his cock that had caused him to fight his barbarous and abhorrent lust.
Still, your fervor and glow had commenced him animalistic and fleshly desire to activate, with craving cruelty, his dick had angled in your walls, the curve of his cock had stroked all the good tactile areas inside your body. Your skin had become damp with sweat and had mixed with his. His sac swollen had socked against your skin and your eyes swelled with tears had acquired you to release troubled and overwhelmed moans, you could feel your orgasm surge in your body as you humped and sprung on his cock, your clit puffed and athirst while your cunt had repeatedly gripped around him. Edacious for his semen, you had arched your back and rolled your hips, “Joel!” You lustfully cried out.
“Yes gorgeous?”
“Make me cum!” You eagerly whimpered, and keen to appease to your request, the man had become furtherly coarse and bearish with his thrusts. As your limbs around him gripped onto him weaker you had echoed embarrassing moans out of response of his brusque blows and abruptly you had climaxed around his dick, exhausted, you had held onto him and allowed the able-bodied man to use your body like the jade you were until he had eventually milked out his load into your cunt.
Finally, he had let you go, and the moment you were on your feet you had quickly gathered the clothing that had stiffly laid on the floor and put them on. The exchange had been too fierce and shameful for you to even say anything, but Joel had no complaint, he had watched you put on your clothes and quickly leave his cabin, it didn’t upset him because he knew there’ll be another time, you’ll come back to him.
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songs that fit this chapter ⬎
⟶ purity ring - vehemence.
what do you think of this chapter? i actually really liked it, the drama.
if you want to join a the last of us discord/joel miller discord here you go! 𓆩♡𓆪
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zillyeh · 1 year
Many sweeps ago... Zippie!
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Delhon’s worse storms rarely came as far inland as the swamps, but those rare times were always bad. Hot, sulfury swamp water mixed to steam with the cold bullets pouring down from above, making it nearly impossible to see. It had come fast and aggressive. Delhon storms always did. Unluckily for you, your terrible finicky doors decided that tonight was the night you needed to be locked out. Figures. The rare cold always did this. Marija was going to pluck your eyes out for real this time. Wherever she was.
You curl yourself as much as you can underneath the small amount of door frame you have for shelter. Enny’s lusus had taken her again, but even if she were here- running out in the rain was dangerous. Beasts that lurked under the surface were bold in this weather. Trolls were even bolder. Not you, but you’d barely been something one would consider a troll in all your five sweeps alive. Marija was supposed to keep you safe. So far she had, but that night was more than unsafe, and she was nowhere to be seen. 
The soft, childlike part of you wanted to cry. It might not matter in that much rain, but you hadn’t yet mastered the art of being quiet yet. Being loud would be just as much a death sentence as someone finding you.
But you were five sweeps old, and you were cold and wet and hungry. The solution to all of those things would be so easy to fix if your stupid hive’s doors weren’t so shitty, like everything else you had- your soaked through shoes and the paper thin hoodie that clung to your face and horns. It comes out of you- a sob that almost sounds like a waterfowl’s honk. Your tears warmed your face, but not enough for comfort. Not enough to be worth doing this. You curled up further, pressing your knees to your forehead as you cried. It wasn’t fair, it was never fair. You don’t get fair.
A splash from the swamp mere yards from your doorstep only amplified your cries. You were really in it now- whatever it was was coming fast. Why not make it easy? If En was there she’d shift the both of you inside, as much as it made her nose bleed. You wondered if she’d miss you when her lusus dumped her back here again. Maybe there would be bones for her to offer her.
The wet slapping sound of your lusus’ webbed feet didn’t reach your ears until she was right up on you. You flinched as she ran up the few steps to your side. That was probably worse. 
To your surprise, the horned goose snuggled close. Marija pushed herself into your lap, her body warm and surprisingly dry. Her wide wingspan was enough to tuck your rain soaked head into. She made a series of trilling noises- that little three note tick you’d picked up from her- and rested her neck down your back. You make those clicks back as well as you can through your tears. She’s here, she’s here. As tough as she is with you, anything else that comes here would have hell to go through before they reached you.
Your crying didn’t stop until you slipped into unconsciousness in under her body weight. Your shivering wouldn’t stop for the next week.
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stackumbrella1 · 2 years
Bigg Boss 14 Fame Nikki Tamboli Revealed Her Fitness Secret, Read Now
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After the 14th season of Salman Khan’s reality show Bigg Boss, Indian actress Nikki Tamboli gained huge popularity among youth. She is famous for her bold figure and cute face.
