#hoseok x reaer
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BTS Reaction || Accidental Idol Pregnancy [Request]
One night. It was one night and you were going to have to face the consequences about it for the rest of your life, you stared down at the stick in your hands and wanted to scream at yourself. Your manager had pointed out that she thought you were gaining a little weight, and you were always wondering why you started to feel sick every morning and your boobs were sore so you took a test just to be sure.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You whispered rolling the test up in tissue and putting it into the bin, you sat down on the toilet seat and let the information sink in that you were pregnant with Jin's baby. You'd been together for four years but neither of you was ready for kids, you were both Idols but your career was only just started to take off and your manager had rules about you dating Jin, the number one rule being no babies.
"Babe, you okay?" You almost jumped out of your skin, you flushed the toilet and came out to greet Jin with a smile, hugging him and looking at what he was cooking in the kitchen,
"I'm fine baby, what smells so good?" You questioned, he smirked kissing the top of your head and walking further into the kitchen with you to show you what he'd been working on,
"I made us some stew, and then I made-" He stopped as soon as you ran off into the bathroom to throw up, the smell of beef hitting you too soon and making you want to vomit.
"We should get you to a doctor," Jin said as you emerged from the bathroom, you shook your head sitting down on a kitchen chair and taking a glass of water he was holding out for you,
"I know what's wrong with me, and I don't need a doctor." You knew you had to tell him, you told each other everything and you knew hiding something like this from him would be bad news.
"What's wrong? Do you have a bug?" He sat down in front of you and you took his hands in yours, trying not to tear up but doing it anyway, you cursed yourself.
"I didn't want to cry, fuck." You whispered rubbing your face on your shoulder and looking up to look him in the eyes, his face was full of concern, worry and sadness, your eyebrows knotted together. The news was either going to ruin his life or make his life better, you'd had conversations about kids before, you both wanted them but you didn't know if it was soon or if it was so far into the future that you didn't need to think about it right now.
"What is it?" He whispered trying to reassure you that he could handle the news, you swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat and turned to look at him, taking a deep breath,
"I'm pregnant." He stared at you blankly for a couple of seconds, it was hard to read him at the best of times but now he was completely blank and you had no idea if he'd heard you or if he heard you and was planning his nearest escape route.
"Jin?" You questioned, his hands slipped from yours and he stood up from the chair, turning to face the wall. You let the tears go and stood up,
"How? When?" He questioned turning to look at you, his expression still unreadable,
"You plus me equals baby...And I think it was when we had that one night without protection...We were just too heated that night to even think about it." You whispered playing with the chair, he stayed on his side of the kitchen and you cleared your throat before speaking again,
"I'll leave. I'll move away and I'll make sure the company hides me away, no one will know and it won't ruin your career, It'll be like I never dated you I promise and you don't have to be apart of their life if you don't want to be." You ranted on but Jin came over to you and grabbed your arms, kissing you on the lips to stop you from talking, you relaxed against his touch and he smiled, pulling away from you and pushing the hair from your face as he stared down into your eyes.
"We're ready for this, sure it's sooner than expected but we're going to be parents." He was smiling now and you felt as though a giant weight had been lifted from your chest, you were engulfed in a giant hug and he chuckled making you shake a little.
"We're going to be parents!" He repeated pulling away from you and going to look for his phone, probably to tell the boys what was going on and you knew you had to call you manager and tell her the news as well, but you were just so relieved that Jin was happy about it too which meant you could finally relax and be happy about it.
You didn't know what to do when the test came back positive, you were freaking out over every small detail, wondering if you could even have a baby while you were an Idol, if the company you worked for was going to drop you as soon as they found out that you were with child. Yoongi was asleep next to you in the bed and you slowly got out, wanting to leave him to his break, you'd text Jin asking to meet him to talk about something serious, he was one of your best friends before you started dating Yoongi and you knew he would know what to do in the situation.
"Where are you going?" Yoongi grumbled when he shifted over and you weren't laying next to him, you looked at him and smiled even half asleep he looks amazing.
"I'm just going to see Jin, stay here." You whispered leaning over the bed and kissing him on the nose, he chuckled and rolled back over, pulling the covers over his head and going back to sleep. You walked out of the bedroom and grabbed your car keys, going to meet Jin at the BigHit building, the only place you could have a decent private conversation without someone overhearing you both.
You were sat in a board room across from one another, he'd brought you a cup of tea and some biscuits to eat with them and you thanked him, bringing your knees up into your chest on the chair and staring at him.
"So what's wrong? You normally sit like that when something is on your mind," You shifted a little and looked out of the window at the city, before glancing back at Jin who was starting to look worried for you.
"Hypothetically speaking," You started, leaning onto the table and looking him in the eyes, he leant forward as well.
"If an idol was pregnant, and wasn't married to the father what would happen to said idol?" You questioned trying to make it seem as though it wasn't you, but clearly failing.
"Well, hypothetically speaking the idol would have to go through her contract and see if there was a clause about it." He said to you, taking hold of your hand from across the table and squeezing.
"How far along are you?" You stared down at the table and let a couple of tears go.
"Three months...I didn't know until I was two months in and then I hid it because I was scared of what Yoongi would think and then what my boss would think." Jin was out of the chair and pulling you into his arms within seconds and you cried into his chest as he rubbed your head.
