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bilolli · 1 month ago
Okay gotta write this down real quick before I forget about it bc rn I can't draw.
Hospitalized Sun and Moon have to periodically pass maintenance tests to prove they are in tip top condition to care for their patients. It's the law, they must be upgraded with the lastest medical knowledge and get oiled and all that.
To do their maintenance they have to leave their patient in the hands of other human or robotic medical staff and they have no way of knowing what happens to them due to the fact that they have to turn off any kind of connection to the hospital local server to upgrade.
So then...
Sun, entering y/n room after he was absent for the entire morning due to his maintenance session, freezes looking at y/n perfectly made bed and absence of most of their things.
It's not possible. It was a good day today, he asked you before going to his appointment. He was going to ask to reschedule if it was one of those bad days.
He only stayed away for something like 5 hours.
Why was the room so...clean. You were messy, you usually left your things at the end of the bed or around the room...now he could only see your pajama neatly folded on the chair.
Where were you?
Where were you?
Where were you?!
Then someone tapped his right shoulder, he turned around only to see...nothing.
"ha! Got you!" Came from his left side.
He turned around and just stared.
Your cheeks were slightly red, probably due to the stairs you had to take to return to your room with your jacket on. A nurse behind you. Ah, you probably just returned from the garden.
"stunned by the amazing work I did I see. You always complain that I'm too messy so while you were at parts and services I decided to reorganize the room. Then you were taking too long and we decided to go take a walk outside"
You were ok, he...what was he thinking. You-
Without thinking Sun picked you up in a tight hug and spun you around while the nurse yelped and told him to "be more delicate!"
"you did a frightening job sunshine! But I think I liked your mess better!"
"time to do some art and crafts to bring some personality back in this room!"
The nurse left with a wave of his hand and a sigh while you grinned at him.
What were you doing to him?
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thebibliosphere · 8 months ago
Still not over the head of cardiology, who said she wouldn't formally diagnose me with dysautonomia because she didn't want me to think of myself as disabled.
As if good vibes and a can-do attitude can stabalize autonomic dysfunction.
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pesky--dust · 8 months ago
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These two knew that all of this wouldn't end well.
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girlatrocity · 8 months ago
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i read a really cute fic the other day
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szynkaaa · 4 months ago
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Billard pose ref here
Most recent brainrot is putting Kiwi and Oz into a modern AU. Monkey See, Monkey Do
Started out with Destined One frequenting the same bar to practice billard, while Oz is the resident pianist there and it just snowballed from there and now I have some backstories for those two idiots
🥝 Kiwi / Destined One
5th year medicine student. 25 years old, he started with his study when he was 20, took two years to travel around
Lost his parents and older brother in a car accident. He barely survived and was hospitalized for a long time. Selective mute since then
Uncle Shen Monkey then took him in and raised him
remembers the nurses and doctors fondly hence, why he also wants to study medicine and become a doctor later
Uncle Shen Monkey owns cocktail lounge / fancy bar called Flying Monkeys . Shen Monkey is also the barista also, and there are few pool tables available.
Kiwi spent a lot of his teen years playing billard, hence he is VERY good at it. Still goes to play and practice
Kiwi participates in local tournaments
also helps out at the lounge from time to time
Seems to be very popular among his peers despite being an introvert and loner??
his fellow students like him because when they ask him for help he gives it to them
the type that seems like a cold douche but will not hesitate to step in when he sees a woman being uncomfortable or being harrassed
kinda popular among the ladies, plus the fact that he looks really good when playing billard adds to it
probably gets asked out a lot, or phone numbers slipped into his bag
always rejects them because he got his sight set on someone else hehe
frequents @maiden-of-the-waters cafe a lot to study there
Avid comic collector. Wanted to be a comic artist as a kid....
🌟 Oz
Med student drop out during her practical years. 26 years old
parents divorced when she was super young. Dad moved away and remarried and has a new family. She has two half-siblings
occassionaly talks with the half siblings, but has not much contact with her father. Mom had full custody and essentially raised her as a single mom
typical tiger mom. Loves her mom but has a strained relationship with her at the moment. low contact
Did not have many friends as a kid, mom had a tight grip on her and her time and education. Started making real friends once she moved out for university. Met Yù @marcu-bug, Birdie @dunanana, Liyu @s0rr3l and Beike @maiden-of-the-waters and they are pretty much her only friends LOL
Started having piano lessons as early on. Had good promises to be a concert pianist, but ofc that is not a viable career path as per her mom
Studied medicine only because her mom wanted her to. She was VERY MISERABLE during her time as a student. Dropped out during the practical years because the pressure was just too much for her and she realized being a doctor was just not what she wanted to do. She wasn't happy with it, hence also why her relationship with her mom is strained, cause Oz was THIS close to finishing and then decided to ""give up""
Also her then-boyfriend cheated on her she caught him in bed with another person
And her great-grandfather passed away
overall not a good year on her mental health. Realized all she did was just doing what other people wanter her to do. Dropped out to take a break and just figure out her place in this world
works as a pianist at Flying Monkeys after dropping out. Shen Monkey pays really well and she also gets very good tips because. Helps out at the bar on days when they are short staffed to make some more extra cash
Gets hit on few times at work, but luckily a certain monkey is always there to look out for her....