Nikki is very active on her social media platforms. She regularly posts hot pictures and videos on her Instagram handle. She has over 3.5 Million followers on her account.
Also Read: Who is Kavya Thapar? Shahid Kapoor’s Love Interest in Web Series Farzi
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starbiopic · 6 days
Raat Baaki Hai Part 1 on ULLU: Jhanvi's Bold Decisions in the Latest Web Series Stir Curiosity
The streaming platform ULLU is known for its bold and engaging web series, and their latest release, Raat Baaki Hai, has quickly become a hot topic among viewers. The first part of the series has already made waves with its intriguing plot and bold scenes, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. The Plot: Jhanvi’s Daring Choices and Their Consequences Raat Baaki Hai revolves around…
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seriesmaza01 · 8 months
In recent years, the landscape of Indian entertainment has witnessed a significant transformation with the emergence of bold and daring web series that cater to diverse audiences. Referred to as "hot Indian web series Read More:-
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moohnshinescorner · 11 months
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Book details:
Veils and Vampires by CEE BEE (Vampires of the Daemonverse, #2) Publication date: October 14th 2023 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
***By popular demand! New launch date of Fall 2023 across all retailers!*** I’m checking out the Bold Tsarina nightclub, even if it is owned by Konstantin, the Bratva crime lord who hates my guts. After all, the trip could snag me a high-paying gig for another mafia king, the infamous Caelin Vass. Yes, that Caelin Vass. I’m talking about the hot-as-sin social media sensation who’s rumored to be both a horrible boss and a blood-sucking vampire. And did I mention that Caelin’s also the star of my hottest NSFW fantasies? He is. Plus, that isn’t even the strangest part of my life right now… or the best. Read my story and have some fun. You know you want to. Vampires of the Daemonverse 1. Violins and Vampires 2. Veils and Vampires 3. Vixens and Vampires 4. Valor and Vampires
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61386582-veils-and-vampires
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3FagDDd
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/veils-and-vampires-cee-bee/1142671492?ean=2940185740057
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/veils-and-vampires/id6444388816
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/veils-and-vampires
This second installment of the Vampires of the Daemonverse series was an excellent continuation. It was full of danger and adventure. It picks up exactly where the last book left off and giving readers a scene from the past to help get you on track.
The story becomes more in depth as it proceeds into the modern world. Pyri is on the verge of getting everything she wants and so much more. Secret players reveal themselves and the sisters embark on the truth that has been hidden from them. Sash gets sicker and sicker and her sister Lexa is desperate to find a solution to heal her.
The danger is higher in this book and the adventure is around every corner. Caelin is a man on a mission and that just happens to be Lexa. It was an exciting read and I could not put it down. I love the mix of old world and new world in this book. It was a unique and different tale. Very unexpected and interesting characters. This book wraps up pretty well, but I don't think this is the last of the fire elementals rein.
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Author Christina "CEE BEE" Bauer has sold more than 1M copies across her 45+ epic fantasy books for young adults. She's recorded (and narrated) eight of her books into audiobooks, as well as led the translation of her novels into four different languages. USA Today has called her work "must-read paranormal fantasy." Bauer is an autism advocate and quirky loudmouth whose writing style really isn't for everyone. But if you like stories with complex worlds inhabited by chicks who kick ass and take names, then read on!
Christina lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby. She loves to connect with her fans at ChristinaBauerAuthor.com. Be the first to know about new releases from Christina by signing up for her newsletter: http://tinyurl.com/CBupdates
Stalk Christina On Social Media – She Loves It! Web site: www.ChristinaBauerAuthor.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christina_cb_bauer/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJN3zxbPFpa6PDqeReApzvA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorBauer/ Twitter: @CB_Bauer TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@christinacbbauer?lang=en LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-bauer-481b12139/
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swagfanland · 1 year
Top 20 Best Ullu Web Series in Hindi strictly for 18+
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Ullu app provides a curated collection of the best Hindi erotic web series available online. If you’re in the mood for some steamy entertainment, Ullu has got you covered. Their extensive library offers a variety of adult Hindi web series that are specifically designed for an audience aged 18 and above. Whether you’re interested in romance, drama, or exploring new genres, Ullu has something for everyone.
Are you above 18 and looking for a platform to satisfy your appetite for adult-oriented content? Look no further! Ullu is here to cater to your desires. Launched in 2018, Ullu has quickly become one of India’s fastest-growing OTT platforms for watching adult Hindi web series online.