"Have you and Yoongi ever talked about kids?" You shook your head and took the tissue he was holding out for you and wiping your face with it.
"You have to tell him sooner or later, you can't wait until you're giving birth and just drop it on him." You knew that of course you did but it didn't make the situation any easier.
"I don't know how Jin...Will he be excited about it? Mad?" He sighed taking hold of your hand again and looking at you in the eyes.
"He's Yoongi, unpredictable but you of all people know him best." You nodded, you had been together for six years so you did know him the best but it didn't mean you knew how he was going to react about the whole thing but lucky for you, you didn't need to tell him about the pregnancy, he burst through the door and you jumped up from the chair, he said nothing but just rushed to your side, wrapping his arms around you in a hug.
"Yoongi?" You stuttered looking over his shoulder Jin who was smiling, you hugged Yoongi back and he pulled away with a giant smile on his face.
"You're sure you're pregnant?" You nodded and he placed his hand on your small unnoticeable bump under the baggy clothes and smiled, you didn't expect him to be this excited but you loved it all the same.
"Parents, us." He chuckled looking up at you, he could tell you were still worried and he sat you down on the chair.
"We'll bring your contract out and we'll go through it later, make sure there isn't a clause that will let them fire you and if there is we will figure this out together, no one will let your talent go to waste, I promise." He kissed your cheek and you nodded in agreement, starting to feel better about the whole thing and Jin smiled at you both.
"I'll let you guys talk it through." He got up and you reached for his hand, giving it a squeeze and smiling up at him.
"Thank you, Jin." He smiled and let go of your hand, leaving the room and letting you and Yoongi talk everything over.
"Hobi I'm so fat." You complained looking at yourself in the mirror and groaning, he sighed coming over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, leaving kisses on your neck as he shook his head.
"You are not." You grumbled something back at him about your jeans not fitting you anymore and then he sighed,
"If you really think you're fat, which you're not, we can go on a diet together...Start working out together?" You nodded in agreement, it sounded like a good plan to do together. You were an idol, you couldn't risk gaining weight and having your bosses comment on it, it was one of the rules that you had to look a certain way, everyone knew that
"Sounds good to me Hobi,"
That was a month ago and you finally know why you were gaining weight so quickly, you were pregnant but you hadn't told Hoseok yet. You wanted to tell him but you didn't know how to, so you continued to work out and diet with him but when he wasn't around or was in bed you would sneak to the snack cupboard and eat the cookies that were in the jar. You'd been craving them a lot since the pregnancy. You figured if you ignored the pregnancy long enough you could pretend it wasn't really for a little while longer, you were scared about losing your job and scared about losing Hoseok if you came out as pregnant, you'd already spent a lot of time crying over it, scared that this could ruin your life or Hoseok's life but you were also excited to bring another human into the world.
Hoseok was at the studios again and you were sat on the sofa watching a new drama you found, you had the cookie jar in your hands as you ate from it, eyes not moving from the screen. The door opened and Hoseok walked in, you didn't have the effort to hide the cookies and you didn't want to lie anymore.
"Diet." He reminded you taking the jar away from you but you snatched it back, going back to your drama and eating.
"I'm pregnant, I can do what I want." You said blankly, not concentrating on Hobi's reaction if you did you would have seen him laughing and shaking his head.
"That's a good one," He said thinking you were joking and taking the jar away from you, going to place it on top of the fridge where you couldn't reach it.
"Hobi!" You pouted following him into the kitchen, he stared at you with an eyebrow raised and arms folded over his chest.
"I thought you didn't want to gain weight." You rolled your eyes, taking his hand in yours and walking him upstairs towards the main bathroom, you sat him on the bathtub edge and went through the cupboard looking for the tests you'd been saving, you found them and slid them over to him in the box they were sitting. All 12 of them sitting there and staring up at him with the words 'Positive' or 'pregnant' written across them, some with a smiley face and others with a plus sign.
"I wanted to be positive I was." You said to him, reaching back through the cupboard and pulling out the hidden stash of chocolate bars and bit into one of them, Hoseok was still staring at the tests in shock while you snacked out in front of him.
"I have a scan soon...I was going to tell you but I was scared." You whispered finishing off the chocolate bar, Hoseok looked up at you and dropped to his knees, kissing your lips and cheeks before placing his hand on the small bump.
"We created another human." He chuckled kissing your lips again and smiling at you brightly, all the worries you had before were out of your mind and you felt more relaxed now that you had told him about the baby.
As soon as you knew you panicked over the test, you threw it into the bin and hid it under a bunch of other rubbish as soon as you heard the front door of the dorm's opening, you didn't have time to hide that one properly like you had the others, you came out of the dorms bathroom and hugging Jungkook as he came home from the studios wrapping his arms around you as a greeting. It had become a tradition that when he came home he walked over to you and hugged you first, it was to tease Namjoon at first but now it was a habit of you both.
"How was your day?" You questioned as Namjoon came over and replaced Jungkook, he smiled picking you up and spinning you around in the air, making you giggle a little as he did so.
"Amazing! How was yours?" He questioned putting you down on the floor and kissing your nose,
"Brilliant," You lied. You'd taken three weeks off work to get some writing done but you'd spent those three weeks throwing up and taking multiple tests, one after the other to make sure you were actually pregnant and not just sick, you hadn't told anyone about it. Not even your manager who was going to have to know sooner or later, you knew you couldn't hide it from everyone forever but you could keep it a secret for a little while, or just until you figured out what to do with it.