🥝x 🌟
Kiwi bumped into Oz during his first year in univeristy. Probably when both needed to submit some paperwork for the univerity, Oz for dropping out. She noticed him carrying the newest comic issue of The Monkey King, and asked him about it
Learned really soon that he is a selective mute, but didn't treat him any differently and just carried on the conversation with him as usual, which he really appreciated
I wouldn't say it was love at first sight for him, more like the feeling you have when you're sitting in the plane and it is landing soon and you see the lights of your city below you and you know you are this close to home? Yeah it's that feeling.
anyway months passed and he hasn't seen her since then but she is always like there in the back of his mind
Uncle Shen Monkey telling him one day that he hired a new pianist which is nice cause they haven't had one in a while and that he wants Kiwi to be there to show her around the lounge a bit and stuff
Kiwi, not very happy about that because he doesn't really enjoy meeting new people, is then surprised to see that Oz is the new pianist his uncle hired.
Oz.... vaguely remembers him LOL. Probably takes her like a few weeks to go "hey.... have we met before???"
Suddenly Kiwi has a lot more time to be around his uncle's lounge again. Uncle Shen Monkey know what is up there. probably tries to play wingman
Enter the "and they were roommates" arc
Oz moved back to her mom but things are NOT good. lot's of fights
Kiwi overhearing one day how she asks Shen Monkey if he knows about any free rooms for rent to let her know
and whatdya know Uncle Shen Monkey does happen to know someone who has a free room
Kiwi. it's kiwi who has a free room that is sort of used as a storage at the moment. he doesn't mind Oz moving in there. Gives her a really good rent deal, where she is basically paying all the bills and that's it
Kiwi owns the apartment. His parents left a good amount of assets behind which he sold and then bought his own place
Oz is very grateful for the deal, because it helps her to save money and put aside to eventually move out and find her own place
spoiler alert that's not gonna happen lmfao
This is the apartment layout:
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Oz has the room closes to the bathroom because Kiwi is nice like that. He'd move in an old piano in too for her to practice and play
at first Oz was very shy about playing because she doesn't want to disturb him when he is studying but he likes listening to her practice and play when he is studying
I think that before Oz moved in, Kiwi barely decorated the apartment much. The embodiment of only had the bare neccessaties in it. But once Oz moves in, it started to feel more like a home than just a housing for him to come back and pass out. I think the only real personal belonging he has is a good decent The Monkey King comic collectiona and collectibles
Definitely have a vinyl record player, something that Oz always wanted to have. She movied in with like five records in her collection, and Kiwi then gifted her a player, and the collection just grew from there
both are very much introverts, so they prefer to spend most of the time just chilling at home, on the couch together playing games or reading books
Oz does sometimes have her friends other to hangout
because both work crazy hours sometimes, Kiwi would go Flying Monkeys after his shift to pick Oz up and then they go home together
Kiwi doesn't know how to drive, never learned too traumatized from the accident. So Oz is the one who rents a car and drives when they decied to take trips together
Have a rule to put a sock on the door handle and text the other person to let them know when they have special guests at the palce
spoiler alert none of them ever bring any hook ups home lmfao
Oz does go on few dates but never brings anyone home because it just doesn't feel right
and Kiwi well, his heart belongs to only one person hehe
have weekly movie nights. Kiwi takes it personal if Oz binges a whole season without him
there is a lot more for me to share but then I'd have a massive essay so I will stop here.
anyway great chemistry as roomates. wink wink nudge nudge
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shedontlovehuhself · 1 year ago
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He's just a baby, your honor.
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jsvausvqbd · 9 months ago
I love Sudden Shower as much as the next person but let’s not act that OG Sunjae didn’t have one single interaction with Sol and then his delulu ass proceeded to write this song😭
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was writing fanfics about the two of them, meanwhile he couldn’t bring himself to say hi to her 😭
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thegoodmorningman · 8 months ago
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A little bit of Sunshine is the perfect prescription!!!
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 11 months ago
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bilolli · 1 year ago
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I mean, if you had a lot of money and had to always wear your pajama, wouldn't you want to change style sometimes?
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I wonder who won.
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pesky--dust · 4 months ago
I can't name it, but for me there is something entrancing about the expression on Will's face in these two scenes: how teary his eyes are, how he moves his mouth, tilts his head, how his throat moves…
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years ago
Eddie driving Buck to the hospital is his version on Buck applying dressings and pressure to Eddies wounds - We don’t see Buck doing much medical stuff and we’ve never seen Eddie driving work stuff ever!!!
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senoleaf · 2 years ago
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i present to you: my piece for the Lights On! Lights Off! Sun and Moon fan zine!!
you can download the free PDF zine over here!!
go check it out if you haven't yet! :)
it was super nice to work alongside such great artists and talented people and i'm very happy i had the chance to participate! thank you very much for having me!!
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kindred-spirit-93 · 24 days ago
ah yes
playing my favourite game of "why are my insides tormenting me?": stress, gastrointestinal infection, intolerance to something, probably ibs, cramps, cancer god forbid, dehydration, stress, gut bacteria shenanigans, hunger, the plague (long covid), stress....
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raddest-laddest · 9 months ago
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my wife :(( everyone’s so mean to my wife :((
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fuckyeahchinesefashion · 1 year ago
She Went From Ivy League Student to Having IQ of 6 Year Old - Jealous Evil Classmate?
The Story of Zhu Ling (A story known to 1.4 billion Chinese people)
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