Discover the talented actors, visionary directors, and exciting genres that Ullu has to offer. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of passion, temptation, and captivating storytelling. Don’t hesitate, start your Ullu experience today!
Please note that the content available on Ullu is intended for a mature audience only. Viewer discretion is advised.
The guilty pleasure of Ajay and Vinod consist of Vinod every night, narrating a new sexual encounter between his boss and her secretary. This leads to Ajay’s heightened fantasies about that secretary, and he requests Vinod to set up a meeting with her. Little does he know what fate awaits him and what the future beholds.
Mona Home Delivery
The age old drama of Romeo and Juliet has partially inspired this series where Usha Bachani plays the title character. The show focuses on the story of a girl and boys who fall in love with each other but their families are involved in a huge fight which is nowhere near resolving.
Melting Cheese
A story that has the potential to be your guilty pleasure, Melting Cheese is a very fascinating and gripping story. It is the story of a woman who is seduced by the secretary of her husband. The budding romance between them is sure to be a disaster when the husband finds out.
Lady Finger
This series is streaming on ULLU App. Fans are liking this series a lot as the story has unique suspense. Ayushi Jaiwal has also left no stone unturned in this web series. Every week more than one bold web series is released and is loved by the audience more than films. You will even enjoy watching this series with a unique story.
The Bull of Dalal Street
The bull of Dalal street is based on famous scammer Harshad Mehta. If you watch scam 1992, then you know who Harshad Mehta is. This web series stars Iqbal khan as harshal Mehta. This web series shows the life of Harshal Mehta, how the poor person becomes the king of Dalal street and becomes a millionaire.
Khul Ja Sim Sim
Khul ja sim sim is one of the best ullu web series. In this web series, Nikhita Chopra played the lead role. She plays Simran in this web series. After this web series, she became very famous. Khul Ja Sim Sim is a 3 episode web series. Each episode is 30-40 minutes long.
Blackmail Palang Tod
This is the story of a married couple whose life is not going well due to which both are about to get divorced. The wife’s friend tells her that you are doing the right thing, and she advises that she should party and enjoy life. Drunk, the wife and her friend have intercourse, and their affair starts. Whose video his son sees? Watch the blackmail palang tod ullu web series on 8 October to know what will happen next.
This is one of the most popular adult and hot web series on the Ullu app. Drama and romance are the genres of this Ullu web series. This web series was made available on May 24, 2019. This tale concerns Panchali. Panchali marries each of her five brothers. One of the educated brothers does not approve of this union. Panchal develops feelings for him.
In conclusion, the world of online streaming has witnessed the emergence of various platforms catering to diverse tastes and preferences. Among these, Ullu stands out for offering a range of adult-oriented web series in the Hindi language. This list of the top best Ullu web series strictly for audiences aged 18 and above showcases the platform's dedication to producing content that explores bold and provocative themes.
These web series delve into a variety of genres, including romance, drama, thriller, and erotica, aiming to capture the attention of mature viewers seeking narratives that push boundaries. While some series may prioritize titillation and sensuality, others attempt to incorporate compelling storytelling alongside the adult content. It's important to note that these web series are intended for a specific audience and should be watched responsibly and within appropriate contexts.