"I'll start dinner soon." You said with a smile looking over his shoulder at Jin who walked in with bags of food that you asked him to get for you, Jungkook walked off down the hallway and you walked over to Jin, smiling and asking him how his day had gone.
Dinner was finished, the dishes were done and now all the boys were crashed on the sofa watching some movie. Jungkook had been on edge all night and as soon as you locked eyes with him he nodded over to the kitchen, you got up from the sofa leaving Namjoon on his own.
"What's up?" You questioned, he took something from his pocket and laid it on the dinner table, you frowned opening the tissue it was wrapped around and wanted to scream.
"Why are you going through the rubbish?" You whispered staring at it and then up to Jungkook who was staring at you with a raised eyebrow.
"I tripped over the bin and it fell out...Have you told him?" You shook your head and looked at the floor, you didn't know how to tell anyone.
"This is a good thing right?" He questioned you, you looked up with a sad smile. You saw it as a brilliant thing, Namjoon was going to be a terrific father but what about both of your lives, you didn't mind quitting being an idol and looking after your child but you wanted Namjoon to stay doing what he loved, you didn't want him to give it all up for you. Both you and Jungkook were so lost in thought you hadn't heard the kitchen door open and Namjoon walk in, his eyes went to the table.
"Is that a pregnancy test?" Your eyes shot up to meet Namjoon who had a giant smile across his face as he saw the test that said positive on the front of it, you looked down at the test and then back up to him.
"You're not scared?" You questioned, he just stepped closer to you and bent down to kiss you, wrapping his arms around your waist and smiling brightly.
"Excited and scared...Mostly excited, hey! At least those booties I bought will go to good use now." He chuckled bending down and kissing you again, all thoughts of worry were gone for now. You could worry about the details later, right now you wanted to spend time with the man who would be the father of your child and celebrate with his friends. Jungkook smirked, going into the living room and screaming it out that he was the first to know which made him the first godfather, you and Namjoon giggled to one another.
"You're going to be an amazing dad." You whispered to him, running your hand through his hair, he chuckled and kissed your nose.
"And you're going to be a fantastic mother."
"Jimin! Can you get me my chapstick?!" You yelled from downstairs, he shouted back a yes and he walked into your shared bedroom, looking one the bedside table and not seeing it, he frowned walking over to the drawer and trying to open it but it was locked, weird, you never locked the drawer. He took the key out from under the pumpkin candle holder you owned and unlocked the drawer, it was a stupid hiding place but he wasn't going to tell you he knew where it was because you would move it, he reached through the drawer and spotted the chapstick, taking it out and knocking over some pens, he moved them back into place and then saw a white and blue stick, he frowned. Taking it out from the drawer he read the front of it, and then found another one. He dropped them onto the desk and walked down the stairs, handing you your chapstick and giving you an excuse to leave the house.
"I told Joonie I would help him with something." The front door slammed before you could question him and you went back to folding the laundry. You went up the stairs to put the clean clothes away when you noticed the drawer to your desk open, you walked further into the room dropping the clothes onto the bed and going to look at the desk, you could have sworn you locked it but you must not have. It wasn't until you got to the drawer that you noticed the pregnancy tests were on top of the desk and not in their hiding spot, Jimin...Shit! You rushed down the stairs again to find your phone and called his phone but he was either ignoring you or didn't hear his phone ringing so you called Hoseok.
"He knows...Can you call him? I don't know where he is, he found the tests and now I'm freaking out Hobi." You panicked down the phone, you hadn't told Jimin you were pregnant because you were trying not to freak about it yourself, you told your manager and she told you she would get back to you because your contract had a clear clause in it that if you fell pregnant your contract would be terminated and you wouldn't be able to work for that company anymore and she was going to do anything she could to work around it. You told Hoseok the moment you knew because he was like a brother to you, you could tell him anything and everything.
You were crying onto Hoseok's shoulder when the door opened, Jimin walked in followed by Namjoon, both of them staring at you and Hoseok.
"Jimin?" You whispered sitting up straight and staring at him, he walked into the living room and came to sit down next to you, taking your hand in his and smiling at you.
"Look I know it's scary but my manager is trying to figure out how I can still work and even if I can't, I have enough money saved so I will be okay...You don't have to be around if you don't want to, I totally understand if you don't want to be here...It was an accident." He shook his head at you and you shut up, Namjoon nodded at Hoseok for them to leave you both alone. Jimin had gone straight to him after finding out because he was the most mature and he knew he could trust his leader with everything, and wanted strong advice from him,
"I talked to Joonie. I didn't mean to run out...I was just scared but I didn't think about how scared you must be," You sniffled and nodded, scared was an understatement you were terrified about how this was going to affect everything now.
"It's a happy accident, we'll make it work. I promise." He whispered to you, taking hold of your face and kissing you, you relaxed against his grip and smiled a little. It felt good to have it out in the open to him that you were pregnant, it meant you could stop hiding your midnight eating sessions and that you were going to go through everything together instead of being alone.