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tejkhabar · 1 year
वेब सीरीज की दुनिया में एक नई लहर चल रही है। इन दिनों (OTT) प्लेटफॉर्म्स जसै उल्लू अपनी दमदार Ullu Hot Bold Web Series को दर्शको के साथ साझा कर रहे हैं। इन सीरीजों में Bold Hot Scene है जो आपको खुश कर सकते है। हम यहां आपके लिए Top 5 Best Ullu Web Series की लिस्ट लेकर आए हैं, जिन्हे देखना आपके लिए एक अनूठा अनभुव होगा। https://tejkhabar.com/top-5-best-ullu-web-series/
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Watch Julie-2 web series on Ullu App, know the secret of the girl who acts boldly with boys
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Bold Web Series, Julie 2 Bold Web Series: People's attitude towards entertainment is also changing with time. Today people prefer watching web series on OTT platforms instead of watching movies in theatres. Over the past few years, OTT platforms have dominated almost the entire world. This is why movies are now released in theaters and on OTT platforms. However, the OTT platform has a lot of bold content, which has an age limit for viewing. If you too are used to watching bold and hotness-filled web series on the OTT platform, then let us tell you about a web series that has crossed every limit when it comes to hotness. Julie 2 Bold web series is very bold The bold and hotness-filled web series we are talking about transcends all limits of shyness and modesty. This crime killer web series is full of intimate content. However, please be advised not to watch this web series with families or children at all, as it contains a lot of bold content. The story of this web series is also very interesting. You can watch this web series on both OTT platform Zee 5 and Ullu app. Tell me if you are above 18 then only you should watch this web series. Talking about the cast team of this web series, we tell you that Nehal Wadolia and Deepjyoti Das are the actresses who have crossed all limits of speaking, shyness and modesty in it, they have given many scenes in it, which will make you sweat at the same time. Famous actor Aman Verma plays the role of a police officer in this web series. The first season of the Bata de Juli web series was released last year, which was liked by the audience and there were demands for its second part. And this is why the second season of Julie is coming. In such a situation, if you have watched the first season, you will definitely be interested in watching the second season as well. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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morals4u · 1 year
Dream Girl Ullu Web Series Cast, Story, Release Date (2023): Watch Online
Dream Girl Ullu Web Series यह एक Indian Hot Web Series है जो कि Ullu App के official Website पर 16th May 2023 को release होने वाला है Ullu Originals के सभी Web Series लोगों को बहुत पसंद आता है अब देखना है क्योंकि Ullu को Bold Web Series में कोई पीछे नहीं छोड़ सकता अब देखना यह है कि “Dream Girl Ullu Web Series” लोगों को कितना पसंद आता है। Credit Goes to Ullu.app यहा पर आपको Family drama के साथ…
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atrangi23 · 1 year
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hot web series
Atrangii Originals. You can watch the best of the world's bold, authentic, and exclusive stories. Binge-watch the world-class shows at your convenience wherever you are, only on Atrangii App. Nishabd, Jism, Possessed Love, Dusri duniya, Khatak, Khatti Mitthi are the hot web series online on the Atrangii app. 
To explore the shows in Atrangii, check the link:  https://atrangii.in/
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
Ridhima Tiwari (Natasha Rajeshwari) Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Ridhima Tiwari (Natasha Rajeshwari) Wiki: Ridhima Tiwari, also known as Natasha Rajeshwari, is an Indian model and actress recognized for her bold performances in various web series. She has appeared in School Girl (Uncut Adda), Madhosh Dairies (ULLU), Jalebi Bai (ULLU), and the Ultra TV series Rangeela Sasur, where she gave a sensual performance. In the Ullu series Walkman, Ridhima Tiwari played the role of Roshni, an unsatisfied married woman looking to satisfy her libido. She was born and raised in Tamulk, West Bengal, and completed her initial education at Tamralipta Mahavidhyalaya in West Bengal. Ridhima Tiwari is close to her family and frequently shares pictures with them on Instagram, but she has not disclosed any information about her relationship status or personal life. Ridhima Tiwari (Natasha Rajeshwari) Wiki Ridhima Tiwari Body Measurements  Ridhima Tiwari began her career in modelling and subsequently transitioned to acting, debuting in the Uncut Adda series School Girl. In 2021, Ullu featured her in their daring series Madhosh Dairies, and most recently, she appeared in Ullu's original series Jalebi Bai and Walkman. She has also appeared in Rangeela Sasur, and Shaurya, streamed on the Nueflix app. Official Rajni Kaand streamed on Cineprime, Nalayak on the Primeshorts app, and Vasu on Prime Play. In addition to her acting career, Ridhima Tiwari owns a luxurious car and apartment in Mumbai. She has also created an app to share her hot images and videos.
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Ridhima Tiwari
Ridhima Tiwari (Natasha Rajeshwari) Wiki
Real NameRidhima TiwariOther NamesReedhima TiwariReal NameNatasha RajeshwariProfessionActressDate of Birth31 July 1993Age29 years (as of 2023)Place of BirthTamulk, West BengalNationalityIndianHair ColorBlackEye ColorBlackSexual OrientationStraightZodiac SignAquariusReligionHinduismHometownWest BengalCurrent LocationMumbai, MaharashtraLanguages KnownHindi, English, BengaliSchoolTamralipta MahavidhyalayaCollegeUnknownEducational QualificationGraduateTheatreNoHobbies and Favorites StuffTravelling, DancingFavourite ActorRanveer SinghFavourite ActressAlia BhattFavourite MoviesUnknownFood PreferenceNon-Veg
Ridhima Tiwari Body Measurements 
Height5’1″ ftWeight59 KgsBreast Size34 inchesWaist Size28 inchesHips Size34 inches Read the full article
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