You paced up and down in the women's bathroom in the hospital, you were supposed to be going to have a scan but once you got to the hospital you panicked realising that it was real. You had a baby growing inside of you and that you were here alone, you looked at your screen. You had to call Taehyung and ask him to meet you but you'd been hiding the pregnancy for the last 14 weeks. You hadn't even told your manager about the pregnancy, you just told her you had to take a couple of months away for a 'creative' break which she granted and you told your fans about, but it was getting harder to hide now. You'd snuck out of the house this morning, leaving a note telling Tae you'd gone for a jog but you were supposed to be getting a scan. You hit his caller ID and waited for him to pick up.
"Baby?" He questioned as he answered the phone, hearing his voice made you relax a little but not enough because where you were standing brought your reality back to you.
"Can you come to the hospital, I'm okay...I just need you here please...I'm on the first-floor women's bathroom." You said to him, he didn't question anything, he just told you he would be there soon and hung up the phone. It was what you loved about Taehyung, he wouldn't question anything, he would show up if you needed him and be there to hold your hand through everything, he always told you that no matter what it was, you would get through anything together. Like when there were rumours about you cheating on him with Hoseok after you'd been spending a lot of time together which of course it wasn't true but a lot of companies blew it out of the air and made it a bigger deal than it was.
"Are you going to tell me why we're here?" Tae questioned as you sat outside a nurses room waiting to be seen, you nodded and went to talk but the nurse called you over, you took his hand and squeezed it.
"I guess you'll find out now." You whispered, Tae was worried about you. When he came to the hospital and told you he was there you came out of the bathroom crying into your hands and walked with him towards a set of doctors offices, telling him nothing but crying into his shoulder, he wanted to know what was bothering you so much but he also knew if you were going to tell him you would tell him in your own time.
"Find what out now?" You sat on the doctor's bed and the nurse smiled at you, lifting your top up and applying the cream to your stomach, as soon as the machine came out Tae knew what was happening but he said nothing, he just took hold of your hand and stared at the screen with you as you waited for the first sign of your son or daughter on the screen.
"How long have you known?" He questioned after the nurse left to get the images of your child for you, you wiped the cream from your stomach and sat up.
"Since I missed my first period...I panicked Tae, I didn't know what to do and I figured I could hide it a little longer and pretend you were going to be happy about it when I told you." You whimpered but he took hold of your face and kissed your forehead.
"I'm more than happy about it...I would be ecstatic if I knew before now that you're carrying my child but I'm so happy." You smiled at him and the nurse came in carrying some photos and handing them to you, Tae smiled taking them and putting them into the bag you had with you.
"We'll figure this all out together... In the meantime, we need to start coming up with names." He chuckled causing you to laugh as you got down from the bed and headed out into the hospital, both of you calling out names to one another.
You told Jungkook the moment you were late and the moment you realised your period wasn't going to come. He spent the week getting people to go out and buy you both tests on the down-low, he didn't want to get either of you caught buying pregnancy tests, setting off the rumours and having unwanted attention on you both. You were both young and knew that this was an accident, yet he was excited about it. He was excited about the thought of being a dad, having a son or daughter and being able to spend time with them and raise them, you were excited too but more worried about what it meant for your singing career and for Jungkook's, while Jungkook was planning the future nursery you were panicking about how it was all going to work with you both being idol's.
"It's time." He said as the alarm went off, you snapped from your daydream and looked at him. He'd woken you up early as he read that to get the best reading you should be awake right away and taking a test so that's what you did. He'd been doing a lot of research on it while you were busy worrying about how to deal with everything.
"Turn it over for me." You whispered looking at him and not the test, he spun it around and you couldn't read his facial expression so you stared down at the test, a plus sign.
"You're going to be a dad." You whispered to him as you took the test from his hand and looked at it, shaking it a little and then staring at the plus sign again.
"We're going to be parents!" You yelled, the excitement of being a mum overwashing the worrying thoughts now, Jungkook was smiling widely as he watched you finally getting excited about it, he was worried you weren't as happy about the thought of being a parent as he was but seeing you getting excited over the test he began to relax, but not too much because everything that needed to be doing crept into his mind, he was going to have to tell BigHit and then get the nursery stuff, then tell the tabloids. He was going through everything you had been going through before the test came back but once he felt you kissing him the thoughts all melted away and he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.
"We're going to be parents." You giggled pulling away from the kiss and looking him in the eyes, you pushed his hair out of his face and then kissed his forehead.
"You'll be the best dad." You reminded him, you knew he was going to be worrying about it, you saw the look on his face was the same as yours when you realised you could have been pregnant and you wanted to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.
"I'll talk to my manager about everything...I'm sure I can take as much time as I need off to look after our baby...and you can still work, There is no way I'm letting you not work because of this one." You said putting your hand on your stomach but Jungkook was smiling while shaking his head at you.
"We'll take all the time off together to raise him or her...I'm not letting you raise them on their own." He promised you, kissing your lips and then walking out of the bathroom, he was going to have to find a way to tell the rest of the boys in a funny way, he didn't want it to just be a statement of 'We're having a baby' he wanted to prank them first.
"Parents!" You yelled coming out of the bathroom and jumping up and down.
"We're going to be parents!" You giggled, going into the kitchen to make you and Jungkook some breakfast, forgetting your worries for now and enjoying the moment.
@yoongisdumplingcheeks @yourguessisasgoodasminemate @kpopfanfictionhoes @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo
#bts#bts reaction#bts reactions#bts x reader#bts x you#bts x y/n#kim seokjin#seokjin#jin#seokjin x reader#min yoongi#yoongi#suga#yoongi x reader#jung hoseok#hoseok#hoseok x reaer#jhope#kim namjoon#namjoon#namjoon x reader#park jimin#jimin x reader#jimin#kim taehyung#taehyung#taehyung x reader#jeon jungkook#jungkook#jungkook x reader
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Merfolk in a Manhole 2
Merman! Yoongi, Merman! Seokjin, Merman! Jungkook, Merman! Jimin, Merman! Taehyung, Human! Namjoon, Human! Hoseok Human! Reader Summary: After getting kicked out of your apartment, you moved in with your parent close to the beach. Digesting as much salty air as you had, you became restless going to the beach to relax. A rather harsh wave smashed onto the beach bringing seaweeds a buttload of fishes and a hideous fish man with big bug eyes and webbed hands or was he a beautiful, sculpted tanned merman who needed help to find his friends? Paring: OT7 x reader Wordcount: 2.7k A/N: Sorry it took so long and I have been trying to get the hang of tumblr so please bear with me editing mistakes. Thank you for all the comments on the first chapter, I am never satisfied with my work so seeing you all like it makes me excited for more.
Your legs weren’t carrying you as fast as you wanted. You wanted to be as far away as possible. The financial stability you had been pining for had just been flushed down the drain and you were just so overwhelmed. You were never the most athletic of the bunch but today you could prove yourself wrong. The only sounds you could hear was the wind whipping against your body. You furiously tried to breathe, but the air was knocked out of you with every step you took. Your vision was collapsing on itself with the lack of oxygen that was entering your lungs. Your body shook violently as you round the corner of the street a little too late slamming your foot on the red and white traffic pole. The minor injury did not slow you down at all. You kept running the harsh pavement heating up under your foot, becoming a pain to move. Your name echoed through your head, your body jolting backwards slamming into a hard surface. You winced in pain as the adrenaline left your body, finally feeling the weight of your situation and the open wound on your leg .You watched the cars zoom past, too busy to care about the pedestrians waiting to cross; this foolish crusade of yours could have ended badly. The arm that had pulled you back tightened around your wrist. Your eyes scanned the road in front of you before looking up at the owner of the hand. “Hoseok” The drive was suffocating. Hoseok had not said anything after he bandaged your wounded leg and dragged you into his car. He tossed his now damage groceries, that he had dropped to chase you, into the trunk. Your anxiety peeking through as you nibbled at your fingernail. He looked through the rear view mirror letting out a disapproving sigh. “Stop that” He motioned for you to take your finger out of your mouth which you did reluctantly. He refocused on the road leaving you to your own devices once again. You decided to look out the window, small trees and dried grass was all you could see for miles. Crossing your arms you allowed the wind to blow your hair not minding the way it whipped your face. You had concluded Hoseok wasn’t carrying you home and you could not be happier, but a little knowledge on where you were going would put your mind at ease. You didn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment, but knowing Hoseok and you weren’t on good terms made you queasy so you did the only thing you knew would melt his heart. “Hoseok?” You whispered putting on the best puppy eyes you could “No” He deadpanned not even looking at you. You scoffed; leaning back into the seat “Rude” you whispered under your breath missing the way Hoseok had to bite his lips to contain his smile.
“Wow!” Your voice was louder than you expected on the quiet beach. Hoseok had hauled your injured self out of the beach and dragged you onto the sand. You made a small snail trail that would be helpful if you got lost wondering the beach which wouldn’t be unlikely with how excited you were. You’ve never seen the ocean in your life; your parents never liked the salty air or the sound of the waves. They wanted to live in a wealthy area not ‘some fisherman’s village’ and you just never had time for recreational activities. The aquarium at work could not compare to the vast ocean and long beaches. You sat down, unable to walk anymore with your injured leg. The sand was warm under your skin, sighing contently; you looked at the water eyes reflecting the scorching sun that bounced of the ocean. Everything was serene Everything was beautiful The sand crunched under Hoseok’s weight, you didn’t pay attention to his persistent poking to busy soaking up the view that you might not see again in a while. You really should visit the beach more often. Hoseok was fed up with you ignoring him like he had done to you through the whole car ride. He spun the soda can, now full with condensation, trying to find the coldest area. He smiled devilishly as he placed it onto your skin. You quickly jolt back hissing in surprise, quickly slapping Hoseok on his arm before he had time to flee. He fell into fits of giggles when you grumbled, rubbing the your skin to heat it up. “Namjoon told me about what happened” He sobered up rather quickly opening the can and handing it to you. You swung the can into small circles, slushing around the soda in the can. You hummed as you took a sip, peeking over the can waiting for Hoseok to continue. He also seemed to be waiting for you to say something or at least to give a different reaction if the deer in headlights look on his face was anything to go by. You cracked a smile taking another sip before putting the can down. “Is that why you took me here then, to cheer me up?” “No. I wanted to see you in a swimsuit.” He leaned in a little causing his breath to tickle your face. The serious look on his face caused you to splutter a little. You made a disgusted face leaning back to put distance between both of you. Hoseok’s laughter sound like music to your ears. He returned to his former position, finally taking a sip from his own drink. Hoseok and you had developed a flirty relationship over the years; you both would either reciprocate or reject the other person advances. This type of friendship came out of nowhere but you had no problem with it. “You should move in with your parents. If you get kicked out I mean…” He rose from the ground dusting the sand off his clothes. “They’ve probably been waiting for you to go home for a while” He held out his hand for you to take pulling you off the beach. “I know” you whispered, picking the cans off the sand. “They’re just -”A sigh escaped your lips as stacked the cans ontop of each other following after your friend to the car. Your parents weren’t bad people they just weren’t ready to have children, and it showed. They always kept you at arm’s length, like you were an acquaintance. They would control your social circle deeming Hoseok not worthy to be your friend and that you should get married to Namjoon for connections to his family. “I know…” He smiled sadly “But it’s been years. They are old now. You can leave if it becomes too much.” He turned around taking the cans from you, resting them into the cup holder. You grunted deep in thought. What if he was right? Could they change? You looked back at the beach for the last time as the car started driving. You missed it already.
“Hoseok wait!!” He slowed down the car; you ignored the confusion all over his face as you popped the door open running far down the beach. You ignored the pain that surged through your body, probably reopening the wound on your leg. The sand clung to your feet like it was trying to stop you from where you were going, you stumbled a little before scooping the item in your hand. You turned around to the street giving Hoseok a thumbs up. Following the trail you made earlier in the day you clambered into the car closing the door. You held the item closer to your chest, contented.
Packing was all you seemed to be doing nowadays. Your possessions seemed endless with the need to rest cutting in ever so often. You looked at your still bandaged leg frowning a bit. The leg had gotten infected when you underestimated the severity of the injury giving you a well overdue hospital visit. Hoseok refused to make you continue packing since you needed to ‘rest according to doctor instructions’. He was correct but your rest time prolonged your packing. You had the whole week to pack up and move out which you thought was more than enough time since you had the help of Namjoon and Hoseok, but they had been at work for majority of the week, so most of the work fell on your shoulders. Despite your lack of communication, you were thankful that your parents had paid for the damage to the apartment, saving Namjoon and your wallet from the burden of a lifetime. You decided to rest, wobbling over to your bed. You looked around your almost barren room spying the item you had picked up from the beach. It collected the sunlight in your room separating them in small rays illuminating small areas off the room. You weren’t sure if what you picked up was a seashell, it was shaped like one; if you put it close to your ears you could hear the sea but it looked like an aquamarine gem. It looked so fragile you didn’t dare to take it up after you accidentally dropped it earlier in the week. You have been thinking about making it into a necklace. Warmth spread around your chest whenever you looked at the seashell, you weren’t sure if it was a memory of your time at the ocean or because of how beautiful it looked just sitting on your bedside table. You taped the final box, bending backward to stretch your back. You let out a pleased groan when the muscle loosened. You looked at the clock, just in time you thought. The boxes were already lined up at the front of your apartment waiting for the moving truck. Namjoon had texted you, sorrowful that he couldn’t be there to help you move out. He was just so endearing you couldn’t be mad at him. You sat down on one of the boxes, checking the time. “Any minute now” You grumbled staring at the phone like it would cause time to speed up. When the sound of feet approached you, you quickly got up from the box to give the movers space to do their job. But the sound of your name caused you to look away from your phone. “Mom?” Her eyes were glassed over as she took in your form. You guess that happens when you haven’t seen your only child for years. She covered her mouth choking on her tears a little before turning to your father. They really aged gracefully. The fine lines and wrinkles on their face gave them a softer appearance than what you were used to. They looked like grandparents, kind and wise. You could imagine your mom baking cookies and your dad making a fool of himself trying to help her before she kicks him out of the kitchen. ‘Imagine’ “Mom” She teared up repeating what you had called her. “I’m so sorry, my daughter” Few words had to be spoken to know what that meant. How deep it cut you? You might never know, but the tears streaming down your face had said enough for your parents. The movers quickly stacked the boxes into the truck not sparing a second glance at you and your parents tear eyed and red faces, probably to not make you uncomfortable. After finalizing the move with you the men returned to the truck transporting everything to your new residence. Your father started off in the direction of their vehicle not saying anything to both you and your mom. Her watery smile struck you in your heart, she clasped her frail hands. “Let’s go home”
“Mom!!” She placed a hand over heart still not used to the term of endearment. She wasn’t sure how she went through most of your life not liking the term. She hummed, still stirring the porridge she turned to look at you. You were clinging onto the door frame for dear life having woken up early to go to work. It would take an hour or two to reach but you didn’t mind. You ha adjusted nicely into your new home despite it being a couple days. Your parents had tried their best to make you feel welcomed, correcting their past mistakes. Asking about Hoseok and Namjoon ever so often, trying to integrate your friends into their lives.
“Have you seen my wetsuit?” Before your mother could answer, your father was at the door handing your wetsuit to you. He didn’t say anything as per usual, walking back to his chair on the front porch to overlook the sea. You folded the warm wetsuit placing it under your arm; he must’ve hanged it outside on the line for it to dry since you were too tired to do it last night.
“Thanks dad” You whispered. He grunted as a reply waving you off to get dressed.
Old age does change how someone perceives life. Your parents seemed to value a more peaceful, simple life. Unlike their younger selves who wanted money, business and connections. Now your mom went fishing with your father, she hummed songs as she planted flowers in the windowsills or baked for the children in the village a mile or so from the beach where you reside. The beach house was rather beautiful perched on a cliff, surrounded by shrubs and coconut trees, which mom always had use for. She would experiment making grater cake or coconut pudding allowing you to be the taste tester. Ideally you’d have wanted a father just as openly doting as your mother but this was fine. He took care of you in silence, behind the scenes, washing your wetsuit or suddenly not being hungry when only one portion of lobster was left. If you refused and told him to eat it he would leave the table and sit in his chair overlooking the ocean, forcing you to eat the last piece or it would go bad.
Placing all your belongings into a draw bag you pecked your mom on the cheek and your dad on the forehead before making your way to the bus stop. Your parents had insisted you use their car but your lack of driver’s license would make that impossible.
You, Hoseok and Namjoon were the only ones at work. What irked you more was the lack of work you were getting. The tenseness in the air was palpable as you munched on the snacks you found in the fridge. Namjoon looked too sick to eat picking at his food ever so often. Hoseok was trying to sleep which remain unsuccessful. The lunchroom door opening startled all of you to varying degrees. Seeing your boss march through the door you pulled your hand from the fridge taking a cup of coconut pudding with you. Namjoon was alert while Hoseok sluggishly sat up, fatigue settling in his bones.
“You’re eating more food?” You bossed cocked an eyebrow in your direction. The question sounded normal; as eating before doing your job, which mostly involved swimming wasn’t the best idea. But you understood what he was insinuating, he ‘teased’ you alot. You shoved another spoon of pudding into your mouth to avoid confrontation. Seeing he wasn’t going to get a reaction, he cleared his throat deciding to talk about the matter at hand.
He placed a flyer on the table. One you had been seeing for a while now, on every surface they could fit.
A photoshopped picture of a mermaid sat at the forefront. Around the image were words saying this was the newest attraction for the aquarium. The aquarium wasn’t running low on funds so you didn’t know the need for a stunt like this. It didn’t matter to you, the more the merrier. You could ask them how they managed to hold their breaths so long or swim so gracefully.
“You and you” He pointed to both men in the room. “I need you to train them.”
“You” He pointed to me, seemingly taking in my current condition of being unable to swim he thought carefully about the task. “Reward them if they deserve it; punish them if they deserve it.
The already quiet room fell into a deafening silence.
“They’re arriving in a week or so, so be prepared.” He pulled his phone from his coat pocket, dialing someone before making his exit. Leaving all of you to rationalize what he had said, because mermaids were only mythological.
They didn’t exist.
#ot7 x reader#ot7 x you#bts ot7#bts ot7 x reader#bts fanfic#bts x you#bts x reader#namjoon x reader#namjoon x you#namjoon fanfic#seokjin x reaer#seokjin x you#seokjin fanfic#yoongi x reader#yoongi x you#yoongi fanfic#hoseok x reader#hoseok x you#jimin x you#hoseok fanfic#jimin x reader#jimin fanfic#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#taehyung fanfic#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook fanfic
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absence || jung hoseok
Jung Hoseok x reader
Summary: They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Hoseok is on tour, and you miss him more than you can bear.
Genre: angst/fluff
Words: 1468
wait until the end oml I’m so soft
there’s a lot of crying in this (me) but also high key pure fluff
“Hoseok…” I whispered, clutching the phone to my ear as I tried to stop myself from crying.
“Baby?” His voice struck me at my centre, and I pulled my knees up to my chest, shutting my eyes and sniffing. “Y/N?” He asked again.
“Yeah, it’s me.” I said croakily, not even trying to disguise the emotion in my voice as I had done for so many weeks.
Every day, Hoseok would call me and tell me about all the wonderful things he had done that day, how hard he was working, and the achievements he was making. And every day I would look around at the empty house I was in and feel terror shoot through me at how meaningless everything was when he wasn’t there.
I didn’t want to be so reliant on somebody, but he had made such a large impact on my life that when he wasn’t here, I just felt empty. And that scared me. So, every time he called, I would ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach and raise my voice, talking excitedly about things I had done, and refusing to acknowledge how much I needed him. But then I would put down the phone and the house would be silent again. My stomach would start eating itself; my thoughts became too loud, and all I wanted was to be with him.
It got too much. It had been too long.
“Hobi…” I started, tears leaking out of my closed eyes and dripping silently off my chin.
“Y/N? Hey, hey.” His voice switched from happy to panicked when he heard me. “What is it?” I could practically see the frown spreading across his face; wrinkling his brow and turning his mouth down.
“I don’t think I can do this.” I managed to get out, wiping my eyes.
“What do you mean, baby?” Hoseok asked me gently, and I could hear how worried he was.
“I mean…” I sobbed, “I miss you.” I heard him take a sharp intake of breath.
“Oh, honey…” He whispered, his voice laced with pain. He sighed and I closed my eyes again. If I concentrated enough I could feel his breath fanning across my face; the warmth of his body beside me.
“I need you home.” I choked out, shaking my head as I reminded myself again that he wasn’t with me, he was on the other side of the world. “I really, really need you here with me.” He didn’t reply, but I could hear him taking shaky breaths.
“The house is so empty.” I continued, looking around at the dark room, absent of any life or colour. “I’m so lonely I don’t know what to do with myself,” I began to cry again, raking my fingers through my hair. “I didn’t know I needed you this much but I do, Hoseok, I need you.”
I couldn’t help the sob that escaped my lips and my body started shaking with the force of my crying.
“Shh, Y/N, please don’t…” He murmured. “Don’t cry.” I could hear him sniffling on the other end, which only made me cry harder. “I’m so sorry, baby, I didn’t know you felt like this.”
The distance between us was so evident in that moment. Only the sound of Hoseok’s voice and breathing was keeping me grounded.
“Listen.” He started shakily. “Y/N, are you listening?”
“Yes.” I forced out weakly, clutching the phone to my ear to hear every sound he made.
“I’m going to do something about this, okay? I miss you so much, baby.” He rambled, and I smiled weakly as more tears fell from my lashes, dripping onto my knees. “And, this, this is not okay.” He almost cried. My lungs tightened.
“Give me a few days. I promise I’ll sort something out.” I could hear both raw emotion and determination in his voice and knew he was telling the truth. I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me.
“I love you.” I sobbed, pressing my face into my knees.
“I love you too.” He choked out. “Promise me you’ll stop crying when I hang up, okay?” I let out a watery chuckle.
His echoed in my ears once he had hung up. The silence of the room no longer felt as deafening.
He kept his promise.
The amount of persuasion and pleading it must have taken for Hoseok to get management to let him come home for a few days must have been massive. I didn’t forget it, pressing myself into his side at every opportunity, to thank him again and again.
We spent as much time together as possible in the days we had. I breathed him in, felt every inch of him, terrified I would forget what it was like to have him beside me again.
“I think I missed you more.” Hoseok smirked down at me from his position wrapped around me on the couch, playing with the ends of my hair, some variety show on in the background. I gaped at him.
“No way.”
“What? Are you doubting how much I love you?” He asked with mock offence, placing his hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes.
“It literally isn’t possible for you to have missed me more, Hoseok.” I grinned up at him.
“Are you doubting how much I love you?!” He asked again, louder, his eyes widening comically. I giggled at him, shrugging teasingly. He gasped, before stretching his face into a wide grin.
“Let me show you.”
I shrieked as he grabbed my sides, running his fingers along my stomach and pressing kisses to every inch of my face. I squealed under him, begging him to stop but the smile never leaving my face. I nearly slipped off the couch and Hoseok was quick to wrap an arm around my waist and pull me back up to him, breathless and beaming.
“Now do you believe me?” He whispered, pressing his forehead down on mine. I sighed with a resigned smile.
“Let’s just say we missed each other equally as much.” I said, rolling my eyes again at his expectant face. “And yes, I know how much you love me.”
Of course, he had to go back. The tour wasn’t over and he couldn’t just drop everything to stay with me. I was so overwhelmingly proud of him that it didn’t matter. And the more frequent visits he had negotiated with BigHit made the long distance just that more bearable.
Still, I struggled when I was alone. Nothing filled my life with so much light and joy as Hoseok did, and when that was suddenly gone, there was nothing I could do to stop the world from seeming dull and lifeless.
Hoseok came up with the perfect solution, a few months afterwards.
I immediately knew something was up the day he came home and didn’t immediately wrap me in his arms like usual. He was grinning like a fool and holding something behind his back, stopping me from seeing what it was.
“Hoseok, what-“ He held a finger up to his lips and silenced my question, his eyes twinkling.
It was the paws I saw first. Peeking through the gaps in the crate Hosoek was holding. Then the tiny snout, quivering as it smelt its surroundings. Two large eyes peeking out at me from the ball of fluff.
“Oh my god.” I immediately knelt beside the puppy, my eyes stinging as I stroked my finger across its tiny forehead. “Hoseok.” I whispered, looking up at him through teary eyes. He came to quietly kneel next to me, opening the door and lifting out the tiny dog. I gasped when he placed it in my lap, a tear slipping down my cheek as I cradled it to me.
“You said the house feels empty when I’m not here.” Hoseok murmured into my ear, rubbing my back softly. “Hopefully this guy will make it a little less lonely.”
I put my hand over my mouth, staring down at the fluffy bundle in my lap, trying to formulate a coherent response.
“Thank you so much.” I whispered, more tears falling from my eyes at how touched and overwhelmed I was. I dragged my eyes away from the puppy and turned to Hoseok. He chuckled, pressing a quick but firm kiss to my lips.
“My baby, always crying.” He wiped under my eyes with his thumbs, smiling fondly at me.
“Shut up.” I smiled through my tears, turning back to gently stroke the dog. “I love you.”
He wrapped an arm around my waist from behind, cupping the side of my head pressing a lingering kiss to the back of my neck. His lips were hot against my skin and I felt him smile.
“I love you too.”
“I was talking to the dog.”
#puppy!!!#PUPPY#I can so see hobi doing something like this#baby#I'm emotional#bts imagine#bts x reader#bts#jung hoseok#hoseok#hobi#jhope#j-hope#bts jhope#hoseok x reader#jhope x reader#jung hoseok x reaer#hoseok imagine#hoseok scenario#bts scenario#bts reaction#jhope imagine#jhope scenario#hoseok x you#bts x you#bts fluff#bts angst#fluff#angst#imagine
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